ML23150A183 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Callaway ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/30/2023 |
From: | Ameren Missouri, Callaway Energy Center |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk |
Shared Package | |
ML23150A182 | List: |
References | |
EIP-ZZ-00240 Addendum E, Rev 027 | |
Download: ML23150A183 (1) | |
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 HEALTH PHYSICS COORDINATOR (HPC) CHECKLIST TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number Page 2 of 19 INFORMATION USE 1.0 PURPOSE........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 SCOPE................................................................................................................................................ 3 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................................................................ 3 4.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................................... 3
................................................................................................................................... 3 5.1.
Implementing........................................................................................................................... 3 5.2.
Developmental......................................................................................................................... 4 6.0 RECORDS.......................................................................................................................................... 4 7.0 DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................... 4 8.0
OF CHANGES............................................................................................................. 4 HEALTH PHYSICS COORDINATOR (HPC) CHECKLIST................................................................. 5 ATTACHMENT 1........................................................................................................................................ 14 PM-12 PERSONNEL MONITOR RESPONSE CHECK................................................................. 14 ATTACHMENT 2........................................................................................................................................ 15 AMS-4 STARTUP AND OPERATION............................................................................................ 15 ATTACHMENT 3........................................................................................................................................ 17 SET-UP AND OPERATION OF THE MODEL 177 RATEMETER............................................... 17 ATTACHMENT 4........................................................................................................................................ 18 HPN COMMUNICATIONS.............................................................................................................. 18 ATTACHMENT 5........................................................................................................................................ 19 Free Format Logs............................................................................................................................... 19
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 3 of 19 INFORMATION USE HEALTH PHYSICS COORDINATOR (HPC) CHECKLIST 1.0 PURPOSE Provide guidance in the performance of the Health Physics Coordinator position for Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) events.
2.0 SCOPE This procedure covers the Health Physics Coordinator position. Other positions are covered in separate procedures.
3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Health Physics Coordinator responsibilities are covered in the body of the main procedure, EIP-ZZ-00240, Technical Support Center Operations.
4.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS Health Physics Coordinator's procedural instructions are covered in the body of the main procedure, EIP-ZZ-00240, Technical Support Center Operations.
Implementing 5.1.1.
EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies 5.1.2.
EIP-ZZ-00102 Emergency Implementing Actions 5.1.3.
EIP-ZZ-00211, Field Monitoring 5.1.4.
EIP-ZZ-00225, Reentry 5.1.5.
EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability 5.1.6.
EIP-ZZ-00240, Technical Support Center Operations 5.1.7.
HDP-ZZ-01200, Radiation Work Permits 5.1.8.
HDP-ZZ-01450, Authorization to Exceed Federal Occupational Dose Limits 5.1.9.
HTP-ZZ-04101-DTI-M177-Op, Operation of the Ludlum Model 177 Series Alarm Ratemeter 5.1.10.
HTP-ZZ-04137-DTI-AMS4-Op, Eberline AMS-4 Continuous Air Monitor Operation
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 4 of 19 INFORMATION USE 5.1.11.
HTP-ZZ-04175-DTI-PM12-Op, Thermo Scientific Model PM-12 Personnel Monitor Operation 5.1.12.
HTP-ZZ-05007-DTI-EKIT-INVENTORY, Maintenance and Inventory of Radiation Protection Emergency Equipment Kits 5.1.13.
KOA-ZZ-03000, Airborne Exposure Decision Tree 5.1.14.
CA2831, Precautions in the Administration of Potassium Iodide (KI) 5.1.15.
HCPI-96-007, Rev. 1, Emergency Response Facility (ERF) Habitability Guidelines 5.2.
Developmental 5.2.1.
Callaway Plant RERP 5.2.2.
UOTH090021, RP Technician and Dose Assessment Coordinator Experience Requirements 6.0 RECORDS This addendum becomes a record of the event and should be given to the Administrative Coordinator or Emergency Preparedness staff following the event.
