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SER Supporting Application to Amend License SNM-1050, Extending Expiration Date of License Until 890331.Related 10CFR70 Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07001068
Issue date: 10/13/1988
From: Bidinger G, Mccaughey D
Shared Package
ML20204H244 List:
NUDOCS 8810240377
Download: ML20204H298 (25)


. _ _ _ .

r OCT 13 1988 DOCKET NO: 70-1068 LICENSEE: University of Florida





On August 31, 1988, University of Florida (UF) submitted an amendment -

application requesting an extension of Materials License No. SNM-1050. The license currently authorizes nondestructive testing an:t storage of 190

, L kilograms of U-235 contained in SPERT fuel rods. [

DISCUSSION The extension is requested to permit UF time to complete nondestructive testing '

j activities and upon completion of these activities, submit a renewal application (

for storage only. The licensee has requested a 4-month extension. However, i i

the staff recommends a 6-month extension so that UF has ample time to complete 7 j

the usage activities and renewal package without requesting another extension. i Since the authorized activities remain the same, it is recommend that Condition j) - 4 be revised to show a license expiration date of March 31, 1989, t

It should be noted that pursuant to 10 CFR 70.33(b), the licensee shall submit .

a renewal application not less than 30 days prior to the expiration of the l j license. r 9

r This licensing action is in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(14)(v), and i

} therefore, neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental ,

assessment is warranted for this action. '


! The staff believes that the extension of the license will have no adverse i

! effect on the public health and safety or on the environment. Approval of the  !

amendment application is recommended.  !


' I j M I S grHN1 h {


David A. McCaughey  !

4 Uranium Fuel Section i i Fuel Cycle Safety Branen Division of Industrial and I Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS Oridnal Signed Br Approved by:  !

l George H. Bidinger, Section Leader j


  • IMUF:
. . . . . . . .g . . . . . . . . . . . . . y ............,ny................................ [


i NAME:DAHcCaughey:mh: VLTharpe: MHorn: GHBidinger: 1

.............................................................................. i l DATE:10/lI/88 10Q'/88 10/rl/88 10/ G/88  ;

) 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY 1 8810240377 881014 l PDR ADOCK 07001068 i C PDC



U0.1 PART ocuieric ticrusisa CF SPictAL NUCLEAR MATERtAL*

70 i

3 ne. nad rause,. us.orn .,ean onnu nonsien t,0.44u.. waeca,l asta,tus ,.c ie., m... u -. i. .u e.

emo tno,o.rm nafe ,,em,.

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  • e^ -

,0.1 =m An d HH. a em**ded (H 70.s taformauen eeuecuen requirements quinswi ous seermL to u woua.mevine e,wsuone ustne maled . Ea"8)e. Sin HM ead me it of the

.es 4"of nuin Se.

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Emmsmoso to 61 Wodificauon .and reeocauen of U. (c) De reguletiene la Pett F3 of thle

^ te.

10.11 ,erwns ustne special nuclear rasterl. y g"Qnma and opmha 2 ou or Chapter odme, estabholtand cruede4;:k me hence al under eeruna Department of Energy nauenal emergency

  • and Nu Ca= = woe ,, fheens c= aclear Reguistory me an --
-ia .me,,e . ~ " -ic- ee*to * =poseees opeat fuel and co me m.ieeaesooo m ied Ri! e inde-deni .-unei cor.,

,0. , ,a8,",",J0,,em 0, mm er,,o,e,,ene ,c,a ,,.

- " Lastellation(LSFSI) and the terme and n14 Spwi,14 esempans. Ausbesttyt Seca 41. St.101. tai tes, es conditione under which the Cosnal64 toe Osrsma ucanses ) Stat en an en e63, en se amended. see, wtllipue such bconese,


te 18 Types of Deene.a 234. 63 Stat en se amudd (d U.S C art 2&3. Imt 22312234. 2Jeak secs act, as 9,3 g,p, 10.'le oeneral ucense ior cabbrsuon et ref. amended act. 204. 308. et Stet 1241 ee mnee sources, ' Escept es presided la ll 70.11 to to 30 oeneral ucense to own specid nuc) smonde<L tan tiet 124e tta USC 5441.

SML M45. Week g to H. incleone. Ge neeleuene 6e nis at n 30.matertaloenere teenn te - specie Sunon 47 one imw and. Nb. L w. , pm .p,i, w ui pe== m iu unned nuclear material for transport 001, on 1102 Stat. 2eet (42 U SC Steth LS:sies u m oeners ucann for carem .! tran- Suu 70 2usi o.e imw und.c ow ui u slant shipmenta of fortavla quanuuee of Stat. 630 f 42 USC. 2152). Section 70 31 also i ttJ Llevase togettements.

strstegie special.nucleu matartal issued under see. If d. Pub. L Sb2ff. es Stat . No person swbject to the reguloilons la 475 (42 U S C 20ffk Sections 430 and M64 $ this part shall rectne title to o.a. at.

betsst Mrs.acanose also leeued under tec. tu et Stat. ok as g,in,,, ,ngne, po e,s, gee, to 31 Filtne. 2 amended (42 U.S C 2234). Section M et slee [ quin, er wusfei spuid to 33 Contents of appuesuont

  • tesued undet eas tea,1e7.08 Stat ets(42 nuclear snoterial escept es evthorised la M 18 Requirementa for the approtal of aD U S C 22R 323fk Secuon 7062 sleu lseued e I.cente issued by the Comminaoa pur.

M 94 u ttr accident requirementa. g[3g OL et Stat $1 H amadd (42 vant to these tegolettoet.

> m u nousa mem me drear * *pms o r, $. .f .= m = Siat m e.

for deco ="" $ amended (42 U S C 22'3k ll 70 3. M1e(c). I ?$ 4 Deflailleet.

70 21(c). 422(ak (M (dHu 426(a) and 1% As wied in ilus part uct,s ee e (s) -Act" mesas the Atame: Eners, 70 32!aX3k (sk le) (d) and h). Mn ?0 3e(b) 10 31 laevance of beenees- and (ck ?O 4ttak 70 42 e) and (ck 70 R

  • Act of 1944 ie B Sisi tilL incIwding any 10 Il condluou of ucenses- 70 47th (c), and (4). 70 Se(aHs Ok and (h)- (smendmpts permt 10 38 Renetta of hcomes. (j) are tesued under sec. telb. e4 Stat. 64 as "

10 34 Amendment of UceMe4 annded (42 U S C 2Rt(b3 ll 707. (e.g) . Depnment" a nd 'Do ortment to 38 Commlace scuon on appuctuona ta 70 20ste) and (dk to 20b(c) and (e), to ulck ,o the 0,pertment

'* m im = >2<.xit <=t iat of L,ergeer,d,.,.n,i..non , Aciish* L .of.t n 4 "inc" ' L,e,f a,of uo -

m nue. a m set = = m itbi.ici adist ndandtot70 m si Si.i => .: u $ C. Fioi et . k io u n o.u , n,,,,z ,,i suoa and termmuon of t foaasem,.satixn =>- a -d- ae d ,,nto.nh.nhe on o d ,e ,,.Dennment,, Lo iis e

m im..ndSsi 70 22est'n t ut5 70 ass 70 amend.d

=o6(di and (42 tot U S Ce e.a,ci.ea f.nciions foemerir .esied in u 3. . tne imenses fo, use mouf umm,. 70 m fo nt(b) and (1170117013. 70 R 431- the U $ Aiemic Ererg) Commission. Its et intud trarsfer of cautrsuon or nie 70 56 gK4k (h). and (tk 70 M and 70 Mtb) and I C4rmn membe's Mficere end no puroes (c) are netved andet sec. teto se Stat eM as I components and trentferred to the U $

Acevistries. Uss art TR.assrrs or Spectu emended (42 U S C 22011e1). Energy pesearch and Desenopment NyctsAs Martstu. Carstroma Riserts "" . Adsnioiranon and to the Adoniettatoe TO 41 Authertaed use of special nuclear ma- Clu a at pe ns Mwn S thunf purevent e se 104;n(c) tertal and(d)ofI'ne Emers Reorganisetson TO 43 Transfer of spectaj nucleu matertal 3 I fel Nrpees. As of s'4lNb L 03-Oe M Stat 1233 TO 44 Crewtot regWauona. o itaf. 42 U $ C 5014) and

- (c)(a) Encept of this ention. as the progided ugulations ofindie paragraph teTransfernd is the Secreiery of Eners)

Srseta fleessaa Marutat Cearsot. a pen wrewent to section 301lalof Ge Rscoass Rspears art tospec'rtcss

  • p rg no u n uoene semee. in,entor,. wd ,, erath6h and criteria fo,r the

,,, ,o ,, n o ,,, ,, ,e m n , to , to. is,enm,e,nt t .st n of S,Emers,)

. e O,4, .o an, .s.a,..n,.Act m - a *"."n" w = U S C 7uik u 4"W.e','o' io wen*#.'a sumpta teeto inenenm of spe.e:t, u '

eu nuceo muoi u. _

701 June 30,1988


l 0

-______________.-___.__--____u i

PAMT M o DQMESTIC UCENSING OF SPECML NUCLEAR MATERML tb)'"Atornic energy" m*.ans all forms of energy released in the course of nu. *to (1) "Produce". when used in relation special nuclear material, rneans (1) (q) "Sealed source" means any spe.

clear fission or nuclear transforma. to manufacture, make, produce, or cial nuclear material that L encased in tion:- refine special nuclest material: (2) to *e a espsule designed to prevent leakage (c) "Atomic s espc

  • mesna any or escape of the special nuclear mate.

device ' atom! tnergy exclu* separate special nuclear material from rial, she of the means for ' ransporting or other eubstances in which such rnate.

propelling the device (there such rial may be contained; or (3) to rnake means is a separable and divisible part or to produce new special nuclear ma* ~fabrication (r) "Plutonium p.ocessing and fuel plant" means a plant in terial; of the device), the principal purpose of (j) "Research and development" shich the follo'41ng operations or ac.

which is for use as or for development means (1) theoretical analysis, esplo- tivities are conducted: (1) Operations Cf. a weapon, a wea,pon prototype, or a weapon test device. ration. or experimentation; or (2) the for manufacture of reactor fuel con.

extension of investigative findings and a talning plutonium including any of (d) "Commission" means the Nucle.

at Regulatory Commission or its duly theories reture into of practical a scienti!!c or technical application for -g material:(11) the (1) Preparation of fuel of fuel materi.

". authorized representatives:

3 (e) "Common defense and security" ai* experimental and demonstration pur. ! 11 into desired shapes; (111) application poses, including the expertmental pro R of protective cladding: (iv) recovery of

.means the common defense and secu. duction and testing of models, devices, sersp material: and M) storage associ.

rity of the United States; (f)"Ooverntnent agency" means any equipment materials, and processes; ated with such operations; or (2) re.

executive department, commission. In* concerning (k)"Restricted Data" means all data search and deveeopment activities in.

dependent establishment, corporation, (1) destsn. manufacture or volving any of the operations de.

Cholly or partly owned by the United uttilzation of atomic weapons; (2) the scribed in paragraph (r)(1) of this sec.

production of special malear materlat: tion, except for research and develop.

States of Ameries thich is an instru. or (3) the use of special nuclear mate. ment settvities utillzing unsubstantial mentality of the United States, or anF rial in the production of energy, but amounts of plutonium.

board, bureau, divtston, service, office, (fficer, authority, admintattation, or shall not include data declassified or !

removed from the Restricted Data cat. (s) "Commencement of construe.

Ether establishment in the executive esory pursuant to sect [on 142 of the tion" means any clearing of Isad, exca.

branch of the Government: Act: vauon, or other substantial action that (g) "License", except where other. .~ would adversely affect the natural en.

etse specified, means a license tasued

  • vironment of a site but does not in.

pursuant pggg; to the regulauons in this 2. m(1) "Source material means source Iclude changes desirable for the tempo.

2 aterial as defined in section lla. of . rary use of the land for pubtle recre.

(h) "Person" means (1) any individu. ; tain 0 his ap

  • sumal uses, necessary Mrs to b al, corporation, partnership, firm, as. 's termine site characterisucs or other sociation, trust, estate. public or pri. "* preconstruction monitoring to estab.

vate institution, group. Oovernment (m) "Special nuclear material- lish background information related to agency other than the Commission or means (1) plutonium, uranium 233, the suitabt!!ty of a site or to the pro.

uranium enriched in the isotope 233 or " lection of enviromntal values, the Department,  ! beexceptd that the De't Ln the isotope 235, and any other mm. '~

t e mean!n t " terial which the Commission, pu u t th' ^ (t) "Effettive kilogruns of special

[ in this part to the extent that its facud [t dete s to b pea nucles nuclear maudal" mens (1) Wr ph

itles and activiues are subject to the 11 tonium and uranium.233 their weight y censing g ity and re!sted pursuant of the Commission regulatory author."' matertal, but does not include source' material
or (2) any matettal artiftetal. c. In k to sec.

tion 202 of the Energy Reorganlaauon ly enriched by any of the foregoing enrichment in the isotope U.235 of Act on 1974 (84 Stat.1244),' any State _but does not include source r'tatertal: 0.01 (1%) and above, its element or any political subdivision of or any a welght in kilograms multiplied by the political entity within a State, any for. , (n) "United States", then used in a E *s quare of its enrich,rpent exptcased as cign government or nation or any po. ! geographical sense, includes Puerto a decimal welght fraction; and (3) For llucal subdivtston of any such govern. s Rico and all territories and possessions uranNm with an enrichment in the kotope U 235 below 0.01 (1%), l.y its ment or nauon, or other entity; and I of the United States.

(2) any legal successor, representative, (

element welsht in kilograms multi.

agent, or agency of the foregoinr. plied by 0.0001, (o)"Agreetnent State" as designated (u) Special nuclear material scrap in Part 150 of this chapter means any meansha.s the various forms of special nu.

'Thetot secuon Deparunent are: facutues idenuned 3 in [ State with which the Commission til Demonstrsuon uguld Metal Breeder reactors then operated as part Past of r under entered into an effective agreement $ clear material generated during chemt.

subsection 214b. of the Act. ~ cal and mechanical processing, other the poner seneration fsetuues of an electric "Non. agreement State" means than recycle matettal and normal other State. any a process intermedlates, which are un.

ra neItNth p i m suitable for use in thelt present form, strauns the suitabutty for comuneretal ap. ' but all or part of which will be used puestion of such a resetor.

(31 Other demonstrauon nueJoer reactors. (PD j!!er further processing.

except those in estatence on January it. l!*****s 60 Fa 3774.]

1978, when operated as past of the power 7 (v) "Translent shipment" means a senerauen factuues of an electrie utuity  ;; sl.jpment of nuclear material, originat.

statem, or then operated La any other and terminsung in forelen coun.

manner for the purpose of dennonstrattas (4) Retriesable and surface storses other factuttes raetutiesfor the en. .a" in:tries, on a vessel or alrcraft thic authortmed the auttadutty for commeretal aroucouon of i auch a reactor, press purpose of subsequent lons term stor, -

stops at a United States port, m ractuues used prtinarns for the recetat ase of hish imi teoscun mte senmt ed my the Deparsrnent shich are not used and storase of hish leiel reatoective =s.stes for. or are part of, resenich and deieion. (.) pm ,4 a.4,eser ,4) 52 rit
:3 resuturis from ucensed acuvtues. ment acurtttes.

i December 31. IS87 (reset) 70 2 e.eo seee .a ro-a.:


s O 70.4(bb) 70.4(x) , , ggg gggg y gpgg gm mg


(a) *1tetsde speelalsnelser nieter6etamesme esenhems 'eseemised la areatum eartshed to as peremot er more in the U*lesespel.ereshmaBS.

"hO t geomeHy" means streessic speelal sueleet meternal in ear cembenemen is a quemeny of sees pone er mese sempated by the formale.

eastained U")+1.4 ,


O yens pietaniumL (e)'1pealel nestser menestaf of modesete seresesse alpmeense" means:

(1) Laes than a teramels of see speseel muelser as het more Ides peas of urenhan-ass leesteemed k, memium ownshed to 5 panester as =is es u = ieses,e) w meee then set yeme af urenkmass er i

,'- z er k e amenWeed queesty of y enere han1GE pens when semputed

~ by the equatlee. yens =(greme '

[ oesteined U"i + 3 (pene Um + yeme ,

3 pletendenk er (I)10,850 yeens er a see of utenium-338 (eeneeland le arenlum enttched to 10 poroset er more bot less then 30 percent la the U"lesseye).

(es) '1pec6el

  • nuclear metortel of low

" means:

strenesic (1) Laes t

he en enount of special nuclear material of moderete streteste

. c - -. ee defined in i m4(a)tt).

but more then 18 yame of uranium 235 (ooetaleed in arentum enriched to 20 or15 '

, percent er enere in the U"lootope)f yeme of ureniust 233 or 15 greme o plutoalue er the combination of 15 grene when computed by the equation, press = (pane costelned U*"I +

(grene plutoniuJut) >(yeme U'"); or (2) Lees thee 10.000 yeme but more then toog she of utenfure 234 (conte la arealum ennched to 10 percent or store but leet then 20 percent la the U"lootope) or (3)14.000 poses or more of stentum-234 (contained is urenlum snriched  ;

above naturel but less then 10 percent in o

the Um lootopet h (bb) "Decommission" means to 5 remose (as a facthty) safely from senice l


% and reduce restdual radioactmty to e a


  • leget that permits release of the property (for hcenes unrestncted use and termination of l

l l

742e June M,1988 e... . . is t o at

i .

