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Forwards Rev 15 to Certificate of Compliance 9073 for Models OH-142 & NUS10-135.As of 851231,authorized Contents Will Be Low Specific Activity Matl
Person / Time
Site: 07109073
Issue date: 11/25/1985
From: Macdonald C
To: Temus C
Shared Package
ML20137R418 List:
NUDOCS 8512050493
Download: ML20137R414 (1)



QI- 9073

, Distribution: w/encls Docket File NRC PDR l

I&E: HQ State Health Official '

Regions (5)

FCTC: RHO NOV 2 5 W RHodegaarden (2) 71-9073 CRChappell WHLake RET 11RH TO HWLee DTHuang A. Macitlia Nuclear Packaging, Incorporated CEMacDonald 390"80 ATTN: Dr. Charles J. Tenus CEW1111ams 1010 South 336th Street GJackson Federal Way, UA 93003 NMSS:R/F FCTC: R/F Gent 1emen:-

Enclosed is Certificate of Compliance No. 9073, Revision No.15, for the Model Nos. OH-142 Series and NUS10-135 shipping packages. On December 31, 1985, this certificate will supersede, in its entirety, Certificate of Compliance No. 9073, Revision No. 14, dated September 13, 1985.

Changes made to the enclosed certificate are indicated by vertical lines in the margin. Please note that-on December 31, 1985, the authorized contents will be low specific activity material only. The package identification number will also be changed to USA /9073/A at that time.

Those on the attached list have been registered as users of these packages under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12 or 49 CFR 5173.471.

This approval constitutes authority to use these packages *nr shipment of radioactive material and for these packages to be shipped in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR 6173.471.


Original Signed by CHARLES E. ld?.CDONALU 1 l

Charies E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch 851205o493 e51125 Division of Fuel Cycle and R ADOCK 071 3 C Material Safety, MMSS


1. Certificate of Compliance No. 9073, Rev.15
2. Approval Record ,

i cc w/encis:

Mr. Richard R. Rawl Department of Transportation 1 l

nn W C



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unc ronu ns no eoi nacu oua - OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

I?odel Hos. OH-142 Series and NUS10-135 Packaces USA /9073/B( )

Addressees: w/encls Ltr dtd: NOV 2 5125 Alabama Power Company GPU Nuclear Corporation ATTN: ?!r. 0. D. Kingsley, Jr.


ATTN: fir. Ray E. Hahn P.O. Box 2641 P.O. Box 480 Birminghan, AL 35291 Middletown, PA 17057 Alabama Power Company GPU Nuclear Corporation ATTN: General fianager - Nuclear Plant ATTH: fir. Thomas Snider P.O. Box 470 P.O. Box 388 Ashford, AL 35312 Forked River, NJ 03731 Arkansas Power & Light Company Iowa Electric Light & Power Company ATTN: fir. David C. Trinble ATTN: ??r. Herb Giorgio P.O. Box 551 3277 Dacc Road Little Rock, AR 72203- Palo, IA 52406 Chen-Nuclear Systems Inc. Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corporation ATTN: Ms. Susan Kintner ATTft: Dr. John C. Stauter 220 Stoneridge Drive Kerr-McGee Center Columbia, SC 29210 Oklahoma City. OK 73125 Connonwealth Edison Company Neutron Products, Inc.

ATTH: Director of Licensing ATTN: f tr. ftarvin M. Turkanis P.O. Box 767 22301 Mt. Ephrain Road Chicago, IL 60690 Dickerson, MD 20753 Connonwealth Edison Company New York Power Authority ATTN: Dr. George J. Plini ATTN: f!r. Willian G. Greennan 101 Shiloh Boulevard P.O. Box 215 Zion, IL 60099 Buchanan, NY 10511 Department of Comerce flew York Power Authority National Bureau of Standards ATTH: Mr. R. J. Converse ATTH: !!r. L. E. Pevy P.O. Box 41 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Lycoming, fly 13093 Department of Energy Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation

'ATTH: Ir. Roy F. Garrison ATTN: ffr. Channing A. Gerber DP-122.2 P.O. Box 32 Hashington, DC 20545 Lyconing, NY 13093 Georgia Power Company Northeast Utilities ATTN: f1r. H..C. Nix ATTN: Mr. John J. Opeka P.O. Box 439 P.O. Box 270 Baxley, GA 31513 Hartford, CT 06141

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NRC CRM 318 0080) NRCM ONO , '




l NUS Process Services j ATTN: Mr. Italt Hipsher i 1501 Key Road  !

Columbia, SC 29201 Pacific Cas & Electric Corpany ATTN: !!r. Philip A. Crane, Jr.

P.O. Box 7442 San Francisco,'CA 94106 Pennsylvania' Power & Light ATTil: Mr. fl.11. Curtis 2 North 9th Street Allentown, PA 18101 Philadelphia Electric Company ATTN: Mr.11. J. Knap P.O. Box 3699 (S7-1) p Philadelphia, PA 19101 Portland Ceneral Electric Company ATTil: Mr. B. D. Withers 121 S.lf. Salnon Street Portland, OR 97204 Southern California Edison ATTN: Mr. H. B. Ray P.O. Box 128 San Clemente, CA 92672 Toledo Edison Company

' ATTN: Mr. Terry Murray ,

300 fiadison Avenue ,

Toledo, OH 43652 '

Union Electric Conpany ATTH: Mr. S. E. Miltenberger P.O. Box 149 St. Louis, MO 63166 ilestinghouse Hittnan Nuclear, Inc.

ATTil: Mr. Bruce S. Rowe 9151 Rumsey Road Columbia, i'D 21045 C F FICE ) , , , ,, ,,, , ,, ,, , ,, ,,, , ,,,,,,

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Enc F:nu ais tio soi nneu o24o OFFICML RECORD COPY  ;