7.0 DEFINITIONS None 8.0
Section or Step Number Description The following changes were due to CR 202207821 6
Initiation, Step 5 Removed reference to the previously deleted Attachment 5 - RERP Training Requirements 7
Initiation, Step 5 Personnel to support HPC desk Corrected reference for Free Format Logs from Attachment 6 to.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 5 of 19 INFORMATION USE HEALTH PHYSICS COORDINATOR (HPC) CHECKLIST Sheet 1 of 9 Date: _____________
Time: ___________
INITIATION NOTE Some items in this section are shared with other groups and may have already been completed.
- 1.
Initial entrance to the Technical Support Center (TSC):
- a.
CARD IN using the accountability card reader.
- b.
SIGN IN on Facility Sign-in board.
- c.
CLIP ON Health Physics Coordinator badge retrieved from the HPC Packet.
- 2.
INITIATE Log sheet.
- 3.
SWITCH HPC Plant Computer power supply (units with selector switch only) to the UPS position.
- 4.
CONTACT the following On Shift positions and have them PERFORM or PROVIDE the following:
- a.
RP Ops Shift Technician (RPOPS): _________________________________________ (Name)
Provide plant status and radiological conditions.
Setup Control Room and Field Office using EIP-ZZ-00102 Emergency Implementing Actions, Attachment 2, Operations Personnel Emergency Actions.
Provide RP coverage for On Shift personnel as directed by Shift Manager.
- b.
RP Tech Support Technician (RPTS): _______________________________________ (Name)
Provide status of radiological release, meteorological data, and Protective Action Recommendations.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 6 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 2 of 9 NOTE Minimum 14 Radiation/Chemistry Support Personnel (ORCO/ORCA Job Duty Code) required (not including on shift personnel:
- One (1) Chemistry qualified technician minimum (SRCC Job Duty Code) Shared with Chemistry Coordinator).
- Six (6) ORCA qualified technician's maximum.
The Field Monitoring Team Technicians and Drivers being sent to the EOF need to be dispatched as quickly as possible.
- 5.
REFER To below guidance, ASSIGN personnel as they arrive to the TSC based on priorities.
Name R/C Support Personnel Assignments Field Monitoring Team Technicians (2, unless otherwise Required (SRCS Preferred)
Directed by DAC)
- PROVIDE to FMT Leaders:
Required (SRCS Preferred) o Brief using CA1547, FMT Checklist.
o Vehicle key ring.
o PROCEED as directed by DAC.
ASSIGN Drivers, 2 (From support personnel, RP, Chem, Driver (Non RP preferred) or Engineering).
Driver (Non RP Preferred)
Dose Assessment Staff and FMT Communicator (2)
Required (SRCC Preferred)
- BRIEF with FMTs if personnel are available, but do NOT delay FMT dispatch.
Required (SRCC Preferred)
- ASSIGN one individual to assist FMT dispatch, then report to DAC.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 7 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 3 of 9 Step 5 Cont'd Name R/C Support Personnel Assignments (Contd)
Personnel to support HPC Desk Required, ORCO Preferred
- MONITOR Plant Computer Screens.
- MAINTAIN Facility Log.
- ANSWER phones / radio.
- INITIATE Free Format Logs if needed (Att. 5).
- UPDATE HPC on changes.
- MONITOR Plant Computer for wind speed / direction.
- MONITOR Plant Computer for In Plant radiological conditions.
Personnel to survey on-site to support dose assessment (Contact DAC to determine need).
Personnel to survey on-site to support radiological controls Required
- DISPATCH personnel if a release above normal operating limits is suspected or in progress.
- MONITOR habitability of MAF, Field Office, HPAC, and Control Room as needed.
Personnel to support Radiological Briefings and Teams (4)
Required (ORCO)
(One team minimum, one RP Support ORCO minimum).
