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Rev. 20 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 3, Appendix 3I
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Issue date: 10/22/2020
NextEra Energy Seabrook
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{{#Wiki_filter:SEABROOK UPDATED FSAR APPENDIX 31 REPORT ON ANALYSIS OF HIGH ENERGY LINE BREAKS OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT The information contained in this appendix was not revised, but has been extracted from the original FSAR and is provided for historical information.


  • CalllanY Amendraen t 56 November 1985 Report No. 9763-006-S-N-2

SECTION 1.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.0 6.0 SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE OF CONTENTS .!:!!1! LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES


nmtoDOCTION METHOD OF ANALYSIS Mass and Energy Releases .Mencl*ent 56 November 1985 Pressure/T~erature/Huaidity Transients HELB ANALYSES AND RESULTS Primary Auxiliary Building Containment Enclosure Area Main Steaa/Peedwater Pipe Chase Tank Para Area Waste Processing Building/Primary Auxiliary Building Chase BWBLB ANALYSES AND RESULTS Pri.ary Auxiliary Building Containment Enclosure Area Fuel Storage *Building

  • Eaersency Peedwater ~house Service Water Pumphouse CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES 31-i

TABLE NO. 2.1-1 2.2-1 3.1-1 3.1-2 3.2-1 3.2-2 3.3-1 3.3-2 3.4-1 3.4-2 3.5-1 3.5-2 4.0-1 4.o-2 SB 1 & 2 PSAil LIST OF TABLES Determination of Mass/Energy Release Design Basi& Inforaation Amendment 56 Noveaber 1985 Primary Auxiliary Building - High Energy Line Break Locations Primary Auxiliary Building - S~ry of Results Containment Enclosure Area - High Energy Line Break Locations Contaiu.ent Enclosure Area - Su.mary of Results Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase - High Energy Line Break Locations Main Steaa/Feedwater Pipe Chase - *summary of Results Tank Fara Area - High Energy Line Break Locations Tank Fara Area - SlaDilry of Results Waste Processing Building/Priaary Auxiliary Building Chase - High Energy Line Br.eak Locations Waste Proeeesing Building/Primary Auxiliary Building Chase - S.-ary of Results Bot Water Beating Line Break Locations Bot Water Beating Line Breaks - *Su.a&ry of Results 31-ii

FIGDltE NO. 2.1-1 2.1-2 2.1-3 3.1-1 3.1-2B 3.1-2C 3.l-2D 3.1-3A 3.1-3B 3.1-3C 3.1-3D 3.1-4A 3.1-4B 3.1-4C 3.1-4D SB 1 & 2 FSAR LIST OF FIGURES Amendment 56 November 1985 Primary Auxiliary Building Showing Locations of HELB Temperature Detection Thermocouples Containment Enclosure Area Showing Locations of HELB Temperature Detection Thermocouples Containment Enclosure Area Showing Locations of HELB Temperature Detection Thermocouples Zone Designations of Pri.ary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations Nodal Arrangement of Pri.ary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Steam Generator Blow-down Line Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of PAB for Steam Generator Blow-down Line Break Analysi~ Temperature Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 3" Steam Generator Blowdown Line Pressure Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 3" Steam Generator Blowdown Line Nodal Arrangement of Primary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2302-2-8" Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of PAB for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2302-2-8" Break Analysis Temperature Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line Pressure Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line Nodal Arrangement of Priaary Auxiliary Building at Vai'"ious Elevations for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2303-1-6" Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of PAB for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2303-1-6" Break Analysis Temperature Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 6" Auxiliary Steam Line Pressure Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 6" Auxiliary Steam Line 3I-iii

FIGURE NO. 3.1-5A 3.1-SB 3.1-SC 3.1-50 3.1-6A 3.1-68 J.l-6C 3.1-6D 3.l-7A 3.1-7B 3.1-7C 3.1-7D 3.2-lA (Sheets 1 & 2) 3.2-lB 3.2-IC 3.2-ID SB 1 & 2 FSAR LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Aatendment 56 November 1985 Nodal Arrangement of Primary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Auxiliary Steam Conden-sate Line ASC-2404-2-3~ Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of PAB for Auxiliary Steam Line ASC-2404-2-3" Break Analysis Temperature Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 3.. Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line Pressure Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 3.. Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line Nodal Arrangement of Priaary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Auxiliary Steam Conden-sate Line ASC-2406-1-4" Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of PAB for Auxiliary Steam Con-densate Line AsC-2406-1-4w Break Analysis Temperature Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 4" Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line Pressure Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of 4w Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line Nodal Arrangement of Priaary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for CVCS Letdown Line Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of PAB for CVCS Letdown Line Break Analysis Temperature Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of eves Letdown Line Pressure Responses in PAB Following a Rupture of eves Letdown Line Containment Enclosure Area Showing Nodal Arrange-

  • aent for eves Letdown Line Break Analysis Nodal Parameters of eontain.ent Enclosure Area for eves Letdown Line Break Analysis Temperature Responses in Containaent Enclosure Area Following a Rupture of 3w eves Letdown Line Pressure Responses in Containment Enclosure Area Following a Rupture of 3"

eves Letdown Line 3I-iv

FIGURE NO. 3.2-lE 3.3-lA 3.3-1B 3.3-1C 3.4-lA 3.4-lB 3.4-lC 3.5-lA 3.5-1B 3.5-1C SB 1 & 2 PSAR LIST OF FIGDR.ES (continued) Amendment 56 November 198 5 Maximized Pressure Responses in Containment Enclosure Area Following a Rupture of 3" CVCS letdown Line Nodal Arrangement of Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase Nodal Parameters of Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase for Main Steam Line Break Analysis Temperature Response of MS/FW Pipe Chase Follow-ing a Saall (0.10 Sq. Ft.) Rupture of Main Steam Line Nodal Paraaeters of Tank Farm Area for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2.302.-32-8" Break Analysis Temperature Response of Tank Farm Area Follow-ing a Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line Pressure Response of Tank Farm Area Following a Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line Nodal Parameters of Waste Processing Building/ Primary Auxiliary Building Chase for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2339-1-1 1/2" Break Analysis Temperature Response of WPB/PAB Chase Following a Rupture of 1 1/2" Auxiliary Steaa Line Pressure Response of WPB/PAB Chase Following a Rupture of 1 1/2" Auxiliary Steam Line 3!-v

SB 1 & 2 PSAR SUMKUY Alllendment 56 November 198S The environmental envelopes that the safety related Class lE equipment will exper-ience following postulated.high energy line breaks outside containment have been determined. Systezas containing high energy lines for which breaks have been eva~uated. include the Main Steam, Feedwater, Auxiliary Steaa and Condensate, Chemical and Volume Control, Steaa Generator Blowdown, and Hot Water Beating. 3I-vi


SB 1 & 2 PSAR Alllendmen t 56 November 1985 It is necessary to demonstrate that equip11ent used to perfora a required safety function for Seabrook Nuclear Station - Units 1 & 2 are capable of properly in the normal, abnormal, or accident enviroDDental conditions to which they could be exposed. As stated in NUUG-0588(1), among these enviromaental conditions are the elevated te~erature, humidi t,., and/or pressure which could result from the postulated rup.ture of high energy lines which may be in the vicinity of thie equipaent. Tbe purpose of this study is to evaluate the co118equences of high energy line breaks outside containment and develop the enviro1111ental envelopes for Class lE equipaent. 31-1

