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Environ Monitoring,Liquid & Gaseous Effluents,Forty-Ninth Quarterly Rept,Apr-June 1978
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 06/30/1978
From: Oldham W
Shared Package
ML20113D837 List:
FOIA-84-534 9-78-068, 9-78-68, NUDOCS 8501230290
Download: ML20113E047 (12)



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W' \\ l 'o. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 131I was dis-As a. result cf changes in Technical Specifications, sampling milk for continued on September 21, 1973. Thirty-nine (39) samples were obtained during the second quarter from the perimeter monitoring stations and were analyzed for alpha and beta activity. The alpha activity ranged from 1.38 (10 16) to 7.84 (10 16

16) pCi/ml.

The beta activity ranged from 3.93 (10-{uCi/ml for an average of 3.1

4) to 1.17 (10 13) pCi/ml with an average of 6.56 (1014)pCi/ml.

LOW LEVEL LIQUID EFFLUENTS The amounts of radioactivity in liquid discharged from the plant during this period and their relationship to the maximum pemissible concentration (MPC) in the Cattaraugus Creek are shown in Table 1. GASEOUS EFFLUENTS The amount of particulate radioactivity discharged via the plant stack and the relationship to the release limit in the Technical Specifications is shown in Table @ v je 20 to the Technical Specifications discontinued the requirements of 2.Krypton-85 and Iodine-131 monitoring while plant operations are sus. pended. SUP.VEILLANCE TESTS During this period, tests were perfomed!in accordance with Section 6 of the Technical Specifications. The completion dates are shown in Tables 3 and 4. LOWLEVELLIQUIDWASTETREATMENTPLANThERFORMANCE ^ During this period, the LLWT was in operation a total of 21 days and treated 1,609,000-gallons of water. Forty-eight (48) drums-of concentrated sludge were removed with radiation levels ranging from 6 to 10 mr/hr. Decontamination of waste water continues 5 pCi Csl37/ml. Average to be good. All water discharged has been below 2.0 x 10 removal factors for this period are shown below. ~ AVERAGE REMOVAL FACTOR, ~ Isotope' Previou Ouarter' ( This' Quarter ~ ~ 9k5 Cs-137 93T if:. 1. e=r 7 ~ Sr-90 99'.3 Not Available' - Re-Rh-106 Insufficient Data .; Insufficient Data ~' 95.0 92.5 Gross Beta No significant developments or modifications to the facility have occurred'during the past quarter and operation has been routine. O g ' ^ ~ ..... ~ ~

- s. Table 1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS--1978 (Curies) g % MPC" Measured 90 129 Month Gross a Gross s Tritium Sr I In Cattaraugus Creek Jan 0.00092 0.087 433 0.0023 0.00005

3. 74 Feb 0.00007 0.040 166

..i 0.0009 0.00002 1.61 7 4. Mar-0.00014 0.024 110 0.0016 0.00004 0.49 -f. Apr 0.000001 0.00007 0.0006 -$ 0.00001 c b NR NA b May 0.00037-0.016 57.7 y NA 0.00007 1.05 Jun 0.000001 0.00002 0.0001) NA NR NA b c b .%= ..A d 1978 0.00150 0.167 766.7 i 0.0048 0.00018 1.28' d3 .g ..g + 3 T ..-:n '..w aMPC (8) = 3.0 (10 7 pCi/ml when Sr90 analyses are not available MPC (8) = 1.0 (10 s)) pCi/ml when Sr90 analyses are included separately.~ ~ MPC (a) = 5.0 (10 6) pCi/mi 1 b ~9 Not yet available. .a cNot required; them were-no Lagoon 3 effTuent releases for the-month- '~ ~ ~~ ~ g Release through April 1978 ,] ~. 'MPC.throug' March.1978. Uk ~ c g ++--*:=-- ~ 3 ' (_- ' _1. -'~ .. s .I ~ ~ M" _.m, 4 e

~ Table 2 i PARTICULATE GASEOUS EFFLUENTS l .-r Month Curies' % Monthly Limit .f. .n January .00012: 0.04 4 February .0001] 0.04 March .0001.5 0.03 April .00004 0~. 02 May- .00005 0.02 June. .00009 0.03 4 '? 1978 .00046 0.029 .%y. =.+ 5'i[$ =.m- ~'I _w . --- y __ O,-'

