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Part II to Environ Radiological Studies Downstream from Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Station for 1985,Apps, Final Rept
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 12/31/1985
From: Eagle R, Noshkin V, Wong K
Shared Package
ML20154M246 List:
UCID-20641-PT-II, UCID-20641-PTII, NUDOCS 8603130433
Download: ML20154M254 (95)



A s,.,f;i UCID-20641 Part II Environmental Radiological Studies Downstream from the Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Station - 1985. Appendicies l

V. E. Noshkin K. M. Wong R. J. Eagle J.L. Brunk 1

T. A. Jokela January 23, 1986 G*

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75 Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-7405-Eng 44.

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APPENDICES V.E. Noshkin X.M. Wong R.J. Eagle J.L. Brunk T.A. Jokela t



' Concentrations'of Radionuclides in Fish 1

-Appendix II Concentrations of Radionuclides in Frog Legs......

71 Appendix III Concentrations of Radionuclides in Crayfish 74 Appendix IV Concentrations of Radionuclides in Sediments......

76 Creek Sediments 77 Retention Basin Sediments 79 Appendix V Concentrations of Soil Samples 80 Appendix VI Concentrations of Radionuclides in Water Samples 82 Concentrations of Radionuclides in Ground Water Samples 83 Concentrations of Radionuclides in Creek Water Samples 1984 and 1985 84 Concentrations of Radionuclides in Retention Basin Water-Samples 86 Concentrations of Radionuclides in Regenerate Holo-Up Tanks Sampled....

87 Appendix VII Concentrations of Radionuclides in Parts of Water Hyrcinth.....................

88 Appendix VIII Concentrations of Radionuclides in Beef Samples 90 A

F, e


2016t 1


l i

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 2-7-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 10 Name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J439 Catfish 1

.199 220 4.45(1) 11.4(1) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

2016t 2


o e

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caught on 2-7-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

pCi/g wet wt Sample Common Dry / wet Cs Cs Co 4n ID*

Name wt J440(439)


.179 2.6(13) 6.9(4) 5.9(4) 0.6(35)

See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample ID for the respective flesh sample, b

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as ". of value listed.

e 0

2016t 3


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-19-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

flumber of f4ean fresh Sample Common fish in Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • ID name=

pooled sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J560 Bluegill 1

.191 140 3.9(2) 10.2(2)

J562 Bluegill 1

.191 147 3.3(2) 8.6(2)

J564 Bluegill 1

.199 103 2.4(5) 6.4(3)

J566 Bluegill 1

.196 99 3.4(3) 9.3(2)

J568 Bluegill 1

.199 66 5.0(2) 13.4(2)

J570 Largemouth Bass 1

.209 266 1.9(2) 4.8(2)

J572 Largemouth Bass 1

.205 232 3.5(2) 9.3(1)

J574 Largemouth Bass 1

.203 256 3.6(1)

9. 7(1)

J576 Largemouth Bass 1

.203' 204 3.6(1)

9. 7( 1)

J578 Largemouth Bass 1

.205 185 3.4(2) 8.9(1)

J580 Largemouth Bass 1

.191 105 1.1( 7) 4.6(3)

J582 Catfish 1

.184 181 2.4(6) 6.4(2)

J584 Catfish 1

.224 147 2.9(5) 8.4(2)

J586 Catfish 1

.175 142 2.2(5) 5.9(3)

J588 Catfish 1

.173 107 2.l(7) 5.3(3)

JS90 Catfish 1

.190 101 1.8(6) 5.0(3)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as 7. of the value listed.

2016t 4


-l Concentrations of radionuclides in the GIT contents of fish caught on 3-19-85, 0.5'km (Station RS-17). f rom the plant outf all.

1 pCi/g wet wt Sample 10 "

Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs Cs J563 (562)


.164 1.7 (22) 4.1 (10) i J565 (564)


.171 2.1 (24) 4.7 (15) l J567 (566)


.106 1.9(27) 5.6(10)

J569 (568)-


.204 3.2(40) 8.2(12)

J571 (570)

Largemouth Bass

.194 2.l(60)-


J573 (572)

Largemouth Bass

.186 2.5(60) 6.B(24)

J575 (574)

Largemouth Bass

.190 2.6 (13) 6.9 (6)

J577 (576)

Largemouth Bass

.180 1.9 (27) 6.3 (11)

J579 (578)

Largemouth Bass

.182 2.0(60) 5.9(16)

J581 (580)

Largemouth Bass

.120 1.5 (31) 3.8 (12)

J583 (582)


.238 2.2(10) 6.9(5)

J585 (584)


.200 3.3 (28) 8.5(18)

J587 (586)


.272 3.0(20) 7.0(9)

J589 (588)


.242 3.4(24) 7.1(13)

See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample, b

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of value listed.

2016t 5

1/14/86 L


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on '3-21-85. 0.6 km (Station RS-30) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole-DC1/g wet wt ID Name sample wt fish (g)

'Cs Cs J554 Bluegill 4

.194 154

.2.00(2) 5.41(1)

J556 Largemouth Bass 3

.212 544 4.82(1) 13.0(1) 3 Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

RS-30 is a sump pond connected to Clay Creek Station RS-17 by an underground pipe.

2016t 6


Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caugnt on 3-21-85, 0.6 km (Station RS-30) from the plant outfall.

pCi/g wet wt Sample 10

  • Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs Cs Co itn J555 (554)


.113 1.5(1) 4.5(4) 0.5(18) 0.4(31)

J557 (556)-

Largemouth dass

.147 3.7(3) 10.0(2) 0.47(10) bd See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related inf ormation.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as P. of value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 7




.o-Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 3.0'km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample' Common pooled Dry / wet wt wnole pCi/g wet wt '

I D' Name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J646 Bluegill 1

.199 83 0.63(18) 1.6(7)

'J648 Bluegill 1

.197 80 0.74(12) 2.l(5)

J650 Bluegill 1

.201 58 1.5(11) 4.0(5)

J652 Bluegill 1

.193 55 5.1(8) 13.6(2)

J654 Catfish 1

.173 391 1.6(3) 4.4(2)

J656 Catfish 1

.181 141 2.0(7) 4.8(3)

J662 Catfish 1

.163 132 1.7(5) 4.6(2)

J664 Catfish 1

.178 95 1.7(6) 4.8(3)

J670 Catfish 1

.174 100 1.5(6) 3.9(3)

J672 Catfish 1

.170 85 1.8(9) 4.5(4) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as ". of the value listed.

2016t 8


Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caugnt on 3-21-85

'3.0 km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

DCi/g wet wt a

Sample ID Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs Cs J647 (646)


.182 Od 2.6(26)

J649 (648)


.134 bd 4.3(18)

J651 (650)


.199 bd 5.2(25)

J653 (652)


.204 bd 6.8(21)

J655 (654)

Catfish 462 2.9(14) 8.0(5)

J657 (656)

. Catfish

.351 3.3(10) 9.1(5)

J663 (662)


.368 3.5(16) 10.4(6)

J673 (672)


.514 3.0(10) 8.6(4)

See previous table for concentrations in flesn and related inf ormation.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesn sample.

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as *. of value

listed, c

60Co - 0.35(42) pCi/g wet bd below detection.

2016t 9

1/14/86 i

F Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-20-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Hean fresh a

Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole oct/g wet wt ID name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J442 Bluegill 1

.184 93 1.0(10) 2.6(5)

J444 Largemouth Bass 1

.204 422 3.1(2) 8.4(2)

J446 Largemouth Bass 1

.198 269 3.0(2) 8.1(1)

J448 Largemouth Bass 1

.197 191 2.0(2) 5.1(2)

J528 Catfish 1

.175 213 1.3(6) 3.2(3)

J530 Catfish 1

.181 230 2.1(3) 5.4(2)

J532 Catfish 1

.167 175 1.3(5) 3.6(3)

J534 Catfish 1

.172 124 1.7(7) 4.6(3)

J536 Catfish 1

.167 134 2.1(5) 5.4(3)

J538 Catfish 1

.179 122 3.4(4) 8.9(2) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value


2016t 10 1/14/86

1 o.

