AECM-88-014, Application for Amend to License NPF-29,deleting Room 0C506 from Tech Spec Table to Enlarge Control Bldg Locker Room.Fee Paid

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Application for Amend to License NPF-29,deleting Room 0C506 from Tech Spec Table to Enlarge Control Bldg Locker Room.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1988
From: Kingsley O
Shared Package
ML20151C783 List:
AECM-88-014, AECM-88-14, NUDOCS 8807220180
Download: ML20151C780 (7)



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sysTEnt EMNGY NEscimers, sw.

OtM9 D. KtG1Ev. JR -

Op7;(m July 12, 1988 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station P1-137 Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk Gentlemen:


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 Deletion of Room 0C506 from Table Proposed Amendment to the Operating License (PC0L-88/10)

AECM-88/0114 System Energy Resources, Inc. (SERI) is submitting by this letter a proposed amendment to the Grand Gulf Operating License. The proposed amendment would delete Room OC506 from Table as a result of a design change to enlarge the control building locker room.

In accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.4, the original of the i requested amendment is enclosed and the appropriate copies will be distributed.

The attachment provides the technical justification and discussion to support the requested amendment. This amendment has been reviewed and accepted by the Plant Safety Review Committee and the Safety Review Coninittee.

Based on the guidelines presented in 10 CFR 50.92, SERI has concluded that this proposed amendment involves no significant hazards considerations.  !

In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 170.21, an epplication fee of $150 is attached to this letter.

1 SERI is currently planning to start the construction work described in Attachment 3 near the end of July 1988 with an estimated completion date of l October 1988. The issuance of the proposed amendment is needed prior to  !

completion of the work when Room OC506 (Shower and Drying Area) will no longer i exist. The operability of the fire detection instrumentation governed by the Technical Specification proposed to be changed is not affected by this design change. The walls to be removed serve no fire protection function and are not j A0 8807220180 880712 PDR ADOCK 05000416 8{ g N4 P PDC 2 l poson v;3ssm 3msyy l gm qua


{g q J16AECM88053102 - 1 l

. AECM-88/0114

, Page 2-governed by the Technical Specifications. The only effect upo:1 the Technical Specifications by tnis design change will'be when Room 0C506 is renamed as 0C514, thereby requiring Room 0C506 to be deleted from Table

Yours ruly,

- / .


ODK:bms Attachments: 1. Remittance of $150 Application Fee

2. Affirmation per 10 CFR 50.30
3. GGNS PCOL-88/10

- cc: Mr. T. H. Cloninger (w/a)

Mr.R.B.McGehee(w/a) '

Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a)

Mr. H. L'. Thomas (w/o)

Mr. R. C. Butcher (w/a)

Dr. J. Nelson Grace, Regional Administrator (w/a)

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Region II 101 Marietta St., N. W., Suite 2900 r Atlanta, Georgia 30323 -

Mr. L. L. Kintner Project Manager (w/a)

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .

Mail Stop 14820 '

Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr.AltonB.Cobb(w/a)

State Health Officer State Board of Health Box 1700 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 4

J16AECM88053102 - 2

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I, O. D. Kingsley, Jr., being duly sworn, state that I am Vice President, Nuclear Operations of System Energy Resources, Inc.; that on behalf of System Energy Resources, Inc., and South Mississippi Electric Power Association I am authorized by System Energy Resources, Inc. to sign and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Commiss on, this application for-amendment of tne Operating License of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station; that I signed this  ;

application as Vice President, Nuclear Operations of System Energy Resources.

4 Inc.; and that the statements made and the matters set fort therein are true '

and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and ef.

. t '

O. (VKing11 r.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN T0 before me, a No ar Pubjic, in and for the County and State above named, this /74Cday of Ali __ , 1988.

MlbW A2 &

Notary Public' ~

i My commission expires:

, Vf Cerezhshn Egins Int. 21, 1931 J16AECM88053102 - 4

- - - , , _ . , ~ , -. .. ...-n . - .

. Attachment 3 to AECM-88/0114 A. SUBJECT

1. NPE 88/01 Deletion of Room 0C506 from Table
2. Affected Technical Specifications:
a. Fire Detection Instrumentation, Table Page 3/4 3-83.


