PY-CEI-NRR-1530, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Minor Mods to Nuclear Power Reactor Event Reporting Requirements

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Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Minor Mods to Nuclear Power Reactor Event Reporting Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/27/1992
From: Lyster M
FRN-57FR28642, RULE-PR-50 57FR28642-00010, 57FR28642-10, PY-CEI-NRR-1530, NUDOCS 9208100107
Download: ML20099E287 (8)


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4 PC# W.I M.UUiObb

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GMQhy /O MtiPC unit Address:

PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Wehul D. Lptu e centon noAo $fn"nEo$o u0ai '92 JUL 31 Pl2 :34 VICE PHESIDENT NUCLEAR PERRY, OHIO d40c1 (216) 259-3737 r: v .

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July 27, 1992 P CEI/NRR-1530 L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i Vashington, D. C. 20555 Attn Docketing and Service Branch Perry fluelear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440 comments on Proposed Rule - Minor  ;

Hodifications to Nuclear Fover Reactor Event Reporting Requirements (57 FR 20642, June 26, 1992)

Gentlement on June 26, 1992, the NRC issued for public comment proposed amendments to 10CFR50.72 and 10CFR50.73 regarding notification and reporting requirements foc nuclear power plants. The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI),

operator of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, sppreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposed rule changes and the associated Statements of Consideration.

Operating experience at the Perry Plant supports the emelusions stated in the subject Federal Register notice, wherein it is sta'ed that the NRC "...has determined that certain types of events prin ;ily involving invalid engineeret, safety feature (ESP) actuations are of little or no safety siFnificance," and that "... reporting of certain types of events are no longer contributing userul information to-the operating reactor events database and, therefore, are no longer necessary." Reduction of the reporting requirements vill allow a more appropriate utilization of resources while internal corrective action programs required by 10CFR50, Appendix B, vill continue to ensure that these minor events vill be effectively addressed. Accordingly, CEI concurs in general with the' proposed rule changes.

The attachment to this letter provides specific comments on the centent of the-proposed rule changes and the associated Statements. These comments were generated through review of the proposed rules, Statements of Consideration asst.ciated with the issuance of the existing rules, and guidance pcovi.ded in NUREG-1022 and its Supplementa. These comments are not intended to broaden the scope of-the reporting requirement reductions proposed by the NRC; rasher, they are intended to clarify the recommended provisions to avoid differing L 9200100107 920727 PDR PR 50 57FR28642 PDR Orv."onna Comromes Creveiond Occfre Nminating hc1()

is 1-loted0 (don

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4 USNRC June 27, 1992 PY-CEI/NRR-1530 L interpretations upon future use. In addition to the comments provided herein, CEI endorses the comments provided by the BVR Ovners Group.

Of specific interest to the Perry organization are these provisions of the )

proposed rules which address Reactor Vater Cleanup System isolations. Because  !

of certain design characteristics, the HVCU system at Perry is susceptible to I isolations as a result of differential flow durirc routine cperational maneuvers. These isolations are unpredictable and difficult to avoid, and have resulted in numerous reportable events over the last several years.

Engineering evaluation has shown the system conditions which cause the isolations to have no significant negative effects on the system. Also, in '

each case, the isolation has occurred as designed, demonstrating a high level

- of-rcliability of the isolation system. These events, therefore, are not con 7idered to be safety significant, and should be included in the scope of the reporting reduction. Clarification of the definition of a valid ESF actuation vould eliminate potential confusion on the reportability of such actuations, and specific comments torard that objective are provided in the attachment. A list of specific LERs submitted on this issue could be provided upon request.

CEI commends the NRC for this effort and osiers aimed at improving reporting requirements, and we appreciate your consideration of our couents. If there are any questions regarding the comments provided, please contact Mr. Ilenry L.

Ilegrat, Supervisor - Compliance (216) 259-3737- Fxtension 5185.


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Hichael D. Lyster HDLillLlit ss Attachment cet NRC Project Manager NMC Resident Inspector Office NRC Regic,n III V. A. Zarbis - BVROG V. A. Ilorin - NUBARG i-

. , . . > . . . . _ .- . . . - . _ . . - - , . , . + . - . . . .

