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Review of Wind & Tornado Loading Responses,Millstone Point Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/1984
From: Barrett D
To: Persinko D
Shared Package
ML20136F436 List:
CON-NRC-03-81-130, CON-NRC-3-81-130 TAC-49376, TER-C5506-429, NUDOCS 8411010403
Download: ML20136F429 (67)


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NRC CCCKET nog 0 -245, FRC PROJECT C5506 J


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= Prepared Dy

Franklin Research Center 4 20th and Race Streets Author: D. J. Barrett E

Pniladelphia, PA 19103 .


FRC Group Leader: D. J. Barrett M.

c ,L Precared fcr hFi Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission Lead NRC Engineer: D. Persinko k' !.; 'Nashington, D.C. 20555 3.t mi iiN October 29, 1984 A::

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3,, This repcrt was prepared as an acccunt of work sponsored by an agency of the United States j

3 Gdernment. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their en cicyees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or p} ; rescensibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any information, apca-rp ratus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

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.4 p 20th and Race Streets. Phda.. Pa. 19103 (215) 448 1000 R



  • 20th and Race Streets Author: D. J. Barrett Philadelphia, PA 19103 FRC Group leader: D. J. Barrett Nuclear Regulatory Commission Lead NRC Engineer: D. Persinko Washington, D.C. 20555 October 29, 1984 l

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of t te United States ,

Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency therer,f, or any of their l i

employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes anf legal liability or i

responsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any information, appa- ,

i ratus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third l party wou!d not infringe privately owned rights.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

/ v1 #Y [ M Pr%ipal Author ProjectManager 'Depahment rectg Date:d*T MN Date: /0/'7/ D Date: 10 - 2 9- %



l 20th and Race Streets. Phila. Pa. 19103 (215) 448 1000 l

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% 1 TER-C5506-429 CONTENTS Section Title Page 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Purpose of Review . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Generic Issue Background . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Plant-Specific Background . . . . . . . . . 1 2 REVIEW CRITERIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 TECHNICAL EVALUATION . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.1 General Information . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2 Reactor Building Operating Floor Enclosure. . . . . 8 3.3 Switchgear and Battery Room . . . . . . . . 10 3.4 Ventilation Equipment Area. . . . . . . . . 11 3.5 Firewater and Condensate Storage Tanks . . . . . 12 3.6 Effects of Nonqualified Structures on Qualified Structures . . . . . . . . . 14 4 CONCLUSICNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 5 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 APPENDIX A - REACTOR BUILDING OPERATING FLOOR ENCLOSURE DESIGN REVIEW CALCULATIONS APPENDIX B - SWITCHGEAR AND BATTERY ROOM DESIGN REVIEW CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C - VENTILATION EQUIPMENT AREA DESIGH REVIEW CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D - FIREWATER AND CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS iii

i i TER-C 550 6-429 FOREWORD This Technical Evaluation Report was prepared by Franklin Research Center under a contract with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Division of Operating Reactors) for technical assistance in support of NRC operating reactor licensing actions. The technical evaluation was conducted in accordance with criteria established by the NBC.


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t 9 TER-C5506-429 l

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF REVIEW As part of the Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP), licensees are required to establish the ability of Class I structures to safely withstand a high wind or tornado strike. After conducting an appropriate investigation, licensees report their analyses and conclusions in a safety analysis report (SAR). The purpose of the present review is to provide a technical evaluation of the SAR prepared by the Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCO) and their consultants for Millstone Point Unit 1.

1.2 GENERIC ISSUE BACKGROUND The current design criteria for nuclear power plan 4 structures contain provisions for protection against windstorms and tornadoes. These requirements were not in effect at the time that some of the older nuclear plants were designed and licensed. Due to concerns regarding the extent to which these older plants can satisfy the current wind loading licensing criteria, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), as part of the Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP), initiated Topic III-2, " Wind and Tornado Loadings,"

to investigate and assess the structural safety of existing designs.