7).5 70S(b)

PART 70 e DOMESTIC UCENSING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL g- non Apeement States and a territoryi

. )(2) Submissions-(i) hion t. %, Alaska. Hawait, and Geam. AE I7468 regionallicensing pr graminvohes all gquj,g,, communicadas, and speudeder Federal facilities in t e region and non-(a) Unless  ; aPplicause for a new Boonee or as oavered under Federallicensees in the following amadant ee rwewal d sa nietag g propen as la pereyeph of Region i non Agreement Siates and the  ; lic#M opecM peregnpW1) of 3 this section, any esmemeissesa er Distnet of Colemola: Connecticut. a a report r the regidations le de Dela wa re. Ma ine. Ma a sa chu setts. New

  • thle sectice seest be tent to: UA

- Jersey.Penns)lvania, and Vermont. All  ; Nucless Regulatory Ceaunlaolos Region

! and any applicaties Aled under

! inquiries. Communica' ions, a nd V. Material Radiatlee Protection a

regulations may be embedtted to Secuen,1480 Maria Laat Sulk 210 the f**==Aaan== es followes a applirations for e new license or en

', arr.endment or renewal of an edsting . Walast Cmek, Cahfornia 943006 (1) By mall addressed to:Derestes, -

OlBee of Neeleet Material Safety and

  • l'cynn SPecifiedin par. graph (b){t)of g n,g g,,,,,,,,,,g,,,,

Safspeerde.UA Neeleer tory thi$ 6*ctu'n t,e sent so: UK <

Commission, Washington, Nuc'est Re;.utatory Commission. Region k the Ca== =taa in rrit , no ter (2)By deh porosa to em I N"d+at Mats:na: Section B. 475 g of the meaning of the resu.

Commission's to the Direeter. Al'endJe Road King of Prussia. g las this part by any ofI'cer or

! OSee of Nuclear MaterialSafety and P'f ".s h knf :Mos- maployee of the Coaumleason other

  • Safeguards at: '" (ggg,,j,,, g .ghe than a written interp. station by the Generst Counsel will be recoentaed to

! )1 Fly H Street, N.W. Washington, "8 i'"*I tI"***I"8 " I"I'" "II )e birading upon the Ca==iaaton, a D. er Federal facilities la and non- ~

i Mi)1155fRocksille P.Le, One White owing RW 'J My angespeeper mesa.

Fedwel beenun lab a Comminion

! _lhnt North, Rockville, Maryland. - non. Agreement States and territories. (a) Discriminenen

= 3 Virginia. Wut Virginia, Puerto Rico, and llosasse, en applienst a Coaunfulon (b) De Commission hee delegated to a the Virgin talands. Allinquiries, license, er e contrector se evboontrector j of a t'a==taaaa= 16cocese or applicant the five Regional Administratore  ! ccmmunleations, and a heations for e licensing authort for selected parts of a galast an om for engegang la a

  • newlicense or en amen ee! sr activities la prohibtted.

its decentrallad ' censing program for renewsiof en existinglicense specified t rtale protec nuclear materials as ducthd in Discrimination inrJudee discharge and in paragraph (b)(1) of this section must

paragraph (b)(1)of this uctiott. AnF be sent to
UA Nuclear Regulatory other actione that relate to communication, report, or epplication Corr. mission, Region 11. Material cornpensation, terme, conditione, and a

covered under this licensin ogram Radiation Protection Section.101 Privileges of gmt. De proweted

' must be submitted as spect in Mariette Street. NW, Suite 2s00. Atlanta. activittee are estalllehed in Section 210 persgraph(S)(2) of this section. of the En*ftv Reorganisatiost Act of Georgia 30323.

- 1974 se amended, and in general are (1) ne delegsted licensing program ~

includes suthority to issue. renew. teleted to 0e edmittistration or

("il A*S* Ill 'Ih' k8'onal hcensinP enforcoment of a requirement imposed ernend. cancel. modify, suspend. or P'"gram ins ch es all Federal facihties in under the Atomic Energy Act ce the revoke licenses for nuclear materials it sued pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30 th' f'SiCh and non Fedetallicensees in Energy Reorgantastion Act.

through 35,39. 40, and 70 to all persons the followins Region 111 non. Agreement (g) g, ,,,,,,,ed activities include but l = States. !ndiana. Michigan. Minnesota-for academic. rnedical, and industrial are ad lemikd k-l the Conmiplon l uses, with the fo"owing exceptions: [ Missouri. Ohio. and Wisconsin. All 1) 1 Activities in the fuel cycle and

  • Inqumes, communicatic.ns, and des e poselble violetbne M

[ i sp(ec)ial nuclear matenalin quantitles  ! apphcanons for a new bcenu or en at requirementa imposed tande eitner of

amendment or renewal of an eusting  ; h above statutees sufficient to constitute a entical mass in  ; bcense specified in paragraph (b)(1) of

, (t!) Requesting the Commloelon to i any room or area. This exception does lnetitute action egoinet his or het

  • this sechon must be sent to: U S- .

j Nuclest Re ulatory Coinmission Region

? nnt apply to 1. cense modificebons employer for the administration or rdating to tenninetion of special nuclear I

III M*I'"' 'I' ens:rg Section. ?99 enforcement of these requiremente; or rnsterialImnses that auttorise E00' (lit) Tutify'ng in any Commission pcssession of larger quantibes when the **l3,es elt Itoad. Cien cJl> n. Ilhnois

' proceeding I cue is toferred for act on from NRC's (, new activities are protected even

}Dadq.arters to the Reponal if formal proceeding is actually Ad r.inistiators. (iv) Region TV. The

  • I (n)lfcalth and safety des!gn review of regional licensing progren4 tnvolves all ,,',',[ p ', ,' '
  • E 'I" s_aled sources ai.d desices and Federal facilities in the te onand non' (3)nJe section has no application to a; pros al. for bcenstng purpcsee, of Federal licensees in the owtag Region any sai loyee alleging discnminanon
s. a:ed sources and deuce:- IV non Agreement States: Montona, p M ibi by % ucnon who, acting

, (in) Processieg of sour:e rnaterial for Oklahama gouth Dakota, and without direction from his or her a s tractirs of metalhe ecmpounds ,

Wyoastas Alllaquirtes, employer or b employer's agent).

l,nclud:ng Drconium. Hafnium, g communicadona, and a does for a debberate y causes a notation of any Tantalum. Tita nium. Niob'am. etc ). g row tacean or an or requirement of the Energy (iv) Distr.bunen of products a renewal of an esisting 16comes specified Reorganization Act of1s*4. es amended, cc%teining radioactne Instenal to  ; in paragraph (b)(1) of this esction must ot l'io Atomic Ene'gy Act of 1954. as persons esempt pursuant to 10 CFR e be seat to: UA Nuclear Regulatory amended.

J:11 thr' ugh 32 :tL Comminoloa. Region IV. Material (b) Any employee who behesea that-(s) N w uns or techniques for use of Redistloa Protection Section. 311 Ryen he or she has been discharged or b> product, source, or special nuclear Plasa Drhe. Suite 1000, Artington. Texas otherwise dacriminated spinst by any rr aten et. 78011. persun for engagtng in ths protected NI A88 /88 Y* sctivities spocatied in pararaph (e)(1) of regional licensing programinvolves all this section may suk a reniedy for the Federal factht es in the regionand non-Federal licensees in% fo{lowtas Region V February 29,1988 7063

i .

MD' .

PART 70 o DOMESTIC LICEN~NJ OF SPECIAL NUZLEAR MATERIAL escharge or escrontasuonihmush en cou.ction req.tremente contained in two administreuve ing in the part under onetrol number 313 THIO 0s.

Departroent of bor. The ) The approved information administrouve FMxi must be co tion requiremente contalaed la thle initiated wttala 30 days aher sa alleged part appear la ll mie,7tuos,7tuab, violauon occure by fu'as a complaint 70.M. 71.22. m34, mas,70.33. 70.R aueging the violetion with the 70.30. 70.30, mal. maa, mas, mar, Depsrtment of Labor. Easployment 70.58,70.3s and 70AG.

5tandarde Adelaistreuon.Wege and ) This part contalas information Hout Divleion. The Department of Labor on requiremente la addition to may neder telnetstement. back pay, and thoes appeeved under the control coropenutory damages. a number la paragraph (a) of this (c) A vi:lauen of paragraph (e) of thia l section. Information collection sectiot. by c Comaluion Ucensee, an a requiremente and the control gumbers appucant for a Commlealce license, or a  ! under which they are approveil are se contractor er subcontractor of a f 3 oDows:

Commloelon konsee or applicant assy (1)la i FO.M. Fom WF11e approved be grounde for under control number 31stMiest tt) Denial, revocation, or euspenelon (2) la l 70.30. Forse NRC-414 le '

of the license, approved under control number 315 (2))mposition of a civil penalty on the 0038.

licenne or applicant (3) la l 443. Fom MC-743 le (3) Other enforcement action. appmved under control number 315 (d) Actions taken by an employer, or 000s, .

othe' , which adversely affect an (4)la i maa. Fom MC-742c le emp yee may be prod cated upon appmved unda control number 315 mon scriminatory grounds.The 0004 prohibition a lies when the adverse (5)la i rut.Fom MC-741 te action occure caun the employee bas appmvod under opetrol numbw 315 a engaged in protected activities An 000s.

  • employee's engagement in protected ,e-O ac'jvities does not automatically tender R him or her immune from d scharge or (6) In i 10.53. NRC Form 3:* is discipt ne for legitimate reasone or f om a appros ed under cor. trol number 31W adverse action dictelei by nonprohibited conaldereuone. h~

(e) Each licensee and each applicant j Jg r e. , e,, , . , i ,, , , , ,,3 ,, ,,,,,, ,,

shaU post Form NRC-3 "Nouce to rep, .t.on.

Employees." on its prealsea. poeting must be et locatione sufficient to permit fal13fu :rationprmIded so the employees protected by thle section to u arpbcont for a oburve e c y on the way to or from g....issie gy.,.a e byb) a hem or Mr mue their place o work. Premlees must be poeted not later thaa 30 da e after sa c,%d b,M', ,$"h,b ,g y application is docketed remain imie u a6tiom to be snaintoned by sted while the application le p g  %, y g g gg fo,e ao Commission. du,ots .endingco=miem - teaen - i

. ie,m n,

', [, I'

,, 1 Each appbcent or Icesee abil I

Neee4 pies of Fore NRC-4 may be

  • 8 U N '" **

ebtetned by wrmns t's the Regional ,f "cW.W b W ar$cnnt or hernsu as s

Admitustratet of the appropnete U A Nucjeer 8 LA *5 or f the reguated ectisit a j Reedstory Comadutos Peeional OfBce  % h ; it ;).caI;cn far publ c heahh heted in Appendia D. )' art 30 of thee chapter.

  • And sett:) c,r cctr. ne defenu end vrurity. An appbc nt or bcersee Co!stes this pers;raph only if the

, brant or 1:cenne fails to nuufy the (f) The generallicenees provided in u. >.%,. c! *a.' .ctar. b' the-(l 7019 and m20 are exempt from ,,pp'.n . : ,,,' ; , , . y , t, , d,'., n ra c o

,yeragraph (e) of this section. ta.t,. ,.>r,... .:.g o .,or te


ps % te.'.r.s..' dr'scav. m e I F0.4 Intereseen essween defi nu and se t.ny L'; fire'u.r O.!:

"**'*"*"*"0"'W be pro ide d te 'he .W .um tur of :r.,

l (a) The Nuclear Regulat arpv;r.m Ky-r.8 O'f c6 u.thr tw e u o%..y,,dm of ide.N'. q t%

g Commlulon has submitted e ,,L

!, g information couection to utremente on m ,,g ,.. is r.s l a contained in thfe part to e Office of , pw j, in ,.3. gg g g 3 i htansgement and 9udget (OMB) fo' ,,e4 ,,.g.g,nt,,;.mihda or o approval ao required by the Pe rwork Corr ss:or $,s c%-' vt.r; or

4. ',E ' M_ , "'

Meduction Act ofleuo(44 U.S. 3501 et '*

wq ). OMB has approved information December 31,1987 704 a et o.s. is t e ,s e t

70.19(s) PART 70 0 DOMESTIC UCEN~NG OF SPEC 1AL NUCLEAR MATERIAL and transfer t17 product material. (4) Shall store such source, except (c) Notwithstanding any other provi.

source matettal, or special nuclett ms. when the source is being used. In a sion of this chapter, the duuse of a

- tarta11 and closed container adequately designed general lleensee under thle section (3) Any persea la na agreesseng and constructed to contain plutottlum while in possession of formula quanti.

State who holds a specifts Ucenas which misht otherwtae secape during ities of strttegic special nuclett naatert.

lasud by the ' h da h or the torage.

  • al or Lrradlated reactor fuel La the res.

Atomie Energy Camatission whleh au, (3) Shall not use such source for any ular course of carriage for another or Wrmes him te neelve, possess, use Epurpose other than the calibrauon of storage incident thereto shall be limit.

and ttsaster special nuclear matertal. h l l pro.

(b) The genen!Ilosase la paragraphLion gradlauon of other sources. detectors or the standardlaa. .ed to providing for the p ye ea* te (a) of this sectien spoues only le call * (d) The general license in partsrtph or sabotage. Unless otherwtee provided bratloa or reference sources whleh (a) of this section does not authortse by this secuen, a genert! !!cenes under have been raamufsstured or inlually the manuf acture, treort, or export of this settles is not subjoet to the re.

treasterred La with the calibrtuon or reference sources con. ~quirements of Patta 19,30. T0 and 73.

speetfloauens osatained La a spectfle U. talning plutonium.

conse leeued pursuant to 6 70.39 or in . " (d) Any pereen who possesses formu.

asserdnase with the speetfloations la quanuuss of strategic special nucle.

contataed la a speetfle 14eense leeued ' at maternal under this general lleenes:

by an agreement State whlen author. (1) Shall have subesitted and re.

ceived approval of a transportasten ao.

(see ananufacture of the son for .If0Je Ceaevsillewee ta ten sW ee. curity plan. The security plan shall distribuuon to persons seestmily 11 done meterkt, ouulne the procedures that will be consed by the agreement State, used to meet the requirements of (c) The general license la paragraph A genert! license is hereby laoued to il 13.30. 73.28. T3.36.13.37 and 73.10(g)

(a) of this section Le subject to the pro. receive tlue to and own special nuclear of this chapter including a plan for visions of Il 70.33, 70.81. 70.83. 70.88. , material without resstd to quantity, 70.83, and 70.71 and to a Not*ithstanalns any other provtalon . the selocuen, qualificauon.. mad train.

' the provisions of Parts 19,30 and 31 under of ' ofthis thissection chapter, a general is not licensee authertsed to I tion$and Lngdesignof armed of a specially seeorta,designed or the specifie I this chapter. In addition, persons who acquire, delhor, receive, poseems, use, a truch or tes11er as appropriate.

2. recette tlue to, own, acquire, deliver' transfer. Lmport, or export special nu. . (1) Shell assure that the transporta.
  • receive, poseems. use or transfer one or clear matertal, except as authertsed in
  • tion is in accordance with the applica.

. mon callbrtuon or nfMonce sources a specific 11cen44. ble phrenest protection requiteenecta

pursuant to this senerallicense- .

of ll 73.30. 13.38. 73.34, 73.27 and (1) Shall not possess at any one -

13.10(g) of this chapter and the apptl.

l i

time, at any one locauon of stortte or cable approved transportauon security use, more than 8 microcuties of pluto. O mass General seense se pessoas clan.

nium in such, sources; spemelmener m W w (3) Shall be subject to 113.40 of this l

(1) Shall not receive, possees, use or (e) A generallicense le hereby issued -

chapter, transfer such source unless the source, to afiy person to poseees formule or the storage container. bears a label quencues of stretegic special nuclear (e) Any person who possesses irrsdt.  !

which includes the following state. ated resetor fuel under this genetal11 astertal subject to ofthe therequirementstypee and quaanti"r3J0.

of Il ment or a substantially sintilar state. " cense shall:

F3Ja. 73X and T3 27 of this chapter and j (1) assure or receive certification I ment which contains the informado:t - from the shipper that the transporta.

etiled for in the following statement;i trrodisted reactee fuel centelaing 8 tion is in accordance with the applica.

l anatorial of the types and quantttlee N FN 8*"****** *** '88 t^'I" pubject to the requirements of i T3.37 of ble physical protection requiremenu f this chapter. La the refular course of

  • of i T3,31 of this chapter, and ,

I e slees 's e ers Yl and the t2) comply *tth the reporting re.  ;

utstlena of the UnnN States Nuclear Resu g carrtege for another ce storege incident _ quirementa of 4 73.71 of this chapter, f thereto. Carriere generally licensed laterr commissan er of a state wtta enten under i 70J06 are exempt from the the Commtesion has entered inte an seree, Com mens ret the eneresse of reestatory autnork requiremente of thja secuort. Carnere of P g, )t 70,n tot, g, oral Ece,au ,, ter ,tsrre,re of tr. De not remote thw isteL trredjeted reactor fuel for the United ,, , g, c ,3,, ,,,,,o ny,,,, m e, ,,,g, caction..aaotonettva warratat tuts States Department of Energy are eleo ,,,s.u ng.., mcym er m e,rg, sovact contatns rt.vtontow, no not exempt from the requirements of this s's e ta'f'c*a**. ueelW nuttew roccx mantoactive roattow or tuts section. The generellicense is subject to meens etie. creeg.e se ennee, ma socacs. thee licable pro 6 stone of Il 27 (a) Irrea.ated tuctee fuet.

(Name of Manutseturer er iniust thro (olt 433 (e) and (b). and (a) A ge9eral heerise is hereby tesued h anstuon ll M42. 452. 455. 431. 70 62. and , to any person to possess transient j shgments of the follow:rg Ltads and i

(3) Shall not transfer, abandon or 7011. '

dLspose of such source except by trans. = quantities of special nucl ear matenal.

for to a person authortzed by a lteense (1) A fctmula quantity of special from the Commtssion or the Atomic 3 rmcl ear matenal of the taes and Energy Commtssion or an Agreement bb) Notwithstanding any other provt. quantities sAect to the regsrements of State to receive the source. H ?) 0. ?) 5. ?3 :$. end ?3 :? of this

" $ stoncenseofissued this chapter, thesection under this general 11-does chapter.

" not authortte any person to conduct (2) Special nuclear matena) of  ;

- atty activity that would be authortzed moderate and low strategic e gnificance g Surces generady lxensed aler tMs  % by a license lasued purrtant to Parts of the t)Tes and quantitles s4ect to the secten pret to I,IMS may tsar ;atmi 30 through 35 R 40. 50 '.0 or other requrements of l 73 6? of this chapter.

h s*4 sy the Reguatens in effect a see tions of this part. (3lltradiated reactor Nel of the t)pe

' = and quanti suutect to the re ptrements of I ?3 37 o this chapter.  !

704 March 31,1987 a

g-_--- . --- __,--__,_m ,_,_ ,. _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ , _ . - _ - . ..-,- - _ ,..-_ .- - - . - -

i .