2.0 METHOD OF ANALYSIS SB 1 & 2 PSAit Aaendment 56 Noveaber 1985 Each of the high energy linea and all of the Claaa lE equipment outside containment were identified and located. Baaed on this infonaation, the various plant buildings were nodalized and the high energy line break (BELB) locations chosen in such a way as to provide an accurate representation of the environmental conditions that would result in the vicinity of the Class IE equip.ent following a postulated BELB. 2.1 Mass and Energy Releases Each high energy line was evaluated on the basis of the methods of Standard Review Plans 3.6.1 and 3.6.2(2) to deteraine the types, areas, and locations of postulated ruptures that would result in the most severe environmental conditions at each of the Class lE equip-aent. The break releases were calculated using the Moody critical flow model(3) and accounting for physical restrictions within the system (e.g. flow and pressure control valves) and the frictional effects of the piping systea. These release rates were taken to be constant, i.e. no decay of the reservoir pressure was assu.ed, until isolation of the ruptured line was initiated or, as in the case of the closed Bot Water Beating Systems, until the piping inventory was depleted. ~e methods and assuaptions eaployed in calculating the aass and energy release rates for each high energy line are outlined in Table 2.1-1. As noted in this table, isolation of aany of these lines will be accomplished by the use of redundant teaperature detectors in various plant areas that, in the event of elevated teaperaturei, will send closure signals to redundant isolation valves present in the 3!-2

SB 1 & 2 fSAR Amendment 56 November 1985 high energy lines. The locations of these temperature detectors are provided in Figures 2.1-1, 2.1-2, and 2.1-3. The mass and energy release rates used in evaluating the pressure, temperature, and huaidity responses throughout the various plant areas are calculated and defined in References 6, 7, and 8. 2.2 Pressure/Temperature/Huaidity Transients The environmental conditions that result due to postulated high energy line ruptures were determined* for the following areas:

1. Primary Auxiliary Building (PAB)

Contaim~ent Enclosure Area ( CEA)

3. Fuel Storage Building (FSB)
4. Main St;eaa/Feedwater Pipe Chase
5. Tank FBI11 Area (TFA)
6. Waste Processing Building/Primary Auxiliary Building (WPB/

PAB) Chase For BELB other than Bot Water beating Line Breaks (BWHLB), the envir-onaental Responses of the PAB, CEA, TFA, WPB/PAB Chase, and KS/FW Pipe Chase were calculated using the COMPREss(4) coaputer prograa. Using the break mass and energy releases and the building nodaliza-tiona discussed previously, COMPRESS calculates the transient pres-sures, temperatures, and huaidi ties that would occur throughout the plant building following these ruptures. The.ethods and assumptions used in these pressure/ temperature calculations agree with those of NUREG-0588(1). Table 2.2-1 lists the ambient conditions, building initial conditions, and other pertinent design basis information used in analyzing these environmental transients. The ambient and initial conditions were 3I-3

SB 1 6 2 FSAR .AIIIendmen t 56 November 1985 chosen so as to maximize the temperature response that would result from these postulated HELB. In addition, the Uchida condensing steam heat transfer correlation is used during the condensing mode while a convective heat transfer coefficient of 2.0 Btu/hr-ft2-°F is used otherwise. The environmental response of the PAB, CEA, and PSB to postulated HWHLB was calculated using a reasonable, yet still conservative, hand calculation method which accounted for mass and beat transfer between the hot water and the room air. Since the HWH subsyste.s are closed systems which will not be isolated and these plant areas are supplied with ventilation air by non-class lE systems, the maximum temperatures and humidities that result from BWHLB are calculated by releasing the total HWH subsystem fluid mass into the initial rooa air 1188&. The building initial conditions were determined based on the histor-ical distribution of ambient conditions which occur during the ti* of the year when the HWH system is in operation (September through May). These conditions are defined in Table 2.2-1. JI-4

3.0 BELB ANALYSES AND RESULTS SB 1 & 2 PSAR Alllendment 56 NoYe~aber 1985 The environmental response of the plant buildings to postulated high energy line ruptures were calculated using the methods outlined in Section 2.0. The results of these RELB analyses (other than BWHLB) are presented in the following sections. 3.1 Primary Auxiliary Building From an evaluation of each of the high energy lines in the PAB and their operating conditions, it was concluded that the break locations listed in Table 3.1-1 would provide emrironmental envelopes for the Class lE equipment. Figure 3.1-1 shows the layout of the PAB and the zone designations which were useful in defining the environmental parameters throughout the PAB. Zone 32A, which is not shown, represents the PAB below the the (-)6' elevation and includes the piping tunnels, Zone 32B repre-aents the 2' and (-)6' elevations, and Zones 32 and 33C, 32 and 33D, and 32 and 33E represent the 7', 25', and 53' elevations, respective-ly. Zones 47 and 48 represent the Chemical and Vol~ Control System (CVCS) equipaent vaults and contain no Class lE equipment. Table 3.1-2 suamarizes the peak and enveloping te.peraturea and pres-aures that would occur in each of these zones for each postulated high energy line rupture. All area& can be taken to experience 100% relative huaidity, condensing environments, however, air displacement and thus essentially pure steu enviro011ents would be expected to occur only in the general vicinity of the postulated breaks. JI-5

SB 1 & 2 PSAR Amendment 56 November 1985 For each of the ruptures considered in these tables there follows a aeries of four figures, lettered A though D. The A series of these figures (e.g. Figure 3.1-2A, 3.1-3A) physically defines the nodal arrangement which was chosen to analyze the rupture's effect on the PAB environment. The B series provides the flow diagrams and physical paraaaeters (volumes, beat sink areas, flow areas) for this nodal arrangement. Figures C and D provide the calculated temperature and pressure transients for each of the nodes defined in the A and B aeries figures. 3.2 Containment Enclosure Area The Contaimaent Enclosure Area contains several high energy (eves) lines, however, only the letdown line operates at an elevated tem-perature. Therefore, only a rupture of this line has been considered as stated in Table 3.2-1. The layout of the Containment Encosure Area, which includes the Mechanical Penetration Area, the Charging Pwap Cubicles, and the Residual Beat Reaoval (RHR), Safety Injection (SI), and Containment Spray (CBS) Vaults, is shown in Figure 3.2-lA, Sheets 1 and 2. These figures also show the nodal arrange11ent used, while Figure 3.2-lB provides the corresponding flow diagram and physical parameters. Table 3.2-2 summarizes the pressures and temperatures experienced in the various areas of the enclosure volume following a postulated eves letdown line break. Figures 3.2-lC and 3.2-lD show the transient temperatures and pressures in the CEA. By a variation of the aaau.ed initial conditions (10% va. 95% relative huaidity), an additional investigation was made which determined the maximum pressure response of the CEA. This result is shown in Figure 3.2.-lE. For the HELB 3I-6

SB 1 & 2 PSAR Amendment 56 November 1985 temperature detection system is use, the peak pressures correspond to approxiaately 95 seconds after the break. These peak pressures are listed in Table 3.2-2. The relative humidity throughout all CEA compartaents would reach 100%. 3.3 Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase The breaks evaluated for the Main Steaa/Feedwater Pipe Chase are listed in Table 3.3-1. It was concluded that the MS line breaks will result in 1l0re severe environmental conditions than the FW line breaks. Figures 3.3-lA and 3.3-lB define the MS/FW Pipe Chase arrangement and nodalization. The MS/FW Pipe Chase reaches a maximum of 325°F for a spectrum of MS line break sizes from 0.10 ft2 to 1.0 ft2. The t~ perature transient resulting from a 0.10 ft2 break is provided in Figure ~.3-lC and the results are summarized in Table 3.3-2. 3.4 Tank Farm Area The break evaluated for the Tank Farm Area is listed in Table 3.4-1. Since no HELB temperature detectors are located in the Tank Farm Area, the Auxiliary Steam line break releases will continue until the operator detects the break and isolates the line. Figure 3.4-lA defines the nodal parameters used for the Tank Farm Area HELB analysis. The resulting tewaperature and pressure transients are provided in Figures 3.4-lB and 3.4-lC, respectively, and the peak values summarized in Table 3.4-2. 3!-7