The SEP encompasses a broad range of safety-related issues, many of which are concerned with the integrity of plant structures. The Franklin Research Center (FRC) provided technical assistance to the NRC in the review of several SEP topics and was responsible for technical evaluations for Topic III-2 under Assignment 17 of NRC Contract No. NRC-03-81-130.

1.3 PLANT-SPECIFIC BACKGROUND In a previous Technical Evaluation Report (TER) [1], a sample of the structures at the Millstone Point plant was examined for resistance to high wind and tornado loadings. This ef fort determined that, although most of the designs had adequate strength, some of the structural components were not

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TER-C5506-429 designed to meet the provisions of current licensing criteria. In response to the NRC-issued Integrated' Plant Safety Assessment Report [2], which included some of the concerns raised by the TER [1], NUSCO intiated a detailed structural review program. This program resulted in a number of structural reevaluation reports (SRR) [3, 4] each of which addressed a safety-related issue. The conclusions of these reports were supported by a set of engineering calculations (5).

This report evaluates the SRRs concerned with Topic III-2. The approach to this task was to:

1. review the procedures, criteria, and conclusions of the SRRs
2. audit the engineering calculations
3. resolve outstanding safety issues through independent analysis (subject to the limit of resources assigned to this task) .

The particular review items are identified and discussed in Section 3 of this report; the conclusions of the review are summarized in Section 4.

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d TER-C5506-429

2. REVIEW CRITERIA The intent of code regulations is to ensure the safety of systems vital to the safe shutdown of a reactor. The General Design Criteria (GDC) of 10CFR50, Appendix A [6] regulate the designs of these safety systems; in particular, GDC 2 requires that structures housing safety-related equipment be able to withstand the effects of natural phenomena such as tornadoes. The design basis must consider the most severe postulated tornado as well as the combined effects of tornado, normal, and accident conditions.

The Nuclear Regulatory Guide 1.76 (7] defines the design basis tornado (DBT) in terms of six descriptive parameters: the maximum wind speed, the rotational speed, the translational speed, the maximum atmospheric pressure drop, the rate of pressure drop, and the core radius. The specified magnitudes of these regional parameters (listed with respect to geographical location) are the acceptable regulation levels; however, where appropriate, additional meteorological analysis may be performed to justify the selection of a less conservative DBT. In Reference 8, the NRC established the tornado parameters to be used in the SEP study of the Millstone Point plant.

Regulatory Guide 1.117 (9] identifies the structures and systems that should be protected from the effects of a DBT. This information is elaborated on in Branch Technical Position AAB 3-2 found in the Standard Review Plan (SRP), Section (NUREG-0800) (10]. The NUSCO analysis (3, 4] included all of the safety-related structural systems that were items of concern in the Millstone Point Unit 1 Integrated Plant Safety Assessment.

! A velocity pressure model of a windstorm can be constructed from the pressure and air flow assumptions stated in Section 3.3.1 of the SRP (11] and j the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) design loading guide (12] . A velocity pressure model of a tornado strike can be constructed from the DBT characteristics based on the guidance of Section 3.3.2 of the SRP (13] and the engineering literature (14, 15]. The actual loads acting on a structure are calculated from these models through the use of experimentally determined 1 - _ . - __ _ __ .

TER-C5506-429 pressure coefficients (12, 161. The loads act on the structural surfaces as I

positive and negative pressures induced by the change in momentum of the wind and in the atmospheric pressure.

An additional tornado load is the impact of windborne missiles against structures. The potential missiles are listed in the missile spectrum of Section of the SRP (10), and the particular missiles to be included in this study were identified by the NRC as part of the SEP assignment (8].

References 17 and 18 assist in the determination of the structural effects of missile impact, whereas the guidelines of the SRP (10] indicate acceptable combinations of impact effects with the loads resulting from wind and differential pressures.

