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Forwards Matl Submitted by Comley During 900301 Affirmation Session on Seabrook Plant for Appropriate Action
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1990
From: Chilk S
To: David Williams
Shared Package
ML20141J614 List:
FOIA-91-351 NUDOCS 9208130095
Download: ML20141M387 (5)


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David C.

Williams r


Inspector General V


Samuel J.

Chilk, Secr SU BJ ECT:

MATERIAL SUBMITTED BY ST PHEli COMLEY Mr. Stephen Comley gave my office the attached set of

.aterials at the. Commission's March 1, 1990, Affirmation Session on Seabrook.

We have discussed the disposition of the materials with the General Counsel's offica and are referring this set to you for your appropriate action.

With regard to the photograph (see last attachment), Mr. Comley claims it is a picture of his giving former President Reagan a letter in October 1987 which indicated that there was a problem with substandard parts-in the nuclear industry.

Mr. Comley has been advised of this referral.

The attachments are also being placed 4.n the (orrespondence file for Seatrook and in the Public Document Room.



Speech, 3/1/90 2.-

Press release, 3/1/90 3.

Press Pockets Summaries 4.

Additional press clippings 5.

Photo e c:

Chairman Carr Commissioner Roberts Commissioner Rogers Commissioner Curtiss Commissioner Remick OGC EDO C.PA/ PA h

/ }


l 9208130095 911209 4/




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x NQCt89372


S SI'f'891001

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s New Hampsh.ire


Yankee g

u.sya i

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I Subject QSR b.

057 and 89-058 I'0*

S. P. Euchwald D to July 11, 1989 To Reference H. D. Ifarrington Attached please find a copy of the Surveillance Report which documents the N!!Y surveillance of repair / fabrication activities performed by Neles.

Jamesburg (formerly ITT Hamel Dahl) their Warwick RI facility on June 8 at and 9, 1989 and June 15, 1989.

The surveillante involved the witnessing of activities associated with the fabrication of three (3) stems, and the installation of carbon graphite rings, restoring / verifying concentric bore of cages, and restoring surface finish and senting surface of plugs / cages for valves 1-MS-V-393, and 89-058.

1-MS-V-394 and 1-MS-V-395 as requested by QSR 87-057 All requested services have been completed and all items have been shipped.

QSR 89-057 and 89-058 are considered complete.

If there are any questions, call G.L. Jasinski (x3148).

) 7 AueA.. nf{'

S. P. Buchwald Quality Assurance Supervisor SPB/TRF/ caw cc:.J.J. Warnockr R.L. Martin (YAEC)

M.E. Kenney G.J. Kline J.E. Cade P.R. Lovett File 6d, b,%g File (2) f[ f m

I New Hampshira Yankee Division of Public Service Company of New Hampshire P.O. Box 300

  • Seabrook, NH 03874
  • Telephone (503) 474 9521






n (Tormerly ITT Hammel-Dahl)

Vendor Personnel _ contacted Durinn Surveillance e

Neles-Jamesburg-Donald 4. Quelette (ITT Hammel Dahl)

Quality Assurance Manager

-174 Port Road Varwick RI 02888 i

Dates of Surveillances Purchase Orders i

June 8.and 9, 1989 PO 67386-(MPR'320835)


. June 15, 1989' PO 67399 (MPR 320340)


PO 67400 (MPP 320341)

I Purnose-The purpose of toe: surveillance was to witness activities directly

.o affecting the fabrication of three (3) spare stems and the reworking of-the cages.and plugs for valves 1-MS-V-393,1-MS-V-394 and 1-MS-V-395.

-Surveillance The. vendor has a. currently approved quality program in place which has o

been audited _by YAEC and several other utilities which meets the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix B.

The QA Manual issue is Rev. 2 dated May 1 1987, o The shop is very clean, neat and well equipped. ' Controlled materials

.l are stored in locked" areas. Materials issued for a particular job are carefully palletized or placed in containers and tagged for t

identification.-'The three bars for.the stems were identified with the heat: number at the time-of cutting.

The cages and plugs were temporarily identified by NHY Inventory personnel prior to release.

The cages and plugs original-permanent markings were still legible, Material-traceability was maintained.

The hard-surfacing of.the stems was-witnessed.. Welding electrodes are o

kept under' lock with-keys available only to the plant foreman and QA' Manager.

