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West Valley Demonstration Project Site Environ Rept for CY90
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 05/31/1991
Shared Package
ML20091K915 List:
REF-PROJ-M-32 ENVR-910531, NUDOCS 9201270164
Download: ML20091K932 (301)


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May 1991  :

West Valley Nuclear Services, Inc.

Rock Springs Road West Valley, New York 14171 PREPARED FOR:

U. S. Department of Energy Idaho Field Office West Valley Project Office Under Contract DE AC07 61NE44139 9

v2C1,170164 920110 PDR PROJ M-32 PDR

1 l

West Valley Demonstration Project I

l Site Environmental Report ror Calendar Year 1990 h I'repared for the Departmetit of Fgrgy Idatio Field Office West Valley Project Office under contract DE..AC07 81NE44139 May 1991

\\'rst Valley Nuclear Services Co.,Inc.

Rock Springs. Road

\\' \' alley, New York 14171 019)


  • O Preface 1 l

Erwitonmental monitoring at the \\'est Valley Demonstration Project i\\YDP) is conducted l by the \\'est Valley Nuclear Services Company. Inc. (\\YNS), under contract to the U.S. j Department of Energy. The data collected provide an historical record of radionuclide and ,

radiation levehfrom natural and manmade sources in the survey orca. Data aho are collected l to monitor the quality of air and water discharged by the Project und Ihe groundwater on and l around the site.

This report represents a single, comprehensive source of of)dite and on site environmental monitoring data collected during 1990 by \\YNS Environmental Laboratory personnel.

Appendit A is a summary of he t site environmentalmonitoring plan. Appendit B lists the environmentalpermits and regulations pertaining to the \\'est Valley Demonstration Project.

Appendices C thrc. ugh E contain summaries of all data obtained during I990 and are intended for those interested in more detail than is provided in the main body of the report.

Requests for additional copies of the 1990 SITE ENVIRONhfENTAL REPORT and ques-tions concerning ti.e report should be referred to the \\YDP Community Relations Depart.

ment, P.O. Box 191, Rock Springs Road, \\'est Valley, New 1'ork 1417) (7)6 942-4610).

l l

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Contents EXECUTIVE SUMM Ally . . . . . . . . ......... . ... . .. .... . . . xtili INTitODUCTION . . .. ...... ....... ....... . .. .. . . mi ENVillONMENTAL COMi't.l ANCE SUMM AltY: cal.ENDAlt YEAR 1WO .. . . m is ENViitONMr.NTAL COMi'LI ANCl! SUMMAltY: I litST OUAltl litt IW1. . .. . . . . . . , slv 1.0 Environmental Program information Summary Radiation and Radioactmty .. . . .. .. .... .... . ....... 13 Units of Alcasurconent ..... .... .. .... . ....... .. . ., 14 IUtentialEffects of Radiation .. .. .. .. ... .. .... .. 14 Afrasuring Radiation at shc libt I blicy Dernonstration l'roject .. . . . . .. 15 1990 Actisitics at the likt l'al'ry Uctnonstration Project . . . . . ...... . ., .. 16 Nati onal EnsirornnentalIHicy Act (NEPA) Actisitics . . .. ....... . ...... 18 1990 Changes in the Environmental Afonitonng Prograrn ..... . .. .. . 19 RCRA Reports . . . . . . ....,..... . . . ... . ... .

......,l9 1 hic Chemicalinwntory . . .... . ... ... ..... .,. .... . . 1-9 On-site Environmental Training , .. ..... ... ..... .... .... .. 1 10

..... ..... ..... .... .. . . . . . . . 1- 10 Scif-assessm< nt ....

2.0 Effluent and Environmental Monitoring 2.1 Radiological Afonitoring .. ......... .. .... ... .. .. ..... 23 2.1.1 Air Afonitoring .. ........ .. .. . . . . . ... . 2-3 2.1.2 Surface li'ater and Sediment Afoniton'ng . . .. ............ . 2-6 2.1.3 Radioactisityin the Food Chain . . 2 11 2.1.4 Dir,'ct Environmental Radiation Afonitonng .... .. . . . . . . . . 2 14 2.1.3 hiricorological Atom!onng . .. .. .. , .. , .. . 2 17 2.1.6 Specialhfonitoring . . . . .... ..... .. ... .. , . 2-18 2.2 Nonradudogicalhfonitoring . . .... . .. ... .. . 2 22 2.2.1 Air Afonitoring ..... ... ...... , . ..,... . 2 22 2 2,2 Surface li'ater Afonitorim,* . . .. ..... .. .. . . . 2.a ?

2.2.3 Special Afonitoring . . . . .. , . ... . .. . 2-22

i Contents t 3.0 Groundwater Monitoring 31 Geology of the 1list l'athy Site .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 31.1 Geologic History .........,................. .... . 3-3 31.2 Hydtvgcoh>gv ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 32 Groundwater hionitoring Progant Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 32.1 initial Developencnt of the WkScries if *cils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13 32.2 Sarnpling Alcthodoh>g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 13 32.3 AfonitoringParorncters . . . . . .................. . . . . . . 3 16 3.2.4 Etpanded Afonitoring Prograrn: Solid li'asle blanagernent Units . . . . . . . . 316 ,

32.3 On-site Supponing il'cIl Afonitoring . . .....................319 32.6 Off. site Groundwater Afonitoring .. ............... . . . . . 3 19 3.3 Gnmndwater Afonitoring Resuhs ......................... . . . . . . . 3 19 13.1 Interpretation of Groundwater Afonitoring Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 19 3.3.2 Significance of1l'aste Afanagvoncnt Unit AfonitoringData . . . . . . . . . . . 3 23 333 Sununary ofInitialSarnpling of Wkscries it'cIls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 3.3 4 Other Supponing if *cils blonitored On site . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3- 2 7 33.5 Groundwater Afonitoring at the Below-grade FuelStoray Arca . . . . . . . . 3 27 336 Cornparison of Data to New Yori. State Groundwater Quality Standards . . . 3-27 337 Off site Groundwater Afonitoring ......,.... ..... . . . . . . . 3 28 4.0 Radiological Dose Assessment 4.1 Introduction ............................................43 4.1.1 Sources of Radiation Encry and Radiation Enposure . .. ....... . 4-3 4.1.2 Health Effects of Low Levels of Radiation .. ,.............. . 44 4.1.3 Dose Estimation blcshodolog . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 4-4 4.2 Estimated RadiologicalDosefrom Airbome Effluents ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4.2.) Afaxirnum Dose to an Off site Resident . . ......... ...... ..46 4.2.2 Collectiw Dose to the Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 4.3 Estimated Radiological Dosefrorn Liquid Effluents ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 4.3.1 Alatirnurn Dose to an Off site lndividual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 4 7 4,32 Collecthe Dose to the Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 vi

. . _ , ...~ . . , _ _ _ _ . _ _

Contents 4.4 [htinuted 1% lids ylcul Eks e frtun all Path ways ... . ....... ...... 47 4.313tinuteJ R.ulidcyical lAur frcen la al Fial Ovuwigtices .... .......... . 47 4.6 0ncituims . . . . . ....... .......................... . . 4 10 5.00uality Auttrance 5.1 &gani:atimal Respmsibilities ............... ......... . . . . 3-3 5.2 Prcyrorn Design .... ....... .. ........ ............... 53 1

S.3 Procedtres ........... ...... ....... ................ 53 '

3.4 0ualinc Ontrdin the Field .............. ................... 34 S.5 0uatin Gmtrolin the lab <ratcry . ................... ......... 55 3 6 Pctsmnel'tainity . . .... ............... ......... . ... 56 l 5.7 Reccedlicering . . . . . . . ... ....... .......... .........$6 5.8 Chain of Outedv Proccatres ............ ....... .......... 37

3. 9 Audits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ... ... ....... 37 510 Perfornuncr Reporting . . . . . . . . . .... ....... ...... . .. . 57 S.Illndependent Datu llrificatim . . . . ........... .............. 57 L

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Contents i i

Al'PENDIX A ED1uent On site and off-site Afonitoring Pngarn APPENDIX 11 Repdations, Standanh, and List of Pennlts Al'PENDIX C.I Suntrnary of If' ater and ScJirnent Atonitoring Data APPENDIX C.2 Sunninary ofAir Afonitoring Data API'ENDIX CJ Surninary of Biological Sarnple Data APPENDIX C 4 Surntnwy of Direct Radiation Atonitoring Data APPENDIX C4 Summary of Nonradioh>gical Afonitonng Data APPENDIX C4 Summary of Arctroroh#calData APPENDIX D Summary of Qualin' Assurance Crosscheck Analyses APPENDIX E .


l Figures i

INl RODUCTION 1 1. Location sf the \\'estcon New 1k>rk Nuclear Service Center xuit >


21. Of site Air Sany>ler locations .. 25 ,

2 2. Off site Surface \ Vater Sampling Locations . 27 2 3. On she Surface n'ater Sampling l> cations . . . 29 2-4. Cesium 137 Concentrations in Sirram Sediment at Two locations Upstream and Three locations Downsttram of the \\YDi' . 2 10 2 3. Cony >arison of Cesium 137 andNaturally occurring at Downstrcam Sampling location St~lCSCO . . 2 10 2-6. Sample Points in the \\YDP Environs , ,. , . 2 12 2 7. Biological Sanystes luken Near the \\YDP . 2-13 2-8 Perimeter Thernwiuminescent Dosinsetry(1LD) locations . 2 13 2 9. On site Thernwtuninescent Dosimetr> (112Hlocations . . . 2 16 210. llends of Environmenta! Gamma Radiation f.evelv Quarterly As erages of Perimeter 1LDs . . 2-17 211 SPDES AfonHoring Points . . . 22) 212.1 l.1 trichlorvelhane Concentrations in \\'NGSEEP 2 24 GROUNDWATI:R hlONITORING

31. Grological Cross Section through the North Plateau . . . .34 3 2. Geological Cross Section through the South Plateau 33 3-3. Groundwater Afonitoring Points 1986 1990 3 13 3-4. Etpanded Afonboring Program Sampt.'ng locations at Super Solid \\'aste Afanagement Units (55\\'Afus! . 3 14 3 3. Of she Groandwater Afonkoring Poinn . , 3 20 Tive year Trendof Averagedpil in Selected lon-lcrrl \\'aste lycatment facility \\iIls . . . 3 29 i

1 l

I Figures 3-Nr. Five >rar Dend of Astraydpit in Selected Low levelli'ste a 7Featment Facility libils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 29 3-7a. Five->rar Dend ofAwrayd Conductivity in Low-Icwl llaste Treatment Facdity litlis ..........................330 3-7b. Finr > rat Dcnd ofAwrayd Conductisity in Lowlort likste Treatment Facility litits ................... . . . . . . 3 30 3 Sa. Fise >rar DendefAverayd Tritium ActMiy in Low-lewt ait'ste Deatracnt facility liells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 31 3 N>. Five.>rar hend ofAverayd 7Htium Activity in Low levelli'aste Deatment Facility liclis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 3-9a. Five-ycar Dend ofAverayd Gross Beta Activity in Selected Low-lent libste Treatment Facility c li'Ils , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 32 3-9b. Fiw yrar &cnd ofAwrayd Gross Beta Acdvity in Selected Low-Icwlli'aste heatment Facility liVils . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 310. I1re >rar &cnd of AveraydpH in liigh-levellikste Storay and Processing Arca Unit c II'Ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 311. F*ve-year Dend ofAverayd Conductivity in fligh levelli'aste Storuy andProcessing Area Unit liVits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 33 l 3 12. Five ycar Dend ofAwraged Tritium Activity in fligh levelit'ste a Storay and ProcessingArea Unit c li'Ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 l 3-13. Five year Trend ofAwrayd Gross Dcta Activity in fligh levelliaste Storage andProcessing Arca Unit licils . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 3-34 314. Fiw->rar Dend ofAwragedpil l

in NRC licensed Disposa! Arca ilVils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35

[ 3-13. Fiw year Trend ofA veraged Conductivity in NRC-licensed Dispmal Arca it'cIls ..............................335

. 316,1ive-year TrendofAwraged Tritium Activity l in NRC-licensed Disposal Area if tils . . . . ......... . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . 3-36 i

l 3-17. Five-year Trend ofA verayd Gross Beta Activity in NRC-licensed Disposal Area liclis ...,,.............. ........ . 3 36 RADIOLOGIC LL DOSE ASSESSMENT t

- 41. Comparison ofAnnual Radiation Dose to an Awray hiember of the U.S. Population with the Afatimum Dose to an Off site Residentfrem 1990 li'l'DP Effluents ... ....45 4 2. bladmum Dose Equivalentfrom Liquid and Airbome Effuents to an IndividualResiding Near the licst Ialley Demonstration Project .,..........49 x

Figures 4-3 Collective Dose Equivalentfrorn Liquid and Airt>onse Fffluents to the Population Rcsiding wahin bi) Kdonscicts of the lik st Ib!hy Dentonstration Project . .. ..... ... . . . 49 Al'I'ENDIX A A l. Location of On site Air iffluent Points . ........ .. .. . . A 27 A 2. Sanspling Locationsfor On site Surface li'atcr . . .. ... . .... . . . A - 28 A 3. Location of On site Groundwatcr Alor.itoring Points .. ..... .. .... A 29 A 4. Location of Off site Surface it'a ter Sarnplces . . . . .. . ... . .. A 30 A 5 Near site Dnnling li'ater und BiologicalSarnple Points INI . . . . .n 31 A 6. Location of h~rinseter Air sanspicts .... . . .. . .. . A.32 A 7. Location of Off site lhrnnolarnincacent DosinscIrv (TLDs) . ... . . . ' 33 A4 Location of On site Thennoturninescent Dosimetry (TLDs) . .. . . . . A.34 A 9. EnvironmentalSarnye Points enore than 5 Kilonsclersfrorn the II3'DP 5at . . . . . . A .M Al'I'l;NDlX C I C-4.11990 Average Quarterly Ganuna Dposure Ratcs Around the 1Ii'DP ... .. . . . C4- 4 C-4.21990 Average Quanctly Gamma Erposure Rates On site ...... .. ... . C4-4 Al'I't:ND1X C 5 C-5iLocation of SPDES Afonitanny Points . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . C5-5 C 52 Biochernical Otygen Demand-5 (BOD), Outfall(K)! ....... ... .. . . C5-6 C-53 Biochemical U.tygen Demand 5 (BOD), Outfalk 007 and DOS . . . . . ..., . C5-6 C-54 Suspended Solids, Outfall ual . . .. . .. ... . . .... . . C5 6 C 55 Suspended Solids, Outfall(M)7 . . . . . . ... ... ..... . ..- . .. C3 7 C 56 Sctticable Solids, Outfall 001 . ....... .... . .... .. ., .. C5-7 C 57 Setticable Solids, Catfall 007 ... . . ... .. .... ...,..... . . . C5- 7 C-58 Ammonia. Outfall 001 .. ........ .... . . . . . . . CS S xi

1 Figures C.$ 9Amnwnia, OutfaillM7 .................................,....CSR C 51U Afetals: Aluminwn, 0utfall 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ........... . . .C5-8 C 511bletals: Zinc,0utfallMI ....................................C39 C 512 Afetals: Arsenic. Outfal! MI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3 9 C.$13 Afetals: qardde, Outfall(el .................. .......... . . .C5 9 l

C.514 Afttals: Iron. Outfail lM1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . C5 10 l l

C-l 15 Afetals: Iron, 0utfalls (M7 and (CS ...............................C5-10 l C 516 Afetals: Copper Outjall 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . .C5 10 C.$ 17 hletals: Cadmium. outfallMI ..................... . . . , . . . . . . C5 i l C.$ 18 htetals: Chhunium. Outfall 001 . .............. ..... . . . . . . . . . .C5 11 C.519 hictals:1. rad, Outfall tel . , . . . . . . .............. . . . , . . . . . . .C3 11 C.520 Nitratt, 0utfall(Cl ..... ............ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C5 12 C 521 Nitn'te, 0utfall 001 ...................................,...C512 C-522 Sulfate. 0utfall(WI ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C3 12 C 523 0iland Grease. 0utfall 001 . ......................,..........C513 C.$ 24 pil, Outfall M1 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C3 13 C.525 pil, Outfalls tM7 and OM . ................ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . CS 13 C 526 Discharge Rate (AIGD), Outfall 001. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CS 14 C 527 Discharge Rate (GFD),0utfall M7 . . . . . . .......,........... l

C.5:3 Discharge Rate (GFD), OutfallIMS . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . C5 14 C 329 Flow.nrighted AwraysforAmmonia, Outfalls 001 and 007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .CS-]$

l C.$30 Flow mrighted Averoysfor illochemical Omycn Demand $

l Outfalls MI, 007, and 008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . C3 15 t

C.$31 Flow.wrighted AwrogesforIron, Ou{ falls (M1,007, and OM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C3 15 C 532 Nickcl. OutfallMi ..............,..........,.............C316 l

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Figures C.533 Trichlorofluoromethane, OutfallMH ..... ......... ... ..... .. . C5-16  :

I C-134 3,3-Ji<, Outfall 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......,. ... CS-16 l l

C-535 Tributyiphosphate, Outfall001. , . . . . . . . . . , .. ..... ...... .. .. C5-17 l 1

C-136 l'anadiwn. Outfall001 . . ...................... . .. . .. .. C5-17 APPENDIX C-6 C 6.1 Ten-Meter liind i+cquemy Rose . .. . , .. .. . ........ C6-3 C-62 Sitty-Meter 1iTnd Frequency Rose . . . .. .. ... ... ......... CM C-631990 ifielly Rainfall Total . . . .....,... ........ .. .. . . . . . C6 6 C-M 199C Cumul:tive Rainfall Tota! , . . .. .. ... . .. .. ... . . . . . . C6-6 APPENDIX E E-1.pH in GroundwaterSamples frc n the Low-levelLiquid li'ste a Tcatment Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E.2 7 E-2. in GroundwaterSamples from the Low-level Liquid ll'aste Treatment Faciliy . . .. .. . . . . . . E.27 E-3. Total Organic Carbon in Gro r.; mrSampi:s from the Low-lev:1 Liquid 1ibsts ,, *

  • Facility . . . ..... . .. .... . E-27 E-4. Totai Organic Halogens in Grounds ; aamples fror s the Low-levelLiquid Il'ste a heatment Facility .......... . . ..... . E-27 E-5 Nitic!c-Nin GroundwaterSamples from the Low-inelLiquid li'aste Treatinent Faciliy . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . E-28 E-6. Titium Act':ityin GrowsdwaterSamples from the Low-level Liquid Fl'ste a Treatment Facility ............... ,. , . E..?S E 7. Ditium Activityin GroundwaterSamples from the Low-level iikste Treatment Facility wiCwut eIl'll86 -5 . . .... . . . . . . . . E 28 E-8. Gross Alpha Activity in Groundwater Samples from the Low-laelLiquid it'ste a Treatment Faci!ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-28 .

E-9. Gross Beta Activity in Groundwater Samples from the Low-levelLiquid li'stea Treatment Facility , . ....... . . . . . E-29 E-10. Gross Beta Activity in Groundwater Samples from the Low-level Liquid Iiaste Treatment Facility without Ifi'!! 86 -5 . ... .. . E-29 xiii

Figures n

E 11. pH in Gnnmdwater Samples fnun the High lew! It' ste a Storage and Processing Area . .. ... . . . . . . . .E 29 E.12. Conductivityin GroundwaterSamples fnun the Higklevel )I' stea Storage and Processing Area ........ .. .E 29 E 13. Tou.! Organic Carbon in Groundwater Samples fnun the High level \\bsle Storage and Processing Area ...... .. ... . .E.30 E-14, 7btal Organic Halowns in Gn undwater Sas.tples from the High level li'aste Storay and Processing Area ..... .... . . . . . . . . E-30 E-15 Nitrate-Nin GroundwaterSamples

[ nun the High level li'ste a Storage and Processing Area . ... . . . . . .E 30 E-16. Tritium Activityin Groundw2terSamples fnun the High-level it'ste a Storage and Processing Area .. . . . .... . . .E-30 E-17. Gross Alpha Activityin Groundwater Samples fnsm the High-level lihste Storage and Processing Area . . . . . ..E-31 E-18 Gross Beta Activityin Grou. dsterSamples frorn the High-len! Il'ste a Storage and Processing Area . . . . . . . . . . E-31 E-19.pHin GroundwaterSamples f er s the NRC-licensed Disposal Area Afonitoring Unit . . ... . ...E-31 E-20. Conductivityin GroundwaterSamples frorn the NRC licensed Disposal Area Afoniton'ng Unit ..... . . .. .E-31 E-21. 7btal Organic Carbon in Groundwater Samples from the NRC-licensed Disposal Area Afonitoring Unit .. , ....... . . ..E-32 E-22. Total Organic Halogens in Groundwater Samples i from the NRC-licensed Disposal Area Afonitoring Unit .. ....... . .. ...E-32 E-23. Nitrate Nin Groundwater Sampic.;

from the NPC-licensed Disposa! Arca Afonitoring Unit ....... ... ..... . .E 32 E-24. liitium Activityin Ground + aterSamples from the NRC-licensed Disposal Area Afonitoring Unit ...... .. ..... ....E-32 E-25 Gross Alpha Activityin Groundwater Samples from th : NRC-licensed Disposal Area Afonitonng Cait . . . . .E 33 E-26. Gross Beta Activity in Groundwater Samples from the NRC l cer. sed L*isposal Area blonitoring Unit .. .. .... .. ....E-33 E-27. Location of On-site Groundwater Network lWils including 1?MInstallations . . . . .. .. .. .,. . . . . . . .E-34 E-28 Location of Super Solid if aste blanagements Units near \WDP Facilities . . ...E-35 t


- _- - .- . . . - - ~- . - - -

Tables u

HTI.UI:NT AND ENVIRONhlENTAI, MONITORING j' 2-1. Storap Facilities Air Sampling Results .. ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 l GROQDWATER MONITORING 3-1. Schedule of Groundwater Sampling and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . .,....,... 37 3-2. Super Solid likste blanagement Unit Afonitoring Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 3 3. Summary of Groundwater Aft.nitoring Data forthe Low-levellikste 7teatment Facility . . . . . ..... .. . .. . . . 3 22 3 4. Summary of Grenmdwater Afonitonny Data l fo.* the High-level likste Storap and Processing Area . . . ..... .... . . 3 24 3-5. Summary of Groundwater A1onitoring Data for the NRC. licensed Disposal Area . .. ............. . . . . . . . . 3-26 RADIOLOGICAE DOSE A'4SESSMENT 4.L Summary of Dasc o tssessments from 1990 li VDP Effluents .. . ...... . 48 API'ENDIX 11 B 1. Depanment of Enerp' Radiation Protection Standards and Concentration Guides . . . . B-3 B.2. EnvironmentalStandards and Repdations .... .. .. , ,. .., ,. , , . B.4 B 3. lii'DP EnvironmentalPennits .. . . . . ... .. ., .. ... . B-5 Al'PENDIX C.1 C1 1. Total Radioactivity of Liquid Effluents Released from ifVDP Lapwn 3in 199G .....,.................. . . . . . . . . . . C l-3 Cl 2. Comparison of 1990 Lawson 3 Liquid Effluent Radioactivity Concentrations

. with Department of Energy Guidelines .. ... ,, .... .... ....... . . C14 Cl-3 Radioactivity Concentrations in Surface if hter Upstream of the iIVDP at Fox ibhey (llTBCBKG) . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . C15 Cl-4. Radioactivity Concentrations in Surface 1ibter D<mnstream of the 1IVDP at Thomas Comers (lf TBCTCB) ... . . . Cl.3 -

C15. Radioactivity Concentrations in Surface il'ater Downstream of the if VDP at Frank's Creek (IVNSIWM) . , . . . Cl 6 l . . . .

l Cl-tL Radienctivity Concentrations in Surface Ifbter Downstream of the iFVDP at Frank's Creek (lf *NSlwM) .. . . . . . . Cl 6 l

l XV

Tables Cl 7. Radioactivity Concentrations in Surface 't'ater Downstreans of Buttennilk Creek at Felton Bridge (liTFELPR) .... .. .. .Cl-7 Cl-S 1990 Results in Potable ilkll li'ater around the il'l'DP Site . . . . . . . .. . ..... . ... .. .Cl 7 Cl-9.1 NO Radioactivity Concentrations in Strearn Sedirnent around the it'l'DP Site .. .. ,........... ,. . .Cl-S C1-10.1990 Contributions by the New brk State-licensed Disposal Arca to Radioactivity in itk st l'alhy Demonstration Project Liquid Ef]1acnts .Cl-9 Cl-11.1990 Total Radioactivity Concentrations in Surface Soil Samples Collected at Air Sampling Stations around the ll'i'DP Site .. . . .C1 10 AITENDIN C 2 C2-1,1990 Airbome Radioactive E)]luent Activity Atonthly htals frons the Afain 1intilation Stack (ANSTACK) . . . . . .. .C2-3 c2-2. JWO Avbome Radioactive Effluent Activity Quanctly Totals from the hfain 1intilation Stack (ANSTA CK) .. . .. .C2-3 C2 3. Comparison of I990 SIain Stack E.thanst Radioactivity Concentrations sith Depanment of Energv Guidelines .. .. .. . . .C2-4 C2 4.1990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activin' Afonthly T<nals from the Cement Solidification System 11ntilation Stack (ANCSSTK) . . . . . C2-5 C2 5.1990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activin- Quanctly Totals fro n the Cemtat Solidification System ilntilation Stack (ANCS1;TK) .. . . . . . C2-3 C2-61990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activity bionthly htals frans the Contact Si:e Reduction Faciliiv (ANCSRFK) . . . C2-6 C2-7.1990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activity Quanctly Totals from the Contact Si:e Reduction Facility (ANCSRFK) . . . . . . C2-6 C2 81990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activity Afonthly Totals from the Supematant Treatment System ientilation Stack (ANSTSTN1 . . . . . .C2-7 C2-9,1990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activity Quanerly Totals from the Supematant Treatment System 1kntilation Stack (ANSTSTK) . . . C2-7 C2-10.1990 Airbome Ra. ioactive Effluent Activity Afonthly Totals frc>m the Supercompactor l'entilation Stack (ANSUFCl') . .C2-8 C2-11.1990 Airbome Radioactive Effluent Activity Quanerly Totals from the Supercompactor ientilation Stack (ANSUFC1') .. . . . .C2-8 C2-12.1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airbome Paniculates at the Fox l'athy Air Sampler tAFFXVRD) . . . ':2-9 xvi

. ~ - . - . - . - _. - _ - -- . .

Tables C2-13.1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airborne Paniculates at the Rock Springs Road Aur Sampler (AFRSPRD) . ....... .. ... . C2 9 C214.1990 Radioactivizv Concentrations in Airborne Panicidates at the Route 240 Air Sampler (AFR T240) ...... ... .... . , ... C2 10 s

C215.1900 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airbonte Particulates at the Springville Air Santpler (AFSPRl'L) . . . . .. . .. .. . ...... C210 C216.1990 Radioacdvity Concentrations in Airbome Particulates at the Thomas Corners Road Air Sumpler (AFTCORD) ..... . . . . . C2 11 C2-17.1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airbome Paniculates at the 1Ibt l'athy AirSampler (AFll'EI AL) . . . . . , .. . .. C21i C218.1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airbome Paniculates at the Great I h!hy Air Sampler (AFGRl'AL) . ....... ... .......... . C212 C2-19.1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airbome Paniculates at the Dunkirk AirSampler(AFDNKRK) . . . . .. . .... C212 C2 20.1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in Airbome Paniculates at the Dutch flill AirSampicr (AFBOEHN) , . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . ,C213 C2-21. Radh> activity in Fallout during 1990 .... .. .. .. . . . . , C2-14 C2-22 pH of Precipitation Collected in Fallot ! Pots ..,. . . . .... . . C2-13 APPENDIX C 3 C31. Radioactivity Concentrations in Milk - 1990 . . . ,. ... . .. . . . . C3 3 C3-2. Raaioactivity Concentrations in Meat 1990 .. ... ., . . . . C3-4 C3-3 Radh> activity Concentrations in Food Crops - 1990 . . ..., ,.. .. C3-4 C3-4. Radioactivity Concentrations in Fish Fleshfnnn Cauaraugus Creek - 1990 . .. . . C3-5 APPENDIX C-I C4-1. Surnmary of Quanctly Averages of TLD Measurements 1990 . . . . . C4 3 APPENDIX C-5 CS-1. Ilht l'alhy Demonstration Project State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

! (SPDES) Sampling Program - Effective September 1990 .. . . . , . CS-3 xvii


. . , . . . C5-4 CS 2.111st l'alhy Demmstration Project 1990 SPDES Noncompliance Episodes .

APPENDIX C-6 C6-l. \ Vest l'ulley Demonstrution Project 1990

... ..... . .. .C6-5 Site Resirdall Collection Data ........,.. .

AP"rNDIX D D-1, Comparison of Radiological Concentrations in Crosscheck Samples betsten the if VDP and Ehll, QAP 31 ... .. . . D-3 C 2. Comparison of Radiological Concentrations in Crosscheck Samples betacen the lit'DP and Ehfl, QAP 32 . . .. ... . . . D-4 D-3. Comparison of Radiological Cor :entrations s in Crosscheck Samples between the ifVDP and Ehll, QAP 33 .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . D -5 m

D-4. Comparison of Radiolojcal Parameters in Crosscheck Samples between the 1fi'DP and ChiSL .... .. ..,. .. . .D 6 D-5. Comparison of If'ater Quauty Parameters in Crosscheck Samples between the \\T'DP and the EPA . ... .. . ... . . .. D-S D 6. Comparison of1Yater Quality Parameters in Crosscheck Samples between the if T'DP and hTSDDil . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . .D-9 D-7. Comparison of the 1\T'DP's *Dsemwfuminescent Dosimeters (TLDs) to the Co locateti Nuclear Regulatory Commission TLDs in 1990 . . . ..... .D- 10 APPENDIX E E-1. Supporting Groundwater 31onitoring Stations Sampled in 1990 . . ...E-3 E 2.1990 Fuel Tank Groundwater 3fonitoring ... . . . . . .E-4 E-3. I990 ff'ater Quality Parameters fw the fligh level Waste Storage and Processing Area . .. .. . . .. . E-5 E-4.1990 Total bietals for the fligh level IVaste Storage and Processing Area .. . .. . .. .. .E-7 E-5.1990 Dissolved Afetals for the Iligh-level if'aste Storage nnd Processing Area . ... . . . . .E-9 E-6.1990 Radioactivin' Concentrations in the fligh-levelIVaste Storage and Processing Area . . . . . ... ....E-1i E-7.1990 LYater Quality Parameters for the Low-level Liquid TYaste Treatment Facility . ..E-13 xviii

Tables ..

E-S.1990 lbtal bietals for the Low-level Liquid 15' aste Treatrnent Facility , . .. E-15 E-9.1990 Dissolved Afetals for the Low-level Liquid li'aste 7tcatment Facility . ... .. . . E l'1 E-10. I990 Radioactivity Concentrations in the Low-level Liquid if'aste 1Fratment Facility . ... . . .. E-19 E-11.1990\\'ater Quality Pammeters for the NRC licenscJ Disposal Arca Greundwater Afonitoring Unit . ., . .. . .. . . . . . . E-21 E.12.1990 Total Afetalsfor the hRC-licensed Disposal Area Groundwater Afonitoring Unit ... . ... . .. . , . . . E-22 E 13.1990 Dissolved bietalsfor the NRC-licensed Disposal Area Groundwater bi~sitoring Ursit . , . . .... .. .. . . E 23 E 14. IVX)Radioacton.f Concentrations in the NRClicensed Disposal Area Groundwater Afor:itoring Unit . , . . . . . . . . E.24 E-15.Summaryr rinitialSamplingofSelected New 90-series Groundwater Afonitonng lii'lls ... . ... E 25 E-Itk 1990 Radioactivity Concentrations in the New Wrk State licensed Disposal Area Groundwater Afonitoring Unit . . . . . .... . . , . E-2ti X[t

Illustrations 1he 1ibst ibiley Dcnwatratim Project Site ... .. .......... ..... .. . . . . xvi Springville Dam on Cattaraugw Creek . .......... ........ .. .. .. . . . . xir kriew of Pegulatwy Ibchnical &quirenwnts fx & cent Changes ..... .. .... . . . . xttvii Dectroshock Fishingfw Background Sanpies with the New Drk State Departnwnt of Dwirmnental Coruervation . . .. ... . . I- 1 Collecting a Conpwite 1ibter Sanple at the Project Boundary . . . .. ... . . .. . 2-1 Sanpling with a Dedicated Bladd.r Punp Installedin an On-site Groundwater Mmitoring iieli .................. ....... 31

  • Ihe 1ibst ibiley Denauttation Project Main Plant ientilation Stack . . . . . . ... . .. . .. ........ . .... . 4-1 Conputerized Sanple Receiving Station in the Dtvirmnu ntalLaboratory . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 5- 1 EnvironnentalSanpling - An Art as wellas a Science .. .. . ..... ,. facing 4pendir A Keeping Up with kgulatory Changes ....... ..... . ... . . . . facing &pendit B Collecting a Sanple at a Coruinuous - Stream Sanpie Station . .. . .. ... facing 4pendit C-1

&cordng Air Flow at an Dwironnental Air Sanpler ............,. facing.hpenQ C?

BiologicalSanple , . . .. ................. ....,.... ... facing Appendit C-3

, Erchanging an Dwironnn'ntal M Package . .. ... ., ... .. facing Appendit C-4 Grab-sanpling Surface Mbter . . . . .. .. ... ... . ,. . .. facing Appendit C-5 On-site Meteorological Dwer and Rain Gage .. .. .. . .. . . facing &pendir C-6 On-screen kview of Tritiunt Sanple Counts . .. . .. . . . . facing Appendit D Che: king a TaalOrganic Carbon Analy:cr Run . . . . . ... . . ... facing 4pendir E xx

_ _ ~_ _ _ _ ___ _.___ _. _ _._. _. ___ _ _ _ .



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I The West Valley Demonstration Project Site 1

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Executive Summary

_ _. _ _ _ _ _._._._ ,_ _ _ _ , _ _ w I l

m i I he West Valley Demonstration Project The Dasison Chemical Co., co-licensed with (WVDP) conducts a comprehensive emiron- the New York State Atomic Research and mental monitoring program that fulfills Development Authority, which later became regulatory requirements of the United States the New York State Euergy Research and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Development Authority (NYSERDA),

the New York State Department of Emiron- formed Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. (Ni'S) to mental Conservation (NYSDEC). The resv!!s tcMn:ct and operate a nuclear fuel of this program show that public health, safety, reprocessing plant. NFS leased the Western and the emironment are being protected with New York Nuclear Senier Cet ter and began respect to activitics on the site and the waste operatiom in 1066 to recycle fuel from both materials stored there. This annual report, commercial and federally owned reactors.

published to meet the requirements of United States Department of Energy (DOE) Orders in 1972, while the plant was closed for 5400.1 and 5400,5, summarizes the emiron. modifications and expansion, more rigorous mental monitoring data collected during 19%). federal and state safety regulations were im-posed. Most of the char.ges were aimed at the On site and off site radiological and non- disposal of high-level radioactive liquid waste radiological monitoring in 19%) confirm that and at preventing carthquake damage to the site activitics, with few exceptions, were con- facilities. Compliance with the new regulations ducted well within state and federal regulatory was deemed not economically feasible and in limits. The exceptions noted have resulted in 1976 NFS no'ified NYSERDA that it would no significant impacts upon public health or not continue in the fuel reprocessing business.

the emironment and are described below.

Following this decision, the reprocessing plant llistory of the West Valley Demonstration Project was shut down. Under the original agreement between NFS and New York State, the state In the early 1950s interest in promoting was ultiraately responsible for both the peaceful uses of atomic energy led to the pas, radioactive wastes and the facility. Numerous sage of an amendment to the Atomic Energy studies fallowed the closing, leading event ually Act under which the Atomic Energy Commis- to the passage of Public Law 96-3M, which sion encouraged commercialization of nuclear authorized the Department of Energy to fuel reprocessing as a way of developing a demonstrate a method for solidifying the 2.2 civilian nuclear industry.The Atomic Energy million liters (580,000 gals.) of liquid high-level Commission made its technology available to waste that remained at the West Valley site.

private industry and imited proposals for the The ti hnologies developed at West Valley

- design, construction, and operation of would . used at other facilities throughout reprocessing plants. the United States. West Valley Nuclear Ser.

vices Co. (WVNS), a subsidiary of Westing-In 1961 the New York Office of Atomic house Electrie, was chosen by the Departmem Development acquired 3,345 acres near West of Energy (DOE) to be operations contractor Valley, New York and estabhshed the Western for the West Valley Demonstration Project.

New York Nuclear Senice Center (WNYNSC).


Etecutive Summmy The purpwe of the West Valley Demonstration valion.The State Pollutarit Discharge Elimina-Project is to solidify the high level radioactive ticn System (SPDES) permit identifies dis-waste left at the site from the original nuclear charge water quality limits in 19 Althere were fuel reprocessing aethities, develop suitable nine imtances when individual water quahty containers for holding and transporting the parameters exceeded permitted levels. Six of solidified waste, arrange transport of the these deviations resulted from the sewage solidified waste to a federal repository, dis- treatment plant operating beyond its rated pose of any Project low-level and transuranic capacity. One excursion was attributed to a waste resulting from the solidification of high- minor upset that released solids slightly above level waste, and decontaminate and decom- the permitted limits. Another unrelated excur-mission the Project facilities. sion of high iron content in the low-level waste treatment system effluent resulted Pom what Through the mid 1980s West Valley Nuclear is believed to be a natural iron buildup. This Services, as prime cont ractor to DOE, secured condition is being evaluated to determine how i

environmental approval and constructed the pitential for its recurrence can be reduced.

various subsystems that made possible the suc-cessful start-up of the intcgrated radwaste in each case, appropriate actions were t ake n to treatment system (IRl'S)in May 1988. In the stabilize the condition and to mitify NYSDEC first two years of operation 1,454,000 liters in accordance with permit requirements.

(384,000 gals.) ui F.inid from the high level These deviation ~ tesulted in no signoimi ef-waste tanks were processed through the IRTS. Icet on the emironment. Iloweser, the sewage During 1990,1,030,000 liters (m,(K10 gals.) of treatment plant operation is being modified to liquid supernatant were processed, solidifed prevent recurrences.

in a special cement mixture, and stored on-site in an engineered above-ground vault. Effects of Project actisities upon site groundwWrs are regulated by NYSDEC and the EPA. Groundwater sampling and analyses b,"* P U ""C' confirm that groundwater quality has been and continues to be affected both radiologically The west vaticy Demonstration Project and nonradiciogically by past facility opera.

operates within the radiological guidelines c.f tions, increased well drilling and sampling ac-Department of Energy Orders for protection thities in 1%) intensified the imestigation of of ncalth, safety, and the emironment. Limits these effects. Although definite radiological on radioacthity concentrations and individual and nonradiological effects upon on site Joses are specified in the DOE Orders. The groundwaters can be seen, these do not affect Project did not c Ace :d or approach any of the public health or the off-site emironment.

limits on radioacthity or radiatien doses in 1990, including the emission standards Eftluent And Emironmental Monitoring promulgated by the EPA and incorporated m DOE Orders.

The m> cmironmentai monitoring program Nonradiological plant effluents are regulated provided radiological and nonradiological by the New York State Department of En- meawrements of site effluent discharges and vironmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the of relateu on-site and off site samples. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency two major pathways by which radioactive (EPA). New York State inspects nonradiologi- material could migrate off-site were cal air emission points periodically although monitored by collecting air and surface water air effluent monitoring is not currently re- sauples. Analysis of animal, soil, and vegeta-quired because of the very limited discharges. tion samples from the facility environs Surface effluent water qualityis tested for pit, provided data from which the risk of exposure biochemical oxygen demand and other chemi- to radioactivity through ingestion pathways ca! factors and is regulated by the New York could be determined. Control or back ground 6 tate Department of Environmental Conser- samples were taken to compare with on- or xtir

Groundwater Monitoring near site samples,in 190 the site recorded one The low-level liquid w,ste treatment facility instance of radioacthity being transported by a (LLWTF) contributes most of the acthity bioh,gical vector (0ying insects), which was the released from the site in liquid discharges.The subject of a specialinvestigation completed 190 annual average liquid efnuent concentra- 1 in 1990 and is reported in section 2.16. A tions of radionuclides were below DOE second study, also completed in 1990, release guidelines at the point of discharge.

evaluated several waste facilities as potentis! ,

difIuse sorces of airborne radioactivity. (See Itadioactivity that could pass through the foal j section 2.1.6.) chain was measured by sampling milk, beef, hay, corn, apples, beans, fish, and venison. Available  ;

Airborne particulate radioactivity was results wtre rmt very different from 1989 and sampled continuously at five site perimeter corroborated the low doses calculated from the and four remote locations during 1990. measured concentrations in site effluents.

Sample filters were collected weekly and analyzed for gross alpha and beta radioac- Nonradiological liquid discharges are thity. Airborne gross activity around the site monitored as a requirement of the State Pol.

boundary was, in all cases, indistinguishable lutant Discharge Elimination Splem (SPDES).

from background concentrations measured at Liquid is discharged at permitted outfalls or the remote kications and was well below the points of final release to surface waters. Project Department of Energy limits (see Appendix efauents are monitored for bkichemical oxygen B). Direct monitoring of airborne effluents at demand (BOD), suspended solids, ammonia, the main plant stack and other permitted iron, pi t, oil and grease, and other water quality release points showed all discharges to be well indicators. Monitoring indicated that non-below DOE or EPA efnuent limitations. Non- radiologicalliquid oischarges had no effect on radiological discharges from the site are regu- the off-site emironment.

lated by NYSDEC; however, no special monitoring and reporting of nonradiological Direct emironmental radiation was measured airborne effluents are required. continuously during each quarter in 1990, as in previous years, using thermoluminescent Six automatic samplers collected surface dosimeters (TLDs). Monitoring is carried out water at h> cations along site drainage chan- at forty-one points distributed around the site nels. Samples were analyzed for gross alpha, perimeter and access road, at the waste gross beta and gamma aethity, and for tritium management units, at the inner facility fence, and strontium-90. Analyses of carbon-14, and at various background locations. No sig- i

, iodine-129, and americium-241 were added to nificant differences were noted among ex- '

the program requirements at several collee- posure rates measured at background stations tion point.. As a result of past site aethities and the WNYNSC perimeter h) cations. Some and continuing releases of treated liquids, TLD data were also collected within the gross radioactivity concentrations remained restricted area boundary to monitor the ex-higher in Buttermilk Creek below the West posure from nearby radioacthe waste handling Valley Project site than at the upstream back. and storage facilities.

ground sample point. Yearly average con-centrations in water below the Project site in

(;roundwater Monitoring Cattaraugus Creek during 1990 were mdist, m-guishable from background concentrations measured in Buttermilk Creek upstream of the The wvDe is underiain directly by layers of Project facilities. All Cattaraugus Creek con- glacial sand, clay and rock, and/or by layers of centrations observed are well below regulatory deposited lake and stream materials. The un-limits. Conce ntrations of cesium-137, strontium- derlying bedrock is primarily Devonian shales 90, and tritium wcre below DOE guidelines at all and sandstones. As the material deposited locations, including Frank's Creek at the inner across the site is not uniformly distributed, site security fence more than three miles from groundwater flow and seepage rates ate uneven.

Cattaraugus Creek.


Decutive Summwy The 1990 groundwater monitoring network in- Data from monitoring wells around the high-cluded on-site wells for surveillance of solid level waste tants do not suggest any effect of waste management units and off site wells for the stored high-level radioactive waste on the drinkingw;ter monitoring. The on site system groundwater, llowever, signilicant radiologi-of seventeen monitoring points was expanded cal differences between upgradient and in 1990 to 106 points. The additional wells dongradient wells do indicate that previous installed were sampled on a limited program, site activities have affected groundwater in this but they will be in full use in 1991. These wells area. Most notable are elevated levels of gross provided upgradient and downgradient beta methity and greater-than-detectable con-monitoring of the low-levelliquid waste treat. centrations of 1,1 dichloroethane at wells ment facility (LLWTF) lagoons, the high-level WNWE09 and WNWE12.

waste tank complex, the NRC licensed dis-posal area, and other solid waste management Groundwater menitoring around the NRC-units. Wells comprising the existing on-site licensed disposal area (NDA) indicates no dis-groundwater monitoring network were each cernible effects on tl.e deeper deposits in the sampled eight times during 1990. All new wells area, as indicated primarily by measurements were developed to produce water suitable for for tritium, llowever, one shallow well in the analysis and wells associated with several solid vicinity of the NDA (WNW82-4A1) has con-waste management units were sampled for a sistently shown elevated tritium levels. In addi-complete set of parameters. After initial physi- tion, continued organic solvent migration was cal measurements at each well, samples were detected in other shallow wells within the collected and analyzed for a variety of NDA Migration of contaminated solvent is radiological and water quality parameters.The currently the focus of a control and remedia-range of analyses performed was determined by Lion effort within the NDA (see secion 2.1.6).

regulatory requirements and site-specific con-cerns or needs. Statistical tests wre performed ta The potential effect of Project aethities on define real differenceu between up and nearA te groundwater is monitored by annual downgradient wells. sampling of designated private drinking water wells in addition to the on-site measurements.

Data from grou .dwater monitoring around the Monitoring of these wells continues to LLWTF lagoons indicate that radionuclides demons: rate that the site has had no effect on from past plant operations have affected residential drinking water supplies.

groundwater quality. Compared to back t;round, both tritium and gross beta concentrations anc Radiological Dose Assessment elevated sa groundwater surround ng the lagoon system. Ilowever, the level of tritium contamination has declined steadily since Potential radiation doses to the public from 1982, as indicated by measurements at the airborne and liquid eftluent releases of radioac-french drain outfall. Levels of gross beta ac- tivity from the site during 1990 were estimated tivity appear to be rising slightly in some loca- da computer models. Potential radiation doses tions, as measured at the french drain outfall from ingestion of locally produced foods were and at wells monitoring groundwater in the also calculated and compared to results derived vicinity of the LLWTF lagoons (WNWM03, from the computer models.

WN%MO4, and WN%MOS).Other measured parameters such as pH and conductivity have The EPA approved computer programs shown significant differences between AIRDOS-PC, version 3.0, and CAP-88 were upgradient and dawngradient locations. Most used to calculate hypothetical radiation doses notable are the sodium and chloride concentra- from airborne effluents. The highest effective tions at well WNWE06, which is upgradient of dose equivalent (EDE) to a neart>y resident the lagoons. It is believed that these elevatcd was estimated to be 0.0007 mrem, which is salt concentrations are due to migration from 0.007% of the EPA limit. The collective do:c the sludge ponds which, in turn, are located to all persons within a 50-mile radius was es-just upgradient of well WNWE06. timated to be 0.008 person-rem EDE.

xrvi ,


""'+--------------------------%-,. . _ , , _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , _, _ _ _ , _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _

Onahty Assurance I Computer modeling was aho used to estimate a Emironmental sample sharing and co-loca-hypothetical maximum radiati m dose from li- tion of measurement points with the New Yo.L quid efTluents.The highest EDE te an indhidual State Department of Ilealth (NYSDOll) and was estimated to be 0.23 miem, whd is 0.23% the Nuclear Regulatory Commission con-of the DOE limit. Overall, the averace EDE tinued in IW), ensuring that selected samples from air and liquid discharges to indiQiuah and locations are routinely measured by Iwo or within an m kilometer (M mi) radius of the C'e more independent organizations.

4 was calculated to be 2.Kx10 mrem.

Crosscheck program participation coupled Radiation doses esdmated from maxirnum with other internal quality control procedures consumption rates J locally produced foods and external laboratory checks veriGed the are similar imagnitude to the values reported overall high quality of data gathered in 1</M).

in previous years. General program adequacy and specific issues of quality assurance were audited by the The ahwe conservathrly high, hypothetical cal- WVNS quality assurance department in 1(rA).

culated dases can be compared to an awrage isolated problems of quality control and/or dose of M) mrem per year to a U.S. resident program design that were identified by the from natural backgsound radiation. The dose IW9 Tiger Team and the I'/M1 audit have been ansessment described in Chapter 4 predicts an or are currently being remedied. Quark,1y insignificant effect on the public's heahh as a self appraisals, conducted by an independent result of radiohyical releases from the WVDP. team of environmental monitoring staff,iden-tify areas needing improsement and track the a ons taken to achieve the high quality stand-Quality Assurunee ards that the environmental monitoring pro-gram represents. Overall, the program was The Quality Assurance (QA) program over- found to be satisfactory, seeing emironmental monitoring aethities in-cludes the evaluation and control oi data from both on site and off-site sources. Commercial contract laboratories and their internal quality assurance programs are routinely reviewed by site personnel. In addition, commercial laboratories must perform blind analyses of standard or duplicate samples submitted by th: WVDP Environmental Laboratory.

WVDP monitoring activities are subject to quality control checks from the time of sample collection through sample analysis and data reduction. Each analytical test of the samples analyzed in the on site environmental laboratory is reviewed in detail. Specific quality checks include external review of sam-pling procedures, accurate calibrations using

,, rimary standard materials, participation in formal laboratory crosscheck programs (for example, with the EPA and DOE), and outside auditing by organizations that include the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the Department of Energy, and Westinghouse Electric Corporation.



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Introduction i

ture of 7.2 "C (45.0 "P ). Rainfall is relatively The West Valley Site high, averaging about 104 centimeters (41 in.)

per year. Precipitation is evenly distributed Location throughout the year and is markedly in, fluenced by Lake Eric to the west and, to a lesser extent, by Lake Ontario to the north.

lihe West Valley Demonstration Project Regional winds are predominantly from the (WVDp) is located in a tural atea approximate- west and south at almut 4 m/sce (9 mph) ly 50 kilometers (30 mi) south of Iluffala, New during most of the year.

York (Fig.1-1), at an average elevation of 400 meters (1,309 ft) on New York State's western plateau.The plant facilitics used by the Project Venitation and Wildlife occupy approximately 80 hectares (200 acres) of chain link fenced area within a 1,350-hec-The wesiern New York Nuclear Service Cen.

tare (3,300 acre) reservation that constitutes ter lies within the northeastern deciduous the Western New York Nuclear Service Center forest biome, and the diversity of its vegetation (WNYNSC). The communitics of West Valley, is typical of the region, Equally divided be-Ricesille, Ashford Hollow, and the sillage of tween forest and open land, the site provides Springville are kicated wit hin 8 kilometers (S mi) habitats especially attractive to white-tailed of the plant, Sewral roads and one railway r,iass dect and various indigenous birds, reptiles, through the Center, but no human habitation, and small mammals. No endangered species hunting, fishing, or pubb,e access are pernutted known to be present on the WNYNSC.

on the WNYNSC.

Economic Activities The wvDe site is underlain by a sequence of The iand immediaiety adjacent to th Bl acial deposits that occupy an older valley.

WNYNSC ,is used pr.imarily for agriculture The valley is cut into the sedimentary rccks and attoriculture. Cattaraugus Creek provides that underlie the entire region and are exposed a water recreation area for swimming, canoc- in the upper drainage channels on the ing, and fishing. Ahhough limited irrigation hillsides. The soil is mainly silty till consisting water for adjacent golf course greens and of unconsolidated rock fragments, pebbles, tree farms is taken from Cattaraugus Creek, sand, and clays. The uppermost till unit is the no public water supply is drawn from the Lave.'y, a very dense, compact, gray, silty clay.

creek downstream of the WNYNSC. Ilclow the Lavery tillis a more granular zone, the lacustrine unit, which is made up of silts, Climate sands, and, in some places, gravels that overlie a layered clay. The lacustrine unit, in turn, is A. underlain by an older glacial till, the Kent till, IUthough there are recorded extremes or which is c;uite similar to the Lavery.

37"C (98.6 F) and - 42 "C (- 43.6 F) in the region, the Western New York climate is moderate, with an average annual tempera-


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Figure 1-1 Location of the Western New York Nuclear Service Center

Environmcrualknitoring l'wgram There air two aquifers in the sitc area but designing the (mironmental monitoring pro-neither is coraidered highly permeable. The gram were the kinds of wastes and other upper aqcifer is a transient water table aquifer byproducts produced by Ihe processing of in the uoper a mrtus (20 ft) of weathered high level waste; possible routes that Lavuy till and allu i:d gravels concentrated radiological and nonradiologial con-near the western edge of the site. Iligh ground taminants could follow into the environment; to the west of the WVDP and 1:uttermilk geologic, hydrologic, and meteorological site C4eck valky to the cast each intersect this conditions; quality assurance standards for aquilet, pncludir.d off site migration of monitoring and sampling procedures and gret.ndwater. Several shallow, isolated, water- analyses; and the limits and standards set by transmitting strata also occur at various other federal and state governments and agencies, locathns within the site boundary but do not As new processes and systems become part of appear to be continuous enough to provide the program additional monitoring points are annues for the n.ovement of groundwater selected for sampling.

from an-site to off site areas.

