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Gns Gesellschaft Fur Nuklear-Service Mbh, 10 CFR72 Application of Castor geo69 Dry Storage System, Technical Meeting
Person / Time
Site: 07201052
Issue date: 02/07/2022
GNS Gesellschaft fur Nuklear-Service mbH
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Download: ML22046A028 (96)


Non-Proprietary Version

@ GNS 10 CFR72 Application of CASTOR geo69 Dry Storage System GNS Ges e11 sch aft f ur Nuk Iea r-S er vice m b H Technical Meeting

Agenda - Public Part Project Overview

  • Scope and Intention of Part 72 Application
  • Applicable Regulations and Guidelines
  • Comparison with German Storage Regulations
  • Status of Application Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 2

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Project Overview

  • GNS aims to obtain approvals for its
  • Tran sport and storage cask CASTOR geo69

- 10 CFR 71 Application on 01/14/2021 Do cket: 71-9383

- 10 CFR 72 Application on 06/07/2021 Docket: 72-1052

  • Quality Assurance Program (QAP)

QAP Description Application on 07/10/2020 Docket: 71-0967

- Taking into account both, the requirements according to 10 CFR Part 71 , Subpart H and 10 CFR Pa rt 7 2, Su b pa rt G Propr ietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Tec h nica I M eeting / 10 CF R 72 CASTOR ge o 69 DSS/ 3 Non-Proprietary Version

Scope and Intention of Part 72 Application Approval of the DSS for SNF without any connection to a specific storage facility

  • Definition of a generic storage environment
  • Derivation of boundary conditions for DSS evaluation
  • Specification of requirements for storage facilities Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Me eting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR ! > geo69 DSS/ 4

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Applicable Regulations and Guidelines l"-"!',,kCU.., >0-.-(:...,_>JroatC~IIOt."tll)>>f'Aff1'l-UCl:l !i.U at.:Ql)JJU:Mon~ ~Oil TID. l!\0t.PL,uu.r STOf.A(;t. Of Sff.h'T Nut."U:.AI. ' UU.. IIIUJ L..l:.VU.

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CFR 7 2 Su bpa rt L - Ap p r ova I of Sp e nt Fu eI Tlll'vp,:oo,,,.



Off'IC:I o, 1IIIJCI..IAlt lllf.GlU.TOflTM:MNICH 12.)~

Storage Casks

  • RG 3.61 + Periodic Review conducted 1n July Tl.lO~po.-:lll:& ........ftlll'W'-UI 11-ca..-.


,mATDf'ICM.s.vwf'YIAM..,..~l"ClllA WOffl'\aOft~~

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  • NU REG 2215 7:UOl'llbl-.!

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,._._,.l't,pl,..J*F-With exception of chapters only applicable for Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage specific licenses (SL) of ISFSI Systems and Facilities Applicable referenced Guidelines Final Report

........,.~~JOZO o . ~* A;rt102!)


Propr iet ary Inform ation withhel d pe r 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meet ing / 10 CF R 72 CASTO R111 geo69 DS S/ 5 Non-Proprietary Version

App licable Regulations and Guidelines Scope for Certificate of Compliance Scope for Certificate of Compliance Applic.ability Applicability and Soecific License Reviews and Specific License Reviews Normal Design Ambient Temperature: Design-Basis End Drop:

Event Conditions (1) Maximum Accident Design (1) Lift height (or maximum (2) Minimum Events and acceleration)

Conditions Loading: Side Drop:

(1) Wet or dry (1) Lift Height (or Maximum Acceleration)

Storage and Handling (e _g _, load ing, transfer) Orientation: Tipover:

(1) Vertical or Horizontal (1) Acceleration (if applicable)

Maximum Lift Height Fire:

(1) Duration Maximum Cladding Temperature (2) Temperature 1% Fuel Rod Rupture Complete Air Flow Blockage Solar lnsolation Explosive Overpressure Off-Normal Design

  • Temperature Variation Beyond Design-Basis Flood Event Conditions Normal Natural Phenomena Design Events and Earthquake
  • 10% Fuel Rod Failure Combined with Off-Normal Temperatures Conditions Tornado
  • Failure of One of the Confinement Burial Under Debris Boundaries
  • Partial Air Flow Blockage Lightning
  • Human Error Other potentially relevant events
  • Out-of-Tolerance Equipment identified in 10 CFR Part 72 {see SRP Performance Section 3.5-2-5), as annlicable
  • Equipment Failure
  • Faulty Instrumentation Calibration Propr ietary Information withhe ld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Prop rie tary Version Techn ical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 6