SB 1 6 2 PSAR. Allendmen t 56 November 1985 3.5 Waste Processing Building/Primary Auxillary Building Chase The WPB/PAB Chase, which is located between the WPB.~nd ColWIIIl Line A of the PAB, contains both Class IE equipment and several Auxiliary Steam and Condensate linea. Tbe line ruptures which have been eval-uated are listed in Table 3.5-1. Figure 3.5-lA defines the nodal parameters used for evaluation of the WPB/PAB Chase response to postulated BELB. Figures 3.5-lB and 3.5-lC provide the temperature and pressure transients that result for the enveloping BELB. The peak values for pressure and te~~perature are suamarized in Table 3.5-2. 31-8

4.0 HWHLB ANALYSES AND RESULTS SB 1 ' 2 PSAR Alaendment 56 Noveaaber 1985 The environmental response following postulated BWHLB has been ca1.culated for those plant buildings with Bot Water Beating (BWH) systems which operate in the high energy region, i.e. pressure greater than 275 psig or temper-ature greater than 200°F. The HWBLB postulated are listed in Table 4.Q-l, The results of these BWBLB analyses are presented individually in the follow-ing sections and are summarized in Table 4.o-2. 4.1 Primary Auxiliary Building The peak environmental conditions at the 53' elevation of the PAB due to postulated HWBLB were found to be ll0°F with a relative humidity of 100%. These conditions are enveloped by the consequences resulting from other BELB postulated to occur in the PAB. 4.2 Containment Enclosure Area The BWB system piping which serves the PAB and FSB passes through the CEA. A postulated rupture of one of these lines results in tempera-tures and relative humidities throughout the CEA of approxi11Ultely 106°F and 100%, respectively. Due to the location of this piping, very localized conditions may be slightly more severe although the large recirculation air flows will tend to mitigate these effects to a certain extent. With the exception of these localized effects the environmental conditions that result from a eves letdown line break will envelope those resulting fr011 a HWBLB. 4.3 Fuel Storage Building Since the hot water heating piping are the only high energy lines present in the FSB, the environmental conditions that result from a postulated HWBLB will define the enveloping conditions for high 3I-9

SB 1 & 2 PSAR Alendment 56 November 1985 energy line ruptures. The resulting enviro1111ental conditions are lOODF with a 100% relative humidity. 4.4 Emergency Fee~ter Pumphouse Since the hot water heating piping are the only high energy lines . present in the EFWPR, the environmental conditions that result from a postulated HWHLB wtil define the enveloping conditions for high energy line ruptures. The resulting environaental conditions are aa*F with a 100% relative buaddity. 4.5 Service Water Pumphouse Since the hot water heating piping are the only high energy linea present in the SWPH, the environmental conditions that result fro* a postulated HWHLB* will define the enveloping conditions for high energy line ruptures. The maximum temperature that would be expected to result in the SWPH is 9o*r. Due to the relatively large room volume and 81U.ll volume of hot water heating piping for the SWPR, the maximum relative humidity that is expected to result following a HWHLB is 90% 3I-10


S SB 1 6 2 PSAR Amendment 56 November 1985 The analysis of high energy line ruptures outside containment has yielded a realistic evaluation of the elevated temperatures, pressures, and humidities that can result in the various buildings of Units 1 and 2. These results provide the HELB enviromaental envelopes for evaluation of the Class lE equipment. These envelopes should be evaluated along with the conditions that result following postulated -.oderate energy line breaks, loss of ventilation air flow, and any other events which aay cause adverse envir-onaental conditions to develop. 31-11

6. 0 REFERENCES SB 1 & 2 FSAR A.eend111ent 56 November 1985
1. NUREG-0588, "Interim Staff Position on. Environaental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equip.ent", August, 1979.
2. NUREG-0800, u.s. NRC Standard Review Plans 3.6.1 and 3.6.2, July, 1981.
3. Moody, F. J., "Maxilllllll Two-Phase Vessel Blowdown from Pipes*, Journal of Beat Transfer, August 1966.
4. OEC-TR-004-1, "COMPRESS - A Code for Calculating Subcompartaent Pressure Responses", July, 1976.
5. Appendix E attached to ANSI Standard N176, iDesign Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture".
6. Calculation Set No. 4.3.35-FOJ
7. Calculation Set No. MSVCS-FAG-07
8. Calculation Set No. 4.3.35-FOI 3!-12

TAliLI 2.1-1 DETIRKINATION OP KASS/INIRGt RELEASE Line Au*Jiiery Steaa and CYCS Letdown Line Steaa Generator llowdown Condeneete Linea Hein Steea t.ine f'eedve~er Line Rot Water Heatlna Line Plant Heetup Ph.. e Rot Standby Condition Full Power Fall Power Full Power Full P(lver Line p

  • 435plla p
  • 1100 pill p
  • 165 pill p
  • 1000 pile p
  • 1100 plia p
  • Jj7 pafa Condltlona T
  • l80"'F T
  • 550"F T* l511"'F T
  • 545"'F T
  • 440"F r
  • 250"F Moody crlth:al flow vltb leleaeee calculated leleeeee calculated llruk Critical Plow Liai ud by eves plpln& eyetea frlc:tlonel Llalted b7 upetreaa uetn1 Weettnshouee ualn& Weetln1houae Moody Flow Letdown Line Con-*

effects Included (Method-preaeure control lnforaation peckeae fnforaetlon peckeae Hodel trol Valvea ology of App.. ! attached YelYee -thodoloay aethodology to ANSI Std. K17&(5)) O.pendent on Loe-Dependent on Loca-Reactor Protection holatlon eUon: RUB Teap-RELB Teapereture Datec-tlont HILl Teapere-Syatea end !aeraeney Reactor Protection llo llolatlon Occur* Hech111nlea eture Detection tlon Syetea ture Detection Sye-Peedueter Dlecon-Syetea Byetea or Operator tea or operator ac:- tlnued at )0 aln. Action at 30 aln. tlon at lO alnatl!a. holetlon leoletlon VelYe In laolatton Valve ln No Ieoletlon Occure Valve Cloeure 10 Seconds 5 Seconds 15 Seconde Faulted Loop Falla. Faulted Loop Faile TiM

SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE 2.2-1 Design Basis Information A. Ambient Conditions

1. HELB, other than HWHLB:

HWHLB: B. Building Initial Conditions


BELB, other than HWHLB:


HWBLB: c.. HELB Temperature Detection System

1. Temperature at Isolation Signal Initiation:

(Intended to cover setpoint plus instrument error margins of up to l0°F)


System Response Time-time delay: until signal at isolation valves D. Ventilation System Operation


No credits are taken for energy removal or air exchange by non-Class IE ventilation systems.


Credits are taken for Class IE ventilation systems according to their performance characteristics following postulated HELB. E. Unit Trip

1. A concurrent loss of offsite power or unit trip bas not been assuaed.

Allendaent 56 Noveaber 1985 14.7 psia/88°F/100% RH 14.7 ps1a/70°F/95% RB 14.7 psia/104°F/95% RB 14.7 psia/86°F/56% RB 8.1 Seconds


SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE 3.1-1 Priaary Auxiliary Building High Energy Line Break Locations Amendment 56 November 1985 Steam Generator Blowdown Line (Lines No. SG-1301-5-3*, SG1304-5-3", SG-1307-5-3", or SG-lJU)-5-3")

a. At 53' elevation of PAB in vicinity of blowdown flash tank.
2. Auxiliary Steam and Condensate Lines
a. Line No.