The uppermost bedrock is another aquifer consisting of decomposed shale and rubble that ranges in depth from 2 meters (6 ft) un- Oata gathering, analysis, and reporting to derground on the hillsides to 170 meters meet permit requirements are an integral part (560 ft) deep just east of the Project's fenced of the WVDP monitoring program. Selected exclusion arca.The groundwater now patterns media are sampled and analyzed to meet are related to the recharge and downgradient Department of Energy criteria and plant movement for the two aquifers. Groundwater Operational Safety Requirements (OSRs),

in the surficial unit tends to move cast or The West Valley Demonstration Project par-northeast, away from Rock Springs Paad. ticipates in the State Pollutant Discharge Most of 4his groundwater emptics into Frank's Elimination System (SPDES) as required by Creek, Groundwater from the lower aquifer the New York State Department of Environ-tends to move cast toward the lowest point of mental Conservation (NYSDEC). The site the valley (see Fig. 3-1), abeut Wh350 meters operates under state-issued air discharge per-west of Buttermilk Creek, and may emerge to mits for nonradiological plant effluents, flow uorth northwest as surface water. All sur- Radiological air discharges must aho comply face drainage from the WNYNSC is to Butter- with the Natineal En'issions Standards for milk Creek, which flows irito Cattaraugus llazardous Air Pallutants (NESilAP). See Creek and ultimately into Lake Eric. the Emicoumental Compliance Summary, the Environmental Program Information Sura-mary, and Appendix H for more informatica Environrnental Monitoring Prograin and a list of permits.

Monitoring Goals Monitoring and Sampling The emironmentai monitoring program for The environmental monitoring program is the West Valley Demonstration Project began comprised of efnuent monitoring, off site en.

in February 1982. This program has been vironmenta! surveillance and on-site monitor-developed to detect any changes m,, the en- ing in which samples are n'casured for both vironment resultmg from Project actmtics and radiological and nonradiological components, to assess the effect of any such changes on the it includes both the continuous recording of human population and the enviionment sur-data and the collecting of soil, sediment, water, rounding the site.The monitormg network and air, and other samples at various times.

sample collection schedule have been designed to accommodate spceific biological Ondine air efnuent monitorist and sampling and physical characteristics of the area. '

of emironmental media piovide two ways of Among the several factors considered in uriii

imroduction assessing the effects of on-site radioactive waste processing. Continuous air effluent Ihposure Palhways Monllored al the monitoring allows rapid evaluation of the en. Mest Valley Demonstration Project vironmental effect of site aethities. Sampling is slower than monitoring because it must be fol- ,[be major pathways for potential movement lowed by laboratory analysis of the collected of radionuclides away from the site are by sur-material, but smaller quantities of radioact hity face water drainage and airborne transport.

can be detected through the analysis. For this reason the environmental monitoring program emphasizes the collection of air and Data in Appendices sur ace water samples. Sample are collected an site at kicat,ons i from which small amounts of radioacthily are norn ally released or might Appendir A summarizes the 1990 environmen.

pm y be released. Such locations melude tal monitoring schedule at both on-site and ,

I off site hications. Samples are designated by a P ""I *'"I"".uon stac amu awarious water e qnt points and surface water drainage coded abbreviation indicating sample type and hwauons. Samples of air, water, soils, and hication. (A complete listing of the codes is

.mo, ta from the ensironu,f the site mdicate any found in the index to Appen<lix A.) Appendix , ,

radioacovity that might reach the public from A lists the kinds of samples taken, the frequen-site releases.

cy of collection, the parameters analyzed, and the location of the sample points.

Water und Sediment pathwup Appendir a presides a partial list of the radiation protection standards set by the Effluent water is collected regularly or,in the Department of Energy,it also lists federal case of Lagoon 3, when the lagoon water is and state regulations that alTect the %YDP released, and is an:dy/ed for various parameters, ar.d regulatory permits held l.y the site. including gross alpha and gross beta, tritium, and pil. Additional analyses of composite Appcndit C summarizes analytical data from samples determine metals content, biochemi-air, water, redirm at, and biological samples cal oxygen demand, specine isotopic radioac-(meat, milk, foou erops, and fish) as well as thity, and spec'iic conductance.

direct r adiatic r. measurements and meteorological monitoring. Both radiologi- On-site groundwater and surface water cal and nonradiological analysis data are samples are collected regularly and analyved, provided in tabular format. at a minimum, for gross alpha and beta, tritium, and pH. Selected samples are Appendit D provides data from the com- analyzed for conductivity, chlorides, phenols, parison of identically prepared samples heasy metals, volatile crganic compounds, and (crosscheck analyses) by both the WVDP other parameters, potable water on the site is and independent laboratories. P.adiological analyzed monthly for radioacthity and annual-concentrati ms in crosscheck samples of air, ly for hazardous constituents, water, soil, and vegetation are reported here as well as chemical concentrations from Off-site surface waters, piimarily from Cat-water crosscheck samples. taraugus Creek and Butteimilk Creek, are sampled both upstream of the Project for Appendir E summarizes the data col!ected background radioactivity and downstream to from groundwater monitoring. Tables and measure possible Project contributions.

graphs report concentrations at various Residential drinking water wells located near locations for parameters such as gross the site are sampled annually. Sediments alpha and beta, tritium, cesium, dissolved deposited downstream of the facility are col-metals, and fluoride. lected semiannually and analyved for gross alpha, gross beta, an.' specific radionuclides.

(See Appendix C-1 ft data summaries).


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4 ,

Direct Radiation Afonitoring Air Pathways Long-term fallout is determined by analydng soil collected annually at each of the nine Efnoeni air emissions on.siie are continuous. F"*"c' ""d off 'i'e ai' '",*P'c a" 5 f'"*

. . . an addiu.onal site m Little \ alley, New Wrk, ly monitored for h!pha and beta actnaty mth ix Ol m remote alarms t hat indicate any unusual use in

, t sf m & %3'DR >

Appendix C 2 for fallout data summaries and radioactivity. Air particulate f,lters, which are

^PP'" I"' *". '"'"**"Nl retrieved and analyzed weekly for gross radioactivity, are also composited quarterly and analyred for strontium-90, isotopic Food Pathun)s gamma, and specific alpha emitting nuclides.

'odine 129 and tritiurn also are measured in P""""bF gn cant pathay is ik inn uon aW anun.datmn M radionuclides by game efnuent ventilation air. At two locations silica ammals and fish thatm, elude the W\ DP m gel-filled columns are used to extract water .

their range. Appropn.a te animal and fish vapor that is then distilled from the desiccant samp es are gathered and analyzed for and ar.alyzed for tritium. Four samplers con-ta mnut e content in odt to reveal any tain activated charcoal adsorbent that is an collected at several analyicd for radiciodine. The silica get longgenn tren ocahons a ong Cattaraugus Creek and iL columns are analyicd weekly; the charcoal is tr utaries at various distances downstream collected weekly and composited quarterly. from ihe %,VDP.

Off site samplinglocations include those con-lluman consumption of domesticated farm sidered most representanve of background

, animals and produce raised near the WVDP condityons and those most likely to be presents another pathway that is monitored.

downwmd of airborne releases. Among the lleef, milk, hay, and produce are colic ted at entena used to positmn off site air samplers nearby farms and at selected h> cations well are prevaihng mnd directmn, land usage,anJ any from any possib!c WVDp influence. (See populatmn centers.

Appendix C-3 for data summaries.)

e is continuously sampled at nine locations.

!!ackground samplers are located in Great Direct Radiation Monitoring Valley and Dunkirk, New Wrk. Nearby com-munity samplers are in Springville and West . ,

girect penetrating radiau.on is cononuously Valley, N:w York. Five samplers are located on the perimeter of the Western New York "". nhored using thermoluminescent Nuclear Service Center. These samples are dosimeters (TLDs) located on- and off site.

Monitoring points within the site are placed at analy/cd for parametcorting, timely calibration of equipment, training of permn-i.el, adherence to accepted procedures, and general laboratory safety. Additionally, the Environmental Laboratory participates in several quality assurance crosscheck programs administered by federal or state agencies. Gut-side laboratoriu contracted to perform analy3es for the WVDP also are regularly sub-jected to performance audits. (See Appendix D for a summary of crosscheck performance.)

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Review of Regulatory Technical Requirements for Recent Changes t

l l

Environmental Compliance Summary

[ Calendar Year 1990 Compliance Status vents. Of the sixteen permits, six are radiohigical


l l

discharges and therefore are regulated under the U. S. Emironmental Protection Agency's Emironmental compliance activities during (EPA) National Eminions Standards for the West Valley Demonstration Project ardous Air Pollutants (NESilAP) program.

(WVDP) successfully addressed issues as far reaching as Resource Con:;ervation and The annual Environmental Protection Reconry Act (RCRA) applications to radioac. Agency's NESil AP inspection in August indi-tive mixed waste (wastes that are both radioac- cated no noncompliance episodes or notices of tive and hazardous) management and the new violation. Calculations to demonstrate Clean Air Act Amendments. Management at NESilAP compliance showed 1990 doses to the WVDP continues to provide strong sup- be less than .01% of the revised standard of 10 port for emironmental compliance issues, en. millirem, which became effective in 1990.

suring that all state and federal statutes and regulations, as well as Department of Energy The revised standard included a de minimis (DOE) Orders, are integrated into the com- value for which permit applications were not pliance program at the WVDP. required to be submitted to the EPA. The WVDP performed seven reviews on various The following sections provide a review of radiologicat release points to determine the the compliance activities at the WVDP need for monitoring and permitting. Two fu-during 1990. ture sources, both related to the vitrification process, will require further review in 19'11 for E " '#N" "" '

Clean Air Act (CAA)

Emergency Preparedness And Community The Clean Air Act establishes a comprehen'

, Right to-Know Act (EPCRA) sive federal and atate framework that regulates air emissions from both stationary and mobile sources. Under the provisions of the CAA any The purpose of EPCRA is to encourage and emission sources of a CAA-regulated sub- support emergency planning efforts at the stance may require a permit or be subject to state and local levels and to provide local registration or notification requirements. governments and the public with information Emission sources regulated by the CAA may concerning potential chemical hazards in include stacks, ventilators, ventilation ducts, their communities.

wall fans, open burning, and dust piles. During 1990 the WVDP had sixteen active air permits. Under EPCRA the West Valley Demonstra-(See Table B-3 in Appendix B.) tion Project is required to supply two types of reports to various off-site state and local emer.

Nonradiological emissions are regulated by gency response organizations. These reports the New York State Department of Emiron- provide information about quantities, loca-mental Conservation (NYSDEC). The WVDP tions, and any associated hazards of chemicals received approval in 1990 from NYSDEC to used and stored at the s;te. In addition, the i modify two boilers and operate four tant WVDP is required to submit an annual report to the Emironmental Protection Agency and l

Dwironmental Compliance Sumniary : Calendar War WXI the New York State Department of Emironmen. Six ammonia measurernents and one biochemi-tal Conservation on toxic chemical emissions. cal oxygen demand measurement in February 19W) outside the permit limits (excursions) at All required reports were submitted to the outfall 007 were attributable to the site's appropriate organizations by the required sewage treatment plant. Immediate steps were A. aes, During the 1990 report period taken to cease all efuuent releases from outfall twenty-five chemicals required reporting to 007 and to determine the cause of the excur-state and local cmcrgency response organita- sions. A technical review of the wastewater tions. The 1989 report was submitted as re- treatment system by qualiGed engineers con-quired on July 1,1990. Annual emissions for cluded that the sewage treatment plant was three substances - nitric acid, tulfuric acid, undersized for the population it served. A $1 and zine compounds - were reported. The million dollar expansion was proposed for the toxic chemical emissions report for 1990 is to site's sanitary wastewater treatment system be submitted by the July 1,1991 file date. and forwarded to NYSDEC for approval, which is expected in 199L Until the system is approved and constructed, the existing sewage Clean Water Act (CWA) treatment plant has been stabilized by using improved process control techniques.

The Clean Water Act is the primary authority for water pollution control programs in the Two other excursions occurred during the United States. It establishes a National Pol- remainder of 1990. One involved a slightly lutant Discharge Elimination Splem (NPDES) elevated measurement used to determine the for permitting and thus controlling discharges amount of solid material (settleable solids) to groundwater and sarface water, The Clean discharged from the site (0.5 mg'L as com-Water Act allows authorized states to issue pared to the permit limit of 03 mg/L), This State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System excursion, which occurred at outfall 007, was (SPDES) permits. New York State received investigated and concluded to be unrelated to this authorization and all WVDP point source facility operations.

discharges to surface waters are permitted through the SPDES program. The other excursion occurred at outfall 001 and involved a slightly clevated iron con-The WVDP has three permitted outfalls. Out- centration in the ef0uent (0.87 mg/L as com-fall 007 discharges the combined effluent from pared to a permit limit of 031 mg/L).The level the site's sewage treatment plant and various of naturally occurring iron in the raw water industrial and potable water treatment systems. used by the Project was determined to be a Outfal1001 discharges the ef0uent from the low- contributing cause. To address this problem, level radioactive waste treatment facility the WVDP began using a new water treatment (LLWTF). Outfall 0% directs groundwater chemical after receiving permission from flow from the northeast side of the site's NYSDEC The chemical (potassium ferrate, a LLWTF lagoon system through a french drain. coagulant) has worked very well in reducing the amount of iron in the effluent. A problem Four batch discharges of treated water from with residual iron precipitates in the site's dis-the low-level waste treatment facility, of ap- charge basin remains to be addressed. It is proximately 2.5 million gallons (9.5 million possible that these sediments may become liters) each, occurred in 1990. The annual resuspended in the water column during dis-average concentration of radioactivity at the charge, thus causing an elevated iron value point of release was 23% of the DOE derived that is not due to the treatment facility's ef-concentration guides or DCGs (see Glossary). Duent. This issue is currently being inves.

None of the individual releases exceeded the tigated for appropriate action.

DCGs. (See Table B-1 for a list of the Depart-ment of Energy's derived concentration guides.) The New York State Department of Environ-mental Conservation conducted its annual SPDES inspection on February 27,1990. Al-2/

(hnpliance Status though there were no notices of noncom- waste, the WVDP submitted e RCRA Part A pliance issued, the Project was put on notice Permit Application for on-site treatment and that it must resohe the outfall(K)7 escursion storage of radioacthe mixed waste and thus issue or face enforcement action. The actions gained RCRA Interim Status, Dual regulation taken by the Project before, during, and after of radioactive mixed waste under both the the inspection were reported as noteworthy Atomic Energy Act (AEA) and RCRA oc-during follow up meetings and precluded the casionally results in conflicting requirements. 'ih need for enforcement action by NYSDEC. resohe these conflicts, the %VDP, like many other federal facilities, began discussions with the New Yoik State Department of Emironmen-Safe Drinung Water Act tal Conservation and the lumronmental Protec-tion Agency to negotiate a Federal and State

,[he WVDP obtains its drinking water from Facihties Compliance Agreement.

on site surface water reservoirs. The water is purified by filtration and chlorination before it Three radioacthe mixed waste treatment is distributed to the on site work force. As an systems were identified in the Part A permit operator of a drinking water supply splem, the application.

WVDP has monitoring and reporting require-ments. The drinking water program in the e The integrated radioactive waste treat-State of New York is administered by the New ment sprem (IRTS) is used to decon-York State Department of i tealth (NYSDOll) taminate and stabilire high-level through county health departments. The radioactive supernatant in cement. The WVDP is considered a nontransient, noncom. sptem, which involves treatment by ion munity public water supply. exchange and volume reduction prior to solidification, treated 272,000 gallons of Monitoring results in 1W) indicated that the supernatant during 19A). Of this,152N)

Project drinking water met NYSDOli drink- gallons rete converted to solidified non-ing water quality standards. There were no hazardous low level radioactive waste.

violations or audits of the drinking water pro-gram during 199th e The vitrification system, not )ct in opera-tion, will solidify Ihe high level radioactive

  • """ "I" E'"
  • Resource Consenation and Reemory Act (RCRA) e The third system will be used to treat groundwater captured from the closed

,1,he Resource Conservation and Recovery Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Act and ensuing amendments were enacted to licensed low level radioactive waste dis-ensure the environmentally sound manage- posal area (NDA).

ment of solid wastes. RCRA programs are im-plemented by the Environ.nental Protection Agency unless delegated to individual states. Nonradioacthe llazardous hte New York has regulatory authority to ad-minister both hazardous waste and radioactive During 1W) the WVDP used off-site, per-mixed waste. Authority to regulate radioae- mitted transportation and disposal facilities to live rnixed wastes was granted to the state by dispose of 2Al tons of nonradioactive hazard <

the Environmental Protection Agency in ous wastes. (Twenty-three tons were May 1990 transported off-site for disposal in 1989).

Sources of these materials ranged from ex-p n d la atory chemicals to maintenance N Radioacthe Miv I Waste (RMW) shop wastes. The WVDP also reclaimed, Mangement Program recycled, or rendered nonhazardous by Once the EPA granted New York State neutralization 8.2 tons of matemi as part of authori,ation to regulate radioactive mixed its waste minimization program.


Environmental Complience Swnmay: Calendar il ar 1%0 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) preliminary tediment samples were collected in Lagoons 2 and 3.

M NEPA Phase 1 Activities Field activities in 1W) included contaminant traruport modeling, data collection and analysis In February 1990 Secretary of Energy Watkins of soil temperature and crosion measurements, issued a secretarial directive, SEN-153'0, and the investigation of geochemistry and which modified National Environmental water quality, groundwater flow, air quality, Policy Act compliance procedures at Depart- mcteorology, and the distribution of ment of Energy facilities. The directive re- radiological and hazardous contaminants.

scinded NEPA decision making authority at Demography, lar * <.e, and cultural and all Department of Energy project ofGees and ecological resources were also studied.

centralized it at DOE headquarters in Washington, D.C. The directive requires " full As data was collected and interpreted, public disclosure and complete assessment" and technical information sessions about the will result in substantial revision of DOE progress and initial Gnds of these site charac.

Order 5440.1, revision and expansion of teritation activities were held.

Department of Energy NEPA procedures, and the climination of memoranda to-file, By the end of the year twelve draft emiron-(A memorandum-to file is a summary of mental information pack ages (EIPs) had been proposed actions that clearly would not have assembled. These packages, pre pared as input significant environmental effects). for an emironmental impact statement con-tractor, eventually will be published as sup-New draft Department of Energy guidelines porting documentation for the Phase 11 for complying with the National Emironmen- emironmentalimpact statement, tal Policy Act were developed and published for public review in the Federal Register in Medical Waste Tracking November 1990. Comments ca the draft, which were received in December 1990, indi-cated that extensive evaluation was required. During the lattei part of 1989 the state of Because of delays in review the expected New York enacted medical waste tracking, final ruling will be published no sooner than transportation, and disposal regulations. The October 31,1991, WVDP maintains a medical senices facility to provide minor health senices for workers.

These senices includa inoculations, first aid D NEPA Phase 11 Acthities treatment, and physical examinations. The WVDP filed notification with NYSDEC that Phase 11 site characterization activities in 1990 its medical activities would qualifyit as a small-to support the emironmental impact state- quantity medical waste generator (less than ment (EIS) for closure of the West Valley f fly pounds per month).

Demonstration Project were divided into twelve disciplinary arcas ofinvestigation: geol- For the 1990 reporting year the WVDP ogy, scismology, hydrology, soils charac- transported two shipments totaling six pounds tenzauon, water quality, a radiological survey, of regulated medical waste from its on-site a solid waste management unit assessment, air medical facility to a licensed disposal facility.

resources, socioeconomics, cult ural resources, The shipments included such items as medical ecological resources, and pathway assessment. dressings and inoculation needles.

Initial facility characterization ia 1990 con-sisted of in depth research into the operation. Ittroleum Product Spill Reporting al history of the site to gain historical perspective, an overland gamma survey, and Under an agreed upon reporung protocol surface soil sampling at selected solid waste with the hew York State Department of En-management uni's (SWMUs). In addition, xlii

Ciment issues wid Actions vironmental Conservation, the WVDP reports firm the desire of all parties to see that the spills of petroleum products that occur on-site WVDP's goal of solidificeion and stabili/ation in a monthly log, unless the spill comets in of the high lesel radioactive waste continues contact with emironmental media, in which in an emironmentally acceptable fashion, case NYSDEC is immediately notified. During 1940 there were thirty-one minor spills of Concurrent with discussions on the Federal petroleum products totaling appro<imately 11 and State Facilities Compliance Agreement, gallons. These spills were typically associated the WVDP has been actively engaged in div with the heavy industrial equipment currently cussions with NYSDEC and EPA concerning on site as a result of increased construction a RCRA 300S(h) Consent Order for potential activities, corrective actions. The Consent Order will confirm the WVDl"s intent to fully charac-Of the thirty-one spills only twelve required terize and ultimately close those facilities as-immediate notification of NYSDEC unucr the sociated with the stabilization and reporting protocol. The remaining nineteen solidification of the high level radioactive were reported in the monthly log submitted to waste. Discussions and signing of the Order NYSDEC. All spills were cleaned up in a are targeted for completion in IW1.

timely fashion in accordance with the WVDP Spill Prevention, Control and Counter-Ilazardous blaterials 'lYansportation measures Plan. None of these sp,dis entered drainage or surface waters and none resulted in any adverse emironmentalimpact. On July 10,19W three containcts of a non-radioactive, unused, hazardous chemical (71r-canyl nitrate) failed enroute while being Current issues and Actions returned to the manufacturer by the WVDP.

The contents of the containers (approximate ,

Resource Consermtion and Recmery Act 165 gallons) leaked from the truck carrying the (RCRA) chemical onto the surface of a roadside high-way rest stop.

In the summer of 1989 the U. S. Department Initial response by kical emergency response of Justice mvestigated the hazardors waste organizations quickly neutralized the material, management program at the WVDP. After a precluding any potential public health or en-fifteen-month mvestigation the Department '

vironmental cIfect. Under the supervision of of Justice concluded that no criminal charges WVDP personnel the area was cleaned and were warranted. '

returned to general access. All cleanup

. material was properly disposed of as industrial The WVDP has been activeiy engaged in


waste through licenscd disposers, Subsequent negotiations with the New York State Depart' investigations by the WVDP and the UX ment of Emironmental Conservation and the

, Department of Transportation (DOT) irtii.

Emironmental Protection Agency to address cated that the container failures were at-concerns over the a; plication of NYSDEC tributable to the use of incompatible containers harardous waste regulations to radioactive

, when the chemical was repackaged for return to mixed waste. Eight issues mitially identified the manufacturers.

for NYSDEC and the EPA were targeted for resoltttion through a Federal and State

, The Department of Transportation incident Facilities Compliance Agreement (FSFCA). review initially concluded that two deviations Thiough discussions between techmcal ex-from DOT regulatory requirements had oc-perts from the WVDP, NYSDEC, and the curred. After discussions with the WVDP in-EPA, tentative resolution of seven of these vesti ation team and consultation with DOT issues was obtained outside the FSFCA Mft ials in Washington,one of the fmdings was framework through mutually acceptable let-rescinded. After considering actions taken by ters of understanding. Fmalization of all WVDP personnel in response to the incident, agreements is targeted for IW1 and will con-xliii

Emiremmental Compliance Summary: Calendar il ar JWo the monetary penalty associated uith the second 6nding was reduced from $10,ouo to $.1,m). Summary of Permits n mnmental permits in effect at the West Clean Water Act (CWA)

Valley Demonstration Project during IM) are listed in Table B-3 of Appendit it in IW) the The wvDP undertook two major reviews of emject received approvaiin modifyits SPDES its wastewater treatment systems during IML permit to accommodate wastewaters from the Both reviews were designed to address and NDA interceptor trench project, submitted an resolve permit excursions at permined outfalls application 'o renew Ihe SPDES permit 001 and 007, Implementation of t'ne recom- (which includ.s a rnodification to the site's mendations from these reviews is awaiting sev. age treatment plant), received a depreda-NYSDEC review and/or approval. tion permit to remove barn swallow nests, received approval to modify two air discharge An enginected interceptor trench and an ae- sources, received approval to operate four companying liquid pretreatment system tank vents, and submitted a RCRA Part A downgradient of the NRC-licensed disposal permit application.

area (NDA) was completed in December tWO. The trench will prevent the migration of potentially contaminated groundwater from the disposal area. This contamination had been detected earlier i ,roundwater monitor.

ing wells in the NDA. ihe pre-treated liquids will be further treated in the WYDP low level waste treatment facility and released via a discharge point. As of April 1991 no contaminated groundwater had been detected in the trench system. A modification to the site's SPDES permit to accommodate this waste stream was applied for and approved in 1990.

'Ilger Team Assessment The J uly M Tiger Team review of the WVDP identined 122 findingvconcerns (twelve from the Management Assessment,lifty from the En-vironmental Assessment, and sixty from the Technical Safety Appraisal) that required 389 specific-action-itemresponses. AsofDecember 1990 the DOE West Valley Project Office had concurred on eknure of 105 of the findings.The Tiger Team Assessment report is available at Ihe WVDP for public review.


1 l

M Ql l

Environmental Compliance Summary l First Quarter 1991 ,

l 8""' J A silkwide computrr chemial tracking sn-Compliance Status tem that facilitates the reporting proctss under El'CRA was put into operation.

l,he compliaru Status of the West Valley Demonstration Project's (WVDP) rnejur en.

Clean Water Att (CWA)

.lronmental programs through the first quarter of 1991 is presented beluw. '!he Department of Encigy's idaho Operatiom, ,I,he WVDP submitted a proposed sampling Office surveilled the West Valley Demomtra. and arialys stratery to Ilie New York State tion Projtct's environinental compliance Depastruent of Emironmental Conservation on programs and iound no emironmental, safety, March 20, IW1 f or gathering data to support the or health deficiencies, upcoming storm water permit application re-quirementa. Information obtained fron4 y an t A in a that agenty C!ran Air Act (CAA) adautustratmn of this program is still uncerta,m and further guidance rnay be forthwrning.

,},he New YorL State Department of Emiron-mental Conservation (NYSDEC) inspeetta g,,n a Cnn di ad Rrmq Act the % \ DP s air proc. rams in Janu,=ry IW1 to gggg y verify that the permit app!ication for a

&aistry laboratory was an accurate repte.

sentation of the as built condition.The inspec. ,I,he WVDP's harardous waste and radioac-tion did not resuh in any findings and the tive mised waste programs were inspected by Certificate to Operate was issued. Certificates the New York State Department of Emiron-to Operate were also received for a paint mental Conservation on March 20 and March booth and a source capture welding system. 22,1991. There were no findings er notices of noncompliance. In addition, the outstanding

,i package containlag information on the items from a 1989 inspection were closed.

Vitrifica* ' off gas treatnu nt sys'em was sub-mitt e. U. S. Emironmental Protection The annual lla/ardous Waste Generator /w'aste

! AFency . k A) for resiew. This informaticn Minimization Report was t.ubrnitted o the will be used ta develop a National Emitsions New York State Department of Emitorunental Standards for liarardon Air Pollutants Conservation by 11 e March 1, lWI deadline, (NESilAP) ocrntit application, to be r apmved by the EPA, tiefore the system begins to Iaperate. Medical Waste Tracking A medicai wasic disponi ag.ccmeni was Emergency Preparedness and Communit) signed by the WVDP and a local licensed Right in Know Art (EpCRA! medical facility on February 12,1992. The agreement provides for the proper packaging Emergenev and liarardous Chemical inven. and transport of WVDP inedical waste to the lory (Tier 11) Reports were transmitted to the medical facility and its subsequent disposal by state and local ernergency re ponse organita. that facility.

Oons by the .iiarch 1,1991 deadline.

Ennronmental Compliaace Summarw hrst gwtcr JW!

Prtrotcum Product Spill Reporting mised waste rnanagernent programs resulted in no findirigs and effectisely closed all out-A evised rettoicum P,eauci Spiii neporiing * " * " r i" "' ' "" "' " " ""

Proto(o! was agreed to by the West Wiley Demonstrat.on Project and the New York 11ger Team Aucument State Department of Emironmental Conser-ution. The revised protocol espanded the b IW9 Tiget Team Action Plan response category of r yncroironmentalamput spdis i k WVDP - mpleted, including that could b recorded in the enonthly spilllog.

Project O!Eo: concurrence, as of mid libr uary 1W1. The Tiger Team Autument report is Safe Drinking Water Act available at the WVDP for public review.

Under new Ernironmental Protection Agency primary drinking water standards the WVDI.

Surninary of Perrulls 1

will be reviewing the effeulveness of its drink-ing water treatment systeru. New performanc e Since January 1W1 air permit applications for a standards for the r moval of certain rnicroor- sour ce captur e welding system, a paint imth, and ganisms have becn issued Ihat require verifica- Analytical and Proccu Chemistry taloratory tion that Ihe atandards can be mei before they equipment were approwd by the New York State become effective. Delurtment of EmironmentalCorecrution.

in March IVM r. estricted burning permit ap-National Enstronmental Polley Att (NLPA) plication required to conduct fire brigade

" " ~ * * " * " "

A categoricai esciusion is a category of ac.

tion that normally does not individually or A depredation perrnit for ehe removalof abar..

cumidatively have a sigrillicant oflect ori the doned barri swallow riests was reviewed by the quality of the human environment and that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NYSDEC.

requires neither an environmental impact statement nor an environmental auessment. As suggested by NYSDEC, the WVDP Elven categorical exclusic.n determinations ptrpared an amendment to its RCRA Part A and one environmental asscssment (EA) were permit application. The amendment expands prepted and submitted for Department of storage capacity to accommodate an addition.

Energy approvalin the first quarter of IW1. al facility for the storage of nonradioactive, hatardous wastes.

Current issues and Actions Resource Conservation und Recmtry Act (RCRA) bed on the conclusion of the U.S Depart.

ment of Justiceinvestigation of the West Valley Demonstration Project, which ended in Sep-tember of IVM and resulted in no criminal charges, and on discuulons with WVDP tech-nical personnel, the New York State Depart-ment of Ernironmental Conservation did not feel any further action was neccuary relating to the 1989 hazardou waste program inves-tigation. A March 1W1 MYSDEC impection of the WVDP's harardous and radioactive xlvi


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! Electroshock Fishing for llackground Sainples with the New York State Departinent of Environinental Conservation l

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I 1.0 Environmental Program Informatian Summary

-A is ingested or inhaled, the alpha partkles flyglin', and 1(adioaclhlly released in'ide the body can damage soft A.s the Western New York Nuclear Senice Center is no longer an actise nuclear fuel e Ileta Particles reproccasing facility, the major interest of the emitonmerital monitoring proptarn is in the A beta partitle is an electson that :csults from radiolon and radioactivity levels associated the breakdown of a neutron in a radioactive with the cleanup nethitics.1he following in. nucleut lieta particles are small compared to formation about tadiation and radioactivity alpha partkles, travel at a higher speed (close may be useful in understanding the ar. to the speed of light), anrl t an be stopped by a tivitics of the Project and the terms used in material suc h as wood or aluminum an inc h or reporting the results of environmental so thkk. If I cia particles are released inside ter, ting measurernents, the body they do mut h less damage than alpha partkles, assuming that equel amounts of Rudicurricity is a property of unstable atomic energy are absorbed by the tissue.

nuclei that spontaneously disintegrate or i change into atomic nucici of anothtr isotope e (lamma llays or element (sec (ilossary). As the nuclei decay, total radioactivity is reduced until only a stable (lamma rays are high energy "pxLets" of nonradioactive isotope remaint Depending electromagnetic radiation called photont on the isotope, this process can take anyw here They are similar to x rays but generally have a from less than a second to hundreds of shorter wavelength and therefore are rnore thousands of years, energetic than x rays. If the alpha or beta par.

title released by the decaying nucleus does not Radiation is a general term used to describe carry off all the energy available, the nucleus several forms of energy, including the energy rids itself of the escess energy by emitting that accompanies decay of atomic nuclei. gamma iays, If the released energy is high a Radiation from radioactive materials that are very penetrating gamma ray is produced that of primary interest take thece forms: alpha or can only be ef fectively reduced by several inch-beta particles, and gamma rays, es of a heavy element such as lead, Although large amounts of gamma radiation are o Alpha Particles dargerous, gamma rays are also used in inany lifesaving rnedical proceduies.

An alpha particle may be emitted as a frag-ment from a much larger nucleus. It consists inntring Radiation of two protons and two neutrons, just like a helium nucleus, and is positively charged.

Alpha particles are relatively large and heavy Radiaiion can be aamaging if, in coiiiaing and do not travel very far when ejected by a with other matter, the alpha or beta particles decaying nucleus. Alpha radiation thus is casi- or gamma rays knock loose electrons from the ly stopped by a thin layer of material such as absorber atomt This process is ni'ed ioniza.

paper or t.Lin. llowever,if radioactive ma'erial tion, and the radiation that pn.ouces it is

Doiromnental hopam Infommtion Snmmarv sefet ed to as ionizing radiation bccause it per second. One cmie equals 37 billion nuclear changes a previously neutral : tom into a dkintegrations gu semnd (3.7 x 10*d/s). Ver)

(harged atom called an ion (sce Glowar)). small amounts of ruliaatthity are sometimes measured in lowuries. A picocurie h one-Various Linds of ionitiny radiation produce trillionth (10'p2) of a t urie, different degrees of damage, The relathe biological rfinthonen (RIIE) or quality fac. Onctw absorkd:

1or (OF) of a particular kind of radiation indi-cates the extent of cell damage it can cause Idadiation effects can be predicted based on compued with equal amounts of other inni/. the rmount of energy absorbed by the receiv-ing radiations. Alpha particles cause twenty ing material, measured in tmh (radiation ab times as much damage to internal tiwuct as sorbed dose) or grays. A rad is defined as a x-rays, and so alpha radiation has a quality dose of 100 crgs of radiation energy absorbed factor of 20 compared to gamma rap, x rays, per gram of material while a gray is one joule or beta particles, of energy absorbed per kilogram of material.

Energy can also be expressed in terrns of Itackground Radiation electron volts (cV). Ilowever, as an electron volt is such a small amount of energy the I$ackground radiation is alwap prcscnt and preferred unit is a milliot, electron volts everyone is constantly exposed to low k veh of (hieV), Thus, a gamma ray photon from such radiation from both naturally occurring barium.137m (from cesium 137) would have and manmade murces. In the United States an encrgy of f62,0m eV or 0.fo2 hicV. (One the average total annual exposure to this low- rad equah o2.4 x 10 hieV of energy per gram level background radiation is estimated to be of material),

about 360 millirem (mrem) or 3 6 millisieserts (mss), hiost of this radiation, approsimately lihdogical clint:

300 mrem (3 mSv), comes from natural sources. The rest comes from medical proce. A ihird measure of radiaiion h ihe ,em, the ,

I dures and from consumer products. unit of " dose equivalent" that h proport:onal to the biological damage to tissue produced by 11ackground radiation includes cosmic rap, different Linds of ionizing radiation. Rems are the decay td natural elements such as potas- equal to the number of rads multiplied by a slum, uranium, thorium, and radon, and radia. quality factor that is related to the relative tion from sources such as (hemical fertilizers, biological effectiveness of the radiation in-smoke detectors, and televisions. Actual doses vohed. Dose equivalents can aho be measured vary depending on such factors as geographic in sicverts. One rJcvert equals 100 rem. (See locatirn, building ventildion, and personal Chapter 4, "Radiologicel Dose Assessment,"

health and habits. for more information.)

Units of Measuretnent Potential Efrects of Radiation l Idadiation is described in three ways: The The biological effects of radiation can be rate of emission, the amount of energy ab- either somatic or genetic. Somatic effects are sorbed, or the biological elfcct, restricted to the person exposed to radiation.

For example, clouding of the lens of the eye or Nuclear disintegrations: lou of white bhed celk can be caused by i sufficiently high exposure to radiation.

3,he rate at which radiation is emitted can be l described by the number of nuclear transfor- Radiation aho can cause chromosomes to mations that occur in a radioacthe material breat or rearrange themselves or tojoin incor-over a fixed period of time. This process, or rectly with others. These changes may pr oduce

! radioacthity, is measured in curies (Ci) or bec- generic effects and may show up in future ,

querch (ilq). One becquerci cquah one dccay generations. Radiation produced genetic j..;



.- _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ m ___ _ _ .__ -. __ _ __ . .. _____ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _

Mrawring Radisnion at the if ht ibiky ikmornrration l'roject 1 dcIects and mutations in offspring of an and direction) are all conddcred in evaluating esposed parent, while not positively iden- potential esposure through the major pathways.

tified in humans, hase been observed in some animal studie5. The West Valle) Dernonstration Projnt Monitoring Program The effcci of radiation depends on the amount absorbed. Temporary effects such as vomiting might be caused by an instantaneous

,l,he on site and off site monitoring program dose of 100400 rem (12 Sv), but with no at the West %lley Demonstration Project in-long lasting side tifects. At 50 rem (0.5 SV) a dudes measuring the concenteation of total single instantaneous dose might cause a nipha and beta radmactivity, conventionally reduction in white blood cell count,The West referred to as " gross alpha" and " gross beta,"

Valley Demonstration Project work for(c is in air and water effluents. Measuring the total litnited 10 0.1 e m (1 mSv ) for individual daily alpha and beta radioacthily in sever al samples, which can be done within a matter of hours, work exposures. not to exceed i rem (10 mSv) per calendar quarter. At such low exposures no produces a comprehensive picture of current clinically observable effects hase eser been on site and off site radiation levels frorn all seen. The calculated doses from Project opera- sources. In a facility such as the West %lley tions for the maximally er ned off site in. Demonstration Project, tra(Ling the overall ,

Icwls of radioadivity in effluents is an important dhidual is about 0.23 tm em ( .K-03 mSv).

toolin maintaining acceptabic operations.

The difficulty in assessing biological damage from radiation is that other factors can cause other radioactive parameters are measured as the same symptoms as radiation exposure, well. Strontium 90 and cesium 137 are Moreover, the body apparently is able to meawred because of their relathe abundance repair damage caused by low-level radiation. in WVDP waste streams. Radiation from cer.

tain important radionuclides such as tritium or The e ffect most often associated with exposure iodine 129 are not sufficiently energetic to be to relatively high levels of radiation is an in. detected with the gross beta measurements, so creased risk of cancer, llowever, scientists these must be analyzed separately with instru-have not been able to demonstrate that ex, ments having greater sendthity, lleavy cle-ments such as uranium require special an., f sis posure to low-level radiation causes an in, crease in deleterious biological effects, nor to t>c detected because they exist at such low levels at the WVDp.

have they been able to determine if there is a level of radiation exposure below which there are no biological effects.

The radionuclides monitored at the Project are those that might produce relatively higher doses or that are most abundant in the air and Measuring Radiation at the West water effluents. liccause sources of radiation Valley Dernonstration l'roject at the Project have been decaying for more than fifteen years, the monitoring program IIuman beings may be exposed to radioac, does not routinely include short lived radionuclides, i e., isotopes with a half life of thity primarily through air, water, and food, At the West Valley Demonstra* ion Project less than two years. (See Appendix A for a all three pathways are monitorco,but air and schedule of samples and radionuclides surface water pathways are the two major measured and Appendix H for related Department of Energy protection standards.)

means by which radioactive material can move off site.

The geology of the site (kinds and i.tructures of rock and soil), the hydrogeology (water dv.ecause any two s.amples are never exactly l preser,ce and flow), and meteorological char, the sa nc, statistical methods are used to acteristics of the site (wind speed. patterns, decide how a particular measurement com-1 I 14 l

Ero&cmmental1% gram Infomwtion Swrm:ary pares with other measurements of similar the slu@c is compmed mostly ofiron bydroside.

sample 't he term confidence icwlis used to Radioattive cesium in solution accounts for describe how certain a measurement is of more than wtT of the lotalfiwlon pratutts in t he being a "t, ue value. The WVDp environmen- supernatant and strontiumA) accounts for rnost tal monitoring program uses the 9.M con- of the radioacthity in the studge.

Odence level, which means that 45t1 of the measurements (19 out of 20) are within the The integrated radioactive waste treatment calculated uncertainty range, system (IRTS), which began operating in 10% is a four step procen that reduces the The unecitainty range, related to the con- volume of the high level waste fluids by fidence level,is the expected range of values producing low.'evel waste stabilired in (c.

that account foi background nuclear decay me nt. T he IRTS removes more lhan 99.9% of and r, mall meau.rement procca variations the radioaciivity from the high level waste for which a measurement will be "true" 95% fluid, concentrates the resulting low level of the time. The uncertainty range, ex. liquid waste, blends it with cement, and preued as a " + /." followed by a value f. tor es it in 71 gallon square steel drums in an (e.g.,5.30 + /. 3.61b09 Cl/mL) tneans that abme ground, shielded vault. More than the "tiue" value will be found 95t1 of the 272,000 gallons of liquid high level waste time within the uncertainty range (e.g., were procened in 1990, and approximately from 1,7 to 8.91LO9 gCi/mL). If the uncer. 3800 drums were produced, bringing the tainty range is greater than the value itself, the iotal number io about 10,300 drums.

measurement is below the " detection limit,"

which means that t least 95% of the time the utr sUl'tRNATAN'l llWATstLNI sys11 A1

  • true" salue is somewhere below the detec- (STS). housed in a spare storage tank (tank tion limit value, 8D 1) identical to the tank that stores most of


the high level waste, pawes the supernatant through four lon exchange columns filled with 1990 Activitics at the West Wiley reolite, a synthetic, granular clay material that Der.1onstrattori l*roject removes most of the radioactive cesium from the supernatant. The low level salt solution liigh lese! Wuste Processing that remains is sent to the liquid waste treat-ment system (LWrS) through triple walled e The Integrated Itadwaste Treatment piping. The cesium loaded 7colite is being System (IRTS) stored in tank 8D.! until the high level waste The high level radioactive waste (llLW), a by product of the spent nuclear fuel lill! 11001n was1t: 11mAlsinNT sysanst reproceuing condteted at the site duilng UWl3) concentrates the low level liquid salt the late 1060s and early 1970s by Nuclear l'uci solution through evarcration, 'Ihe liquid is Senices, Inc., is currently isotated under. heated and the resulting steam is collected, ground in two steel tah d c h; contained condensed, and proccued befose being within concrete vaults. released as liquid effluent. The radioactive concentrates are then sent to the cement Approximately 98% of the waste is in one of solidineation system (CSS).

the tanks (tank 8D 2).The waste has settled into two layers: a liquid phase, the super. Tilh ClatlNI sullDtl1 CATION Sysl131 (csg natant, and a precipitate layer on the bottom blends the radioactive conecatrates with cc.

of the tank, the sludge. The total radioacthity ment. This cement /waa.le mixture is placed in in the tank is about equally dhided betwecn 270 liter (71 gallon) lined, square steel drums the supernatant and the sludge that are then stor:d in a specialh designed above-ground shielded vault, the drum cell.

The supernatant is composed mostly of sodium and pot assium salts dissolved in water; l6

ivhl At tintia at Ilir llht 1 bilty Ikmorolmtion l'roject

'lilli til(UM Ct'll., dedgned to store Class il llurardous Wasten ans "lau C low level waste, was completed in 1987,it is located Southwest of the rnain plant Nonradioactive harardom materials used in near the NRC licemed disiwal area (NDA). various site maintenance, dranup, and testing T he drum cell can storc approdmately twt uty actidtics also are subject to s, alt ty and s trulatory thousand 270-liter drums of cement stabilized requiremenit liarardous waste inanagement low level waste, actidtics in Pr o included l'u Aling a new stor age facibly to segregate ha/ardous materials, install-Im.lcsel Wnte Pr octuing "E " "'* #"*PP #' I""U'*" '" ""N ""h#

ha/ardom ruttriah, and addmg National I nc Pracction Amciation labch to all Iwardom o Aqueous %,aste mMerid contsnm Through iut P/M the low levd waste treat-

.N Proj Ps hatardous waste management also ment farmly (I L% IT) processed aqueous induded new watchouse fac,,ities used to wastes before diuharge. In l'/0 the Project released 42 milhon litcts (11,1 milh,on gallom) r e b/adom wm3 for off h unner-tation; installing four spvlally enginecred steel to the emironment,1,he disdiarge water s c on-storage h(Lets inteting all state and F.PA re-tamed an estimated a m,dbcunes (mCl) of quirements for storage of wntaincriecd ha/ard-radmacthiry (grou alpha plus grou beta)'

Comparable rdenes futing the previous hvc Miairs a headms maria station group to manage all lwardom years,1985 through 1%9, averaged about 44 ja di mG per year. The F#M release wm roughly d mWMing 9

$% above this level, MdAW W%f udningin himde e cratiom for 370 employees.

The 4.42 curies of tritiurn released in !!ro wp a factor of 2,3 above the previom five > car Waste Minimitation Program average, primarily as a result of the liquid waste treatment system operation. The draft waste minimintion plan for the West %lley Demomtration Project, prepared e Solid Waste in accordance with DOli Order $400.1, prmides a basis for long range picaning for Contaminated equipment and hardware from wage storage and proccuing facintics, man.

NFS operatiom, as well as contaminated power, funding, and v;aste minimliation ac-wastes generated by current Project opera- tivities at the WVDp.

tions, are collected, analyzed, packaged, and stored on .,te. When appropriate, metal ob- Objectives of the planinclude carciulsegrega-jects such as piping and tants are cut up and tion of dean materiah from contamination compressib'c wastes are compacted to reduct runes nnd reuse of contaminated tools when-the waste volume Approximaldy37,(KO cubic ever practicable, Wade mirdinitation policy feet of low level waste was proccued in Pro aho indudes supercompaction of waste, si/c.

using compaction and eutling to achieve a 75% reduction, and pretreatment of high level reduction in volume. About 53,500 cubic feet waue fluids to reduce the volume or material of low. level waste in addition to the IRTS reqdring vitrification, drums was collected and placed in storage during F/h). All Project low levd waste is The Proie(t's waste minimi/ation program being stored in above ground facilities Two calb for reducing sources of waste t y r equiring additional temporary wratherproof structures justification for purt hne and use ofindustrial were crected in F#O and will provide more chemicals and by providing active recycling than 50,000 square (cet of storage space for and treatment of hatardous waves to rnale packaged low level waste. them nonharardous, where pouible, in-dustrial nonharardous wade is minimited by recyding certain waste streams and by placing 1-7 l

l Divironmentalhwam h)onnatiort Swinnury l

surplas material at auction or into Govern- and that icquiren neither an cmironmentalim-l ment Senices Administrathm surplus. pact Matement nor an envuonmental assess-rnent). liefore memoranda to file were Pollution Petsention Auartness Prograni i""'J i" s' EI'"d'#' l w 0' d s'!*'d apprinah for three recene on s.'h' WvDP ite activihc5 The West Vallc) Demonstration Projc(t pollu.

' " ' " ' ' " ' " " ' "' " EP '"*" i " "

rnemoranda-to nit, t,on i prevent,on i awareness program m. dudcs the right to-know communications program and new emphe>ce orientation that prosides Phase il N1:PA Arthitlen: Site Charm terliation information about the WYDP's industrial ll> giene and Safety hianual, the IInvironmen-

[hfore the Department of !!nergy can move t d Pollution and Control Procedure, and the Ilarardous Wate hianagement Plan. kom Pher i activities to Phne ll dosure ac-i;viije,, another environmental impact ass (ss-ment must be produced. Initial steps toward

't he pollution prevention awareness progeam this god indude intensive (haracteni/ation of is an iturgral put of the overall waste mim-the site in order to provide an estimate of the tri/ation program, llowever, it is a dkcrtit environinental effects of dosure activities.

program implemented by all operational groups in the WVDP and h supported by the Exhting site and wete data wcre collected and Training and Devtlopment departroent, reviewed, and more than one thousand hi tori-cal documents were indesed. Fidd arthities The Mi pollution prevention awareness pro-induded an overland gamma survey, surface gram eventually will indude all cmployee soil sarnpling at selected solid wete manage-meetings, v,i dea scicenings, pm.ters, contgts ment units (SWMUs), preliminary sediment and awards, end a Pollution Prmentmn umpling of 1.agmms 2 and 3, and data colicc-Awrcaess Day.

tion and analysh of the geohydrology of the Site, geochemistry and water quality, air Nallonal Environrnental Policy Act 4""h'Y' ""d 'h' dkih"'I"" "I '"di"I"8I '"I (NEl%) Acilvities ""dh"'"'d"""'""'"*I"""''""'""""""' ,

trana. pori rnodeling aho was esaluated as wc!!

as the cuhural and ecological resourcc5 of the

,I,he eventual goal of the West Valley site and la emitons.

Demonstration Project is not only to convert high level waste into r,tabili/cd waste forms Although a signficant portion of the prelimi-(Phaw I) but to also decoataminate and nary wor L for the Phase ll site charaeterization dccommission the facilities used in the Project had been completed in 1989 and 1990, in a manner that will ensure the s.afety of the budgetary cutbacks necessitated a change in emironment and the public (Phase 11). Phase the pace of work on the emiror mentalimpact I aethities generally concern the day-to-day Matement (EIS) site characterization. Ilow-operations that support solidifying the high-level wete, ever, compliance monitoring under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) continues to retain its high priority, Phase i NEPA Arthitics The WVDP is currently a 30tN(h)

Order on Consent and a Federal and State Ouring 1990 thirty nine Environmental racilities compliance Agreement (PSFCA)

Checklists documenting proposed WVDP ac-with the Uli. Emironmental Prott clion Agen-tions v'ere submitted as categorical exclusions ry (EPA) and the New York State Department for Department of Energy review and ap-of Enviromnental Conservation with respect proval. ( A categorical exclusion is defined as a to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act category of action that normally does not in-(RCRA) guidelines and their implementation dhidually or (umulathcly have a significant at the WVDP.

effect on the quabty of the human omironment 1-8

linic Chemic,,1frocraory The Consent Order and the l'cderal and drinting water wcils cury ) car, all are now State l'acilities Cotopliance Agreement re- sampled annually.

quires that the :ite conduct inustigations and develop plans and whrdules that com. One on site rurface water monitoring point ply wnn F.CitA guidelines. Since these was upgraded for automated sample collec-negoliations and compliance agtermenta tion. 'l his point rnonitors sm face w atera diain-had been anticipated,inuch of the 1990 site ing from the lag storage ar ea, w here addidonal characteritation work also satisIled these wage storage buildings have been added and future needs, elevated monitoring neede, arc anti.spated.

(See Appendis A for details of the above in order to s atisfy itCRA guidelines and thanges. Although not notedin Appendis A, decelerate the environmental impact state- new on site groundwater monitoring wrils ment program, work during IW0 and 1991 h:s installed in 1990 were sampled during the focused on the solid wage inanagement units. year during the wcli development phase.

Itesults are not induded in report be.

  1. " " ' " " "# " " ""'# I " ""

1990 Changes in the 1:nvironmental Monitoring I'rogr am -

R( RA Reports brveral changes were inade in the routine WVNS has dewtoped a huardous waste endronmental monitoring progr am in 1990 management Ian that en urcs propcr manage-as past of a continuing sifort to impiove n t of aH brde e imm k pim of emting monitoring points and in response generation to final dispoution. The plan's basic to regulato1y thanges.

r him in&de properly designating and

  • SPDI$ Permits.nno DOE Order $40).5 U" "E "" "##"'""' *#"#3*""'" "I "

facility, obtaining approptlate samples and that.

The preject's modificd SPDES permit ex- attent{ng wwes acui yding io ha/ardous wastes rep aang maintainmg sc4puted reuna and panded mnnitoring of location WN5p001, reluirts; stocking and maintaining spill control the primary point of liquid riduent batch

'""I" " "" '9"Y"'*"I ""d cnsunng that die relene from the site, to include analyses for appropriate emplo, wen ate tram. edin emergency several addstional chemical parameless. Tb requng an deten.dning unraloa& ha/-

demonstrate compliance with DOE Order

""I""* ""de release regxudng and noMcan,on 5400.5, which was effeetive Mcy 1990,

""d' when recpnred, ntaung ap monitoring of sanitary waste sludge from the 9""."*""I' "" " " U." " ' '

sewage treatment plant for radiological P'"P""

parameters was added to the program.

