MONTHYEARML20199G8601997-04-10010 April 1997 Rev 0 to Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Analysis of Cable Ampacity Limits ML20149E6861994-03-0909 March 1994 Plant IPE Back-End Technical Evaluation Rept,Rev 1 ML20149E6911994-02-28028 February 1994 Technical Evaluation Rept,Plant IPE Assessment of Human Reliability Analysis Document Only ML20149E6781994-02-17017 February 1994 Plant IPE,Front-End Review ML20080D9671992-09-30030 September 1992 Review of Oyster Creek TS Change Request 191 to Implement Long Term Solution II, Technical Support for the Reactor Sys Branch ML20033G8471990-03-31031 March 1990 Revised Final, Technical Evaluation Rept on Response from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Generic Ltr 88-01 Pertaining to Oyster Creek Generating Station ML20246B8151989-04-30030 April 1989 Rev 1 to Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Duane Arnold,Enrico Fermi-2,Hope Creek,Lasalle County 1 & 2, Limerick 1 & 2,Millstone 1,Monticello,Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 & Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20205L0091988-07-31031 July 1988 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components: Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20238D0211987-07-31031 July 1987 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97:Oyster Creek, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20215L7481987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety Related Components: Oyster Creek, Final Informal Rept ML20214R3841987-03-31031 March 1987 Followup SEP Evaluation of Part of Remaining Open Items for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant ML20212C0721986-08-0404 August 1986 Structural Evaluation of Vacuum Breakers (Mark I Containment Program),Oyster Creek Plant, Supplementary Technical Evaluation Rept ML20211N8751986-06-30030 June 1986 Draft Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20210C3071986-03-19019 March 1986 Final Supplementary Rept,Review of Licensee Responses to SEP Topic III-7.B,Design Codes,Design Criteria & Loading Combinations,Oyster Creek ML20136G4791985-11-0404 November 1985 Masonary Wall Design, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20138L7171985-07-10010 July 1985 Draft Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions...Atws Events),Item 1.2, Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20151K8961985-05-20020 May 1985 Evaluation of Dcrdr Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Supplemental Technical Evaluation Rept ML20115A4171985-01-11011 January 1985 Evaluation of Isolation Condenser Cracks at Oyster Creek Unit 1 ML20140C9991984-10-31031 October 1984 Review of Wind & Tornado Loading Responses,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20095A4931984-08-15015 August 1984 Rev 1 to Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20094L1551984-07-20020 July 1984 Evaluation of Detailed Control Room Design Review Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Final Technical Rept ML20093C7781984-07-0505 July 1984 Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20198P6321984-06-22022 June 1984 Draft Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20082C0881983-10-31031 October 1983 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Final Report: September 1,1976 - December 31,1982 ML20083J3231983-09-30030 September 1983 Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Plant Unique Analysis Repts ML20092N6501983-08-31031 August 1983 Technical Evaluation of Integrity of Oyster Creek Reactor Coolant Boundary Piping Sys ML20080E2641983-08-30030 August 1983 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20079Q7121983-06-10010 June 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),JCP&L Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076J4031983-04-0606 April 1983 RCS Vents (NUREG-0737,Item II.B.1), Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20072S0691983-02-18018 February 1983 Monitoring of Electric Power to Reactor Protection Sys for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4231983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20070L7311982-12-31031 December 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Docket No. 50-219.(General Public Utilities) ML20126E9941982-12-0707 December 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Monthly Progress Rept for Nov 1982 ML20070J3311982-11-30030 November 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,March - May 1982 ML20198P6471982-11-29029 November 1982 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20071N2601982-09-30030 September 1982 Inservice Insp Program, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20065B8501982-08-31031 August 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,December 1981-Februaury 1982 ML20027A9061982-08-31031 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20140B7651982-07-31031 July 1982 Review of Operating Experience History of Oyster Creek Through 1981 for NRC SEP, Final Rept ML20027D2261982-07-31031 July 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20058B1171982-06-30030 June 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,September-November 1981 ML20054L4961982-06-0909 