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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML23277A1694 October 2023GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas, LLC, ABWR Design Certification Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Report for 2023
ML20269A18425 September 2020ABWR Design Certification Annual 10 CFR 50.46 Report for 2020
ML20076D96316 March 2020GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, Transmittal of ABWR Standard Plant Design Certification Renewal Application Design Control Document Revision 7, Chapter 5
ML20129J89731 October 2019ABWR DC Renewal Supplemental FSER Appendix E Report by Advisory Committee on Reactor SafeguardsPost Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML19171A29327 June 2019ABWR DC Renewal Issue 18b Section New and SFP Racks Seismic Structural Analysis Rev 4Earthquake
ML19171A29127 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 18b for Section New and SFP Racks Seismic Structural Analysis
ML19164A03520 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Section 1 Introduction and General Discussion
ML19113A17319 June 2019ABWR DC Renewal SER Section 3.2.3 Safety Classifications Pointer SER Rev 4Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
ML19148A78019 June 2019ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 Section Shutdown Panel Inst Rev 4Safe Shutdown
ML19162A08019 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 09 Section ECCS Strainers
ML19114A35319 June 2019ABWR DC Renewal SER Section 9.1.3 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Pointer SER Rev 4Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation
ML19148A46319 June 2019ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SER for Section 16 Technical Specifications Revision 3Reactor Vessel Water Level
ML19155A21012 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 38 Section 6.3 Emergency Core Cooling Systems
ML19156A18012 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 19 & 20 for Section New and Spent Fuel Storage
ML19156A15112 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 18a for Section 4.2 Rx LOCA and Seismic Load
ML19148A46112 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SER for Section 16 Technical Specifications
ML19141A3716 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SE for Section 22 Fukushima Design Related Changes
ML19148A5155 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SER for Section 5.4.7 Residual Heat Removal System
ML19148A5935 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SER for Section Aciwa
ML19148A7785 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SER for Section Shutdown Panel
ML19114A3515 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 27 SE for Section 9.1.3 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System Revision 0
ML19114A3385 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 27 SE for Section Post Accident Monitoring Revision 0Post Accident Monitoring
ML19113A1765 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 27 SE for Section 3.2.3 Safety Classifications Revision 0
ML19149A3155 June 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 26 SER for Section Class 1E Bus Isolation
ML19142A18631 May 2019GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy U. S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Schedule Letter, May 2019
ML18234A4314 February 2019Letter Safety Evaluation with No Open Items GEH ABWR DC Renewal Subsection
ML18164A1094 February 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Subsection 6.2.1
ML19002A39115 January 2019Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Subsections 8.2.5 and
ML19002A39311 January 2019Memo to ACRS - GEH Advanced Boiling Water Reactor DC Renewal Safety Evaluation for Subsections 8.2.5 and
ML18346A56119 December 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal Issue 10 SE for Section 5.4.8
ML18312A1634 December 2018Letter to Applicant - ABWR DC Renewal Safety Evaluation, Section 19.1, Probabilistic Risk AssessmentProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML18312A1624 December 2018Safety Evaluation - ABWR DC Renewal Safety Evaluation, Section 19.1, Probabilistic Risk AssessmentProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML18275A17715 November 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 19.5
ML18200A31926 July 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Subsection 3.7.3
ML18183A37112 July 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 9.1.1
ML18183A43212 July 2018Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Application - Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Section 9.1.4, Light Load Handling System
ML18183A41712 July 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 9.1.5
ML18176A14428 June 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 13
ML18176A14327 June 2018Memo to ACRS - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 13.5
ML18155A29013 June 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section Missiles Generated by Natural Phenomena
ML18155A23513 June 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 3.3 Severe Wind and Extreme Wind (Tornado and Hurricane) Loadings
ML18155A21213 June 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 2.3 Meteorology
ML18114A0362 May 2018Letter - Advanced boiling-Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Application Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Section 5.2.5, Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage DetectionPressure Boundary Leakage
ML18088A22210 April 2018Letter Safety Evaluation with No Open Items for Section 13.3, Emergency Planning.
ML18059A3428 March 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 9.5.1 Final
ML17097A4702 February 2018GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - U.S. Advanced Boiling-Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Application, Closure of Design Items 14, 15, 16, 21, 24 and 25Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
ML18029A2601 February 2018Letter to Applicant - GEH ABWR DC Renewal SE for Section 12
ML18016A11430 January 2018Approval of Proposed Alternate Reviewing Officials for the General Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center
ML16341A8126 December 2016GE Hitachi Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Application, Actions Regarding Resolution of Item #26; Fukushima Recommendation 4.2, Mitigating StrategiesEarthquake
ML16299A14725 October 2016GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy - Supplement 1 to Proposed Resolution of Items #18b, 19 and 20 of NRC Suggested U.S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design ChangesEarthquake