PART M O DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL (b) Persons genereUy licensed under (1)1.ocation of all scheduled rtope in fl as cop 6eg of the oppuestion wth thle section are eumpt Prom.the United States terrttoryt the . OSee of holeer Moserial requirements of Parts 18 and 30 of this (U) Arrtvel and departure times foe all  !~ se4 Safegeards. UA heleet chapter and the requirements of this e:heduled stops in United Statee Commise6en. WeeW part. emcapt Ii FtL32 a) and (b). 7tLS3. territoeg D. Eless.

FOR 70.01. 7043. 7tLF1. (iii) The type of transport vehicle: (2) A may apply for any esse (c) Persone get erelly licenwd unde' lv) A physical description of the Ucones ender part by fulag els Mction to Pwene a transient oh(jpment (elements. lootopee, and sin of4e la shipment of special nuclear material of enrichmente):

a wth tasemetensla the kAnd and quantity specified la (v)The number and types of SIU paragr ph(a)(1)of this section shall (3) IAI8'th8tI88 888talaed 18 proviene .

centOnm: * **'

eat P*'

' ,ca ect of(vi)lhe the carner,me ne and telephone , g, ,,, h at each number

,, gp equivalent to l 73.30(e). 73.30(b). 7325.

s roptesentettve g,,,,,,,,gg ,,g,,,,, gg g and rmm tes che,ie, f,om the FPaa i=aua la va"+d sie'a see ee-


a.d e,emne.

i e estimated time and date that tbl An applicauon for license filed un ted shipment will commence and thet each purevarit to the regulations in this hu ,t 1,g, i sa ta that or en th r part witi be conaldered also as an ap-country (other then the United Stateel (d) Persons genere!!y 16cenud undw plicauon for lleenees authertains other along the route is ocheduled to N thle section to PMsees e trenstent g ,g entered activities for shich licenses are re.

th not p rty to he v nt on on ca o es the d o nd and t use for which licenses are requested paragraph (e)(2)of this sectton shat} the Physical Protection of Nucjear < and complies with regulations of the provide physical protection for that Matenal provide assurances. as far se Comrniaston as to applicauona for such is pnchcaWo. thal Gis nuclear matenal shipment in accordance with or wtH be pretuted dunns interr4tional f licenses.

equissient to j 73.47 of this chapter and (c) Any application uhlch contains transport at les ele described in Annes l Restricted Data shall be prepared in shall compf wtth the requirements of to Get Conunde (see Appendices E i T3.71[b) o thle chaplet' euch reanner that all Restricted Data

" WM#d N db (e) Persons generolly licensed under ""gf, p y",,II c. , ,g, ,Tp'g',I,*",f g y,,,,

this section to possess a transient , irnplemenhr3 the requirement of (d) App!! cations and documeats sub-shipment of trrediated reactor fuel of the a l 7020b(c). which wiH include the use of mitted to the Commission in connee.

t kind and quenury spectfled in regraph 2 armed personnel to protect the shipment uen with appliestions may be made 1 (a)(3) of tbs section shall prou e dunes the time the shipment is in e stallable for public inspection in ac.

O physical protecnon for that shipment in United States port, cordance with the provietons of the ectordance with or equisalent to I 73.37 (g) Persons generally licensed under regulations contained in Part 3 of this

cf this chapter and shallcom ly wtth this sution making unscheduled stops chapter, e itements of i 13 F1(b of this et Unit d States s e e ely fter - (e) Each app!! cation for a special nu.

(0(1) persons nerally beensed under clear matertal lleenee. other than a U.

step, shell; ' ' " " " " * * # # ID this section. wh plan to earry transient (1) Provide to the Dtvision of he shipments with scheduled slope et Safeguards and Transportshon, the h pr'l4 t i 1 ta chtp.

Uruled States ports. shou notify la informahon required under paragraph (0 ter. No fee will be required to accorn.

wrtting the Diusion of Safeguards and of this sution. R pany an application for renewal or Transport s hon. U1 Nucle ar R egula tory (2)In the case of penons generally amendment of a license. except as pro.

Commission. % a shington. DC 20155. licenud under paregraph (s)(1) of this

  • vided in i 170.31 of this chapter.

(2) A person enerally bcensed under sechon. arrange for local la = ,

die sethon sha[u assure that esforcement authont!es or trained and (O Ar. application for a heran to qual;ned praate uards to protect the posuss and un specJat nuclear metenal (i) The notincetion will be received at for Frocessir e and fuel febncetion, I feest to days before transport of the shipment danns e stop.

shipment cominences et the shipping (3)in the cow of persons genereuy scrap recovery oe consertion of utanfurn licanud under paragraph (a)(3) of this heuefluonde, or for the conduct of an facihtyt (ii) The Division of Safeguarde and sechen, arrange for the sboment to be ,, other activity which the Commission as Transportauen has been nonned by protected as required m i ?3 6?te) of the :l deterwuned pursuant to Subpart A of telephone et 301-427-4013. et leset 10 charler. *tPert 51 of tNo chapter will sig.uncantly (4)In the case of persar's generatiy affect the quah of the enuronment days before transport of the ab ment commences et the shipping fed ity that beenud under peregraph lad 3) of this 3 shall be filed at ust g months pnnt .o

' uenon, strange for the shipenent to be commencement of construction of the en ediante shgpmg nonce has been plant or facahty m wbch the acttury sent by mail and protnted as required m i T3J?(e) of this cha pter, will be conducted, and shall be (m)The Dmsson of Safeguards and ucomparued by en Environmental W implement dese arrange nents Transportanon wiu be nonf;ed by Report required under Subpart A of Part telephone at 301-42?-4033 of any muMn a Masonable time after the arns al eMe shipment at a United ,5) of tlns chapter.

changes to the shipment stmerary.

(3) Persons who are generetly beensed unde,,a,araph (a m or m,e snoo.

',,',('[,*[,, "

', ,', "g" '

~ (g)In ruponse to a wntten requeet by

,, Co,_ss,os en e ,ncent fo, e


snust incNde the m ormahon listed in bcense to possese an un more den paragraphs (f)t31(i) through (in) of this one effnuve kilogram of special nuclear

[ 6 75.31 Pung, sectiert Persons w ho are gmrsuy (a)(1) Aproon ma apply for a matenal shall fue with the Cornmasion hcer: sed under i 70 20b(a)(2) and 3. Lic

. to po u an[u ,paggj the motellanon mformenon detenbed in l 70 20b(a)(3) must melude the a nuclear metenalin a plutotuum I 7511 of tNs chapter on Form N-71, b (NNr t .Is s',c$o', h Proc *emn6 oe fuel fabncation plant. by .

March 31,1987 70 6


~ > ts) As provided by i FE25, certela n gr(e). (e), and (silu to ha or more of m oppheast abat else p- opplicadons for specitte Ucenue fued speckl nuclear meterid of low stroWgle versasemen of seek r under thle part mut contain a proposed eipnif cance, and n y3.70(s) of thle ll talermanes by the beteenemenal Atomte chapter includsag. as e ete,a plan d EmerW Ageney and tabs sud eter  ; decommissionfig funding plan or a a cerufication of finendel coeurence for for the selechoa. qu ' cataan. and a sedan se may be le s decommiseloning. in the case of renewal trainir.g of ensed escorte or une

  • Impleenset to USAAEA epplicatione submitted before luly 27 opeciScauce and dwage of a spedally 1 to to mammer est h 'q 1984 H .*IE4 l and il FE11 threadiyE14 of the We sobelual may foDow the designed treek er treuer, med (61) a i f'n'"el ePpucation bot must be



_ submitted on or before July ty. test Ucsesse rwpo s ,,,____ safeguarde == Mar,=acy plaa er., a 1fass Ceesseen of b

~ dealing with throele.thefte. and (b) Eed appliceben for a licenom to radiolog6 cal embetage roletag to the ta) Eneh applicause for a llame. and ese et say one time sad special nuclear metertal to transit shan osatain the feuewing tafarian, useg ties spedal nucleet malertalla e (2) Each appheetPus for sech a bossee (1) The full nemne. addreen, ase (if as quantHy nosoding one e5ective lavoirtag formula questilles of stretegne individual), and ettleenship og the ap. kilogram escept for o tiene for use spedal nuclear matertal meet include those mese the 834 foer enlagertes ofinjerseense plicant and the namn n and addresene se sealed coerees 's enfeguarde of three pereenal refer ===a If the ap. g levolved la the opere6am of a nuclear costaland is tbs Aret fear placent enuty. Itleshall a corpersuem er other indtense the state gthisroectorllooneed chapter and these levolved pursuent in a to Port se of contagesey(slam.ceWyr6es a Lafermause.

whers it wee ineerporated er orsa. s weete d6epenal operettee, meet contain Appeeshai:le Part ye af this shapees, niesd. the loesuen of the petmeopal a fuu 6 W of the opphoaat's am Backgreend.Gemarte'Plasming Bees, IJonasse Ptama&eg Base. and offlee. the naasen, addressen, andthat ciu.y' proyen for osotrol and socorNg fe'u senahlp of its prtacipal offleers, ard special nuclear metertal wisch wi Itemposesbuity baserte.h Aldiestegory shaal include tattormauon known to be in the a t's ; - '= unde' of laformanos. Freenderes, does est the appucant concerning the control beenes, to how complianos with have to be submitted ler approvd)

or ownership. if any, enereteed over the requiremente of i FEle 5 74.31. of (3)The hoenese chan rotata thte
the applicent by any allen, foreign cor. I 74 51 of this che er, se opphcable. dscrip6es of the plan ist physical

' wtB be accompu protectice of spedal seclear materialla a T3N *Ny7g , or",'h33c "t$"a special transit and the safeguards connagemey

' nuclear matertal to requested, or in (c) ! Reserved) plan or safeguards respeam g-x -

" which special nuclear material wt!! be " (d) The Comrnission may at any and each change to the or produced, the place at ultich the activ. time after the fulns of the original ap- a period d plicauon. and ity le to be performed and the ge.neral . procedume as a meerdthe license, require further statementebefore the espirsuon of l plan for carrytne out the activity.

(3) The period of time for which the in order to enable the Commienton to g the bcenseelset;-n m the

!! cense La requested; . determine whether the application a appropriate type and questity of opedal (4) The narne, smount, and specifies. should be stanted or denied or wheth. *, nuclear material requiring this record tione (including the chemical anda er a license should be modified or re. a under each !! cease.

phyelcal form and, where applicable. 5 (hX1) Each application for a licones to isotopic content) of the special nucitar . shallveted.

be signed All applicauone by the apptleant and statements or 11 poseees or see at any site or contiguoes material the applicant proposes to use censee or a corporate officer thereof. ettee subject to oestrol by the hoenees or produce; (e) Each applicattoo and statement uranh=m-338 la"****adi la urealuan (8) !Reservedl shall contain complete and accurst,e enriched to 30 poroset or more la the (6) The technleal qualtftcations. In. diaelosure ne to til matters and things urantum 236 lootope), eranium 238, or l Pl utonium alone or la any oceabiaation i

cluding training and experience of theapplicant and members of his in a quantRy staff toof,.,, required 5.000 pame or monto be diodosed.

engage in the proposed activities in Ec. (f) Each application for a license to compuled by the formala, pame a cordance with the regulauono in this poseees and use special nuclest materi.

al in a plutonturn proceesing and fuel (grame contrJned U-ass) + 3.5 [grame hapter. '

fabrication plant shall contain, in ad. bcense U-233 + pame phrtonism), other than a

~ for possessico or use of thae

' t'D A description of equipment and dition to the other informauon re. matertalla the operation of a nuclear f acilltles thleh will be used by the ap . Quired by this section, a description of reactor beensed putouant to Part 50 of plicant to protect health and mit mise 3 the plantatte, & description and safety danger to life or property (such u *. aastsament of the design bases of the thla chapter. mut toclude e physical security plan, consisting of two parts.

handling devices, working attsa, a shields, measuring and monitoring in.

  • princtpt1 structure, systems, Part I must and com.ponenta addrees vital equipment, of the plant, inc i

vital areas, and leoletion sooes, and h radioactJve strumenta, effluenta devices for the and a bstem, stor. disposal phenomena, of tnd a,stona for protection a description of the must actinat demonstrate natural how the appucant R age f actittles, criticality accident alarm quality tasurtnee prograrn to be ap- plane to meet the requirements of a systema, e'4.K plied to the deatsn Iabriention, con. !l y3M T3 40 y3 44, T3 44, y1.30, T3 80,

  • tB) Proposed procedures to protect struction, testing and operauon of the 73.Ta and 73.71 of this chapter ta the A health and panimise dariser to life or structures, systema, and componenta conduct of the activity to be boensed, property (such as procedures to avoid of the plant,' including the ident1Lcaboo and pfronn rno ttorin posal, post <rttleality accident emer.

N te d s (gX1)Each that would autkplication ortse the transportfor or a bcense descriptme of lobe es required by i tt.fite) of thle chapter. Psrt D must ,

'e eg'ch sency procedures, etc.K  ; debwery to a carnet for tracaport of d l spedal nuclear matenalin an amount I specified in i T3.t(b)(3) of this chapter

mu.i mdae m . des t,i, of the ptan ]3pT,b5thaoball , ,,retets cala ,eo,,,,, ,ian ,,

fogr hysteal proteccon of spedd g g ,g , , g g ,

_nor_s ,as whmmthe aat. nature

, - ete .the

- e pre.e4

- aa ea, m.iehann ansa m . P'n o ,, ,,,e ,,a,efono mn, es the appswant e nnancal eunbesuona to with il T3.30,73.25 T3.:8. T3.ZT. 44d on which the bcensee leet possessed the ensase in the proces.4 actatues in saore, 'The description of the eusistr assurtnet oppropnete type and quantary of special

' ance *$th the reswatens in this chapter. proertra shoute include a e'.acussion of how nuclear matenal requirtna this record the commasion may reeveat the epoucant the er terta in Appendtz a of t' art to of this under each beense.

te eutweit informauon enta respect to his te nancist evanticanona.

chapter out tie met.

70 7 July 29,1988

- - - - _~__ _-. -- __,_ __ _. . _ _____ _ _, . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _

1 . .




, (1) Each appbceton Ier a besses to how the appbcent plane to meet the (8) Where the nature of the pro-poseees and use nuclear meterial requ1Meente of I r3.g7(d), (e), (f), and ' posed activides to such as to result 3

! Ier processing feel febrleeten, (g), se a ete. of this chapter.The consideration by the Commisalon, that

, scrap recovery, or eservers6en of '

t hconese she totam a copy of th6s the applicant appears to be financially I tieenium hemalleeride meet contain,la y physical secun plae se e record for the qualtfled to engase lit the proposed ac.

j eddabon to the other information a 2 tivides in accordance uith the regula-required by thne section. Plans for ing  ! per6od possesses denne w the bcensee the appropflete type and { tione in thle part;

with emergences.8 The beensee she ' a quannty of speaal neclear meternal (8 3 Wh'I' th' 'PPII'""I I* f'9"If'd j relata e copy of these plans for copmg " requinns thh record undw each h .s to subrnit a summary descripuen of
with emergenoes se receede until the and each change to the plea for three 2 the fundamental material controle 1 Cosenlee6en terstaates seek heenu preided in hh pmedune tw the con.

years ehet the change trol of and accounung for spoeial nu, obtetned by this appbceben er any -

apphceton Iw renewel of a beenes, and


(1) Each spelleant for a lleense to *

< 3, "th I e pro .

i each change to the pies for three yeare peesses, uno, transport, or deuver to a sher the date of chenpe. trole are adequate *'


' earrier for transport formula quanti (j)(1) Each applicehen for a besses to 3 ties of straterne spoeial nuclear matert. acthity is peesses er use et may este er sentiguese :: al, who prepares a physical escurttF. " proceestag (f)Where the and fue br6 cation, scrap shes sub6est to esserel by the beensa - esteguards comungency, or guard ,,o.,,,, ee.,,sies of ,,ses,.

i attaisen-ass (eente6aed la uremium  ! qualificauen and training plan shall hosefleerlds, er my other activity J enr6&ed to 30 poroset er enere in the 3 Safeguards Protect these ormauen lans andagainst other related uteruum-235 lootope), erea6een 333, or unau. which he CommiWon deurmines will thorteed disclosure in accordance with Weendy eSect he he tenhum alone er la eay asubineben mkament, he h d e goaatity of pose er more the requireenente of l 73.31 of this 8 h'#' h4M Safety ad 8efu gewds u hh computed by the Senania, yema -

costalaad U-ass) + u (pane g, W w

! L~IfeJa Reemiremeau the the appre..I of eeneerwet6en of th plant er feelhty la i

+ pistenien) other than a j e,,newees whkh the neevity will be esaducted, se heemse possession er use of thne meterialla the opersten of a nuclear [be(a) An applicadon for a license nt!! the bas,,,

,y,j,,,is ,,g, ,,,,,,, Sl,e,d o,f infennation , g, and ,,, 4 l roector heensed purosant to Port to of  ; m "approved if the Commienion deter- of Port $1 of this chapter, bee coe uded, this chapter, eneet include a beensee 6- "


~ after weight the environmental, l esteguards esanages.7 plan for deshas (1) The special nuclear material le to eco m e,t cal, and een bueMe q with threats, thshe and , _ _1; : _1 be used for the conduct of research or egetnet environmental costs and h esbotage, as deAmed la Part ya of this development activtues of a type spoet, considering evelleble altomettves, that

- chapter, rena to reeleer locahtee fled in seedon 31 of the Act ' in acuv1. y the action celled for is the leeuence of g Iscensed under 50 et th6e chapter er ties licensed by the Commission under ; the proposed benee, with any j . to he peessessoa et speelalneoloer

" sectica 103 or 104 of the Act, or for a appropriate conditione to protect meter 6el haemsed ieder tes part- such other uses as the Commission de, g nytroamental talues Ccamencement of (3) Bad apphaetlea ist seek a heemse tertaines to be appropriate to carry . constructies prior to such conclusion must inelude the Bret four estagertes of o out the purposes of the Act; shall be grounde for denial to poseees leformaten easteemed ta the e 2 The applicant le quallfled by and toe special nuclear metenalin such Bret g (as)on re of training and expertence to plant er fecthey. Ae used ia thie endsgaardnes four setegene @sof_Jples.

m as set use the material for the purpo.e re- peregraph the lotu "commencement of fast la Appeen C to Port ys of this 9 quested in accordance with the regula* eonstruction means ser clearing of abapter, are BeW Generts I tiene in this chapter; land, oncevetloa, or other esbetontial Plemming Beas. ldessess Rose, (3) The applicante proposed equip action that would adversely effect the and Responeshthty heatrts.) The meet and factuuse are adeguate to environment of a ette.The term does not estegory of hformemen Prose ,leres. mun ette emploretica, neceeeery roede dose aet have to be subaleted ler P"e'w*'t uf h*"32 ""4 "laimi 8""8'r (*

pmportn fw site uploration. bonnge to (4) The applicant's proposed proce, determine foundation cos.dations or

)The hesmees aban meia e espy of thee enfaguards sonengency plan as e d7[,j,'rTIN pTpeYty

, '*" P"C'** 8** * '"'"""8 tuting to estabbeh bechyourd adequate'.

sooerd met the - termiantes r

infonnettom related to the euatabthty of seek besase ehtained by thas

'The trees of remarch and detenesment appheetlan er any apphanten for wurtues suecime in escuen a t are these re. ** *"' ".e*tal envirocur n values.* P**** 'I eenswal of a besase and setnia ensk inuns is:

abange to he pies as a sessed for.hree t ti Nuclear preseenes, t8) Where the proposed neuvity is peere ther the date of to thenge. til The taeory and producuen of atomste the operation of a plutonium procese.

