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Documents 900530 Telcon Re Allegation NRR-90-A-0015 & Licensee Response to NRC Bulletin 88-010, Nonconforming Molded-Case Circuit Breakers
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/1990
From: Dudley N
To: Jun Lee
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20141J614 List:
FOIA-91-351 IEB-88-010, IEB-88-10, NUDOCS 9208130104
Download: ML20141M388 (1)


- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

i May 31, 1990 d

MEMCAANDUM 10: Jean Lee Office Allegation Coordinator NRR FRDM Noel D.

Dudley Senior Resident Inspector Seabrook b

7 4FtG J N Johnson, Ch2ef Frajects Dranch No.3 Ebc McCabe, Cnief F

b! l D Projects Section No.

o HI EU9 JECT ALLEGATION NRR-90-A-0015 This is to documant our telephone dascossien held on May 30-1990.

In the Allegation Review Board Summary of a meetine, held on May 4, 1990, paragraph 11.(1). Counterfeit Parts requared to NRC Bulletin 88-16 confirmation of 12censee response

Noncon f orming Molded-Case Circui t Dreakers".

New Hampsh2re Yankee submitted responses to toe Bulletin on March 33, May 31 a.1d August 13, 1989.

New Hampshire Yankee i s preparing a response to Supplement 1 Bulletin 88-10 issued on August 3, 1989 The Bulletin and the Supplement are ewpected to be closed by the NRR Vendor Branch as part of the routine bulletin closure process end document 9d in a future inspection report.

I understand that for the purooses of the allegation panel, this issue is closed and no f ur ther resident inspection is required.

If there are any questions concerning this issue, please contact me at 603-474-3580.

$h 0 M 154f Noel F.

Dudley 4

CC3 R. Wessman, PD 1-3 V.

Nerses, PD 1-3 J.

Johnson, RI E.

McCabe, RI L


Perkins, RI i,

/h 9208130104 911209




R3BINSO91-351 PDR,

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