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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML23090A16628 March 2023Westinghouse, 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Report for the AP1000 Plant Design
ML22083A14518 March 2022Westinghouse Electric Co., 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Report for the AP1000 Plant Design
ML21090A03524 March 2021Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Report for the AP1000 Plant Design
ML21081A02419 March 2021Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC, Information Submittal Related to the AP1000 Design Certification Extension
ML21060B21126 February 2021Westinghouse Electric Company Pre-Submittal of Presentation for Meeting to Discuss Design Certification Extension for AP1000Safe Shutdown
Incorporated by reference
ML20178A64026 June 2020Westinghouse Electric Company LLC - AP1000 Design Certification Extension RequestExemption Request
ML20085H08023 March 2020Westinghouse - 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Report for the AP1000 Plant Design
ML19088A12826 March 2019Westinghouse - 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Report for the AP1OOO Plant Design
ML19031B03711 February 2019Approval of Westinghouse Electric Company'S Safeguards Reviewing Official
ML18340A0353 July 2018Westinghouse Electric Company Response to Request for Review of Differing Professional Opinion Documents Prior to Public Release Dated October 11, 2017Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML18172A04221 June 2018Westinghouse Electric Company - Final Topical Report Safety Evaluation for WCAP-16943, Enhanced Gray Rod Cluster Assembly Rodlet Design.
ML18120A14925 April 2018Submittal of WCAP-17938-P/WCAP-17938-NP, Revision 3, AP1000 In-Containment Cables and Non-Metallic Insulation Debris Integrated Assessment, (Proprietary/Non-Proprietary)
ML18086A02523 March 2018Westinghouse Electric Co., Submittal of 10 CFR 50.46 Annual Report for the AP1000 Plant Design
ML18103A02623 March 2018Westinghouse - 10 CFR 50.46 Acceptance Criteria for Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Light-water Nuclear Power Reactors, Submittal of Annual Report for the AP1000 Plant Design
ML18032A49622 February 2018Letter to Douglas Weaver, Vice President, Global Nuclear Regulatory Affairs, Westinghouse, Letter Exemption Request for AP1000 Design Certification (CAC RP0701/EPID L-2017-LLE-0007) Disputed Debt Per 10 CFR 15.31Exemption Request
ML17303B19714 February 2018AP1000 Renewal Exemption Request - Staff Response LetterExemption Request
ML17356A08210 January 2018Review of Differing Professional Opinion Documents Prior to Public Release - Second Letter to Westinghouse
ML18009A2279 January 2018Exemption Request for APl000 Design Certification (CAC RP0701/EPID L-2017-LLE-0007) Disputed Debt Per 10 CFR 15.31Exemption Request
ML18010A0579 January 2018LTR-18-0005 Douglas Weaver, Vice President, Global Nuclear Regulatory Affairs, Westinghouse, Letter Exemption Request for AP1000 Design Certification (CAC RP0701/EPID L-2017-LLE-0007) Disputed Debt Per 10 CFR 15.31Exemption Request
ML14163A4331 August 2014Letter to Senator Edward J. Markey from Chairman Macfarlane Information About NRC-Sanctioned Job Shadow Program with China