. e.


Concentrations of radionuclides in the GIT contents of fish caught on 3-20-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

pCi/g wet wt Sample ID "

Common flame Ory/ wet wt Cs Cs J443 (442)


.171 0.9(40) 2.9 (18)

J445 (444)

Largemouth Bass

.127 1.5 (25) 4.0 (15)

J447 (446)

Largemouth 8 ass

.149 1.4 (35) 4.4 (21)

J449 (448)

Largemouth Bass

.167 2.7 (14) 7.7 (5)

J529 (528)


.161 1.3 (12) 4.3 (4)

J531 (530)


.127 1.5 (10) 3.8 (4)

J533 (532)


.145 1.3 (9) 3.4 (6)

J535 (534)


.250 3.6 (21) 9.4 (8)

J537 (536)#


.239 2.6 (12) 6.7 (6)

JS39 (538)


.168 1.5 (14) 4.1 (4)

See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related inf ormation.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of value listed.

c 60Co - 1.2 (18) pC1/g wet i

2016t Il 1/14/86 g

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 6.0 km (Station R-52) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh

' Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J634 Catfish 1

.167 107 bd 0.5(26)

J636 Catfish 1

.173 84 bd 0.7(23)

J638 Catfish 1

.170 69 bd 0.8(19)

J640 Catfish 1

.169 77 2.2(10) 5.7(4)

J642 Catfish 1

.167 58 bd 0.6(24)

J644 Catfish 1

.171 30 0.6(91) 1.7(19).

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as.4 of the value listed.

bd below detection.

1 Station R-52 is an irrigat, ion pond (or pollution control pond) connected to Hadselville Creek, 6.0 km from the plant, a

L 4

2016t 12 1/14/96

Concentrations of radion0clides in' GIT contents of fish caught on 3-21-85, 6.0 km (Station R-52) from the plant outfall.

b pCi/g wet wt

. Sample 10 Common Name Ory/ wet wt Cs Cs J635 (634)


.237 bd 1.3(36)



.322 bd 3.l(21)

- J639 (638)


.294 0.6(45) 1.8(19)

J641 (640)


.318 3.9(14) 10.5(5)

J643 (642)


.334 bd 1.0(26) a

.t I

a l"

See revious table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as ". of value listed.


bd below detection.

I t





4 9

4 2016t 13 1/22/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pC1/g wet wt' ID Name sample wt fish (g)

'Cs Cs J618 Bluegill 1

.190 97 bd bd J620 Bluegill 1

.191 50 0.36(30) 0.97(13)

J622 Catfish 1

.192 306 0.75(5) 1.96(3)

J624 Crappie 1

.199 242 1.27(4) 3.43(2)

J626 Crappie 1

.197 218 1.36(3) 3.60(22 J628' Largemouth Bass 1

.199 918 0.70(2) 1.86(2)

J632 Largemouth Bass 1

.203 1215 0.06(14) 0.14(7).

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as f. of the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 14 1/14/86 J



6 Concentrations of radionuclides in the GIT contents of fish caugnt on 3-21-85, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

pC1/g' wet wt Sample 10 "

Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs Cs J619 (618)


.190 bc bd J621 (620)


.148 bd bd

'J623 (622)


.203 1.0(36) 2.9(12)

J625 (624)


.125 bd 2.1(42)

J629 (628)

Largemouth Bass

.195 bd bd J633 (532)

Largemouth Bass

.115 1.3(12) 3.3(5)

See previous table for concentrations in flesn and related inf ormation.

Number in parenthesis is the sample ID for the respective flesn sample.

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as or value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 15 1/14/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 10.2 km (Station T-3) from the plant outfall.

Number of Mean fresh Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • ID Name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J612 Largemouth Bass 1

.205 190 0.51(9) 1.31(4)

J614 Bluegill 4

.199 58 0.16(20) 0.36(12)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

O e

1 2016t 16

  • 1/22/86


Concentrations'of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caugnt on 3-21-85, 10.2 km (Station T-3) from the plant'outfall-l pCi/g wet wt

-Sample 10 "

Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs-Cs J613.(612)

Largemouth Bass

.205 bd 0.7(29)

J615 (614)


.133 bd bd See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesn sample.

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as P. of value listed.

bd below detection.

l 2016t 17 1/14/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh

-Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J606 Largemouth Bass 3

.198 198 1.84(3) 5.13(1)

J608 Bluegill 8

.196 87 0.08(16) 0.18(7)

J610 Bluegill 8

.191 48 0.07(20) 0.19(7)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as ". of the val Je listed.

t i

2016t 18 1/22/86 L

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of. f.ish caught on 3-21-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

b pCi/g wet wt Sample 10 "

Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs Cs J607 (606)

Largemouth Bass

.216 1.4(16) 3.4(6)

J609 (608)


.193 0.35(29) 0.62(13)-

J611 (610)


.184 bd 0.5(33)


See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample ID for the' respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as P. of value

listed, bd -below detection.

2016t 19 1/22/86



o Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 17.2 km (Station T-4) from the plant outfall.

Number of i

fish in Nean fresh I

. Sample

.Ccmmon-pooled Dry / wet wt whole DCi/g wet wt

  • 134 137 10 Name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J598-Bluegill 4

.196 55 bd 0.14(23)

J600 Largemouth Bass 3

.207 334 0.10(7) 0.26(3) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of :the value listed.

bd below detection.

1 i

2016t 20 1/14/86


Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caught on 3-21-85, 17.2:km (Station T-4) from the plant outfall.

pCi/g wet wt Sample 10 "

Common flame Dry / wet wt Cs Cs J599 (598)


.169 bd bd J601 (600)

Largemouth Bass

.191 bd bd See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample, bd below detection.

2016t 21 1/14/86 J

c Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 3-21-85, 19.5 km (Station R-11) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh

. Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/9 wet wt 10 Name

. sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J592 Largemouth Bass 1

.213 1193 0.09(12) 0.19(5)

JS94 Largemouth Bass 4

.219 417 0.06(15) 0.13(7)

J596 Bluegill 3

.192 71 bd 0.08(35)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as %-of the value listed, bd below detection.

2016t 22 1/14/86 J

p q


Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caugnt on 3/21/85, l

19.5 km (Station R-il) from the plant outfall.

b pCi/g wet wt Sample 10

  • Common Name Dry / wet wt' Cs Cs JS93 (592)

Largemouth Bass

.177 bc 0.59(21)

JS95 (594)

Largemouth Bass

.099 bc 0.09(40)



.207 bd bd See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

1 Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for tne respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of value listed.

bd below detection.

23 1/14/86 2016t J

.o Concentrations of. radionuclides 'in - flesh'of fish caught on 4-26-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

Number of Mean fresh Sample Common fish in Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • 10 name pooled wt fish (g)

Cs Cs sample J984 Bluegill 6

.206 100 1.52(2) 4.13(1)

J991 Largemouth Bass 1

.213 514 3.99(1) 11.2(1)

J998 Largemouth Bass 1

.222 82 1.83(5) 5.36(2)

K001 Catfish 5

.183 95 2.40(2) 6.68(1) a Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

2016t 24 1/14/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish collected on 4-26-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

Dry pCi/g wet wt Sample ID" Common name wet wt.

Cs Cs Co

' Co J985 (984)


.180 1.6(18) 4.2(6) 0.5(26) 20(10)

J992 (991)

Largemouth Bass

.163 2.4(7) 6.2(3) 0.7(12) 6(21)

J999 (998)

Largemouth Bass

.160 bd 2.5(26) bd bd K002 (001)


.167 1.7(10) 5.6(4) 0.5(19) 8(18) a See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample.

D Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % on value listed.

bd-below detection.

