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Regulatory Info Conference Final Participant List
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/02/1997
NUDOCS 9903180312
Download: ML20207L916 (91)


VB E 6duante Gyp jSS p U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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RegulatoryInformation Conference


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g gjt2 go2 PDR ES, Incoroorated 113315th Street, NW - Suite 1250 i r' l ,~~'^ ? Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 835-1585 Fax: (202) 835-0118

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U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 6 R 6 - N (2 4 RegulatoryInformation Conference

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o Dp 7 P288 22 74 r 2 PDR ts,1 corgomta 113315th Street, NW - Suite 1250

? [' 'l 'i 0 7 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 835-1585 Fax: (202) 835-0118 s

( 3 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Information Conference 1

Final Participant List l

Prepared by:

ES, Incorporated 113315th Street, NW - Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 835-1585 Fax: (202) 835-0118


l ABB Combustion Engineering . ... ... .. .. ... .. ... ........ . .. 1 Il ABZ, Incorporated . . . . . ....... ........ ... .. .... ....... ..... .1 i Almaraz NRP . . . . . . . . . . . . l

.... ..... . . .. .. .. . . . ....I  !

l American Chemical Society Instrumentshare ...... ... .. ........ . . . .. ..2 American Electric Power Company . .. ..... ... .. ... .. . .. .. ..2 American Nuclear Insurers .... ..................................2 Anzona Public Service Company . . .. ........ . .... ... . ... .... . .3 Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute ..... ............... .. . . .... .. .............3 Asociacion Nuclear ASCO . . . . ........... . .. . .. . .. .. ...... .3 1 1

Atomic Energy Control Board ........... .. .. ... . . ........ . 3 j 1

Australian Nuclear Science & Technology i Organization ............ ............... .. . .. ... . ...... 4 i l

B Baltimore Gas & Electric Company ............................... . ... ..4 Bechtel Power Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... . ...... ......... .5 Beckman & Associates . . ..................... . ....... . . ..... ...5 BN A News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . .... .........5

F Page BNFL, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ........ . .... . 5 Boston Edison Company . . . ........ ....... ......... ........ ..... .6 Brookhaven National Laboratory . . .. ..... ... . ........ ........ ..6 '

BWR Owners' Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ... .. ............... 6 ,

l l

(, '

Carolina Power & Light Company . . . . . . . ............ ... ... ...... ..6 Cataract, Inc. . . . . . . ...... .. ....... .. ........... ... ... . .7 Centerior Energy Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... ... . .......8 Central Nuclear Vandellos II ........ ....... .. ..... . . .. ...... ..9 Chang Engineering Services, Inc. . . ... ....... . ...... . ..... .. .. ..9 Chubu Electric Power, Inc. .... .. . .... . ................. .... . .. 9 City of Austin Electric Utility . . . . . . . . . . .... .... ......... . ...9 Commonwealth Edison . . . . . . ....... ...... ..... ......... ..... .. 9 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept.

of Environmental Protection ... . . ...... .... ... .. . .... .... 12 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. . ... ............ ... .... ... .. .. 12 Consejo de Securidad Nuclear . . . . . . . . . . ... .. ... ....... ... . ........ 12 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. . ...... ....... ...... ............ ......... 12 Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... .. . ...... . . .... 13

Page Consumers Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Crystal Science Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 D

Day & Zimmermann Utility Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Detroit Edison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Duke Engineering & Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 j Duke Power Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

- Duquesne Light Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 l.. 4 Earth Sciences Consultants, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 C9ert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Edlow Inn.'tational Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17 Electric Power Reseeh Institute . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Electricite de France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Enercon Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Engineering Planning & Management, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 Entergy Operations, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 EXCEL Services Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21

I Page Florida Power Corporation ... . .. ...... .. .. . . ..... . . 21 Florida Power & Light Company .. . ...... ..... . ... .. . . 22 1

Framatome Technologies, Inc. .. .. ... . . ... . ... .. . 23 French Nulear Safety Authority .... ...... .. ..... .. ... ... .. 23 i

h (B

GE Nuclear Energy . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ........... ........... ... . 23 General Physics Corporation . . . . ....... .... .. ... .... .. . . . . . 24 ,

l Government Strategies, Inc. . .. ... .. .. . ....... . ... . 24 GPU Nuclear, Inc. .............. .. . .. . . . . . ... . 24 I- ,

4 Health & Safety Executive (U.K.) ..................... .. .. .. ........ 25 Houston Lighting & Power Company . .............. .... .... ...... . .. 25 1

lberdrola . . . . . . . . . ...........'.......... . . . .... ..... ..... 25 IES Utilities, Inc. .. . .......... . .............. ..............25 Illinois Depamnent of Nelear Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Page Illinois Power Company . . . . . . . . . .... ... .... .. .. . .. . 26 INDUS Group, Inc. . . . . .. ..... .... . ....... . ........ . ... 27 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations . . . . . . .... ...... ... ......... . . 27 Institute of Nuclear Safety Systern, Inc. . . . . . . . ....... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Integrated Resources Group . . . . . . . .. ... . .. ..... . .... .. .... . . 27 International Energy Services, Ltd. . ... . . ...... . . .. . ....... . 27 ITS, Corporation . ....... ........ .. .......... . . ... . . . 27 J

Joseph M. Hendrie Consultant . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... .... .. ....... 28 HIM Associates .. .. .... .... . .. .. . .. ..... . .. . ... 28 K

Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc. ... ... . ....... ... .. ... .. . . . . 28 Khan Consulting Services ....... .. .. ... .... .................. .. . 28 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety ..... . ............ ................ . . 28 Korea Power Engineering, Co. ................. ... .. .. ... . .... .. 29 Kurtz & Associates, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... .. ..... . .. . . 29 Kyushu Electric Power Company, Inc. ...... ...... .... ..... ... .... .. . 29

Page L. A. Grime & Associates, Inc. .. .. . .. . ....... .......... . 29 Lamalie Amrop Intemational ............. . ..... ..... . ........ 29 Lincoln Electric System . . . ......... ... . .. . . . .. . 29 ,

lockheed Martin Company ....... . . ...... .... ... .. . . . . . 30 l

i 1

i Tl f


Maine Yankee Atomic Power . .. ..... . .... . ..... .... 30 j l

Management, Analytical, & Technical Services, Inc. . ...... .... . . . . ... . . .... . 30 Maryland Department of Natural Resources . . ..... ... . .. .. ....... . . 31 Materials & Energy Associates, Inc. .. . .. ........... .... ... . ...... 31 ,

l McGraw-Hill Inside NRC ... . .... . . .. . ..... . . . . 31 MidAmerican Energy Company . ....... .. .. ..... . . ... ... 31 )

Minnesota Department of Public Service . .... ........ ... ... . ....... . . 31 1

Missouri Department of Natural Resources . . . . . . ... ... .. ... . ...... .... 32 l i

Morgan, I.ewis & Bockius, LLP . . ..... .. . . ... .... . ........... . . 32 MPR Associates, Inc. .............. ...... . .... . . .. ... . 32 Myriad International, Ltd. . . . . ... . ..... ..... . . ...... ..... . 32 1

i i


_-- --.--s

Page N.i NAC International . . ...... ....... .. .. . ..... . .... . . 32

- National Commission of Nuclear Safety & Safeguards . . . .... ... .. .... ..... . .. .. .. 32 National Inspection & Consultants, Inc. . . . . . ....... ... .. ...... . .. .. 33 Nebraska Public Power District . . . . . . .... . .. . ....... ... . . . . . . . . . 33 New York Power Authority ............ .. ... .. .... ..... ........ 33 New York State Electric & Gas . . . ...... ..... . . ... ... . 34 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . ... ... .. . 35 Nonh Atlantic Energy Services Corporation (NAESCO) . . . . . ...... . . .. . . . ..... . . . . 35 Northeast Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ............. .. 35 Northern States Power Company . . . . . . . . .... .... ........ . . . . . . . . . 36 Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited . . . ........ . ..... ................. ... 37 Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) ... ....... .... ... ..... ......... . . . 37 Nuclear Information &. Resource Service ....... .................. ......... 40 Nuclear Remediation Week ................ .... .. .. ....... ......... 40 Nuclear Safety Department Minisay SZW .. . . . . ..... . ............... .. 40 Nuklearna Elektrarna Krsko . . ..... . . . ....... .. ..... ....... . 40 NUS Information Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . ........... ... ... . 40 O

Oak Ridge National Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Omaha Public Power District ............ ......... ....................41

c Page Omega Communications & Publications Group . .... .. . ... .... .. 41 Oregon Office of Energy . . . . . . . ... .... ... ..... . .. ... . . . 41  !

1 i

i P

. i I

. \

Pacific Gas & Electric Company . . . . . . . . .. . ..... ...... . . . . . . 42 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory . . . .. . . ..... . . . . ... 42 Parsons Power Group, Inc. ... .......... ..... ..... . .... ... . .. 42 PECO Energy Company ..... ...... ... .. .. . .... . . .. ..... 43 Penn State University .......... . . . .... .. ...... . ... . ... . . 43 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company .. .. ............. .. . ........... 43 I

Philadelphia Electric Company ..... ... .... .. .... .. ........ ....... 44 Portland General Electric . . . . ...... . ............ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Protection & Nuclear Safety Institute .. .. . . .. .. ... ............. 44 Proto-Power Corporation . . . . . .... .. . . . . . ...... .... 44 l Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project ................. ...... .. ..... ... . . 45 Public Service Company of Colorado .... .. ...... . ................ . . 45 Public Service Electric & Gas Company ..... ......... .. . ... ...... ..... ... . 45

1 1

g Page  ;



1 Quantum 21. . . . . . . . ........ - -. ...... ..... . . . . . 46 t

Radioactive Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . .....- . .... . ........ . . . . . . . . 46 R. Brooks Associates, Inc. . . .... . . ... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . 46 Rosemount Nuclear Instmments, Inc. ........ . .... . ... . . . . . . . . . 46 S  ;

I l

l 1

Sacramento Municipal Utility District .. .... . ..... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 46 !

SAIC ........ ..... ............... . .... .... . . . . . . . . . . 47 I Sargent & Lundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ...... ................... ., 47 Science & Engineering Associates, Inc. . . . . ... .... ............. . . . . . . . 47 SCIENTECH-NUS .......... . .. .. . ... ..... .. .. . . . . . . . . 47 SeaState Group, Inc. .......... ... ..... ... ..... .. .... . . . . . . .. 48 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge . . . . ..... ...... ...... ... . . . . . . . . . 48 Siemens Power Corporation Nuclear Division . . ................. ..... .... ................ . . .. 48

l l

l l

l Page Sierra Nuclear Corporation . . . . . . .... .. ... ....... . . .. .. ... 49 South Carolina Department of Health

& Environmental Control . . . . ...... ... ... ... . ... .. . . . 49 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company . . . . ... . .... . ...... . .. 49 ,

South Texas Project ... ......... . . .... . ....... . .. .. 50 Southern California Edison . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. ..... ... ....... 50 Southern Company Services, Inc. .... . . . ........ .. . .... .. . 50 Southern Nuc' ear Operating Company, Inc. ... . .. . . .. . .. ..... 50 Southern Technical Services, Inc, . .. . ........... .. .... . .. .. . 51 State of New Jersey . . .. .. ... ... .. . . . . . .... ...... 52


1 State of 0hio . .. . . ..... . .. . ... . ..... . ... ... ...... 52 I Stetter & Associates . . . . . ... ... . . ... ... .... ... .. .... .... 52 1

1 I

Stier, Anderson & Malone . . . . . . . . ........... ... . . ... . ......'.. 52 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation . ..... ... .... .. .. .. ... . .

52 i l

l Supply System . . . . . . . .. ............. . ....., .......... 53 i

Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate . . .... .. ... . ... ... .... .... .... 53 i

1 i

l l, '

1 Taiwan Power Company . ........ ... . .. .. .... ... .. ......... . 53 TECRO .. . ............. ......... .. . ...... . ..... ..... . 53 1

Tennessee Valley Authority ...... . .. ... .............. ..... ...... . 53 '

Page Texas Utilities (TU) Electric . . ............ . . .... . .. .... ... 54 T.J. Sullivan & Associates, Inc. . ... . . . .. . .......... . .. .. .. 55 Tokyo Electric Power . . . . . . .. ........... ........... . . .. . 55 Toledo Edison ... .............. ....... .. ... .. .. . . . . 55 Troutman Sanders . . . . . . .... ..... ... .. .. . . .. .. . . 55

'ITX Associates, Inc. . .. . . . .. ..... . . . ....... . 55 l

l L

1 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. . ............ ... . . .. . . ... . 55 i

Union of Concerned Scientists . . . . ...

..... ..... . ...... ........... . 56 Union Electric Company . . .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... ... ... ... . .. 56 United States Enrichment Corporation .. ........................ ...... . . . 56 j i

Utilities Service Alliance, Inc. .. . .. . .... ... . . .... . 56 1 4


V i

i Vattenfall Utveckling AB . . ............ ........ .. ......... ... . . . . 57 VECTRA Technologies, Inc. ......................................57 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation . . .. .......... . ..... .......... 57

1 1

l l

Page Virginia Department of Emergency Services . . .. ... .. . ... ..... . 57 q Virginia Power . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . ... ... . . . ... .. ... .. 57 VPA Corporation .. ... . . .. ... . ... . .. ... . . . 58 i


l l

l W ,

1 Washington Public Power Supply System . . . . . .. .. . . . 58 I

The Wesley Corporation ..... ... .... . .. . .. .. . . .. . 59 Westinghouse Electric Corporation . ... .. . . .. . .. .. ... 59 Winston & Strawn . ... . ... .. .. . . . . .. .. 61 Wisconsin Electric Power Company . . ..... . ... .. . . . . 61 Wisconsin Public Service Corporation . . . . . . .... . . .. . . . 62 1

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation . .. ......... .......... . . .

62 ] ,

W.T. Russell, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ... .. ... .. .. ........ . 62 l

l Y

Yankee Atomic Electric Company .. ... ... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

I WRC Employees & \letropolitan Area

(,os ernment Agency Attendees USNRC Headquarters, Regional & Resident Employees & Metropolitan Area Government Agency Attendees .. . .... .. . .. ..... . . .. 64 4

USNRC Main Telephone Numbers and Addresses . ... ..... ..... . . 79 4

l .N Nutlear Regulatory ('om'r$1ission Regulator 3 Inf or mation ('onference 1997

'D Allis ('ombustion I ngineering AHZ. Incorporated Gordon C. Bischoff Edward C. Abbott Project Manager President C-E Owners Group .

ABZ Incorporated ABB Combustion Engineering 4451 Brookfield Corporate Dnve 2000 Day Hill Road, Mail Stop 9615-1932 mte 101 Windsor, CT 06095 Chantilly, VA 22021 Phone: (860) 285-5494 Phone: (703) 631-7401 Fax: Fax: (703) 631-5282 E-Maili ordon.c.bischoff@ussev.

g(860) 285-2337 a t. net Charles B. Brinkman Director, Nuclear Licensing Almarai NRP ABB Combustion Engineering 12300 Twinbrook Parkway, Suite 330 Rockville, MD 20852 I***""

H*""*bg beens Engbwr Phone: (301) 881-7040 Fax: (301) 881-7043 amarn W E-Mail: charles.b.brinkman@ussev. ne: 31 4 222 1.cslie J. Collins Fax: 34-1-435-7310 ABB Combustion Engineering

  • II ** ""*'*8 12300 Twinbrook Parkway R le, MD 20852 "I**" '

Phone: (301) 881-7040 """' E ***E*'

    • I" Fax: (301) 881-7040 E-Mail: " C o Ma d,

"* I Ian C. Rickard Fax: 34-1-4357310 Director of Operations Licensmg ABB Combustion Engineering 2000 Day Hill Road Windsor, CT 06095 i'

Phone: (860) 285-9678 Fax: (860) 28,5-3253 Regulatory informadon Conference > ]4 April 1-2,1997

tener,ican ('hernical Nociet3 3 ^ '

Instrurnentshare American Electric Power Company 500 Circle Drive Frank Popp Buchanan, MI 49107 Consultant Phone: (616) 697-5006 American Chemical Society Instrumentshare Fax: (616) 697-5572 115516th Street Washington, DC 20036 John R. Sampson Phone: (202) 872-4088 Plant Manager Fax: (202) 872-6137 American Electric Power Company E-Mail: Cook Nuclear Plant One Cook Place Bridgman, MI 49106

\inerican 1:lectric hmer ('ornpany Phone: (616) 466-2409 Fax: (616) 466-2415 Mark S. Ackerman Karl J. Toth Manager, Nuclear Licensing Licensing Supervisor American Electric Power Company American Electric Power Company Nuclear Generation Group Cook Nuclear Plant 500 Circle Drive 500 Circle Drive Buchanan, MI 49107 Bne.hnnan, MI 49107 Phone: (616) 697-5063 Phone: (616) 697-5064 Fax: (616) 697-5574 Joel S. Wiebe A. Alan Blind Manager, Performance Engineering Site Vice President & Analysis American Electric Power Company American Electric Power Company Cook Nuclear Plant 500 Circle Drive One Cook Place Buchanan, MI 49107 Bridgman, MI 49106 Phone: (616) 697-5056 Phone: (616) 466-2401 Fax: (616) 697-5574 Fax: (616) 466-2415 Steven J. Brewer \merican Nuclear insurers Director, Regulatory Affairs American Electric Power Company Nuclear Generation Group Bill Wendland 500 Circle Drive Industry Liaison Buchanan, MI 49107 American Nuclear Insurers Phone: (616) 697-5008 29 South Main Street Fax: (616) 697-5572 Suite 3005 West Hartford, CT 06107 E. E. Fitzpatrick Phone: (860) 561-3433 ext. 302 Executive Vice President Fax: (860) 561-4655 Nuclear Generation E-Mail: American Electric Power Company Nuclear Generation Group 500 Circle Drive Buchanan, MI 49107 Phone: (616) 697-5001 Fax: (616) 697-5572 Regulatory Inforrnation Conference April 12, !997


Arizona Public Nersice Comparn Armed I/orces Radiohiology Research Institute Scott A. Bauer Robert A. George , ,

Licensing Section Leader Reactor Operations Supervisor l Arizona Public Service Company Armed Forces Radiobiology P.O. Box 52034 Research Institute Mail Stop 7636 8901 Wisconsin Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85072 2034 Bethesda, MD 20889-5603 Phone: (602) 412-0484 Phone: (301) 295-1221 ,

Fax: (602) 393-5442 Fax: (301) 295-0735 l E-Mail: William E. Ide Asociatiorr Nuclear ASCO Vice President, Nuclear Engineering , ,

Arizona Public Service Company P.O. Box 52034 Jose Garcia-Sanchez Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Safety and Licensing Manager l Phone: (602) 393-6116 Asociacion Nuclear ASCO l Fax: (602) 393-6077 Tres Torres 7 l Barcelona, Spain 08017 Angela K. Krainik Phone: 34-3-2532941 Manager, NRA Fax: 34-3-2040421 Arizona Public Service Company E-Mail: P.O. Box 52034 Phoenix, AZ 85072-2027 Phone: (602) 373-5921 Atoihic Energ) Control Board Fax: (602) 373-5442 E-Mail: akrainik@ apse Murari Chandra i James M. I.evine Codification Officer '

Senior Vice President Nuclear Atomic Energy Control Board Arizona Public Service Company 280 Stater Street P.O. Box 52034, Mail Station 7602 Ottawa, Ontarion KIP 5S9 Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034 Phone: .?l3) 995-8146 l Phone: (602) 393-5300 Fax: (613) 995-5086 Fax: (602) 393-6077 E-Mail: James H.M. Douglas Kenneth C. Manne Project Officer Senior Attorney Atomic Energy Control Board Law Department 1092 West Arizona Public Service Company Kincardine, Ontario, Canada N221C5 400 Nonh 5th Street, Mail Station 9820 Phone: (519) 361-4997 Phoenix, AZ 850N Fax: ($19) 361-7207 Phone: (602) 250-3513 Fax: (602) 250-3393

' Regulatory informanen Confereur >b4 April 12,1997

Bernard Gerestein Neil Haggeny Head, Regulatory Affairs & Board Engineer Operations Baltimore Gas & Electne Company Atomic Energy Control Board 1650 Cajven Cliffs Parkway P.O. Box 1046, Station B Lusby, MD 20657-4072 280 Slater Street Phone: (410) 495-3680 Ottawa, Ontario Canada KIP 559 Fax: (410) 495-2067 Phone: (613) 995-6618 Fax: (613) 995-5086 Roben A. Hardies E-Mail: Chairman Metallurgical Consultant

\ustralian Nuclear Science CEOG Reactor Vessel Working Group Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

& 'lechnolog3 Organ u.ation 1650 Calven Cliffs Parkway Lusby, MD 20657-4072 l Alan Murray Australian Nuclear Science Daniel W. Muth

& Technology Organization Engineer, Nuclear Regulato.y Matters  ;

1601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Baltimore Gas & Electric I Washington, DC 20036 1650 Calven Cliffs Parkway I Phone: (202) 797-3042 Lusby, MD 20657 Fax: (202) 483-5156 Phone: (410) 495-3592 E-Mail: amurray@capian. net Fax: (410) 495-2067 E-Mail: Baltimore Gas & Electric John M. Osborne i I "I"Pd"> Nuclear Regulatory Anayist l Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Charles H. Cruse 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway Vice President Nuclear Energy Lusby, MD 20657-4072 Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Phone: (410) 495-2252 1650 Calven Cliffs Parkway Fax: (410) 495-2067 Lusby, MD 20657 Phone: (410) 495 4455 Tom N. Pritchett Fax: (410) 495-3500 Director, Nuclear Regulatory Matters Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Banh W. Doroshuk 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway Principal Engineer Life Cycle Management Lusby, MD 20657-4072 Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Phone: (410) 495-3872 l 1650 Calven Cliffs Parkway Fax: (410) 495-2067 Lusby, MD 20657 i Steve J. Reckford l Karl R. Eser Engineer Senior Regulatory Analyst Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Baltimore Gas & Electric Company 1650 Calven Cliffs Parkway Calven Cliffs Nuclear Plant Lusby, MD 20657-4072 Lusby, MD 20657 Phone: (410) 495-2565  !