June 1982 Hydrological Considerations (SEP,II-3.A,B,B.1,3.C) Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML20054E4181982-06-0808 June 1982 Wind & Tornado Loadings (SEP III-2), Technical Evaluation Rept ML20063G7771982-05-31031 May 1982 SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20062A4881982-04-30030 April 1982 Safety Evaluation Rept,Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Rept ML20052H4361982-04-30030 April 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20052B5811982-04-28028 April 1982 Design Codes,Design Criteria, & Loading Combinations (SEP III-7.B) Jersey Central Power & Light Co,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20053D2141982-04-27027 April 1982 Control of Heavy Loads, Draft Technical Evaluation Rept ML20052D4851982-03-31031 March 1982 Draft SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20049H9691982-02-18018 February 1982 Comparison of Plant & Model Radiological Effluent Tech Specs,Gpu Nuclear Corp, Draft Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation 1997-04-10
[Table view] Category:QUICK LOOK
MONTHYEARML20199G8601997-04-10010 April 1997 Rev 0 to Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Analysis of Cable Ampacity Limits ML20149E6861994-03-0909 March 1994 Plant IPE Back-End Technical Evaluation Rept,Rev 1 ML20149E6911994-02-28028 February 1994 Technical Evaluation Rept,Plant IPE Assessment of Human Reliability Analysis Document Only ML20149E6781994-02-17017 February 1994 Plant IPE,Front-End Review ML20080D9671992-09-30030 September 1992 Review of Oyster Creek TS Change Request 191 to Implement Long Term Solution II, Technical Support for the Reactor Sys Branch ML20033G8471990-03-31031 March 1990 Revised Final, Technical Evaluation Rept on Response from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Generic Ltr 88-01 Pertaining to Oyster Creek Generating Station ML20246B8151989-04-30030 April 1989 Rev 1 to Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Duane Arnold,Enrico Fermi-2,Hope Creek,Lasalle County 1 & 2, Limerick 1 & 2,Millstone 1,Monticello,Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 & Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20205L0091988-07-31031 July 1988 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components: Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20238D0211987-07-31031 July 1987 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97:Oyster Creek, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20215L7481987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety Related Components: Oyster Creek, Final Informal Rept ML20214R3841987-03-31031 March 1987 Followup SEP Evaluation of Part of Remaining Open Items for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant ML20212C0721986-08-0404 August 1986 Structural Evaluation of Vacuum Breakers (Mark I Containment Program),Oyster Creek Plant, Supplementary Technical Evaluation Rept ML20211N8751986-06-30030 June 1986 Draft Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20210C3071986-03-19019 March 1986 Final Supplementary Rept,Review of Licensee Responses to SEP Topic III-7.B,Design Codes,Design Criteria & Loading Combinations,Oyster Creek ML20136G4791985-11-0404 November 1985 Masonary Wall Design, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20138L7171985-07-10010 July 1985 Draft Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions...Atws Events),Item 1.2, Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20151K8961985-05-20020 May 1985 Evaluation of Dcrdr Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Supplemental Technical Evaluation Rept ML20115A4171985-01-11011 January 1985 Evaluation of Isolation Condenser Cracks at Oyster Creek Unit 1 ML20140C9991984-10-31031 October 1984 Review of Wind & Tornado Loading Responses,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20095A4931984-08-15015 August 1984 Rev 1 to Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20094L1551984-07-20020 July 1984 Evaluation of Detailed Control Room Design Review Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Final Technical Rept ML20093C7781984-07-0505 July 1984 Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20198P6321984-06-22022 June 1984 Draft Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20082C0881983-10-31031 October 1983 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Final Report: September 1,1976 - December 31,1982 ML20083J3231983-09-30030 September 1983 Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Plant Unique Analysis Repts ML20092N6501983-08-31031 August 1983 Technical Evaluation of Integrity of Oyster Creek Reactor Coolant Boundary Piping Sys ML20080E2641983-08-30030 August 1983 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20079Q7121983-06-10010 June 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),JCP&L Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076J4031983-04-0606 April 1983 RCS Vents (NUREG-0737,Item II.B.1), Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20072S0691983-02-18018 February 1983 Monitoring of Electric Power to Reactor Protection Sys for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4231983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20070L7311982-12-31031 December 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Docket No. 50-219.(General Public Utilities) ML20126E9941982-12-0707 December 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Monthly Progress Rept for Nov 1982 ML20070J3311982-11-30030 November 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,March - May 1982 ML20198P6471982-11-29029 November 1982 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20071N2601982-09-30030 September 1982 Inservice Insp Program, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20065B8501982-08-31031 August 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,December 1981-Februaury 1982 ML20027A9061982-08-31031 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20140B7651982-07-31031 July 1982 Review of Operating Experience History of Oyster Creek Through 1981 for NRC SEP, Final Rept ML20027D2261982-07-31031 July 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20058B1171982-06-30030 June 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,September-November 1981 ML20054L4961982-06-0909 June 1982 Hydrological Considerations (SEP,II-3.A,B,B.1,3.C) Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML20054E4181982-06-0808 June 1982 Wind & Tornado Loadings (SEP III-2), Technical Evaluation Rept ML20063G7771982-05-31031 May 1982 SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20062A4881982-04-30030 April 1982 Safety Evaluation Rept,Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Rept ML20052H4361982-04-30030 April 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20052B5811982-04-28028 April 1982 Design Codes,Design Criteria, & Loading Combinations (SEP III-7.B) Jersey Central Power & Light Co,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20053D2141982-04-27027 April 1982 Control of Heavy Loads, Draft Technical Evaluation Rept ML20052D4851982-03-31031 March 1982 Draft SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20049H9691982-02-18018 February 1982 Comparison of Plant & Model Radiological Effluent Tech Specs,Gpu Nuclear Corp, Draft Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation 1997-04-10
[Table view] Category:ETC. (PERIODIC
MONTHYEARML20199G8601997-04-10010 April 1997 Rev 0 to Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Analysis of Cable Ampacity Limits ML20149E6861994-03-0909 March 1994 Plant IPE Back-End Technical Evaluation Rept,Rev 1 ML20149E6911994-02-28028 February 1994 Technical Evaluation Rept,Plant IPE Assessment of Human Reliability Analysis Document Only ML20149E6781994-02-17017 February 1994 Plant IPE,Front-End Review ML20080D9671992-09-30030 September 1992 Review of Oyster Creek TS Change Request 191 to Implement Long Term Solution II, Technical Support for the Reactor Sys Branch ML20033G8471990-03-31031 March 1990 Revised Final, Technical Evaluation Rept on Response from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Generic Ltr 88-01 Pertaining to Oyster Creek Generating Station ML20246B8151989-04-30030 April 1989 Rev 1 to Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Duane Arnold,Enrico Fermi-2,Hope Creek,Lasalle County 1 & 2, Limerick 1 & 2,Millstone 1,Monticello,Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 & Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20205L0091988-07-31031 July 1988 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components: Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20238D0211987-07-31031 July 1987 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97:Oyster Creek, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20215L7481987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety Related Components: Oyster Creek, Final Informal Rept ML20214R3841987-03-31031 March 1987 Followup SEP Evaluation of Part of Remaining Open Items for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant ML20212C0721986-08-0404 August 1986 Structural Evaluation of Vacuum Breakers (Mark I Containment Program),Oyster Creek Plant, Supplementary Technical Evaluation Rept ML20211N8751986-06-30030 June 1986 Draft Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20210C3071986-03-19019 March 1986 Final Supplementary Rept,Review of Licensee Responses to SEP Topic III-7.B,Design Codes,Design Criteria & Loading Combinations,Oyster Creek ML20136G4791985-11-0404 November 1985 Masonary Wall Design, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20138L7171985-07-10010 July 1985 Draft Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions...Atws Events),Item 1.2, Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20151K8961985-05-20020 May 1985 Evaluation of Dcrdr Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Supplemental Technical Evaluation Rept ML20115A4171985-01-11011 January 1985 Evaluation of Isolation Condenser Cracks at Oyster Creek Unit 1 ML20140C9991984-10-31031 October 1984 Review of Wind & Tornado Loading Responses,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20095A4931984-08-15015 August 1984 Rev 1 to Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20094L1551984-07-20020 July 1984 Evaluation of Detailed Control Room Design Review Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Final Technical Rept ML20093C7781984-07-0505 