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Suppl 2 to LAR to License DPR-22,revising Statement on Normal Shift Length & Correcting Typos
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/12/1998
From: Hammer M
Shared Package
ML20154L936 List:
NUDOCS 9810200122
Download: ML20154L940 (4)



UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-263 REQUEST FOR AMENDMENTTO OPERATING LICENSE DPR-22 SUPPLEMENT 2 TO LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST DATED AUGUST 15,1996 Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, requests authorization for changes to Appendix A of the Monticello Operating License as shown on the attachments labeled Exhibits A, B, and C. Exhibit A describes the proposed changes, describes the reasons for the changes, and contains a Safety Evaluation, a Determination of No Significant Hazards Consideration and an Environmental Assessment. Exhibit B contains current Technical.,

Specification pages marked up with the proposed changes. Exhibit C is a copy of the Monticello Technical Specification pages incorporating the proposed changes.

This letter contains no restricted or other defense information.

NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By h 4MM4v Michael F. Hammer Plant Manager Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant On this il day ofOcreber \\998 before me a notary public in and for said County, personaily appeared Michael F.' Hammer, Plant Manager, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, and being first duly sworn acknowledged that he is authorized to execute this document on behalf of Northern States Power Company, that he knows the contents thereof, and that to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief the statements made in it e:e true and that it is not interposed for delay.



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.nte :: J-r Notary Public - Minnesota Sherburne County My Commission Expires January 31,2000 9810200122 981012 PDR ADOCK 05000263 P


Exhibit A Fvaluation of Proposed Changes MONTICU.LO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Supplement 2 to License Amendment Request Dated August 15,1996 Description of Proposed Changes and Reasons for Changes Exhibit A of NSP's August 15,1996 submittal and the associated Supplement 1 dated March 19, 1998 propcsed numerous changes and stated the rational for the changes. In the intervening time additional changes have been identified as explained in the table below. Additionally, NSP is utilizing a new word processor to print Exhibit C pages. Changes associated with this new word processor include a different font, and differences in word wrapping. Finally, because of the time that has elapsed since filing the original request, other submittals have impacted on this amendment request as discussed in the next paragraph. This Supplement 2 augments the original August 15,1996 submittal and the March 19,1998 Supplement 1.

1 Supplement 2 Changes Page No.

Section Explanation i

Table of Contents (TOC) 4.0 Correct page no. from 25a to 25b.

TOC 4.1 Correct page no. from 41 to 42.

ii All No changes - reprint only iii All No changes - reprint only Iv 3.14 and 4.14 Bases Do not delete as originally erroneously requested 3.16 and 4.16.A Change " Sampling and" to " Sample Collection &"

3.16 and 4.16.C Add " Program" 3.17 and 4.17.A Add " Control Room" 3.17 and 4.17.B Add " Control Room" 6.8 Do not add "6.8 Environmental Qualification 253" as originally erroneously requested.

v Figure 3.5.1 Delete reference to Figure 3.5.1 as the figure was deleted in Amendment 97 dated September 17, 1996, but TOC was not updated.

vi Table No. 4.6-1 Correct Table No. from "4.6-1" to "4.6.1" vii Table No,4.16.2 Add "(LLD)"

61 Table 4.2.1 Includes changes of Amendment request dated July 5,1995. See further explanation page A-2.

62 Table 4.2.1 Includes changes of Amendment request dated July 5,1995. See further explanation page A-2.

198t Table 4.8.4, Note e Change " radio-nuclides" to " radionuclides" A-1

Exhibit A Page No.

Section Explanation 227e Table 3.13.1, zone 13C Change "evel" to "elev" 232 6.1.B.1 Change "responsiblities" to " responsibilities" 6.1.B.2 Change "responsiblity" to " responsibility" 6.1.B.2 Change "Vice President" to " President NSP"'

233 6.1.C.4 Change "on site" to "onsite" 6.1.C.6 Change "on site" to "onsite" 237 6.2.A.1.b (2 places)

Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 239 6.2.A.6.d Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 240 6.2.A.7 and 8 Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 241 6.2.B.4.e Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 242 6.2.B.5 and 6 Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 243 6.2.B.6.4 (2 places)

Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 250 6.2.B.b Change "Vice President" to " President NSP" 252 6.7.C.3.a Do not make spelling change as originally erroneously requested. This error was an NSP error only, and was correct in official NRC book.

Incorporation of Prior Amendments 4/30/98 Bases Change (Amendment No.100a)

As part of Monticello's program of changing to a new word processor, all Bases pages were reissued effective 4/30/98 under NSP's TS Bases Control Program. Reissued pages were sent to the NRC on 5/12/98 with the designation of Amendment No.100a. All Exhibit B Bases pages for this Supplement 2, consist of Amendmont 100a pages with changes from the original submittal and supplement 1 transposed onto the new pages.

Since Amendment 100a corrected the page 198y error identified in the original 8/15/96 submittal, this Supplement 2 withdraws any further changes to page 198y. Therefore, page 198y is no longer included with this Amendment Request.

July 5,1995 Amendment Request in Exhibits B and C, pages 61 and 62 incorporate changes as proposed in license amendment request dated July 5,1995 titled " Surveillance Test Interval / Allowed Outage Time Extension Program - Part 2." Discussions with the NRC staff indicate pages 61 and 62 of the July 5,1995 amendment request will be issued as proposed. Therefore, Exhibits B and C of this amendment request reflect the proposed changes of the July 5,1995 amendment request.

Impact of Changes on Exhibits B and C Exhibit B - Technical Specification Pages Marked Up with Proposed Changes All Exhibit B pages are included with this Supplement 2 so as to supercede the Exhibit B submitted with the original request (8/15/96) and Supplement 1 (3/19/98)in their entirety. Pages

' Title change based on June 1998 NSP organization chart and Revision 16 of USAR Figure 13.2-3.


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Exhibit A are identical to the earlier submittals with the exceptions of changes indicated in the table above and the Amendment 100a Bases pages discussed above. To assist the NRC in the review process, applicable submittal dates (8-15-96,3-19-98, or Supplement 2) have been entered at l

the upper right hand comer of each page. " Supplement 2" on Bases pages indicates that earlier changes have been transferred to current pages (Amendment 100a). No additional changes have been made to Bases pages.

l l

Exhibit C - Revised Technical Specification Pages l

. All Exhibit C pages have been reprinted and are included with this Supplement 2 so as to l

supercede the Exhibit C submitted with the original request (8/15/96) and Supplement 1 (3/19/98)in their entirety.

Safety Evaluation The changes described in this supplement are editorialin nature. The title change reflects current NSP organization titles and does not reduce the level of plant responsibility. This supplement is therefore within the scope of the original license amendment request and the Safety Evaluation is unchanged and remains applicable.

No Significant Hazards Consideration As the changes described in this supplement are editorial in nature, this supplement is within the scope of the originallicense amendment request and the No Significant Hazards Consideration is unchanged and remains applicable.

Environmental Assessment As the changes described in this supplement are editorial in nature, this supplement is within the scope of the originallicense amendment request and the Environmental Assessment is unchanged and remains applicable.