Since the DBT is considered an extreme environmental event, tornado-induced loads are part of the loading combinations to be used in extreme environmental design (see Article CC-3000 in the ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel Code (19] and Section 3.8.4 of the SRP (20]). The structural effects of these loading combinations are determined by analysis; stresses are calculated either by a working stress or an ultimate strength method, whichever is appropriate for the structure under consideration. The ASME Code specifications for an extreme environmental event permit the application of reserve strength factors to allowable working stress design limits. The specifications also permit local strength capacities to be exceeded by missile loadings (concentrated loads) provided that this causes no loss of function in any safety-related systems.

The sources of criteria described above and other source documents used in the evaluation are listed belows NRC Regulatory Guide 1.76, " Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants" (7]

NRC Regulatory Guide 1.117, " Tornado Design Classification" (9)

NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan Section 3.3.1, " Wind Loadings" (11]

Section 3.3.2, " Tornado Loadings" (13]

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1 TER-C5506-429 l Sectio, " Missiles Generated by Natural Phenomena" (10]

j Section 3.5.3, " Barrier Design Procedures" (21]

Section 3.8.1/ " Concrete Containment" (22]

Section 3.8.4, "Other Seismic Category I Structures" (20)

Section 3.8.5, " Foundations" (23]

I AISC Specification for Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, Eighth Edition (24]

ACI-318-77, " Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (25]

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division 2 (ACI-359) ,

" Standard Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments" (19]

NRC/SEB, " Criteria for Safety-Related Masonry Wall Evaluation,"

Structural Engineering Branch (1981) (261 -

ACI-307-79, " Specification for the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys" (27).

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TER-C5506-429 I l

3. TECHNICAL EVALUATION 3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION The structur,es included in this review are the reactor building operating floor enclosure, the switchgear and battery rooms, the ventilation equipment structure, and the firewater and condensate storage tanks. These structures and components are classified seismically as Category I Nuclear Safety Related. The plan of the building arrangement is shown in Figure 1.

The DBT characteristics taken as a basis for analysis are (unit abbreviations are from the SRP, Section 3.3.2):

Maximum wind speed 300 mph Maximum pressure drop 2.25 psi Rate of pressure drop 1.2 psi /sec Core radius 150 ft These characteristics yield a dynamic pressure of 230 psf. For applica-tion of this pressure to external vertical surfaces of structures, the shape coefficients are 0.80 for windward walls (positive pressure), 0.50 for leeward walls (suction), and 0.70 for roofs (suction) . Gust factors are taken as unity.

The design basis missiles are C and F from the Standard Review Plan, Section missile spectrum.

Missile C: Steel rod: 1-in diameter, 3-f t length, 8-lb weight, 220 ft/sec velocity; strikes at all elevations.

Missile F: Utility poles 13.5-in diameter, 35-ft length, 1490-lb weight, 147 ft/sec velocity; strikes in a zone limited to 30 f t above grade.

The full ef fects of a tornado are experienced by the main structural l

members only if the skin of the building (walls, panels, roof decks, etc.) can

,. properly transmit the associated loadings. For the purpose of analysis, the most conservative circumstances of integrity or failure of these elements are assumed.

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TER-C5506-429 l

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TER-C5506-429 For most structures, a wind flow field acting at an angle to the surfaces (

of a building is not as demanding as a frontal attack because the elements '

resisting lateral forces are oriented and framed so that the effects of adjacent wall loadings are uncoupled. Likewise, the action of windward face pressure and leeward face suction are uncoupled when their actions are resisted by separate structural elements. In this study, the most conserva-tive loading cases are chosen accordingly.

The goal of analysis is to identify a structure's weakest members and to establish the threshold wind speed at which these members fail the structural acceptance criteria. This wind speed limit rating depends on the postulated loading conditions. Once a limiting member is identified, the loading conditions used to determine subsequent limiting members are in some cases modified to account for failure of the weaker member. Therefore, conclusions about the strength of structural components are based on a supposition of sequential failure.  ;

The following are typical assumptions for the structural modeling in this report:

1. No snow load exists during a tornado strike.
2. Thickened floor slabs can be used to transmit lateral loads.
3. Connections are designed in accordance with good engineering practice.
4. Unless noted otherwise, steel roof decking is assumed to remain intact.

