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Effluent Semiannual Rept Jul-Dec 1988
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1988
Shared Package
ML20235Y334 List:
NUDOCS 8903140074
Download: ML20235Y330 (16)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ - -. PINdP 15'8, R1v. 6 Page 1 of 8 Retention: Lifetime EFFLUENT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT JULY, 1988 THROUGH DECEMBER, 1988 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Facility - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant i Licensee - Northern States Power Company License Nos. - DPR-42 & DPR-60 j A. Regulatory Limits 1. Liquid Effluents: a. The dose or dose commitment to an individual from radio-active materials in liquid effluents released from the site shall be limited: for the Quarter 3.0 mrem Total Body 10.0 mrem Any Organ for the Year 6.0 mrem Total Body 20.0 mrem Any Organ 2. Gaseous Effluents: a. The dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site shall be limited to: Noble Gases 5 500 mrem / Year Total Body '000 mrem / Year Skin I-131, H-3, LLP 5 1500 mrem / Year Any Organ b. The dose due to radioactive gaseous effluents shall be limited to: Noble Gases 5 10 mrad /Qtr Gamma 5 20 mrad /Qtr Beta 5 20 mrad / Year Gamma 5 40 mrad / Year Beta I-131, H-3, LLP 5 15 mrem /Qtr 1 30 mrem / Year l / 8903140074 02 2,R /> h PDR ADOCK uvoza2 a roc \\\\\\

E PINGP 158, R:v'. 6 'L paga 2 ef 8 r B. Maximum Permissible Concentrations 1. Fission and activation gases in gaseous releases: 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 1 2. Iodine and particulate with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous releases: 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 1 3. Liquid Effluents for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained gases: 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 4. Liquid Effluent dissolved and entrained gases: 2.0E-04 pei/ml Total Activity C. Average Energy Not applicable to Prairie. Island Regulatory Limits. 'l D. Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity 1. Fission and activation gases Total Geli in gaseous releases: Nuclide Geli 2. Iodines in gaseous releases Total Geli Nuclide Geli 3. Particulate in gaseous Total Geli releases: Nuclide Geli 4. Liquid Effluents: Total Geli Nuclide Geli 1.0 BATCH RELEASES (Liquid) QTR 3 QTR 4 1.1 Number of Batch Releases l 6.70E+01 3.90E+01 l 1.2 Total Time Period for a Batch Release l l (hr.) l 1.12E+02 6.41E+01 l l 1.3 Maximum Time for a Batch Release (br) l 3.30E+00 ?_9nv+nn l 1.4 Average Time for a Batch Release (hr) l 1.68E+00 1_ A Ar+nn _ l l 1.5 Minimum Time for a Batch Release (br) l 7.00E-01 1.30E+00 l 1.6 Ave Mississippi flow during Quarter (CFS)l 4.73E+03 7.20E+03 _l l l I iL

PJNGP 158, Rav. 6 Paga 3 of 8 2.0. BATCH RELEASES (Gaseous) 9 QTR 3 QTR 4 2.1 Number of Batch Releases l2.00E+01 9.00E+00 l 2.2 Total Time Period for a Batch Release (br). l 3. 50Es()2 3.52E+01 l h 2.3 Maximum Time for a Batch Release (hr) l N +02 2.08E+01 l 2.4 Average Time for a Batch Release (hr) l1.75E+01 3.91E+00 :l 2.5 Minimum Time for a Batch Release (br) l5.56E-03 2.00E-02 l 3.0 ABNORMAL RELEASES (Liquid) QTR 3 QTR 4 j 3.1 Number of Batch Releases l0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l s 3.2 Total Activity Release (Ci) l6.00E+00 0.00E4{)0 'l l ~ 3.3 Total Tritium Release (Ci) l0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l l 1 4.0. ABNORMAL RELEASES (Gaseous) i QTR 3 QTR 4 4.1 Number of Batch Releases l0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 4.2 Total Activity Release (Ci) l0.00E+00 0.00E+00 l 1 h 1 i l l

