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ML20049K08223 March 1982First Interrogatory Re Site Restoration
ML20010D11918 August 1981Objections to Porter County Chapter Intervenors' Third Set of Interrogatories 9,10,11 & 42.Requests Protective Order Providing That No Further Response to Interrogatory 42 Is Required.Related Correspondence
ML20010D11818 August 1981Response to People of State of Il Second Set of Interrogatories.Related CorrespondenceSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20010D24418 August 1981Objection to State of Il Second Set of Interrogatories, Interrogatories 12(c),13(b) & 13 (C).Matters Already Reviewed in Original CP Proceeding & Irrelevent to Instant Proceeding.Related Correspondence
ML20010D12018 August 1981Response to Porter County Chapter Intervenors' Third Set of Interrogatories.Related CorrespondenceHydrostatic
ML20010C59113 August 1981First Set of Interrogatories Directed to NRC
ML20010C59013 August 1981Application for Discovery Directed to NRC Re NRC Staff Evaluation of Bailly CP Extension Request.
ML20010C59213 August 1981First Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010C15811 August 1981Seventh Request for Production of Documents,Directed to Util.Related Correspondence
ML20010C24811 August 1981Fifth Request for Production of Documents Directed to Nrc. Related Correspondence
ML20010C49211 August 1981First Request for Production of Documents Directed to NRC
ML20010C49711 August 1981First Request for Production of Documents Directed to Util
ML20010C14211 August 1981Application to ASLB for Discovery on Listed NRC Documents. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010C15311 August 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Nrc.Related Correspondence
ML20010C23911 August 1981Fifth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util.Related Correspondence
ML20010B3223 August 1981Supplemental Answers to Util Second Set of Interrogatories. Lists Some Rare Species Which Could Disappear from Dunes Ecosystem.Change in Shape of Cone of Depression Is Relevant in Determining Water Changes.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20010B3203 August 1981Answers to Util Third Set of Interrogatories Re Dewatering.Experiences at River Bend Units 1 & 2 & Caorso,Italy Suggest That Water Infiltration Consititutes Problem Needing Remedial Steps.Related CorrespondenceSafe Shutdown
ML20009H2373 August 1981Answers & Objections to Util Third Set of Interrogatories Re Const Dewatering,Util Mitigation Plan & Water Tables. Certificate of Svc,Affirmation & 810803 Ltr Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20009G90331 July 1981Amend to Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to State of Il.Interrogatories 42(c) & 45(c) Have Incorrect Ref to Other Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20009G90131 July 1981Amend to Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to M Warner. Interrogatories 42(c) & 45(c) Have Incorrect Ref to Other Interrogatories
ML20009H48931 July 1981Second Set of Interrogatories Directed to NRC Re Site Dewatering & Replacement Water Levels.Related Correspondence
ML20009G90631 July 1981Amend to Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Businessmen for Public Interest.Interrogatories 42(c) & 45(c) Have Incorrect Ref to Other Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20009H49231 July 1981Fourth Request for Production of Documents Directed to Nrc. Related Correspondence
ML20009H49131 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util Re Site Dewatering.Related Correspondence
ML20009G90431 July 1981Amend to Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Je Newman.Interrogatories 42(c) & 45(c) Have Incorrect Ref to Other Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20009G90931 July 1981Amend to Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Concerned Citizens Against Bailly Nuclear Site.Interrogatories 42(c) & 45(c) Have Incorrect Ref to Other Interrogatories. Related Correspondence
ML20009G91031 July 1981Amend to Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Porter County Chapter Intervenors.Interrogatories 42(c) & 45(c) Have Incorrect Ref to Other Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20009G87430 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to State of Il Re Basis for Allegations,Identification of Investigations NRC Did Not Perform & Disagreements W/Nrc Evaluation of Request for CP Extension.Related Correspondence
ML20009H04530 July 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util.Related CorrespondenceHydrostatic
ML20009G89330 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Porter County Chapter Intervenors Re Basis for Allegations & Disagreement W/Nrc Evaluation of Request of CP Extension.Related Correspondence
ML20009G95630 July 1981First Request for Production of Documents Upon Which Je Newman Relied on in Formulating Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20009G87930 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to M Warner Re Basis for Allegations & Basis for Answers Supporting Conclusions That Good Cause Does Not Exist to Extend Cp.Related Correspondence
ML20009G87330 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Je Newman Re Basis for Allegations & Disagreements W/Nrc Evaluation of Request for CP Extension & W/D'Appolonia Assessment of Dewatering Influence.Related Correspondence
ML20009G95330 July 1981First Request for Production of Documents Upon Which Businessmen for Public Interest Relied on in Formulating Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20009H04930 July 1981Fifth Request to Northern in Public Svc Co for Production of Documents Described in Response to Intervenor Third Set of Interrogatories.Related Correspondence
ML20009G94530 July 1981First Request for Production of Documents Upon Which Porter County Chapter Intervenors Relied on in Formulating Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20009G94730 July 1981First Request for Production of Documents Upon Which Concerned Citizens Against Bailly Nuclear Site Relied in Formulating Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20009G99330 July 1981First Request for Production of Documents Upon Which M Warner Relied in Formulating Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20009G95030 July 1981First Request for Production of Documents Upon Which State of Il Relied on in Formulating Contentions.Related Correspondence
ML20009G91730 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Concerned Citizens Against Bailly Nuclear Site Re Basis for Allegations & Disagreements W/Nrc Evaluation of Request for CP Extension. Related Correspondence
ML20009G87130 July 1981Fourth Set of Interrogatories Directed to Businessmen for Public Interest,Inc Re Basis for Allegations & Disagreements W/Nrc Evaluation of Request for CP Extension.Related Correspondence
ML20009E30623 July 1981Response Opposing Porter County Chapter Intervenors' 810519 Fourth Request for Production of Documents.Request Is W/O Merit & Should Be Denied
ML20009D04415 July 1981Response Opposing Util Second Motion to Compel Answers to Second Set of Interrogatories.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20009B53910 July 1981Motion for Extension Until 810803 to File Answers or Objections to Util 810622 Third Set of Interrogatories. Extension Will Not Prejudice Any Party.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20009B7008 July 1981Response to State of Il First Set of Interrogatories Directed to Util.Certificate of Svc EnclSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
ML20004G11122 June 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to M Warner Re Permit to Extend Period of Const Dewatering & Proposed Water Replacement Program.Related Correspondence
ML20004G10422 June 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Je Newman Re Permit to Extend Period of Const Dewatering & Proposed Water Replacement Program.Related Correspondence
ML20004G10722 June 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to State of Il Re Depth of Dewatering Required After Completion of Foundation.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20004G11622 June 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Businessmen for Public Interest,Inc Re Dewatering Effects on Lakeshore. Related Correspondence
ML20005A10222 June 1981Third Set of Interrogatories Directed to Porter County Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America,Inc Re Permit to Extend Period of Const Dewatering & Proposed Water Replacement Program.Related Correspondence