Additional assumptions are identified on the calculation sheets (see appendices) .

3.2 REACTOR BUILDING OPERATING FLOOR ENCLOSURE 3.2.1 Evaluation The operating floor of the reactor building is at elevation 108 f t 6 in i

and is enclosed by 12-in-thick reinforced concrete shear walls. The roof l

steel over the operating floor is at an approximate elevation of 151 f t. The roof steel consists of deep girders spanning the entire floor in an east-west direction and light roof beams (W 14x30 and M 14x17.2) which frame into the l

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TER-C5506-429 girders in a north-south direction. The roof steel is supported by steel columns which are integral with the concrete walls. The roof itself is a 16 gage galvanized sheet steel deck welded to the underlying roof steel.

The structural analysis calculation 3.3-1-1 (S] addresses the strength of the north-south concrete walls. The capacity of these walls is computed from an analysis model that treats the W 24x84 steel columns and the concrete wall

! as a composite section. The stress analysis of the wall is based on a simply

f. supported beam model where the upper reaction of the beam is provided by the roof steel.

l The validity of the simply supported beam model rests in the ability of -

the roof steel to provide an adequate load path for the upper reaction. In I calculation 3.3-1-1, it is assumed that the roof deck " blows off," thus relieving the roof steel of lateral loads. The full axial capacity of these I members can then be applied to resist the upper wall reaction. The calculation yielded a wind speed rating of 245 mph for these members. No load path is described or justified for bringing the load into the M 14x17.2 purlins or for transmitting this load to the rest of the structure.

The simply supported beam model is examined for positive wind loadings (pressures. Under this load, there are compressive stresses in the concrete 1

part of the composite section. No alternate loading cases were postulated which would produce negative bending on the composite section [1].

In this review, the assumptions of the simply supported beam model, with a the transfer of load between the wall and the roof steel, are accepted for the

purposes of examining the consequences of such a model. In particular, the
assumption that the roof deck fails before the purlins are stressed to l capacity is fully reviewed. Also, the load path is examined for changes 1

brought about by corponent failure and is traced throughout the rest of the enclosure structure. .


TER-C5506-429 3.2.2 Conclusion Page 12.1-67 of the Millstone Final Safety Analysis Report [28] claims a roof deck weld strength of 30 psf for uplift pressures acting on the deck.

With the increased stress limits of an extreme environmental event, the prediction of the " blow off" windspeed rating would be 180 mph. At this level of loading, all of the M 14x17.2 roof purlins fail the structural acceptance criteria, the weakest components failing at a windspeed of 114 mph (dynamic wind pressure (dwp] = 33.1 psf) . The W 14x30 roof beams were also found to be limiting with a windspeed rating of 171 aph (dwp = 74.5 psf) . Therefore, the underlying assumption of calculation 3.3-1-1, that the roof steel provides lateral resistance to the concrete wall for wind speeds up to 245 mph, is seen to be invalid.

A test of the load path for the simply supported beam model under low level windspeed loadings shows that the downstream shear wall, which resists the load transfer as well as the downstream suction, will fail at a wind speed of 120 mph (dwp = 36.6 psf). The capacity of the wall for this calculation was taken as that which was computed in structural analysis calculation 3.3-1-1.

These results show that the simply supported beam model is not valid for high windspeeds and predicts inaccurately high strength ratings. r 3.3 SWITCHGEAR AND BATTERY ROOM 3.3.1 Evaluation The switchgear and battery rooms are located in the turbine building in the vicinity of colt-n lines 3 to 2Y and E to G. The roof of this area, at an i

approximate elevation of 54 f t 6 in, is made up of a reinforced concrete slab supported by composite beams (steel and concrete). The walls in this area of the structure are of unreinforced concrete block and run from the grade elevation of 14 f t 4 in to the roof.