', I o. PINGP 158, R;v. 6 Phga 4 ef 8 I i TABLE 1A I EFFLUENT SEMIANNUAL REPORT GASEQUS EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES EST OT UNIT QTR 3 QTR4 s 5.0 FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES 5.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1.64E-02 2.20E-02 2.50E+01 l 5.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 2.09E-03 2.80E-03 5.3 Gamma Dose (mrad) l 4.29E-06 3.70E-06 l 5.4 Beta Dose (mrad) l 1.25E-04 1.74E-04 l 5.5 % of Gamma T.S. Limit (%) l 4.29E-05 3.70E-05 l 5.6 % of Beta T.S. Limit (%) l 6.25E-04 8.70E-04 l 6.0 IODINES 6.1 Total I-131 (Ci) l 2.40E-07 3.10E-07 2.50E+01 l 6.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 3.05E-08 3.94E-08 7.0 PARTICULATE 7.1 Total Release (Ci) l 1.95E-05 5.95E-06

2. 50E+01 l 7.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l 2.48E-06 7.57E-07 l

8.0 TRITIUM 8.1 Total Release (Ci) l 5.12E+01 3.11E+01 2.50E+01 l 8.2 Average Release Rate (pCi/sec) l_6.51E+00 3.96E+00 9.0 TOTAL IODINE PARTICULATE AND l l l l TRITIUM (pCi/sec) l 6.51E+00 l 3.96E+00 l 2.50E+01 l 10.0 DOSE (mrem) l 9.23E-02 l 5.60E-02 l 11.0 % OF T.S. LIMIT (%) l 6.15E-01 l 3.73E-01 l 12.0 GROSS ALPHA 12.1 Total Release (Ci) l1.24E-07 l 1.65E-07 l 2.50E+0ll l l \\ l l


QTR_3, l

QTR 4 l l l l l l l I '13.0 INDIVIDUAL FISSION AND ACTIVATION GASES l Kr85 Ci 1.42E-02 2.05E-02 l 'l Kr85m Ci l l Kr87 Ci l l Kr88 Ci l l Xe133 Ci 2.20E-03 1.51E-03 l l Xe135 Ci 2.27E-06 l l Xe135m Ci l l Xe138 Ci l l Xe131m Ci l l Ar41 Ci l l Xe133m Ci 6.36E-06 l l l 4 l l l I l Total Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.64E-02 2.20E-02 l 14.0 I0 DINES (C1) l 1131 Ci 2.40E-07 3.10E-07 l l 1133 Ci l j I135 Ci l l Total C1 2.40E-07 3.10E-07 0,00E+00 0.00E+00 l CONTINUOUS MODE EATCH MODE l l l 1 1 I I l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTR 3 l QTR 4 l QTR 3 l QTR 4 l l l I I I I I 15.0 PARTICULATE (Ci) l l Sr89 Ci l Sr90 Ci 5.88E-08 l l l Cs134 Ci l Cs137 Ci 2.10E-07 7.90E-10 l l Cd-109 Ci 4.81E-06 l l CoS8 Ci 3.79E-08 l l Co60 Ci 3.94E-07 1.14E-06 l l l l l K-40 Ci 1.88E-05 l Total Ci 1.95E-05 5.95E-06 0.00E+00 7.90E-10 l