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Table 3 ~ SURVEILLANCE TESTS +- Spec. # Subject Completed This Quarter Coments 6.1 Raschig. Ring Tanks Tanks are to be scheduled prior to ay next processing use! ? 6.2 Sump Alanns and Eductors -3 XC-2 3-li,4-7,4-28,5-19,6-9,6-30 Satisfactory XC-3 3-17, 4-7, 4-28, 5-19, 6-9, 6-30 Satisfactory PPC 3-12, 4-2, 4-23, 5-14, 6-4, 6-25 Satisfactory 3 6.3 Waste Storage Tank Pan 3 Instrumentation .D;; ~ BD-1, 8D-2 4-14, 5-2, 5-22, 6-12 Satisfactory 8D-3, 8D-4 4.10, 5-2,'5-25, 6-16 Satisfactory 6.4 Emergency Utility Equipment 'd ^ 30T-1 4-6. Satisfactory 31K-1 4-6 Satisfactory 32G-4B 4-12, 6-12 Satisfactory 31G-2, 2A 4-12, 6 Satisfactory 31K-2, 2A 4-12, 6-12 Satisfactory 32G-2A, 2B 4-12, 6-12 Satisfactory Diesel Fuel 4-3, 4-10, 4-17, 4-24, 5-1, 5-8, 5-15, 5-22, 5-29, 6-5, 6-12, 6-19, 6-29 Satisfactory-9 Propane Fuel 4-3,' 4-12, 4-17, 4-25, 5-1, 5-8; 5-15, 5-22, 5-30, 6-6, 6-12, 6-20, 6-26 Satisfactory - 15K-10A 4N- [~ Satisfactory c Satisfactory ' 4-15F-21 6.5 Filters. ~~- -- .4-T, 4-14, 4-24, 54, 5-9, - 17, 5-22, 5-27, 5-30, 6-6,. +- ) ~. 6-45,. 6-20i 6 ~~~ ' SirtisfwMryr-- ~ ,.'~ r- ~' 6.6 Dilution Air' ' Not required this period - ~. 6.7 Boric Acid t required this period 6.8 Locking Out Not' required this period 6.9 Water Activity Alarms 6-2f Satisfactory 6.10 . Poisoned Dissolver Baskets Not required this period 6.11 Solvent Analysis Not required this period ...I

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Table 4 FILTER REPLACEMENT -4, u.- Sg Te A complete change of the. filters-in the main ventilation ..a-system was made during this quarter. 4 .*m J.3


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y ..L ,.g 4 r .ju I E.E ..J.. 1 g - NUCLEAR FUEL SUfEARY

5. a The following information is based upon nuclear material accountability

'je records and indicates the disposition of nuclear material in fuel at the .i reprocessing plant. /2$ g. Jg Yh A. INVENTORY The total on-site invento7y on June 30,1978 was 167,133 kilo- - ' ~ - ?.2 grams of uranium and 1,066,083fgrams of plutonium. An inventory description by source and mathial type is presented in Table 5. ,:x y,?G B. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS -J . -s During the quarter, theN-were no receipts of spent fuel assemblies 1.-E at the West Valley site. There were 5 shipments of irradiated WEPC0 ?.:. fuel assemblies transferred to BNWL from NFS during the quarter, con- ~~ 2 taining 1,907. kilograms of. uranium and 15,067 grams of plutonium. J.3 C. MEASURED WASTE AND ADJUSTMENTS'- . ~,. There was no measured waste of nuclear material during the reporting . x.s. period. 'r a No adjustments of N'FS Lote 27A were required. -' I- ~ .. ;-t ..w P

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Table 5 i NUCLEAR FUEL' STATUS AS OF JUNE 30,'1978-Kilograms Grams l TotalU;. U-235 U-233 Total Pu I. INVENTORY -(4/1/78) 't- .NFS 3,271k-8.01 306 Dresden-1 20,4294/ 144.03 0.30 117,860 RG&E 46,1561 722.48 287,977 64,454' Consumers 11,130 % 238.68 WEPCO 45,2985 482.95 359,928 Jersey Central 42,756$ 463.43 235,558 TOTAL 169,040h 2,059.58 0.30 1,066,083 13. II. RECEIPTS (4/1/78-6/30/78) No receipts during this period. 4: III. -REMOVALS .(4/1/78-6/30/78) 4.; i A. WEPC0 Assembly ~2 Shipments to li: 15,067 BNWL 1,907 5 16.84 B. MeasuredWaste&Adjus.$ Lot 27A' 0 i 0 0 0 2 TOTAL 1,907.7 16.84 0 15,067 ~ '" IV. ~ INVENTORY _ ~ ' [ ~ ~ (6/30/78) '7 3,271T 8.01~ 306'. NFS~ l .Dresderr-1 20,429 - 144.03 0.30 117,860 ~'- 287,977 RG&E 46,156: 722.48 ~ ~~ Consumers 11,130 *- 238.68 64,454 J.ersey Central- _ _43,391~ ' 466.11 WEPCO 344,861 ~235,558 42,756.2 463.43 "~ ~ TOTAL. 167,133 2,042.74 0.30 1,051,016 a .e* y. 6. e nW t 3 r,. - _._,_-._,-..,__..,.m._m. .r

RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE 7. A. Solid Waste The radioactive plant wasta buried during this quarter consisted i of 1,799.86 cu. ft. containing 34.199 curies. The material was h. . buried as high level waste.1

q n.;

B. High Level Liquid Waste, .T us As of June 30, 1978, the high level storage tank 8D-2 contained 533,900 gallons of neutralized waste with an activity of 5,268 pCi Cs-137/ml and 149 pCi Cs-134/ml. x -!2 y. - t' Si 2 4: .M .s M _I. - ' 'i. i f --4* es. e A 1 + y = e sw. .h-e e ' 7.. ' ~

3 = o. ~ ?.! FACILITY PERFORMANCE AND MODIFICATIONS This section describes: 4 1. Major modifications that were either initiated or completed at the processingplantduringtherehrtingperiod. There were no modifi- - -M cations initiated or completediduring this reporting period. .w w 2. A description of malfunctions of any equipment. listed in Appendices 5.2, 9.51, 9.53 and 9.56 of the Final Safety Analysis Report which are important to safety. There w5N no malfunctions related to safety during


i this period. '{ .-5 '1 a -A -u d 4 ..3

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O 4' Q.- O m ~ Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. p.o. Box 124

  • West Valley, Negh'or$34171 A Subsidiary of Getty Oil Company (716) 942-3235

??I8 l'U3 7 F412 i3 'J.E. J.6y 27.,_ ~19.78 .. ~ " - 9-78-068 ':3:t _.r5' god 4 ?" usmc Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety ~~~ ~ E MY ' " E70 3 ~ ~~ and Safeguards ,,,[7.55


.U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission .g 1 Washingto., D.C. 20555 N

Dear Sir:

o Enclosed is the forty-ninth quarterly report for the period April 1, June 30,.1978 as required by Paragraph SC(4) of Provisional License CSF-1. If you have any questions or coments, please contact .me. ~~ s. . _Very.truly. yours., NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, INC. ~ ./j) W. A. Oldham General Manager ~WA0/JPD/aa. ~ cc: NYSERDA Chairman -W. H. Lewis ~ l H.~W. Brook J. R. Clark 1 n57, A+ ~ l [EEEEEMEI ~

e f I i, t / s 40 Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. F.Er.Ol.'6x 124

  • West Valley, New York 14171 A Subsidiary of Getty Oil Company (716) 942-3235

.g3 y5t 2 R't II b U. !; ' 3' October 30, 1978 1"'i 9-78-099 N Doo:ttm 'E\\ Director U3iE Y h-Office of Nuclear Material Safety Q and Safeguards I 0V 0 3 tf/6 8 - U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission mT3: 5l 3', Washington, D.C. 20555 hxr.a c:.T J;'-

Dear Sir:

Enclosed is the fiftieth quarterly report for the period July 1,1978 to September 30, 1978 as required by Para-i graph SC(4) of Provisional License CSF-1. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. l Very truly yours, NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, INC. [g8 W.'A. Oldham General Manager .eqW" l WA0/JPD/aa c! Attachment ~ I cc: NYSERDA Chainnan W. H. Lewis H. W. Brook I J. R. Clark ~ \\ \\ w. ..... w c






. V ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING As a result of changes in Technical Specifications, sampling milk for 1311 was dis-continued on September 21, 1973. Thirty-nine (39) samples were obtained during the third-quarter fran the perimeter The alp.a activity monitoring stations and were analy(zed for alpha and beta activity. ranged from 1,38 (10 16) to 1.54 10 15 Ci/ml for an averaae of 4.08(1016)pCi/ml. The beta activity ranged from 8.29 (10-]SI to 1.79 (1013)'uCi/ml with an averag 3.31 (10 14) vCi/ml. LOW LEVEL LIQUID EFFLUENTS The amounts of radioactivity in liquid discharged from the plant during this period and their relationship to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in the Cattaraugus Creek are shown in Table 1. GASEOUS EFFLUENTS The amount of particulate radioactivity discharged via the plant stack and the relationship to the release limit in the Technical in Table 2. Change 20 to the Technical Specifications discontinued the requirements.of-Krypton-85 and Iodine-131 monitoring while plant operations are suspended. SURVEILLANCE TESTS During this period, tests were performed in accordance with Section 6 of the Technical Specifications. The completion dates are shown in Tables 3 and 4. LOW LEVEL LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT PLANT PERFORMANCE During this period, the LLWT was in operation a total of 11 days and treated 1,230,000 gallons of water. Forty-two (42) drums of concentrated sludge were removed, each having a radiation level of 10 mr/hr. Decontamination of waste water continues to be good. All water discharged has been below 2.0 x 10~5 uti Csl37/ml. Average removal factors for this period are shown below. l AVERAGE REMOVAL FACTOR l L Isotope Previous Quarter This Quarter Cs-137 93.3 93.7 Sr-90 99.3 Insufficient Data Ru-Rh-106 Insufficient Data Insufficient Data i Gross Beta 92.5 96.8 I l No significant developments or modifications to the facility have occurr:f during the i past quarter and operation has been routine. O e ,n., -.,,,._.,,,-n,-.,