The structural analysis calculation 24-08-005 [5] examines the strength of the roof slab and the supporting composite beams. The load, capacity, and

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TER-C5506-429 stress calculations of this analysis are in accordance with the applicable criteria and with good engineering judgment. Although small errors exist in the load combination analysis, the strength of the roofing system is conservatively computed.

The masonry walls are not addressed in calculation 24-08-005. Since these structural components are typically weak, they were examined in this review. The analysis was performed on a continuous span beam model that accounted for the dead load axial effects in the stress computation. The calculated capacity of the wall section was based on an assumed mortar quality.

3.3.2 conclusion The windspeed rating of the battery and switchgear room roof was

conservatively calculated to be 265 mph (dwp = 125.6 psf) . The concrete block walls were found to have a windspeed rating of 114 mph for tornado dynamic pressure (dwp = 33.3 psf) and a rating of 81 mph of tornado dif ferential pressure (pressure drop = 0.185 psi) .

3.4 VENTILATION EQUIPMENT AREA 3.4.1 Evaluation The ventilation equipment area is located in the heating and ventilation equipment structure which connects the turbine and reactor buildings. This structure is in column lines E to J and 9 to 12Z of the turbine building column plan. The roof over this area is a steel deck which is at an

approximate elevation of 76 f t 3 in. The roof deck is supported by a system of sloped steel beams and long span joists which frame into ridge and eave girders. The girders in turn are supported by steel columns. The floor of the ventilation equipment area is at elevation 54 f t 6 in. The north and south walls of this structure are girt-supported siding.

The structural analy... calculation 24-08-005 (5) computes the capacity of the roof steel for this area. The calculation yields an erroneously high windspeed resistance of 194 mph. It is pointed out in the calculation that I


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d TER-C5506-429 the roof deck will fail before this level of wind speed is reached.

Therefore, it is concluded that the structure will retain its overall stability.

Several errors were made in the structural analysis calculation so that a corrected repeat of this calculation is made in this review. In addition, a more limiting roof support component is identified and examined. Finally, the overall structural stability is reviewed.

3.4.2 Conclusion The w 21x55 roof beam, examined in calculation 24-08-005, was found to have a windspeed resistance of 174 mph (dwp = 77.8 psf) . The W 24x68 ridge girder was found to have a windspeed resistance of 161 mph (dwp = 66.2 psf) .

Assuming that the steel deck has the same strength specifications as the reactor building, the roof deck will not fail (" blow of f") until a wind speed of 180 mph (dwp = 82.9 psf) is reached.

The above stated strengths assume that the long span joists resist the full upward loading and transmit reactions to the underlying roof steel. If this is not the case, the failure of the joists will lead to an extensive collapse of the roof system.

The review of this structure found the stability of several frames to be suspect for lateral loadings. Although the bracing in the frames of column

! lines G and H was found to be quite adequate, the frames in column lines F 7 an E were unbraced. That is, no bracing was provided for transmitting 7

lateral loads in the roof steel directly to the floor or for transfering these


loads to adjacent braced frames. There is no indication on the drawings that the connections of these frames were designed to transmit moments. Therefore, it is recommended that this structure be examined in detail.

3.5 FIREWATER AND CONDENSATE STORAGE TANKS 3.5.1 Evaluation The structural analysis calculation 78-756-86-GC (5] examines the tornado loading resistance of the firewater and condensate storage tanks. The study m

1 TER-C5506-429 )

l centers on three concernst the ability of the tank wall to resist lateral loads, the tie-down capacity of the anchor bolts, and the level of hoop stressing.

The calculation establishes the ability of the tanks to resist lateral loads by comparing the tornado-induced loading to the loading of a safe shutdown earthquake. A complete seismic stress analysis of the condensate storage tank was performed in a previous study (29), and the firewater tank was reviewed on the basis of structural similarity. The seismic study examined buckling of the' tank walls, sliding of the tank base, the level of hoop stressing, and other design concerns. Although the tornado loads were ,

incorrectly computed (the projected area of the tank dome was not included in the total tank projected area), these loads, correctly computed, would be of a lesser magnitude than that of the earthquake loadings.

