MONTHYEARML20207J7561999-02-19019 February 1999 Forwards Proposed Transmittal Ltr & Comments on Physical Protection Plan in Response to Verbal Request from Rancho Seco to Provide Addl Comments on ISFSI Physical Protection Installation ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant ML20056C8421993-07-13013 July 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 930727 to Discuss Decommissioning & General Status ML20044D3711993-05-10010 May 1993 Forwards NRC Assessment of Need for Electrical Power for Spent Fuel Pool Cooling at Plant Based on Licensee 930401 Submittal ML20035B5871993-03-30030 March 1993 Forwards Chapter 5 of Licensee Environmental Rept, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC Staff Support of Licensee Motion for Reconsideration Filed on 930326 ML13336A3361991-08-15015 August 1991 Submits Planned Implementation Dates for Revised 10CFR20 for Region V Power Reactors ML20058D1231990-10-25025 October 1990 Notification of Significant Meeting on 901030 W/Util in Herald,Ca to Discuss Licensee Organization,Staffing,Plant Status & Status of Licensee Programs ML20062A8381990-10-12012 October 1990 Notification of 901017 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md,To Discuss Plant Decommissioning Funding ML20059P0831990-10-12012 October 1990 Notification of 901017 Meeting W/Nrc in Rockville,Md to Discuss Decommissioning of Facilities ML20044A8521990-07-0909 July 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 900711 to Discuss Use of Diesel Generators as Peaking Units & Overall Status of Facility.Proposed Agenda Encl ML20055E2821990-06-28028 June 1990 Forwards Documents in Response to Subpoena Re M Akins,Et Al ML20043G0771990-06-15015 June 1990 Notification of 900619 & 20 Meetings W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Defueled Tech Specs at Plant ML20043B1191990-05-21021 May 1990 Notification of 900531 Biweekly Meeting in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Decommissioning ML20042E9551990-05-0202 May 1990 Forwards AEOD/E90-03, Overpressurization of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Engineering Evaluation Rept.Study Initiated Following Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine Overspeed Event at Plant on 890131.NRR Should Issue Info Notice ML20055E2981990-04-13013 April 1990 Responds to Civil Subpoena Re M Akings Et Al.Chronological Sort of Dbase File Created to Account for Documents Released Encl ML20148T1891990-04-10010 April 1990 Responds to Request for Info Re Congressional Inquiries on Tracking & Closeout of Issues Raised Re Incident Investigation Team (IIT) Investigations of Plants.Actions Assigned by EDO in Response to Plant IITs Addressed ML20033F7401990-02-0101 February 1990 Forwards Current List of Designs & Equipment Available for Dry Storage & Shipment of Spent Fuel & List of Approved Topical Repts for Dry Storage at Reactor Sites ML20005G8991990-01-17017 January 1990 Submits Daily Highlight.Notification of 900118 Meeting W/ Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Operator Training Program ML20005G8371990-01-17017 January 1990 Submits Daily Highlight:On 900118,working Meeting W/Util Will Be Held in Rockville,Md to Discuss Emergency Preparedness at Plant ML20247K3421989-09-12012 September 1989 Forwards Transcript of 890829 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Status of Plant & Associated Closure Plans ML20246J5101989-08-23023 August 1989 Notification of Cancellation of 890906 Meeting W/Golden State Energy in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential License Transfer for Plant from Smud ML20246F0401989-08-23023 August 1989 Notification of 890906 Meeting W/Golden State Energy (GSE) in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential License Transfer from Smud to GSE ML20245H0111989-08-0909 August 1989 Notification of 890829 Meeting W/Smud in Rockville,Md to Discuss Closure & Decommissioning Plans & Preliminary Details of Potential License Transfer for Facility ML20245F1261989-08-0909 August 1989 Updates Status Following Smud Ratepayer Vote on 890606 to Close Plant,Per 890619 Staff Requirements Memo.Eligible Voters Voted 53 to 47% to Close Plant.Nrc Evaluating Util Closure Process & Will Meet W/Licensee Re Decommissioning ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML19332F7431989-07-21021 July 1989 Provides Summary of Station Blackout Responses & Staff Review Schedule Per Request.Cursory Check of Licensee Responses to Station Blackout Rule Has Been Performed in Order to Provide Overview of Industry Approach ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20244C4511989-06-0909 June 1989 Notification of 890619 Meeting W/Util & Bechtel at Plant Site to