Comparison with German Storage Regulations

  • Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in either
  • 12 Onsite intermediate storage facilities attheNPPor
  • 2 Central intermediate storage facilities (Ahaus/ Gorleben)
  • No separate Coe for Dry Storage Systems DSS are included in licenses for relevant storage facilities esundesamtfu rd ieSicherheitdernuklearenEnt1orgung
  • Separate regulatory authorities in each federal state
  • No generally applicable requirements regarding evaluation
  • Storage System related evaluations are individually commissioned by the licensee of the respective storage facility Propr ietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technica l Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR fl geo69 D55/ 7

@ GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Status of Part 72 Application Application: 06/07/2021 Request for supplemental information: 10/18/2021

  • Existing Ii nkage to th e Pa rt 71 appIi cat io n onIy a 11 ow s su bseq ue nt eva Iuat ion by NRC GNS intends to separate the Part 72 SAR from the Part 71 SAR during revision.
  • Unspecified storage environment results in the need of further evaluations of the DSS main topic of today's meeting I

- -th Observations tal information w1 Request for supplem~STOR geo69 storage cask Model No. No. N 72 1052 Docket o. -

. - -on needed by the staff in 1information (RSI) iden~fies mtorma~1cate of compliance for the This request '.or ~upplemt:e review of the application for a c;~~21 (AgencyNide Document connection with its a~~ep :9 spent ruel pack.ages, dated Ju~~78)_ The U.S. Nuclear Regulato Model No. CASTOR ~~~ system Accession No. M~11!! guidance in NUREG-2215, Acces~ a~d l\l(t~~6::taff reviewed the application u~ny~tems and Facilities."

comm1ss1on . f Spent Fuel ory storage "Standard Review Plan or . . - '

. - listed by technical disc1p\me of rev1e~1.

The requested information is Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 8

End of Public part Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

(@)GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo 69 DSS/ 9

Agenda - Closed Part

  • Background and schedule requirements
  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations
  • Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS
  • Safety evaluations to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • Organized by specialty department:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

(@)GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 10

Agenda - Closed Part Background and schedule requirements DSS and CLU

  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative co~cept for DSS Safety evaluations to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • 0 rgan ized by spec i aIt y d e pa rt m e nt :

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 11 Non-Proprietary Version

Background and Schedule Requirements Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 12 Non-Proprietary Version

Agenda - Closed Part Background and schedule requirements DSS and CLU

  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS Safety evaluations to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • Organized by specialty department:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 13 Non-Proprietary Version

Configuration of DSS Protection cover CASTOR geo69 storage cask ~

  • Cask incl. lid system
  • Canister incl. lid system
  • Basket Protection cover
  • incl. cable conduit Storage cask Pro prietary Information withhe ld pe r 10 CF R 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 14

@ GNS Non-Propri etary Version

uration of DSS Proprietary lnform.atlon withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 15

Intended Handling Operations with the storage cask at nuclear facilities Horizontal delivery of the storage cask at N PP 11 At truck lock inside reactor facility

  • Tilting between horizontal and vertical position (load attachment to trunnions by crane}
  • Open/closure and dispatch of cask lid system (installing pressure switch}
  • Accepting transfer cask, transfer lock and canister transshipment 11 Vertical onsite transfer between reactor and storage facility Inside building of storage facility
  • (Installing pressure switch, if not already done, dispatch of cask lid system)
  • Vertical transfer to/from storage position, e.g. by crane using trunnions
  • (Dis-}connecting pressure switch to monitoring system of storage facility
  • Placing/removing protection cover (incl. cable conduit} on top of cask
  • Maintenance operations during long-term storage Proprietary Inform atlon withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 16

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 17 Non-Proprietary Version

Agenda - Closed Part

  • Background and schedule requirements 055 and CLU
  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS 11 Safety eva Iuatio ns to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • Organized by specialty department:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 19

Intended Handling Operations with CLU components inside the reactor facility

  • Any CLU handling provided exclus ively inside NPP facility
  • Loading of FA into canister positioned inside transfer cask on ground of SNF pool Crane transfer of transfer cask out of pool on trunnions
  • Crane transfer of transfer cask to the truck lock
  • Mounting transfer lock on storage cask
  • Positioning transfer cask on top of transfer lock J

