NRC-23-0073, Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums
NRC-23-0075, Request for Exemption from Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks and Security Event Notification Implementation
NRC-23-0077, Submittal of Revision 50 to the Fermi 2 Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness Plan
NRC-23-0079, Transmittal of Revision 1 of the Core Operating Limits Report for Cycle 22
NRC-24-0007, Report of Changes to Quality Assurance Program for Radioactive Material Packages
NRC-24-0002, Clarification for Request for Additional Information Responses for License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.8.1, AC Sources - Operating, Surveillance Requirement SR
NRC-24-0009, Request for NRC to Suspend Regulatory Audit of License Amendment Request for a Risk Informed Approach to ECCS Strainer Performance for Fermi Unit 2
NRC-24-0008, Levels and Sources of Property Insurance Coverage
NRC-24-0023, NRC-24-0023, Post Exam Package Submittal Letter to NRC
NRC-24-0019, Submittal of 2023 Safety Relief Valve Challenge Report, Main Steam Bypass Lines Report, and ECCS Cooling Performance Evaluation Model Changes or Errors Report
NRC-24-0001, License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Rev. 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4b, TSTF-439, Rev. 2, Eliminate Second Completion
NRC-24-0015, Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1, Decommissioning Funding Status Report
NRC-24-0027, Partial Response to Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request Regarding Risk Informed Approach to Performance ECCS Strainer Performance
NRC-24-0032, Transmittal of the Core Operating Limits Report for Cycle 23
NRC-24-0033, DTE Electric Company - Final Response to Request for Additional Information for License Amendment Request Regarding Risk Informed Approach to Performance ECCS Strainer Performance
NRC-24-0040, Verification of No Significant Hazards Considerations for License Amendment Request for a Risk Informed Approach to ECCS Strainer Performance Supplement Provided in NRC-24-0033
NRC-24-0042, Regulat01y Issues Summaty (RIS) 24-01 Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations to Submit Fonn 536, Operator Licensing Examination Data
NRC-24-0041, Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.7 - Post Accident Monitoring Report
NRC-24-0020, Submittal of Revision 51 to the Fermi 2 Radiological Emergency Response Preparedness Plan
NRC-24-0046, Fenni 2 Power Plant - Approval of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application for Reissuance
NRC-24-0048, Submittal of Inservice Inspection Summary Report
NRC-24-0050, Inservice Inspection-Nondestructive Examination (ISI-NDE) Program for the Fourth 10-Year Inspection Interval
NRC-24-0053, Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1, Annual Report for Period Ending June 30, 2024
NRC-24-0057, Update to NRC 24-0041: Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.7 – Post Accident Monitoring Report
NRC-24-0058, Status of License Renewal Commitments
NRC-24-0064, Supplement to License Amendment Request for a Risk Informed Approach to ECCS Strainer Performance
NRC-24-0067, Enrico Penni Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1, Submittal of Biennial Review of the Fermi 1 Safety Analysis Report
NRC-24-0062, Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums
NRC-24-0072, Revised Approval of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Application for Reissuance
NRC-24-0069, Supplement to License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt Risk Informed Completion Times TSTF-505, Revision 2, Provide Risk Informed Extended Completion Times
Decommissioning Funding Status Report for Fermi 2 This letter provides the report required by 10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) on the status of Detroit Edison's decommissioning fund for Fermi 2.
Fermi 2 is an operating boiling water reactor with a licensed power of 3430 megawatts thermal (MWt). Its operating license expires in 2025.
The requested biennial decommissioning fund information for Fermi 2, reported in 2008 dollars, is provided as an enclosure to this letter. An external sinking fund is being used to accumulate monies for the decommissioning of Fermi 2.
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Ms. Lynne Goodman of my staff at (734) 586-1205.
Sincerely, Enclosure r/"'*
NRC Project Manager Reactor Projects Chief, Branch 4, Region III NRC Resident Office Regional Administrator, Region III Supervisor, Electric Operators, Michigan Public Service Commission
4 Enclosure to NRC-09-0020 Page 1 NRC Decommissioning Funding Status Report Fermi 2 (Millions of Dollars)
The minimum decommissioning fund estimate, pursuant to 10CFR50.75 (b) and (c)1.
The amount accumulated at the end of calendar year preceding the date of the report for items included in 10CFR50.57(b) and (c).
The schedule of the annual amounts remaining to be collected for items in 10CFR50.75 (b) and (c). The collections for Fermi 2 decommissioning are included in the Company's rates. Currently, approximately $34 million is being collected per year for Fermi 2 decommissioning. The exact amount per year is based on sales. The amount being collected includes provision for site restoration, in addition to nuclear decommissioning items included in 10CFR50.75(b) and (c).
amount remaining (1-2)
$280 number of years to collect (2009-2025) 16
The assumptions used regarding escalation in decommissioning cost, rates of earnings on decommissioning fund, and rates of other factors used in funding projections.
All decommissioning costs are assumed to increase at 6.0% annually; decommissioning funds are assumed to earn at 7.0% after-tax, therefore the real rate of return is less than 2%.
Any modifications to the current method of providing financial assurance occurring since the last submitted report:
Any material changes to the trust agreement:
The funds were moved to a new trustee in 2007. The revised Master Trust Agreement was previously submitted on March 31, 2008 (ADAMS Accession No. ML080990553).
It is similar to the previous trust agreement from a functional standpoint.
1 The NRC formulas in section 10 CFR 50.75(c) include only those decommissioning costs incurred by licensees to remove a facility or site safely from service and reduce residual radioactivity to levels that permit: (1) release of the property for unrestricted use and termination of the license; or (2) release of the property under restricted conditions and termination of the license. The cost of dismantling or demolishing non-radiological systems and structures is not included in the NRC decommissioning cost estimates. The costs of managing and storing spent fuel on site until transfer to DOE are not included in the cost formulas.