J PY-CEI/NRR-1530 L Attachmsnt i Page 1 of 2 l l

A copy of 57 FR 28642 through 20645 is included as part of this Attachment.

The appropriate FR paragraphs have been annotated to correspond with the comments provided below.

1. Under Background, paragraph 4 the definition of valid signals should be chtnged to "...those signals that arc initiated in response to-actual plant conditions which require initiation of the ESF to mitigate the consequences of a significant event."

This definition vould exclude those signals caused by unexpected or  :

unpredictable changes in system conditions which do not require the initiation of the ESF. For example, RVCU isolations caused by system voiding during operating status changes (Startup, Shu down, shifting of Filter /Demineralizero) are recognized operational nuisances with no safety significance. However, because such an ESF signal is caused by

" ... parameters satisfying the requirements for ESF initiation," the reporting of these events vould still be required through literal application of_the definition provided. i

2. Under Discussion, paragraph 3, the words "...the event continues to be reportable under..." should be changed to "...the event must be evaluated under..." Likewise, at the end of the paragraph, the words "...the event / discovery continues to be reportable..." should be replaced with

" ...the event / discovery is potentially reportable under other provisions of 10 CFR 50.72 or 10 CFR 57.73."

Sue.h events or' conditions do not necessarily constitute a reportable event under the current rule . For example, lors of a single train of a safety system does not necessarily constitute a lost of a safety function, as addressed in 50.72(b)(2)(iii) and 50.73(a)(2)(v).

Additionally, if the reason for the failure was introduced at or near the time.of the failure, the event might not constitute operation or conditions prohibited by the Technical Specifications, reportable under 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).

3. Under Discussion, paragraph 4, the words." address whether corrective actions for events or conditions that are adverse to quality are reportable or not..." should be changed to " address corrective actions for evants-or coaditions that are adverse to quality whether the event it repor.ahle or not."

Appendix B does not establish reporting requirements or specifically require evaluation of corrective actions for reporting. Additionally, the rest of.this paragraph seems to be directed at ensuring that licensees do not fail to fully address a condition adverse to quality just because it is not reportable.

4. .Under the proposed wording changes to 10 CFR Part 50, Sections 50.72(b)(2)(li)(B)(3) and 50.73(a)(2)(iv)(B)(3) should be changed to read

" Involves (ed) only the following specific ESFs, as applic.sle, or their equivalent systems."

PY-CEI/NRR-1530 L Attachment Page 2 of 2 The proposed vording could be read to irnply that these systems are, by definition, ESF systems. Individual utilities may not have these specific systems defined as ESFs in the Safety Analysis Reports (SAR) for their plants. Based on guidance provided in Suppleuent I to IMREG 1022, utilities rely on the SAR to define ESFs for reporting purposes.

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mcc -

.h Proposed Rules # S-' '- i;5 ,

Vol 57. No.114  % ,

, , , Fridsb June :st tWr .g l l

This sec2 son of tras FFDCP.AL REGISTUt ar.d Evaluation of Operational Data, signals" ot from intemlional manual contasne no=ms t> the putAc of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, promoed esauence of nans and imtiatmnfValns signals re those signals 1 ,

ptorm N pumse of these notoes Washington, DC 20555. Telephone (301) (tha are hutisted in te:ponse to actual 492,443S and (301) 450005, plant conditions or parameters - '

g respectively@. sabsfyiry the requirements for ESF maung pnw to the acnopten of the inni suceLusprfAarY.astma' SAT 10m QnWa uon.

ru%- A%jss InvsIM actuahons are by definition -

Itackground gwa e- those that do no' meet the criteria for NUCLEAR REGULATURY ne (Wde leproposing minor


being valid.Dus invalid actuation.. '

COMMISSION amet.dmentsto tbTimrent "JuClear Indude e ciu*t!ons that are not due to.,

power reactor eW~itieporting valid signals and are not intentional g

10 CFR Part 00 .r.equirements contahnsd w10 CFR 50J2. manual actus tions. Invalid actus tions ,

lmmediate NsrtifiestiidBaquirements indude instances whereinstrument HIN 3150-Atl2 for Operating Nuclese.PpiverReactors," dnft. spurious signals. human enor, or and 10 CFR 50J3,ljoama'oeEvent other invalid signals caused actuation of M!nor Modmcations to Pr4aar Power Reporting System." as partiofdte ongoing the ESF (e.g. }amng a cabinet an ermt