0 pen ing and closure of bottom lid

  • Lowering canister into storage cask
  • Removal of CLU components Propr ietary Info rmation withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Mee tin g / 10 CFR 72 CA STO Rge o69 DSS/ 18

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Concept of Safety Evaluations - CLU Compliance with safety objectives ensured by NPP building Normal conditions: Accident conditions:

  • Solar insolation
  • Transfer cask drops
  • Snow & ice (s in gle failure proof crane, etc)
  • Max. lift height
  • Transfer cask tipover (single failure proof crane) (anchoring to the building)
  • Fire (no combustible mate rials)
  • Explosive Overpressure (no combustible mate rials)

Off-norm aI conditions: Natural phenomena:

  • Off-normal ambient temperatures
  • Flood
  • Tornado wind & missiles
  • Burial under debris (closed , non -c ollapsing DSF building)

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meet ing/ 10 CF R 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 20

Concept of Safety Evaluations - CLU Compliance with safety objectives ensured by CLU Normal conditions:

  • Ambient temperatures (usage for T < 0°C not permitted , Tmax (pool water)< S0 °C, Tmax (reactor hall)< 35°C)
  • Loading, Handling
  • Max. lift height (single failure proof trunnions)
  • 1%fuelrodrupture
  • Cladding Temperature Off-normal conditions:
  • Off-normal ambient temperatures
  • Small release of radioactive material (due to contamination of canister or transfer cask during underwater loading)
  • Human error, equipment or instrumentation failure, misalignment, loss of power for a limited duration, Unintended mechanical loads Propr ieta ry Info rmat ion withhe ld per 10 CFR 2.39 0 Techn ical M eeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR ~ geo69 D55/ 21

@ GNS Non-Prop rietary Version

Concept of Safety Evaluations - CLU Compliance with safety objectives ensured by CLU Normal condi t ions:

  • Ambient temperatures (usage for T < 0°C not perm itted , Tmax (pool water)< 50°( , Tmax (reactor hall )< 35°()
  • Loading, Handling
  • Max. lift height (single failure proof trunnions)
  • 1% fuel rod rupture
  • Cladding Temperature Off-norm aI conditions: ""'a\


  • Off-normal ambient tempe~ ~~ o\ 0
  • Small release of rad ~ ,t"Be~ ter~~ec;Se (due to contam i~ tit O!an ist<<,\°~~ r cask dur ing underwater loading)
  • Hum ~ ~, _eg ui ~~'dr iru_t_PJ_mentation failure ,

misalignm ~ \\)8 of ~,~'I,~~a limited duration, Uninte ~ a m~~"'iai i oads acco Propr ietary Info rmation withhel d per 10 CFR 2.390 Tec hni ca l Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 22

(@) GNS Non-Prop rietary Version

Discussion Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 23

Agenda - Closed Part

  • Background and schedule requirements
  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS Safety eva Iuatio ns to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • 0 rga n ized by specialty de pa rtm e nt:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Inform atlon withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 24

Current Concept of Safety Evaluations - DSS Compliance with Safety objectives ensured by DSF (building)

Normal conditions: Accident conditions:

  • Solar insolation
  • Cask end and side drops
  • Snow & ice (s ingle failure proof crane)
  • Max . lift height
  • Tipover (excess ively hig h seismic loads (single failure proo f crane) excluded)
  • Blockage of ventilation openings of storage building Off-norm al conditions: Natural phenomena:
  • n.a .
  • Flood
  • Tornado wind & missiles
  • Burial under debris (closed , non -collapsing DSF bu ilding)
  • Lightning Propr ieta ry In format ion withhe ld per 10 CFR 2.390 Techni cal Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 25

@ GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Current Concept of Safety Evaluations - DSS Compliance with Safety objectives ensured by DSS Normal conditions: Accident conditions:

  • Ambienttemperatures
  • Fire~ 5 min and ~ 800°C
  • Storage, Hand Ii ng, 0 rie ntatio n (max . 200 liters t ransporter fuel)
  • Loading
  • Explosive overpressure
  • Max. lift height
  • Tipover (single failure proof trunnions) (out of balance with no initial velocity bounded by cask end and side drop)
  • 1%fuelrodrupture
  • Cask end and side drops
  • Cladding Temperature (single failure proof trunnions)

Off-normal conditions: Natural phenomena:

  • Off-normal ambient temperatures
  • Ea rt hquake
  • Off-normal pressure (10% fuel rod ruptur.

with release of 100% fill and 15% fission gase

  • Pressure switch alert
  • Human error, equipment or ins r entation failure, misalignment, lossofpowerfora limited duration, Unintended mechanical loads Proprietary Informa tion withhel d per 10 CFR 2.390

@ GNS Non-Prop rietary Version Techni cal Meet ing/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 26

Current Concept of Safety Evaluations - DSS

  • DSS without connection to any specific storage facility
  • Postulating a generic storage facility Curren t application assumes that the DSS will be housed in the building of a fictitious, non -

existent storage environment Definition of boundary conditions for DSS safety evaluation Design of the DSS

  • Safety evaluations Inclusion of restrictions in the CoC "DSS may only be operated in storage facilities that ensure ... "

Propr ietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting / 10 CFR 72 CASTO R* geo 69 DSS/ 27

@ GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Discussion Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 28

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Agenda - Closed Part 11 Background and schedule requirements

  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations 11 Concepts of safety eva Iu atio n s
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS Safety evaluations to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • Organized by specialty department:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 29

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Alternative Concept of Safety Evaluations - DSS 11 If current evaluation concept is not accepted by N RC ...

Alternative approach by GNS:

  • Free-field storage of DSS:

DSS extended by a storage frame anchored on reinforced concrete foundation Fully comprehensive safety evaluations ...

- according to NUREG-2215, Section

- Norm al

- off-norm aI

- accident conditions

- natural phenomena

... without taking credit of any installations of the storage facility (building, pad, etc.) are to be performed.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 30

Extended configuration of DSS CASTOR geo69 storage cask Protection cover

  • Cask incl. lid system
  • Canister incl. lid system
  • Basket Protection cover Storage cask
  • Incl. cable conduit
  • Storage frame
  • extends the current DSS design Storage frame (example)

Proprietary Information wit hheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@ GNS Non-Prop rietary Version Technica l Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 31

Alternative Concept of Safety Evaluations - DSS Compliance with Safety objectives ensured by DSF Normal conditions: Accident conditions:

  • M ax . Ii ft hei ght
  • Caskdrops (single failure proof crane) (excluded by single failure proof crane)

Off-n arm aI conditions: Natural phenomena:

  • n.a .
  • n.a.

Propr ietary Inform al ien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Techn ical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR 111 geo69 DSS/ 32

(@) GNS Non-Prop rietary Vers ion

Alternative Concept of Safety Evaluations - DSS Compliance with Safety objectives ensured by DSS Normal conditions: Accident conditions:

  • Amb ient tern peratures
  • Fire~Sminand~800°C
  • Solar insolation (max . 200 lite rs transporter fuel)
  • Explosive overpressure
  • Snow & ice (max. 200 liters transporter fuel)
  • Loading, Handling Transport, Stora
  • Tipover
  • Max . lift height (single fa ilure proof trunni (excluded by storage frame)
  • 1% fuel rod rupture
  • Cask drops
  • Cladding temperature (exc luded by single failure proof trunn ions)

Off-n arm al conditions: Natural phenomena:

  • Off-normal ambient temperatures
  • Lightning
  • Off-normal pressure (10 % fuel rod ruptur.
  • Flood with release of 100% fill and 15% fission gase
  • Pressure switch alert
  • Burial under debris
  • Human error, equipment or ins r (e .g. by mud flow) misalignment, loss of power for a limited duration,
  • Tornado wind & missiles Unintended mechanical loads Propr iet ary Information withheld pe r 10 CFR 2.390 Te chnical M eet ing/ 10 CFR 72 CA STOR ge o69 055/ 33 Non-Propri etary Version

Concept of Safety Evaluations - Onsite Transfer Compliance with safety objectives ensured by storage cask Normal conditions: Accident conditions:

  • Ambient temperatures
  • Fire ~ 5 min and ~ 800°C
  • Solar insolation (max . 200 lite rs transporter fuel)
  • Transfer
  • Explosive overpressure (max . 200 liters transporter fuel)
  • Max. lift height (sing le failure proo f trunnions)
  • Tipover and drop from vehicle
  • 1% fuel rod rupture
  • Cladding Temperature Off-normal conditions: Natural phenomena:
  • Off-normal ambient temperatures
  • Lightning
  • Off-no rm aI pressure
  • Ea rt h q u ake (10% fuel rod rup t ure with release
  • Tornado wind & missiles of 100% fill and 15% fission gases)
  • Human error, misalignment, Unintended mechanical loads Proprietary Informa tion withhe ld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meet ing / 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 34