July 1984 Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20198P6321984-06-22022 June 1984 Draft Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20082C0881983-10-31031 October 1983 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Final Report: September 1,1976 - December 31,1982 ML20083J3231983-09-30030 September 1983 Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Plant Unique Analysis Repts ML20092N6501983-08-31031 August 1983 Technical Evaluation of Integrity of Oyster Creek Reactor Coolant Boundary Piping Sys ML20080E2641983-08-30030 August 1983 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20079Q7121983-06-10010 June 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),JCP&L Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076J4031983-04-0606 April 1983 RCS Vents (NUREG-0737,Item II.B.1), Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20072S0691983-02-18018 February 1983 Monitoring of Electric Power to Reactor Protection Sys for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4231983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20070L7311982-12-31031 December 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Docket No. 50-219.(General Public Utilities) ML20126E9941982-12-0707 December 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Monthly Progress Rept for Nov 1982 ML20070J3311982-11-30030 November 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,March - May 1982 ML20198P6471982-11-29029 November 1982 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20071N2601982-09-30030 September 1982 Inservice Insp Program, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20065B8501982-08-31031 August 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,December 1981-Februaury 1982 ML20027A9061982-08-31031 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20140B7651982-07-31031 July 1982 Review of Operating Experience History of Oyster Creek Through 1981 for NRC SEP, Final Rept ML20027D2261982-07-31031 July 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20058B1171982-06-30030 June 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,September-November 1981 ML20054L4961982-06-0909 June 1982 Hydrological Considerations (SEP,II-3.A,B,B.1,3.C) Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML20054E4181982-06-0808 June 1982 Wind & Tornado Loadings (SEP III-2), Technical Evaluation Rept ML20063G7771982-05-31031 May 1982 SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20062A4881982-04-30030 April 1982 Safety Evaluation Rept,Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Rept ML20052H4361982-04-30030 April 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20052B5811982-04-28028 April 1982 Design Codes,Design Criteria, & Loading Combinations (SEP III-7.B) Jersey Central Power & Light Co,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20053D2141982-04-27027 April 1982 Control of Heavy Loads, Draft Technical Evaluation Rept ML20052D4851982-03-31031 March 1982 Draft SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20049H9691982-02-18018 February 1982 Comparison of Plant & Model Radiological Effluent Tech Specs,Gpu Nuclear Corp, Draft Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation 1997-04-10
MONTHYEARML20199G8601997-04-10010 April 1997 Rev 0 to Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Analysis of Cable Ampacity Limits ML20149E6861994-03-0909 March 1994 Plant IPE Back-End Technical Evaluation Rept,Rev 1 ML20149E6911994-02-28028 February 1994 Technical Evaluation Rept,Plant IPE Assessment of Human Reliability Analysis Document Only ML20149E6781994-02-17017 February 1994 Plant IPE,Front-End Review ML20080D9671992-09-30030 September 1992 Review of Oyster Creek TS Change Request 191 to Implement Long Term Solution II, Technical Support for the Reactor Sys Branch ML20033G8471990-03-31031 March 1990 Revised Final, Technical Evaluation Rept on Response from Gpu Nuclear Corp to Generic Ltr 88-01 Pertaining to Oyster Creek Generating Station ML20246B8151989-04-30030 April 1989 Rev 1 to Conformance to Item 4.5.2 of Generic Ltr 83-28, Duane Arnold,Enrico Fermi-2,Hope Creek,Lasalle County 1 & 2, Limerick 1 & 2,Millstone 1,Monticello,Nine Mile Point 1 & 2 & Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20205L0091988-07-31031 July 1988 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1-Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components: Oyster Creek, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20238D0211987-07-31031 July 1987 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97:Oyster Creek, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20215L7481987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety Related Components: Oyster Creek, Final Informal Rept ML20214R3841987-03-31031 March 1987 Followup SEP Evaluation of Part of Remaining Open Items for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant ML20212C0721986-08-0404 August 1986 Structural Evaluation of Vacuum Breakers (Mark I Containment Program),Oyster Creek Plant, Supplementary Technical Evaluation Rept ML20211N8751986-06-30030 June 1986 Draft Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20210C3071986-03-19019 March 1986 Final