Reactor Event Reporttng L activitie: 1o improve its r@la~tions. . In use of Jumpers or lifted leada, an error i Requirements ydr la this regard, various NRCWyjfws of In actuaten of switches or controls, l

Ao NudEMWry operating expenence and the'patterna of ,, equipment failure or radio frequency Comtnission~W nsees, repomng o@ersung,Ms n Wehacek '

AcTiosc Pro,~pos e

ed' rule. TC" since 1984 have indicated that rep' orts v i NRCs evaluation of both the reported un some of these events are not -Y. events since january 1984, when the sussesAnvine Noclear Regulatory necessary for the NRC to perform its" ' existing rules first became effective, and Commission (NRC) proposes to amend safety mission. De reportmg of certain. the comments received during the Event -

Jts regulations to make mtnn, tges of events are no loager

  • Reporting Workshops coru'ucted in Fall p modifications to the current nuclear o atribLting useful infonnation to the of19s" identified r:eeded improvements '

powsheictor event repomng operating reactor events database and, in the ts.les. The NRC determmed that r4 irsiinenta.He proposed therefore, are no longer necessary. The invalid actuation, isolation, or amendments would apply tc all nudear imacemary ttports an casummg reall tmment of a limited set of ESFs or Towerlanctorlicensees and would maources in preparation and review that their equivalent systems, subeystems, or daTesreportingrequirements for some would be better r.pplied elsewhere. components (La. an invalid actuation.

esiits that have been determined to be Om the past semahms, the NRC isolation, or realignment of only the oliittle or no safety significance. nese has increased its attention to event reactor water clean-up (RWCU) : stem.

proposed amendments would reduce the Mporting issues to ensum unifonzmy, the catrol mom emergeacy ven be n Jadustry's repertmg burden and the consistency, and completeness in event (CREV) system, the reactor building '

.-NRCe response burden in event review reportmg. As a result,in September ventilation system, the fuel butiding

  • 1and assessment. 1991. the NRCa Otfice for Analysis and ventilati:rn system. or the auxiliary t DATus: ne comment period expires July Evaluation of Operational Data (AEOD) building ventdatio.1 systern) are oflittle

,; 27.1992. Comments received after this issusd for comment a draft NUREG- or no safety significance. However.

date will be considered ifit is practical 1022. Revision.S

  • Event Reporti.t these events are currently reportable e Systems 10 CFR 5012 and to CFR i to do eo. but the Commission is able to under 10 CFR 50J2 (b)(2)(il) and to CFR essure consideration only for comments 50J3--Clarification of NRC Systems 50J3 (a)(2)(lv).

and Guidelines for Reporttog." ne final rules for the current event j received on or before this data. _.Followmg resolution of pubuc reporting regulations.10 CFR 50J2 and '

c ADDRESSES: Mail wntien comments to: commenta, trie NUREG will contain 4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. to CFR 50J3 (48 FR 3'J039; August 2A i Washington. DC 20655. NITN: Improved guidance for event report::u 1983, and 4C FR 33850. July 23,1983, De NRCs continuing examination of respectively), stated that ESF systems,

{ Docketing and Servsce Branch.

  • reported everts danng development of indudes the reactor protection systern Deliver comments to One White Mint this document has determined that 1

I North.11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, (RPS), are provided to mitigate the t certain types of events pnmanly consequences of a significant event.

MD 20652. between 7d0 am and 4
15 pm involving invalid engineered safety Derefore.ESFs should (1) work cn Federal wt,rkdays <

Copies of the draft regulatcry feature (ESP) actuations are of little or properly when called upon and (2) no safety signiteance. shodd not be challenged frequently or c.nalysis, the supporting statement ,

Valid ESF metuations are those unnecessarily, h Statements of submitted to OMB ano enmraents j received may be exam'ned 4t: ne NRC acNations that result from " valid Consideration for these final rules also ,

Public Document Room. 21201. Stnet, stated that operation of an ESF as part .;