2016t 25 1/22/86 d

Concentrations of radionuclides in other tissues of fish caught on 4-26 '85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) f rom the plant outfall.

pC1/g wet wt" l

' Sample 10 Common name Tissue / organ Cs Cs l

J986 Bluegill

  • Liver 0.7(83) 2.2(18) l

.J987 Bluegill Gonad 0.6(22) 2.0(7)

J989 Bluegill Viscera 0.8(26) 1.9(9)

J980 Bluegill Skin 0.7(12) 2.19(4)

K328 Bluegill Bone bd 1.0(30) a J993 Largemouth Bass Liver 1.4(17) 3.9(6)

J994 Largemouth Bass Gonad 1.7(7) 4.34(3)

J995 Largemouth Bass Bone 0.3(31) 0.90(7) l J996 Largemouth Bass Viscera 1.0(14) 2.25(4) l J997-Largemouth Bass Skin 2.1(8) 5.37(3)

K003 Catfish" Bone 0.3(31) 0.6(13)

K004 Catfish Viscera.

1.0(25) 2.8(8)

K005 Catfish Skin 1.2(16) 3.1(6)


K006 Catfish Liver 1.0(34) 2.8(12)

K007 Catfish Gonads 1.6(32) 2.9(15) a See previous 2 tables for concentrations in flesh, GIT contents and related information.

L b

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as *. of value listed.

bd - below detection.

2016t 26 1/14/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-25-85, 3.0 km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

Number of

!4ean f resh

.S' ample Co timon fish in.

Dry / wet wt whole pC1/g wet wt

  • 10 nlme pooled wt fish (g)

Cs Cs sample J978 Bluegill 2

.206 109 1.82(4) 5.24(2)

J979 Catfish 5

.185 88 1.94(3) 5.03(2)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as P. of the value listed.

2016t 27 1/14/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-25-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outf all.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt '. hole pCl/9 wet wt 10 name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J980 Bluegill 7

.203 118 1.77(3) 4.69(1)

J981 Largemouth Bass 1

.204 307 2.81(2) 7.10(1)

J982 Catfish 6

.178 159 1.60(2) 4.47(1)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as P. of the value listed.

2016t 28 1/22/86 a

O 9

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-24-85, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

flumber of Mean fresh Sample Common fish in Dry / wet wt whole DC1/g wet ut 10 name pooled wt fish (g)

Cs Cs sample J973 Bluegill 4

.208 138 0.33(7) 0.84(3)

J974 Catfish 8

.193 239 0.71(3) 1.98(l) a riumber in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

2016t 29 1/14/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-24-85, 10.2 km (Station T-3) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole DCi/g wet wt

  • 134 137 10 name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J977 Bluegill 7

.208 69 0.13(14) 0.33(6)

-Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as 7. of*the i

value listed.

1 L

1 I


1 30 1/14/86 2016t J

o Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-23-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample

Common, pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134

'3 10 name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J970 Bluegill 9

.201 69 0.07(15) 0.18(6)

J971 Largemouth Bass 5

.209 183 0.37(3) 1.01(2)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

2016t 3I 1/22/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-23-85, 17.2 km (Station T-4) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt '

ID name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs f

J968 Bluegill 9

.206 58 0.04(38) 0.10(9)

J969 Largemouth Bass 4

. 207 269 0.12(6) 0.29(2) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as.i of the value listed.

h 1




2016t 32 1/14/86 O

b Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 4-23-85, 19.5'km (Station R-ll) from the plant outfall.

Number.of fish in Hean fresh Sample Common

~ pooled Dry / wet wt whole pC1/g wet wt

  • ID name sample wt fish (g)

CS Cs J966 Bluegill 6

.205 56 bd 0.05(28)

J967 Largemouth Bass 1

.195 79 bd bd I

Number-in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as *. of the


value listed, bd below detection.

L i





l l

2016t 33 1/14/86 l

d L

o o

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 5-23-85. 0.5 km 1,

(Station RS-17) f rom the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh i

Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J760 Catfish 3

.169 69 1.09(6) 3.16(3)

J762 Catfish 4

.180 43 0.82(11) 2.11(4)

J764 Catfish 3

.167 29 0.75(15) 2.07(7)

J766 Bluegill 2

.179 169 2.82(2) 8.00(2)

J768 Bluegill 2

.185 120 1.47(8) 4.30(2)

J770 Bluegill 2

.182 60 1.57(7) 4.60(3)

J772 Largemouth Bass 2

.197 67 0.82(11) 2.08(4)

J774 Largemouth 8 ass 4

.162 36 0.59(10) 1.57(4) l 8

Number in parenthesis is the 1.s counting error expressed as *. of the value listed.

I i

2016t 34 1/22/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caught on 5-23-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

Sample Common Dry / wet pC1/q wet wt IO*

Name wt Cs Cs Co

' Co J761 (760)


.112 0.8(16) 2.9(7) bd bd J763 (762)


.134 bd 2.5(12) bd bd J767 (766)


.147 1.l(10) 3.0(4) 0.3(28) 1.0(22)

J773 (772)

Largemouth Bass

.199 2.8(10) 6.9(4) 0.9(15) 1.2(16) a See revious table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as

  • of value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 35 1/14/06 J

r Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 5-22-85, 3.0 km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in flean f resh 8

Sample Common pooled Dry / wet wt wnole pCi/g wet wt 10 name samole wt fish (g)

"Cs Cs K027 Bluegill 2

.206 111 1.02(5) 2.72(2)

K028 Catfish 6

.184 111 1.36(2) 3.81(1) a Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as P. of the value listed.

2016t 36 1/14/06 J

e Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 5-22-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh

' Sample

. Common pooled Dry / wet wt whole pC1/g wet wt 10 name samole wt fish (g)

Cs Cs i -

J748 Bluegill 1

.190 128 1.18(7) 3.14(3)

J750 Bluegill 2

.181 56 0.77(10) 2.l(5)

J752 Bluegill 2

.189 20 0.5(33)-

1. ')( 11 )

J754 Catfish 1

.224 167 1.66(5) 5.0(2)

J756 Catfish 10 180 45 0.63(4) 1.67(2)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as i of the value listed.

e 1

4 e

i t

l i

2016t 31 1/14/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish caught on 5-22-85 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

pCi/g wet wt Sample ID Common Name Dry / wet wt Cs Cs Co i



J749 (748)


.143 bd 2.0(30) bd J755 (754)


.157 bd 2.5(13) bd J757 (756)


.247 2.7(10) 8.1(4) 0.8(37)

See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related inf ormation.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective flesh sample.

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of value listed.

bd below detection.

e r

i 9

1 2016t 38 1/22/86 m

r I

- Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish ~ caught on 5-22-85, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Hean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 10 Common name sample wt fish (0)

CS C5 l

K030 Bluegill 10

.201 83 0.20(11) 0.58(4)

- K031 Largemouth Bass 2

.212 248 1.53(2) 4.47(1)

K032 Catfish 5

.184 146 0.72(5) 2.01(2)

Number in parenthesis is the la' counting error expressed as P. of the value listed.

e 39 1/14/86 2016t J

s l#

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caugnt on 5-21-85.


10.2 km (Station T-3) from the plant outfall.

y-Number of fish in t4ean fresn L.

Sample pooled Dry / wet wt. note pCi/g wet wt 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs C5 K019 Bluegill 9

.204 69 0.07(18) 0.18(7)

K020 Largemor~n Bass 1

.209 1061 0.51(3) 1.,40( 2 )

K021 Largemouth Bass 2

.213 282 0.21(8) 0.57(4)

K022 Catfish 7

.188 153 0.14(11) 0.38(4) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as i of listed value.

40 1/14/06 2016t J

a o 'E


,. _ 4^


' ~ 'W :

-]( i s,.

JAI' Concentrations of radionuclides in. flesh of fish cau ht on 5-21'-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

O N;;

3 Number of fish in Mean fresh 3

Sample pooled Dry / wet wt w.1 ole pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs j

4 K013 Largemouth Bass 3

.200 248 0.30(6) 0.83(3)

K014 Catfish 4

.191 162 0.14(12) 0.32(6)

K015 81 29111-

- 10

.203 78 0.06(18) 0.18(1)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % ot listed value.