Ik Bad een ter a besase to 8 '8'*l"8 M '* mesa, materiale, and ins and Iuel f abricauon plant, con.

'*'4F're"lated eevices to suc'h producuen; otruction of the principal structures, pessoas er use et any site er sentiguees is) Uulemauen er emocial nuclear matertal sites esbeest to sentrol by he beansee and reatonethe matutal tw medical, eso==e pursuant systems,toand cornponente parasraph approved (b) of thte see-specie) ancieer metanal of moderste leswel, eenculturst, health er samtary pur' uon has been completed in accordance strategic cases er 10 kg er enere of sith the applicauon; special a meterial oflow strategic YUulnesuen et assesal nuclear matertat.

significance se densed under l r3.3 (a) atomit enerey, and reaseectae esatertal and r- (9) Where the applicant is required proceeses entaued in the utumauon er pro.2 and (y) of thee chapter, other than a duction et atomne enney or auchindustrist matutall uon to submit a plan for physleal protec-hcean for peeweenen er mee W h tw mu ethw purpeese. nnetusine of special nuclear matertal in metertalla the operenea ef e neclear *' ** *^ a transit ursuant to I 70 22(g1, cf this Power reactor bosened purement to Part $M'u'o"n et th al'ue e chapter, the appiscant's plan is ade-quate; se of h chaptw, must include a ututatuen snai or productio,n w commnetai,vr rectutim een. and for indua.

physical escenty plea that demonstretee (41 The protection et fiestth and the pr modon et safety dartne resseren . toand submit pr,o, f (10) Whm a physteal securityme appht plan pur- h MqM

' emmemur simms shas munas an elumme ens docuen acthtues. suant to l 10 22< h), the applicant's

== ned a emom rv. ce- e ammener a proposeo plan is adequate:

name erases as a = poiee em nearar-June 30,1995 (reest) 70 8


<tt) where the ,ee sed neuetty i of all areas shall be provided by two j -part tionfrom may the requirements apply of this sec.

to the Commisalon for g preensent detectors.

e reeeeery, erand ruei rearismuse, eseeersson er ur- sere,s (2) Persons steensed prior to oceern. asuch exemption. such application h ber 6.1974, to panamas special nuclear m ahall speelfy his reason for the relief 3


  • f8'"'F 81888 the


  • d*8"*48 preposed material subject to this section may ; requested.

maintala a monitoring system capable W L:: '

(b) The Commieslon will approve of detecting a criticality which gener.b " "8 construction of the principal strue. stes radiation levels of 200 rems per tures, systems, and components of a hour one foot from the source of the (a) Each appucant for a specific plutonium proceastng and fuel fabrica. radl&Uon. The monitoring devices in bconn au&ortains the ponession and tion plant on the bania of infortnation the system shall have a preset alarm vu of unsealed special nuclear material filed pureuant to I 70.22(f) when the point of not lees than 8 millitems per in quantities exceeding 10' times the

, Coramlaelen has determined that the hour (la order to svold false alarms) appucable quantattu ut forth in h design bases of the principal strue' not more than 20 milltrems per hour, Appendtx C to 10 CFR Part 20 skall

$tures, systems. and componenta, and In no event may any such device be submit a decommiseloning funding plan a the quality aneurance p provide farther than 120 feet from the special

, protection nuclear matettal being handled, used, as described in paragraph (e) of thle a reasonable assurance section. A decommissiomns funding Iagainst natural phenomena and the or stored; looser distances may be nee.

consequences of potenUal accidents.' eseary to meet the requirements of plan must also be submitted when a Pallure to obtain Commlaston approval this paragraph (aM2) on account of in. combination of(sotopes is lavolved if R prior to beginning of such construe- tervening ahleiding or other pertinent dmded by 10' is ter than 1 (uruty tion may be grounds for dental of a 16* factors, rule), where R is fined here as the sum cense to poseems and use special nucle .

of the ration of the quantity of each

  • at matertal in a plutonium processing p)De beenne shall maintain Motope to the applicable value in

_and fuel f abrication plant. emergency procedures for each area in Appendia C.

- which this bcensed special nuclear (b) Each applicant for a specific matenal la bandled, used. of stored to license authonning posunion and un I 70.24 Critleetly acideM rege6tements, of unsealed special nuclear materialin ensure that all personnel enthdrew to an ta) Each licensee authorteed to poo. area of safety upon the soundmg of the quantities specified in paragraph (d) of sess special nuclear material in a quan. alarm.These procedures must incaude this section shall either-tity exceeding 700 sisms of contained (1) Submit a decommissioning funding the conduct of dnits to femthanse plan as desenbed in paragraph (e) of y3antum0g '

of o  % personnel with the evacuenon plan, and this section: or stama of contained uranium 235 If no . designation of responsible indMduals (2) Submit a certification that uranium enriched to more than 4 per. a for determining the cause of the alann, financtal assurance for decommissioning cent by weight of uranium 238 la pres. 2 and placement of radiabon eurvey has been provided in the amount ent. 450 grams of any combination

  • tastrumentain accessiblelocanons for presenbed by para sph(d)of this thereof, or one half such quantitles !! use in such an emergency. The beensee a section using one o the methods shall retain a copy of current procedures a mamalve moderators or reflectors made for each area as a record for as long as  ; desenbed in parsgraph(f) of this
  • of graphite, heavy aater or beryllium  ?. section. For en apphcant, this 2 may be present, shall mairitain in each boensed spedal nuclear materialis
  • certification my state that the j

trea in which such licensed special nu. handled. need. or stored in the area. De  ; appropnate assurance will be obtained clear matertal is handled, used, or beenees shall rotata any superseded i # after the apphcanon has been approsed stored, a monitoring system meeting portion of the procedures for three years and the hcense issued but rior to the the requirements of either paragraph after the portion is supereeded. receipt of licensed materia . As part of

! tam 1) or tam 21. as appropriate, and - the certificehon. a co;y of the financial I using samma. or neutron sensitive ra. - (b) Each licensee authortaed to pos. instrument obtained to sabsfy the l

distion detectors which mill enerstae sess special nuclear matettal In quant!' requirements of paragraph le) of this

! clearly audible alarm signals if acci, ties in excess of those spect!!ed in dental criticality occure. section is to be submitted to NRC.

~ parastaph Ial shall: (c)(1) Each holder of a specific license This section til Provide the means for tdentity. i,,ued on or after July 2?.1990, w hich is I {

,,ts not intended to require underwater Ing quickly which indistduals hase re. or , ,)pe desenbed n paragraph (a} ct tbi of this section. shall proude g monitoring shen special nuclear mate. cetved doses of 10 rads or more

rial is handled or stored beneath mater (2) Maintain f acilittes and suppites bnancial assurance for decommissionmg a shielding or to require monttoring sys' at the atte for decontamination of per. " '"" # "* [
  • tems when special nuclett material is a sortnel, arrangements for the serstets 7 being transported when packased in 2 of a phystetan and other medical per.

accordance sith the requirementa of a sonnel quallfled to handle radiation

]:fE o der of a sEecific bcense H'


Part 'll of this chapter, a emergencies. arrangements for trans.

portation of injured or contaminated

[' ,'d p ot (1) The monitoring system shall be e individuals to treatment f actittles, and syhon shall submit. on or before ju!)

.. 19W1. a decommissionmg fandmg capable of detecting a criticality that arrangements for treatment of indistd. Nan r uruficahon of f.nancial produces En absorbed dose in soft unis at treatment f aethttes outside the assorance far in an

, tissue of 20 rads of combined neutron site boundary, mm at Mast mal to W 000 m

. and gemma radiation at an unshielded (c) Holders of licenses for construc. accordance mth the critena set forth in 3 distance of 2 meters from the reacting tion or operstlen of a r.uclear retetor as uchon if me hcensee submits the g material utthin one minute. Coverage issued pursuant to Part 50 of this certf. canon af financial assurance chapter, excerf critical tssembly rete, rather than a decommissionmg fundm3 mementa 1sted in Section IV. "Content tors. tre exempt for the requirements plan at t%s hme. the licensee shall of 'wersency a t' inns." La 10 Cnt Pstt 50 of of paragraph (b) of this section with .rdde a decomm.asioneg f ndmg f an this chapter mill be used by the Commtssion respect to special nuclear material .n an) appLcatan fcr bcense renewal in determining the asequser of such rsns used or to be used in the reactor. (3! Each holder of a specibe hcerse

'The critent in Appendis a of Part le of (d) Any IPensee who beheses that us.*3 Sf're M :t 1W0 and of a type this chapter util be used by the Commission good Cause exists a by be snould be i et in adequacy of the eutfity granted an exemption in whole or in 749 June 30,1988

..... . . m .,

. J .

I 70.25(c) p,Any 7e o poMESTIC UCENSING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL ducrtbed in peregraph (b) of thle be nnewed automatically unlue 90 cleanup procedures or when there is section shall submit, on or before uly days or more prior to the renewal date. roesonable likehhood that contaminante 27.19eo, a certincation of financi b Issurer noube the Commluton. the may have opread to inacceestbie arvaa assurance for d-iseloning or a benenciary, and the licensee ofits as in the case of poselbie seepage into decommlutoning fundtag plan la intendon not to renew.De surety porous materiale such as concrete.

accordance with the criteria set forth in method or tasurance must also provide nue records must include sa known this section. that tlw full face amount be paid to the informados os identiacation involved (d) Table of required amounte of beneficiary automatica or to the nuclidea, quaatitles, forme, and financial anurance for decomminioning espiration without proo forfeiture if concentretsees, by quantity of material the bcensee fails to provide a (2) As-built drewtage and replacement acceptable to the modificaucas of structures and Commiselon wtthia 30 days after receipt equipment la restricted stees where eruter thee to* but lese than se of notification of cance!!ation.

equi is to* tunee the a,ptic . radioactive materiale are used and/or (11)ne surety method or insurance stored and of necetsees o bie,qu.a

,a, ,no. of Appendan i or - nos e C o,f mun be ,ayawe a a i,usi eembusha 3 maueestwo os.tami.e.f e. e. a. pese.lbie Isotopes, if R. sa defleed la for decommissioning coeta. De trustee a burkd pipes whid enay be sub$est le and trust must be acceptable to the

  • I ro2a(s), dryt co e - i .ded h. .R ~to*edLa w Comna.eion. An uce, we netoo ,,,atsmination e,,,osd. e. If regelred

,oie. t dee drewtage e.t are to* te low thea et quel is t.)_ snomos . If e includese enian s appropriate State or Fed.eral need not a,s be indoned.ladt et a. awe. .e

,,y,ya,,m,,*,;g y, ,,e,,ne, , o ,,e , e c ,,

pa,s ao suaon.ency ey io ni o, sean enmy sa a ostee wiu d,e ,

eh tele te ,esorde of part as (Fw a co.btaanen of whou truet o done an ted available taforma sensessing these teetepet if R. as de8aed ta and esamin by a Federal State arou and losetem divided 10' le a i r038(

(3) Recorde o pruier i but R vided by ( 111) e surety method or Insurance - ~ 'erma for eL-.f the east 008344e toe is lose than er equal to 1.) $191000 must remain in effect until the Qiing plaa er of the amount eartibd Commiselon has terminated the license. emw" and tooerde of the (3) An estomat staking fund in which for funill'ag' method ued for assering fede (e) Each decommlutoning funding depostte are made at lust annually, if elect a fading plan or owtificanos le plan must contain a cost estimate for coupled with a surety method or ,,4 decommisatoning and a duertption of insurance, the value of which may -

the method of asserats funds for decnan by the amount being 1.tcesses decommlutoning from paragraph (f) of accumulated in the o fund An this section, including means of estemal a fund is a ggg33 gseennee of ineensee.

2 adjusting cost estimates and associated . established an maintained by setting (a) Upon a determinat!on that an ap-

% fundin levels periodically over the hfe g aside funds pertodically la en account

  • of the ethty, a segre sted from heenne asute and  ; plication moete the requirementa of 8 outsi e the licenssee e administrative . the act and of the regulations of the
  • (f) Ftriancial a ssurance fo, the Commlealon will
  • decommissioning must be provided by 3 controlin which the total to amount  ; Commtanton.laeue a lleense in such form and con-one or more of the following methods: funds would be sufficient pay of talring such condluons and limita.

decomm seloning costs at the time tions as it deems appropriate or neces-(1) Preps),nent. Prepayment is the e inad don a a e d An deposit prior to the start of operation ,g o] p aary to effectuate the purposes of the ini an accouni segmg.ied f,,m heensu , _ _ , _ _ _ a,t.


or liquid fund ceruficate of deposit. or deposit of (b) LDenned 33 y1t 40$$.1 a i trativ on e goumment ucunun. no sunty or -

(c) Each license taeued to a person assets such that the amount of funde " " ' "'

would be sufficient to pay decommissioning costs. Prepayment np sst h oQ't ube as stated for use of sputal nuclear matettal in activities in ahtch spectai nuclear ma.

(4 In the can of Federal. Sure, or terial 3f11 be produced shall (subject may be in the form of a trust. escrow loca sosemment hcensees. e staterrent account. gov ernment fund. certificate of of intent contatning a cost estimate for to the provtatona of l 70.41tbli be t deposit. or deposit of gosemment .s deemed to authertae such person to re-decommissioning or an amount based securttles on the Table in paragraph (d) of this N possess.

lY' titl'use,18 ' ' ' " '#9"If' " ' ' ' ' '

(2) A surety method insurance or a'nd tr'ansfer th'e special' section. and tndicatma that funds for nuclear miterial produced in the other guarantu method Dese methods decommissioning wiu be obtamed when guarantee that decorrLaisstonmg costs n,c,,n _coune of such authortaed activities.

wtil be paid should the hcensee def ault. (g) Es , person heensed under this A surety method ma he in the form of a part shau kee records of triformation f (d) No license stil be taeued by the surety bon 11etter o credit or hne of important to t e safe and effecuse , Commisaton to any person within the credit. A parent company guarantee of decommisstorung of the facthty in an  : United States if the Commtanton finds funds for decomt... stoning costs based identthed location until the beense is ' that the tasuance of such licerue on a financtel *est may be used if the terminated b the CommissiorL If f 3ould be inimical to the common de-guarantee and test are as contatned in records of te s ent informauon are kept a tense and security or sould constitute Appendis A of to CTR Part 30. A parent for other purposes. reference to these an unrea.sonable risk to the health and company gaarantee may not he used in records and their locations may be used safety of the public.

combtnatten with other fmancial Informauon the Commissten cor.siders methods to satisfy the requirements of tmpcrtant to decommissionmg consists this section. Any surety methd or ,f_

insurance und to provide fir s ncial (1) Records of sptus or other unusual assurance for cecommisstorung must occurrences tavolving the spread of ts) (Deleted 43 FR 6913.1 contein the following conditions contamination in and around the (t) De surety method or mourance equipment, or ette Dese anust be open-ended cr. if wntten for a factfs, recor may b( hmited to instances spectned term. such as five ) ears. must when contaminanon remams after any 70 9a June 30,1988 a.o s.s. . n ici

. v .


(D) An enin, lae that term is defined containing 80 t er meere by weight

("l g 43g Casaseene ed eetme*" in 11 U.S C.101134)) controutng the of theteowpe Sat and (11) Sta meathe


(a) Each license shall contain and be hcensee c, hsung the beenn st beensu d h change ifit pertaine k stenlum 2; subject to h fo!!owing condiuons: ,, as property ef tre estate; or enriched less than 3D peneet la the 1,, C (C) An affihate (aa that term is eranium 338 leHope, et plutonium

" defeed in it U S C tot (s))of h coatelains e0 t er more by weight 4

(1)lDeteced 32 FR 23421 g, tees,

'$e not& cation must indiceto: ( ,

(A) The bankruptcy court in wanch the a heeseses la Reg 6ees Iand and

" (3) No risht to the special nuclear pennen for bankruptcy was filed. and commencing en Opeber 1. tsee '

material shall be cortferred by the 11- B) The date of the filing of the .* heeneses is au regiees shan fureich the eense encept as deftried by the lleense; report by this ph to the l

(3) Neither the license nor any right under the license shan be mastgned or y((ni;og c)(1) Each heense authortains the 4 a le othervios transferred in itolation of umn and m at any one une and in 4,,,,gg, g og pen yg og focanon d special nuclear metwlal la e the provisions of the Act; shopter, with a espy to the Dimeter quanuty newding one effective of Nuclear Meterial Safety estd '

b (4)be Au special subject nuclear to the material right of shay recapture or kilogram, except for use se sealed af" g -

s sources and those esee lavolved in the -


! control reserved by section los and Io operation of a nuclear reactor besteed 5 (d) The hensees shau make ao change '

" an other provisione of the Act; 2

(8) No special nuclear material may pursuant to part to of this chapter. and wWeb would daaroese the enestewcases be used in any uttitaation or produc.;; those intohed in a wule disposal Wh lerphye6eal aof Don facility except in acco'rdance alth a operstion shall contain and be subject to suelear a d le trase64 pro-the provtalons of the Act;

  • a condition requinns the hcensee to spared pusuant to 4 Ph32(g) se 4 fl.21(c) t8) The licensee shall not use the 9 maintain and follow: W h chapter witheet the prner special nuclear material to construct (6)The program for control and approvald toe m A bcensee an atomic weapon or any component accounung for special nuclear metecta) destrtng to seehe seek shneses shou I

_of an atomic weapon; and fundamental nuclear meterial ouham as apphestne for e ebenge ts controle doenbod pursuant to se technical speedeauses tecorportled (D Encept to the ettent that the in, il422(b). 7054(lk 74 31(bk or h he w hwleches, d any, a ler as demntfleauon and limitation of habilg. 74 31(c)(1) of this chapter, se amendment to the hennes posoeant to ll ty provtalone of Part 140 of this chap. .approprtete; i

1. ter apply, the licensee wiu hold the - (11)The measurement control program .I E&so er 499J4 elthis abspear, ne- no heem t

l United States and the Department for special nuclear matertal coatml and cEnh tothe plaster phpe6en!