Phone: (410) 495-6620 Fax: (410) 495-2067 Fax: (410) 495-6622 l

b l

Regulatory inforonanon Conference > k 4l April 1-2,1997 I

Getachew Tesfaye Theresa A. Sutter (

Senior Engineer Licensing Engineer Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Bechtel Power Corporation 1650 Calver Cliffs Parkway 9801 Washingtonian Boulevard Lusby, M D 20657-4072 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: (410) 495-3736 Phone: (301) 417-4244 Fax: (410) 495-2067 Fax: (301) 926-7036 ,

E-Mail: Craig D. Sly l Senior Engineer Altheia M. Wyche l Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Licensing Supervisor 1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway Bechtel Power Corporation Lusby, M D 20657-4072 9801 Washingtonian Boulevard Phone: (410) 495-4858 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Fax: (410) 495-2067 Phone: (301) 417-4458 Fax: (301) 926-7036 E-Mail: Bethiel Power ('orporatior l Beckman & Associates Alice C. Carson Licensing Engineer Bechtel Power Corporation Donald A. Beckman 9801 Washingtonian Boulevard President Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Beckman & Associates Phone: (301) 417-4212 1071 State Route 136 Fax: (301) 869-6102 Belle Vernon, PA 15012 I E-Mail: Phone: (412) 872-9157 l Fax: (412) 872-6347 Nancy G. Chapman E-Mail: SERCH Manager 1 Bechtel Power Corporation .

l 9801 Washingtonian Boulevard BN A News Gaithersburg, MD 20878 , j Phone: (301) 417-3771 l Fax: (301) 926-7036 Jeremy R. Holmes E-Mail: Reporter BNA News Raymond N. NG 123125th Street, NW Principal Engineer Washington, DC 20037 Bechtel Power Corporation Phone: (202) 452-4987 9801 Washingtonian Boulevard Fax: (202) 452-7504 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: (301) 417 3174 Fax: (301) 869-6102 BNFl. Inc.

E-Mail: Tallapragada V. Sarma Ramon L. Ashley Quality Program Manager Licensing Manager Bechtel Power Corporation BNFL, Inc.

9801 Washingtonian Boulevard 1835 Terminal Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20878-5856 Suite 220 Phone: (301) 417-3782 Richland, WA 99532 Fax: (301) 990-3150 Phone: (509) 946-4006 E-Mail: Fax: (509) 946-4852 Regsdasory inforneadon Conference April 1-2,1997

>$4 o__ _

14 Won Edison ( ornpan) Brookhasen National Laborator3

{D E. Thomas Boulette Anthony Romano Senior Vice President, Nuclear Assistant Chairrran, Department of Boston Edison Company Advanced Tu.hnology Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Brookhaven National Laboratory 600 Rocky Hill Road 29 Cornell Avenue, Building 197C Plymouth, M A 02360 Upton. NY l1973-5000 Phone: (.i08) 830-3814 Phone: (516) 344-4024 Fax: (508) 830-8187 Fax: (516) 344-5266 E-Mail: romano @bnl. gov Nancy L. Desmond Regulatory Relations Group Manager ,

Boston Edison Company HWR Owners' Group 600 Rocky Hill Road -

j Plymouth, MA 02360 Phone: (508) 830 8117 Kevin P. Donovan Fax: (508) 830-8575 Chairman BWR Owners' Group John M. (Jack) Fulton P.O. Box 97 Senior Counsel Perry, OH 44081 Boston Edisen Company Phone: (216) 280-5345 800 Boylston Street, P-361 Fax: (216) 280-8001 Boston, MA 02199 E-Mail: Phone: (617) 424-2553 Fax: (617) 424-2733 E-Mail: john Carolina Power & I ight

(.ornpany Jeffrey W. Keene Regulatory Affairs Department Manager Donna B. Alexander Boston Edison Con.pany Supervisor, Licensing, Regulatory Programs 600 Rocky Hill Road Carolina Power & Light Company Plymouth, MA 02360 Harris Nuclear Plant Phone: (508) 830-7876 P.O. Box 165 Fax: (508) 830-8575 New Hill, NC 27562 Phone: (919) 362-3190 Henry V. Oheim Fax: (919) 362-2095 General Mr. nager, Technical Boston Edison Company William R. Campbell Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Vice President, Brunswick Nuclear Plant Rocky Hill Road Carolina Power & Light Company Plymouth, MA 02360 P.O. Box 10429 Phone: (508) 830-8806 Southport, NC 28461 Fax: (508) 830-8921 Phone: (910) 457-2496 Fax: (910) 457-2803 Regsdatory lotfernsanon Costference April 1-2,1997


Jiarold K. Chernoff Philip A. Opsal Supervisor Licensing, Regulatory Programs Superintendent, Regulatory Affairs Carolina Power & Light Company Carolina Power & Light Company Robinson Nuclear Plant 412 South Wilmington Str-et (OliS-7) 3581 West Entrance Road Raleigh, NC 27601 llansville,SC 29550 Phone: (919) 546-6150 Phone: (P03) M7-1437 Fax: (919) 546-4073 Fax: (803) 857-1864 E-Mail: paopsal@ E-Mail: WilHam S. Orser Clayton S. (Scotty)liinnant Executive Vice President Vice President Energy Supply & Chief Nuclear Officer Carolina Power & Light Company Carolina Power & Light Company Robinson Nuclear Plant P.0, Box 1551, CPB 1223 3581 West Entrance Road 411 Fayetteville St. Mall llansville, SC 29550 Raleigh, NC 27602 Phone: (803) 857-1486 Phone: (919) 546-4611 Fax: (803) 857-1319 Fax: (919) 546-2405 Keith R. Jury William R. Robinson Manager Vice President Regulatory Affairs Carolina Power & Light Company Carolina Power & Light Company liarris Nuclear Plant Brunswick, Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 165 P.O. Box 10429 New liill, NC 27562 Southpon, NC 28461 Phone: (919) 362-2502 Phone: (910) 457-2783 Fax: (919) 362-2095 Fax: (910) 457-2803 Tom D. Walt John S. I'.eenan Manager Operations and Environmental Director, Site Operations Suppon Depanment Carolina Power & Light Company Carolina Power & Light Company Robinson Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 15512 3581 W. Entrance Road Raleigh, NC 27FJ2 11ansville, SC 29550 Phone: (919) 546-6901 Phone: (803) 847-1494 Fax: (919) 546-2153 Fax: (803) 857-1319 E-Mail: tom. walt

, Rod M. Krich Chief Engineer ( ataract. Iric.

Carolina Power & Light Company .

412 South Wilmington Street (OllS-9Cl)

Raleigh, NC 27601-1849 G. leonard Johnson Phone: (919) 546-2926 Regional Manager, New England Fax: (919) 546-7854 Cataract, Inc.

E-Mail: 750 Old Main Stmet Rocky llill, CT 06067 William Levis Phone: (860) 563-3925 Director, Site Operations Fax: (860) 563-3925 Carolina Power & Light Company P.O. Box 10429 Southpon, NC 78461 Phone: (910) 457-2404 Fax: (910) 457-3369 Regadatory informadan Conference Apr01-2,1997

>l4 '

James P. Powers, III

( ei)1erior Frierg3 ( 'urpor ; ' n Acting Director, Nuclear Engineering Dept.

Centerior Energy Perry Nuclear Power Plant Robert E. Donnellon 10 Center Road Director, Davis-Besse Engineering Perry, OH 44081

& Services Phone: (216) 280-5188 Centerior Energy Fax: (216) 280-6350 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5501 North State Route 2 Oary G. Rhoads Oak Harbor, OH 43449 Supervisor Licensing Phone: (419) 249-2381 Centerior Energy Fax: (419) 249-2302 Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road Henry L. Hegrat Perry, OH 44081 Manager, Regulatory Affairs Phone: (216) 280-5299 Centerior Energy Fax: (216) 280-8001 Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road John P. Stetz Perry, OH 44081 Senior Vice President Phone: (216) 280-5606 Centerior Energy Fax: (216) 280-8001 Perry Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road Todd A. Henderson Perry, OH 44081 Supervisor, Compliance Phone: (216) 280-5250 Centerior Energy Fax: (216) 280-8029 Peny Nuclear Power Plant 10 Center Road John K. Wood Perry, OH 44081 Vice President, Nuclear Phone: (216) 280-5889 Centerior Energy Fax: (216) 280-8001 5501 Nonh State Route 2 Oak Harbor, OH 43449 David H. l.ockwood Phone: (419) 249-2300 Supervisor, Compliance Fax: (419) 321-8337 Centerior Energy Toledo Edison Lonnie W. Worley 0501 North State Route 2, Mail Stop 3065 Director, PNSD Oak Harbor, OH 43449 Centerior Energy Phone: (419) 321-8450 1930 Cedar Creek Coun Fax: (419) 249-2302 Painestille, OH 44088 E-Mail: Phone: (216) 280-5183 Lew W. Myers Dale R. Wuokko Vice President, Nuclear Supervism, Licensing Centerior Energy Centerior/ Toledo Edison Perry Nuclear Power Plant $501 Nonh State Route 2 10 Center Road Oak Harbor, OH 43552 Perry, OH 44081 Phone: (419) 321-7120 i Phoue: (216) 280-5915 Fax: (419) 249-2302 Fax: (216) 280-8029 l

l l

Regudatory Inforunason Conference April 1-2,1997


( entral Nuclear \ andellos,II City of Austin Electric tiility Conrad Dube Jim C. Lanier Licensing & Operatmg Expenence Director, Jointly Owned Generation Projects Central Nuclear Vandellios 11 City of Austin Electric Utility a

Trav. De les Corts,55 Lateral, I A Planta 721 Banon Springs Road Barcelona, Spain Au:: tin, TX 78704 '

Phone: 34-3-334-7000 Phone: (512) 322-6574 Fax: 34-3-440 5872 Fax: (512) 322-6221 E-Mail: Commontiealth Edison Chang Engineering Sersices, Inc. '

James S. Abel Kenneth C. Decommissioning Services President Engineering Licensing Manager Chang Engineering Services Inc. Commonwealth Edison 4 Bicentennial Drive 1411 Opus Place lexington, MA 02173 Suite 120 Phone: (617) 862-3742 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Fax: (617) 862-3742 Phone: (630) 663-5690 Fax: (630) 663-5400 Cimbu Electric Power. Inc.


Kenneth Ainger


Regulatory Manager Commonwealth Edison Regina M. Cronin 1411 Opus Place Researcher Suite 120 Chubu Electric Power, Inc. Downers Grover, IL 60515 90017th Street, NW '

Phone: (630) 663-5217 Suite 1220 Fax: (630) 663-5400 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 775-1960 Kevin G. Bartes Fax: (202) 331-9256 Manager, Quality & Safety Assessment Commonwealth Edison Satoshi Kurata Braidwood Station Representative RR #1 Box 84 Chubu Electric Power, Inc. Braceville, IL 60407 900017th St reet, NW Phone: (815) 458-2801, ext. 3602 Suite 1220 Fax: (815) 458-0876 Washington, DC 20006 E-Mail: Phone: (202) 775-1960 Fax: (202) 331-9256 Ron N. Baumer Regulatory Assurance, NRC Coordinator Commonwealth Edison Quad Cities Station 22710 206 Avenue North Cordova, IL 61242-9740 Phone: (309) 654-2241 ext. 3102 Fax: (309) 654-2241 ext. 2265 E-Mail. qdebu@ccmail. Regulatory infonnanon Conferrace April 1-2,1997 >$4 b

Donald R. Brindle Robert E. lillfrich Regulatory Assurance Supervisor Senior Counsel Commonwealth Edison Commonwealth Edison Company Byron Nuclear Power Plant 125 South Clark 4450 North German Church Road' Suite 1535 Byron, IL 61010 Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: (815) 234-5441 ext. 2280 Phone: (312) 3944970 Fax: (815) 234-5441 ext. 2270 Fax: (312) 394-3950 Allen J. Chernick Peter G. Holland Supervisor, Regulatory Assurance Regulatory Assurance Supenisor Commonwealth Edison Commonwealth Edison 22710 206th Avenue North 6500 North Dresden Road Cordova, IL 61242-9740 Morris, IL 60450 Phone: (309) 654-2241 ext. 3100 Phone: (815) 942-2920 Fax: (815) 942-2920, ext. 3829 MaryEllen DiPonzio Regulatory Performance Administration Ire se M. Johnson Commonwealth Edison Licensing Operations Director 1400 Opus Place Commonwealth Edison Suite 500 1400 Opus Place, Suite 500 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Phone: (630) 663-7285 Phone: (630) 663-2096 Fax: (630) 663-7155 Fax: (630) 663-7155 Robert C. Godley Kurt L. Kofron Regulatory Assurance Supervisor Plant Manager Commonwealth Edison Commonwealth Edison Zion Nuclear Station Byron Nuclear Power Plant 101 Shiloh Boulevard 4450 Nonh German Church Road Zion,IL 60099 Byron,IL 61010 Phone: (847) 746-2084 Phone: (815) 234-5441, ext. 2212 Fax: (847) 731-4266 Fax: (815) 234-5441, ext 4016 l

i l

l 12s D. Guthrie Michael D. Lyster

! Lasalle Station Plant Manager General Manager I

Commonwealth Edison Commonwealth Edison 2601 North 21st Road 1411 Opus Place Marseilles,IL 61341 Suite 120 Phone: (815) 357-6761, ext. 2100 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Fax: (815) 357-6761, ext. 2268 Phone: (630) 663 5140 Fax: (630) 663 5400 J. M. (Mike) Heffley E-Mail: exemx@ccmail. Station Manager Commonwealth Edison John A. Mcdonald 6500 North Dresden Road LaSalle Station Safety Assessment Manager Morris, IL 60450 Commonwealth Edison Phone: (815) 942-2920 2601 Nonh 21st Road l Fax: (815) 942-2920 Marseilles,IL 61341 l Phone: (815) 357-6761 J Fax: (815) 357-6761


I Regulatory Igormasion Conferraca April 1-2,1997

> 10 d

i Thomas J. Maiman David Sagar Executive Vice President Generation Support Manager Nuclear Division Commonwealth Edison Commonwealth Edison 1400 Opus Place 1400 Opus Place - Suite 900 Suite 900 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Phone: (630) 663-7354 Victor Mullin Fax: (630) 663-7155 Manager, Site Engineermg Commonwealth Edison Terrence W. Simpkin Indian Point Station Regulatory Assurance Supervisor Buchanan, NY Commonwealth Edison Phone: (914) 734-5106 Braidwood Nuclear Station R.R.1 Box 84

  • C. Peterr,on Braceville, IL 60407-9619

.~y Affairs Manager Phone: (815) 458-2801, ext. 2980

.r .

wealth Edison Fax: (815) 458-3803

. i.7 v. 06th Avenue North

+. ., IL 61242-9740 Frank A. Spangenberg

. . .:: (309) 654-2241, ext. 3609 Regulatory Assurance Manager Fax: (309) 654-2178 Commonwealth Edison E-Mail: qacep@ccmail. 6500 North Dresden Road Morris, IL 60450 John C. Polomgren Phone: (815) 942-2920, ext. 3800 Manager, Reactor Vessel Programs Fax: (815) 942-0737 Commonwealth Edison 1400 Opus Place William T. Subalusky Downers Grove, IL 60515 LaSalle Station Site Vice President Phone: (630) 663-7215 Commonwealth Edison Fax: (630) 663-7171 2601 North 21st Road Marseilles,IL 61341 J. Guy Reynolds Phone: (815) 357-6761 Board of Director, Nuclear Division Fax: (815) 357-6125 Commonwealth Edison 1400 Opus Place Robert K. Temple Suite 900 Stalf Counsel Downers Grove, IL 60515 Commonwealth Edison Phone: (630) 663-6132 125 South Clark Street Fax: (630) 663-7699. Suite 1535 Chicago, IL 60603 Denise M. Saccor d; Phone: (312) 394-5324 Senior PWR, Nuclear Licensing Administrator Fax: (312) 394-3950 Commonwealth Edison 1400 Opus Place Mark Wagner Suite 500 Nuclear Licensing Administrator Downers Grove, IL 60515 Commonwealth Edison Phone: (630) 663-7283 1400 Opus Place Fax: (603) 663-7155 Suite 500 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Phone: (630) 663-6645 Fax: (630) 663-7155 Retsdatory informanon Conference > )) 4 April 1-2,1997

l.on IL Waldinger Anibal Martin Nuclear Oversight Manager Vice Chairman Commonwealth Edison Consejo de Securidad Nuclear 1400 Opus Place, Suite 900 Justo Dorado,11 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Madrid. Spain 28040 Phone: (630) 663-7486 Phone: 34-1-346-03-32 Fax: (630) 663-3766 Fax: 34-1 34643-77

(:ommonw calt.h of Pennu h auia l >ept of I mironmental Protecti$>n ( onvilidated Edison Vompany of New i ork, im .

Rich Janati i Chief, Division of Nuclear Safety Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Brent L. Brandenburg Depanment of Environmental Protection Account General Counsel 400 Market Consolidated Edison Company of liarrisburg, PA 17105 New York, Irc.

Phone: (717) 787-2163 4 In'ing Place Fax: (717) 783-8965 Suite 1830 New York, NY 10003

( ~onnecticut Yankee Atomic Phone: (212) 460-4333 Fax: (212) 260-8627 Pow er ( .ompany Charles W. Jackson Russel A. Mellor Manager, Nuclear Safety and Licensing Director, Site Operations & Decommissioning Consolidated Edison Company Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company of NY - Broadway & Bleakley 362 Injun IIollow Road Indian Point Station East Hampton, CT 06424 Buchanan, NY 10511 Phone: (860) 267-3690 Phone: (914) 734-5127 Fax: (860) 267-3535 Stephen E. Quinn Vice President, Nuclear Power

('onsejo de Necuridad Nuclear Consolidated Edison Company of NY - Broadway & Bleakley Indian Point Station Antonio Gea Buchanan, NY 10511 Technical Director Phone: (914) 734-5340 Consejo de Securidad Nuclear i Justo Dorado,11 Peter Szabados 1 Madrid, Spain 28029 Manager, Nuclear Power Engineering Phone: 34-1-3460303 Consolidated Edison Company of Fax: 34-1-3460338 New York, Inc.

4 Irving Place Ignacio Lequerica New York, NY 10003 Consejo de Securidad Nuclear Phone: (212) 460-6936 Deputy Director for Nuclear Power Plants Justo Dorado,11 Madrid, Spain 28029 Phone: 34-1 3460102 Fax: 34-1-3460338 E-Mail:

' Regsdatory infomation Conference Apr01-2,1997


i Donald C. Shelton

( onsultant Consultant 3401 Gulf Shore Boulevard North Suite 306 Peter J. Athenon Naples, FL 34103-3662 Consultant Phone: (941) 403 0484 P.O. Box 2337 Fax: (941) 403-0484 l Washington, DC 20013 Phone: (202) 424-2000 Ja'nes H. Sniezek Consultant i Lynn Connor Nuclear Management Consultant 14601 Layhil! Road P.O. Box 34 Silver Spring, MD 20906 Cabin John, MD 20818 Phone: (301) 593-6640 Phone: (301) 2294)933 E-Mail: Richard W. Cooper 11 James M. Taylor I Consultant Consultant {

1709 Adler Lane 4105 Nonh Garland Street Malvern, PA 19355 Alexandria, VA 22304 Phone: (610) 407-0860 Phone: (703) 751-3923 Fax: (617) 407-0862 Fax: (703) 751-2326 E-Mail: E-Mail: Alan B. Cutter Tom Tipton i Senior Management Consultant Consultant 1233 Palo Alto Street 7509 Burnt Tree Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Manassus, VA 20111 Phone: (412) 231-1496 Phone: (703) 369-2109 Fax: (412) 231-1496 E-Mail:

('onsumers Energ3 ,

Billie Garde Consulumt Garde Law Offices Thomas C. Bordine )

Manager, Licensing Tricia A. Heroux Consumers Energy I Consultant 27780 Blue Star Highway 6419 22nd Street North Coven, MI 49043 Arlington, VA 22205 Phone: (616) 764-2913 Phone: (703) 536-0459 Fax: (616) 764-2490 Fax: (703) 536-2415 Michael D. Bourassa Erik W. Holm Licensing Supervisor Editor Consumers Energy Nuclear Remediation Week 10269 US 31 Nonh 627 National Press Building Charlevoix, MI 49720 14th Street, NW Phone: (616) 547-8244 Washington, DC 20004 Fax: (616) 547-8128 E-Mail: brp@ voyager. net Regulatory Ixformation Cogference > lb 4 April 1-2,1997

en o Vice dent

  • * *# ##" " I }

Nuclear, Fossil, Hydro Operations h*"iC"S .

Consumers Energy 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway John R. lona Coven, MI 49(43 Senior Vice President & General Phone: (616) 764-1311 Manager Fax: (616) 764-2425 Day & Zimmermann International,Inc.