Stellite-Alloy ~ No. _6_ Heat No. '2-0405 ve s issued to two welders.

' y; The hard_ surfacing electrodes'ma'terial certifications met the

- requirements.of' SFA :5.13 AVS Classi fication RC0CR-A.

The qualifications papersiand the maintenance of proficiency-_for each weldcr was reviewed and found acceptable. -The welding was monitored and found to meet the-essential and non-essentia1' variables;of. welding procedure SP42 Rev. 3.

' Af ter the hard" surfacing.was applied. to each bar, the bar was buried in vermiculite"and allowed to cool overnight. 'The velding machine (B-6? was

-calibrated 3-9-89 and was not due for calibration until 9-15-89.

Most of_the micrometers used in the: facility are privately owned. All' o-personnel: and company micrometers 'are tracked. by the Compr'y's rolling calibration program.' All tools' requiring calibration are oken down 71nto' twelve groups with a different group of micrometers beang calibrated

cach month ~.

~. An-informational'11guid penetrant was performed on the three rough o

machined stems. 'LP. procedure 106-200 Rev.14 was used by W. Gosselin.

, I_.

_ _, _.. _ _, _., =,,. _., _, _ _ _ _ _. _ _

4, _,.

V Page 2 The inspector's LP Level 11 certification acceptab'e tc Code and the vendor's prog 4am, eye exam ewed and found During the two visits, critical measurements were o

verification and recording done by myself.

made by the vendor with were FAX'd to Tech Support.

Cage and plug measurements Copies were attached to Qualtiy Shipment

Releases, The lapping of all three plugs along with the pinni o

MS-V-394 the installation of carbon graphite ringsng of the stem for 1-marking snd packaging of all three cage / plug assemblies, the cleaning, and determined to meet procurement requirements.

were witnessed June 15, 1989's visit covered the measuring o

packaging and document review of the three (3), fina. LP, cleaning, A5, and A6.

slight deviation of non-critical dimensions was disAn Inspec addressed a measurements were reviewed by the vendor's ergineering g cussed.

The acceptable, roup and found J. Santis, o

illness of W. Cosselin.the LP Level III, did the final LP on th e stems due to the used as previously reviewed.The same test procedure and test materials were Three indications were evaluated by J.

Santis and found acceptaLle.

I J.

III certifications uere reviewed and found acceptSantis's eye examination a b).e.

Manager and NHY's ANII.A Manufacturer's Data Report was prepared o

gned by the Vendor's QA A documentation package was presented to myself and the N!!Y ANII consisting of a Certificate of Compliance -

Conformance, Manuf;cturer's Data Report Velding Data Reports (2),

, QA Check-List.

CMTR for the hard surfacing electrodeMaterial CMTR.

Penetrant Test R9 port (2) and Inspection Report Control No

, Liquid

. N52110.

o The three (3)

A 32 3/4" long remaining piece of the NHY suppli dscem me.

returned with the miss-marked heat number (X11103) o e round was supplied by Cardinal.

89QA409/CID56516205 Inventory's temporary markingson one end as was still legible on the sid e, The vendor had two (2) o 6405811RA purchased and machined specially for 1 Mspare carbt n gra use to the vendor.

NQG will confer with MRD concerning how to getThese rings hav Inventory.

these rings into er..

Three Quality Shipment Release forms were issu d f o

required by QSR-057 and QSR 89-058, e

or the activities conclusion facility is neat,The vendor is well organized, knowledgeable and well versed in the quality requirements ana rerpclean, well orga The The personnel are on sibili tie s.

They take h

Page 3 great pride in their work.

It can be safely stated that the facility has a


quality program meeting the requirements of 10CFR50. Appendix B.

All the requirements of the purchase orders were met.

-7 O

n mf M d or'I Prepared By q " R. Frolom 46k' Approved Ey s.





S. P. Buchwald l

Q. A. Engineer QA Superviror Nuclear Quality Group Nuclear Quality Group 1


1. Po 67386 MPR 3203335
2. PO 67399 HPR 320340
3. PO 67400 HPR 320341
4. NHY Procurement Clauses:

000D OllB 305B 418A 907C 004C 012B 332A 630C 007B 013C 334B 631C 010C 015C 40/B 633C 5.

QSR 89-057 and 89-058

