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Forwards Outline of Presentation Given by State of Tx Low Level Radwaste Disposal Authority at 870929 Meeting in Silver Spring,Md.D Lacker & List of Attendees Also Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/20/1987
From: Schneider K
Shared Package
ML20236V375 List:
FOIA-87-773 NUDOCS 8712040418
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...../ OCT 2 0198T .


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FROM: Kathleen N. Schneider /C State Agreements Program State, Local and Indian Tribes Program


MEETING WITH THE TEXAS LOW-LEVEL RADID WIIVE WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY ON SEPTEMBER 29, 1987 NRC met with representatives of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority on September 29, 1987 at the Williste Building in Silver Spring MD.

The Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority is the Texas agency charges with the responsibility for operating a low-level waste disposal facility in Texas.

Enclosed is a copy of the outline of the presentation given by the Texas staff and a list of the attendees. Also, enclosed is a September 21, 1987 letter from David Lacker, Chief Bureau of Radiation Control to Donald Mussbaumer, SLITP. The letter contained a series of questions related to the design and quality assurance requirements for modular radioactive waste. These questions were discussed after the presentation by the staff. Note, the Texas Depart-ment of Health did not attend the meeting due to other comitments. Although NRC is not the licensing authority in Texas, the Authority was interested in NRC perspective on the submitted questions.


As stated 8712040418 871202 R NI -773 PDR

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, TEL No. .

Sep 25.87 9:25 P.02

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l-NRC Brfefing ' September 29~, 1.987 PROPOSED PRESENTATION 1.

Introduction to the Design...g;,f. . ; ,- tg;p. , ,

[. , , .' /,.!.

waste volumes, classe6.

general sito conditions,.g . VM . ' -

.0 ..T:i;.: '~

Facility Design and Layout?:'V

' ~

overview of conceptual ' des'len ~

drawings SK 7619 serie6.!-10 '

waste handling and flow a -

c eo Disposal Unit Design III.

..c'  : )..

overview of disposal units. - .

views on belowground vaults , ,.

- detailed analysis of canisters

- handling mixed wastes radiological analysis '

. - economics .

IV. Quality List and Philosophy . * .

overview of proposed quality program presentationofQ-list [.. .. . ,, ,,

V. Regulatory Implications -u .,.: J .


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Texas Department of Healt, Robert Bernstein, M.D., F.A.C.P. 1100 West 49th Street Robert A. MacLean, M.D.

Commissioner Austin, Texas 78756 3189 Deputy Commissioner (512)456-7111 Professional Services Hermas L. MiHer Radiation Conteol Deputy Commissioner September 21, 1937 (512)835-7000 Management and Administration Mr. Don Nussbaumer, Assistant Director for State Agreements Program )

State, Local and Indian Tribe Programs Office of Governmental and Public Affairs U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D . 20555 Dear Mr.

/M s aumer Attached are a series of questions related to the design and quality assurance requirements for modular concrete canisters and below ground vaults for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste. The Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority has asked that I forward them to you so that your Low-Levei Waste and Decommissioning Branch can review them prior to a meeting with the Authority on September 29, 1987.

Because of other commitments, we will not be able to attend the meeting, but will continue to closely monitor the development of this technology and look forward to discussing the answers to the attached questions with y u at the Agreement States meeting in October.

If I can be of assistance, please call.

Yours truly, lW David K. Lacker, Chief Bureau of Radiation Control Attachment cc Bob Doda, U.S. NRC L.R. Jacobi, TLLRWDA Gary Sanborn, U.S. NRC


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.' -QUESTIONS FORTHf'. :,' '

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'l FOR DISCUSSION.9N:' ' . , ,

SEPTEMBER,29/1907.. . . . .. '

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1. QUALITY ASSURANCE . . ' " d. . . .