NW, (Lower 1.evelt Washington. DC e m ., g,, ,,,,,,% en, of a pre-planned operational procedure "0555. w ibe D.uttivisan ana.d serm. som us or test need not be reported. ne )4 Nedear Reculalary Conumasunt washuva DC Cornmission noted that ESF actuations. f FoR PUMTHth INFOMntatiott CONTACT: ,A ((,*' y, "'

including nactor trips are frequently

!Sii Tripathi tt0 CFR 50J:) or Enc a mo t. simi. Nw. tto r ts,.g associated with significant plant' l Weiss (to CFR 50J21. Office of Analysis w

Tederal Register / Vol 57. No.124 / Friday, lune 20,1W2 / Proposed Rules 28643 Cat are of safety significanca. At that the general public or (3.1 would function has already been completed ume. the Commission also required au ), compromise contrvl room habitabildtv. (e s., an invalid conterriment isola bon ESF actuations,induding the RPS the event / discovery contmues to tse) signal while the containment isolation actu:tions, whether manual or te rta -

valves are already dop:t or an invalid automatic. valid or invalid-except as va - ESF actuations that would be actus:fon of the RPS when all rods are noted, to be reported to the NRC by excluded by this proposed rule, but fully inserted).

tal phone within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of occurrence occur as a part of a reportable event. (3) ne third category excludes events followed by a wntten Ucensee Event would contmue to be desenbed as part when an 1iralid actuation,isolauon or Report (1.ER) within 30 days of the of the reportable event. De proposed realignment of only the reactor nater incid:nt. nis requirement on timeliness amendments are not intended to clean +p (RWCU) system, or any of the of r:portmg remame unchanged. predude subauttal of a et,mplete, following ventilation systems: Control The reported information is used by accurate, and thorough description of an room emergency ventilation (CREV)

NRC in confirmauon of the licensmg event that is otherwise reportable under system, reactor building veritilation bes:s. Identification of precursors to 10 CFR 50J2 or to CTR 50J3. De s:v:re core damen, identification of system, fuel building ventilation system.

Commission is proposing to relax only auxiliary building ventilauen system. or pt:nt specific deficiencies, generic the selected event reportmg lessons, review of management control their equivalent venulation rystems requirements speciDed in this proposed syst:ma and licensee performance rule. Ucensees are still required under occurs. invalid actuations that involve assessment.

other ESfs not specifically excluded, 10 CR 50, appendix B. ** Quality (such as emergency core cooling system Discussion Assurence Critens for Nudear Power isolations or actuations; containment R:1:xing reporting requirements for 3. Plants detten and correcuve whethei Fuel Reprocessing

. . or Plants ' to isolation valve closures that affect certam E5F actua uona, prtinarily invalid esenta or condluons that are adverse to cooling systems, main steam flow, actuations, could save resources for essenud e rpport systema, etc4 enitty are reportable or notlin both the industry and the NRC. The containment spray actuation: and, ad&Taon, mmmmeg AM actuations Comnussion emphasizes that only residual beat removal system (such as RWCU laolations) to reduce isolations), would contmoe to be specific invalid ESF actuations would be operstional radasuon ex:mpt from reportmg.De relaxations nportabla.

assocasted with the investigation and

.n ev:nt reporting requirementa recovery from the sc. stions, are Ucensees would continue to be

enttined in the proposed rule would consistent with A1. ARA requirements. requird to submit 1.ERs if a defidency or apply only to a limited set of specifically Da existing provisions in to CFR condition asaodated with any of the d: fined invalid ESF actuations. Dese 5052 (b)(2)(U) and to CFR 5073(a)(2)(lv). Invalid ESF sv:nts are hmited to invalid actuation. require the reporting of an event or h CREV syste ns actuations of the RWCU or W ok equivalut isition, or reshgnment of the RWCU condluon that results in a manual or undgsuon systems) sausEn any system, the CREV system, the reactor automatic actuation of an EST including reportability critens under i 50J2 and Du11 ding vertilation system. the fuel the RPS except when the actuation I Julldin; ventiladon system, or the results from and is part of the pie- Impact of the Proposed Amendmenta luxilltry buihiing ventilation system. planned sequence durme testing or nv:lld actuation / isolation / realignment reactor operation. A pre-planned Relaxing the current requirement for av:nts in these systems are oflittle or sequence implies that the procedural g gc so

