NL-16-135, Report No. R-P0106, Wall Thickness Profile Sheet, (Sketch)

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Report No. R-P0106, Wall Thickness Profile Sheet, (Sketch)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/2016
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A318 List: ... further results
CNL-16-135 R-P0106
Download: ML16293A325 (3)


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OATE: DATE: LEVEL: ':III, /2* 0'1-0 8 PAGE

.TVA PROJECT: W/3N SYSTEM: /?CS REPORT Office of Nuclear Power UNIT: ;1. WELD NO: RC.5-3-(,;, R-Po lOlo -------- -LEVEL: .JL DATE: 1:i.-"'1-tJ8 PAGE (p

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  • NPG Nondestructive Examination Procedure CALCULATION OF ASME CODE COVERAGE FOR SECTION XI, APPENDIX VIII ULTRASONIC EXAMINATIONS Attachment 4 (Page 1 of 1) N-GP-31 Rev.0002 Page 16of24 AUSTENITIC PIPING WELDS SINGLE SIDE ACCESS -SUPPLEMENT 2 Required and obtained examination volume coverage work sheet Below is a typical example of examination coverage plots although are not to be considered inclusive of all situations.

Typical example of a single sided access examination of an austenitic piping weld, examination credit can not be taken beyond the weld centerline when the beam is directed through the weld material.

Although examinations are required to be performed with the ultrasonic beam directed through the weld material, however they can not be considered totally effective or creditable.

Note: Typically a one-sided austenitic weld examination with no circumferential restrictions would be indicated as 75% examination coverage or 50% if circumferential scans were limited to one side. I I I G I I 2J I I I I /A)=-,f)C 5-3-(.. tu= /,e:lS' 11=. 7 L =so Item Description Value REQUIRED EXAMINATION VOLUME 1 Required examination volume in sq in. (width x height) for single scan stroke 2 Number of scan directions (normally 4; i.e. upst,dnst, cw, & ccw)) 4 3 Total scan volume in sq inches (Item 1

  • Item 2) 3,5 4 Total length of weld so 5 Total required examination volume in cubic inches (Item 3 *Item 4) t 75" OBTAINED EXAMINATION VOLUME 6 Examination volume achieved (sq in for single scan stroke) in 1 axial scanning direction (i.e. upst) multiplied by the length of weld examined 7 Examination volume achieved (sq in for single scan stroke) in 1 axial scanning direction (i.e. dnst) multiplied by the length of weld examined 8 Examination volume achieved (sq in for single scan stroke) in 1 circumferential A I. scanning direction (i.e. cw) multiplied by the length of weld examined n Examination volume achieved (sq in for singie scan stroke) in 1 circumferentiai 1::J scanning direction (i.e. ccw) multiplied by the length of weld examined 10 Determine the achieved examination volume by adding Items 6, 7, 8. and 9 <;J?.5 11 Examination volume percentage

[(Item 10 I item 5) X 100] (, '>O )-: '5lJ /