- CONDUCT briefings with Emergency Teams (REVIEW with Required (ORCO)
HPC prior to conducting brief).
- SUPPORT Emergency Teams dispatched.
Required (ORCO)
- ENSURE all Emergency Team personnel read the Emergency RWP. (XX91120EMERGENC, to exceed Federal Limits XX91120FEDERAL)
Required (ORCO)
Personnel to setup equipment and maintain habitability (TSC)
Required (One RP Support ORCA minimum).
- RESPONSE CHECK portable instruments, prepare equipment Required and supplies.
- SETUP the TSC Per Operation Section Steps 1, and 2 of the Required HPC Checklist.
- SETUP EDs in Rapid Entry Mode.
- Support Low Risk activities (travel path briefings, etc.).
Chemistry Support to the Chemistry Coordinator.
Required (Chem)
(ASSIGN if needed by the Chemistry Coordinator).
HPN Line Communicator (IF requested from NRC, REFER To Att. 4).
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 8 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 4 of 9
- 6.
CONTACT Dose Assessment Coordinator (DAC) at EOF (ext. 64999 or (573)676-4999) and INFORM DAC of deployment status of the following:
On-site survey personnel FMT Dose Assessment Staff
- 7.
NOTIFY EC the Health Physics Coordinator is ready to take Radiation Protection responsibility from the Control Room.
- 8.
MAKE log entry of time ready to assume responsibilities.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 9 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 5 of 9 OPERATIONS Steps in this Section should be frequently reviewed.
NOTE Contamination control implementation and eating/drinking restrictions should be based on current and expected radiological conditions. Instrument checks should be completed as soon as practicable.
- 1.
PREPARE for Habitability Controls in the TSC:
ENSURE Portal Monitor is operable. (See Attachment 1).
ENSURE AMS 4 energized and source checked. (See Attachment 2).
ENSURE frisking station is set up at the portal monitor entry area. (See Attachment 3).
CLOSE front vestibule door.
CLOSE back hallway door from support area.
PLACE Control Dosimeter in the HPC area. Set alarm set points per RP-DTI-Instruments-DMC User, as determined by the HPC.
- 2.
IF a release above normal operation limits or contamination in the plant is in progress or imminent, PERFORM the following:
MAKE facility announcement: "An RP brief is required for all personnel leaving the TSC. All personnel must check with Security prior to leaving the TSC".
PLACE stanchion in main entrance to direct personnel through Rad Monitor.
EVALUATE posting No eating/drinking signs.
BRIEF Security Coordinator on radiological conditions, wind speed and direction.
INFORM Security Coordinator if a Release above Normal Operating Limits occurs.
WHEN needed, STAGE the plant West TSC door (with the vestibule) for establishing protective clothing removal area to receive contaminated personnel.
- 1) INFORM Security Coordinator that personnel are entering the TSC via the plant West entrance.
- 2) IF Health Physics Access (HPAC) is habitable, THEN consider performing decontamination at HPAC and using protective clothing or a non-exposure to plume path back to the TSC.
- 3) IF HPAC is NOT habitable, THEN consider establishing a Radiologically Controlled Area (RCA) and using the North men's shower on the Service Building first floor and using protective clothing or a non-exposure to plume path back to the TSC.
- 4) IF wind direction makes the previous two bullets NOT viable options, THEN consider setting-up an RCA at the Demin Building Emergency shower and using protective clothing or a non-exposure to plume path back to the TSC.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 10 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 6 of 9
- 3.
IF personnel are dispatched by you to another facility, INITIATE a follow-up call in 15-20 minutes to ensure they arrive safely.
- 4.
REVIEW needed protective actions for On Site personnel as follows:
NOTE Assembly and Evacuation are required at SITE AREA and GENERAL EMERGENCY levels.
COORDINATE with the Security Coordinator, Assembly and Evacuation actions per EIP-ZZ-00230, Accountability WHEN discussing Evacuation routes utilizing dose assessment software, USE the 10 Mile projected map.