2302-2-8"' - At 53' elevation of PAB along Coluan Line 5 between Columns A & B.

b. Line No.

2303-1-6" - At 7' elevation of PAB between Coluan Lines 5 & 6.

c. Line No.

2404-2-3"' - At (-) 6' elevation of PAB along Column Line


Line No. 2406-1-4" - At (-) 6' elevation of PAB along Column Line

3. Chemical and Volume Control System Letdown Line (Line No.


a. At 7' elevation of PAB in the eves equipment vault area.

SG-1310-5-3' AS-2302-2-8..- ZONE Break @ Break @ DESIGNATION Zone 32E Zone 33E Temp. Press. Te11p. Press.

  • r psiK
  • r PaiR 32A 108.

0.4 104 .04 328 108. 0.4 104. .o4 32C 108. 0.4 104.

  • 04 33C 108.

0.4 104.

  • 04 320 111.

0.4 105. .o4 33D 111. 0.4 105. .04 32! 165. 0.5 112. .04 33! 131. o.s 158. .06 47 108. 0.4 104. .04 48 108. 0.4 104. .04 TABLE 3.1-2 Primary Auxiliary Building Summary of Results AS-2303-1-6" AS-2404-2-3' Break @ Break @ Zone 33C Zone 32B Temp. Press. Temp. Press.

  • r paiR
  • r psig 104.

0.1 220 0.4 104. 0.1 220 0.4 104. 0.1 132 0.1 163. o.1 105 0.1 113. 0.1 105 0.1 113. o.1 105 0.1 104. 0.1 105 0.1 104. 0.1 105 0.1 134. 0.1 105 0.1 134. 0.1 105 0.1 AS-2406-1-4' CS-360-9-3" Break @ Break @ Enveloping Zone 328 Zone 47 Conditions Temp. Press. Temp. Press. Temp. Press.

  • r I


  • r paiR
  • r Psi A:

190. 0.3 114 .05 220. 0.4 190. O.J 114.

  • 05 220
  • 0.4 136
  • 0.1 112.

.05 136. 0.4 104

  • 0.1 107.

.05 163. 0.4 104. 0.1 108.

  • os 113
  • 0.4 104.

0.1 108.

  • os 113
  • 0.4 104.

0.1 107.

  • 05 165
  • 0.5 104.

0.1 107.

  • 05 158
  • o.s 120.

o.1 185.

  • 15 185
  • 0.4 120.

0.1 185.

  • 15 185
  • 0.4

SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE 3.2-1 Containment Enclosure Area High Energy Line Break Locations


Chemical and Volume Control Systea Letdown Line (Line No. CS-36o-~3") Amendment 56 Noveaaber 1985


In Mechanical Penetration Area (MPA) at (-) 34'-6* elevation near containment wall penetration.

Compartaent Mechanical Penetration Area Reuinder of Enclosure Volume (Including Charging Puap Cubicles & Ventilation Equipment Area) Sl 1 & 2 FSAR TABLE 3.2-2 Containaent Enclosure Area Samary of Results Amendment 56 November 1985 CVCS Letdown Line Ru 1ture (CS-360-9-3.. ) Peak Tuaperature (vF) Peak Pressure { paig) 134 0.35 108 0.35


Main Steaa Line SB 1 6 2 PSAR TABLE 3.3-1 Main Stea*/Feedwater Pipe Chase High Energy Line Break Locations

a. At 21' elevation of MS/FW Pipe Chase
2. Feedwater Line

At 3' elevation of MS/YW Pipe Chase Amendment 56 November 1985

SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE 3.3-2 Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase Sullllary of Result* Main Steam Line Jlupture Amendment 56 November 1985 Peak Temperature ("'F) Peak Pressure (psig) Pres1ure Varie1 dependent upon location with respect 325 to break location and bas been studied in detail in a separate analysis. Pressure: 4.8

SB 1 6 2 PSAR TABLE 3.4-1 Tank Fara Area High Energy Line Break Locations

1. Auxiliary Steam and Condensate Linea
a. Line No. AS-2302-32-s*

Allendment 56 Nove1aber 1985

SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE 3.4-2 Tank Farm Area SU!!!ey of Beaults Aurlliary Ste&111 Line l.upture Peak Teaperature ( *F) Peak Pressure {psig) 290 1.1 Aaencllaent 56 Hoveaber 1985

Sl 1 6 2 PSAJl TABLE 3.5-1 Amendment 56 November 198 5 Waste Processing Building/Primary Auxiliary Building Chase Higb Energy Line Break Locations

1. Auxiliary Steam and Coude~ate Lines

Line No. 2339-1-1 1/2" - At 53' elevation of WPB/PAB Chase B. Line No. 2341-1-1 1/2" -At 25' elevation of WPB/PAB Chase

SB 1 6 2 PSAil TABLE 3.5-2 Amendment 56 Noveaber 1985 Waste Processing Building/Priaary Auxiliary Building Cbaae Suaaary of Results AS~2339-l-1 1/2" Break AS-2341-1-1 1/2" Break Ccnapartaent @ 53' elevation @ 25' elevation Teap. (.F) Pressure {psig) Teap. {.F) Preaaure ( paig) WPB/PAB Chase 175 0.05 168 0.05 53' elevation WPB/PAB Chase 25' elevation 168 0.05 175 0.05 and 15' s* elevation NOTE: Due to the general arrangement of the WPB/PAB Chase area, the results obtained ~or a break of Line No. AS-2339~1-1 112* have been extrapolated to be repre-sentative of the environmental conditions that would result froa a break of Line No. AS-2341-1-1 1/2"

  • SB 1 & 2 PSAR TABLE 4.0-1 Hot Water Beating Line Break Locations
1. Primary Auxiliary Building
a. At 53' elevation of PAB

Containment Enclosure Area

a. At 21'-6" elevation of CEA
3. Fuel Storage Building a*.

At 21 '-6" elevation of PSB

4. Emergency Feedwater Pumphouse

At 27' elevation of EFWPH

5. Service Water Pumphouse

At 21' elevation of SWPH AJiendment 56 November 1985

SB 1 & 2 PSA& TABLE 4.o-2 Hot Water Beating Line Breaks of Results


Primary Awtiliary Builcliug: (53' elevation)


Containment Enclosure Area:

3. Puel Storage Building:
4. Emergency Peedwater Pumpbouse:
5. Service Water Pumpbouse:

Amendment 56 Noveaber 1985

tlnoll.,. n r. c I I 00 A 1,. i'CC,." r,.*.

lit, ll~*J...,. Flrtllt 11...
e. Pl.l hloootl ha *-
t. Ah t.ek c
    • PAl 1*1** I. C..*t*l-"1 D

r I I .. o r

f. ltlltt Ikner*
    • l*l*t flh***

A I A "* WtT Pipe .....,,.. Ah1o J. C\\ICS,... c I I 00 oD 1P .(1 [J I c IL *.Jh '-IL

  • . lt...........
    • Elutrl.. l a.. **
  • 610 '* Clatou

,. Peal......

