ML20204G843 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05000134 |
Issue date: | 12/31/1998 |
References | |
NUDOCS 9903260307 | |
Download: ML20204G843 (3) | |
Leslie C. Wilbur Nuclear Reactor Facility 100 Institute Road r WORCEFFER Worcester, MA 01609-2280 POLYTECHNIC (508) 831-5276
. INSTITUTE (508) 831 5688 FAX:(508) 831-6062 March 19,1999 l
. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop O-5 C12 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Re:
Docket No. 50-134 L,icense R-61 Annual Report for 1998 In accordance with the technical specifications for the WPI Nuclear Reactor Facility (License R-61), I am submitting the Annual Operating Report for 1998.
The WPI reactor is a non-power, university-based, teaching reactor. It continues to be used primarily in the academic mission of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, for the instruction of i
students, and in occasional scholarly research.
Please contact me if further information is required.
i l
t Sincerely, b
l Stephen. LaFlamme, 9903D.60307 981231 i
PDR ADOCK 05000134 Director, Nuclear Reactor Facility s
vuvuo i
1998 Annual Operating Report Worcester Polytechnic Institute Nuclear Reactor Facility License R-61 Docket No. 50-134 I.
Ooerations Summarv (a) changesinfacility design There were no changes in facility design during 1998.
(b) performance characteristics The operation of all reactor safety system components were normal during 1998.
Performance of the fuel was also normal.
(c) changesin operatingprocedures Updated operating procedures were approved by the Radiation Health and i
Safeguards Committee in April,1998.
The ten previous normal operations j
procedures were updated and approved as three normal operations procedures (OP),
i and five surveillance procedures (SP). One new administrative procedure (AP) now includes two of the previous normal operations procedures, plus additional steps, and is entitled " Director Responsibilities". A new normal operations procedure was also approved, entitled " Routine Experiments and Samples Irradiation Procedure" (d) abnormal results ofsurveillance tests amt inspections There were no unusual findings from the performance of surveillance tests and inspections.
b (e) personnel changes in reactorfacility director, health physicist, or radiation, l
health, and safety committee members l
The previous Reactor Facility Director resigned the position effective in June,1998.
l At that time, the Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program assumed the responsibility of Facility Director until the current director was appointed in October.
The Director of the Nuclear Engineering Program also replaced the former program 4
director as a member of the Radiation Health and Safeguards Committee, and has served as Committee Chairman since March,1998. The current Reactor Facility I
WPI 1998 fumual Report Page 2 of 2 Director has also replaced the former director as a member of the Committee, effective in October,1998. The number of members on the committee now stands at eight.
Power Generation (kilowatt-hours) 1998 Output:
385.0 Total LEU-Fuel :
1458.1 Total Reactor:
8872.1 III.
Unscheduled Shutdowns There were six urr,cheduled shutdowns during 1998. Of these, two were due to manual range switching errors on the linear power channels.. One was due to an operator accidentally bumping the manual scram push-button, and another was due to movement of the neutron source too close to power measuring detectors during low power operations.
The fifth unscheduled shutdown was caused by an electrical transient when an operator changed one of the panel indicating lights, and the sixth was due' to inadvertent disturbance of signal cables above the reactor while one of the control blades was withdrawn approximately six inches. None of the scrams had any safety significance given the scope of the facility and all were related to activities involving its teaching and training mission.
Maintenance No corrective maintenance was performed on safety related systems or components during 1998.
I V.
Changes. Tests. and Experiments Pursuant to 10CFR 50.59 There have been no changes to facility design, or new test and experiments, requiring l
evaluations pursuant to 10CFR 50.59.
Radioactive Effluents Release
'l There have been no measurable releases of radioactivity above background for liquid effluent releases.
Gaseous Ar-41 has been released in trace amounts that are conservatively calculated to be well within 10CFR 20 release limits.
l i
End mm