IF needed, the Hearnes Center is the preferred Care and Reception Center, otherwise the Security Coordinator will provide an alternate location based on discussions with SEMA.
DETERMINE need for R/C Support Personnel to monitor Assembly and Evacuation.
COORDINATE with the Security Coordinator on the transportation of contaminated injured personnel to the supporting hospital.
EVALUATE restricting access to areas due to release or potential release based on wind direction.
EVALUATE need for Respiratory Protection per HDP-ZZ-01200, Radiation Work Permits.
EVALUATE Potassium Iodide (KI) issue as follows:
Personnel could receive > 25 REM CDE Thyroid.
A loss of Fuel Clad Barrier is declared per the Emergency Action Level Classification Matrix and workers could be exposed to Containment Atmosphere.
Evaluation performed using KOA-ZZ-03000, Airborne Exposure Decision Tree.
If required, ISSUE KI using CA2831, Precautions in the Administration of Potassium Iodide (KI).
- 5.
IF LAN and mainframe computer are unavailable in TSC, OBTAIN Respirator Issue Log and Daily Dose Report from HPACA.
6.0 MONITOR Plant Computer Screens associated with radiological EALs from EIP-ZZ-00101, Classification of Emergencies and REPORT any changes in readings to TAC and EC.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 11 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 7 of 9
- 7.
CONSIDER preparation of Emergency Dose Extensions for selected Operations Support Area personnel in the event Plant radiological conditions change using HDP-ZZ-01450, Authorization to Exceed Federal Occupational Dose Limits.
NOTE Radiation levels are expected to increase when Safety Injection recirculation is lined up to Containment.
- 8.
MONITOR Plant conditions and emergency activities to ensure personnel dose is maintained ALARA.
- 9.
MONITOR and TREND Plant Area Radiation monitors, including Control Room and HPACA.
- 10.
MONITOR RWST radiation levels when in recirculation mode.
- 11.
NOTIFY EC and MAKE announcements to TSC as Radiological Conditions change.
- 12.
ESTABLISH radiological postings in Plant as time and resources allow (MUST be performed prior to Re-entry).
- 13.
MONITOR TSC habitability radiological conditions and RECOMMEND appropriate protective actions:
Direct dose rate 600 mrem/hr: INFORM the EC, and COMMENCE monitoring cumulative dose.
Cumulative dose of 4,400 mrem: RECOMMEND evacuation of the facility.
Direct dose rate of 5,000 mrem/hr: RECOMMEND evacuation.
Iodine concentrations of 1.9E-6 µCi/ml: INFORM the EC, and COMMENCE air sampling to ensure total intake does NOT exceed 25 rem CDE.
Iodine concentrations of 1.5E-5 µCi/ml: RECOMMEND evacuation.
- 14.
Periodically BRIEF EC on radiological conditions in the Plant and status TSC habitability.
DIRECT Admin Coordinator to post No Eating /Drinking signs as soon as required.
DIRECT Admin Coordinator to de-post No Eating /Drinking signs as soon as allowed.
- 15.
COORDINATE requests through Administrative Coordinator or Stores person for additional RP support/supplies.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 12 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
Sheet 8 of 9 TURNOVER
- 1.
BRIEF incoming Health Physics Coordinator on:
Radiological information.
Any protective actions, both recommended and implemented.
The status of deployed Emergency Teams.
- 2.
REVIEW Checklist, Logs, and transfer HPC badge.
- 3.
CONTACT Dose Assessment Coordinator in EOF:
ARRANGE for FMT turnover as needed.
OBTAIN meteorological information.
INFORM DAC of oncoming relief.
- 4.
INFORM Emergency Coordinator of turnover.
- 5.
LOG turnover.
- 6.
INITIATE new checklist using copy of this procedure (EIP-ZZ-00240 Addendum E, Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist).
- 1.