,o s2fsty significance. [g e , try,,

step todicates the specific ESF or RPS lav: lid actuations of all other ESFa. a th NRC s exc:pt those noted above, have been actuation that will be generated and gf normel are aware of the found to be safety significant and would spect$c controlsignaroom fgeneration before its be consistent with the objectives and continue to be reportable under 10 CFR occurrence or indication in the control the requirements of the Paperwork 50J2(b)(2)(ii) and to CFR 50J3(a)(2)(lv)- room However,if the ESF. including the Reduction Act.The proposed 4 portable invalid actuations would RPS. ectuates durma the planned amendments would have noimpact on neludi emergency core cooling system operstion or te.s' 8* way that is not the Ns 4Wity to fulM Hs mission to solauons/setuauona. containment part of the plama : ocedure, such as ensure public health and safety because

' sol: tion valve closures that a!!ect at the wrong step, the event is the mpordng mquirements est 6e

oohng rystems. main steam flow. reportable. Commission proposes to Alete have seential support systema, etc, De Commission proposes to make little or no safety significance.

ont:inme'tt spray actuation, and additional relaxauons to event reporting It is estimated that the propor 3d esidual heat removal system isolationa. by excludirig th*ee additional categories changes to the existmg rules will result H: wever, the Commission emph: sires of events as fellows: in about 150 (or 5-10 percent) fewer

-h:t if an invalid ESF actuation reveals .

(1) ne first category excludes events Ucensee Event Reports each year.

i dIfect in the system so that the systern in which an invalid ESF or RPS Sirnilar reductions are expected in the siled or would fail rfoim its actuatMn occurs when the sretam is number of prompt everx no'ifications atendt unct a event continues to') alresdy property removed from service reportable under to CFR 50J2.

ie reportab e un er ther requiremc8 if all requtremer.ta of plant procedures

, an 10 CFR 50J3. If a for removmg equipteent from service Submittal of Comments ondition or deficienQ has (i) an have been met.nis would include De licensees are encouraged to dvsrsi impact on safety-related requind clearance documentation, subnut their estimates on Pnpact of the nuipment and consequently on the equipment and control board tagging. proposed amendments in their bility to shut down the reactor and and properly posationed valves and comments on the proposed rtJe.

nntntain it in a safe shutdown power supply breakers. Commenters are encouraged to ondition. (2) has a potential for (2)De second category excludes submit. in addition to the ongmal paper ignificant radiological release or events in which an invabd ESF or RPS copy, a copy of their commenta in an iotential exposure tc plan t penannel or actuation occurs after the safery electroruc format on IBM pC DOS.

2S644 Federal Registe? / Vol. 57. No.1:4 / Friday, June 26. 1992 / Propesed Rules DC 20Li, Sing je copics of the draft 1:44. as emended (4r UAC n32, n:1 n34.

compeuble 3.5.or 53.5-inch double- MM. mt. :zu.2:31::n u3s 2:sth wes.

sided diskettes. Data files should be analysis may be obtained from: Rail mt as emenM :a . :oa, na stat.1:u. a n provided in Wordperfect 5.d. or 5.1. Tripathi. Office for Analysis and **'nM 1264, ute tu UAC 5a41. 58a2.

ASC11 code is also acceptable, or tl Evaluation of Operational Data. U.S. **

formatted text is required, data fdes Nuclear Regulatory Comtnission. g ,gg,, gg g y should be sut" rutted in IBM Ramable Washington. DC :0555. Telephone (310) ect. sec. m p2 5 tat. .wst (42 UAC sasti.

Format Text Document Content 492-4435. secuan mio ano moed ander seca. tot.1as.

es Stat. g36, est as amended (42 UAC n21.

Arctutecturt (RIT/DCA) format. Regulatory Maribility Certification =35k nc. to:. INb. L et-in as Stat. ass (4:

Rnding of No Slguificant Environmental In accordance with the Regulatory USC 433:L Secuou mit end 50.$4(ddL

" A ' ' Membihty Act of1960 (5 U.S.C. 005 (D1), and so.tcn also towd ander sec toa es sest.

