MONTHYEARML23053A0502023-02-22022 February 2023 Cover Memo and Response to C-10 Questions Regarding 3Q2022 Inspection Report ML22306A0202022-11-0202 November 2022 Cover Memo and Response to C-10 Questions Regarding 2Q2022 Inspection Report ML24285A2012022-06-29029 June 2022 Memo Response - LTR-24-0212 - Response from Thomas Szabo - C-10 Board Member - David Lochbaum ML21242A2242021-08-26026 August 2021 C-10 Research & Education Foundation Memo Dated 8/26/21 Re Questions Regarding the 2021 Second Quarter Integrated Inspection Report (05000443/2021002) ML21062A1462021-04-21021 April 2021 Memo to File: Final Ea/Fonsi of 2012 and 2015 Decommissioning Funding Plans for Seabrook Station Unit 1 Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (2012 and 2015) ML19057A3832019-03-0404 March 2019 Renewal of Full-Power Operating License for Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1 ML19058A2162019-03-0404 March 2019 Update to Proposed Issuance of a Final No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination and License Amendment Regarding Which a Hearing Has Been Requested (CAC No. MF8260; EPID L-2016-LLA-0007) ML18226A2052018-09-28028 September 2018 Redacted, Submission of Alkali-Silica Reaction License Amendment Request Draft Safety Evaluation to Support Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Review of Seabrook License Renewal (CAC No. MF8260; EPID L-2016-LLA-0007) ML18243A4522018-08-31031 August 2018 License Renewal Application Memorandum ML17278A1662017-10-0505 October 2017 Teleconference Meeting Summary Dated August 28, 2017 with Massachusetts Attorney General'S Office and Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency ML17254A7522017-09-0606 September 2017 Alkali-Silica Reaction Issue Technical Team Charter Revision 2 ML16088A2042016-03-28028 March 2016 Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technical Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations W/ Encl 2 (Template) ML16088A2052016-03-28028 March 2016 Enclosure 1 - (72.30 DFP Reviews to Be Completed 2015) - Memo T Bowers from s Ruffin, Technial Assistance Requests - Review 2015 Tri-Annual Decommissioning Funding Plans for Multiple Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations ML16056A3342016-03-0101 March 2016 Memorandum to File Regarding Transcript for 10 CFR 2.206 Petition from C-10 Research & Education Foundation Regarding Seabrook Station, Unit 1 ML15096A1682015-07-27027 July 2015 Memorandum to File from John Lamb, DORL, NRR No Significant Hazards Consideration Analysis and Categorical Exclusion Related to Proposed Exemption ML14014A3782014-02-19019 February 2014 Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) Issue Technical Team Charter, Revision 1 ML13193A0742013-07-16016 July 2013 Request for Additional Information - Seabrook Station Regarding Overall Integrated Plan for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (Order Number EA-12-051) (Tac No. MF0837) ML13128A5212013-06-10010 June 2013 Memo Position Paper -Assessment of Aci 318-71 as Design Basis for Category I Concrete Structures Affected by Alkalisilica Reaction at Seabrook Station. ML13154A5052013-06-0404 June 2013 Rai'S Following Ifib Analysis of NextEra Energy'S 2013 Decommissioning Funding Status Reports for Seabrook ML13099A2152013-04-18018 April 2013 Forthcoming Meeting with Nextera Energy Seabrook, LLC (Nextera) Regarding a Pre-Submittal for a Fixed Incore Detector License Amendment Request ML13066A4882013-03-21021 March 2013 Summary of Meeting Held on February 21, 2013, Between the NRC and NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLS Regarding License Renewal Application, Seabrook Station ML12242A3702012-09-0505 September 2012 Request for Deviation from the Reactor Oversight Process Action Matrix to Provide Increased Oversight of the Alkali-Silica Reaction Issue at Seabrook ML12236A3852012-08-23023 August 2012 Memo Summary of NextEra Energy Seabrook Drop in Visit and Slides, August 22, 2012 ML12222A0392012-08-0909 August 2012 8/16/2012 Cancellation Notice of Forthcoming Conference Call with NextEra Energy and Florida Power and Light Concerning Generic Letter 2004-02 and Request for NRC Staff Review of Draft Proposed Guideline for Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Proto ML12213A0612012-08-0101 August 2012 8/16/12 Forthcoming Conference Call with NextEra Energy and Florida Power & Light Concerning Generic Letter 2004-02 and Request for NRC Staff Review of Draft Proposed Guideline for Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Protocol ML12164A9012012-06-22022 June 2012 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on 5/24/12, Between the NRC and NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC Concerning the Drai Pertaining to the Seabrook Station LRA ML13196A2202012-06-0606 June 2012 Memo from B. Balsam, NRR and D. Logan, NRR to J. Susco, NRR on Summary of Section 7 Consultation Activities Related to the National Marine Fisheries Service'S Final Rule to List the Atlantic Sturgeon ML12173A4622012-06-0404 June 2012 Draft Letter from D. Roberts, Region I to J. Jolicoeur, NRR; Subject: Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction ML12173A4632012-06-0404 June 2012 Draft Letter from D. Roberts, Region I to R. Nelson, NRR; Subject: Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction ML12174A0122012-06-0404 June 2012 Draft Letter from J. Clifford, Region I to R. Nelson, NRR; Subject: Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction ML12174A0172012-06-0404 June 2012 Draft Letter from J. Clifford, Region I to R. Nelson, NRR; Subject: Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction ML12174A0152012-06-0404 June 2012 Draft Letter from J. Clifford, Region I to R. Nelson, NRR; Subject: Request for Technical Assistance, Seabrook Station Alkali-Silica Reaction ML1208600492012-03-23023 March 2012 Corrected Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC (NextEra) Regarding Seabrook Station Concrete Degradation ML12054A7292012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 5 ML12054A7132012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 8 2010817 ML12054A7312012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 3 ML12054A7042012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from Darrell Roberts to John Jolicoeur Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 2 ML12054A7282012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 5 ML12054A7272012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 4 ML12054A7112012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 6 ML12054A7122012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 7 (2) ML12054A7142012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 8 Comment ML12054A7302012-02-16016 February 2012 DRAFT- from James Clifford to Robert Nelson Request for Technical Assistance Seabrook Station ALKALI-SILICA Reaction, Draft 3. Resolved ML11354A1182011-12-22022 December 2011 12/8/2011 Summary of Meeting Between NRC Staff and the Nuclear Energy Institute to Discuss Current License Renewal Topics ML11343A4482011-12-0909 December 2011 NextEra Drop in Meeting Summary and Slides from 11-14-2011 Meeting with Region-I ML11327A0722011-11-30030 November 2011 Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on November 22, 2011, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, Concerning the Response to the Request for Additional Information Pertaining to the Seabrook St ML11304A1662011-11-0404 November 2011 Summary of Tele Conf Call Held on 3/3/11, Between the USNRC and NextEra Energy Seabrook, Llc. Concerning Clarification of Information Pertaining to the Seabrook Station Request for Additional Information Responses ML11304A1512011-11-0404 November 2011 Summary of Tele Conf Call Held on 4/8/11 Between USNRC and NextEra Energy Seabrook, Llc. Concerning Clarification of Information Pertaining to the Seabrook Station Request for Additional Information Responses ML11304A1092011-11-0404 November 2011 Summary of Tele Conf Call Held on 5/31/11, Between the USNRC and Nextera Energy Seabrook, Llc., Concerning Clarification of Information Pertaining to the Seabrook LRA ML11277A0462011-10-26026 October 2011 Summary of Public Meetings Conducted to Discuss the Dseis Related to the Review of the Seabrook Station License Renewal Application 2023-02-22
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February 22, 2023 Patricia L. Skibbee Board President C-10 Research and Education Foundation 11 Chestnut Street Amesbury, MA 01913
Dear Patricia Skibbee:
I am responding to your email from December 16, 2022, on the Seabrook Integrated Inspection Report (ADAMS Accession No. ML22326A180). Responses to the specific questions are enclosed.
Sincerely, Matt R. Young, Chief Projects Branch 2 Division of Operating Reactor Safety
As stated Matthew R.
Young Digitally signed by Matthew R.
Young Date: 2023.02.22 09:39:58
ML23053A050 x
SUNSI Review x
Non-Sensitive Sensitive x
Publicly Available Non-Publicly Available OFFICE RI/DORS RI/ORA RI/DORS RI/DORS RI/DORS RI/DORS NAME JDeBoer DScrenci TDaun SElkhiamy NFloyd MYoung DATE 2/14/23 2/14/23 2/14/23 2/14/23 2/16/23 2/14/23
Enclosure U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Response to Questions in the December 16, 2022, memorandum, and email As you requested, we are responding to the questions listed below.