Toxic Chernical Inventory

  • e Expanded Monitoring Program Under the Superfund Amendments and The exisiing monitoring program was ce "eautho'i'adoa ^ct (s^n^) Tiile lii re-quirements, also known as the Emergency panded by adding several sampling locations:

a new fallout collection po!at oa. site, new Preparedness and Community Right to-E ^el (EpCRA), harardous chemical locations for collection of site drinking water,

. ""* ton,es inven on-site muu be reported to the and an unde: drain collection poiM to better manifor subsurface dr.h;c in the high-level MA. Dunng die im repoding period the WWP pn>duced quadnly updates of the waste storage and processing area. Additional inwntory of harardous themicals used on-analyses of samples from existing locations -

site and sent them to lot I and state emer-tritium analysis of beef and deer samples and gency managonent agencies, The chem,cals, i uranium analysis of selected soil samples -

quannues stored on site, and on site use m were added in the 1990 program. And rather dan sampling half of the private residental Mindudd I9

1:n Nomnrr,tel hopam Infonnathm Summarv Seven chemicals (12,VO lbs) were deleted D ammonia (3N)lbd, used in the from the 1989 list because sitirification testing laboratories and for sewage treatment had been completed and the (hemicals had been disposed of, returned to the vendor, or D cement (7090 lbs), used in the used in various procer scs.

Solidification of low level radioacth e waste -

On.slie I:nsironinental'Iraining i D chlorine (MU lbs), used to didnf ett potable water ,I,he West Valley Nuclear Senices Co., Inc.

(WVNS) pimides a comprehendre program D diesel fuel #2 (7(Ko lbs), uwd for back- that identifies eligible employers and trains, up power for generators retrains, and documents their Occupational ,

Safety and llcalth Act (()Sil A) instruction as I requir ed by 29 CI'R 1910.120. The WVNS pro-D ferrous sulfate (.42,0t0 lbs), used in gram fxuses on the company's togwmdbility waste water treatment for prmiding adequate t mironmental, health, and safety t raining for allidentified employees D gasoline (16,$lo lbs), used for on site of the West Valley Demonsteation Preject.

vehicles I To date, more than .VO cinplo3ces have been )

D fuel oil # 2 (7,(ro ibs), used for back up trained in a site speciGe twenty four hout han i power for boilers and other equipment atdous waste operations course that was developed in 19n WVNS also has trained 198 cmployees to properly respond to spills on-D bydroge n peroxide (1,1(0 lbs), uwd in site. In addition, Supenisors are briefed on the the nitrous oxides off gas system legal aspects of environmental compliance through an additional cight hours of skills D lithium hydroxide (2,uo lbs), used in training for supenisors of hatardous wagte sitrification operations. SpeciGe RCRA awarenew train.

ing also was conducted throughout 1990 for D nitric acid (1,2io lbs), used in vitrifica- the WW managonent.

tion testing and for pit control in October 190 an eight hour harardous waste

, operations training program was initially offered.

n oil (0,(KO 11w), used to lubricate vanous This prty. ram provides detailed information on equipment hazardous materiah management procedures.

D propane ($(0 lbs), used for fuel To provide pollution prevention awareness for employces, the goals of the waste minimitation D silicon dioxide (17,1(0 lbs), used in program have been included in the radiation sitrification worker program and the harardous waste operations courses. Specific cmployee incen-l tive programs that recognize improvem :nts in D sodium hydroxide (12,4(0 lbs), used in waste minimitation and pollution prevention water treatment will begin in IW1.

D sulfuric acid (33,0t0 lbs), used in water i treatment Self Assesstnent l

Assessments concerning environmental com-D r;ine bromide (13,500,1bs), used for radia- pliance and regulations are summarized in the j tmn shichhng m wcwing windows Emironmental Compliance Summary above.

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2.0 Effhient and Environmental ,

F__ ... .._.

i Monitoring l l

,I .


In addition, quarterly compositen consi ging of 2.1 Radiological Monitoring ihi,tcen wettiy filiers from exh sample sta-tion are analy/cd. A complete tabulation of 2.1.1 Air hinnlinring these stations is give n in Tabin C41212is C 2.20 in Appendit C 2.

Air is moniiored at i;verat iocations in order Ti.e mmi f,om em h pe,miiiea ng..i,eniiia.

to ascertain the effect of 1'roject acthitics, tion system serving the tite's facilitu. is con.

Samplers are located at po,mts remote from tinuously filtered. moniloted, and sarppled at the West Valley Demonstration Project site, at it is retened to the atmo9hern. Sccially the perimeter of the site, and on the site itself. desigard isokinetic sampling noulea mn-(See Appendix A,page A 3, for an explanatmn tinuously remove a represemadve petion of of the monitoring location codes.) the exhaust air, whid is then drawn through very fint, small, glass liber filters to liap any soin.swol.i.sritos Ast> Asrints partkles. Sensitive detectors continuously measure the radioactivity on these filters and Air sampics are collected by drawing air proviA remote remJouts of alpha and beta through a very fit.c filter with a sacuum pump. radioacthity levtts to control display panch.

The total volume of air drawn through the sampler is measured and recorded by a meter. A separate sampling unit on the sentilation The filters trap particles of dust that are then stack of each sysicm contains another filter ic6ted in the laboratory for radioacthity. At that is iciaoved every week and subjected to two kications (ArilSPilD and AITiltVAl-) additional laboratory testing. This sampling samples are also collected for iodine 129 system also may contain ar. acthated carbon analysis using activated carbon cartridges. cartridge used to collect a sample that h Three of the four perimeter samplers, mounted analynd fr iodi'ic-129 on towers 4 meters high, maintain an average 3

flow of about 401/ min (1.5 ft / rain) through a in addition to these samples, water s apor from glass fiber filter. The remaining 11.: main plarit ventilation stack (ANSTACK) perimeter sampler and the four remote r.amplers is collected by trapping moisture on silica gel operate with the same air flow rate as the three desiccant columns. The trapped water is dis-sampler, mounted on towers, but the sampler tilled from the silica gel desiccant and head is set at 1.7 meters above the ground, the analynd for trillum, height of the awrage human breathing rune.

Because tritium, iodine, and other isotopic Filters from off site and perirneter samplers concentrations are quite low,the large volume are collected weekly and analynd after a samples collected weekly from the main plant seven. day " decay" period to remove inter- stact and from other emission point samplers ference from short lived naturally occurring prm 'e the only practical means of determin-radioactivity. Gross alpha and gross beta ing the amount of specific radionuclides measurements of each filter are made using a icleased from the f acility, low-background gas proportional counter.

l l


L;,hent and Durironmental Monitwirty e Perimeter and Remote Air Sampling Hum >w1lvHY ro st i s t u Altoss (a let ununu As ti Hi Ato s l' I wrnos s In IM) airlune gurticulate radioxtiw samples were collected continuoudy at five hicatiom ,l,he aserage monthly wncentrations at around the perirneter of the kite and at low the perimeter and remote locations rangcd remote hicatiom at Great %11cy, West %!!cy, fr om KK41515 vCl!mL to K451bl4 Ci/in L Sprinpille,and at Dunkirk,New WL(l'ig 21). (3.3154 fly'm' to 3.1153 Ilgd) of licta aethily and from 5.21bl6 pri'ni to 3Mib1$ pCi'mL i

The choice of the perimeter hications -- on (191551ty'm to1415411g'm'J of alpha aethity.

l'os %11cy Road, Rock Springs Road, Route hdne 1N was not detected at either the Rott 240, Thomas Corners Road, and Dutch llill Springs Road location (Al'RNPRD) or the Road - was based either on historical con. Great Wiley hication (AllilWAL), m shown tinuity or the Pghest probable annual aserage in Tables C.2.13 and C 2.18 in Appendix C.2, airborne concentrariom.

In all cases,the memured mont hly gr oss acthitics The remote hicatiom proside data from nearby were well bdow 31512ncimL (1.1151 Ik(m')

coiarnunities - West Wiley and Springville - beta and 21514# Ci'mL(7.410-411q'm') alpha, the and from natural badground arem. Concentra, most stringent acceptable limits (referted to as tiom measured at Great %lley(AITiRVAl,29 derived concentration guides, or DOGS) sct by Lm south ofIhe site) and Dunkir L ( Al'DNKRK, the Department oflinern for any of the intopes 50 km west of the site) are considered repre. present at the WVDP (Departnient of Energy sentative of natural badground radiation. Data standards and DCOs for tadionuclides of from thesc samplers are provided in Appendig interest at the West %Iley Dernonstratiori C 2, Tables C 2.12 through C-2.20. Project can be found in Appendit 11.)

e Global fallout Sampling Annual data for the Ihrce samplers bat have been in operation since 1983 average about

(,31obal fallout is also sampled at four of the 1.84fbl4 Ci/mL ( liq /m 3) of gross beta activity in air. 'Ihis average is com-perimeter air sampler kications and at the base parable to PrM1 data. Tbc aserage gross beta of the meteorological tower on-site. Prccipita.

concentration at the Great Wiley background lion from open pots at all of the locations is station was 2 Atl514pCi'mL(7.511441Lvm*)in collectal and analped every month. Resuhs le, and in lW) averaged 1451514 Ci'mL from these measurernents are reported in (gggyu giq i m').

2 nCi!m per month for gross alpha and pross beta and in CUmL for tritium.The PrAl data from these analyses are found in Appendix m ill 2 1tl'130N m 11 2 C 2, Table C 2.21. The pil measurements for precipitation are found in Thble C 2.22. e The Main Plant Ventilation Stad (ANSTACR)

These collections indicate short term effects, and the reporting units for alpha / beta indicate a rate of deposition rather than the actual con- The main veniiioiion siact (ANSTACR) sampling system remained Ihe most significant centratmn of activity withm the collected airborne effluent point in 19A). A high sample water, Long term depoution is measured by collecdon now rate through muhiple intale surface soil samples collected annually near nonles ensures a representative twample for each sampling station. Soil sample data are both the weekly filter sample and the on line found in Thble C 1,11 of Appendit C 1, monitoring system. Welations in monthly con.

l centrations of airborne radioactivity reflect the level of Project ncthities aithin the facility.

(See Appendix C 2, Table C-2.1.) llowever, at the point of discharge, average radioacthity levels were already below concentration l

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_. u.c eg n u . A Figure 2-1. Of f -Site An :ompo ! P ati0m

Ejpurnt and Envitsmc:ntal Mwutoring guidelines for airborne radioactivity in an un- the iniale norile and measuring the amount restricted emironment. ( Sm Appendix C 2, and si/c of the particles that were carried Table C-2.1) Further diluti a from the 51act through to the air monitoring instuments.The to the site boundary reduces the concentration data are now being evaluated to determine if by an average factor of about 2W,tKKL sampling now rate or minor design changes shouki be made.

The total quantity of gr ass alpha, gross beta, and tritium released each month from the main stack, based on weekly fiber measurements, is W hf W M &dW Wh%

shown in Appendix C 2, Table C 2.1. The results of analyses for specific radionuclides in the four "I "" " " * " N quartedy com;osites of stock efuuent samples ar e lii.ted in Table C.2.2. Fou. auiomatic sampiers coueci surIace waier at points along drainage channels within the e 01her On site Sampling Systems WNYNSC. Water couection goints were chosen at hications most likely to show any radioacthily Sampung synems simuar io ihe main au<t "* ^ d "* 'h e 'i' * * "d "' ' b"d8'"""d a -

"""E"#""' "#'

  • vstem monitor airborne elDuents from the cc-ment solidification t;' tem ventilation sta(L (ANCSSTK), the contact site reduction The samplers draw water through a tube ex-tending to an intake below the stream surface, facihty ventilation stack (ANCSRI K), and the supernatant treatment system ventilation stack An electronically controlled bat'erppowered pumpfirst blows air through the sample line to (ANSTSTK). The Igo samples showed detec- aar any daris Th pump men revas<a to table gross radmacthity, including specific beta-muett a sample, reverses again to clear the line, and alpha-emutmg isotopes, but did not ap' then resca itself. The pump and sample con.

proad; any Department of Energy einuent tainer are housed in a smallinsulated and heated limitations. (Sec 'Thbles C 2A through C-2.9 in M to aHow umpling throughout the year.

Appendit C 2.)

Three other operations are routinely monitored e te ut ace ater S,urphng for airlorne radkucthity .cleases: the low level waste treatment facility ventilation system An orr.siie sarnpier ( crnLiiR) is h.cated on (ANLLWTF), the contaminated clothing Cattaraugus Creek at Felton 11 ridge just laundry ventilation sysem (ANLAUNV), and downstream oi the connuence with Buttermi!L the supenempaction volume reduction ventila. Ocek, the major surface drainage from the tion system (ANSUpCV). Resuhs of monitoring Western New iork Nu:lcar Service Center of the supercompaction volume reduction (Fig. 2-2). Thu sampler perhidicaUy collects an system are found in Tables C 2.10 and C 2.11 ahquot (a smaU volume of water, approtimately in Appendix C 2, 1W ml/ hour) from the creck. A chart recorder registers the stream depth during the sampung The total amount of radioacthity discharged perial so that a flow-weighted wvekly sample

( from facihties other than the main ventilation can be proportioned into a monthly composite stack is less than 1% of the airborne radioae. based on relathy stream discharge. G niss alpha, tivity released from the site and is not a sig. beta, and tritium analyses are performcd each nificant factor in the airborne pathway in Ivu week, and the composite is analped for stron-tium-90 and gamma emitting isotope 5.

j During the early summer of 190, ANSTACK, i ANSUpCV, ANCSSTK, ANSTSTK, and in addition to the Cattaraugus Creek sampler, l ANCSRFK were How tested by an outside two surface water monitoring stations are to-contractor. Yrc testing was designed to auess cated on Buttermilk Creek. Samplers collect the efficiency of How and transport through water from a background location upatream oi the sampling lines by injecting a known quan- the Project (WFBCllKG) and from a hecation tity of various extremely small particulates at at Thomas Corners Road downstream of the 24

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Figure 2 2. Of f-Site Surf ace Water Somphng 1.t c at k,ris. l

EJ)1m nt cJ &&mor.mral Monitoriq plant and upstream of the confluence with tigations of U 232 arc reported m lable C 1.1 Cattaraugus Creek (%TitCTCil). The for I.agoon 3 rcleases. lf these tentative ralues samplcis collect a 25 mL aliquot every half. were noimali/cd tot 19'M liquid cifluents, the hour Samples are retrieved biwcelly, com- releases would be 8M1 of the DCOs but world posited monthly, and analyzed for tritium, not affect the doses to the public.

gross alpha, and gross beta radioacthily. A quarterly cornposite of the biwcelly samples is analyred for gamma endtting hotopes and o m'inm'comm1Hm 41 on.m strontmm>M.

7 hc lourth station (WNSP005) is located on Nadiological concentration data from these l~ rank's Crect where Project site dialnage sample points show that aserage gross leaves the security ares (rig. 2 3). This radioacthily concentrations generally tend to sampler collects a 50-mL aliquot every half- t . higher in lluttermilk Cecek below the hour. Samples are retrieved weekly and wm- WVDP site, prenumably because small posited both monthly and quarterly. Weekly amounts of radioactivity from the site enter samples are analynd for tritium and gross llutterrnill Creek via Frank's Creck. The alpha and beta radioactivity. The monthly range of gross beta methity, for example, we composite is analped for strontium 90 and from < 1.7E 9 to 5.9E 9 pCi/mL (< 6.31b2 to gamma emitting isotopes. A qunterly corn- 2.212 1 1341) upstrearn in Buttermill Creek at po6te h analped for carbon 14, iodine 129, Fox Valley (%TUCEKG), and from 2.9E-9 to and alpha cmitting isotoper,. 1.2E 8 CUmL(11E 1 to4.4E 1ligfL)inllut-terrnilk Creek at Thomas Corners litidge Tabulated data from surface water Samplers (%TilCICil) (See Tables C 1.3 and C 1.4.)

are provided in Appettdit C 1, Tables C.L3 Cs.ncentrations downstream of the site are through C 1,7. only marginally hig'ict than background con-centrations upstream of the site, Yearly e On site Surface Water Sampling averages for Cattaraugus Crect at felton Bridge are not significantly IJgher statistically The largest single source of radioactivity than background levels.

released to surface waters from the Project is the discharge from the low level waste treat- In cornparison, if the maximum beta mn-cw facility (LL%"IT) through the Lagoon 3 cent ation in lluttermilk Creek at Thomas wu (WNSP001, Fig. 2 3) into Erdman Brook, Corners !! ridge, to which dairy cattle have ac-a tributary of Frank's Creck.There were four cess, ls assumed to be entirely iodine 129, batch releaser, totaling about 42 million liters which is the most restricthe beta emitting in 1WO. The effluent was grab sampled daily isotope, then the activity represents 2.3% of during the forty four days of release and the Department of Energy s derived con-analped.The total amounts of radioacthity in centration guide (DCG) for unrestricted use, the effluent are listed in Thble C 1.1 Of the (See Appendis 11 for a list of acceptable con-aethity reicased,0.8% of the tritium and 2.1% centration limits.) The maximum observed of the other gross radioacthity origirated in 1WO beta concentration is less than Sat of the New York State licensed disposal area 1989 at this location.

(SDA), based ca measurements of water transferred in 1990 from the SDA to the low- At the Project security fence (WNSI008) level waste treatment facility, and not from more than 4 Lilometers from the ncarest public previous or current Project operations (see access point, the most significant beta emit-Table C l.10 in Appendix C 1). The armual ting radionuclides were measured at 4.1E-average concentrations from t!.c Lagoon 3 cf- 8 pCi/mL (1.5E +00!!qt) for cesium 137 fluent discharge weit, including all measured and 4LE 8 Ci/mL(1.7E + 00 Uqt) for stron-isotope fractions, were less than 30% of the Lium-90 during the period of highest concentra-DCGs (Table C.1.2 in Append!x C 1), tion.This correspomis to 1.4% and 4.6% of the l Prcnisional results of isotopic uranium inves- DCGs for cesium 137 and strontium 90, 24 l


