Letter Sequence Draft RAI |
MONTHYEARTSTF-22-04, Technical Specifications Task Force - Transmittal of TSTF-591, Revision 0, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program2022-03-22022 March 2022 Technical Specifications Task Force - Transmittal of TSTF-591, Revision 0, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Request ML22181A7442022-06-30030 June 2022 Acceptance for Review Regarding Traveler TSTF-591, Revision 0, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Acceptance Review ML22235A7382022-08-19019 August 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Draft RAIs for TSTF-591 (L-2022-PMP-0003) Project stage: Draft RAI ML22272A5542022-10-0707 October 2022 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-591, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: RAI ML23153A1442023-09-11011 September 2023 Draft SE of Traveler TSTF-591, Revise Risk-Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Draft Approval ML23262B2302023-09-21021 September 2023 Final SE of TSTF-591, Revision 0, Revise Risk-Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Approval ML23262B2292023-09-21021 September 2023 Cover Letter Transmitting Final SE of TSTF-591, Revision 0, Revise Risk-Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Approval ML23325A2182023-09-21021 September 2023, 18 December 2023 Final Model SE of TSTF-591 Project stage: Request ML23325A2142023-12-18018 December 2023 Final Model SE of TSTF-591, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Other ML23325A2132023-12-18018 December 2023 Cover Letter for Final Model SE of TSTF-591, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Project stage: Other 2022-08-19
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MONTHYEARML23209A0442023-07-25025 July 2023 Email Concurrence for DSS Log 2188 (TSTF-584) ML22235A7382022-08-19019 August 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Draft RAIs for TSTF-591 (L-2022-PMP-0003) ML21218A0892021-08-0404 August 2021 Email of Feedback on Draft Traveler TSTF-588, Remove List of COLR (Core Operating Limits Report Methods ML21266A4122021-07-0101 July 2021 Feedback on Interaction of Inservice Testing (IST) and 10 CFR 50.69 ML21109A1412021-04-0606 April 2021 TSTF-585 Rev. 0 Revise LCO 3.0.3 ML21097A1902021-04-0101 April 2021 Email: Minor Comment on TSTF-577 Draft SE ML21097A1872021-03-30030 March 2021 Email: TSTF Review of Draft Safety Evaluations for TSTF-577, Rev. 1, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML18262A3732018-09-0707 September 2018 Industry Analysis of Whether Open Phase Condition Equipment Requirements Should Be Included in the Technical Specifications ML18122A1642018-04-27027 April 2018 E-mail Transmitting TSTF-568 Draft RAIs ML17297B7452017-10-24024 October 2017 Input to Friday'S Call on TSTF-542 ML17289A9292017-10-16016 October 2017 TSTF-542 Issue That Affects BWR5 and BWR6 Plants ML17208A1582017-07-24024 July 2017 Discussion of I&C Related Issues Regarding TSTF-505 for July 25 and Augsut 1, 2017 Teleconferences ML17081A3802017-03-21021 March 2017 E-mail - Multi-Licensee License Amendment Request Example ML17157B2272017-02-13013 February 2017 E-mail Follow-up Action from the November 1, 2016 Presubmittal Meeting on TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR ML16298A0072016-10-21021 October 2016 Draft Traveler TSTF-564, Revision 0, Safety Limit MCPR, for November 1 Presubmittal Meeting ML16054A7092016-02-11011 February 2016 E-mail Regarding Industry Response to NRC Comments on TSTF Draft Letter Regarding TSTF-425, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5b. ML14328A4142014-11-14014 November 2014 E-mail Transmitting Handouts from 11/13/14 Tstf/Nrc Meeting ML14310A3402014-11-0606 November 2014 E-mail Transmitting TSTF-547 Comments ML1125900822011-09-0808 September 2011 E-mail Markup for TSTF-490, Revision 1, Deletion of E Bar Definition and Revision to RCS Specific Activity Tech Specific. ML15034A1492011-04-21021 April 2011 E-mail Transmitting TSTF Handouts from 04/10/2014 Meeting ML1101400462011-01-14014 January 2011 E-mail of Industry Presentation from January 12, 2011, Meeting ML1101400092011-01-12012 January 2011 E-mail from Brian Mann Providing TSTF-505 Proposed Approach Materials ML1033702182010-12-0202 December 2010 TSTF 432 Revision 1 Missing Page E-mail ML0921205762009-07-21021 July 2009 E-mail Comments to 7/20/09 Letter on TSTF Traveler-400 2023-07-25
[Table view] Category:Request for Additional Information (RAI)
