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Joint Applicant Exhibit A-1,consisting of Undated Testimony of Kr Wilber Re Cooling Tower Source Term Development. Documentation Re Model Generator,Drift Instrumentation & Development of Drift Source Term Encl
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1985
From: Wilber K
OL-A-001, OL-A-1, NUDOCS 8509060138
Download: ML20134P114 (300)


{{#Wiki_filter:( . 3-p . &LLt I w c. f 0-529 O k c pajgg h . f w a,7 g po - SFO 6 L UNITED STATE OF AMERICA D c[fE0 ~ NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD.85 s!p 4 gg _, 0 {'$ h{,f C: U - Erat;c V I In the Matter of )


ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE ) COMPANY, et al . ) Docket Nos. STN 50-529

                                               )                         STN 50-530 (Palo Verde Nuclear                 )

Generating Station, ) Units 2 and 3) )


TESTIMONY OF KARL R. WILBER su 2tm atGULA COtWISSWI o,an neS W S b-E u 9 omemta.n }


Cooling Tower Source Term Development istenmneW84/2.I4d Ol

  • U b Palo Verde Nuclear Plant saan mtannto ---

g)ofN % " alctnto U inen, ___ autcuo Identification and Qualifications caeri or, c .o. net d - /d - U

1. Q. Please state your name and address.

A. My name is Karl R. Wilber, and my address is 5100 Jacksboro Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee.

2. Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity?

A. I am employed by Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC) as Vice President and Director of Energy and Environmental Programs . i

3. Q. What are the business activities of ESC? ,!

l A. ESC is engaged in providing professional engineering services and systems in response to a wide range of energy and environmental problems. Specific services include meteorology and air quality moni-toring and analysis, hydrogeological and hazardous waste studies and , I i 8509060130 850612 l PDR ADOCK 05000529 0 PDR

power plant component perfomance and efficiency measurements and analyses. Additionally, we develop and produce data loggers, data telemetry systems, specialized particulate monitoring and sampling equipment and precision temperature systems. Over the last ten years, ESC has specialized in the monitoring and modeling of cooling tower environmental effects. We have been involved in cooling tower environmental impact studies at over 30 sites in the United States and Europe and have been a recognized leader in the deve-lopment of specialized instrumentation for cooling system source term and performance measurements.

4. Q. How long have you been employed by ESC and what has been your responsibilities?

A. I joined ESC in 1972 as a Research Associate while I was teaching and completing a Masters of Science Program at the University of Tennessee, Department of Engineering Mechanics. After obtaining my Masters degree in 1974, I became Project Engineer at ESC. Subsequently, I was pro-moted to Manager-Ambient Monitoring and Cooling System Projects in 1975 and to Manager of Engineering Projects in 1978 and in 1981 I was appointed to my present position. During my employment with ESC, I have been responsible for the development and execution of over fifty cooling system studies, including ambient environmental impact studies, source term measurements and modeling, and operational efficiency tests. Exhibit W-1 attached to this testimony lists a number of these studies with notations regarding the nature of my involvement.

5. Q. Please describe your professional appointments and experience.

A. I am a registered Professional Engineer in the States of Ohio, Virginia and Tennessee. Additionally, I am an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer's Power Test Code 23, Atmospheric Water Cooling Equipment and in that capacity have assisted in the development of new testinD guidelines for cooling towers. I have published both nationally and internationally over fifty technical papers and reports on cooling tower source measurements, ground level impact and thermal efficiency assessments. I co-authored " Environmental Effects of Cooling Towers", Atomic Industrial Forum, National Environmental Studies Project-026, October 1983 and am jointly working on a McGraw Hill book entitled Closed-Cycle Cooling Systems for Steam-Electric Power Plants. I have been co-director of the Center for Professional Advancement's Cooling System Technology Course given in the United States and Europe for the past five years. I have also been Project Manager on numerous Electric Power Research Institute programs dealing with cooling tower environmental impact and thermal performance research. A resume of my experience is stated in Exhibit W-2 attached to this testimony.

. 6. Q. What has been your involvement with the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station? A. ESC was commissioned in 1983 to perform a comprehensive cooling tower drift measurements program for Arizona Public Service at their Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. The objective of the program was to develop a characteristic source term which could be used as input data into a drift transport model . I was the ESC Project Manager for this task and responsible for its performance, and I prepared the report on the project Entitled " Development of a Drift Source Term, Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant Circular Mechanical Draft Cooling Tower". A copy of this report is attached to this testimony as Exhibit W-3.

7. Q. What is the purpose of your testimony?

A. The purpose of this testimony is to summarize the material found in this report, i .e., Exhibit W-3, and to state the conclusions that may be drawn from the Palo Verde drift measurement study. Description of the Palo Verde Cooling Towers

8. Q. Would you provide a brief description of the Palo Verde cooling towers and their operation, highlighting those elements or characteristics which may be significant to emissions of drift?

A. The cooling towers are crossflow in operation, meaning the air and water paths in the fill section are essentially perpendicular; the water falling essentially vertically and the air being drawn horizon-tally by the 16 fans located above in a common plenum in the center of the tower. This is depicted in Exhibit W-4. Cooling of the heated condenser water is accomplished by pumping the water up to the hot water distribution flume from which point it cascades over and down through PVC splash bars (referred to collectively as " fill"), ultima-tely ending up in the cold water collection basin. In the fill section, the circulating water is continually subjected to cooler out-side air. Heat and mass transfer occur in the fill section, and thus the heated condenser water is cooled and a small portion (normally less than three percent of the circulating water flow rate) is exhausted as l water vapor from the cooling tower. As the fill section breaks up the water into droplets, the air drawn I through the fill entrains a portion of those drops, depending on the air velocity and the droplet size distribution, and carries them toward i the drift eliminators which are situated some five to twenty feet down ' stream of the fill and before the plenum. The cooling towers at Palo Verde are each designed to cool approximately 196,000 gpm from 118.8F to 89.3F at a design wet-bulb temperature of 75'F. These conditions are typical of most power plant cooling towers which ESC has tested.


9. Q. Are there any distinctive characteristics or combination of charac-teristics of the Palo Verde cooling towers which affect drift emissions or depositions which are not found at other cooling towers with which you are familiar?

A. The Marley cooling tower drift elimination system at Palo Verde offers a number of conventional and unique drift elimination design cha racteristics . From a conventional perspective, the eliminators create a change of airflow direction and a simple drainage path to minimize re-entrainment of collected droplets into the air stream. A number of design factors appear to ESC as somewhat unique including: (a) ample spacing between the fill and drift eliminators to promote settling of droplets prior to the drift eliminators; (b) separation between drift eliminator flutes to afford drainage following first stage collection; (c) non-uniform trailing edge configuration (directed toward to fans) to minimize re-entrainment of droplets; and (d) large surface area compared to blade-type drift eliminators which also minimizes re-entrainment of drift. Beyond these considerations, a circular tower with the attendant fan stack grouping affords a confluence of exhaust plumes and greater buoyancy, and therefore plume rise from the towers. As such, it is expected that the small drift droplets would be dispersed at farther distances and lower concentrations than rectangular mechanical draft cooling towers. Further, the prospect of downwash and interference (i .e., one plume affecting another tower's performance) is minimized.

10. Q. Were there other interesting phenomena encountered during your measurements of the drift from the Palo Verde towers?

A. One point of interest regarding the cooling tower operation deals with the levels of airborne mineral concentrations measured. Specifically, ESC's measurements indicated significantly higher concentrations of minerals in the air entering the cooling tower versus those leaving the cooling tower. It is not surprising to find high ambient mineral con-centrations dven the arid and relatively windy conditions which exist at the Palo terde site. Further, it is not surprising that the cooling tower fill t.ection acts as a fairly efficient scrubber. The efficiency of this scrubbing process is not known; however, it is likely that some : portion of the ambient dusts escapes the scrubbing action and is exhausted, along with the drift and vapor, from the fan stacks of the l cooling tower. l I

11. Q. What methods were used to measure the drift from the Palo Verde towers?

l I

A. We used two distinct methods; sensitive paper (SP) and isokinetic (IK) sampling.

12. Q. Why were these methods selected?

A. The SP and IK systems were chosen for the assessment of drift rates primarily due to their simplicity and proven performance based on ESC's previous laboratory and field tests over the last twelve years. The IK system was developed to acquire mineral mass flux data in the rather unique environment of the cooling tower exit plane. Patterned after other similar extractive techniques such as EPA Method 5, it offers a pyrex glass bead collection media and resistance heater to evaporate liquid water thereby leaving a mineral residue. This system has been used or imitated in the U.S. and Europe over the last fifteen years to acquire cooling tower drift data. The Sensitive Paper (SP)-type system was first introduced in the early 1950's by Chilton et al., as a means of identifying droplet size distribution. Subsequent refinements and extensive calibration efforts by ESC have resulted in a reliable means of determining droplet size distribution as well as total liquid flux. Exhibit W-5 is a photo of ESC's monodisperse droplet generator, which is used to calibrate ESC's SP device. By capturing the generated droplets via strobe light and viewing them under a microscope, one can size the droplets precisely. Subjecting the generated droplets to a sensitive paper moving at a known velocity provides a reliable calibra-tion of sensitive paper stain diameter as a function of droplet size and impaction velocity. Both methods have been subjected to independent comparative studies in Germany and the United States and have faired well . It is recognized , however, that even in a controlled laboratory environment, droplet size distribution and mineral-mass-flux determinations are difficult to simulate and no recognized standard exists for either determination.