1818 Market Street,10th Floor David W. Joos Philadelphia, PA 19141 Executive Vice President Phone: (215) 299-1527

& Chief Operations Officer, Electric Fax: (215) 299-1523 Consumers Energy E-Mail: 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, MI 49201 Carl F. Sundstrom, Il Phone: (517) 788-1352 Director, Business Developraent Fax: (517) 788-2186 Day & Zimmermann Utility Services P.O. Box 1196 Thomas J. Palmisano 68 Hornbeam Road Site Vice President Duxbury, MA 02331 Palisades Nuclear Plant Phone: (617) 934-2563 Consumers Energy Fax: (617) 934-0212 27780 Blue Star Highway Coven, MI 49043 Phone: (616) 764-2296 Detroit Edison Fax: (616) 764-2425 Kenneth P. Powers Paul Borer Plant General Manager Vice President Big Rock Point Detroit Edison Consumers Energy 6400 Nonh Dixie Highway 10269 US 31 North Fermi 2,210 NOC Charlevoix, MI 49720 Newpon, MI 48166 Phone: (616) 547-8388 Phone: (313) 586-4154 Fax: (616) 547-8187 Fax: (313) 586-4172 Douglas R. Gipson

('rystal Ncience ('orporation Senior Vice President, Nuclear Generation Detroit Edison 6400 Nonh Dixie Highway


Dennis J. Tauber Fermi 2 Director of Operations Newpon, MI 48166 Crystal Science Corporation Phone: (313) 586-5201 455 Birch Street Fax: (313) 586-4172 Kennett Square, PA 19348 Phone: (610) 444-3450 Norman K. Peterson Fax: (610) 444-0619 Supervisor, Compliance Detroit Edison 6400 Nonh Dixie liighway Fermi 2, 270 TAC Newpon, MI 48166 Phone: (313) 586-4258 Fax: (313) 586-4208 E-Mail: j l

Regulatory informatwn Conference > .l$ Y April 1-2,1997 '

l l

i James H. Riley Duke I ngineering A Nervice( Project Manager Duke Engineering & Services 13325 Rousby Hall Road leri L Armstrong Lusby, MD 20657 ,

Manager Phone: (410) 326-7102 Duke Engineering & Services


Fax: (410) 326-7140 l 2275 Half Day Road Bannockborn, IL 60015 l Allen R. Shafii Phone: (847) 940-2050 Manager, Plant Programs i Fax: (847) 940-2021 Duke Engineering & Services E-Mail: ljarmstr@dpemail.dukepos 5834 Peachtree Corners East  ;

Norcross, GA 30092 i Donald S. Boulton Phone: (770) 441-5101 Engineering Supervisor Fax: (770) 441-5384 Duke Engineering & Services E-Mail: 23279 White Elm Court i California, MD 20619 . Massoud M. Tafazzoli Phone: (410) 495-4469 Licensing Programs Supervisor Fax: (410) 495-4498 Duke Engineering & Services E-Mail: don. boulton 5834 Peachtree Comers East, Suite C i

Norcross, GA 30092 )

Kevin J. Connell Phone: (770) 441-5347 I Licensing Manager Fax: (770) 441-5384 Duke Engineering & Services E-Mail: 400 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28078 <

Phone: (704) 382-7148 Duke Poner Compan3 Fax: (704) 382-8770 E-Mail: Henry B. Barron Jim Fuller Site Vice President Nuclear Operations Support Duke Power Company Group Manager McGuire Nuclear Station Duke Engineering & Services 12700 Hagers Ferry Road 400 South Tryon Street Huntersville, NC 28078-9340 P.O. Box 1004 Phone: (704) 875-4800 Charlette, NC 28201-1004 Fax: (704) 875-4809 Phone: (704) 382-3311 E-Mail: Fax: (704) 382-8775 E-Mail: Mary L. Birch Safety Assurance Manager Robert G. Morgan Duke Power Company Regulatory & Licensing Manager 4800 Concord Road (CNO98A)

Duke Engineering & Services York, SC 29745 400 South Tryon Street Phone: (803) 831-3310 Charlotte, NC 28201-1004 Fax: (803) 831-3191 Phone: (704) 382-0293 Fax: (704) 382-8566 E-Mail: Regulatory informaaon Conference April 14,1997

> ]$ 4

Jack E. Burchfield _ , - William W. Foster Manager, Regulatory Compliance Manager, Safety Assurance >

Duke Power Company Duke Power Company Oconee Nuclear Station Oconee Nuclear Station P.O. Box 1439 P.O. Box 1439 Seneca, SC 29679 Seneca, SC 29679 Phone: (864) 885-3292 Phone: (864) 885-3163 Fax: (864) 885-3401 Fax: -(864) 885-3564 Michael T Cash James W. Hampton Regulatory Compliance Manger Site Vice President Duke Power Company Duke Power Company McGuire Nuclear Station Oconee Nuclear Station 12700 Hagers Ferry Road P.O. Box 1439 Huntersville, NC 28078-9340 Seneca, SC 2%79 Phone: (704) 875-4117 Phone: (864) 885-3499 Fax: (704) 875-4809 Fax: (864) 885-3564 Glenn (Skip) A. Copp Gregory S. Kent Nuclear Regulatory Manager Engineer Duke Power Company Duke Power Company P.O. Box 1006, EC050 12700 Hager Ferry Road Charlotte, NC 28291 Huntersville, NC 28078-8985 Phone: (704) 382-5826 Phone: G04) 875-4503 Fax: (704) 382-4545 Fax: (704) 875-5751 E-Mail: .

Michael S. Kitlan, Jr.

Bryan J. Dolan Manager Regulatory Ccmpliance Safety Assurance Manager Duke Power Company Duke Power Company Catawba Nuclear Station McGuire Nuclear Station 4800 Concord Road 12700 Hagers Ferry Road York, SC 29745 Huntersville, NC 28078-9340 Phone: (803) 831-3205 Phone: G04) 875-4225 Fax: (803) 831-3191 I Fax: (704) 875-4809 E-Mail: I James (Jim) J. Fisicaro Dan Mayes Nuclear Assessment ar.d Issues Consultant Engineer Division Manager Duke Power Company Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street ,

P.O. Box 1006, EC07Q Charlotte, NC 28242 l Charlotte, NC 28201 l Phone: G04) 382-1578 Paul R. Newton Fax: G04) 382-4360 - Assistant General Counsel Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street (PBOSE)

Jeff S. Forbes Charlotte, NC 28242 CNS Engineer Manager Phone: G04) 382-8106 ,

Duke Power Company Fax: G04) 382-8137 j 1751 Red Ceder Lane E-Mail: i Roch Hill, SC 29732 Phone: (803) 329-3825 I

Regulanory infonneaion Conference April 1-2,1997 > lh f

Braxton (Jack) L. Peele Raymond A. Hruby, Jr.

Station Manager Director Duke Power Comapny Duquesne Light Company Oconee Nuclear Station Rt 168, P.O. Box 4 BVPS P.O. Box 1439 Shippingpon, PA 15077 Seneca, SC 29679 Phone: (412) 393-5705 Phone: (864) 885-3487 Fax: (s'12) 393-5536 Fax: (864) 885-3564 Sushil C. Jaici Gregory Robison Division Vict: President Project Manager Nuclear Service Group License Renewal Project Duquesne 1.ight Company Duke Power Company P.O. Box 4 Shippingpon, PA 15077 Roben O. Sharpe Phone: (412) 393 5512 Senior Engineer Fax: (412) 643-8 % 9 Duke Power Company 12700 Hagers Ferry Road Huntersville, NC 28078-8985 Earth Neiences Consultants. Inc.

Phone: (704) 875-5902 ~

Fax: (704) 875-4165 Thomas C. Slavonic Mike S. Tuckman Program Director Senior Vice President, Nuclear Generation Eanh Sciences Consultants, Inc.

Duke Power Company One Triangle Drive P.O. Box 1006, EC07H Expon, PA 15632 Charlotte, NC 28201 Phone: (412) 733-3000, ext. 213 Phone: (704) 382-2200 Fax: (412) 325-3352 Fax: (704) 382-4360 Ecker Seamans ('herin Duquesne Light Company & AleHott 1.1.0 Banon Z. Cowan Jesus Arias Senior Panner Director, Licensing and Safety Ecken Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Duquesne Light Company 600 Grant Street,42nd Floor P.O. Box 4 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Shippingpon, PA 15077 Phone: (412) 566-6029 Phone: (412) 393-5203 Fax: (412) 566-6099 Fax: (412) 643-4671 E-Mail: esem. i James E. Cross President Edlou International Compan3 l Generation Group Duquesne Light Company P.O. Box 4 Jack Edlow Shippingport, PA 15077 President Phone: (412) 393-5255 Edlow International Company i Fax: (412) 643-8069 1666 Connecticut Avenue, NW {

Suite 201 Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (202) 483-4959 l Fax: (202) 483-4840 l E-Mail: l

Regulatory information Conference > ]l A i April 1-2,1997 l

I MichaelI. Aneshansley I lectric Power Research Institute Senior Vice President

+ Government Services Group Enercon Services, Inc.

Gary L Vine 10820 East 45th Street Senior Washington Representative Suite 100 Ehetric Power Research Institute Tulsa, OK 74146 i 2000 L Street, NW Phone: (918) 665-7693 Suite 805 Fax: '918) 665-7232 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 293-6347 Gary L Augustine l Fax: (202) 293-2697 Vice President, Plant Technical Services j

E-Mail: Enercon Services, Inc.

1 4115 William Penn Highway Leonard I. I.oflin Suite 202 ,

Project Manager Murrysville, PA 15668 l Electric Power Research Institute Phone: (412) 733-8711 1300 Harris Boulevard Fax: (412) 733-4630 Charlotte, NC 28262 1

Phone: (704) 547-6010 William (Mac) M. Davis Fax: (704) 547-6035 Client Services Manager E-Mail: Enercon Services, Inc.

l 10820 East 45th Street 1 Suite 100 Electricite de t rance Tulsa, OK 74146 l

Phone: (918) 665-7693 i Fax: (918) 665-7232 Bernard Fourest Manager Nuclear Safety Department Dennis B. Ilacking Electricitede France Client Services Manager Centre Affaires Michelet Enercon Services Inc.

Paris La Defense, France 92060 10820 East 45th Street Phone: 01-49-02-04-53 Suite 100 Fax: 01-49-02-04-57 Tulsa, OK 74146 Phone: (918) 665-7693 Fax: (918) 665-7232 Enercon Ners ices. Inc.

James R. Harrell Manager of Analysis Benjamin D. Acojido Enercon Services, Inc.

Client Services Manager 1600 Parkwood Circle Enercon Services, Inc. Suite 600 I

$95 Market Street Atlanta, GA 30339 Suite 2500 Phone: (770) 980-2360 San Francisco, CA 94105 Fax: (770) 980-2386 l Phone: (415) 227-0505 Fax: (415) 969-1097 Michael J. Manski Manager, Projects Enercon Services, Inc.

4115 William Penn Highway Suite 202 Murrysville, PA 15668 Phone: (412) 733-8711 Fax: (412) 733-4630 Regulatory informanon Conference > U <3 April 1-2,1997 .

r V Presi e i Engineering Services "I """ "N """ " E Enercon Services, Inc. & 31anagernent, Inc.

1600 Parkwood Circle l Suite 600 Wade W. Larson l Atlanta, GA 30339 President j Phone: (770) 980-2360 Engineering Planning & Management, Inc.

l Fax: (770) 980-2386 959 Concord Street Framington, MA 01701 John D. Richardson Phone: (508) 875-2121 l Senior Vice President Fax: (508) 879-3291 Nuclear Services Group E-Mail: wwl@ Enercon Services, Inc.

1600 Parkwood Circle Suite 600 Entergy Operations,-luc.

Atlanta, GA 30339

  • Phone: (770) 980-2360 Fax: (770) 980-2386 Stephen J. Bethay Director, Nuclear Safety and Licensing Thomas (Sid) D. Sarver Entergy Operations, Inc.

Director, Field Services 1340 Echelon Parkway, Mail Unit 660 Enercon Services, Inc. Jackson, MS 39213 2505 South 17th Street Phone: (601) 368-5758 Wilmington, NC 28401 Fax: (601) 368-5768 Phone: (910) 791-0169 Fax: (910) 392-4630 Danny G. Bost Director, Design Engineering-GGNS Alcuin J. Schneider Entergy Operations, Inc.

Manager, Projects P.O. Box 756 Enercon Services, Inc. Port Gibson, MS 39150 -

1600 Parkwood Circle Phone: (601) 437-6270 Suite 600 Fax: (601) 437-2146 Atlanta, GA 30339 E-Mail: Phone: (770) 980-2360 Fax: (770) 980-2386 Joel P. Dimmette General Manager, Plant Operations Douglas R. Whitson Entergy Operations, Inc.

Client Services Manager River Bend Station Enercon Services, Inc. P.O. Box 220 10820 East 45th Street St. Francisville, LA 70775 Suite 100 Phone: (504) 381-4200 Tulsa, OK 74146 Fax: (504) 381-4105 Phone: (918) 665-7693 Fax: (918) 665-7232 Charles M. Dugger Vice President, Operations Arthur R. Woods Entergy Operations, Inc.

Manager, Design Waterford 3 Enercon Services Inc. P.O. Box B 1600 Parkwood Circle Killona, LA 70066 Suite 600 Phone: (504) 739-6661 Atlanta, GA 30339 Fax: (504) 739-6678 T . G70) 980-2360 Fax: (770) 980-2386 I

Regulatory infornuuion Conference > $9 4 April 1-2,1997

William A Eaton . Joseph J. Hagan General Manager Vice President, Operations Entergy Operations Grand Gulf Nuclear Station P.O. Box 756 Entergy Operations, Inc. I Port Gibson, MS 39150 P.O. Box 756

- Phone: (601) 937-2129 Port Gibson, MS 39150 j Phone: (601) 437-6409 Randall (Randy) K. Edington Fax: (601) 437-2795 General Manager, Operations E-Mail: Entergy Operations, Inc.

Arkansas Nuclear One W. Kenneth Hughey 1448 SR333 .

Director Nuclear Safety and f Russellville, AR 72801 Regulatory Affairs Phone: (501) 858-3110 Entergy Operations, Inc.

Fax: (501) 858-3232 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station  ;

P.O. Box 756

.Lesley A. England Port Gibson, MS 39150 Licensing Coordinator Phone: (601) 437-6470 Entergy Operations,Inc. Fax: (601) 437-6584 1340 Echelon Parkway, Mail Unit 660 Jackson, MS 39213 Charles R. Hutchinson Phone- (601) 368-5766 Vice President, Operations Fax: (601) 368-5768 Arkansas Nuclear One Entergy Operations, Inc.

Early C. Ewing 1448 S.R. 333 Director, Nuclear Safety Russellville, AK 72801 and Regulatory Affairs Phone: (503) 858-4888 Entergy Operations Inc. Fax: (501) 858-4800 Waterfod 3 P.O. Box B Dale E. James Killona, LA 70066 Supervisor, Nuclear Safety Phone: (504) 739-6242 Entergy Operations, Inc.

Fax: (504) 739-6678 Arkansas Nuclear One 1448 S.R. 333 Timothy W. Gates Russellville, AR 72801 Supervisor, Nuclear Licensing Phone: (501) 858-4619 Entergy Operations, Inc. Fax: (501) 858-4685 P.O. Box 220 - E-Mail: St. Francisville, LA 70775 I Phone: (504) 381-4866 Rick J. King Fax: (504) 635-5068 Director, Nuclear Safety & Regulatory Affairs Entergy Opeations, Inc.

Timothy J.- Gaud-t -

River Bend Station Manager, Licensint, P. O. Box 220 ,

Entergy Operations 1a. St. Francisville, LA 70775 Waterford 3 Phone: (504) 336-6225 P.O. Box B . Fax: (504) 635-5068 Killona, LA 70066 Phone: (504) 739-6666

' Fax: (504) 739-6678 Regninsory infernaasion Conference >N April 1-2,1997 I

Theodore R. leonard Fred W. Titus General Manager, Plant Operations Vice President, Engineering Entergy Operations Inc. Entergy Operations Inc.

f l

Waterford 3 P.O. Box 31995 P.O. Box B Jackson, MS 39286-1995 ]

Killona, LA 70066 Phone: (601) 368-5390 i

1 Phone: (504) 464-3120 Fax: (601) 368-5394 Fax: (504) 739-6678 E-Mail:


David N. Lorfing Jerry W. Yelverton Supervisor, Nuclear Licensing '

Executive Vice President Entergy Operations, Inc. and Chief Operating Officer  ;

P.O. Box 220 Entergy Operations, Inc. I St. Francisville, LA 70775 P.O. Box 31995 Phone: (504) 381-4157 Jackson, MS 39286-1995 Fax: (504) 635-5068 Phone: (601) 368-5690 Fax: (601) 368-5768 l William Mackay E-Mail: l Senior level Engineer Entergy Operations, Inc.

13CEl. Nenires Co'rporation John R. McGaha Vice President, Operations Entergy Operations, Inc. Karl Gross P.O. Box 220 Consultant St. Francisville, LA 70775 Excel Services Corpo ation Phone: (504) 381-4374 11921 Rockville Pike Fax: (504) 381 4872 Suite 100 E-Mail: Rockville, MD 20852  !

Phone: (301) 984-4400 I Dwight C. Mims Fax: (301) 984-7600 l Director, Nuclear Safety E-Mail: Entergy Operations, Inc.

Arkansas Nuclear One l 1448 S.R. 333 llorida Power Corporation Russellville, AR 72801 Phon : (501) 858-4601 Fax: (501) 858 4 685 Roy A. Anderson Senior Vice President, Nuclear Operations 1 Danny L. Pace Crystal River Plant i Director, Engineering 15760 West Power Line Street SA2C


Entergy Operations, Inc. Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 i P.O. Box 220 Phone: (352) 563-4455 l St. Francisville, LA 70775 Fax: (352) 563-4451  !

Phone: 504-336-6226 Fax: 504-381-5612 John Paul Cowan i E-Mail: Vice President, Nuclear Production 15760 West Power Line Street SA2C Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 l Phone: (352) 563-4594 Fax: (352) 563-4451 Regulatory inforn.ation Conference > 2] 4 April 12,1997

Brian Guth:rman Robert J. Hovey i Manager, Nuclear Licensing Vice President I Florida Power Corporation Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant 15760 West Power Line Street SA2A Florida Power & Light Company Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 9760 SW 344 Street Phone: (352) 563-4566 Florida City, FL 33035 Fax: (352) $63-4451 Phone: (305) 246-6113  !

Fax: (305) 246-7119 Gregory H. Halnon E-Mail: bob Assistant Plant Director, Nuclear Safety Crystal River Plant Rajiv S. Kundalkar Florida Power Corporation Vice President, Nuclear Engireering 15760 West Power Line Street Florida Power & Light Company Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 P.O. Box 14000 Phone: (352) 563 4 649 Juno Beach, FL 33408 .

Fax: (352) 563-4451 Phone: (561) 694-4848 Fax: (561) 694-4994 Robert W. Knoll E Mail: Supervisor, Nuclear Operations Engineering Florida Power Corporation Harry N. Paduano 15760 West Powerline Street Manager, Licensing & Special Programs Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Florida Power & Light Company Phone: (352) 795-6486, ext. 3318 P.O. Box 14000 Fax: (352) 563-4575 Juno Beach, FL 33408 Phone: (561) 694-4190 David F. Kunsemiller Fax: (561) 694-4994 Director Regulatory Affairs Crystal River Plant Thomas F. Plunkett Florida Power Corporation President, Nuclear Division 15760 West Power Line Street Florida Power & Light Company Mail Stop 5A2A P.O. Box 14000 Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 Juno Beach, FL 33408 Phone: (352) 563-4756 Phone: (561) 694-4220 Fax: (352) 563-4451 Fax: (561) 694-3227 Mitchell S. Ross 1%rida Pimer & I ighM 'ompany Attorney

,, Florida Power & Light Company 700 Universe Boulevard Gary E. Hollinger P.O. Box 14000 Licensing Manager Juno Beach, FL 33409 Florida Power & Light Company Phone: (561) 691-7126 Turkey Point Plant Fax: (561) 691-7135 16761 South West 278 E-Mail: Homestead, FL 33031 Phone: (305) 246-6078 Art Stall Fax: (305) 246-6651 Vice President, St. Lucie Plant Florida Power & Light Company 6501 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34937 Phone: (561) 467-7100 Fax: (561) 467-7199 I

Reguintory informadon Conference April 1-2,1997

> )) 0

Edward J. Weinkam Licensing Manager GE Nuclear Energ3 Florida Power & Light' Company St. Lucile Plant 6501 South Ocean Drive John Armenta I Jensen Beach, FL 34957 i Manager, Regulatory Programs Phone: (561) 467-7162 GE Nuclear Energy Fax: (561) 467-7572 175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95136 Phone: (408) 925-1268 i rantatotne T echnologies. Inc. ' . Fax: (408) 925-3837 Kenneth W. Brayman Raymond W. Ganthner QAS Systems Manager Vice President, Business Operations GE Nuclear Energy Framatome Technologies, Inc. 175 Cunner Avenue, M/C 117 155 Mill Ridge Road, MR-10 San Jose, CA 95125 Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: (408) 925-6587 Phone: (804) 832-2751 Fax: (408) 925-1372 Fax: (804) 832-1161 E-Mail: Joseph M. Case Consultant NQA Roben B. Borsun GE Nuclear Manager, Rockville Nuclear Licensing P.O. Box 1010 Operations Palo Cedro, CA 96073 Framatome Technologies, Inc. Phone: (916) 549-4797 1700 Rockville Pike Fax: (916) 549-4797 Suite 525 Rockville, MD 20853-1631 Paige T. Negus Phone: (301) 230-2100 Specialist, Government Relation F x: (301) 468-6246 GE Nuclear Energy E Mail: 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 1100W I Washington, DC 20004 1/rgnch Nuclear Safety Authority Phone: (202) 637-4142 Fax: (202) 637-4051 E-Mail: paige. negus. Jacques Rabouhams Senior Executive, International Relations Ralph J. Reda French Nuclear Safety Authority Manager, Fuels and Facility Licensing Route du Panorama Roben Schuman BP83 )

GE Nuclear Energy  !

Fontenay aux Roses, France 92266 P.O. Box 780, M/C J26 l Phone: 33-1-43-19-70-87 Wilmington, NC 28402 I Fax: 33-1-43-19-70-69 Phone: (910) 675-5889 Fax: (910) 675-5579 Serge Roudier E-Mail: cedar Senior Expen French Nuclear Safety Authority David J. Robare Route du Panorama Roben Schuman BP83 Manager, Licensing Services Fontenay aux Roses, France 92266 GE Nuclear Energy l

Phone: 23-1-43-19-70-87 175 Curtner Avenue Fax: 33-1 43-19-70-69 l San Jose, CA 95125 l Phone: (408) 925-3141 ,

Fax: (408) 925-1674 l E-Mail: Regulatory informanon Conference April 1-2,1997

>N4 l

George B. Stramback Regulatory Services GPt Nuclear. Inc.

GE Nuclear Energy ,

175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 George W. Bush Phone: (408) 925-1913 Manager, Regulatory Affairs Fax: (408) 95125 GPU Nuclear, Inc.

E-Mail: 752 Brim Road Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 Phone: (609) 971-4643 GCHCfdl Ph) Un ('orporation Fax: (609) 971-4103

  • E-Mail: Dennis F. Bonilla John C. Fornicola Director, Utility Services Licensing & Regulatory Affairs Director General Physics Corporation GPU Nuclear, Inc.

6700 Alexander Bell Drive One Upper Pond Road Columbia, MD 21046 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: (410) 290-2345 Phone: (201) 316-7334/7946 Fax: (410) 290-2481 . Fax: (201) 316-7997 E-Mail: bonilla@ E-Mail: James A. Voelxen Dennis M. Kierpa Business Development Manager Lead Engineer, Surveillance General Physics Corporation GPU Nuclear, Inc.