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  • q e ,,I n's - i y Fp p;f;f' kp y;.. . V I 'N e / y }syl vJ Q,f8 {G. pp c s}u,; pf : h,! l m -. \ lp ~ . \ ,g,,g 3,, a 3i - g 1 _\  ! I>s rf/ - .. 8 O M  ! / t  % 1. _.s -l s s [flQ \ , j? y xis* ,4;w \ / O l A \,,'Nf/ ,,% \, ) \ , y \r en - -d $ 1 l Efthant and Dokinsmenal Afonitunng I $ ogg - 1igure 2 4 4 0EW - Annual astragts of c e 61u n,.13 7 3 pgg , (/4Cl!g dr)) in ._ l 6treatin Stdlinent for luo locations I DE " ' u p n t re a sti and three locallotin 1 OEM . downstream of the C WVI)p 0 DE + 00 +a'*.=~ 1966 "**4 19B7 ..1L~h.="ih -
    • n 19M iM9 IVX) twiuesca
    ((] 9fIK MD C SFaVD C #TCsrD C IJ CCM D Q $8 IC%i D respectively. The annual awrage was 0.7% he e Sediment Sampling resium and 2.7% for strontium. 'Hitium, at an annualaverage of 4.71% CUmL(1.712 + 21ki'L), Results of sediment sampling from streams wu 0.2% of the DCG value. Except for four upstream and dowmtream of the Project are months of the year, the pms alpha was belo.v the tabulated in Appendix C 1, Table C.I.9 A average ck traion limit d l.911-9 CPtnL(6sE 2 comparison of annual averaged 19 % 1990 Itq/L), or less than 6.3% nf the DCG for cesium 137 concentrations for the two americium 241, upstream kications and the three downtream hications h found in Fig. 2 4. As indicated, The highest concentrations in monthly com. cesium 137 concentrations arc dccreadng or posite water samples from Cattaraugus staying constant with time for the hications Creck during 1990 show strontium H) to be downstream of the Project (SFTCSliD, less than 0.4% of the DCGs for drinking SFCCSl?D, and SFSDSi?D). Concentrations water, No gamma cmitting fuel cycle isotopes of ecslum-137 in upstrcam locations have were detected in Cattaraugus Creek during remained consistent throughout the time 19Wl(Table C.I.7), period. A comparison of cchium 137 to naturallyoccurring potassium 40(Fig.2 5) for IEM - I'lgure2 $ _ 4EC5-ggg T77] v r. .j Comparinon of ] ' cenlum.137 and .OE 05 - ' ' naturally occur. OE M , ring potabblum. . 40 concentrations 0EM - 7lp , 3 at downstream .00 4 - 9,; sampling hication SITCSED. 0E" ' ,,f,,..,...,, Jb mq E 4 00 -- OhJ. . ---+- i-3 ---- a / T- b - --. M -- JUNE 90 NOV 90 rau et wa O t.ATuldi ke ['j Co 137 (4vg DW) NO 1 hhowlinty m t.'w list Chem I the downsticum location nearest the Proint tiunal at concentratiens of 1.11: 08 p Ci/g i (51~lCSED) indicates that (nlum 137 is (4,1 1t 9 1g) wet w"ight #4 Gsh sohnted below present at leuls lower than naturally occur- the Springulle dam. The bac kgwund samples ring gamma emitters. averaged 2 H INNp Ct'g (1.lliq1g). 2.1.3 Radioacthit,) in the Food Chain %nhon Sampin oi nsh ana acn woe conn,ed ma, Spaimem from an on4iie den hna wne the site and from rcmote locatium during analyzed for radioauive components. (See periods wben they would nor mally be taken by Table C 3.2 in Appendix C 3). liktorically, sportsmen for comumption. hlill and beef concentrations of radioactivity in deer flesh from cows grating near the site and at remote have been very low and site activities have not locations, as well as hay, corn, apples, and been shown lo alfnt the local hcrd. beans wne collected and analyzed during 1990. l.ocations of remote background hirat and hlilk samples are shown on Iigure 24 T he results of these sample analysn are found in Tables C 3.1 through C 3 4. ,I,he concentration of strontiunim in beef f,om the near site farm appeared to be similar ihh to the umtrol samples. Cesium analysis of both samples yielded detection limit valun. Ilis-Fish ,ampics are anaiy,cd for si,oniiumm. '
    • ka"r "" > "" k "e ' r "'c '" ""t"rc '""-
    ced 4 n-134, and cesium 137. (See Table C 3.4 cenua on has Mn obned between in Appendix C 3). Fhh 6amples were colin ted near c an conu knA semiannually during IMI ahye the Springville hlilk samples were taken in 19%) from dairy dam from the portum of Lattaraugus treck g gg gg gg downstream of % NS NSL drainage (llfTCATC). len fish were collected from this arna a( sonw (listance, leu. des the quarterly section of the stream during each semiannual compoute sarnple frqm the maximally esposed hud to the north (lli M R El!D), an addinonal period and the strontium 90 content and quartoly cmnposite of milk was taken from a pmma emitting isotopes in flesh were deter-mined. Fish samples (HITCATD) were also nyarby herd to the northwest (111 hK OllO). Smg sarnp es woe la en from huds to 6e taken from Cattaraugm CrnL behiw the, including species that migrate nearly forty miles soup ^ DR) and Ihe southwed upstream from Lake Eric. These specimens I"I I' '"*E"f'"*"*"" I were representative of sport fishing catches in n M Hi S and til blCI!.S) were aho collected as quarterly composites. Each the drainage downstream of the dam at Springville. ***P I' " Cmnppte was anay/n! fm suom tium 90,,mdine 129, and gamma emit. tng wtopo able C 3.1). StromiumM1 in Control samples containing only natural bac L. samples frmn near We ute ranged from 3.3h-ground radiation provided comparisons with 10 to ho N ml. (1.2M to c2bl Hq 1.h the concentrations found in fish taken from to m' was ut detated in any sampin to the site mlluenced waters. A similar number of fish were taken from waters that are not in- own Unik of detection (LLD) of 9.91b.0 fluenced by site runoff (11F1 CI~R L) and their "N'I 3 U'; .h Ahhough uiu,mn edible portions were analy/cd for the same yalugs above detecu,on limites were observed m nu sarnples la en kom neardte fann m isotopes. These control samples were <cpre-in valun woe observed m, samp!cs sentative of the species collected in Cat- , taraugus Creck downstream from thc WVDP. ta en from distant controllocations The only statistically significant remits were obtained in the first half of 19W, with stron-t 2-11 d hi.),W.* '- i f . . ~ .,.,..g w h,s - - _ . 3y oa o _ . oo _. .. > ._l e ., i i . - p ~ -. '),i i u  : i
    • 7 g+r i r3 g, ,.y
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    ) )
    .N \ ( s. , .r 5.I * ~' rn = \ + ./ 3 f. p, 0* *< . , 3,.. 'o r 1.ss_~, 2 n .L . j> .r [' . ~ o l . utg. * .  ? 6' e .g . '. - l i
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    DF titW Aft  ; , ,,.. BtiI a,xo " * ' 3# BI HNL All HAY 1. BF Mf'if D , L "l'3%. EMIL ' 4 n ,w K . ,. .o i . l', \ k i. ! . l[.. j s t w a > 1, ^ tu s,, i t s i.. I  ! L , i f /  ! .) V > t! BfMCOBOh MILK 4 I' g, -> -- , <\ , , g t . A .i j s .' (' l '., dj  ; 1 3 Li'DNEAR >LER(3)  ! \ Wt.) ,1 f i , i f .. , BI M WIDH E Mil K ,
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    BFMHAURg a MIL K 1.1 co n a: u i . (is Wi O f l T lf.. [F )U'4[.I Ak t , evoxc3 <m ocou , , p ,q., ,y , ! I _ .g , 'g l Ef]1urnt und Dn%mmentalWniwrM h uit and Vegetables leur alendat quarters compared (notably to the scopcetive quarterly data in 1989 with no unusual situations olwerved.1he sistern I$ated on the samples analytod in 1990 poinkr *ll.D stuly aserage wu 19.7 (Table C .13), there were no conti: tent dif. ferenns in the concentration of tritium, milliroentgen (18.9 rmem) in 19A). A com-
    g g , g, ,;g., .gg .,;
    sirontmm40, or gamma-emitImg isotopes in actages tinte 1981is shown in l'irure b10. (orn, b(hns, or apples grown cither near the site or at remote kications. o On4ite Itadiation Monitoring 2.1.t Diri t 1:uiltonmentalItadiation Snitoring l3resumably because of its prosimity to the televel waste disposal at ca, the dosimeter at ,I,he current rnonitoring year,190, was the hication 19 showed a small elevation in radia-w,enth full yrar in which dired penetrating tion esposure compared to the WNYSC radiation was monitored at the West %lley perimeter locations. Although above bul. Demoni.tration Project using TL 70rllithium ground, the iradings ate relathcly stable from fluoride (Lil') thermoluminescent dosimeters year to year. LocMion 25, m the public access (TLDs) hicated as shown on figures 2-8,2 9 road through the site nortl of the facility, also and l'ig. A 9 in Atipendis A. The uncertainty showed a small elevatica above bulground olindividuat resuhs and ave rnges werr accept- because decontaminathin wasten are stored able and mear.ured expomte rates were com- near hication 24 withio the inner facility fence, parable to those of 1989. There were no (Sec Appendix C 4,%ble C 4,1 ) significant diffruences it ihe data collected from 6.- bac'. ground TLDs (kications 17,23, Location 24 on ti e north inner facility fcnce, 37, and 41) and from those on the WNYNSC like Location 19. is not included in the of f site perimeter for the 19 0 teporting period. environmental nonitoring program;however, it is a co.locao .n site for one NRC TLD (see Dosimeters .rsed to measure ambient Appendix D. Table D 7).This point reccived penetrating radiation during 1990 were an average esposure of 063 rnilliroentgens processed on site. The system used liarshaw (mR) per hour during 19X), down from 047 TL 700 Lil' thips, which are used solely for mil / hour observed in 1%9 and 0.79 mil /hr in environmental monitoring, apart from the oc- 1988. Scaled containcts of radioactive com-cupational dosimetry TLDs. The environ- ponents and debris from the plant decon. rnental TLD package consists of five TLD tamination work are stored nearby and the chips laminated on a thick card bearing the decrease in exposure rate reflects the radioac-location identification and other infortnation, tive decay of these materials.The storage area These cards are placed at cah monitoring is wcll within the WNYNSC boundary (as is location for one calendar quarter (three location 19) and is not readily accessible by months) and are then processed to obtain the the public, integrated gamma radiation exposure. TLDs 18 and 32 through 36, all located near Monitoring points are located around the the drum cell 0.torage) building, showed an site's perimeter and access road, at the waste increase in eymure rate. The average dose management units, at the inner facility fence, rate at these locations was 0.022 mil /hr in and at background hicwtions remote from the 190, up from 0.015 mR/hr in 1989 This in. WVDp site. Appendix C 4 pro $ ides a sum- crea c tc0cets the placement in the building of mary of the results for each of the environmen- drums containing decontaminated super-tal monitoring kications by calendar quarter natant mixed with cement. The drum cell and along with verages for comparison, the surrounding TLD hications are well within the WNYSC boundary and are not readily ac. The quarterly averages and individuallocation cessible by the public. resuhs show very slight differences due to seamnal variation. The 6ta obtained for all 7 14 b d A 21
    u.u w ,ut -
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    • g 11 L O. ,,n vu c o .a .
    r c. _ /^N.. < .! ( Ae i hQ-< t so venn '\' \ h *,._ . . A o - J "- , (t.o mg q 0 ) 3 (DUNF!RV) , i . . . _ _ \ _ A 12 20 Il N A7 j f u_ ) %k u 5 ._-)\  ! N s Ao ' y ,- s a , ' f;/~, .\T 1 2 y[A 'wgpp h ) Q o., p i % [l h / 6 A! A 14 b t , l .! 4. vv g ,g 4 l 3 *t ' Ais \_ , WfnN5C g4 16~A b' '~ t'A -- ... . 3 A 4 f:> *tst vAatv (s e sm) 2Aj'g A 22 to WAi vAut y A 37 W 'N ' (FNE FDINTS l>4Dr.a ; A23 0 1  ? ?ILOW1fRL - ~~ MDNLC BOUNDARY PROJECT Site BOUNDARY Mff0LMALL A4 (NUf/DERED) PERHK1CR RADIAi!ON DOLiMETERS (DnLD SERits) - ._ __ d i l i Floure 2 8. Perimeter Thermoluminet. cent Dosimetry (TL D) L oc otions I 1 l _ ~~%.., - - . _ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ . _ _ . _ ~ ~ _ _ 3 k 1 y ,u f\ NN 1 \ \, O ec-Np\ O 3 )  ; g f c t=r) , i / )  ; a g 1/y i >'{ ~ g y gp# n y, , g g:A / 9 . / h;1(%(f L '\ n N \ i
    I N .% s f)f y
    ut I l I f q}dl ' [ ln E . s _. .wa y, $, i j f;-v- & . \( , i . r .g j ,g ~j gu d Q , ,, ,, ' / I ' /l / i J[4[ 9 ),; ~ / ,L.- P , . , 7 I*g ill'xD{ g g  ; .m yL rp sg >. fu R i
    f. _ _- k%
    .,y ., g gg ff . ,t I g - a g. 4j w_ -k, = _ _ , A p p+ r> 1 /4 4 gvL . Nx fg * * * * = , , Wey w ee , 4 --,-r-- -,-,,..e v-r, ,,,,,,----,~.-,-.,.---.w-e,----w., Mcrcorological butorirm TLD hs ations 26 through 3ti ar e lwa'; d aleng data are used to auns gutential cifois of the Projc(t security fence, forming an inner routine and iroutine seleases of airlursie ring of monitoring around the L.cility area. radioactive s.ateriah und to cakulate disper. TLDs E40 moriitor waste management units sion nuidels for any r(leases that may neccJ and on site sources. . JE cfiluent limits. e Perimeter and Olf site Radiation Sime dispersive capabilities of the atmos-Monitoring phere are dependent upon wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability, w hi(h is a ,}.,he perimeter TLDs (116 and 20) are 10 function of the difference in teroperature be-cated in the sittet.ri compau scelors around tween the 10-meter and Mmeter elevations, the facility near the WNYNSC boundary.The these parametert, are continuously rnonitored quarterly averages for these 1 LDs (1 ig. 210) at the WVDP and are available to emergency i indicate no trends other thari norrnal seasonal awensritent pc'sonriel at all times. fluctuations. TLDs 17, 2121, 37, and 41 monitor background locations. The results 't he on site 60 m(ter meteorological tower from these monitoring points are statistically continuously monit ors wind s pced, wind dir ee-the same as the perimeter Tl Ds. l'igure C 4.1 tion, and temperatures at tsu-meter and 10-in Appendix C 4 shows the T1.D location meter elevations in addition,an indepcndent, aserage for off site TLDs, and l'igure c.4.2 remote 10 mcter meteorological tower is kw i shows the hication average for on site TLDs. cated . prosimately 5 miles south of the site on the top of Dutch liill Road. T his regional 2.1.5 Meteorological MonPoring l '""" '"' ' *I"d *Iic e d '"*."d andwan direction at the 10-meter ion. elesat." '""'!" Meteorological monitoring was conducted The two meteorological towers support the in lW at the WVDP to collect reptesentative primary digital and analog data acquisition and verifiable data that characteri/c the hical systems located within the Environmental and regional climatology of the site. These Laboratory. All systems are run on line power 20-l'igure 2 10. y Trends of 1:nsironmental Gamma Hadiation imis: Quarterly Astrages of the 16 Perimeter TI.D$ ( R/hr) 10-0 - QUARTEn 2341234123412341234123412341234 1983 1984 1985 1900 1987 1988 1989 1990 DFTLD01 THROUGH DFTLD16 COMBINED QUARTERLY AVERAGE M7 Effm nt and Environmental Afonitoring with an unintersuptible powcr source battcry from day to day and teason to season because backupin case of site power failure. of changes in meteoiological conditions. Wriability in background radiation levels Mean wind speed and direction (wind fre. depends on factors suc h as precipitation,wlar quency rose) figures for IWO are found in activity, aserage temperature, humidity, and Figures C-61 and C-6.2 in Appendit C-6. barometric pressure. A chart recording microbaregraph is located Radiation equure levels were monitored on-site in the Emironmental Laboratory and a both in the drum cell ~ontrol room and at the digital, tipping butlet heated precipita- points along a transect west of the drum cell. tion gauge is located near the site These live points tanged itom a 2-font distance metcorological tower, from the drum cell wall to approximately 3m rneters from the drum cellwall at Rock Springs Cumulative total and weekly total precipita. Road, the closest accessible publie location. tioa data ls found in Figures C 6.3 and C . 6 4 in AppendixC 6.The lVX)totalof 53.5 inches liaseline measurements were taken in 1987 of precipitation, which includes snow meltwater and 19M before the drums were stored in the equivalent, was considerably highet than the cc:1. Two types of rneasurements were taken: 37.0 inches recorded in 1989. The IVX) totals instantaneous, using a high ps euure ion cham-for the WVDP are about XG higher than the ber (llplC), and cumulative, using ther. regional 41. inch precipitation average. moluminescent dosimetens (TLDs). Meteorological infortnation such as 'l LD rneasurements provide a much more ac. meteorologicai system calibration records, site curate estimation of changer,in the radiation log books and analog strip charts are archived field over cuended pciiod of tirue than in-of f site and are available for evaluation when stantaneous measurements because they in-needed. Meteorohigical towers and instru- legrate the radiation exposure over an entire ments are examined weekly for proper func. calendar quarter. Two acts of quarterly TLD tion and calibrated semiannually and/or measurements were taken at the Rock Springs whenever instrument maintenance might af- Road h> cations nearest the drum cell. These fcct calibration. hicatiom are identified as TLD 23 and TLD 31 ( see Fig. 2 9) and their measurements are oumiin Tabic C 4.1 in Appendix C. 4. 2.1.6 Special Monitoring To assess any increase in the gamma radiation IRTS Drum Ctil Radiation Monitoring field contributed at Rock Springs Road by the 10,(n)-plus drums in the drum cell, the two ' ' ' ' " I"" ' 4 " " ' ' ' ' 'I " # "' * # * ' "' " * ' ' ' Ouring 1930 liquid higt. level waste supci- summed and averaged. An average annual natant from tank 8D 2 was processed by the e p unrm m%r was obtamed.Lom-integrated radwaste treatment system (IRTS), m cc ackground rate of pare ot pre which produced 3,M0 71-gallon drums of ee-ment solidified waste. Approximately 6,200 "DC *" "N"E "" coninbut."' ion "from the drum cel1 actisities drmns were placed in the drum cell before dunng M cannot be distinguished from 1990; approximately 10,000 drums are now recorded annual variations m natural'evels. stored in the drum cell. Most of the gamma radiation cmitted from Inmtigation of lilological Radiola gical these drums is shielded byIhe drum cell walls. 'Iransport Some radiation, however, is emitted through the unshielded roof of the drum cell, scatters in April IVA) a combination of warm weather in air, and adds to the naturally occurring and optimum timing resuhed in an unusually gamma sadiation background levels. Strength large insect ,iatch from one of the on site liquid of the gamma ray fields can vary considerably waste treatmcnt pondt A routh.c radiological 2-18 .. . - ~ _ - _ - - - - - - > Storage Facilitics Air Scmpli~g i l survey of sweepings containing flying .dults along with the pr acticality of other controls, will j attracted to f..cility lighting revealed detec- be evaluated during thc 1W1 calendas year, table contamination. An investigation of the source of the insects confirmed that a large Stomge Facilities Alr Sampling number (estimated to be several million) of midges of the Chironomus family had hatched from feed Lagoon ; in the low-level waste Special air sampling ut it.e west wlicy treatment system. %jec during the summer and fall of 1979 tegan a tm estigation to Cubsequera allection of midges and imes- demonstraf e compliance with DOE Draft Order tigatien e the holding pond conditions 5400.6, Several enclosed radioactive waste revealed that a piant ion excha .ge process ad- storage areas on-site are not at present directly justment initiated several years earlier had moni'ored with air sampling equipment by the resulted in a pit change to the feed water, The Emironmental Laboratory. They are, how. ver, feed water stabilized at a lower pli in which routinely monitored by the Radiation and Safety the Chironomus insects could thrive but Departmern (R&S) for surface contarnination that was still t igh enough to discourage and exposure rates. The study was designed to predator insects. The rnidges had absorbed confirm that this monitoring by R&S is an ap-radioactivity by living in the contaminated feed propriate practice and within established water and bad retained a detectable amount guidelines for the site. when they hatched to flying adults. The sampling method used in the study was Contamination ofindhidoalinsects could not similar to that used for routine sampler kications be detected by direct counting. By analyzing a on. and off site. The areas sampled were the lag number of midges together, however, an ts- storage building; the lag storage building, annex timate of the radioactivity contained in each 1 (Ihl); the lag storage building, annex 2 insect was possible. About 2.6 picoeuries of (th2); the drum cell; the chemical process cell cesium-137 wv oalculated for each rnidge, with lardstand; the NRC-licensed disposal acea a maximum release of 30 Ci estimated for the (NDA) tent; and the NRC-licensed disposal overall hatch. Radiocheraical analyses of the area hazardous / mixed waste storage building midges for strontium-90 and acf ' tes showed . (sec Table 27). the strontium-90 isotope to be hny times ! css tban the cesium-137 and the actinidas to he three Ad seven sites are diffuse source. and do not hundred times less than the ecsium-137. presently regaire NESIIAPS applications. (A diffuse source is defined as an area source or a in comparison, one routine release fron N collection of point sources that discharge into treatment system at wil below the Departae, ne atmosphere.) in general, diffuse sources of Energy DCG limits would contain four can be difficult to categorize, liowver, the hundred times taore radioactive material than locations in question here are all of similar the maximum estimated material tramported geometry and structure, out of the lagoon by this insect hz:ch. It was deterrr.ined that the maximum potential The site also currently operates sewn separate odioactivity levels transported would not have fixed point sources. (A point source is defined in exceeded repo:tirig levels or action limits and DOE Draft Order 5400.6 as "a single def'med that the release was of no consequence to the point [ origin) of an airborne release such as a public heakh or environment. vent or stack.") At present, all point sources on site are continuously sampled by the En-The pH in Lagoon 2 was adjusted to vironmental Laboratory or R&S groups (see discourage or prevent further insect batches. section 2.1.1 above). l As a ong-term solution, several insecticide treatments and pond-covering methoc. were Sampling and analysis methodok>gies f'llowed proposed.The effectiveness of the pH control, current routine procedures. It was calculated that the sample volume needed to attain op-2-19 i - Effhtent und Environinental Monitoring l timum detection levels would be approximate- tritium. All samples were aho given ample ly 500,000 liters. 'Iwo locations, however, were time to allow for the decay of naturally occur-not supplied with electricity and so the ring radon daughters, velumes at those points were reduced to a four-day, thirty-two hour sample of 250,000 llackground samples for alpha, beta, aad liters to accomodate the use of a portabl- gamma analysis were collected from the electric generator. Dunkirk, New York umpling station, which collects background *mples for the Emiron-The sampling train consisted of a 47 mil- mental Labmtory's air monitoring program, limeter open faced filter head,3/8" copper The tritium background sampling station is in tubing (where applicable after the filter head), Great Valley, New York, a glass fiber fi ter (Gelman we A/E), a Rock-well calibrated dry gas meter and a 3/4 horse- The background alpha / beta values for the power carbon vane vacuum pump. filtered week of May 29,1WO are for a volume of exhaust from the pump was passed through a 227,000 liters and the background tritium desiccant column apparatus desip 1 to ab- values are for 2,520 liters of air. The cesium-sorb water vapor for tritium aniysis I' low 137 background value is also for thc same loca-through the desiccani column was 500 cc/ min. tLa t,ut for the fourth quarter corr posite from 1989 and has a volume of approximately 4 mil-At each h> cation thc t.ampling equipment was lion liters of air, The effect of these high air placed in a spot judged to represent the area volumes is that the minimum detection limit is of highest pouible contamination. lowered because the final analytical result must be divided by the total volume. All sevi . r os act filter samples were counte d 4 h 1, ss alpha and beta and for Several values reported for on-site diffuse gamme v -w. m. Water samples from sources are above the typical background the w! mns were analyzed fer values. Ilowever, almost all are still below the .= .-- 'litble 2 1 Storage t'acilitics Air Empling Counting Results ( CL'mL air) Location: Alpha iteta LAG 3.3820M E-15 7.51 1.29 E-15 LSA-1 5.92 1.78 E 15 9.7312.49 E-15 LSA-2 1.17 031 E-14 2.18 0.44 E-14 Drum Celi 4.18 135 E 15 8.8312.05 E 15 LPC liardstand 2.09 0.45 E 14 3.03 0.54 E-14 NDA Tent 4.79;:0.14 E 15 1.59 0.23 E 14 NDA Building 632 1.56 E-15 1.47 0.23 E-15 Backgrcund 2.53 2.53 E-16 7.72 2.50 E-15 Cs 137 113 IAG < l.4 E-14 5.66 0.57 E 12 LSA-1 < 1.4 E 14 4.40 0.45 E-12 LSA 2 < 1.4 E-14 5.9720.60 E 12 Drum Cell < 1.4 E 14 6.83 0.68 E 14 CPC liardstand < l.4 E-14 2.19 0.22 E-12 NDa Tent < 1.4 E 14 6.0310.60 E-12 NDA Building < 1.4 E-14 5.09 0.51 E 12 Background < 5.23E- 16 1.62 0.16 E-12 i l 2-20 5 Sohrnt Contami*wtion Monitoring most conservathe derived concentration guides AnalyIicaI re$uits of an indepcndent (DCGs) for radionuclides in air (see Appendix laboratory were presented in the 1989 site II).The DCG for gross alpha used at the WVDP environmental report. Their findings yielded site i: 2E-14 mci /mL (as for americium 241), the results below analytical detection limits witt DCG for grors beta is 1E-12 mci'mL (as for only a few exceptions (see the WVDP Site radium 228) and tt . DCG for tritium is IE 7 Environmental Report for Calendar Year mCPmL Ikcause of the difikulty of sampling 1989, Appendix E, Table E 15). Additional with a portable generator the CPC location had po3itive results for a sariety of unknown tha lowest volume of air and the optimum detec- compounds, mainly saturated hydrocarbons, tioa levels were not achieved. were also reported. These fiadings support the belief that the detecteJ compounds m n om ik mgank sohent used Sohent Contamination Monitoring during reprocening operations. In November 1983, organic contamination in response to :he migrating organic solvent, was encountered in a USGS series 82 an interceptor trench bordering the northeast groundwater monitoring weP near the NRC- and northwest boundaries of the NDA was , licensed disposal area (NDA) Waste organic installed in 19W1. The trench, measuring ap-solvent composed of n dodecene mixed with proximately 250 meters (800 ft.) in length and i tributyi phosphate had been buried in tanks having a maximum depth of 6.4 meters (21 when the NFS, Inc. reprocessing facility had feet), was constructed over an eighteen-tren operating. Wells were drilled from ?984 month period. 'Ihc purpose of the trench sys-to 1986 to monitor and recover the solvent tem is to intercept and collect any organic from the disposal area. The apparent move. solvent teaching from the NDA. Once in the ment of solvent away from the buried kication trench, the teachate will be routed to the liquid in 1988 initiated more extensive monitoring pretreatment system (LPS) where the sokent and characterization of the area. will be separated from the water and the water will be pretreated to remove iron and iodine. Changes in the organic solvent levels that were 129. The remaining water will be directed to
    observed in some wells monitored in Novem- the LLWTF for further processing.This treat-ber 1989 by the WVNS waste management ment system is scheduled to become opera-group tenewed concerns of migration. tional in June 1991.
    In December 1989 nonroutint sampling of Liquid collected in the trench currently is wells 85-I-9,89 5 N and ht&E was carried being held in storage tanks and samples are out to determine the chcmical and radiological remou i for analyses before being pumped to makeup of the solvent-contaminated Lagoon 2. At the present time no organics groundwater. Well 85-I-9 is a 6-inch diameter have been found in the trench collection sys-PVC-cased well, while the remaining two are tem, indicating the solvent front has not yet steel cased 2 inch wells. These wells were reached the trench. selected because they had exhibited increases in organic levels. Monitoring of 85 and 89-series wells con-tinued through 1990 by t!'e WVNS waste Samples collected from the wells were sub- management group. Wells are examined mitted for a variety of analyses including routinely for water and solvent level. Several L volatile and semivolatile organics, pesticides, new 90-series wells locaied along the north-l PCBs, and tributyi phosphate. A sufGeient cast corner of the NDA were sampled in 1990 l sample volume collected from well 85-1-9 al- for selected parameters, including analysis for icwed for additional testing. Metals, biological volatile organics. The results, as determined and chemical oxygen demand, water quality, by a subcontracted laboratory, indicated no (~ and selected radiological and nonradiological volatile organic contamination. parameters were included in the analyses. 2-21 Efpuent and En vironmental Monitoring Monitoring of critical wells and liquid 1990 to include additional monitoring re-drainage to the trench will continue in an ef- quirements at outfall WNSP001 (see Table fort to track the migration patterns of the B 3, Appendix B). sohent leachate.Tbc liquid pretreatment sys. tem (LPS) will be capable of handling an es- Three outfalls are identified in the permit: timated flow rate of 11 liters (3 gal.) per outfall 001, discharge from the low level minute through the trench. This would result waste treatment facility (LLWTF); outfall in an annual treatment of approximately 6 007, discharge from the sanitary and utility million liters (1.6 million gal.) of con- effluent mixing basin; and outfall 008, taminated water, groundwater effluent from the perimeter of the low level waste treatment facility storage The interceptor trench and LPS will be lagoons. The conditions and requirements of operated within the limits of DOE orders and the current SPDES permit are summarized other applicable state and federal regulations, in Table C-5.1 in Appendix C-5. The system as a whole has been designed and is being operated in such a manner as to The most significant features of the SPDES prevent the spread of organic solvent Lto the permit are the requirements to report data as surface waters of New York State. flow-weighted concentrations and to r. 'ly a net discharge limit for iron. The net limit al-lows for subtraction of incoming naturally 2.2 Nonradiological Monitoring present an.ounts of iron from the Project's effluent. The flow-weighted limits apply to the 2 2.1 Air Monitoring total discharge of Project efnuents but allow maximum credit for dilute wate streams in AT determining compliance with effluent com n onradiolog.ical emission and plant ef. centration limits specified in the permit. fluents are controlled and permitted under New York State and U.S. Environmental The SPDES monitoring data for 1990 are Ilrotection Agency regulations. The regula- graphically displayed in Figures C-5.2 through tions that apply to the WVDP are hsted in C-536 in Appendix C-5. The WVDP reported Table B-2 m Appendix B. The mdhidual air a total of nine noncompliance episodes in 1990 permits held by the WVDP are identified and descr,ibed in Table B - 3. (Table C-5.2). These are described above in the Environmental Compliance Summary; Calendar Year 1990. The nonradiolog.ical air permits are for minor sources of regulated pollutants that-include particulates, nitric acid mist, oxides 2.23 Special Monitoring of nitrogen, and sulfur. Ilowever, because of their insignificant concentrations and 1,1,1 Trichloroethane Detection Investigation small mars discharge, monitormg of these parameters currentlyis not required. Routine groundwaier sampics are coiwcted from a scepage point (WNGSEEP) kicated on 2.2.2 Surface Water Monitorm.g the west bank of Frank's Creek immediately cast of the northeast corner of the site perimetc.. It Liquid discharges are regulated under the has been monitored for volatile organic com-State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System pounds sincc Ochber 1989. (See Figures 34 and (SPDES). The regulations that apply to the 3-5 in Chapter 3.0, Groundwater Monitoring, for WVDP are listed in Appendix B. The WVDP Scations of on-site groundwater monitoring holds a SPDES permit that identifies the out- points.) During routine groundwater monitoring falls where liquid effluents are released to aethities in 1990, t ,surable levels of 1,1,1-Erdman Brook and that specifies the sam- trichloroethane (1,1,1 TCA) were detected in pling and analytical requirements for each out. samples collected from WNGSEEP ( I4 2-12). fall (Fig. 2-11). This permit was modified in 2 22 4m -M.--.4 -2A..i.,4-4 s,J.-.p..a, m  ; 4. J 4Js.4 A..k 4 -a_su 4 Lemae a h- a m. A. 'I '% ( o . -%.., )2)  :-
    9. e a
    ) - \ ksesa  ! 0  % _. -, 9 ll ' k 1 g, _= 9 j/ 1 x, , f$ni,g{$~7 , ~ eg e < g . ly . u-u> e k g, I, ' I ap .e  ; - [ I* _ \. [ ,]f f f px 'W , g k/ . lj(j' 1 T - g - j :s !!  ! \ y gaj lih I <\ 1 9 /" ' gj- lll l 1 \s 4-5 l l l Efpaent and Envinmmental Monitoring A measurabic level of 1,1,1 TCA was detected representation of 1,1,1 TCA in WNGSEEP tor the first time when WNGSEEP was sampled during 19X)). on April 24,19X). Before this,1,1,1 TCA was nc4 detected abow the method detection limit in An llNU organic vapor analyzer was also used i any of the groundwater monitoring welk This to investigate the power substation area, w hich first detection of 1,1,1 TCA was confir med when is believed to be upgradient of WNGSEEP. sulatile organic analysis tesults from J unc 6,190 The llNU did not detect any organic vapors and J une 14,19X) sampling showed measurable originating from the substation area. concentrations of this compound. Fisc soil gas measurements were also made by in response to the consistent detection of 1,1,1- collecting soil gas samples with a gas tight TCA in WNGSEEf; a series of samples was syringe and analyving the collected gas with taken on June 28,19Al at three kications' Frank's GC/MS. Three samples were collected in the Creck upstream of WNGSEEP influence; Frank's vicinity of the construction and demolition Cr eck dowmtream of WNGSEEP influence; and debris landfill, and two samples were col-dowmkipe of WNGSEEP, approximely three lected near the location of WNGSEEP. The feet abow Frank's Creek. The resuas suggest sample in the immediate vicinity of that 1,1,1 TCA is mit detectable in WNGSEEP WNGSEEP was the only one to show detec-water as it runs down the bank towards Frank's table levels of 1,1,1 TCA. Creek or in Frank's Creek itself either upstream or downstream of WNGSEEP. Estimated calculations have shown that any quantities of 1,1,1-TCA released from the During another sampling on July 9,1990, site are well below the reportable gn= tines samples were collected in the immediate listed in federal regulations (40 CFR, part vicinity of WNGSEEP (SEP101) to charac- 302, July 1,1989 edition). No source of the terize the potential effect of the PVC pipe, 1,1,1 TCA has yet been identified. the mechanism from which WNGSEEP water flows, and to provide further insight 1,1 Dichloroethane mto the loss of 1,1,1-TCA after the water emerges from the ground and begins to run downhill towards Frank's Creek (SEP102). Ouring October 1989 samples from The results suggest that the PVC pipe does groundwater monitoring wells were collected not have an effect on 1,1,1 TCA concentra- and analyzed for volatile organic compounds, tions and that 1,1,1-TCA is not detectabic in The analysis indicated positive detections of water collected very near to the outlet of 1,1-dichloroethane in three groundwater WNGSEEP. (See Fig.2-12 for a graphical monitoring wells at levels greater than the 120 - Figure 212 100 - 1,1,1 - Trichloroethane 80 - Concentrations in g WNGSEEP - 1990 (ug'L) 40 - A N%r / 7N/\ wm SAMPUNG DATE - a a. 2-24 Nonradiological AIonitoring analytical detection limit of 5 g/L These wells, WNW864D, WNi"b6-12, and WNWN 1 exhibited concenttations tanging from 6.5pg'L to 18.5 pgt This trend continued through 1990 in WNW86-lN and WNW86-12, with .on-centrations ranging between 6.5 pg'i, and 14 l pg/L The remaining groundwater wells that were monitored in 1990 lacked positive detec-tions of 1,1 dichloroethane above method detcetion limits, suggesting there is no widespread contamination of this compound throughout the site. The source of the 1,1- . dichloroethane has not been identified. i 1 2-23 + - , , [. ; T i s .. r jg , i a3 _y. __ . ., p. , , ; A <, ~, 'e .. .* ..,;$4 K lR g y i ,l 3 .' } - . .a,y % , 4 .~# g,: , ~ hfd.fe f, ,_n, o / . ' j;2 y,.:. *.. ' G*g s  ;~. 3; 'e-@$,',j, l$.4 h # g*kgL,.hjpi . ';..*e .yy -s 4 1 > , 5 1&2kiW8d% Sampling with e Dedicated Iliadder Pump Installed in an On-site Groundwater Monitoring Well y a p.M.aaapd2,--W u e?4' M b,hT y 245&5.44 M'-M4 44R4 % e'a__aA $--e.gfs 4 -e4,-[_m,e..,4M4- u J = du. m As. A.d a u d ELAis 6.h4 D ad u m & mnMads papa M rep.h .M M M-dM M%whe*W= Ab ri m 5. g 874 4?pa.4.p. M m k.3_hq f I .t e h e F b i - f i e 'i T f n J +'e , . E. 4 wn_, ...m., :p-_w-., ,,p g 3.0 Groundwater Monitoring j front, fortaed a glaciallake that peisisted .umit 3.1 Geology of Ilie West Wiley Site the placier receded far enough northward to uncover older drainageways. As the ice eon-3,1.1 Geologic llistory tinued to melt, more material v ashed out und was deposited to form the 'acustrine and m Lame delta deposits that presently overlie I he West Valley Proj.ect is k> the Kent till. Continued recession of the cated on the dissected and glac,atedi Allegheny ' glacier ultimately led to drt.inage of 6,e Plateau at the northern border of Cattaraugus proglacial lake and ev.osure of its sediments County in southwestern New York. The area is to erosion (LaFleur U 79), drained by Caaaraugus Creek, which is past of the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence watershed (Tcs. About 15,000 years ago the ice began its last met 1975). Geologic conditions enc' ..:ered at d'ance (Albanese t al.1984). Material from the site are the result of recent e< cats in the this advance covered the kame della and earth's history, including repeated glacialmn lacustrine deposits with as much as 40 meters during ihe Pleistocene epoch 1.6 milhon to (130 ft.)of glacial till This unit,Ihe Laverv till, ten thousand years ago. s the uppermost unit throughout much of the site, with a thickness of about 24 meters (80 ft.) The WVDP site rests immediately on a thick se-at the waste burial areas. The retreat of the quence of glacial depmits that ranges up to 15i) Lavery ice left behind another proglaciallake meters (5 ft. to 500 ft.) in thickness These glacial Ihat uhimately drained, allowing modern llut-depisits are underia,m by an ancient bedrock termilk Creek to llow northward te t'attaraugus valley eroded into the upper Devonian shales Creek. The modern lluttermilk Creek has cut and siltstones of the Canadaway and Conneaut the modern valley since tne final retreat of the Groups that dip southward at about 5 nVkm Wisconsinan glacier, Post La.ery outwash (Rickard 1975). Total relicf ,m the area is ap-and alluvial fans, including tbc fan that un-proximately 3% meters (1,300 it.), with summits derlies the northern part of the WVDP, were reaching 732 meters (2,400 ft.) above sea level. deposited on the Lavery till between 15,000 and 14,200 years ago (LaFleur 1979). Oscillations of the . ice sheet during the ice ages include four major stages of ice advanee and retreat.The last of these and the 3. ! 2 II)drogeology one of greatest concern here was the Wiscon-sinan glaciation (llroughton et al.19t6)- The site can be divided mto two regions: the . north plateau, on which the plant and its as. The most widespread glac.ial um. .t m the site sociated facilities res t de, and the south area is the Kent till, deposited between 15,500 plateau, which contains the NRC-licensed dis-and 24,000 years ago toward the end of the po.3al area (NDA) and the state licensed glaciation. At that time the an-posal area (SDA) that were previously used to cestral Buttermilk Creek Valley was covered dispom of waste ( Figs. 3-1 and 3 2). with ice. As the glacier receded, debris trapped in the ice was left behind in the vicinity The uppermost geologic unit on the south
    j. of West Valley. Meltwater, confined to the val-
    plateau is Ll.e Lavery till, a very compact, gray ley by the debris da
    n at West Valley and the ice 1
    1 i lsv313n) NotivA373 O .O O O $ $ h ka S a  ;  ;  ; a n a n 1 i l I I I 1 I U ._ ). 8 %An ws E a e, D Ok't., " 9. [Q '\ $,
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    . s w  ; . ' ), 3 0 2 7, .p *e. 4q E. ~$ , ,( E 6 %. ,c .-.e . . . 3. ,3.o. .;, - f ns d o / e - 8 .:q s!c.o:..p}*>en? p . eg 4 .. co-s 3 d .ff.,;
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    s m o cw o am uo c .,=,'(.,- .0.e g , a g c os o f' O i ,ji',j8  % w E yg 0 "-- Z  !.[: ,.". r ...i *' 4 a y q  ; t. 8 dy;', 'fh h%5 .E Y j -.:(*.h i.' . 3 ayy R t' 8 . .y W -t 5 5 1z * . 2 J.0 7 $ d g 0 $& 9 z 5 5 y 80 so 0 *p * . m - l . c -[ 0 E d $ Yg O ..r c,- 5o s Sce 4 $ :5 8k9g v S z 2 e e v Ww '" '61 .9 l { - 'Y f 3 T # $ $ $E E O $j O ,p' 2 e$ 8 5 5 2 sis c; g g, $ ?3 y ,f, } f __ _f_ _o ___ _58 e > s 5E ,,,: O U e EI G 5 TAlllI 31 SCilLI)Ull;OF GitOUNDWATI:l!SAh!PLING AND ANAIXSIS 1990 hionitoring Network Espanded hionitoring Netuork Contamination pil* pil' indicator Total Organic Carbon Total Organic Carton Parameters Gross Alpha Gross Alpha Specific Gamma Emitters Gamma Scan Conductivit> ' Conductivity
    • Total Organie lialogens Total Organie llalogens Gross Beta Gross Beta Tritium Tritium Volatile Organic Analysis Volatile Organic Analysis Nitrate _
    a Groundwater Chloride Chloride Quality Iron Iron Parameters Sodium Sodium hianganese hianganese Phenols Phenols Sulfate Sulfate Alagnesium Nitrate Calcium Potassium Ammonia Bicarbonate / Carbonate EPA Interim Arsenic Arsenic Primary Barium Barium Drinking Water Cadmium Cadmium Standards Chromium Chromium Lead Lead hiercury Mercury Selunum Selenium Silver Silver Fluoride Fluoride Endrin Methoxychlor 2A D Radium Nitrate Lindane Toxaphene 2A,5-TP Silvex Turbidity *
    • Measuredin field
    TAltl.E 3 2 SUPER SOLID WASTE M ANAGEMENT UNIT MONITORING NE'IwoRK 1 Constituent SWMUs Well identillention br installed Well Posillon Well Depth Number Depth behnv-SSWMU No.1 L4m lesel grade (fcct) Waste Treatment Facilities: e lagoon 1 WNW4103 *M U 21to e LLWTFlagoons WNW0IN 89 U 23m e 1.LWTF llullding WNW4105 89 D 28(o WNW 0106 89 D 1450 WNW4107 90 l) 28 00 I WNW4108 90 D 33(o WNW4109 90 D 33 00 WNW4110  %) D 33 00 WNW-0111 30 D 11.00 WNWoll4 90 D 29 00 WNW4115 90 D 28.00 WNW-0116 90 D 11.00 WNW4643  % D 25 42 WNWA6-N 86 D 23.00 WNW-86-05 86 D 13(O [ WNSI 008 Groundwater 1 rench Drain Monitonng l'oint SSWMU No.2 Miscellaneous l Small Units: WNA0201 89 U 20 00 WNW 0202 89 L' 38m l e Sludge Ponds l WNW-0203 89 U 18 00 e Sohent Dike e Ellluent Mixing Itasin WNW-0M 89 U 4300 e Paper Incinerator WNW4205 90 D lim WNW42t6 90 11 v 80 WNW 0207 90 D 11 m WNW 0208 90 D 23 m l WNW4644 86 1) 13.00 l SSWMU No.3 - Liquid Waste Treatment System: WNW Oyll 89 0 16m o Liquid Waste WNW 0302 89 U 28 m Treatment System WNW0305 89 D 31 00 i WNw.03u6 89 D 81m WNW-0307 89 D 16 00 Ken l 1 Wells installed in 1989 and 1990 are considered 90-series wet!s. U = upgradient C = crossgradient D = downgradient B = background B . B' WEST EAST sr.A hDA swE-tx1Nsto -. FACRJTf - DISPOW APEA 1440 - CtSPOSAL APEA - -
    wtav>ED Larn !?d gg yopen 1.t o - i I \
    KAvE DEFA LG 2 &' d V W :s ,:5. %- , , g,g/gy "U~ . __. 1360 - k[Mf994 g $- 'x ','\ m .Am / + 3  ; p _, + w4- = + + ' w towous C y N' 6 , ' , ' m'w _ ~ ~ M JAe**v ~ s~e u [ 1270 - SHALE , <j , BEDR X,M, LactM Stf a S*C , ,N'N- EF. AMPLE T woNNOP:% WEl.1 " ~ ('M M "* '#. .> g 1260 -  % + - , ~ ', '~- 1210 - ' 's 'N wig 11L 3,w _ ' s y i r T 1150 - 1120 - 0 150 300 850 FT I i i J - ww . s I R mce; wru er sccEEN li + co ctmat cue *TR rto c=E: Tee Figure 3-2. Geological Cross Section Through the South Pictecu. Groundwater Monitoring silty clay with scattered pods of sitt to nne vertical and hori70ntal hydraulic condxti ity sand. Below this is a sequence of more perme- obtained from laboratory analpis of undis-able lacustrine sitt and sand, which in turn turbed cores and from field analyses of overlies the less permeable Kent till, pic70 meter recovery tests suggest that the till is virtually isotropic. The hydraulic conduc-North Plateau thity of the fresh, unweathered till averages 2.92 x 104cm/sec. II)draulic conductivity The north plateau differs from the south vJues of the fractured unweathered till are plateau in that it is mantled by a sequence of five times greater than that of the fresh, un-allunal sand and gravel up to 10 meters thick weathered till, and the hydraulic conducthity that is immediately underlain by the Lavery till. ef the fractured weathered till is ten times } The depth to the groundwater on the north greater than that of the fresh, unweathered till. plateau varies from 3 meters to 5 meters (0 ft. The lacustrine silt sequence at the WVDP acts to 16 ft.), being deepest at the process building as a semiconfined unit that is recharged primari-and intersecting the surface farther north ly from the bedrock to the west. Water levels in towards the security fence. Most of the pierometers completed in this unit indicat: a groundwater ber.eath the north plateau moves northeastward lateral now gradient of 0.023. horizontally through the alluvial sand and Minor recharge also occurs from the overlying gravel uni. from an area southwest of the Lavery till, making this unit a possible conduit process building to the northeast, southeast, of Lavery discharge to Buttermilk Creek.The and cast; a small percentage percolates lacustrine unit is underlain by the relatively downward into the underlying Lavery til! impcrmeabic Kent tili (Ldleur 197)). (Yager 1987). Groundwater discharge from the north plateau occurs at scepage points along the banks of Frank's Creek, Erdman 3.2 Groundwater Monitoring Program Brook, Quarry Creek, and at the wetlands near Overview the northern perimeter of the security fence. The geometric mean of the hydraulic conduc- In 19%) the groundwater monitoring network thity of the alluvial sand and gravel unit is 4.6 was expanded to include wells for monitoring x 104cm/sec (Bergeron et al.1987). Recent an expanded group of solid waste management on-site inw:stigations (19891990) identified a units (SWMUs), increasing the number of sandy unit of limited areal extent and oriable waste management unit monitoring points on-thickness within the Lavery till, primarily site from 17 to 106. The two monitoring net-beneath the north plateau. This unit, called the works, referred to as "the 19W) monitoring till sand, was not specifically identified in pre- network" and "the expanded ironitoring net-vious studies as a potential water-bear- work" are described below, ingAransmitting unit. >> 19%) Monitoring Network South Plateau The water table beneath the south plateau oc- This network contains wells installed before curs in the upper 4.5 meters (0 ft. to 15 ft.) of 1969. Durine 1990 the wells were cach sampled the Lavery till. Groundwater now in this unit, eight times' for the parameters outlined in for the most part,is vertical to the lacustrine Table 3-1 under the 194t) monitoring network. unit. The upper, weathered portion of the Lavery till exhibits a horizontal flow, which enables groundwater to move laterally before >> Expanded Monitoring Network moving downward or discharging to neaiby land-surface depressions or stream channels. This neiwort inciudes weiis instatied during (Bergeron and Bugliosi 1988). Some laterally 19%) and selected existing wells. The wells neing water eventually percolates downward monitor specific waste management units into the underlying unweathered till. Values of (Table 3-2) and will be monitored for the M j TAllt.1: 3 '. (contint. . i i SUI'ER sot.lD WASTE M ANAGEMEt.T UNIT MONITORING NETWORK  ! l l i i Constituent SWMUs Well identification Year Installed Well Position Well Deptli Nunnher Depth below-SSWMU No.4 IILW Storage pade ([cct) and Processing Area: o Vitrification WNWo801 89 U 16 9) Test facility WNW4*2 W U 2* WNW4uo3 89 U 13m WNW44r4 49 U X $0 W N W 4405 89 D 12.50 WNW440t> M9 D 16 M) WNY'4M07 99 D 75.50 WNWol(* 99 D 38 W WNW4MW 90 D 551O WNW G410 49 U 78 ol) WNW4411 90 U 65.50 WNW 607 86 D i8 75 WNWM418 h6 D 19to WNW464fs h6 D 25 00 SSWMU No.5 Maintenance Shop leuca Fields: e Maintenanz Shop WW4501 w U mo teach FitIds W W 4SD M9 D 18 m SSWMU No.6 In Inci Waste Storage Area: WNW4x41 90 D 6 00 e liardstand WNW4ra2 w D 13 9) e lag Storage WNW4M3 89 D 1300 e lag Storage Extension WNW-OrI4 89 D 11 00 WNW-0*S '#) D llW) WNW464M 86 D 23 00 WNWM-07 86 U 18 75 WNW-R64A 86 U 19 00 1 l l Key: 1 Wells installed in 1989 and 1990 are considered 90-series wells. U = upgradient C = crossgradient D = downgradient 11 = background l TAltl.E 3 2 (continuedt SUPER SOLID WASTF h1AN AGEhlENT UNIT hlONITORING NE'lWORK I Constituent SWhlUn Well Identification Year Installed Well Position Well Depth Number I ikyth below-SSWh1U No.7 CPC Waste grade (fccr) Storage Area: o CPC Waste Storage Area WNM01 89 U 2h (0 WN'WO702 89 D 381 0 WNW4701 89 D 21(o WNW 6704 89 D 15.50 WNW 07u5 90 D 21Jo WSW106 W U 11(O WNW.0707 90 U iI (0 SSWh1U Construction and Derrohtion Dehris Landfill: y WNW4%')) 89 U 17.50 e Construction and WNW W2 89 D 11Jo Demolition D(bris Landfill WNWM3 59 D 18 00  % W484 89 D 9fo WNGSEl? Gruundwater Sepage WNDNil'Nb Monitonng l'oinu WNWh6-12 86 D 18.83 WNW-nil-IS 90 11 1310 (N. I'lateau ITackground) SSWh1U No.9 NRC Licensed Disposal Area: WNWes01 90 U IM O o NRC licensed Disposal Area WNWoo2 90 U 128.0 WNW#O3 90 D 133 0 e Container Storage Arra WNWau 90 D 26 00 WNW#NS. X) D 2100 WNW Mhki 89 0 10 00 WNWe307 h9 D 16 00 WNWeh8 90 U II tM WNW.W10 f% D 114 0 WNWMIl 86 D 120.0 E'll 1 Wells installed in 1989 and 1990 are considered 90-series wells. U = upgradient C = crossgradient D = downgradient B = background 'l AllLE 3 2 (concluded) SUI'ER SOLID WASTE 51 ANAGEhlENT llNIT hlONITORING NE'lWORK I Cosotituent SWh1Us Well Identification Year installed Well Position Well Depth Nuruber Depth below-SSWh1U No.10 - 1RTS Druin grade (fect) Cell: WNW-1001 90 U 116 0 e IRTS Druni Cell WNWlW2 90 D 113 0 WNW.l(X13 W D 13A 0 WNW.10N 90 D 1(m.0 WNW.1005 90 U 19.(o WNW.!(X6 90 D 20 m WNW.1007  % U 23 00 WNW.l(X*b  %) 11 51(0 WNW.l(X6c 90 11 18.(0 SSWhlU No.11 State-Licensed Disposal Area: WNW.1101a 90 U 16 00 . State lictnsed Disposal Area WNW 110lb 90 0 30 00 (SDA) WNW.1101c 40 U 110 0 WNW,1!92a 90 D 17.00 WNW 1102b 90 0 31 00 WNW.110h 90 D 16 00 WNW 1103b 90 D 26 00 WNW-1103c 90 D 111.0 WNW.llNa 90 D 19.(X) WNW.llNb 90 D E00 WNW.llNc 90 D 114.0 WNW.1105a 90 D 21.(Xi WNW-1105b 90 D MOU WNW.I106u 90 U 16.00 WNW ]106b 90 U 31,00 WNW.1107a 90 D 19 00 WNW.1108a 90 U 16 00 WNW 1109a 90 U 16.00 WNW.110% 90 U 31.00 WNW 1110 90 D 20 00 WNW.lll! 90 D 21 A0 l'uct Storage Area R E l3A 89 C h.00 IUm-1311 69 C 8 00 ILW13C 90 D 6.50 Kev: I Wells installed in 1989 and 1990 are considered % series weth. U = ug, gradient C = crossgradient D = downgradient B = background \ Groundwater Monitoring l parameters noted in Table 3-1. Sampling of wells were positioned to maximi /c the prob-these wcth will be phased in during 1991, ability of intercepting contaminants. Selected sampling kications from the !?A) net-work were incorporated into the expanded Sampling results for downgradient wells monitoring network. Although the expanded are evaluated by comparing uppadient to groundwater monitoring program will not be downpadh nt concentrations. Increases in fully implemented until 1991, monitoring of amounts of monitored contaminants and some of the new wells began in 19R increases or decreases in pil may indicate that the groundwater has been affected. Monitoring Wells I:xpanded Monitoring Network Four designations are often used to indicate a well's function within a groundwater monitor' Welh are labeled as a series, beginning with the ing program: year in which they were installed. The 80- and 82-series welk, which were installed in IW) and Ufyadient artl. A well installed hydraulically 194 were sampled throughout the year, They upgradient of the waste management umt under will be phased out in 1991 as new welk are study that is capable of yielding groundwater brought online to replaec them (Fig.3-3), samplesthat are representatne of kca condaions and that are not aficcted by the unit in question. Expansion of the groundwater program was necessary in order to adequately monitor and Downgadient wc!l. A well installed hydraul. i-characterize the site's groundwater condi-cally downgradient of the waste management tions. The WVDp Groundwater Protection unit that is capable of detecting the migration blanagement Plan (WVNS 19%) established of contaminants from the unit under study, the overall framework for managing the site's BacAground well. A wellinstalled hydraulically E'""" " '**""# upgradient of allwarte management units that Individually identified waste management units is capable of yielding groundwater samples were grouped together inuo super solid waste that are representatne of natural conditions. management units or super SWM Us (SSWM U s), In some cases, upgradient wells may be posi-Each super solid waste management unit (see Fig. tioned downgradient of other facilities, which E 28 in Appendix E) has its own set of wells makes them unsuitable for use as true back-specified by individualidentification numbers. ground wells, llowever, their usefulness in (See Table 52 and section 3.2.4 below.) As in the prwidmg upgradient information about the earlier program, each anit has a set of upgradicnt umt under study is stdl mamtamed. and downgradient wells (Fig.3-4). Crossgradient well. A well installed to the When the new program is fully implemented, side of the major downgradient flow path. the analyses shown in Table 3-1 will be per-formed. The new parameters differ frorn the Before 1990 the on-site groundwater monitor-former in several terpects. The samples col-ing network for monitoring waste manage- lected in the new pnyram are divided into three ment units included fifteen wells, a categories: contamination indicator parameters, groundwater seep, and the outlet of a french for which samples are collected eight times a drain. These points monitored three solid groundwater quality parameters, for which waste management umts: the low-level wast samples are collected two times a year; and EPA treatment facility (1.LWTF), the high-level interim primary drinking water parameters, for waste storage and processing area (IILV 1, and which samples are collected four times per year. the NRC heensed disposal area (NDA) Each Samples for comparison with the EPA primary of these three waste management units was ' drinking water standards will be collected for monitored using one upgradient well an one year only for a total of four samples from several downgr z.dient wells.The downgr adien' each well. k12 i \\ W ' I I AWNGSE / T4 k1 - Y  ? \ / /  %" - '%80- ,.,5 30-6 l WNDMPNE - y 'N spoog , j? E \/ \ /~ j/ -- q' , , -- . k . \, $ { ',M ' A-/88-8d D 9 p ' \ i W p k(*h7b,,k 1 - r p , 7 A.s.c,0, - j q , 85- ' tu e i h a e s ), ww e!) ,- /t  ; t, P. e n . - , f m D'r .P jV .n x. s2-4 o ,. 6 1  ! l N 9 f L j ii q 3 o \ $s-  ;= +_ Q( ,x%Ng ,-.A1,A2.A3 *% -+ B.C <g q,, ;g /  ; I , \ 82 s