, htLrmless from any damages resulting accountina deocabed pursuant to prouceos of esemel eselaar material y from the use or ton of spectal il msr(c),74 31(b), or ft.5e(e) of & .gg,g ,,g , t ,y,,,,al d chapter, ee appropriate; and bnuclear material;eased from the omo De*

artmenibytheacen e,matenaicontmi m,ese W d,e

, ,e,,,,,,,, e ,est deepuses

,ies. 3 ein,ess,the .

    • u,ar,*4=*rd***t,J.

! m rne uc.e .han be sub3-1 to E*e: 2*e'e"e*"".3:'ae u ,,,,

and the licenese shall observe, all ap- Safeguarding of spectel noclear material pucable rules, regulatione and ordera a and providing Nt the beeneee dell homes pen ness M,,s M g  ;

of the Commleston.

o , 'Pa"I g

- tM The Commission may incorpo g make . theno change wluch effectivenees to thewould decrosse matertal control  ; meerd weder een heemse and each I

rate in a.y license such additional con. s' and accouanns progrva propered to the pies let three yeare arean  !

datione and requirements 31th respect % pursuant to il 412(b), mne(ll,431(g),

  • the does el the ehenga, A  ;

to the Heeneee's ouTierehlp, recetpt

  • F4 31(bL or F4 31(c)(1) of % chapter, " IWpon a desetptes of each poseension, use, and transfer of spectal and % mus r, ment contml progre. cheese meet he 6e Dimwar d ,

nuclear snaterial as it dams approprt- prepared punuant to iI to sitch Ned*erMel8stel Salwy and safegeerda,

. . ste or necessary in order to: UA Niseleet Aagnotary Cerameelen.

j (1) Promote the common defense f 4 31(bk without et 74 the pnot Se(s)d tof opproval e this che$ter Waahangess.DC anH&, with a to and noeuruy: Commmion. A heensee desiring to the appropreste MC megeneal t


. (3) Protect health or to minimise make such chanen shall tubaut en sheere ta A to part F8 of this

I '{I8 %Dyg$gg. oppbcetion for amendment to its bcease

-punaant te l m34 shapear sees menske alur the l (4) Quard seeinst the toes or dtser. seson abdlaskeneshames i

slon of special nuclear matertal; @b (t)The hcoasse aballmahatata wh n esmid desenes he eftscapeams t5) Require such reporta and the recorde of changes so the motorial dasomemy g m l

seeping of such. records, and to pro- control and accountag yngree made g vide for such inspections, of netivttit6 without yrtor Commiaanee spyrettL lor 00


under the heehae se may be necHsary three years after toy are hep W.,gg w 4 or apprepriate to effeetuate the pur I and shallfwitch to b Descour OQce hemmens deserug to make aesh a eksege shaB essest en oppionense he sa and ,

pous of the act and tegulations

,,unoer. there . dNuclear

  • safeguards, us N clear beamrtal 5de$egalemry @ $*"g"f,"e'i, "*'

i, ,

_ - Come-eemstoe. oC = . made (9)p) Each bceute shetl notfy the with a cope to the episopriate NRC ,,se,d, e,e,aa,e, ,s .e ,W Iit of.propna te NRC Regier.el '

Restocal OfEco abawa ts AppendLa A to wissW rett to of h chaptet. a report g,, ,,8,'"' P-a=' hum he eGeshve dek d b g Admiristrator.In wntir3 t nmetate!) W abni tumma m to Deesent.  ;

fonomes the fibes of a soluntary or contatrung e siesenptxes of eed change a tasolantary tition for bankivptcy OSee d Numin'Menund &dWy *Mi pthta- g g g ,,  ;

g underany a ter of Title 11 7 0) Two mooths d b chaage W 48 h W6 DC N Bankruptc))o the United Statee Code . permas to uranMt33, wansuse-ste y or e sinet- m w q w NRC

  • contained la usaruum entsched 30 Re (A) e censee . perceat er more in W utsalam-2,34 p,spenal gpg g 9 Osh e shows

,, pe, ,,,pe,gin Agwh A ta '

isotope, or plutonium, escapt plutontum May 31,1988 7M

, , ,,,,,,, u ,,

. v .

PART40 e DOMESTIC LICEN84NG OF SPECLAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL the Commteston will apply the criteria the results of this surve/. unless the (h)(Reserved) se en sasse licensee demonstrates that the promises set forth La l'f 0.23.

(1) Licensees required to submit are euttable for release fer unrestrteted emereency plana 01 accordance with IfgJ4 Inallenability of fleenese, use in some other beensee i 70.22(1) shall follow and maintalin in No license granted under the regula. shall, se oppropnate-effect emergency plana approved by tions in this part and no right to poo. (A) Report levels of raiation in units the Commiasion. The licensee may sees or utt1tse special nuclest material 9f microrede per hour of bete and make chanses to the approved plans granted by any lleense taeued pursuant gamme redtauon at one centimeter and silhout Commlaston approval only lf to the regulations in this part shall be Samma radiation at one rioter from such changes do not decrease the ef. transferred, asettned or in any manner surfaces, and report levels of fectiveness of the plans and the plans, disposed of, either voluntarily or invol. radioactivity, incJuding alpha. La unite of

. as changed, continue to meet the re. untarily, directly or indirectly, dietatogretions per minute (or

quirements of Appernd1Js E. Section !Y. through transfer of control of any ll* microcutteel Por 100 square contimetere
10 CFR Part 60. The lleensee shall fur. } cense to any person unlees the Cons
  • removable and fLmed for surfaces.

e nish the Director of Nuclear Material mtanton shall after securing full infor* microcurtee por milliliter for water. and r .' Safety and Safeguards. U.S. Nuclear *a mation, find that the transfer la in ac* picocuri*e per gram for ochde such as Regulatory Commlaston. Washingtem 7 cordance with the previatons of the D.C. 30838. with a copy to the appre" Act. and shall give its consent la writ. sous or cone a rtste NRC Regional Office specified ing' @I N 0* '**I ****

Appendia D. Part to of this chap. used and certify that each instrument is ter, each change within sin months i f 3.37 D6eelaimee of warvtaties. properly cabbreted and teeled.

after the chante is made. Proposed Neither the Oovernment nor the (2)(1) la addition to the information changes that decrease the effective. Commission makes any warranty or required under paragraphe (cX tvl and nees of the approved emergency plan other representation that special nu. (v of this sect;on, the bceasee 11 shall not be implemented without clear matertal (a) till not result in e mit a plan for complettoe of prior application to and prior approval injury or damase when used for pur. decommisatoning if the procedures by the Commisalon. poses approved by the Commiselon. (b) necessary to carry out di commiootoning


will accornpttsh the resulta for which have not been previously approved by .

@ Each licensee who possesses a for. It is requested and approved by the the NitC and could increase potential mula quantity of strategic specta; nu. Commisalon, or (c) La safe for any health and safety tmpacts to workers or clear matertal. or who transporta, or ,

other use. to the public such as in any of the delivers to a carrier for transport. a (otlowing cases:

. formula quantit of strategic special >g 70.3e gseiromen one sermanseen of 2 scenees. e (A) Procedures would involve 2 nuclear materia or more than 100 I echniques t not applied routinely dunas

grams of trradiated reactor fuel shall (a) Except as provided m l 70 33(b) s ensure that physical security, safe. and paragraph (e) of this section each  ! cleanup or (B) Workers maintenance operations:

would be entering areas or i l guards contingency, and guard qualtfl* spectfle hcenas espires at the end of the ; not normally occu ted where sarface

  • cation and training plans and other re* day,in the month and year stated in the contantnation an radiation levels are lated Safeguards Information are pr* heense, significar.tly higher than routtnely l tected against unauthortted dtselosure (b) Eachlicensee shall notify the encounterd during operation or in accordance with the requirementa Commission promptly. in wnting under (C) Procedures c.ould result ta l

of n 7311 of this chapter. I 70 5. and request termination of the significantly greater attborne

- heense when the hcensee decides to concentrations of radioactive materiale e to 33 Itenes al of fleenees. terminate all activit;es involvinf. than are present dunng operation; or (an Applications for renesat of a 11- matenals authonsed under the ucense. (D) Procedures could res21t in cense should be filed in accordance This notification and request for significantly greater releases of s6th il 7011 and 70.22. Information termination of the beense must include radioactne matenal to the environment contained in pres tous applications. the reports arrd information specified in than those associated with operetton.

statements or reporta filed *lth the parastaphs (c)(1)(tv) and (v) of this (ii) Procedures with potential health Commission under the license may be d section and a plan for completion of and safety impacts ma not be camed i incorporated by reference: Pronded. I decommissioning tf required by out pnor to appros al o the That such references are clear and aragraph (t)(2) of this section or by decommissioning plan.

specifle. . icense conditiort (m) The proposed decommissioning not less than t rty 30 days rior t I , p*h *,I,'g"g','

g delt0 . he this section or by license condition.

! espiration of his existing filed an application form for hasbeensee in properlicense, shall on or before the esptranon date specified in the I"'I" d '~

s renemal of a license such eststing 11- (A) Desenpuon ef planned

cerue shall not espite until the appli, beene decomminienmg actnihes.
  • cation for a renemal has been finall) N Tumnste un of sputal nuclear (B) Desenpuon of enethods used tv l m a te n al, determined by the Commisalon, assure prmection of werkers and the

[u) Remose radteactise contaminshon rmM WH rdawn huards e to 31 Amendment e.f luen es to the estent practicable escept for gg Applications for amendment of a 11 these procedures cosered by paragraph (C) A descr,ptien of the planned f.nal cense shall be filed in accordance wtth (ch:)h) of this sechott g, g ,n3 l l To litan and shall spectfy the re- tml Properly d:spose of special (D) An updaied detaded cest einmate spect4 in shich the It(enset destres his nuclear matenal, for decommissionmg cempanson cf that lice. 4 to be amended and the grounds (a) S.bmit a completed form NRC- estimate woh present fands set as'de for I for sud amendment. 314 whicti tnformanon decommissioning and p'an for assurrg I # "

g to 3% .imise.on action en apphestions

' E the asailabihty of adequate funds fer I

((4 #** E "*" d * * * "" 8 j tene= or ament (s) Condwet a raianen seney cf the I' ' 'i l

tesses where the hcensed actmt;es n '}'F["
3 d " dc cland l ce.n nse* considering to reau er araendanhisapplication Itcense, wereby cameda 11 out and submit a repert of

,ccoynn,,pi,,p73 ,,, ,,,n p:,c, 7411 June 30,1988 reo ene i. >o.n o t

I 3And I

  1. PA87 70 e DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATIRIAL during W - (1) ne appueant asusfies the sener. (tus wd wipe tow, ne emure reden.

(iv) The proposed decommandesing al .woulteenents of l 70.33, acuve surfees of the soures shall to plea wtB be approvat by the (3) The appinemat subunite suffteient vtped with futer peger. =ahnamme N='a=8ai u the inhematies therete informauon regarding seek type of with water, with the assusauen of demonstreise that the desammissieeing onutrauen er referosos soures peru. modertte finger pressere. Roanovel of will be completed as seen as le neat to evaluauen of the potenual rs. redseastive anatertal frees the soures seeseseble and that the health and dlauen espesure, taciumns: shan to determined by encaserks the sehty of workers and the pobles wel be (1) Cheenient and phygient feria mad reesasuvtty on the futer paper atur adeguately proteeted, maahau.e quanuty of plutantum la it hee dried er by Wrest measurement (8)11 pen approvalof the me sourset of the reasestMty en the seeree fel.

desemmissioning pies by the U1) Details of sensamtaea and newtasthe welstpe.

Commiestem. the hemmene shag dessu (19) IpMer seat 8eek The soures that la asserdesse .e (181) Detalle of the mothed of laser

  • be imanereed la weer at roen kee.

and biedtag of p endum approved pies de - pernsure desammissieste.aes.eeschan .a Saal step la uv, ,,,,e,du,e, ,e, and ,esulle , heure. for = ea perted

- shamof 94 samas.seteve asa e ,o.  ;

agnia enheit the emeermeties tegelred la prototype nemens W seurose, which are moved from the water. Rameoel of re.

peregraph (eXIXv) of this essmen and densmed u osatala more than 9.ges meestive matertal from the soures shall eartify the dispeciesa of saleresurte of plutanium le desmen. shall be detemised hp Wrest tasseurw. '

usammleted weseos bem strate that the plutenlues sentalmed la eneet of the remesseMay en the deemmisessaleS seek enures wG) not to released er to soures after N hee drted er by sneester.

(d)If the ladersetlen embaitted ender reenewed frees the eeures under las the remonstMay la the reeldne et>

peregrophe (eXIXv) er (cXI) of this norunal sensuene of uset ta&med by paperetten af the water la

  • eseeen does met adequately (v) Detaus of quauty control prose. whlektheeeuNe weeinesereed.

demonstrate that the prem6ees are dures to be foueved la manufacture of (v) Dry setpe eseh On seenstettaa ed i

eeltable 1er rolenes for enresetoted ess, the sources the precedlag teste la paragraphe ,

the h a m wt (vt) Desertpuen of ( l u ea to ,tilafore ermer se theellenasse . fiaed is me e. nee o,labettng W - son.a t,axgxt) to be af ,e threesh .y .tpe (tet of .seereed test this esosion.

in -

termination of hesses,

  • tainer for the soures:
  • graph (ax0xil) of thee assusa shall be J Bach esee8s license esattause la N (b1) Any additlenal information. Indt epeated. r bey eluding experimental studies and teste, (vu 06eerechas memoval of more

[ neco) eury,ond the empiretles s witit respect to possession of mouind by date tf W Comaalemen to foetu. than 0.000 mis seerte of reasestMty tale a detonalaauen of W anfety W ta any test presorted by tale pare.

a reeldval epeelat ameleer snetertal preesat W eeune, ,

"I se osataminetten aatti the h=m graph shan be sense fer refesties of notifies the boesses la writtas that the liosaee to teralasted. Duttas this time.

MH) m Commleaka j,*g,ta'. ta jm deurminw.

  • the soures deelga. Remalte of prote.

type teste sutanetted to the ossamle.

the Lloswses shall-- with respect to any type of sourse son. elon shall be etna la terms of mdkee.

(1) Limit actions tavel special taltning more than 0.000 microcutte of tivtty in mismurtes and peneet of M.

nuclear tasterial to these re ted to plutetuum, that: uneval freen the total annouet of reme.

j settve matertal depeetted on the decommlio6eatas and (1) The method W inesweetles and soures, (2) Condaue te oestrol entry to blnding of the plutonium la the source roetrteted t aese estil they are euttable le such that the plutontuan wul not be for roleses for unseetricted see and the released or be removed freen the Commleeles nou8ee the llosaaes la seures under normal condittene of use .

writing that the hoesee le terminated. and handung of the soures; and (f) SpectAc lloonees will be tersminated (!!) The soures has been outjeeted'te by written notice to the hcensee when and has caustactortipy the pre.

the Comadeo!on detonnines that-- totype tels prescrtune by partsfaph (1) Special nuclear meterial hu been (ax6)of tale sectfon. .

properly dispoeed; (6) For any type of sourte which te des!gned to contain more than 0.004 ,

(2) Reasonable effort het been made interocwk of pluunium. W mapucant 1 to eliminate ruldual radioactive hea conducted prototype teste. in the i contaminetton. if pruent. and order Lleted, on each of five prototypes (3)(t) A radiation survey has been of such source which conta!ne more j performed which demonstrates that the than 0.000 microcurie of plutontura as promises are cultable for reteese for geno ,,

, unrutrtetod uet or (1)latHal mesaurrmesL The quanti.

! (11) Other information submitted by ty of rsdioactive material depostted on the Licensee le sufficient to demonstrate the source shall be measured by direct I that the premisee are suitable for release counting of the ocurce.

,,,for unrestricted use. (t!) Dry wtpe fe#L The entire rtdiose. .

! Live surface of the source shan be i e7010 Speelfte itseman for the samufse.

stped tith futer paper tith the appu. l iure er inia.1 truerer et niitruun, e, cauen of moderate finser pressure.


,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,, Removal of rsoloactive matertal from the source shau be determined by '

5 (a) An application for a specifte 1t*. measuring the radioactivity on the s, cense to rannufacture or trdttally filter paper or by direct measurement

transfer cautration or reference sources containing plutonlum, for die.

of the radicactivity on the source fol.

1032g W dry SW.

' tribution to persons generslly licensed  ;

under i 10,19. will be approt ed it; 7011e kne 30, M (most pees is i J


(b) Each twroon licensed under this section shall affts to each source. Or (ful Anthertsed une of special sueleet storage container for the seuros, a meterial.

label which shall contain suffleient in- (a) Each lleensee shall confine his formauen relauve te safe use and s* possession ud use of special nuclear age of the soures and shallindede the q material to the locations and purposes following statesment ce a sukelantially i authertsed in his license. Except as similar statement which aaaamann the 4 otherstne provided in the license, each informauen es11ed for in the following s lleense issued pursuant to the regula.

fg statement.'g .g , gy,, gna g,,negg,

,,,,,,g ,

thej right tionstoinrecette this part shall uue to, owncarry ac. with it s f was soures, neeeel . sormi No. quire, receive, possees and use special

  • oare sue .

nuclear material. Preparauon for ship.

