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Annual Rept for 1985
Person / Time
Site: 05000134
Issue date: 01/14/1986
From: Wilbur L
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8601230070
Download: ML20140A425 (1)



WORCESTER Worcester POLYTECHNIC Massachusetts 01609 J~

INSTITUTE (617)793-5000 January 14, 1986 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Re: Docket No. 50-134 License R61 Annual Report for 1985

Dear Sir:

Operation of the WPI Open Pool Reactor was routine during 1985, with no significant problems encountered. The renovation of Washburn Laboratory is now complete and the alarm system for use on the upper levels of the bulding above the reactor, required for greater than 10 kw operation, is installed and fully functional.

We have now completed a log N chart for the period February 1983-May 1985 and analysis shows the total kilowatt hours for that period to be 117.5.

The total power produced over the life of the reactor now stands at 7060 kw he (thermal) as of May 1985. Annual maintenance and inspection was com-pleted on June 4, 1985 with no unusual findings. All parameters checked annually measured in their normal range.

In November 1985 a new picoameter was installed in Safety Channel #1.

During 1985 there were sixteen unscheduled scrams.

Six of these occurred during fuel handling with a partially unloaded core, and were caused by transients in the temporary extra detector used during such operations.

One scram occurred because of a power loss, one was caused by an operator upscaling error, and the remainder were caused by electronic transients.

Mr. T. Newton received his SRO license ef fective November 8,1985, and Mr.

J. Lopez was granted an RO license on April 4, 1985. Four students are currently in training for a RO license and hope to be examined in March 1986. At present we have 3 SRO's and 1 RO.

The WPI Reactor is used exclusively for academic instruction and student project or MS thesis work. Utilization during 1985 was about normal. The Reactor was used on a number of occasions for neutron activation analysis required by graduate students in chemical engineering. Undergraduates from ME, EE and Physics participated in reactor based studies.

If further information is desired, please contact me.

Very truly yours,

(. h gl23OO70E60134 L. C. Wilbur, Professor of R

ADOCM 05000134 Mechanical Engineering PDR and Director, Nuclear Reactor Facility pM LCW/ns O

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