Q1. First, the green NCV on the failure of the staff to properly implement the required hourly walk-downs of the A safety injection pump room during the time the fire alarms were not all functioning at that location. As you are aware, this is the same violation that occurred and was documented in the 2021 4th quarter IIR, different location. At that time, further training and therefore future proper implementation was ensured. Why did this same failure occur again? At what point do such repeated violations, if any, escalate to cited violations?
The failure to implement appropriate compensatory hourly fire patrol occurred because the licensee failed to properly use a formal process to evaluate an alternate compensatory action to ensure all aspects of an adequate fire watch were being performed. Specifically, the plant staff were doing fire rounds in the vicinity, a zone two levels above the room that required fire patrol and did not evaluate the appropriateness of the action. The inspectors identified that the alternate compensatory action taken by the licensee did not provide the ability to see the entire area requiring surveillance and affected the ability to identify a potential fire. Section 2.3.2 of the NRC Enforcement Policy specifies when repeated violations are escalated to cited violations. This was not to a cited violation because green violations are not escalated.
Q2. The service water cooling tower inspection results on August 23 revealed this structure is nearing its threshold limits due to ASR expansion. (AR 02434877). (report section 71111.15)
This situation is particularly troubling due to factors specifically pertaining to the service water cooling tower structure. Such towers have a relative humidity of nearly 100%, while the temperatures can be around 40-50 degrees Celsius, providing an environment ideal for ASR progression. ASR in this structure has not, to our knowledge, been mentioned in earlier reports.
This situation generates questions:
1-Where was the ASR detected (inside or outside)? (detection on the outside is of greater concern, since the humidity and temperature are both higher on the inside.)
2-What were the observed values/crack indices?
3-Have samples been extracted for laboratory confirmation?
4-If so, how representative is the apparently single measurement taken of the entire structure?
5-What is the future (immediate future) plan for further inspection to determine other ASR locations where this could be occurring but not observed using the currently required observation measures in this structure?
Visual indications of the effects of ASR were observed on specific locations inside and on the exterior of the structure. Core samples have been taken from this structure as well as many other safety-related structures in accordance with Seabrooks structures monitoring program. The NRC previously reviewed the service water cooling tower when it exceeded a threshold limit and documented the results of our review in Inspection Report 05000443/2021002 (ML21222A126). In general, the structure meets the code requirements with the addition of ASR loads except for a few structural elements. The inspectors reviewed the licensees prompt operability determination and supporting structural evaluations and calculations to verify that NextEra staff appropriately justified the functional capability for this structure.
The inspectors concluded that the structural evaluation was completed in accordance with the NRC-approved methodology document and the structure remained capable of performing its intended safety
2 function. This structure was reviewed again in the NRCs November 22, 2022, inspection report when a threshold limit was identified to be nearing its limit. NextEra plans to continue to monitor this structure at an increased frequency under the structures monitoring program to ensure it stays within the analyzed limits or until a structural modification is completed.
Q3. What specific actions have been instituted/contemplated by NextEra (and/or required by the NRC) in response to the finding that the service water cooling tower is nearing its threshold limit?
NextEra intends to conduct structural modifications to the service water cooling tower that will increase the available margin to ASR building deformation-related limits as well as several compensatory actions in the interim, including monitoring at increased frequency. In accordance with the licensees NRC-approved methodology document and the structures monitoring program, a structural re-evaluation is required once a threshold limit is exceeded which may result in refined threshold limits or the need for corrective action such as physical structural modification.
Q4. What is the historical time frame from a finding in the POD procedure to a real repair/fix?
The word promptly is used in the regulations, but what is the actual timeline?
The time frame for implementing a repair is dependent on several factors and is governed by the safety significance of the structure, system, or component. The licensee is required is to ensure the structure, system, or component will be capable of performing its specified safety functions when needed, until the next surveillance test or scheduled inspection measurement, and or until the corrective action (repair) is completed.
Q5. Generally and overall, with the numerous issues now in play at the plant-including ASR-it seems that a quarterly report would contain many more findings. Why is this report so brief?
The report documents the inspections that were completed in the quarter in accordance with NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0611, Power Reactor Inspection Reports, and NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0612, Issue Screening. The inspection report accurately documents any more than minor performance deficiencies identified by NRC inspectors.