  • I

!1or.wotlon l n A I D CJ B D D CJ D CJ E3 '* C\\'CI 'foa1ta

  • I
  • *.,..,............ u t..... _
    • lt***l.\\.~cr,.,. a....

c c D I I r

    • 11\\"AC 0,.11101
    • lleroo lnJoctl"" To.,.
    • Chl11or lorao Tult A

I I A J. a... It*.. c:.... u.. te TtM

    • ,.,.,... c.

Figul:"e 2.1-1: Primary Auxiliary Building Showing Locations of HELB Temperature Detection Thermocouples ll***tl** J " I I I I c I

  • I c
  • Denotes Thel:"mocouple Location

CIIAIICIIII: "'"" AUA 1.0111 u., c tl.,._.,.. **,._ II" D

c. Choralntl """'r*
    • Canr*t,..*nt l
  • rln*vr* Coolt"a *Unlt*

No Temperature Detectors Located in These Areas COIITAIIItii:IIT Yr.IITiLAliOII !JtCUJSt*t AI!A ltllt ~~ I rt. n*_,.. ** *tr* Figure 2.1-2: Containment Enclosure Area Showing Locations of HELD Temperature Detection Thermocouples N

    • I tllCMIJCAI. I'O!TUTJOII AIIIA EOIII II A I. I II. (-),.,_,. te H) 1'*11" IECIIAWICAL I'I:IIF.TUtibel Alr.A Zntr. U A

!1. (*)1'*0" le C*)t'-lr' Figur~ 2.1-3: Containment Enclosure Area Showing Locations of HELB Temperature Detection Thermocouples

  • . c.. nt*l-.. 1....,..... s,..,......,

lo. fl,.lo.. ael M.ot......... "- D ~ D r-r- ~ Thermocouple Location IIIII 4 II VAIILTI tal[ )0 A, I, C,

  • D

!1. (*)11 ' -o* te C*)ll'*l* N

~- J-I Elovnl..;, SJ n I c D r I I llnotlae n" c D A Eln1tl011 7 FT c 00 00 I


I c -~~---ll. I I e ~ I c D A . I c: c: ra:v... t behea11f1 l11lu.. nero fl. Air Lack

    • torte Act* T****

11--'- Floth ToM l*l*t rnt.. * .. ltoroao Aroo . CYCI Y.. tto PAl....... t, ** 1-


RAACT Pipe Cloeoo .. flutrl"l Chao* .. a................ tt. Air Lac

  • I.

Yai'M lhlo .. 410 ** LM* Ceatero

t. a.t*.- Doraeootft**

rAI lalot ' Cotltot-*t J. C\\'CI Ten

    • I'COI.......

. ha*WCT,,,. Chao* Figure 3.1-1: Zone Designations of Prtmary Auxiliary Building at Varioua Elevations D D rs.... u.... 1 ' ** n A I I I A

    • me o,.. l*r
    • IOrH hJectl-T*..
    • Chiller lura* ToM c

c 'f* A*** Ito.. CoiMio1111t1,...


Pipe Traach D en

  • _, CJ,..

t llro N

z-Elnou..:. U n c 00 0 I c

1. real llut lull**a*t*
    • liM....., rlull n*k

PAl bhouot Fa* *-


Ah 'Loc:1t


PAl l*let t. CHt*l-*t hr.. h** LIM liD. ll*lliO*~ * '"' It*. Con. 1 1-avn tlnotlon 2J h f A I 00 r A Q]I):J *0 Q]I):J

f. lnl*t... 1tn1
    • l*l*t rlltua
11. wcr,.,. a.. **

I. " Allie J. Cft:l t.. k 0 c

  • J

~.. ** P*l I D [j D Air lAck ltona* An* lleenle.. O.ue A D D B D CJ D CJ D CJ D A 610 ** t.ot** C.11ten I'COI....,. I C 0 c

    • lorle lell Ta*u

CVCI '**Ill .. Cllerthl,_, Veulu

t. t.r*...,. D*a*uiUu

llon*WCT,,,. Ch1te Figure 3.1-2A: Nodal Arrangement of Primary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Steam Gererator Blowdown Line Break Analysis D r D IIUitiDn 2 * ** rT A I

    • IIYAC Dpe1l~
    • lor" lnJIO Uoa T**"
a. Chlllu lerJI T..,lo c

c J* Aaa. IU** CoM11111t1 Tl.. '* Pipe T*-* D D

"'t \\ 1 l 3 .~ 5 6 VOLUME -~ ~ 1 -95,490 2 21.520 3 53,930 4 243,400 5 108,070 6 38,235 1 AntOSPliDl£ 1 FLoV PATB~"CBAIACT!IISTICS LOll fACTOI lliz AU:A(ft2) IBI1TIA(ft-1) Ec ~ 1 2 lS.O .OS .71 1.0 1 ] 121.7 .45 .42 *" 1 4 9.40 .ee .71 1.0 2 4 31.5 .1!9 .71 1.0 2 7 20.0 5.00 .71 1.0 3 4 10.6 5.40 .71 1.0 4

  • .5 44.1

.ao .711 1.0 4 7 20.0 .50 .71 1.0 5 6 5.9 1 *.50 .71 1.0 Ficure 3.1-28: Nodal Parameters of Primary Auxiliary Building for Steam Generator Blowdown Line Break Analysis ltfdc: .01 .17 .20 .01 3.50 2.22 .30 1,60 3.2 BEAT Sll\\'1: AREA(ft2) 11.000 560 1,000 42,670 11.500 15,900 en 1:111 C1-N 1.79 1.44 1.91 1.79 5.21 4.00 2.011 3.311 4.91


r 0.....

II " it:* 0 .r. z LL 6 l.IJ 0 l.Ll ~ ~ 1-cr 0::: w a.. L: w 1-C1 0 0 r-J 0 C> 0.) C) t.l (0 0 0 0 C-.1 0 t.l 0 I COMPRRTMFNl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

,*----,---r** *-1*--,---r-rr*r,*--*--*- *-,- --

] rf 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 1 01 2 3 TIME I --,-.,.-,. I I 4 5678910L rsf:CJ I 2 Figure 3.1-2C: Temperature* Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following A Rupture of 3" Steam Generator Blowdown Line I 3 N

II C1 .r* t:'J I I *.' L..... a*., n 0: D.. 2!' 1- ~ u.. ...I ~ 0 7.... ll: D......

ll 0

I&. I L* r z "'i II cr ~ (f) Q_ w 0:::

J (f)

(f) UJ 0::: a_ t.J) 1D -

  • r.J.

.n If) 00 COMPRRlMFNT 1 r:l ?. ~ 3 <t 4 ,p ~ ~ H 1*a3---r-1--~ ***l* -s *-r?3~1--Q1----1---3--r*-rs--:rr9*Ti_o_:? ---r TlMf rSECJ Figure 3.1-20: Pressure Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 3" Steam Generator Blowdown Line = ~.... =.. N

A I 2-A !lnnloto 51 n I t I I 00 0 I

    • ra:u **t r.......,.t.
    • .,..,_ Flull,,..

PAl 1-**t r.. *-

    • Air &.ell
e. PAl l*l*t I.*t D

I ltlunloo IS n A I I I 00 QJI):J *0 QJ():J A

r. * ***, Jluter*

I* lalet Fllton



  • ..... Alole J.

CVCI Te... c I c D

  • [)

II. Alr Loell ......... An*

    • lleurt.. l Oo***

I* D D .D D D D D D D D D A

    • UD ** LMI C.*teu

,. rear...,, llevnt** 7 n c 0 I ~* lorh Aell T***


CYCI reelu

    • aoeral"'...., v.. lt*

t...... _ ..,... u...