1.1 It has been said that the QA program for e LLW;dipphaj fact 11t'y must involve all elements of.11.$F850, Appendig.5,htneed not

  • lser be esplant. extenelve or demanding es,ttjet required for@!Em power Explain in dete11 hbysuct! B LA.($$ .

diffor froin that et a power.. plant.-How can all the elements be present in the QA progran16'ut'(he.% prog'r'em not be com,Perab1p to that et a power plent? .

1.2 For the design, fabriceiton, s.nd construciton of redweste .

systems et power plants,NRC Reguletory Gulds 1.1.'43 eljoWs that ~

the ' extent of control required'by Appendix B pf;.10 FFR Pert 57 be Ilmited becaute the impoet of 1'hase systlimp 6tiltefety to ' '

limited. Whetis the dete11sd retiptiel.a.for thliposliten?-

1.3 What QA reg'uirements apply to the design er)d constructionjf -

temporary weste storege,sfequipment et e power ple'nt?.

I 1 A What QA requirements oppig to'we'sle proke,rs?. Wes(e- ,

processors? .

1.5 What QA requirements apply to shu'lpment, histeriels, an.d '

processes used to structurallyitebilize weste under ' .


1.6 In a power plant, what to the bests .for determintog w.hether n component or system must'be de', signed under 10CFR50, .; .

Appendix B? What are the quefititative'fnessures thejfRC;steff '

uses to make these determinettonst. How co the'poterittsis'for pubite end occupettonal exposure influenc's these choices?

l i

......./..... .

. - 8- .

1.7 What was the outcome of the meet 10$:b.e.t.w. t.he'N.R,C st.eff c

and -

1 U.S. Ecology regarding DA regb!)sments fe.4$'C.eltfonif's . {

project? ' ' ' ' . . ': * .:" : ,.


. .. 8) .. .I 1.6 in the draft RevioW Criteria f6r. tie.J,0w-grodnd'vokl{s, how dote' the NRC Intend ',o implement the QAfoyutfemeh ACl-3497 Do the requiremerite.qf.4Ql-349 ed)[Mt6ted in:f ,

loeding conditions to be useB~1

' ? ~ Describe gour justificetton fortdfor .

the traccolilll no..: .n.i.h..e, ..

'.4. s.s..ign.f tetisie, as required by ACl-349. ' ' :' ' P .


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TEL No. Sep ,17.87 15:56 P.04


2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 Etvan that the below-ground voy1.t Ats.;e concrete floor, what -

sel unitis will be .

necessery the vault? Wh0 to provide assprence t,De 2.2 What is necessary to providefettineble assurrence that thf - '

f l below-ground vault will havelst.esrYlce life of 300. years?'

500 years?

2.3 If 10CFR61 performance objectives. ore settsffed et the proposed disposal ette assuming the use of th6110w lend dispo,tei, what

. ers the requirements pieced on:thsi below ground ve' Wh,et must the vault do? What must.the Vault not do?

2.4 What degradation machentsms are thers Vrhtch could cause the constituent meterials of concrete to move from the immedtels * ~

location where the concrete struc{ures 'were forin' e d and cu' red? '

What'would priclude the eesurhption the.t the cohtitiient meterfele of concrete wl.11 elkek6 be.present to'peWorm'the roles of cover materials? Of b.ackf.lll?

2.5 What spectftc concerns do you have abost the potentiel that a concrete structure meg scty8)1.s vforsen the performance (df the, ,

disposal system? What mhchgn'tangdo you belleppoldd dus'e' inf11tretton to be increased */ ,Hinv. cod)d sub's.1 .greater i

with condete.structurea th6nM(6 shallow ).

. tal units?'

How could the leeching characteristics of the ' worse '

then without concrete? .-

f ~ (~ #

2.6 Express what concerns you fofght:heVe if the floor.of e below-ground vault were destgngd to fell betore ths root, without compromising the s.tabl{lty of.!he bajence of the' structure. . ,

2.7 Suppose that the modelling end tiete collaction et tht ilte s. hows; minimal potentiel for migrttion of ndton::ttve meterial fronfths' l

naturel ground surfece to it.s equifpr in a very erid locat'10n, essuming a she.110w land dispoenl unit. What edditionei roles must a below-ground vault perform.beyond. thet which thoss


required of the shellow lend dl,p.oetl 00117, .