268 Summer Street,5th Floor One Upper Pond Road Boston, M A 02210 Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: (617) 368-3215 Phone: (201) 316-7302 Fax: (617) 542-7821 Fax: (201) 316-7920 E-Mail: voelexen@> E-Mail:

, Michael W. Laggan Gm ernment Strategies. Inc. Manager, Corporate Licensing GPU Nuclear, Inc.

One Upper Pond Road Timothy E. Smith Parsippany, NJ 07054 Presdient Phone: (201) 316-7968 Government Strategies, Inc. Fax: (201) 316-7997 11803 Wayland Street E-Mail: Oakton, VA 22124 Phone: (703) 716-4846 Arthur H. Rone Fax: (703) 716-0043 Vice President, Nuclear Safety E-Mail: & Technical Service GPU Nuclear, Inc.

1 Upper Pond Road Parsippany, NJ 07054 Phone: (201) 316-7107 Fax: (201) 316-7997 E-Mail: Regulatory inferrnahon Conference Aprn112,1997

>N i


Surendra N. Tiwari William T. Cottle Nuclear Safety Assessment Manager Executive Vice President GPU Nuclear Inc. & General Manager, Nuclear One Upper Pond Road Houston Lighting & Power Company Parisippany, NJ 07054 P.O. Box 289 Phone: (201) 316-7433 Wadsworth, TX 77483 Fax: (201) 316-7920 Phone: (512) 972-8434  ;

Fax: (512) 972-8577 Jack S. Wetmore Manager, TMI Regulatory Affairs Lawrence E. Martin GPU Nuclear, Inc. General Manager, Nuclear Assurance P.O. Box 480 & Licensing Middletown, PA 17057 Houston Lighting & Power Company Phone: (717) 948-8501 P.O. Box 289 Fax: (717) 316-8793 Wadsworth, TX 77483 Phone: (512) 972-8686 Fax: ($12) 972-8577 lberdrofa B. J. Furness HM Deputy ChiefInspector Health & Safety Executive (UK) Jose Palomo St. Peter's House Safety & Licensing Manager BalliolRoad Iberdrola Bootle, Merseyside, UK L203LZ Goya, 4 Phone: 44-151-951-4957 Madrid, Spain 28001 Fax: 44-151-951-3968 Phone: 34-1-577-6500 Fax: 34-1-577-6228 William W. Ascroft-Hutton HM SuperintendingInspector Health and Safety Executive (UK) IEN l Iilities, Inc.

St. Peter's House ,

Balliol Road Bootle, Merseyside, UK L203LZ Bruce A. lacy Phone: 44-151-951-4017 Manager Business Unit Fax: 44-151-951-3968 IES Utilities,Inc.

Duane Arnold Energy Center P. O. Box 351

%uston 1 ighting Pow er Cedar Rapids, IA 52406

('ompan) Phone: (319) 398-4124 Fax: (319) 398-8192 Ted H. Cloninger Kenneth E. Peveler Vice President, Nuclear Engineering Manager, Regulatory Performance Houston Lighting & Power Company IES Utilities,Inc.

P.O. Box 289 Duane Amold Energy Center Wadsworth, TX 77483 3277 DAEC Road Phone: (512) 972-8787 Palo, IA 52324 Fax: (512) 972-8577 Phone: (319) 851-7801 Fax: (319) 851-7678 Regulatory 14armanon Cederener > A5 4 April 1-2,1997

I Ken Putnam ,

Regulatory Affairs Supervisor Illinois Power Company IES Utilities.Inc.

Duane Arnold Energy Center  !

3313 DAEC Road Wilfred Connell  !

Palo, IA 52324 Vice President Phone: (319) 851-7238 Illinois Power Company Fax: (319) 851-7364 Clinton Power Station P.O. Box 678 Gary D. Van Middlesworth Clinton. iL 61727 Plant Manager, Nuclear Phone: (217) 935-5632 IES Utilities,Inc. Fax: (217) 935-4632 Duane Arnold Energy Center 3277 DAEC Road Joseph L. Lakshmanan Palo, IA 52324 Attomey I Phone: (319) 851-7568 Illinois Power Company Fax: (319) 851-7678 500 South 27th Street Decatur,IL 62525

"*; 49 filinois Department of' Nuclear l

'I"I) E-Mail: joseph hiichael A. Reandeau Neill T. Howey Supervisor, Licensing Administration Assistant Manager, Office of Nuclear Illin is Power Company Facility Safety Clinton Power Station )

Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety P.O. Box 678 1035 Outer Park Drive Clinton,IL 61727 Springfield,IL 62704 Phone: (217) 935-8881, ext. 3448 Phone: (217) 785-9875 Fax: (217) 935-5864 Fax: (217) 524-5671 Michael D. Stickney Michael C. Parker SupeMsor, Regional Regulatory Intedace Nuclear Safety Engineer 11 Illin is Power Company Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety Clinton Power Station 1035 Outer Park Drive

.O. Box 678 Springfield,IL 62704 Clinton,IL 61727 j Phone: (217) 785-9854 Phone: (217) 935-8881, ext. 3421 Fax: (217) 524-5671 Fax: (217) 935-5864 I ~ Paul J* Telthorst l Manager Office of Nuclear Facility Safety Director, L.icensing Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety Illin is Power Company 1035 Outer Park Drive Clinton Power Station Springfield,IL 62704 P.O. Box 678 l Phone: (217) 785-9851 Clinton,IL 61727 Fax: (217) 524-5671 Phone: (217) 935-8881, ext. 3405 Fax: (217) 935-5864 Regulatory informanon Conference > 2h ,

April 1-2,1997

INDUS Group. Inc. Institute of Nuclear Safet3 Jude G. Del Percio Teruyoshi Ayano Project Manager Project Manager The INDUS Group, Inc.

Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc.

395 Lincoln Avenue 1-7 Hikaridai, Seika-cho Sayville, NY l1782 Kyoto, Japan Phone: (516) 244-0913 Phone: 774-95-5092 E Mail: Fax: 774-95-6017 Institute of Nuclear Power integrated Resoure's e Operations "

Group-William (Sandy) J. Hastie Wanda N. Hale Director, Government Relations Division Manager, International Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Integrated Resources Group 700 Galleria Parkway 380 Maple Avenue West Atlanta, GA 30339 Suite 101 Phone: (770) 644-8207 Vienna, VA 22180 Fax: (770) 644-8119 Phone: (703) 319-8768 E-Mail: Fax: (703) 319-8769 E-Mail: Edgar D. Hux Division Director of Events Analysis &

Information Exchange Division International Energy Sersices.1 td.

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 700 Galleria Parkway Atlanta, GA 30339 David G. Powell Phone: (770) 644-8356 President Fax: (770) 644-8101 International Energy Services, Ltd.

3191 Nicholasville Road Richard P. LaRhette Suite 205 Staff Assistant, Government 12xington, KY 40503 Relations Division Phone: (606) 273-4660 Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Fax: (606) 273-4409 700 Galleria Parkway E-Mail: Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (770) 644-8217 ' -

Fax: (770) 644-8119 ITN Corporation E-Mail: - -



Wilham E. (Bill) Webster Gilbert L. Zigler Director, Plant Support Division Senior Scientist / Engineer Institute of Nuclear Power Operations ITS Corporation 700 Galleria Parkway, N.W. 8015 Mountain Road Place Atlanta, G A 30339 5957 Suite 210 Phone: (770) 644-8221 Albuquerque, NM 87110 Fax: (770) 644-8549 Phone: (505) 254-1005 E-Mail: websterwe@ Fax: (505) 254-1251 E-Mail: 7

Regulatory infonnason Conference Apn! 1-2,1997


.heseph \l. llendrie horea Institute of

( onsultant . Nuclear hafety Joseph M. IIendric Dae Wook Chung Consulting Engineer Senior Researcher Joseph M. Hendrie Consultant Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 50 Bellport Lane P.O. Box 114 Bellport, NY 11713 Yousung Daejon, Korea Phone: (516) 286-8664 Phone: 82-42-868 4 220 E-Mail:


JH \1 horiates Ahn Hyung Joon


Senior Researcher Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety John H. MacKinnon 19 Kusongdong, Yousongku Principal Taejon, Korea 305-338 JHM Associates Phone: 82-42-868-0156 7388 liunting Lake Drive Fax: 82 42-861-9945 Concord, OH 44077 E-Mail: kO86@ pinpoint. Phone: (216) 639-2311 Fax: (216) 639-2311 Chang Hyun Lim Safety inspection Department hansai i lectric Power K rea Institute of Nuclear Safety P.O. Box 114

( ornpan) . Inc. ' Y ng Tejon, Kom Phone: 82-42-868-0248 Satoshi Azumi Fax: 82-42-861-0943 Representative E-mail: k2411jh@ pinpoint. Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc.

2001 L Street, NW, Suite 801 Hokee Kim Washington, DC 20036 denior Engineer Phone: (202) 659-1138 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Fax: (202) 457-0272 Nulee Apt 104-304 E-Mail: sazumi.wdc@kansai.:om Taejon, Korea 305-338 Phone: 82-42-868 4 206 Fax: 82-42-861-2535 hhan ('onsulting Nersices In-Jin Song Nuclear Safety Policy Researcher Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Masrur Khan Guseong Dong 19 Yu Sungku President Taejon, Korea Khan Consulting Services Phone: 82-42-868-0104 217 Brendan Choice Fax: 82-42-861-2536 Cary, NC 27511-5508 Phone: (919) 481-2229 l Fax: (919) 481-0690 {


E-Mail: masrur@ concentric. net Rotalatory Wonnacon confmace arra ia, im

> 28 N

Korea Power I ngineerir#R h 3ushu Elertric Power

(:ompan) Compan3, Inc.

Kwang Pyo Kim Kazutoshi Eto Engineer Chief Engineer Korea Power Engineering Company Kyushu Electric Power Company, Inc.

360-9 Mabak-ri, 4350 Norther Pike Gusung-Myon Yongin-Shi Monroeville, PA 15146 Kyunggi-Do, Korea Phone: (412) 374-5381 Phone: 331-287-3441 Fax: (412) 374-5099 Fax: 331-284-7640 E-Mail: i Kwangil Lim Engineering Group Supervisor L A. Grime & Awociates. Inc.

Korea Power Engineering Company ,

360-9 Mabak-ri I Gusung-Myon 'Yongin Shi Larry A. Grime Kyunggi Do, Korea President Phone: 82-331-289-3443 L.A. Grime & Associates, Inc.

Fax: 82-331-284-7640 860 Sandalwood Road, West E-Mail: Perrysburg, OH 43551 Phone: (419) 872-9992 Fax: (419) 872-9949 hurtz & Aw>riales. Ltd. E-Mail: Robert W. DeFayette Lamalie Amrop International Senior Consultant Kunz & Associates E #*

Paul McG. Miller Gettysburg, PA 17325 p

Phone: (717) 334-1299 .

I Lamalie Amr P nternational E-Mail: rdefay@ mail.cyn. net 225 West Wacker Drive Suite 2100 Gene Kurtz Chicago, IL 60606 Consulting Engineer Kurtz & Associates, Ltd. Phone: (312) 782-3113 Fax: (312) 782-1743 P.O. Box 164 ,

E-Mail: millepau@lamalie. Shippingport, PA 15077 Phone: (412) 979-9005 Fax: (630) 993-4180 .

E-Mail: gk8664@ao!.com I '*.C" " "C }#'*

Ronald D. Stoddard Chief Engin'eer Lincoln Electric System Box 80869 Lincoln, NE 68501 Phone: (402) 473-3368 Fax: (402) 475-1716 1

Regulatory infonnanon Conference > SS 4 April 1-2,1997

Graham M. Leitch William A. Haller Vice President, Operations Vice President Performance Improvement in Idaho Technologies Company

  • ^

B ,F RM Wiscasset ME 04011 Idaho Falls,ID 83415 Phone: (207) 882-5800 Phone: (208) 526-4709 Fax:

Fax: (207) 882-5177 (208) 526-7291 Michael Meisner Steven E. Le Roy Vice President Nuclear & Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory & Licensing Maine Yankee Atomic Power lackheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company 329 Bath Road P.O. Box 1625 1955 Freemont Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3140 ne: ( 07) M8-4W ax: (207) M 8 4 01 Phone: (208) 526 4 047 Fax: (208) 526-4550 hiichael Sellman E-Mail: 1 erose @inel. gov President hiaine Yankee Atomic Power W. Baird McNaught 329 Bath Road Project Manager B ick, AIE I1 lockh Martin Idaho Technologies Company Fax: (207) 798-4193 Idaho Falls,ID 83415-3114 Phone: (208) 526-3678 .

Fax: (208) 526-4902 Management. Analytical.

E-Mail: wbm@inel. gov & Technical Services. Inc.

Willis P. Poore lockheed Martin Energy Research Inc. 12igh A. Vavra P.O. Box 2009 Design, Project Engineering Manager Building 9201-3 . MS-8065 Management, Analytical I Oak Ridge, TN 51830-8065 & Technical Services, Inc.

Phone: (423) 574 4325 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 Fax: P.O. Box 63 (423) 574-0382 E-Mail: wpp@ornl. gov Lycoming, NY 13093 Phone: (315) 349-7068 William E. Sykes Fax: (315) 349-7019 Manager Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Lockheed Martin Utility Services John V. Vinquist P.O. Box 1410 President Paducah, KY 42001 Management, Analytical

& Technical Services, Inc.

Phone: (502) 441-6796 Fax: (502) 441-6798 Nine Mile Point Unit 2 P.O. Box 63 Lycoming, NY 13093 Phone: (315) 349-7125 Fax: (315) 349-7019 Retsdatory inforraabon Conference p. ]Q <

April 1-2,1997

Tlar3 1and Department of Natural Michael Knapik Chief Editor Resources 1200 G Street, NW ,

Suite 1100 l Richard McLean Washington, DC 20005-3802  !

Manager, Nuclear Programs Phone: (202) 383-2167 Maryland Department of Natural Resources Fax: (202) 383-2125 Power Plant Assessment Division E-Mail: Tawes Building B-3 580 Taylor Avenue David B. Stellfox Annapolis, MD 21401 Managing Editor Phone: (410) 974-2261 McGraw-Hill Inside NRC Fax: (410) 974-3770 1200 G Street, N.W.

Suite 1100 i

' Tlaterials 4 I nergs Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 383-2162 Associates. Inc. Fax:

, (202) 383-2125 E-Mail: Erik Titland President Materials & Energy Associates, Inc. Tlid Arnerican Energ) ('ompany

$12 Idlewild Road P.O. Box 1107 Bel Air, MD 71014 William D.1.rech Phone: (410) 879-0718 anager, Nuclear Fax: (410) 838-8970 MidAmerican Energy Company P.O. Box 657 Des Moines, IA 50303 TicGraw -Hill inside NR(

Phone: ($15) 281-2996 Fax: (515) 281-2355 William E. Turnbull ePoner .

Senior Nuclear Engineer Pames American Energy Company f2 S t W Suite 1100 Des Moines,IA 50303 Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (515) 281-2941 Phone: (202) 383-2165 Fax: (515) 281-2355 Fax: (202) 383-2125 Kathleen Hart \linnesota Department of Public Reporter Ners ice McGraw-Hill, Inside NRC 1200 G Street, NW Suite 1100 Mike Blacik Washington, DC 20005 Assistant Commissioner Minnesota Department of Public Service Phone: (202) 383-2161 Fax: 1217th Place East (202) 383-2125 Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55101-2145 Phone: (612) 296-6711 Fax: (612) 297-7981 E-Mail: mblacik@dpsv. Regulatory lugonnason Conference Apr01-2,1997




\liwouri Department of- Natural g ,

Resources 1

l Jack Stone Ron Kucera Business Manager Director, Intergovernmental Cooperation MPR Associates, Inc.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources 320 King Street P.O. Box 176 Alexandria, VA 22314 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (703) 519-0200 Phone: (573) 751-3195 Fax: (703) 519-0224 Fax: (573) 751-7627 E-Mail: Alorgan I.euis & flocklus, Lt.P \13 riad International. Ltd.

Janet E.ts. Ecker Mark D. Beaumont Partner President Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP Myriad Intemational, Ltd.

1800 M Street, NW Columbia Palace Plaza Washington, DC 20036 8775-M Centre Park Drive, #607 Phone: (202) 467-7000 Columbia, MD 21045 Fax: (202) 467-7176 Phone: (410) 313-9280 E-Mail: Fax: (410) 313-8774 E-Mail: beau George L. Edgar Panner Morgan, i.ewis & Bockius, LLP N AC luternatiorial 1800 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 467-7000 Willington J. l.ce Fax: (202) 467-7176 Vice President & Chief Engineer NAC International Jay M. Gutierrez 655 Engineering Drive Partner Norcross, GA 30092 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP Phone: (770) 447-1144 1800 M Street, NW Fax: (770) 447-1797 Washington, DC 20036 Fax 22 67 6 atidual ('onimMon of Nudear E-Mail: Safety and Safeguards Tim Matthews Ruben Guerrero Ramirez Morgan, Lewis & n ckius, LLP Head, Evaluation Depanment i 1800 M Street, NW National Commission of Nucler.r I Washington, DC 20036 Safety and Safeguards I Phone: (202) 467-7527 Dr. Banagan No. 779 Col. Narvarte j E-Mail: matt Mexico, DF, Mexico 03020 l

Phone: 590-50-54 I Fax: 590-75-08 E-Mail: Regulatory Informanon Conference >NA April 1-2,1997

\ational Inspection & -

James P. Pelletier

( onsultants. Inc. Senior Manager of Engineering Nebraska Public Power District Cooper Nuclear Station


Roben A. Vigne P.O. Box 98 j President Brownville, NE 68321 National Inspection & Consultants, Inc. Phone: (402) 825-5646

, 3949 Evans Avenue Fax: (402) 825-5640 l

Suite 407 E-Mail: l Ft. Myers FL 33901 Phone: (941) 939-4313

  • Fax: (941) 334-8777 New T ork Power Authorits Nebraska Publit Power District Roben Barrett Plant Manager New York Power Authority Laurence M. Bergen Indian Point 3  ;

Senior Manager, Safety Assessment Site Suppon P.O. Box 215  !

Nebraska Public Power District Broadway & Bleakley Avenue Cooper Nuclear Station Buchanan, NY 10511 P.O. Box 98 Phone: (914) 736-8001 Brownville, NE 68321 Fax: (914) 739-5427 Phone: (402) 825-5425 Fax: (402) 825-5640 Mike Colomb E-Mail: Site Executive Office'r for James A. Fitzpatrick Philip D. Graham New York Power Authority Vice President of Nuc! car Energy P.O. Box 41 Nebraska Public Power District Lycoming, NY 13093 Cooper Nuclear Station Phone: (315) 349-6000 P.O. Box 98 Fax: (315) 349-6676 '

Brownville, NE 68321 Phone: (402) 825-5769 Jim Comiotes Fax: (402) 825-5640 General Manager Operations at E-Mail: Indian Point 3 -

New York Power Authority Guy R. Horn P.O. Box 215 Senior Vice President, Energy Supply Buchanan, NY 10511 Nebraska Public Power District Phone: (914) 736-8002 141415th Street Fax: (914) 739-5427 Columbus, NE 68601 Phone: (402) 563-5518 Roben Deasy Fax: (402) 563-5145 Vice President, Appraisal i E-Mail: & Compliance Services New York Power Authority {

Brad L. Houston 123 Main Street  !

Licensing Manager White Plains, NY 10601 l Nebraska Public Power District Phone: (914) 681-6488 l Cooper Nuclear Station Fax: (914) 681-6257 P.0, Box 98 ]


Browmville, NE 68321 Phone: (402) 825-5819 I

Fax: (402) 825-5640 E-Mail: l

t Regulatory informanen Conference April 12,1997

> $$ 4 9

l J


i Charlene D. Faison l Kenneth Peters i Director, Nuclear Licensing Licensing Manager New York Power Authority Indian Po;nt 3 123 Main Street New York Power Authority White Plains, NY 10601 P.O. Box 215 Phone: (914) 681-6306 Buchanan, NY 10511 Fax: (914) 681-6256 Phone: (914) 736-8029 Fax: (914) 736-8769 i William Josiger Vice President, Engineering Rick Plasse

& Project Control Senior Licensing Engineer New York Power Authority New York Power Authority 123 Main Street 164 West 7th Street White Plains, NY 10601 Oswego, NY 13126 j

Phone: (914) 681-6846 Phone: (315) 349-6792 .

Fax: (914) 681-6450 Fax: (315) 349-6363 John J. Kelly Dennis M. Quinn Director, Regulatory Affairs General Manager of Support Services

& Special Projects Indian Point 3 New York Power Authority P.O. Box 215 123 Main Street Buchanan, NY 10511 White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: (914) 736-8401 Phone: (914) 681-6275 Fax: (914) 739-5427 Fax: (914) 681-6256 Robert Schoenberger Jim Knubel President & Chief Operating Officer Senior Vice President New York Power Authonty Chief Nuclear Officer 123 Main Street New York Power Authority White Plains, NY 10601 123 Main Street Phone: (914) 287-3084 White Plains, NY 10601 Fax: (914) 681-0204 Phone: (91i.) 681-6950 Fax: (914) 287-3309 Arthur Zaremba E-Mail: wknubej@ip3 gate. JAF Licensing Manager New York Power Authority Pete Kokolakis P.O. Box 41 Manager, General Licensing Lycoming, NY 13093 New York Power Authority Phone: (315) 349-6365 123 Main Street Fax: .(315) 349-6363 White Plains, NY 10601 Phone: (914) 681-6254 F- (914) 681-6256 New York Mate 1,lectric & I s John Maurer General Manager of Support Services at JAF Gregory S. Drake New York Power Authority Engineer P.O. Box 41 New York State Electric & Gas Lycoming NY 13093 Kirkwood Industrial Park Phone: (315) 349-6011 Binghamton, NY 13901 Fax: (315) 349-6676 Phone: (607) 762-8829 Regulatory intfonnadon Conferenca w 34 4 April 1-2,1997 u________.____________ __ _ .. .. . . . . . _ . . . _ . _. . . . . . . . ._ .