  • * **** a.AAcr Pl,. a.. **

Figure 3.1-JA: Nodal Arrangement of Primary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2302-2-8" Break Analyaia ' I D ..... u.. 2. **" A I I I

    • .. AC 0,.*1*1
    • lor" lnJutl" T***
    • Ollller **** T***

c c ,. A... It-c:..M****t* ""


PI,. Traneh N I

H/t \\ I ~ 1100! 1 2 J 3 4 5 6 2 f-6 4 rROK TO ADAUt2> 11001 1'00! 1 2 1211.7 1 4 10.6 2 3 15.0 2 4 9.4 3 31.5 5 3 6 20.0 4 s 44.8 4 6 20.0 Figure 3.1-JB: Nodal Parameters of Primary Auxiliary Building for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2302-2-8" Break Analysis VOLUH£ ~ 53,930 95,490 23,520 243,400 146,300 AntOSPBDE noll PA'IRS CIIAIIACTDISTICI IREllTIA (fCl) .ItS

5. 40


  • .118

.09 5.00 .10 .50 1.011 I' lC'T(II .42 .85 .71 1.0 .71 1.0 .71 1.0 .71 1.0

  • 71 1.0
  • 71 1.0
  • 71 1.0

.17 2.22 .01 .20


].50 .30 1.60 IIEAT Sllll AUA<ft2) 1,000 11.000 560 42,670 34,400 I. total 1.411 4.00 1.79 1.91 1.79 5.21 2.01 3.38

II u <r! 0 II ~' tn 0 II " IL! 0 r 'Z LL 0 w 0 0 0 0 N 0 C) co 0 0 ID 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 COMPARTMENT 1 ~ 2 C) 3 ~ 4 X 5 ~ 6 1' 0 ~l-Q-0------2~ 1 ----~r-~~--5r 1 -6~ 1 -7~i B

  • ~t~S~~-l-Q_1 _____ 2r---~~r---rl--tr-6rt-7r 11S-9rr1-CJ~~~---a2----T3--'4'-'5-,G-,J-8rii~IJ1Q 3 T[ME fSECJ Figure 3.1-3C: Temperature Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line

II It) (.J u; u'1 1 COMPRRTMLNT 1 ~ 2 (!) 3 ~ 4 X 5 ~ 6 ~ 0 0 L u: 11::' Cl a ct" Q.


<r u......... ...J u:

J a

ILl ll:. a...

J C1 ILl r

'Z \\(}.. a: (f) Q_ w cr

J (f)

Cf) w a:::: o_ .n_ Ol "7 (C "<1"- "':t" (0 ~ ~--------~---r--~~r-r-~~~-------,-----r--~~~,~-..-~-----.----.---.--.-.-.-r.. 2 ( SEC J Figure 3.1-3D: Pressure Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a 1\\.tpture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line en ell CJ.... t.. N

A I 2-llnotl.l.,, n c I 00 I. c rctW h*t laclt.... r. II. 11-- Flit. Te..

c. tAl l:alo.. tt F** *-
    • Ah toe*

it. rAI l*l*t

  • O>atal-*t A

I I 00

r. I*l*t lnran I* I*let Flltnl II.

WCT rt,. O.*e ........ AI... ). c:n:l Te... I c I c D CJ D D D CJ CJ D D D CJ D A

    • ~ taell
                  • An*

llect~lcal Olte

    • 410 "* ~.oe* Ca*t*n

PCOI,_,. l!lnetloft l rt c 0 I c ~** Aclt,.....

r. ctCI '**h*
    • Cll*ral......, ¥oulu

'* tor*ova ~~ea***Uh~ llet~*IIAACT PI,. Clln* D Figure 3.1-4A: Nodal Arrangement of Primary Auxiliary !uilding at Various Elevations for Auxiliary Ste8111 Line AS-2303-1-6 11 Break Analysis r A I A I 0 0 0 .D D 0 0 I D D

    • IIYAC 0,.*1*1

lorn laJecll-T*..

    • Olllu lera* T***

c c ,. A*** ***** ~ .... t. "".. 1, PI,. Tre~~ell I I -2 N I

H/1! \\ I MD! 1 2 3 ~ 6 1 6 ] 2 TO AUA(ftt) .IQI Q! 1 60.0 2 3 u.a 2 5 ] ~ 51.5 ] 6 20.0 5 ~ 6 20.0 Figure 3.1-4B: Nodal Parameters of Primary Auxiliary Building for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2303-1-6" Break Analysis ~ WUT 11~ AUA(ft.) 31,200 1,500 49.'100 10.000 243,400 42,670 tn.t*o 26,560 31,2]5 15,900 A'IMOSPIIEIIE en * {J.... CI!6Mctp,JUIC1 =~ rt.aW PATIIS N 1.011 rAc:roa IRDlTIA Ut - 1) Jtc: lt**P K.fdc: It total .04 .71 1.0 .02 1.10 .110 .71 1.0 .30 2.01 8.50 .71 1.0 3.20 1.33 . 71 1.0 .]3 2.11 .50 .78 1.0 1.60 3.31 5.00 .71 1.0 3.50 5.28

II (]0 <r 0 z ILl ll: IL ~ 0 iU r 'Z II. lL (j w 0 w 0:::: ~ 1-a:: 0:::: w a.. L. w I-0 0 0 (" 0. 0 ro 0. 0 (() 0 0 "V 0 C) N 0


'COMPARTMENT 1 [:1 2 (9 3 A 4 X 5 6 + 0 ~--------~---,-- 5 6 7 a 9 '1 o1 -- --r-r-1---r 6 7 a 9 ! a-TIME **st-CJ Figure 3.1-4C: Temperature Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 6" Auxiliary Steam Line I 2 I 3

<I u

  • I

<I' 0 II or> 0 - u: w lr 0 t) 0 0 C/) o.: 0 IL lD ~- z N ~ w ~.. u: ~ 0:::: N => - J 1- \\£ 0


l"' IT ~ (..")


w 0 (',J a.. CL

d. -

1: ~ 0 w i&J I-C) .&J (."") <1 .r i.(;'l r: 2: z 0 ~ r;

    • )

IL (.") O"llt 0 B 11 10° 4 5 6 7 8 9


\\D 00 VI VI a-Figure 3.1-SC: Temperature Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 3" Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line

I n (r. c* r~ \\1' 0 II t~ U:* n 0 ~ 0 r.l CI

  • ~

~.... (f) (L 7... ~ -- ---!;- -- ([)~ -

3 w

~ cr.

r z
    • ~

D (L (' C 0 11 P R R T t*l f N T 1 [~J 2 (!) 3 ~ 4 X I 2 r-T ~) 6 1 A 6 1ui TIME rSFCJ 2 Figure 3.1-SD: Pressure Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 3" Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line rn - ~.... =* N

A I A I c I I 00 0 I c

    • rear.... t...........,.

~. **---,.....,...