l PINGP 158, Rev. 6 Page 6 of 8 TABLE 2A EFFLUENT SEMIANNUAL REPORT LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES UNIT QTR 3 QTR 4 16.0 VOLUME OF WASTE (Prior to Dilution) l Liters l 5.62E+07 l 2.25E+07 12.50E+01 l 17.0 VOLUME OF DILUTION Water (liters) l Liters l 1.49E11 l 1.75 Ell 12.50E+01 l 18.0 FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS 18.1 Total Release W/0 H-3, (Ci) l l l l Rad Gas, Alpha l 8.40E-03 8.24E-03 2.50E+01l 18.2 Average Diluted (pCi/ml) l Concentration l 5.64E-Il l4.71E-1) l 19.0 TRITIUM 19.1 Total Release (Ci) l 6.21E+01 1.21E+02 2.50E+01 l 19.2 Average Diluted (pCi/ml) l Concentration l 4.16E-07 l 6.92E-07 l 20.0 DISSOLVED AND ENTRAINED GASES 20.1 Total Release (C1) l 5.01E-04 2.31E-03 2.50E+01 l 20.2 Avera8e Diluted (pCi/ml) l Concentration l 3.36E-12 l1.32E-Il l 21.0 GROSS ALPHA 21.1 Total Release (C1) l 0.00E+00 l0.00E+00 12.50F+01 l 22.0 TOTAL TRITIUM, FISSION AND ACTIVATION PRODUCTS (pCi/ml) l 4.16E-07 l6.92E-07 l2.50E+01l

P,1NGP 158, Rev. 6 Page 7 og 8 I TABLE 2A EFFLUENT SEMIANNUAL REPORT LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES O 9 d% 23.0 TOTAL BODY DOSE (mrem) l 1.98E-04 l 3.33E-04 ~l-24.0 CRITICAL ORGAN DOSE (mrem) l 5.02E-04 1.08E-03 l (organ) l GI/LLI GI/LLI l 25.0 % TOTAL BODY T.S. LIMIT (%) l 6.60E-03 l 1.11E-02 l 26.0 % OF CRITICAL ORGAN (%) l l l T.S. Limit l 5.02E-03 l 1.08E-02 l

l RINGP 158, R;v. 6 l P g7 8 cf 8 l TABLE 2A 1 EFFLUENT SEMIANNUAL RPEORT LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE I I I I I I l l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTR 3 l QTR 4 l QTR 3 l QTR 4 l l l l l l l l 1 27.0 INDIVIDUAL LIQUID EFFLUENT i l Sr89 Ci 4.93E-04 5.08E-04 l l Sr90 Ci 2.02E-05 2.61E-05 8.21E-06 2.23E-06 l l Cs134 Ci l j~Cs137 Ci l l I131 Ci l l CoS8 Ci 8.04E-04 2.01E-03 l l l Co60 Ci 4.98E-04 7.83E-04 l l Fe59 Ci 1.26E-03 1.05E-03 l l Zn65 Ci 1.08E-05 1.07E-05 l l Mn54 Ci 1.63E-05 6.06E-05 l l Cr51 Ci 4.59E-04 5.74E-04 l 4 .- l Zr-Nb95 Ci 2.08E-05 7.88E-05 l l Mo99 Ci l l Ba-La140 Ci l l Fe-55 Ci 1.55E-03 l l* C1 4.82E-03 1.60E-03 l l Total Ci 5.13E-04 5.34E-04 7.89E-03 7.71E-03 l


l l l 1 l l l NUCLIDE l UNIT l QTR 3 l QTR 4 l QTR 3 l QTR 4 l l l l l l l l 28.0 DISSOLVED AND ENTRAINED GASES l Xe133 Ci 4.87E-04 1.90E-03 l l Xe133m Ci l l Xe131m Ci l l Xe135 Ci 1.46E-05 4.01E-04 l l Kr85m Ci 2.65E-06 l l l Kr85 Ci l l Kr88 Ci l Ar 41 Ci 1.78E-06 l l l l Total Ci 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5.01E-04 2.31E-03 l