TEL No. Sep 17.87 16:00 P.05

.h 2.8 What offorts era under weg or what ilf '.fpf})es there been to . '

qualify moduler concrete centsters as h;l .

(HIC)? What QA requirements'would epa i

%grity conteiners it tietmed.thet the centsterperforTns the HlC7'l6 - -

$ b. '. -

.;n '"id.4.;y. - .

"w .

2.9 If the onig role cittmed formodulercoti misters (and the -

grout within)1s that of backft11(f.t., $.volds between rrild' g$j.i weste contetners), what requirements'.- ;tose of baci6111 - o '.' would be centsters? placed.on the mete'rfe.

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a September 22 1987 Mal Knapp John Greeves John Surmeier Mile tearney gon Nussbaumer Dan Martin Tim Johnson Mike Tokar NOTICE OF SEPTEMBER 29TH MEETING WITH THE TEXA5 LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE AUTHORITY AND THEIR CONTRACTOR ROGERS AND ASSOCIATES PLACE: Second Floor Conference Room TIMS: 9:00 A.M. The Texas Authority requested the meeting to provide them an opportunity tc review with LLWM technical staff the preliminary design of their proposed LLW disposal facility. with LLWM staff. Attached isa list of questions they would like to discuss The Quality Assurance; and 2) Design Considerations. questions are divided into two different areas: 1) I suggest we plan to have a pre-meeting in the second floor conference room on September 24th at p.m. to discuss the questions and our approach f or 1:00 r ssing them. t F i Lohaus t

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                                                                                                  $                         kn, %f      i Rogers & Associates Engineering Corporation                                          i i

Post Office Bos .t.20

                                                     #                       Salt Lake City, l'tah AJilo.0.1,41                         {

(Noli 26.t.1600  ! September 17, 1987 I t I Mr. John Greeves U.S. NRC C8605/4 7915 Eastern Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910

Dear John:

Enclosed are draft questions which the State of Texas wishes to discuss with you and your staff when we meet on September 29, 1987 The final questions will be sent by Mr. David lacker, Director of Radiation Control Programs for the State of Texas. We look forward to meeting again later this month, f r Wit k nd regards, /

                                                                                          /                ;    '

LN N t' L.7 hW Robert D. Baird . $anager Low-Level Radioactive Weste programs ~ RDB/b cc: R. Jacobi, w/ attachments. l l 515 East 4500 South. Suite G-200. Salt bke City. Utah 84107

                         ;Q          _,.,?         /       l, ;-


1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.1 It has been said that the QA program for a LLW disposal facility must involve all elements of 10CFR50, Appendix B, but need not be as extensive or demanding as that required for a nuclear power plant. Explain in detail how such a QA program would dif fer from that at a power plant.

How can all ." the elements be present in the QA program but the QA program not be con-parable to that at a power plant? 1.2 For the design, fabrication, and construction of radwaste systems at power plants, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.143 allows that the " extent of contro' required by Appendix B of 10 CFR Part 50" be limited because the impact of these systems on safety is limited. What is the detailed rationale for this position? 1.3 What QA requirements apply to the design and construction of temporary { waste storage buildings / equipment at a power plant? Verify that Appendix 11.4-A of the Standard Review Plan (NUREG-0800) applies to the design and I i _ _ - ____L

1 construction of temporary waste storage buildings at nuclear power plants. l 1.4 t What QA requirements apply to waste brokers? Waste processors? 1.5 What QA requirements apply to equipment, materials, and processes used to structurally stabilize waste under 10CFR61.56(b)? 1.6 .


