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ML20217N28529 April 1998Response of Citizens Against Nuclear Trash to Louisiana Energy Svc Motion to Withdraw License Application.* Applicant Should Be Required to Serve Further Correspondence to Intervenor.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217H67929 April 1998Response of Citizens Against Nuclear Trash (Cant) to Louisiana Energy Services Motion to Withdraw License Application.* Motion Should Be Granted,Subject to Certain Conditions.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217G24728 April 1998NRC Staff Response to Louisiana Energy Services Motion to Withdraw.* Staff Has No Objection to Granting of Motion. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217G48027 April 1998Motion by Citizens Against Nuclear Trash (Cant) for Extension of Time.* Requests Extension of Time from 980428 to 980504 to Respond to Commission Order of 980423. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217C90222 April 1998Motion to Withdraw & Terminate Proceeding.* Applicant Moves to Withdraw Application & Requests That Board Terminate Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217C85122 April 1998Motion to Withdraw & Terminate Proceeding.* Louisiana Energy Services,Lp Moves Pursuant to 10CFR2.107 to Withdraw Application & Requests Commission Terminate Proceeding. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20216E42615 April 1998NRC Staff Response to Louisiana Energy Services Request for Extention of Time.* Staff Has No Objection to Granting of Request.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20216D54413 April 1998Request of Louisiana Energy Services,Lp for Extension of Time to File Petition for Reconsideration.* Requests Extension of Addl 10 Days to File Proposed Petition Re 980403 Memorandum & Order.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20197D66418 December 1997NRC Staff Response to Intervenor Supplement to Petition for Review of LBP-97-3.Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Petition Should Be Denied for Reasons Discussed in 970523 Staff Answer.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20197D55918 December 1997Reply of Louisiana Energy Svcs to Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Suppl to Petition for Partial Review of LBP-97-03.* Commission Should Conclude That Plausible Scenario Has Been Identified.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20202J4844 December 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Errata to Supplement to Petition for Partial Review of LBP-97-03.* W/Certificate of Svc
ML20202J4533 December 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Supplement to Petition for Partial Review of LBP-97-03.* Supplement Sets Forth Reasons That Review Justified,Despite Licensing Board Recent Explanation for LBP-97-03 in LBP-97-22.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217K97727 October 1997Applicant Response to Citizens Against Nuclear Trash (Cant) Counter Motion to Strike.* Applicant Believes Board in Best Position to Review Cited Paragraphs & Determine Which Should Be Relied Upon,If Any.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217K95023 October 1997NRC Staff Response to Citizens Against Nuclear Trash (Cant) Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Findings in Reply to NRC Staff Reply Findings.* Motion Should Be Denied. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20212C76922 October 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Response to Louisiana Energy Svcs Motion to Strike & counter-motion to Strike.* Paragraphs & Should Be Stricken. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20198L08616 October 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Motion for Leave to File Surreply Proposed Suppl Findings.* Intervenor Believes Opportunity to Present Surreply Warranted Justified by Listed Info
ML20198K96515 October 1997NRC Staff Response to NEI Motion to File Amicus Reply Brief on Commission Review of LBP-97-08.* Staff Has No Objection to Filing of NEI Reply Brief.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20198L05215 October 1997Motion to Strike.* Louisiana Energy Svcs,Lp Moves to Strike Attachment to Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Reply Proposed Supplemental Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Contentions B & J.3 Filed on 971014.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20198L16630 September 1997NRC Staff Reply to Opposition Brief of Intervenor,Citizens Against Nuclear Trash,On Appeal of LBP-97-08.* Staff Should Reverse LBP-97-08,for Reasons Discussed.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20198L14630 September 1997Nuclear Energy Inst Amicus Reply Brief on Review of Licensing Board Decision LBP-97-08 Re Environ Justice.* Commission Should Reverse Board Decision,For Reasons Discussed in 970808 Brief.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20198L13530 September 1997Motion by Nuclear Energy Inst (NEI) for Leave to File Amicus Reply Brief on Review of Licensing Board Decision LBP-97-08.* NEI Moves Commission to Accept Reply Brief & Consider Carefully Important Issues Affecting Industry