). .1 -{ K ATTACHMENT 1 I .c ADDITIONAL NUCLIDES l. LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONTINUOUS MODE BATCH MODE NUCLIDE-UNIT QTR 03 QTR 04 QTR.03 QTR 04 AG-110M CI 5.06E-04 4.13E-04 BE-7' CI 6.11E-05 2.76E-05 CS-138 'CI 9.68E-06 K-40 CI 2.44E-05 NA-24 'CI 1.74E-05 NB-97 CI 8.99E-06 8.79E-06 RH-105 CI 3.77E-06 5.74E 06 SB-122 CI 8.20E-05 SB-124 CI 1.03E-03 2.29E-04 SB-125 CI 2.38E-03 1.66E-04 SN-113 CI 5.12E-04 6.59E-04 SC-47 CI 1.68E-04 7.01E-05 'SR-92 CI 8.71E-06 ZR-97 CI 1.47E-05 1.24E-05 SUBTOTAL CI 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.82E-03 1.60E-03

j u 4 . p. ; v o PINGP 753, Rev. 1 s . Retention: Lifetime Page 1 of.5 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: '7-1-88 to 12-31-88 ' NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table I: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments A. . Solid Waste Total Volumes and Measured Curie Quantities: 1. Type of. Waste: Container Units Total Volumes A. Bead Resins ft 3 998.3 5@ 172.5/135.8 C1 134.59 .B. d C. Non-compacted Daw ft 3 97.2 96 Ci 0.334 D. Filter media ft 3 163.3 163.3 C1 1.681 S. 1 l

.n . ;.~, y PINGP 753, Rev. 1 e ' Retention: Lifetime Page 2 of 5 4 : PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 7-1-88 to 12-31-88 NORTHERN' STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table I: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued) 2. Measured Major Nuclide Composition by Type of Waste: i TYPE (From Page 1) Nuclide Percent C060 35.8 A r CS137 25.2

  • NI63 20.6


  • FESS 10.6 3

CS134 6.4-SB122 0.5

  • H3 0.5 MN54 0.2
  • C14 0.1 4


  • H3 40.5 C
  • FE55 28.7
  • NI63 16.0
  • C14 3.8 C060 7.9 SB125 0.7

'~ C058 0.8

  • = Inferred - Not Measured on Site

5; ?. o 3 ] ' u. P'INGP 753,.Rev. 1 Retention: Lifetime. l .Page.3 of 5 ~: \\ PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 7-1-88'to 12-31-88 j NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR ' ' SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table I: Solid' Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued) 2. Measured Major Nuclide Composition by, Type'of Waste (Continuation): TYPE (From Page 1) Nuclide Percent D

  • FESS 44.6
  • H3 25.4 C060 17.0
  • NI63 4.8
  • C14 3.7 CS137 1.4 SB125 0.9 l

AG110M 0.7 CS134 0.5 1

  • = Inferred - Not Measured on Site

u .,8 T,, PINGP.753, Rev. 1. Retention: Lifetime Page 4 of 5 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 7-1-88 to 12-31-88 NORTHERN STATES POWER License.No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT ~ Table I: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued). 3. Solid Waste Disposition: Number of Shipments Mode Destination 2 TRUCK Scientific Ecology Group 1 TRUCK Barnwell, SC 6-TRUCK Richland, WA B. Irradiated Fuel Shipments: Number of Shipments Mode Destination 0 m-____

PI'NGP 753, Rev. 1 Retention: Lifetime Page 5 of 5 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Period: 7-1-88 to 12-31-88 NORTHERN STATES POWER License No. DPR-42 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Table I: Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Continued) C. Shipping Container and Solidification Method: No. Volume Activity Type of Container Solidify (Ft3) (Ci) Waste Code Code 87-39 66.60 0.1499 C L N/A 87-40 30.60 0.1840 C L N/A 88-25 172.50 3.0030 A L N/A 88-26 172.50 2.3500 A L N/A 88-27 172.50 1.5600 A L N/A 88-29 163.3T 1.6810 D L N/A 88-30 172.50 1.5620 A L N/A ~~ 88-31 172.50 1.4140 A L N/A 88-32 135.80 124.7000 A B N/A mess. TOTALS 9 1258.80 136.6039 CONTAINER CODES: L = LSA A = Type A B = Type B Q = Large Quantity SOLIDIFICATION CODES: C = Cement TYPES OF WASTE: A = Resins B = Dry Compacted C = Non-Compacted D = Filter Media S = Spent Fuel