The capacity of the anchor bolts was determined through direct computation by an accepted method of analysis (30] . However, the level of loading, as above, was again underestimated. Also, an allowable stress limit of 20 ksi was used, whereas the original design calculation (311 specified 15.5 kai as the acceptable allowable. The anchor bolts are reexamined in Appendix D of this review.

The atmospheric pressure change that occurs in the center of the tornado will cause a higher level of hoop stressing in the tanks. This hoop stress was calculated and added to the hydrostatic hoop stress with the resulting total stress compared against the appropriate material allowable. The calculation correctly concludes that the tanks have sufficient strength against this tornado loading.

3.5.2 conclusion Because the tornado loads are compared to the earthquake loadings, the conclusions on structural strength'are subject to the same limitations found in the seismic analysis. In particular, since the anchor bolt chairs were not provided in the final construction, the welds between the bottom plate and the TER-C5506-429 cylindrical shell are potentially limiting. Therefore, it was concluded in the seismic study and here that the tank should be modified to the original design or provided with an equivalent capacity restraint.

Using the original design specification for allowable stress, the anchor l

bolts were found to be limiting. (Note that higher allowable stresses may be l

appropriate. However, pullout of the anchors will need to be checked.*)

Lastly, the tanks were found to have adequate resistance against the differential pressure loading.

I 3.6 EFFECTS OF NONQUALIFIED STRUCTURES ON QUALIFIED STRUCTURES 3.6.1 Evaluation NUSCO reports [4] two items of concern for this topict

1. failure of the upper walls of the reactor building onto other safety-related structures 1
2. failure of the upper portion of the turbine building onto the switchgear room.

For the first concern, NUSCO concludes that the reactor building walls

, have sufficient strength to meet the required safety levels. The second concern is dealt with by identifying the isolation condenser system, housed in the reactor building, as an alternate system for achieving safe shutdown.

3.6.2 Conclusion Section 3.2 of this report finds the reactor building walls to have substantially less strength than reported by NUSCO. Therefore, the conclusion that these components have no significant chance of endangering safety-related structures is not supported.

Besides endangering the switchgear room, the failure of the upper part of the turbine building may cause destruction of the ventilation equipment area.

Alternate systems for the components in this area were not identified by NUSCO.

  • The embedment length of the anchors is not known at present.

4 TER-C5506-429 i

4. CONCLUSIONS The results of this review are summarized in Table 1. The windspeed ratings reported in this table were either determined in the Appendices of i

this report or were computed by NUSCO in accordance with the structural review criteria of this study (see Section 2) .

In addition to the topics already covered, the SRR documents (3, 4, 51 address a number of other wind loading issues. While these issues are not specifically covered in this work, comments as to the validity of the conclusions expressed in these documents are offered in Table 2.

I i


L l

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1 i

TER-C5506-429 Table 1. Assessment of Structures and Components Concern Finding

  • Reactor Building Operating Floor Enclosure North and South Walls The simply supported beam model of the wall relies on the resistance of the roof steel. The roof steel windspeed limits are:

M 14x17.2 Roof purlin 114 mph W 14x30 Roof beam 171 mph Roof deck welds 180 mph For intact roof steel, the load i

transfer and suction on the downstream wall will cause this component to have a limiting wind speed of 120 mph.

Switchgear and Battery Room Roofing System The windspeed rating was conservatively reported by NUSCO to be 265 mph.

Masonry Walls The unreinforced block walls have a windspeed rating of 114 mph (81 mph for dif ferential pressure) .

