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Tn Americas LLC, Request for a Pre-application Meeting
Person / Time
Site: 07109382
Issue date: 07/16/2020
From: Shaw D
Orano TN Americas, TN Americas LLC
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML20198M575 List:
Download: ML20198M576 (12)


orano July 16, 2020 E-57117 Orano TN 7160 Riverwood Drive U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suite 200 Attn: Document Control Desk Columbia, MD 21046 USA One White Flint North Tel: 410-910-6900 11555 Rockville Pike Fax: 434-260-8480 Rockville, MD 20852


Request for a Pre-application Meeting (Docket Number: 71-9382)


TN Americas LLC letter E-53437 dated January 21, 2019, "Request for a Pre-application Meeting" (Docket Number: 71-9382)

TN Americas LLC letter E-53523 dated February 4, 2019, "Request for a Pre-application Meeting" (Docket Number: 71-9382)

TN Americas LLC letter E-55299 dated October 15, 2019, "Request for a Pre-application Meeting" (Docket Number: 71-9382)

TN Americas LLC requests a pre-application meeting on August 18, 2020, to review the Model TN Eagle transportation package design.

An agenda is submitted as Enclosure 1 that includes a public presentation (Enclosure 2) and a closed meeting to discuss proprietary information (Enclosure 3).

An affidavit (Enclosure 4) is provided for the proprietary presentation.

Should the NRC staff have any questions or require additional information to support scheduling of this pre-application meeting, please contact Mr. Peter Vescovi by telephone at 336-420-8325, or by e-mail at Peter.Vescovi@Orano.qroup.

Sincerely, Digitally signed by Don Don Shaw ~::,o,oorn 07:13:19-04'00' Don Shaw Licensing Manager Enclosures transmitted herein contain SUNSI. When separated from enclosures, this transmittal document is decontrolled.

E-57117 Document Control Desk Page 2 of 2 cc: Bernie White, Senior Project Manager, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Lionel Antognelli, Project Engineer, TN Americas LLC Prakash Narayanan, Chief Technical Officer, TN Americas LLC Peter Vescovi, Licensing Engineer, TN Americas LLC Raheel Haroon, Engineering Manager, TN Americas LLC


1. Agenda for TN-Americas LLC TN EAGLE Pre-Application Meeting on August 18, 2020
2. TN Eagle Pre-Application NRC Meeting, Non-Proprietary Information
3. TN Eagle Pre-Application NRC Meeting, Proprietary Information
4. Affidavit Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390

Enclosure 1 to E-57117 Agenda for TN-Americas LLC TN Eagle Pre-Application Meeting on August 18, 2020 NRC Docket Number: 71-9382 TN Eagle Pre-Application Meeting August 18, 2020; 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. EST U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852 Room: Telephone conference call 1 :00- 1:15 Introduce participants 1:15 - 1:30 Public meeting - TN EAGLE Presentation (Non-proprietary)

  • 01 Introduction - Cask presentation 1:30 - 1:45 Questions 1:45 - 3:45 Closed meeting - TN EAGLE Presentation (Proprietary)
  • 01 TN EAGLE - EOS Contents
  • 02 TN EAGLE - TN MP187, MP197, and MP197HB DSC Contents
  • 03 TN EAGLE - Other Contents 3:45 - 4:00 Questions / Wrap-up


Lionel Antognelli, Project Engineer, TN Americas LLC Prakash Narayanan, Chief Technical Officer, TN Americas LLC Peter Vescovi, Licensing Engineer, TN Americas LLC Raheel Haroon, Engineering Manager, TN Americas LLC Don Shaw, Licensing Manager, TN Americas LLC Philippe Pham, Nuclear Safety Manager, TN Americas LLC Venkata Venigalla, Structural and Thermal Manager, TN Americas LLC

Enclosure 2 to E-57117 TN Eagle Pre-Application NRC Meeting, Non-Proprietary Information

TN EAGLE Universal Transport Cask Third Pre-Application NRC Meeting NRC Docket No.71-9382 18 AUG 2020



1. Project Presentation
2. Cask Presentation
3. Early Manufacturing (J orano 2

TN Eagle Non-Proprietary Project Presentation The TN Eagle is a new Universal Transport Cask developed by Orano TN.

Identified contents are:

CoC 1042 - EOS Dry Shielded Canisters CoC 9255 - MP 187 Dry Shielded Canisters CoC 9302 - MP 197HB Dry Shielded Canisters The licensing application will be for Transportation under NRC regulation 10 CFR Part 71.

(J orano 3

TN Eagle Non-Proprietary Cask Presentation Single shell, forged body New technology for assembly and handling principles Assembly Forged body Impact Limiter Lid (J orano 4

TN Eagle Non-Proprietary Early Manufacturing Strategy Orano TN has chosen the US market for the first-of-a-kind TN Eagle Cask.

The early manufacturing process detailed by the NRC will be followed.

Orano TN will issue a 45 days pre-fabrication start notification Orano TN will keep records from the early manufacturing stages to demonstrate the manufactured cask is compliant with the license Manufacturing updates:

A supplier has been selected for the forged body manufacturing A QA audit has been performed Tooling equipment is ready Manufacturing of the 1st forged body is planned to start before the end of the year Orano TN has already written and approved several manufacturing specifications for this project (J orano 5

orano Giving nuclear energy its full value

Proprietary Enclosure 3 to E-57117 TN Eagle Pre-Application NRC Meeting, Proprietary Information Withheld Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.390

Encl e4toE-S7 117 AFFIDA VJT PUR UA T TO 10 CFR 2.390 Am ri LL )

tat fM land County of ~o ard )

l, Prakash arayanan, depo e and ay that 1 am Chief Technical Officer of TN Americas LLC, duly authorized to ecute thi affidavit, and have reviewed or caused to have reviewed the information whi h is identified as proprietary and referenced in the paragraph immediately below. I am submitting this affidavit in confonnance with the provisi n of IO CFR 2.390 of the Commission's regulations for withholding this infonnation.

Th infonnation for which proprietary treatment is sought is contained in Enclosure 3 inclu ing separat ideo files to be included with the presentation is listed below:

Th above document has been appropriately d ignated as proprietary.

I have personal knowledge of the criteria and procedures utilized by TN Americas LLC ind ignatin information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.

Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) (4) of Section 2.390 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Com mi ion in determining wh ther the infonnation sought to be withheld from public di closure, included in the above referenced docum nt bould be withheld.

l) The information sought to be withheld from pub Uc di losure in ol d cription of the design of a 10 CFR Part 71 transportation packaging for radios tive mat rial related to the d ign of the TN Eagle which are owned and have been held in confid n by TN Americas LL .

2) The information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Am ri LLC and n t tomarily disclosed to the public. TN Americas LLC has a rational basis for determining the typeS of infonnation customarily held in confidence by it.
3) Public disclosure of the information i likely to caus substantial hann to the competiti TN Americas LLC, becau e the information consists of d scriptions of th d ign ofa 10 transportation packaging for radioactive material the application of whi b pro id a mpetitive economic advantage. The availability of such infonnation to ompetitors would n bl th m to modify their product to better compete with TN Americas LLC, talce marketing or oth r acti ns to impro e their product's position or impair the position of TN Americas LLC' product, and a oid d
  • eloping similar data and analyse in support of their processes, m thod or apparatu .

Further the deponent sayeth not.


Prakash N ~ 1 % '

Chief Technical Officer, TN Americas LL My Commission Expires /0 I_10-2.fl..23 Page 1 of l