    f. _f
    'b d '86-7%(( ' p.octss 4 g g s-13 ,U[/7/B.Cy_ my; C - l  ; ( D b1M5 g _e M mh ,5,D g, fH J \; l .n  % 4.o > < , N" ~~~~~  ! k f j ~ / i] i i yf 1 xA u l  ; Q
    n. 2%_x p l
    N N %sv  ; ( U/ i s e - f 'N 'N g .NJ { 7 ,~ ) .j ' . ~= w t moca M M 4 - VCN0049G WER NN  ; A GPOU*iDr./JE P EEEP ' 5 - t?ENCH Da'N Figure 3-3. Grounducter Monitoring Points 1986-1990. *-w+ gg.m are sweemae=w-u==u'rr-== -- --- ., , _ , . , , , , W**u=Peu dem-ahm os em E C a \, ~ ,'_y x '\ L I / l\ *  ! go.- \ l Q \3 f ,.m x,Ct m , ,y ~ = - . s .m\ s $e ) [r ,,.7-L.< j .. / ,/ ^ & / r .i \ N/ k, im/{ ' l ' 2' - < ( \ g  ;, I I 3l I A \ 1 ,/ i sV f' N[!aj n .. V i \ o ~L  ; x  ? s lgle ,% b h m$ h )s v h k. ri . . u i 3 / / f , , p,Uag , % $y?[h~d, O'o 1 Ot[ . 2 &g p Dx  ! o> 1.s  !, ff(y r e fn 1, 4 ,  ; ~ . p ' . .vy;r,ww qr 3-) i, jiP a\, ,, _ 'i 9
    • 1 s= t i % /:
    C J ,AS'I CO t , .c < % 1, 14 ,e t, s\ / sf r(P s J g/ * ~xs \\ f l ~c h fufM) I$' 5,1/ . /  %, i r ~l s ~' \- - \x ( g C  ; h. p. y _g :II 8 . .A.ggg y 1 s o u y. ' s' x t\ e Dg 2 y .a H 5{._y CfA ,, n c 1 , sx') G 2 >g{pl -d:y ,.((/ (.g,i ( ')  % \
    • 3. l,jl
    - , - , / l s 3 ,, ,/ t , ,- $ [ II /f h 'k / e  ;+mM ly / ' 8 c w j ~ jY- - i Gyb, , s J,/ -,- ,.~# i  !(\ V Q 7 i ( 4 d y ,l ll NQ /, vyc  ? -N li. + (' . / ,YAQdl l/ /j : 3 g f7 i / // ' ,f ,/' ;PN<' [ %.Q II ]\ gi 8, lQ (\l i \ w pW:-/ , t n: a
    w. w fl.g r r.l N
    -\ \ e // ,f h it TW -o 't gi j \ 3 ' [t J ll ,/ " mm rx. . [il9=-====9 -W@" [3gap - ((x 3 p I_ L -g a s -i /f lQn %( o d >sm I L-, -r\i \ v NJ n n \- M c ' r -  !. s t 4,,cIO C / i}\ ., 4 i;t \ (~ \ h 4~, m r r ,1 s. . ~"=%8-9:g_w s i _O < _ ;j 4 f$ 'O -k si j 9 g , }k i g-w ,- - (- v [4 ,y' iplij c f'sJf'\a f f i "U s f i! i  ? \ Sampling Met /wdalogy Monitoring the contamination indicator collected using this method. Instead, a IcHen parameters helps to indicate a release from a bailer ww used for volatile saraple coller! ion. solid waste management unit to the groundwater. Depending on the results, fol. Iow-up investigations to determine the nature # M M* and extent of the release may be regoired.The The baller is the simplest system used for groundwater quality parameters selected pro. vide information essential for migtation groundwater sample collection. A bottom-fill-ing bailer, which is a tube with a check valve in modeling and for evaluating the indicator parameter results and the potential effect of a the bottom is lowered into the well until it release. Monitoring of the EPA interim teaches the desired location in the water column. The bailer is then retrieved along with primary drinking water standards on the water sample,if the bailer is lowered slow-groundwater establishes a baseline for water quality. The results of all of the samples h Grough Me water edumn Scre h Me analyzed will identify their relationship to chance of agitating the water. The baller, string, and bottom-emptying device used to regulatory requiremeras and will provide in-formation for eventual closure of the super drain the bailer are all dedicated to the well by solid waste management units. kCCI.,ing them inside that particular well when not n use. 3.2.1 initial Desclopment of the 90 Series Wells Teflon ballers, dedicated to individual wells, are a major part of the new groundwater New weiis must be deveioped io condition ""aitori"8 Pror"""- them for sample collection. The well de'. clop-ment process is designed to remove suspended D inertial pumps sand, silt and clay materials from the well before it is used to coSect proper groundwater An inertial pumping system has tren used for samples. This preliminary process, which several years at the WVDp as an inexpensive, remoses fines from the filter pack and forma- dedicated sampling system for waste manage-tion, helps ensure that only representative ment unit wells. Inertial pumps use a dedi-groundwater samples are eollected for cated piece of tubing with a check valve on the analysis. All of the 90-series wells were bottom.The tubing extends from the bottom of dev: loped during IWO. the well to the surface. An up and-down mo-tion of the tube causes water to move up and 3.2.2 Sampling Methodology ut of the well.This system, although effective, is being replaced by bladder pumps, which fully meet all regulatory requirements for Several different methods were used to col- grounawater monitoring. lect groundwater samples from both waste management unit wells and other wells on-site. The method chosen depends on well construe. D litadder pumps tion, water depth, the water yielding charac-teristics of the well, and the type of analysis to The bladder pump uses compressed air to I be performed, gently squecte a tc00n bladder located near the bottom of the well, thus expelling the water out the sample line. The pressure is then D INristaltle pumps released allowing new groundwater to How into the bladder. A series of check valves en. , Powered by a portable generator, a peristaltic sures that water Dows only in one direction. pump was used to collect samples from shal- The drive air is always kept separate from the low wells. A peristaltic pump uses suction and sample and is expelled to the surfue by a thus tends to drive volatile chemical com- separate line. For wells with low standing pounds out of solution as well as agitate the volume, where bladder pumps are inefficient, water. Samples for volatile analysis were not a dedicated ic00n bailer is used for sample .L IS l l l - _. -- __ _ _ - _ _ -- _ Gunmdwr Monitoring collection. Iliadder pumps provide an effec. 313 Monitoring Parameters tive system for groundwate r sample collection. The system reduces mixing and agitation of the The gr,undwater parametets monitored in water within the well compared to tiome other 190 are shown in Table 31. Each of t he seven-sampling methods. The bladder pump ,is ded:- teen monitoring points in the 140 monitoring cated to each indhidual well, thus reducing the netwo wem tested for poss alpha, pm likelihood of sample contamination from the a, um, ath organic cmngmuns, introduction of external materials into the well. The compressor and air control box are '"I "' "'E "" # " "'I"I"'E """ I "' " "" c a ens an total and soluW meta shared between the different wells but attach 3 mp s were conected for each parander erternally to the pump and do not come in , cont act with the inside of the well or the "E *"*b"E " ' ' " " " ' sample.The bladder system is also a low main-hionitoring parameters for the expanded tenance system with the only moving part monitoring network are also shown in Table being a replaceable teflon bladder. The ex.
    31. No routine sampling of the Mbscries wells panded monitormg netwo:k relies upon dedi.
    took place ;n 190. But selected Hbseries cated bladder pumps and tenon bailers for g gg g; sample collect, ion. Both of these tacthods meet M onductivity. all regulatory requirements pertaining to groundwater sample collection. 318 Fxpanded Monitoring Program: Solid Waste Managtment Units Sample Collection The following descriptions of waste manage. ment units provide basic information about the The groundwater monitoring year is dhided sugmM we management uaits (SSWMUs) into two semiannual periods. Four samples as detailed in the site's Sampling and Analysis were taken from each wellin the IWO monitor-P1 n (SAP): Groundwater Monitormg Net-ing network during each semiannual period work (WVNS 170). Monitoring wells were and tested for the parameters listed in Table installed and well development was completed 3 L llefore removing a sample from the well for all super solid waste management units the water level is measuied by using an (SS'VMUs) during 19A Full implementation electronic sounder. The water level measure-of the expanded monitoring network will take ment, well diameter, and the total depth are used to determine the standing water volume P"C#*IWh I of the well. E Low.lesel Waste Treatment Facility To ensure that only representative (SSWMU #1) groundwater is sampled, three well volumes The low-level waste treatment facility are removed (purged) from the well before (LLWTF) is comprised of four acthe lagoons - actual samples are collected. If three well Lagoons 2,3,4,5 -and Lagoon 1, an inactive casing volumes cannot be removed due to lagoon that has been filled in and covered, limited rect'arge, purging the well to dryness achieves the same result. Conducthity and pil Lagoons 1,4, and 5 were constructed in the are measured before and after sampling to help surGcial sand and gravel strata and Lagoons 2 determine if the quality of the groundwater and 3 penetrate into the Lavery till beneath the c;anged while samples were being collected. surficial sand and gravel. Lagoons 4 and 5 have membrane liners. A french drain (sampling After samples are collected, they are placed in point WNSPOOS) had been installed on the a cooler with ice and returned to the Project's north and west sides of Lagoons 2 and 3 by the Emironmental Laboratory, The samples are original operator of the reprocessing plant, then either packaged for wernight delivery to NFS, in order to intercept and reduce an off site contract laboratory or put intr, con- groundwater scepage into Lagoons 2 and 3. trolled storage to await on site testing. The dr in consists of a 15-cm diameter per-3-16 Erpanded Alonitoring nogram:kulid 1Iinte Ahmagement thdts forated pipe buried approtimately 3 mcters The upgradient and downgradient we'Is used belowgrade. The drain extends almost to the to monitor SSWMU # 2 are shown in Table 3-2. top of the Lavery till and discharges to Erdman Well WNW86 6 will be used to sample 11 rook, cast of Lagoon 3. downgradient conditions in the surlicial sands. SSWMU#1 was monhored by six existing N Liquid Waste 1watment Splem welk, a ground seep, and monitoring point (SSWMU#3) WNSPtKIS duriag 194). The liqm.d waste treatment sptem (LWTS) contains decontaminated liquid effluent from Under the expanded monitoring netwurL the seep, WNSIW, and the 86-series wells were thnuggn; dant treatment genMMU #9 The hqu,d i elfluent from the LWTS is combined with the twelve new W-series wells for a more comprehensive monitoring program. P'"'Ch*Cd D This new monitoring sptem was sampled tym, produc.' the cement solidificati twc waste fonn sudable for disposal. for selected contam: nation indicator l parameters during December UNO. l The wells used to monitor SSWMU#3 are  ! shown in Table 3-2. Since monitoring of the I M Miscellaneous smali Units , gggggg pp two upper hand unds (the surlicial sand and gravel and till sand) will provide evidence of a SSWMU# 2 consists of four small facilities cast clease, the lacustrine Lame dcha deposits will of the southein end of the former reprocessing not be monitored. plant. They were grouped together as a super solid waste management unit because of their N iiigh inei wasic Sinrage and Processing closeness to each other and because of the Area (SSWMU #4 similarity of subsurface conditions beneath L. e units. The high level waste storage (llLWS) and processir.g area includes the hhh-level radioac-The individual facibtics in SSWM U # 2 are: tive waste tanks, the supernatant treatment sp-tem, and the vitrification facility. The high. level D The sludge pond, which contains waste is stored in underground steci tanks inside demineralized backwash sludges from the reinforced concrete vauhs. The vaults extend 40 process plant water treatment syste m.The feet belowIhe surface into the Lavery till. It is sludge por.d consists of two shallow, ex- this high level waste that will be processed cavated beds in the surlicial sand unit. into a stable, glass waste form. H The solvent dike, which was used to catch The 1990 monitoring network used a series of and temporarily retain runoff from the four monitoring wells: One upgradient well, 'NNW80-02, and three downgradient wells, reprocessing plant's solvent storage ter. race, The solvent storage dike is not lined. WNW86-07, WNW864)S, and WNW864)9 ho additional sampling locat ions (WNW86- 12 U The effluent mixing basin, which mixes non-and WNDMPNE) were monitored with this umt to provide comparison radioacthe waste streams before dischance.- sentative upgradient hese well.1;s with additional a repre kications monitor the former nonradioacthe U The paper incinerator, which was used to construction and demolition debris landidl dispose of cartons received in the warehouse (CDDL), which was closed in 1986. The and general trash generated m nonradioac- CDDL is now classified as a separate SSWM U tive areas of the plant. in the new program. Monitoring of SSWM U#2 will focus on the The expanded monitoring network will phase surficial sand and gravel layer and the till- out previously existing well WNW80-02 and sand um,t. i incorporate eleven new wells for a total cf l fourteen monitoring locations (see Table 3-2). L17 l l r Groundwater blonitoring E hlaintenance Shop Sanitary feath l'Irld E Construction and Demolition Debris gggwyg pg) landGli(SSWMU #8) Groundwater monitoring will focus on a This disposal area was used by both NFS and former leach neld once used by the plant's the WVDP to dispose of nonhazardous and maintenance shop to process sewage that the nonradioactive materials. There is no record shop generated. of disposal of hazardous materials in this facility; however, there is also no evidence of 'lwo wells - one upgradient well (W NWO501) waste acceptance procedures that would ex-and one dowrgradient (WNWO502) - were clude them. The unit was closed in 1% by a added to this unit. As the upgradient well is covering of a compacted clay till. downgradient of many other super solid waste managen":nt units, the background The lacustrine-Lame delta is at least 100 feet conditions will be monitored by wells below the surface Monitoringof this SSWMU WNWO301 and WNWO401. will focus on surficial deposits. E In lesel Waste Storage Area four new %eries wells will be used along (SSWMU #6) with wells WNWh03 and WNWW12 to The low-level waste storage area (Lt.WS) in, monitor SSWMU#8. The new meries wells c!udes metal and fabrie structures housing low. acre sempted for selected comaminatioii in-level radioactive wastes being stored for future dicator parameters during 1Wo. disposal. All wastes are contained in steel cases. Currently the area contains one metel E NRC-licensed Disposal Area and four fabric storage structures. Additiona' (SSWMU #9) downgradient wrlis will be used from adjacent The NRC-licensed disposal area (NDA) con. SSWMUS.The area aho meludes the site of th' tains radioactive wastes generated by NFS and old hardstand, which was used by NFS to tem' the WVDP, including leached fuel assembly pararily store rad,oactive mater,ials. Th' i hulls and ends, sludges. spent solvents, dis-hardstand and the sods around it are still carded vessels and piping and other miscci-slightly rad,ioactively contaminated. laneousitems. Groundwater monitoringof the NDA will use eight of the new % cries wells E chemical Process Cell Waste Storage and two previously existing wseries wells Area (SSWMU #7) (WNWE10 and WNWE11). llackgrou..d information will be provided by wells The chemical process cell (CPC) waste WNW1008b and WNW1008c. Upgradient storage area is a fabnc covered structure conditions will be monitored by three new 90-placed on a compacted gravel Door. The CPC series wells. Locations of the wells are shown waste storage area contains packaged pipes, on Figure 3-4 and detailed in Table 3 2. vessels, and debns from the decontamination and cleanup of the chemical process cellin the E Integrated Radioacthe Waste Treatment former reprocessing plant that are being System Drum Cell (SSWMU #10) stored until they can be conditioned m the planned mincontact size reduction facility far The integrated radioactive waste treatment sys-eventual disposal, tem (IRTS) drum cell contains stored cement. stabilized low level radioactive waste pnxluced Seven new 90-sen. es wells w.lli be used for la the cement solidification system of the liquid th,is groundwater monitoring network. waste treatment system (SSWMU#3). In the Samples were collected from these wells for future, cement-stabilized sludge-wash water selected contammation mdicator paramet:rs and cleaning water from the noncontact size during IWO. reduction facility willbe stored here. This waste is currently classified as nonhazardous. The new Weries monitoring wells will be used to suncil the groundwater in this area. kiS 4 Groun,1 water Monitanny Resulo E State licensed Dhposal Area Well WNW8613 also is included in the sup-l (SSWMU #11) porting well network. This well monitors the below ground gasoline and diesel fuel in 1990 the New York State Department of storage area. Samples were collected from j Emironmental Conservation (NYSDEC) re- this location for selected volatile organic i quested that the state licent,ed disposal area j be momtored. '1kenty-one groundwater wells compc .* - benzenes, toluene, and xylenes. '. : results of the analyses,in add.- l have been installed t ' monitor both the tion to fuel accounting coordinated by site weathered and unweathered till and the warehouse personnel, are used to assess the lacustrme depos,its beneath the SDA. integrity of the fuel tanks. Annual petro-tite testing began on these tanks during 1991 as l The SD A was operated by Nuclear f'uel Scr-vices, Inc. as a commerciallow-Ictel disposal an additional check of Iank integrity. l facihty. In addition to wastes from a wide Samples to be analyicd for water quality parameters and radioactivity are also col-variety of utility, industrial, and institutional lected at this well, customers, the SDA received a large volume of wastes from the NFS reprocessing opera-tions. Between 1963 and 1975, 2.35 million 3 2.6 Off Site Groundnuter Monitoring cubic feet of low-level radioactive waste was disposed ofin the SDA trenches. Off-site wells, sampled for radiological parameters, pil, and conductivity, were also The groundwater monitoring program for monitored as part of the groundwater sam-1990 included sampling the twenty;one wells pling program. These wells are used by site for gross alpha, gross beta, tritium, and neighbors as sources ordrinking water (f'ig. 3-5). gamma emitters. The results are found in Table E-16 in Appendix E. The full groundwater monitoring program for the 3.3 Groundwater Monitoring Results SDA is planned to begin in mid 1991. The groundwater monitoring program at the 3.25 On site Supporting Well Monitoring West Valley Demonstration Project has under-gone a sulwtantial evolution, as described above. In addit. ion tosp 'ifiewaste management unit Some of the important results obtained during monitoring completed in 1990 are described monitoring wells, other wells on-site have been Nlow.The results rely on all aspects of the pro-monitored over the course of time, pnmanly gram, including proper well placement, the col-for radiological parameters. Many of these we!!s were installed for purposes other than lection of representative groundwater sampks, groundwater sample collection and will be appropriate sample analyses, thorough data talidation and quality control, data manage-decommissioned or taken out of the ment, and data analysis or synthesis. groundwater monitoring network as wells meeting RCRA regulations are gradually in- 3.3.1 Interpretation of Groundwater corporated into the monitoring program. Monitoring Data These supporting wells (80- and 82 series) e were ! o > led on a semiannual basts. .oeveral different methods are used to help interpret the results obtained from the They comprise an on-site well monitoring net- gr cadwater monitoring program. work used principally to update histo # cal data . . and to obtain water level measu ments. e Presentauon of Resu.ts i in Taws During 1990 they were sampled radiological constituents, trit, m m,gr gross ggg gg isotopic . . . i gamma emitters, pli, and conductivity. data is simply to format the esults into tables. 1 3-]9 . WELL No.10 - k \ to stewenE ' te m) 'N r WELL No.7 j / s 7- ~ -.ef v yi,,, / c,&~ s poAo (ps \ moug, nwu r, __ ^ - ' \% \ N i (s i s WELL No.3, .'\ '-~ ^ , to osNw+v " " - - (50 km; ~WELL ' No'. 4 . N 'N,KT _. j w l ~. WELL No.1_ , WELL No.2 ' ~ WELL No.B c'q )\ d
    Lu f'vsDPty; f
    ~' y,  %(" O. T '1 a \ f ' E (" . DTE @h) t  ! l 4, M)S \, J' I "O I * .\, fWN1NSC ( 7.,__. 1 WELL No.5 - m. ~ WELL No.h6 :Ta wtsi vAuD h j (t 0 km) la CREAT vat 1EY (22 km) WELL No.6 g 3 .} xiLOVETE RS _ _.-- WNYNSC BOUNDARY N ag.pp_ _<gA; r PROJECT SITE BOUNDARY wELL LOCAllONS Figure 3 5. Of f-Site Groundwoter Monitoring Pcints. interpretation of Groundwater Monitoring Data Once results are in tables the data may be monitored waste management unit. These compared both within a single sample location types of graphs are especially valuable because and between various hications, they condense a lot of information into a con-cise, casily understandable format.The graphs Appendix E provides appropriately for matted show how the particular parameter changed tables for the results obtained from the within a given well over time and how the dif-groundwater monitoring program canied out ferent wells within the specific waste manage-at the West Wiley Demonstration Project ment unit compare lo cach other. For example, during 1990, Results for the groundwater Figure 3-6a shows pli data from 1986 through monitoring program completed during IWO 19W for selected wells monitoring the low. (the 1990 monitoring network) are shown in level waste treatment facility. It can be ob. Appendix E, Ihbles E-3 through E 14. Results served that there has been little change in pil for the iccently installed 94 series wells for over time for these wells and that the differen-su;.er solid waste management units #1, #7, ces between welh has remained constant (as and #8 are shown in Appendix E, Table E-15. one kmks from front to back within the same Note that in Tables E 3 through E 15 the year). In nis particular figure the upgradient hydraulic position of each well within the wellis shown in the middle of the graph. waste management unit is indicated. These "UP" or "DOWN" terms indicate whether a in contrast, Figure 312 presents some interest-well b positioned upgradient or downgradient ing downward trends for averaged tritium con-withh the monitored waste management unit, centrations for welk monitoring the high-level Thus, Ihese tables allow for comparison of waste storage and processing area and the former data between wells within a given waste construction and demohtion debris landfill. management unit on a well-to-well basis and an upgradient/downgradient basis. The New 'iYend graphs for the low-level waste treatment York State groundwater quality standards and facility wells are subdhided into two five-year selected Department of Energy concentration trend graphs per parameter in order to en-guides (DCGs) are also included in the table hance presentation, because only six wells can headings of Tables E-3 through E-14 for com- be included on a given graph. parison to the c.roundwater monitoring results. e Statistical Treatment of Groundwater e Presentation of Results in Graphs Data A second way in which selected results were A third way in which results from various en-prepared is through the use of trend graphs. vironmental monitoring programs may be Most of the 80- and 86-series wells in the waste evaluated is by using appropriate statistical management unit monitoring program have tests In this case, groundwater contamination been sampled since 1986. Preparation of five- :ndicator parameters (; 'i, conductivity, total year trend graphs showing how selected key organic cartmn, total organic halogens, nit rate, parameters have changed over time gives tritium, gross alpha, and gross beta) were another perspective for h,oking at the data, evaluated using a statistical procedure called Trend graphs, shown in Figures 3-6 through the Analysis of Variance, or ANOVA. The 3-17 at the end of this chapter,were prepared ANOVA te,hniqu. is a statistica method for pH, conducthity, gross beta, and tritium commonly used to compare several populatio'n activity data for wells within a ghen waste means. The comparison allows the detection management unit. These specific parameters of statistically signiEcant differences between and results were selected because these various well locations. The tests were per-l parameters tend to be sensitive to changes in fn med on the contamination indicator results l l chemical and/or radiological conditions. att they were grouped together on a waste Results presented in these graphs represent management unit basis. Thus, the results annual averages. The upgradient well is indi- generated by the ANOVA test indicate cated in each trend graph with an "UP" label. whether there are significant differences be-l All remaining wells are downgradient from the tween wells withm the given waste manage. 3-21 GrourtJwatcr Mortitoriity I 'llllite 3 3 Surnmar7 of Groundwater Monitoring Data lo" the Iw.inel Waste tratmtnt l'acility l i N i AllvilCA1. Dil' tiMI A Oll%).MVI D Al t>On%C R ADil:NI M i i l A ( 0%lPAWl.D 10 l'l% RAtillNi % I.1 t,% NM M, ar, i mt tti YNGSllP WNS pt)ON WNWN(ldl) WNW804% WNWh6413 WNWl6414 MNWh641$ p// lower * - lowtr higict l higher . Coluluctivity * * * * * =
    • TOC = * * * - -
    highVr ]()X . . . . . . 7htlum higher higher higher higher highet higher higher Q< Vlpha - * * = -
    • higher Grou ikta . higher . - h!ghet highet Nitrate N higher higher higher -
    higher higher - Note: A decrease in value is reposted only for pil. 9 pit, Significant difference 5, on(c die These tables show only whether a dimugradient . . Nn evaluated to determine if well has a higher concedration for a given the Mfere ., .re between upgraoient and parameter Outh higher and lowcr foi pil) than downgradiem welllocations. The g. cat value the upgradient well for that particular sie of thes; statistical tests is that they effectively management unit. ll. '+ important to note tha' 'se condense a lot of data. Iables do not provi le information alout trends or wSther the concentration at a particular sam-t The results of these stati tical analyser, are pling location is rising or falling oves time. summariied in Tables 3 3 through 3 5 for the low level waste treatment facility, the high- The ANOVA procedure also provides the op-level radioactive waste tank complex and  ! ion for generating confidence interval plots former construction and d. molition debris . for each of the contamination indicator landfill (the high level waste storage and parameters on a waste management unit basis, processing ares), and the NRC-licensed These plots are shown in Appendix 11 in disposal urea. Figures E 1 ihrough IL26 for all the parameters shown in Tables 3 3 through 3-5. As an exanple of how tointerpret these tables, note that Table 3 3 shows that well location in some cases, before using the ANOVA technl. WNWE05 has elevated levels of total organic que, the data set was manipulated by taking the carbon, tritium, and grou beta activity when logarithm of the values. This process, called a <;.ompared to the upgradient well from this log transformation. is sometimes performed location, WNW864b. A dash within the statis- for data sets that do not fit the normal, or tical summary table indicates that the bell 4haped, distribution. Using the A140VA downgradient well is indistinguishable from technique on log-transformed data was some-the upgradient well for the given parameter, times necewary to ensure the validity of the i .L 22 _ - . - - . 4_., , . ,- - , . . _ _ , . ,, <.mw..,m-- y .,.c .,-w-., , , ,.,,_w-w-gc- -,y y- hmnficwsce of lI'aut hlanupment Unil Afonitoring Data l results from the statistleal tests, since the graphs it can be sc en that these differences are ANOVA technique requires data sets that ap. relatitcly minor and that they appear consis-prmimate a normal distribution, in cases tent frem one ycar ta the next. uhcre the log transformation tahnique was used, the conlilence interval phits, shown in The rcsults for conducthity indicate lhat none Appendix F, we;e still hiived from the non- of the downgradient we'h are higher than i tranr'irtoed d.da breause of the diHiculty w upgradient well WNWE06. This fact can be i nocis.ed with interpreting graphs of the data scen quite readily by hioking at figures 3 7a l set logarithmt in all casco here log-transfor- and 3 7b for averaged cmducthity oser the j mations acre used, the conclusions shown in past fhe 3 cars. All the welk, with the exception the statistical summary tables atre more con- of the upgradient well, are shown to b" rela-servative than the non transformed data. thcly stable over time. The variation seen for conductivity in the upgraJicnt well is at. The ANOVA statistical procedure is rewm- tributabic to its position dmgradient of the mended by the United Stat (s Emironmental sludge ponds. The duJge ponds are or have peucction Agency (1%) as an appropriate been used as settling basin, for sarious non-methaJ for evaluating statistically significant radiological proccu ecana. These strcana dificrences between upgradient and include regeneration bacLilushing of the downgradiet.. groundwater monitoring loca. project's dcmineralized water system'sion to tions. It is important to Le(p in anind, however, (hange columns. The bacLflushing con-that although a dgnificant difference between tributed significant salt loading to thei.e sampling locations may exist, that dillereme is settling basins and so could influence the con-not always directly attributable to the waste ducthity of groundwater in the immediate area. management unit. For example, natural uriability in soit geothemistry could con. Another noteworthy item is t'ic elevated levels tribute to differences betwren groundwater pil of tritium and gross beta t,ctivity shown for or conducthity, which may or may not he rclated many of the downgradient wclh within this to the waste management unit,in gener.1, any monitored unit.The fne year trend graphs for particular data evalu dion method should be tritiurn are shown in Figures 3 Ma and 3 8b. As viewed as a tool for 4 a interpretation and not in past years, well WNWE05 continues to an end in itscif. It is always important to ensure show the highest levch of tritium for any of the that the resuhs of a particular data analysis test welb rnonitored within this crit. are supported by visually examining the datu. Figures 3-9a and 3 4b show fac year trend 3.3.2 Signincance of Waste Management Unit results for gross beta acti ity for welk within Monlinring Data the low-level waste treatment facility area. We!! WNW86-05 shou the highest levels of I E 1.ow intl Waste Treatment i'acilit) gem beta activity for any well monitored (SSWMil #1) routinely during 1990. Location WNWE05 is ,l,bble 3 3 summari/cs the results of the the only on site well, routinely monitored during PNO, with grou beta acthity exceeding ANOVA procedure performed on data ob-the New York state groundwater quality tained from Un0 groundwater monitoring at sampic locations around the low level waste standard of I !!&vCi/mL treatment facility. As such, this table indicates As discussed in presious site environmental where there is an indication of groundwater reg. orts (WVNS 1987,19M, and 1989), v;ll contamination. Sner si items within Table ? 3 WNWh6 05 is located at the downgradient are noteworthy-edge of former Lagoon 1. Lagoon I was taken out of service in 1984 because it was only two hications were shown to have a sig-identified as a hicly source of groundwater nificantly higher pil than the upgradient well contamination within the localized area. At i location. These differences may be observed times Lagoon 1 contained water with trf um bylooking at the five year trend graphs for pli artisity as high as 11! 01 CUmL Although (Figures 34a and 3-6b). In hioting at these w Growawata warormx 1 Table 3 4 Summar) of Groundwater hionitoring Data for the liigh lestl Waste Storage and Prwtuing Arra f hi Allsl era 1. uli t i utarls oitst:RVID AT IN m %C R wliNI % i .I I.N ( OslPARID 10 t'PG R AlmNI n l:11% N% ku-02 Parameter WNWWO7 WNWWO4 WNWWO9 WNWW12' WN DNipNF.* , pH lower lower lower lower lower Conductivity higher - highcr higher higher TUC . highcr - - highen TOX . . . . 7Htium - - hiber higher higher Grou Alpha - - - - Gross Bcta higher higher highcr - higher Nitrate.N . . . Note: A decrease in value is reported only for pit. *htonitoring wells near the former construction and demolition dcbris landfill. 1.agoon 1 was filled and covered in 1984 it is hioling at the five year trend graphs (Figs.310 not considered officially uosed, and 311) for these monitoring parameters. It is interesting to note that there are several The five year trend graphs for tritium and gross downward trends evident for conductivity, beta activity indicate that there are changes especially at well locations WNWWO7 and occurring over time for wells within this unit. WNWWOS. In fact, conductivity at well hica-110 wever, differences between well locations tion WNWWOS was indistinguishab!c from generally exceed those changes for a given concentrations in the upgradient well, parameter within the well through tirne, in. WNWG02. These long term reductions in dicating that changes in groundwater quality conducthity suggest a generalimprovement in do not generally occur rapidly, chemical groundwater quality in the sicinity of E liigh lesel Waste Storage and Proccasing Area (SSWhlU #4) Other differences between upgradient and downgradient wells within the high level w astc 'torage and proccuing area and the construe-hie .t4 summariics the statistiany sis-t i on and demolition debris landfill are sum-mlicant differences between upgradient and marized in Table 3 4. As indicated, there are downgradient wells within tW high les el waste several downgradient wells that differ from storage and processing area and the construc- upgradient w cil WNW80-02. Figures 312 and tmn and demolitmn debris landfill. As md'* 313 slow the five year trend graphs for cated in the summary table, pil is lower and tritium and gross beta concentrations for all conductivity higher in most downgradient ils wi sin h a For uitim as W monitt. ring wells. Th,s i is also evident when conducthity, there are wells that show downward 3N Sumnwy of Initial Sampling of 90 unn it k th trends oser time - for esample, WNWW,4H hrensed disimal area (NDA). Groundwater and WNW8612. The trend graphs for grow monito,ing at this area is focused ugxm the beta results show a more stable situation with lacustrine kilt and sand depositk. Although the etception of well WNWMi4D, which has minor differences ure noted between shown a steady rise in gross beta concentra. upgradient and downgradient wcils within this tions sinec monitoring began in 199. Dif- monitoring unit these differences appear un-ferences in mobility between tritium, which related to the wastes stored within the dispoul moves with the groundwater, and other beta- area Ihe most convincing esidence for this is emitting isotope are knewn to esist for that tritium concentrations for both the groundwater spRms (Sheppard ti al.1M)). upgradient and downgradient wells have beca l'or esample,is , topes such as mium 137 and at or near the detection limit sim e monitoring strontium %) tend to l@d sipilitantly with began in 19%. ligures 314 through 317 show soil so that their mobiliteithin u groundwater the five year trend graphs for the NitC. system may be re:.eded. Differences in a licensed distmal area. specific isotop i nobility may be partly reslxmsible for differences in the shape of the 3.3.3 Summary of initial Sampling five year trend graphs. of 90 Stries Wells The grou beta activity measured at well Afier ihe d:vciopmeni proccu was com. WNWM4D, although below New Yor L State's pleted for the newly installed %) series wells, groundwater quality standard of i t!&n Ci'mL, specified super solid waste management units may indicate a continuing source of con- (SSWMUs) were stlected for initial sampling. tamination upgradient of this 4 ell. Other Scic(tion was based upon the need to expand pararacters such as pli, condi. isity, and monitoring in areas already monitored or in tritium do not appear to bc changing sig- whith monitoring was not currently occurring. nificantly at location WNWRMN. During the The SSWhlUs selected for initial monitoring in-installation of new W series wells at areas ciuded the low level waste treatment facility downgradient of the main process building. (SSWhlU #1); the chemical pronss (til unte other areas of elevated gross beta activily w cre stor age area (SSWM U # 7); and the construction encountered at depths similar to the 2& foot and demolition dcbris landfill (SSWhlU #8). depth of well WNWMHN. During the installa- Selection of these SSWMUs added twenty- . ion of these new wells the contamination was three groundwater monitoring kications to the observed to be h>calized at this depth rather schedule for sample collection in December than continuous from the surface downward IWo. The parameters aheduled for collection (Dames & hloore IWI). This contamination Imn these wells included pil, conductivity, may be tclated to cur r ent conditions within the gross alpha. gross beta, and tritium. main process building and will be the focus of attention as expanded monitoring of the new Table 1115, in Appendit li, presents the 90 series wells continues in IW1. The results results for initial sampling of wells monitoring of groundwater monitoring carried out within the SSWMUs discussed abose. Although the high level waste storage and processing Table E 15 provides results for only one sam-area, cambined with measprements of water pling period, several of the results from these colle> ted within the immediate vicinity of the new wells are noteworthy. Of particular con-high level waste tanks, contmue to proside cern are the high pil (12.33) and conductivity evidence supporting the integrity of the high- (16,520 mhos/cmh25"C) values ass (:t !ated level waste tanks. with well WNW0103. These values represent the highest pit and conductivity levels for any M NitC licensed Disposal Area (NDA) well currently monitored on-site. This well, (SSWMU #9) which serves as an upgradient well for SSWMU #1, is in the vicinity of a spill of ,I,able 3-5 presents the summary statiuies for caustic sodium hydroside (NaOII) that oc-the groundwater contamination indicator curred on site in 1984. liased on these high pil parameters for wells monitoring the NRC. and conductivity values, it is apparent that this M5 Groundwatcr Mwtitoring 'Ibble 3 5 Summar) of Groundaatrr Monitoring Data for the NitC littmed Dispmal Arra (NDA) s t A1:si trAt. tul a t us: SCI.s OH%l XVID AT IM M NGR ADilNI % f:1.l A COstl'ARI D 10 l'N;M ADil.N1 WI .i t.M NW 8.Lill l Parameter WNWE10 WNWhil WNWM2 tu pl/ - - dry Cmiductinty higher higher dry 70C - + dry 10X - dry liitium - - dry Grou Alpha - - dry Gron ficta higher - dry Nitrate-N - - dry Note: A decrease in value is reported only for pil. well has intercepted water differing substan- Isti t uwirilso Olwsrut:3 W1.lts is 11tE l siw yon s1 Ainurtssin inm>su. Ausmsnu tially from normal f,ite groundwater. The ex-tent of the spread of this materialis unknown. Ilowever, the caustic material is not being bdd; tion to the initial sampling of the twen-detceted m , any other wclls monitored in this wM unit, based upon observations of pil and I i died abm twent,Mnc new senn wcHs mon ton.ngtlw conductivity data. SDA were sampled during 19W. Results fot ihm inMal samples are shown in Appendix E, Well WNWO111, which is aIso within SSWMU#1, showed levels of gross beta ac. Talite E4;,I he nmu notable rnults ate thow I"' *'" M A, w ch showed uiduni livity (3.39+ / 0ME-06 Ci/mL) exceeding . all the other monitored wkseries wells by at 'Icyncennatm. his exceeds the trinum concentrat; ion m mostns least a factor of ten. This wellis positioned at o o n we nu ore by at lead a the downgradient edge of former I.agoon 1 factor of 100. and appears to groundwater of a quality similar to that of well WNWE05. Rn is roun watn monitonnpn du W Tw , more new 90 series wells (WNWO104 and WNWOS01) showcd clevated levels of wu be n>unnely reportal to New M Staje Enna Rmard and Develoinnent Autimnty gross beta activity in the IM Ci/mL range. Continued monitoring of these new wells, E"*"" # ' '"E"" " I"' ' ' " ' # "' " " " ' ' combined with the expanded monitoring of cyalu non of data from these sampling loca-tons inay e uwful only afta additional sam-all of the new 90 series wells, will help pling has been carried out. better identify and characterire areas of both chemical and radiological contamina-tion within the groundwater at the West Wl-ley Demonstration Project. .N6 I l Companos of Data to New WL state cinnmdnato Quahty Standanh Momoutsu 01 mitt u et utes wi t.ts facilities. The depth of this well, KO f$ct, and the lack of s,ignificant tritium activity suggests Ouring 1W1 the entire new groundwater a m eucto ahicd surface contamination. monitoring networL will be beought complete. 3.3.5 Uroundwater Monitoring ut Ihe ly on.hne for sampling. This espanded net' iMow grade l'url Storage Area work and the use of new sampling equipment, such as well dedicated bladder pumps, will yaw U-2 in Appendis li presents the ruults result in a significant amount of new Irorn poundwata monitoring wyll WN%% 13, poundwater monitoring data for the West I"cated near the below pade gasoline and Wiley Demonstration Project. This new infor-n,esci i fuel uorage area. Results for the mation witi be invaluable for beginning to f ully sn eted volatile organic compounds bervene, understand and characterite the site's tolune, and sylene continue to provide groundwater remurces. eU %e for the integrity of these under. 3.3.4 Other Supporting Wells m m - stornur 1ks. Monitored On Site ' ) 5 '. M d 4 ,of flata to New York State ' t','F '* *' 0"""') 8'""d a rd ' On site supporting wells are those wells that are not part of the waste management unit r)%
    - tables E 3 through 1114 in Appendis 11 monitc ring pr ogr am. These wells, w hic h wer e pruent the New York State Groundwater monitored on a semiannual basis during 193)'
    Ouality Standards for Clau GA waters for were installed primarily to measure paramelos measured by the West Valley poundwater elevations. They will be phased Dernonstration Project's groundwater out of the groundwater sampling propam in rnododng propam. These standards are 1991 as new 90-series wells, meeting all denved from Title 6 of the New YorL Code of regulatory requirements for poundwater Ituiu and llegulations (NYCitit), Chapter & sample collection, are brought on line, part 703.5. Water meeting these standards is acceptaNe for use as a source of drinking Data resulting from sample collecti(m from these wells (shown in Appendix E, Table E 1) watamese uandards providy a coni.ervative refnence for cornparison to site poundwater are generally consistent with past observa, data. (Site poundwater is not used either on-tions. Elevated levels of tritium in wc!! ute or ofbsite as a source of drinkingwater.) WNW82 4A1 continued to be detected. As discussed in previous site environmental Compar ng W she pwndwater data to reports (WVNS 1989) it is believed that tritium ihne quality standards reveals the following at this wellis related to the placement of this mueworthy items: With the exception of well well within a filled excavation made by Nuclear WNWM-05, all waste management unit wells f'uel Services in constructing a ramp in order meet the New York State quality standards for to aid in the disporat of a large diswiver veuel the radiolopeal parameters monitored. Well into Special llole 9 (SH 9) in the then-actise WNWE05, however, regularly exceeds the NRC licensed disposal area (NDA). In addi-quahty standard for poss beta activity and tion to the installation of new 40-series w cils to Ceded the tritium quahty standard for one monitor this area, an interceptor trench has of c.yht s amples collected. This well and its been installed around the downpadient locanon at the downpadient edge of former edges of the NDA to collect contaminated Lapxm I was discuued in section 3.3.2. As in groundwater from the NDA so it can be treated. 19M9, no other wells that were part ofIhe esist. ing waue managanent unit pn> pain during The continued detection of elevated levels of 19%) exceeded poundwater quality stand. pou beta activity at well WNW80-03, on the 8rds for poss alpha, gross beta, or tritium, north plateau, is also consistent with pai.t f,or new 9'J series wells monitored during monitoring resu!!s The positio:.of this wellis 1990 it is apparent that well WNWO111, also downgradient of a former contaminated near the downgradient edge of former hardstand area and the main pnxess plant 3 27 Gnwidwater Monitorirug l upoon 1, also eseceds the gross beta ample, leaJ at location WNW8610) were groundwater quality standard. present in unfiltered samples only. Samples that were collected from the same hication and f or wcils monitoring the New York State. fibered confirmed the lack of these con. licensed disposal area (SDA), the tritium stituents. These sporadir estredances of groundwater quality standard is escceded quality standards on unfiltered samples onlyis at location WNW1107A. The Frou alpha attributable to the incorporation of sediments result at this location reported for the and well fines into the samples. 'Ibe data, sample collteted on December 18,1990is taken in total, surgest that all EPA interim virtually a the grows alpha quality standard privnary drinking water standards for tra(c of 1.5 E 08pCl/mL llowever, there is a rela. rncials(As Ila,Cd,Cr, Pb,lig,Se,and Ag)are tikly large counting unct tainty auociated met when natural solid materials are esduded with this result. Future sampling and enalysis from groundwater samples, at this particuhr location mill be neccuary to help ealuate this patameter. Other sporadic imtances in whkh analytical results exceeded quality standards are for supporting grelmdwater wells monitored befined related to inadequate analytkal during 1WO, tritium concentrations for well procenes. Induded in this category are the WNW82 4A1, discuurd above in section 33.4, results for phenols, in whkh Ihe analytical represent the only significant exceedance of detection limit of the methmi employed es-a quality standard for thin grouping of wtlls. creds the stringent groundwater quality stand-ard of mg'L Other instances include A comparison of cristing waste management occasional positive terults for elements such unit groundwater monitoring data to the as mercury. These occasions are generally ob-chemind grouridaater quality standards sun'ests served to afIcct an entire analytical data Set, a definite site eficct at kication WNWWh. surgesting a problem during the performance Elevated levels of utlium and chloride at this of the analysis. kication are believed to be due to the operation of the nonradioactive sludge pcmds (as dis. Continued improvements in the selection of cuued in section 33.2). Resuhs for pil fall analpical laboratories, in data validation marginally lielow the lower pil threshold of 6.5 proccues, and in the interpretation of analgi. at locations WNOSEEP, WNW80 06, cal results will help in the continued succruful WNW86-06, and WNWh6 07. For new 90 evaluation of an increasing amount of series wchs monitored during 1990, well groundwater monitoring data. WNWO103, with a pit of 1233, represents the only hication exceeding the quality standard iange of 6.5 to 8.5 (see $cction 333). W One meder WWo% The above instances in which groundwater Ouring 1990 all of the off site groundwater quality standards were exceeded are belined residential wcils were sampled for radiologi-due,in part, to past or present activitics at the cal constituents, pli, and conductivily, site. In all cases the reported concentrations These wells are used by site neighbors as are also significantly different from back- sources of drinking waten There continues ground concentrations, to be no evidence indicating contamination of these off site water supplies by the Other imtances in which groundwater quality WVDP Results for thesc samples are found standards are exceeded were obsenrd at other in Table C-1.8 in Appendix C, locations, liowever, these are not believed directly attributable to site activities. They in-clude elevated levels of naturally occurring sodium, iron, and manganese in both upgradient and downgradient samples. Elevated levels of some other metals (for ex-1M t / / l . - l ..- - - . - - --- - - . 9 o/ / ' s .- $' lj! m j"! f k i . f en ! > 5- . / stun, g/ ' / / ' [ m OSI lip 19 s, 1987 19ss 1989 two Vigure 3 6r. Firc.)' car Trend of itveraged pil in Stierted lirw.lanl II'aste Treatment Facility If' ells. / / 9.(b / f / / gg / y lL ,/slu8 ll ] l)i._ { '3 g / . / l_ /__ ' /I P / ' ' /u.akti -) wm im 1987 im 1989 Ylgure 3 6b. Five.)'rar Trend of itveraged pil in Selected lisw.lan! Il'arte Trentrnent Facility If' ells. -Fama 6 W - - - - - ~ - - < ---..k-n.- . - . .. - - - - - . . - - . - . , . . . . / / -. . - - . . . - - - _ . . _ .. - _ . - . .- - .-__. / / - - - _ _ . ^~7 y,n_ / / / i' ~ / / . ) . __ _ . _ . . ,__ 25("~ ,/ / / / , 3 / / 3 J 7 ,_ p' f 29 0- p k 3 ,w / / /,g / ijj! j$ ;;i 49; gy , p,o. h.3 [ h. M'44 UI') IK / g7:  : $ h!  ;/ soar, E / 4 'y o _ / ggi %. $_ .E LC ' ' i A_/ w.40 // / N /wm g / , _ _ , 7 7 /. _. _ 7 / /()$lil .I' 19v, 1987 19ss vmv iiro Vigure 3 7n. Firc.)'rar Trend of Arrragtd Conductivity (umhus!cm) in linv.lsrcl if'aste Treatment Facility Il'rtls. / / p _ _ '33m / / __. / /- ~w o- / / . / / i qn- / / { / / J ww- / / f / / t 1sw . t uxo-  ! 5 I l 'i ' t  ? :s /g l . S f; I' / N.4x,(UI') /, 3m x .- g'l jk [ /u,tu /sims O / -- i , '40 1956 1987 1988 1989 IWO LIgute 3 76. Firc Year Trend of Arrraged Conductivity (um/wsicm) in Infrvel \\'aste Treatment 1 ality if'rils. i j / / 3 y,,, / 7 / / / N . f'g, y ,, i c,i , . a t . r-  : < u,4n 'e /s>4v, s .__.s {D g oig n,/ $/ dE , E_ b /dk / av,(tfi > 7 pu vis7 pass 1989 pm l'igute 3 Kn. Fire.l'rar Trrrulof Averagcd Tritiurn Actirily (uCilin!) in inw.irrri IVaste Treatment Facility li' ells. ,/ / ' a zoi.os./ y i $ / b /  ? 1.s tuis- h / iw.os- / . ~ ~ i; $ l / , 7 ' 3 giy,., / - -- - - h ,. 7 y ~. -s . --.w . N'US [N![ f. .. / Ull / /w,4u onsu/ 19 % / O ,l NY ! U ! N !M>4">(UI') 1957 19ss ius9 i'm l'igure 3 84 Five l' ear Trend of Arrraged Tritium Activity (ucilmi) in low IsrelIVaste Treatment Facility \\'rils. I / / / / 3.pium / -- -- - " ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ / / / f a vF4n y / , V i j h! nh 1.01.os-og tt fq" m ] ,c a,  ; .c a - m a fj, u,an / so,,s V LI /so4v. ^ V'.ilis i L1 . / Es kL / _/ / 4 Y%  ? /astmr , o o,%, 19Mi 1987 19&$1 . 7/ _ / ,/ 19N9 W R) ,/ w,4n.(ur) [igure 3 Aa. Five Year Trend of Arrraged Gross licta Activity (nCilml) in Sriccted lisw livel if *aste Treatment Facility if'rils. fj ====_;  ; m _= =ggs g_z. - 2. = - .= a . > /,;;jg'__'~-- w. M_ ._,:L . W _. ... L . L. E~