(@) GNS Non-Prop rietary Vers ion

Discussion Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 35 Non-Proprietary Version

Agenda - Closed Part Background and schedule requirements DSS and CLU

  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS Safety evaluations to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • 0 rga nized by specialty de pa rtm ent:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 36

Safety evaluations Structu ra I eva Iuation Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 37

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations Structu ra I eva Iuatio n

  • Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation 11 Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 38

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Structural evaluation - Safety Evaluations - DSS

  • ACS
  • Dead weight
  • Cask drop
  • Handling
  • Tipover (DSS & onsite-transfer)
  • Normal pressure
  • Fire
  • Normal environmental temperatures
  • Explosive overpressure
  • Snow and ice loading off-NCS Natural phenomena
  • Temperatures beyond normal
  • Tornado winds and missiles
  • Off-normal pressure
  • Flood (only DSS)
  • Lightning Proprietary Inform alion withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 39

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Structural evaluation - Safety Evaluations - CLU NCS:

  • Dead Weight
  • Handling
  • Environmental Temperatures off-NCS:
  • Temperatures beyond Normal
  • Off-normal Pressure
  • Human error during handling (e.g. slight collision of CLU with service platform)
  • Equipment failure (e.g. failure of electric cylinder in transfer lock)

Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 40

Structural evaluation - RSI-St-1: Storage Frame Storage frame is not part of the current application!

  • Structural evaluation

- Determines maximum loads resulting from a design basis earthquake that the storage cask can withstand

- At sites where stronger earthquakes may occur, a storage frame is to be used. It must then be designed according to the requirements of the storage facility and the storage cask, and corresponding evaluations must be carried out.

  • Thermal evaluations

- Conservatively, a generic storage frame is assumed to demonstrate that even then no temperatures limits are exceeded.

  • In case of free field storage, storage frames as ITS component will be designed to increase the stability of the casks in the event of a tornado or earthquake.

Either removal or consequently consideration in the entire SAR Rev. 1 depending on the chosen safety evaluation concept.

Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 41

Structural evaluation - RSI-St-2: ACS & natural phenomena Subject already discussed before.

  • Current concept:
  • Cask are placed in a storage facility hall without any particular assessment
  • GNS requests CoC with restrictions on instead of specifications of a storage facility hall 11 Alternative concept
  • In case of free field storage all relevant accidents and natural phenomena and their impacts on the casks' performance and safety functions will be assessed.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 42

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations 11 St r uct u ra I evaIu at i o n

  • Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation
  • Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures
  • Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 43

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Thermal evaluation - Safety Evaluations - DSS 111 NCS & off-NC S:

  • Current concept:

- Ambient temperature

  • Alternative concept:

- Ambient temperatures covered by 10 CFR 71: "cold (-40°C}" and "warm {38°C}"

- lnsolation according to 10 CFR 71.71 (full values, not averaged over 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s}

  • Current and alternative concept:

- Cask standing in an array of casks of the same type with the same heat power; thereby the heat emission by thermal radiation is reduced accordingly Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 44

Thermal evaluation - Safety Evaluations - DSS

  • ACS
  • Current and alternative concept: Fire~ 5 min and~ 800°C (max. 200 liters transporter fuel)
  • Alternative concept: Tipover Natural phenomena
  • Alternative concept: Burial under debris, flood

- Tr ansie nt heat- u p u n d e r ad ia bat ic co n d it io ns (o ut e r cask su rf a ce)

- Designating the time remaining for countermeasures until the limit temperatures are reached.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 45 Non-Proprietary Version

Thermal evaluation - Safety Evaluations - CLU

  • NCS:
  • Temperatures during short term operations
  • off-NCS:
  • Off-normal ambient temperatures combined with
  • 10 % fuel rod failure
  • Ev aIuat io ns of sh o rt i nt e r rupt io ns d uring o pe ratio ns Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 46