G Table 1 LIQUID EFFLUErlTS--1978 (Curies) % MPC" Measured 90 129 In Cattaraucus Creek ' M': nth Gross a Gross s Tritium Sr 7 Jan 0.00092 0.087 433 0.0023 0.00005 1.74 Fcb 0.00007 0.040 .166 0.0009 0.00002 1.61 Mar 0.00014 0.024 110 0.0016 0.00007* 0.49 c Apr 0.000001 0.00007 0.0006 0.00001 NR 1.20 May 0.00037 0.016 57.7 0.0045 0.00013* 1.05 c Jun 0.000001 0.00002 0.0001 0.00001 NR 3.76 c b Jul 0.000001 0.00007 0.0003 0.00001 NR NA c. b Aug 0.000002 0.00008 0.0005 0.00001 NR NA c b S:p 0.000001 0.00005 0.0004 0.00001 NR NA. 1978 0.00151 0.167 766.7 0.0094 '0.00027 ~1.64k-MPC (s) = 3.0 (10 7) uCi/mi when Sr90 analyses are not available a MPC (0) = 1.0 (10 5) pCi/ml when Sr90 analyses are included separately MPC (a) = 5.0 (106)pCi/ml bNot'yet available. Not required; there were no Lagoon 3 effluent releases for the month C dMPC through June 1978

  • . trected value b

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a Table 2 PARTICULATE GASE0US EFFLUENTS i Month Curies % Monthly Limit January .0001 0.04 February .0001 0.04 March .0001 0.03 April .00004 0.02 May .00005 0.02 June .00009 0.03 July .00006 0.02 August .00006 0.03 September .00024 0.08 l 1978 .00084 0.034 j e s =ermus 4 9 4 e

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= - = - Table 3 SURVEILLANCE TESTS Spec. # Subject Completed This Quarter Comnents i 6.1 Raschig Ring Tanks Tanks are to be scheduled prior to next processing use 6.2 Sump Alarms and Eductors WC-2 7-16, 8-8, 8-27, 9-17 Satisfactory XC-3 7-16, 8-8, 8-27, 9-17 Satisfactory PPC 7-16, 8-8, 8-27, 9-17 Satisfactory 6.3 Waste Storage Tank Pan Inst'rumentation j 8D-1, 8D-2 7-12, 7-28, 8-16, 9-12, 9-27 Satisfactory ~ 8-3, 8D-4 7-12, 7-28, 8-16, 9-12, 9-27 Satisfactory i 6.4 Emergency Utility Equipment l 30T-1 7-10 Satisfactory 31K-1 7-10 Satisfactory 32G-4B 7-10 Satisfactory 31G-2, 2A 8-12 Satisfntory 31K-2, 2A 8-12 Satisfactory 32G-2A, 2B 8-12 Satisfactory Diesel Fuel. 7-3, 7-10, 7-17, 7-24, 7-31, 8-7, 8-14, 8-21, 8-28, 9-4, 9-11, 9-18, 9-25 Satisfactory 4 Propane Fuel 7'-3, 7-10, 7-17, 7-25, 7-31, 8-8, 8-14, 8-21, 8-30, 9-5, 9-11, 9-19, 9-26 Satisfactory 15K-10A 7-10 Satisfactory 15F-21 7-10 Satisfactory 6.5 Filters 7-12, 7-20, 7-24, 8-4, 8-10, 8-15, 8-22, 9-1, 9-8, 9-13, 9-19, 9-25 Satisfactory i 6.6 . Dilution Air Not required this period 6.7 Boric Acid Not required this period 6.8 Locking Out Not required this period 6.9 Water Activity Alarms 9-30 Satisfactory 6.10 Poisoned Dissolver Baskets Not required this period ~ 6.11 Solvent Analysis Not required this per'M f. ,-a-

m 1 b 1 \\ Table 4 FILTER REPLACEMENT There were no filter changes made during this quarter. e SSWBA e 9 9 e