the Comrninion certifies that this rule an u enemied (u UAC nsat Secuou De NRC has determined thM this E~1 m3A mSL and me also luued under proposed regulation la the type of action will not if promulgated. have a Stat est ist UAC ::33L Saccons described in categorical axclusions to signiftcani econornic impact on a "33' *S5* **d ^PP"'I!* O "I*' d substantial nurnber of small entitf es. The as 42 CFR 51.Z:(c)(3)(li) and (till.Therefore neither an environmental Lmpact proposed mie aUects only the event NowkPu, y ,

, slatetuent nor an envir:. mental reporting requirtscents for operstfonal heued unds ow 104. as Su uts (41US.C.

assessment bas been prepared for this nuclear power pl2nts. The companies 5644). Seenons ase, met. and 50.22 also that own these plants do tiot fall w1tida issued under Pub.1. FT-411. 96 Sut. :Ur3 f 42 proposed regu.ation.

the scope of the definition of "small UAC =391 Secoce safe also insed under Paperwork Heduction Act Statement entsties" set forth in the Regu!sto y we, tu. sa ctat an (42 UAC ns:L Nction man. mat eho tuand under sec.1s4. es sut.

This proposed rule arnends Fleubility Act or the Small Dusinesa 954. as amended (41 UAC 2:34L Appendix F Infonnation collection requirementa that Slze Standards set out in regulations '"* wd andenec 1s7. es sist. 955 (42 are subject to the Paperwork Reduction tuued by the Smal! Dusiness U # C '#k Act of 1900 (44 U.S.C. 3571 et segj. Thfa AdmmJstranca Act in 13 Ca part in. For the purpo ee of c.c2. as Stat. esa, u rule has been submitted to the Omcs cf *In*ae4 ('t UAC 2zrst il as 246(en Management and Dudget for review and Backfit Analysis and (bk and saMel are inaued under sec.

. approvalof the paperwork reductiun As required by 10 CFR f4100, the tetb. es stat Ha. u amended (4:UAC

' rt'quiturnents. Commission has completed au otibit li mi 5artak mto(sHcL E34f al Because the rule would relax existing asacssment of the need for Dackfit and (eL sa44(eHct sa4etal and (bL sa47tbt Sa48(a L (cL (di, a=d (ei mesta L so.s4(a L (IL rtporting t;,quirements, public reporting Analysis for the proposed rula,na burden for the collection of information proposed amendments include (0(tL(tHet(rk(ithitL(et aint(fl. 435(fL relaxations of artsin existing SS5efeL IcHeL (sk and (bk msetet ta arpected to ba ; educed. It is ma4eL maz(bk SnMbk saat and soaa(s) estimated that about 150 fewer Ucensee gtrementa on reporeg ofidormadon ""d M *" "" **'~ 18E *" S'

Event Ranorts (NRC Form 3661 and a to the changes neither "'" I'* ""

simdarty reduced number of prompt im dditional rtin event nonfications, made purs ant to 10 req ents nor re n odifications a nas 1 CFR 5012, will be required each year. to the facilities or their licenses. mar 4bL Sarot ob SartisNel and tel. 503:(al ne resulting reduction in burden is Accordingly, the NRC has concluded Sn.73(al and (bL sars. so.ra, and n90 an estunated to average 50 hours5.787037e-4 days <br />0.0139 hours <br />8.267196e-5 weeks <br />1.9025e-5 months <br /> per thatthe proposed rule does not lsaued under uc. teto. Ce Stat. 95a as

,:onstitute a backfit and. thus, a backlit amended (42 UAC =m(o(1, msponse. including the h2e for 88" 2.In i Sm. pangraph (bM2Xillla x g th and mnoed to med as fodown maintaming the data needed, and Unt at Sablects k to CFR Part 50 completing and teviewing the collection Antitruet. C!assified infonnation.' l5032 ser two**mente

% opereams noen.% rasce=ar power of information. Send comments Criminal penalty. Firs preventien.

roectors, regarding tha estimated burden , Incorporation by mference. ,

reductions or any other aspect of this , Interguvemmental relatkna Nuclear power plants and reactors. Radiation (b) Nort. emergency err:1ts * * '

callection of information. includin8 (2) Four. hour report: ' ' '

suf2estions for further reducing protection. Reactor siting criteria.

reporting buttien. to the Information and Reporung and recordkeepmg. (li) Any event or conat5n that results Records Management Dranch (MNBB.- in a maanalor automatu. actuation of For the reasona set out in the 7714). U.S. Nuclear Regulatory preamble and under the authonty of tne any engmeered safety featun (ESD.

