_ . _ .
. m. te s c. ' '
i l DEC 2 01976
[ Mallinckmdt, Inc.
ATTN: Mr. Tom Johnson 2703 Wagner Place Maryland Ilmights. Missourf $3043
- Gentlemen:
In accordance with your December 17, 1976 apte, enclosed is check 175901 for $255. Checks 175904 ($200) and 175905 ($55) replace Check 175901.
Your December 16,1976 application for a research and development license has been fermorded to our Licensing staff for processing. You should
!: be hearing fmm them in the near future.
- (
. Original cigned by '
J.D.W3in i Douglas Weiss License Fee Management Branch 4
Office of Administration
Check'175901 ($255) I Distribution File 5-1 Reading
! Wkly Reading JDWeiss, ADM l
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c JDWeiq
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i FLOYD96-343 PDR