Ventilation Equipment Area Roofing System NUSCO specified the limiting roof beam to have a windspeed rating of 194 mph. The present analysis found the following components to be more limiting:

W 24x68 Ridge girder 161 eph W 21x55 'oof beam 174 mph

  • Unless specified otherwise, the windepeed ratings reported in this table are for dynamic pressure loadings. Missile impact loads were not examined by NUSCO for the structures included in this table. NUSCO did examine missile loadings on the components of the control room and the below operating floor portion of the reactor building and correctly concluded the adequacy of these structures to resist all of the tornado-related loadings.

TER-C5506-429 Concern Finding Frame Stability The bracing in column lines G and H can resist wind speeds up to 287 mph. The frames of column lines F7 and E7 are unbraced and have ques-tionable lateral load resistance.

Firewater and Condensate Storage Tanks Shell Wall Adding the anchor bolt chairs as recommended by the seismic review (29] will satisfy the concerns on the seam weld between the bottom plate and the shell wall. .

Anchor Bolts Using the original allowable stress criteria and the appropriate overload factorsi the anchor bolts of the condensate storage tank are marginally limiting for a 300 mph wind speed. The pullout capacity of the anchor bolts is unknown.

Effects of Nonqualified Structures on Qualified Structures Reactor Building These components may endanger (Upper Walls) safety-related systems (see Section 3.2 of this report) .

Turbine Building These components may endanger (Upper Section) the ventilation equipment area (see Table 2 of this report) .


( l


TER-C5506-429 Table 2. Brief Review of Other Wind Loading Issues

  • Concern Informed Judgment Turbine Building Column Line E This calculation examines the capacity

( 8. 3-7-1) *

  • of the members on column Line E. The allowable stresses used in examining the roof beams are unjustified (no reduction made for unbraced length in bending, too liberal a value for the K factor in compression) .

East-West Frames This calculation examines the capacity (8.3-6-1) of the main structural frames. In determining this capacity, no account was made for existing and induced axial stresses. Therefore, the 250-mph windspeed rating is not justified.

l Roof Girders These components are examined for (8.3-8-1) lateral loads assuming that the roof deck " blows off." To help resist this loading, the W 12x27 roof beams are used as compression struts. The roof beams were not checked for previous damage, and the load path was act traced throughout the rest of the structure. Therefore, the 174-mph windspeed rating is not necessarily valid.

Reactor Building

Roof Steel This calculation examines the roof (24-08-004) steel components for wind and snow loads. A more severe case of loading would be the wind load acting alone (because of the large unbraced lengths of the compression flanges under uplift beam bending). The appropriate load combination would be 3.C(i)(a)(3) of Reference 20 where no increase in stress allowables are permitted. Under this load, some roof members will fail the structural

! acceptance criteria.

  • Unless noted otherwise, these issues were concerned with tornado-related loadings.
    • These numbers refer to the structural analysis calculations of Reference 5.



1. D. J. Barrett and R. Aqarwal

" Wind and Tornado Loadings, Millstone Point Unit 1" Franklin Research Center, Technical Evaluation Report TER-C5257-403, June 1982

2. Integrated Plant Safety Assessment Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Draft Report, November 1982 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-0824 l 3. W. G. Counsil (NUSCO)

Letter with Attachments to D. M. Crutchfield (NRC)

February 2, 1984

4. W. G. Counsil (NUSCO)

Letter with Attachments to D. M. Crutchfield (NRC)

March 16, 1984

'5. Backup Calculations for Millstone Unit 1 SEP Structural Reevaluation Reports Impell Corporation, Calculation Nos. 2.3-1-1, 2.3-2-1, 3.3-1-1, 3.3-2-1, 4.1-1-1, 5. 3-1-1, 5. 3-2-1, 7.1-1-1, 8.3-1-1, 8. 3-6-1, 8. 3-7-1, and 8. 3-8-1 Impell Corporation, Calculation Nos. 24-08-001, -002, -004, and 005.

