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Annual Rept for 1986
Person / Time
Site: 05000134
Issue date: 01/12/1987
From: Newton T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8701200435
Download: ML20207P938 (2)


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WORCESTER Worcester POLYTECHNIC Massachusetts 01609 -


INSTITUTE (617)793-5000 January 12, 1987 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: Docket No. 50-134 License R61 Annual Report for 1986

Dear Sir:

Operation of the WPI Open Pool Reactor was routine during 1986, with no significant problems encountered. The transition of the position of the Reactor Facility Director from Professor L. C. Wilbur to myself was smooth and without problems.

A log N chart was removed in June of 1986, and analysis of the chart showed the total kilowatt hours for the period of May 1985 to June 1986 to be 1 54.6.

The total power produced over the life of the reactor now stands at 7215 kw-hr (thermal) as of June,1986 Annual maintenance and inspection was completed on May 23, 1986 with no unusual findings. All parameters checked annually measured in their normal range. Electronic upgrading is i

continuing with a second updated picoammeter installed in Safety Channel #2 in February,1986.

During 1986 there were 10 unscheduled scrams. Three of these occurred during fuel handling with a partially unloaded core, and were caused by accidental disturbance of the safety channels during fuel movement. Three scrams occurred by operator upscaling errors, one was caused by an acci-dental disconnection of the safety blade magnets, one was caused by a low trip setting on a safety channel, and two were caused by electronic tran-sients.

Mr. S. Smith and Mr. P. Terwilliger received R0 licenses April 11, 1986, and Mr. M. Brzezowski received an R0 license September 15, 1986. Three students are currently in training for an R0 license and hope to be examined in the Spring of 1987. At present we have 3 SR0s and 3 R0s.

The WPI reactor is mainly used for academic instruction and student project or MS thesis work. Reactor usage during 1986 was slightly above average due to increased student utilization for projects and R0 training.

In September of 1986, WPI received a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to convert the reactor fuel to low enriched uranium. Upon com-pletion of the Satety Analysis by Argonne National Laboratory, a revised j

8701200435 83 N S PDR ADOCK 05000134 R




safety analysis report will be submitted to the NRC for converting the fuel. A conversion schedule should be available soon, and will be sent to the NRC shortly.

If further information is desired, please contact me.

Sincerely, 4.7I-b 5 f.

T. H. Newton, Jr.

Director Nuclear Reactor Facility THN/ns