i i NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT OFF-SITE RADIATION DOSE ASSESSMENT FOR January 1-December 31. 1988 An assessment of radiation dose due to release from the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant during 1988 was performed in accordance with the Technical Specifications. Computed doses were well below the 40 CFR Part 190 Standards and 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I Guidelines. I Off-site dose calculation formulas and meteorological data from the Off-site Dose Calculation Manual were used in making this assessment. Source terms were obtained from the two Effluent and Waste Disposal Semiannual Reports prepared for NRC review during the year of 1988. Off-site Doses from Gaseous Release Computed doses due to gaseous releases are reported in Table 1. Critical receptor location and pathways for organ doses are reported in Table 2. Doses, both whole body and organ, are a small percentage of Appendix I Guidelines. Off-site Doses from Licuid Releast Computed doses due to liquid releases are reported in Table 1. Receptor information is reported in Table 2. Both whole body dose and organ dose are a small percentage of Appcudix I Guidelines. Doses to Individuals Due to Activities Inside the Site Boundary occasionally sportsmen enter the Prairie Island site for recreational activities. These individuals are not expected to spend more than a few hours per year within the site boundary. Commercial and recreational river traffic exists through this area. For purposes of estimating the dose due to recreational and river water transportation activities within the site boundary, it is assumed that the limiting dose within the site boundary would be received by an individual who spends a total of seven days per year on the river just off shore from the main plant buildings (ESE at 0.2 miles). Whole body and inhalation organ doses were calculated for this location and occupancy time. These doses were reported in Table 1. l

Doses to Most Exposed Member of the General Public from Reactor Beleases and Other Uranium Fuel Cycle Sources There are no other uranium fuel facilities in the vicinity of the Prairie Island site. The only other artificial source of exposure to the general public in addition to the plant effluent releases is from direct radiation of the reactors. This direct radiation from pressurized water reactors has been shown to be negligible. An array of TLD monitoring stations around the perimeter of the site boundary has consistently indicated that plant operation in the past years has no effect on ambient gamma radiation. Therefore, the naut exposed member of the general public will not I receive an annusi radiation dose from reactor effluent releases and all other fuel (,cle activities in excess of the sum of the liquid and gaseous whol-body and organ doses reported in Table 1 for the site boundary and critical receptor, respectively. These doses are well below 40 CFR Part 190 standards of 25 mrem to the whole body, 75 mrem to the thyroid, and 25 mrem to any other organ. i

1 TABLE 1 I OFF-SITE RADIATION DOSE ASSESSMENT - PRAIRIE ISLAND PEltIOD: JANUARY 1 throuch DECEMBER 31. 1988 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I Guidelines per 2-units site per year Gaseous Releasta i Maximum Site Boundary Gamma Air Dose (mrad) 0.000041 20 Maximum Site Boundary Beta Air Dose (mrad) 0.0011 40 Maximum Off-site Dose to Any Organ (mrem)* i Total 0.3157 30 I i Offshore Location l (mrem, 7 days / year) i Whole Body 0.015 10 ] Organ 0.015 30 1 1 Licuid Releases Maximum Off-site Dose Whole Body (mrem) 0.0012 6 Maximum Off-site Dose Organ, Total 0.0049 20

  • Long-lived Particulate, I-131, and H-3 i


I TABLE 2 OFF-SITE RADIATION DOSE ASSESSMENT - PRAIRIE ISLAND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ) l PERIODI JANUARY 1 throuch DECEMBER 31, 1988 -l l Gaseous Releases I l Maximum Site Boundary Dose Location (from Building vents) Sector WNW Distance (miles) 0.36 offshore Location Within Site Boundary Sector ESE Distance (miles) 0.2 Maximum Off-site Dose Location Sector SSE Distance (miles) 0.6 Pathways

Ground, Inhalation, Vegetables Age Group Child Organ Thyroid Liquid Releases Maximum Off-site Dose Location Downstream Pathways Fish Age Group Adult Organ Thyroid}}