Supplementary Rept,Review of Licensee Responses to SEP Topic III-7.B,Design Codes,Design Criteria & Loading Combinations,Oyster Creek ML20136G4791985-11-0404 November 1985 Masonary Wall Design, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20138L7171985-07-10010 July 1985 Draft Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions...Atws Events),Item 1.2, Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20151K8961985-05-20020 May 1985 Evaluation of Dcrdr Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Supplemental Technical Evaluation Rept ML20115A4171985-01-11011 January 1985 Evaluation of Isolation Condenser Cracks at Oyster Creek Unit 1 ML20140C9991984-10-31031 October 1984 Review of Wind & Tornado Loading Responses,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20095A4931984-08-15015 August 1984 Rev 1 to Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20094L1551984-07-20020 July 1984 Evaluation of Detailed Control Room Design Review Summary Rept for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Final Technical Rept ML20093C7781984-07-0505 July 1984 Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20198P6321984-06-22022 June 1984 Draft Evaluation of Spent Fuel Racks Structural Analysis, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20082C0881983-10-31031 October 1983 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Final Report: September 1,1976 - December 31,1982 ML20083J3231983-09-30030 September 1983 Technical Evaluation of Oyster Creek Plant Unique Analysis Repts ML20092N6501983-08-31031 August 1983 Technical Evaluation of Integrity of Oyster Creek Reactor Coolant Boundary Piping Sys ML20080E2641983-08-30030 August 1983 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20079Q7121983-06-10010 June 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),JCP&L Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076J4031983-04-0606 April 1983 RCS Vents (NUREG-0737,Item II.B.1), Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20072S0691983-02-18018 February 1983 Monitoring of Electric Power to Reactor Protection Sys for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4231983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20070L7311982-12-31031 December 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Docket No. 50-219.(General Public Utilities) ML20126E9941982-12-0707 December 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Monthly Progress Rept for Nov 1982 ML20070J3311982-11-30030 November 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,March - May 1982 ML20198P6471982-11-29029 November 1982 Audit for Mark I Containment Long-Term Program - Structural Analysis for Operating Reactors,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Technical Evaluation Rept ML20071N2601982-09-30030 September 1982 Inservice Insp Program, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20065B8501982-08-31031 August 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,December 1981-Februaury 1982 ML20027A9061982-08-31031 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4 for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20140B7651982-07-31031 July 1982 Review of Operating Experience History of Oyster Creek Through 1981 for NRC SEP, Final Rept ML20027D2261982-07-31031 July 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20058B1171982-06-30030 June 1982 Ecological Studies of WOOD-BORING Bivalves in the Vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.Progress Report,September-November 1981 ML20054L4961982-06-0909 June 1982 Hydrological Considerations (SEP,II-3.A,B,B.1,3.C) Jcp&L, Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML20054E4181982-06-0808 June 1982 Wind & Tornado Loadings (SEP III-2), Technical Evaluation Rept ML20063G7771982-05-31031 May 1982 SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20062A4881982-04-30030 April 1982 Safety Evaluation Rept,Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Interim Rept ML20052H4361982-04-30030 April 1982 Restart of Core Spray & Low Pressure Coolant Injection Sys, NUREG-0737,Item II.K.3.21,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station ML20052B5811982-04-28028 April 1982 Design Codes,Design Criteria, & Loading Combinations (SEP III-7.B) Jersey Central Power & Light Co,Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20053D2141982-04-27027 April 1982 Control of Heavy Loads, Draft Technical Evaluation Rept ML20052D4851982-03-31031 March 1982 Draft SEP Structural Review of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant Drywell Containment Structure Under Combined Loads ML20049H9691982-02-18018 February 1982 Comparison of Plant & Model Radiological Effluent Tech Specs,Gpu Nuclear Corp, Draft Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation 1997-04-10
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EGG-NTA-7617 April 1987 4
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l DISCLAIMER This book was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any j
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EGG-NTA-7617 i
OYSTER CREEK Docket No. 50-219 Alan C. Udy Published April 1987 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory EG&G Idaho, Inc.
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 9
Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
20555 Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 FIN No. D6001
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ABSTRACT This EG&G Idaho, Inc., report provides a review of the submittals from the GPU Nuclear Corporation regarding conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.2.2, for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.
Docket No. 50-219 TAC No. 53698 11
O FOREWORD This report is supplied as part of the program for evaluating j
licensee / applicant conformance to Generic Letter 83-28, " Required Actions j
Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events." This work is being conducted for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of PWR Licensing-A, by EG&G Idaho, Inc., NRR and I&E Support Branch.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission funded this work under the authorization B&R No. 20-19-10-11-3, FIN No. D6001.
Docket No. 50-219 TAC No. 53698 iii
ii FOREWORD.............................................................
iii 1.
1 2.
REVIEW CONTENT AND FORMAT........................................
2 4
4 3.
ITEM 2.2.2 - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION.................................
3 3.1 Guideline...............................................
3 3.2 Evaluation.................................................
3 3.3 Conclusion................
4 i
PROGRAM WHERE VENDOR INTERFACE CANNOT PRACTICABLY BE ESTABLISHED.....................................................
5 4.1 Guideline.................................................
5 4.2 Evaluation.................................................
5 4.3 Conclusion................................................
6 l
7 i
5.1 Guideline.................................................
7 5.2 Evaluation.............................................
7 5.3 Conclusion.................................................
7 6.
8 7.
9 iv
INTRODUCTION On February 25, 1983, both of the scram circuit breakers at Unit 1 of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant failed to open upon an automatic reactor trip l
signal from the reactor protection system.
This incident was terminated manually by the operator about 30 seconds after n e initiation of the I
automatic trip signal.
The failure of the circuit breakers was determined to be related to the sticking of the undervoltage trip attachment.
Prior to this incident, on February 22, 1983, at Unit 1 of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant, an automatic trip signal was generated based on steam i
I generator. low-low level during plant startup.
In this case, the reactor was tripped manually by the operator almost coincidentally with the automatic trip.
l Followirg these in.idents, dn February 28, 1983, the NRC Executive j
Director for Operations (EDO), directed the NRC staff to investigate and report on the generic implications of these occurrences at Unit 1 of the Salem Nuclear Power Plant.
The results of the staff's inquiry' into the l
generic implications of the Salem unit incidents are reported in NUREG-1000, " Generic Implications of the ATWS Events at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant." As a result of this investigation, the Commission (NRC) 1 requested (by Generic Letter 83-28 dated July 8,1983 ) all licensees of operating reactors, applicanthfor an operating license, and holders of construction permits to respond to the generic issues raised by the j
analyses of these two ATWS events.
This rcport is an evalaation of the responses submitted by the GPU Nuclear Corporation, the licensee for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station, for Itcm 2.2.2 of Generic Letter 83-28.
The documents reviewed as a part of this evaluation are listed in the references at the end of this report.
1 1
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Item 2.2.2 of Generic Letter 83-28 requests the licensee or applicant to submit, for the staff review, a description of their programs for interfacing with the vendors of ali safety-related components including i
supporting information, in considerable detail, as indicated in the guideline section for each case within this report.
j i
These guidelines treat cases where direct vendor contact programs are pursued, treat cases where such contact cannot practically be established, and establish responsibilities of licensees / applicants and vendors that provide service on safety-related components or equipment.