1. The proposed change results from a design change to enlarge the locker room on the 166'-0" elevation of the control building. To accomplish the enlargement, several non-fire rated interior masonry walls are to be removed that will incorporate Rooms 0C506 (Shower and Drying Area) and OC505 (Janitor Closet) into Room 0C514 (Locker Roon). This is illustrated in Figure 1 of this attachment. The walls to be removed function only to divide up living space and serve no other purpose. Rooms 0C506 and OC514 are currently listed in Zone 1-19 of Table koom OC506 contains safety related electrical cable and raceway as described in the Fire Hazards Analysis and takes credit for the smoke detection instrumentation located in Room OC514. Room OC505 is not listed in the Technical Specifications because no safety related components or equipment are located in Room 0C505.
2. Due to the incorporation of Room 0C506 into Room 0C514, Room 0C506 listed in Zone 1-19 is proposed to be deleted from Table


1. The removal of several non-fire rated masonry walls incorporating Rooms 0C506 and OC505 into Room 0C514 is being done to enlarge the locker room in the control building (elevation 166'-0"). This design change was evaluated against the criteria contained in 10CFR50.59 and determined not to be an unreviewed safety question. In addition, the design change has been reviewed and approved by a qualified fire protection engineer.
2. The locker room enlargement does not result in the removal or relocation of any fire detection instrumentation or any fire rated barriers. The level of smoke detection capability will not be reduced by the design change. Also, since the walls being removed are not fire rated there will be no change in any existing fire rated barriers when Rooms 0C506 and OC505 are incorporated into Room 0C514.

The room modifications do not affect any fire area boundaries as described in the Fire Hazards Analysis. Therefore, the current level of fire protection will not be reduced.

3. Technical Specification requirch the fire detection instrumentation for Zone 1-19 to be operable. Table lists the minimum number of fire detection instrunents required to be operable in each detection zone. The design change will not add or delete any detection instruments to or from detection Zone 1-19. No detection instruments associated with Zone 1-19 will be relocated.

The minimum number of instruments required to be operable in detection Zone 1-19 will not be affected and no building spaces J16AECM88053102 - 5



' Attachment

. AECW88/0114-previously provided with detection'will have detection capability.

reduced. The incorporation of Room OC506 into Room 0C514 necessitates the deletion of Room.00506 from Table Therefore,.the descriptive list of rooms in detection Zone 1-19 is being modified consistent with the new room designations.


As discussed in 10CFR50.92, the following-discussions are provided to the NRC Staff in support of "no significant hazards. considerations".

1. No significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated results from this change.
a. Removal of non-fire rated interior masonry walls to incorporate Room OC506 into Room OC514 does'not alter any of the precurrors of any fires previously evaluated for the affected rooms. -The proposed change does not alter any plant fire protection features or functions, ,
b. The locker room enlargement does not result in the addition, removal or relocation of any fire detection instrumentation for detection Zone 1-19 or any fire rated barriers.. The level of smoke detection capability will not be reduced by the design change. Also, since the walls being removed are not fire rated there will be no change in any existing fire rated barriers when Rooms 0C506 and 0C505_are incorporated into Room 00514. The  ;

room modifications do not affect any fire area boundaries as described in the Fire Hazards Analysis. This proposed Technical Specification change assigns a new room number to existing plant space. '

c. Therefore, there is no increase in the probability or consequences of a previously analyzed accident due to this change.
2. This change would not create the possibility of a new or different 1 kind of accident from any previously evaluated,
a. No new equipment is introduced into the plant and no changes to i setpoints or operating modes are proposed. This change involves the assignment of a new room number to existing plant space due to the removal of non-fire rated walls incorporating Room 0C506 into Room OC514. The walls to be removed only serve to divide living space and provide no other function,
b. Therefore, the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated is not created.

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- . Attachment 3 to

. 1 g AECM-88/0114 l

3. This change would not involve a significant the margin-of safety. .

a.- This change assigns a new room number toL existing plant . space.

There.are no changes to plant equipment or operational setpoints.


The room modifications do not affect any . fire area boundaries.  !

The minimum number of smoke detection instruments required to be operable will"not be reduced:and no building spaces 1, previously provided with detection will have detection capability reduced.


b. Therefore, this proposed change will not-reduce the margin of' safety.

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Attachment 3 to AECM-88/0114 4 N l

b Janitor Shower and Drying Area \ Closet Room OC506 Room M \\\\\\\\\ N\k b Locker Room Room OC514 I

l l

1 (Control Bldg 166 ft Elev.) l Q To Be Removed FIGURE 1