'4 2016t 41 1/14/86

- J

ei I

l Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 5-20-85, 17.2 km (Station T-4) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresn Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K0ll Bluegill 7

.193 65 bd 0.08(18)

K012 Largemouth Bass 5

.211 199.

0.065(8) 0.16(4)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as %'of listed value.

bd below detection 4

e i

h' I

' g.

4 4

,,l 2016t 42 1/22/86 l


F' s

i Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 5-20-85, 19.5 km (Station R-11) f rom the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K008 Bluegill 6

.207 67 bd 0.057(22)

K009 Largemouth Bass 5

.209 178 0.032(25) 0.097(7)

K010 Catfish 2

.191 205 bd 0.043(23)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of listed value.

bd below detection 2016t 43 1/14/86 L


c p.

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish collected on 7-10-85 0.5 km (Station RS-17) f rom the plant outf all.

Number of fish in Nean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J926 Catfish 11

.200 67 0.83(29) 2.4(3)

J933 Bluegill 6

.197 123 1.76(2) 5.2(1)

J940 Largemouth Bass 7

.218 61 0.83(4) 2.41(2)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of listed value.

r 2016t 44 1/14/86 J

o Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-10-85, 3.0 km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

I Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs-Cs J895 Catfish 11

.191 36 0.41(9) 1.24(4)

J897 Largemouth 8 ass 2

.219 60 0.36(18) 1.10(7)

J899 Bluegill 2

.200 83 0.81(8) 2.57(3)

J901 Bluegill 7

.191 20 0.30(19) 0.86(7)

J903 Bluegill 1

.201 149 1.47(4) 3.64(2)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.


a s

2016t 45 1/22/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-10-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • ID Common name sample wt fish (g)



Cs J873 Largemouth 8 ass 1

.209 127 0.36(13) 1.24(5)

J875 Catfish 2

.173 252 0.87(3) 2.51(2)

J877 Catfish 5

.186 90 0.66(5) 1.90(2)

J879 81uegill 3

.201 167 1.40(3) 3.00(2)

J881 81uegill 8

.203 77 0.46(6) 1.38(3)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

f i

2016t 46 1/22/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-11-85, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134 137 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs l

J817 Bluegill 4

.187 111 0.16(14) 0.42(5)

J819 Bluegill 5

.190 38 bd 0.07(20)

JS21 Catfish 5

.179 89 0.34(6) 0.97(3)'

J823 Largemouth Bass 1

.209 553 0.25(4) 0.70(2)

J825 Largemouth Bass 2

.200 53 0.10(27) 0.20(12)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 47 1/22/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-11-85, 10.2 km (Station T-3) frcm the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt

  • ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J910 Bluegill 7

.189 79 0.08(23) 0.25(8)

J912 Bluegill 11

.187 53 0.07(28) 0.19(10)

J914 Largemouth Bass 1

.206 39 bd bd a parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as ?. of the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 48 1/14/86


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-10-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh a.

Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whola pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J858 Bluegill 7

.183 81 0.05(29) 0.10(15)

J860 Bluegill 9

.189 38 bd 0.11(9)

J862 Largemouth Bass 1

.202 54 bd 0.17(32)

J864 Catfish 1

.195 421 0.09(31) 0.32(10)

J866 Catfish 1

.181 384 0.19(10) 0.47(3)

J868 Catfish 2

.179 94 bd 0.17(30)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 49 1/22/86 J


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-11-85, 17.2 km (Station T-4) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J922 Largemouth Bass 1

.217 213 0.07(36).


J923 Largemouth Bass 3

.215 74 bd 0.10(21)

J924 Bluegill 10

.203 36 0.03(28) 0.07(13) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as '.' of the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 50 1/14/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 7-11-85, 19.5 km (Station R-il) from the plant outfall.

4 Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole PC1/g wet wt 134 ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs J850 Bluegill 7

.182 51 bd bd J852 Largemouth Bass 2

.208 223 bd bd J854 Catfish 1

.188 375 0.11(26) 0.27(8)

J856 Catfish 4

.192 112 bd 0.10(36)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listeo.

bd below detection.

t 2016t SI 1/22/86 t


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 8-30-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134 137 ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K280 Bluegill 6

.191 94 0.86'2) 2.68(1)

K282 Largemouth Bass 3

.212 40 0.30(19) 0.90(7)

K284 Catfish 6

180 100 0.69(4) 2.10(2)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

t 4

e 2016t 52 1/22/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish collected on 8-30-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

Dry / wet pCi/g wet wt

' 'Cs Cs Sample ID" Ccmmon name wt K281 (280)


.280 1.1(24) 3.4(8)

K283 (282)

Largemouth Bass

.161 bd bd K285 (284)c Catfish

.196 1.87(3) 5.64(1)

See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related information.

a Number in parenthesis is the sample ID for the respective flesn sample.

b Number in parenthesis is the la counting error exposed as % of value listed.

sample also contained 110 mag-0.13(25) pCi/g; 60 o-1.4(5) pCi/g; C

c 58C0-0.4(50) pCi/g; 54 n-0.08(38) pC1/g.

M bd - below detection.

2016t 53 1/22/06 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 8-29-85, 3.0 km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh a

Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 10

' Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs

'K271 Bluegill 4

.192 99 0.75(4) 2.41(2)

K272 Largemouth Bass 2

.213 143 0.39(7) 1.18(2)

K273 Catfish 7

.183 99 0.49(5) 1.49(2)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % or the value listed.

a 2016t 54 1/22/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 8-29-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Nean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K266 Bluegill 12

.195 31 0.21(12) 0.66(4)

K267 Bluegill 1

.186 119 0.71(9) 2.25(9)

K268 Largemouth Bass 2

.204 143 0.33(8) 0.97(3)

K269 Largemouth Bass 12

.211 8

0.15(60) 0.46(14)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

2016t 55 1/22/86 j

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh ~of fish caught on 8-28-85, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134 137 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K259 Catfish 6


'125 0.14(17) 0.44(6)

K260 Bluegill 8

.194 77 0.08(18) 0.27(6)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as f, of the value listed.

I 2016t 56 1/22/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 8-28-85, 10.2 km (Station T-3) from the plant outfall.

tiumber of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K255 81uegill 6

.176 99 0.10(15) 0.28(6)

K256 81uegill 8

.195 57 bd 0.15(10)

K257 Bluegill 9

.202 41 0.05(27) 0.12(10)

K258 Largemouth 8 ass 2

.212 59 bd 0.24(27)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

bd below detection.

9 l

I l

2016t 57 1/14/86 L

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 8-28-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

flumbe r ' o f fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134 137 ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K251 Catfish 11

.173 233 0.068(11) 0.20(4)

K252 Bluegill 18

.197 58 0.03(33) 0.10(10)

K253 1.argemouth Bass 3

.208 252 0.06(19) 0.11(6)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as *. of the value listed.

2016t 58 1/14/86

' Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 8-29-85, 17.2 km (Station T-4) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet Nt ID Common'name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K263 Bluegill 8

.193 60 bd 0.048(22)

K264 Largemouth Bass 6

.196 85 bd 0.073(11)-

K265 Largemouth Bass 2

.213 504 0.052(12) 0.13(5)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

bJ below detection.


2016t 59 1/22/86 a


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught'on 8-28-85, 19.5 km

. (Station R-ll) f rom the plant outf all.

Number of fish in Mean frasn Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole-DCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K045 Bluegill-3

.198 31 bd bd K046 Largemouth Bass-2

.207 805 0.037(13) 0.099(5) l K047 Largemouth Bass 5

.192 51 bd bd L

K048 Catfish 1

.174 90 bd bd 1

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as 7. of the value listed.

bd below detection.