Commission. Washington. DC :D555: Atomic Energy Act of1934, as amended, incNdmg the reactor protection system (RPS). except when:

and to N Desk Omcer.Omco of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1774 In'3m w on and Regulatory Affairs. as amended. and 5 U.S.C. 553, the (A) De scraation results from and is Commission is proposms to adopt the part of a pre-p!anned sequence dunng NEOD 3019. (3150-0011 and n50-0104).

Omce of Management and Dudget. following amendments to to CFR part testing or reactor operatiarr Washmgton. DC '0503- 5a (B) ns actuation la invalid and:

) Occurs while the system is Itsgulatory Anolysis CU M M M E*'tY#**##*d f'"" **'*' *r ne Commission has prepared a draft pH000CT10N AND (TTILIZATION E'(.7 Oamrs after the safety function regulatory analysis on this proposed rule FERITIES has been already completed; oc _

change.The analysis exammes the costa authonty citation for part 50 [J) involves ocuy the followmg spect) and benefits of the alternattves (ESFs or their eqmvalent systemL: ., /

cortsidered by the Commission. The connnues to read as follows:

Amunorstyi Seca. t02 t03.104,1os. to1. Iar. 10 Rc*c20r ** t" CI'*8'"P SYS'*ut draft analysis is ayadable for inspection (14 Control room emergency in the NRC Public Document Room. n:0 tas, un tes as stat. a3es s77, ssa. 94a 953. ventdation systerre L. Street. NW., Lower i.evel. Weshmgton, es4. ess, ass, se amended. sac. 234, as Stat.

-. -. ._ ~

i Federal Register / Vel Sy. No.124 / Tdday, lune 28, 1992 / Proposed Rules 08G4S

(il/) Reactor building ventilation to store spect fuelin the approved casks na Commission approved dry s'orage '

j system: under a generallicensa.nis action is of spent nudear fuelin publishing a (iv) Puel building ventilation system; necessary to inform the public and NRC final rule on luly 10.1990 ($5 FR 221811.

1 or _ licensees of the propose additions, which establish d a new subpart K (v) Auxillary building ventdation Daft Comment period axpirm within to CFR part 72 entitled. " General


, system. September 9.1W2, Comments received Llcanse for Storsp of Spent fuel at

! * * * *

  • after this da te mil be considend if it is Power Reactor Sites."
3. In 150.73, paragraph (a)(2) practical to do so, but the Commission is Section 133 of the NWPA etatrs. In introductory text la republished and . able to assure consideration only for r art that "the Commission shall, by paragraph (e)(2)(lv) la revised to read as comments received on or before this rule, utabilah Mua-i for the follows: date. . Licensing of any technology approved by Acoussat Mall wrttten etunments to the Commission imder section 216(a) for

[ _ l M Ucenwe mnt repod erstem. . the Secretary, U.S. Nud6er Regulatory use at the site of any civilian nudeat p (a) Reportable eventa. * *

  • Cominission.Wuhington DC20555, power reactor." nia directive was a (2)The licensee shall report * *
  • ATFN: Docketing and Service Branch. carded out on July 18.1990 (55 FR i (iv) Any event er condition that - Hand deliver commerits to One White 221811. by the publication in the Federal resulted in a manual or automatic Flint North.11555 Rockvtus Pike. Register of a final rule establishing a a.:tuation of any engineered safety Rockville. MD between FM5 a.m. and t.ew subpart L within to CFR part 72 feature (EST). Including the reactor 4:1.5 p.m. Federal workdays. entitled " Approval of Spent Fuel Storage

,j protection syatem (RPS). except when: A copy of NUREG-1092, which is th"

, (A) The actuation resulted from and referenced in the envimnmental At the time of this rulemaldng, four i was part of pre. planned sequence dudna assesstnent, may be purchased from the casks were listed in 172.214 of subpart i testm:; or reactor operetion: Superintendent of Document:. U.S. K as appmved by the NRC for storage of (B) The actuation was invalid and: Covernment Printing Offica. P.O. Box spent fuel at power reactor sites under

'l (f) Occurred while the system was 37082. Washington DC 20013-7082. generallicense by persons authonzed to l propedy removed from service: Copies an also available from the possess or operate nudaar power j (2) Occurred after the safety function National Technical lnfonnation Service. reactors.