As previously indicated, the cases of Item 2.2.2 are evaluated in a separate section in which the guideline is presented; an evaluation of the licensee's/ applicant's response is made; and conclusions about the programs of the licensee or applicant for their vendor interface program for safety-related components and equipment are drawn.
1 2
ITEM 2.2.2 - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 3.1 Guideline i
The licensee or applicant response should describe their program for j
establishing and maintaining interfaces with vendors of safety-related components which ensures that vendors are contacted on a periodic basis and that receipt of vendor equipment technical information (ETI) is acknowledged or otherwise verified.
This program description should establish that such interfaces are established with their NSSS vendor, as well as with the vendors of key safety-related components such as diesel generators, electrical switchgear, auxiliary feedpumps, emergency core cooling system (ECCS) pumps, batteries, battery chargers, and valve operators, to facilitate the exchange of current technical information.
The description should ver' fy that controlled procedures exist for handling this vendor technical. information which ensure that it is kept current and complete and that it is incorporated into plant operating, maintenance and test procedures as is appropriate.
3.2 Evaluation The licensee for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generation Station responded to these requirements with submittals dated November 14, 1983,2 3
November 20, 1984 and October 23, 1985.4 These submittals include information that describes their vendor interface programs.
In the review of the licensee's response to this item, it was assumed that the information and documentation supporting this program is available for audit upon request. We nave reviewed this information and note the following.
The licensee's response states that they actively participate in the Nuclear Utility Task Action Committee (NUTAC) program.
The Ver. dor Equipment Technical Information Program (VETIP) was developed by NUTAC.
VETIP includes interaction with the NSSS vendor and with other electric utilities.
Typical 3
NSSS vendor contact with the licensee includes General Electric's service advisory program, including service information letters and turbine i
information letters. They also state that interfaces are established with vendors of major safety related equipment that have continuing product development programs.
The licensee also states that procedures to
implement the NUTAC/VETIP program are in place.
These procedures include 5000-ADM-7316.02, 5000-ADM-7370.92 and 5000-ADM-7315.03.
3.3 Conclusion We conclude that the licensee's response regarding program description is complete and, therefore, acceptable.
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e 4
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PRACTICABLY BE ESTABLISHED 4.1 Guideline The licensee / applicant response should describe their program for compensating for the lack of a formal vendor interface where such an interface cannot be practicably established.
This program may reference the NUTAC/VETIP program, as described in INPO 84-010, issued in March 1984.
If the NUTAC/VETIP program is referenced, the response should j
describe how procedures were revised to properly control and implement this
program and to incorporate the program enhancements described in Section 3.2 of the.NUTAC/VETIP report.
It should also be noted that the lack of either a formal interface with each vendor of safety-related equipment or a program to periodically contact each vendor of safety-related equipment will not relieve the licensee / applicant of his responsibility to obtain appropriate vendor instructions and information where necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system or component will perform satisfactorily in service and to ensure adequate quality assurance in accordance with Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50.
4.2 Evaluation The licensee provided a brief description of the vendor interface program. Their description references the NUTAC/VETIP program. The licensee states that plant instructions and procedures are currently in place to assure that the VETIP program is properly controlled and implemented.
VETIP is comprised of two basic elements related to vendor equipment J
I problems; the Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System (NPRDS) and the j
Significant Event Evaluation and Information Network (SEE-IN) programs.
j VETIP is designed to ensure that vendor equipment problems are recognized, evaluated and corrective action taken.
i 5
1 I
.Through participation in the NPRDS program, the licensee submits engineering information, failure reports and operating histories for review-
~under the SEE-IN program..Through the SEE-IN program, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INP0) reviews nuclear plant events that have been reported through the NPRDS programs and Nuclear Network and NRC reports.