1 i

I i

I j-2016t 60 1/14/86 L


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 10-16-85, 0.5 km (Station RS-17) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134 137 ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K320 Largemouth Bass 4

.220 104 0.85(5) 1.37(2)

K322 Bluegill 5

.226 87

.0.76(5) 2.23(2)

Number in parentnesis is the lo counting error expressed as f. of the value listed.

2016t 61 1/14/86 J

Concentrations of radionuclides in GIT contents of fish collected on 10-16-85, 0.5 km (Stations RS-17) from the plant outfall.

D Dry / wet pCi/g wet wt 134 Sample 10" Common name wt Cs Cs K321 (320)

Largemouth Bass

.213 bd 0.91(13)

K323 (322)


.231 bd 1.7(34) a See previous table for concentrations in flesh and related inf ormation.

Number in parenthesis is the sample 10 for the respective f lesh sample, b

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error exposed as P, of value listed.

bd - below detection.

2016t 62 1/22/86



Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 10-15-85, 3.0 km (Station T-1) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pC1/9 wet wt I

10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K294 Catfish 3

.186 77 0.34(23) 0.86(11)

K300 Bluegill 3

.194 87 0.44(10) 1.35(4)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as f. of the value listed.

6 I

2016t 63 1/22/86

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 10-15-85, 4.6 km (Station R-5) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCl/g wet wt 10 Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K314 Bluegill 1

.196 189 0.93(6) 2.80(2)

K315 Bluegill 4

.196 47 0.18(21) 0.63(5)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

2016t 64 1/14/86

w Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 10-15-95, 7.5 km (Station T-2) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K301 Catfish 3

.183 257 0.33(5) 1.04(2)

K309 Bluegill 11

.196 60 0.05(31) 0.19(9)'

K311 Bluegill 1

.174 178 0.23(18) 0.85(7)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as ?. of the value listed.

t e

2016t 65 1/22/86 a

Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 10-15-85, 10.2 km (Station T-3) from the plant outfall.

I Number of fish in liean fresh a

Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt 134 137 ID Common name sample' wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K290 Largemouth Bass 2

.208 336 0.13(12) 0.37(4)

K297 Bluegill 1

.179 84 bd.


Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 66 1/22/86 a

4 Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fish caught on 10-14-85, 12.6 km (Station R-8) from the plant outfall.

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole pCi/g wet wt ID Common name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs K286 Largemouth Bass 1

.211 758 0.09(18) 0.33(6)

K288 Largemouth Bass 3

.204 201 0.06(19) 0.20(6)

K296 Bluegill 11

.198 71 bd 0.10(11)

K299 Catfish 5

.187 144 bd 0.10(14) a Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as.4 or the value listed.

bd below detection.

2016t 67 1/14/86

.s J


'r; i

Concentrations of radionuclides' in flesh of fish cau9ht en 10-15-85,17.2 Lkm (Station T-4) from.the plant outfall.

flumber of fish in Mean fresn Sample pooled Dry / wet wt whole

'pC1/g wet wt I3 10.

Common 'name sample wt fish (g)

Cs Cs v

K292 Largemouth Bass 5

.202 71 bd 0.04(35)

K298 Bluegill 15

.201 65 bd 0.05(21)

Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error ~ expressed as P. or the value listed.

bd below detection.

4 4,.

w 2016t.

68 1/h2/86 L


S Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of fisn caught on 10-14-85, 19.5 km (Station R-ll) from the plant outfall, i

Number of fish in Mean fresh Sample pooled-

..Ory/ wet wt whole

'pCi/g wet wt

  • ID Common name sample

'wt fish,(g)

Cs Cs i

K312 Bluegill 8

.196 55 bd bd K313

.Largemouth Bass 1

.203 171 bd bd Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as ". of the value listed.

bd below detection.

R e

2016t 69 1/14/86 a


3 hi I


,1 i

8 r"


Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of background store samples purchased 13 Nov.85.

Number of fish in a

Sample pooled Dry / wet pCi/g wet wt 40 134 137 10 Common name sample wt K

Cs Cs K302 Catfish 5

.211 2.38(3) bd bd K304 Rainbow Trout 7

.236 2.77(3) bd 0.007(31)

K306 Frog Legs 11

.180 1.09(9) bd bd Number in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as % or the value listed.

bd below detection.

1 1





.it U


,A j [-

2016t 70 1/22/86 j-t 4


'f Q



1 i


71 1/14/86 2016t J

l Concentrations of radionuclides in flesh of frog legs collected during 1985.

Distance Mean fresh # of pCi/g wet wta Sample Collection from plant wt whole legs Dry / wet 10 Date Location (km) frog (g) pooled wt 134 s 137 s C

C J433 2-15-85 R-51 1.0 167 10

.184 0.04(11) 0.10(7)

J434 2-15-85 R-5 4.6 505 2

.178 0.43(14) 1.00(7)

J435 2-15-85 R-5 4.6 400 2

.189 1.11(3) 2.78(2)

J436 2-15-85 R-5 4.6 136 2

.215 1.09(3) 2.78(2)

J437 2-15-85 RS-17 0.5 415 2

.188 0.63(3) 1.60(3)

J438 2-15-85 RS-17 0.5 307 2

.186 1.06(4) 2.8(2)

J602 3-21-85 R-5 4.6 630 2

.201 1.17(3) 3.14(2)

J603 3-21-85 R-5 4.6 151 2

.176 0.57(21) 1.67(6)

J604 3-21-85 R-5 4.6 122 2

.184 0.49(20) 1.48(7)

J605 3-21-85 R-5 4.6 91 2

.182 bd 0.45(20)

J616 3-21-85 RS-30 0.5 496 2

.198 1.86(3) 5.21(1)

J617 3-21-85 RS-30 0.5 372 2

.192 1.78(3) 4.74(2)

J630 3-21-85 T-2 7.5 26 8

.189 0.29(30) 0.64(10)

J972 4-24-85 R-8 12.6 103 6

.172 bd 0.09(3)

J975 4-24-85 T-2 7.5 263 6

.184 0.25(11) 0.73(5)

J976 4-24-85 T-2 7.5 44 8

.189 bd bd J983 4-25-85 R-5 4.6 184 8

.174 1.34(4) 3.52(2)

K029 5-22-85 R-5 4.6 545 2

.124 1.05(3) 3.13(2)

K033 5-22-85 T-2 7.5 132 6

.180 bd 0.08(23)

J907 7-10-85 R-8 12.6 84 4

.182 bd 0.09(3)

J908 7-10-85 R-5 4.6 409 2

.201 1.09(3) 3.07(2)

J909 7-11-85 RS-17 0.5 23 16

.174 0.26(26) 0.71(11)

K254 8-28-85 R-8 12.6 77 6

.197 bd bd K261 8-28-85 T-2 7.5 321 2

.179 bd 0.16(16)

K274 8-29-85 RS-17 0.5 353 6

.182 0.92 (2) 2.97(1)

K275 8-29-85 RS-17 0.5 85 32

.182 0.23 (10) 0.67(3)

K276 8-29-85 RS-17 0.5 19 16

.181 0.25 (50) 0.73(10)

K279 8-29-85 R-5 4.6 71 10

.172 0.40 (;:)


K316 10-15-85 R-5 4.6 32 6

.183 bd 0.25(33)

K318 10-15-85 T-2 7.5 83 4

.178 bd bd 2016t 72 1/22/86 J

Concentrations of' radionuclides in flesh of frog legs collected during 1985 (continued).

Distance Mean fresh # of PCi/g wet wta

-Sample Collection from plant wt whole legs Ory/ wet IO Oate Location (km) frog (g) pooled wt 134Cs 137Cs K324 10-16-85 RB 0.0 80 20

.106 1.09(2) 3.07(1)

K325 10-16-85 R8 0.0 43 6

.149 0.92(7) 2.83(3)~

K326 10-15-85 RS-17 0.5 95 4

.174 0.17(30) 0.47(11) a Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as 7. of the value listed-bd below detection R-51 is a pond approximately 1 km from the plant on land not conr.ected to Clay Creek.