DISCUSS the following with appropriate personnel:
Maintaining of personnel exposure ALARA and preventing spread of contamination.
Survey and Posting Status.
Need to implement EIP-ZZ-00225, Reentry.
Decontamination activities.
Need for additional assistance, supplies, or equipment.
Long term monitoring.
Activation of Automated Access Control.
- 2.
Until directed otherwise by the EC or Recovery Manager, CONTINUE HPC activities.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 13 of 19 INFORMATION USE Health Physics Coordinator (HPC) Checklist (Cont'd.)
- 1.
Upon direction of Emergency Coordinator, NOTIFY Radiation/Chemistry personnel of shutdown.
- 2.
TURNOVER any RP support to normal plant staff.
- 3.
INFORM EOF DAC of termination and shutdown.
NOTE Portal monitor should remain energized.
- 4.
ENSURE RP equipment is de energized; supplies and materials are stored as required.
- 5.
ASSIGN personnel to inventory and seal the FMT kits using HTP-ZZ-05007-DTI-EKIT-INVENTORY, Maintenance and Inventory of Radiation Protection Emergency Equipment Kits.
- 6.
RESTORE HPC Plant Computer UPS power supply (units with selector switch only) to LINE position.
- 7.
DEACTIVATE Free Format Logs (if any).
- 8.
CLIP Health Physics Coordinator badge to HPC packet.
- 9.
COLLECT documents and GIVE to Administrative Coordinator or Emergency Preparedness Staff.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 14 of 19 INFORMATION USE PM-12 PERSONNEL MONITOR RESPONSE CHECK Sheet 1 of 1 This Startup Sequence may be used in Emergency Facilities in lieu of HTP-ZZ-04175-DTI-PM12-Op, Thermo Scientific Model PM-12 Personnel Monitor Operation. It is designed to be used in an Emergency Response Facility by personnel qualified on the units operation.
- 1.
IF the PM-12 is OFF, PERFORM the following:
ENSURE the unit is connected to 110 VAC.
SET power switch to ON. (Located inside of the detector cover above the detectors)
INSERT key in ON/START switch.
TURN key to START position and then RELEASE.
ALLOW the unit to collect counts. (The blue Out of Service lamp should illuminate until the unit collects sufficient counts.)
- 2.
CHECK the green Ready light is illuminated. IF it is NOT, Go To Step 10.
- 3.
CHECK the monitor has a current calibration label.
- 4.
INSPECT monitor for physical damage.
- 5.
INITIATE a count cycle by stepping into the monitor. (The yellow COUNTING light should illuminate).
- 6.
INTERRUPT the count cycle by stepping out of the monitor before the count is complete. (The white RECOUNT light should briefly illuminate, PM-12 voice should say measurement abandoned, then green Ready light should illuminate).
- 7.
OBTAIN the PM-12 Response Check Source (Located in the RP Emergency Locker).
- a.
STEP into the monitor to initiate a count cycle and HOLD the PM-12 Response Check Source 3 away from any one of the sensors.
- b.
CHECK the monitor alarms (audible and visual).
- 8.
IF the monitor does NOT see the source after two attempts, GO to Step 10.
- 9.
IF the monitor passes this check, INITIAL and DATE the Pre-Operational Check Sticker.
- 10.
IF monitor fails Pre-Operational Checks:
- a.
TAG the unit Out Of Service
- b.
NOTIFY the Health Physics Coordinator.
- c.
SET UP a Frisking Station and DIRECT personnel entering the building to frisk.
- d.
IF it is expected that personnel already in the building may be contaminated, DIRECT them to frisk.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 AMS-4 STARTUP AND OPERATION Sheet 1 of 2 This Startup Sequence may be used in Emergency Facilities in lieu ofHTP-ZZ-04137-DiI-AMS4-Op, Eberline AMS-4 Continuous Air Monitor Operation. It is designed to be used in an Emergency Response facility by personnel qualified on the units operation.
