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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 870109
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/14/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-870109, NUDOCS 8701200206
Download: ML20212G337 (34)


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January 14, 1987 For: The Commissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - K'EEK ENDING JANUARY 9,1987 A sumary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Inspection and Enforcement D

. Nuclear Regulatory Research E General Counsel F*

International Programs G*

State Programs H Resource Management I Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data J Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights K*

Regional Offices L*

CRGR Monthly Reports M*

Executive Director for Operations N

, Items Addressed by the Commission 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q external distribution)

  • No input this week.

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8701200206 870109 T. A. hehm,' Assistant for Operations b$KLk'$kREP PDR Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm, ED0 492-7781 1

HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING JANUARY 9, 1987 Perry, Unit 1 On December 31, 1986, Justice Scalia denied the OCRE petition for emergency relief on the basis it was filed under the wrong statute. The petitiun was filed by OCRE on December 24, 1986, following the December 23rd Appeals Court Order lifting the Stay on operations above 5% of rated power.

1 On December 30, 1986, the plant was again synchronized to the grid and was generating about 150 MWe of power. A number of relatively minor problems developed leading to a reactor shutdown late on December 30, 1986. These problems include: a) High vibration in turbine bearing No. 7; b) Instability in the feedwater control system; and c) High conductivity in the reactor coolant due to leaks in a number of condenser tubes. The plant will remain

in the shutdown mode for a few days to resolve these problems.

i Surry Power Station. Units 1 and 2 On December 31, 1986, the staff issued the Amendment Nos. 111 and 111 which extend the Surry 1 and 2 Operating Licenses by 4 and 41 years, respectively to allow for 40 years of full power operation from the date of OL issuance.

The Safety Evaluation issued with the amendments included the significance of the December 9, 1986, pipe rupture accident at Surry Unit 2 relative to operating license extension. .

Current Mixed Waste Activities

. The guidance on the definition and identification of Mixed LLW has been signed by NRC and should be signed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by January 9, 1987. A jointly endorsed letter by NRC/ EPA regarding siting guidance should be signed by January 16, 1987. This letter states that the NRC and EPA do not consider the absence of EPA's Acceptable Location Standards to be a legitimate reason for the failure of states and compacts to meet their obligations under LLRWPAA. In' addition, this letter conveys that the NRC and EPA will provide guidance to the states and compacts in order to meet the January 1988 LLRWPAA Milestone for siting plans.

On January 5, 1987, NRC and EPA staffs discussed the following items regarding mixed waste:

  • EPA participation at the Forum conference in San Diego on January 13, 1987.
  • EPA /NRC participation at the Southern States Energy Board conference on February 3, and 4,1987.
  • A joint NRC/ EPA survey to estimate the volume of Mixed LLW based upon the jointly endorsed Definition of Mixed LLW.

Joint NRC/ EPA staff site visits to low-level radioactive and hazardous waste sites.

Ohio Emergency Plan Recommendations The State of Ohio, represented by the Governor-appointed Emergency Evacuation Review Team, released a report on January 7,1987, to Governor Celeste, which summarizes findings and recomrendations regarding the adequacy of off-site emergency planning at the Davis-Besse and Perry Nuclear Plants. The report recommends that both plants be limited to 5% power until emergency " planning deficiencies are -

corrected" and makes a number of recommendations regarding emergency planning procedures around the plants. JAN 9 1987


Week Ending January 9,1987 ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Carryovers, 1986 170 53 Received, 1987 25 1 Granted 13 0 Denied 7 1 Pending 175 53 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received (NP.Cemployee) Requests copies of a specified OIA investigation report (87-4) and specified related records.

Kenneth Mokoena, Requests copies of all correspondence and records related The National to (1) a 1982 letter to Senator Percy from Contrerce Security Archive Secretary Baldrige regarding a pending sale of helium-3 (87-5) to South Africa and (2) the Reagan Administration's

" flexible" policy regarding the export of nuclear technology to South Africa.

Steven Sholly, Requests copies of four categories of records related MHB Technical to the 1983 Seabrook Probabilistic Safety Study.

Associates (87-6)

Steven Sholly, Requests three categories of records related to three MHR Technical specified reports on the Seabrook nuclear power plant.

Associates (87-7)

Steven Sholly, Requests two categories of records related to tests and NHB Technical analyses on high pressure melt ejection.

Associates (87-8)

E. Lynn McGuire, Requests a list of all NRC medical licensees.

MHP Software (87-9)

CONTACT: Dornie H. Grimsley .

492-7211 JANUARY 9, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

2 Received, Cont'd Larry Tye, Requests copies of all records related to (1) the utility's The Boston Globe proposed reduction of the emergency planning zone at (87-10) Seabrook; (2) changes to containment that NRC is considering for GE plants generally; and (3) the inspection of Pilgrim I since its shutdown in April.

Lyle Graber, Requests copies of enclosures to a specified record NUS Corporation on the Turkey Point nuclear power plant.


Philip Callaghan Requests all transcripts of the executive session hearing (87-12) held oy the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy on July 23, 1963, regarding the loss of the USS Thresher.

Tina Lam, Requests copies of correspondence between architects The Ann Arbor and/or engineers retained by the utility regarding News completing engineering calculations prior to the (87-13) utility obtaining its cperating license for the Femi Unit 2 nuclear power plant.

David Perkey, Requests a copy of SECY-86-167, " Issuance of Proposed NUS Corporation Revision tc 10 CFR 50 Appendix J Plus Related Draft (87-14) Regulatory Guide MS021-5."

James Geocari$, Requests records that relate to his client and three Jenner & Block specified OIA investigations..


Roman Plaszczak, Requests reports of substantial safety hazards at the Plaszczak & Bauhof, D.C. Cook nuclear power plant and whether a P.C. particular type of incident should be reported to the (87-16) NRC.

Thomas Albano Requests copies of the last three or four inspection (87-17) reports for Nuclear Metals Inc., of Concord, Massachusetts.

Stephanie Murphy, Requests records related to the relaxation of timing Nuclear Infomation requirements for full participation emergency and Resource preparedness exercises with regard to the proposed Service amendment to NRC's regulations.


Stephanie Murphy, Requests records related to (1) CASH request for Nuclear Information hearings on the CPL petition for an exemption from and Resource requirements to hold a full scale emergency drill and Service (2)SECY-86-352.


Judith Zwelling, Requests copies of records on the December 9,1986 Citizen Action accident at the Surry nuclear power plant.

for a Safe Envirorment (87-20) l JANUARY 9, 1987 ENCLOSURE A

l Received, Cont'd ,

Jane Whicher, Requests copies of SECY-86-292 and SECY-86-292A and The Roger orders approved by the Comission on November 7,1986, Baldwin pertaining to the Braidwood nuclear power plant.

Foundation of ACLU, Inc. '


Scott Higham, Requests copies of all records related to the cases in The Morning Call which four specified utilities have been charged or are (87-22) being charged with violating federal whistle-blower statutes, specifically 10 CFR 50.7, between 1980 and the present.

Kristine Albrecht, Requests copies of records providing enforcement histories, Food Irradiation e.g., reports of inspections, accidents, contaminations, Response and worker exposures for nine listed licensees.


Maribeth Kuehn, Requests copies of specified records related to RFP Phoenix Systems RS-0RM-85-336.

(87-24) l . Dan Wulz, Requests records related to NRC's investigation of i

Bryan, Lykins, allegations by a named individual of deficiencies in Hejtmanek & Wulz, construction and procedure at the Wolf Creek nuclear power P.A. plant.


Steven Aftergood, APPEAL TO THE COMf1ISSION for the release of the denied 4

Comittee to portions of SECY-79-213.

Bridge the Gap j (87-A-1-84-345)

Granted Ophelia Williams, In response to a request for four categories of records J/R/A Associates pertaining to the COBRA-TF and TRAC-PFl MOD 1 computer (86-706) codes, made available 51 records. Informed the t requester that additional records subject to this request 1

are already available at the PDR.

3 Randy Quarles, In response to a request for records regarding sabotage The Ohio State at; nuclear facilities, discussed in Senate Report 99-143, University made available a copy of one record.


Per Ramfjord, In respo.nse to a request for copies of any contracts NRC Sidley & Austin has entered with Quantex Corporation, Rockville, (86-868) Maryland, informed the requester that one record subject j to this request is already available at the PDR.



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Granted, Cont'd (Anindividual In response to a request for a copy of a report on radiation exposures submitted in 1983 from Dr. Wald requesting information) of the University of Pittsburgh to Region I regarding (86-869) Nuclear Metals, Inc., of Concord, Massachusetts, made available a copy of one record.

Robert Grobinski, In response to a request for a list of licensed Syncor radioactive material handlers in Pennsylvania, New International Corp. Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, to include six (86-878) specified program codes, made available a copy of the requested printout.

(An individual In response to a request for a copy of a report on radiation exposures submitted in 1983 from Dr. Wald of requesting inforination ) the University of information Pittsburgh to Region I (86-884) regarding Nuclear Metals, Inc., of Concord, Massachusetts, i made available a copy of one record.

Vincent Kiernan, In response to a request for records on anti-nuclear The Herald groups which have conducted protests at Lawrence (86-887) Livermore Laboratory in California, 16 formed the requester that the NRC located no agency records subject to this request.

E. Lynn McGuire, In response to a request for a list of all NRC medical MHP Software licensees, made available a copy of the requested (87-9) printout.

Denied Steven Aftergood, In response to a request for three categories of records Committee to related to formation of an NRC-DOE team to study tie Bridge the Gap comparability of safeguards for category I fuel

-(86-518) facilities, informed the requester that one record subject to this request is already available at the PDR.

Denied nine records in their entirety containing classified information, commercial or financial (proprietary) information, and predecisional information.

Lynn Connor, In response to a request for copies of (1) GESSAR II Doc-Search Chapters on Human Factors and Engineering and (2) GESSAR II Associates Probabilistic Safety Study, informed the requester that (86-821) item 2 is already available at the PDR. Denied portions of item 1 containing confidential business (proprietary) information.

Steven Sholly, In response to a request for three categories of records MHB Technical regarding " Discretionary Enforcement" discussed in a Associates September 9, 1986 meeting with NRC staff and utility (86-855) representatives, made available four records. Denied four records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the o)en and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.


5 Denied, Cont'd Ophelia Williams, In response to a request for a copy of NRC's response J/R/A Associates to Yankee Rowe's October 15, 1985 request for (86-859) exemption from 10 CFR 50.62 requirements, denied one record in its entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

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Data Comunications - Terminating Equipment


Contractor will provide modems to support communication connectivity between NRC's minicomputers, mainframe databases and terminals.

Period of Performance: Two years

- Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: Closing date has been extended to January 28, 1987.



Career Counseling


Provide career counseling services to the NRC Headquarters and related support for the NRC regional offices.

Period of Performance: Two years

. Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: Best and Final offers received on January 5, 1987 and forwarded to the Source Evaluation Panel for review on January 6, 1987.

RFP No.: RS-NRR-86-051'


Technical Assistance in Support of NRC Reactor Licensing Activities


Performtnce of technical evaluations in support of licensing actions and other support work on licensing activities including: generic and plant-specific safety assessments, Near Term Operating Licenses (NT0Ls), generic issue resolution, risk assessments, and analyses of operating reactor experience.

Period of Performance: Three years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Status: Best and Final offers received on January 8, 1987 and forwarded to the Source Evaluation Panel for review on January 9, 1987.



" Computer Output Microfilm Services"


Provide computer output microfilm services to include pick up of computer tapes from the NRC and delivery of computer microforms (microfilm and/or microfiche).

Period of Performance: One year Sponsor: Office of Administration Status: A fixed price requirements type Contract No. NRC-10-87-206 was awarded to Microform, Inc. in the amount of $17,728.50 effective February 1, 1987.



i Perry, Unit 1 On December 31, 1986, Justice Scalia denied the OCRE petition for emergency relief on the basis it was filed under the wrong statute. .The petition was 4

filed by OCRE on December 24, 1986, following the December 23rd Appeals Court Order lifting the Stay on operations above 5% of rated power.

On December 30, 1986, the plant was again synchronized to the grid and was generating about 150 MWe of power. A number of relatively minor problems developed leading to a reactor shutdown late on December 30, 1986. These problems include: a) High vibration in turbine bearing No. 7; b) Instability in the feedwater control system; and c)'High conductivity in the reactor l coolant due to leaks in a number of condenser tubes. The plant will remain in the shutdown mode for a few days to resolve these problems.

Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2 On December 31, 1986, the staff issued the Amendment Nos. 111 and 111 which extend the Surry 1 and 2 Operating Licenses by 4 and 41 years, respectively i to allow for 40 years of full power operation from the date of OL issuance.

i The Safety Evaluation issued with the amendments included the significance of the December 9,1986, pipe rupture accident at Surry Unit 2 relative to operating license extension. .

North Anna Power Station, Units No. I and No. 2 (NA-1&2)

On December 30, 1966, the staff issued amendments which extend the NA-1&2 l Operating Licenses by 7 and 91 years, respectively, to allow for 40 years of full power operation from the,date of OL issuance.

i Included as part of the staff's assessment of this action was the licensee's i UT inspection (approximately 6000 data points) of the NA-1 non-nuclear piping system from December 25-27, 1986. The results of this inspection found no sign of the erosion and thinning of secondary piping systems which l led to the feedwater break at the Surry facility. In addition, the NA-1&2 secondary pipe systems are thicker and arranged differently than the Surry facility which is five years older.

Beaver Valley Unit 1 i

The staff has issued Amendment No.106, changing the starting point of the

40-year life from CP issuance to OL issuance. This has the effect of I

extending the license by about 6 years. The amendment, issued on December 30, 1986, was responsive to the licensee's submittal dated

! November 7,1985.

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t Prior to issuance, the staff and the licensee evaluated the potential ramifications of the Surry feedwater pipe rupture event on the subject amendment, and the results of the ultrasonic inspection conducted by the utility on the main feedwater piping.

, Wolf Creek As a result of thermal hydraulic anomalies detected at Callaway, additional instrumentation was installed at Wolf Creek to determine if similar phenomena exists at Wolf Creek.

Anomalies have been identified but are different in terms of magnitude and their cyclic nature.

Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E) has hired Westinghouse to evaluate the anomalies. KG&E is also following the program at Callaway, and will 4

participate in discussions with the staff scheduled for the week of

January 12th.


Shearon Harris, Unit 1 i

Shearon Harris, Unit 1 achieved initial criticality on Saturday afternoon

! January 3, 1987. The low power test program is expected to be completed by l January 9, 1987.

Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1


l Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1, went critical at 10:30 p.m. CST on I

, December 28, 1986 after an extended refueling outage which began on September 3,1986. The unit was on line at 3:00 a.m. on December 31, 1986.

At 7:15 a.m. on December 31, 1986, the reactor tripped on high pressure as a result of a failure of an Integrated Control System (ICS) control module.

The operator put the ICS into automatic mode at 24% power. The failure in the ICS system prevented the proper operation of the control rods. The operators attempted to control the system by manual operation and in reducing the feedwater flow, the reactor tripped on high pressure. The ICS module was repaired and the reactor went critical again at 9:00 a.m. on December 31, 1986, and was on line by 11:30 p.m.

Main Feedwater Pump Failure at Davis-Besse On January 1,1987, while operating at 40% power, an Anticipatory Reactor Trip occurred as a result of a trip of main feed pump No.1. All safety systems and related equipment functioned properly following the reactor trip.

Special instrumentation on the main feed pumps indicated the pump trip was due to a trip of the mechanical overspeed trip mechanism on high vibration on a turbine bearing standard. An operator noted smoke and a flame (or glow) inside the bearing pedestal. The flame was extinguished with a CO2 hand unit. The flame (or glow) was due to burning oil mist near the bearing because of insufficient lube oil caused by a partial biockage by a foreign t object (a drain plug).


l-1 The turbine shaft and bearing damage will require about 10-15 days to repair af ter parts are received. Parts are anticipated about mid-week.

The reactor was restarted on hnuary 2,1987 and is currently operating about 52% power with one main feed pump. The Motor Driven Feed Pump (third pump backup to the AFW system) is aligned to feed as a main feed pump instead of as a backup to the AFW system to reduce the potential for a challenge to the SFRCS system.

Palo Verde. Units 2 & 3, and Byron. Unit 1 On January 7,1987, Arizona Public Service Company (APS) informed the staff that the root cause of the failure of the "B" diesel generator engine which occurred at Palo Verde, Unit 3 on December 23, 1986 is attributed to the use of iron metal as a plating material to backfill an overmachined forging of-the articulated rod in a high stress area. Cooper-Bessemer (the engine manufacturer) discontinued the use of iron as a plate material when it was determined in 1981 to be unsuitable for that purpose.

A check of all the Cooper-Bessemer records revealed that three other forgings in diesel engines used in the nuclear field had similar manufacturing histories (i.e., use of iron plating in a high stress area). The three other forgings are located in the "B" engine at Palo Verde. Unit 3 (a separate forging than the one that failed in the damaged engine), the "A" engine in Palo Verde.

Unit 2, and the "A" engine in Byron, Unit 1.

As a result of the above findings, Cooper-Bessemer has recommended to the licensees for Palo Verde. Units 2 and 3 and Byron, Unit I to replace the suspected parts as soon as possible. The affected diesel engines in Palo Verde, Unit 2 and Byron. Unit I have been declared inoperable while the parts are replaced.

JAtlVARY 9, 1987 Ef4 CLOSURE B



- Removal of fuel fragments and drilled material from the "hard crust" region continued. The spade bucket remains the most effective tool.

The fuel removal rate varies with a canister per day or two as a typical rate.


- On Friday, January 2,1987, a senior radiological control technician received an unplanned intake of radioactive materials. He was performing routine survey coverage of a work activity in Makeup Pump Room-1-C which is located at the 281 foot elevation of the Auxiliary Building. A local air monitor alarmed while the technician was exiting the area. The preliminary assessment of the intake to the technician is 80 MPC-hr. The regulatory limit is 520 MPC-hr per calendar quarter. The event is still under review by the licensee and the NRC onsite staff.


- US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sample analysis results show that TMI site liquid effluents are in accordance with regulatory limits, NRC requirements, and the City of Lancaster Agreement.

- TMI water effluents are sampled from the station (Units 1 and 2) discharge and analyzed by EPA. Gamma spectrum analyses of the seven daily composited samples December 12 - 27, 1986 indicated no TMI-2 related radioactivity.

- EPA's gamma spectrum analysis of the NRC's TMI outdoor air sample for December 19, 1986 through January 9,1987 showed no reactor related radioactivity.

- The Lancaster water works intake composited seven daily samples December 21 - 27, 1986. The gamma spectrum analyzed by EPA showed no reactor related radioactivity.

4. AUXILIARY AND FUEL HANDLING BUILDING ACTIVITIES Testing was completed on the Fuel Handling Building Ventilation System.

- Reclamation of Defueling Water Cleanup System (DWCS) filters continues.

Preparation and loading of the fuel shipping cask continued during the week.


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- Technical Specification Change Request numbers 49, 51, 52, and 54.

- Recovery Operations Plan Change numbers 31 and 33.

- Solid Waste Facility Technical Evaluation Report.

- Heavy Load Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- Disposal of Processed Water Report.

- Safety Evaluation Report fcr Use of Plasma Arc Cutting Torch.

- Temporary Reactor Vessel Filtration System Safety Evaluation Report, Revision 3.

- Pressurizer Defueling Safety Evaluation Report.

- Safety Evaluation for the Addition of Coagulant to the RCS was approved on January 5, 1987.

- Revised Defueling Canister Dewatering Criteria was approved on January 7,1987.


- Dr. William D. Travers, Director, TMI Cleanup Project Directorate, will meet with TMI Alert on January 14, 1987 at 7:30 PM in


Harrisburg to discuss the subject of the accident generated water deposition.

- The next meeting of the Advisory Panel for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island Unit 2 will be held on January 21, 1987 from 7:00 to 10:00 PM at the Lancaster Council Chambers, Public Safety Building, 201 North Duke Street, Lancaster, PA.

Persons desiring to speak before the Advisory Panel are requested to contact Mr. Thomas Smithgall at 717-291-1042, or write him at 2122 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603.


OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Endino January 9, 1987 AlchemIE Discussions Staff members from NMSS and SEC will meet on January 9,1987 with DOE repre-sentatives at Oak Ridge, Tennessee to diccuss security aspects of the possible acquisition and use of gas centrifuges cy the All Chemical Isotopes Enrichment Company (A1ChemIE}. Although the gas centrifuges are to be used for non-radio-logical purposes, the classified technology must be protected. AlChemIE has been informed by DOE that a minimum of 250 machines have been reserved for the proposal submitted by AlchemIE and that additional machines are expected to be made available at a later date.

SEQUOYAH FUELS UF g TO UF4 HEARING Representatives of NMSS, RIV, and OGC will attend the hearing on the Sequoyah Fuels UF, and UF facility the week of January 12-16, 1987. The hearing will be at thU City H,all Civic Center in Sallisaw, Oklahoma following a tour of the facility Sequoyah at the City Hall Civic Center in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. This is an informal proceeding to which the staff is not a party.


1. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, UF 6 to UF4 By memorandum and order dated July 23, 1986, the conference of parties to
the informal hearing scheduled for August 11 was delayed until a date yet to be determined. Judge Frye has scheduled the informal hearing for January 12, 1987.
2. Sequoyah Fuels, Gore, Oklahoma, Comprehensive Waste Disposal Plan t

The hearing is being held in abeyance pending submittal of a new plan as part of the revision to the decommissioning plan required by Source Material License No. SUB-IO10, Condition No. 21.


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3. Kerr-McGee, West Chicago, Illinois, Kress Creek Decontamination The ASLB decision dated June 19, 1986, dismissed the Order to Show Cause issued to Kerr-McGee Chemical Corporation on March 2, 1984. On August 11 1986, the staff filed an appeal with the ASLAB. The hearing is being held in abeyance until further notice.
4. Kerr-McGee Rare Earths Facility, Decommissioning Plan, West Chicago, Illir.ois This hearing is being held in abeyance pending the staff's completion of the supplement to the Environmental Impact Statement. The current schedule- l calls for issuance of the Draft Supplement or, or about February 1,1987, '

and the Final by September 1, 1987. The Board has indicated that they may resume a portion of the Hearing after the Draft is issued.

Petitions for Rulemaking All offices Fave concurred in the denial of Petition for Rulemaking 50-21,  !

Protection of Plant Security Information. The denial package will shortly be forwarded to ADM for publication in the Federal Register. Staff has been ,

informed that the licensee is preparing a withdrawal notice on three other )

petitions, 73-2, 73-7, and 73-8 dealing with pat down, search of hand carried packages, and log out, respectively.

FBI Criminal History Rule l

Because of the 30 day public comment period, some comments were received about two weeks late. The Staff is conducting an analyses of the comments and revising the proposed rule, as appropriate.

National Research Council Workshop Mr. Robert Burnett will deliver the keynote address and participate in the panel on controls, safeguards, and regulations at the National Research Council's Workshop on University Reactors on Monday, February 2, 1987 in Berkeley, CA.

Sheffield Illinois LLW Disposal Site Closure The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) is planning to issue a decision on two legal points associated with the closure and decommissioning of the Sheffield site. The legal issues related to unilateral termination of a license by a licensee and possession of nuclear material disposed of by burial in the ground.


- 3 Meanwhile, the parties to the proceeding are continuing efforts to reach agreement on satisfactory means of implementing NRC staff technical require-ments for closure. If such an agreement is reached, a hearing scheduled for early January will be pro forma. If an agreement is not reached, the parties will argue the technical merits of their positions before the ASLB at the scheduled hearing.

If the board perceives significant progress in negotiations, it has the option of postponing the hearing to allow for final resolution among the parties.

Current Mixed Waste Activities The guidance on the definition and identification of Mixed LLW has been signed by NRC and should be signed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by January 9, 1987. A jointly endorsed letter by NRC/ EPA regarding siting guidance should be signed by January 16, 1987. This letter states that the NRC and EPA do not consider the absence of EPA's Acceptable Location Standards to be a legitimate reason for the failure of states and compacts to meet their obligations under LLRWPAA. In addition, this letter conveys that the NRC and EPA will provide guidance to the states and compacts in crder to meet the January 1988 LLRWPAA Milestone for siting plans.

- On January 5, 1987, NRC and EPA staffs discussed the following items regarding mixed waste:

EPA participation at the s Forum conference in San Diego on January 13, 1987.

EPA /NRC participation at the Southern States Energy Board conference on February 3, and 4,1987.

A joint NRC/ EPA survey to estir,iate the volume of Mixed LLW based upon the jointly endorsed Definition of Mixed LLW.

Joint NRC/ EPA staff site visits to low-level radioactive and hazardous waste sites.

Joint Meeting with Representative of PNL and SNL a

On January 15, 1987, representatives from NMSS and RES will hold a joint meeting in Seattle, Washington with representatives of PNL and SNL. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss technical support being prepared for the rulemaking on financial responsibility for cleanup of accidental releases of materials licensees. Discussion will focus on the proposed categorization schedule for coverage of affected materials licensees and the preliminary results of the benefits and costs of the proposed program.


  • 4 Meeting with Representatives of the Insurance Industry On January 6,1987, NMSS staff members met with representatives of the insurance industry to discuss the impact of the recently enacted Liability Risk Retention i,ct of 1986 to cover cleanup of accidental releases of materials licensees. The meeting was part of the staff's continuing efforts to develop proposed regulations for financial responsibility for cleanup of accidental releases caused by materials licensees.

Public comments received by.the NRC in this rulemaking suggested that the Commission staff consider allowing materials licensees to use a shared risk insurance pool. At the meeting, staff discussed the feasibility, costs and coverage of risk retention groups for materials licensees.

Meeting with Host States on DOE /NRC LLRW Disposal Data Needs A January 14, 1987 meeting in San Diego with the Host States (Nevada, Washington, South Carolina) is scheduled for NRC and DOE to explain to the Host States the current plans for developing a national data base for disposal of LLW at the existing sites. South Carolina has been briefed on this in the past. This is the first meeting with Washington and Nevada. DOE will take the lead in getting the LLW data in an electronic format and making it available to other interested parties.

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Office of Inspection and Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending January 9, 1987

1. Items of Interest None.
2. Civil Penalties Paid
a. Texas Utilities Generating Company (Comanche Peak) in the amount of

$50,000. This action was based on two issues involving the appli-cant's cable tray reinspection programs and electrical penetration assemblies. (EA 86-09)

b. Gama Diagnostics Laboratories (Attelboro, MA) in the amount of $5,000.

This action was based on violations involving the radiation safety program. (EA 86-168)

c. Lehigh Testing Laboratories (New Castle, DL) in the amount of $1,500.

This action was based on violations involving health physics record-keeping and qualifications of an individual prior to certification.

(EA 86-170)

d. Henry Heywood Hospital (Gardner, MA) in the amount of $2,500. This action was based on violations involving failures in the control and disposal of licensed material. (EA 86-181)
3. The following significant Enforcement Actions were taken during the past week:


4. The following IE Information Notices and Bulletins were issued during the past week:
a. IE Information Notice No. 87-01, RHR Valve Misalignment Causes Degradation of ECCS in PWRs was issued to all pressurized-water reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit.


5. The following IE Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week:
a. PNO-III-87-01, Detroit Edison Company (Fermi 2), Small Steam Leaks.
b. PNO-III-87-01A, Detroit Edison Company (Fermi 2), Small Steam Leaks (Update).
c. PN0-III-87-01B, Detroit Edison Company (Fermi 2), Small Steal Leaks (Second Update).
d. PNO-III-87-02, Toledo Edison Company (Davis-Besse), Equipment Failures. -
e. PNO-III-87-03, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (St. Paul, MM), Leaking Cylinder of Krypton-85 Gas.
f. PNO-V-86-93A, Arizona Nuclear Power Project (Palo Verde 3), Emergency Diesel Generator Crankcase Failure (Update).
g. -PNO-V-87-01, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Diablo Canyon 1), Plant Shutdown Due to Fire.
h. PN0-V-87-02, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Diablo Canyon 1),

Reactor Trip / Turbine Trip Due to Loss of Turbine Governor /Stop Valve Electro-Hydraulic System Pressure.

1. PN0-V-87-03, State of Arizona, Missing Americium 241 Source.

J. PN0-V-87-04A, University of California at Berkley (Berkley, CA),

Decommissioning of the Triga Mark III Reactor.



. Items of Interest Week Ending January 9, 1987 University of Maryland 2x4 B&W Simulation Loop The purpose of the University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP) 2x4 (two hot legs and four cold legs) Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) Simulation Loop is to perform integral effects tests on thermal hydraulic phenomena relevant to post small break loss-of-coolant (SBLOCA) transients in reactors of B&W design. The data will be used in conjunction with data from the larger-scale, full-pressure MIST facility to assess thermal hydraulic code capability.

Two reports containing data obtained from the loop and supporting analyses are being published as NUREG/CR-4788 and -4789. The capability of the loop to simulate reactor vent valve effects and SBLOCAs is discussed in these reports. Scaling criteria for one-phase (e.g., all water) and two-phase (steam-water mixture) natural circulation are presented. Asymmetric >

transients were imposed to study flow oscillation and possible instability.

During one-phase flow, flow instability, resulting in cessation (interruption) of circulation, was not observed. Subsequent tests with certain boiler-condenser mode conditions did show interruption of natural circulation.

Publications to be Issued in the Near Future


General Use of Locks and Security Containers in the Protection and Control of Facilities, Special Nuclear Materials, and Safeguards Information (Proposed Rev. I to Reg. Guide 5.12)


This guide preovides guidance acceptable to the NRC staff for the selection and use of commercially available locking devices for protective measures.


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Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Radiation Safety Evaluation and Registration of Devices Containing Byproduct Material (Reg. Guide 10.10)


This guide provides guidance acceptable to the NRC staff on applying for. radiation safety evaluation and registration of devices containing byproduct ma terial.

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. OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING JANUARY 9,1987 Ohio Emergency Plan Recommendations The State of Ohio, represented by the Governor-appointed Emergency Evacuation Review Team, released a report on January 7,1987, to Governor Celeste, which summarizes findings and recommendations regarding the adequacy of off-site emergency planning at the Davis-Besse and Perry Nuclear Plants. The report recommends that both plants be limited to 5% power until emergency " planning deficiencies are corrected" and makes a number of recommendations regarding emergency planning procedures around the plants.


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OFFICE OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ITEM OF INTEREST Week Ending January 9, 1987 NRC'S FY 1988 Budget Request -

1 On January 5,1987, the Controller, in coordination with the Office of l Public Affairs, held a Press Briefing to describe NRC's FY 1988 budget request. This coincided with the President's submission of the FY 1988 budget to Congress. NRC's formal FY 1988 budget request (Green Book) will be submitted to the Congress during the week of January 26, 1987.



1. Preparations have been made to conduct regional workshops on the NRC's Incident Investigation Program. The purpose of the workshops is to acquaint utilities in each of the regions with the NRC's Incident Investi-gation Program so that they can be better prepared should an incident at one of their facilities trigger the establishment of an IIT or an AIT.

The workshop will summarize the essential elements of the IIP, indicate what is expected of the utility, and allow ample opportunity for questions The workshop will also include a presentation of the status of the Perform-ance Indicator Program followed by another question and answer period.

The Regional Administrators will invite licensee participation and trans-mit the agenda, revised IIT procedures, and background information on the Performance Indicator Program.

The schedule for the workshops is as follows:

Region Date Region I February 10, 1987 Region II February 18, 1987 Region III January 29, 1987 Region IV February 3,1987 Region V March 11, 1987

2. AE00 issued a Case Study report, AE0D/C605 entitled " Operational '

Experience Involving Losses of Electrical Inverters." The study was initiated based primarily on the observation of a lack of overall industry-wide improvement in the operational performance of safety and nonsafety-related inverters.

The report principally contains (1) a review of previous related activities; (2) an analysis and evaluation of inverter loss events which occurred during 1982, 1983, and 1984; and (3) recommendations based upon these events. In addition, the report contains a brief analysis and evaluation of inverter loss events which occurred during 1965.

The report indicates that events involving inverter losses raises two principal concerns: (1) increased frequency of plant transients, and (2) inoperable er improper functioning of both safety-related and other important plant plant equipment. Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, recommendations which address these concerns are provided in the report. The recommendations address: (1) the need for an IE Informa-tion Notice focusing on the identified causes for occurrences of inverter loss events; (2) the need to review technical specification action state-ments addressing inverters and/or attendant buses for comparable plant designs to ensure consistency and; (3) the need to reassess a portion JANUARY 9, 1987 ENCLOSURE J

of the electrical circuitry associated with the Westinghouse Solid State Protection System. The case study has been forwarded to IE and NRR for appropriate actions or for further follow-up by industry.

3. AEOD Technical Review report AE0D/T612. " Degradation of Safety Systems Due to Component Misalignment and/or Mispositioned Control / Selector Switches" was issued on December 31, 1986.

This study was initiated as a result of review of three events at D.C. Cook and one event at Kewaunee. Two of the events at D.C. Cook concerned inoperability of the auxiliary feedwater pumps and the other event st D.C. Cook was related to the loss of both trains of the engineered safety features (ESF) equipment ventilation exhaust system.

The event at Kewaunee resulted in the degradation of the safety injection (SI) system. All four events were caused by mispositioned control /

selector switches. Various events concerning loss of safety systems due to human errors have been addressed in detail in other AEOD reports.

A review of the recent operating reactor experience has shown that many events have occurred at U.S. nuclear power plants in the past few years where the automatic '"nction of the safety systems had been inadvertently compromised. In v n'. cases, the occurrences were caused by human error and complicated by inadequate component / subsystem status indications.

Nearly 91% of the additional 55 events examined during the course of this


study occurred at PWRs and the rest at BWRs. No effort was made to .

establish the cause(s) for the unusually large number of occurrences at the PWRs as compared to the BWRs. The systems most affected in these events were the safety injection (SI) system, the residua; heat removal (RHR) system, and the containment spray (CS) system, in that order.

The events addressed in this report emphasize the need for adequate maintenance and surveillance procedures, independent verification, and effective communication among plant personnel to prevent degradation of the safety systems which may compromise plant safety. Since occurrences l of this nature are widespread and frequent among licensees, the results l of this study will be published in Power Reactor Events.


9 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONS Item of Interest Week ending January 9,1987 On January 9,1987, the Executive Director for operations approved a proposed rule that would amend 10 CFR Parts 30 and 32 to formalize current administrative practice under which manufacturers of radiation sources and devices containing radiation sources file safety information about their products with the NRC.

. The staff evaluates and uses the information in its issuance of specific licenses to users of the products. The proposed amendments, directed toward manufacturers, describe the information that the staff needs for its evaluation of a source or a device and state the manufacturer's responsibility to ensure that distributed products meet radiation safety specifications filed with the NRC.

This constitutes notice to the Commission that, in accordance with the rulemaking authority delegated to the EDO, the EDO has signed this proposed rule.

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ITEMS ADDRESSED BY THE COMMISSION - WEEK ENDING JANUARY 9, 1987 A. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON SOURCE TERM AND SEVERE ACCIDENT MATTERS2 2:00 P.M.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1986, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo Secy to V. Stello dated 1/5/87 The Commission was briefed by the staff on the status of imple-menting the severe accident policy statement and plans for resolving areas of technical uncertainties.

The staff committed to provide the Commission with information clarifying the USGS position on the Charleston earthquake and '

provide a list of the members for each of the panels engaged to review and provide recommendations surrounding the eight issues outlined in Appendix J of NUR2G-1150. In addition, the staff committed to provide the Commission written assuranca that the

, expert review panels comply with the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

B. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON STATUS OF TVA, 9:30 A.M., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1986, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, D.C. OFFICE (PORTION OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - Memo Secy to V. Stello dated 1/7/87 The Commission was briefed by the NRC staff on the status of TVA's efforts to correct problems at their nuclear power plants and on the staff's review of the TVA efforts.

The staff also briefly discussed their efforts at identifying lessons learned for the NRC in order to improve the regulatory program in the future. The Commission and staff agreed that an additional meeting to discuss lessons learned will be scheduled in tne future.

Chairman Zech emphasized to the staff the need to adequately review TVA's final reports and for the NRC staff to take the time they need in doing their reviews of TVA.

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  • met with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACKS) and discussed the Committee's activities regarding the NRC generic and unresolved safety issues and the Committee's comments on advanced and standardized reactor plants.

Commissioner Bernthal indicated that he would like to schedule a discussion of the ACRS' opinions on the Commission's safety goals.

There were no requirements placed on the ACRS at this meeting.

  • Commissioner Asselstine was not present.



  • hi JANUARY 9, 1987 x




gjDATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 1/1-30/87 50-443 Phillips Bldg. or Determine what staff require- NRC/PSNH V. Nerses TBA 50-444 Seabrook Site ments remain to be met to resolve Seabrook, NH Seabrook licensing issues before issuing the low power operating license 1/12/87 50-390 Room P-114/P-118 Discuss TVA communications with NRC/TVA T. J. Kenyon 1:00 p.m. 50-391 Phillips Building the-NRC regarding Watts Bar quality assurance matters 1/13/87 50-322 Room P-9248 Discuss Shorehara status of NRC/LILCO R. Lo Phillips Building 10:00 a.m. technical issues

'1/13/87 50-247 Room 6110 Discuss IP-2 reactor vessel aug- NRC/ Con Ed M. Slosson 11:00 a.m. MNBB mented inspection l

1/13-15/87 50-397 WNP-2 Plant Facil. Review and inspect the Fire NRC/ Supply' System J. O. Bradfute 8:00 a.m. Richland, WA Protection program at at WNP-2 1/14/87 50-443 Room P110-B Discuss the Brookhaven National NRC/PSNH-NHY/BNL V. Nerses 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building Laboratory (BNL) draft report on their technical review of the Seabrook Emergency Planning Sen-m sitivity Study


($1/14/87 CE Offices Discuss best estimate small NRC/CE, CE0G G. N. Lauben g;1:30 p.m. Landow Building break loca methodology


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Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424

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  • g JANUARY 9, 1987 E


'8 N 1/15/87 50-327 Room 319 Discuss the TVA piece-part NRC/TVA J. J. Holonich 9:00 a.m. 50-328 East / West Towers replacement program and its West Building effect on seismic and equipmeat qualificati.on 1/15/87 50-353 Room 6110 Discussion with the staff on Code NRC/PECo R. E. Martin 9:00 a.m. MNBB Case N-411. " Alternative Damping Values for Seismic Analysis of Classes 1, 2 and 3 Piping Systems,Section III, Division 1" 1/15/87 50-219 Room P-114 Discuss systems in Dresden Units NRC/ Licensees J. N. Donohew

10:00 a.m. Phillips Building 2/3, Cooper, Millstone Unit I and Oyster Creek for combustible gas i control during a loss of coolant l


1/15/87 50-271 Hanford House Meeting with Vermont Yankee NRC/ Licensee V. L. Rooney-l 1
00 p.m. Richland, WA Nuclear Power Corporation (VYNPC)

{ representatives to discuss j thermal-hydraulic considerations i related to proposed spent fuel i pool expansion lm 1/16/87 50-483, Room P-118 Discuss Union Electric's (UE) NRC/ Union Electric P. W. O'Connor j g 8:30 a.m. 482,423 Phillips Building analyses related to flow ano-lg 413,414 malies first observed at Callaway

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!" o i Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) l in the NRC and local public document rooms

! A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424


  • JANUARY 9, 1987 Ei EE ,


.' 0; DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 1/16/87 50-219 Room P-114 Discuss the conceptual design of NRC/GPUN J. N. Donohew 10:00 a.m. Phillips Building the four containment penetrations

for the isolation condensers for NUREG-0313, Rev. 2 and the design loads and for having two contain-ment isolation valves outside

, containment

, 1/21/87 50-390 Room P-118 Discussions regarding NRC request NRC/TVA W. Long 9:00 a.m. 50-391 Phillips Building for additional information dated


July 24, 1986 1/22/87 50-373 Room P-110 Discuss with CECO their long term NRC/NRR/ Region III/ A. Bournia 9:00 a.m. 50-374 Phillips Building program for resolving the SOR switch problem J

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o Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) l in the NRC and local public document rooms j A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424


  • ll JANUARY 9, 1987



Room P-110 Discuss the status of the BWOG NRC/CE0G W. A. Paulson 1:00 p.m. Phillips Building Owners Group activities including (1) charging pump reliability; (2) CE0G Davis-Besse action plan; and (3) tasks described in a August 6, 1986 letter from CEOG l

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Copies of summaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms A summary of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424


!k Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety is 5 DOCKET ATTENDEES /


,$' T. Clark (FC) Clark TN 1) A1ChemIE security issues, and R. Whipp (SEC)

2) Regulatory Guides for MRS. R. Brady (SEC)

R. 00 ten (DOE) 1/11-19/87 40-8027 Gore, OK To participate in oversight for A. L. Soong (FC) Soong/ Crow restart of Sequoyah Fuels.

1/12-16/87 40-8027 Sallisaw, OK To attend informal hearing for D. Cool (FC) Lewis Sequoyah Fuels Corp.'s UF to M. Horn (FC)

UF facility. 6 4 S. Lewis (OGC)

J. Everett (RIV) 1/21/87 70-1201 Willste To discuss proposed license N. Ketzlach (FC) Ketzlach revision to B&W's Comercial Reps of B&W Nuclear Fuel Plant reorganization.

,' 1/23/87 Willste Meeting with Japanese delegation to E. Shum (FC) Shum afternoon discuss exemption rules for M. Knapp (WM) radioactive waste and residual radioactivity criteria.

1/29/87 Washington, Meeting of the Committee on ll 1:30-4:00 R. E. Cunningham (FC) Cunningham DC Interagency Radiation Research and D. Cool (FC)

Policy Coordination.

Division of Waste Management None 9 8 p Division of Safeguards 8

g None Pw 9

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o o s;; OSP MEETING NOTICES January 9, 1987


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_e G 1/23/87 Marriott Hotel, Participate in ABA W. Kerr, OSP Kerr

$ Washington, D.C. Workshop on Radio- S. Salomon, OSP active Waste


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