R-30 is a sump pond connected to Clay Creek Station RS-17 by an underground pipe.

RB - Retention Basin (on-site).

O 2016t 73 1/14/86

9 3

t APPENDIX III 2016t 74 1/14/86

r D'

O Concentrations of radionuclides in the flesh of crayfish collected during 1985.

I Distance Sample Collection-from Ory/ wet pCi/g wet wt

  • 10 date 1.ocation plant (km) wt Cs Cs ps, J631 3-20-85 T-2 7.5

.177 bd bd K16 5-21-85 R-8 12.6

.191 bd bd Kl?

5-21-85 R-5 4.6

.203 0.7(15) 1.78(5)

Kl8 5-21-85 RS-17 0.5'

.189 0.9(25) 1.5(9)

K44 8-29-85 R-5 4.6

.187 bd-0.8(19)

K262 8-28-85 T-2 7.5

.172 bd bd K277 8-29-85 RS-17 0.5

.213 1.2(23) 3.l(11)-

I K310 10-15-85' R-5 4.6

.172 bd 0.5(13)

K319 10-15-85 T-2 7.5

.159 0.10(40) 0.21(32)

Number in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as % of the value listed.

bd below detection.

f l

i I

I i.

l i

l l

2016t 75 1/14/86 t


o o


2016t 76 1/ W 86



e-Concentrations of radionuclides in creet sedteents during 1985*.

Olstance Sample Station from plant Date wtb cCi/g dry _C 10 sampled outfall (km) sampled (3) 134C5 137 s 60co 54:4n 58co C

J678 R-11 19.5-3-18-85 248 bd bd bJ ba J679 T-4 17.2 3-21-85 128 0.08(29) 0.15(12) bd bd bd J680 R-8 12.8 3-20-85 360 0.74(7) 1.80(2) bd bd bd J681 T-3 10.2 3-21-85 354 0.45(8) 1.2S(2) 0.03(28) bd bd J682 T-2 7.5 3-21-85 321 1.40(3) 3.50(2) bd bd bd J683 R-5 4.6 3-20-85 329 2.09(2) 5.58(1) 0.03(36) 0.03(57) bd J684 T-1 3.0 3-19-85 212 12.6(1) 34.3(1) 1.6(4) 0.12(21) 0.09(54)

J685 RS-17 0.6 3-20-85 174 3.40(2) 9.6(1) 0.75(4) bd bd J686

'RS-24 0.0 3-21-85 79 17.5(2) 50.0(1) 18.7(1) 1.7(9) 0.6(90)

J687 RS-1 2.3 3-20-85 165 3.37(2) 9.I(1) 1.07(7) 0.13(25) bd J688 RS 2.1 3-20-85 159 7.7(2) 22.5(1) 3.4(2) 0.22(21) 0.2(47)

J689 RS-5 f.9 3-19-85 113 9.4(2) 26.1(2) 3.6(2) 0.28(34) 0.31(35)

J690 RS-7 1.7

' 3-20-85 117 6.9(3) 19.4(1) 2.8(2) 0.18(39) ed J691 RS-9 1.5 3-21-85 251 0.26(13) 0.67(4) bd bd bd J692 RS-11 1.3 3-19-85 153 1.8(4) 5.3(2) 0.72(4) 0.07(60) ed J693 AS-13

?.1 3-19-85 253 5.3(2) 14.7(1) 1.21(3)*

0.11(30) 0.17(40)

J694 RS-15 0.8 3-19-85 135 16.6(1) 4.7(1) 6.0(2) 0.32(21) 0.74(25)

J738 R-11 19.5 5-20-85 322 bd bd bd bd bd J740 R-5 4.6 5-20-85 324 4.5(3) 12.6(1) 0.83(3) 0.06(42) '0.14(28)

J827 R-11 19.5 7-9-85 278 0.03(90) 0.06(24) bd ed bd J828 R-8 12.8 7-9-85 370 bd 0.12(16) bd bd bd J829 T-2 7.5 7-9-85 246 0.55(5) 1.43(2) 0.04(25) 04 04 J830 R-5 4.6 7-9-85 204 2.44(3) 7.13(1) 0.15(10) bd 0.08(40)

J831 R-4 4.1 7-9-85 319 0.96(5) 2.95(1) 0.11(13)

J832 T-1 3.0 7-9-85 207 3.76(2) 10.9(1) 0.20(8) 0.04(52) 0.17(18)

J833 AS-17 0.6 7-9-85 129 0.93(10) 2.81(2) 0.64(8) ed 0.09(34)

J948 R-11 1.3 8-28-85 274 be bd bd bd bd J949 T-3 10.2 8-28-85 320 0.45(9) 1.41(2) ed bd bd J950 R-8 12.8 8-28-85 161 0.14(20) 0.49t7) bd bd bd J951 R-8 12.8 8-28 85 274 0.08(25) 0.26(8) be bd bd J952 R-8 12.8 8-28-85 320 0.11(15) 0.30(6) bd bd bd 77

m e


. Concentrations of radionucild:s in cr:ek sediments during 1985. (Ctntinuid).

Olstance l

Sample Station from plant Date Wtb C

p 1/g dry

'!O sampled outf all (km) sampled (g) 134C5 13ICs

  • Co 54Mn 58co F

J953 R-8 12.8 8-28-85 273 0.14(11) 0.47(5) bd bd bd g



.J954 R-8 12.8 8-28-85 245 0.40(8) 1.10(5) bd bd bd l

J955 R-8 12.8 8-28-85 343 l

l J956.

R-5 1.9 8-26-85 168 1.41(e) 4.67(2) 0.31(9) bd bd J957 RS-13 1.1 8-28-85 264 1.46(3) 4.50(1) 0.74(3) bd 0.28(20) f J947 (d) 8-28-85 352 bd 0.08(20) bd bd bd j

K070 R-11 19.5 10-15-85 349 0.03 (58) 0.10 (13) bd bd bd l

h K071 R-8 12.8 10-15-85 357 0.23 (9) 0.68 (4) bd bd bd K072 "A-5 4.6 10-16-85 160 2.66 (3) 8.63 (1) 0.52 (5) bd bd l

l K073 RS-17 0.6 10-17-85 158 0.93 (9) 3.45 (4) 0.83 (4)

W bd Sediment sampled 'wlth a hand held corer. 28.3 cm2 in area to a depth of 12 cm a

b All samples Steved through 2nus screen to remove large rocks. Only fine f raction analyzed.


c Value in parenthesis is the le counting error erpressed 45 the 1 of listed value.

I d

Sackground sample f rom Mokelumne River, bd below detection.

l l



  • 8 l



a, Concentrations of ra',ionuclides in retention basin sediments collected July 1985.

Sample pCi/g dry Id Hn Co Co Co Ag

'Sb Cs Cs J815 147(5) 5(44) 51(14) 1700(1) 96(11) 55(27) 386(2).


J816 148(1) 9(10) 30(5) 2100(1) 71.6(1) 70(2) 390(1) 1320(1) 4 t

a b

2016t 79 1/14/86 J


APPENDIX Y 80 1/14/86 2016t J

Concentrations of radionuclides in samples of selected soils - 1985.

DCi/g ary wt Sample ID Station Date wt(g)

  • Cs 37 Cs Co Mn 8

J695 RS-30 3-19-85 220 0.05(48) 0.26(4) bd bd J696 T-2 3-19-85 340 0.92(4) 2.59(1) 0.07(11) bd a

J697 R4-RS 3-19-85 218 0.69(10) 2.21(4) 0.15(14) bd 8

J698 R-43 3-19-85 178 3.3(2) 10.0(1) 2.4(2) 0.23(18)

J699 T-1 3-19-85 299 0.43(11) 1.30(3) 0.07(18) bd J700*

RS-17 3-19-85 210 0.04(78) 0.10(18) bd bd J710" 3/85 354 bd 0.020(18) bd bd J711 3/85 365 bd 0.034(10) bd bd J712 3/85 352 bd 0.041(20) bd bd J713" 3/85 360 bd 0.049(17) bd bd J714 3/85 352 bd 0.051(15) bd bd a

Soil samples ot,tained at irrigation pumps.