During this period there was no processing of fuel. e e 9 9 9 e ~ -= -

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. The following information is based upon nuclear material accountability records and indicates the disposition of nuclear material in fuel at the reprocessing plant. A. INVENTORY Thetotalon-siteinventoryonSeptember3d,1978was166,759 kilograms of uranium and 1,045,629 grams of plutonium. An inventory description by source and material type is presented in Table 5. B. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS During the quarter, there were no receipts of spent fuel assemblies at the West Valley site. There was a shipment of one (1) irradiated WEPCO fuel assembly to BNWL during the quarter containing 374 kilograms of uranium and 3,314 grams of plutonium. C. MEASURED WASTE AND ADJUSTMENTS There was no measured waste of nuclear material during the reporting period. No adjustments of NFS Lot 27A were required. D. LOSS ON DECAY OF PU-241 A total reduction of two thousand and seventy-three (2,073) grams of plutonium from previous inventory to update for loss on decay corrections. T t 4 _..y,. .m,_.. ,m_ ,,4

o Table 5 NUCLEAR FUEL STATUS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 - Kilograms Grams Total U U-235 U-233 Total Pu I. INVENTORY (7/1/78). 306 NFS 3,271 8.01 Dresden-1 20,429 144.03 0.30 117,860 287,977 RG&E 46,156 722.48 64,454 Consumers 11,130 238.G8 344,861 WEPC0 43,391 466.11 235,558 Jersey Central 42,756 463.43 TOTAL 167,133 2,042.74 0.30 1,051,016 II. RECEIPTS (7/1/78-9/30/78) No receipts during this period. III. REMOVALS (7/1/78-9/30/78) A. WEPC0 Assembly Shipments to 3,314 BNWL 374 3.50 B. Measured Waste & Adjus. Lot 27A 0 0 0 0 2,073 C. Pu-241 Decay TOTAL 374 3.50 0 5,387 IV. INVENTORY (9/30/78) 306-NFS 3,271 8.01 Dresder-1 20,429 144.03 0.30 117,608 287,410 RG&E 46,156 722.48 64,367 Consumers 11,130 238.68 340,730 WEPC0 43,017 462.61 235,208 463.43 Jersey Central 42,756 TOTAL 166,759 2,039.24 0.30 1,045,629 l o g. SSS *

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.w e 1 l RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE A. Solid Waste The radioactive plant waste buried during this quarter consisted of 1,123.69 cu. ft. containing 170.952 curies. The material was buried as high level waste. B. High Level Liouid Waste As of September 30, 1978, the high level storage tank PD-2 contained 584,500 gallons of neutralized waste with an activity of 4,620 pCi Cs-137/ml and 130 uCi Cs-134/ml. D + e a MN = 4 4

,r. ~ FACILITY PERFORMANCE AND MODIFICATIONS This section describes: 1. Major modifications thet were either initiated or completed at the processing plant during the reporting period. There were no modifi-cations initiated or completed during this reporting period.' 2. A description of malfunctions of any equipment Appendices 5.2, 9.51, 9.53 and 9.56 of the Final Safety Analysis Report which are important to safety. During Shift 1 on 9/19/78 the North Head End Ventilation Fan,15K-20, went out of service due to a failed bearing. The ventilation system continued to operate on the spare LPG driven fan until repairs were effected and 15K-20 was returned to service on 9/21/78. e -e G ..w d e e

i 1 x } .) w.;. [~ 't n j; 3 +3 8% i 26 DEC JDocket No. 50-201 Nuclear Fuel Services. Iricorporated ATTN: R. W. Beester t President ~$ i 4 ) Setto 800 f 0000 Enocutive Boulevard W Rockville, kryland 20352 f "J Gentlemen: j ,~ subject: Inspection 78-10 5 l This refers to the inspection.cenducted by Mr. D. Nele@ of tMs office f en novenhor to-fl.1975 at yest Most Valley. Esw York fisc111ty of activities autherland by NNC 1.tcense No. CSF-1 and to the discussions of M j L car findings held tw Mr. Molet with Mr. M. Stees of your staff at the aj conclesien of the taspectlen. _ q s ~ p Areas emmeland dortog this tospectles are described in the OfRee of Inspectien and Enfereement en Report uhtch is encleood with tMs ../ letter. W1 thin these erees. inspection coasisted of selective eessinettees of autrepresentative records.1stervious with y

u.,.,.,j peresses),and tiens tqr ehm tempester.

