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ML20211D20617 September 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970912,2,872 Gallons of Wastewaters from Tank Were Processed Through Demineralizers & Filters.Hydrazine Was Detected at 0.370 Ppm.Dept Will Be Notified When Concentration Is Greater than 350 Ppb
ML20216F05729 August 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970811,gallons of Wastewaters from Aerated Waste Monitoring Tank Were Processed Through Demineralizers & Filters Associated W/Dsn 001B-2.All Limits Met by Wastewaters
ML20140D95730 May 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:Between 970504-08, Discharges of Wastewater Containing Hydrazine Occurred.Due to Maint Activities,Normal Pathways Could Not Be Used & Waste Water Directed to RBCCW Sump
ML20148G3069 May 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970412-0507,trace Amounts of Hydrazine in Wastewaters in HLW Drain Tanks Associated W/Dsn 001C-2 Discovered
ML20138E79014 April 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970319,approx 300 Gallons of Waste Water Was Drained from Millstone 3 Reactor Plant Closed CWS & Discharged Via Dsn 001C-9
ML20138E9779 April 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970315-29,wastewaters Containing Small Amounts of Hydrazine Detected in HLW Drains Tanks Associated W/Dsn 001C-2
ML20138F02726 March 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 970218,normal Pathway Could Not Be Used for Discharge of Wastewaters Due to Maint Activities Associated W/Hxs at Unit 2
ML20135A19511 February 1997NPDES Noncompliance Notification:Between 970111-0201, Discharges of Wastewater Containing Trace Amounts of Hydrazine Occurred.Due to Maint Activities,Normal Pathway Could Not Be Used & Wastewater Directed to RBCCW Sump
ML20135B20622 November 1996NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 961116,small Leak of Water Was Discovered at B Radiation Waste Test Tank & Discharged Into Catch Basin.Tank Contained Boric Acid at Time of Incident.Calculation Has Been Performed Re AcidBoric Acid
ML20134M17015 November 1996NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 961106,discovered Water in Turbine Bldg Sump That Overflowed Onto Floor.Caused by Open Drain Line from C Hotwell.Water Remained in Sump & Trench & No Discharge to Environ Occurred
ML20134K5185 November 1996NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 961030,identified Spill of Approx 200 Gallons of Rpccw Water,Flowing Into Floor Drain Leading to Auxiliary Bldg Sump.Jumper Hose Installed to Isolate Pipe for Maint
ML20056H05231 August 1993NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 930824,fish Observed Floating in Quarry Near Discharge Structure.Caused by Temp Variation in Quarry Due to Shut Down Resulting in Thermal Shock to Fish
ML20116H09826 October 1992NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 921006,found That Two Pumps in Sanitary Sewer Sys Manhole Electrically Tripped Off Due to Sewer Overflow.Pumps Reset.One Pump Retripped. Pump Remaining in Svc Brought Overflow Under Control
ML20091D61716 October 1991Incident Rept Re 911010 Oil Spill to Wetlands Which Occurred When Oil Leaking from Paint Shop Compressor Spilled to Settling Pond Via Drain Pipe.Compressor Will Be Surrounded by Temporary Berm Until Moved to New Location
ML20082S63010 September 1991NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 910827,crack Discovered in 16 Inch Header Pipe on Screen Wash Sys,Necessitating Removal of Screen Wash Sys from Svc for Approx 2 Wks for Repair.Request for Variance Submitted
ML20065L8383 December 1990NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 901117,oil Sheen Occurred at Intake Structure Storm Drain for Facility.Cause Unknown.Sheen Dissipated Before Containment Boom Could Be Deployed
ML20062D8029 November 1990NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 901031,approx 1-5 Gallons Ammonia Discharged to Pavement Due to Overfill