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ML20154A15217 August 1988Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App A.Documents Also Available in Pdr. App B Documents Totally Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5).App C Documents Partially Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20151T27722 April 1988Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App G Documents.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20149M37519 February 1988Partial Response to FOIA Request.Forwards App E Documents. App E Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20149H12416 February 1988Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards App B Documents.App C & D Documents Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20215J64511 June 1987Ack Receipt of Encl Dr Lewis Forwarding Payment in Connection W/Recipient Forthcoming Deposition on 870616 in Washington,Dc.Related Correspondence
ML20206U13720 April 1987Forwards Transcript of Recipient 870408 Deposition,For Review.Any Corrections Should Be Made in Tabular Format as Indicated on Encl Sheet.W/O Transcript.Related Correspondence
ML20204B61220 March 1987Forwards Hd Bruner 870225 Deposition Re Enforcement Action EA-84-137,for Signature.Related Correspondence.W/O Encl
ML20211D1165 January 1987Forwards Transcript of Jj Chwastyk 861201 Deposition for Signature on Page 144.Related Correspondence
ML20212M50721 August 1986Response to FOIA Request for SECY-86-44,SECY-86-54, SECY-86-64 & SECY-86-80.Forwards Partially Withheld Documents Listed on Apps a & B.Apps a & B Documents Partially & Completely Withheld (Ref FOIA Exemption 5)
ML20206L81811 August 1986Final Response to FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Plants Issued OL After Accident at Tmi.Records Responsive to Items of Request Located in Many Files Which Would Require Extensive Search TimeNondestructive Examination
ML20205D5797 August 1986Requests Listed Photographs of Plant Control Room for Use in NRC Proceeding Re Falsification of Leak Rate Data
ML20211J97120 June 1986Forwards Listed Documents for Inquiry Into TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification,For Review.W/O Encls.Related Correspondence
ML20153G91318 February 1986Informs That Generic Ltrs 85-14,85-17 & 85-18 Applicable to Facility Per Review of All Generic Ltrs Issued from Jul-Dec 1985.Generic Ltr 85-21 Not Yet Issued.Generic Ltrs Encl.No Responses RequiredBoric Acid
Fuel cladding
IA-85-707, Responds to FOIA Request for 810303, Evacuation Time Estimates for Plume Exposure Pathway... & Amends,Updates, Apps or Addendums to Rept.Forwards Rept.No Other Documents Located.W/O Encl7 November 1985Responds to FOIA Request for 810303, Evacuation Time Estimates for Plume Exposure Pathway... & Amends,Updates, Apps or Addendums to Rept.Forwards Rept.No Other Documents Located.W/O Encl
ML20137D1567 November 1985Responds to FOIA Request for 810303, Evacuation Time Estimates for Plume Exposure Pathway... & Amends,Updates, Apps or Addendums to Rept.Forwards Rept.No Other Documents Located.W/O Encl
ML20135G6896 September 1985Responds to FOIA Request for Certain Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator License Exam Questions & Answer Key.Forwards Documents Listed on App.Documents Also Available in PDR
IA-85-559, Responds to FOIA Request for Certain Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator License Exam Questions & Answer Key.Forwards Documents Listed on App.Documents Also Available in PDR6 September 1985Responds to FOIA Request for Certain Reactor Operator & Senior Reactor Operator License Exam Questions & Answer Key.Forwards Documents Listed on App.Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20132G51226 July 1985Responds to Request for Addl Info on Status of Cleanup. HR Denton 850205 Status Rept on Cleanup Progress Encl.Plenum Assembly Successfully Removed from Reactor Vessel in May. Reactor Vessel Defueling Scheduled to Begin in Oct
ML20128J99911 July 1985Forwards Notification of Contract Execution,Mod 4,to Psychological Stress Generally & Psychological Stress in Vicinity of Tmi
ML20133L5133 July 1985Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents Re Operator Qualification Cards or Facility Utilization of Cards. Forwards App a Documents.App a Documents Also Available in PDR
ML20129D01627 August 1984Returns Encl Transcript & Floppy Disk of Commission 840815 Public Meeting on Oral Presentations by Parties on TMI-1 Restart.Corrected Transcript Requested by 840904.W/o Encl
ML20125C5093 January 1980Forwards Revised Section 5 to Amend 9 of Facility Restart Rept.Revised Section Should Be Utilized in Contract Work on Util Mgt & Technical Resources.W/O Encl
ML20136C87831 August 1979Responds to Re Causal Relationship Between TMI Accident & Physiological Discomfort Experienced by Surrounding Population.No Determination Re Relevance of Issue to Restart Hearings