') ~ ter inspector elee vertfled thes. steps you have taken to servest the item o i of nonesspilense heempt to your ettsatten is a letter dated Esseeer i,

15. 1977. He have me fierther._gensttens regarding your actien at this y~f t

time. 7 l Within to seepe of ets tespacties, as. items of sensespMasse unre

7 N

3 v 1 L 4 eheerved. k , 7-c _m 4'i i I. In accordense with Sostlen 2.790 of the m "Retes of Preetten." Part L: 1

2. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations a espy of this letter and the

'( j enclosed inspection report placed in the Igic's Public Document '4 Room. If this report sentefat.asy lepermettee that you (or your centractor) I. helleve to be tLis meesseery that see sehe a urfteen i applicetten et 30 esps ta_this ofMen to withheld seek letsruetten _' them pelic disclosere. ; AprJeesh teetten east he P by en L effWavit emeseted by to enmar_of temernestem, tdde tenettflee the (f. i document er part seek to be wftiteN. and slet senteins a otetsment y. of reasons which addresses with. specificity the items dich will he g l i h R$&? 1 r f .__f .S IUARDS g ._M{%RQS, i

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==____________ _E0$H/_ meg ____ ge r____ _ _ ________n_____ o _ _ __ _ _. l suaaa=< > ___ @23__._'MWNL__..].2/t_dT_[ _'vi d E __._ _ __ _ _ I carr > NRC Form 318 (RI) (5 76) NRCM 02040 8*u, s. somtwett Poinnes wtsct: ~., _. _ _,.. _ _ _ _

Noclear Phel Services. Incorpo stod DEC 2B M 2 considered by the Comerission as listed in subparagraph (b) (4) of Section 2.790. The information sought to be withheld shall be incorporated as far as possible into a separate part of the affidavit. If we do not hear from you in this regard within the specified period, the report i sill be placed in the Public Document Room. No reply to this letter is required; heuever, should yee have egy goes-tiens concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discoss them with you. Sincerely. Walter S. Martin. Chief $sfegeerds Branch


Off' Ice of Inspection eed Enforcement Inspection ~ ~ Report thaber 50-201/78-10 cc w/ enc 1: W. A. Oldhon, General Manager bec w/ enc 1: IE Mail & Files (For Appropriate Distribution) ~ Central Files PublicDocumentRoom(PDR) Local Public Document Room (LPDR) Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC) Technical Information Center (TIC) REG:I Reading Room State of New Yor._k, L s t 1 J l l i OF F1CE >

j.. g@

+?. W &: -X yQ Bl SURNAME >................... DATE> NRC FORM 318 (&77)



U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l 0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT Region I Report No. 50-201/78-10 Docket No. 50-201 Safeguards Group 2 License No. CSF-1 Priority 1 Category RP Licensee: Nuclear Fuel Services 6000 Executive Boulevard Rockville, Maryland 20352 Facility Name: West Valley Reprocessing Plant Inspection at: West Valley, New York Inspection conducted: November 20-21, 1978 Inspectors: f), /h[d p//f/76 ~ D. Holody, Mathematical Statistician date signed date signed date signed Approved by: %M/ /p////70 J(. F)'. Joyner/ Q11df, Nuclear Material dat'e signed Cofitrol Suppef t Section Safeguards Branch Inspection Sumary: Inspection on November 20-21, 1978 (Raport No. 50-201/78-10) Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection by a regional based inspector of nuclear material control and accounting including: licensee action on previous inspection findings; organization; operation; measurement and controls; shipping and receiving; storage and internal control; inventory; ID and its associated LEID; records and reports, and, management of material control system. The inspection involved 15 inspector-hours on site by one NRC inspector. Results: No items of noncompliance were identified. L'W ':'- 3; Region I Form 12 (Rev. April 77)-

1 ~ \\ i _ DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted

  • W. Oldham, Plant Manager
  • J. Duckworth, Manager, Technical Services
  • S. Greco, Accountability Supervisor
  • T. DeBoer. Director, Technical Development Programs, New York State - ERDA denotes those present at the exit interview 2.

Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings (Closed) Noncompliance Item (50-201/77-09-01): Failure to report the plutonium-241 decay in spent fuel assemblies on the semiannual material status report (Form NRC-742). Review of the reports sub-mitted for the six-month periods ending March 31, 1978 and September 30, 1978, indicated that Pu-241 decay is now being calculated and reported. 3. Facility Organization The licensee established an organizational structure that is responsive to nuclear material control and accounting. There have been no organization changes since the last inspection which would affect the nuclear material control and accounting program. The ultimate responsibility for activities at the facility rests with the West Valley site General Manager. The responsibility for planning, coordinating and administering the SNM control and accounting function is assigned to the Technical Services Manager. Management of the SNM Material Control and Accounting system is the responsibility of the Accountability Supervisor. This responsibility includes maintaining the general ledger, subsidiary accounts, records and reports. 4. Facility Operation Fuel reprocessing activities were suspended at the facility in April,1972. Since that time the two basic operations conducted at the facility have been (a) the receipt and storage of spent fuel assemblies, and (b) the transfer of decontamination solutions to l the waste tank. I t h L L l

c ~ (. t ~ v 3 4 The irradiated fuel assemblies are located in canisters in the spent fuel pool. The fuel storage canisters each contain one assembly, except for the canisters containing fuel received from Dresden, which may contain up to three assemblies. All other special nuclear material is located in the alpha laboratory, process control labora-tory, emission spectrometry laboratory, sample storage cell, or hot cell. No items of noncompliance were identified. 5. Measurement and Controls Transfer of decontamination solution to the waste tank is performed periodically. These solutions, created through cleanout of the process system, contain small amounts of plutonium and uranium. The uranium is depleted, because the last reprodessing campaign con-tained depleted uranium. The acid solutions are transferred to Tank 7D-10 for neutralization and measurerent prior to discharge to the waste tank (8D-2). a L These solutions are the only material on which special nuclear material measurements are performed. The measurements consist of (a) volumetric deterinination of the amount of solution being transferred. (b) fluoro-metric analysis of solution samples for determination of percent uranium, and (c) alpha counting of solution samples for determination of percent plutonium. Two samples are drawn from each batch of decontamination solution by using a recirculating vacuum airjet sampler system. The solution is air sparged prior to sampling. The average of the analysis of the two samples is used as the accountability value. No items of noncompliance were identified. 6. Shipping and Receivina l There have not been any receipts of fuel assemblies at the. facility since the last material control and accounting inspection on i November 1-2, 1977. However, six fuel assemblies have been shipped . to Battelle Northwest Laboratories since that time. The Material ' Transaction Reports (Form NRC-741) for these six shipments were re-viewed and found to be accurate and to have been submitted on-a timely basis. 4 No itens of noncompliance were identified. l. lt 1 :

l f q 7. Storage and Internal Control The system of internal control is limited since the only move-ments of material are (a) transfers of assemblies within the pool, which may occur when assemblies are shipped or received, and (b) the periodic transfer of the decontamination solutions. to the waste tank. Whenever an assembly is transferred to a new location in the pool, a new NFS Form 10 (Fuel Receiving and Storage Record) is completed. The fonn specifies the canister identification, assembly identi-fication and the old and new grid location in the pool. These forms were reviewed and found to be acceptable for transfers made at the time the six fuel assemblies were shipped to Battelle. An NFS Form 83 is completed whenever a batch of decontamination solution is transferred to the waste tank. This form records the volume transferred, as well as the amount of uranium and plutonium. Forms 83 which have been completed in the past year were audited and found to be acceptable. No items of noncompliance were identified. 8. Inventory The licensee is required, by Section 5 of the Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan, to perform an inventory of the special nuclear material on a semiannual basis. The last inventory was performed on July 31, 1978. With the exception of Pu-241 decay, the inventory has not changed since that time. During the inspection, the licensee's inventory was verified by the inspector by (J) performing a piece count of the 750 spent fuel assemblies located in the spent fuel pool (including 300 grams of U-233 contained in U-233/Th-233 oxide rods in one grid location) and (2) observing the special nuclear material included in the' cells and laboratories. The latter inventory consisted of: (a) 291 grams Pu in plutonium nitrate solutions located in the hot cells or sample storage cell (b) 5 grams Pu in plutonium oxide in the emission spectrometry laboratory i (c) 2 grams Pu in plutonium nitrate solution, and 13 g Pu in a PuBe neutron source located in the alpha laboratory