13. Q. Outline and explain ESC's approach to the field measurements conducted at Palo Verde.

A. The general steps involved with the conduct of a comprehensive cooling tower source term assessment include: (a) preparation and calibration of equipment - this step is normally accomplished at our facilities and Knoxville prior to shipping the i equipment to the site. (b) set up of equipment and preliminary surveys - this phase involves  : placing sensors such as wind speed and direction monitors, cir- ) culating water temperature sensors, etc., in their appropriate locations and conducting a survey of the cells to determine can-didate test cells. ,

l , test execution - this involves the acquisition of all source, (c) operational, and ambient data. This phase is (d) data reduction, analysis and reporting of the data .It incorporate self explanatory . necessary . a Preparation and calibration of equipment, prior to the lity testing, was completed routinely and in accordance withl ESC' i , Test P Assurance guidelines. aided by the availability of an APS crane which was used for dep oy equipment on the fan deck and fan stack exit plane. C's The cooling tower was operating for roughly three weeks prior to d source measurements so that steady state operation l could be insur Water flow rate and fan operation (and thus air flow) ditions. were in c ose accord with the previously specified cooling aurably tower d tower were less than design, however neither are expected to n influence drift rates . ESC's pre-test survey involved inspection of the) equipment and a (the of which revealed no unusual design or operating characteristics pre-test survey of the cells to be tested. i As I previously stated each tower has sixteen cells, The cells areor fans where a water vapor and drift are exhausted from the tower. arranged so that twelve of them form an outer circ located in the center of the tower. ment deployment are depicted in Exhibit W-6. as data from fewer properly The selectionselected process is per- cells are terize the cooling tower as a whole. diameter (142 cm) SP's to permit selection in following criteria. Two cells on the outer circle; one cell on the inner circle; and (1) the center cell . The cells on the outer circle should be in the expected windwar (2) and leeward directions . If the preliminary survey revealed marked differences in drift 1 (3) rates, the test cells should include the highest and lowest. i Application of these criteria led to the selection Cell K wasof cells I, K l N for testing as depicted in Figure 2.2 of Exhibit W-3. tested twice to demonstrate the repeatability of the measurements. I l i

. When the preliminary survey was completed and the test cells had been selected, the rig on the top of the first test cell was assembled and the required equipment was placed at convenient locations on the fan deck and near the base of the tower. Measurements of each cell took approximately four hours , and were completed in one day per cell . The rig was moved then to the next test cell so that measurements would be made on each cell at approximately the same time of day, except for second test of cell K. The duration of the total process was expedited, as the test equipment did not have to be dismantled and moved to another cell. The third step in the process was to make the requisite source, operational and ambient measurements and to collect data and samples. Some of the data (e.g., temperature) were collected electronically, which minimized the need for transcribing. The data and samples were then taken to ESC offices in Knoxville, Tennessee, for evaluation and analyses. Portions of the chemical samples were delivered to an independent laboratory for analyses and the remainder of the analytical work was performed at ESC headquarters. The final step was the collating of the evaluated data and analyses and preparation of the report of the results.

14. Q. Please describe the measurements that were made.

A. Source measurements were made at the exit plane of each cell by suspenaing the following instruments on a traverse beam (see Exhibit W-7) mounted over a diameter of the cell: (1) Drift droplet flux and droplet size distribution were measured with ESC's SP system, a technique which yields a measurable stain , when a droplet impacts on a piece of treated paper. Large (142 l mm) and small (47 mm) diameter papers were exposed to yield the best possible measurement of size distribution. (2) Mineral mass flux was measured with ESC's Isokinetic Hot Glass Bead Sampler . In this system, minerals in drift droplets are deposited on hot glass beads in a cyclindrical tube as a drift sample is drawn isokinetically through the tube. A water trap and paper backup filter were placed in the sampling train to assure that no portion of the drift sample was lost. (3) A Gill Propeller Anemometer was employed for the measurement of exit air velocity. A vane-type direction indicator was used in conjunction with the propeller response. (4) A pair of S&J psychrometers fitted with platimum resistance tem-perature detectors (RTDs) provided a measurement of wet- and dry-bulb temperatures in the exhaust plume. These and all other RTU's I were connected to an ESC PTS-80A Precision Temperature System. l

Each of the instruments described above was used to make measurements at twelve equal area points on each of two orthogonal diameters of each cell. Operational measurements were made as follows: (1) RTD's were placed in the hot water distribution basin and the cold water discharge canal to provide measurements of the hot and cold circulating water. (2) Circulating water flow was measured at a bridge constructed across the discharge canal by traversing 56 points in the canal with an Ott current meter. Marley personnel made a concurrent measurement by measuring static head in the hot water distribution basin; good agreement between tne two measurements lent support to the accuracy of the traverse results. (3) APS personnel measured fan horsepower for each fan by measuring motor voltage and current and applying power factor and effi-ciency information provided by Bechtel Power Corporation. (4) Water chemistry was analyzed from samples taken from the hot water distribution Dasin during each test period. Ambient measurements included: (1) Wind speed and wind direction information was provided from an on-site meteorological tower operated by APS. ESC provided a backup system near the cooling tower. (2) Barometric pressure was monitored on a precision gauge provided by APS. (3) Wet- and dry-bulb temperatures were recorded by RTD's placed in S&J psychrometers mounted near the base of the cooling tower. (4) Airborne mineral concentrations were measured by a pair of high-volume samplers placed upwind of the cooling tower.

15. Q. How did you assure the quality of the data acquisition and analysis?

A. Programs of this nature which are conducted by ESC are carried out in accordance with ESC's Test Plan and Quality Assurance Plan. The Test Plan is developed and carried out by experienced and respon-sible ESC engineers. In this case, I managed both the preparation and execution of the project.


Quality Assurance (QA) was afforded via adherence to a QA Plan. Such a plan dictates such procedures as calibration protocols, equipment use, data reduction methods, chemical analysis procedures, etc. Beyond ESC-provided QA, APS Quality Control inspectors observed the performance of the work. All members of the ESC test crew were experienced in their respective tasks. Two key individuals, participating in the measurements and analyses each have over ten years experience with ESC in this type of program.

16. Q. What are your conclusions respecting the drift rates that may be expected from the Palo Verde cooling towers?

A. A composite of the drift test results projected for the total tower indicated that the drift rates were significantly below the guaran-tee of 0.0044% of circulating water. Sensitive Paper (SP) measure-ments indicated a drift rate of 0.0002%. Isokinetic (IK) Sampling tests revealed higher drift rates, however, these are regarded as less reliable due to the high level of the same trace elements in the ambient air entering the cooling tower. (Unless these minerals are completely scrubbed out in the cooling tower fill, they contri-bute to the concentration of minerals in the exit air.) ESC's experience indicates that SP-derived results are invariably lower than IK results by typically a factor of roughly two to five, and thus the IK determined drift rate could be as high as 0.001%, a but still lower than the guaranteed level of 0.0044%. Composite i droplet size data to be used as the basis for drift transport model input are found in the attached Table 4.5 and Figure 4.1, taken from our test report. Exhibit G-2 attached to the testimony of Morton I. Goldman is a fair representation of the droplet size spectrum.

17. Q. How would you compare the drift rates measured at Palo Verde cooling tower with those measured by ESC at other sites?

A. The drift rate measured by ESC at Palo Verde using the SP technique indicates state-of-the-art drift eliminator performance for a large field-erected cooling tower. Exhibit W-8 provides data from other sites where ESC has performed drift assessments. To my knowledge, we have only measured lower drift rates in laboratory environments where essentially ideal conditions existed.

18. Q . Are there any factors which might lead to a change in the drift rates which you have predicted as a result of your measurements?

A. Further " seasoning" of the drift eliminators would tend to further decrease drift rates.

                   " Seasoning" of the drift eliminators involves the accumulation of chemical deposits and a reduction of the " beading" of water droplets on the comparatively new PVC drift eliminators. Newly-fab ricated

drift eliminator surfaces are smooth and free of deposits. As deposits , form, the rougher residual surface collects and retains droplets more effectively than the new material . It is conjectured that this process reaches steady-state (i .e., no further improvement in collection / retention efficiency is realized) within the first tnree to six months of operation. On the other hand, drift rates would, no doubt increase, due to degradation of the eliminators. Such degradation could occur from any of the following: (a) Ultra violet (UV) light attack - excessive UV light can degrade some plastics over a long period of time. The PV drift elimina-tors are fabricated with UV inhibitors and long-term tests on this material have revealed insignificant degradation. In any case, as the drift eliminators are reasonably sheltered from direct sunlight, this should not be a problem. (b) Excess temperature or chemicals - temperatures in excess of 150 - 200*F might degrade the drift eliminators or their sup-porting framework. Temperatures, either on the air or water sides should not exceed 125 F. Upsets in the chemical concentrations of the circulating water as a result of acid cleaning or other treat-ments may attack the drift eliminators. No scenarios are envisioned at this plant which could result in this situation. (c) Mechanical degradation - vibration and loosening of the drift eliminators or impact of loose fill or other cooling tower com-poner.ts on the drift eliminator pack might cause degradation and reduction in eliminator performance. It is noted that the eliminators are tightly packed in a rigid assembly comprised of sixteen sections and appear to have exceptional structural integrity .