Discuss Resolution of Geologic & Seismic Issues. Meeting Will Be Followed by Field Trip ML15224B2591989-05-31031 May 1989 Notice of Meeting W/B&W Owners Group on 890628 in Rockville, MD to Discuss Review of Recent Transients at B&W Designed Operating Plants & Relationship of Transients to Previously Developed Recommendations ML15224B2551989-05-17017 May 1989 Notification of 890601 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Reactor Vessel Intergrity Program. Agenda Encl ML20055E4911989-05-0101 May 1989 Forwards Draft Documents & Supporting Info Proposed for Plant Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties Re Release of Radioactive Liquid Effluents & Emergency Preparedness ML20055E3341989-03-15015 March 1989 Notifies of Meeting on 890317 W/Util to Discuss Results of Licensee Investigation Re Incident Involving Resins in Liquid Effluent Waste Stream During 890115-19 ML20245E9441989-01-31031 January 1989 Forwards Proposed plant-specific Backfit for Improved Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Reliability Analyses for Required Improvement in Secondary DHR Capability at Plant ML20055D8221989-01-13013 January 1989 Advises That Commission Has Not Objected to Intention to Issue Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty for Violation of Requirements of Plant Radioactive Liquid Effluent Programs ML20195E5441988-11-0202 November 1988 Notification of 881110 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Radioactive Liquid Effluent Program ML20245E9851988-10-20020 October 1988 Forwards B Moller 880830 Petition Requesting That NRC Direct Util to Shut Down Facility,Per 10CFR2.206.Draft Ltr of Ack & Draft Notice of Receipt of Petition for Publication in Fr Encl for Signature ML20055E3151988-10-11011 October 1988 Requests Review of Encl Draft Enforcement Action Now That DOJ Has Declined Prosecution on Matter.Draft Commission Paper Also Encl ML20055D8171988-09-28028 September 1988 Summarizes Significant Issues Re Investigation of Matls False Statement Made by Util ML20154Q1131988-09-19019 September 1988 Requests That Matls Engineering Branch Evaluate Margin for Safety Re Potential LOCA Due to Energized Uncovered Pressurizer Heaters ML20154Q1341988-09-19019 September 1988 Forwards AEOD Engineering Evaluation Rept That Discusses Several Events of Immersion Heaters Inside Primary Sys Being Energized While Not Covered W/Liquid ML20151T3371988-08-0909 August 1988 Notification of 880817 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss SER on ATWS Issued by Staff to Utils ML15224B1931988-07-0707 July 1988 Notification of 880714 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Operation in Decay Heat Removal Modes.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20148T0851988-06-0303 June 1988 Discusses Multiplant Action F-58,Items II.K.3.30 & II.K.3.31 Compliance w/10CFR50.46 ML20153E3031988-05-0303 May 1988 Forwards NRR Input to Status of Regulatory Activities at Plants,In Response to J Curtis Request for Info IR 05000312/19860151988-04-28028 April 1988 Forwards Amend 98 to License DPR-54 & SER Revising Tech Specs to Resolve Problems Identified in Insp Rept 50-312/86-15.W/o Stated Encls ML20151S5461988-04-22022 April 1988 Discusses NRC Briefing by Licensee Re Readiness for Restart. Licensee Committed to Listed Action Per Commission Request ML20153E3381988-04-21021 April 1988 Requests Input on Status of Regulatory Activities for Listed Plants,Status of EPRI Research for RES & Status of California Low Level Waste Program.Response Requested by 880505 ML20055E3051988-04-20020 April 1988 Forwards Amend 98 to License DPR-50 & Ser,Revising Tech Specs to Resolve Problems Identified in Insp Rept 50-312/86-15.Recommends That DOJ Be Provided Copy of Amend & SER ML20151T0711988-04-20020 April 1988 Requests SER Which Summarizes Verbal Agreements as Outlined in 880125 & 0222 Ltrs & Evaluates Technical Adequacy of Gc Andognini to Fj Miraglia ML20043E1611988-04-11011 April 1988 Documents 880408 Telcon W/T Flynn Re Status of Facility. Related Info Encl 1999-02-19