( 5 (d) 15 grams Pu in samples located in the product laboratory (e) 2 grams Pu in metal and sulfate standards located in the process control laboratory In performing the verification of the spent fuel pool, the inspector identified the serial number on some of the casks and crosschecked the grid location to the location' indicated by the status boards at the pool and in the Accountability Supervisor's office. All crosschecks were in agreement. No items of noncompliance were identified. 9. _ Inventory Difference (ID) A negative ID (material gain) is obtained during any period in which decontamination solutions are ganerated. However, there is no change to the "nventory since this entry into the general ledger ,~ is offset by entry of a positive measured. discard when this solution is tranferred to the waste tank. The inspector reviewed the ID for each of the two six-month reporting periods ending March 31, 1978 and Septenber 30, 1978. The plutonium ID for the period ending March 31,1978 was not offset by a measured discard (MD) of the same amount. ID (4) grams Pu MD 26 grams Pu Difference Fl grams Pu This difference resulted when the "E" bottle, located in the sample storage cell, pressurized and leaked approximately 68 milliliters of plutonium nitrate solution. This solution had a plutonium con-centration of 326 grams per liter, resulting in a spill of 22 grams Pu. This spill was washed to Tank 7D-10, which contained other de-contamination solution. Upon measurement, the total SNM content of Tank 7D-10 was determined to be 26 grams-Pu. This amount was dis-charged to the waste tank. An ID entry of (4) grams and an l@ entry of 26 grams was made in the general ledger. 4 No items of noncompliance were identified. 4

q 6 10. Records and Reports The inspector reviewed the licensee's system of records and reports which consist of source documents, accountability records, and accountability reports. The review covered the two six-month re-porting periods ending March 31, 1978 and September 30, 1978. Material Balance Summaries for the twelve month period are provided in Exhibits 1-3. The source documents generated during the two material status re-port periods were reviewed and found to be accurate. These in-cluded the Form NRC-741 transfer documents for the six shipments, the Fuel Receiving and Storage Records (NFS Form 10) for the assemblies, the Tank 70-10 Waste Data volume of a batch of de-contamination solution transferred from 7D-10 to the waste tank, and the NFS Forms 10 which list the analytical results for the 4 solutions. No discrepancies were detected. The accountability records were reviewed and found to be up-to-date. These included both pool status boards, the general ledger and the waste subsidiary account. The accountability reports that were reviewed consisted of the two semiannual Material Status Reports and the monthly ID and measured discard report. These reports were completed in an acceptable manner. Duri g a previous inspection, the licensee was cited for not reporting the Pu-241 decay on the Form NRC-742. Review of the two periods indicated that the licensee has corrected this item. The inventory was also adjusted by the amount of previously un-reported Pu-241 decay that occurred in prior periods. No items of noncompliance were identified.

11. Management of Materials Control S.ystem An audit of the material control and accounting program was performed on June 21, 1978 by a member of the NFS corporate office, Rockville, Maryland. The results of the audit were documented in a letter to the licensee on July 6,1978. The audit indicated that the records and reports were accurate, and the material control and accounting-i program was functioning properly.

I No items of noncompliance were identified. e e -~ ,e n

7 12. Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in paragraph

1) at the conclusion of the inspection on November 21, 1978. The scope and findings of the inspection were presented, l


r q ( Exhibit I NFS Material Balance Sumary 10/1/77 - 9/30/78 Plutonium RIS:YDE Grams Pu Pu 239 & 241 Beginning Inventory (10/1/77) 1,087,770 829,190 Receipts Material to Account For _1,087,770 829,190 Removals Pu-241 Decay Previously Unreported 19,467 19,467 This Period 4,243 4,243 Shipments m YDE-HYA #1 2,824 2,066 YDE-HYA #2 2,823 YDE-HYA #3 2,068 2,794 YDE-HYA #4 2,056 3,308 YDE-HYA #5 2,384 3,318 YDE-HYA #6 2,390 3,314 Measured Discards 2,389 26 ID 22 (4) (4) Ending Inventory (9/30/78) 1,045,657 792,109 Material Accounted For 1,jL87,770 829,190 l t e

  • A

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c. 3 e Exhibit II NFS Material Balance Sumary 10/1/77 - 9/30/78 Enriched Uranium RIS:YDE 1 Grams U_ U-235 Beginning Inventory (10/1/77) 150,375,394 1,965,904 Receipts Material to Account For 150,375,394 1,965,904 Removals Shipments YDE-HYA #1 386,618 3,265 YDE-HYA #2 386,617 3,259 YCE-HYA #3 386,836 3,329 YDE-HYA #4 373,741 3.510 YDE-HYA #5 373,683 3,483 YDE-HYA #6 373,731 3.495 Measured Discards ID Ending Inventory (9/30/78) 148,094,168 1,945,563 Material Accounted For 150,375,394* 1, % 5,904-

  • includes 300 grams U-233 (See Exhibit III) l 1

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4 Exhibit III NFS Material Balance Summary 10/1/77 - 9/30/78 U-233 RIS:YDE Grams U U-233 Beginning Inventory (10/1/77) 523 300 Receipts Material to Account For 523 300 Removals Ending Inventory (9/30/78) 523 300 Material Accounted For 523* 300

  • contains 152 grams U-235 l

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