R unsuens)eet of theto a genocal Unsted stateslleense Nuclearand the res.

Recu. ment and transport of special nuclear istory comuman6en er et a state vita e haen mete 7tal shall be in accordanc1 with the h- has entme Inte an nem- the previolone of Part 11 of this chap-ment for the esereens et regulatory autt. ort- ter, ty. De not reuneve this lateL ,

e4enes sasseaeries anatustat-runs seeoCe CoerTMee PaoToErlVEL De Det toece massomive Peeflom et TWie *

"N (b) The poseenalon, use ar.d transfer of any special nuclear saaterial pro-f duced by a licensee,in sonnocuen with or as a result of use of special nuclear o E material received under his Heense.

5 (Name of Manuf acturer et trdual g shall be subject to the provisions of the license and the regulauens in thle a w reroti a part.

0 -

(c) Each person lleensed under this secdon shall perform a dry wipe test "

upon each source containing more than 0.1 microcurie of pluton]um prior g 7pg g,9, ,g ,y ,,,g , ,4 to transferring the source to a geners) *g, lleensee under i10.19. This test shall be performed by wiping the entire rs. H (a) No lleensee shall transfer special dioactive surface of the source with a 4 nuclear material escept as authorized filter paper 31th the appilcauon of a pursuant to this section-(b) Except as othersise pruvided in

'k moderste finger pressure.The radioac *uvity on the paper shall be meastved R his Iteens a by using rsdiation. detection. instru- stons of parsgraphs (c) and (d) of thfs f


  • mentation capable of detecting 0.006 section, any licenset may transfer spe.

2 microcurie of plutentum if any such cial nuclear matertal:

test discloses more than 0.006 micro- "

curie of radioactive material. the source shall be deemed to be leaking or lostne plutettum and shall not be =L transferred to a geners] licensee under l I NI 2 (Il To the Department:

. s  ! w


- (2) To the agency in any Agreement -

State thich regulates radioactive ma.

terials pursuant to an agreement sith the Commisalon or the Atomic Energy Acertstrion. Uss Aus Ta4msrum or M# # " W 'I W Srsc14L ecta4a MarsataL. Ca rst. Act. Lf the quanu"ty transferred is not y,,g gggN,7, aufficient to ferm a critical m J (3) To any person exempt from the ,

8 licensing requirements of the Act and '

g regulations tr> this part. to the extent permitted under such exemption; (4) To any person in an Agreement State, subject to the jurtsosction of

' Sources eerserally beenaed under this see. that State. the has been earmpted from the licensing requirements and tien prwr to Jamary it.1918 may bet, labels tutherleed tr the reeulauena in retVlauons of that State. to the i ef fett en January 1.1978 ettent permitted under such eEemp-tlort; I

( w m. == i. esso ma i

, w ,

70,4hb) PART C O DOMESTIC UCENSING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL N (8) To any person authorimod to re. receed Ier thne years Irem Ibo dele that ceive such special nuclear materhl it wee obtalaad; er Specua Nectaan MATIElaL Coffrtot.

Recomes, Rapoeve ano 1seracitone

! under terine of a sepecifte lleense or a (S) When mese of the asethods of seneral Deense er their equfvalente verdcomen descenhed la paresrephe (d) ,,,

2 leeued by the N=h er an Asne- gg) g, (4) og gyg, ,,,g,, ,,, ,,,g,3y l ment attate; o' o eve 11eblo er when a mansdorer destros to I f 4.81 Meiertal beinnee, lanetery, and abroad pursuant k mdy abet telemmates seasssed by see M W***>

" to gg) anTo anytElsoued under Par +. 2 of these mesheds is emmest er up ee- (a) As und in thle secuen.

esport 110 of thle chapter:

  • date the treanderermayehemie end (1) "Addluona to materkt in pros-(t) As otherwies authertmed by the $ recor,d senarennelse bem the eas" means receipts that are opened Ceanedsm6en la writias. Commiesten er the assaalog essmay of oncept for resetzte opened only for
en Agroenent tests that the tressieres ensactims and subsequently enaantained (e) Before tramatorring speelal nucle
  • le haemsed to reestve he speelal anelser under taanper.enflas, and opened nr ansterial to a spedfle Usensee of th* eneassenL h maastererebes sessen to sealed sourses.

=== or na Asresanent State or ,,,,,g ,g ,,g,,,g,,g,,g,,, (3) "mirlehment esteseryd for uran 6-to a poneral Deemose who le requirst to bem to este he amend is moda, uss.334 enesas hislHartehed urnab register with the Commismien er with usa-that utenfuen whose lectopo ess>

tant le 30 penest er seeng ureatums.384 as theAgrosessel spoeial nucientStateinsterial, prior to recolat of "Mas pstead 30 m eespI the U. by weistet and low earlshed utan6-g senese traaeferrias the material aball = uen -that urea 6uss whose testepe ese.

l verify that the transferee's Usease au. I ft.44 Credtest regelesteen, tant le less than at percent presuunn.

I thertsee remotet of the type, forma, and (s) Pursuant to seeuen its of the 388 by delshe.

quaataty of special nuclear matertal to Act, the Ceanedssten sensects, wtthoug (3) "Benent" sneene urealues or be treasterred- Individual appucauen, to the eresuem pluteslum-(d) The fouewing saethods for the of any enertsage, pledge, or other Ues (t) "Finalle lasteps" mhame (1) urea 6-vertfleause required by partsreph te) upee any special nuclear santerial, not uss.383 er (11) ureates>ISS by eniteh.

of thle seetlest are necepta&&e. owned by the United States, which le snest estepery.

pubject to Usensing: Freetded,. (0) "Unit of errer* ensaas the usk M N mammimer may We he er (1) nat the rights of any creditor se certainty compement used la com-her peasaastem and seed. e eurut espy escured may be esercised only in coup struotans a te percent osafldense to-of the Imameuse's spesets linumee e' pliance with and subjoet to the same terval assee6sted with a quanuty after resiseemos eartisata. no tremfwer requironmente and ratiteuena as would may r- avan ==a mine has han ettmannt.

ebaB reeman a espy ed seek homene er apply to the Ucensee pureuant to the ed or its offeet -= ^ad for.

certlAmmas ist does bene the dele provtsions of the license, the Atonde (g) "Materist balance" means a de-that is tuas Energy Act of 1964, as amended, and ter- ka h of M unaccounted (alDe bessemer may have le na regulatione taeued by the Comml=*e for Mm by subtrestan: in-

& a surtteen aeresenalen by the pureuant to said Act; ang ventory ( E l plW M N treesieses het the Dessimos le E (3) Dat no creditor to secured may [ beganlas inwnton M Nm 6 emahasesed by hemmes er restseenes h take possession of the special nuclear q IF' uona to tannten (A) N-certamate se seesees the type, fene, and material pursuant to the provisions of

! gametely si ependel seelser ma tedel te thte section prior to either the teau. WUF.SI+ A.E!= R i be tressessed, specdplag he Romano er ance of a license by the Commission (T) "Material in process" means any 1

togsstreboa ceruncate aumber. tseutr4 authertains such poteseston or the epocial nuclear matertal poessesed by specy. and enpinnen dete.W transfer of a tiettee pureuant to the lleensee except in unopened re-l 10.38. cetpta, sealed sources, and ultimate

,, treneferer shallrotata the written (b) Nothing contained in thle section product maintained under Lamper-y, certMcaboe se a record for three )eare shall be deemed to affeet the means of eating.

  • , froe tho dete of recetpl of the acquiring. or the priority of, any taa (3) "Physical inventory" taeans de-a certdcatsoas tien or other tien provided by law, termination pft a moneured beels of

[3) For emeryoney shipmenn the (c) As used in thle section,"creditor the quanuty of special nuclear matert.

' {' transferor may accept cieloertification includes, eithout implied limitation. al on hand at a given time, he meth-l by the transferee that he r she is the trustee under any enortgage, ode of phrotcalinventory and associal.

authonsed by bcense er reg'.atronos pledge, of lien on special nuclear reste* ed measuremente ell! vary depending certacanoa to receive the type, forTn, rtal made to secure any creditor, any on the material to be inventerted and and quantsty of rpectal rreclear enetertal trustee or receiver of the special nucle' the process 11 Volved.'

to be transferred. epechtas the I cense at matutal appotated by a court of (31"Removale from matertalin proc.

competent juttadiction in any action ese" includes meteured quantlues of

. brought for the benellt of any creditor special nuclear matertal dtsposed of as or reI1stretaca loeu epacy. end ecertificate ntucce dat number' e secured by such mortgage, pledge, or discards, encapeutated as a sealed l pro ed that the ersi cernficatson is i llen, any purchaser of such special nu* source, or in other ultimate product l confirm 4 Le wnting withts ten days clear material at the sale thereof upon placed under tamper.saftng or shipped j De int eferor shall reteta the omtita foreclosure of such mortgage, pledge, a confirm suon of the oral certdcation for or tien or upon exercise af any power offalte' (10)

  • Tamper saftng" means the use three y eere free the date of receipt of of sale contained therein, or any as- of destces on containere or isulte in a tho cer.f!rtnetten; s!gnee of any such purchaser' manner and at a time that ensures a (tP he transferor may cbtain other clear indication of any stolation of the 2

soure es ofinfarmstion compijed by e - integrity of prestously made meas-repritma service trorn omcai records of uremente of special nuclear matertal the Conaussion of the bcerauy aseso ulthin the contuner or 4 ault.

of an Agnement State se to the Identr>

1 c.bcensees and the scope ead

espiration dates of ticenses and ,crnerte ter threismi inwotortes an an registrsticas.De transfera sha3 retaa out m panorata tfl of tms soeuoa-the ccApastion of taformanca as a 7N3 May 31,1988

M 5Hs) M8 M')

PART10 0 DOMESTIC UCENSING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL (11) "Ultimate product" meane any procedume until the Comoussion (vD Requirementa for authorteed sis-natures on each document for tisnsfer special nuclear material in the form of g teruninetes the bcense that authortsee of special nuclut maWMal betwwn a product that wou)J not be fur her ,. poseeeston of the matedal and retain matettal balance areas; and processed at that Ucensed locauon. I any supmwed pornoe of 64 (13) "Unopened Meelpta" means re

  • procedurn for three ears sher the (stD Means for control of and ae-courtung for internal transfer docu-ceipts ciudingnot opened receipts by the sources, of sealed Licensee, andin *Lperucela n mata.

Ireceipts opened only for sampling and " (d) Except sa required by paragraph (3) On w Mon May 8, me, and under (e) of this section, e6ch lleensee who la thentfur as neccestry to comply with g subsequenuy maintained the requinmenta of paragraph (oMI)

L, tamper safing, authertaed to poseems at any one tirne

" and locauon special nuclear restertal of this secuen, perform a phreacal in-f" [b) LJcensees sub}ect to the in a quanuty totaltis more thart 350 ventory of all special nuclear material a

grama of containM urtalum 3ll. ura, in his p^aaaanton in compliance with

! recordheepig requiremente and 74 Se of uite chapter are esempt of il F4J1! nlum 233, or plutonium, or tray combi. the criteria for phyeleal inventories set e from the requiremente of l 7011[b)(1) forth in parastsph (f) of thle escuen.

R nauon thereof, shall conduct a physt- (3) Conduct phyoloal inventories A thmuch(5h cal inventory of all special nuclear ma-LOtherwtee: terialin his possession under ucenas at made in accordance wim me cruerta (1) Each lleensee shau keep re tntervale not to enceed twelve montha, g3,fgg, k

I,Qt,p corde showing the receipt, inventory (e)Each hunm who le nthoMasd W vnas deurmina front the start of the (including locauon), disposal, acquial- - pone H ny ou um opum! avdur keinMag laventory to the start of me uon, and transfer of M1 special nuclear ending inventory not to esseed:

material in his posseeston resstdless of makrtalin a quad escodne one effective kilogree o etretegi pecial (t) 3 calendar months for plutonium

,lts ortstn or method of acquisttion. nudear matedal to tirediate fuel essept for plutontuna containing to

}-[3) Emeh d * $,, [gg", M #um13a f ur

-e = sesord

=e - - that h, -to regeirod : ,,a,cebyaushe y gyn8ggg8g'

,o ,ee , ,uume isoten,$eed = (e -opt - ., es.e s

-a,e me-eemd -d -


u,. Mum.

miana for me , eau e,-med by as yud2y,Lanal,a

,, ,,o,,,, *ra*,~,, a occuenxn .mt'"'"'h (exixu> of ma e ,,ro ,ne. m en,essee

  • innind in es opmuon of a nudear omedsmes, M a seasselse pened la set cone pumuant to paM to of (u) 8 eslendar months for ursalue enriched less than 30 percent la the otherstes ap==daad by sepdomme er heem b ahd

$c disposefter or those involved in a wasta lectope urtMum 884* for pluteslum, opmuon; or es mactoe U la ! &nd hash eartehed urtatuen la rotate the pesord -ad the r --a s trrediated fuele lavolved ta reentch. I I that puruen of an irradiated fuel re-uramete Mlesome het mehesesse '

the acemy hetle e4n a GP ecih other th tire at l

$ th l

myroomtag plants, shalk [m shleided portion of the process; and (3) Each record of recetyt acquielhon. O for plutonium containing to percent or physlealinventory of spedal nuclear or more by weight of the lootope Pu-metenal that must be meintained k (e)e heted in pareyephs (eX1XI),

, its 333;(tikt Maintale procedures that tac}sde

. pursuant to paragraph (bM11 of this 2 (Ltik (iv). (v),(wik and (vti) of this secuon (4) Within 30 calendar days after the section must be retamed as long as the e ano retain each record mquimd to Sees start of each ending phyt. cal inven.

bceasee retama possession of the y paragrapha for three pure ther the tory required by patsgrsph ton 3) of setertal and for thne years follow 1r.4 1 record la made. this secuore

';; (O Calculate, for the material bal-2 transfer of such material (D Prvce<tures for tamper eatma con- nace interval terminated by that in-2 (4) (Denend 43 FR 4913.] tanners or vaulu centaining spoetal nu- untory, the material unaceounted for e

  • 5)Each record of transfer of specis] clut material not in process, shith ina (MUF) and tta tasociated limit of error 5 ac(clear matanal to other persona mustclude control ef'aseese to the devices for each element and the flasile loo-g nda recorde of the date and time of sp- tope for urtnlum contained in matert-be mtataed by the hesesee who 2 pucsuon of each dettee to a container al m procoes.

traseferred the material until the e er vault; unique identification of each (tu Reconcile and adjust the book Comeumos wrataeuehehoenu

  • suah Rom, muntory neerde shoMng Mcord of quanuty of element and fla-esthorteans the hoessee a poseeesion of I he idenuty,locauon and quanuty of eue factope, as appropriate, to the re-t he meWNal. Each meerd "9utra by special nuclear matertal for all such sulta of the physicalinventoryt Ph (*XIXv) of thle secuan muet ttems; and records of the source trad ctin Complete and maintain for a P*'***laed De roto for three years ther it le disposition of all such itema; period of five years material balance l


al O recorda for each matertal balance (4) Each record of disposal of a (11) Recorda of the quartutles of spe- showing the quantity of element and nuclear material must be mte untu cial nuclear matertal added to or re- tiaeue lectope, as appropriate, in each es r a==w n oterminates each hcense moved from the procees; component of the material balance, that sethonaes the octtiry eat la (ttu latentory records for the quan- eith the nasociated limit of error for subject to the rooordheepmg uty of spoeial nuclear materialin ptw the matertal unaccounted for bo6h 6n requirement sea; terms of theolute quanuty of element I (c) Each hcensee who la enthortsed to (17) Unique identification of items or and flasue tactope and relauve to add!-

I poseees et any one tLee erecsal eucleat containere containtra special nuclear Mone to or remon61a from matertal in material ta a quantry etceeding er,e mtterial in process: tnventory recorda procesa for the interial, there resulta effecove kilogren of spec 2al nuclear a shostng the identity, le:auon and of Ltmit of error calculauona tre re-material shalj estabbsa. maintain. tad H quanuty of special nuclear matertal corded in auf ftcient detail to permit an for all such items; and records of the egslustion of sources of error, foDow wvttten matenal control and source and disposition of all such Uv) Complete and maint4An for 6 accoun pMutu est are items; period of five years a record summarts-suScient to enable the Lcenses to tv) Docurnentation of EU transfers of ing the quanuties of element and its-account for the special nuclear matertal special nuclear matertal bett een mtte- tue gotope, sa appropriate, for ending tn the beansee e posseaston under rtal ba!Lnce tress to shos identity at1 inventory of material in process, beensee shall retann these quantity of special nuclear er ' t!ona to material in process during the tratuferied, a

  • gial taltnce Intet 4 and remostis May 31,1988 W -

70.51(e) 70'$1(1)

. PART M O DOMESTIC UCENGING OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATEMAL from the material in procese during (t) aftat he has made reasonable of. I d

  • the raaterial balance latenet and forte and cannot meet the limite of turIrYent.

hc lote rear 8

h the quaauuss of eimaset and th.

error of MUP spectfled in persgraph (extlef this secuoty and (4) Conduct phreical inventories me.

cording to written inventory instrue.

Uone for each inventory which shalt alle lootope, as appropriata, La unspen. (11) That he has initiated or wul tal.