1 baQeen ainsuiy.s014pteted: or_ 5285 Port Royal Road. Sprinsfkeld. VA J Inv6Tved only the followmgT 22101. A copy is also evallable for M'C""E

[ $ sp(ec)ific ESFc or their equivalent)inspection and/or copying at the NRC This pmposedwiemaking would add

/ stemc' Local Public Document Roona. 212D L two spent fuel storage caska tc the list of

{ilTe~ actor water clean-up system: Street. NW. (Lower Level). Washington. ' approved emais in i 72.214. Followmg -

(//) Control room emergency DC. the procedures in i y2.230 of"subpart 1.

ventilation system: Copies of the environmental Trananuclear, Inc., subcutted a Topical

(//4 Reactor but! ding ventilation assessment and finding of no algnificant Safety Analysis Report (TSAR) entitled system: environmentalimpact, and any "TN-24 Dry Storage Cask

(/v) Fuel building ventilation system: comments received on this proposed Report" in July 19as. In July 1989, the L or rule are available forinspection and NRC tasued a Safety Evaluation Report 5 (v) Auxiliary b'diding ventilation copying for a fee at the NRC Public (SER) approving the TSAR with I system. Document Room at the above address instructions to Trananedear to revise

? * * * *

  • ron puntwn weeonesAtiose enerrAcr. the TSAR pdor to docketing. Pacific i Dated at P.ockvule. MD, this 19th day of 'Mr. Gordon E. Candersen. Of5ce of Sierra huclear Amoostem (PSNA) .

June,1992. Nuclear Regulatory Rawan:h. U.S. submittad a fopical Report on the  ;

}' For the Nuclear Regulatory th-on. Nuclear Regulatory r'

  • Ventilated Storage Cask System for .S

( Washington. DC 20555, telephone (301) Irradiated Fuel" for their VSC-24 cask inn

. James M. Teylor. -

7 _

Febmary NRClasued its SER*^~

j; Esecuene airectorforoperatione. 492-3a03.or Mr. James F. Sdmeider, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and in April 1991. Also foDomag the tyR noc. o2-tsoar nied a4s aml procedme of I y2.230. PSNA submitted-j . c,,,

Saleguards.UA Nwless Raoulatory

' Commission. Washington.DC 20555, a " Safety Analyste Report for the -

. telephone (301) 504-2002. Ventuated Stege Cask System"in sueetssecwrAny wwonsaanoac Nos amber 1991. The NRC issued its SEP.

$ to CFH Part 72 In Apnl1992.


l RIN 3150-AC15  % TSARS for the Trananudaar TN.- '

) Section 218(a) of the Nuclear Wasta 24 and the Pactfic Sierra Nudear s Ust of A pproved Spent Fuel Storage Policy Act of1982 (NWPA)indades the Associates VSC-24 casks have been CAake:Amtions following direedve: "The Secretary (of approved for storage of spent fuel under

( the candluona specfled in their Actucy; Nuclear Regulatory DOEl shall establish a demonstratim

! Comr-ission. program in cooperation mth the pdvate Certificates of Compliance.Rese caska.

I sector, f r the dry storage of spent when used according to the conditions acTioet Pmposed rule. nuclear 8ual at cavtlian nuclear power spectBed in their Ceruficates of suuasANY:The Nuclear Regulatory reactor sites, mth the objective of Compliance. wdl meet the requirements Commission (NRC)is proposing to establishing one or more technologies of to CFR part 72 and, thus, adequate

! amend its regulations to approve two that the (Nuclear Regulatoryj protection of the public health and additional spent fuel storage casks (TN- Commission may, by rule, approve foc safety would be ensured.These casks 24 and VSC-24). These casks would be use at the sites of civdlan onclear power are being proposed for listing under added to the " List of Approved Spent reactors without, to the mauumum extent i 7:L214.1.lst of Approved Spent Fuel Fuel Storage Casks." Holders of power practicabla, the need for additional site- Storage Caska." Holdert of power reactor operating licenses are pertrutted rpecific approvals by the Commsssion." reactor operating licenses are permitted

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