MONTHYEARML24264A0232024-09-20020 September 2024 RAI TSTF-600, Rev. 0, Revise the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure Isolation Valve (PIV) Leakage Testing Frequency ML23222A2272023-08-10010 August 2023 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-592, Revision 1, Revise Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Instrumentation Requirements ML23010A2592023-01-11011 January 2023 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-592, Revision 0, Revise Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) Instrumentation Requirements ML22272A5542022-10-0707 October 2022 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-591, Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program ML22235A7382022-08-19019 August 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - Draft RAIs for TSTF-591 (L-2022-PMP-0003) ML22193A2372022-07-12012 July 2022 Request for Additional Information TSTF-589, Eliminate Automatic Diesel Generator Start During Shutdown ML21109A1352021-04-12012 April 2021 TSTF-576 NRC Comments on Draft Rev 1 and Draft RAI Response ML20308A6562020-11-0606 November 2020 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-577, Revision 0, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections ML20132A1832020-05-11011 May 2020 Request for Additional Information TSTF-576, Revision 0, Revised Safety/Relief Valve Requirement ML20065J9902020-03-0505 March 2020 March 5 2020 TSTF Quarterly Meeting Handout, Agenda Item Iiib - Generic RAIs for LARs to Adopt TSTF-505 RICT ML19323D5342019-11-19019 November 2019 Draft RAIs TSTF-554, Revise Reactor Coolant Leakage ML18134A0752018-05-21021 May 2018 Request for Additional Information (RAI) Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-569, Revise Response Time Testing Definition ML18127A4052018-05-0707 May 2018 Draft RAI TSTF-569, Revise Response Time Testing Definition. ML18122A1662018-04-27027 April 2018 Draft RAIs TSTF-568, Clarify Applicability of BWR/4 TS and TS 3.6.3. ML18095A2292018-04-12012 April 2018 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR ML18085A0252018-03-20020 March 2018 Traveler TSTF-564, Safety Limit MCPR, Draft RAIs ML18100A0942018-01-29029 January 2018 Draft RAIs from Apla TSTF-563, Revise Instrument Testing Definitions to Incorporate SFCP ML16215A1252016-08-0202 August 2016 Request for Additional Information for Technical Specifications Task Force TSTF-553, Revision 0, Add Action for Two Inoperable Control Room Emergency Air Temperature Control System Trains, CAC No. MF7061 ML16028A4532016-02-23023 February 2016 Request for Additional Information TSTF-553, Add Action for Two Inoperable Creatcs (Control Room Emergency Air Temperature Control System) Trains. ML15322A2842016-02-0404 February 2016 Request for Additional Information TSTF-537, Revision 0, Increase CIV Completion Time; Update of TSTF-373. ML15322A2702016-01-12012 January 2016 Request for Additional Information Regarding Traveler TSTF-454, Revision 3, Extend PCIV Completion Times (NEDC-33046). ML15293A1612015-12-0808 December 2015 Request for Additional Information (RAI) TSTF 542, Rev. 1, Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control, ML15281A2912015-11-18018 November 2015 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-551, Revision 1, Revise Secondary Containment Surveillance Requirements. ML15208A2872015-08-13013 August 2015 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-541, Rev 0, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements When the Safety Function Is Being Performed ML15033A1082015-06-0202 June 2015 Draft Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-529, Revision 2, Clarify Use and Application Rules TSTF-14-17, Technical Specification Task Force - Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-454, Revision, Extend PCIV Completion Times (NEDC-33046) and Submittal of TSTF-454, Revision 32015-03-31031 March 2015 Technical Specification Task Force - Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-454, Revision, Extend PCIV Completion Times (NEDC-33046) and Submittal of TSTF-454, Revision 3 ML15057A2482015-02-26026 February 2015 Notice of Forthcoming Public Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Technical Specifications Task Force TSTF-551 ML14310A3442014-11-0606 November 2014 Draft RAI from Srxb TSTF-547, Clarification of Rod Position Requirements. ML14196A4142014-07-0707 July 2014 TSTF Handout from 7/10/14 Meeting TSTF Concerns with TSTF-505 RAIs ML13045A8602013-03-0404 March 2013 Request for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-537, Revision 0, Increase CIV (Containment Isolation Valve) Completion Time; Update of TSTF-373 ML12279A2082012-10-19019 October 2012 TSTF-531 RAIs ML12279A1342012-10-19019 October 2012 TSTF-454, Rev 2, RAIs ML12158A5472012-06-13013 June 2012 TSTF-523 Acceptance Letter and RAIs ML1108908172011-04-12012 April 2011 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-508, Revision 1, Revise