I h M. Grillo Niagara \lohakh P<mer 3 SeP Oversight Manager

( qporation g North Atlantic Energy Services Corporation P.O. Box 300 W. David Baker Seabrook, NH 03874 l Licensing Supervisor Phone: (603) 773-7348 Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Fax: (603) 773-7177 ,

P.O. Box 63 l

Lycoming, NY 13093 Tr,.' L Harpster Phone: (315) 349-4245 Dircas of Licensing Services Fax: (315) 349-1400 North Atlantic Energy Services Corporation P.O. Box 300 4 Mark A. Dooley Seabrook, NH 03874 FSAR Project Team Phone: (603) 773-7765 j Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Fax: (603) 773-7422 348 Lake Road E-Mail: Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: (315) 349-1392 . .,

Fax: (315) 349-1112 Northeast t tilities-Ron Hall Chairperson David M. Goebel Employee Concerns Program Forum Vice President, Nuclear Oversight

} Niagara Mohawk Power Company Northeast Utilities Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Rope Feny Road P.O. Box 63 Waterford, CT 06385

! Lycoming, NY 13093 Phone: (860) 444-4300 Sylvia B. Ralph Gerald D. Hicks Executive Vice President Director, Unit 3 Electric Generation & CNO Northeast Utilities Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Rope Ferry Road I 450 lake Road Waterford, CT 06385 Nuclear Learning Center Phone: (860) 440-0326 Oswego, NY 13126 Fax: (860) 444-5776 j Phone: (315) 349-2882 E-Mail: '

Fax: (315) 349-2882-E-Mail: RicharJ T. Laudenat .

Director Regulatory A' fairs I orth Atlantic Energs Service Northeast . ilities l

('orporation tN ALS(W Vg:r'ord, CT 06385 Phone: (860) 444-5248 William A. DiProfio Fax: (860) 440-2091 Station Director North Atlantic Energy Services Corporation Patricia A. leftus Seabrook Nuclear Plant Director, Regulatory Affairs P.O. Box 300, Lafayette Road Northeast Utilities Seabrook, NH 03874 Millstone Pomt Generating Station Phone: (603) 773-7338 Nonheast Nuclear Energy Company Fax: (603) 773-7300 P.O. Box 128 Waterford, CT 06385-0128 Phone: (860) 447-1791 Regulasory infonnanon Conferene April i2,1997

> b5 4

Jay K. Thayer Gene F. Eckholt Recovery Officer, Nuclear Engineering & Support Senior Licensing Engineering Northeast Utilities Northern States Power Company Millstone Nuclear Power Station Prairie Island Plant Rope Ferry Road 1717 Wakonade Drive East P.O. Box 128 Welch, MN 55A89  ;

Waterford, CT 06385 Phone: (612) 388-1121, ext. 4663 Phone: (860) 440-0437 Fax: (612) 330-5743 Fax: (860) 440-0440 E-Mail: E-Mail: Bill J. Hill Kenneth G. Truesdale Plant Manager Shift Manager Nonhern States Power Company Nonheast Utilities Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant 128 Rope Ferry Road 2807 West Highway 75 Waterford, CT 06385 Monticello, MN $5362 Phone: (203) 444-4360 Phone: (612) 295-1006 Fax: (612) 295-1454 hrthern Ntates Pouf ('ompan Jon K. Kapitz B Project Manager, Dry Cask Storage Northern States Power Company Ken J. Albrecht Prairie Island Plant General Superintendent, Engineering 1717 Wakonade Drive East Northern States Power Company Welch, MN 55089 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Phone: (612) 388-1121, ext. 4819 1717 Wakonade Drive East Fax: (612) 330-6247 Welch, MN 55089 E-Mail: Phone: (612) 388-1121, ext. 4222 Fax: (612) 330-5984 Terry A. Pickens E-Mail: Principal Business Planning Consultant Nonhern States Power Company Ted E. Amundson 414 Nicollet Mall, RS6 Director, Generation Quality Services Minneapolis, MN '5401 Nonhern States Power Company Phone: (612) 337-2003 414 Nicollet Mall, RSQ8 Fax: (612) 330-6860 Minneapolis,MN 55401 j Phone: (612) 337-2200 Sam 1. Shirey Fax: (612) 337-2042 Senior Licensing Engineering E-Mail: Nonhern States Power Company Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant i Roger O. Anderson 2807 West Highway 75 l Director, Licensing Monticello, MN 55362

& Management issues Phone: (612) 295-1449 Nonnern States Power Corr.pany Fax: (612) 271-5108 l 414 Nicdlet Mall, RSQ8 E-Mail: Minneapolis, MN 55401 Phone: (612) 337-2050 Fax: 'f12) 337-2042 E-Mail: roger.o. anderson Regidatory infonnenen Conferenca > 36 <

April 1-2,1997

j Joel P. Sorensen Ralph E. Beedle Plant Manager Senior Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer Northern States Power Company Nuclear Generation Prairie Island Plant Nuclear Energy Institute 1717 Wakonade Drive East 1776 I Street, NW Welch, MN 55089 Suite 400 Phone: (612) 388-1121 ext. 4567 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Fax: (612) 330-5984 Phone: (202) 739-8088 E-Mail: Fax: (202) 785-1898 E-Mail: Michael D. Wadley Vice President, Nuclear Generation Russ Bell -


Northern States Power Company Project Manager 414 Nicollet Mall Nuclear Energy Institute Renaissance Square 8 17761 Street, NW Minneapolis, MN 55401 Suite 400 Phone: (612) 330-7719 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Fax: (612) 330-7888 Phone: (202) 739-8087 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 N9clear Electric insurance E-Mail: 1 imited i Robert Bishop Vice President, General Counsel Gregory Wilks & Treasurer Vice President 1776 I Street, NW Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited Suite 400 1201 Market Street Washington, DC 20006-3708 Suite 1200 Phone: (202) 739-8139 Wilmington, DE 19801 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Phone: (302) 573-2273 E-Mail: Fax: (302) 888-3095 E-Mail: Biff Bradley Senior Project Manager

,, Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energiinstitute WI I) 17761 street, NW Su're 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Ralph Andersen Phone: (202) 739-8083 Project Manager Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Nuclear Energy Institute E-Mail: reb 17761 Street, NW Suite 400 John C. Butle Washington, DC 20006-3708 Senior Project Manager Phone: (202) 739-8111 Nuclear Energy Institute Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 1776 I Street. NW E-Mail: Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 739-8108 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: l

I i

l Regulatory informanon Conference > 3.7 4 AprG 1-2,1997

i Joe Colvin Roben Evans President & Chief Executive Officer Project Manager Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute 17761 Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW Suite 400 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 739-8075 Phone: (202) 739-8101 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: E-Mail:

." art Cozens Stephen D. Floyd Project Manager Director, Regulatory Reform Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute 17761 Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW Suite 400 Suite 400 .

Washington, DC 2000 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 839-8085 Phone: (202) 739-8078 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: Ellen Ginsberg Jim Davis Assistant General Counsel Director Operations Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute 17761 Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW Suite 300 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 739-8140 Phone: (202) 730-8105 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: E-Mail: Lynnette Hendsicks Frederick A. Emerson Director, Plant Support Senior Project Manager, Engineering Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 I Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW Suite 400 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 739-8109 Phone: (202) 739-8086 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: E-Mail: Adrian Heytner Richard E. Eakeboll - Project Manager, Licensing Senior Project Manager Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute ,  ?'776 I Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW Suite 400 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 739-8094 Phone: (202) 739-8102 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 ,

Fax: . (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: j E-Mail: Jtegadatuy hfonnasion t

April 12,1997 Conferrace >$$ <

n Roger Huston Alan P. Nelson Senior Project Manager, Regulatory Reform Senior Project Manager Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute 17761 Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW

- Suite 400 Suite 400 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 739-8137 Phone: (202) 739-8110 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: . rwh@nei.arg E-Mail: Alex Marion Tony Pietrangelo Director, Programs Director, Licensing Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Institute 1776 I Street, NW 1776 I Street, NW Seite 400 Suite 400 '

Washington, DC 20006-3708 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Phone: (202) 739-8080 Phone: (202) 739-8081 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: E-Mail: Dave Modeen Phyllis Rich

' Director Engineering Director, Strategic Planning Nuclear Energy Institute & Special Projects 1776 I Street, NW Nuclear Energy Institute Suite 400 1776 I Street, NW Washington, DC . 20006-3708 Suite 300 Phone: (202) 739-8084 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Phone: .(202) 739-8079 E-Mail: Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 E-Mail: Richard Myers '

Director, Energy & Economic Policy Thomas D. Ryan .

Nuclear Energy Institute Senior Vice President

- 1776 I Street, NW Regulatory Policy & Reform Suite 400 Nuclear Energy Institute Washington, DC 20006-3708 17761 Street, NW Phone: (202) 739-8021 Suite 400 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Washington, DC 20006-3708 E-Mail: Phone: (202) 739-8013 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Lynne Neal E-Mail: Senior Writer Nuclear Energy Institute Mike Schoppman 17761 Street, NW Project Manager, Advanced Technology i Suite 400 Nuclear Energy Institute i Washington, DC 20006-3708 1776 I Street, NW Phone. (202) 739-8037 Suite 400 Fax: (202) 739-8171 Washington, DC 20006-3708  !

E-Mail: din . Phone: (202) 739-8011 l Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 l E-Mail: mas j i

Requienery inferneanien Conference AprG 1-2,1997

>$4 t

Ron Simard Director, Advanced Technology Nuclear Safety Department Nuclear Energy Institute Niinistry SZM. )

17761 Street, NW Suite 400 Y. Van Der Plas Washington, DC 20006-3708 Inspector Phone: (202) 739-8128 Nuclear Safety Department Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 (Ministry SZW) i E-Mail: Postbus 90801 Den Harg, The Netherlands 2509 LV Steven W. Unglesbee Phone: 011 31 70 333 5540 Manager, Media Relations Fax: 011 31 70 333 4018 Nuclear Energy Institute E-Mail: 17761 Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 .

Phone: (202) 739-8010 Nuldearna Elektrarna Krsko Fax: (202) 785-4113 E-Mail: Joze Spiler Doug Walters Superintendent, Licensing & Analysis Project Manager, Licensing Nuklearna Elektrarna Krsko Nuclear Energy Institute e/o Westinghouse 17761 Street, NW 11921 Rockville Pike Suite 400 Suite 450 Washington, DC 20006-3708 Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: (202) 739-8093 Phone: (301) 770-1648 Fax: (202) 785-1898/4019 Fax: (301) 770 4 590 E-Mail: E-Mail: Nuclear Inf ormation Nt.S Information Senices, Inc.

& Resource Sersice.

Paul V. Gunter Rod K. Buckles Director, Reactor Watchdog Project Project Manager, Licensing Nuclear Infortnation & Resource Service Information Service 142416th Street, NW - Suite 404 NUS Information Services, Inc.

Washington, DC 20036 2650 McCormick Drive Phone: (202) 328-0002 Suite 300 Fax: (202) 462-2183 Clearwater, FL 34619-10006 E-Mail: pgunter@ Phone: (813) 669-3021 Fax: (813) 669-3100 Nuclear Remediation M eek Russ Colthorpe -

General Manager Erik W. Holm NUS Information Services, Inc.

Editor 2650 McCormick Drive Nuclear Remediation Week Suite 300 627 National Press Building Clearwater, FL 34619 14th Street, NW Phone: (813) 669-3009 Washington, DC 200M Fax: (813) 669-3100 l E-Mail: rcoltnorpe@nus wm l Regulatory informaaon Conference April 1-2,1997

> 40 G

1 l

Peter S. Jordan James W. Tills '

Project Manager Supervisor, Nuclear Licensing NUS Infonnation Services, Inc. Omaha Public Power District 2650 McCormick Drive P.O. Box 399 Suite 300 Fon Calhoun, NE 68023-0399 Clearwater, FL 34619 Phone: (402) 533-6868 Phone: (813) 669-3051 Fax: (402) 533-7296 Fax: (813) 669-3100 David N. Perkey "'#N" " " ' " ' " " # ""'

Manager, TRENDS & Publicat. ions Group NUS Information Services, Inc.

2650 McCormick Drive Nayeem Farukhi Suite 300 Management Consultant Clearwater, FL 34619 Omega Communications & Publications Group Phone: (813) 669-3041 114 Hidden Valley Road Fax: (813) 669-3100 Monroeville, PA 151186 E-Mail: Phone: (412) 733-8358 Fax: (412) 733-8358 E-Mail:

()ak R'idge National Lab Oregon Office of Energy Claud E. Pugh .

Director, NRC Programs Oak Ridge National Lab Adam Bless P.O. Box 2009 Trojan Resident Engineer Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8063 Oregon Office of Energy Phone: (423) 574-(M22 71760 Columbia River Highway Fax: (423) 241-5005 Rainier, OR 97048 E-Mail: pughce@ornl. gov Phone: (503) 556-0005 Trojan  !

(503) 378-8692 Salem Office  !

, . Fax: (503) 556-7257 Trojan l Omaha Public Power District (503) 373-7806 Salem Office

. . . E-Mail: adam. bless @ Sudesh K. Gambhir David A. Stewan-Smith Division Manager, Engineering Administrator

& Operations Support Oregon Office of Energy Omaha Public Power District 625 Marion Street, NE P.O. Box 399 Salem, OR 97310 Fort Calhoun, NE 68023-0399 Phone: (503) 378-6469 Phone: (402) 533-6647 Fax: (503) 373-7806 Fax: (402) 533-7296 E-Mail: david.stewar-smith @ W. Gary Gates Vice President Omaha Public Power District 444 South 16 Street Mall Omaha, NE 68108 Phone: (402) 636-3210 Fax: (402) 636-3229 E-Mail: Regulatory inferination Conference April 1-2,1997

> 4] 4

Pacifje Gas & Electric C.ompany Pacific Northwest National l

Michael J. Angus Al R. Ankrum Manager Senior Program Manager Pacific Gas & Electric Company Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 245 Market Street P.O. Box 999 4 Mail Code N9B Richland, WA 99352 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (509) 372-4095 Phone: (415) 973-8115 Fax: (509) 375-3778 Fax: (415) 973-0798 E-Mail: ar_ankrum@pnl. gov E-Mail: Mitchel E. Cunningham Daniel F. Brosnan Project Manager  !

Supervisor Engineer Pacific Northwest NationalIAoratory I Pacific Gas & Electric Company P.O. Box 999 P.O. Box 770000 Richland, WA 99352

. ail Code N9B Phone: (509) 372-4987 {

San Francisco, CA 94177 Fax: (509) 372-4989 Phone: (415) 973-8657 E-Mail: me_cunnigham@pnl. gov Fax: (415) 973-7259 l E-Mail: Nancy E. Durbin Staff Scientist Terry L. Grebel Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Director 4000 NE 41st Street Pacific Gas & Electric Company Seattle, WA 98105 P.O. Box 56 Phone: (206) 528-3248 Avila Beach, CA 93424 Fax: (206) 528-3554 Phone: (805) 545-4720 E-Mail: Fax: (805) 545-3368 E-Mail: Marie J. Niefer Economist Pacific Northwest National Laboratory James E. Tomkins 901 D Street, NW J

Director Washington, DC 20024 i Pacific Gas & Electric Company Phone: (202) 646-5036 245 Market Street E-Mail: mj.niefer@pnl. gov San Francisco, CA 94105 ,

Phone: (415) 973-2466 j Fax: (415) 973 0074 Parsons Power Group, Inc. j E-Mail: jet Robert C. Webb Daniel L. Curry Director , Director, Nuclear Programs Pacific Gas & Electric Company Parsons Power Group, Inc.

245 Market Street 2675 Morgantown Road San Francisco, CA 94105 Reading, PA 19607 Phone: (415) 973-9615 Phone: (610) 855-2366 Fax: (415) 973-8680 Fax: (610) 855-2190 E-Mail: gc!ghmail.0l!

' Regadatory informaaon Conference >0<

April 1-2,1997

John F. Hilbish Senior Licensing Engineer Penn State l niversity Parsons Power s

2675 Morgantown Road Reading, PA 19607 Daniel E. Hughes Phone: (610) 855-2547 Manager of Engineering Services Fax: (610) 855-2808 Radiation Science & Engineering Center Breazeale Nuclear Reactor Building University Park, PA 16802 PECO Er ergy Conihan3 Phone: (814) 865-6351

. Fax: (814) 863-4840 E-Mail: dehnuc@ Matt L. Eyre Engineer PECO Energy Penns3hania Power & Light 965 Chesterbrook Boulevard .

(." " * * " >

M/C 62A-5 Wayne, PA 19087 Philip W. Brady Phone: (610) 640-6829 Senior Project Engineer, Nuclear Fax: (610) 640-6797 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company 2 North 9th Street, A6-3 George A. Hunger Allentown, PA 18101-1179 Director, Licensing Phone: (610) 774-7773 PECO Energy Company Fax: (610) 774-7830 965 Chesterbrook Boulevard E-Mail: Wayne, PA 19087 Phone: (610) 640-6761 William E. Burchill Fax: (610) 640-6761 Manager, Nuclear Assessment Services Pennsylvania Power & Light Company George J.12ngyel Two North Ninth Street A9-2 Manager, Experience Assessment Allentown, PA 18101 PECO Nuclear Phone: (610) 774-7302 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Fax: (610) 774-7337 1848 Lay Road E-Mail: Delta, PA 17314 Phone: (717) 456-4115 Robert G. Byram Senior Vice President, Nuclear Tyrone S. Tonkinson Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Engineer, Experience Assessment Section Two North Ninth Street PECO Nuclear Allentown, PA 18101 Limerick Generating Station Phone: (610) 774-7502 MC SSB 2-4 Fax: (610) 774-5019 P.O. Box 2300 E-Mail: rgbyram@papl com Sanatoga, PA 19464-0920 E-Mail: ttonkinson@peco_ George T. Jones Vice President, Nuclear Operations Kevin J. Walsh Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Manager 2 North Ninth Street PECO Energy Company Allentown, PA 18101 965 Chesterbrook Boulevard Phone: (610) 774-7602 M/C 62A-5 Fax: (610) 774-7830 Wayne, PA 19087 E-Mail: Phone: (610) 640-6853 Fax: (610) 640-6797 l

1 i

Regulatory informanon Conprence AprG 12,1997

> 04 l



James M. Kenny Supervisor, Nuclear Licensing Philadelphia Electric Company Pennsylvania Power & Light Company 2 North 9th Street A6-1 Allentown, PA 18101 John B. Cotton Phone: (610) 774-7535 Director Fax: (610) 774-7540 Nuclear Engineering Division E-Mail: Philadelphia Electric Company Glenn D. Miller Manager, Nuclear Engineering Portland General Electric Pennsylvania Power & Light Company 2 North Ninth Street Allentown, PA 18101 Ray Pate Phone: (610) 774-7501 Licensing Manager E-Mail: Portland General Electric Trojan Nuclear Plant Nina Oligino 71760 Columbia River Highway Manager, Federal Regulatory Affairs Rainier, OR 97048 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Phone: (503) 556-7480 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Fax: (503) 556-7002 Suite 512 E-Mail: Washington, DC 20004 Phone: (202) 662-8752 Fax: (202) 662-8749 Protection & Nuclear Safet3 Institute ,

Rocco R. Sgarro Supervising Engineer Philippe R. Jamet 2 North Ninth Street, M/C A6-1 Head of Safety Assessment Depanment Allentown, PA 18101-1179 IPSN/ DES - BP6 Phone: (610) 774-7552 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex, France 92265 Fax: (610) 774-7540 Phone: 33-1-96-54-70-92 E-Mail: Fax: 33-1-42-53-91-24 Bryan A. Snapp Associate General Conmel Proto-Pimer (sorporation Pennsylvania Power ( ! isnt Com-ary 2 Nonh Ninth Street Allentown, PA 18049 Kenneth A. Ewell Phone: (610) 774-4397 President Proto-Power Corporation Richard R. Wehry 591 Poquonnock Road Power Production Engineer Groton, CT 06340 Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Phone: (860) 446-9725 i Susquehanna SES Fax: (860) 446-8292 P.O. Box 467 E-Mail: Berwick, PA 18603 Phone: (717) 542-3664 George W Geaney Fax: (717) 542-1949 Manager, Systems Mechanical Engineering E-Mail: rrwehry@papi. corn Proto-Power Corporation 591 Poquonnock Road Groton, CT 06333 Phone: (860) 446-9725 Fax: (860) 446-8292 E-Mail: Regulatory inforraadon Conference April 1-2,1997


Raymond F. Rugg Michael A. Phillips Busines:: Development Executive PSA Supervisor Proto-Power Corporation Public Service Electric & Gas Company 591 Poquonnock Road P.O. Box 236, MCX22 Groton, CT 06340 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Phone: (860) 446-9725 Phone: (609) 339-5271 Fax: (860) 446-8292 Fax: (609) 339-2210 E-Mail: E-Mail: Public ('itizen's Critical \ lass David R. Powell Manager Licensing & Regulation fnergs Project ,

Public Service Electric & Gas Company P.O. Box 236, MCX09 James P. Riccio Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Staff Attorney Phone: (609) 339-1258/2002 Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project Fax: (609) 339-5435 403 West Ponce de leon Suite 111 Forrest J. Remick Decatur, GA 30030 Consultant Phone: (404) 377-5675 Public Service Electric & Gas Company Fax: (404) 377-4863 305 E. Hamilton Avenue State College, PA 16801-5413 Public Nersice ( ompany -

Phone: (814) 237-1038 Fax: (814) 237-1038 of. ( .. olorado .

E-Mail: Michael H. Holmes Gabor Salamon Project Assurance Manager Manager, Engineering Assurance Public Service Company of Colorado Public Service Electric & Gas Company 55015th Street P.O. Box 236 Denver, CO 80202 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Phone: (303) 571-763, Phone: (609) 339-5296 Fax: (303) 571-7040 Fax: (609) 339-1234 E-Mail: E-Mail: Public Nersice Electfic & Gas at on Li ensing Supervisor, Hope Creek

( ompan.s ~

Public Service Electric & Gas Company P.O. Box 236, MCXO9 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Jeffrey A. Benjamin Phone: (609) 339-5431 Director QA/NSR Public Service Electric & Gas Company P.O. Box 236, MC/X01 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Phone: (609) 339-1400 Fax: (609) 339-5435 12on R. Eliason President, Chief Nuclear Officer Public Service Electric & Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Phone: (609) 339-1100 Fa- : (609) 339-1105 Regulatory informanon Conference > 45 A April 1-2,1997

Thomas L. Harding Quantum 21 Senior Engineer Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation 89 East Avenue Janice O. Vantrease Rochester, NY 14649 President Phone: (716) 724-8013 Quantum 21 Fax: (716) 771-2802 10301 Grosvenor Place Suite 1507 Rober: C. Mectedy Rockville, MD 20852 Vice President, Nuclear Operations Phone: (301) 493-5867 Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation Fax: (301) 571-0429 89 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14649 Phone: (716) 724-8069 Radioactne behange Fax: (716) 724-8668 E-Mail: bob, Jenny L. Weil George J. Wrobel Reporter Manager, Nuclear Safety & Licensing Radioactive Exchange Rochester Gas & Electric Corporatim 1826 Jefferson Place, NW 89 East Avenue Washington, DC 20036 Rochester, NY 14649 Phone: (202) 296-2814 Phone: (716) 724-8070 Fax: (202) 296-2805 Fax: (716) 771-2802 E-Mail: george R. Brooks Associates. Inc.