In a power plant, what is the basis for determining whether a component or system must be designed under 10CFR50 Appendix B? What are the quantitative measures the NRC staff uses to make these determinations? How do the potentials for public and occupational exposure influence these choices? 1.7 , What was the outcome of the meeting between the NRC staff and U.S. Ecology regarding QA requirements for the California project? 1.8 In the draft Review Criteria for below-ground vaults, how does the NRC j intend to implement the QA requirements stated in ACI-3497 Do the

Ie l i l l i requirements of ACI-349 apply only to the loading conditions to be t, sed in  ! the design pro, cess?. Describe your justification for the need for'  !. i traceability of materials, as required by ACI-349. i' i i I 1

  • l



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                                                                                       .                                                                           l 2.1

{ Given that the below-ground vault has a concrete floor, what will be necessary to provide assurance that the disposal unit is free draining? What level of QA must be applied to the construction of the vault? What level of QA to the floor drains? 2.2 What is necessary to provide reasonable assurrance that the below- . ground vault will have a service life of 300 years? 500 years? , l l 2.3 3 b If 10CFR61 performance objectives are satisfied at the proposed dispo- J sal site assuming the use of shallow land disposal, eat are the require- j ments placed on the below-ground vault? What must the vault do? What must J the vault not do? I l i 1 2.4 What degradation mechanisms are there which could cause the constituent i materials of concrete to move from the immediate location where the concrete structures were formed and cured? What would preclude the assump-l tion that the constituent materials of concrete will always be present to perfcrm the roles of cover materials? Of backfill? i 1_____.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _


                                    ' What specific concerns do you have about the potential that a concrete structure may actually worsen the performance of the disposal system?                                                                                           What
                    -mechanisms do ~you believe could cause infiltration to be increased?                                                                                             How could subsidence be greater with concrete structures than with shallow land disposal units?

How could the leaching characteristics of the waste he worse than without concrete?

        .'          2.6 Express what concerns you might have if the floor of a below-ground "

vault were designed to fail before the roof, without compromising the sta-bility of the balance of the structure. 2.7 Suppose that the modeling and ' data collection at the site shows minimal potential for migration of radioactive material from the natural ground surface to the aquifer in a very arid location, assuming a shallow land disposal unit. What additional roles must a below-ground vault perform beyond that which those required of the shallow land disposal unit? 2.8 - ( What efforts are under way or what discussion has there been to I qualify modular concrete canisters as high integrity containers (HIC)? I L___-___-_____---_____-_----------------------------- - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ - --

                            .                                                                                                                                         1 What QA requirements.,would apply if it is claimed that the canister performs the role of HIC?

2.9 If the only role claimed for modular concrete canisters (and the grout (i.e., minimizing voids between waste within) is that of backfill containers), what requirements beyond those of backfill would be placed on the materials and fabrication of the canisters? 1 i l

1. . - _ _ - _ - -

l 1 i September 21, 1987 ' ' l 1 9 7%7 Mr. Den Rusabaner, Assistant Meester ter State Agreessets Pre 6 Fan State,14eal and Zadian Trite Fragress * .- Office of Govermestal see Publie Affstre , U.S. Nuclear Regdetery Comisoles ' Washington, D.C., 30555 Deer W. Bussbaumert i ats..ed . . . e.rt.. .e rete..d a two' o sse n. ut, ' assurasse requirements fW secular esserete eastaters and bdow yound' s ults for the disposs1 et levanovel redtesettve weste. De Temes ~ Lev. Leval gediomettve Waste Mapesal Authority has asked that x fermore then . to seu se stat your Low-t.eeel Weste and Besenetsetestas Deensk ses .. review then prior to e meettag with the Aetherity en September 39, 1987. Sesause'of stbar sessitseets, we will met be able to attend the asettss.

  • but will esetisse to.eleesty meetter the developeest of this teekmalegy med leek tervert to distussles the saneers to the atteshed guestless with you et the Agressest States meettag in esteher.

zf x e *e .r la ,1 .au. . . m ura truly, .

                                          .         .. t                                                                         ....