    +_.._ G; . ~ ~- 1.oh44, U ...C C h gj E ' (- L. _ _ _ .
    g. b b 11
    [- , [ K . {] _... n =* [ ** = = =*. uru.osA ' , S ./ . _. e ' /;pg = a, al , gg 1.01w, _[ j .- . _ . .. . i _ . _ ,3 hg T. 6 yr ;r g ~~ g -- 1.oE4i7 j y  : ..  : ~ 3.op.os g 6 ;' f kl ]*b_ / witu N'415 A. f;~Ls , r . /W 4Wi(UP) 3op4[ / '_.M., ,,/ L_ / r/ ,/ V /sims 19v, 1987 19ss 1989 woo figure 3 9th Fire Year Trend of Arcraged Gross lleta Activity (uCilinl) in Selected lisw livel Il'aste Treatment Facility 11'cIls. (Note li>g Scale). \ 1 l  ! l I i i v_ - - - ,. r* 9 - e
    m.  ;
    90- */ ;Q _, _r , c. 9 N!4 d d'fi t1 %-M.yi qt.) t h hgd ell. 4jv so. .' n: p .c6_.2 , t 1  ? j": ., s .. s .n .
    n v  ::. A j 9 hv ..:- r. .: - .: 1
    . J- <
    77 5 t g ( ,y: - o s .I  ; F 1, ) 7: ) ., : A q r , i, &? 1 ,4; 13g,y [r  ;
    p@e-,7c tsp/.
    , E i -/.'_., r A y u e a , . so o n l!l,) 4:[w":. u ,, y e . .; :v;s , - . - y r y a . . a n , c  : ' a- %, . - iny 9  : , a' -/ w-1, n  ?. > r L r /~, , , / u,w , p ;3 ' l g y b l," p #p ' t-f t L( ft / ..E  ? ,fl,d y' /. ( , 'j i i r. *I)Ml'Ni-  ?: .P ** u . - S. .. . ..  ;~. . _. V._, e,y, ns y - ~.Y_ ,/. wm  ? / ._7._-.f___.__,. / y ' u,-w (o 4_ m j 9Vi lW7 }%% [9W) l'P A. l l'igure 3 10 Five.)iar Trend of Averaged pilin liigh Ingl II'arte Storage and 1*rextning Unit II'clh. i .4_ 1500-' ,' / f /~~2 > g. lS /r 7 A fg, '- e E - ,, 7 6 0 -- - ~gg.h) .I W , W wf1 A cd. ai%,. , IlEM Y d ,-@kfsmi ~ / . 2 *w a ,5, [; = ?g . 4y$ M M r 3, f .e s . y ; 1
    r. .:
    M,.. i, ( '
    + < J
    i u i, / ',, 65 01 'r  : 500- , . j' , r.7. 7 i 8 ' ) C/ 8E00 pp JD f ' [/ 8403 i ) W {+ r[f / neue M  ; r: y .- r. J , f5 k . /_. {i ' 66 12 0 -+ - ' '~~ ~~ / - / 80 02(UP) 1956 1987 1968 1999 1990 l'igure 3 11. l'ive-)' car Trend of Averaged Conductivity (urnhoucin) in liigh Inrl if *arte Storage and 1*roccuing l' nit it'clh. 1 / / / / j / / ~~ / / / l s0c.Os./ / / l / / / 3og.0c. / / / / / / 4 OE DG-p p p - 2 0 Oc , t6-09 p _ 1.0E 00-  !  ! /- - /- / ' / DMPNE  ! Y / ., /M /S!& '86-07 0 OE + 00  !- c .! t 80-02(UP) 19B0 1987 1988 1989 1990 I Vigsus 3 12. Fire.)' ear Trend of Arrraged Tritiurn Activity (uCilml) in liigh In ct ff'aste Storage and Pnwessing Unit fl' ells. / / / , - - / / 2.5E 07- / 7 2 0E / / / / l ~ ~ ~ 1.5E 07- / / / - 7 ~ ~ ~ / / $ /86-09 / /, , /A /OMPNE 7 / 8 / ui7 / __/'B6-00 /8/M/ 5 OE 08- , P, . / 86-07  ! __ / 5 / f / N / fj6612 0 OE + 00 ! ~ ,/ 80 02(UP) 1996 1987 1988 1989 1990 l Figure 3 3. Fire.)'rar Trend of Arrraged Gross lleta Activity (uCilml) in liigh livel IVaste Storage and Pnwessing Unit IVrils. J / , /d / . _ _ .. . _ _ ~ 90-so  ! } 7.0 - / 60-- 7ec.3o 50 -5!- ' ' ' l ' 1986 1997 1988 1989 1990 l'igu re 3__l4. Fire 1' car Trend of Arrraged pilin NRC licensed 1)isposal Arca il'cIls. / 1250 / j . --. - 1000- / 750-- - --- - -- - / soo-A A & A / / 7 7 7 , fe o ~ ~ 0 ' ' 1986 1 57 1588 1959 1 730 Eigure 315. Five.)' ear Trend of Averaged Conductivity (urnhostcan) in NRC licensed 1)isposal Area il'e'Is. l / / 5 0E 07-7 / 4 OE 07- - p / 3 0E 07 - p / 2 0E 07- -- - - -- -- 1.0E 07- , / /  : /  : / 06 10 0.0E + 00 ./831D(UP) 1980 1997 1968 1989' 1990 Vigpre 316. Five Year Trend of Averaged Tritiurn Activity (uCilent) in NRC licensed Dispnal Area 1l'cIls. / / 8 OE 08- / / 6OE-08
    l /  ? 4 0E 08-- / b / \ 2.0E 08-T T - ,  % /so.11 [ /A /= l >' . / / 86 10 0 0E + 00 1986 1987  !-c 1988 1989 i 1990 8310F) t Viggre 317. Five Year Trend of Averaged Gross Beta Activity (uCilml) in NRC licensed Dispnal Area IVells. l t .. ;ty
    ',.,1 e #
    /. 1  : , . e >. c n .t 4 s ,y jlt l: '3 .p ki . y p .; f  ;)Q L yyi[Q , ~ _, 21 If$$) ;. 'I I  ; , !,ty-l.C i '{ + j "- , ':s U ' ,j. ., a ;, jf . ,r ., 'O $.' . . .I, s s . . . _4 , (+ . J) s., g, , 3 E O.::@:] s -T womy i, , , qs . l B .S. wd. , en y t , . ]* a bb kkn ~jg . The West Valley Demonstration Project Main Plant Ventilation Stack l 4.0 Radiological Dose Assessment These models base been approved by the 4.1 littroductiori 1)cpartment of Energy and the linvironmental Protection Agency todt monstrate cornpliance Itach year the potential sadiological dose to with radiation standards. Radiological dose is the public from the West Valley site is autssed evaluated for the three major exposure path-in order to ensure that no individual could ways: external irradiation, inhalation, and in-possibly have received an exposure exceeding gestion of local food products. The dose the limits established by the regulatory agen. contributions from each radionutlide and path-cies. The results of these conservative dose way combination are then summed to obtain the calculations demonstrate that the hylethetical regurted dose estimates. ranimum dose to an off site resident is well below permissible standards and is consistent 11.1 Sourm of Itadiation 1:nern with the *as low as reasonably achievable" und Radiation tiposure ( ALARA) philusop! y of radiation prot"clion. D Radionuclides Dme Estimates Aioms ihai einii raaiation are caiiea This chanier dese,ibes ihe methoas usca in radionuclides . Radionuclides are unstable notopes banations of an eknient) that have c5timate the dose to the public from radionuclides emitted from the West Wiley the sarne nuniber of protons and electrons as any other isotope of the eknient but different Demonstration Project through air and watet nuinbers of neuttons, resulting in different discharges during Ivo. 'Ibc dose estimates, atornk ruancs. l.or example, the element based on concentrations of radionuclides hydrogen has two stable isotopes,il l and it 2 measured in air and water collected froin (deutenum), and one radioactive iwtope,11-3 monitored on site effluent points throughout Oritiurn). The nuinkts foHowing the ekment's 19M, are compared to the radiation standards symbolidentify the atomic mass - the numbers established by the Depart ent of Energy and of protons and neutrons - m the nucleus. the Environmental Protection Agency for protection of the public. The radiation doses reported for 190 are also compared to the U"'C a radioacthe atom decays by emittityg radiat. ion, the resultmg daughter atom may it-doses reported in previous ycars, self be radioactive or stable. Each radioactive isotope has a unique half life that represents Computer Modeling the time it takes for f#li of the atoms to det ay, htrontiumMland tesium 137 have half lhesof llecause of the difficulty of measuring the small about thirty years, while plutonium 239 has a amounts of radionuclides emitted frem the site W-year halbbfe, beyond those that occur natutally in the emir on-ment, computer models were used to calculate D Radiation Dose the environmental dispersion of the radionuclides emitted from monitored ventila. r, tion stacks and liquid discharge points on site, he energy released from a radionuclide is eventually deposited in matter encountered 1 UklioloncolDose Asstwm nr along the path of radiadon, resulting in a 4.1.11 Dose I:stimattor. Methodology radiation dose to the absorbing material. The absorbing material can be either laanimate matter or living tinue. y Internadonf,onun on on Radiolog.o cal Protecdon (K R P) found a w ay to account for this difference in radionudide distribution While most of the radiation dose affecting the and organ sensithity. in Publications ;% (1977) general public is background radiation, man-an (1 , the Conuniumn devekgd an made sources of radiation may also contribute "'E*"' weighted average dose methodology to to the radiation dose to indhidual members of Una perminible worker expmures follom,ng the public. Such sources indude diagnostic and therapeutic x rays, nuclear medicine, con. Intales of raWonuyWesh wcSung factm - a rado of the nd hom a dose to a specmc surner products such as smoke detectors and cigarettes, fallout from atmospheric nuclear "E*" # """' I"Ihe total risk w hen die w hole y is undonnly .nrad,ated i - represents the weapons tests, and ef fluents 60m nuclear fuel relative sensithity of a particular organ to cycle facilities. develop a fatal effect. I'or esample, to det +- *I"' Oe we@dng fadw foHowing a undonn The West Valley Demonstration Projeet is pari . uta anon, t r factor of death Itom can-of the nuclear fuel cyde. The radionuclides present at the site are left over from the recy. cyr of a spec e organ h divided by the total n png hom canocr of any mgan. Organ-cling of cornmercial nudcar fuel during the wc@ted dose equivalents are then summed to 19ms and early 1970s. A very small fraction of itsin an eUccuve dose equkalent @M these radionuclides is relcae.ed off site annual-ly through ventilation systems and liquid dis-e Uds of Measurement charges. An even smallcr fractmn actually contributes to the radiation dose to the sur- ggggg ;g rounding population. (DE) h the rem. The international unit of measurement of DE is the sicvert (Sv), which 4ml.2 llcalth l'ffects ofim inels of Radiation is equal to 100 rem. The millirem (mrem) and millisieverI (mSv) are used more frequently to The concept of dose eyuivaieni (DE) was 'ri""' 'he '"* "$ c aco""'r'ed i" r" i'""- d:veloped i se radiation protection com- '"#"I *I C *P"'* munity to a..sw a rough comparison of doses The National Council on Radiation Protection from different types ..I radiation' and Measurements (NCR P) Report 93 (1937) esdmates that the average annual EDE The primary effect oflowlevels of radiation in received by a person Im, ng m the U.S. is about an exposed indiv0ual appears to be an in-creased risk of cancer. Radionuclides entering 360 mrem (34 mss) from both natural and mannude sowces of radialmn (hg. 4-1). 'ib,is the body through air, water, or food are usually number is based on the collecove EDE, distributed un:venlyin different organs of the defmcd as the tof al EDE received by a popula-body. For exaruplc, isotopes of kidine con-centrate in the thyroid gland. Strontium, U "" I'*P'C# d I" ""i "I E#','" "'bV "' PC I plutonium, and americium isotopes concentrate '""Erem). The average indi idual EDE is tained by dhiding the colledive EDE by the in the skeleton. Uranium and plutonium popu hon nunhet, isotopes, w hen inhaled, re nain in the lungs for a long time. Some radionue! ides such as tritium, carbon 14, or cesium-137 will be dis-e Rhk 1: stimate tributed uniformly throughout the body. The Committec on Hiological Effectwf lonin Depending on the radionuclide, some organs ing Radiations (llElR) has estimated that the may receive quite different doses. Moreover, increased risk of dying from cancer from a r at the same dose levels certain organs (such as . . the breast) are more prone to developing a fatal OM of the background risk of cancer. Ar-cancer than other organs (such as the thyroid). cording to the llEIR Coinmittee,(bronic ex-44 l l i stirnatrst RastiologicaliDosefrans Airhame }fpurnit I n . .- , T V ~ ~ - -~ 11gurc +1 w n ri*- Compartwn of unnual , mi m m n ,a - . . - - -. . om s ,+ <n, tudiation dose fin mil-y,,(,n , ,, ,4 a n.,,, ,n(,n . /m% 'e I>cr of the Urdicd States l population (NCRI' JM7) l M ni e < r - with the marimum Jose to vs. .; R y <Io, un off Jite traident fro'n n ' ,e a r.s IVNI II'llll'cfBurnts.
    y. .,ym ga<n, j ,
    um < n I _!T Er* _a ,on om n nm, um pnure, i.e., accumulation of the sarne dose ficcause of a delayin recching some specific over long periods of time, rnight compared to quarterly isotopic sample analysis results acu'e expnure, reduce the risk by a factor of from the contract laboratory, annual emis-two or enore. The hadground rist of fatal sions for certain adlonudides had to be es-cancers in the United States is eurtently about timated to fill in gaps in the data. The one in every eight fatalitica estimate was made by applying scaling fae. tor 6 based on past plant emiulons (IW9 and The lililR Committee has strewed that the available 1990 analysis results), As plant health elfccis of tery low levels of radiation are processes during 1990 did not vary sig. not dear, and any use of risk estimates at these nilkantly from the previous year's activities, levels is subject to great uncertainty (IllilR it is expected that such an estimation will lyx)), As will be shown in the following src- result in off-site doses within 20% of the tions, the estimated ruasimum til)!! received doser, that would have been obtained had Ihe by a enember of the public from Project ac- mining sample results been available, thities durir g 19%) is many ordcrs of mag-nitude lower than the expsures considered in The main plant stack, w hich vents to the atmos-the lil:lR report, phere at a height of (41 meters (197 ft),is con-sidered an elevated release; all other releases are considered ground level (10 m) releases. 4.2 Estimated Radiological Dose from Airborne Elliuents - - Meteorological 1)ata Sourtes of Radioacthily from the WVI)P 7 As reporied in chapier e. ittlineat and en- meteorological tower during IVA) were used ni inpot io ine dose assessmeni coaes. naia vironmental Monitoring " five r,ta(Ls and g ent$ coil.wtet* at the 60. meter and 10 meter were monitored for radio.ictive air ernicions heightr. were used in combination v.ith during 1990. The activil) that was releared to the atmosphere from these stacks und clevated and ground level cifluent release vents is listed in Tables C 2.1 through C 2.l t data, respectively, A moic detailed descrip-in Appendix C tion of the WVDP meteorological monitor. ing program is given in $cction 2.1,5. 45 1 . _ _ _ _ - , -. , . __. . . _ . . - - , . ~ . . 4 0 RadiologhalDme Assmwent Applicable Standards 't he dose reported above h Om7'1 of the 10 miem (0.10 inSV) s.tandard and can be com. pared to aWut one minute of the annual back-dirborne emissions of :adionudides are raound radiation reeched by an average regulated by the EPA under the Clean Air Act. men of the h luipulabon. Department of Energy facilities are subject to 40 CFR 61, subpart 11, National Eminion Standards for liarardous Air Pollutants 4.2.2 Colluthe Dose to the Population (NI.SilAP) Radionuclides" The applicable standard for radionuclider, released during b GP.M sersion of AIRDOS. EPA was l'rM is 10 miem (0.10 tass) EDE for any ' e dose to the member of the public. "'#d '". ndmate populatmn. According to census project,oni, i for 1990, an estimated 1.7 million preple c Dose Aunsmtot hitthodoloiy reside within 80 kilometers (50 mi) of the WVDP.1 hh population received an estimated 4 5 qx 0 pusondem @xhf ppson&) couec-blRDOS PC (version 3.0) and cal' M are We hom raWoach,se anhnne cinuena the approved versions of the AIRDOS LPA releayd from the % VDP dunng l'/M.1hy computer code used to demonstrate com- rnulung average EDE per m , dhidualis 5x10 pliance with the standard for the l'rM auess- '"" * " I' ment period. th,ing site specific meteorological data. AIRDOS EPA (hloore et al.1979) cal. are no standards the collect.ive culates t he dispersion of radionuclides into t he to e pyulaban. Howeyr, the cahu-environment following airixnne releases and ed amyr ndhidual EDb is N1 milhon then estimates the externaldose to indhiduah unnlown WaMhe h nnem(3 mhv)that an from radionuclides both in the air and avnare m in of Ihe U.S. populatton deposited on the ground. !! also estimates ahe receivo in m year in m naturalbackground doses to indhiduals from inhalation of con. radianon (equnant to an oposure of leu taminated air and ingestion of contaminated than me secoM oGadgniund radain). water and foods produced near the site. The mainhame computer verrion of AIRDOS m, _ EPA (CAP M) was ahn used to estimate the O Estimated 1(adiological1)ose from collective dose to the population residinF l.lquid Ellluents within 80 kilometers of the site. Souten of Radioacthit) from the %YDP 4.2.1 hlasimum Dose to an Off Site Resident As reported in Chapter 2,four batch releases I$ased on the airborrie radioacthity released of liquid radioactive effluents were monitored from the ste during PrM and using AIRDOS- during l'ru The radioactivity that was dis-PC, a per son thing in the vicinity of the WVDP (harged in these elfluents is listedin Appendix was estimated to receive an EDE of 7x10" C 1, Table C-1.1. mrem (7x10* mSv). This hypothetical maxi. mally exposed individual was auumed to g ,, eenide contiouously aboet 1.9 kilometers . north northwest of the site and to eat only loeLUy produced foods. As in 190, alb Currendy ttme no EPA standards cstab. . proximt.tely 7M of the dose from ablunne lishinglimits on the r adiation dose to members emiuion in 1990 was contributed by iodine- of the public from liquid cifluents except as 129. Cedum-137 and strontium 40 made up applied in 40 CFR 141 and 40 CTR 143, Drini - noch of the remainder, with icu than 1% ing Water Guidelines (USEPA 1984b,c). The contributed by americium 241 ed isotopes potable water weth sampled for radionuclides of plutonium are upgradient of the West Valley Demonstra-tion Project and are not considered a realistie 46 r 1%timatrJ Radiological Dosepons alll'ath way pathway in the dose assessment. Sin (e Cat. (2.8s10 mss), or apprmimately ten ruillion taraugus Crrek is not designated as a drink- times lower than the Nu mrem (3 mk) that an ingwater supply, the estimated radiation average permn rectives in one year from natural dose was compared with the Ihnits stated in im Lground radiation (cquivalent to an e.xposur e DOE Order $400.5. of less than ihrce seconds). ~ Dme Aucument Methodoloso 4.4 Estirnattd 1(adiological Dose frorit All l'alliwa,n 1 he computer code I.ADTAP 11. (Sbnpwn and McGill 1980) was ui.ed to (de .it ik ,I,he potential dose to the public frorn both EDE to the maximally esposed illit e airborne and liquid elnuents from the dhidual and the collective EDE to thy y b Project during IW0 is the sum of Ihe indhidual tion from routine releases and 9 di d 8 4 dme contributions. The maximum EDE from these effluents. Since the efamih o-oWly all pathways to a nearby resident was 0.23 reach Cattaraugus Creek,whkhis rm etale 4 miem(23x10 msv).Thisdoscis0.23%of the a source of drinking water, the b af Wauv HO miem (1 mSt) annuallimit in DOE Order pathway calculated by the code b fre th 5400.5. The total collective EDE to the consumption of 21 kilograms (4i16 of liv 6 population within 80 kilometers (50 mi) of the site was 5.0x104 person rem (5.6x10 caught in the creek. Populdi<m d ase <+ d tirmtes assume that the eadionutIds arrfrr- Sv), with an average EDE of 33x10'pctson- mrem ther diluted in Lake lirie l&re senNg 4 (33x10 mSv) per indhidual, municipal drinking water wppHrs. A detailed description of LADTAl'11 it.ghen Table 41 on the following page summarites in " Radiological Parameters for Aum- t he dose contributions from all pat hways and ment of WVDP Activities * ( WVDP 005b compares the individual doses to the ap. plicabic standards. 43.1 Musimum Dose to an Off Site indhidul Fi ute 4-2 shows the trend in dose to the rnav imally esposed individual over the last five Nased on the radioacthity in liquid sff!nents years. The estimated dose for 1W is higher rcleased from the WVDP during IWG,4m off- than the dose reported in 1989 but is wit bin Ihe site indhidual was estirnated to roa he a rnad ranpc of variation observed in previous years. imum EDE of 0.23 mrem (1.3x10" trhv). The increase in the dose during IWO can be Approximately 95% of this dc4.c is 'from attributed mostly to increased cesium 137 cesium-137; the remainder cornes from cu- releases in liquid cinuents and changes in the bon 14. This dose is about 1,MO times lour dose factors applied to these releases. than the 300 mrem (3 mSv) that an average member of the U.S. population receiverin one Figure 4 3 shows the trend in collective dose year from natural background radiation to the population. The estimated colle tive (equivalent to an exposure of sewn how s). dose for IWO is slightly lower than the dose reported in 1989 but is within the range of 43.2 Collecthe Dose to the Population vanation And in preem yms. , th a result of radioactivity tricased in liquid 4.5 Estinialed Radiobkicul Dosi fiorn cUluents from the WVDP dtrring 1WI, the popula. IAcal l'ood Consuniption tion thing within 80 kilometevs (50 mi)4ofthe site received a collective EDE of 4Ex10 per- I n addition to dose estimates based on disper. 4 son rem (4.8x10 person Sv). This estimate is sion modeling, the maximum EDE to a nearby based on a population of 1.7 million thing resident from cons.imption of kically produced within the 80 kilometer uJius. He resuhing food can also be estimated. Itecause the es-average EDE per indhidtal is 2.8x10 4 mrem , timated doses ming the computer models al-4-7 l TAllEl: 4 I Summary of Dose Assessmtot from 1990 West Valley Demonstrallon Projett I muents Matinmtrs Dose to arn findividual ' Matimum Dow to the nyndatiors # Efterthe Dose Equhalent from 7x10" mrem (7x10*mSv) l 8tl(r' person trin(Nx104mSv) 3 I Alrborne Emissions EPA Radiation Protection 10 mtem -0 4 Standard (percent of standard) (7x10M ) d 2.3x10'Imtem W 3thf'mSv) 4.8x10 2 person tem (4.8x10 personSv) Effetthe Dose Eguinalent from IJguld Emuents i d Eficcthe Dose I:quhalent from 2.3xW I 5.6x10'2 person tern (5.6x10 person SV) all Releases DOE Radiation Protettlon 100 mrem -0 Sinndard ' (percent of standard) (0.23'li ) llackground Effecilie Dose 300 mtem (3 mSv) 510A0 person-rem ($100 person Sv) 7 Equivalent (percent of background) (7.8x10M.) - 1.1x10% 1 Maximally exposed indhidual at a residence 1.9 kan NNW ftom the main plant, 2 Population of 1.7 million within 80 km of the site. 3 , is Calculatedraing NRDOS EPA ( AIRDOS PC for individual, CAP-88 for population). i i Airborne emissions only. 3 Calculated u!,ing LADTAP 11 (cffective dose equivalent), 6 Applies to doses from both airborne and liquid efnuents. 7 (f.S. average (. Source: NCRP 1987), l ~ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . Drimated RediologicalD<urfrans LocalhvJ Consumpikus *~ l'igure 4 2 l 4 .. - Alatimum dose equivalent 2 (in millirent) from liquid n,,,, and airl'ome rffluents to an s. - individual residing ncar the f if'st e Ihllq Demonstration l e _ , . Project.
    n. a.
    ma, ,. &4..i ..~.u&- ,. C Ugood f,} Artems teady incorporate the food pathway, the doses dose aucument calculated for this year's from food unsumption should not be added report. it wat not possible, therefore, to make to doses reported in previous $cctions but reliable dose .ucuments regarding the con. Should serve n an v!ditional means of sumption oflocally produced foods cxcept for measuring the effect of Project operations, fish. (Sce following paragraph). Doses reported in previous sections of this chapter Near site and control samples of fish, milk, (using computer models) do not differ t'g-beef, venison, fruit, and vegetables were col- nificantly from the doses reported in previous lected and the samples analyzed for various years' reports. This provides some auurance , radionuclides, including tritium, potauium. that dose estimates from food consumption in 40, cobalt 60, strontium 90, lodinc.129, 1990 will not differ significantly relathe to cesium 134, and ce61um 137. The measured doses reported in previous years. , radionuclide concentrations are reported in Appendia C 3, Tables C 3.1 through C 3.4. Itased on the net strontium.90 coacentration  ; in fish caught below the Springville cam during While the biological samples were collected as the first half of 1990, the CEDE to an in. scheduled throughout 1990, a number of dividual consuming 21 kilograms of fish per analyses had not been completed by the cor,- year (10.5 tg in the first half of 1990) was tract laboratory in time to be included in the estimated to be 1.10 02 miem (1.lE-04 mSv). .09 - q l*lgure 4 3 .0a - 07 - gx +!+!j - , - *~ Collective dose equivalent (in person tem)from liquid 05 - '( hi , , , , Q' 2,, , ,,,& N and airtnome efpuents to the .on -  % ,jjlj h  %% 'g;l population residing within SO y_ ll, j, "ff'j Lilometers of the li'est Ibiley  %' 6'( f_'',n  %  % Demonstrathm Project. 02 -  %& j?. 19 % ? .01 M IED W Nb $N, . o- 3 $l_M X i $$ _ 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 O tmd C) Aabome 49 l I l 4.0 RadiologicalDosc Assn.1 ment This is lower than the CEDE calculated for liquid releases (section 43.1) by a factor of approximately twenty. - - . _ _ . _ _ , _ . . -~4~ 4,6 Conclusions l l$ased on dose auenment, the West Wiley i Demonstration Project during IWO was in I cornpliance with all applicable EPA standards and DOE Orders. The EDE to members of the public estimated from effluent dispersion nux!cis and radionuclide concentrations in kxd samples was below the dose limits, indi< at. ing no measurable ellects on the public's health. 4 10 -- -- - . =, . -- i l l l l i l l l . v..- , , y y ,, _ . . . , , , , . , , . . , , . 3,,, (jj, O ~-1< ".; L . .. x I z -- Y,7 ,f , . . . .i l s . u , . t-3 g . g N,; t  ; 'ju g. ( r 's ]( ; , h . / ,. ~~'  ?? gP g - ~, j'. u. - 5 l ".? y }  ;;; t u m 7 j .i ;'MIA 4 i n:::ai  !~ ' jcc:pf . , t21 .s l Cornputerized Sampic Receiving Station in the Environrnental Laboratory I 5.0 Quality Assurance er. I he Quality Awuiance(OA) program punides e Control of Puuhased itoms and senices for and dxuments consistency, precision, and accuracy in collecting and analyting environ- e identification and Contiol of items ment al samples and in inte r pr eting and re por t. ing environmental monitoring data, e Control of Processes * ' "' E" "" 5,1 Organizational itesponsibilllies NVNS has overall responsibihty for quahty as-surance on site, while Safety and limironmental e Contiol of Measuring and'iht Assessment (salla) is responsible for ensur. Equipment ine the quality of the emironmental monitoring e llandling. Storage, and Shipping pnigram. Enu,ronmental Laboratory manage-ment and staff are directly responsible for e inspection,' Int, and Operating status carrying out aethities in a manner consistent with good quality assurance practicet e Gnwl of Nmonfor@',im 5.2 l'rograin Design e conective Aoions e Quahty Auurance itecords rt'he I quality assurance program for enu.r on. me nt al monit or ing at the WNYNSC is consist e nt e Audits with DOE Order $7aull and is based directly upon the cighteen-elernent program ontlined in Any vendors prmiding analytical senices for the " Quality Assuranec Pnigram itcquirements for cmironmental monitoring program are contrac-Nudcar Facilitics" (ANSl'A%tli NO A 1,1Mi), tnally required to maintain a quality auurance updated under Amer.ican S.ociety of Mecham.- ,nm consistei.t with these elements. calEnginccrs(ASME) auspices m UW These elements are as follims: 5.3 l'rocedures e Organi<ation ' "" " " "E #4 I" "*'""' e Quality Assurance Program me nt al monitoring dat a are conducted accoi d-ng to approved pnwedures that (leaily describe e ()esign Control how the activity should be puformed and what prnau ons are to be taken in connndon wM e Procurement Document Control the activity, Any person performing an ac-e instructions, Procedures, and Drawings 'Y. a n ng the quauty oI ensironmental , monitoring data must be tramed in that pro-cedure and demonstrate proficiency. e Document Control .to gua!ity etnurance New procedures are developed cath time a analpes; nmre than 1,300 ficld daplicate new activity is added to the monitoring pro- analyses w er e mnducted in IW1 gram. Proculures are reviewed annually and are updated when necesury. All procedurcs E ticid blants: are controlled so that only current documents "' c i" ""- A ricia biant is a sampie or iaboratory. dis-titled water that has been introduced into a 5,4 Quality Control in lite Field sample container at a sample mllection site in the field and that is prwessed from that point n as a routine sample. Iield blants are uwd to y uality control (OC), a n tegr in al cornponent deled contamination introduced by the sam-of environmental monitoring quality as-pling procedure.They are par-cessed at a min-surance,is a way of verifymg that samples are imum e of one er twent) analyses. bemg collected and analyzed acmiding to cr, tablished quality assurance procedures; if the w courction equipment is uwd for quality control ensures that sample collectmn more than one site, a special form of field and analpis is consgient and repeatable, and Wnk known a an WnM Wid may bc at u a means of tracking down und ascertaming collected by pouring distilled water through possible sources of error, f or example, where colh.cting equipment and into a sample con. possible, r. ample locations are clearly marked lainer. Equipment blants are collected to m the field to ensure that ensuing samples are deket any cross-contam' : tion that may be collected in the same locations; collechon ' paued from one sampling location to another equipment m place m the field i,s rou6,ely, by equipment. Many site wells and surface impceted, calibrated, and maintamed; and Eater collect on stations have collecting autornated sampling stations are kept lo(Led equipment in place that remains at that loca. to prevent tampermg. tion. This equipment is known as " dedicated" equipment, and special equipment blants are Samples are collected into appropriate co'" not necessary at these locationt lainers and labeled immediately with per. tinent information. Date, time, person doing More than 150 lield blank analyses were per-the collecting, and special field sampling formed in IW). No contamina' tion problems conditions are recorded and become part of were detected. the record for that sample, if necessary, samples are preserved as soon as possible g .irlp blanks: after collection. The scope of the work n indicated by the fact that during IW) trained Environmental Laboratory personnel col. ,k3 rip blanks are prepared by pouring lected almost 7,000 samples, laboratory-distilled water into sample bottles in the laboratory. These bottles ate plac ed into in order to monitor quality problems that might sample coolers and remain there throughout be introduced by the sampling process, fickl the sampling procedure. Trip blanks are col-quality controi samples ate generated that con. lected only when volatile organics are being sist of field duplicates, field blanks, trip blanks, monitored in order to detect any volatile or-and emironmental background r amples. ganic contamination introduced into the samples from the contaiacts or coolers, or E field duplicates: from handling during the collection process or shipping. More than sixty trip blanks were picld duplicates are samples collected at the collected in 1990, with no problems of con. tamiriation from these sources found. same location at the same time. From that point, they are treated as separate samples. Field duplicates provide a sneans of assessing '.he precision of collection methods and are collected at a minimum rate of one per twenty %4 l Qaahty Contu d irt the Laboratory E 1:mironmrntal batLground sumpleu Technology (NihT) are used to calibrate counting and sour (c instrumentation. m I he emironmental monitoning prog am in-Laboratory quality control sampics of (ludes samples from locations remote from three pneral typee standards (includ,mg the site for each pathway being monitorrd for sp n), used to aum anuracy blant s, .o pouible radiological contamination. Itcsults from these t ampics show natural radiological aucu the pouMty of contam(nau,on; and duplicato, to aucu pinision. Orouchecks concentrations in samples clearly outside of " ""'"P" b""' site influence. These samples !.cne as ba(L-grounds or acontrols," another form of Geld g quality control sample. About !!100 environ-mental bfckgrourid $ ample atlalyses w cre cor)- ducted 'a lim as part of the cmironmental baboratory standards consist of materiah monitoring progr arn. containing a known concentration of the analyte of interest, suth as a pil buller or a Pu D9 tounting standard. These rnay condst 5.5 Quality Controlin the 1,aboratory of NIST traceable Mandards or standard ref-crence rnateriah (SitM6) from other sources. Rriy mmampin wne e,ou ssca by ihe Ai a minimum, one ranenn. aanaara h Environmental Laboratory in U"O, including enalyzed for each ten sample an:dyses, or one samples collected by laboratory staff and per day, to deterninc if the method is produc-r.amples submitted to the laboratory by other ing rnults within aueptable limits. departments or agencies. More than (EL of these samples were analyzed by the Environ. The results of r.tandard analyses are plotted on mental Laboratory staff, with the rest being control charts that specify acccpt able limits. lf tent to other laboratories. Samples not results are outside the control limits, the sys-analyicd by the Environmental Laboiatory tem must be brought bacL into contr91 before must maintain a inel of quality control similar sample analysis can resume. to that maintained by the Environmental Laboratory. Wndor laboratorles are required Armther form of standard analysis is a laboratory to participate in all relevant ciouchecks and spike,in which a known amount of analpe is to maintain all relevent certifications. added to a sample or t 'ank before the sample is analyicd. T he percent recovery of the la order to monitor the accuracy and analyte is an indication of how mu h of the precision of data produ ed by the Emiron- analyte of interest is being detected in the me ntal Later atory, labor atory quality contr ol analysis of actual samples; hence, a spite is an practices speciGe to cach analytical method nuessment of the accuracy of the method. Ac-are clearly described in approved references ceptability limits are also documented for or procedures. Laboratory quality control spite recovcry, consists of proper training of analysts, inain-tenance and calibration of measuring equip- Control charts are kept and are routinely ment and instrumentation, and specific monitored. To supplement the routine methods of proccuing r.amples as a means of analysis of standards, EPA quality control monitoring laboratory performance. samples of known concentrations are sub-mitted to analysts in the laboratory by the Analpical instruments and counting systems S&EA quality auurance staff. The con-are calibrated at speciGed frequencies and centrations of the samples are unknown to logs of instrument calibration and main- the analyst and serve as an additional perfor-tenance are kept. Calibration methods for mance check on the accuracy of Environ-each imtrument arc speciGed in procedures or mentallaboratory analyst s, More than 400 in manufacturers' directiom. Standards tr ac e- laboratory standard analyses (including able to the National Institute of Standards and spikes) were performed .n 1990. 1 5-5 50 Quality Aswame E laborawry M. inks: Ra liological and Environmental Science Laboratory (RESL), the Environmental hionitoring Splems Laboratory of the USEPA I'"Ioratory blanks are prepared from a  ? (EhtSL), Las Vegas, and the Emironmental matriuamdar to s'iat of the temple but known hicasurements Laboratory (EML), New York 1 a contain none of the analyte ofinterest. Far City. Crosscheck performance is summati/ed mstance, distilled water, taken through the in Appendix D. same preparatory procedure as a sample, serves as a laboratery blank for both in addition to radiological crosschecks, radiological and chemical water analyses. the Environmental Laboratory,in conjunc-Poshne results for nr. aalyte m a blank md" tion with the on site Anahtical and Process cate that someth - was wrong with the Chemistry Laboratories', maintains cer-analysis and ccrrectise acnon should be taken. tification by the New York State Department One blan6 is routine!y processed daily or with each run" of samples. S&EA quality of Ilcalth (NYSDOll) for various non-radiological analytes. To maintain this ser-co-'rol provided blank samples as addiuon-tification, the laboratory participates in
    a. acts on the preventmn of cross-con-semiannual crosschecks for the analytes cer-taminatmn in the analytical process in the tified by NYSDOll.
    Environ mental Laboratory. A special form of laboratory blank for 5.6 Personnel Training radiologica' samples is an instrument back-ground count, which is a count taken of a planchette er vial containing no san ple.The I("Y "" Pc'I"*I".g eminmmental moniton ing program activines must be trained in the count serves t wo purposes: 1) to determine if appropriate pmcedures and qualified accord-contamination is present in the counting in-strument; and 2) to determine the back- ingly before carrying out the procedure as part of the s,te i emironmental momtormg program, groun.1 correction that should be applied in Requalifications are conducted periodically, calculations of radiological activity. A back-ground count is performed before each day's counting. 5.7 Record Keeping E Laboratory Duplicates: n . Control of records .is an ir.tegral part of the environmental monitoring program. Field D uplimtes are analyzed to assess precision in data sheets, chain-of-custody forms, analytical ths enantical process. Laboratery duplicates requests, sample-shipping documents, sample crc created by splitting existing samples before tags, bench logs, laboratory data sheets, equip-atelysis; eaci. split is treated as a separate ment maintenance logs, calibration Iq. bin-sample. If the analytical process is in control, ing rtcords, crosscheck performance records, resuhs for each split should be within docu- and weather measurements, in addition to mented criteria of acceptability. Approximate- other records, a:e all maintained as documen-ly 700 laboratory duplicate analyses were tation of the emironmental monitoring pro-performed in 1900. As ' ith standards, gram. All records pertaining lo the program are duptkate samples were subtri re d to the also reviewed routinely and securely stored. Environmental Laboratory by 3&EA quality assurance as an additional performance in late 1990 new computer software, the check on laboratory precision. Laboratory Information hianagement System (LlhtS), was installed in the Environmental E crosschecks: Laboratory. Although installed too late for use in 1990, this system will be integrated into the The Emironm; tatoratory participates ahoratory 'ecord 'cerias 5Yste* *"d *il be in formal radiological crosscheck programs used for sam;71 e loggmg, auto logging of conducted by the Department of Energy s mples, pn,nung labds for samples, data 5-6 -- -- - - .._ - - - - - - - - -. - - - - ~ - . ~ - . 1 Independent Data Veripcation ; storage and processing, monitoring of pality Monthly trend analysis reports document post control samples, sampic tracking, produch; sible warning levels or trends picked up as part sampling and analytical worklists, and genernt- of the environmental monitoring program. Ing reports. This new ~ system will decrease Monthly SFDES discharge reports ar-much of the paperwork involved in the en- generated and submitud w the New % vironmental monitoring program.- -State Department f Emironmental Consei . vallon (NYSDEC), 5.8 Chain of custody Procedures 5.11 Independent Data Verification - Field data sheets, which are filled out when samples are collected, serve as chain-of cus. An Ensironmental Laboratory analytical  ! tody records for the samples. Samples art data is reviewed and approved by a qualified brought in from the field and logged at the person other than the person conducting the . - sample receiving station, after which they analysis, As part of the verification procedure, are stored in a sample lock up before quality control samples analyzed in conjunc-analysis or shipping. .- tion sith tia samples are examined and cal-culations are checked before approval. S& EA Samples sent to other laboratories for analysis quality assurance personnel also conduct are accompnied by a chair"of custody /analyti- checks of the data in additi(m to the initial, cal request form; Signature control must be routine reviews. All software used to generate , maintained by the agent transporting the " data is subjected to a verification procedure samples. Vendor laboratories are required to before being used. maintain internal chain-of custody records and to store the samples under secure conditions, Data must be formally apprond Imhe being reported or used in the caln lation <s environ. =- mental monitoring data, Reports perated 5.9 Audits? from data are r,vbjected to a peer review Routine mternal appraisals of the Sarety & Emironmental Assessment Department and the Emironmental Laboratory are conducted by site quality assurance personnel, who also audit the emironmental monitoring programs. In' addition, r.gencies external to the WVDP audit the program as a whole. 5,10 Performance Reporting The performance of the laboratory in crosscheck programs is published in the sum-mary of results for each crosscheck. The En. L vironmental Laboratory results are compared with the true value for the samples and the Environmental Laboratory performance is ' compared with those of other laboratories participating in the crosscheck, i- .
    Quarterly summaries of quality control perfor-l mance may be included in the appropriate monthly trend analysis reports.
    l. 57 l'
    L l l *' ^ W. t ,, \. n. _,.o m . ..p..,a._. n ~ ;r . p., - - w - . gW . "; ~qqq:x%;; ;w;;. n se. m: m.a,nw8 a p e~m e ~ = r ,p g;;g enwppus %n g x u c- a n.w w m.g Nw%m a;g. ..w u, ~ ..; ..g. . g ~ .  %%gwcasa. .- o u- .y; ~ n,,. - w ., .;,x. m.g.n ~ VVn.m,m.p :L,a~@p,na< .- W=wm na 2xn'g~ - .m y ,, :wsJm,e . ,p m, i - 4,;:s e . y~ t Y,phm  ;>m~m,punw - c s . f'!"\ p-y . ' %a3.y1- .u - . 4 s e : n n . c, L n  :, g. w ~^ %Wg.knxw':_ y. n, n wm,q. ; s~5 - -  ; w. , -= ,; v "M eLyv vm+,, m'rm .o%g*.r,Ns,0 a e m 4 6pa 4N i ) 5 *W -)p' >:n. *y *t' U [ U } . ..w ~&^p <,.. e , n + w : ~i p p,vy y, , must,-=n rz s.; ,. p m x hb& g^ w: m,.w= %. N,s,= - ~ ug;cj+.g . ck ',;;~;R, y';vwM a D w&ga.w;;p: a xgr,., g, ay+ye Ahn;upl%py &aymew an ga .- .a. v.- <-e, ' + #n w x; ,;4;. .ym :q y$n,g,,eup,Wyj a n .; v p a g r, .. g ,}n;q N % b h&n : W; $ w$TN $$m;-.?Esbq,n>.;by -av gw, $ .,~ ._ . n - q ihse h5* h?Ogn EmironmentalSr.mpling-An Art As Well As A Science APPENDIX A Effluent On-Site and oft-Site Monitoring Program 1990 Ellluent On-Site and OIT-Site -Monitoring Program The following schedule represents the West %lley Demonstration Project's routine environmental monitoring program for 1990.This schedule meets or exceeds the minimum program needed to satisfy the requirements of DOE Order 54(X).1, which superseded DOE 54SLIA, Chapter 111,in late 1988, it - also meets requirements of DOE Order 5*XL5 und draft DOE Order 54XL6. Specific methods and recommended monitoring program elements are found in DOE /EP4m6, Im.UINr MONrlORING. and DOE /EP-0023, !!NVIRONMtNTAt, SURVillt.lANcit, which are the bases for selecting most of the schedule specifics. Additional monitoring is mandated by Operational Safety Requirements (OSRs) and air and water discharge permits (40 CFR 61 and SPDES), which also require a formal ieport. -These specific cases are identified in the schedu!e under MONITORING / REPORTING REQUIRE-M ENTS. The overall emironmental program schedule is based on OSR GP-4. Schedule Of Environmental Sampling m I he following table is a schedule of environmental sampling at Ihe West Wiley Demonstration Project. Locations of the :.ampling points are shown in Figures A.! through A 0, The index below is a list of the codes for various sample locations. Table headings in the schedule are as follows: e Sample Location Code. The physical k> cation where the sample is collected is described. The code consists of seven characters: The first character identifies the sample medium as Air, Water, Soil / Sediment, Iliological, er Direct Measurement. The second character specifies oN site or oFf site. The remaining characters describe the specific location (e.g., AFGRVAL is Air Off-site at Great val. ley), o Monitoring / Reporting Requirements.The reports generated from sample data and the basis for monitoring that h> cation and any additional references to permits or OSRs are noted. o Sampling'I)pe/ Medium.This describes the collection method and the physical characteristics of the medium.- e Collection Frequency. Indicates how often the samples are collected or retrieved. e *lobl Annual Samples.The number of discrete physical samples collected annually, not including composites of collected samples, e Analpes lirrormed/ Composite Frequency. The individual analyses of the samples or composites - of samples a.ed the frequencyof analyses is described. L l l SU5th1 AltY OF N10NITOltlNG l'ItOGitA51 CllANGES IN1Pl.EN1ENTED IN 1990 WNSP001. Analytes added to routine site sampling: To routine discharge grab samples added dichlorodifluoromethane, trichlorofluoromethane, 3,3 dichlorobentidine, tributyl phosphate, and vanadium.To semianual grab sample added bis (2 ethylhexyl) phthalate and 1 dodecene. WNSTPIIS, New sampk location' type added: Sampling of sanitary waste sludge for alphabeta,11-3. WNSW74A. Existing site upgraded: Automated sampling put on line in 1(rat in 19S9 site was grab-sampled monthly and analyzed for gross alphabeta,113, and pil. In 19'M) a composite was sampled weekly for gross alpha / beta,11-3, pil and conductivity, a monthly composite was analy/ed for gamma isotopic an) Sr-90, and a quarterly composite was analy/cd for C 14,1 129, Pu!U isotopic and Am 241. WNSDIDR. New sampling location added: Added weekly sampling of the high-level waste tank farm underdrain for gross alpha / beta,113, pil, and a monthly composite for gamma isotopic and Sr 'Kt WN DRNKW.1989 point WNDRNKW (site drinking water) was replaced by four new points monitor-ing drinking water in the Environmental Laboratory (WNDNKE L), maintenance shop OVNDNKMS), storage tonk (WNDNKUR), and main plant (WNDNKMP). ANRGFOP. New fallout pot added at rain gage by meteorological tower on site. SI'RSPR D. SFilOEllN. U-isoto...c analysis added at these three soil collection sites. SFGRVAL llFil - Tritium analysis added to all beef and deer samples. IlF D - A-4 INDEX OF ENVIRONA1 ENTAL h10NITORING PROGRAh! SAh!PLE POINTS On Site Ellluent Air (l'igure A 1) ANSTACK. hiain Plant Ventilation A-8 ANSTSTK. Supernatant Treatment Ventilation A-8 ANCSSTK, Cement Solidification Ventilation A9 ANCSRFK. Size Reduction Facility Ventilation A9 ANSUPCV. Supercompactor Ventilation A 10 On Site Liquid Efiluent . Water und Surface Water (Figure A 2) WNSP001. Lagoon 3 Weir Point A ll WNSP006. Facility hiain Drainage A-12 WNSIW17. Sanitary Waste Discharge A 12 WNSTPBS. Sanitary Waste Sludge A-12 WNSWAh1P. Swamp Drainage Point A 13 WNSW74A. Swamp Drainage Point A-13 WN801DR , Waste Farm Underdrain A.13 WNSP008- French Drain LL.WT Area A 13 WNSP005. South Facility Drainage A-14 WNCOOLW. CoolingTower' A-14 WNDNK Series. Potable Water' A-14 WNSP003. SDA Lagoon (NYSERDA)' A-14 WNFRC67. Frank's Creek East A 15 WNERB53. Erdman Brook A-15 WNNDADR. Dispovil Area Drainap A-15 WNDCELD. Drum Cell Drainage A 15 WNSTAW Series. Standing Water' A 16 On Site Groundwater und Sceps (Figure A-3) IILW Tank Unit Wells and WNDh1PNE ' A 17 Lagoon Unit Wells, WNGSEEP, and WNSP008 A-17 NDA Unit Wells A-17 Facility Area Wells A 18 NDA Area Wells A 18 Fuel Storage 'Ihnk Well A-18 Off Site Surface Water (Figure A-4) WFFELBR. Cattaraugus at Felton Bridge A-19 WFBCTCB. Buttermilk at Thomas Corners A-19 WFBCBKG. Buttermilk Background A 19