Rosemount Nuclear Instruinents. Inc.

Bruce A. Weir Vice President Jerry Valley R. Brooks Associates, Inc. Manager, Nuclear Quality Assurance 6546 Pound Road Rosemount Nuclear instruments, Inc.

Williamson, NY 14589 12001 Technology Drive Phone: (315) 5894000 Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3695 Fax: (315) 589-4089 Phone: (612) 828-8242 E-Mail: baweir@bellatlantic. net Fax: (612) 828-8280 Rochester Gas,& Electric Narramento \lunicipal I tilit3 Corporation .

Dist rict e

Brian J. Flynn Jerry Delezenski Manager, Primary Systems Superintendent Quality Assurance /

Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation Licensing / Administration 1503 Lake Road SMUD (Rancho SECO)

Ontario, NY 14513 14440 Twin Cities Road l Phone:

Herald, CA 95638 (716) 771-3734 Fax-Phone: '916) 452-3211, ext. 4914 f (716) 771-3907 E-Mail: brian Fax: (209) 748-2244 E-Mail: Regulatory infomanon Conference > kh <

Aptd 1-2,1997

Science & Engineering Associates, Inc.

r, Bijan Najafi Dasari Rao Manager, Fire Protection Program Manager SAIC Science & Engineering Associates, Inc.

4920 El Camino Real 6100 Uptown Boulevard, NE Los Altos, CA 94022 Suite 700 Phone: (415) 960-5944 Albquerque, NM 87110 Fax: (415) 960-5965 Phone: (505) 884-2300 E-Mail: bijan Fax: (505) 884-2991 E-Mail: Tom Storey Vice President SAIC SUIENTECH-NUS .

11251 Roger Bacon Drive Reston, VA 20190 Phone: (703) 318-4630 AL Baione Fax: (703) 709-1042 Engineering Manager E-Mail: thomas.a. storey SCIENTECH, Inc.

i 11140 Rockville Pike Suite 500 j Sargent & Lundy , Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: (301) 168-6425 Fax: (301) 468-0883 Bryan A. Erler E-Mail: Senior Vice President Sargent & Lundy Harold Burton 55 East Monroe Street, MC-23D58 Senior Vice President Chicago, IL 60603-5780 SCIENTECH-NUS Phone: (312) 269-7132 910 Clopper Road Fax: (312) 269-2049 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 E-Mail: Phone: (301) 258-2470 Fax: (301) 258-2463 Mohammed Kaiseruddin E-Mail: hbunon@ Senior Principal Engineer Sargent & Lundy Edward Hollis 55 East Monroe Street Director Business Development Chicago, IL 60603 SCIENTECH-NUS Phone: (312) 269-3811 910 Clopper Road Fax: (312) 269-7369 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: (301) 258-1863 Don K. Schopfer Fax: (301) 258-2463 Vice President E-Mail: Sargent & Lundy 55 East Monroe Street Roger Mattson Chicago, IL 60603 Senior Vice President Phone: (312) 269-6078 SCIENTECH-NUS Fax: (312) 269-2049 910 Clopper Road E-Mail: don.k.schoper@s1 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: (301) 258-2596 l Fax: (301) 258-2463 l l

Regulatory infonnanon Conference April 1-2,1997

> kl 4 1

1 r

shi y; Nhau , Pittman, Potts

,d SCIENTECH-NUS & Trowbridge 910 Clopper Road Gaithersburg, MD 20878 David R. Lewis Phone: {

(301) 258-2596 Attorney '

Fax: (301) 258-2463 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & T. awbridge 2300 N Street, NW Daniel C. Rees Washington, DC 20037 Vice President Phone: (202) 663-8474 SCIENTECH-NUS Fax: (202) 663-8007 1303 South Central Avenue E-Mail: david _ lewis Suite 202 Kent, WA 98032 Phone: (206) 852-9070 John H. O'Neill Fax: (206) 852-3869 Attorney F-Mail: Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge 2300 N Street, NW Marlin E. Strand Washington, DC 20037 Senior Policy Specialist Fhone: (202) 663-8148 SCIENTECH, Inc. Fax: (202) 663-8007 11140 Rockville Pike E-Mail: john _O' Suite 500 Rockville, MD 20852 Jay E. Silberg Phone: (301) 468-6425 Attorney Fax: (301) 468-0883 Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge E-Mail: 2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 Robert W. Youngblood Phone: (202) 663-8063 Senior Technical Advisor Fax: (202) 663-8007 SCIENTECH, Inc. E-Mail: jay,,, i1140 Rockville Pike R k le (301 468 25 Fax: (301) 468-0883 ear IM N on E-Mail: Robert A. Copeland Senior Staff Engineer SeaState Group. Inc. ' Market Research, Product Licensing

. Siemens Power Corporation .

Nuclear Division Dana E. Cooley 2101 Hom Rapids Road President Richland, WA 99352 SeaState Group, Inc.

Phone: (509) 375-8290 144 Dante's Drive Fax: (509) 375-8943 Hockessin, DE 19707 E-Mail: Phone: (302) 234-8188 Fax: (302) 234-8084 E-Mail: seastate@magpage.ct'n Regulatory infonnation Conference Apr01-2,1997

> 48 f i

James H. Nordahl John W. Jesse Vice President, Sales & Projects Environmental Health Manager Siemens Power Corporation South Carolina Department of Health &

Nuclear Division Environmental Control P.O. Box 90777 2600 Bull Street Bellevue, WA 98009-0777 Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (206) 453-4377 Phone: (803) 896 4 101 Fax: (206) 453-4386 Fax: (803) 896-4110 E-Mail: Roger S. Reynolds South ('arolina Electric Manager, Methods & Codes g g,p. na s-Siemens Power Corporation Nuclear Division Stephen A. Byrne 2101 Hom Rapids Road General Manager, Nuclear Richland, WA 99352 Plant Operations Phone: (509) 375-8431 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Fax: (509) 375-8943 P.O. Box 88 E-Mail: Jenkinsville,SC 29065 Phone: (803) 345-4622 H. Donald Curet Fax: (803) 345-4020 Manager, Product Licensing Siemens Power Corporation David A. Lavigne Nuclear Division General Manager, Nuclear 2101 Horn Rapids Road Suppon Services Richland, WA 99352 South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Phone: (509) 375-8563 P.O. Box 88 Fax: (509) 375-8943 Jenkinsville,SC 29065 E-Mail: Phone: (803) 345-4215 Fax: (803) 345-4020 w

Sierra Nuclear Corporation April Rice a Manager, Nuclear Licensing South Carolina Electric & Gas Company James S. Hobbs P.O. Box 88 Principal Engineer Jenkinsville,SC 29065 Sierra Nuclear Corporation Phone: (803) 345-4232 620 Colonial Park Drive Fax: (803) 345-4521 Roswell, GA 30075 Phone: (770) 518-7785 John L. Skolds Fax: (770) 518-7883 President and Chief Operating E-Mail: Officer South Carolina Electric & Gas South ('arolina Department of Company and Chairman, NEl Executive Task Force on Nuclear llealth & Ensironmental Control Regulatory Aspects of Industry Restructuring Wayne R. Corley P.O. Box 88 Environmental Health Manager Jenkinsville,SC 29065 South Carolina Department of Health &

Environmental Control 2600 Bull Street i Columbia, SC 29201 l Phone: (803) 896 4 098 Fax: (803) 896-4110 g Regulatory information Conference >b4 April 1-2,1997

Gary J. Taylor Harold B. Ray Vice President, Nuclear Operations Executive Vice President South Carolina Electric & Gas Company Southem California Edison P.O. Box 88 P.O. Box 800 Jenkinsville, SC 29065 Rosemead, CA 91770 Phone: (803) 345-4344 Phone: (818) 302-1695 Fax: (803) 345-4521 Fax: (818) 302-4737 Nouth lexas Projett ~  %>uthern (ompanf services. Inc.

A. Wayne Harrison Charles R. Pierce Supervising Engineer, Licensing License Renewal Services Manager South Texas Project Southern Company Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 289 Wadsworth, TX 77483 William C. Ramsey Phone: (512) 972 7298 Manager, Nuclear Technical Services Fax: (512) 972-8298 Southem Company Services, Inc.

E-Mail: 42 Inverness Center Parkway Birmingham, AL 35242 Mark A. McBurnett Phone: (205) 992-7936 Manager, Nuclear Licensing Fax: (205) 992-0324 South Texas Project E-Mail: P.O. Box 289 Wadsworth, TX 77483 Ashfaq H. Taufique Phone: (512) 972-7206 Manager Fax: (512) 972-8298 Southern Company Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 2625 (Bin B242)

Birmingham, AL 35202 Nouthern ('alifornia Edison Phone: (205) 992-6976 Fax: (205) 992-0324 E-Mail: Dwight E. Nunn Vice President J. Andrew Wehrenberg Consulting Engineer Southem Califomia Edison P.O. Box 128 Southern Company Services, Inc.

San Cemente, CA 92674 3421 Danner Circle Birmingham, AL 35243 Phone: (714) 368-1480 Fax: (714) 368-1490 Phone: (205) 992-6768 Fax: (205) 992-0324 E-Mail: nunnde@ E-Mail: Jack L. Rainsberry Manager, Plant Licensing southern '\uefear Operatiivg Southern California Edison Lompany, Inc.


P.O. Box 128 San Clemente, CA 92674-0128 Mark J. Aj1 uni Phone: (714) 368-7420 Fax: Manager, Licensing (714) 358-7575 E-Mail: rainsbjl@ Southem Nuclear Operating Company P.O. Box 1295 Birmingham, AL 35201 Phone: (205) 992-7673 Fr.x: (205) 992-5002 Regulatory information Conferenu April 1-2,1997

> 50 <

Jim A. Bailey Charles R. Pierce Manager, Licensing Project Engineer Southern Nuclear Operating Company Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

40 Inverness Center Parkway 40 Invemess Center Parkway Birmingham, AL 35201 Birmingham, AL 35242 Phone: (205) 992 7097 Phone: (205) 992-7872 Fax: (205) 992-7885 Fax: (205) 992-6108 E-Mail: jim.a. bailey E-Mail: chuck.r. pierce J. Barnie Beasley, Jr. Mehdi Sheibani General Manager, Nuclear Plant Vogtle Nuclear Safety and Compliance Supervisor Southern Nuclear Operating Company Southern Nuclear Operating Company P.O. Box 1600 Plant Vogtel Waynesboro, GA 30830 P.O. Box 1600 Phone: (706) 826-4209 Waynesboro, GA 30830 Fax: (706) 826-3321 Phone: (706) 826-3209 E-Mail: Fax: (706) 826-3689 Don M. Crowe Steven B. Tipps Licensing Manager Manager, Nuclear Safety & Compliance Southern Nuclear Operating Company Southern Nuclear Operating Company ,

P.O. Box 2625 Plant Hatch  !

Birmingham, AL 35216 P.O. Box 439 {

Phone: (205) 992 7248 Baxley, GA 31513 i Phone: (912) 537-1395, ext. 2378 Robin Dyle Fax: (912) 537-1395, ext. 2812 Technical Chairman E-Mail: BWR Assessment Committee and Inspection and Testing Jack D. Woodard Project Engineer Executive Vice President Southern Nuclear Operating Company Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.

P.O. Box 1295 l Ben J. George -

Birmingham, AL 35201 l Manager, Licensing Services Phone: (205) 992-5086 Southern Nue!:ar Operating Company, Inc. Fax: (205) 992-6165 )

P.O. Box 1295 E-Mail: Birmingham, AL 35242 Phone: (205) 992-7870 Fax: (205) 992-6108 Southern Technical hersices. Inc.

E-Mail: ben.j. george ,

William F. Kitchens William A. Cross General Manager, Nuclear Support Vice President Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Southern Technical Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 1295 3 Metro Center Birmingham, AL 35201 Suite 810 Phone: (205) 992-7104 Bethesda, MD 20814 Fax: (205) 992-0403 Phone: (301) 652-2500 E-Mail: w.f. kitchens Fax: (301) 652-0338 Regulatory infortnanon Conference April 1-2,1997

> $l 4

Theodore Heatherly Licensing Specialist Stetter & Associates Southern Technical Scrivces, Inc.

3 Metro Center {

Suite 810 Claudia G. Stetier Bethesda, MD 20814 Management Consultant l Phone: (301) 652-2500 Stetler & Associates Fax: (301) 652-0738 P.O. Box 331 Beaver, PA 15009 Deann E. Raleigh Phone: (800) 284-1051 Publications Specialist Southern Technical Services, Inc.

3 Metro Center Stier. Anderson & Alalone Suite 810 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) 652-2500 Mary Jane Cooper Fax: (301) 652-03 ' Partner E-Mail: sts@interserv.u: Stier, Anderson & Malone 1065 Route 22 West f Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Ntate of New Jersey Phone: (908) 707-1212 s Fax: (908) 707-9866 Richard H. Pi:mey Edwin H. Stier Nuclear Engineer Partner State of New Jersey Stier, Anderson & Malone CN 415 1065 Route 22 West Trenton, NJ 08625 Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Phone: (609) 984-7558 Phone: (908) 707-1212 Fax: (609) 984-7513 Fax: (908) 707-9866 E-Mail: rpinney@dep. Denm.s J. Zannoni Stone & Mebster Engineering Supervisor, Engincedng Section CorPo'r ation State of New Jersey CN 415 Ajoy K. Banerjee Trenton, NJ 08625 Senior Project Manager Phone: (609) 984-7700 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Fax: (609) 984-7513 245 Summer Street E-Mail: dzannoni@dep. Boston, MA 02210 Phone: (617) 589-1298 State of Ohio Warren Bradford Dodson Vice President Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation 245 Summer Street Larry A. Grove Boston, MA 02210 Branch Chief Phone: (617) 589-2021 State of Ohio Fax: (617) 589-5892 2855 West Dublin Granville Road E-Mail: Columbus, OH 43235-2206 Phone: (614) 889-7173 Fax: (614) 889-7183 l

Regsdatory inforrnanon Conference April 1-2,1997

> SA <

Steven L. Stamm Manager, Nuclear Business TECRO Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation 245 Summer Street Boston, MA 02210 Frank Y K. Fu Phone: (617) 589-7499 Deputy Director E-Mail: TECRO 4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 Nuppl3 Netem Phone: (202) 895-1932 Fax: (202) 895-1939 Paul R. Bemis -

Vice President, Nuclear Operations Supply System Iennessee \ alley Authority P.O. Box 968 Richland, WA 99352 Phone: (509) 377-4027 Timothy E. Abney Fax: (509) 377-4118 Manager, Licensing and Industry Affairs E-Mail: Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Feny Nuclear Plant David A. Swank P.O. Box 2000 Manager, Regulatory Affairs Supply System Decatur, AL 35609 P.O. Box 968 Phone: (205) 729-2636 Richland, WA 99352 Fax: (205) 729 3566 Phone: (509) 377-4563 Fax: (509) 377-4317 Robert J. Adney E-Mail: Site Vice President Tennessee Valley Authority

$wedish Nuclear Power dy ai y TN 37379 g inspectorate Phone: (423) 843-7001 Fax: (423) 843-7400 Christer Viktorsson Director, Office of Reactor Safety Raul R. Baron Swedish Nuclear Power inspectorate General Manager, Nuclear Assurance Klarabergsvia Dukten QO and Licensing Stockholm, Sweden 5-10658 Tennessee Valley Authority Phone: + 46-8-698421 1101 Market Street,4J Blue Ridge Fax: + 46-8-6619086 Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 E-Mail: christerv@ Phone: (423) 751-4832 Fax: (423) 751-3657

'I aiu an Power Company Christopher M. Crane

/ Site Vice President Tennessee Valley Authority Hai-Hsiang Liu Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Division Head, Nuclear Safety Department P.O. Box 2000 Taiwan Power Company Decatur, AL 35609 Roosevelt Road - SEC 3 Phone: (205) 729-3675 8th Floor Annex Building 242 Fax: (205) 729-3670 Taipei, Taiwan Phone: (886) 2-366-7615 Fax: (886) 2-367-7885 Regulatory informadon Conference Apri!l-2,1997 > 53 <

{p}a.3 ' '

John T. Herron Oswald J. (Ike) Zerinque  !

Plant Manager Senior Vice President, Nuclear Operations Tennessee Valley Authority l Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 1101 Market Street, LP 6A l Soddy-Daisy, TN 37379 Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801  !

Phone: (423) 843-6501 Phone: (423) 751-8682 l Fax:

(423) 843-8529 Fax: (423) 751-4904 l Oliver D. Kingsley .

I President TVA Nuclear Tess t tilities (Tt') Electric

& Chief Nuclear Officer Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street Tim Hope Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Regulatory Compliance Manager Phone: (423) 751-2365 Texas Utilities Electric Fax: (423) 751-8686 P.O. Box 1002 Glen Rose TX 76043 Jeanette M. Pablo Washington Representative James J. Kelley Tennessee Valley Authority Vice President, Nuclear Engineering 1 Massachusetts Avenue, NW and Support Suite 300 Texas UtilitiesElectric Washington, DC 20001 P.O. Box 1002 Phone: (202) 898-2950 Glen Rose, TX 76043 Fax: (202) 898-2998 Phone: (817) 897-5202 E-Mail: jmpablo@tva. gov Fax: (817) 897-6652 Pedro Salas Wes M. Taylor Manager, Licensing and Industry Affairs Production Division President Tennessee Valley Authority Texas Utilities Electric 1101 Market Street, BR 4J-C 1601 Bryan Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Dallas, TX 75201 Phone: (423) 751-2508 Phone: (214) 812-4699 Fax: (423) 751-4478 Fax: (214) 812-4758 John A. Scalice C. Lance Terry Site Vice President Group Vice President, Nuclear Tennesse Valley Authority Production Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Texas Utilities Electric P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box .1002 Spring City. TN 37381 Glen Rose, TX 76043 Phone: (423) 365-8767 Phone: (817) 897-8920 Fax: (423) 365-1924 Fax: (817) 897-6652 Edward J. Vigluicci Roger D. Walker Senior Attorney Regulatory Affairs Manager Tennessee Valley Authority Texas Utilities Electric 400 W. Summit Hill Drive P.O. Box 1002 Suite ET 10A-K Glen Rose, TX 76043 Knoxville, TN 37902 Phone: (817) 897-8233 Phone: (423) 632-7317 Fax: (817) 897-6573 Fax: (423) 632-3195 E-Mail: vigluiej@tva. gov Regulatory information Corzference April 1-2,1997

> Sk

  • T.J. $ullis an & Associates, .

Inc. Ou inan an en nmn eCt C Company Terence (Terry) J. Sullivan Jolm Lamberski President Partner T. J. Sullivan & Associates, Inc. Troutman Sanders 231 West Michigan Street 600 eacidree Street, NE Milwaukee, WI 53203 Atlanta, GA 30308 Phone: (414) 221-2141 Phone: (404) 885-3360 Fax: (414) 221-2!32 Fax: (404) 885-3900 Thomas L. Penland

. Electric Power Attorney Troutman Sanders 600 Peachtree Street, NE Jose Conto Atlanta, GA 30308 Senior Electrical Engineer Phone: (404) 885-3471 Tokyo Electric Power Fax: (404) 885-3900 1901 L Street, NW E-Mail: Suite 720 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 457-0790 TTX Associates, Inc.

Fax: (202) 457-0810 E-Mail: Toshiyuki Zama A. Lee Oxsen Manager Vice President, Government Tokyo Electric Power & Regulatory Affairs 1901 L Street, NW TTX Associates, Inc.

Suite 720 26 Snyder Road Washington, DC 20036 Medfield, MA 02052 Phone: (202) 457-0790 Phone: (508) 359-2066 Fax: (202) 457-0810 Fax: (508) 359-2259 E-Mail: L nderwriters Laboratories, Inc.

Toledo Edison Richard N. Walke Michael K. Leisure Engineering Group leader Senior Engineer Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

Toledo Edison 333 Pfingsten Road 895 Shearwood Drive Nort1 brook, IL 60062 Perrysburg, OH 43551 Pho' e: (847) 272-8800, ext. 42292 Phone: (419) 321-7168 F.ix: (847) 272-2020 Regulatory informanon Conference April 12,1997 > 55 4

" "I"' " # """I

. L nion 1:lectric Contpany g Corporation Joseph V. Laux James N. Adkins Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Production Support Union Electric Company United States Enrichment Corporation P.O. Box 620 Two Democracy Center Fulton, MO 65251 6903 Rockledge Drive Phone: (573) 676-8659 Bethesda, MD 20817 Fax: (573) 676-4484 Phone: (301) 564-3417 Fax: (301) 571-8279 i Alan C. Passwater Manager, Licensing and Fuels Ronald W. Gaston Union Electric Company Manager Callaway Plant Nuclear Regulatory Affaires, Portsmouth 1901 Chouteau Avenue United States Enrichment Corporation St. Louis, MG 63166 Building N-100 Mail Stop 12/2 Phone: (314) 554-3205 3930 U.S. Route 23 Fax: (314) 554-3558 Piketon, OP 45661 E-Mail: alan c, Phone: (614) 897-2710 Fax: (614) 897-4541 Garry L. Randolph Vice President, Nuclear Steve N. Polston Union Electric Company General Manager, Lockheed Martin Utility Services P.O. Box 620 United States Enrichment Corporation Fulton, MO 65251 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Phone: (573) 676-8245 P.O. Box 1410 Fax: (573) 676-4484 Paducah, KY 42001 Phone: (502) 441-6301 Donald F. Schnell Fax: (502) 441-6338 Senior Vice President, Nuclear Union Electric Company Robert L. Woolley P.O. Box 66149 Nuclear Regulatory Assurance / Policy Manager St. Imuis, MO 63166-6149 United States Enrichment Corporation Phone: (314) 554-2650 6903 Rockledge Drive Fax: (314) 554 3066 Bethesda, MD 20817 Phone: (301) 564-3413 Fax: (301) 564-3210 1 nion of Concerned Scientists l

Ltilities Serfice Alliance. InIc.

