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Revised Section 10 Pages 10-1 & 10-2 to Radiological Contingency Plan
Person / Time
Site: General Atomics, 07000734
Issue date: 11/06/1997
From: Gonzales L
Shared Package
ML20199B704 List:
PROC-971106, NUDOCS 9711200222
Download: ML20199D006 (3)


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November 6,1997 Laura O do.uu. Gonzales.G. @<rn;3h 11/97 Revision of GA's Radioloalcal Continaency Plan The Radiological Contingency Plan dated October 1997 has been revised November 1997 as noted below. These changes could be viewed as changes which decrease the effectiveness of the Plan, therefore, NRC approval of these changes (per 10CFR70.32)is requested before GA implements the changes.

1. Section 10.2 - Radiological Contingency Plan refresher training for Emergency Response and Recovery Directors and their alternate (s) to be changed from annual to every 2 years, not to exceed 27 months.

Justification: This training frequency is consistent with other training courses, such as radiation safety based on a " possession only" license. Changes to the Plan are distributed to personnel at the time of the change so emergency personnel are kept up-to-date with Plan changes.

2. Section 10.3 - Drill / exercise - changed from annual to every 2 years.
3. Section 10.3 - Participation of offsite organizations - changed from annual to every 2 years.

Justification (for 2 and 3 above): An annual exercise and familiarization visits are no longer needed for a " possession only" license, since no process operations are authorized and the risk of a radiological emergency situation has been greatly reduced.

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  • Emergency procedures detailing the actions to be taken to implement this emergency plan will be -

prepared for, and by responsible personnel (e.g., the ERRD) of each facility covered by this plan.

These implementing procedures will be available to all members of the emergency organization.

10.2. TRAINING ,

Oneratine Personnel. Kl individuals at GA who routinely work with radioactive material without -

direct supervivon of a trained individual are required to attend a Radiological Safety class and pass ait examination at the end 'of the class.

GA Emcreency Ormanisallon. Personnel in the emergency response organization receive on-the-job and/or additional specialized periodic training particular to their discipline and

responsibility _

The Emergency Response and Recovery Directors (ERRDs) are responsible for determining who -

within their organization / facility will be trained as emergency responders. The fRRDs are also -

responsible for detarmining, with the concurrence of the Director of Licensing, Safety and Nuclear Compliance ,trid the Manager of Health Physics, the subjects in which their emergency response team members should be trained.

Fmergency Responders will be trained in r.idiation safety, basic first aid, cardiopulmonary ,

resuscitation (CPR), and basic fire suppret sion (as a minimum). Some facility personnel may be trained in the use of a self<ontained bre 4 thing apparatus, if deemed appropriate by the Emergency Response and Recovery Director (ERRD; Known hazards in the work place will, to a large measure, dictate the training needs. Re-t'aining will be conducted for emergency responders on radiation safety, basic first aid and CPR every two years (not to exceed 27 months or date on l certification card, whichever is earlier). Fire rafety will be provided annually (not to exceed 15 l months) by GA's Safety Manager, as required by the Occupa'imal Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), it SCBA use is deemed appropriate, training shall be provided annually (not to exceed 15 months).

Training sessions for ERRDs and their alternates shall be co1 ducted every 2 years (not to exceed 27 months). This training will focus on the ERRD's responsibilities in implementing GA's l Radiological Contingency Plan, Non-GiS$nnort Personnel; Off-site support org izations or personnel are periodically briefed on

!- sita activities.

GA Tenants.' GA tenants eupying areas subject to evacuation upon sounding of a criticality 1

Radiological Contingency Plan Revision Date 11/97 Page 10-1 i


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alarm will be appropriately trained on how to re.; pond to ruch an alarm. Personnel who have not

, been trained will be accompanied by a trained individual while visiting such areas.

10.3. TESTS AND DRILLS Criticality evacuation drills are conducted semiannually at each facility that uses special nuclear material in quantities sufficient to require a criticality warning alarm system. This requirement may be satisfied by participation in unscheduled events that exercise the plan.

Every two years, senior members of participating off-site response organizations are invited to GA for familiarization visits and a program / facility update. This activity is scheduled by the Director of Licensing, Safety and Nuclear Compliance.

Selected aspects of this contingency plan will be exercised every two years (not to exceed 27 months), either as a result of responding to actual emergencies or by means of specifically designed scenarios. Exercises will, when appropriate, include preparation for transporting, notification of medical facility, delivery, and contamination controls.

Documentation of such activities will be retainea by Health Physics.

10.4. REVIEWING AND UPDATING OF THE PLAN AND PROCEDURES The Manager of Health Physics is responsible for an annual review of the Radiological Contingency Plan The ERRD's are responsible for an annual review of their facility's implementing procedures.

If up Jating is required, the usual method will be to publish revision pages for distribution to all holoers of the Radiological Contingency Plan.

10.5. MAINTENANCE OF INVENTORY OF RADIATION EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT The schedule for maintenance and inventory checks for equipment and supplies required for responding to a radiological emergency will be:

1. Radiation detection instruments will be checked quarterly for intact inventory and calibrated semiannually.
2. The emergency generator will be checked quarterly.
3. Protective breathirg equipment and protective clothing will be checked quarterly for intact inventory.
4. Other supplies designated for emergency use will be inventoried checked quarterly.
5. All equipinent and supplies will be immediately replaced or repaired if found missing from the inventory or not functioning properly.
6. Essential emergency equipment will be kept secured to prevent pilfering and misar propri-ation.

Radiological Contingency Plan Revision Date 11/97 Page 10-2