Llate a program to achieve improve. (1) Aaefgu inventory duues and re.

ed Meelpts (lastudlag reesipts openeg mente in hla material control system sponalbillues; only for stanpung and outesguandy so as to meet the timita specified in (U) Spectly the entent to which each maintained under tasaper.entlas), ang material balance area and process is to ultimate products maintained under P9tagraph (ex8) of this section.

tamper eating, or la the form of sealed (D Each licensee subject to the re. be shut down, cleaned out, and/or quirements of partsraph M of this remain staus; e sources; (8) Estabush and naalatain a systees sectlen than: (til) Identify the heale for accepting of control and aseountabGaty such (1) Establish phre6 cal inventory pro, prwtously made aneurements and that the tlatits of%rror for any maint. eedures to amours that: their 11mita of erroc al uneseounted for (MUF) aseettained (1) The quanuty of speelal nuclear tiv) 6 measurements to be made for inmtery purposes and the sa a resuM of the unsterial taleases material assectated with each lteen on procedures for make such mens.

mada pursuant le paragraph (ex3) of Inventory is a moneured valuel (11) Each itsen on latentory is listed unmem and

thle seetles de not esesed (D 300 (H Identify the monas W wheen me.

grams of plutenhum er urnahem.308, and identitled to assure that all items 300 graans of hash entished utsaham are listed and that no itsen le licted terial os inventary wtB be Deled to more than once; aann that eneh Ham is imetorted or ursalusa.384 contained in hish an. and that then is ne dupuestaan, riched uttalusa, or 9,000 semme of urs. (111) Cutoff procedures for transfere and proceastng are established so that g (g) M su W to the to.

niura.334 contained in now onriehed ursalum, (tt> those unite specified in au quanuuss are inventerted and norw q '"!""*nte of parastsah (e) of thlo the following table, or (111) other limits suthortoed by the Commiselon pureu.

are Laventorted store than once; (17) Cutoff procedures for records

,,, k "m" gj March 4, IM4. a full desertpuen of the ant to paragrsph (ex8) of this section: and reports are estabtlahed so that all program intesed \e be used le ensMe trsnafers for the inventory and mato. the licensee to cosnely with that mera.

w ,, rtal balance intervsl and no othere are graph and the requiressents est forth g included in the records; and in parastsph (f) of this soeuen. 'IMs I e (v) Upon completion of the inven* program thaD be fouered by the U.

ue=* v es u J, tory, all book and inventory records, censee after May 8, IMG.

R s C [ both total plant and material balance (h) Each 11eenese who determines m that the requireementa of paragraph ag' *s ares arephysical to the reconciled with and adjusted Laventory. (e) of this section stu require modtfl.

C E (1) Establish inventory procedurte cauone of his plant or oculpesamt cost.

e , p.e m ,, m to for sealed sources and containere of ing 8600,000 or more soay, by March 8 um eogimmeassiseeeasse, vaulta contatning special nuclear mate. 1974, apply to the Atomie Energy

    • '9"" rial that prog 1de for: Commlaston for an entension of time, not to exceed sta addluonal months, Y ,.,' 7 s. " ,, U, .M as e ea (1) Identitlestion and location of au such itema; for compliance with those require.

N""""'*****"""* W) Vertfles.uon of the integrity of ments. Each applicauon for entension

" ' ' ' " the tamper eaftng device 6 for such shall include a description of the j

itema; modificatlone to be made, a statement s'N mT"* ~ " " ( 111 ) Revertfleation of idenuty and of eattmated associated costa with sub.

1 quanuty of contained special nuclear stantiattng evidence, and a schedule of

! AI17 licen8*e subject to this parsgrsch material for each itern not tarnper. the dates then the modificauons 3111 on December 4,1973, who requesta be commenced and completed.

safed. or shoes tunper aaftng ta found i

h! sher limite pursuant to parsgraph to have been corspromised.

(eM4) of thle section at the time he (lvI VeMficadon of the correctnue of (t)(1) Records which most be eubmits hla progrsm description under maintained punuant 2 this pad may be the inventory records of idenuty and the odstaal or a wproduced cgy or

) the provisions of parsgrsph (g) of this ~ location for all such itema; and sectton La hereby authorted to operate miaolone tf such reproduced copy or i

at the higher limita until the applies hv)Documentattoo in compbance with nucrofone is duly authenticated by Uon for lleense or amendment haa ?, the requirements of patographs (f)(2)(Ik authorued pereonnel and the microfone J

been finally determined by the Com * (U).(Luk and(tv)of the sectjon.Each J is capable of prodxing a clear and i mtsalon; a record documentt.ig comphence with 3 legsble copy .her storage for the period I (4) An applicant or a licensee subject *, these reqstrements must be rotatned for specified by Comnussion regulatacts, to the requirements of parastaph te) {three yean ahet itis made.  ;. The record may also be stored in of this section may request Ltrutta , electroruc meta with the capabttity for higher than those specified in part, tal Estabitsh intentory procedures prodactng legible eccurate. and graph (EMS) of 'thla sectbn. *nte re. for special nuclear material in procesa complete records dunts the required quested higher limits shall be based on that provide for: retention penod. Records such as letters.

l eonalderatione such as the type and ,, On Meuurement of all quantitles not dra mugs, specificat2oria, must include complexity of proceu. the number of 3 pres 1ously meuured t>y the licensee all pertinent information such as stamps, unit operations, process throughput I for element and flaalle tsotope; and inat:als, and s:gnatutes The bcensee quantitles, procesa recycle quantitles, s (lin For all material a hose content of shall usatatato adequate safeguards and the technolegy available and ap

  • element and ftsalle isotope hu been ogstnet tempeng d and lon of plicable to the control and a4 counting
  • predously meuured by the licensee records of the material in the process. The but for thich the talidity of such pre Commission stu approve h! sher timits vtously made meuvrements hu not .se stocena shut 4 3 and/or et neut ter if the applicant demonstrates: been nasured by tamper &&ftng. sertfi- tnonterr to recutree tr requirementa uta canon of the quantity of contatned r. ees te ut r and the imut et error er utu na speett e4 in smarssa uoxui et Ka m E) 70 15 May 31,1988


(3) If there la a confilet between the Each hcensee subiect to the y ta) Each Commission's regulations in thle part. 3 nq@u)irements of I 70.511e) shell followlicensee shall afford to the p, Commteston at all reasonable times op.

license condluon, or other written a the mqvirements H1 out in l{ F413@) .

a DMunity to inspect special nucker l Commiselon pertaining to the approval retenu6a or period authorteauon for g 5 and 74'1T(b) of this theEterg' material and the premiese and fact 11 3 the same type of receed, the retention ties therein special nuclear material le I period specified Luee4. or auced. or stored.

this part for euchinrecorde the requiaHaaa in shall apply 178.44 80seernemstitmusere ~

T unlose the Commiamion, pursuant to (e) Eseh besasse wbe heandere and (b) Each 11censee shall make avalla.

I10.14. has granted a spoettle esemp- seek besmass who reesMe speela! q ble to the Commlaalon for inspection, uon frose the record retenue require L upon reasonatM nouce recorde teot menta epocified in the regulations in 2,, assiser meternal chan feaser thepegiereneses ert est in l Fttstal and (b) a by

,,,this part. " ed he

  • cetet, posseselen, use, acquietuon.
  • tmport esport, or transfer of special

) Aar wbele togstred to iFtte Rosene of es edenesiarvelesery or 3 teventary shenge report as l nuclest resterial, lose or tho st er estempene mort es spoets INEMC paren.PW parement to l 75.94 ~

numeer meteruL af he chequeer shaB latow die tex D la the ease of fuel cycle fact 11 (a) Each licensee shad notify the NRC regepensees est est be l Ftlais) of Ibis Ues ehere nuclear remeter fuelle fabri-Operatione Centera withis one beer shapter, cated v pressened each inconese shall afler diocevery of any case of accidental . upon request by the Director. Offlee crtticattty or any lees, other than nennel of NucJter}4eterialSelety sad operatingloos of epocialnuclear Aafeguards or the appropriate NRC meterial heq6ceal Ad=tMatretor ' pro.

(b) Each licenese who possesses one vide rent free offlee space for the en.

3rere or more of contained arertium 238 cluelve use of Ca==6=taa inspecuen ute nium 238. or plutonium the!! notify personnel Meat, aar condluonins.

the NRC Operatione Center within one lasht, electriest outleta and isnitertal hout ther diocevery of any lose or theft services shall be furnished by each 18 or unlawful divereloa of speciat euclear eensee. The office shall be convenient meterial which the ticensee la lleensed to and have full access to the feet!!ty to poHees or ery incident in which an and, shall prov$de the inspector both atiempt has been made or le bebend to neual and accueuc privacy.

(3) For a alte with a ainsle fuel f acill-3,unIawful have been made tomateria

ommit '. ty licensed pursuant to Part 10. the

&verslen oI ench 1. a theft or 3 pronM thaH to adequaW to ac.

= (c) Die notincation tauet be made to  ; commodate a full Llane inspector, a e the h1tC Operettone Center via the ,s part time secretary and transient NRC

= Emergency Nothication System if the

  • personnel and wul be senerslly com.
  • I censee la party to that system. lf the 3 mensurate with other offlee facillues Emergency Notification System to at the atte. A space of 360 square feet inoperative or unevetlable the licensee either within the atte's office comples shall make the required notification vie or in an offlee trailer or other on site commercial telephealC Hrvice or other epece le auseested as a guide. For stMe ded6cated telephoele system or any containing smuluele fuel facillues, ad.

ditional space may be requested to ae-ether method that will ensure that a addluonal report te received by the NRC commodau funene inspectom W om e that la I

Operatiene Castet within one progided shall be oubject to the ap-esemption of i y321(g)(3) appbes to all proval of the Director. Offlet of telephon!c reporte required by this Nuclear Metenal Sefaty and peace. Safessarde or the appropnote NTC i (d) Reports required under i 73 71 gegional Adminietrefor All furns.

J teted not be dupbcated ender the ture, supplies and cornmunication i

,regatremente of this section. equipment stti be furnished by the I commteston.

7 pass usemedsesseneepene, w m sank menses she is a. shunned -

to penesse as ser one une and lesamme spessa! emelser motor 6al la e quang seename mere them aos pens ut entianmed ereniuswee, massen ast er i 2 plateneum, er any ammhmeese itemsf.

E shall esegnete and sehmet matosial

-l e balanse meere es regemed by g e rstatellilef u ehapis, IsJ Any hemosse who is regenmed to embait osmans matmeal steem esporte perosens is t ytas of m shapene shan tallow she esqrteammaa est am in y i renalaasJ ef this ehepaar.

4 the e uo. an met usine eowe m,entary 1 6 i ec n.i.e6 a. .# e. isc j op cm.e tan)munes May 31,1944 (reset) 70 16 -

70'$$(c) 70.57(b)


3) The licensee shall affeed any - (e> "Calibetuest" monas the presses sad record of a meteer er en seet der
  • NRC reendent inopoeter mestaned to j of detersunans the numerical relauen- three after the tomord le made, that atte. (3) boemees shal e idenuned .o, the .-r other NRC inopoeters ae,etem menau,vreent ship between an me val.. the oteerved.

,e,,o,, output of a o ,e, who cos,,se,, ,l sneu,m e,a that any ,

naely to trapeet the

! g,g, tem'factuty, ;rgao.aer immedi. t_a - u ae,= deced sm- n* upon8policable refer, nee .tandards, of t


meseu,eme. ser ee coaorms requirements of pare phe ae, wt*

? ees, followins proper idenulicauset h(b)la accordance with l 70Jg(f) ecin and complianos with appiaestle necess bceaeos who le authortmed to pessoas et M ANM N

  • N thle secdos Conformance must tacjede IIU N
control mesures for esaurity. radielesl* any ces une and lesatse Hrep cal protocuon and pereenal anfety. opecial auc.iear material, or spoeial reporting by the contractor of enflicient
suclear meteHal of moderate streugls error date to allow the bconese n f ?e to To e k a gennety asesesse ses calselete b6se correctione sad Each ucensee shall perform, of hueyes and to ese oesh measuremet halte W cret. All permit the coeumlesien to perforen. etetestoni ste&w mem be mpwwd er eyesial sealeer metanal ter seestdee referesses in the measurement report

. such teste as the Casamlesien deems other thes toes levolved h he sebmHwd to es beenen, who shau 3 appropriate er for the ad- operesse of a emelser reeener basesse

- minlettstion of the in uus b Pen og W th shapter, teen have seeses to the esseostWe e part, incl teste (al speelal nu- sentel dete.De hensees 7 clear ma (ti fastuties vhereem * * ""* 8'P***3 er as sealed emerne, shall bhah sem'P"*"'d perform r,eew a special nuclear matertal le uttuned, an produese or etered, teu nelauen emes. mammte a menemment esseet ,d,,q ,,y g ,,,,e

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,g to,,de,termine the uen and monitertas ins truments, and pmyan ler opeenal sueleer amenale '

(di other eeutpement and devtsee uese j esseet and eenemmeeg menessmente. au 88ps8# Wpa eenemed of k p$seemed M hwrveleropen. Sen in cormecuen with the produeuen. uu. 3 mehE tenseen must be I' Itoation er storees of special nuclear - esagend la the hommese nem suesed la meets De

  • ese to asserdsmen w,g , eveewe and seet meet be material.


. jg )(3) and fanseenal G and reported to hueese P

! IfeJ7 Meeewmoset eestres preems fw orgemeentenal relateeships meet be est 2 De boonsee shall mism the meerd of l soortel ameleer menertete roeirol and fort in wnuma in senordanes wtth 8 the evoults of the bconese mvww ad  ;

, aw&l of the esowemer's propen for

! R M i FnJelb)p).he p rd be " thme yeam after to meerd le mode.

(al As used in thle section desertbed to e massal which contates i (l3 -Measurement" includes sam. the y n i. ineswetees, and forme (4)1A order to ensure that pese6el pltna and means the determination of prepared to meet the requiresome of scurose of sampbag osvar am idennM i maae. volume. quanuty, composition or this pareysph, includes g- -iler and that samples are repressetenvec l other property of a matertal vhere the preparetnee, revtew, approval med process and eagneenne two meet be j such determinations are used for spe. enemissues of proyes Performed name woll eharesserteed etal nuclear material control and ac- nomeerchanges. heenese metanale to establish er te venly the

) coununs purposes. for shau retain the enreest preyta es e ePplicebGity of salettag c - 1 i t (2) Measurement erstem" means all samphne spendal sueleer acertale and l of the apparetus, equt peent, instru. twed g wel b, CommleMoe wo.mhew fa matsuklag temple huyWy derug g

-h i ng m urefe eUClear metertala.De 's trtaapert and et M UNSeesshaI propen shall taalede the followeg r* cord me twelte es abow puene l t3) "Reference standard" means a ' and agtmeertng tems and shau saatatah rnatertal, devlee, or instrument ehoes (1) The ticonese ab.tll aselen reopen. those resulta as a rword for as as anetsee value te kaoen niauve to na. for a tional standards or nationally accept. albnity Ior planning, developtns. so- that samphns systems le la ese eJ messunment systems, ordinauns, and emnas use pro- three years fouewtag the test such see. ,

I . t4) "Treceability" means the ability . grens te na indartdual la his orgmales* De peopen must ensure that such )

$ to relate individual measurement r,. Uon who has no direct reopenalaulume prosederee are metatetned and l R sulta to national standares or national, for the oportuen of the stelyucal lab- rollowed, and that tempung to included [

s ly necepted measurement systerne a orstory or foe the processing of mate- in the procedures for estnenettag blaese.

  • d throuen ilmite for eyotematic errore, and rendosa [

parisons.are unbroken chain of com. *I tionalrtal, holde a pooluon at an erstrues.

level which will peruut independence of action and objectivity =erroe vaneces 4 i t eli "Random error" refers to the l 4attation encountered Ln all meuure, of doctelon and has authortty to obtain "* (L) The progrere shall include provt-  !

ment eerk. charactertsed by the all the inforsmauon required to mord' ston.s for the restew and approval, l 4 random verurrence of both positive tot and evaluate measurement quality before use, of a ritten prowdures for: i I and negathe destations from a mean ,,te required by thte secuen- tt) Preparing or acquiring, maintain- l

% &l d - - Ing, stcrtrg and using reference stand- l l

tg) A "s>stematic error" ta a con. > (2) Proustone must be mede fo' 4 ard.s. -

starit urudirectional component of management reviews to deteretne the $ t 61) Calibrattrig meuurement sys-

error that affects all members of a edequacy of the program and to asene e tems, performing butt meuurementa.


data set, its value can, in some in- the appbcabthey of current procedures

  • obtaining samplea, and performitts i stances, be estimated by the dettation and for planned audite to tenfy S compositional analyses, j of the mean of a meuurement process 011) Recording, analning and report- j from a reference value. A systernatte ;J conformaam

,m, g,w g,g,we with allaspects and audits must of the Ing the program data and infortnauon,

,! error enose salue hu been deter. - perfor med at totersals not to eaceed and '

j mined in thts manner la called a blu 8 12 monthe. Audits and reviews uset be Oy) Controlling meuurement per.

E *'**d N "^ '

1 neer a n is the ett nt to s hich a measurement result is in independent of direct nsponsibibt) for the receipt. custody, utthastion. (8) To usun the adequacy of each I

! doubt became of the offects of e messunment s) stern math respect to random error iartances and the llmite a:e a surement. Enes seement quakry, and of systematic errors usoetated sith a shipment of stec2al nuclear tcatsmal. 2 procen floma, sataphng and i meuurement procean, after the meu e meest.nment potats. and nomina. ,

ne results of reuens and audats musi urements reset has treen corTected for to recorded and reported to hcesses a, material compositions. enguieertr,g j blu management. ne beenue shau neate 'o*l)ns and es tu bons mut be made 70 17 May 31,1908 i

I t

I c

  • e 70.57(b) PARTD O DOMESTIC LICENetNO OF SPECIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL 745W of the*deolya lmstallet6en. btned provided thf tM f'arameter es. "" (c) Appuseets and licensees subjoet peopmtwaal teses, eelibret6on. and the ttmates bend r.t .v , *ent set of to the previssene of parasresh m of sporetten of each systeen. These data and 'he M**'"c.e w t i f data are thle escues shall euhait to the Cent.

i anelpes and eveleatases must be not signif "' r l' o r 'd ' s the taale misalon for approval a detailed pies repeated whenever a sadnifasant thenge of Edf'rU *",

  • 18e48 P*r* desertbing the program that will be

! to mede in any componeet ed a pyetem. forraed u 4' of p Afteance of used to coenply with sa&d provielena.

T)e hceneet shali reeerd the resulta el 9 04. The plan submitted shall loclude the i-these analyses and evoketwas and 10 Th4 W ** -*41 evaluate with idenutication of those measuremente l sp(ps)prkk 'ml methods au 2 W contred and thau deserth LM

Meta em morde W mm yeam aher R prostare data and inforsnauen and steps the lleensee shall take to neoure Se Mi elme proom w eqwpment a relevant procoes elata used to establish the adeguaer of such procedures. IJ.

(7) P'seedwee and asce a

cntene muel be lehed for the

  • blas corroetions and ther associated g cenew's plans shall se subedtted on or U uncertalause, renduem error variances. ,, before November 11.1976... . . .

l tretMeg. geaWyies, and periodic i

roomwyng of au i who limite pmmeare for ortainine er,steenaus toerror, speeml andnue other mms td).f IJeonsees

,a,ayaph subjoet m .!tothuthe provl.