OBTAIN the check source and new filter media from the Emergency Kit Locker.
ENSURE the unit has a current calibration label.
INSPECT the unit for physical damage.
PRESS the Detector Head release button and RAISE the Detector Head.
INSTALL a fresh filter in the AMS-4 sample port.
SHUT the Detector Head.
CONNECT AMS-4 and air sampler to 1 10 VAC power. (Ifthe pump is plugged into the AMS-4 Pump connection, SW-2 on the AMS-4 controls the pump).
SET the AMS-4 Power Switch (SW-i) to ON. (The unit should perform a startup routine resulting in an out of service alarm and status message for low flow).
ENSURE the air sampler pump is OFF.
PRESS <Alarm Ack> as necessary to silence the alarms 1 1.
DETERMINE the expected response for the source.
PRESS <Menu>.
KEY IN 0000 (four zeros), THEN PRESS <Enter>. (The system should display Instrument Status).
PRESS <Down> as necessary to display <Test Inputs/Outputs>.
PRESS <Enter> to access Test Inputs/Outputs. (The display should read View Latest).
PRESS <Enter>. (<beta> should display with the count rate displayed. This is the Beta Channel Background.)
1 7.
NOTE the Beta Channel Background Count Rate.
1 8.
PLACE the AMS-4 Response Check Source (Combo Bracket from the EOF Emergency Kit) on the top the Detector Head as shown (the source is approximately centered with the source port down, the front edge ofthe bracket is approximately flush with the front edge. This is the Beta Channel Source Count Rate).
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 16 of 19 INFORMATION USE (Cont'd.)
Sheet 2 of 2
- 19.
After approximately ten seconds, NOTE the Beta Channel Source Count Rate.
- 20.
SUBTRACT the average Background count rates from the average Source count rate.
- 21.
NOTE the value.
- 22.
PRESS <Down> as necessary to display <Background>. (This is the Gamma Channel Source Count Rate).
- 23.
After approximately ten seconds, NOTE the Gamma Channel Source Count Rate.
- 24.
REMOVE the AMS-4 Response Check Source from the Detector Head. (This is now the Gamma Channel Background Count Rate).
- 25.
After approximately ten seconds, NOTE the Gamma Channel Background Count Rate.
- 26.
SUBTRACT the average Background count rates from the average Source count rate.
- 27.
NOTE the value.
- 28.
IF both the Beta and Gamma (Background) channel Count Rates fall within the labeled band, the AMS-4 passes the Response Check Section of the Preoperational Check.
- 29.
IF the Count Rates did NOT fall within the labeled band, STOP the startup and NOTIFY the Health Physics Coordinator that the AMS-4 is NOT operational.
- 30.
PRESS Menu as necessary to enable the operating mode (unit will display flow fail status message).
- 31.
START air sampler pump (The unit should clear the failed flow error message and begin normal operation).
- 32.
ACCESS Page 2 of the AMS-4 Display (Down Arrow, or <2> key).
- 33.
IF the unit will not display the flow and locks on an error message, NOTIFY the Health Physics Coordinator that the AMS-4 is NOT operational.
- 34.
IF the flowrate is between 25,000 and 45,000 cc/min, and all other tests are satisfactory, the AMS-4 is operational, PERFORM the following:
- a.
PRESS 1 to return the AMS-4 to the normal operating display.
- b.
INITIAL and DATE the Preoperational Check Sticker.
- c.
NOTIFY the Health Physics Coordinator the AMS-4 is operational.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 17 of 19 INFORMATION USE SET-UP AND OPERATION OF THE MODEL 177 RATEMETER Sheet 1 of 1 This Startup Sequence may be used in Emergency Facilities in lieu of HTP-ZZ-04101-DTI-M177-Op, Operation of the Ludlum Model 177 Series Alarm Ratemeter. It is designed to be used in an Emergency Response Facility by personnel qualified on the units operation.
- 1.
