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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML17277B65715 March 1985Forwards Endorsement 19 to Nelia Policy NF-270
ML20126F00729 January 1985FOIA Request for 12 Categories of Records Re Facility
ML20100A09529 November 1984Forwards Part 1 of BPA 841101 Final Rept Re Future Const Schedule of Plant.Wppss Requesting CP Amend, Extending Const Completion Deadline to 890701,encl.Related Correspondence
ML20093D6449 October 1984Forwards Part 1 of Draft Study Rept Re Future Const Schedule.Rept Recommends No Funds Be Included in FY86 & 87 Budgets But Preservation Costs Should Be Included.Related Correspondence
ML20113G36527 July 1984FOIA Request for NRC Response to Bk Cohen 840720 FOIA Request for Documents Re Permitting,Licensing & Other Matters Concerning Facilities.Documents Responsive to Cohen Request Not Currently Required
ML20113G46527 July 1984FOIA Request for NRC Responses to Bk Cohen 840720 FOIA Request on Behalf of All Plaintiffs Re WPPSS Securities Litigation.Bk Cohen 840720 FOIA Request Encl
ML20113G41423 July 1984FOIA Request for Responses to Bk Cohen 840720 Request for Documents Re Plaintiffs in in Re WPPSS Securities Litigation
ML20096B59620 July 1984FOIA Request for 12 Categories of Documents Re WPPSS Lwas, Cps,Safety of Design,Engineering,Const,Aslb & Commission Rulings,Ability to Finance Project & Antitrust Agreements
ML20092H10619 June 1984Forwards BPA Announcing Initiation of Public Involvement Process to Assist in Evaluating Const Schedules for Facilities.Related Correspondence
ML20209D19218 June 1984Serves Subpoena on NRC on Behalf of Small Utils Group Re BPA Vs WPPSS
ML20081B7977 March 1984Requests Explanation of Process by Which Encl Svc List Composed for NRC to EPA Re Des
ML20079J50119 January 1984Informs That Firm Name of Counsel for Applicants/Licensees Charged from Debevoise & Liberman to Bishop,Liberman,Cook, Purcell & Reynolds.Svc Lists Should Be Revised Accordingly
ML20090H40126 October 1983Comments on Impact of ALAB-743 Denying Untimely Petition to Intervene.Portions of Analysis Directly Applicable to Applicant 831012 Appeal of ASLB Grant of Untimely Petition to Intervene
ML20081C26426 October 1983Addresses Impact of ALAB-743 on Proceeding in Accordance W/Obligation to Identify & Address Recent Developments in Law Affecting Pending Cases
ML20079E06028 September 1983FOIA Request for Six Categories of Documents Re Facilities
ML20076F05523 August 1983Contends That ALAB-581 Misapplied in Petitioner Attempts to Provide Support for Consideration of Basis Advanced at Oral Argument Supporting Proposed Contention 11
ML20072M54012 July 1983Forwards Util Recent Telecopy to NRC Advising of Immediate Const Delay Until Assured Source of Funding for Continued Const Obtained
ML20024A06010 June 1983Forwards Util 830603 Ltr Re 30-day Const Slowdown & Possible Addl Const Delays
ML20084N0111 June 1983Requests Special Prehearing Conference Be Rescheduled for 830817-18
ML17277A4383 February 1983Forwards Endorsement 6 to Nelia Policy NF-270
ML17272A91610 April 1980Advises of Fundamental Misstatement in 800402 Minutes of 800104 Meeting W/Util Re QA Program Unionization.Requests Correction to Reflect That Fact Had No Influence on Local 598 Election