ML20212H09124 September 1997Response of Citizens Against Nuclear Trash to Licensing Board Order of 970911.* Board Has Jurisdiction to Clarify Matters in CLI-97-11 & Can Do So by Reviewing Record & Responding to Commission Questions.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20211H14119 September 1997Applicant Response to Licensing Board Order of 970911 on Remanded Portion of Third Pid.* Licensing Board Should Establish Suggested Briefing Schedule W/O Further Delay. W/Certificate of Svc
CLI-97-11, NRC Staff Response to Cant Motion to Reconsider CLI-97-11.* Staff Opposes Cant 970905 Motion to Reconsider CLI-97-11 & to Grant Petition for Review of LBP-97-3.Motion Deemed Premature by Staff.W/Certificate of Svc12 September 1997NRC Staff Response to Cant Motion to Reconsider CLI-97-11.* Staff Opposes Cant 970905 Motion to Reconsider CLI-97-11 & to Grant Petition for Review of LBP-97-3.Motion Deemed Premature by Staff.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20216K11012 September 1997Applicant Supplemental Opposition to Cant Motion to Reconsider.* Commission Issued order,CLI-97-11,on 970903. Requests That Commission Act Forthwith So as to Obviate Any Such Pleading.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20216K0819 September 1997Applicant Opposition to Cant Motion to Reconsider.* Motion Presupposes Commission Action Re Outstanding Petitions at Issue.Commission Yet to Act on Such Petitions & Thus Underpinning of Motion in Error.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20216F8025 September 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Motion to Reconsider CLI-97-11 & Grant Cant Petition for Review of LBP-97-3.* Commission Should Rescind CLI-97-11 & Grant Petition for Review of LBP-97-3.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217J4038 August 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Opposition to Applicants Motion for Leave to Exceed Page Limitations.* Applicant Motion Should Be Denied & Deemed Unjustified & Unfair. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217J3978 August 1997Citizens Against Nuclear Trash Suppl Brief in Response to Commission Order Dtd 970708.* Opines That Commission Need Not Reopen Record to Consider Evidence Due to Existing Record Supporting ASLB Conclusion.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217J4367 August 1997NRC Staff Response to Commission Order of 970708.* Concludes That Financial Qualifications of Louisiana Energy Svcs Will Continue to Satisfy Applicable Regulation 10CFR70.23(a)(5) Even If Partners Allowed to Withdraw from Partnership
ML20217J4177 August 1997Applicants Brief in Support of Its Petition for Review of LBP-97-08.* Concludes That Commission Should Reverse LBP-97-08 & Find That No Discrimination Occurred. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217J4131 August 1997Applicant Response to Commission Order of 970708.* Financial Qualifications of Louisiana Energy Svcs Not Dependent on Financial Resources of Any Single Partner. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217J3951 August 1997Motion of Applicant Louisiana Energy Svcs for Leave to Exceed Page Limitation Specified in Commission Order Dtd 970708.* Applicant Requests That Motion Be Granted. W/Certificate of Svc
ML20140E4365 June 1997Opposition of Citizens Against Nuclear Trash to Motion by Nuclear Energy Inst for Leave to File Amicus Answer to Petition by Applicant,Louisiana Energy Svcs for Review of LBP-97-8.Motion Should Be Rejected.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20140E4065 June 1997Answer of Intervenor,Citizens Against Nuclear Trash,In Opposition to Petitions for Review of LBP-97-8 Filed by Applicant & Nrc.* Suggests That Petitions for Review Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20140E4103 June 1997NRC Response to Motion by Nuclear Energy Inst for Leave to File Amicus Answer to Petition by Applicant,Louisiana Nuclear Energy for Review of LBP-97-8.* Staff Does Not Object to Subj Motion,Dtd 970602.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20140E4212 June 1997Motion by Nuclear Energy Inst for Leave to File Amicus Answer to Petition by Applicant Louisiana Energy Svcs for Review of LBP-97-08.* Nuclear Energy Inst Moves Commission to Grant Applicant Petition for Review.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20148G73728 May 1997NRC Staff Petition for Review of LBP-97-08.* Requests That Staff Petition for Review of LBP-97-08 Be Granted,Per 10CFR2.786 of Commission Regulations.W/Certificate of SvcEnvironmental Justice
ML20148G71727 May 1997Petition of Applicant Louisiana Energy Svc for Commission Review of LBP-97-08.* Recommends That Commission Grant Review & Determine That Facility Not Product of Discriminatory Site Selection Process.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20148G61923 May 1997NRC Staff Answer to Applicant & Intervenor Petition for Review of LBP-97-3.* Staff Supports LES Petition for Commission Review of LBP-97-3.Citizen Against Nuclear Trash Petition Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc