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Reg Guide 1.147,Rev 6, Inservice Insp Code Case Acceptability
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Issue date: 05/31/1988
REGGD-01.147, REGGD-1.147, NUDOCS 8806290316
Download: ML20195K023 (6)


F Revisi:n 6 g [s U.S, NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION May 1988 l o igg REGULATORY GU DE v +.o OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH REGULATORY GUIDE 1,147 INSERVICE INSPECTION CODE CASE ACCEPTABILITY ASME SECTION XI DIVISION 1 A. INTRODUCTION This regulatory guide lists those Section X! ASME Code Cases that are generally acceptable to the N RC staff for Section 50.55a, "Codes and Standards," of 10 CFR implementation in the inservice inspection ot light-water-Part 50, "Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization cooled nuclear power plants.

Facilities," requires,in part, that each operating License for a boiling o. pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility Any information mllection activities mentioned t. .his regu-and each construction permit for a utilization fecihty be latory guide are contained as requirements in 10 CH Part 50, subject to the conditions in paragraph (g),"Inservice Inspec- which provides the regulatory basis for this guide. The informa-tion Requirements," of 50.55a. Paragraph (g) requires,in tion collection requirements in 10 CFR Part 50 have been

! part, that Classes 1,2, and 3 components and their supports cleared under OMB Clearance No. 3150-0011.

meet the requirements of Section XI, "Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components,"I of the B. DISCUSSION American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or equivalent quality standards. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee pub.

Paragraph 50.55a(b), in part, references the latest editions lishes a document entitled "Code Cases."1 Generally, and addenda in effect of Section XI of the Code and any the individual Code Cases that make up this document supplementary requirements to that section of the Code. explain the intent of Code rules or provide for alternative Footnote 6 to 50.55a states that the use of specific Code requirements under special circumstances.


( 7 Cases may be authorized by the pursuant to paragraph 50.55a(a)(2)(ii), which requires (lat Commission and then are annulledupon by action ofrequestV)

Most Code Cases are eventually superseded by revision of the Code the ASME. In pro thereof provide an acceptable level of quaht, and safety, such instances, the intent of the annulled Code Case becomes part of t'te revised Code, and therefore continued m of the General Design Criterion 1, "Quality Standards and Re- Code Case intent is sanctioned under the rules of the Code,in cords," of Appendix A, "General Design Criteria for Nuclear other instances, the Code Case is annulled because it is no Power Plants," to 10 CFR Part 50 requires, in part, that longer acceptable or there is no further requirement forit. A skuctures, systems, and components important to safety be Code Case that was approved for a particular situatim and not designed, fabricated, erected, and tested to quality standards for a Feneric application should be used only for the astroyed commensurate with th importance of the safety function situation because annulment of such a Code Case could result to be performed. Where gerettily recognized codes and in situations that would not meet Code requirements. 'lhe standards are used, Criterion 1 r"quires that they be identi- ASME considers the use of Code Cases to be optional for the fled and evaluated to determine their applicability, adequacy, user and not a mandatory requirement.

and sufficiency and be supplemented or modified as neces-sary to ensure a quality product in keeping with the required The Code Cases listed in this guide are limited to those safety function. e ses applicable t Secti n XI of the Code.

8806290316 000531 PDR REGGD 01.147 R PDR All published Code Cases that are applicable to Section XI 3

Copies may be chtained from the American Society of Mechan. of the Code and were in effect on August 1,1986, werel*

ical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y.10017.

  • Lines indicate substantive changes from Revision 5.

USNRC REGULATORY GUIDES The guides are issued in the following ten broad divisions:

Regulatory Guides are lisued to describe and make available to the pubuc methods acceptable to the NRC staff of implementing 1. Power Reactors 6. Products sp*Cific parts of the Commission's regulations, to delineate tech- 2. Research and Test Reactors 7. Transportation niques used by the staff in evaluating specific problems or postu- 3. Fuels and Materials Facilities 8. Occupational Health or to provide 9uldanC# to appl 6 cants. Regulatory 4. Environmental and Siting 9. Antitrust and Financial Review lated GuidesacCldents(

are no substitutes for reguhtlons, and compliance with 5. Materials and Plant Protection 10. General them b not required. Methods and solutions dif ferent from those set gx out in the guldes will be acceptable if they provide a basis for the Copies ref issued guides may be purchased from the Government

\ f6ndings requisite to the issuance or continuance of a permit or

/ i license by the Commission. Printing Office at the current GPO price. Information on current

? GPO prices may be obtained by contacting the Superintendent of (j/ This guide was issued af ter consideration of comments received from the public. Comments and suggestions for imp 6ovements in these Doc u men t s, U. S. G over n me n t Printing Of fice, Post Of fice Box 3 7082 Washington, DC 20013-7082, telephone (202)2 75 2060 or guides are encouraged at all times, and guides will be revrsed as (202)2 7 5+2 3 71.

appropriate, to accommodate comments and to reflect new informa-tion or experience.

Written comments may be submitted to the Rules and Procedures information Service on a standing order basis. Details on tnis Br anc h, DRR ADM U.S. Nuclear R egulat ory Commession, serv 6ce may be obtained by writing NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Washington, D 20555, Spr6ngfield, V A 22161.

1 reviewed for inclusion in this guide. Code Cases that are not Code Case 1738 (N 118)is acceptable subject to the listed herein are either not endorsed or will require supple- following condition in addition to those conditions mentary provisions on an individual plant basis to attain specified in the Code Case. The last sentence of the endorsement status. "Reply" should be replaced with the following: The lj provisions of this Code Case may not be applied for The endorsement of a Code Case by this guide constitutes the examination of clad surfaces of nozzles, including acceptance of its technical position for applications not the inner surface of the nozzle-to-vessel insert welds.

precluded by regulatory or other requirements or by the recommendations in this or other regulatory guides. Con. N-2114 7/13/81 Recalibratim of Ultrasonic Equip-tingent endorsement if applicable is indicated in regulatory 7/13/84 ment Upon Change of Personnel, position I for specific cases, flowever, it is the responsibil- Section XI, Division 1 ity of the user to make certain that no regulatory requirements are violated and that there are no conflicts with other recom- N-216 3/10/78 Alternative Rules for Reactor )

mended limitations resulting from Code Case usage. 7/13/81 Vessel Closure Stud Examina- \

tion,Section XI, Division 1 (

7/13/84 Acceptance or endorsement by the NRC staff applies only to those Code Cases or Code Case revisions with the N-234 1/8/79 Time Between Ultrasonic Calibra-date of ASME approval as shown in the regulatory 1/21/82 tion Checks,Section XI, Divi-position of this guide. Earlier or later revisions of a Code 12/5/84 sion 1 Case are not endorsed by this guide. New Code Cases will require evaluation by the NRC staff to determine if they N-235 1/8/79 Ultrasonic Calibration Checks per qualify for inclusion in the approved list. Because of the 4/2/82 Section V, Section XI, Division !

continuing change in the status of Code Cases,it is planned 2/14/85 that this guide will require periodic updating to accom- )

modate new Code Cases and any revision of existing Code N 2361 9/5/85 Repair and Replacement of Class Cases. MC Vessels,Section XI, Division 1 C. REGULATORY POSITION Code Case N-236-1 is acceptable subject to the follow-ing condi; ions in addition to those conditions

1. The Section XI ASME Code Cases2 listed below (by specified in the Code Case:

number, date of ASME approval,3 and title) are accept-able to the NRC staff for application in the inservice a. In paragraph 1.0(a), second sentence - the phrase, inspection of components and their supports for water- "while the plant is not in savice," refers to a cooled nuclear power plants. Their use is acceptable within refueling outage.

the limitadans stated in the "Inquirv" and "Reply" sec-tions of each individual Code Case, within the limitations of b. In paragraph 1.0(a), third sentence - the phrase, such NRC or other requirements as may exist, and within "the next scheduled plant outage,' refers to the the additional limitations recommended by the NRC staff next scheduled refueling outage.

and given with the individual Code Case in the list.

For clarification, Repair and Replacement of Class MC l

17051 3/1/76 Ultrasonic Examination-Calibra- Vessels me:ns Repair and Replacement cf Class MC N-98 11/20/78 tion Block Tolerances,Section XI Vessels and Components (systems). Acceptanx cf 1/21/82 this Code Case in no way infers NRC approval to 12/5/84 violate the technicalspecification or any NRC require-l

' ments with regard to breach of containment during N-l l 3 1 12/13/82 Basic Calibration Block for Ultra- repair and replacement procedures while the plant is 2/14/85 sonic Examination of Welds 10 in operation.

in. to 14 in. Thick,Section XI, )

Division 1 Where a numbered Code paragraph is not identified by a particular edition of the Code, the Code . i effect 1738 12/22/75 Examination - Acceptance Stand- at the time of the ASME meeting (11/3/78) that approved the Code Case should be governing.

N 118 11/20/78 ards for Surface Indications in 1/21/82 Cladding,Section XI N 278 3/17/80 Alternative Ultrasonic Calibratim ,

1/21/85 3/17/83 5 Block Configuration I-3131 and 4 The Code Case was annulled on 3/2 81 (ASME mandatory annulment date). It was reinstated on 7/1 81. Because there was no change in the Code Case, the NRC con de*s that the Case was 2A runyrical listirs d the Code Caes appears in the appendix. in effect during the period 3/20/81 through 7/13/81.

sCode Case N-278 was inadvertently allowed M expire because 3When more than one date is gtven, the earlier date is that on of an ASME administrative error on 3/17/83, its mandatory arnul-whkh the Code Case was approved by the ASME, and the later date ment date. The Code Case without any technical changes was rein-or dates) is that on which the Code Case was reaffirmed by the stated on s/2s/83. Because d these circumstances, the Code Case is M E.

considered to be in effect during that period of time.

1.147-2 1

[ -

5/25/83 5 T-434.3,Section XI, Division i N-375 2 4/5/84 Rules for Ultrasonic Examination 2/19/86 of Bolts and Studs,Section XI, l Division !

, \f'))

'; Code Case N-278 is acceptable subject to the following conditions in addition to those conditions specified in N-389 7/25/83 Alternative Rules for Repairs, the Code Case: When a universal calibration block is 5/14/86 Replacements, or Modifications, l used and some or all of the reference holes are larger Section XI, Division I than the reflector holes at comparable depths recom-mended by Article IV,Section V,1980 edition of the Code Case N 389 is acceptable subject to the following ASME Code, a correction factor should be used to condition in addition to those conditions specified in adjust the DAC level to compensate for the larger the Code Case: The applicant should submit for approv-reflector holes. Also,if the reactor pressure vessel was al the appropriate edition and addenda of the Code that previously examined by using a conventional block, a is to be used fcr the repair, replacement ormodification ratio between the DAC curves obtained from the two before start of the work.

blocks should be noted (for reference) with the significant indication data.

N-401 - 2/20/84 Eddy Current Examination, Sec-N-306 1/15/81 Calibration Block Material Selec- tion XI, Division 1 4/5/84 tion, Appendix 1,1-3121, Sec-tion XI, Division 1 N-402 2/20/84 Eddy Current Calibration Stan-dard Material,Section XI, Divi-N-307-1 12/5/84 Revised Ultrasonic Examination sion i Volume for Class 1 Bolting, Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Cate. N-406 4/5/84 Alternative Rules for Replace-gory B-G-1, When the Examina- ment,Section XI, Division I tions Are Conducted from the Center-Drilled llole,Section XI, N-408 7/12/84 Alternative Rules for Examina-Division I tion of Class 2 Piping, Sec-tion XI, Division 1 N 308 9/30/81 Documentation of Repairs and 9/30/84 Replacements of Components in Nuclear Power Pirnts,Section XI, Code Case N-408 is acceptable subject to the following Division 1 - condition in addition to those conditions specified in the Code Case: The applicant for an operating license N-311 5/11/81 Alterr stive Examination of Out- should define the Class 2 piping subject to volumetu.

4/5/84 let Nozzle on Secondary Side of and surface examination in the Preservice Inspection Steam Generators, Pction XI, for determination of acceptability by the NRC staff, Division 1 N-409 12/5/84 Procedure and Personnel Qualifi-Code Case N-311 is acceptable subject to the following cation for Ultrasonic Detection coridition in addition to tlase conditions specified in and Sizing of Intergranular Stress the Code Case: The applicant should indicate in the Corrosion Crackingin Austenitic L Safety Analysis Report that the stress analysis of the Piping Welds,Section XI, Divi-nozzle inside-corner region meets the Code Case sion I stipulations for the state of stress in this region.

N-415 9/5/85 Alternative Rules for Testing N 335-1 6/20/85 Rules for Ultrasonic Examina. Pressure Relief Devices, Sec-tion of Similar and Dissimilar tion XI, Division 1

! Metal Piping Welds,Section XI, l

Division 1 N-416 12/5/85 Alternative Rules for Ilydrostatic Testing of Repair or Replace-N-343 4/2/82 Alternative Scope of Examination ment of Class 2 Piping, Section 2/14/85 of Attachment Welds for Examina. XI, Division I tion Categories B-II, B K 1, and C-C,Section XI, Division i N-419 7/18/85 Extent of VT-1 Examinations, Category B-G 1 of Table IWB-N-355 7/16/82 Calibration Block for Angle 2500-1,Section XI, Division 1 2/14/85 Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Large Fittin s in Accordance N-424 7/18/85 Qualification of Visual Examina-

} with Appendix 111 3410, Sec- tion Personnel,Section XI, Divi-

/ l V tion XI, Division I sion 1 l l

1.147 3  ;

N-426 7/18/85 Extent of VT-1 Examinations, 1730 11/3/75 Acceptance Standards for Class 2 Category B-G-2 of Table IWB- N-112 7/1/79 and 3 Components,Section XI, 2500-1,Section XI, Division 1 Division 1 N-427 12/5/85 Code Cases in Inspection Plans, 1804 1/14/77 Minimum Section ThicknessSection XI, Division 1 N-167 1/14/80 Requirements for Repair of Nozzles,Section XI, Division 1 Code Case N-427 is acceptable subject to the following condition in addition to those conditions specified in N-210 3/20/78 Exemption to liydrostatic Tests the Code Case. The sentence under (b)(1) should be 3/20/81 After Repairs,Section XI, Divi.

replaced with the following: Code Cases that were sion I superseded with revised O)de Cases and had been approved for use in accordance with (a) may continue to be used. Code Case N-210 was acceptable subject to the follow-ing condition in addition to those conditions specified '

N-429 12/5/85 Alternative Rules for Ultrasonic in the Code Case. Parapaph (3) of the "Reply" should be Instrument Calibration, Sec- replaced with the following: Repairs to piping, pumps, tion XI, Division 1 and valves where the depth of the repaired cavity does not exceed 25 percent of the wall thickness.

N-43 2 2/20/86 Repair Welding Using Auto-matic or Machine Gas Tungsten- N-211 3/20/78 Recalibration of Ultrascnic Equip-Arc Welding (GTAW) Temper- 3/20/81 ment Upon Change of Personnel, bead Technique, Section .X I, Section XI, Division 1 Division 1 N-25 2 11/19/79 Low Energy Capacitive Discharge N-435-1 7/30/86 Alternative Examination Require- 7/16/b2 Welding Method for Temporary ments for Vessels with Wall or Permanent Attachments to Thickness 2 in. or less, Section Components and Supports, Sec.

XI, Division 1 tion 111, Division 1, and XI N-436 5/14/86 Alternative Metnods for Evalua- Code Case N 252 was acceptable subject to the following tion of Flaws in At.stanitic Pip- condition in addition to those conditions specified in ing,Section XI, Division 1 the Code Case: The applicant should indicate in the Uf.'ty Analysis Report the application, the material, N-437 7/30/86 Use of Digital Readout and and the thickness of the material to which the strain Digital Measurement Devices gage or thermocouple will be attached 1 y CD welding.

for Performing Pressure Tests,Section XI, Division 1 N-288 8/25/80  !!rtrostatic

! Test Fequirements for i

5/25/83 Class 1 and Class 2 Components,

2. Code Cases that were endorsed by the NRCin a prior Section XI, Division i version of this guide and were later annulled by action of the ASME should be consideset ts deleted from the list of 3. Code Cases that were endorsed by the NRCin a prior acceptable Code Cases as of the date of the ASME action version of this guide and were superseded by revised Code that approved the annulment. Such Code Cases that were Cases on or after November 1,1978, should be considered as annulled on or after November 1,1978, are listed below by not endorsed as of the date of the ASME action that number, effective dates,6 and title. approved the revised version of the Code Cases. These ,

Code Cases that are no longer endorsed are listed in the 1551 11/6/72 Inservice Inspection of Welds on following by number, effective dates,7 and title.

N 34 11/20/78 Nuclear Components,Section XI 11/20/81 1731 11/3/75 Basic Calibration Block fcr Ultra-N-113 11/20/78 sonic Examination of Welds 10in.

1646 8/12/74 Partial Postponement of Category 1/21/82 to 13 in. Thick,Section XI, Divi-N 72 11/20/78 B-C Examination for Class 1 Com- 12/13/82 sion 1 1/1/81 ponents,Section XI N-236 1/8/79 Repair and Replacement of Class 1647 Partial Postponernent of Category 1/21/82 MC Vessels,Section XI, Divi-8/12/74 N-73 11/20/78 B-D Examination for Class 1 12/5/84 sion 1 1/1/81 Components,Section XI 9/5/85 Earlier date-date Code Case ns approved by ASME; later 6 date-date revision of Code Case was approved by ASM E. Where more Earlier date-date Code Case was approved by ASME; later date-date Code Case was annuUed. Where more than two dates than two dates appear, the last date is the date on which the Code appear, thelast date is the date that the Code Case was annulled. The Case was revised. The middle date (or dates) was the date of middle date (or dates)was the date of reafntmation of the Code Case, reaffirmation of the Code Case.


Code Case N-236 was acceptable subject to the follow- N 375-1 4/14/83 Rules for Ultrasonic Examina-

.- ing conditions in addition to those conditions speci- 4/5/84 tion of Bolts and Studs, Sec.

) fled in the Code Case: tion XI, Division 1


a. In paragraph 1.0(a), second sentence - the phrase, N-435 5/14!86 Alternative Examination Require-

"while the plant is not in service," refers to a 7/30/86 ments for Vessels with Wall refueling outage. Thickness 2 in, or Less, Sec-tion XI, Division 1

b. In paragraph 1.0(a), third sentence - the phrase, "the next scheduled plant outage," refers to the 4. Code Cases that are not on the approved list of this next scheduled refueling outage. guide (paragraph C.1) or other regulatory guides, or for which aut*torization by the Commission has not been For clarification, Repair and Replacement of Class granted, are not acceptable on a generic basis.

MC Vessels means Repair and Replacement of Class MC Vessels and Components (systems). Acceptance D. IMPLEMENTATION of this Code Case in no way infers NRC approval to violate the technical specification or any NRC The purpose of this section is to provide information to requirements with regard to breach of containnant applicants regarding the use of this regulatory guide.

during repair and replacement procedures while the plant is in operation. 1. Except for those Code Cases that have been annulled by action of the ASME, the NRC staff has found the Where a numbered Code paragraph is not identified Code Cases listed in this regulatory guide under regulatory by a particular edition of the Code, the Code in effect position C.1 acceptable for appropriate use. Other Code at the time of the ASME meeting (11/3/78) that Cases may be considered for use in accordance with foot-approved the Code Case should be governing, note 6 of the Codes and Standards rule, @50.55a of 10 CFR Part 50.

N-307 1/15/81 Revised Ultrasonic Examination 4/5/84 Volume for Class 1 Bolting, 2. Code Cases to be applied during an inspection interval 12/5/84 Examination Category B-G 1, or Caie Crees for a p.eservice inspection need not be

, When the Examinations Are Con- changed because a subsequent revision of the Code Case is



}/ ducted from the Center-Drilled ifole,Section XI, Division I listed as the approved version in this guide.

v N-335 4/2/82 Rules for Ultrasonic Examination 3. Code Cases to be applied during an inspection interval 2/14/85 of Similar and Dissimilar Metal or Code Cases for a preservice inspection that were previously 6/20/85 Piping Welds,Section XI, Divi- approved for use need not be changed because the Code sion 1 Case has been subsequently annulled.


N-375 s 2/14/83 Rules for Ultrasonic Ex amination 4. Code Cases on the approved list may be applied to 4/14/83 of Bolts and Studs,Section XI, procedures for an inspection interval and procedures for the Division 1 inservice inspection that were established prior to the effective date of the Code Case within the limits specified 8 Code Case N475 was not tisted prior to Retision 3 of this regu- in the Code Case and applicable regulations or recommended latory guide. In other regulatory guides.


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N l L.J 1.147 5

l APPENDIX Numerical Listing of Code Cases 1705-1 (N-98) N-389 N 1131 N-401 1738 (N 118) N-402 N-211 N-406 j N-216 N-408 N-234 N-409 N-235 N-415 N 236-1 N-416 N 278 N-419 N-306 N-424 N-307-1 N-426 N 308 N-427 N-311 N-429 N-335 1 N-432 I N-343 N-435 1 N-355 N-436

  • N-3 75-2 N-437 i 1

l O

l 6

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