Control Room Habitability Actions to Address Lessons Learned from TSTF-448 Implementation ML1020402322010-07-27027 July 2010 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-505, Revision 0, on Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4b ML1015304012010-07-0707 July 2010 Acceptance for Review and Request for Additional Information for TSTF-432, Revision 0, Change in Technical Specifications End States (WCAP-16294). ML0914704322009-06-11011 June 2009 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-514 on Reactor Coolant System Leakage Detection ML0906808132009-04-17017 April 2009 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-508, Revision 0, Revise Control Room Habitability Actions to Address Lessons Learned from TSTF-448 Implementation ML0828004842008-11-0404 November 2008 Evaluation of TSTF Responses to NRC Staff Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding Traveler TSTF-493, Revision 2, Clarify Application of Setpoint Methodology for LSSS Functions. ML0820406052008-08-13013 August 2008 RAI for Review of TSTF-506, Rev 0 ML0812101752008-06-0404 June 2008 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-500, Rev. 0, DC Electrical Rewrite - Update to TSTF-360. ML0810400032008-05-0505 May 2008 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-501, Revision 0, Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Values to Licensee Control ML0721206302007-10-0202 October 2007 Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding TSTF Traveler 425, Revision 1, Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control - RITSTF Initiative 5. ML0627700892006-11-0909 November 2006 Request for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-478, Revision 0, BWR Technical Specification Changes That Implement the Revised Rule for Combustible Gas Control 2024-09-20
[Table view] |
Miller, Ed Sent:
Friday, August 19, 2022 3:08 PM To:
Brian Mann Cc:
Honcharik, Michelle
Draft RAIs for TSTF-591 (L-2022-PMP-0003)
DRAFT TSTF 591 RAIs_BC Approved.docx
- Brian, Attached is the NRC staffs draft RAI for the subject request. The questions are being transmitted to you to determine 1) If the questions clearly convey the NRC information needs, 2)
Whether the regulatory basis for the questions are clear, and 3) If the information has already been provided in existing docketed correspondence. Additionally, review of the draft question will allow you to determine what response time you can support. After youve had a chance to review, please let me know if you would like to have a clarification call or public meeting to discuss. Thank you.
Ed Miller (301) 415-2481
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Draft RAIs for TSTF-591 (L-2022-PMP-0003)
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Bullet 3 specifically discusses that the report should include open facts and observations (F&Os) from the peer-review of the implementation of the NDM. Throughout Section 3.1 of the TSTF, specifically the second to last paragraph, the TSTF does not discern between open technical-F&Os, or open implementation-F&Os resulting from an NDM peer review. Furthermore, Section 3.1 of the TSTF states in part, If open finding-level F&Os from an NDM peer review cannot be successfully closed via an NRC-endorsed peer review process, the NDM could be submitted to the NRC to determine the acceptability of the NDM. Submitted applications that use NDMs with open finding-level F&Os related to the NDM will be subject to review by the NRC to determine acceptability of the NDM, its implementation in the PRA, and its potential impact on the application."
The above paragraph from the TSTF discusses the submission of applications for NRC staff review of NDMs for acceptability where open finding level F&Os cannot be closed via an NRC-endorsed peer review process. It is unclear to the staff what the specific application processes the TSTF is referring to (e.g., Topical Report). Furthermore, the NRC observes the proposed TSTF stipulates submittal of the NDM report only prior to the use in a RICT calculation. Please provide the following information:
- a. Confirm for the report proposed to be submitted that any open F&Os from the technical review will all be closed using an NRC-endorsed peer-review process, and any remaining open F&Os from the implementation peer-review will be included in the report.
- b. From Section 3.1 of the TSTF, identify which submittal process the TSTF is proposing to be used for a licensee to submit NDMs when open finding -level F&Os from an NDM peer review cannot be successfully closed using an NRC-endorsed peer review process. In addition, confirm the type of open finding-level F&Os (i.e., technical, implementation, or both).