    • Not detailed on map (continued on nextpage)
    A-5 1 INDEX OF ENVIRONh1 ENTAL 510NITORING PROGRAh! SA51PLE POINTS OIT Site Groundwater (l'igures A 5 and A 9) A 20 WFWEL Series. Private Local Wells OIT Site Ambient Air (Figure A 6) Fox Valley Sampler A-21 AFFXVRD. AITCORD. Thomas Corners Sampler A 21 Route 240 Sampler A-21 AFRT240. Rock Springs Road Sampler A-21 AFRSPRD. AFGRVAL Great Valley (background) A 21 AFSPRVL. Springville Sampler A 21 West Valley Sampler A-21 AFWEVAL Dunkirk (background) A 21 AFDNKRK. Dutch 11ill Road Sampler A-71 AFBOEllN. AFDilFOP. Dutch liill Fallout' A 22 Fox Valley Fallout
    • A 22 AFFXFOP.
    Themas Corners Fallout
    • A 22 AFTCFOP.
    Route 240 Fallout' A-22 AF24 FOP. ANRGFOP. Rain Gage Fal!out A-22 O!T Site Soil / Sediment
    • SF Soil Series. Air Sampler Area Soil A-22 T! omas Corners Sediment A-22 SFTCSED.
    Buttermilk Background Sediment A-22 SFBCSED. Cattaraugus at Springville Dam A-22 SFSDSED. SFBISED. Cattaraugus Background Sediment A-22 SFCCSED. Cattaraugus at Felton Bridge A 22 OIT Site Biological (Figures A 5 and A 9) BFFCATC. Cattaraugus Creek Fish Downstream A 23 BFFCTRL. Cattaraugus Creek Fish Background A 23 BFFCATD. Cattaraugus Creek Fish Downstream of Dam A 23 BFh1 REED. NNW htilk A-23 BFh1COBO. WNW hiilk A 23 BFh1WIDR. SE Milk A-23 BFhil1AUR. SSW hiilk A-23 BFNICTLS. hiilk, South, Background A 23 BFh1CTLN. h1 ilk, North, Background A 23
    • Not detailed on map (continued on next page)
    A-6 INDEX OF ENVIRONh1 ENTAL, A10NITORING l'ROGRAh! SAhll'I.E l'OINTS BFVN!!AR, Pmduce Nearsite A 24  !!FVLTRL. Produce llackground A 24 IlFlINEAR. Forage Nearsite A 24 BFIICTIA Forage, South,!!ackgiound A 24 IlFilLTLN, Forage, North, llackground A 24 11FilNEAR. Ilcef, Nearsite A 24 11FilCTRL. lleef, Background A 24 ilFDNEAR. Venison, Nearsite A-24 IlfDCTRL, Venison, Ilackgroiand A 24 Direct Measurement Doslinctry(l'igures A 7, A 8,and A 9) Di'rLD Series, Off Site Dosirnetry A 25 DNTLD Scrics. On Site Dosimetry A 26 i A-7 1990 Ef flUt hf ANL,0N 511E M?NiiORING PROCR AM SAMPLlhG COLLEC110N TOTAL ANNUAL ANALYSES PERFORMED / GAMPLE LOCA110N MONITORING /REPOR11NG 1YPE/ MEDIUM JR10MMY . sytiL CCNPus!!E FR[0yfNCY CODE Pt0VIPEMENTS Airborne radioactive Continuous of f- Continuous N/A Real tine alpha ard beta Main Plant nonitoring Ventitation effluent point line air nessurement of Exhaust Stack including Lv 91 particulate f bed fitter, ANS1ACK Vitrificatir - - monitor replaced weekly Gas Reauired by: Continuous of f- Weekly 104 (52 per Gross alpha / bete, gancia Supernatant OSR GP 1 Line air location) isotopic.* Quarterly Treatment conposite f or Sr 90, Pu/u System (SIS) 40 Cf R 61 particulate isotopic, Am 241, gama Ventitation filter isotopic Exhaust ANSISIK Reported: Continuous off- Weekly 104 ($2 per H3 Monthly line desiccant location) Environmental column for Nonitoring Trend water vapor Analysis collection Annual Ef fluent and Continuous of f- Weekly 104 (52 Quarterly conposite f or On Site Discharge line charcoal conposited 1-129 Report cartridge to 4 per location) Annual Enviromental Monitcring Report Air Emission annual Report (NESHAP) C ' Weekly gama isotopic only if gross activity rises significantly, o A-8 D MPLING RA1104 ALE __ AN51ACK Draf t DOE $400.6, Ill.1; 0$R GP 1,1. A, 2.0; and DOE /(P 0006, 3.3, Monitore and senples HIPA filtered ventilation from most proc ess areas, including cell ventilation, vessel of f gas, FRs and head end ventitation, analytical area.  ! Aksisir Draf t DOE 5400.6, I!!.1; 0$R CP 1,1.6, 2.8; and 600/IP 0096, 3.3, Monitors and sanples NEPA-filtered e 'atlon f t(a tullding areas involved in treatment of high-level waste supernatant. I A-8A m -_ _ _ . 1990 EFFLUENT AND ON SITE MONITO#1NG PROGRAM SAMPLE LOCATION MON 110 RING / REPORTING SAMPLING COLLECil0N TOT AL ANNUAL ANALYSES PERFORMED / CODE REDVIREWENTS TYPE / MEDIUM FRE0VENCY SAMrLES COMP 0stit FREoVENCY Cement Airborne radioactive Continuous Continuous N/A Real time alpha and beta Solidification effluent point off-line air measurement of monitoring System (CSS) particulate fixed filter, Ventitation Reculted by: monitor replaced weekly Exhaust OSR CP 1 ANCESTK 40 CFR 61 Contact Size Reported: Continuous of f- Weekly 104 (52 per Gross alpha / beta, gama Reduction Monthly line air tocation) isotopic.* -.uarterly Facility Environmental particulate ccanposite f or Sr 90, Pu/U Exhaust Monitoring Trend filter isotopic, Am 241, gama ANCSRIK Analysis isotopic. Annual Ef fluent and continuous off- Weekty 104 (52 Quarterly composite for On site Discharge line charcoal conposi ted 1 129 Report cartridge. to 4 per location) Annual Envirorsnental Monitoring Report Air Emissions Annual Report (NESHAP)
    • Weekly gansna isotopic only if gross detivity rises significantly.
    A-9 i 1AMPt140 #4710NAtt _ j ANCssfK- Draf t 00E 5400.6,111.1; 05R GP 1,1.8, 2.B; AND Dot /tr 0096, 3.3. Monitors and sanples HCPA ftltered verit ilat ion from process areas and cell tised for decontaminated high level radioactive supernatant solidification with cenwint. ANCsRFK Draf t DOC 5400.6, Ill.1; 05R GP 1,1.8, 2.B; and DOE /EP 0096, 3.3. Monitors and safiples HEFA filtered ventilation f rom process area where radioactive tanks, pipes, and other equi;vient are reduced in volwe by cutting with a plasma torch. A 9A 1900 EFFLUENT AND ON 51TE MONITORlWG PROGRAM MONITORING / REPORTING $AMPLING COLLECTION TOTAL AhWUAL ANALYSES PERFORMED / SAMPLE LOCATION REQUIREMEN15 TYPE / MEDIUM FREQUENCY $ AMPLE $_ , COMPOS 11E FREQUENCY CODE Ccotinuous Continuous N/A Real time tete nonitoring S p rcompactor Airborne radioactive Exhaust effluent point off line air measurement of AN5UPCV particulate fixed filter, 26 Filters f or gross Reauired byt nonitor during colIected and alpha /teta, gausna OSR GP 1 operation replaced every isotopic' upon collection 40 CFR 61 seven operating Continuous off- days, or at 26 Quarterly conposites: Reported: tine air least monthly composited filters f or $r-90, Pu/U Monthly particulate when unit is to 4 isotopic, Am-241, ganna Envi rorvnent al filter, operated isotopic Monitoring Trend (maxinun of 26 Analysis operating weeks expected) Annual Ef fluent and On site Discharge Report Annual Envirornnental Monitoring Report Air Emissions Annual Report (NESMAP)
    • Weekly gansna isot' spic only if gross activity rises significantly, A-10 l
    -- .. - - . - _. . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . - . . . , . - ~ . . .._ _ l 2 l l SAMPtikLRA110NALE ANSUPCV Draf t DOE 5400.6, III.1; 05R GP-1,1.B. 2.8; and DOE /EP-0096, 3.3. Monitors and sanples HEPA filteced ventitetion f rom area where low level radioactive waste volwe is redoced by coppaction. A 10A 1990 FFFLUENT AND ON SITF MONITORING PROGR AM SAMPLE LOCATION MONITORING / REPORTING SAMDLlhG COLLECTION TOT AL AWUAL AhALYSES PERFORMED / C00E REQUIREMENTS TVPE/ MEDIUM FREQUENCY SAMPLES COMPOSITE rREQUENCY Lagoon 3 Primary point of Crab tiquid Daily, during 40 80 Daily gross beta, Discharge Weir liquid ef fluent Lagoon 3 conductivity, pH, flow. WWSP001 batch release discharge Every sixth daily sanple: gross alpha / beta, H 3, Peovired by: Sr 90, ganca isotopic, OSR GD 2 Weighted monthly SPDES Perrnit conposite of daily samples: gross Reported: alpha / beta, H 3, C 14, Monthly SPP8 5 DMR St 90,1-129, gansna isotopic, Pu/U isotopic, Am 241 Annual Efiluent and Copposit e Twice during 8 10 Two 24 hour conposites On site Discharge liquid discharge, near f or Al, kH 3, As, B00 5, Repc t start, and near Fe, 2n, pH, susperded end solids; 50,, kO ,3 WOg , Cr4, Cd, Cu, Pb, Wi Annual Envirorynental Grab tiquid Twice during 8 10 settleable solids, pH, Monitoring Reprt discharge, sane cyanide amenable to as conposite chlorination, oil ard grease, Dichlorodi f luoronetharw, T richlorof luoronethane, 3,3 Dichlorobentidine, Tributylphosphate, Vanadium Composite Annually 1 Annually, a 24 hour Liquid conposite for Cr, Se, ~ Ba, Sb Grab liquid Annually 1 Chloroform Grab tiquid Semiannually 2 Bis (2-Ethythexyl) Phthalate, 4-Dodecene A-11 SAMPLlkG RA1!Ohtl{ WSP001 DOE $400.5 and 0raf t DOE $400.6, II.4,c.(1). By regulation, at t liquid ef fluent streams f rom DOE f acilities shall be evaluated and their potential f or release of radionuclides adiressed. New York State SPDES permit No. NY0000973. 1bese regulations are met f or radiologicat paraneters by daily grab sanpling during periods of Lagoon 3 discharge. Sanpting for chemical constituents is performed near the teginning and end of discharge periods to meet the site SPDES permit. Doth grab suples and 24 hour composite tarples are collected. M A 11A 1990 EFFLUENT AND ON SITE MONITORING PRQQDf3 SAMPLE LOCAfl0N Mohl10 RING /REPOR11NG SAMPLING CottfCTION TOTAL AhNUAL ANALYSES PERFORMED / CODE PEOUIREMENTS TYPE / MEDIUM FFEDUENCY _ $AMPLES COMPOSITE FREQUfNGL Frank's Creek Corttined f acility f ined 'Veekly $2 Gross alpha / beta, H 3, at Security liquid discharge continuous pH, Conduc t ivi t y. Fence conposi te Monthly corposit3: gantna WSP006 Reautred by: Liquid isotopic and Sr 90. OSR*GP 2 Quarterly conpositet C-14, 1 129, Pu/U Reported: Isotopic, Am 241. Monthly Envi rorviental Monitoring Trend Analysts Annual Environmental Monitoring Report Stnitary Waste Liquid ef fluent 24 hour 3/ month 36 Gross alpha / beta, M 3, Discharge point for sanitary composite suspended solids, NH3, WSP007 and utit(ty plant liquid B00-5, Fe contii.ed discharge Reovired by: Grab Liquid Weekly 52 pH, settleable solids SPDES Permit Renorted: Grab Liquid Annuelty 1 Chloroform Monthly SPDES DMR Monthly Envirorvnental Monitoring Trerd Analysis Annua l Ef f Luent and On site Discharge Report Annual Environmental Mo* itoring Report Sanitary Waste Operational STP Grab sludge On demard (at 12 Atrha/ beta, H 3 Sludge Monitoring least m Athly) WSTP8S
    • Samples collected simultaneously f.r NYSDOH, A-12
    . - . . - , - . .. ~ . . . . -, .. - - _ - . ~ ~ - ~ . - . . . . - . .. . I j. 5 . S AMPLING R AilotALE WSP006 Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1) (d). l 4 See WSP001 f or radiological retionale. WSP007 Draf t DOE $400.6, !!.4.c.(1).
    Sampling rationate is based on hew York state $PDES permit No. NY0000973 and DOC 5400.5 criteria
     ! for discharge of radioactivity to and from the sewage treatment plant. WSTPBS DOC 5400.5. Conposite of $1P surge tank, sludge holding tank, and etartfler sludge anatyred for operatlonal j. Screening. 4 s 4 ir a k A 12A J 1990 E FFtVENT AND ON-Site MDNITORING PROGR AM SAMPLE LOCA110N MONITOR!hC/ REPORTING SAMPLING COLLECil0N TOTAL ANNUAL ANALYSEE PERFORMED / CODE REQUIREMENTS TYFE/ MEDIUM FREQUENCY SAMFLES COMPOS 11E FRE0gjjj L , N . E . S w anp Site surf ace Grab liquid Monthly 12 Gross alpha / beta, N 3, pH Drainage drainage WSWAMP* Worth Swanp Reported: Timed Weekly $2 Gross alpha / beta, H 3, Drainage Annual Ef fluent and continuous pH, conductivity WNSV74A On-site Discharge conposit e Report liquid Monthly conposites gansna isotopic, Sr 90. Quarterly co:posite C-14, 1 129, Pu/U isotopic, Am-241 High level Drains subsurf ace Grab liquid Weekly 52 Gross alpha / beta, H 3, waste form water f rca HLW pH. Monthly composite: underdrain storage tank area, ganina isotopic, Sr 90. WSD1DR PeDorted: Monthly Envi rorcent al Monitoring Trend Analysis French Drain Drains subsurf ace Grab liquid 3/ month 36 pH, conductivity, B00 5, WNSP008 water f rom LLWT Fe Lagoon area Required by: Monthly 12 Gross alpha / beta, H 3 SPDES Permit ReDorted: Annually 1 Ag,Zn Monthly SPDES DMR Annual Ef fluent ard On-Site Discharge Report Annual Environmental Monitoring Report
    • Samples collected simultaneously f or NYSDOH.
    A-13 l SAMPLlhG RAllO6 ALE WhSWAMP Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1),(b). hE site surf ace water drainage; provides f or the sarrpting of this discrete drainage path f or uwontrolled surf ace waters just tef ore they leave the site's controlled toundary. Waters collected represent surf ace ard subhurf ace drainages f rom the construction ard demolition debris landfit t (CDDL), ola hardstand areas and other possible north plateau sources of radiological or nonradiological contamination. VWSW74A Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1).(b). N site surf ace water drainage; provides for the sanpltrg of this discrete drainage path f or uncontrolled surf ace waters just tef ore they leave the site's controlled bourriary. Waters collected represent surf ace and subsurf ace drainages f rom tag Storage areas and other possible north plateau sources of radiological or nonradiological contamination. WNSD1DR Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(3).(a). Monitors the potential influence on subsurf ace drainage surroundit.g the high level waste tank farm. WNSP008 Draf t DDE 5400.6, II 4.c.(1). French drain of subsurf ace water f rom tegoon (LLW1F) area hYsDEC SPDES permit also provides f or the sanpling of this discrete drainage path for uncontrolled subsurf ace waters bef ore they flow into Erdman Brook. Waters collected represent subsurf ace drainages f rcvn downward infiltration around the LtWTF and lagoon systems. This point would also monitor any subsurf ace spillover f r am the overfilling of Lagoons 2 and 3. Sanpling of significance f or both radiological and nonradiological contamination. A-13A 1990 EFFLUthi AND ON-SITE MONITORihG PROGR AM SAMPLE LOCATION MONITORING /REPOR1thG SAMPLING COLLECilON TOTAL AhWUAL AkAlt$ES PERFORMED / CCOE R $11REklNTS TYPE /M!DIUM FREQUfwCY _$AMPLES COMPOSITE FREQUEhtY Facility Yard Conbined drainage Grab liquid Monthly 12 Gross alpha / beta, H 3, pH Drainage f rom f acility yard WusP005 atea R evortc;h j internal Review l Cooling Tower Cools plant utility Grab liquid Monthly 12 Gross alpha / bets, M 3, pH Bisin steam system water WWC00LV Reported: , internal Review l WNDWK Series Source of water Grab Liquid Monthly 48 Gross . alpha / beta, H-3, pH Site Potable within site (12 per tlater perimeter location) Envirorrnent al ag: R Annualty* 2 Toxic netals, pesticides, Lab Drinking Internal Review chemical pollutants Water WNDWKEL M2intenance Shop Drinking W2ter WNDNKMS Pottble Water Storage Tank (UR) WNDNKUR Main Plant Drinking Water nm0NKMP SDA holding State Disposat Area Grab liquid Annually (as 1 Gross alpha / beta, H 3, Lagoon Holding Lagoon required) C 14, pH, gamma isotopic, WNSP003 Sr 90, 1 129, Pu/U isotopic-Reported: Annua l Environmentai Monitoring Report NYSERDA
    • WNDNKEL nd WNDKUR only.
    A-14 - =. - . - - . ._. . - . S AMPL ING R A110NAlf WNSP005 facility yard surf ace water drainage; generally in accordance with draft DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1).(b). Forperty, in accordance with NYSDEC SPDES permit No. NYD000973. Provides for the samling of this discrete drainage path for uncontrolled surf ace waters just after outfalt 007 discharge into the drainage and before they flow to tre en Brook. Waters collected represent surf ace and subsurf ace drainages primarily f rom the nein plant yard area. Histortcally this point was used to monitor studge pond (s) and utility room discharges to the drainage. These two sources have been rerouted. Migration of residual site contaminat ton around the main plant dictates surveillance of this point for radiological paraneters primarity. WNCOOLW Facility cooling tower circulation water; generetty in accordance with draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1).(b). Operatlonel samting carried out to confirm reo migration of radiological contaminstion into the primary coolant loop of the NLW1F and/or plant utility steam systems. Migration from either source might ind cate radiological control fatture. Proctas knowledge indicates that radiological monitoring is of primary sigqlficance. WNDNKEL Site drinking water; generally according to draf t DDE 5400.6, V.11.a.(2). Potable water samplIng carried out to confirm no migration of radiological and/or nonradiological contamination into the site's drinking water supply. Sampled at the Envirorvriental Laboratory in order to monitor the point f arthest away from the point of potable water generetton. WNDNKMS Site drinking water; generally in accordance with draf t 00E 5400.6, V.11.a.(2). Same rationale as WNDNKEL but samled at the maintenance shop in order to monitor a point that is et an internediate distance from the point of potable water generation and that is used heavity by site personnet. WNDNKUR Site drinking water; generally in accordance with draf t DOE $400.6, V.11.a.(2). Same rationate as WNDNKEL but sampled at the Utility Room so as to monitor the point closest to the point of potable water generation. WNDNKMP Site drinking water; generalty in accord.ince with draf t DOE 5400.6, v.11.a.(2). Same rationale as WNDNEMS but sampled at the main plant water fountain. (Site was previously coded as WNONKLR). WNSP003 SDA ef fluent and area surf ace water holding lagoon; generally in accordance with draf t DOE 5400.6, II .4.c.(1). Formerly, in accordance with NYSDEC SPDES permit No. NY0000973. Operational samling carried out to characterige waters contained within SDA holding tegoon. Charactertration for radiological constituents only as per agreement with NYSERDA. A-14A . . . . . ~ - . ._ _. 1o90 Ef f LVENT AND ON SITE MONITORING PPDOR AM MONITORING / REPORTING SAMPLING COLLECil0N 101 AL AhWUAL ?kAI,TSES PERf 0RMED/ SAMPLE LOCATION ' CODE REgy_lREMENTS T Y F E/Mfpj,LH_ FREQUENCY SAMPtts CDiPOSITE FPEQUENCY f rank's Creek E Drains Nys tow-level Grab liquid 'Mo,thly 12 Gross .'lpha/ beta, H 3, pH of SDA Waste Disposal Area WNTRC67 Reported: Internal review NYSERDA Erdnan Brook N Drains NYS and WVDP Grab tiquid Weekly 52 Gross alpha / beta, h 3, v4 of Disposal disposal areas Argas WNERB53 Reported: ' Monthly Internal review NYSERDA Ditch N of WDP Drains WDP disposal Timed Weekly $2 pH NDA & SDA and storage area continuous Monthly CoFposite: gross WWNDADR conposi te alpha / beta, gansna liquid isotopic, H 3. Quarterly composite Sr-90, 1-129 Reported: Internal review Envirorvnental Monitoring Trend Analysis Drainage 5 of Reported: Grob Liquid Weekly $2 pH Drum Ceti Internal review Monthly composite: gross WNDCELD alpha / beta, gamma isotopic, H 3. Quarterly cocposi te: Sr-90, 1 129 r l-CSamples collected simultaneously for kVSDOH. A 15 _ _ _ _ .._.m . . . . __ m _ ._. _ _ _ _ _ . . - ._ ...._ ._. -- - - _ _. .- 4._ . . - SAMPLl% R AllON ALE l WFRC67 Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1).(a). Monitoririg the potential influence of both the hew York State low level waste disposal area (SDA) and drum cet t drainage into Frank's Creek east of the EDA ard upstream of the confluence with Erdnan Brook. WNERB53 Draf t DOE 5400.6, v.11.a.(1).(a). Monitore the potential influence of the drain . ,es f rom the SDA ard the WVDP disposal area into Er+mn Brook upstream of the confluence with trank's Creek. I WNNSADR Draf t DOE $400.6, V.11.a.(1).(a). Monitors the potential inf tuence of the WDP storage and disposal area drainage into Lagoon Road Creek upstream f rom confluence with Erdnan Brook. WNDCELD Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.11.a.(1) (a). Monitors potential influer.ce of drum cell drainage into f rank's Creek south of the SDA and upstream of WWFRC67 A 15A 1990 EFFlutWi AWD ON Sif f MONITOR 2G PROGR AM MONif0 RING /REPORiihG SAMPLING COLLEC110N TOTAL AkNUAL ANALYST $ PERf0RMED/ SAMPLE LOCAll0N PE00lPEMENTS TYPE /MfDILN FRf0VENCY SAMPLFS COMPOSITE FREQUEhtY 000E_ Water wl*hin crab tiquid Annually 7 10* Gross altha/ beta, M 3, On site pH , C onduc t i vi t ya Stardina Water vicinity sf plant eitborne or groure chloride, Fe, Mn, Ne, (ponds not receiving water effluent phenols, sulfate etfluent) WSTAW Series k etert ed: Internal Review Test Pit N of HLW Area W$1AV1 o Slough SW oi .4 Drum Cell WSTAW2 Pond SE of Heinz Road WSTAW3 Border Pond SW of AFR1240 WNSTAW4 Border Pond SW of OfiLD13 WSTAWS Borrow Pit NE of Project FaclLities W51, 'J6 Pond SW of Projer.t Facilities V of Rock Springs Road WSTAV7 Slough N of Quarry Creek WSTAWS +, North Reservoir Near intake WSTAW9 Sackgrourd P 8xt at Sprague Brook Maintenance Building W31AWB
    • Number of points sanpted depends upon on site pording conditions during the year, A-16
    _- ________ ._ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ . ~ . - . . - - - - . . . ~ - . - . . . . . 4 SA@tIWG A Afl0NALE WNSTAW Draf t Dot' 5400.6, V.11.a.(1),(b). , Series Monitoring of on and of f site standing waters at locations (lated below. At though none receive - ef f tuent directty, the potentlet for contamination is present except at the background location. WNSTAW1 Test pit area located north of the main plant and high level waste storage. l.ocation is within the inner security fence in en area of high vehicular traf fic and construction. Does not appear to be drained of f site via known pathways. Periodically goes dry. WNSTAW2 . Slough south. .st of RTS dre cell. Standing water close to drm celt storage area. WNSTAW3 Pond southeast of beint Road. WNSTAW4 Border pond located south of AFRT240. Chosen to be a location for obtaining high potential concentration based on meteorological data. Perimeter location adjacent to a working farm. Drainage entends through private property and is accessible to ptblic. WNSTAW5 Border pond located west of Project f acilities near the perimeter fence and DFTLD13. Chosen to be a location for obtaining high potential concentration based on meteorological data. Location is adjacent to private residence and potentially accessible by the general public. WNSTAW6 porrow pit northeast of Project f aclLities just outside of inner security fence. Considered to be the closest standing water to the main plant and high level waste f a:llities (in lieu of the availability of WNST AW1). W STAW7 Pond southwest of Project f acilities west of Rock Springs Road. WNSTAWS Stough north of Quarry Creek. WNSTAW9 North reservoir near intake. Chosen to provide data in the event of potentia lly contaminated site potable water supply. Location is south of main plant f acilities. WNSTAWB Pond located near the Sprague Brook maintenance building. Considered a background location approximately 14 km north of the WVDP. l { A 16A 1990 EFFLUENT AND ON SITE M34tT0elkG PROGR AM MOW 110RlWG/REPORilWG $AMPLING COLLECil0W TOTAL AhWUAL ANALYSES PERFORMED / $ AMPLE LOCA110N CCOE REQUIREMENTS T1PE/ MEDIUM F RE DuthCV .__ SAMPLES ,,_(nMPO$11E F REQUthtY On-site Cromd- Croundwater Crab liquio 4 tines 156 Cross alpha /teta, H 3, water monitoring wells semiswally (8 gansna isotopic, chloride, around site is solid sanples yearly sulfate, phenols, F, waste management per well)** nitrate, TOC,10X, As, units (SWMUs) Ba, Cs, Cr, F e, Pb, Mn, Hy, Se, Ag, ha (Metals e total and soluble) HLW Tank Renotted: Direct Before and 272 (2 Temperature, pH, CW Monitoring Annual Envirorcental measurenent of after grab measurements c onduc t ivi ty Unit Monitoring Report sanple sanple per sanple Wells: WWW discharge water collection collection 80-2 event) 86 7 86-8 86-9 86-12* Surface: WDNPNC* Ligoon CW Monitoring Unit - Wells: WW 86-6 86-3 86-4 86-5 80-6 w face: WNCSEEP WWSP005 hDA CW Monitoring Unit Wells: WJ 83-10 86-10 86-11 82-10
    • Serves former construction and de olition debris Landfill (CDDL)
    ** Sanpling and enstysis conducted as outlined in the F**t Groundwater Technical Enforcement Guidance Docutent (EPA OSWER 9950.1) and the Statistical Analysis of Morntoring Data at R;RA Facilities (EPA /530-SW-89-026). 1 A 17 .~______- _ __ _ ) i 1 l , _ __ tAuttlhG # AtlDhut m._ 'i' IYa' 8't I' +6e V.11.a+( 114 Cf a Part 264, $ut(4rt I; ard 40 Cf a 265, eter rt F. the on alte WDP growdwater nonitoring program f oruses te radiotogleal ud cbeva col surwe(llance of teth act ive ard inactive solid waste runagenent unite ($WUa). 1he program attows for the determthetion of water quality, in ack11 tion, using wells tituated hydraulically upgradient (teckgroutd) ard downgredient +f $WJe ellows for toth detection of grourdwater contamthatton ard evaluation of the ttfects associated with the Individual $Wus. The grourdwater monitoring program is cJerently Idlng eAgerded f rom three $WJg tg thclude eleven cortined super SWUs, this program espansion is covered in the 'Kanpling ard Analysit Plan ($AP) Grourdwater Monitoring Network,a pr6tt W, Octoter 1990, erwJ in the Annual lite Grourdwater . . Protectton Management Progrt.m Plan, WDP+D91. l A+17A r l_.__- . . _ - . - - _ - - _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 1??11))1UtWf AND M 51M111*lh0fe0CRJ3 SK7Lt LOCATICW M3W11081kG/#t K4 f lhG LAMPLlWG COLLIC11CW 1DI AL AEWUAL AhALf6ft FI M ORMED/ CC06 tt0VIREMIN19 ivif/MtDlVM . fit 0Ut ht Y . JAMMit _(M0llit (F10'MCY On site Crowe Gr ourdwater Crab tiquid leciermally 22'(!ter Gross alt t:a/rSta, H 3, teater nonitoring wells loc at ion) genr4 16eepi c arourd site . facilities I f acility/Plam (fported: Direct Bef ore ard 44' (two lenperature, pH, Ares Wellst WWW Annual Envitorytental pensurenent of after grab pessurements c erduc t ivi t y 80 3_ Monttorthg Regert sanple sanple ter sanple 80 4 discharge water collection collection event) WDA Ares We'Ist WW 82-1A M 16 82 1C 82 28 82 2C 82 3A 82 4A1 82 LA2 82 4A3 fust Storage @ rted: Grab 18 quid sevnlannually 2 Gross alpha /Leta, H 3, icnk subsurface Annual Envirtwrentol gansna isotopic, pheviots, Monitoring Monitoring Report 10C, tentene, toluene, Wellt WWW mytene 86-13 Direct Befvr e and 4 Tenperature, pH, nessurenent of after grab conduc t ivi t y Wscharge water sanple collection
    • Weber of sanples vat lable; occantonally wells are dry.
    A 18 l 1 AMP Q Q g g(( Utitity/ Dot ordere 5400.1, IV.9) Deof t Dot $400.6, Y.11.e.(3); erd 40 CiR Perts 264 erd 26$, Sutpert t. Plant kree Wetts these wells nonttor groundwater arourd site f actittles. Senoting of these wells will te phased out when hew wells thstelled f or taparded solid weste senegenent unit grourdwater ponitoring ccee on iIne, thle progree expension is covered in the *$n9pling ord Analysl6 Plan ($AP) Groundwater Monitoring network tegert." fuel DOC orders $400.1, IV.93 Oref t DOE $400,6, V.11.e.(3); ard 40 Cf t Forte 264 ord ?65, 5utgart F. Stor spe ) tank 1his well ponitors grourdwater in the vicinity of urdergreed fuel storspe tenke ord le sanpled $ubsurface prImerily ior radiological ard selected itdttator organic contraurds. 1he PVC cased well way te l Monitoring replaced by a stelhless steel well durtrig expension of the grourdwater ponttoring progtem, Wtl( f f A 184 i l L t jvPu Of f slit MDNitD3RG ft008 AM $AMPit LOCAllDN MONlIDRlWG/REPORIlkG $AMPLlWG C0t tlc 110N TOTAL AhWUAL AbALT$l$ FERIORM(D/ . ftTt Rf oUlttM13,[] JYPf/MIDIUM . f Pt 0V(hJf laMet t s ____ trupestit f#t0J[wty Cattaraugus tinrestricted surf ace fined Weekly 42 Gross alpha / tete, H 3, Creek at f elton waters receiving continuous pH. flow welphted . Bridge plant etfluents c ontosi te ' Weekly f or fronthly contestte for l WilitBR linald sonthly gama lootcpic and $r 90 corpos t t e PPMf t edl Monthty , invirurrentat MonttorIng itend Analysis Annual Invirorrental I Monitoring Report Buttermilk Restricted surf ace f ined '91 weekly 26 pH. Creek, Upstream waters receiving continuous Monthly f or gross of Catter~mT plant effluents corposite alpha / tete, M 3. Creek tiquid Quarterly co@osite for Corif Luence as PeMrted gama f ootopic and Sr 90 thomas Correra Annuat invIrorrental Rosd Monttorind Report WilitiC8 Buttermilk lettricted surf ace fined '81 weekly 26 pH. Creth near fon t. ster t>ackground continuous Monthly for gross Valley corposi t e alpha / tete, H+3. WFBCliKG PeMrtij: Liquid Quarttrty conposite f or Monthly- gama isotopic and $r 90 Envirorvental Mont tortog 1 rend Analyste #,tm al Envirorrentat o.1toring Report *$anples are % tit with NY$DOH. A*19 l. tW11!!L8311Mti Wffitst Draf t Dot 5400.6, v.11.e.(1),(e). $1nce Buttermilk Creek is the surf ace water that receives ett WDP ef fluents ord enotles into Cattersupus Creek, then WFf(LBR punitors the retential influence of V@P drainage into Cetteraugus Creek directly downstream of confluence with buttermilk Creek. WfBCICS Draf t DOE $400.6, V.11.e.(1).(a). Buttermith Creek le the surf ace water receiving all WDP ef fluents. Wf BCICS nonttors the grst er.t l e t influence of WDP drainage into Buttermith Creek utstream of confluence with Cet tertugus Creek. WibC9rG Draf t Dot $400.6, v.11.a.(1).(b). Monitors t.eckgrcud ccaditions of Buttermit6 Creek upstream of the WDP. Allows f or cmparison to downstream corditions l I I A 19A lt91.,0fT $ lit M M ITORlWG ProceAM $AMPat LOCA110N MONITORlWG/REPORilhG $AMPLika COLLICil0N 101 AL ANNUAL AhAtt$ts FIRFORMID/ ttot Rt0VlttMthis TYPf/MfDIUM FPf0VlWCY $AMPLt$ COMPollit f#toutWCY VfWLL Series Drlhking surply Grab liquid Arviuol 10 Gross alges/txte, M*3, Wells hear WDP groodwater hear gansiw llotopic, pH, outside WNthlC facility corductivity Perineter PeMr ttd 3.0 km WWW Arruel Envirorstental . WrWLO1 Monitoring Report I i 1.$ km WW ' VfWLO2 6.0 km WW Vf W LO3 3.0 ko WW Vf W LO4 2.5 km $W Vf W LOS 29 to $ Vf WI106 (hoc 6 grourd) 6.0 km kkt WrWLOF 2.5 km (NE WrWLO 3.0 km $t WfW LO9 T.0 kra N WFWEL10 A*20 -_._...._.._..._.-__-_._,.__.___._.._..__.__m - l SAMPL!kLRAf!C* Alt off site DOE $400.1, IV.9; Draf t Dot $400.6, V.11.a.(3); ord 40 CFR Parts 264 a d 265, sutgart F. Drinking Water Nine of the ten Listed of f site private residential drinkthe w6ter wells represent the nearest WFWil .. unrestricted uses of protsdnet'* close to the V@P. The tenth drinking water series well, WFWELO6, is located 29 km south of the Project ard la considered a tec63rotrd drinking water source. ) 1 f i I 1 A 20A I a._.-----.---.- . - -- .-.-.- -_ --. - . . - _ , , . - - ~ , - , 1970 01Ld11LSth.l108.L*Lf102R $AZPLt LOCAt tf* HONITORihG/RtPO411kG $AMPLlhG CotttCiloh TOTAL AhWUAL AhAltst$ IIPf C*MID/ CtM R(92Letr[ML_ TYP(/rLDit* I Rl03ML_ _193[}_ JM1QLUt FPt90thtY 3.0 km $52 at Ferticulate 61r Continuous air Weekly 468 ($2 get Gross elghe/ tete f ox Valley senples arourd particulate locat ion) AfIXVRD WNYN'* peritteter fliter 3.7 km kWW at filSLLtp Quarter ty (teimalte for Thor %g Corner $ Arnaal (nylrorventet $r 90, Dansu Isotopic Rozd Report All(XRD 2.0 km ht on Mont hly C utinuous Weekly (2 sites 104 (52 rer H+3 Route 240 invi rorviental desic c ant only") site) AFR1210 Monitoring f rend coluvi f or Analysis (four sites water verrar only+) collection 1.5 km kW on Cont huous Week ty (2 sites 104 (52 ger Quarterly composite f or Rock Springs charcoal onl y") site) 1 129 Road c ar t r idge AIR $PRD 29 km $ at Great Valley (bac k grourd) AFGRVAL 7 km N st spring.llte Af 7,FVL 6 km $5! 4t West Vieller AlWEVAL $0 km W at Dunkitk (background) AFDNKRK 2.3 km $W on Dutch Hill Rc.ed Af 3HN + AFRf 240, AFR5PRD, AFGRVAL and AflotHN. Af t$PRD ard AFGRVAL. A 21 - , - . ~ _ . _ - ..., IA"111 % [A.ll9hALi.. .__ AfluvPD Draft Dot 5400.6, v.8.d. Af f CC*D AfR1240 Air senplers put into service by his es part of the site'l originet nuoltoring program. Ferinet ter loc alicos chosen to obtain date frco ptacts nost likely to provide highest concentrations, based on nettoro!ogicet date. Genple heads ett pieced 4 petets stove the growd, hotet Ibe tensining air senpling heads are positioned within the htsun breathing tone stove gr eurd. Af tS8 tD Perimeter location chosen to obtain date f rce the place nost likely to provide highest growd-Level relesse concentrations based on eeteorological detu. APR$i1D is on WDP proper ty tot outside the rneln plant (gerations f ence line. 1+129 and M 3 are tenoted here tecause the senpling trains were easy to incorporate erd the location was nost Lilely to receive ef fluent reteests. AlbO(MN Feripeter location chosen to obteln date f rce the place nutt likely to pr ovide highest elevated release concentr&t tons based on Peteorological date. AfBDfhW is located on priyetely owned proferty et the perineter. A f (.tvAL Dot /IP 0023, 4.2.3. Of f
    • site (tenote) senpter considered to te representative of naturet bac6grourd radiation.
    Located on privately owned proretty 29 lm south of the site (typically upwird). 1 129 erd M 3 sanoted here etso. AfDhtRK Dot /IP 0023, 4.2.3. Of f site (renote) sanpler consider ed to te representative of natural backgrourd radiation. Located 50 6m west of the site (upwirv1) on privately owned prcyfrty. APWtvAL DOC /IP 0023, 4.2.3. Of f + site (rtcote) senpler located on private prosw'rty in nearby twrunity within 15 km of the $lte (southeast). Af$iRVL DDt /IP+ 0023, 4.2.3. Of f + site (rt*cte) sanpler located on private property in nearby consmity within 15 km of tha $lte (ncrth). A 214 l l l jf20.0 f t111 M;tQqel,ggp;p AM 1AMPLt LOCAtlCW MD4110RihG/ RIP 041 t hG $AMPLihC Cottttil0N 101 Al AWWUAL ANALY$t$ f Ekf 0kMLD/ Cot t . _. R t 921t t pf ki $ T YPt/rtDilud f atWLWCY . $ AwPLil _ limbo $ lit pitygthtY 2.5 km SW Cettection of Integrating Monthly e (12 per Gross alsAa/ tete, M 3, p* AfD%fuP faltout particulate liquid site) ard precipitation 3.0 km $$t arourd WYh$C AffEftP peripeter 3.7 km kWW ha AlicitP Annual Envirormntal 9eport 2.0 km NE Af24f0P Met tower On- $lte AmaGTOP surface soit long term f allout turface (lug . Annually 10 Gama isotopic, $r 90, (at each of nire ac ctmAdt ion corvicolte nail Pu 239, Am 241 air senplers U isotopic at $f R$PRD, plus 26 km $5W Enert t4 $f BotMW and $f GivAL et little Annual invironmentet valtsy) Monitoring Report $F Soit series: Butterallk Deposition in Grc5 stream lenilannually 10 Gross alpha / tete, Creik at thcnes sediment downstream sedleent 1st sanple of isotopic gama and $r 90 Corners Road of f acility $fSCSED and $FIC Q effluents $f50$tD each spring
    • Buttermilk [tported: Annually (2 2 U/Pu isotopic, Am 241 Cre:k at Fox Annual Environmental sites only")
    Valley Road Monitoring Repor t (t:rckground) $FSCCD Cattaraugus Crtik at $pringvilte Dam $fSC O l C tteraugus Creik at Sigitow Bridge (background) $fBIstD Cattaraugus Crosk at felton Srl(g) $fCcs[0 *$arple to te split with NYSDOH.' **An: lysis on one of two semiannual collections at SFICSED and $f BCSED. I A 22 l l $A#tthG #8110hatt AfDHf0P DOE /EP 0023, 4.7. Affkf0P Af f Cf 0P Collection of f allout particles er d precipitation arourd the site teripeter establishtd Al24f0P air $snpling locations. Irdicates shbrt term ef f ects. AbkGIOP ColLection of f allout particles and precipitation (estte at the seteorological tower. 3rdicates short term ef fects. $f., Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.10 ard DOC /EP DD21, 4.7. $fWEVAL (West Valley), $ffEVkD (fon Valley Road), $liF8VL ($pringville), $f f COND (thras Corners), $f t124D (toute 24D), $f Dht#K (Dunkirk), $f bO[MI (lochn Road Dutch Hill), $f CRVAL (Lr est Valley), $f R$f'RD (Rock Springs Road): ColLection of long-term f allout data at established air senpler locations via soll sartpling. SliCSED ledinent deposition in Buttermilk Creek inoediately downstream of all f acility liquid ef fluents. $fBC$tD Sedinent deposition in Buttermilk Creek upstream of f eellity et fluente (l;ackgrourd). EfCC$tD ledinent deposition in Cattaraugus Creek at f elton Bridge. Location is first access point of Cattaraugus Creeb downstream of the confluence with Buttermilk Creek. $fSD$tD Sedinent deposition in Cattaraugus Creek at $pringville darn. Reservoir provides (Jeal settling and collectice location f or sedina nts downstream of Buttermilk Creek confluence. L oc ated downstream of $f CC$tD. $FBl$tD Sedinent deposition in Cattaraugus Creek at Bigelow Bridge. Location is upstream of the Buttermith Creek confluence and serves as a Cattaraugus Creek background location. A 22A 19?O Of U ltf M 311DRIN U l %tAl MON 110RlhG/ttt0RilhG $AMttihG COtt(C110N 101 AL AWJAL AhALYLil PERf DkMID/ SAMPLE LOCATION REQUIPIMEWi$ 11tE/MtDIVM FFE0V!NCY $AMPlil COMi'O$ lit IPE.oulgt,_ Cn;r t fish in waters up - Irdi vidaa t $cmiannually $ Ganene isotopic and $r 90 Cottar6ugus ard downstream of collection, (each sanple in edible portions of Creek downstream of f acility ef f tvents biological is 10 fish) each irdividual fish the Buttermilk Cretk Lettitds Conf tuence Annual Envirorcental BfICATC* Monitoring Report Controt tenple f rom nearby stream not af f ected by VAP (7 km or nere upstream of site effluent point) BfICTRL* Cattaraugus Annual 1 (each Game isotopic ord f r 90 sanple is 10 in edible portions of Creek do**nstream of fikh) each irdividual fish springville Dam BFiLA1D Dairy f attn, Milk from animals Grab biological Monthly 48 (12 per Gama isotopic, Sr 90, *) raging arourd (BfMRt[0, site) H 3, and 1 129 of annual 3.8 km kWW facility per'N tcr BfMCOBO, sanples ord quarterty BfMRitD* BfMC1LS, csrposites of conthly BfMCILN) senples Dairy f aren, Renortedt 1.9 km WWW Annual Envirorrental BfMc000 Monttoring Report Dairy farm, Annual 2 (BfMWIDR, 3.5 km SE of site BfMMAUR) BFGilDR Dairy farm 2.5 km 55W lliMMAUR Control location 25 km $ BfMOTLS Control location 30 km N BFMCTLN *Sanples shared with hY500H. j A 23 l i $AMPLlhG #A110%Alf BffCATC Draf t DOE $400.6, V.12.a.(1). SifCAfD Radioactivity may enter a food chain in which fish are a major twoonent ard are conswwd by the local population. affC1kt Draf t DOE $400.6 Y.9.c.(1). BfMRtto Draf t DOE $400.6, V.f.c.(1). ' afMCOB0 BFMWIDR Milk f rom animals foraging around f acility perineter. Mith is consmed by all age groups and in OfMHAUR frequently the post itTortant food that could contribute to the radiation dose. Dairy animals pastured rear the site and at two background locations allow adequate monitoring. BfMCTLS Backgrourd control sarples collected for f rom site. BfMCflN l A 23A l 1 , -. . . - . _. . _ - . . _ _ - . - ..- -_ _ _ - - - . - . . - - - - - - -. - - 1990 Of F $1TE k>(19_. $AMPLt LOCA110N MDN110alWG/REPORilhG $AMPLING COLLFLilCW TOTAL AkNUAL ANALT$t$ Fikf0RMED/ tt0E RfoUIREMthtt , JJI{g1M_ fRiouthti tAwPLtl _COMr0$11E PPtoutwtY Westby f ruit and vegetables Grab biological ' Annually, at 6 Gama isotopic and Sr 90 locatione grown near f acility f3 each) harvest analysis of edible BFVME AR perineter downwind portions, N 3 in free if possible moisture R emot e Referted: locations Annual Envirornwntal (16 km or more Monitoring Report f rom f acility) BFVCTRL Beef cattle / Grab biological Annually 2 Cama isotopic, tr 90 ellk cow forage , from near site locction N 8fHNCAR Beef cattle / silk cow forage f rom control south location or north 1 location l j BfHCTLS or-Bf'4CILM ) I Bref animal Meat teef foraging Crab biological $cmiannually 4 Canma isotopic and $r 90 ! from nearby near f acility analysis of neat, M 3 in f arm in perimeter, downwind free moisture  ; downsind if Fossible dir*ction BIBWEAR Br f animal Renorted: from control Annual [nvironmental location 16 km Monitoring Report or noto f rom facility BfBCTRL in vicinity of Meat deer foraging Individual
    • Annually, 3 Came isotopic and St 90 ths site (3) near facility collection during hunting analysis of neat, N 3 in BFDNEAR perimeter biological season free moisture Control animals Reported *During year as 3 (3) 16 km or Annual Environmental available more from Monitoring Report fccitity BFDCTRL
    • $anple to be sptit with NY$00H.
    A ?4 l _ _ __ _ _ _. _..~. .. ......_ _ _ - . _m _____._____.____m._.____________..___. l 1990 of f 311f M0kl1DeIhG f tott AM SAMPLt LCCATIDN MONllLAlWG/RIPORilhG $AMPLlhG CDillCIIDW IDf AL AhWuAL Akalt til I t R f C*Mib/ J0tif Rt0VitIwt4ft 178 i/>f DIUM JI17)INCY Jam.tL t t __ J imPDt111 fH 0g hty t hertwatuminet- Direct radiation Integrating Lif Duet t er ly 460 (5 TLDs Datterly panoe radiation cent Dostretty arce d faclLity 1LD at each of ?) tapotut# (TLD) of f sitet loc a t ions, DFILD Series collected 4 tinen get year) I At etch of 16 RIMeterJ torgest Monthly j atttors, at (nvi rotrent al roarest Monitoring iterd accessible Analysis perineter point #1 16 Annual Enviror rental Monitoring Report "5 Point 6" tend fill, 19 km $W (tackgrourW) #17 1500 m WW (downwird receptor) #20 Springvltle 7 km W #21 W7st Valley 5 km $$t #22 Crest Valley, 29 km 8 (ba kground) , #23 Dunkirk, 50 km W (bac k ground) - #37. 1 Serdinta Savage Rd, 24 km ht (backgrcund) #61 i i A 25 $AMPilhG RA110hAtt 9FVh(AR Dr af t Doe 5400.6, V.9.c.(2). Fruits and vegetables collected from areas near the site. Collec ted, if Fossible, f rom areas near the site predicted to have worst case downwird concentrations of radionuclides in air ard soit. Sanple analysts reflects steady state / chronic uptake or contamination of f oodstuf f s as a result of site activities. Possible pathway to haans or irdirectly through animals, i BfvCTRL Draf t DOC 5400.6, V.9.c.(2). r f ruite and vegetables colter ted f rce area remote f rom the site. Background f ruits arvi vegetables , collected f or corparison with near site senples. Cottected in areas (s) of no possible site inpac t , DFHurAR Draf t DDE $400.6, V.9.c.(2). Hay colLected f rom areas near the site. Sane as for near site f ruits ard vegetables (BFVhf AR). Indirect pathway to haans through animals. Collected with either teef or milk sanple location. BihtiLS Draf t Dot 5400.6, V.9.c.(2). BfMCTLN Hay collected f rom areas remote f rom the site. Background hay collected for conparison with near site sanoles. Collected in area (s) of no possible site lepact. BIBhEAR DOE $400.6, V.9.c.(3). Seef collected f rom animals raised near the site. Following the rationale f or vegetable matter cettected near site (BfvutAR and Bf HkEAR), edible flesh portion of twef animals is anatyred to determine possible redlonuclide conttnt passable directly to humans. For animals foraging downwind in areas of maxinwi probable site inpact. Bf8 CTRL Dr af t Dot 5400.6, V.9.c.(3). Beef collected f rom animals raised f ar f rca the site. Background beef collected for conparison with near site senptes. Cottected in area (s) of no possible site inpact. BF0htAR Draft DOE 5400.6. V.9 d. Venison f rom deer herd found living near the site. Sane w f or beef (BFBhE AR). BFDCTRL Draf t DOE 5400.6, V.9.d. Venison f rom deer herd living f or f rorn the site. Background deer meet collected for cunparison with near site sanples. Collected in area (s) of no possible site inpact. A 24A 1990 f F F L Ut hi A hD Dh $ltLM2h11081 AC 5 '21'M LAMPLt LOCA110N MDul104 t NG/Rt 0041 t hG SAMPilha CDtLtC11(* 101 AL AkWuAL AhALYttl ItRiotMfD/ CTE Rf0VlttutNT$ _ TYtf/ptDIUM fiFouthtY l&MPt t l COMPO$ lit ftig2(hg _ thermolumines- Direct radiation on integrating Lif overterly 360 ($ TLDs overterly game radiation cent Dosimetry f acility growvh TLD et each of 18 es posur e (TLD) onsitet siten DNILD Serles collected 4 tines per year) At three upsji corners of $DA Monthly #18, 019, #33 f rrs t rorwit al Mcmitoring Trend Analysis (9) et security Annual Envirorrentet fence arourxl Monitoring peport site #24, 26 34 (5) on site rear operational areas #35, 36, 3B 40 Rock Springs Road 500 m hhw of plant 025 i A 26 l 1 l taMPLIWG aallowatt i l Dolluttaf Draf t 00( 5400.6, V.7 ard DO(/IP 0023, 4.6.3. [ off site TLDs ef fer contirwous integrated envitorstental gama rey conttorthy ard have teen deployed systenetically stout the site. Of f* site TLDs are used to verify that sitt activities have ret adversely of fetted the surrourding environs, in eMition to gereral htC trosscheckt, a blemlet NPIC game radiat ton nesnurenent is conpleted at all 110 locations. t I-I f f l r i 1 A 25A i l L Mf31NG Patli$att D051>titt D r a f t t>0t $4 00. 6, V . T. on site On site 1LDs manitor waste nenapwent units ed verif y that the Mitentist dose rate to the generet p A>l t c, (i.e., t oc k $pr ings # cied), is tetow 100 air /arrun f rorn site activities. Potenttet 1LD secolIng lcgeticwie are continually evaluated with respect to site activities. A ?!.A
    1. - -. 4.M h-&,+ ahe.,.s4.--4--AMSu-& MA4.*-
    • 4 Se Mh er - we *- -
    m. d h 31. A%.m 3L A.4 me e s a_hmA a_.A.AJa_ 4.a AA-ma==aJA.hd =.-_AA.AheA--*AAAA2 a&M*" hMad redma h t
    / \ x r N,y/ 8  ; / /Q ' h2 { 7 \ ' F fh $1r J. ' 'A 7I /  ? f o fg'ii,%.e4 I, , 7...;Ne Q O dj f[f 4. y . f],)g ' ks h g ,g ;{ \- y-1 / h-% ' c - o> - - - /(~n7(R m a II j 1._sd + ,~ , W n f !N; / . . _ _ . . , , , . . - . , , . , - , ~ . . - , , . , , , _ . - _ . _ . _ _ _ - . . . . . , . . . _ . . _ , - - - - _ . . . . . , , , ma +,4 s __a _q J 4k~mm=_.Mhh 4.=-ah4 5- w4 RWJh1 mm_am. m. .h,.d.A_m.. A__ A a_~a ..m .-sL L . m. JAa & J 5m=J mah4.., 1Jad2o _e3__e,A_m___m._m.mA.M M 4 am Aim. a Y4 g/,. [ , - x 7- - x ,sy~l 93=* * ~ l B\ @,w g . s y L. p ar Q~h_ _f/ _ i = \ d , 9 / : (.I jg Qw C@ _ ;y . , /,/ s / - - / ' y E 4.9 ol .s(o . $'lshselbWY . m w , ;1 U  !: 41 s e .1 - c a ,y ,c , , s/A / 4 s 4 31 3 j [ 'g T j ~  : i 7 ws 1 . s g ge ww /< a e - v fg g $L 1 - - - - . - - , ~ , . ..--. , .- _ . - , - . -- ,-- -..- ,- - - .._ - . . ---..- m -.._--___---.--.-_m. - - --m.--m .----- ----- -- " - - - * , , Y-.m,_ -r-_,) ' * ~ + . . _ U . IN r~ n] ' f =>+ '  ? $$ii n! pw/%j/ tp c [' f (0 p + Q,!j@%a@a / sLsk~i f ' $y , i t ,dhe fli[J$,3s v3br  ! \) # e
    $ 't L
    ,c 1 , w t'qp , , t ~ gg - ~'f( ,,, T, u @w0 g i 1 g f W l x[ ( m -~ . _ . - - . . - , - _ . _ - - - - - - - l l l / l to siwout 1,. , , [ . ~ / ~ eguo,ve' '[ WTFEL8R WFBCTC8 mouas cou,,r ve rah g N f k i h \ \ ~ 10 DmRr s ' c (!,0 t re) 7 I I \ E I qc /c. j lI% N' l wynn \ " ~l n j Sit E i j[. l A' t, I A .) \.  ; 4  % h j LW...t(Y tJ SC WFBCSK f~ A- . J N ..._ _ . ,_ / 10 wtst VAtty (5 6 6m) 2 To cktAt vatti + 99 6m) J WNYNSC BOUNDARY 0, _J 2 KILOW[TCRS PROJECT SITE BOUNDARY ppg, gg + CREEK SAMPLE POINT l Figure A.4. Location of Off-Site Surface Water Samplers. i l _ .___.__ -_.._.._ _ _ ____ - - _ _ _ _ . __ _~_ D BFVNEAR BFVNEAR (atANs) g (tpuCOI 5) BFVNE / O (cpas)AR fsYaf , MMLOT , -BFBNEAR O BFHNEAR cous ~ FMREED B k\ inouis conin es >$o f Y l \Q' N \ vo na. " " ' ' , O s's 'x s (60 6m) 7 ' i O N MMLos L~l. ti , \ .- sq o * * 'o$ , o[ w Wtton g ymto, BFMCOBO I s h N, f ~" r' G en s \ twap > f N./V , l  %  :( D BFDNE AR 1} BFDNE AR [ lWNYNSC WF WELOS C L_ - . - ff " WFWELO9 ) BFMWIDR h[6m[ BFMHAUR j I '"$"67 ( [ l 9 DAIRY FARM D BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING P0 INT O ORINKING WATER WELL SUPPLY _ . - - - WNYNSC BOUNDARY f, $' l- PROJECT SllE BOUNDARY jffpEstgt Figure A 5, Near-Site Drinking Water and Biological Sompting Points - 1990. / f' I-r: y w +< . 1s a . .. , 7 'J , l \. . 4~ 4 l s 4, ,,, ,./' 7 , m, i N (ag ArTcono , , . . . m .4, ,,- . , - - 7 ,_, \ t. ~, \ -. , o w.m. . T em . -  %. j- ..j , 3 \ L j 1 li AFRSPRO
    b. \ '
    r- 'b)..m~%0 ( L 't' 'g \ [\ '\ r I /" V $ ,,3,, , \ c el,, \ [ ., a < it ..s [ i  ; ' k, }' s, ', , i f \ s ( l
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    i l WintEt r~ L _ . _ .__3 AFDOEHN l- --- - AFFXVRD.O. A ..- U J. t:, *s u s e t , n o . <,a }~ TO LA{ AI 4 Ail ( f ,4 (*i 9 6 ro) E t 2 nowmns u m a BOUNDARY - - - PROJECT ME BOUNDART g.PROY LLA4,L, AiP SAMPL LR t.OCAfiON i Figure A 6. Location of Perimeter Air Samplers. f 0 StWp;'JiA (74 k ni) A di / A 21 10 n v &.sxut .,4 y) - _ Yl , epe u v* 'f %Q 4 1% A \b w wt e mia os re - , - - IU I (t. ( \ A9 / 1 , o m.. .. s\ ~ 's ,. _,A ~ 10  : ($D 6m) W- i K N f T L, '8 3 (DUNKIRK) ( 'a 99  ; 12 t , . g =_ A7 IEiL% s (4 A8 6 f A f'avut . "' M m, f j 9 t i. ' . -, 0 g, 3 l j l t1s h ~ "'" \,-f \ l ig 'e l A15 5 g4 .fWNYNSC s'\ A b 1A . . _ _ . . ,3 A ( 10 wtsi vAu(Y a (S 6 6m) 2A2 A 22 to cotAt VAury A 97 U" '*) ' (FNL PolNiS LANDhlt) A33 i 2 KROMC7tR$ - - ~ ~ - WNT'NSC DOUNDARY 0, FROJECf 511E. BOUNDARY 2B02L3C!LL A4 (NUMBERED) PERivETER HAD:AllON 00SIMETERS (DrTLD SERIES) .- - Figure A.7. Location of Off-Site Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (TLD), 1 ,.- - .~. ~~...._.--.- .,~.. .. ,-.~..- _... -.-...- .a.- _.....x. . .. ~ a ---. - . - -.-.~.  % * *een, N, e h t t '%l ; i 7 lx}"Q t g , I n\!a i ,r dS . a I l J> , I 1 , A'XlE l' . _..a*] / . . at n(. , i ' ,u*lb ; p. El _._-(.T_.. _ =y R , i  : I t rye a / ,x <1 J'[
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    G, 2Gv L-("{( '~ t}1-x ,.? w w - -- O , - [ c) .,J,, m e" ,. ~ ~wN4 p, /m,,s 3 = ,' ,g },e- r rm)' >$ . c V' v g ',:+ . -,,/ p*p* ; 4 a i ., , .$ ,< s 1 m c [ \b T 4,. (p u;r e o (> \ r - (N ) i? f 1 Y p .. t; 4 / , i /,A ~f n\.c n n [ J, - V a + "~ j s_ t, ,- ta. -pn Z LN  ! ,. h77 z n i so); . . m 1 l n' ' # 1 n b,-( G' 4 g } ,; g c - p ~ .i , w -- . ,> 3 ..r ., - Z 'N m I \. N 1 h g a l N 'r-, , q ,e,y.; v . , x .- f _- s mg s o , "D f i { se a i xs -. & . x- .7 . m m i \. ,A.  ; , b, ~ , .3 i ,g j  ! M .s / ~ } ,J -r',b.() s " I* O o, i \. S-\. b ., ~q ' ^ l;U($  ; , , .g . j n( b ' ' , g... - h 1j }\(. 2 _n Keeping Up with Regulatory Changes , l l
    s. s
    ' -n. APPENDIX B Regulations and Standards ,. #~'"/ i i l l I . , - . . - . . .-- ._ - ..~.- -. ._, .--_._ - . . ~ - . . - - . ~ - . - . - . - TAHLE H 1 .. Department of Energy Radiation Protection Standards and Concentration Guides
    • Effectivs. Dose Equivalent Radiation Standard for Protection of the Public Continuous exposure of any member of the public from routine activities:
    100 mrem / year (1 mSv/ycar) from all exposure pathways Department of Enrixy Derlied Concentration Gulden (DCGs) for ingestion of Drinking Water and Inhaled Air ( Cl/mL) Radionuclide: fy jj, jy;;,y77, Radionuclide: jy gj, fy 3,3,, 11-3 1E 07 2E-03 Th 232 7E 15 SE 08 C-14 6E-09 7E-05 11 233 9E-14 SE-07 Fe-55 5E-09 2E N U 234 9E-14 SE-07 Co-00 8E-11 SE4b U 235 1E-13 6E-07 Ni63 2E-09 3E-04 U 236 1E-13 5E-07 Sr 90 9E 12 IE 06 U 238 1E-13 6E-07 Zr-93 4E 11 9E-05 Np-239 5E-09 5E-05 Nb-93m 4E-10 3E-04 Pu 238 3E-14 4E 08 Tc 9) 2E 09 1E-04 Pu 239 2E-14 3E4B Ru-106 3E 11 -6E46 Pu 240 2E 14 3E 08 Rh.106m 6E-08 - 2E-04 Pu-241 1E-12 2E46 - Sb-125 1E-09 SE-05 Am-241 2E 14 3E-08 Te 125m 2E 09 4E-05 Am 243 2E 14 3E4E I129 7E 11 5E-07 Cm-243 3E-14 SE-08 Cs-134 2E 10 2E-06 Cm 244 4E 14 6E-03 Cs-135 3E 09 2E 05 Gross Alpha Cs-137 4E 10 3E 06 (as Am 241) 2E-14 3E4E Pm-147 3E-10 1E.N Gross Beta Sm 151 4E-10 4E 04 (as Ra 228) 3E-12 1E-07 Eu 152 5E.11 2E-05 Eu-154 SE 11 2E-05 Eu-155 3E-10 1E-N
    • Ref: DOE Order 5400 5 (February 8,1990). Effective May 8,1990.