MONTHYEARML20207J7561999-02-19019 February 1999 Forwards Proposed Transmittal Ltr & Comments on Physical Protection Plan in Response to Verbal Request from Rancho Seco to Provide Addl Comments on ISFSI Physical Protection Installation ML20056E4571993-08-0505 August 1993 Forwards Technical Review Rept Re, Tardy Licensee Actions Initiated Because of Delayed Replacement of Batteries in Uninterruptible Power Supplies at Plant ML20056C8421993-07-13013 July 1993 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 930727 to Discuss Decommissioning & General Status ML20044D3711993-05-10010 May 1993 Forwards NRC Assessment of Need for Electrical Power for Spent Fuel Pool Cooling at Plant Based on Licensee 930401 Submittal ML20035B5871993-03-30030 March 1993 Forwards Chapter 5 of Licensee Environmental Rept, Inadvertently Omitted from NRC Staff Support of Licensee Motion for Reconsideration Filed on 930326 ML20034G8421993-03-0909 March 1993 Staff Requirements Memo Re SECY-93-037 on Environ Resources Conservation Organization Appeal of LBP-93-23 (Rancho Seco) ML13336A3361991-08-15015 August 1991 Submits Planned Implementation Dates for Revised 10CFR20 for Region V Power Reactors ML20058D1231990-10-25025 October 1990 Notification of Significant Meeting on 901030 W/Util in Herald,Ca to Discuss Licensee Organization,Staffing,Plant Status & Status of Licensee Programs ML20062A8381990-10-12012 October 1990 Notification of 901017 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md,To Discuss Plant Decommissioning Funding ML20059P0831990-10-12012 October 1990 Notification of 901017 Meeting W/Nrc in Rockville,Md to Discuss Decommissioning of Facilities ML20044A8521990-07-0909 July 1990 Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting W/Util on 900711 to Discuss Use of Diesel Generators as Peaking Units & Overall Status of Facility.Proposed Agenda Encl ML20055E2821990-06-28028 June 1990 Forwards Documents in Response to Subpoena Re M Akins,Et Al ML20043G0771990-06-15015 June 1990 Notification of 900619 & 20 Meetings W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Defueled Tech Specs at Plant ML20043B1191990-05-21021 May 1990 Notification of 900531 Biweekly Meeting in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Decommissioning ML20042E9551990-05-0202 May 1990 Forwards AEOD/E90-03, Overpressurization of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Engineering Evaluation Rept.Study Initiated Following Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Turbine Overspeed Event at Plant on 890131.NRR Should Issue Info Notice ML20043B0471990-04-24024 April 1990 Staff Requirements Memo Offering No Objection to Issuance of Proposed Confirmatory Order,Per SECY-90-132 Re Plant Status & Development ML20055E2981990-04-13013 April 1990 Responds to Civil Subpoena Re M Akings Et Al.Chronological Sort of Dbase File Created to Account for Documents Released Encl ML20148T1891990-04-10010 April 1990 Responds to Request for Info Re Congressional Inquiries on Tracking & Closeout of Issues Raised Re Incident Investigation Team (IIT) Investigations of Plants.Actions Assigned by EDO in Response to Plant IITs Addressed ML20033F7401990-02-0101 February 1990 Forwards Current List of Designs & Equipment Available for Dry Storage & Shipment of Spent Fuel & List of Approved Topical Repts for Dry Storage at Reactor Sites ML20005G8991990-01-17017 January 1990 Submits Daily Highlight.Notification of 900118 Meeting W/ Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Operator Training Program ML20005G8371990-01-17017 January 1990 Submits Daily Highlight:On 900118,working Meeting W/Util Will Be Held in Rockville,Md to Discuss Emergency Preparedness at Plant ML20247K3421989-09-12012 September 1989 Forwards Transcript of 890829 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Status of Plant & Associated Closure Plans ML20246J5101989-08-23023 August 1989 Notification of Cancellation of 890906 Meeting W/Golden State Energy in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential License Transfer for Plant from Smud ML20246F0401989-08-23023 August 1989 Notification of 890906 Meeting W/Golden State Energy (GSE) in Rockville,Md to Discuss Potential License Transfer from Smud to GSE ML20245F1261989-08-0909 August 1989 Updates Status Following Smud Ratepayer Vote on 890606 to Close Plant,Per 890619 Staff Requirements Memo.Eligible Voters Voted 53 to 47% to Close Plant.Nrc Evaluating Util Closure Process & Will Meet W/Licensee Re Decommissioning ML20245H0111989-08-0909 August 1989 Notification of 890829 Meeting W/Smud in Rockville,Md to Discuss Closure & Decommissioning Plans & Preliminary Details of Potential License Transfer for Facility ML20248D1431989-07-27027 July 1989 Forwards Proposed Generic Ltr Requesting Voluntary Licensee Participation in ERDS & Requests That Proposed Generic Ltr Be Sent to All Licensees of Power Reactors,Except for Participants & Licensees of Listed Plants ML19332F7431989-07-21021 July 1989 Provides Summary of Station Blackout Responses & Staff Review Schedule Per Request.Cursory Check of Licensee Responses to Station Blackout Rule Has Been Performed in Order to Provide Overview of Industry Approach ML20247E6721989-07-17017 July 1989 Proposes Closeout of Plant Correspondence Control Ticket Re Environ Conservation Organization Request for Notification Whenever License Amend