- c. As discussed in RAI 1.b above, the TSTF states when an open-F&O cannot be closed, the NDM can be submitted to the NRC for acceptability review. The NRC notes, that the proposed reporting requirement in this TSTF only requires the NDM to be reported, and therefore is not subjected to a regulatory review process at the time of reporting. Therefore, it is unclear if the licensee intends to submit an NDM prematurely before the appropriate NRC staff determination of acceptability has been concluded. Explain how the NDM will not be used in the RICT program before an NRC determination of acceptability.
APLA DRAFT RAI 2 In Appendix A of the LAR, within the column titled Discussion for 5.6.X, states in part, A newly developed method that has been previously submitted by a licensee no longer satisfies the definition of a newly developed method and a report is not required...
In the glossary of RG 1.200, Revision 3 the definition of newly developed method and consensus method is described as follows:
Consensus method/model: In the context of risk-informed regulatory decisions, a method or model approach that the NRC has used or accepted for the specific risk-informed application for which it is proposed. A consensus method or model may also have a publicly available, published basis and may have been peer reviewed and widely adopted by an appropriate stakeholder group.
Newly developed method: A PRA method that has either been developed separately from a state-of-practice method or is one that involves a fundamental change to a state-of-practice method. An NDM is not a state-of practice or a consensus method.
Section C.2.2.2 of RG 1.200, Rev. 3 further states [t]he use of an NDM in a PRA is considered a PRA upgrade. For the submittal of the RICT program upgrades report, the report is submitted to the docket No. for that specific facility operating license (FOL) RICT program and is not considered generically applicable to other RICT programs. The NRC staff is not aware of any publicly available, or published basis that concludes the accepted-generic use of the NDM for the specified risk-informed application.
Considering the above, it is unclear to the NRC staff how an NDM that has been previously submitted by one licensee would not be required to be submitted by another licensee to be used in their RICT program.
In that context, address the following:
- a. The proposed TS 5.6.[X] is titled Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Upgrade Report. Inherit in the title, the scope of the report is intended to include upgrades, specifically those upgrades that include NDMs. Discuss why an NDM that has been reported by a licensee does not have to be reported by another licensee for use in their RICT program. In the discussion explain how that NDM meets the definition to be considered a consensus method, as defined in the glossary of RG 1.200, Revision 3, thereby making it applicable to be used generically in the RICT program. In the explanation identify the publicly available, or published basis where the NRC staff has determined that the NDM is accepted for use in the TS program (i.e., generic to the TS program and not specific to a docketed licensees TS program)? The NRC staff acknowledges that the regulatory position C. in RG 1.200, Rev. 3 recognizes that Section 5.2 of PWROG-19027-NP states that the peer review report for an NDM must be publicly available.
APLA DRAFT RAI 3 Appendix A of the TSTF, within the column titled Discussion for C.1, states in part, [t]he details in the NRCs 2021 proposal Paragraph f and 2022 proposal Paragraph g duplicate requirements in RG 1.200, regulatory positions C.1 through C.4... RG 1.200, Revision 3 provides guidance for the acceptability of PRA results for risk-informed activities and is not specific to the RICT program. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that conformance only to RG 1.200, Rev. 3 would be sufficient to meet the requirements for acceptability of the PRA for use in the RICT program, and consistent with NEI 06-09-A. Address the following:
- a. Propose alternative language to paragraph f for the proposed TS 5.5.[XX] that ensures the inclusion of all PRA model requirements, e.g., that includes NDM reporting for this specific risk-informed activity (i.e., RICT program) that the NRC has approved in PWROG-1907-NP, and NEI 06-09-A, where the guidance stipulates the PRA must be updated every 2 refueling cycles.
Furthermore, for the proposed Model Application, in Section 3.1 for No Significant Hazards Consideration Analysis No. 3, the response states in part, [t]he proposed change updates the standard for maintaining and updating PRA models used to calculate a RICT from NRC-approved Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 2, to NRC-approved Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 3. As discussed above RG 1.200, Revision 3 provides guidance for the acceptability of PRA results for risk-informed activities and is therefore not specific to the RICT program. NRC issuance of a Safety
Evaluation for the approval of a licensees RICT program does not only consider RG 1.200, but also considers the approved industry NEI guidance for the RICT program and other applicable guidances.
Address the following:
- b. Propose alternative language to response No. 3 in Section 3.1 for the No Significant Hazards Consideration Analysis that that ensures the inclusion of all PRA model requirements, e.g.,
includes NDM reporting for this specific risk-informed activity that the NRC has approved in PWROG-1907-NP, and NEI 06-09-A, where the guidance stipulates the PRA must be updated every 2 refueling cycles