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Authorizes Model OH-142 Mkib Package as Type B Package,Per 850913 Certificate of Compliance 9073,Rev 14,until 860228. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109073
Issue date: 11/29/1985
From: Macdonald C
To: Temus C
NUDOCS 8512110451
Download: ML20137Z935 (4)




.a .- 9693 Distribution: w/ encl Docket File NRC PDR IE HQ State Health Official W 91905 Regions (5) FCTC:Rf10 RH0degaarden(2) 71-9073 WHLake HWLee 3 CEMacDonald GJackson k 4 gg,79 f Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated C 1 s g 4 ATTH: Mr. Charles J. Tems FCTC R/F 1010 South 33Gth Street rederal May, WA 98003 Contlenen: Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 71, the Model No. 0H-142 MKin package is authorized as a Type B( ) package in accordance with Certificate of Cocipliance No. 9073, Revision 14, dated Septenher 13,1985,until February 28,1906. FOR Tile U.S. NUCLEAR RECT!LATORY C0'"1!SSION W SlII*d W t.E enwisse Charles E. ItacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Oranch Division of Fuel Cycle and flaterial Safety, fetSS


Approval pecord cc w/cncli Moressees Richard R. Rawl Department of Transportation on12110451 051129 pit ADOCK0710g/3 4 Yf--FCT k' W _

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f!od71 t' s. Off-142 series and !!:IS 10-13'i Packacas_ usa /9073/B( ) Addresseos: w/ enc 1 Ltr dtd: NOV 2 9196C Alabana Power Co-pany CPU ruclear Corporation ATTft: Mr. O. D. Vingsley, Jr. ATTft: f:r, Ray E. !!ahn P.O. Box 2541 P.O. Rox 400 Riminghan, AL 35291 fttddletown, PA 17057 Alabana Power Company CPil t'uclear Corporation ATTN: Concral l'ananer f!uclear Plant ATTft: f!r. Thoras Snider P.O. Fox 470 P.O. Box 338 Ashford, AL 36312 forked Piver, flJ 08731 Arkansas Power f. Light Company Icma Electric Light & Posor Cericany ATT!!: fir. David C. Trinblo ATT!!: t'r. "crb Ciorgio P.O. Rox 551 3277 Danc 09ad Little Rock, AR 72203 Palo IA 52400 Chen-t!uclear Systens. Inc. Verr McGee f:ucicar Cornoration ATTil: l's. Susan Vintner ATT!l: Dr. John C. Stautor 220 Stoneridge Drive ferr-f'edeo Center Columbia, SC 29210 Oklihana City, C" 73125 Corronwealth Edison Conrany fleutron Products, Inc. ATT*:: Director of Licensinq ATT!!: f'r. f'arvin f'. Turkanis P.O. Cox 757 22301 l't. Ephrain Road Chicano, IL 60090 Dickerson, i'D 20753 Comonwealth Edison Conrany fievi York Power futhority ATTf:: fir. Coorqe J. Plini ATT!!: f'r. Ilillian C. Greerr:an 101 Shiloh Houlevard P.O. Fox ?15 Zion, il f>0099 Puchanan,fiY 10511 Pepartnent of Comerce Pmt York Power Authority flational Cureau of Standards ATTft: ffr. R. J. Converse ATT;1: l'r. L. F. Levy P.O. Pox 41 Gaithershirg, i'O 00C"9 Lycminq, fly 13093 Pepartrent of Enerny fliaqara f*ohawk Power Corporatien ATTil: Ifr. Roy T. Carrison ATTH: !'r. Cnanninq A. Carber DP-122.2 P.O. Pax 32 Vashinqton, DC 2M45 Lycmino, NY 13fW'l Ccorqta rouer Cmpany f.ortheast Utiliti M ATT!!! f'r. !!. C. tilx ATTil: f'r. Jv n J. Opeka P.O. f'ox 439 P.O. f'nx 270 Maxley, CA 31513 Ifart ford, CT Or.141 """N^*> ............ ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. .............

  "^">   ............    .............       .............     ..............     .............       .............                   .. ..........

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o . fiUS Process Services ATTft: Pr. 1%1t llipsher 1501 rey Road Columbia, SC 29201 Pacific Cas S Electric Company ATT!!: l'r. Philip A. Crane, Jr. P.O. Fox 7442 San Francisco, CA 9410f, Pennsylvania Power A Light ATTif: f:r. fl. t!. Curtis 2 f' orth 9th Street Allentown, PA 10101 Philadelphia Electric Cormany ATTil: f'r. 11. J. Knapp P.O. Cox Pf,99 (57-1) Philadelphia, PA 1"101 i Portland Cencral Electric Cmpany ATUl:  !!r. R. D. t!i thers 121 Salemn Street Portland. 09 97204 Southern California fdison ATT'l: t'r. II. B. Pay P.O. Pox 120 San Clenente, CA 92f>72 Toledo Edison Cmrany ATTU: 11r. Terry l'urray 300 !!adison Avenun Toledo, Oil 43%? 11nion Electric Conpany ATT!!: Ifr. 9. F. filltenterqer P.O. Fox 149 S t . t s , l'0 6316fi t.'estinqhouse !!1tton t'uclesr. Inc. ATTN: f'r. Pruce S. Poue 91"1 Runsey road Colunbla, l'n 21045 navik '

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O O Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record flodel No. OH-142 MKIB Packaoe Docket tio. 71-9073 By application dated flovenber 25,19f,5, fluclear Packaging. Inc. (NUPAC) requested that the Model No. 011-142 ftKIB package not be down-graded from a Type B pactage to a Type A package until february 28,1986. On November 25, 1985, the NRC staff issued Revision 15 to Certificato of Compliance No. 9073 which anended the certificate to authorize contents of low specific activity raterial only. The reason stated by the approval record concerned the effectiveness of the ratchet binders under accident conditions of transport. The revision would be offective on December 31, 1985. NUPAC states that this extension of time will allow them to prepara and sutelt a consolidated application for the ifodel No. O!!-142 ??K!B packago prior to revising the authorized contents. This model of the package utilizes closure bolts rather than ratchet binders. This consolidated application will specifically deconstrate adequacy of the closure bolts based on a yield stress acceptance criteria, flHPAC intends to submit the consolidated application by January 1, 1986 OrO3f tfped& inc.w.w,. Charles C. ItacDonsid Chinf Transportation certification Dranch Division of fuel Cycle an<1 Itaterial Safety, IPIM Cate N kl%^ h euse sse. > 4 *9.. 4 44 6 . 5a . c .c . { . .

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