19. Q. Can corrective action be taken if degradation is found?

A. Degradation of the drift eliminators would be readily apparent from inspection that can be easily made while the tower is both in- l service and out-of-service. In-service inspection involves looking for " hot spots" where water seems to be flowing through small por-tions of the fill . This is typically the case when the drift elimi-nator packs are not butted-up to one another or the seals which act i as the interface between packs are not in place. Out-of-service inspection which can be accomplished during any of the routine outa-ges simply involves looking for open areas or other separations in the drift eliminators or eliminator packs which would allow droplets or accumulated water to pass. In any case, corrective action is straight forward - replace a pack of drift eliminators or seals, caulk open seams, etc. l


EXHIBl? tj-1 EnvlC0hM[nTAL 5757tMS CORPORATION'S -p-- --


OPER ATING 5 ALT OR FUNDING COOLING Ba ACLISH Rott*** JHCkh CD E AGE NCY SY5f t a lhv0L vt E nV** hate R OF aRw Cnalt Point. @ 5 tate of storyland WCT I TC E" "E 115 SEp -4 A8:42 Seesley's Point, hJ Atlantic City WCT 5.7 I PM Electrfc Company Turkey Point FL EPA. Florida Powee @CT 55 Grrn SociD d- Q, and Lisat 3RANC6f South Dade. FL Florida Power and CECT 2.3 I PM Light Forted River.10 Gene-al Pubitt IOCT 2 3 PM Utilities Indian Point. hY tsic WCT 4 A Memer City. PA Gene'el Public ICCT 1 Utilities [eopoldshafen. Germany Baoenwert @CT 1 1 Surry 3 and 4. VA 18lC 55 3.8 I PM Geysers. CA Pacific Gas & ECT PM Pittsburg. CA EPRI. PGat WCT A TC Sundesert. CA San D' ego Gas & IOCT $ 2 PM Electric Enolls Aton9c General Electric WCT 6 Labo* story, at Jersey City Total ORut ICCI 1.2 Ene*gy Plant.10 , Fossil 1 and 2. CA Pacific Gas & 90CT.elDCT 4 TC (Monterwaa) Electric Co. San Josswin Los degeles Oeyt. 80CT.CCT 4 1 TC talley, CA of Water and Powe* Cat Ridge Esseous unton Carnice mCT 3.2.7 TC Quad Cities. Io a Comnogsealtn Edison 55 1.2.8 TC Monave. CA Southern Cal. Edison DOCT 1.7.8 3 TC Anclote. FL Florida Powe* Corp. CWCT 1.7.8 I PM Wate* feed. LA Louisiana Power & BOCT 1.7,8 TC Light havajo. A2 Salt River Project SCT 1 TC Greens Bayov. TI Mouston Lighting & IOCT I Powe* PM Ft . Wo*th. TI Ceramic Cooling Tower Test Cell 6 PM Ft. seryers. FL st.nter Corporation Test Cell 6 PM Crystal River. FL Florida Power Corp. lect 1 PM Beulah.10 Great Plains Gass 1. fication Associates IOCT PM Elllen. OH Dayton Pouer & Light / EBASCO C@CT 3.7 PM Geyse's 18. CA Pacific Gas and Electric Campany IOCT 3.2.8 St. Jenn's tiver Jacksonville Electric lect 2.3 I TC Authority l l

                *C00LIsr. 575T[m TTPE SCT . heteral Draft Cooline Tomer SSCT - fleenanical Draft Cooltag Towee CeCT . Circular Mecmanical Draft Cooling Tower 55     - Spray System
              ** sty TO SusetART OF Pe08LEM - SPECIFIC P90 GRAMS
1. 3our ce strawrements i i
d. bevond Level Measurements l
3. metuort Desten 4 Da9ft and Please T-anspoet
5. Pre- and/or Post-Operational Measurements
6. Specialtsed Drift 5tedtes
7. The* mal Performance / Acceptance Test
8. The'ust Performance Consulting 1 I


             ***t0Lt OF taw (tant a , wfL8Et)

PM - Project Manager TC Technical Consultant

 ',                                                                                   W EXHIBIT W-2 4                                           KARL R. WILBER, P.E.


                                                                            % SEP ~4 Ag :42 Education GFFlci .

M.S., Engineering Mechanics, University of Tennessee, 1974. 00CMEThg h Q BRANcq B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Akron,1972. Registered Professional Engineer - Virginia, Tennessee. Professional Activities 1980 - Present VICE-PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS, ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION. Corporate officer having company-wide responsibilities for both the development and the conceptualization of large inter-disciplinary projects. 1977 - 1980 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION. Responsible for conc'eptualization, as well as direction, of laboratory studies and field programs dealing with various atmospheric pollutant sources. Also assisted in the development and implementation of testing and analy-sis techniques for improving power plant energy efficiencies. 1974 - 1977 PROJECT ENGINEER, ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION. I Responsible for airborne particulate sampling programs, especially as related to cooling tower environmental impact evaluation. Involved in thermal performance testing and evaluation of power plant cooling systems. 1972 - 1974 RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION.

Theoretical support for inertial impaction particulate j sampling devices. Responsible for field and laboratory particulate sampling.

1969 - 1972 COOPERATIVE ENGINEERING STUDENT at a major supplier of power generation and air pollution control equipment. Responsible for assisting in design, testing and produc-tion improvement. General As Vice-President and Director of Energy and Environmental programs, Mr. Wilber's responsibilities include: key involvement in the technical facets of many Company programs, project conceptualization, project management and con-tinued expansion and improvement of the Company's business in environmental and energy related areas. He is responsible for assisting Division Managers,


Karl R. Wilber Vita Page 2 l l General (continued) Department Managers, Project Managers and clients in the formulation and execu-tion of projects for nuclear and fossil-fuel electric generating stations, the pulp and paper industry, and the mining industry. Mr. Wilber has also been responsible for the design and the implementation of air monitoring networks for pre- and post-operational assessments of brackish water cooling systems. Data from these studies have and are being used to assess the environmental and geothermal power plant sites. The geothermal assessments include source and downwind measurements, as well as drift transport modeling and model verification. Mr. Wilber has actively pursued the assessment of power plant component efficiencies including turbine, condenser and cooling towers and has assisted in the development of novel testing techniques to better assess the performance of these components. He is active on multiple ASME Performance Test Code Committees and holds a Professional Engineering license in Ohio and Tennessee. r I l


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              1-1
 ; 2.0 TEST PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             2_1 4     2.1 Setup and Prelimi na ry Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           2-1 2.2 Comprehensive Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             2-1

, 2.2.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 l 2.2.2 Source Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Air Velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Psychromet ric Condi ti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Mi ne ra l Ma s s Fl u x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Droplet Size Di stribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 2.2.3 Operational Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Circulating Water Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 . Water Flow Rate Measuremants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Fan Horsepower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Water Chemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 2.2.4 Ambient Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Wind Speed and Wind Direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Specific Airborne Mineral Concentration. . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Psychrometric Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Ba romet ri c Pressu re. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 3.0 DATA REDUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 3-1 3.1 Sen s i ti ve Pa p e r Sy s t em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.2 Heated Glass Bead Isokinetic Sampling System . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.3 Ambient Mineral Concentration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3

l 1

  )                               TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)
  • Page 4

3.4 Ch emi ca l An a l y s e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.5 Water Flow Rate Determinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 7 3-4 3.6 Other Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

;     4.0 RESULTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                              ,

! APPENDICES 1 4 A. Instrumentation 4 B. Water Flow Rate Data C. Electric Motor Data j D. Quality Assurance D.1 Summary t j D.2 Non-Conformance Reports

D.3 Calibrations E. Data Sheets
!       F. Drop-Size Data G. Ground-Level Analyses H. Chemical Analyses i

i I. Additional Data

I.1 Operational and Ambient Data

> 1 1.2 Horsepower Data l i i 1 em

i LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1-1 1.1 Cooling Tower Design Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 2.1 Water Sample Collection Times by ESC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.1 Liquid Drif t from Sensitive Paper Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Summary of Specific Mineral Concentrations in the 4-2 Ambient and Fan Stack. . . . . . . . . . .............. l 4-3 4.3 IK Measurements for Specific Cells and Minerals. . . . . . . . . . . 4.4a Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Cooling Tower C - Cell I 4-4 Summa ry Drop-Si ze Distri buti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4b Palo Verde Nuclear Generdting Station Cooling Tower C - Cell K 4-5 Summa ry Drop-Si ze Distributi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4c Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Cooling Tower C - Cell K Repeat 4-6 Summa ry Drop-Si ze Di st ri buti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4d Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Cooling Tower C - Cell P 4-7 Summa ry Drop-Si ze Distributi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4e Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station

.          Cooling Tower C - Cell N                                                       4-8 Summa ry Drop-Si ze Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
;    4.5    Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station                                             1 1          Cooling Tower C - Summary Drop-Size                                            4-9 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

l J 1 1 I l I l 1 I

LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Schematic of Preliminary SP Survey on Tower C ........... 2-2 2.2 Selected Test Cells for Comprehensive Drif t Measurements on Tower C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 Deployment of Test Sensors - PVNGS Tower C- Unit 1. . . . . . . . . 2-6 2.3 2.4 Typical Equal Area Traverse Locations for Canal 2-8 Velocity Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Cooling Tower C - Droplet Size Distirbution Percent Mass Less Than Indicated Diameter ............. 2-10


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To develop an accurate source tenn for Arizona Public Service Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS) cooling towers, Environmental Systems Corporation (ESC) was commissioned to perform a comprehensive drift measurements program. This program consisted of three phases:

1. program design, setup, and initial survey
2. comprehensive field measurements
3. data reduction and reporting The field measurements were conducted on Cooling Tower C of Unit 1 at the PVNGS during the first two weeks of May,1983, prior to full load operation of the unit.