1 David E. Lasker, Ch1er tureau of Basistian Costest ' 1 Attachment ' , ee Bob Doda, U.S. NRC L.R. JeooDL, TLLRWDA ' oery senorn, u.a. use i 100'd .. . OW WO53H138

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  '-              1.1 It has been asid that the GA                                         fore LLW                                       festilt'y mustinvolve all ofsments of                                        0,Appen,                                          sed not be es sNtensive ordemendin                                          require                                        War .'

paworplant. Euplainin do,th( Aptl init6 elffer from.that et a power,.pfeftt, Now


ments ps I present in the OA. pngrent b'ut'40te.% ' ' not botentpereb!p to that et a pgwarplant?' .

                                                             ....                                .                       '. e . -                                                               i 1.2systems For the   at sewer  design,            fabNesticM, plants;NRCRegufst uttieflef SMSptsesastf'stg             .         .

autep fit i the' extant of contrei ragetrig $1)swa $$t entl#8 HM 4'FsM 50" beilmited because theimpact,s esogste'nt sty to ' . , , limited. Wnstis the detti I#.forthh he'slitsnt 1.3 What GA reg'uiremsrnts appig toins des'1gn end constriitttpnsf ' ' tem;iorary wasta storage byJldthgafaquipment at a ppWar ptshti, - f.4 What QA rsquircments oppig tsYh's' , f y,%tri? Wash-processors? 1.5 What GA requirements sppfg tekvih. : . . ment, Met 6rists, arid * , processes used to structurstigstebilles w.asts under , .

                                                                                                               '. . (
                                                                                    . . . . x. .

1.6 component la a power pf ant, whst to th's btW!$ thst.'e, for(Witsnnihl er system must'th 691ghs dader 10  ; . . .. ' Append!N Bf determinations. What are the M off .

  • vses te make these How quefititative'msseurg) do the pc ,

itsrftili1' pubite end cecupstional exposurisinfluenc's chttess?

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1W t.7 what wee the outcome of the fn6lt .tut $.1MWaprt ths:U. project? f.';- .';".!!,;,,,.' . . w-gred.9.s,.,nd'y l{a,how d6es' t.6 in the draft, Ravlow Criteria fir # ' ths NRC Intend to impfelps01,thd, tlutts Med l'n,: ACl 3497 00 the requirgroofttp, ., .?349 (t,o Ott , toeding condittens to be uss(in )tjn ytecribe . g ,teriais,t,e . yourjustiftcetton required tg ACl-349 forthe ',Ces not). ',, .,,iA.g'*"'.

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2.1 mven that the below grasm8 veWit. s ftcar,what

  • l q t uptis will be 3scessary fne erstNf)(t to provtpe What levet af'Q t#4 epplie es rents th,qt the,p .

constructi,%gf the veutt? 115SA to t P dretne? 2.2 What le necesserg to providefadi$fjet[1e etourrdace that 16 , betow-ground veutt wtil havele,tervicelife of $00,yttre?' . 500 getre?

                                                                                                                        ..               ~.                 -
                                                                                                                                                                   .        1 i
2.3 If 10CFR68 performance eDjecityteere settefted et the prpposed .

diepteet ettssesuming the get pf  %'wland dispe$f, WWat

                    , are the requirements pfesed en:th                                 -greutd vekttf. Wigt      '

[ must the vaultdo? What frmet,$ht,V , ,egt es? ,.. r .. t .'. . . [' 2,4 What segregation machentems ak.thprtWhtsh3001d us,e the constituentmeteriale of saetts fWsv4.fmm the Afste . location where the concreta Wers f d stified? I What'wouts preclude the that'the e .' I t$tgene't n 'the .


meteriete of eencmte rates of covermeteristet Of'Ut wl.11 ethg)tif.il17 2.5 What spectfic concerne de gou11 t the poteh thti4 i sencrete structure msg 4tt the p tif g ,, disposalegetem? What '

                                                                             'do you hetit                            '
                                                                                                                          'geves elor infiltration to be inc             1( e wIth constate. structures tidn1@jehellow                                                        1 u?)ttat' How could the fetching sharetter14}{t.e. of th                                                'WONe,                                               J
                                                           .; *l                                                '

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