David A. lechbaum Nuclear Safety Engmeer Raymond G. Jones Union of Concerned Scientists 1616 Street NW President Suite 310 UtilitiesService Alliance,Inc.

Washington, DC 20036 9200 Indian Creek Parkway Phone:

Overland Park, KS 66210 (202) 33N Fax: Phone: (913) 451-5729 (202) 332-0905 Fax: (913) 451-3893 E-Mail: Retulatory informadon Conference April 1-2,1997

> $h 4

Roben J. Wancryk

\ attenf all l tseckling All Director, Safety and Regulatory Affairs Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Ferry Road Mats E. Henriksson Brattleboro, VT 05301 Vice President Phone: (802) 258-4140 Vattenfall Utveckling AB Fax: (802) 258-2102 Alvkarleby, Sweden Phone: 46-26-83540 Fax: 46-26-83670 \ irginia Departruent of E-Mail: I mergenr3 Nervices George O'N. Urquhan VITTR A Technologies, Inc. Director, Plans Division Virginia Depanment of Emergency Services 310 Turner Road Jack D Rollins Richmond, VA 23225-6491 Licensing Manager ne ) 6702449 VECTRA Technologies , Inc. at: ( ) 674-2431 6203 San Ignxio Avenue S Jose CA 95119 'E " " " * "

Phone (408) 281-6020 Fax: (408) 281-6206 Ronald M. Berryman E-Mail: Jack.rollins@ Project Manager, Configuration Management Virginia Power

\ ermont Yankee Nuclear 5000 Dominion Boulevard Power Corporation Glen Allen, VA 23060 Phone: (804) 273-2202 Ross P. Barkhurst Fax: (804) 273-3543 President and Chief Executive Officer Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation David A. Christian 3 g a ebor , VT 05301 Virginia Power Phone: (802) 258-4103 "'#Y **'**""

Fax: 5570 Hog Island Road (802) 258-2102 Surry, VA 23883 Donald A. Reid ne ) 65-2001 Vice President, Operations Fax: .(757) 365-2244 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation Herben M. Fontecilla Brattle r , VT 05301 ciear Regulatory Affairs Adviser Phone:

g, (802) 258-4102 Fax: (802) 258-2102 P.O. Box 7470 Arlington, VA 22207 Roben E. Sojka ne: G03) 52M17 Licensing Manager . Fax: G03) 527-5623 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation E-Mail: hmf3@ cornell.du Ferry Road Brattleboro, VT 05301 Phone: (802) 258-4111 Fax: (802) 258-2102 Regulatory informabon Conference April 1-2,1997 > bl 4

I Leslie N. liartz Bryce L. Shriver Manager, Nuclear Engineering Assistant Station Manager Virginia Power Company Surry Power Station 5000 Dominion Boulevard Virginia Power Company Glen Allen, VA 23060 557011og Island Road Phone: (804) 273-2406 Surry, VA 23883 Fax: (804) 273-3877 Phone: (757) 365-2003 E-Mail: Fax: (757) 365-2244 David A. Heacock Terry M. Williams Assistant Station Manager NS&L Manager, Nuclear Oversight Virginia Power Virginia Power Company North Anna Power Station 5000 Dominion Boulevard P.O. Box 402 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Mineral, VA 23117 Phone: (804) 273-2920 Phone: (540) 894-2108 Fax: (804) 273-3618 Fax: (540) 894-2878 E-Mail: terry _ williams E-Mail: david Joseph D. Hegner VPA ('orporation Project Manager Virginia Power 5000 Dominion Boulevard Alan S. Cohlmeyer Glen Allen, VA 23060 Consultant Phone: (804) 273-2770 VPA Corporation Fax: (804) 273-3582 1768 Business Center Drive E-Mail: joseph Suite 120 Reston, VA 22090 James P. O' Hanlon Phone: (703) 438-3911 Senior Vice President, Nuclear Fax: (703) 438-3915 Virgmia Power 5000 Dominion Boulevard Glen Allen, VA 23060  % ashington Public Power Phone: (804) 273-3551 Supp3 Sydem Fax: (804) 273-3759 Joseph V. Parrish Stephen P. Sarver Chief Executive Officer Acting Manager, Nuclear Licensing Washington Public Power Supply System

& Operations Support P.O. Box 968, Mail Drop 1023 Virginia Power Richland, WA 99352 5000 Dominion Boulevard Phone: (509) 377-8031 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Fax: (509) 377-8637 Phone: (804) 273-2793 E-Mail: Fax: (804) 273-3582 E-Mail: stepheny._sarver@vapow Rodney L. Webring Vice President, Operations Support Robert F. Saunders Washington Public Power Supply System Vice President, Nuclear Engineering & Services P.O. Box %8 Virgima Power Richland, WA 99352-0968 5000 Dominion Boulevard Phone: (509) 377-4279 Glen Allen, VA 23060 Fax: (509) 377-4150 Phone: (804) 273-2101 Fax: (804) 273-3471 I

Rettdatory informadon Conference April 1-2,1997

> $8 l

Don L. Cecchett

'I he % esley forporatiun Senior Engineer Westinghouse Electric Corporation Northern Pike C. Wesley Rowley Monroeville, PA Vice President Phone: (412) 374-4999 The Wesley Corporation Fax: (412) 374-8011 5905 East Il4th Street E-Mail: cecched@ Tulsa, OK 74137 Phone: (918) 299-0255 Ramsey Coates Fax: (918) 299-0256 Assistant General Counsel E-Mail: Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 A estinghouse Electrie Pittsburgh, PA 15230 (lorporation Phone: (412) 374-4123 Fax: (412) 374-6122 Donald R. Beynon John J. DeBlasio Account Manager Senior Engineer Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Phone: (412) 344-3370 Phone: (412) 374-5741 Fax: (412) 344-3451 Fax: (412) 374-4011 E-Mail: Sharon L. Ellenberger James M. Brennan Senior Applications Engineer Manager, Licensing Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15132-0355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Phone: (412) 374-4794 Phone: (412) 374-5082 Fax: (412) 374-2252 E-Mail: ellenbsl@ westinghouse Lisa A. Campagna Senior Counsel Vincent J. Esposito Westinghouse Electric Corporation Fuel Improvement Programs 4350 Nonhern Pike Westinghouse Electric Corporation Monroeville, PA 15146 P.O. Box 355 Phone: (412) 374-4614 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Fax: (412) 374-6122 Phone: (412) 374-2380 Albeno L. Casadei Rick Etling Manager, Core Engineering Manager, Utility Outsourcing Services Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Phone: (412) 374-2064 Phone: (412) 374-6620 Fax: (412) 374-2002 Fax: (412) 374-4395 E-Mail: casadeal@ Regulawry lafonnation Conference April 1-L 1997

> hh 4

I Stephen B. Fowler Ricardo Llovet Manager, ReliabilityTrail Assessment U.S. Liaison Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Technology Services, S.A.

Energy Center, MS 4-33 Westinghouse Electric Corporation Monroeville, PA 15146 P.O. Box 355 Phone: (412) 374-6071 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Fax: (412) 374-5099 Phone: (412) 374-2611 E-Mail: fowlersb@ Fax: (412) 374-2252 John S. Galembush Ricardo G. Perez Principle Engineer Manager, Operating Plant Marketing Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 P.O. Box 355, EC-W432 Pittsburgh, PA 156424)355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Phone: (412) 374-5036 Phone: (412) 374-4276 Fax: (412) 374-4011 Fax: (412) 374-3272 E-Mail: E-Mail: perezrg@ Kerry B. Hanahan Diane S. Petras Manager Product Manager Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation 3002 West Grove Place P.O. Box 355 Gibsonia, PA 15044 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Phone: (412) 374-3350 Phone: (412) 374-4175 Fax: (412) 374-3451 Fax: (412) 374-5099 E-Mail: hanahakb@ Cynthia M. Pezze Lewis (Bud) E. Hoffman Senior Engineer Region Director Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355, EC-W432 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355 Phone: (412) 374-6394 Phone: (412) 374-6580 Fax: (412) 374-3832 Fax: (412) 374-3212 Carl W. Pro Robert R. Laubham Lead Application Engineer Senior Engineer Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation P.O. Box 355 P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355 Pittsburgh, PA 15632 Phone: (412) 374 4820 Phone: (412) 374-4707 Fax: (412) 374-3272 Fax: (412) 374-4011 E-Mail: Nicholas J. Liparulo Hank Sepp Manager, Equipment Design Manager, Regulatory & Licensing Engineering

& Regulatory Engineering Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation 413 Franklin Heights Drive P.O. Box 355 Monroeville, PA 15146 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Phone: (412) 374-5282 Phone: (412) 374-5169 Fax: (412) 374-4011 Fax: (412) 374-4011 Regulatory htformadon Conference Aprtl1-2,1997

> h0

Ray Sumit Malcom H. Philips Manager, Core Analysis & Fuel Licensing Partner Westinghouse Electric Corporation Winston & Strawn 116 Grandwood Court 1400 L Street, NW Monroeville, PA 15146 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (412) 374-2101 Phone: (202) 371-5729 Fax: (202) 371-5950 Robin Van Buren E-Mail: Senior Marketing Engineer Westinghouse Electric Corporation Nicholas S. Reynolds

$24 Caner's Grove Drive Partner Gibsonia, PA 15044 Winston & Strawn Phone: (412) 374-61(M 1400 L Street, NW Fax: (412) 374-2624 Washington, DC 20005 E-Mail: Phone: (202) 371-5717 Fax: (202) 371-5950 James (Jim) S. Wyble E-Mail: Account Manager Westinghouse Electric Corporation Terry Turnipseed P.O. Box 355 Attomey Pittsburgh, PA 152304)355 Winston & Strawn Phone: (412) 374-3320 1400 L Street, hv Fax: (412) 374-3451 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 371-5972

%inston & Stra[

M isconsin Electric Power James R. Curtiss Partner Winston & Strawn Richard R. Grigg 1400 L Street, NW President, COO /CNO Washington, DC 20005 Wisconsin Electric Power Company Phone: (202) 371-5751 231 West Michigan Street Fax: (202) 371-5950 Milwaukee, WI $3203 E-Mail: Phone: (414) 221-2108 Fax: (414) 221-2132 Garry E. Garten Attorney Terrance (Terry) Guay Winston & Strawn Manager, Regulatory Services 1400 L Street, NW Wisconsin Electric Power Company Washington, DC 20005-3502 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Phone: (202) 371-5923 6610 Nuclear Road Fax: (202) 371-5950 Two Rivers, WI 54241 E-Mail: Phone: (414) 755-6430 Fax: (414) 755-6233 J. Michael McGarry Partner Doug Johnson Winston & Strawn Manager, Nuclear Industry 1400 L Street, NW Wisconsin Electric Power Company Washington, DC 20005 231 West Michigan Street Phone: (202) 371-5733 Milwaukee, WI 53203 Fax: (202) 371-5950 Phone: (414) 221-2084 or E-Mail: (414) 755-6653 Fax: (414) 755-6633 Regsdatory informadon Conference April 12,1997

> h) 4

To s Wolf (' reek Nudear Operating Wisco isin Electric Power Company ( orporation 231 West Michigan Sucet Milwaukee, WI 53203 Richard D. Flannigan Phone: (414) 221-3950 Manager, Nuclear Engineering, Fax: (414) 221-3594 Safety & Licensing Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Scott A. Patulski P.O. Box 411 Site Vice President Burlington, KS 66839 Wi!.consin Electric Power Company Phone: (316) 364-8831, ext. 4117 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Fax: (316) 364-4095 6610 Nuclear Road Two Rivers, WI 54241 Otto L. Maynard i Phone: (414) 755-6214 President & CEO l Fax: (414) 755-6233 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 411 Victoria A. Walther Burlington, KS 66839 Project Engineer Phonc. (316) 364-4100 Wisconsin Electric Power Company Fax: (316) 364-4154 231 West Michigan E-Mail: P.O. Box 2046 Milwaukee, WI 53201 Richard A. Muench Phone: (414) 221-3367 Vice President, Enginxring Fax: (414) 221-2010 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation E-Mail: P.O. Box 411 11urlington, KS 66839 Phone: (316) 364-4034

\\ isconsin Puhiic Qrvice

= Fax: (316) 364-4154

(.orporation Gary 1. Harrington W . 'I . Russell, Inc.

Engineering & Technical Support Analyst, Plant Licensing Wisconsin Public Service Corporation William T. Russell

! N490 Highway 42 President Kewaunee, WI 54216 G510 W.T. Russell, Inc.

Phone: (414) 388-2560, ext. 2559 354 Kingsberry Drive Fax: (414) 388-0819 Annapolis, MD 21401-5948 Phone: (410) 757-7139 Daniel J. Ropson Fax: (410) 757-1709 Manager, Engineering & Technical Support E-Mail: Wisconsin Public Service Corporation N490 Highway 42 Yankee Atomic Electric Kewaunee, WI 54216-9510 ,

Phone: (414) 388-2560, ext. 2435 .""E*">

Fax: (414) 3884832 Don K. Davis Chief Executive Officer Yankee Atorme Electric Company 580 Main Street Bolton, MA 01740 i Phone: (508) 568-2233

' Regulasary informanon Conference April 12, !997

> h] fl l


I Jane M. Grant Manager, Regulatory 4 Industry Affairs Yankee Atomic Electric Company 580 Main Street-Bolton, M/. 01740 Phone: (508) 568-2112-Fax: (508) 568-3704 E-Mail: _ grrnt@

' Andrew C. Kadak President Yankee Atomic Electric Company

~ $90 Main Street Bolton, MA 01740 Phone: (508) 568-2207 Fax: (508) 568-3703 E-Mail: kadak@ John M. Oddo Manager, Regulatory & Industry Affairs Department Yankee Atomic Electric Company 580 Main Street Bolton, MA 01740 Phone: (508) 568-2767 Fax: (508) 568-3704 E-Mail: oddo@ John D. Sutton Senior Licensing Engineer Yankee Atomic Electric Company 580 Main Street Bolton, MA 01740 Phone: (508) 568-2151 Fax: ~ (508) 568-3704  ;

Regninnery infernmeaion Conference April 1-2,1M7 -

> h3 4 l


. - t .R Nuclear Regulatoh Conunission ~

i g., Headquarters, Region'al & Resident Employ ees Tietropolitan Area Gm ernment Agenc3 Attendees Ramin Assa Ralph E. Architzel Project Manager Section Chief NC/NRR NRC/NRR/PGEB Mail Stop: 13D1 Mail Stop: 010H5 Phone: (301) 415-1391 Phone: (301) 415-2804 Elinor G. Adensam Stewart Bailey Deputy Director Project Manager NRC/NRR/DRPW NRC/NRR Mail Stop: 013E4 Mail Stop: 013D1 Phone: (301) 415-1353 Phone: (301) 415-1321 Duli Agarwal Christopher S. Bajwa Cable Aging Program Manager Reacter Systems Engineer U.S. Department of Energy NRC 19901 Germantown Road Mail Stop: MS-08D1 Germantown, MD 20874 Phone: (301) 415-1237 Phone: (301) 903-2884 Fax: (301) 903-7020 S. Singh Bajwa Project Director (A)

Francis M. Akstulewicz' NRC Section Chief Mail Stop: 14B2 NRC/NRR/DRPM Phone: (301) 415-3036 Mail Stop: 010H5 Phone: (301) 415-1136 Maitri Baneriec ,

Senito Operations Engineering Dav;d K. Allsopp NRR/ DIS {/PIPB Senior Operations Engineer Phone: (717)S42-2134 I l

NRC  !

Mail Stop: 012E4 Patrick W. Branowsky Phone: (301) 415-3073 Chief Mail Stop: AA9 Raj K. Anand AEOD/NRC Project Manager NRC/NRR Camilla Barror Mail Stop: OllD23 Auditor Phone: (301) 415-1146 OlG/AIGA Mail Stop: T-5D28 Phone: (301) 415-5979 Regulatory information Conference April 1-2,1997

& N<

A. Bill Beach Regis R. Boyle Regional Administrator Special Assistant for Nuclear Materials, NRC/ Region Ill Waste, and Fuel Cycle Phone: (630) 829-9657 Office of the Chairman /NRC Mail Stop: 16G15 Jim Beall Phone: (301) 415-1750 Technical Assistant for Reactors Office of Commissioner McGaffigan/NRC Stewart W. Brown Phone: (301) 415-1810 Project Manager NRC Elva Bowden Berry Mail Stop: T7F27 Paralegal Phone: (301) 415-6605 NRC Mail Stop: 015B17 James L. Caldwell Phone: (301) 415-1529 Director, Division of Reactor Projects U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

Suzanne C. Black 801 Warrenvile Road Branch Chief, HQMB Lisle, IL 60532 {

NRC/NRR/DRCH Phone: (630) 829-9600 Mail Stop: 09Al Fax: (630) 515) 1102 Phone: (301) 415-1017 Leonard J. Callan ,

Bruce A. Boger Executive Director for Operations Director, DRCH EDO NRC/NRR/DRCH NRC/ Region IV Mail Stop: 0-9H4 Phone: (301) 415-1700 Phone: (301) 415-1004 Thomas Cannon j Vicki M. Bolling Department Leader Administrative Assistant Specialty Engineering, Palo Verde NRC/OCM/NJD Station Mail Stop: 16G-15 Phone: (301) 415-8430 Robert A. Capra Director, PD III-2, DRPW  !

Bill Borchardt NRC/NRR/DRPW .

Branch Chief Mail Stop: 013D01 NRC/NRR/ DISP /PIPB Phone: (301) 415-1995 Mail Stop: 0-12E4 Phone: (301) 415-1257 Cynthia A. Carpenter Acting Project Director l Bernard M. Borderick NRC/NRR/DRPW Senior Trial Attorney Mail Stop: 013E4 NRC/OGC Phone: (301) 415-3641 Mail Stop: 015B17 Phone: (301) 415-1529 Michael J. Case Technical Assistant NRC/NRR/DRPM Mail Stop: 0111I21 Phone: (301) 415-1134 Regulatory nference > 65 4

Patrick I. Castleman John R. Cook Senior Reactor OPS Engineer Senior Transportation Specialist NRC/NRR/ DISP /PIPB NRC Mail Stop: 012E4 Mail Stop: 06F18 Phone: (301) 415-3747 Phone: (301) 415-8521 Alfred E. Chaffee Richard P. Correia Chief Events Assessment & Generic Section Chief Communications Branch NRC/NRR NRC .

Mail Stop: 09Al Mail Stop: 11E4 Phone: (301) 415-1009 Fnone: (301) 415-1168 Claudia Craig Margaret S. Chatterton Senior Project Manager Nuclear Engineer NRC NRR/DSSA/SRXB Mail Stop: 010H5 Mail Stop: 08E23 Phone: (301) 415-1053 Phone: (301) 415-2889 Gerald Cranford David J. Chawaga Director

' RI State Liaison Officer NRC/IRM USNRC/ Region 1 Mail Stop: T6F15 Phone: (610) 337-5246 Phone: (301) 415-7585 James W. Clifford Steven Crockett Senior Project Manager Senior Attorney USNRC NRC/OGC Mail Stop: 013E18 Mail Sop: 15B18 Phone: (301) 415-1352 Phone: (301) 415-1620 Cathy Colleli Michael C. Cullingford Management Analyst . Technical Assistant NRC/OlG/AIGA NRC/NRR Mail Stop: TSD28 Mail Stop: 012E18 Phone: (301) 415-6337 Phone: (301) 415-1276 Samuel J. Collins Michael Cummms Director, NRR Auditor NRC/ Region IV OIG/AIGA j Phone: (301) 415-1270 Mail Stop: T-5D28 d Phone: (301) 415-5937 H.F. Conrad Senior Materials Engineer Michael J. Davis I NRC/NRR Project Manager Mail Stop: 07D4 NRC/NRR/DRPM Phone: (301) 415 2703 Mail Stop: 010HS Phone: (301) 415-1016 Les Constable l Office of Commissioner Diaz  ;


Phone: (301) 415-8420  ;

l i

'O WWry RftttnCt >h

Roger Davis Alexander Duchac Legal Assistant Regulatory Authority Slank Republic OCM/1ND Byatuslava, Slovak Republic Mail Stop: 016G15 Phone: (301) 415-7000 Phone: (301) 415-8426 Richard F. Dudley Clare V. DeFino Senior Project Manager Special Assistant NRC/NRR/DRPM Office of the Chairman /NRC Mail Stop: 011B20 Phone: (301) 415-1750 Phone: (301) 415-1116 Albert W. Defigazio Earl Easton Senior Project Manager Section Chief, Transportation NRC & Storage Safety Mail Stop: 014C7 NMSS/SFPO Phone: (301) 415-1443 Mail Stop: 06F18 ,

I Phone: (301) 415-8520 Nils J. Diaz Conunissioner, NRC Tanya M. Eaton Mail Stop: 16G15 Engineer 1 Phone: (301) 415-8420 NRC Mail Stop: 014D19 i Greta Joy Dieus Phone: (301) 415-1456 I Conunissioner, NRC j Mail Stop: 16G15 Patricia Eng Phone: (301) 415-1820 Technical Assistant NMSS/SFPO I Margaret Doane Mail Stop: 06F18 Attorney Phone: (301) 415-8577 NRC/OCAA Mail Stop:16G15 Morton B. Fairtile ,

Phone: (301) 415-2001 Senior Project Manager l NRC/NRR/DRPM l Joseph E. Donoghue Mail Stop: 0-11B20 q Reactor Engineer Phone: (301) 415-1442 l SRXB/DSSA/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 8E23 David N. Fauver Phone: (301) 415-1131 Senior Project Manager i DWM/LLDP/NMSS/NRC Jack Donohew Mail Stop: 8F37 I

( Senior Project Manager Phone: (301) 415-6625 1

DRPW/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 13H3 David C. Fischer Phone: (301) 415-1307 Senior Mechanical Engineer l Mechanical Engineering Branch Mary T. Drouin NRC/NRR Chief Mail Stop: 7-E23 IPE/IPEEE/NRC Phone: (301) 415-2728 Mail Stop: 10F13 Phone: (301) 415-6675 Rerulatory in annason contman > 67 4 April 1-2,1997

I Scott C. Flanders Gail M. Good i Project Manager Senior Emergency Preparedness Analyst f

NRC NRC/ Region IV j Mail Stop: 011D23 Phone: (817) 860-8215 l Phone: (301) 415-1172 {

Edward F. Goodwin  !