NUSCO, Calculation No. 78-756-06-GC

6. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50 Appendix A, " General Design Criteria"
7. " Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants" NRC, April 1974 Regulatory Guide 1.76
8. E. J. Butcher (NRC)

Letter to S. P. Carfagno (FRC)


Tentative Work Assignment P ,

April 23, 1981

9. " Tornado Design Classification" Regulatory Guide 1.117 NRC, Rev.1, April 1978
10. Standard Review Plan Section, " Missiles Generated by Natural Phenomena" ,

NRC, July 1981 1 NUREG-0800


11. Standard Review Plan Section 3.3.1, " Wind Loadings" NRC, July 1981 NUREG-0800
12. " Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and Other Structures" New York: American National Standards Institute,1982 ANSI A58.1-1982
13. Standard Review Plan Section. 3.3.2, " Tornado Loadings" NRC, July 1981 NUREG-0800
14. J. R. Mcdonald, K. C. Mehta, and J. E. Minor

" Tornado-Resistant Design of Nuclear Power Plant Structures" ,

Nuclear Safety, Vol. 15, No. 4, July-August 1974

15. K. C. Mehta, J. R. Mcdonald, and J. E. Minor

" Tornadic Loads on Structures * '

Proc. of U.S.-Japan Research Seminar on Wind Effects on Structures,1976

16. " Wind Forces on Structures" New York: Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 126, Part II, 1962 ,

ASCE Paper No. 3269

17. R. A. Williamson and R. R. Alvy

" Impact Ef fect of Fragments Striking Structural Elements" Holmes and Noruer, Inc. '

Revised November 1973

18. " Full-Scale Tornado-Missile Impact Tests" Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Institute, July 1977 Final Report NP-440, Project 399
19. ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel Code,Section III, Division 2

" Standard Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments" American Society of Mechanical Engineers,1973 ACI-359

20. Standard Review Plan Section 3.8.4, "Other Seismic Category I Structures" NRC, July 1981 NUREG-0800


21. Standard Review Plan Section 3.5.3, " Barrier Design Procedures" NRC, July 1981 NUREG-0800
22. Standard Review Plan Section 3.8.1, " Concrete Containment" NRC, July 1981 NUREG-0800
23. Standard Review Plan Section 3.8.5, " Foundations" NRC, July 1981 NUREG-0800 ,

24 Specification for Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel-~

for Buildings New York: American Institute of Steel Construction,1978

25. " Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" Detroit: American Concrete Institute,1977 ACI 318-71
26. Criteria for Safety-Related Masonry Wall Evaluation NRC, Structural Engineering Branch,1981
27. " Specification for the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys" American Concrete Institute, 1979 ACI 307-79
28. Millstone Point Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 Final Safety Analysis Report ,
29. T. A. Nelson, R. C. Murray, C. Y. Liaw, D. A. Wesley, and J. D. Stevenson

" Seismic Review of the Millstone 1 Nuclear Power Plant as Part of the Systematic Evaluation Program" NUREG/CR-2024, UCRL-53022

30. E. H. Gaylord and C. N. Gaylord Structural Engineering Handbook McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1968 i 31. Anchorage Calculations ,

Chicago Bridge and Iron Company Firewater Tank Calculation 85385-2913 RO Condensate Storage Tank Calculation 95385-2911 RO 21-s.


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A$R7+t. /5 A' oar Srcn Horizontal members are provided between the girders to support the roof structure. These supporting purlins are spaced on approximately six-foot cancers. The mini-m metal roof decking, panels.are over.12. length to provide a continuous length s .ever at. least.. two span.s. The roof deck is attached to the struc-tural steel framing by velding desirned to resist horizontal loads and a vind_. suction of a mini = of 30 osf acting separately.

Figure illustrates the roof plan and includes seismic and loading data. Due to the design cf the panels and their sup-port by the roof supports, it is considered highly i= probable that a section more than six feet by six feet would fall in one piece to the reactor building operating floor. The roof decking weighs h0; ACL WJCM which results in a mass of approximately 360 pounds which would not result in the failure to perform a safe, orderly shutdown.

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