Requests Result in Impairment of Plant Operability.Intervenor Will Be Placed on Svc List ML20246D8841989-06-19019 June 1989 Staff Requirements Memo Re 890601 Briefing on Operating Reactors & Fuel Facilities in Rockville,Md.Commission Expressed Disappointment in Long Term Operating Performance of Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant ML20244C4511989-06-0909 June 1989 Notification of 890619 Meeting W/Util & Bechtel at Plant Site to Discuss Resolution of Geologic & Seismic Issues. Meeting Will Be Followed by Field Trip ML15224B2591989-05-31031 May 1989 Notice of Meeting W/B&W Owners Group on 890628 in Rockville, MD to Discuss Review of Recent Transients at B&W Designed Operating Plants & Relationship of Transients to Previously Developed Recommendations ML15224B2551989-05-17017 May 1989 Notification of 890601 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Reactor Vessel Intergrity Program. Agenda Encl ML20055E4911989-05-0101 May 1989 Forwards Draft Documents & Supporting Info Proposed for Plant Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties Re Release of Radioactive Liquid Effluents & Emergency Preparedness ML20245C5351989-04-21021 April 1989 Staff Requirements Memo Re 890407 Briefing in Rockville,Md Re Readiness of Plant to Restart ML20055E3341989-03-15015 March 1989 Notifies of Meeting on 890317 W/Util to Discuss Results of Licensee Investigation Re Incident Involving Resins in Liquid Effluent Waste Stream During 890115-19 ML20245E9441989-01-31031 January 1989 Forwards Proposed plant-specific Backfit for Improved Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Reliability Analyses for Required Improvement in Secondary DHR Capability at Plant ML20055D8221989-01-13013 January 1989 Advises That Commission Has Not Objected to Intention to Issue Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty for Violation of Requirements of Plant Radioactive Liquid Effluent Programs ML20195E5441988-11-0202 November 1988 Notification of 881110 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Radioactive Liquid Effluent Program ML20245E9851988-10-20020 October 1988 Forwards B Moller 880830 Petition Requesting That NRC Direct Util to Shut Down Facility,Per 10CFR2.206.Draft Ltr of Ack & Draft Notice of Receipt of Petition for Publication in Fr Encl for Signature ML20055E3151988-10-11011 October 1988 Requests Review of Encl Draft Enforcement Action Now That DOJ Has Declined Prosecution on Matter.Draft Commission Paper Also Encl ML20055D8171988-09-28028 September 1988 Summarizes Significant Issues Re Investigation of Matls False Statement Made by Util ML20154Q1131988-09-19019 September 1988 Requests That Matls Engineering Branch Evaluate Margin for Safety Re Potential LOCA Due to Energized Uncovered Pressurizer Heaters ML20154Q1341988-09-19019 September 1988 Forwards AEOD Engineering Evaluation Rept That Discusses Several Events of Immersion Heaters Inside Primary Sys Being Energized While Not Covered W/Liquid ML20151T3371988-08-0909 August 1988 Notification of 880817 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss SER on ATWS Issued by Staff to Utils ML15224B1931988-07-0707 July 1988 Notification of 880714 Meeting W/B&W Owners Group in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plant Operation in Decay Heat Removal Modes.Meeting Agenda Encl ML20148T0851988-06-0303 June 1988 Discusses Multiplant Action F-58,Items II.K.3.30 & II.K.3.31 Compliance w/10CFR50.46 ML20153E3031988-05-0303 May 1988 Forwards NRR Input to Status of Regulatory Activities at Plants,In Response to J Curtis Request for Info IR 05000312/19860151988-04-28028 April 1988 Forwards Amend 98 to License DPR-54 & SER Revising Tech Specs to Resolve Problems Identified in Insp Rept 50-312/86-15.W/o Stated Encls ML20151S5461988-04-22022 April 1988 Discusses NRC Briefing by Licensee Re Readiness for Restart. Licensee Committed to Listed Action Per Commission Request 1999-02-19
[Table view] |
Edward L. Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness &
Engineering Response FROM:
Hugh L. Thmpson, Jr., Director Division of Licensing
FAILURE OF A REACTOR TRIP BREAKER AT THE RANCHO SECO STATION On June 5, 1985, one of the d.c. reactor trip breakers (RTBs) at the B&W-designed Rancho Seco Station failed to trip open when its undervoltage trip attachment (UVTA) was actuated during a test. This failure appears to have been caused by excessive clearance between the roller rivet and armature within the UVTA, which was sufficient to allow the trip paddle of the RTB trip shaft to become jammed against the armature of the UVTA. All the other RTBs at this plant may also have had excessive clearances. This event is discussed further in the enclosure.