, perferus assaplaap and seesurements for at materiale control and assounung O shall foues the plane submitted pur.

i ensteriale eeneol and eccountars measureements, and to centrol seen- euant to parafresh tc) of thle escuen i

perpeess The Deensee shau retene se a suroement perforsmance pursuant to after May 11.1976. er th1MF daFe after remed the poetalte of pereennel l 70.84< f). Blas sorteeuene shall be the outenitted plan le artroyed bF the L q ash 8esten er roqualifnceties for three made Dy an appropriate statiettaal pro- NILC whichever le later. After May 11.

W yeese eher the soeurd la made, "

cedure. 1978, an appusant outjoet to the provl.

s siene of paragraph W of thle muen j s je(g,),The,g ,,,,g,,,,,,,,

preyam meet ,g generete

,,,,en g curroet k (tilft)The heemmes aba5 establieb and shau immediately hapleasant has plan.


  • Paesees locludan6 H appropruta, meassen e enneseemi esemel opensa. oubsaltted pursuant te paragraph te) 4 values Ier bias carrossess and ed, taaleese esseet chans and tesmal of this eseuen, feuewtas ineerporation l momeaam sa. saades eryw unaaeos. steeseenipeesemen. designed as of enne plan as a conettaen of unnes.

hoon en eyesment erms, and emer ==888 he 8F' amp af eerb ipp of i parensempo aseded to amabheh phe l es h====, iPeas punemmasselammaarmanutes of sneeseremente penntniet ymum e upy of he emant emmen,


i to metenele seseel and acesentms. The Mensamt emsel syne es a meerd (e) Each heemsee who le seeensed to progreen deem met reflect the cwreat antil die Commiss6e temessess eneh pessoas et any see tiene end loesten l preeses and maassroment stadacee homes not embuese pesenska af he streleg6c epsmal eenleet mehrlal la i

eassung et he time me sontrol meestalthat the opetem eGute and irred6eied feel repressestag operstems

,,,,,,,,,euneda.Thebcea m
  • ehaA seems essene of sush eyness or spedal moeiser metanal of modorete shau remed tido date and rMate this deemmene ist petone knentery strelegic seyenenses la a geneety i

reemed fu tres peers aAer to reeerd 6e penede a e penned Sur three peere eher onesedag ese eGeeeve bespen, and to 1 made. hasueromants which are no, hoy en uplems. m such synsal posiser neartal enesyt j ,,,,,,g,g g, g, ,, ,,, og 9 (ti' Cameel ehest lemde meet be for eeeled eserees and these mese i

used for metenale trolerlo, este to be agueenient to locels of 3 involved la the operemen of e seeleet i

acess es sipdSeense of SAS and Sept.Whenever , roector tieeneed poseenet to Part se of j i,,g,g, s pwyme. Tk propam eiue esseel does amused the ass gaserel . '.his che;rter and these levolved la e

, l, heite. the besasse shall investgate the 2 weete disposal operettee, shau 4 (D The onesing use of standards for sendenen and take emneseve neues la e ;eetabheh, maletale, and louew written j enlibesuon sad sentrol af an applica. d smaly mammer.The homose chan poseed meteral control and sesseness

} ble measurvenant systema. Caubrauene 2 the seemies of tese tresseigstems and N la sempliaase with the shau be repeated whenever any sig a esseneandsessimeashresurd$w$ pee "d*"*alal sealear metanal osacol rufleant et'ange eesure in a sneasure.

  • ehu to seemed le made. requiressente spee68ed la pereye steet ersta % or when progresa data. " (b) he esmeel dem enesed he threegh (h) of this sectee and Bessetted bF teste perforsned at a pre. other eestrels se se t'a==6a=La=

4Hermined frequency. ladieste a had Gast esmead h to measurement system deteratees to be seneet6al for the fer roeaunrassen. calibetuene and w ,,,t,al gamm,es,ed

,, ,,,, , ,,,, he d,oes,mese

,, est,ee. ,iof . d .,ee . nes fe,e,eesai ahan to based upne refmace sensestug puuposes emel the detalesey _neclear metonal, un A syMen

  • of matrol mees, hu been amneemd and to symen bee " N til The emeu planning, escre.

ureements to provide current data for been besucht tese omsrel at the tas nauon. and terministreues of the me.

.. the deternalnauen of randosa error be. controllevel terial control and asseuntarig fune.

3 havior. On a predeterimined schedule. (1217he bconoce shall provide a uona for opoetal nuclear materiale R the systeen shau include the repuente recorde eyeten in wh4ch au data. shall be vested in a single individual at arial>ste of process samples the repu. talormatten. reporta and documente an oreenleauonal level suffident to

'$ rate teleht or volume ameasureraent of generated by the mesoamment control assure independence of action and ob-I bu14 quanuues of material, and the lecthenees of docte6ene. In saammfae.

anal)868 of to9heate preeees amanples.

19) The pro 6 Tam data yproyem

,,, n meet,q , he m ,,rM,almed gn g,g, ,fer, ,,three rated h, shnu turtnebe organteauono, independent such indevedual of Individuate or d the eutront saa balance of the error dets stikend h the IbnH of error cablehus perhund fw wh A urute that are solely toeponalbte for port shan be used for the detersuna. a production funettons.

tien of the limit of error of the plant ,m,ui gle,, g g

  • 8)Hom meet h aganteed k omcient tai Matertal control and asseusting saater*al balanee. Measuressent error f 3 uncuona shan be idenufled and me; data couetted and used during tanme. "'*3 *I P'sysa taformatten. Eoch signed in the beensee orssalmauen to d4tely proceding material balance pe- P'P0ft'd 'es*It '8eet be Neddy relatable prodde a separtuon of funeuses to riode sesy be combined tith current to the origloal moteurement date and to that the acuuues of one indtMeust or data provised that the ameasuremente au roievant meesenment e** trol ersarussuonal unut serve as sentrole tre tn etattettcal crantrol. t.e o hen re. Informaben. lacJedias pertment over and checks of the activiues of posted samp'ee from the porton of cabbreuse dete. Recorde aset be other individuale or orsardamnanal the measurement erstera under test aveueble fe NRO taapectos. units.

behave as tsnJom samples from a stable probability distribuuorL Under "* " jNote remesed 49 FR tM13) such conditions, dam ette may be com.

Mey 31,190s 70 18 .

70 "

,__ , 's~b) - . .d PART C O,t_DOMESTC ,

. .. . - . UCENSING r , m.,t_e OF_ SPECIAL ., e rol.tse.shipe .u a_.-! be e.t f.rth I, writtag .ure.a. for ses an e eh. the t ed is


---e n 1.clude p e --

I _ .

5.! a ., r.,s. a _. e, r- a - .- .

., d_ J.

.=::: -

. .:e o ,,,,,gg ,, ,g ,,,,,,,g, , , i.ts m d tth..f oe.utm. mas-dd.A.I .f;. m .

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tr A v.d A. b,e.e.e

_Aa, tr e

. e_.rt.d.ty the.,....e- ,

_.. s



,__ d.,__.m.

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EEEE"m=:3  :-  :=-ec"tr::::'

.,,.,,,,d ,,,:n:.;;m;;::l- g _ cu::_4 . s d _.-. *- ~.*-

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, _ 4. t a.,.s_oe..--_~ ei.,e _o m t

.a,.,. 1

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- . _e e . e. _ _1,_ , , ,la,.t,, ._.,. -

t ., n l__ a- 4.r _.e., _,_.4,,

- - . .r shau includse

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tea.s pt.t hasa. U- ,es.

, m - ,. .mt. - ern.t,

- .d n. b.s

.____ e sha. reaerd th.e a. . .er_.r. _.s r_.



m-b .,-

re - ,,- - -

-~~. -e _. -_.,,o _e _4e .e. _.a. ._

. e,-

. ,,. _ .a

.e _.


... _-r_4 t

. _ar_d.. ..

, ee,,,,o_)

o, n w

_ ._ m l-m et,n,.d, c e. and _ ouowe

_, p t.

rtal control syseese by individuale tnde.

pendent of tr2th matertal con.

deternaine tna. a.d c.etrol of 'he systemenc .nd tendos. entre of Q g i.n.g.,y ,,,,,dme ,,,,e i

tana.d. and j

tr_ol manadement and .he measutom t pet,c ,be oGew est.html d se . a erm - n.=tr e,e et a level ., d .M e more.e.t. . ,sp 6al cs tmehrbl

, h f. r co ,

J cetpt. custody, ut e.uM* sua

.ent. mea.u,e.enut.auon, l M31(e)(3).

. . m ,. f .hi ,. saa om,ie,De bcensee

.d ,o.,d ,o sheD reto , , , , , , , , . , ,e, , b.

uno.rta,l.5m. , . d,,e*==_*=ad

, , ,, _ c. b We'. uJilu ",d.T*,eb".*d" :".1 .ar*, * *a"-a a,ut,ed . * * -b, - *.i. e. . ==.w me-- w' e


" of material contr.1 arvi seceu. tina J meine te a.d sp.s.a d l. .

I procedures and practa Dad a. audJt " (8) Procedures shall be established. 9 J: of the nuclear anat.rtal recortta, The o,44the

%. cure h, tshadF __retal. as asa ed

' maintained. nad fouoted to: '

resulta of the rettew and audit al.n. (1) A.eure sceurata identification b P m j Mth recom_n tad teessurement of the quantjuos of ments thau beocu.a.nt.d. for rep nue.s.w.

rt.d special nuclear material recelved and J labc.a.e e that eeth.rt to th. me. e the o,cttett,I_- that I to the licetwee's corperste and plant shipped by a lleenees. g and. g y.res. .,.6m the .


e - R io 1 management, and kept avautble 64 the (3) Revte. and evaluate shipper r ~ plant for inspection for a period of cetter differences on an indJvidual E Portio.J.t retal. the -e. eye.m IIT. F8&re- container or lot beats, sa appropriat.

  • chan,e. . 1 (d) Matertal Balance Item Control Arena (ICA) shall be ee' a. ontive Areas (MBA) or j a shipment basta, and on @) A system of recoede and reports basta for shipments ofalike curaulaa type must be establashed. matrateined, sad ,

tahltshed for physteal and administra a matertal; fouowed that wtll provide Laformation -

f d BA 1D he 4 8 SPDMpML denttfl.R and corrective setton to reconetle ship

  • at tM uu- per.nestyn ammnen mat an stau

" & sdcent to bceu specal nuclur matenal arid to closv e motsured y f ejes aterial being moted matertal balance around each mounal into or out of the MBA la represented ucany signWant at me 98 puemt balance area and the total plant, as by a measured vtlue determined pur. spect ed in 170 5L As nquimd by sutnt to parastaph (en of thta section. #[h 01 e diffe g,,, ,g g,33 g, g,gg g, g,pyg, e

f S M 5L ee bcon_ ehau ntam Go 1 g7,,, ,,

l 13) The numter of MBAs shtt! be recorda sseodated ts1th that sy stea for ten h and I suf!!clent to localtae nuclear material M three yeare after the records are made I s, thetta and idenufy the

, ]* u t .Tb4 e: stern must tarJude.

I (31 The custody of all nuclear mate. Mons, and correcure utions on file at [* til A centraitsed becounting system  !

I rtal althin any MBA or ICA shall be e plant for a p I, erroloring double-entry bootheectng-the respons)ctilty of a stngle des:enat- @) A syst.m e,erted of five letts.storep g (3) Subald:gry and latemal secounta for each mt. +

l ed tndhidual. handita, must be setabbshed.  ; tertal ttJance tret and item control I (4) ICAs shall be established ucerd. 2 metatamed. and fouowed to swedde , sna;  ;

ing . (3) Records pertinent to the require. i escept to theshatsame control critetta into and as out MBAs  ! currentand of qast.ttry, knowled of the Ic. cation LJenttry,l of au speca I I M 815 " I 3;


such tress shall be by Ltem t$ entity nuclear materist coMatned withtn e  ! '""t8(4) 'ocedures'for Pr the reconetitation  ;

of subsmary secounu to control me.

and count for prestously determined plant in dacrete items and conismers. r special nucleat asstertal quanuues, no lanm shau inebde pwwees n M hth' '"d #h """t*"8

, l 70 19 May 31,1988 j i

e ** e "M PART O o DOMESMC UCENelNO OF $PESIAL NUCLEAR MATERIAL MW tt) Procedures for reconcillauen of control and oute6eary accounu to the (t) Any beense may be revoked. eue.

resulte W phrusal townurtes. pended or ened6 fled for any materhl III Each usensee suaject tv the re-guareemente W thh essuem shall ht falso statemente La the Wwwa er

  • I I* I'9 ""'

= bs January M. IMG. a fuB desertpuen ""I escuen""*"s*"e"t le the Act er boomune of g of hh for seated W and me. condiuena revealed by such asphen-

eeuntlas or spostal mastear maternal
  • tjen er stateenent of feet er any
  • e in hee peessanon under Deense te show t report. record, er inoporuen or other how semphemse wMk the requireseonu *** '"*A "N "*"I IA*

2 of thee assuen, eseeet for paresresh a "u'esten to refum to grant a heenes en ge (fl. wul to asessapithed. 'Thh pre.-

gran shah be fWlewed by the Deensee


ther July M.1Mt. er sisty days after ati "o" 8't80"*Ier opere4e a 8' I*' I*N'a"s-fest1My ht the progress k by the It3tCi eerdamse with the terine of the seek strueuen permit er liesees. the Letha6


whoshover le the

  • est spectinemuses la the Ww a= or g 9gg age,,,, % ,,,,,g,, ,,.

for vienauen W. or fhilure te steern nay of the terees and eenmuena of the

% any use W the Cess.

(a) Enskthesen

, em a.d use spee.e.nother1ood me.e., mat.r te pe,s- (t) Upes reveestlen, suspeso6en er for pressasing and fust fahrtenues. enedifleauen of a liesnes, the tw=.

II eres s removery er soeverelse of ureal-een haeafluertda. etan: e6en snay teamed.stely retehe passes.

O e6en of all spealal nuclear enatettal (l) Subm2 a to the appropel- band by the lleensee, la cases found by a4e Office ebewn in A> o the Ceansalee6en te to of estrenne ima.

penas D Part 30 of thee shapter. O portanee to the natiemal defemme er so.

with septes to the DLeoctog. OfReg  :". eurity. er to the hadus and enfEp of Nesleet Meternal Salery and the puhtaa. the ra===h easy UA eslaar  ! ture say speseal moetear matestal Comaalesles. W b, eedures by the 16eenese providedprior le any under of the581 escues pres D. . wtthan te days after ary 1.1Mt. and July 1.1Mt. and led of uue 8 of the United S'a4es wluun 80 etre after January 1 and Code. >

July 1 of seek year thereafter, spoesty- ,.

-r las the summuty of seek of Une prtart.

3 pal rameneeudes rolessed to unroe- =

  • 2 tatsted artes in Inquid and gaseous of.

a thseate dustes the prestems an esenthe !d) Escopt la enese of wt!! fulness J

' of operetten, and such outer inferies- these la wlush the health, ta.

3 Den asthe n===h=='a= may require to terest er safety toe outerwton, me license shall be snedified, suspended or causeate staatmuss setendal amaual artened unless. prior to the laeutuuen redemues doses to the puttle resatung fresa effluent releessa. If eunaques of of pressedines *.herefer, fases er esew duet which snay 9ttfeat such neuen resteesuw ennaerente retsesed durtne -

the reportans pertede are etsmifleancy shell have been enlled to the attenuen above the hesmose's deelga chpesuves of the tisonnes in writtas and the M.

pretteusty reverood as ethat of the 3 eensee shau have been negerded ep.

eeamens seuse. the report shad cover portualty te scemeastrate er achieve this eposettsally. On the beste of such seenpliance with all lawful require-repares and any adeuenal taformat feesta, uest the - anny mistale fress' the Neonese er othere. the Ceementestem smay frees time ne name require the b- b g ggg .-- ' ~_m~~ ,,g "*O** g, ,,,

senese a take such wuen es the Cess- s **"*"*'**'''7' 6

sneestem deems appropthee

. Whenever Congrees declares that a state of war er nauenal emereeney gra.40 tasse oel,g ytems esata. *.he C= = m Lf it flade it poseenary to the seemmen defense and eerurtty may.

Moosyncarten ame Revocartes or 4al Suspend any tieemse it has isowed.

1Jcuseen (t) Order the recapture of speenal suelent manettal.

l e M41 liedeftause and emenden of 16 tel Order the sportt&ea of any 11

""* rensed factLity.

(d) Order entry into any plaat er fa.

!,,u(=a) t .m The enau necess me =bjectand sendtuemeciuty w ame.d. of inn!!order u reempture special n+

= esent, rettshoe. er smediftsauen by clear smertal or to operate the faciu.

reeman of annendmente to the Ateaue tr. Just comptneauen shall to paid for 3kiersy Aes W test, or by reessa of any earnases cauerd by reeapture of rules, regulaussa er ordere issued in special nuclear matertal or by oper.

noserdamse with the Act er arty suon of any facillty, pureuant to thle ahta thereto; ,,,sectlerk.

Mey 31,1968 (reset) 70 20

T o ** e 9


F Bryceemmet h An injuastien er other sourt order snay be elplained prehabiting any vtete.

ties of any provtalen of the Alemte Energy Act et 1984 as aseende& or Title !! et the Energy Reorganianaise

Act of IM4. er any reemanasen er order 3 loomed thereunder. A seert order snap to emained for the paranset of a seve

! penalty tensesse purement to oesteem in of uw Act fw ,$sinesen se amuse 1I 88. 81. St. St. 81. St.191. let, let. IM.

er 100 of the Act, or eastlen 300 of the anergy Reorganiantaea Act ed 1M4. er any rule, regulauen, or order iemand thereunder, or any terun, esadeden, er 1*Jeltauet of nar llerSoo issued there' under, or for any yleisues for vtdeh a '

lleense may be reveted under escuss its of the Act. Amy perosa who wtD.

fully vietates any previo6ee of the Act or any regulauen er order leeued thereunder may be guilty of a crime and, upon convicuen, may be punished by fine er imprisonenent er both, as p

n rovided by law, (Wu reed 49 FR 19423) 7421 Mey 31,1944