1. *-* bhauat P*w *-

Air Lack

    • Pkl lwlot
  • CDIItah-*t D

I 00 .I r A f, 1olot hUUI I* r... t FUton


WCT rt,. Clleeo


l'ol01 Attie J. C\\'tl 1'1.. llnotiDII U n c I I c D A D D D D D D D D CJ D D D A lt. Alr I.Hit A. lt*na* Ar**

    • llectrlul CMoo
    • 110 "* Leol Clatert
    • rear....,.

llo~~tl** 1 n I c

  • D 0

I c

r. CfCI ***lu
    • Cheral"' r..., ~"**It*
t. l.etb.........,...

lo~t-MACT "" Ch*** D llnnl"" J 6

  • I n A

I "* ftAC O,.nl*l

    • lorft laJtctiOII Teak
    • Chllln ***** T*.,.

c: .,. A***..... ea..~.......,... Figure 3.1-6A: Nodal Arrangement of Primary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevations for Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line ASC-2406-1-4" Break Analysis

  • I

4 1 NOD! VOUJKE .!!tl_ ] 8,645 2 29,700 6 49,700 4 38,200 5 243.~00 t 7 6 172,940 7 AntosriiEkE 5 nov PA'IBS CIIUACTD.liTJCS 3 .noM ~-* ~' AJW.(ft2) IHEilTlA (ft-1) 1 2 2.1 15.0 1 3 3.0 10.3 / / 2 ] 5.9

  • 8.5 5

44.1 .10 4 5 6.] .32 5 6 51.5 1.33 2 5 7 20.0 .50 6 7 20.0 5.00 Figure 3.1-6B: Nodal Parameters of Primary Auxiliary Building for Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line ASC-2406-1-4" Break Analysis LOlli PACTCil lte ltesp lttrie .78 1.0 1.5 .71 1.0 1.4 .78 1.0 3.20 .71 1.0 .30 .78 1.0 .10 .78 1.0 ,)) .78 1.0 1.60 .71 1.0 3.50 BEAT Slf. DEA<ft ) 4,180 11,700 10,000 8,500 42,670 26,560 rn 1:1' ~- N lttot*1 3.21 3.11 4.,. 2.08 1.81 2.11 3.31 5.21

Z' ll. lL 0 w w ~

J 1-a:

fr:" w 0.. L. lLJ I-(") (.."") 0 c" (_"') (.."') (."") 0 0 (.."') COMPRRTM[NT 1 (TJ 2 e) 3 ~ 4 X s ~ 6 ~ 7 z ~ -+1-{J---~r---3r 1 --,4.517 8 9 11 01 I I 2 3 4 s ~ 789 1ui fSE.CJ 2 TIME Figure 3.1-6C: Temperature Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 4" Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line N 3 4 5 s 7 a q-11 ,J

II Cl IC CJ (.)

s; C)

II tJ <r' C?.... !I,., \\t' 0


l.tJ - - - - - - ~ ':::;) 0.... r Z' D ...r C1 u~ - en cr ~1" (f) Q_ COMPARTMENT 1 [!! 2 C) 3 A L1 X 5 <Y 6 7 z 2 3 5 57a9fT z ~ ~ 67e9~oz TTME [Sf.CJ I 2 Figure 3.1-6D: Pressure Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of 4" Auxiliary Steam Condensate Line en c.- ~- ~:.. N

A l-00 lltutlen Sl n e I 0 c c I* tear IIUt Ucha... tl

    • II....,_ rlnh,,..,

~:. tAl r..... u r... *-

    • Air Lock
1. PAl 1*1*t & Costal-lit D

D J. Elunt* u n r A I e I I I 00 0 q](p Q)I)J r A c talet IUtlfl talet Flheu IIAAct Plpa et.aa "' Alala CYCI Tank I'* Elnnloft J Ft D A e D UJ 0 I A I e D A;ll" Lock

    • lorle Acl* Tallll1 ltena* At**

r, CYCI ***he

        • nlcol Cltoae

.. a................. UO ** Lo** C.atul t

  • IAt*- D*a***lfln fCCif.....

....... met rt,. Chan Figure l.l-7A: Nodal Arrangement! of Prtmary Auxiliary Building at Various Elevation~ for CVCS Letdown Line Break Analysis r A A

    • IIY.AC Opul..
    • lorn I*J*ctln T11lll
    • Clotller ***a* Tallll e

e 7* An. It*** Cotlfo*ete Teak

    • Plpa Tune*

D tn 1:11' ~... =* N I

4 2 RODE ) 2 6 J 5 I 7 6 5 3 rem ~~ 1 2 1 7 2 3 ] 5 4 5 5 6 1 5 7 6 7 \\ M/! F.igure 3.1-7B: Nodal Parameters of Primary Auxiliary Building for CVCS Letdown Lin~ Break Analysis .PEA. (ftZ) .10 1.4 2.3 44.8

6. 3 51.5 20.0 20.0 V01J1.<<E

.!.!D.... BUT sun: Aar.A<ft2) 41,100 23,000 31,235 15,900 49,700 10.000 38,200 1.500 243.400 41.670 172.940 26.560 ATHOSI'BEIU: Iii/) * ~.... =* nov PATIIS CIIAUCTDISTICS N JQII !lr.r,. nn:a:ru (ft-1) lc 'leap J:.fric ~a tal 45.0 .u .11 .%2 .44 37.5 .34 .20 .67 1.21 47.0 .78 1.0 1.80 3.51 .10 . 78 1.0 ,]0 2.01 .32 .78 1.0 .10 1.81 1.33 .78 1.0 .33 2.11 .50 .78 1.0 1.6 3.31 5.00 .78 1.0 ].5 5.21

ICI fJ n... lL. 0 w 0 w a:= =:l t-a: (Y-w 0... z.: w t-0 (."') 0 M 0. 0 In N 0. 0 0 N 0. 0 an 0. 0 0.... D. COMPARTMENT 1 [!] 2 (!) 3 A 4 X 5 6 "'t 7 z 0 -r~----r---r-~~-r~~~----~---,~~~,-~~~-----r---r--r-~~~~------~---- an rf TIME Figure 3.1-7C: Temperature Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of eves Letdown Line N

a Jl !: JJ ~ " u ~ I; a: 8 ~ L z ** u: c.J i.:... ~ ... r L ~ 0. U) 10. Ln r.. 0 a: Ln -.... (/) Q_ COMPARTMENT 1 [!) 2 (!) 3 A 4 X 5 6 + 7 z ~+-~~~~-~b~~~b6~~-o~*~f~~~~~~~t~1~&~~\\-~~~f-,~~~~t*&n1*~n~\\-~~~~--~* TIME I SEC) Figure 3.1-7D: Pressure Responses in Primary Auxiliary Building Following a Rupture of eves Letdown Line N

0 IIEQIANICAL PIIIETI.AnOif AlliA %0111 21 A & I ll. (*) 34'*6" to (+) l'*O" Figure 3.2-lA: (Sheet 1 of 2)

    • Coatoa-at lulldtna lpUJ....,
    • hddaal Rut a.-.d "-

ti!CIIAIIJCAL PIIIRnllnbll AHA &0111 n A

11. (*)1'*0 to (+)1'*0

D I* D Containment Enclosure Area Showittg Nodal Arrangement for CVCS Letdown Line Br..ak Attalysis 0 ~ I'"" ~ 1111 l II YAIII.TI ZeliE ]0 A, I, C,

  • D 1\\. (*}61'*0" to (+)U'*I" N

.c. Ooer11111 h..,o

d. Ccmtol-nt !Dclooan Coollq Unitt 0

CDIItat... nt D 01 '-...;;c__, CIIAIIGllll P11MP11 AlUlA ZCIII 32 *, C Zl. 7'-0" ta U'- 0" Figure 3.2-lA (Sheet 2 of 2) COiffAllftUT ftiiTIUTIOR IIICLOIUU AUA ZCIIZ 41 I

11. 21'-6" to 49'*0" Containment Enclosure Area Showing Nodal Arrangement for CVCS Letdown Line Break Analysis

HI£ \\ I 2 J ltCDI 5 j 5 4 flOII 10 .IIIII liCDI 1 5

  • 2 4 '