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version J

Thermal evaluation - RSI-Th-1: short-term, off-normal conditions and ACS 111 Requested additional thermal conditions will be analyzed as follows and provided in Rev. 1 of the SAR:

a. the unloading condition,
b. blockage of storage hall ventilation openings obsolete in case of free field storage (alternative concept}
c. fire while the canister is within the transfer cask, obsolete, fire is not a credible accident for transfer cask handled exclusively in reactor facility
d. burial under debris, Transient heat-up under adiabatic conditions (outer cask surface} (alternative concept}
e. tip-over (e.g., thermal effects due to horizontal cask orientation) (alternative concept}
f. effect(s) of a collapsed storage hall that encloses the CASTOR storage system.

obsolete in case of free field storage (alternative concept}

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 47

Thermal evaluation - RSI-Th-2: Failed Fuel Rods at maximum decay heat

  • Thermal analyses that demonstrate the effect of failed fuel rods at the maximum design decay heat value will be provided in Rev. 1 of the SAR Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 48

Thermal evaluation - RSI-Th-3: Thermal Model Validation Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide the validation reports Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 49

Thermal evaluation - RSI-Th-4P: Effective Thermal Properties of FA Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide the calculation methods and results for determining effective thermal properties of the FA Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 50 Non-Proprietary Version

Thermal evaluation - Obs-Th-1: Surface Treatments - cask & transfer cask Thermal evaluations assume certain thermal properties for e.g. emissivity of transfer casks or storage casks I.e., thermal designs of DSS and CLU makes certain demands on the thermal properties of the materials used, to be specified in a fabrication specification Inner and outer surfaces the cask body and the transfer cask are to be coated to provide defined thermal specifications as required by thermal evaluation.

Qualified products shall be used (typically used for transport and storage casks are e.g.

In Rev. 1 of the SAR a qualification report for possibly used coatings will be provided.

Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 51 Non-Proprietary Version

Thermal evaluation - Obs-Th-2: Vapor and Helium Pressure 11 Pressure during vacuum drying

  • Canister and Cask: -

11 At this pressure level, the heat conductivity is not dependent on the pressure so that the heat removal is not affected

  • At a reduced pressure o f - i n case of a vacuum equipment failure, the heat conductivity is still not dependent on the pressure The helium pressure is discussed in the chapters about the containment evaluation and operating procedures
  • Canister:
  • Cask:

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 52

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Thermal evaluation - Obs-Th-3: Input and Output Files of Thermal Analyses

  • The input and output files of the bounding thermal analyses will be provided.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 53

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Thermal evaluation - Obs-Th-4P: Ambient Temperature Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 54

Safety evaluations St r uct u ra I evaIuat ion Thermal evaluation

  • Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 55

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - Safety Evaluations - DSS NCS:

  • Shielding evaluations are performed for both generic building and open-air storage
  • Ambient temperature - "cold" and "warm" casks are considered
  • Instead of 1 % fuel rupture a covering scenario of 3 % fuel rupture is considered
  • Occupational exposure (cask dispatch, storage site)
  • Occupational exposure (preparation of D55 for storage) off-NCS:
  • The only relevant scenario to be considered is 10 % fuel rupture
  • For high burn up fuel a credit of an additional 20 a cooling has been taken for the rupture scenario only (according to NUREG-2224: rupture due to storage)
  • Evaluations of short interruptions during operations ACS and Natural Phenomena regarding shielding result in:
  • Loss of moderator - very conservative assumption, considered in SAR
  • 100 % fuel damage - considered in SAR Proprietary Inform atlon withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 56

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - Safety Evaluations - CLU II NCS:

  • Near-field evaluation of the CLU during loading, dispatch, transshipment, etc.
  • Annual dose at the site boundary off-NCS:
  • Consequences of the equipment failure or/and human error:

- No influence on the CLU shielding capabilities

  • Annual dose at the site boundary with 10 % fuel rupture

- No increase of the dose rates is expected due to the axially homogeneous shielding design Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 57

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - RSI-Sh-1: Drawings - Storage cask For design parts lists and drawings the SAR storage refers to the transport application.

GNS intends to resolve references to the SAR (transport) in the Rev. 1 of the SAR (storage)

Thus, in Rev. 1 of the SAR, all relevant design parts lists and drawings will be included in the Appendix to Chapter 1.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 58

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - RSI-Sh-2: Drawings - Basket For design parts lists and drawings the SAR storage refers to the transport application.

  • GNS intends to resolve references to the SAR (transport) in the Rev. 1 of the SAR (storage)

Thus, in Rev. 1 of the SAR, all relevant design parts lists and drawings will be included.

Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide a material qualification report for the basket material Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 59

@_)GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - RSI-Sh-3:

Off-normal, accident and natural phenomena conditions on the CLU Subject already discussed before.

CLU exclusively handled with SN F inside the reactor facility.

Only normal and off-normal conditions to be considered during handling.

  • Accident and natural phenomena conditions are not credible conditions.

Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide the requested evaluations for off-normal conditions Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@)GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 60

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - RSI-Sh-4:

Acceptance & maintenance tests, acceptance criteria

  • Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide
  • further information regarding acceptance tests and criteria of the components in

- basket plates

- moderator rods and plates targeting the shielding and criticality safety functions

  • mate ria I qualification reports far

- the basket material

- the moderator material Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 61 L _ _ _____ * - - - - * - * - - - - - - - - - . --- --- -- -

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - RSI-Sh-SP:

Occupational dose assessment Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide an assessment of the occupational dose during

  • the preparation of the storage cask for long-term interim dry storage
  • the set-up of the CASTOR geo69 DSS at the storage facility Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

(@)GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 62

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - RSI-Sh-6P:

Description of Basket Material In Rev. 1 of the SAR, a sufficient description of the basket material will be added to Chapter 1 For design parts lists and drawings the SAR storage refers to the transport application.

GNS intends to resolve references to the SAR (transport) in the Rev. 1 of the SAR (storage)

Thus, in Rev. 1 of the SAR, all relevant design parts lists and drawings will be included.

  • Rev. 1 of the SAR will provide a material qualification report for the basket material Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 63

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - Obs-Sh-1: Operating Procedures 11 GNS intends to resolve references to the SAR (transport) in the Rev.1 of the SAR (storage) 11 In Rev. 1 of the SAR all operating procedures will be provided in Chapter 9 In Rev. 1 of the SAR Section 9.3 will be reviewed with regard to completeness and supplemented if necessary Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 64

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - Obs-Sh-2P:

Normalized burnup profiles Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 65

Shielding & radiation protection evaluation - Obs-Sh-3P:

Specifications of Contents Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 66

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations 11 St r uct u ra I ev aIuat ion Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 67

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Criticality evaluation - Safety Evaluations - DSS Evaluated configurations within the criticality safety analysis:

  • infinite array of flooded storage casks
  • infinite array of dry storage casks
  • single, fully reflected storage cask NCS, off-N CS and ACS:
  • The evaluated configurations are bounding.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 68

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Criticality evaluation - Safety Evaluations - CLU Evaluated configurations within the criticality safety analysis:

  • single, fully reflected transfer cask Normal conditions during handling
  • The evaluated case is bounding.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 69

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations Structu ra I eva I uatio n Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR- geo69 DSS/ 70

Containment evaluation - Safety Evaluations - DSS NCS:

  • No dedicated activity release and corresponding dose calculations (acc. to NUREG-2215) since structural evaluation states that containment remains leak tight acc. to ANSI N 14.5 (design leakage rate< 10- 7 ref*cm 3/s)
  • Activity mobilization inside the canister
  • Pressurization of Containment Vessel off-N CS:
  • In analogy to NCS, but with adjusted failure and release fractions taken into account.


  • In analogy to NCS, but with adjusted failure and release fractions for ACS Fire and ACS impact (acc. to NUREG-2224) taken into account.
  • If applicable, adjustments as a result of e.g. changed temperatures inside of cask and/or canister.

Natural phenomena

  • If applicable, adjustments as a result of e.g. changed temperatures inside of cask and/or canister.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Tech nica I Meeting/ 10 CF R 72 CASTOR gee 69 DSS/ 71

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Containment evaluation - Safety Evaluations - CLU The components of the CLU (especially the transfer cask) provide no containment function for the SNF. The canister as primary containment for the fuel is not part of the CLU and is evaluated within the DSS containment evaluation.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

(@)GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CF R 72 CASTOR geo 69 DSS/ 72

Containment evaluation - Obs-Co-1:

Pressure Switch and Pressure Monitoring System Use of pressure switches is established in Germany (and also in other European countries)

  • Pressure switches are usually commercially purchased and provided by the storage facility
  • In Rev.1 of the SAR Section 1.2 will be supplemented by detailed information (description, functionality, performance specifications and operational requirements) of
  • The pressure switch
  • The pressure monitoring system
  • Corrective actions in case of an pressure switch alert Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting / 10 CF R 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 73 Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations St r uct u ra I evaI uat ion Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation

  • Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Tech nica I Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo 69 DSS/ 74

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Materials evaluation - RSI-MA-1: Basket Material Qualification Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Tech nica I Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 75

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Materials evaluation - RSI-MA-1: Basket Material Qualification Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 76

Materials evaluation - RSI-MA-1: Basket Material Acceptance Tests Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 77

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Materials evaluation - RSI-MA-1: Basket Material Acceptance Tests Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 78

Materials evaluation - RSI-MA-2: FA Alloys The fuel rod cladding is made of Zircaloy-2. Internal water rods and channels as well as outer channels are made of Zircaloy-2 and Zircaloy-4.