Based on the significance of the event, as determined by the screening review, INPO issues a report to all utilities outlining the cause of the event, related problems and recommends practical corrective actions. These reports are issued in Significant Event Reports, and Significant Operating Experience Reports and as Operations and Maintenance Reminders.
Upon receipt of these documents, the licensee evaluates the information to determine applicability to the facility.
This evaluation is documented and corrective actions are taken as determined necessary.
The licensee's response states that procedures exist to review and evaluate incoming equipment toehnical information and to incorporate it into existing procedures.
4.3 Conclusion We find that the licensee's response to this concern is adequate and acceptable. This finding is based on the understanding that the licensee's commitment to implement the VETIP program includes the implementation of the enhancements described in Section 3.2 of the NUTAC/VETIP program to the extent that the licensee can control or influence the implementation of these recommendations.
a 6
RESPONSIBILITIES OF LICENSEE / APPLICANT AND VENDOR THAT PROVIDE SERVICE ON SAFETY-RELATED EQUIPMENT 5.1 Guideline The licensee / applicant response should verify that the responsibilities of the licensee or applicant and vendors that provide service on safety-related equipment are defined such that control of applicable instructions for maintenance work on safety-related equipment are provided.
5.2 Evaluation The licensee's response commits to implement the NUTAC/VETIP program.
They further state that their present and revised programs and procedures adequately implement this program.
The VETIP guidelines include implementation procedures for the internal handling of vendor services.
The licensee states that procedures will require vendors of service on safety-related equipment to either have a qualified quality assurance program or they will be required by procurement documents to work within the licensee's quality assurance program.
1 5.3 Conclusion We find that the information contained in the licensee's submittals is sufficient for us to conclude that the licensee's and vendor's responsibilities are defined and controlled appropriately. Therefore, the information provided by the licensee for this item is acceptable.
l 7
CONCLUSION Based on our review of the licensee's response to the specific requirements of item 2.2.2 for Dyster Creek, we find that the licensee's interface program with its NSSS supplier, along with the licensee's commitment to implement the NUTAC/VETIP program, is acceptable. This is based on the understanding that the licensee's commitment to implement the NOTAC/VETIP program includes the objective for " Internal Handling of Vendor Services" described on page 23 of the March 1984 report and includes the enhancements described in Section 3.2 of the report to the extent that the licensee can control or influence such enhancements.
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r 8
Letter,'NRC (D. G. Eisenhut), to all Licensees of Operating Reactors, Applicants for Operating License, and Holders of Construction Permits,
" Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events -
(Generic Letter 83-28),"' July 8, 1983.
- Letter, GPU Nuclear Corporation-(P. B. Fiedler) to NRC, " Generic Letter.83-28," November 14, 1983.
Letter, GPU Nuclear Corporation (P B. Fiedler) to NRC, " Generic
Letter 83-28," November 20, 1984.
Letter, GPU Nuclear (P. B. Fiedler) to NRC'(J. A. Zwo11nski), " Generic Letter 83-28," October 23, 1985.
Vendor Eouioment Technical Information Program, Nuclear Utility Task Action Committee on Generic Letter 83-28, Section 2.2.2, March 1984, INP0 84-010.
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April 1987
. auf oaisi Alan C. Udy
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- 7. taPOmMING ORGAN 12ATION NAME AND MA34tNG ADDntss tsanwege Caos 8 PROJ8CTITA8K/WOMK 98sif NUMetR EG&G Idaho, Inc.
P. O. Box 1625
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Idaho Falls, 10 83415 D6001
- 10. $PCNSOntNQ ORGAN 12 ATION NAwt ANO MA# LING ADORGS$ ft.rneele caprJ tia TYPEOppgPORT
-Division of PWR Licensing - A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
. Pta oo Covsaen t, Washington, DC 20555 1
l is sve*LeutNT Aav Nous 13 A857m ACT (200 = ores., aeses This EG&G Idaho,;Inc., report provides a review of the submittals from the l
GPU Nuclear Corporation regarding conformance to Generic Letter 83-28,. Item 2.2.2, for Oyster Creek, 1
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