Figure 3.2-lB: Nodal Parameters of Containment Enclosure Area for CVCS Letdown Line Break Analysis ~ 66,l5S 12,000 JU,OOO 12,510 526,150 fLOII PA111f AHA Ut1) IWEITU (ft-1) 21!.0

  • . zo 1.0 5.50 11.9 6.07 21.0

.11 IIUT ltliiC M&alft2J 21,600 6,050 61,110 15,000 165,000 (12.,. Cil... N CIIUACTDIITlCI LCII P&CIOU le r:.., 1f~1c It to till .71 1.0 .02 1. 80 .71 1.0 .74.. 2.52

  • 71 1.0 7.1

.71 1.0 .10 1.11

II n... ~ 7!.., a: L §... lJ._ 0 w 0 w a:::

l 0

0 II) 0 0..,. 0. 0 , Pl 1-- 0 a: 0:: 0 W N a._ 1:: w t-0. COMPARTMENT I [!] 2 (!) 3 ~ 4 X 5 ~ 0 u: ..I u z:

a' 0

0 0~~----~--~r--.-~~~.rr-~--~----r-~-,-,-r,-rr------~---r--~,-~~~ TIME Figure 3.2-lC: Temperature Responses in Containment Enclosure Area Following a Rupture of 3" CVCS Letdown Line N o'

~.. 0 ~ n n.,. 0 n.. Cl n.. Cl cr. ~ n K L w - ol) a: - (f) a_ w ~

J (f)

(f) IJJ ~ a_ II) 0 II) m.

  • I"....

CD. CD COMPARTMENT 1 B 2 C) 3 4 X 5 ~ TIME (SEr:J Figure 3.2-lD: Pressure Responses in Containment Enclosure Area Following a Rupture of 3" CVCS Letdown hine rn 1111 ~... =* N o'

r*... Jl.. a il fiJ ~~ .I n 0 a: II: ~ II! L z.. ~ ~ f§ 1".1 z ~ L ~ 0. r-.... C£1... c CJ: ID - (f) Q_ C011PARTMENT 1 ['J 2 (!) 3 A 4 X 5 <!) TIME lSECJ Figure 3.2-lE: Maximized Pressure Responses in Containment Enclosure Area Following a Rupture of 3" eves Letdown Line

Coutrol Buildiq SB 1 & 2 I"SAR ~.. MaiD Steaa & Pipe cu **. 1~:'.1_ Amendment 56 November 1985 CcnltdiDeDt Figure 3.3-lA: Nodal Arrangement of Main Steam/ Feedwater Pipe Chase

H/E \\ 1 HOD£ IIODI 69,210 noll t.:> JIIDTlA (ft -*, 11011! llt':J! AUA (ft2) 1 1156 2 Figure 3.3-lB: Nodal Parameters of Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase for Main Steam Line Break Analysis . 01 ltc . 71 II'EAT lllllt AJ'!!f Cft2) 16,910 LOIS J'ACIUU It-ltrdc lttot*l 1.0 -10 1.11 en till ~... =* N

u r.... II "

  • D L I It L

Cl ~ J u lJ.... 0 w 0 w a::


(.") (.') 0 Pl 0 (.') t-

  • 0 CJ:

(Y. g w "' Q.. l: LLJ t-0 0 COMPARTI1FNT 1 (!] 2 (!) g ~=;====r===~~=!~~~;;==;===~~~==~;=~~~~;===~===;==T=~~~~;=~===;==~

  • l(f 3

lSECJ Figure 3.3-lC: Temperature Response of Main Steam/Feedwater Pipe Chase Following a Small (0.10 Square Feet) Rupture of Main Steam Line N

Mill ~ HAT 11f. &JE!(ft ) M/E \\ 1 240,000 11,000 2 At11lo~phere 1 fn !If ~... t.. N FLOV PATII CRAaACTD.llnCI IDII UctoU nmt 1U AIIEA (lt2) lliiJITIA ( ft-1) le lop

    • 1rde lttotal 2

ltCDI 1 2 10.00 .006 .78 1.0

0. 01 1.79 Figure 3.4-1A:

Nodal Parameters of Tank Farm Area for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2302-32-8" Break Analysis

t1 (0 8 II (., u; CJ Ill C1 II (] Ill (] L u: G:' n CY L \\C u... ...J \\C ':::J C'l 7 ~ a... - ':::J 0 I&J l.L. 0 w 0 . W 0::::' 1-- cr 0::::' w 0... L. w 1-0 0 1.1) (T} 0 0 0 (T} 0 0 1.1) N 0 0 0 N 0 ~ 1.1) ...J " 0 0 COMPARTMENT 1 [!) 0 -r~~--r---r--r-.-.-.~,.-------~--~~--~~~~------~----~~~~~~----~~~ 1 0° 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 't 01 I I I ~ 6?a?i 11ct I I I I 6? 99 11 01 4 5 2 3 Figure 3.4-lB: Temperature Following a 2 3 4 2 TIME rsECl Response of Tank Farm Area Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam 3 Line

II ~' cr. C> II u ID 0 n " U) ('


(.!1 II:' 0


~ cr D 0 II' G.. z: U" u... ~ IE ~ ~

r z

l"l D cr ~ (f) a_ LJ.j 0::: => (f) (f) w 0::: a_ 0 r-- U') tD 0 (C) IJ) ln 0 jJ') (/) lcf C 0 ~1 P R R T M E N T 1 12] Figure 3.4-lC: Pressure Response of Tank Farm Area Following a Rupture of 8" Auxiliary Steam Line en ~ ~.... t... ~

M/E '\\ 1'011! ~~ 1 19,030 1 2 17,500 3 Atmosphere 2 3 rLOV PA!III CRAMCIDIUICI LOIS rAcroas 111* TO Q~ AHA (ft2) twnru. Ut-1) .. c llap 1 2 8.40 0.24 .78 1.0 2 3 1.75 1.14

  • 78 1.0 Figure 3.5-1A: Nodal Parameters of Waste Processing Building/Primary Auxiliary Building Chase for Auxiliary Steam Line AS-2339-1-1 1/2 11 Break Analysis

... frlc 0.01 0.06 IIUT nr. A!f,AUC I 3,890 4,760 en.. ~.... too N lllotal

1. 79 1.84

II D.... C"l u II' 0 II u II' C> 7...,. u 0.... IL ..J .r

3 C"l 1-:r


3 0.....
r 2

Ll.. 0 IJJ CJ LU a::: => cr 0:: LJJ Q. L.. UJ 1-C> CJ C) N 0 CJ ro 0. 0 w 0.. 0 ""7 0 0 C.J 0 0 0 COMPRR1MFNT 1 (!J (') (._ J en Cll ~.... ~:.. N -. -**- **-*- ---,-**-*T--T --r--.-,-y **r* r-**------,----r--.-r--rr-r;;r. --~--, -----.---.--rTITil: ____ _ 1 0° 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 g 1 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 OL 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 g 1 01 TIME fSf.CJ Figure 3.5-18: Temperature Response of WPB/PAB Chase Following a Ruptur.e of 1 1/2" Auxiliary Steam Line

COMPRRTMrNl 1 ['] i~ 2 C) II ~ ._p Cl II !r Cl II' 0 0 L u Ll 0 1),: II. ~ \\l w.. cr (f) a... lJJ n:::

J (f)

(J) LLJ u::: a... ...n_ en ~~ ID. ~ :r - r- -.r 2 3 ~ s ~~a9'1o;! TIME rSECJ Figure 3.5-lC: Pressure Response of WPB/PAB Chase I 2 Following a Rupture of 1 1/2" Auxiliary Steam Line I 3 en Cll ~- t.. N}}