Four, 0-3 cm deep surface plugs were combined for analysis from each location.

b 5-Soil samples obtained at known fishing areas on creek bank. 0-3cm section combined for anglysis.

c Soil samples 15 cm in depth, 28.3 cm2 in area from rice field owned by G. Silva approximately 6 km from plant outfall.

d Value in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as the % of listed value.

bd below detection.

2016t 81 1/22/06


I h


2016t 82 1/14/86 t

26 L

137 s in wel1~ water samples obtained from the L

Concentrations of 3H and C

vicinity of' Rancho Seco.

Fifteen (15) gallon, unfiltered ground water samples collected from the 137 s and 3H below our limits of.

levels'of wells descrigd below containegH-250 pCi/1).

C detection (I Cs 0.007 pC1/1; The location of the wells f',

are shown in Figure 2.

Water from wells 1-10 were sampled on 5-7-85.

Well 11 was sampled on 8-30-85.

Well Number' Description I

j 1

Irrigation well near station R-51 (lake north of Clay Creek I

on land of G. Silva), 2000 ft from Clay Creek.

The water table is at 165 ft. and the depth of the well is 450 ft.

l 2

Irrigation well located on Mr. Silva's pasture land 800 ft.

l-east of Clay Creek.

The water table is at 145 ft. and the j

well is drilled to a depth of 700 ft.

4 Domestic well of mother of Mr. G. Silva at residence.

5 Domestic well of Mr. John Evans. Water pumped from the well l

located 2000 ft from Hadselville Creek, was sampled from a garden hose.

6 Domestic well of employee of Mr. G. Silva located 300 ft.

from Hadselville Creek.

The water table is at a depth of l

l 98 f t. and the well is drilled to a depth of 300 f t.

7 Domestic well of Gary Silva, Jr. located 300 f t. f rom Hadselv111e Creek.

The water table is at 100 ft. and the l

l depth of the well is 325 ft.

8 Domestic well of Gary Silva located 800 ft. from Hadselville Creek on crest of hill near residence. Water table is at 145 ft. and the well is 450 ft, deep.

9 Domestic and irrigation well of Mr. Silva located in the area of the horse corral, 200 ft. trom Hadselville Creek.

The water table is at 115 ft. and the well is 450 ft deep.

j 10 Domestic well of Mr. Howard Jacobs.

The well is located l

600 ft. from Hadselville Creek.

The water table is located I

at 96 ft. below ground level.

The depth of the well is i

200 ft. Water was sampled from a garden hose.

l 11 Domestic well located at 11669 Kirkwood Road.

i 2016t 83 1/22/86


o e

Concentrations of 134Cs and 137 s in water samples collected downstream and C

in the vicinity of the Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Station during 1984 and 1985.a Concentration Station DistanceC Date 134Cs 137Cs ID (km)

Sampled PF Water PF Water RS-17 0.6 4/26/84 0.46(2) 1.65(3) 0.89(2) 3.70(2)

RS-17 0.6 4/26/84 0.46(3) 2.48(2) 1.04(1) 6.04(1)

RS-17 0.6 7/19/84 0.06(47) 0.08(23) 0.17(15) 0.26(8)

R-5 4.8 7/18/84 0.83(4) 0.55(5) 1.81(3) 1.61(2)

R-8 12.8 7/18/84 0.09(22) 0.15(13) 0.19(14) 0.45(6)

R-11 19.5 7/18/84 0.08(28) 0.06(21) 0.16(19) 0.11(15)

RS-17 0.6 8/15/84 0.35(6) 0.56(8) 0.74(6) 1.87(3)

R-5 4.8 8/15/84 1.80(2) 3.34(5) 3.82(2) 11.3(3)

R-8 12.8 8/14/84 0.10(20) bd 0.20(13) 0.6(80)

R-11 19.5 8/15/84 bd bd bd bd RS-17 0.6 10/18/84 0.46(41) 0.74(4) 0.94(4) 2.13(2)

R-5 4.8 10/17/84 0.28(7) 0.52(5) 0.67(5) 1.68(2)

R-8 12.8 10/16/84 0.05(20) 0.06(11) 0.09(18) 0.23(3)

R-11 19.5 10/15/84 bd 0.015(38) bd 0.073(10)

RS-17 0.6 2/7/85 0.26(3) 0.45(8) 0.63(2) 1.25(3)

R-5 4.8 2/7/85 0.17(19) 0.21(4) 0.39(9) 0.67(2)

R-8 12.8 2/7/85 0.02(27) 0.04(16) 0.04(12) 0.13(5)

R-11 19.5 2/7/85 0.04(33) 0.014(21) 0.07(23) 0.045(8)

RS-17 0.6 2/8/85*

0.49(3) 0.072(9) 1.37(2) 0.23(3)

R-5 4.8 2/8/86

  • 6.0(3) 0.23(5) 15.9(2) 0.77(2)

R-8 12.8 2/8/85*

0.63(3) 0.15(6) 1.69(2) 0.47(3)

RS-24 0.0 3/22/85 0.05(41) 0.02(38) 0.07(23) 0.05(28)

RS-17 0.6 3/19/85 bd 0.04(20) 0.11(24) 0.16(6)

T-1 3.0 3/20/85 0.27(11) 0.30(7) 0.67(6) 0.66(5)

R-5 4.8 3/19/85 0.26(13) 0.15(8) 0.71(5) 0.44(3)

R-5 4.8 3/22/85 0.28(12) 0.16(11) 0.74(4) 0.57(4)

T-2 7.5 3/20/85 0.21(12) 0.14(7) 0.50(5) 0.46(3)

T-3 10.2 3/21/85 0.24(12) 0.084(11) 0.61(5) 0.24(5)

R-8 12.8 3/19/85 0.08(33) 0.07(16) 0.13(19) 0.18(6)

T-4 17.2 3/20/85 bd 0.05(18) 0.1(19) 0.12(8)

R-11 19.5 3/18/85 0.06(23) 0.05(19) 0.12(11) 0.10(9)

RS-30h 0.6 3/20/85 0.58(8) 0.27(4) 1.73(3) 0.87(2)

RS-17 0.6 4/26/85 0.24(11) 0.42(3) 0.73(4) 1.05(2)

R-5 4.8 4/25/85 0.40(8) 0.59(5) 1.04(4) 1.69(8)

R-8 12.8 4/23/85 bd 0.08(16) 0.07(26) 0.22(4)

R-11 19.5 4/23/85 bd 0.013(48) bd 0.03(14)

RS-17 0.6 5/23/85 0.08(26) 0.14(6) 0.18(11) 0.45(2)

R-5 4.8 5/22/85 0.40(9) 0.41(3) 1.23(4) 1.39(2)

R-8 12.8 5/21/85 bd 0.041(9) 0.12(23) 0.13(3)

R-11 19.5 5/20/85 bd 0.011(72) 0.46(31) 0.03(23) 2016t 84 D 088690_ _ ___ _ _ __,;

e 134 s and 137 s in water samples collected downstream Concentrations of C

C and in the vicinit'y of the Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Station during 1984 and 1985 (continued).