At this time, we believe we have sufficient information to provide a useful IE Notice to other licensees and have prepared the enclosed draft for your consideration. We believe that the safety significance of this matter warrants the issuance of an Information Notice in an expeditious manner. This matter has been discussed between E. Rossi of IE/EAB and J. T. Beard of NRR/0RAB.
GrizM B@ b?
Hugh"1".*ThoShion~,'dr. Director Division of Licensing
DISTRIBUTION As stated Central File Nf3C PDR cc w/ enclosure:
ORAB Rdg H. Denton, NRR E. Rossi, IE GHolahan R. Bernero, DSI G. Zech, IE DCrutchfield F. Rosa, ICSB B. Faulkenberry, R-V JTBeard D. Kirsch, R-V RWessman WSwenson DLasher CONTACT:
-J. T. Beard, NRR RHernan x27465 RWright NRomney SMiner
D/DLk JTBeard:dm RWessman GHolahan DCrutchfield HThompson 6/10/85 6/11/85 6/12/85 6/13/85 6/Jb/85
0506270238 850620 PDR ADOCK 05000312 G
The Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Generating Station was completing a refueling outage and preparing to restart. During the outage, the licensee installed refurbished reactor trip breakers. On June 5, 1985, one of the d.c. reactor trip breakers (RTBs) failed to trip open when its undervoltage trip attachment (UVTA) was actuated during a test. Although the UVTA had de-energized, its armature had not moved out of the energized position.
(A RTB with all,
components in their normal positions is shown in Figure 1).
Investigation revealed that the trip paddle, which is the mechanical interface between the UVTA and the main trip shaft of the RTB, had jammed against the armature of the UVTA. When the shunt trip coil was actuated subsequently, the trip paddle associated with the UVTA rotated about 45* clockwise as viewed in the diagram to a position above the th/TA, such that the UVTA became effectively disconnected from the RTB trip shaft. Further investigation revealed that within the UVTA the clearance between the roller rivet and armature was significantly greater than the specified allowable range. This increased downward displacement was sufficient to allow the trip paddle to interfere with the UVTA armature. The UVTA trip paddle may also have been of a slightly different shape and length.
.Pteliminary information indicates that the UVTA rivet-armature clearances may "have been excessive for all five of the other RTBs installed at the plant.
The RTBs used at B&W-designed PWRs and at CE-designed PWRs are the General Electric type AK-2-25 breaker. The licensee had sent the Rancho Seco RTBs to GE-Atlanta for refurbishment, which included installing a new lubricant in critical bearings in the front-frame of the RTB. Subsequent to their refurbishment, the RTBs were tested at B&W-Lynchburg and certified as acceptable for service as safety-related reactor trip breakers.
Incoming receipt inspection of the RTBs at Rancho Seco consisted of only a visual review; no functional test nor verification of critical parameters was conducted prior to installation.
At Rancho Seco, the licensee has now developed procedures to perform checks of the critical parameters of the breakers, as required for safety-related equipment. These are based on guidance recently provided by B&W to B&W owners.
It is our understanding that CE has not issued similar guidance. The UVTA rivet-armature clearance is a difficult measurement to perform properly and may require a special tool.
Further, although not mentioned in previous vendor information, the measurement snould be made with the UVTA armature down in the energized position. The manufacturer's representative is providing on-site assistance to the licensee. A B&W engineer is also assisting at the site.
The licensee has identified the failure mechanism, completed appropriate corrective action, and satisfactorily tested all RTBs prior to withdrawing control rods and resuming power operations.
~ -
0 2-The refurbishment of the RTBs is one of the major items of the long-term program developed by the B&W-owners group and the CE-owners group to assure that the RTBs will function in a highly reliable manner. The failure experienced at Rancho Seco is the first reported failure of a refurbished RTB and is of a different failure mechanism than previously experienced. The NRC is currently assessing the generic applicability of this failure. Recipients of this Information Notice should consider reviewing the adequacy of incoming receipt inspections and other testing of RTBs to be assured that all critical parameters are properly measured and within specifications and that installed RTBs are capable of performing their safety-related function in a highly reliable manner.
No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.
If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional office or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director Division of Emergency Preparedness &
Enginecring Response Technical
J. T. Beard, NRR (301) 492-7465 R. Singh, IE (301)492-8985
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