PVNGS is located about 50 miles west of Phoenix, Arizona. The station will include three generating units, each of which will utilize three Marley circular mechanical draf t cooling towers for condenser heat rejection. The design con-ditions for the cooling towers are shown in Table 1.1.1 TABLE 1.1 COOLING TOWER DESIGN CONDITIONS Water Flow Rate 195,667 gal / min Inlet Water Temperature 118.8 F Outlet Water Temperature 87.3 F Fan Horsepower 174 BHP Wet Bulb Temperature 75*F Drift Rate 0.0044 (percent of circu-lating water flow) 1-1

Tower C of Unit 1 was chosen for the test primarily because its long discharge canal facilitated measurement of the circulating water flow. Four cells were chosen on the basis of a pretest survey for complete source testing. At the exit plane of each of the four cells tested, the flux of selected trace minerals was measured directly using an ESC Isokinetic Hot Glacs Bead Sampler. The flux and size spectrum of drif t droplets was measured using ESC's Sensitive Paper System. Air flow and psychrometric conditions (wet bulb and dry bulb temperatues) were also measured. Each of these measurements was taken at an array of twenty-four stat'ans in the exit plane to provide a complete description of the conditions. The ambient and operating conditions of the tower were also documented throughout the test program. 1-2

l l l l l l i 2.0 TEST PROGRAM l

2.0 TEST PROGRAM 2.1 Setup and Preliminary Survey, The ESC test crew arrived on-site on May 2,1983. Following security and safety-related orientation, setup procedures were initiated including deployment of source, ground-level, and operational instrumentation. In parallel, a preliminary survey of the sixteen cells of the circular mechanical draf t coolitig tnwer was conducted. This assessment was accomplished in a fashion much like that used in the Department of Energy and Electric Power Research Institute-sponsored Meteorological Effects of Thermal Energy Releases (METER) Program cooling tower study conducted at the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Pittsburg site.2 Large (142 mm) diameter Sensitive Papers (SP's) were exposed at three locations on each cell as shown in Figure 2.1. Combining the results of the preliminary survey with the desire to test outer ring and inner ring cells as well as the center cell, the cells I, K, P and N were selected for more comprehensive tests. Cell K was also purposely selected on the opposite side of the tower from Cell I to ir:orporate predominately wind-ward and leeward cells. (Cell I is on the upwind side of the tower for the pre-vailing wind situations encountered during the majority of the tests.) Equipment setup continued during the week and was completed on May 7,1983. 2.2 Comprehensive Measurements 2.2.1 General Comprehensive measurements began on May 7,1983, with the testing of Cell I. At the exit plane of each of the four cells tested, the flux of selected trace minerals was measured directly using an ESC Isokinetic Hot Glass Bead Sampler. 2-1

l 3 3 I k 5 1 h

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B The flux and size spectrum of drif t droplets were measured using ESC's Sensitive Paper System. Air flow and psychrometric conditions (wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperatures) were also measured. Each of these measurements was taken at an array of twenty-four stations in the exit plane to provide a complete descrip-tion of the conditions. The ambient and operating conditions of the tower were also documented throughout the test program. 2.2.2 Source Measurements The source measurements were designed to provide data on air flow, air temperature, humidity, mineral mass flux, droplet flux, and droplet size distribution across the exit plane of the cell. The integrated values of mineral mass and droplet flux, along with droplet size distribution, form the basis for a drif t transport model source term. The measurements were taken at the locations shown in Figure 2.2. These loca-tions were chosen to provide points representative of 90-degree annulus sectors of equal area. The test instruments (specifications in Appendix A) were mounted on two carriages which traversed the cell exit plane on a beam supported on each end by scaf folding erected outside the cell rim. One carriage was used for measurements of air velocity, wet-bulb temperature, dry-bulb temperature, and mineral mass flux. The other was used to measure droplet size and flux. Measurements were taken with the beam on two orthogonal oiameters to provide a total of 24 measurement locations for each cell. Air Velocity The vertical component of the air velocity in the exit plane was measured with a Gill propeller anemometer which has an off-axis response closely approximating a cosine. The small discrepancy from a cosine response was corrected using the 2-3

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output of a vane-type air flow direction indicator and wind tunnel calibration data. Psychrometric Conditions The dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures of the air exiting the cell were measured using S and J psychrometers with resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). Mineral Mass Flux The mass flux of minerals in the exit air was sampled with the ESC isokinetic Sampler. The air flow through the sampler was adjusted for isokinetic flow based on the vertical component of the air flow measured at the sampling point. Droplet Size Distribution Large and small SP's were exposed at each location. The carriage with the SP's normally lagged about two positions behind the first carriage on the beam, so the SP exposures were made about five to ten minutes af ter the other measure-ments at the same position. The expo.ure times were selected to produce samples with a sufficient number of stains to allow confidence in the resulting size distribution, but without overlapping stains. 2.2.3 Operational Measurements Ci rculating Water Temperature - Circulating water temperatures were measured using platinum RTD's. The inlet water sensor was placed in the hot water distribution basin suspended from the walkway crossing it. Outlet water temperature was taker. at the cold water dis-charge with the probe suspended from the walkway across the return flume. The probe was approximately 15 feet downstream of the tower exit. The locations of these RTDs are shown on Figure 2.3. Measurements were taken throughout all testing periods. The ESC PTS-80A temperature system using RTDs was used to 2-5

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collect all temperature data. A description of the PTS-80A system is included in Appendix A. Water Flow Rate Measurements Circulating water flow rate was determined by two independent methods. In the first method, an Ott universal current meter was used by ESC to make equal-area velocity traverses of the cold water discharge canal. Specifications of the current meter are contained in Appendix A. Equal areas of the canal were deter-mined similar to those depicted in Figure 2.4. Due to the geometry of the canal, not all the areas were equal; however, the area for each point could be readily determined. The current meter was placed in the center of each area by align-ment with a taoe measure stretched across the bridge and one on the pole used to support the current meter. A velocity was determined for the center point of each area. Flow is simply the product of the velocity and the area which it represents. Summing the flow over the entire cross section yields total circu-lating water flow. A supporting measurement was performed by a Marley representative, along with APS personnel, using the following technique. The hot water distribution basin depth was measured at 44 locations around the tower utilizing a stilling well. The average static head as determined by these measurements is compared with the calibration contained in Appendix B to determine total ,iater flow. Fan Horsepower Fan horsepower determinations were made via measurements of voltage and current at the breaker. Measurements for each fan were taken by APS personnel on May 6, May 7, May 9, and May 10 about mid-day. The power factor and motor efficiencies required for the horsepower calculations were taken from a system description 2-7

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BEcr/ON ,k FIGURE 2.4 Typical Equal Area Traverse Locations for Canal Velocity Measurements

(provided by Bechtel Power Corporation and included in Appendic C) on the cooling tower electric motor data. Water Chemistry ESC collected water samples throughout testing periods, typically before and after each IK traverse. The relationship between collection times and IK expo-sure times is shown in Table 2.1. The samples were analyzed in ESC's laboratory. Selected samples were " split" and analyzed by an independent laboratory to con-firm ESC analysis procedures. Two samples were taken between traverses if a long delay was experienced. 2.2.4 Ambient Measurements Wind Speed and Wind Direction l The meteorological tower operated at the Palo Verde site provides a continuous and comprehensive data record. ESC used that information as its principal meteorological data base. In addition, the test crew deployed a pair of sensors to monitor wind speed and direction at a point near the tower under test. The sensors were approximately eight feet above the ground, one hundred feet from the edge of the cold water basins, and generally upwind of the tower. (See Figure 2.3.) Se.'sor output was recorded on strip charts for each test day. High winds overturned the ESC sensors midway through the last test day, putting both sensors out of service. Specific Airborne Mineral Concentration ESC operated a pair of high-volume samplers during each test day in order to observe the degree to which ambient dust might contribute to mineral emissions from the Palo Verde cooling towers. The samplers were operated essentially 2-9