Concentration' Station Distancec Date 134Cs 137Cs ID (km)

Sampled PF Water PF Water RS-17 0.6 7/11/85 0.037(8) 0.084(3) 0.10(3) 0.27(2)

R-5 4.8 7/10/85 0.69(3) 0.21(5) 2.34(2) 0.66(2)

R-8 12.8 7/10/85 0.034(14) 0.03(20) 0.12(20) 0.08(8)

R-ll 19.5 7/11/85 0.026(39) 0.005(52) 0.075(13) 0.019(12)

Cosumnes' River 8/13/84 bd bd bd bd Mokelumne River 8/27/85 bd bd bd 0.008(47)

RS-24 0.0 8/30/85 0.14(25) 0.036(16) 0.33(9) 0.12(7)

RS-17 0.6 8/30/85 bd 0.037(16) 0.065(35) 0.15(7)

R-Si 4.8 8/29/85 bd bd bd 0.018(41)

R-5 4.8 8/29/85 0.015(36) 0.058(11) 0.085(8) 0.27(4)

T-3 10.2 8/28/85 0.015(32) 0.023(25) 0.06(10) 0.082(8)

R-8 12.8 8/28/85 bd bd td 0.033(18)

R-8 12.8 8/29/85 bd 0.009(70) bd 0.044(18)

R-il 19.5 8/28/85 bd bd bd 0.027(28)

RS-17 0.6 10/15/85 bd 0.055(9) 0.17(17) 0.25(3)

R-5 4.8 10/15/85 0.62(6) 0.022(29) 1.99(3) 0.19(6)

R-8 12.8 10/14/85 bd 0.009(70) bd 0.27(22)

R-11 19.5 10/14/85 bd bd bd 0.011(60)

R-51 f 0.9 10/29/84 bd 0.014(24) bd 0.048(9)

R-529 6.0 10/17/84 0.24(10) 0.15(5) 0.56(6) 0.51(3)

R-53d 10/13/84 bd bd bd 0.012(17)

Samples collected immediately after a heavy rain.

a Water samples (551 in volume) were filtered through I micron prefilter (PF) cartridges.

Each prefilter and filtered water sample was analyzed separately, b

Values in parenthesis are the one sigma standard deviation of the counting error expressed as percent of the activity, bd - below detection.

Detectable amount of Mn-54, Co-58, and Co-60 were occasionally measured in prefilter samples from Station RS-17 and R-5.

c Distance from sampling site to point of liquid effluent discharge at Rancho

Seco, d

Sample from Rancho Seco Lake collected for background activity analysis.

8 Samples f rom a distance greater than 25 km f rom the plant for background levels in water, f

Sample from an irrigation pond of User "T" not connected to Clay Creek.

9 Sample from an irrigation pond of User "T" located approximately 6 km from the Rancho Seco.

This pond obtains water from Hadselville Creek.

h RS-30 is the irrigation sump pond adjacent to Clay Creek connected to Station RS-17.

1 Runoff water from pasture north of R-5.

2016t 85 1/22/86

F o

Concentrations of radionuclides in retention basin water samples collected on


a pCi/l

.ID #

Fraction Mn Co


Cs Cs K42-RB-1 particulate 0.08(11) 1.20(2) 0.25(3) 0.75(2)

K51-RB-1 water 0.06(15) 0.52(3) 11.3(3) 51.2(2)

K43-RB-2 particulate 0.02(11) 0.31(3) 0.17(3) 0.50(2)

K52-RB-2 water 0.08(7) 0.52(3) 7.2(3) 26.3(2) a Value in parenthesis is'the la counting error expressed as the ?. of listed value.

b Water samples filtered through a 1 micron filter cartridge to remove particulates.

s 2016t 86 1/14/86 s


Concentrations of radionuclides in unfilter water samples from the regenerate hold-up tanks at Rancho Seco collected on 10/14-15/85.

l pCi/1*

37 Sample 10 Date Collected Mn Co Cs Cs K49 (NR885-73) 10-14-85 0.4(25) 0.9(15) 8.5(6) 23.9(3)

K50 (RHVT-8) 10-15-85 0.5(22) 1.3(8) 8.6(4) 21.7(2) a Value in parenthesis is the la counting error expressed as the % of listed value.

e l

l l

l l

I 2016t 87 1/14/86 L


7 APPEN0!x VII e

2016t 88 1/14/86

Concentration. af radt:nuclides in parts af wat3r Hyacinth from statitns downstreaa frts Rancho Seco.

ID Part Station Dry / wet pCl/g wet wt '

@g 54,

58 H 0,g W

i 3

Co Co Cs Cs 53 Collection date 7-12 85 J793 stem-leaf RS-17

.162 2.3(2) 0.28(2) 0.02(15) 0.53(l) 0.02(15) 2.1(1) 6.6(1)

' bd J794 root RS-17

.307 1.63(6) 1.40(2) 1.21(3) 14.3(1) 2.05(1) 13.3(1) 33.4(1) 0.44(10)

J795 stem-leaf R5-1

.112 2.9(2) 0.027(1) 0.084(4) 0.07I(3)

.008(30) 0.84(1) 2.52(1) bJ J796 root RS-1

.123 1.2(5) 0.073(6) 0.65(2) 0.94(1)

.078(6) 1.95(1) 5.78(l)' O.01(23)

Collection date 8-29-85 J958 stem-leaf T-2 2.6(5) be bd 0.007(30) bd 0.0$(1) 0.16(3) bd J959 ro,ot T-2 1.63(7) 0.014(31), to 0.061(4) bd 0.21(4) 0.9t(3) ed J960 stem-leaf R-5 3.3(2) 0.06(8) bd 0.068(8) be 4.l(1) 13.2(1) bd J161 root R-5 2.51(8) 0.0$(24) 0.05(47) 0.34(4) bd 2.02(2) 6.3(1) bd J362 stem-leaf 7-1 2.56(3) 0.04(11) 0.04(22) 0.10(4) bd 0.37(2) 1.14(1) to J963 root T-1 4.52(3) 0.10(11) 0.29(7) 1.30(1) 0.01(11) 6.3(1) 11.7(l)

DJ J964 stem-leaf R-8 2.49(11) 0.01(70) bd 0.012(26) 34 0.28(10) 0.76(2) bd J965 root R-8 2.85(7) bd bd 0.06(11) ed 0.41(8) 1.42(1)

Dd Collection date 10-15-85 K034 stem-leaf T-3 3.34(3) 0.03(16) ed 0.0l?(18) Do 0.68(2) 2.20(1) bd K035 root T-3 1.91(5) 0.01(45)

Dd 0.12(3) bd 0.81(2) 2.70(1) bJ K036 s tem-lea f R-8 4.40(5) 0.02(67) bd bd bd 0.30(7) 0.u6(2) bd K037 root R-8 5.17(12) ed bd 0.10(34) bd 1.22(5) 3.11(2) ed 2.89(3) 0.012(21) bd 0.023(14) ba 0.082(6) 0.26(2) ed x038 stem-leaf R-5 K039 root R-5 1.80(7) 0.052(13) 0.045(21) 0.21(2) bo 0.8F(2) 2.8t(2) bd 2.55(2) 0.023(11) 0.014(37) 0.082(6) be 0.07 t (8) 0.20(3) bd K040 stem-leaf RS-17 1.20(6) 0.042(11) 0.12(7) 0.49(3) 0.04(11) 0.50(2) 1.43(l) be K041 root RS-17 a

Number in parenthesis 1$ the le counting error expressed as % of Ilsted value.

Bd below detestion.

89 i

1 1


F; APPEf10!X VI!!

2016t 90 1/14/06 s

r I

Concentrations of radionuclides in samples of beef and related samples - 1985.

a Description pC1/kg wet wt 134 137 Cs Cs

1) Flesh samples from two cows obtained from the feed lots of Mr. G. Silva, 20 March 1985.

Hereford bd 5.0(40)

Charolais bd


2) Selection of steaks from 3 major local markets Store Purchased 8eef bd 5.0(20)
3) Flesh from hind-quarter from two cows obtained from grazing land (no time in feed lot) of Mr. G. Silva, 21 June 1985 Angus / Hereford (1) 14(20) 69(4)

Angus / Hereford (2) 17(18) 56(6)

4) Pasture grass from grazing land 21 June 1985 6


Value in parenthesis is the lo counting error expressed as the % of the listed value, bd below detection.

2016t 91 1/22/86

.s '


This document =es prepared as an account of work sponsored be an seenes of the United States Ga.ernmene.

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