Sterling M. Franks NRC Associate Director Mail Stop: 11E4 U.S. Department of Energy Phone: (301) 415-1154 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20874 Robert A. Gramm Phone: (301) 903-2884 Section Chief Fax: (301) 903-1510/7020 NRC/NRR/DRCH Mail Stop: 09A1 Thomas L. Fredrichs Phone: (301) 415-1010 Project Manager NRC/NRR/DRPM Kathryn O. Greene Mail Stop: 0-lib 20 Administration Branch /PADB Phone:'(301) 415-1112 Mail Stop: 12E20 Phone: (301) 415-1207 Sada Fullani Senior Operation Engineer Christopher 1. Grimes USNRC Chief Phone: (301) 415-6843 ADPR/NRR/NRC Mall Stop: 11E22 Robert M. Gallo Phone: (301) 415-1161 Chief, PSIB/ DISP /NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 9Al Linda Gundrum Phone: (301) 415-2967 Project Manager NRC Alice. E. Gehl Mail Stop: 013D-18 Administrative Assistant Phone: (301) 415-1380 USNRC/COM Mail Stop: 16G15 Walter P. Haass Phone: (301) 415-8430 Senior Reactor Engineer NRC/NRR/HQMB Frank P. Gillespie Mail Stop: 09Al Director, DISP Phone: (301) 415-3219 NRC/NRR/ DISP Mail Stop: 12G18 Ed M. Hackett Phone: (301) 415-1275 Section Chief USNRC William C. Gleaves Mail Stop: T10E10 Mech. Engineer Phone: (301) 415-5650 NRC Mail Stop: 014B2 Charles A. Hackney Phone: (301) 415-1415 Regional State Liaison Officer NRC/ Region IV Phone: (817) 860-8267 Regulatory in nference > $8

John N. Hannon . Thomas Hildebrandt l Project Director Outage Manager NRC/NRR/DRPW River Bend Station Mail Stop: 13D18 Phone: (504) 635-3193 Phone: (301) 415-1992 Gary M. Holahan Jefferey F. Harold Director, DSSA Project Manager NRC/NRR/DSSA USNRC Mail Stop: 08E2 Mail Stop: 014B2 .

Phone: (301) 415-2884 Phone: (301) 415-1421 l Cornelius Holden Paul W. Harris Senior Operations Engineer Project Manager NRC NRC/NRR/DRPM Mail Stop: 012E4 ,

Mail Stop: 011B20 Phone: _( 301) 415-1037 )

Phone: (301) 415-1169 i Brian E. Holian Dennis L. Harrison Special Assistant for Reactors Director, Commercial Operations Plant Office of the Chairman, NRC 1 Program Team Mail Stop: 16G15 l U.S. Department of Energy Phone: (301) 415-1750 l 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20874 Darl S. Hood Phone: (301) 903-2884 Senior Project Manager Fax: (301) 903-7020 NRR/PD1-1 l Mail Stop: 014B2 Anna May Haycraft-Popp Phone: (301) 415-3049 Conference Coordinator NRC/NRR Anthony H. Hsia Mail Stop: 12E20 Technical Assistant Phone: (301) 415-3075 NRC Mail Stop: 0-16G15 Ronald W. Hernan Phone: (301) 415-8420 Project Manager NRC George T. Hubbard Mail Stop: 014B21 Section Chief Phone: (301) 415-2010 NRC Mail Stop: 0801 John W. Hickey Phone: (301) 415-2876 Chief DWM/LLDP/NMSS/NRC Gene hnbro Mail Stop: 8A33 Director ICAVP Oversight Phone: (301) 415-7192 NRC/NRR Mail Stop: 14D4 Lee Higgins Phone: (301) 415-1490 Senior Management Analyst l O1G/AIGA l Mail Stop: T5D28 j Phone: (301) 415-5913 Regulasoryggnyerence

> 69 4

L S. Russell Irish Michael R. Johnson Audit Manager NRC OlG/AIGA Mail Stop: 012E-4 Mail Stop: T-5D28 Phone: (301) 415-1241 Phone: (301) 415-5912 ,

Robert C. Jones Kahtan N. Jabbour Chief, PSAB -

USNRC NRC/NRR/PSAB Mail Stop: 014H25 Mail Stop: 010E2 Phone: (301) 415-1496 Phone: (301) 415-3183 Shirley Ann Jackson Edward L. Jordan Chairman, NRC . Deputy Eitecutive Director for Mail Stop: 10E33 Regulatory Effectiveness, Program Phone: (301) 415-1759 Oversight, Investigations, & Enforcement NRC Jeffrey Jacobson Mail Stop: 4D18 Team Leader Phone: (301) 415-7472 PSID/ DISP /NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 9Al William F. Kane Phone: (301) 415-2977 Director NMSS/SFPO John P. Jankovich Mail Stop: 06F18 Section Chief Phone: (301) 415-8500 Transportation & Storage Inspection Section Harriet Karagiannis NMSS/SPFO Technical Assistant Mail Stop: 5D28 NRC Phone: (301) 415-8585 Mail Stop: 0-16G15 Phone: (301) 415-8429 Gary Janosko Audit Manager Corenthis Kelley OIG/AIGA- Team Leader Mail Stop: T-5D28 . OlG/AIGA

. Phone: (301) 415-5976 Mail Stop: T-5D28 Phone: ('301) 415-5977 Georgia R. Johnson Executive Director for Edward D. Kendrick Environmental Justice USNRC USNRC Mail Stop: 08E23 j Phone: (202) 586-3075 Phone: (301) 415-2891 James W. Johnson Brian Kildee -

Specials Assistant for Reactors Office of General Counsel Office of the Chairman, NRC NRC Mail Stop: 16G15 : Mail Stop: 15B18 Phone: (301) 415-17.50 Phone: (301) 415-1561 l

amg=yc~a > 70


i Linda M. Kilgore Janice Dunn Lee Reference Librarian Special Assistant for International Affairs USNRC/Public Document Room Office of the Chairman, NRC Mail Stop: LL-6 Mail Stop: 16G15 Phone: (202) 634-3361 Phone: (301) 415-1750 Lawrence E. Kokajko Judy Leonhardt Senior Project Manager Senior Auditor NRC OlG/AIGA Mail Stop: 0-6G22 Mail Stop: T-SD28 Phone: (301) 415-1309 Phone: (301) 415-3909 Peter Koltay Arnold E. Levin Team Leader Deputy Director /LSS Admin.

PSIB/ DISP /NRR/NRC NRC/IRM Mail Stop: 9Al Mail Stop: T6F19 Phone: (301) 415-2957 Phone: (301) 415-7458 i Pamela G. Kruzie Anthony Lipuma 3 Director, TA Team Leader l NRC/TA/IRM OIA/AIGA )

Mail Stop: T6F19 Mail Stop: T-5D28  !

Phone: (301) 415-7575 Phone: (301) 415-5910


Pao-Tsin Kuo - Wan C. Liu l Section Chief Mechanical Engineer NRC/NRR/DRPM/PDLR USNRC Mail Stop: 011D23 Mail Stop: 011D23 Phone: (301) 415-3147 Phone: (301) 415-3148 Gus C. Lainas Maria Lopez-Otin Deputy Director Executive Assistant DE/NRR/NRC OCMINJD Mail Stop: 7D26 Mail Stop: 16G15 Phone: (301) 415-3298 Phone: (301) 415-8420 l

Wayn- D. Lanning Joel O. Lubenau  ;

Deputy Director, Inspections, SPO Tech'nical Assistant l NRC/ Region 1 Office of Commissioner Dicus Phone: (610) 337-5126 Mail Stop: 16G15 Phone: (301) 415-1830

1. Jean Lee Allegation Coordinator Carl F. Lyon NRC/NRR/DRPivt Resident inspector Mail Stop: 011H21 NRC/ Region I Phone: (301) 415-2918 Phone: (412) 643-2000 l
Retsdanory njf n nference > ll 4

Janies E. Lyons Ledyard B. (Tad) Marsh l

Acting Chief Chief SRXB/DSSA/NRR/NRC SPLB/DSSA/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 8D1 Mail Stop: 8D1 l Phone: (301) 415-2803 Phone: (301) 415-2873 Patrick M. Madden Thomas T. Martin SPLB/DSSA/NRR/NRC Director Mail Stop: 8D1 NRC/NRR/DRPM f Phone: (301) 415-2854 Mail Stop: 011H21  ;

Phone: (301) 415-1199 Alan L. Madison Senior RX Ops Engineer Michael T. Masnik USNRC Senior Project Man =3er Mail Stop: T4D28 NRC/NRR/DRPM/PDND Phone: (301) 415-6412 Mail Stop: 0-11B20 Phone: (301) 415-1191 Stewart L. Magruder Project Manager Roy Mathew NRC/NRR/DRPM/PGEG Operations Engineer Mail Stop: 0-10H5 NRC Phone: (301) 415-3139 Mail Stop: 9D4 Phone: (301) 415-2965 Stan P. Maingi PA/BRP David B. Matthews Chief, PGEB Melinda Malloy NRC/NRR/DRPM/PGEB Senior Reactor Systerns Engineer Mail Stop: 11 A1 NRC/NRR/DRPM Phone: (301) 415-1282 Mail Stop: 0-10H5 Phone: (301) 415-1178 Donale A. McColloch Reference Librarian David J. Mannai USNRC/Public Document Room Resident inspector-SeaBrook Mail Stop: LL-6 NRC Phone: (202) 634-3361 Phone: (603) 474-3589 William McDowell i Catherine L. Marco Team Leader l Trial Attorney ~ OlG/AIGA '

NRC Mail Stop: T-5D28 Mail Stop: 15B18 Phone: (301) 415-5974 Phone: (301) 415-1529 Edward McGaffigan, Jr. i Michael T. Markley Commissioner, NRC  ;

Senior Staff Engineer Mail Stop: 16G15  ;

NRC/ACRS Phone: (301) 415-1800 1 Mail Stop: T-2E26 Phone: (301) 415-6885  ;

l l

Regulatory f n nferrace >0

7 Eileen M. McKenna Jim Moorman Senior Reactor Engineer Reactor Inspector / Operator Examiner NRC/NRR/DRPM NRC/ Region II Mail Stop: 0-10H-5 Phone: (404) 331-5593 Phone: (301) 415-2189 Igor Moravcik James Medoff Slovak Regulatory Authority Chemical Engineer - Regulatory Authority Slank Republic NRC Bvatuslava, Slovak Republic Mail Stop: 7D4 Phone: (301) 415-7000 Phone: (301) 415-2715 David L. Morrison Ellis W. Merschoff D' ector Regional Administrator NRC NRC/ Region IV Mail Stop: T-10-F-12 Phone: (817) 860-8225 Phone: (301) 415-6641 Charles L. Miller Scott F. Newberry Chief, PERB . Director NRC/NRR/PERB PDLR/DRPM/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 0-10D4 Mail Stop: 11D23 Phone: (301) 415-1086 Phone: (301) 415-1183 Hubert J. Miller Donald P. Norkin Regional Administrator Team Leadet Region 1/NRC PSIB/ DISP /NRR/NRC Phone: (610) 337-5299 Mail Stop: 9Al Phone: (30l) 415-2954 Cheryl A. Miotta Management Analmt Patricia G. Norry OIG/AIGA Deputy Executive Director Mail Stop: T-5D28 for Management Services Phone: (301) 415-5914 EDO Mail Stop: 0-17G21 Frank J. Miraglia Phone: (301) 415-2162 Deputy Director, ONRR NRC Karen Olive Mail Stop: 12D18 Program Analyst Phone: (301) 415-1272 NRC Mail Stop: T-9D6 Jocelyn A. Mitchell Phone: (301) 415-6027 Senior Level Technical Advisor NRC Helen N. Pastis Mail Stop: 017G21 Branch Chief Phone: (301) 415-1722 NRR/SPO Mail Stop: 0-14D47 Robert Moody Phone: (301) 415-1261 Auditor OIG/AIGA Mail Stop: T-5D28 Phone: (301) 415-5946 n y m aca > 73 <

Rat % fn

Drew Persinko Charleen T. Raddata Nuclear Engine;r Technical Assistant NMSS/SFPO NRC j Mail Stop: 0-6F18 Mail Stop: 016-G15 Phone: (301) 415-8528 Phone: (301) 415-8428 Sheri R. Peterson Bill Reamer Technical Assistant NRC NRC/NRR/ADT Mail Stop: 15B18 Mail Stop: 012G18 Phone: (301) 415-1646 Phone: (301) 415-1193 William D. Reckley Laurence E. Phillips Project Manager Acting Chief NRC/NRR/DRPW SRXB/DSSA/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 013E21 Mail Stop: 8E23 Phone: (301) 415-1314 Phone: (301) 415-3232 F. Mark Reinhart Clayton L. Pittiglio Acting Director Project Manager DRPE/NRR/NRC NRC Mail Stop: 11E22 Mail Stop: TW7F27 Phone: (301) 415-1185 Phone: (301) 415-6702 Luis A. Reyes Ceorge Pourchot Regional Administrator Senior Auditor NRC/ Region 11 OIG/AIGA Phone: (4(M) 331-5500 Mail Stop: T-5D28 Phone: (301) 415-5973 Stuart A. Richards Chief, Operator Licensing Branch Dana A. Powers NRC/NRR/DRCH Director, ACRS Mail Stop: 09-D24 7964 Sartan Way, NE Phone: (301) 415-1031 Albuquerque, NM 87109 Phone: (503) 845-9838 Jack W. Roe Fax: (505) 821-2735 Director, DRPW NRC/NRR/DRPW j I

Robert J. Prato Phone: (301) 415-1354 Mechanical Engineer NRC Marylou Roe  ;

Mail Stop: 011D23 Allegation Coordinator Phone: (301) 415-1147 NRC/NRR/DRPM i Mail Stop: 011H21 Sada Pullani Phone: (301) 415-2407 Senior Operations Engineer i Mail Stop: TWN-4D28 Kenneth C. Rogers Phone: (301)415-6843 Commissioner, NRC Mail Stop: 16G15 Phone: (301) 415-1855 Regulatory Irf nference > l*$ (

Jack Rosenthal Robert L. Scale Branch Chief ACRS, Member -

' AEOD/NRC - 8815 Calle Bogota Mail Stop: 4A9 .

Tucson, AZ 85715 Phone: (301) 415-7458 Phone: (520) 298-7118-Fax: (520) 751-0374 Reference Librarian Susan F. Shankman

'USNRC Branch Chief Mail Stop: LL-6 NRC/NMSS/SFPO/TSIB Phone: (202) 634-3361 Mail Stop: OWFN-6F18 Phone: (301) 415-2287 Coretta V. Saadu Reactor Systems Engineer Jeff Sharkey

-NRC Technical Assistant for Reactors Mail Stop: OWFN8D1 Office of Commissioner McGaffigan, NRC Phone: (301) 415-1186 Phone: (301) 415-1810 Mark H. Salley Brian W. Sheron NRC/NRR Director, DE Mail Stop: 08D1 NRC Phone: (301) 415-8240 Mail Stop: 7D26 Phone: (301) 415-2722 Mark A. Satorius Deputy Director Shelly L. Shortt NRC/ Office of Enforcement Program Analyst Mail Stop: 07H5 NRC Phone: (301) 415-2747 ' Mail Stop: T-9D6 -

Phone: (301) 415-6032 Robert G. Schaaf Project Manager Jacqueline E. Silber _ )

NRC/NRR/DRPW Special Assistant for International Affairs Mail Stop: 013D18 Office of the Chairman, NRC Phone: (301) 415-1312 Mail Stop: 16G15 Phone: (301) 415-1750 F. Maria Schwartz Attorney .

Donna M. Skay NRC/OGC-Rulemarking/FC Project Manager Mail Stop: 015B18 NRC/NRR Phone: (301) 415-1888. Mail Stop: 013D1 ,

Phone: (301) 415-1322 Harold H. Scott ,

RX Engineer Leo Slaggie  ;

RE-DST Deputy Solicitor Mail Stop: T10E46 NRC/OGC l Phone: (301) 415-6771 Mail Stop: 15B18  ;

Phone: (301) 415-1600 I


& & ",pfW**"


Marylee M. S!osson James E. Spets Deputy Director Safety Inspection Engineer NRC/DRPM/NRR Transportation & Storage Inspection Mail Stop: 16G15 . NMSS/SFPO Phone: (301) 415-1163 . Mail Stop: 6F18 Phone: (301) 415-8553 James A. Smith Special Assistant for Nuclear Materials, Michael Stein Safety and Safeguards Enforcement Specialist Office of the Chairman, NRC Office of Enforcement Phone: (301) 415-1750 Mail Stop: 015B18 Phone: (301) 415-1688 Karla D. Smith Special Assistant for Legal Affairs Steven R. Stein Office of the Chairman, NRC Senior Technical Assistant Phone: (301) 415-1750 NRC Mail Stop: 012E4 Thomas E. Smith Phone: (301) 415-1296 Collection / Facility Manager NRC John F. Stolz Mail Stop: LL-6 Project Director Phone: (202) 634-3385 NRC Mail Stop: 014E21 David Solorio Phone: (301) 415-1435 Reactor Systems Engineer NRC/NRR/DRPM Jack R. Strosnider Mail Stop: 10H5 Chief, Phone: (301) 415-1973 EMCB/DE/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 7D4 Jack Sorensen Phone: (301) 415-2795 Technical Assistant Office of Commissioner Rogers, NRC Joseph Tapia Mail Stop: 16G15 Ch" Sr oject Branch-A Phone: (301) 415-1850 F, + pon IV P. ~ . '7) 860-8243 Deirdre W. Spaulding Electrical Engineer Ashok C. Thadani NRC Associate Director, ADT Mail Stop: 08H3 NRC/NRR/ADT Phone: (301) 415-2928 Mail Stop: OWFN,12G18 Phone: (301) 415-1274 R. Lee Spessard Deputy Division Director Mahan C. Thadani NRC/NRR/DRCH Senior Project Manager Mail Stop: 9E3 NRC Phone: (301) 415-2903 Mail Stop: 14B21 Phone: (301) 415-1476 Retsdatory infomanon Conference > lh April 1-2,1997

L: i i

John W Thompson - Earl J.' Wahlquist '

NRC _ Deputy Director Mail Stop: 4D28 _ U.S. Department of Energy -

Phone: (301) 415-6414 ' 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20874  ;

William D; Travers '

Phone: (301) 903-2884 Director Special Projects Office - Fax: (301) 903-1510 i

.NRC' 4 (301) 415-1200 Harold Walker 'i Senior Engineer Stuart A. Treby -

NRC Assistant General Counsel Mail Stop: 08D1 {

NRC Phone: (301) 415-2827 Mail Stop: 015-B18 : i Phone: (301) 45-1644 Marsha L. Ward l Refernce Librarian Susan L.' Uttal USNRC -

Senior Trial Anorney Mail Stop: LL-6 )

OGC Phone: (202) 634-3361 Mail Stop: 015B18 Phonei (301) 415-1582 John Warren l

RPV Integrity Program Manager Milton Vagins U.S. Department of Energy Senior Technical Advisor 19901 Germantown Road NRC/RES/DET .

Germantown, MD 20874

- Mail Stop: T-10D20 Phone: (301) 903-2884 Phone: (301) 415-5684 Fax: (301) 903-7020 i Steven A. Varga Michael K. Webb Director, DRPE Project Manager NRC- NRC/NRR/DRPM/PDND Mail Stop: 14E4 Mail Stop: 011B20 i Phone: (301) 415-1284 Phone: (301) 415-1347 i

Annette Vietti-Cook Robert M. Weisman  :

Deputy Director Litigation Attorney l

. Office of the Chairman, NRC NRC/OGC/ Hearings & Enforcement l Mail Stop: 16G15 Mail Stop: 015B18 -

Phone: (301) 415-1750 Phone: (301) 415-1696 Martin J. Virgilio . Seymour H. Weiss l

Executive Assistant and Director Project Director 4 Office of the Chairman, NRC PDND/DRPM/NRR/NRC

- Phone: (301) 415-1750 Mail Stop: 11B20 Phone: (301) 415-2170 Peter C. Wen Project Manager  ;

NRC/DRPM/PGEB Mail Stop: 0-10H5 j Phone: (301) 415-2832 l l

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K. Steven West Jacob I. Zivmerman Chief, Fire Protection Engineering Project Manager Section NRC NRC. Mail Stop: 014H25 Mail Stop: 08D1 _

Phone:'(301) 415-2426 Phone: (301) 415-1220 Roy P. Zimmerman Barry Westreich - Associate Director, ADPR Resident Inspector NRC NRC/ Region 1 Mail Stop: 12G18 Phone: (914) 729-9360 Phone: (301) 415-1284 John R. White Chief, Radiation Safety Branch, DRS NRC/ Region I Phone: (610) 337-51124 Fax: (610) 337-5320 -

Leon Whitney SPLB/DSSA/NRR/NRC Mail Stop: 8D1 Phone: (301) 415-3081 Julian H. Willliams NRC/ Region I Phone: (610) 337-5124 Robert S. Wood -


Mail Stop: 11D23 Phone: (301) 415-1255 Francis (Skip) 1. Young Senior Transportation & Storage Project Manager NMSS/SFPO Mail Stop: 06F18

' Phone: (301) 415-3207 j John Zeiler

- Resident Inspector, Robinson NRC/ Region II Phone: (803) 383-4571 Fax: (803) 383-6441 ,

I .$. Nuclear ' Regulatory Conunission Alain Telephone Numbers and Addresses Headquarters U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission j ATTN: (Recipient's Name and Organization)

Mail Stop (Recipient's Mail Stop)

Washington, DC 20555-0001 Phone: (301) 415-7000 or (800) 368-5642 Region I I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road I

King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 Phone: (610) 337-5000


Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 303234)199 Phone: (404) 331-4503 i Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351 Phone: (630) 829-9500

' Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commitsion Harris Tower 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-8064 Phone: (817) 860-8100 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Walnut Creek Field Office l t 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 300  !

Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5368 l Phone: (510) 975-0200 l

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