TABLE 2.1 WATER SAMPLE COLLECTION TIMES BY ESC Approximate Date Time of Sample IK Exposure Times Cell / Traverse IK No. 5-7-83 13:45 16:15 14:05-16:05 1-1 112 18:55 19:10-21:10 1-2 181 21:30 5-8-83 14:45 16:55 14:55-16:40 K-1 119 19:37 17:35-19:20 K-1 (repeat) 142 5-9-83 09:15 12:10 09:45-11:30 K-2 171 13:45 12:05-13:50 K-2 (repeat) 178 17:05 16:32-18:15 P-1 101 18:30 5-10-83 08:20 10:33 08:50-10:37 P-2 151 14:05 14:00-15:32 N-1 128 15:28 17:35-19:12 N-2 173 17:25 19:05 2-10

during the hours the test crew was on-site. They were located near the ESC wind speed and wind direction sensors described above. Calibration and quality assurance data associated with these and other test sen-sors are found in Appendix D. Psychronetric Measurements RTD probes placed in S$J psychroiaeters recorded wet and dry bulb temperatures concurrently with temperature measurements made on the cooling tower. The psychrometers were placed about five feet above ground-level near the meteoro-logical sensors and high-volume samplers described above. (See Figure 2.3.) Barometric Pressure APS provided a calibrated pressure gauge for use as a barometer during the test. It was placed at the base of the tower, and ESC's ground-level operator recorded pressures several times each test day. The instrument is described in Appendix A. APS holds the calibration record for this device. 2-11

__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - .- -~-- l \ 3.0 DATA REDUCTION l l (

3.0 DATA REDUCTION 3.1 Sensitive Paper System The Sensitive Paper (SP) System relies on droplet collection by inertial impac-tion on water-sensitive paper. The paper is chemically treated so that a droplet impinging on it will generate a well-defined dark blue stain on the pale yellow background of the paper. The size and shape of the stain are functions of the l

 . impingement dynamics, i.e. speed and angle, and of the original droplet diameter.

If the technique is employed correctly, the stain will be circular, or nearly circular, in shape. The relationship between the stain and the droplet size was obtained by calibrating the SP System by means of a monodisperse water droplet generator over a range of droplet sizes and impaction velocities.3 Two SP sizes were employed in the Palo Verde tests. A small area SP (47 mm in diameter) was employed for improved collection efficiency of small droplets. A large area SP (142 mm in diameter) was employed for better sample statistics in the larger size ranges (>100 um) which typically occur less frequently than the small droplets in a cooling tower. The processing of these exposed sensitive papers consisted of measuring the stain diameters by means of a micro, cope and a semi-automated GRAF PEN digitizer linked to a minicomputer which groups the counts of all stains by stain size ranges. Once the stain sizes are counted and grouped according to size, cali-bration curves for specific droplet sizes and impaction velocities are employed via computer programs to generate the original droplet sizes from which the stains were formed. In addition, a correction factor is applied to compensate for the collection ef ficiency of each droplet size range. This factor, which is important only for droplets of less than approximately 50 um, is computed by the procedures of Ranz and Wong." 3-1 l

l l Since the SP head is stationary, the paper collects those droplets which are transported to it by the updraf t air flow. Large droplets in the updraft air do not move at the same speed as the air due to their settling velocities. Consequently, even if they were present in the same numbers as the small drop-lets, not as many would strike the sensitive paper surface during the sampling l time. Therefore, the stationary SP head measures the droplet number flux l l i di rectly . The droplet number flux is the number of droplets that cross a unit area per unit time. For a size range i and measurement position j, this can be 1 written as: l ANjj A3.t3 number of droplets in size range adj

                   " (area of the sensitive paper) x (sampling time)

The drif t mass flux in the size range i is then: Afj_ 0" ' i sg gj 3 (gm/m2 3) where sj is the specific density (assumed here to be 1 gm/cm3) of the droplet and Hj is the middle of droplet diameter size range i. The drift mass emission through the local area associated with the measurement point can then be found by multiplying the drif t mass flux by the area. The total drift mass emission of the cell is then found by a summation of the drif t emission through these areas. Results are provided in Appendices E and F and summarized in Section 4. 3-2

3.2 Heated Glass Bead Isokinetic Sampling System The heated glass bead isokinetic (IK) sampling tubes collect minerals contained in the drif t droplets which evaporate af ter impinging upon the hot glass beads. The air velocity through the tube is adjusted so that it is equal to the time-mean velocity of the updraf t air as determined by measurements with the propel-ler anemometer. The minerals collected in the IK tubes are stripped from the tubes with a wash solution which is then analyzed by atomic absorption or flame emission spectrophotometry. The basic parameter generated by the IK system is the total mineral mass flux, Fjk minerals collected Mj-MBk k F kj " sampling time x sampling area

  • TTA 3 S 2*N l

where the index k represents the chemical element for which the sampling tubes were analyzed. The index j represents, as before, the measurement location, M the mass of the element stripped from the IK tube, and MBk the average background value of the tubes for the k th element or compound. The sampling time and the I cross sectional area of the IK tube are t3 and As , respectively. 3.3 Ambient Mineral Concentration Ambient concentrations of specific airborne minerals were determined using high volume samplers. Exposure times are provided in Appendix G. Sampled air volumes were calculated based on rotameter readings, airflow calibrations, and sampling time. Concentrations of specific minerals are derived by dividing the net collected mineral mass by the volume sampled. 3-3

3.4 Chemical Analyses Chemical analyses were performed on the water samples, the IK tubes and the high volume sampler filter papers. Results of these analyses are pro-vided in Appendix H. 3.5 Water Flow Rate Determinations Water flow rate measurements, as described in Section and detailed in Appendix B, indicated a circulating water flow rate for Tower C of approximately 190,000 gpm. The basin depth versus head determination of flow rate was within 3 percent of that determined from the canal velocity traverse.

 '6. Other Parameters Data from measurements of other test parameters such as ambient wind speed and direction, ambient wet- and dry-bulb temperatures, and f an horsepower are pro-vided in Appendix I.

l l 3-4

4.0 RESULTS l l t (

4.0 RESULTS Detailed results of the drift emission measurements are provided in Appendix F. Summary results are given in this section. As was previously indicated, four cells, I, K, P and N, were selected for comprehensive assessment. Cell K was measured twice to determine the repeatabi-lity of the drif t determinations. Sensitive paper measurements indicated the following liquid drif t enission rates. TABLE 4.1 LIQUID DRIFT FROM SENSITIVE PAPER MEASUREMENTS Cell Liquid Drif t Emission (g/s) I 1.51 K 1.82 K (Repeat) 2.28 P 1.10 N 0.428 Isokinetic (IK) sampling results, as compared to specific ambient airborne mineral concentrations, indicated that higher concentrations of minerals typi-cally existed in the entering air than existed in the cooling exit air. Table 4.2 sunnarizes the relationship between the " ambient" and "f anstack" (exit air) concentrations for three of the elements for which analyses were performed. Based on chemical analyses of circulating water, high volume sampler filters, and the IK tubes, no chemicals were identified as unique to the drif t and not in the ambient air. As the scrubbing efficiency of the cooling tower is 4-1

1 4 TABLE 4.2



  • Concentration Measured 4

(p g/M3 ) in Fan Stack (p g/M3 ) i Na Ca Mg Na Ca Stack Traverse Date Mg l i 1.30 26.9 3.75 0.37 17.1 1.86 ! I 1 05/07/83 4 1.30 26.9 3.75 0.24 10.2 1.17 ! 2 05/07/83 1.14 49.4 5.82 0.49 23.2 2.17 K 1 05/08/83 6 1.14 49.4 5.82 0.49 23.8 1.72 ! 1 05/08/83 j (Repeat) , 1.93 32.4 4.64 0.39 12.1 1.10 2 05/09/83 t 1.93 32.4 4.64 0.50 13.3 0.74 2 05/09/83 P ! '(Repeat) 4 P 1 05/09/83 1.93 32.4 4.64 0.41 12.3 1.51 i 2 05/10/83 0.19 24.3 3.51 0.59 18.7 1.22 N 1 05/10/83 0.19 24.3 3.51 0.06 2.6 0.26 2 05/10/83 0.19 24.3 3.51 0.52 15.4 2.08 i

  • Ambient concentrations are assumed constant for the test day.


!                                                                                                                                                                                      4

4 4-2

unknown, there is no way to determine the exact contribution of ambient minerals to cooling tower exit air. Consequently, any assessment of inferred drif t would be conservative, i.e., higher than actual. With this background, using magnesium as a tracer, inferred liquid drift rates for the four cells tested are provided in Table 4.3. l. TABLE 4.3 IK MEASUREMENTS FOR SPECIFIC CELLS AND MINERALS Inferred Mass Enission Circulating Water Basin Water Emission l> Stack (g/sec Mg) Concentration (ppm) (g/sec) I 34.4 8.4 I 2.9 x 10 4 37.7 11.9 K 4.5 x 10 4 37.7 10.6 K 4.0 x 10-4 37.6 9.83

!            P          3.7 x 10-4 37*7                          4*91 N          1.8 x 10-4 A comparison of Table 4.3 with Table 4.1 reveals an average ratio of liquid emis-sion calculated from IK results to direct liquid emission measurements using SP's 5

of approximately 6. Previous studies typically indicate closer agreement bet-ween IK-inferred and SP-measured liquid emissions, further suggesting the j influence of ambient minerals on the IK measurements. dith regard to droplet size distribution, Tables 4.4a-e summarize SP measurements , results on Cells I, K, K " Repeat", P, and N respectively. Table 4.5 and Figure 4.1 provide a projected droplet size distribution summary for the tower, assuming 6 perimeter cells are characterized by Cell I, the remaining 6 perimeter cells i i 4-3




10. 20. 2.04E+01 0.130 1
20. 30. 1.76E+02 1.255 2

40, 4.14E+02 3.897 3 30.

40. 50. 4.70E+02 6.893 4
50. 60. 3.05E+02 8.838 5
60. 70. 1.54E+02 9.822 6
70. 90. 1.61E+02 10.851 7
90. 110. 1.14E+02 11.579 8

9 110. 130. 1.60E+02 12.602 130. 150. 1.71E+02 13.695 10 11 150. 180. 2.95E+02 15.576 12 180. 210. 3.77E+02 17.984 13 210. 240. 3.62E+02 20.297 240. 270. 4.87E+02 23.406 14 15 270. 300. 6.94E+02 27.837 350. 1.67E403 38.474 j 16 300. 17 350. 400. 1.86E+03 50.345 I 18 400. 450. 1.72E+03 61.298 450. 500. 1.48E+03 70.721 19 500. 600. 2.16E+03 84.499 20 600. 700. 1.08E+03 91.411 21 22 700. 800. 5.19E+02 94.720 23 800. 900. 1.66E+02 95.777 900. 1000. 1.47E+02 96.714 24 25 1000. 1200. 6.47E+01 97.126 26 1200. 1400. 6.42E+01 97.536 1400. 1600. 9.87E+01 98.166 27 1600. 1800, 2.87E+02 100.000 28 TOTAL MASS FLUX = 1.57E+04 UG/M2/SEC MASS MEAN DIAMETER = 426. VM MASS EMISSION RATE = 1.51E+00 GRAMS /SEC 4-4




10. 20. 2.88E+01 0.152 1
30. 9.30E+01 0.643 2 20.


40. 4.09E+02 2.804 3 30.
50. 4.80E+02 5.340 6 40.
60. 2.92E+02 6.884 5 50.
70. 1.55E+02 7.703 6 60.
70. 90. 1.54E+02 8.518 7
90. 110. 1.72E+02 9.426 8

110. 130. 1.91E+02 10.437 9 130. 150. 2.17E+02 11.585 10 150. 180. 2.71E+02 13.016 11 180. 210, 3.79E+02 15.018 12 210. 240, 3.59E+02 16.911 13 240. 270. 3.97E+02 19.008 14 270. 300. 5.50E+02 21.911 15 300. 350. 1.20E+03 28.250 16 350. 400, 1.98E+03 38.703 17 400. 450. 2.98E+03 54.427 18 450. 500. 3.75E+03 74.221 19 500. 600. 3.76E+03 94.097 20 600. 700. 8.25E+02 98.454 21 700. 800. 2.23E+02 99.630 22 800. 900. 3.45E+01 99.812 23 900. 1000. 3.57E+01 100.000 24 TOTAL MASS FLUX = 1.89E+04 UG/M2/SEC MASS MEAN DIAMETER = 402. UM MASS EMISSION RATE = 1.82E+00 GRAMS /SEC 4-5




20. 6.57E+01 0.278
;                1                                    10.
30. 1.22E+02 0.795 2 20. 3.571 3 30. 40. 6.57E+02
50. 1.02E+03 7.865 4 40.


60. 9.25E+02 11.773 l 5 50.
70. 5.55E+02 14.116
6 60.
90. 5.47E+02 16.429 l 7 70.

110. 3.55E+02 17.929 i 8 90. 130, 4.32E+02 19.756 9 110. 130, 150, 2.81E+02 20.942 l 10 150. 180. 4.16E+02 22.699 l 11 24.356 12 180. 210. 3.92E+02 l 240. 3.89E+02 25.999

13 210.

240. 270. 5.20E+02 28.194 i 14 300. 8.17E+02 31.646

,             15                                     270.

300. 350. 2.20E+03 40.947

.             16                                                                                                                                  56.156 17                                     350.                               400.                         3.60E+03' l                                                                                                                     4.28E+03                     74.229 18                                    400.                               450.

450. 500. 3.17E+03 87.614 j 19 500. 600. 2.12E+03 96.560 i 20 l 600. 700. 5.98E+02 99.087 i 21 l 700. 800. 1.65E+02 99.783 I 22 800. 900. 5.12E+01 100.000 23 J i j TOTAL MASS FLUX = 2.37E+04 UG/M2/SEC i MASS MEAN DIAMETER = 340. VM i HASS EMISSION RATE = 2.28E+00 GRAMS /SEC i l i } l l l 4-6

j~ i

?                                                                                   TABLE 4.4d i                                                         PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION COOLING TOWER C - CELL P



10. 20. 1.97E+01 0.173 1
30. 5.31E+01 0.639 f 2 20.
40. 2.26E+02 2.620 i' 3 30.
50. 3.46E+02 5.655 4 40.
60. 3.46E+02 8.695
,                    5                               50.
70. 2.67E+02 11.037 6 60.
70. 90. 3.30E+02 13.935 7
90. 110. 3.55E+02 17.052 <

8 130. 3.17E+02 19.831 i 9 110. 130. 150. 3.02E+02 22.480 l 10 150. 180. 4.20E+02 26.163 l 11 180. 210. 3.85E+02 29.544

 !                12 210.                                 240.                          5.34E+02                            34.227
 !                13 i                                                    240.                                  270.                         6.32E+02                            39.768 14 270.                                  300.                         6.83E+02                            45.759 15 300.                                  350.                          1.41E+03                           58.139 i             . 16 350.                                  400.                          1.65E+03                           73.588
 !                17 400.                                  450.                          1.43E+03                           85.129 18 450.                                  500.                         9.31E+02                            93.296 19 500.                                  600,                         6.29E+02                            98.818
 <                20 600.                                  700.                          1.10E+02                           99.785

} 21 700. 800. 2.45E+01 100.000


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20. 7.21E-01 0.016 1 10.
30. 3.30E+01 0.758 2 20.
40. 6.76E+01 2.278 3 30.
50. 1.33E+02 5.273 4 40.


60. 1.75E+02 9.211 5 50.
70. 1.84E+02 13.355 6 60.
70. 90. 2.67E+02 19.357 7
90. 110. 2.86E+02 25.789 8

130. 2.90E+02 32.319 9 110. 130. 150. 2.87E+02 38.761 10 150. 180. 4.16E+02 48.125 11 180. 210. 2.96E+02 54.783 12 210. 240. 3.14E+02 61.846 13 240. 270. 2.82E+02 68.195 14 270. 300. 2.67E+02 74.192 15 300. 350. 4.04E<02 83.278 16 350. 400. 3.27E+02 90.633 17 400. 450. 2.09E+02 95.328 18 450. 500. 1.33E+02 98.314 19 500. 600. 6.70E+01 99.820 20 600. 700. 8.00E+00 100.000 21 TOTAL MASS FLUX = 4.45E+03 UG/M2/SEC MASS MEAN DIAMETER = 213. UM MASS EMISSION RATE = 4.28E-01 GRAMS /SEC 4-8



DROP-SIZE DISTRIBUTION I EXIT PLAN AREA = 1539.98 M2 ! MASS  % MASS I FLUX SMALLER D(LOW) O(HI) UM UM UG/M2/SEC 7 20, 2.91E+01 0.178 1 10. 0.904 20, 30, 1.18E+02 2 3.367 l

30. 40. 4.02E+02

( 3 6.620

40. 50. 5.31E+02 4 4 9.185
50. 60. 4.18E+02 5 10.733 2.52E+02 6 60. 70.

! 2.70E+02 12.390 ! 7 70. 90. 110. 2.26E402 13.776 l 8 90. 15.318 110. 130. 2.52E+02 l 9 16.876 130. 150. 2.54E+02 i 10 18.946 150. 180. 3.38E+02 11 21.426 180. 210. 4.05E+02 12 23.965

210. 240. 4.14E+02 13 27.032 240. 270. 5.00E+02 14 31.922 270. 300. 7.98E+02 l 15 41.721 300. 350. 1.60E+03

! 16 54.181 350. 400. 2.03E+03 1 17 67.631 400. 450. 2.19E+03 ! 18 79.762 450. 500. 1.98E+03 ,

!   19                                                                                                                                          91.639 500.                   600.                     1.94E+03 20                                                                                                                                          95.789 600.                   700.                     6.77E+02 21                                                                                                                                          97.428 700                    800.                     2.67E+02 22                                                                                                                                          98.438 800.                   900.                     1.65E+02
23 98.817 900. 1000. 6.18E+01 24 98.966 1000. 1200. 2.43E+01 i 25 99.113 1200. 1400. 2.41E+01 26- 99.340 1400. 1600. 3.70E+01 i 27 100.000 1600. 1800. 1.08E+02 28 l

i j TOTAL MASS FLUX = 1.63E+04 UG/M2/SEC l MASS MEAN DIAMETER = 376. UM MASS EMISSION RATE = 2.51E+01 GRAMS /SEC 1 2 a i i i i 4-9

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M $ (SNG:DiW s i; JM:C 13140d; 4-10

d 4 were characterized by Cell K and K-Repeat, the 3 inner perimeter cells are l characterized by Cell P, and finally, Cell N results are used for the single l 1 canter cell. This tower composite of liquid drift represents a drift rate of 0.0002% versus the guarantee of 0.0044%. i i i J i l 4 I 1 i s I i e 1 I 3 , l, , i I i r i 4-11

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1. Arizona Nuclear Power Project, Circulating Water System, Bechtel Job 10407 System Descriptions , Revi; ion 0, 5/13/77.
2. Laulainen, N. S. , et al ., "Comprenensive Study of Dri f t From Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers", Prepared for tne U.S. Department of Energy under Contract EY-76-C-06-1830, PNL-3083, UC-12, September 1979.
3. Webb, R. O. and Culver, E. D. , " Calibration Study of Special Water Sensitive Paper Including Droplet Impaction at Oblique Angles", Lice.tric Power Research Institute, RP1260-3, Amendment No.1, March 1979.

\ 4 Ranz, W. E. and Wang, J. B. , " Impaction of Dust and Snoke Particles *, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, pp. 1371-1380, June 1952. S. Shof ner, F. M. , "Conments on the Consequences of inherent Assumptions in Drif t Measurement and Data Utilization", presented at A Symposium on Environmental Ef fects of Cooling Tower Emissions, University of Maryland, May 2 4, 1978. 1 4-12





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T Instrumentation - ESC used the following instruments to collect data during this test:

1. ESC PTS-80A Precision Temperature System Manufacturer: Environmental Systems Corporation Model: PTS-80A Serial Number: 78-180-30


Records temperatures from as many as 30 platinum RTO probes. Data is printed on a Texas Instruments TI-743 terminal and recorded on cassette tape on a Techtran 816 recorder.

2. Isokinetic Sampling System Manufacturer: Environmental Systems Corporation


A pair of Gast vacuum pumps draws an air sample through a pyrex tube Containing heated glass beads. A rotameter / valve

  • system provides measurement and control of air flow. The operator uses a calibration curve to set air flow to correspond with observed fan updraft velocity.
3. Sensitive paper _ System Manufacturer: Environmental Systems Corporation


A special filter medium is chemically treated to produce a distinct color change when wetted. Uroplets impinging on the papers produce blue stains which may be corre-lated with droplet size. The system operator records updraft velocity and selects exposure times which yield

 , _ ~ - - - - - . _ . .           -           - -   - -     - - . - . - -        .- .  .   . .      _ . - - - - - .

i - 1 i Sensitive Paper System (continued) l .l serviceable concentrations of stains. Knowing exposure times and updraft velocities, analysts studying the l 1 ', papers with microscopes can calculate droplet size and { 1 I size distribution.  : i I

4. Air Speed (Updraft at Exit Plane)

Manufacturer: R. M. Young Company  ; l I lI Model: 27106 Gill Propeller Anemometer


A generator-type anemometer with excellent linearity and l off-axis response. Used to measure fan updraf t velocity ! to establish isokinetic sampling air flow rate. Readout is by digital voltmeter. In conjunction with this sensor, the operator measures the air flow direction with a vane-i type sensor to make a correction for of f-axis flow, if i necessa ry. j i I Wind Speed (Ambient) 1 Manufacturer: Climet . [ Model: 011-1 Serial Number: 3723 i l


Three-cup anemometer used with manufacturer's signal I 1 J conditioning. Output recorded on Esterline-Angus Model i f i MS-401 recorder. l i l S. Wind Direction (Updraft at Exit Plane) . i I l Manufacturer: Climet Model: 012-10 f 4  ! ,', Serial Number: 582 , m 4

Wind Direction (Updraft at Exit Plane - continued)


540* vane-type device used with custom power supply to provide 0.8 volts D.C. output per 90* rotation. Opera-tor observes output with digital voltmeter. Wind Direction (Ambient) ! Manufacturer: Climet Model: 011-1 berial fiumber: 3723


540' vane-type device used with manufacturer's signal conditioning. Output recorded on Esterline-Angus Model MS-401 recorder.

6. Digital Voltmeter Manufacturer: John Fluke Manufacturing Co.

Model: 8022B Serial Nunbers: 2920260, 2920262


3-1/2 digit DVM used to measure output signals corresponding to fan updraf t velocity and velocity vector.

7. High-Volume Sampler Manufacturer: Billings and Gussman, Inc.


Sampler accepts standard 8" x 10" filters. Flow rate is measured by rotameters which are calibrated on-site.

8. Water Current Meter.

Manufacturer: ADH Model: C31

Water Current Meter (continued _) Serial Number: 77088; Propeller 1-77295


Propeller-type current meter with timer and pulse i counter.

9. Barometric Pressure l

Manufacturer: Wallace and Tiernan Model: Pennwalt 618-18-0031 Serial Number: AD16889


Expanded range gauge provided by APS. PVNGS 10# IC2507.

10. Other Measurements APS provided measurements of wind speed, wind direction, dry bulb temperature, and fan horsepower.

t i J L I t i. 1 ( l i 1 APPENDIX B i i WATER FLOW RATE DATA i l i t 1 4 1 I t. I L

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l-. F I L E "tW"" llMK J. EGATTS

                                    .                                           MAY 181983                                         ..

THE MARLEY COOLING TOWER COMPANY  ;.),{q,,,; 5800 Facidge Drive /P.O. Box 2912/Wission. Kansas 66201/ Telephone: (913) 362-1818


w alt, M ,.r c) 1 c May 12,1983 . , RECElVED Karl Wilbur Environmental Systems Corporation [ _ ,' 1 i g 200 Tech Center Drive Knoxville, Tennessee 37912 (MilMIGIALSf3f[N!Cgp,

Dear Karl:

Enclosed is a copy of the data sheet for the May 9,1983, hot water basin d9pth measurements for water flow determination on Tower C, Unit #1, at Palo Verde. I have also attached a copy of the curve for water flow versus basin depth for the Palo Verde towers. When we checked the basin depth a week earlier with the butterfly valve at the same setting, we measured an average depth of 9.19" so it seems that the results are repeatable. This method of determining water flow gives a reasonable approx-imation although it is not as accurate as a good pitot tube traverse. I understand from having talked with Art Gehr that the drift tests at Palo Verde are complete and that you are en your way back to Knoxville. The key test was the repeat test on the one fan cylinder as this is the best indication as to whether the eliminators have " seasoned" long enough to give drift results rep-resentative of long-term operation. Even so, the time lapse may not be great enough to give a clear indication, particularly if there are other variables. Let me know if there is anything further we can do. Sincerely. THE MARLEY COOLING TOWFR COMPANY

                                                              /f     u

J 0. Holmberg Sciencet Director JOH:riv Enc. M EY A aA A ppi g y ( # ,s.86* A r g e J


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PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION VELOCITY TRAVERSE AND FLOW CALCULATION ON UNIT 1 COOLING TOWER 3 velocity . 2 Flow (gpm) Position (ft/sec) Area (f t ) 1.44 0.25 162 1 1.99 2 1,786 l 2 3 2.45 3 3,299 4 2.16 1 970 5 2.60 3 3,501 6 2.23 3 3,003 7 2.64 3 3,555 8 2.39 4 4,291 9 2.07 1 929 10 2.71 3 3,649 i 11 2.55 4 4,578 12 2.10 3 2,828 13 2.76 3 3,716 14 2.72 4 4,883 15 2.47 4 4,435 j 16 2.36 1 1,059 17 2.77 3 3,730 18 2.80 4 5,027 19 2.61 4 4,686 20 2.29 3 3,084 21 2.80 3 3,770 22 2.76 4 4,955 23 2.72 4 4,883 24 2. (,3 4 4.722 4 25 2.64 3 3,555 26 2.68 4 4.812 27 2.69 4 4,830 l 28 2.60 4 4,668

l 1 l _ 1 Velocity Position (ft/sec) Area (ft2 ) Flow (gpm) 29 2.68 3 3,609 30 2.60 4 4.668 I 31 2.63 4 4,722 32 2.58 4 4,632 l I 33 2.56 3 3.447 34 2.44 4 4,381 35 2.61 4 4,686 36 2.36 4 4,237 37 2.45 3 3,299 i 38 2.34 4 4,201 . 39 2.40 4 4,309 ! 40 2.07 3 2,787 41 2.42 3 3,259 42 2.34 4 4,201 43 2.10 4 3,770 44 1,91 1 857 45 2.42 3 3,259

46 2.26 4 4,058 47 1.83 3 2,464 48 2.45 3 3,299 49 2.19 4 3,932 l

50 1.92 1 862 51 2.45 3 3,299 l 52 2.13 3 2,868

 !              53                                     2.19                              3                            2.949 54                                     2.00                              1                               898 l

55 1.67 2 1,499 . 56 1.70 0.25 191 l 190,009 9pm e=u uu ssm un u n u u u su u nu n u::: . :::n nurn:: n:n ::::uu::n u:::: , I i ,

a.+pp -xJ--.--..- 4M49-.A a - -..4-cr u-, a-W._ 3__2_C_.6 -ad k -saa 4 .m- 4 m Am+e.e4 .-44,.4 - w - -- ~:. m-Lud-. E _'a - e4ks-6ama eni- _ _ - -4.-4.E-4 = an----p i l 4 1 1 l 1 i. ) i


i l 2 h I L } APPENDIX C ELECTRIC MOTOR DATA 1 , k l I i l 1, i I f i k I i l i i i i

i i

[ I t l - l t b i ' i t

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  "" " ' 5j                                              CIRCULATING WATER SYSTEf!          CW Electric !!otor Data, Cooling Towers flotor application                                        Cooling Tower Fans Quality class                                             R Horsepower -- rated                                       200


               !!anu f actu re r                                         Siemens-Allis

NE!!A frame size 447T t!otor enclosure type TEFC Voltage -- rated 460 full load current -- amps 240 l? Locked rotor current - percent of full load 600 Power factor at full load 89 Full load torque -- lb-ft 590 l2 Lucked rotor torque - percent of full load 100 Efficiency at full load 94.7 2 full load speed (rpm) 1775 Construction (he,rizontal or vertical) H Service f.s e t o r 1.0 l2 Insulation class B i Bearing type Ball Net motor weight 2665 heaters rating 240 W l2 l l [ i ( l CW C-5 l

t a l 9 1 i 4 4 i APPENDIX D i QUALITY ASSURANCE l 1 t I l l 4 1 t t




I ,I I J 1 1 4 5 i e d e 'l n! I a e 1 i I *P'

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CONTENTS 0.1 Quality Assurance Summary 0.2 Nonconformance Reports D.3 Calibrations l l 1 1 i t 3 i t

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6 1 I J J 4 1 i i D.1 Sumary J l I t" I I i i I 1 i I 9 1 e 5 4 1 l I, 4 i 1 e b 4 l l } i. l - r i t h

Quality Assurance - Quality Assurance for this test is in accordance with a program submitted to APS prior to the start of testing.(ESC, 1983) Briefly, ESC's QA organizatien is as follows:

1. Although ESC maintains a broad, company-wide QA program, each division may develop its own plan to suit its particular needs. Plant Perfor-mance Projects, the division responsible for this test, maintains its I own program.
2. The ESC QA Manager, who reports to the President, is responsible for the review of all QA programs, verification of calibrations, and investigation of trregularities, including nonconformance.
3. QA programs, calibration data, and other critical QA documents are given both dual and fireproof storage.

Nonconformances - Two nonconformances occurred during this test. Tne first 16volved an RTO probe which malfunctioned when placed in service. An ESC opera-tor detected and corrected this failure before the start of data collection. l The second nonconformance occurred when a gust of wind overturned and damaged ESC's wind speed and direction sensors on the last day of the test. This event did not affect the flow of meteorological data from the principal source, APS' meteorological tower. Calibrations - The following section contains a brief summary of calibration techniques applied to instruments used in this test.

1. ESC PTSi80A Precision Temperature System - The Standard Precision Resistance Thermometer (SPRT) used by ESC is calibrated periodically by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS). The multimeter used
        .                  - . _ . -                   -                 _ ~ _ - . _ - _ _ _ _ . - - - ~ . - . . _ .           .     ._ _ _ _ - - _                                          --

i i L I to read voltages across the. Si'HT is returned to its manufacturer periodically for NBS-traceable calibration. The SPRT voltage source i is calibrated by intercomparison with the above multimeter. ESC tech-i nicians calibrate PTS-80A systems by comparison of RTO and SPRT ! readings at the ice point and at one or more elevated temperatures. 1 1 For major tests, such as this one, ESC performs both pre-test and 1 ( post-test calibrations. l ! 2. Isokinetic Sampling Systems - ESC developed a calibration curve for i this system by calculations supplemented by several years' experience 1 with the system. Sampling hose length is the most important factor in l I system calibration; this test was performed with standard length (100') f j required for most precise uperaticn.

l. 3. Sensitive Paper System - The relationship between droplet size and l stain size is defined by a proprietary relationship developed in ESC 1

laboratories. Stain size is a complex function of droplet size and impact velocity. ESC devoted several tran-years of observations using y l droplets of known size in perfecting this technique. I

4. Wind Speed - ESC calibrates anemometers for measurement of updraft 1'

velocity in a wind tunnel operated by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Both ESC and NOAA i I maintain standard anemometers with NBS-traceable calibrations. ESC 1 { routinely intercompares its standard with the NOAA standard, and field anemometers are calibrated by comparison with the NOAA standard. , 4 i 1 } l 1 i

  -- , . , _ - - - - - , ,           .,..--,_--,.,,-..---_..,--nn,.,,----.n,        .                                                        _ _ _ _ , . , , , , , , - , , , . . , . , , - ~

i i  ! ! The anemometer used to measure ambient wind spead near the cooling tower is calibrated by driving its shaf t with a synchronous motor and f

 ;                                 adjusting output according to manufacturer's specifications.


5. Wind Direction - ESC records the output of wind direction sensors as a

they are carefully rotated through 360', giving particular attention 1 l to readings at 0, 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees.

6. Digital Voltmeters (DVMs) - ESC technicians compare DVM voltage readings with the output of the company's standard voltage source.

l 1 The source, in turn, is calibrated by comparison with an NBS-traceable standard multimeter. While other scales may be used for diagnostic checks, ESC operators use only the voltage scale for data collection. l

7. High-Volume Samplers - Operators perform pre- and post-test calibra-

tions of sampler rotameters using a Billings and Gussman, Inc. (BGI) l HC-2 Air Sampler Calibrator and a manometer. BG1 developed the cali-i bration curve for the HC-2 Calibrator using equipment specified by EPA i and traceable to NBS. I

8. Current Meter - ESC measured water flow from the cooling tower with an

{ i ! Ott C31 current meter. The meter was a new unit, recently calibrated

by the manuf acturer and used for the first time in this test.

} l 9. Other Systems - APS provided measurements of wind speed, wind i j direction, dry bulb temperature, barometric pressure, and fan j

horsepower. The utility should be contacted for information on per-i l tinent calit' ration records.

l } 1 i l

4 i i l l ) i a b f, D,2 Nonconformance Reports l1 9 L I i, i f i e.' l i i I I 4 l l l

No. ESC-DI-Ppp-7 ftle: NONCONFORMANCE REPORTRNG ATTACHMENT 1 ESC NONCONFORMANCE REPORT Site: P.\c,V..d QG b Date: 6/iolsa. Deficiency: LJ/s k (J/ n sew, s j _ wad Date Initial 6 _ A . m. ,, . 4 la Cause: Db.,m c.vd d a.d b\,a I . , n ,,1 e, v . <, 4 *l*5- cTt L i Corrective Action: Oem. (w/as ettt 01scussion: PVOGb -e.) Yese, is r- , ,, . m w o, 0l'dC '

  ," D e    MO ee t     we            bDb        g v os i ck , w      a u ku b =cb n . Oc .- mea % V d.\. Ice \.
                                                                                                 .           l' I
                                                                                                 .            I I

l Signature: - _-

                                  }      . 1 Reviewed By: W e n- wCO_, _.


itle: __ NONCONFORMANCE REPORTING g. Esc-pl-PPP-7 1 i Rev. 1 ATTACHMENT 1 ESC NONCONFORMANCE REPORT l Site: 1 6 G e..c_m s a._ c.,_ StJ.c Date: G-K-a% 03ficiency: T2T b *5 s+ 7rs e n ib A - n .9 c_ Oate Initial a Si <-t.6. Alm m., . AR ,- c_b 3-s- "O Ac O- i c -{ tt ._ %L kiC w l Cause: i 3 ., w ,, , _ .


(T Corrective Action: L ~e A -~ b m_

                                                              s s. 3                we d    c- r L . c.        - .lG Elf .

4 Discussion: uc, A p .. R c .c A .c o. c, co,JcA k. JL .. L . - . O G >

                                                                                               +        l
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                                                                                               ;         l 1

Signature: A 'c c- o- ^ No - f R; viewed By: b2b = 1 Reviewed By: QA0 ESC OUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURE / INSTRUCTION PAGE 1 of i

1 i l .t D.3 Calibra tions l I o

e i d-so A / oc c.w . / ts o y - n-s/n : % t Wo .x PREC IS10d RE SI STO R CHECK M-TECN- 3\ CN-: /PQcBEE 10C _n_ l 1 m ,_,r__ l

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Call 8RATl0N OF TEMPERATURE SYSTEMS 0-30 yNb  % _ Box Switch d hero-or h Date 'f[f T/, i /5 ' Channel As found As found Ref As f und New Set New Rf New

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