In Rev. 1 of the SAR Table 2.1-1 is adjusted accordingly Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Tech nica I Meeting / 10 CF R 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 79

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Materials evaluation - Obs-Ma-1: Technical Drawings - Storage cask For design parts lists and drawings the SAR storage refers to the transport application.

GNS intends to resolve references to the SAR (transport) in the Rev. 1 of the SAR (storage)

Thus, in Rev. 1 of the SAR, all relevant design parts lists and drawings will be included in the Appendix to Chapter 1.

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 80

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Materials evaluation - Obs-Ma-2: Classification of Fuel Assemblies Intact (undamaged) fuel assembly means a fuel assembly without known or suspected cladding defects greater than pinhole leaks and hairline cracks, and which can be handled by norm al means. Pa rtia I fuel assemblies, that is fue I assemblies from which fuel rods are missing, shall not be classified as intact fuel assemblies unless dummy fuel rods are used to displace an amount of water greater than or equal to that displaced by the original fuel rod (s).

SAR assumes that the fuel rod failure for different storage conditions from NU REG 2224 are valid for intact (undamaged) fuel rods only. Higher fuel rod failure rates which had to be assumed for damaged fuel are not covered at least for normal and off-normal conditions of storage.

The statement regarding fuel qualification based on requirements for criticality safety, decay heat removal, radiological protection, and structural integrity might be misleading.

SAR Section 8.4.1 describes procedures to ensure that only intact (undamaged) fuel assemblies are loaded.

Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 81

Materials evaluation - Obs-Ma-3: Procurement of Cast Iron Cask Body Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 82

Safety evaluations

  • St r uct u ra I ev aI u at ion Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 83

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Operating Procedures - RSI-Op-1: (Un-)Loading Procedures

  • GNS intends to resolve references to the SAR (transport) in the Rev. 1 of the SAR (storage)

Thus, in Rev. 1 of the SAR, loading and unloading procedures will be supplemented to Chapter 10 Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 D55/ 84 Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations St r uct u ra I evaIu at io n Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation 11 Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 85 Non-Proprietary Version

Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Pressure & leakage tests of confinement boundaries Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

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Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Pressure & leakage tests of confinement boundaries Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

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Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Pressure & leakage tests of confinement boundaries Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 88

Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Acceptance Leakage Test - Cask Body Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 89

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Acceptance Leakage Test - Cask Body Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 90

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Acceptance Leakage Test - Cask Body Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 91

Acceptance Criteria and Maintenance Program - RSI-Ac-1:

Acceptance Leakage Test - Cask Bo_dy Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 92

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Safety evaluations St r uct u ra I evaI uat ion Thermal evaluation Shielding & radiation protection evaluation Criticality evaluation Containment evaluation Material evaluation Operation procedures Acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Inform alien withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 93

@)GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Agenda - Closed Part

  • Background and schedule requirements DSS and CLU
  • Definition and description of configurations
  • Handling operations
  • Concepts of safety evaluations
  • Concept for CLU
  • Current concept for DSS
  • Alternative concept for DSS
  • Safety evaluations to be performed
  • resulting from concepts and RSI
  • 0 rga n ized by specialty de pa rtm e nt:

Structural, thermal, shielding & radiation protection, criticality, containment and material evaluations, operation procedures, acceptance criteria and maintenance program Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Technical Meeting/ 10 CFR 72 CASTOR geo69 DSS/ 94

@GNS Non-Proprietary Version

Further Topics?

Proprietary Information withheld per 10 CFR 2.390 Tech n ica I Meeting / 10 CF R 72 CASTOR geo 69 DSS/ 95 Non-Proprietary Version

Non-Proprietary Version

@ GNS 10 CFR72 Application of CASTOR geo69 Dry Storage System GNS Ges e II sch aft f ur N uk Iea r-Se r vice m b H Techn ical Meeting L