REMOVE Model 177 ratemeter, frisker probe, detector cable, power cord, and check source from the E-Kit cabinet.
- 2.
IF NOT already connected, CONNECT detector and power cords to the Model 177 ratemeter.
- 3.
ENSURE instrument has a current calibration sticker.
- 4.
SELECT a range:
- a.
SELECT the range on the source wheel.
- b.
SET RANGE switch to appropriate position.
- c.
PLACE detector on check source bracket.
- d.
CHECK response is within acceptable range as listed on the source.
- e.
REMOVE source from detector.
- 5.
REPEAT the above until all ranges have been tested.
- 6.
CHECK instrument alarm:
- a.
ADJUST Alarm Set switch so that it is slightly less than count rate of source.
- b.
PLACE detector on check source bracket (The alarm should activate).
- c.
REMOVE source from detector.
- d.
DEPRESS RESET button. (Alarm condition should clear.)
- e.
RESET alarm to 5.
- 7.
IF pre-operational checks are satisfactory, INITIAL and DATE pre-operational check sticker.
- 8.
RETURN check source to the E-Kit cabinet.
- 9.
IF either the alarm or the response check failed:
NOTIFY Health Physics Coordinator.
OBTAIN an operational ratemeter.
- 10.
ENSURE the following switch settings:
Front Panel:
ON/OFF switch in ON position.
Volume adjusted to hear audible counts.
RESPONSE switch in SLOW position.
RANGE switch to X1 scale.
Rear Panel:
Alarm set at 5.
Subtract set to OFF (IF instrument has Subtract switch).
- 11.
WHEN NOT being used, CHECK the probe sets "face up".
- 12.
IF the ratemeter background reading exceeds the "X1" scale (500 CPM) during use, NOTIFY the Health Physics Coordinator.
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 18 of 19 INFORMATION USE HPN COMMUNICATIONS Sheet 1 of 1 The following are examples of specific information that may be requested during communications over the HPN:
- 1.
Is there any change to the classification of the event?
If so, what is the reason?
- 2.
Have toxic or radiological releases occurred or been projected (including changes in release rate)?
If so, what are the actual or currently projected on-site and off-site releases, and what is the basis for this assessment?
- 3.
What are the health effects or consequences to on-site and off-site people? How many onsite or offsite people are being or will be affected and to what extent?
- 4.
Is the event under control?
When was control established, or what is the planned action to bring the event under control?
What mitigating actions are currently underway or planned?
- 5.
What on-site protective measures have been taken or are planned?
- 6.
What off-site protective actions are being considered or have been recommended to state and local officials?
- 7.
What are the current meteorological conditions?
Wind Speed:
Wind Direction:
Stability Class:
- 8.
What are the dose and dose rate readings on-site and off-site?
EIP-ZZ-00240 ADDENDUM E Rev. 027 Page 19 of 19 INFORMATION USE Free Format Logs Sheet 1 of 1 NOTE The following are the Free Format Logs commonly utilized during an event. If the desired log is not displayed on the main screen, use the "Add" button to bring the desired log to the main screen.
- T-PCD:.................. PC Dose Assessment Data
- T-PCDR:.............. PC Dose Assess RADW/STEAM
- T-PCDU:............. PC Dose Assess Unit Vent
- T-PSB:................... TSC Plant Status Board
- ERDS:.................... Emergency Response Data System The print queue for the TSC is LP03.
Starting free format logs:
- 1.
At the plant computer, type FF in dialog box.
- 2.
Click OK.
- 3.
Select log desired by clicking on under Log Name.
- 4.
Place a check in the box for Every 15 minutes, if not already selected.
- 5.
Place a check in each of the seven days box, if not already selected.
- 6.
Click Activate button.
Printing a set of logs for the present time:
- 1.
Click Print Log.
Stopping free format logs:
- 1.
From the Free Format Log dialog box, select the desired log.
- 2.
Click Deactivate button.