    R-3 TAllLE H . 2 Environmental Standards and Regulations Thefolk> wing environmentalsta tdards and laws are applicabic, in whole or in pan, to the 1l'est Valhy Demonstration Project: DOE Order 5400,1," General Emironmental Protection Program," Nmember 1988. DOE Order 548(11," Requirements for Radiation Protection," August 1981. DOE Order .%%1A, "Emironmental Protection, Safety, and l{calth Protection Program for DOE Operations," August 1981, DOE Order 5484.1, "Emironmental Protection, Safety, and llealth Protection Information Reporting Requirements," Feburary 1981. Clean Air Act. 42 USC 1857 et seq., as amended, and implementing regulations. Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Cle m Water Act). 33 USC 1251, as amended, and implementing regulations. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. 42 USC 6905, as amended, and implementing regulations. National Emironmental Policy Act, PL 911190. 42 USC 4321-4347, January 1,1970, as amended, and implementing regulations. Comprehensive Emironmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act,42 USC 960 (including Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986), and implementing regulations. Toxic Substances Control Act,15 USC 2610, as amended, and implementing regulations. Emironmental Conservation Law of New York State. The standards and guidelines applicable to releases of radionuclides from the West Valley Demonstration Project are found in DOE Order 5400.5. Ambient water quality standards contained in the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit issued for the facility are listed in Tab!e C- 5.1 in Appendix C 5. Airborne discharges are also regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency under the National Emission Standards for llazardous Air Pollutants,40 CFR 61.1984 The above list covers the major activities at the Il'est Valky Demonstration Project but does not constitute a comprehensive enumeration. B4 TAllLE 11 3 West Valley Demonstration l'roject Cuvironmenial l'ermits Calendar Year 1990 Permit Number issued by Espiration T3pc oIPermit 042200 0114410tX)2 WC NYSDEC 934 CertiGcate to Opcrate Air Contamination Source: lloiler 042200-01144XXK13 WC NYSDEC 934 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: lloiler 042200-Oll44XX)04 WR NYSDEC 9N4 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Incinerator I 042200-011441010 WI NYSDEC 9S4 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Low-level Waste Treatment Facility Nitric Acid StorageTank 0422tK)-Oll4-014DI WI NYSDEC 9/94 Certificaic to Operate Air Contamination Source: Nitric Acid llulk Storage Tank Vent 042200-0114-CSS 01 NYSDEC 9S4 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Cement Storage Silo Ventilation Sy tem 0422(X)-Oil 4-15F-1 NYS': 'EC 934'1 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Analytical & Process Chemistry Laboratory Equipment 042200-0114 33157 NYSDEC 9N4 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Tank #3'>157 Vent 042200-0114 33154 NYSDEC 9N4 Certificate to Op: rate Air Contamination Source: Tank #33154 Vent 042200-0114-14D-2 NYSDEC 9S4 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Tank #14D-2 Vent 042200-0114-14D2A NYSDEC 9/94 Certificate to Operate Air Contamination Source: Tank # 14D-2A Vent NY 00lXN73 NYSDEC 9S0 State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit WVDP-187-01 EPA Certificate to Operate Radioactive Air So ce: lluilding 01-14 Ventilation System 5 WVDP-287-01 EPA Certificate to Operate Radioactive Air Source: Contact Size Reduction & Deccatamination Facility 5 B5 _. . . _ _ _ _ __ _._._ . .- - . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . . ~ . _ _ - . . _ _ . . _ _ TABLE B . 3 (concluded)- West Valley Demonstration Project Environmental Permits Calendar Year 1990 Permit Number Issued by - Expiration Type of Permit WVDP-387-01 ' EPA Certificate to Operate Radioactive Air Sourge: Supernatant Treatment Ventilation System WVDP-487-01 EPA Certificate to Operate Radioactive Air Source: Low-legl Waste Supercompactor Ventilation System WVDP-587-01 EPA Certificate to Operate Radiogetive Air Source: Outdoor Ventilation System WVDP-687 EPA Certificate to Operate Radioactive Ajr Source: Process Building Ventilation System PRT-747595 U.S. DOI FISil 12/31/90 Depredation Permit & WILDLIFE - SERVICE; NYSDEC~ N/A 7 NYSDEC- N/A- Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Intcrim Status Application (RCRA Part A) 1 Nonradioactive waste is removed to a commercial landfill and is not incinerated. The permit became . inactive in February 1990. Permit was terminated during 1990. 3
    • Application pending in 1990 for this process. Approval documentation received January 1991.
    ' vationin Renewal h ahay 1990lication was submitted to the New York State Department of Emironm 5 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESIIAP) temoorary permits are valid until the final permits are issued. 6-Permit renewal request submitted to Fish and Wildlife Service in January 1991. 7 WH1 operate under interim status until NYSDEC requests Part B of RCRA application. B-6 d i = g , , i I i i i s 1 .s'- ~ g {1 - l .. - t,f . , gn . .% ,. ^h # ~ . ,T.% + + i
    . g ' ~- .w,~ "' . .~ 4- . d'  %- . . - ~ j .b ;, , . ~ l . e y . g y* g .- . g \ h, . A g \ . j r.
    4 1 .:
    .a ;. . y a :,.y4; .,@ en s l . y' oN'NTS N 3 ;A-- A f r, ' . .ux . . . .; = . . ut wn . s% y?!'-l. s ,%*NQ.'{T., ., -:u. # g- < m % ;, .:w Mw  %; w* ie ~ > 1 , y- . , ,l , .g.-  ;' j'  ; y _ Collecting a Sample at a Continuous-Stream Sample Station  ; i l 1 l l i \ l 1 1 l l l s x APPENDIX C - 1 Summary of Water and Sediment i / Monitoring Data f ,1 p-T TAltll: C 1.1 . Total Radioacthily of 1.lyuld 1:111uents lleleased from WVDl' I.ngoon 3 in 1990 (curies) Alpha tieta 113 C 14 Sr 90 1129 Cs 137 IST QTR 6331411'44 1.512 0 l l. 02 2 w 2 0 051:4 w 9(n 2 0 51'44109 2 011:431.102 061'44346 1 101'-03 2Nl) QTR 136 2 0 8 iMM 1.512 01 l' 02 9 h 2 0 031.-01 3 30 2 0 41: 03 4 90 0.51:44 <s5Iims 454 1 o41:433 "* - - - - - No release ihm querier - - - - - - 3RD QTR 4Til QTR 22121.1l'-(4 142 2 11:o21 os 0 03 It + no < 2.7 I 4> 3 o 42 2 9 7 i A4 2141 o 31 013 941031:-o3 1990 Totals 9 9014 3 IM4 4 *12 0 21: 02 4 421 xv 1: + m 6 9112 7 luo 2 50 o.1 taii 3 8910 9 tud i 191 o 1 i:*2 1990 Astrage 2.36 1:46 1071:4x, 1Jv,1 44 1 v 51. 07 5971:46 9 :s I An 2 h41%7 ()Kt:ml.) U 232 U-234 l!-235 11-238 Pu 238 l'u-239/240 Am 241 IST QTit N^ t ou z o.11a4 m z lo tsw 342 1 05t:os23: 1: 3 tisv> i.73 2 1.2 iun,5 9< 12 0 ;an, 2ND QTil '947 i i olM4 3 32105 tM4 137 2 0 61M>5 I 012 0 2 IM41311 121Mt. o 1tw? ! 0310 91'4<- No rocase ihn quancr 31tD QTR 4Til QTR +2.782 03 tMM 138 2 0 2 iMA 694 2 2 8 ti46 5332091:*5 N'A N'A 6 75 2 2 7 t Ai? 1990 Totals N/A 5 7o 10 s it r4 2371071:-o5 1.8910 21Ma 3 cs 11 s ium 2 s t 12 iuv 7,A 12 31 uni 199() Astrage N/A 1.3n lM6 5 f41.-10 4 5t iMFJ ft711:Il 5971.-11 1 h311 lo (,uCt/ml.)
    • Calculated values for U 232 are provisional, pending resolution of analytical uncertainties.
    N/A Not available C1 - 3 l TAllLE C.1,2 Comparison of 1990 Lagoon 3 Liquid Elliuent Radioacthily Concentrations with Department of Encryy (DOE) Guidelines 1SOTOPE Total (pCi) Asyconc. DCG  % of DCG Released * (pCilmL) (uCilmL) y _ _ _ _ Alpha 9.90 E + 02 236 E 03 Not applicable - - - - - b lleta 4.44 E + 04 1.07 E-06 Not applicable _ _ _ _ , 11 3 4.42 E + 06 1.06 E-04 2.0 E-03 53 C.14 6.91 E + 03 1.65 E-07 7.0 E-05 0.2 Sr 90 2.50 E + 03 5.97 E-08 1.0 E-06 6.0 1 129 3.89 E + 02 9.28 E-09 5.0 E-07 1.9 Cs-137 1.19 E + 04 2.84 E-07 3.0 E-06 9.5 c 2.7 U 234 5.70E + O2 136E-08 5.0 E-07 U 235 237E+01 5f4E-10 6.0 E-07 0.1 U 238* 1.89E + O2 4.51E-09 6.0 E-07 0.8 Pu 238 3.65 E + 00 8.71 E-11 4.0 E-08 0.2 Pu-239 2.50 E + 00 5.97 E 11 3.0 E-08 0.2 Am 241 7.66E + 00 1.83E-10 3.0 E-08 0.6 d TOTAL % OF DCG 28.0
    • Total volume released = 4.19E + 10 mL measured at actual on site release point.
    b Derived Concentration Guides (DCGs) are not applicable for gross alpha or beta activity. Total U ( g) = 5.79E +08; average U (mg/L) = 138E-02. d Total percent DCG for specific measured radionuclides does not include % of DCG for U-232 because of analytical uncert ainties. Total % DCG including provisional reporting of U-232 would be 86.2% for 1990. C1 4 AJ TAllLE C 1.3 1990 Itadioacthity Concentrations ( CL'mi,) in Surface Water Upstream of the \WDP at Fox Valley O\TilCllKG) MONTII Alpha tieta 11 3 Sr 90 On 137 JAN < 8.2 li-10 3 0121.1 E#1 < l.0 !!47 l' Ell < l.0 E#1 44711.2!!#1 < l.0 E47 MAR < 6 6 E 10 1.94 09E#1 < 1.0 E47 IST QTR < l.4 E 09 < l.8 IMa APR l 44 21.1 E03 233 2 0 9 E01 < l.011-07 MAY < 7,0 E-10 2.62 21.0 E 09 < 1.0 E-07 JUN < 8.0 E-10 238 z 1.0 E#J < i .0 !!47 2ND QTR 8.59 2 2.6 E4)9 <l.1 E-os JUL 1.44 213 E4N 2.29 21.1 E4W < 1,0 E-07 AUG < l.0 E 09 280 2 1.1E#) < l.0 E 07 SEP < 13 E#1 2.951 1.3 EO) < l.0 !!-07 3RD QTR 3.40 2 2.1 E-09 <l.1 E-08 OCI' < 1.1 E#1 3.6) A 1.3 E#1 < 1.0 E-07 NOV < 14 04N < l.7 EO < l.0 E47 DEC < 3 4 E49 5.S6 2 2.5 E4N < l.0 E 07 4Til QTR 6.94 2 2.5 E-09 < l .1 E os TAlll E C .1. 4 1990 Itadioacthity Concentrations ( Ci/ml.) in Surface Water Downstream of the %YDP at Romas Corners (%TilCTCll) MONTil Alpha Ikta 11.3 sr 90 Cul37 JAN 1R3 : 13 E-09 2.891 1.1 E4N < l.0 E-07 FEI) < 53 E-10 433 ! 12 E-09 2.07 x 1.2 E 07 MAR 1.21 1 1.1 E-09 6.42 21.3 E 09 3.1111.2 E 07 IST QTR lt,a 1.6 E-09 <l.1 E oa APR < 6,0 E-10 3.51 t 1.0 E#1 < l.0 E-07 MAY < 7.1 E-l'J 330 1.1 E4N 1.24 t 1.1 E-07 JUN < 1_0 E-09 1.15 2 0.2 E-08 5.63 21.2 E-07 2ND QTR 4.38 2 2.0 E-09 < l.1 E-08 JUE < l.4 E#) 5.4611.3 E#) 1.92 21.2 E-07 AUG 2.19 21.7 E49 5.6911.4 E 09 < 1.0 E-07 SEP < l.3 E#1 4.08 21.3 E#1 < l.0 E47 3RD QTR 4.19 1.9 F-09 < l.1 E-08 OCT < 2.5 E-09 5.88 213 E4D < l.0 E-07 NOV < 1.4 E#) 6 412 2,2 E 09 1.231 1.2 E-07 DEC < l.9 E-09 3.67 2 2.2 E49 < l.0 E-07 4Til QTR 4.07 ! 2.3 E-09 <l.1 E-08 C1 - 5 TAllLE C 1.5 Radioacthity Concentrations (pCi/mL) in Surface Water Downstream of the WVDP at l' rank's Creek (WNSP006) MONTil Alpha ticta i13  ! i january 2 90 2 2 0 E-09 439 2 0.3li48 5.812 03 E4 February < 135 EM) 2.2620.2!!-08 < 100 607 March 133 213 E49 5 ;0 03 !!-08 7.112 03 E.Or. April < 1.19 E49 3.82 2 03 I!-08 3.13 2 0.2 Ea May < 1.40 !!#1 2M 2 03 E48 1.4121.1607 7F)
    • 5.2 E09 3.77 2 0.1 E 07 2,5b 2 0.1 EOS June July < 2.40 E41 1.6720.1607 1,18 0.1 !!&
    August < 3.90 EOk 2.03201 607 9.2521.2li-07 September < 1 Al E 09 7.09207 608 3192 1.2!!07 O(taber < 130 049 2M 2 0.4 E48 2.15 2 t.2 0 07 3352 2.8 609 134 2 0.1 E-07 1.15 2 0,1 E45 November December < 1.44 !!#3 1.68 2 03 E48 < 100 607 TAllLE C 1.6 Radioacthity Concentrations (pCl/mL) in Surface Water Downstream of the WVDP at Frank's Creek (WNSP006) 1990 C 14 Sr-90 1-129 Cs-137 U 234 - 836 1.03 E-07 1.52 2 03 E 08 <49EO) 130 21.1 E.08 4 0010.77 Ec) IST QTR 1.12 2 0.22 E 07 2.% 0.4 E08 < 4 95 E49 4.05 2 2.1 EOS 2.48 2 0.49 E-08 2ND QTR < 5h4 E.08 4M 2 0.5 E 08 < 1.14 E-09 133 1.4 E-08 7.77 2 2.55 E-10 3RD QTR 4Til QTR < 2.40 E48 137 2 0.5 E48 < l.14 E O) 13021.1 608 7.54 2.% E 10 U 235 U-238 Pu 238 Pu-239/240 Am 241 < 2.9 E10 4 32 2 2.42 E 10 < 7.4 E 11 < 7.4 E-11 2.58 21.29 E-10 IST QTR 1.92 21.51 E#1 8 63 2 2.72 E09 <5.81 E.11 < 4 77 E-11 < l.91 E-10 2ND QTR < 133 E13 4312 2.00 E-10 7.46 2 6.21 E-11 < 4 35 E-11 1.49 21.23 E-10 3RD QTR .
    4 Fil QTR 230 1.94 E10 1.28 038 E-09 1.14 2 0.83 E10 1.42 2 0.93 E10 < 8.05 E11 i
    C1 - 6 i- -TAllLE C .1,7 Radioactliity Concentrations (uCl/mL) in Surface Water Downstream of fluttermilk Creek at Felton liridge (WITELilR) 1990 -Alpha tieta 11 3 - Sr-90 Cs 137  ! Janvary <l.5 E46 3 43 21.1 E#2 < !.0 E 07 2.40 21.4 E.09 < 1.1 !!4s j February < 7.5 E-10 357* 1.2!!#1 < l.01:47 < 13 EM) < l.1 Ea j h1areh < 1.1 !!#3 333 1 1.11:41 < l.01 07 < l.1 13#1 <l1IME April < 73 E-10 3 63 2 l t E#1 < l.0 E47 139 21.37 U#1 < l 1 E-08 hlay < l.2 Em 4.13 21.2 E& < 1,0 E47 < l.7 E#1 < l.1 E 08 June < l.4 E#1 2.03 21.1 E 09 135 21.1 E 07 < l.5 E 4) < l.1 E-08 July < 2.2 !!#1 3.81
    • 1.4 E4) < l.0 E 07 < l.6 E#) < l.1 Ea August < 13 !!* 3.29 214 Em < 10 E07 < 14134> < l.1 E-08 l September <13ILO9 3.21213 EM) < l.01107 2.00 21.96 EN) < l.1 E 08 i
    . ()ctober 6.5923.9I!#1 7.281 1.7 E#) < l.0 E 07 3 87
    • 2.1 E#1 < !.1 !!-08 November 3.62 2 2.6 EM) 344 213 is#1 < l.01507 < 2.1 E#) < l.1 !!-08 December ,
    < 2.5 !!#) 4.26 2 2.4 E#1 < l 0 E 07 < 1.7 E#) < l.1 E-08 l TAllLE C 1.8 1990 Results for Potable Well Water Sampl7d around the WVDP Site Sample ID pil Conductisil$* Alpha ** Ileta " II 3" Cs 137+* WRVELO1 7.58 '372 < 7.0 iL10 2.22 21h9 E 09 < l.14 E47 < 3.7 E 08 W RVELO2 6.70 296 125 2122 Em 5.90 t 1.51 E@ < l.0 E 07 < 3.7 E48 - WRVELO3 639 872 < 3 08 Em 2.24 2 Is8 E 09 < l.07 E 07 < 3.7 E48 W RVELO. 8.14 1610 < l.f4 21.63 E48 < 23413#7 < 7.85 E 08 < 3.7 E48 WMVELOS 6.30 321 < 7.99 E 10 238 169 !!@ < l.0 E 07 . < 3.7 E-08 ! WRVELO6 7.95 263 < 6 62 E-10 < l.45 E 4) < l.0 607 < 3 7 E48 WRVELO7 7.70 314 < 8.14 E-10 2.5121.40 E-09 . <l.011-07 < 3.7 E-08 WMVELO8 7.44 457 1.93 21.90 E#) 2.97 21m E#1 < l.11 E-07 < 3.7 E48 WMVELO9 7.91 626 < l.5 E 49 2.66 1M E 09 < l.05 ILO7 < 3.7 EOs
    . WMVEL10 7.26 583 < 9 96 E10 < l.56 EM) < l.01107 <3.7EOs l'
    • mhos/cm@25"C " Ci/mL C1 - 7
    - . .- . .. _ . . . - - - . . . . _ ~ -- ,.- ....,---- -.-. . _~ _.~. . l TAllLE C .1.9 1990 Radioacthity Concentrations in Stream Sediment around the WVDP Site ( Cl/g dry weight from upper 15 cm)- Location Date Alpha Beta K 40 - Cs 137 Sr 90 Co40 i SFBCSED June 1990 1.99 2 0.88 EM 1.8710.53 E 05 1.63 2 0.28 E 05 5.481538 E-08 1.83 2 0 60 E 07 < 1.0 0 07 SFSDSED- June 1990 2.61 1 1.07 E 05 1.92 2 054 E-05 133 2 0.25 E-05 133 2 0.70 E47 3 8210.N E-07 < 1.0 E47 j S1TCSED June 1990 14110.74 E45 1.94 2 036 E 05 1.45 2 0.26 E-05 1.M
    • 0.22 E46 2.611039 E-07 < l.2 II 07
    - SFCCSED June 1990 1.1210,67 E 05 1.23 2 0.48 E 05 1.17 2 0.24 E-05 3.22 2 0.99 E47 2.88 2 0.771107 8.07 2 6.14 E 08 SFBISED June 1990 233 0.99 E-05 132 2 0.45 E45 1.29 0.20 E 05 6.83 2 4.18 E48 1.65 2 0.80 E47 < 1.0 E 07 y SFBCSED Nw.1990 1.1210.91 E-05 1.901035 E45 136 0.21 E 05 2.4712.07 E-08 3.1910.87 E 07 < 4.7 E 08 l SFSDSED N w.1990 2.19 2 0.97 E 05 ' 232 2 0.60 E45 135 2 0,21 E-05 5.0710.85 E47 1.14 0.16 E 06 <43E08 SETCSED N w,1990 1.5610.77 E-05 2.02 2 035 E45 135 2 0.17 E 05 1.7610.20 E-06 1.18
    • 0.94 E-07 < 5,2 048 I SFCCSED N w.1990 1.73 2 0.82 E-05 1.92 2 032 E4 1.28 0.20 E 05 2 20 2 0.47 E47 < 1.0 E-07 < 4.6 E46 SFBISED Nov.1990 1.09 2 0.65 E 05 1.49 2 0.47 E-05 1.912 0.16 E 05 4.6512,5'i F48 2.1910.78 E47 < 4.2 E 08 U 234 U 235/236_ U 238 Pu 238 Pu 239/240 Am 241 SFBCSED June 1990 8.7211.93 E 07 < 5.21 E 08 9.02
    • 1.97 E 07 830 2 7.20 E 08 < 2.85 E 08 9.0515.56 E-08 S5TCSED June 1990 6.76 21.81 E-07 <5.90 E 08 7.74 21.95 E-07 < 438 E 08 174 2 5.76 E 08 2,15 2 0.84 E.07
    ] o 1 i i l l C1 - 8 TAltl1 C.1,10 av90 Contributions by New York State 14m Inci Waste Disposal Area (SDA) to Radioactivity in West Valley Demonstration Project Liquid Efiluents (curies) TOTAIS Gross Alpha < l.3E4% Gross lieta 9.00 0.4 E-04 113 3,70 0.1 E-02 C 14 7.18 2.4 E-05 Sr 90 4.84 0.1 E-04 l-129 < l.7E-06 Cs-137 < 4.4E-06 U-232 8.2925.6 E-07 (1234 1.51 0.7E417 U 235 < 6.7E-08 U-233 1.26 0.6E-07 Pu-238 < 2.7E-OS Pu-239 5.39 4.5 E-08 Am 241 1.33 0.8 E-07 J C1 - 2 1 TABLE C 1,'11 1990 Radioacthily Concentrations in Surface Soll Samples (in pCl/g dry weight from upper 15 cm) Collected at Air Sampling Stations around the WVDP Site .w. Location K 40 ' Cs 137 Sr-90 Am 241 Pu 239/240 SFFXVRD  : 1.15 2 0.18 E 05 835 21.29 E-07 4.10 2 0.80 U 07 1.241041 E 07 <235 E48 , SFRSPRD 1.1910.21 E45 137 2 0.22 E-06 512 2 0.97 E 135 0.64 E47 < 230 E48 - SFRT240 1.08 2 0.15 E-05 935 21.19 E.07 3.812 0.81 E 07 6.58 2 4.23 E48 < 3.57 U.08 SFSPRVL 136 2 0.21 E45 4.26 0.73 E-07 2.% 2 0.72 E47 - 1.571031 E47 <2.27 E 08 SITCORD E45 6.85
    • 3.76 E-08 2.09 2 0.72 E47 3.10 t 135 E47 < 2.63 E-08 SFWEVAL 1.29 2 0.20 E45 ' 1.60 2 0.23 E 06 2.87
    • 0.79 E47 1.16 2 0.61 E-07 < 2.07 E.08 SFGRVAL. 9.23 21.64 E46 <5.1 E 08 5.45 2 0.92 E.07 7.s5 2 532 E.08 < 3.11 E 08
    .. SFBOEllN 1.2910.17 E-05 2.05 2 0.23 E46 3.49 2 0.76 E-07 2.62 2 0.98 E47 < 2.20 E-08 SFDNKRK 1.42 2 0.22 E45 53110.94 E 07 2.70 2 048 E47 2.07 2 0.85 E47 < 3.45 E-08 SFL'IVAL 1.27 2 0.21 E45 - 2.48 2 0.55 E 07 138 2 0.69 E-07 135 ! 0.74 E 07 < 1.46 E-08 's 234 U 235/236 U-238 SFRSPRD 7.28 1:72 E47 6.55 2 638 E48 6.48 21.61 E47 SFGRVAL 9.63 2 2.06 E-07 < 6.28 E-08 7.2121.74 E-07 SFBOEliN - 73012 23 E-07 < 835 E-08 8 30 z 2.23 E-07 l [. C1 - 10 i M . 1 g 6 .b* * .e - . ' - . _m ( .- . , .2-f" - ~ y /
    ,u - ,
    4) , ,
    e D , g 3 ^ n  ? J '.  :,, , . .. 'f 4 W ,' ' > .... q 3.. y s ~ 3 72 I.l .. . . _.,. . ti [ ,. ,s ,.( . 4 p p a dL - Q p$. M> %i g .-.F .! , . q ,- a
    p. .;; w
    . g, e .... 4,.;. .s,c . ,j . - Olh,Al2$iI$$$bd _ ~ .V * .  : - i Recording Air Flow at an Environmental Air Sampler i i l l l 1 1 APPENDIX C - 2 l Summary of Air Monitoring Data ) i f TAllLE C 2. I 1990 Airborne Radioactise 1:111uent Attisily Stonthl) Totals (curies) , from hlain Ventilation Stack (ANSTACK) AlONTil Alpha ticta Tritium January 7.692 4 8 L:-08 355203lia 208:021!42 l'chruary 7.0K 2 4 81i-0M 4 08 20 311a 1.772021L02 h1 arch I 272 0.7 li-07 5 49 2 0 4 lia 2222021!.02 April 2 82 2 0 f> 1i-07 3.592o11:-05 1.65 0.21!4 2 hlay 1,0320511-07 4802031106 13120.11 42 June 9.232631i-08 4733031!46 12H 2 O 11! 02 July 7.2121411-07 353201!!05 1 u,2 0.ll:.02 August 1.8220.612-07 7.45 20.7 Isa 8.632 0 911.03 September 447210li-07 1532011-05 t w,2 0 ili 02 October 50321011-07 69720.11505 M 84 20 91s 03 Nosember 5 0224 i ri-OH luz o 11:46 8972091!43 December 131206li-07 19320.11:05 8 91 a- 0.91m3 1990 TOTALS 2.w 2031!= 20720.021:44 1 m2 0.1li 01 TAllLE C 2.2 1990 Crborne Radioactise Efiluent Actisity QuarterlyTotals (curies) from h1ain Ventilation Stack (ANSTACK) QTR Co-60 Sr-90 1129 Cs-134 Cs 137 Eu-154 IST QTR < l.1 E-07 2.0320.2!!-06 9 40 2 0 6 t-06 < 63 lia 4 42 0.5 tiam < 7.7 lids 2ND QTR < 1.2 !!-07 97721.0I!-06 2.212 0.1 Ita < 7.9 lia 9 si 21.01 46 < 93 li-on <5 3 li4* 1.63 2 0.7 li-os 132 2 0.11505 <42li4m 1.95 2 0.2 tie <651:45 3RD QTR 4Til Q1R <4 E48 337
    • 031:05 1.26 2 0.1lios < 4.7 lia 2.58 2 03 !!.05 < 6.5 lbos 1990 TOTALS < l.8 E47 h 18 2 03 !!-05 5 73 0.21b05 < l.2 E47 5.9520.4li05 < l.511.07 U-234 U-235/236 U 238 Pu 238 Pu 239/240 Am 241 IST QTR 3.74 21.6 lia < 7.9 E4n 1.75 1 1.2 lids 4 03 21.6 ti4* 735 2 23!!4s t.42 2 0 3 li-07 w amiaba 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 2.58 2 0.9 Ea 9 65 2 6.2 !!4n 6.02 2 5.4 IMn 3.28 2 0.8 E-07 4.21 2 10li-07 953 21.4 tbr 7 4Til QTR 2.712 0 8 lia 1.05 2 0 6 lia 6.98 2 55 E4n 235206 tim 2.1710.5li-07 5 m 2 0 7 E-07 1990 TOTALS 8 412 2.0 lie 8 2802 1.21508 3 05 214 li oM 6N t 1.0li47 7.12 1.1 E4,7 1m 2 0.2 U.06 C2-3
    l TAllLE C. 2.3 Comparison of 1990 Main Stack Eshaust Radioacthit) Concentrations with Department of Energy Guidelines I I#I ISOTOPE Ilatf life Total Cl Released "I Asg Conc. DCG  ?< of DCG (pCvml) (uCum!.) N/A 2.79 E + 00 (t.03 E + 05 Ikj) 31 E.15 sf3 M -. Alpha N/A 2.0711 + 02 (7M f! + 061kt) 2.3 0-13 g/A M -. Ileta 12.35 yn 1,8 E.10 (b 1 E47 0.2 ll.3 1.60 E + 05 (5.9211+ (9 Ikt) Co-60 5.27yn < l.8 E-01 ( < 6.7 E + 03 Ik!) < 2.011 16 8 E-Il < 0.1 M124 yn 6.18 E + 01 (2.29 !! + 06 IM) 6.9 E.14 90 12 0.8 Sr-90 1.57 E 4 07 yn 5.73 E + 01 (2.1211+ 06 Ikt) 6.4 E 14 7 E-11 < 0.1 1129 Cs134 2 06 yn < 1.2 E41 ( < 4 4 E + 0314) < 1.3 !!.16 2E.10 < 0.1 Cs 137 30 yn 5.95 E + 01 (2.20 E + 06 I4) 6.7 Ibl4 4 E.10 < 0.1 88yn < ! 5 E41 ( < 5.6 E + 03 Iki ) < 1.7 E.16 5 E.11 <ot Eu 154 U 234(') 2.45 E + 0$ yn 8.41 E 02 (3.11 E + 0314) 9.4017 9 E.14 0.1 U 235I ') 7.1 E + 08 yn 2.51 E 02 (l.N E + 03 IM) 3.2 E-17 1 E 13 < 0.1 N) 4.47 U + 09 yn 3 05 E 02 (1.13 U + 03 tki) 341117 1 E.13 < 0.1 U 238 Pu-238 87.07 yn 6fA E-01 (2.23 E + N Ik1) 6 8 l'.16 3014 2. 3 2.4 E + W yn 8.0 E 16 2 U.14 4. O Pu 239 7.12 E-01 (2.63 I!+ N Iki) 432 yn 1.8 E.15 2 E-14 9. 0 Am 241 1.60 E & 00 (5.92 E + N 14) 16.7 Notes:
    • Total volume released at 60,000 cfm = 8.92E + 14 mUyear. Ci values are expressed also in Bq.
    b Derived Concentratica Guides (DCGs) are not specified for gross alpha or gross beta actisity. C . Total percent DCG for applicable measured radionuclides.The percent DCG at the site boundary location with the highest annual average co.ncentration is only SE-05. d Tritium reported in pCi/mL = I?E-04.
    • Total U ( g) = 1.05E + 05; average U (pg/mL) = 1.17E-04 DCGs are %cd f.~ reference only.They are applicable to average concentrations at the site boundary but not > stack concentrations, as might be inferred from their inclusion in this table.
    C2 - 4 TAllt.E C 2.4 1990 Airborne Radioacthe Elliuent Acthity Monthly Totals (curies) from the Cement Solidification Splem Ventilation Stack ( ANCSSTK) MONTil Alpha lieta ,lanuary < 5 2E* 2 43 215t M* February ' < 4 6E* < 151'8 March < 6 01:43 2 2" I olH* April ' 5 41!" 2 612171HE May < 5 71!#1 1.23 t 0.21i-07 june l < 7 hl!* 2 74 2 2 II --* July < 5 bl!* 4 872 2 IIHE August < 5 0li## 3 402 3 olHE September < 5 41!"* 30722ll M M ()ctober ( 4 81'.& 155 2 21l.-OK Nosember < 3 ki'*) 15721.51M" December  ! <4IEa < I X4* 1990 TOTALS <!9E4* 4 oo2 0 0E-o' TAllt.E C 2.5 1990 Airborne Radioacthe Elliuent Acthily Quarterly Totals (curies) from the Cement SolidiP. cation Splem Ventilation Stack ( ANCSSTK) QTR Co-60 Sr-90 1 129 C$ 134 Cs 137 Eu 154 < 2 o Ea < 1.52 I:s 6.182 Etlia <t2Ea < t.2 I:a <, i 1 1:a IST QTk 2ND QTR <. 2.1 Em 2.55 2 0.5 I:m < L2 lia < 14 lia < t.9 Em <Etlxs 8 44 2 4 41E* 2 5k t 0 H ita < 7.s tim ( 7.1 Em < 7,1 1 09 < 8.s tim 3RD Ql'R 4Til QTR < 16 lia 2 691 121;u> < 9.4 Ec) < 83 Em < 1.3 ti-ox < 6 6 E v) 1990 TOTAIS < 3 3 lid
    • 9M 2 2.2 lia 9 07 2 2 0 lla <22li4* <27EOs < l 91: 08 U 234 U-235 U 238 Pu 238 Pu 239/240 Am 241 IST QTR 4 24 2 2.1 Em <t3Em 2C2thEm < 8.0 li.10 < 6.5 t<10 2 M 1 I t, Em 2ND QTR %ta+mlaNe 3RD QTR 129 211 lia < 8.81:-10 < 7 8 I!-lb 1162 1.01 o9 < 6 8 E-to 1 12 1 1 o E ve 4Til QTR 1.46 21.21:a < 81 li-10 i to 1 1.1 tim ( 7.5 I!.to < 7 4 176 2 131:ve 1990 TOTALS 6.99 2 2.7 Eve < t s I!m 4 5312 2 Ev> 2 71214s live <: 12 Ene 5.5212.3 tie; C2-5
    TAllLE C 2.6 1990 Airborne Radioactise Emuent Actisity hionthly Totals (curies) from the Contact Size Reduction Facility Ventilation Stack (ANCSRFK) I h10NTil Alpha lleta l January < 23E.09 8.42 e o s li-09 Februnry < 2.olim 1.60s 6.8 li-09 hlarch < 3 3E@ 1.4411.0 E-08 April (2.70 09 22:1.0 E-08 l c 22E#1 1,73210 0-08 hlay June < 5.5E#) 32021.4li-08 =- 3.1 E4) 1,09 zu 8 li-08 July August <29Em < 9.8E 09  ; September < 4 2E 09 4 78 t16 fi-08 Oetober <34E0) 13621.0 E-08 Nosember < 2.7E#) 1.6921.0 0-08 December < 3 3E#1 2.19112 E-08 1990 TOTALS < l.10-08 2.21 0.4E-07 TABLE C 2.7 1990 Airborne Radioactise Emuent Actisity Quarterly Totals (curies) from the Contact Size Reduction Facility Ventilation Stack (ANCSRFK) QTR Co-60 Sr-90 1 129 Cs 134 Cs-137 Eu 154 IST QTR < 1.2 E 08 < 9.5 E 10 430 2 0.7 Ei-08 < l.0 E 08 < l.0 tim < 6.8 E4) < 1.0 E 08 3 93 0.5 E-09 < 6.5 !!#1 < 7.1 E4) < 8.3 E#) < 5.9 EN) 2ND QTR 3RD QTR < 6.5 E-09 < $3 E-10 <5.7E& <34Em <40E4) < 4.5 E4) 4Til QTR < 6.2 E#1 - 1.8110.8 Em <51 EM) <40Em < 43 E46 < 3.13 09 1990 TOTALS < 1.8 E-08 7.22 21.4 E4) . 6.25 21.2 EJE < 13 E4E <l.5 E4E < l.1 E-08 U-234 U 235 U 238 Pu 238 t '39/240 Am 241 < 93 E 10 5.M i 53 E-10 < 9.2 E-10 < 53 E 10 7.92 2 6.6 E 10 6.712 5.1 E-10 IST QTR "* "* "* Not swilable 2ND QTR < 6.7 E-10 < 53 E-10 sol 2 7.2 E-10 < 3.8 E-10 < 5 4 E 10 628 2 5.21110 3RD QTR 7.95 2 63 E 10 < 4.4 E 10 7.95 2 63 E-10 < 33 E-10 <63 ti 10 1.17 2 0.7 E 09 4Til QTR 1990 TOTALS < 13 E-09 < 8.7 E-10 2.52 213 E#1 < 73 E-10 < l.1 E#J 2.47 21.1 E 09 l C2- .. _ . _ . . . .. . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . m__ m_ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . TAllLE C 2.8 1990 Airborne Radioacilie Emuent Actitity hionthly Totals (curies) from the Supernatant Treatment Sptem Ventilation Stack ( ANSTSTK) AIONTil Alpha lieta January < ISEO) 6 9N 2 4b li-w February < l 9E#> 8.78 2 5.1 E-09 hlarch < 2.71!@> 9.0520.4I!-09 April <ltE4n 6 42t 3 6 fi-in hlay < ISEN! 7.9115.1!!-09 June < 3. lee > 8 u)*7.1 E-09 July < 2.l E4s 6.98 2 5 6 E-lN August < l.5Ii4n 1.4010.7 E-os September <21E4n < 7.lue October < 2.01 49 1.44 20.7 E-08 Nmember < l.9E4n im20 6 E-os December < l.9 tim 1.0120 7 E-08 1990 TOTALS < 7.1E41 110202ii . TAllLE C e 2.9 1990 Airborne Radioactise Emuent Actliity Quarterly Totals (curies) from the Supernatant Treatment System Ventilation Splem (ANSTSTK) QTR Co-60 Sr 90 1-129 Cs 134 Cs 137 Eu 154 IST QTR <59E# < 6.7 E10 7.11
    • o.5 tw7 <47E4n -<42 tim < 4.2 I!4n 2ND QTR ' < l.1048 7.35 2 23 li-10 7.03 2 0.4114r. < 7.2 E09 < 8.3 I!4n < 5.3 I?c) 3RD QTR < 4.7 II.09 1.75 2 0.4 Eva 3.4620.2li-07 < 3.0 E09 < 2.811-09 < 3.8 E09 -
    4Til QTR 2.80 2 2.1 E 09 1.25 2 0.6 Eo9 39710.3I!417 < 2.8 E4n < t 0 Es> < 34 Eo9 1990 TOTALS < l.4 E48 4.40 210 E4n 2.162 0.1 E06 < 93 Em - < t ; Eos < 8 6 E4n U-234 U 235 U-238 Pu 238 Pu-239/240 Am 241 IST QTR 3 912 2.1 E4n < l.1 E.09 4.27 2 2.1 li4n 1.08 2 0.8 E4N < 6.1 E10 2.67 21.1 E#1 2ND QTR Not available 3RD QTR . s.45 2 53 Elo < 3 o Elo < 45 E lo < 2.2 El l < 2.2 Ell < 3.1 E10 4Til QTR 516 2 5 0 E10 < 41 E10 < 4 4 E.lo 5.63 2 4.1 E-10 < 2 0 Elo 3 3121.0 Em 1990 TOTALS 5.27 2 2.2 Em . < l.2 E09 5.16 2 2.2 E09 1.6710,9 E4s < 6.4 Ibio 6.29 21.5 E49 C2-7 - - . - . . _m _ _ . . _ -. _ _ . _ . _ __ _ __ TAllLE C . 2.10 1990 Altborne Radioactise Emuent Actiilty Monthly Totals (curies) from the Supercompactor Ventilation S3 stem (ANSUPCV) ' MONTII Alpha lietr January <1Ath10 2.54 zo olim February 2a218thlo 1.7620 4Em March < 2 01h10 2a zo 6Ee> April <B lE Il 1.5720.Stia May < 141:-10 16520 Stie) June <t.71910 IM 20 4Em July < 141:-10 1JJ620 31:0) . August < 1.51i 10 2 40205Em  ;;cptember < ! 71110 3002071:*8 < 191b10 L94 2 0 0E** October < 1.1010 1.71s t o.5Em Nmember < 1.6E 10 As206F=m December < 5 A F 10 2.35 2 0.2E-os 1990 TOTALS TAllLE C 2.11 1990 Airborne Radioacthe Emuent Acthity Quarterly Totals (curies) from the Supercompactor Ventilation System (ANSUPCV) Co-60 Sr 90 Cs-134 Cs 137 Eu 154 QTR < 3.0 E-09  ?.20 21.7 E 10 < 1A E-09 <2.2Em < 1.2 Em 1ST QTR < l.9 EO) 1.!210.1 E 09 < 1.81509 < 1.8 Evi < 1.2 Ee> 2ND QTR < EC EU) < 3 8 E 10 < 6.6 E-10 e 7.1 ti-10 < 7 6 E 10 , 3RD QTR < 13 Em < 1.2 E-10 < 8 0 Il 10 < 5.7 E 10 < 6.1 E-10 l 4Til QTR < 4.0 Em 2.44 c o.4 Em < 2.5 Em < 3.0 Em < 2.0 EO) 1990 TOTALS U 234 U-235 U 238 Pu 238 Pu 239/240 Am-241 < l.1 E-10 < l.1 E-10 < 1.1 E-10 < i.5 E-10 < 10 E-10 4 27 2 2.0 E 10 IST QTR "* "' *" "' "* Not available 2ND QTR 2.24 21.2 E-10 1.01 1.0 E-10 1.12 1.0 E 10 8.87 2 6 4 E 11 < 4 5 !!-l1 < 4 4 E-11 l 3RD QTR 1.26 21.1 E 10 < 7 3 E-11 < 7.6 E 11 6.3215.8 E-10 < 3 6 E 10 115 2 0.7 E 10 l 4TIi QTR 5 86 2 2.2 F-10 2.0 E-10 < 1.6 E-10 < t.7 E.10 8.712 6.0 E-10 < 3.8 E-10 1990 TOTALS 42 C2-M l l TAILLE C 2.12 1990 Radioacthit) Concentrations in Airborne Particulates at Fox Valle) Air Sampler ( AITXVRD) In pCUrnL hlON111 Alpha lieta Strontium-90 Cesium 137 JAN < 3 31515 2 7710 41514 Fell 18011.11!15 2512 0 4 E-14 hlAR 1202111!15 2 202 u 41114 < l.491: 16 < 6 01151b ist Qtr APR IE921.31:-15 233 2 0 4t -14 h!AY 86227.41116 3302091:!14 JUN <841!16 1672031:14 4 ks z 2 t.I -17 o 521: 16 2nd Qtr JUL < 951!-16 1342041:14 AUG < 7.11.16 2 0210 4ti 14 SEP 9722871!16 2 03t0 41:-14 9.70 t 1.21; lh <: 2 80e! 16 3nt Qtr OCT < 8 71i 16 1622041114 N()y 13521.01115 21110 41M 4 DEC 9452741!-16 1772031i-14 4th Qtr 2 12 2 051516 < 2 271516 TAllLE C 2.13 1990 Radioacthity Concentrations in Airborne Particulates at Rock Springs Road Sampler ( AFRSPRD) in CihnL SIONTil Alpha ficta Strontium 90 lodine 129 Cesium-137 JAN < 5.21!-16 1.87 0 311-14 Fell 7.40 7.211-16 1691031114 hlAR 80827.61116 136 0 31! 14 1st Qtr 40120811-16 < 3 941516 (5.561!lf; APR 7 00 1 6.411-16 17110 3E-14 hlAY 8.25 6.71! 16 9 2620 2E-15 JUN < 7.0E 16 1302031114 2nd Qtr 4 8t:2 0lt 17 Noi available 4 9n 13tE-lo JUL < 6 80-16 1 cs:0 311-14 AUG <591516 1.431031:14 SEP 5.79 2 541M6 1392031114 3rd Qtr 574 2 391:-17 ( 3 (231 -16 < l.951516 OCT < 6.4E-16 1.5720,3I!-14 NOY 1.102 0.9E-15 2 43 0 4ti.14 DEC 1m t0 815-15 1.7s z 0 3E-14 4th Qtr 1 th 0 515-16 ( 2 961516 < 2.961:-16 C2-9 TAllLE C . 2.14 1990 Radloactisity Concentrutions in Airborne Particulates at Route 240 Air Sampler (AF RT240) InpCUmL A10NTil Alpha licta Strontium 90 Cr$1um 137 JAN 8.0427.9516 2 0520 an14 l'Elt < 6.9n16 1.96 03n14 hlAR < 6.9616 1.7520 3n14 151 Qtr <1.201!16 (5.67616 APR 1.15*10615 1.79203a14 blay < 7 4616 1.25 03 E 14 JUN < 9.2E-16 1.90 2 0.4 E 14 43122.4E17 < 6.02n16 2nd Qtr-jUL < 1.0D15 2.18 1 0.411-14 AU(; 9.4919.2616 1,8720 4bl4 SEP 1.1821.ca15 2.1620.4614 3.20 i HE 16 < 2.91616 3rd Qtr OCT < 8.7616 IMi0 4E14 N()y 1.0210.9615 2.59204614 DEC < 7.1616 1.7620.3E 14 236 2 0.6E-16 < 335 E-16 4th Qtr TAllLE C 2,15 1990 Radioactisity Concentrations in Airborne Particulates at Springville Air Sampler (Al'SPRVI.)lapCl/mL hlONTil - Alpha lieta Strontium 90 Cesium 137 JAN 1.4021.2615 3.7510.6F 14 " l'E}} 8.7428.1616 1.75103E 14 blAR 9.70*8.7616 138103E.14 <1.20E16 < 8.40616 151 Qtr APR 1.1920.9E 15 1.70 03 s 14 h1AY 6.822638-16 8 M 223 E-15 j JUN < 6.2s16 1mz02s14 2nd Qtr ? 36821.4617 < 683 E16 jUL < 6.4E-16 1 36 03D14 AUG 6.7225.6616 130203E-14 SEP 6.52:53E16 1.63 : 0 3 s 14 < 3.65E-17 <1,67G16 3rd Qtr .OCT < 6.7E 16 130203 o14 -NOV 1.M!0.9E 15 2.09 :03E 14 DEC 1.11208615 1.9320 3E-14 4th Qtr . 735 4.0617 4 44 x 2.6616 C2 10 . .--..~~__ . . . . . . .. _ ...~ .- - - -- . . - - 1 TAllLE C. 2.16 1990 Radioarthit; Concentrations in Airlsorne Particulates at Thomas Corners Road Air Sampler (AFI'COltD) InpCl/mL hlONTil Alpha lieta Strontium 90 - Ceslum 137 JAN 8 8126 8tL16 1.842031bl4 l'El1 8.7516.7E '.6 1391031114 hlAR 8.0927.10-16 1.46203E 14 lhi Qtr < 930lb!7 < 6 6Ylbl6 A PI', 93127.91516 1.33203E 14 hlAY 6.7014.4E 16 112:02E 14 JUN c 63E 16 1.26 03F-14 2nd Qtr 4 41213E-17 < 3 vstbi6 JUL < 7.3t!-16 136 03th 4 AU(;  ?.25 27.2f61r- 1.482031114 SEP 9.29 2 8.4 E-16 1,98 20 4E-14 3rd Qtr 182 2 0.5E-16 < 2.2711 16 OCT < 83E-16 1.892 0 4E 14 NOV 8.5t:8.5E 16 2332041114 DEC 7.71 7,6E-16 i A$103E 14 4thQtr 1.1820.4Ii-16 < 2321516 TAllLE C . 2.17 1990 Radioacthity Concentrations in Airborne Particulates at West Valley Air Sampler (AIVEVAL) inpCl/mL - h10NTil Alpha- lleta Strontium 90 Cesium 137 JAN 9.6220.1E 16 2.75203E 14 FEli 1.45 t l.l E-15 2a0103E 14 h1AR 1.4111.2E-15 23910.4 E-14 ist Qtr < 1,60E-16 < 6.50li 16 APR 13321.1E 15 2.402 0.4tbl4 blay - 8.20273E-16 10910.3E-14 JUN < 7.6E.16 138203E14 2nd Qtr 9372 33E-17 < 9.621b16 JUL < 83E 16 1.6120 31kl4 AU(; 8.20 7.3E 16 2.07203E 14 SEP 1.09 0.8E.15 2.o 0.4E-14 3rdQtr 11310.5E 16 < 2.14E-16 .OCT s 7.7E-16 1.9520.4E 14 N()V 1.4011.0E-15 2.49104P 14 DEC 1.N 20.9E-15 234 0 4E-14 4th Qtr 1.28 2 0.5E 16 < 2.99E 16 I C2 11 _- _ .- . _ . _ . . _. _ . . _ . . ._ ._.. .-,_._____m . .. , ______.m.._ TAllLE C 2,18 1990 Radioaciliity Con.cntrations in Airborne Particulates at Great Valley Air Sampler (Al'GRVAL) in CI'mL A10NTil Alpha lieta Strontium-90 lodine 129 Cesium 137 - j(N 1.3920.9E-15 1 h31031bl4 i l'EH 1.0420.EE.15 1.802 0.32bl4 h1AR 1.12 20.9tbl5 1.6320.3614 1631'i6E 16 < 4 08616 S IS t3 3tbl6 lbt Qtr-APR I.172 0.91915 1.67 03th14 hlAY < 6.3616 lbt 20 3E 14 JUN <83E16 2m 0.3nl4 < 337E.17 < 3.Ollbib ( 6 74Lk16 2nd Qtr JUL < 62t916 1.2710.2E 14 , AUG < 93s16 . 1.611061bl4 l SEP 9mz 6.9E-16 135203tbl4 1 <481617 < 2 421bl6 < 2.05I516 3rdQtr OCT < 7 Albl6 1A3203thl4 NOV 9.75193E16 2 23 A 0.4514 i DEC 1.2921 0E 15 19420 4E14 138 2 0.5fi-16 < 3.'#9tbib < 2.20&l6 4ti Qtr I TAllLE C 2.19 1990 Radioactivity Concentrationsin Airborne Particulates
    • Dunkirk Air Sampler (Al'DNKRK) in pCl/mL m
    h10NTil .J9ha lieta Strontium 90 Cesium 137 JAN 834
    • 7.ss16 2.05203 s14 FEB < 7.6616 1.9310 4E14 h1AR 9.8329.0616 1.662031914
    < !.2 6 16 <5.191bl6 151 Qtr AFR 1.20 0.9D15 1.69 03s14 blay < 6.2616 Imzo3D14 JUN < 7.71bl6 1.3020.3 bla 31.821.9617 < 4 82E 16 2nd Qtr ' JUL. < 8.lo16 .1.83 203 s 14 -AUG 83127.11b16 136203E-14 CEP 1.1720.8E 15 1.72203 614 < 4 44Ib17 < 2 03&l6 3rd Qtr OCT < 7.6E-16 1.70103 614 NOV 1.24 :1.2E 15 2.67:0.4614 DEC 1 A2r l.11bl5 2.27204 S14 1.65 03tbl6 <5.891kl6 4thQtr C 2 - 12 TA111.1: C 2.20 19Willadioauhit) Conerntrations in Airborne l'utilculatr$ at Duttle 11111 Air Saingsler (Al'lLOEllN)in pCL'mt, AlONTil Ali hu_ __ litta Strontium 90 . Cesium 137 i JAN < 6.51' 16 1782031'14 l'l:ll < 7 4thl6 1612031:14 h{A){ l07 1 0Fibl$ 16610.15144
    • 1 141' 16 < 7 4 TI' 16 161 Qlr Al'It i112091 15 1 M 2 0 31L14 hl4) 1132091kl5 1292031:14 jpN < l11.15 t o304tw ,
    < 4 (J1417 < 4 631.16 2nd Qtr jut, < u tsis 234 s RSI?!4 AUG <1.21515 2 ass 03lc14 SI:l' <121:15-2$71031 14 ,trdQtr i972071.16 < 3 441516 (,CT <i51415 2 59 2 0 f>1514 s N()y IM il 11:- 15 23110 41^ 14 DI:C <B91516 .' 194 0 41514 711 2 60lbl7 < 3 871 -16 Jih Qtr C 2 - 13 I i = TAl.ll.0 C . 2. 21 - Ibidloarthily in l'alloul During 1990 (nCl/in /mo) = Dutch Hill (AFDHTOP) Fas l'alky Road (AFFXFDP) },10NTil Gro.4 Alpha Gross Mela 11 3 MONTil Gross Alphr Gross litla 113 , @CVmL) (pCvml.) l J I,N 2 i l',42 1.5!!41 <lClbC7 JO 6.1I!42 43(!41 < l 0 lbO7 , ""4 4.6!!42 30 lbol < 1.012 07 l 1I b I I U41 43Ibol 1.771 1.2 I!a7  ! ' 2,$ l'.0J  !.2I!.01 < 10 !?.07 '1E . 0.21:42 201141 <l.0I507 j 4.0!!42 2.2 Ibut < l.01:47 APR 491:42 2.61:41 c1.0i607 !e% < 1.0 I!47 l 00 $.0lbO2 4.01!41 < 101:47 hlAY 9.1iLO2 5.5 I:41 3.1!!42 2.2 !!.01 < l 0 l'.07 JtW 3 6 IbO2 201:41 < 1.01107 , Ji1 83 1102 3 41b01 < 101907 Jtt 84!!42 3 21501 <!0!!47 f AUG 39 tbO3 61t?41 < l.0 $k07 Al'O 2.81:42 2 21bol < 101'.07 N *:P 7.11502 3.2 lbO1 < ..) E.07 hl'.P 2A1:42 3.0!!41 < l.0 !!47 OCI' 9.B II.02 - 161! MC 9701131:47 m'T 10 lf-01 SSIAl < t h ibO7 . l i < 101 A7 NOV 2.SibO2 3 0 lt.01 <10lbO7 NOV $41M2 5 3 8t41 DIR! 2.4 lbO2 2.1 thol < 101:47 DIX 3 71902 4 IIWI <10I!47 Route 240(AF24 FOP) Thomas comen Road (AFTCFDP) M ONTil Gross Alpha Grosslieta 11 3 MONTil Gross Alpha Gross licta ll.3 ' (uCumt.) ( Ceml.) J i.N 24!!42 31lb01 < l.0 !!47 JAN 64 1502 4 l !!.01 < l .0 !!47 i F.ll 5.7 lbO2 3 3 Ibol <10lbO7 II:li 641!.02 3 4 1501 <!.01107 + MAR 371:.02 1.5 iLO1 < 1.0 Ibo7 hl AR 3 7 !!.02 1 9 1501 < 1.0 l507 APR 2.8 E.02 2.5 ILO) < 10 !!.07 Al'R $ 6 lbO2 3 2 liel < l .0 I!.07 MAY 1.2 !!.01 6.11501 <!.0lbO7 iPW 63 ibO2 4 9 ibOI <l.0ibO7 , JUN 391!.02 3 81b01 SAhtPl.1: DitY Jt!N 3 01b02 1.51h01 SAhtilt DlW J UL. 1.4 Ibol $,9 lb01 < 1.0 iLO7 Jl'L 73!!42 3 2 lbO1 < l.01!47 . A00 1.0 lbO2 1.81%1 < 1.0 lbO7 Al'G 9 6 iLO3 4.9!!42 <LOIbO7 6 EP 33 E42 3.2li42 < l.0 IM7 SI'.P 4.6 1902 $ 41501 <l.0lbO7 . ( CT 3 8 lbO2 9.7 1:.01 < 1.0 lbO7 (KT 3 91b02 $.1 !!.01 391212!!.01 >OV 1.7 tbO2 3.2 B41 <l.0lbO7 NOV 1.8tbO2 311but 2.67 s 1.3 1!.07 Itr 401102 3 0 E 01 < 101b07 Dir 531bO2 3 41501 < 10 0 07 - Rain Gay (AhRGFDP) , !10NTil Gross Alpha Gross licia 113 ( Crm1.) ' , t!N < 2.7 IM2 - 2.4 1501 1.44 21.2 lbO7 .' til, <l.1lbO2 1.4 1501 <10IbO7 . st?G 9.0 E 01 - 1.1 IW1 < l 0 lie 7 WP 3 8 li.02 4 8 lb01 < 1,01107 3CT 6 3 lbo2 - 4.11b01 3.17
    • 1.2 ILC7
    %OV 4.2 lbO2 - - 33 E41 < 1.0 lbO7. Dir 7.5 1502 4 3 lbO1 < 1? U.07 C 2 - 14 i ,,,,..,-w...+--m, ---,..__-m_,..--__._,...,-,. _.,_..w m. . _ . . . - - , .~,_...,._-......._.___.,-----..-.._..,_-,,-.-.m. . 1 I l I r- . . 7, n y*4,y ~. ,m- , , . n ., .:,., ; , , - -,- ,3 , , - ., ( , .,,gy_ t. * }Ul 1  !;d; , l,!?f-' . ., .. . nn , . + .n , in a . b5 ' ' ,..,K'N. ,...... ; f'.ff;Nf' khu[ .\ y , ., , v. .. . v . . a.w. .4 . . a .q r; ,g.j g/ p.,? K~'i . fgggn - ' *;$#jgt ', * " S.;"it;p y '2..t' 4,;l.w 4'c ' - .,t ' <, E.
    • w:.+
    <%r wm-(' + - r t , ff1 , s s . 7 +" .g ,A. x. , e . %' 's' ) $ F l L' g, , ; . m 1.j.g 4, 3 .  ! 1, q N Y $ '= , ' ,p g , .% , ~ f m -,.p vg- a.,, . , , ,ac. 4- , ;. - b* 7 4 >,g., , y m , .3 L. w w, w '%w. ual . , Aw .. - It is preferred that you take a milk sample only, l 1 4 ] 1 I I 1 l l l 1 i i i 1 l APPENDIX C - 3 x ! Summary of Biological Data ) i l ) l e 1 1 l 1 1 c- - , - ---,-,--- - - , - - -- , , - . . . - , , _ - - - , , ,,,,--,n-,.-n.c TAllt.I' C 3.1 1(aulloatthit) Colintittallotin (/JCOllil.)lin Mllk
    • 1990 1.(ICA'II()N 11 3 Sts90 1 129 Ca.13 4 C6137 NNW I ARM (Ill MRI.I .14 (221 417 2 71 $ 0 M I Ars <- 9 9 l ?lo = 1'Ki t 4rs < 9 39140 i
    ist ()tr 170 ' % NW l ARM tit l Mrotto) < 2 2 i Ai7 14a 2 0 211Ei .991-10 < 8 ve l 49 .31 '4n 161 Ott IVO COVI Hol (lil Mril A) < 2 2 l'Ji7 Un 10 37 i Are < 9 913 10 < k v.4149 < t M I:4n l 1st Qtt 17J0 i CON 1 ROl, (lll Mril.N) ( 2 01~4n < 9 9 li 10 ( 7391 an < 7 t.k 1-;dn  ! 4 f.) 2132 I .07 16t Qtt lVM l NNW l ARM (1:1 MRI.1:D) < 21 l'An 3 31 s 1 ?> 1510 < 9 6 I;.10 e94lAn < 93 l 4n { 2nd Qir IVM  ; 137 1 024l'40 ( 961510 <70lAn 13010 56 l Oh WNW l ARM (Ill M00110) l 3 h31 IM i 417 2nd Qtt lVA0 i COVI ROI (Ill Mrt l A)  ! <211507 1602 026140 (961-10 <TolAn <111am 2nJQttlVO CON I rot. (lll MF11,NI 1 (310 24 l' f W, 9173 24'/1910 < 9 6 l .10 < I n 1:413 < 131.41M 2nd OttIVA0 NNW I AR%I (Ill MRI:1.D) < l<22 IMO 172 2 0 29 l 49 < 4 M 1510 =12fAm < $ t 1.4K 3rd Qtr IVm M NW I ARM (111 MC')lton l < l 21140 4112 0.49 inn < 4 w 1:.10 <621An < i. h i An 3rd QirIV4) CON 1 Rol. (lli MC11 A) i 1.261:467 2.51 0 h I'4N (4h4 ILIO < 12 l'A8 < 19 l'4m 3rd Qtr IVO CON 1 ROL (Ill MrlIN 161 1 1.28 I A0 9 92 2 2 72 l.10 .,.I92 1510 < $ h li4n <4MIMn 3rd QttIVJO NNW l ARM (ill MRt.l:D) 1.710 27 lMr. I8710291:4a# < $ 24 l .10 t1.0lAK * '2 t 0 VA 1:4ik 4th Qlr IVA0 i M NW I ARM (lll M( Otto) l 3 h2 t 0 451 Aw. 11210 401 An < 5171: 10 = 31 l A<i <bi1An 4th Qtt lVJO  ! CONTROL. (111 Mril.S) l 3 7611.7h !MD 19) 3 0.22 i An ( $ 191510 < B 7 iT4n < 13 lMih 4th QttIVM l CON 1 rot. (111 Mrl1.N) 2602 1731 40 17/ t 0 30IMn ($15li10 <60I!a> < 7.0 l'Ah 4th QitIV n Sl;l' ARM (Ill MWil)R) 2332 1741;07 $ 98 2 0 hk IM9 ( $ 89 la to < 11 li4:8 < l.71. 0R October 1Vn SuV I ARM (Ill Mil AUR)  ; <169li.07 4 9710 to I AN < $ 69 l'.10 ( $ 21:4N < 731-An Nwember IVJO l C3 3 TAllt.E C . 3.2 RadioacthIly Concentralloni in Meal ( CL's Dr)) .1990 Imellen  % MOISTl'HE hR.90 C6134 C L137 K-40 I)l:ER I Ll311. NI%R Ell E '" 2.9511291!#3 < l.41147 <1kt!47 7A412 621MO (DIDNIMR A1) 1)l:l:R 11.1311. NI%R ki1 E 65.7 h.5711301:0) s 931:4* 2 N20.931M17 7.(o s 2,0llMui (D) DNI%R # 2) til:1:R II 1311.NI%R ElIE (Hil)N1%R #3) 67.1 N/A <11E47 < 9 91ME 22820411!45 DI:ER I Ll311. H ACKG ROl'NI) (IllVCIRL #1) 79 0 1.4610.77tMN < 7.5l!48 < 131M)7 iM to 2Ali415 l>El:R Fi 1311. IIACKG RolfS D 74 6 3,76 2 2.051MN 8 71ME 2 k3 20.951!47 1.2110 27E45 (DIDCIRL#2) I)LI:R FLl311. IIACKG ROUND *e3 1.7220.771!be < 8.11:4s < 1.11147 9.8912 3;lMui (BlV CIKL #3) HEEF I L1311. BACKGRol NI) (Ill11ClRL)WO 77.3 1231 0.23148 <2.6IMS < 2.8 E4 1.23 2 0.15 E45 til:1:F Fij311. NIMR SITE (IllllNIMR)(d90 75.5 4.27 2 0.49 IME <5.2IMA c $3114 R.W t 133lia IW.EF l Ll311. HACKGMOUND (DillCIRL)10f>0 72.5 5.552 2 051Mn < 2 3f ME < 2 61MW 9.52 2144ti40 HEEF FL1311. NEAR NITE (BillN!%R)lofA) 69.h < 1.551!#1 c l 0lMA < 2 71M* l.ll10.16ti45 ' N/A Not available TAllLE C . 3.3 Radioacthity Concentrations in l'ood Crops ( CL'g Dr)) .1990 II) CATION  % Mohture 113 (901'mL) St M K 40 00-60 0s137 IIIXNS . N EAR.$lTE 76 M e B 69 !!.07 8.38 2 0.87 !!.OR 236 2 0.43 ILOS <l.B1507 < 131107 (IIIVNI%R) BRANS . IIAC KGROUND 92.27 < R $8 !!47 7.7020.8204* 310 2 0351105 < l.4 !!.07 <7.1IME (llIVClKL) APPLES . NEAR. SITE 85.87 < 8.81047 614
    • 0.70 E4A 8L24 2 1.87 E A < l.0 E-07 < 8 0 I!42 (IINTNIMR)
    • 1.09 LM6 135 2 0.20 E4s 8.70 t L73 IM6 < 6h li 08 < 2 8 I!46 (BlVCIK13 CO RN . N1%R. SITE 54.26 < 8 36 !!-07 ,* 66 2 1.26 E #J 5.20 t 1.19(M e < 7.1 !!4* < 3.8 E46 (IIIVNIMR)
    ColtN . H4CKGROUND 4 .74 < B.71 LMJ7 5.77
    • 1351L09 1.4620.26005 < 't.2 I!4* <51IM6 (DIYCIRL)
    II AY . NIRR. SITE 1432 1.281 096114 5.49 0621!4* 1h 2 030 li 05 < 1.91107 < 2.81:47 (BillNIMR)  ; 1IAY . BACKGR00ND 1244 9.46 i 8.74 lbO7 6.712 0 73 E4* 7.032195!!& < 1.4 !!.07 < 1.2 !!.07 (BillCFLS) C3 4 TAllt.1 C . 3. 4 Radioacthily Concentrations in l'ish flesh froin Callaraugus Cree L (uCUg dr3) .1990 Cattaraugus Ctrek (IllTCATC) abuse Spring $llie Dam ist llalf 19WI 2nd llalf 1990 Sr.90 Cn 134 Ca.137 Sr 90 Cs 134 Cs 137 Arrragy N/A < 3.11Me <6.11ME N/A N/A N/A Afrdian N/A N'A N/A IDlum c 2.2;l 47 < 2 tilMi1 Geornetric Deriation (A sg) N/A N/A N/A stt 1.ta 132 Afatirrugris N/A N/A N/A 7.12 2 2 21M* < 5.21!.07 < 4.31:47 Afinirnurn N/A N/A N/A < l.40lM* c$MM* < h 71M* Afoisture (A retage %) 763 7s 2 Cattaraugus Carek (111 i CTRL) liukground ist llalf 1990 2nd llalf 1990 Sr 90 Cs.134 Cs.137 Sr 90 Ch 134 Cs.137 Arrragy 1.5910.52 IME N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Afedian N/A N/A N/A 1 V2iM4 <2 f.hl507 < 2361!.07 Gcornetric Ucriallon (Asg) N/A N!A N!A 2 02 1 K2 lM AfMirnutn N/A N/A N/A 5.7312.2tM* < 5.71Mn < 5 0lus7 Afinirnurn N/A N/A N/A 7m16 OIMN < l.31!.07 < 131:a7 Afvisture (Average %) 82 1 ns Cattaraugus Creek (IIITCATD) talow Springillie Dam lit flalf 1990 2nd llalf 1990 Sr.90 Cs 134 C$.137 Sr90 Cs.134 Cs.137 Arrrage 6.22 2 01%IME < 4.1 IM6 <43iMs Afedian N/A N/A N/A 105 fME <6.75 lMm < 9 00 lus Grontrfric Doriation (Aig) N/A N/A N/A 3 80 1.17 1.21 Afatirnuin N/A N/A N/ 2.45 1!.07 <9.51Ms <lllMn Afiniinuin N/A N/A N/A 532iMN < 6.21M* 5(Aims A/visture (Arcrage %) 82.4 ns N/A Not available 4 C3 - 5 l l 1 l r ,- : , 3 '\ y,. l Q] . !I l  ? 1  ! l lU t '4 7 s 4 , ;j' , !- >i is ' i *) . L l . \'%s ,; s% 3 1{8 ij l
    n. .
    6 ' l I i Exchanging an Environmental TLD Package i l l l s } 'l i l 1 i f i l APPENDIX C - 4 Summary of Direct Radiation Monitoring Data / i , .,-..,,_m._.- , , _ , - - - _ - _ . - - . . . . - , , - - _ _ . _ , . . . , , - ~ . . _ . _ . - . - _ . - - . _ - - - - _ _ . - 1 e l I h i a s t i f i E 1 O 1 6 5 e y w,3-sw +w, 4 ~.. % we,-. w.,- - - - , e w.m . ,e,r.=~,-,.ww.-,,-.e,- Table C. 4.1 i i Summary of Quarterly Ascrages of TI.D Meuburements for 1990 (Roentgen 3 SUJQuarter)  ; locallon No. Ist Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter location As. [ .O f f. 2 A4 021 1 D)3 .022 2 DG .021 1- .002 .020 2 103 2 .021 1 .024 _020 1 103 .022 i R4 .022 1 D6 .021 1 .010 l 3 .017 1 .017 .020 1 DJ2 .021 s ud .020 1 A03 .019 1 u n, 4 015 * .o 6 .019 1 103 .02 ) 1 D4 .020 i 103 019
    • R4 j 5 .017 * (o7 .020 t .to2 .023 4 44 .021 2 no .020 : D4 1 6 .Ol$ 2 HD .019 2 .002 .021 1 .003 .020 1 D6 .019 2 103 7 016 2 8" *18 2 83 020 2 ^3 019 2 102 018 2 34 3 ,018 .t .011 .019 i 4>3 4022 2 .003 019 1 1x12 .019 t R$
    9 .013 1 A4 .018 1 DJ2 .020 1 DA .019 i D)2 .Olh 1 MO j() .015 1 VJ5 .020 1 102 .022 1 # 12 .019 i KA .019 i #3 (( .017 1 D12 .022 1 D4 .024 i D6 .022 2 102 .021 2 RG l2 .022 * .039 .019 i #0 .023 i M4 .021 2 103 .021 1 .012 13 .017 1 D4 .021 1 102 .026 2 VJ2 022 1 D4 .021 2 .003 j4 4017 1 M12 .022 1 003 .024 i R4 .020 1 103 .021 1 RO ) ,P ,015 1 D6 .020 1 (U2 .022 i Kl2 020 1 003 .019 s JJ03 ]6 .016 1 103 .(12 1 1 #6 .0D i D12 .022 2 Mi2 .020 1 .ou3 17 -015
    • DB 020 2 #3 0D * #6 020 2 ^4 020 2 #4
    [g** AM t RN .041 2 R$ 3M5 i Rd 145 i D15 NI 2 105 [g** .020 1 102 >024 1 102 # 27 2 ud .024 2 .002 .024 2 003 20 .017 1 .013 .020 2 J02 22 2 34 .021 003 .020 2 105 2l .015 * .003 .020 t .002 .021
    • 102 .019 2 102 015 2 (U2 22 .019 i ,026 .019 i AB .021 2 D4 .019 2 103 .020 2 DN 23 .015
    • M6 .018 i uM ,020 1 103 .018 2 .002 .018 2 DA 24** 1.405 i .331 1.387 2 .107 1.366 2 .125 1.345 2 227 1.376 1 197 23 .0M i .014 .035 2 A4 .038 2 407 .033 s D6 .035 t As 26 .030 2 ,012 .031 2 103 .0M 2 DH 033 1 105 032 2 D6 27 017
    • 003 022 2 D)1 024 2 1o2 .023 2 n4 .022 D)2 i 28 ,018 1 D6 .022 i .002 .025 1 DM .023 i D4 .022 1 34 29 .0D 2 R$ .025
    • R$ .029 2 AM .025 1 DJ5 .025 2 A6 3() .025 2 M4 .032 2 110 5 .0M i 102 .031 1 102 .031 2 RG 31 .016 * - #6 .020 1 .002 .023 1 D)) ,021 1 A12 .020 t .003 32 .02.5  ! JKB .028 i AB .0M . .f07 .030 1 34 .029 1 MM 33 .030 t DN .0 15 1 102 141 107 .039 2 110 5 .036 2 A16 34 050 1 .012 .055 1 .010 .059 i ,015 .057 1 30 055 2 'J10 33 .052 1 .012 .053 a .005 .070 1 .013 .0 74 1 .010 (62 ! .010 36 165 2 R$ un 1 DE R.9 2 107 16M 2 .015 164 z un 37 .015 1 D)3 .018 1 DM .020 2 003 .0I R t 102 .018 s na 38** 042 2 DJ5 (46 1 MD 149 1 A17 146 i D_6 1M6 2 R)$
    39e* .082 2 us .087 s D* IE8 1 .012 .093 2 .020 JE8 2 .012 40** .201 2 160 .221 e .022 215 2 158 .231 2 .024 217 2 Au6 l 41 .013 2 #8 .017 * .003 .020 t 102 ,019
    • R$ .017 2 .003 Quarterly Ascrage** .021 2 DE .025
    • 30 028 i nu .026 2 nn 025 z R)5
    -laations shown on l'igures A 3 and A 6. " TI.Ds 18,19,24,38,39,and 40 are not included in the quarterly aserages. l C4-3 l _ _ _ _ .~. __ _ ._ _____ ___________ ___ - - - - . . - - - - -- - . _ - . - . - ~ - - - -- i Qt r/hr) AVERAGE DOSE
    RATE ,
    LOCATON CODE (SEE APPENDIX A) M TLD AVERAGE Figure C 4.1 1990 Astrage Quarterly Gamma Exposure Rates Around the % cst Valley Demonstration l'roject 50 - 45 - 40 -
    • Actuat value = 628 5 uRhr. ,
    " Actual value = 99.1 uRhr. !j . , - Os r/hr) 4. AVERAGE DOSE ~  !! Imid , LOCATION CODE (SEE APPENDlX A) M t'o ^vta^oe l'igure C 4.2 1990 Average Quarterly Gamma Esposure Itates On site C4 4 4 -- . , - . . ~ . _ , , . _ . - . . . . . , _ , . , . , . - . , , ..n.,__,...__,.,_,-,,.,.,_n..---.__.,_,_-. '., n , . ,1 .r:,psa.Kp.I .m s W,,v.r b s # . . r~,. . . 4 py .' ' * - 1 ., \- 'yh ,, f . .( , a ,. - . . s i . g.w _ m . 4 , ", e - ' g,h" . .fp s%,.,.- y. . ;. 4 1 s g ._ A .v. .n ,, 'j ' i. . *h, -' ' .s V , . . . .gr.j<. 4 ., c;'% ..g .: I ti ge Iihf 4, . . . t *d Y * %b; f: . . ' rec.8 bl l't*W-ZDPdEMI bh b fa Grab Sampling Surface Water h 1 i ll l l \ l APPENDIX C - 5 x 1 Summary of Nonradiological , ) l Monitoring Data , y , 1 i i i s _ . TAltllC 5,1 i West Vallry Drinonstranon Projett State l'ollutant Dl!Jlsarge Elitnination N) 'Itan (spi)dS) l 43..spl6N.l'rogram .e 1(fintin Septer.iber 1%0 ()ulfull Patatutter , I,linit Satu pl,*gagdry 001 (Prottu and t kr* Wrutor be dMnary Storin Wastrwuttr) Alumuum, total H 0 rng,L 2 y . 6 u harge Ammorna (Nil 3) ', Mr diwliarp Arscruc, diw*cd 015 regL 2 yr dwharge 18011 1 " 2 ret deu harge Iron, total " 2 pt dix harge /.irv, total recmc rable 0 4% mg 1. 23 divbarp Mhds, r.ip n&d 43 0 mg/t. 2 per dwharp C)wWe, amenable to chkit. 0.011 rngt 2 pct dew harp iMt.,5citicable 03ml/L l y t dut arge pil (range) LD90 2 per dachar(t l 0,, & Greau l$ 0 mg l- 2 p r(I w h.arge Sulfate W rutor 2N t dr4harge Nitra s Motutor 2 gr dwharge Nitnte Monitor 2 pt diwtange Ohiorruum (hesavalent). total rec. Morutor 2 pcr r;iu harp i Cadmium. sotal act m e rabir 0(0?tv/L 2 pe r deu harge j ( typ s, h tal rectwc rah t 0 03 mg't. 2 pe r duratte l 1il eat al reccettabl< 013 mg/L 2 pc r dawharp l Ngael. total 27 met 2 pe r d acharge thrHonthftworor cthane 0.01 mgt 2 pe? dwherge Trut orunvo' sit,cthane 0 01 mg't. i per diu Arge 3.3Dehlor A ntdme 001myj 2 ret diu harp 'ltit.utyl Asphete 32 mgt 2 per dm harge Vanataum 019tngt 2 o r dwharp ( e.runwm. total 0 050 mg/1. annual Mic nium, tot # O N0 mg l. annual lia riu.i 0.5 mg1 annuhl Antimony 10 itigt ann.g l Chlorofurae d3 mg't. annual j lim (21:th>1 hexyl;l hihalsic 14 mg'l . ems. annual l 4 Dodtrenc O fi mgt semi,granual f)07 (Sanitar) und lioa Wnstor 3 pe r manth 19111ty Wustewater) AmmomatNill) ' ) Fr moaa a llOD 5 ' ) pte mont h imn, imi " 3 p t month hapenJcJ soMs 45 0 mifl. 2 pe r month kohabic Wids 0 3 ml.L meckly pil Iranp) f.S9 0 mec tly Chlorofor.t 0 02L rgi, anneal 00t! (Frentti Dralta llo* Monitor 3Fr month , Wastewater) 110D 5 ' 3Fr monih iron., total " 3 pcr rnon h pil lratige) t 0 9.0 wec tly Mhc r, total 0 Ullh mg'l. annual Wnc, total o im mgt annual
    • Reported as flow-weighted aserage of outfalls (K)1 and 9H. Lirnit is 2.1 tugt.
    " Reported as flow weighted average of outfalls 001,(K17, and (kts, Limits ar e 5 0 mgt for !!OD-5 and 0,31 mg'L for Fe, iton data are net hmits reported af ter background concentrations are subtracted C5-3 . _ . _ . . ________ . _ _._. __ . . _ . .__.._.____.,__.__._._.....-_______.m______ l TAllLE C . 5.2 l .] West Valley Demonstration Project 1990 SPDES Noncompliance Episodes Dale Outfall Parameter Limit Valuy, Comments i f i. Sum 001,M Nil) 2.l mpt. 3 46 mg1. Sill'Ilow through . ,g , IEll90 008 t -' 11.1190 Sum 001,(07 NI13 2.1 mpt 3 86 mpi, As atot I (K.8 111190 Sum 001,007 Nill 2.l mgt 1.27mgt As atet I tog Sum 001,007 Nil 3 2.1 mgt 2.81 mgt As etwe 1111W (K4 ' Sum 001.007 Nil 3 2.1 mgt 521 mg1 As abo e lEt190 ixs - Sum (01Jo7 Nil) 2.l mgt .l.97 mg/L As atwe 111190
    . (X* -
    Sum t01,007 ILOD 5 3.0 mi/1. 12 (d mg t, kelated ic atre ', ITil90 .K2 Sum 001,007, du8 8:e 034mst Cs17 mst 00l l'c high NOV 90 NOV W M $citicabic holms 0.3 m1.1 0 mist. Ike material ;t = p ( 4 W 7 C5 4 'w- ~ - - ~ ~ _ . . _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ . . _ Ngw% **'%.%,, *fm, ''me, l 'b. ,I ' ,f J 'q ,-p, '..~/ p Q i t 'g f,1}D7) c,N' I J. y., ; w- , . O E l O\!c=czaH) l  ;, i s'Il 9 Oc 3 ( _ _ _ _,_ )} .j jp l aqQ p
    7. .. _.___.:s_. n 77
     ;)/  ; u 4fe J xl ~.- > on\. : (-,s ) , 3- !,ll %. /* l',) , ,/ ,e ./ ffn 5 V / // %n., t , i, I* . f- / s k if %.;d'g bp.
    • f! ,
    k I 'N ,, s \'kjF S@$'T)Sg . ~ . a, y  ; $e ,Nga l l T'S ?i 'Jle)dQs',"allLl / .t llai ;t g ('N & :i fp/ r_j w \ 2/. ifd;, 3 3 ~~ , h .o y N^ x , s ( s - ~m/ ye b:,b, 3 5 k fi y 8 \sx/k s j / 9 O g ~.~. . ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . - ~ . , [ ---~ ~ i i i l'I t',ure Cd. 2  ! t 5; i 42 til<g htmical Onygen j llemand . 5 i (mg't,) 3 " i 6 ' 2- i D L Outfall(K)1 0 l 1-O' 3. ,- g-.3 3.. ---.3.-,.q..-,.-. JAN FCD MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 f 0 001 av0 a 001 man-l'igure C $.3 [ ActvAt vAmt n 8 mot 12 " lilig homical On) gen Dem ' nd . 5 10-(mg't.) 8 -- 6 Outfalls 007 and 003 4- a ~ 4 2- , 0 ( h-$ f--f--l---{ -f - f - t-T--I JAN FCB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 6 007 AVG x 007 MAX 0 008 AVG 4 008 MAX so- l'igure C.$.1 45 9 mg4 MAX LIWT 40.: Sus lwnded Sollds (mn't.) . 30 0 mgM AVG L.MT l . . .., . ... 30 - .. . ... ..... . .. ... .. . Outfall 001 l 10-5 b $ 1 0 9 _._ , q , , , , ,. r r-' 7 ' T-- 7 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 l 0 001 AVG i 001 MAX - l CS 6 i l'igu r e C . S. 5 - 60 - . . . ... .. .. .. . . . '" "S *"f"' . 40.g Sungended Solids 30 9 .. - _-. .. . . . . . ..  ? ! "*"*f *' _ 20f 8 Outfall 007 10{ e s 01 -- r - y 3- -. 7 ---+ 7 y- - r- - _7 - ,.-- , 3. -{ , JAN FEB MAR APA MAY JUN JUI A')G SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 6 007 AVG a 007 MAX 0 40 - l'igurr C * $. 6 o a era mas tsu.1 0 30 ... . .... .... . . .. .. . ._ Stilltalile Stilldn (ftd'L) 0 20 - Outfall N)l M4 MUM f41L Cf AIM Lui 0.10 - - a- n- -
    s. 3, ot Att om snow unwu trtset Atu tut 0 00 -< -- r 7- 1 T i T--~ r r**-- T m JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 D 001 AVG - 001 MAX 1.00 -
    0 90 - i i E "I* C * $'7 0 80 - Srtilrable Sollds 0 00 - ("I'bI 02- , 0.40 - p 30 - -, ...,. ..... _. ...- ... ... . . ._ , . o a ma DAu uu tut ()uifall 007 020 - a
    • 0.10 . e o e a e e e e e i e 0 00 , ,- r- r 7 i t r- -- ,
    JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 o D07 AVG 007 MAX C5 7 I ~ l'igure C . S. 8 n 7, _ 0 00 1 Arninoni. Ow- (ing'l .)  : 0.40 - Outfall 001 0 30 - b I OM-0.10 - g 0.00 t r--~ 1 i i T- t-- r 2 1- - n i JAN FEB MAR APA MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 001 AVG i COI MAX 6.00 - l'igure C $.9 6 to - Arnmunia 4 6M-4 $0 - (mg'L) 4 00 + 3.50 - 3,oo .. e Outfall 007 . 2.50 - a 2 00 - 6 1.50 - 1.00 - 0.60 - 0 00 r-- T -- i r i i T-- r- r t-l '- 9 JAN fib MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 6 007 AVG 007 MAX . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .seo . . .. .. ... . . .. .E.n pu uwt l'igure C . $.10 14 _ 122 Metals . Aluminun. - (AI) 10i (,g et) 0i _ . ... ...,.... .... 4 ... ran uvavws. . .. ... .... .....s....... . _ . . . 6i Outfall001 1 4- .21 b 8 0 1 , - - ~7 -} i i 3 i , 1 iwm JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG s MAX C ,58 1 0 50 - e*a n e u u w t iIgure C .5.I1 o 43 Metain Zlne(2n) Total Itt< os tral,le o 30 (mg't.) 0 20 l < j (lutfall(Kil 010 ~ 0 00 - . , - -h- - , h - , --- , - ,_~,-_8.._, JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG BEP OCT NOV DEC 1V)3 0 AVG i MAX o is ,,c uo y, l'igure C . $.12 0 140 Metali . Arsenic (As) 0 120 - 1)issolsed 0 103 - (mg'L) 0.060 - ()utf all 001 0 000 - 0 040 - O n20 - 0 000 --$- 7 --I ,- --- r- - r- T -- , - r-- - ! - - , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1V30 e AVO i MAX I'I UFO E C
    • Sa 13 0070 0m- C)anide Amenable to Chlorination 0 050 -
    (t.1g'L) 0 040 (lutfall(Kil ' "~~ ^ o on av uu uu t ~ ~ ~ OM -  ; O 010 -- p e i e o goo _._.-. , _ _- , ._.y _ _ ,._ _ ,_.__. .r m 1- - ,- , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1V)0 0 AVG i MAX C5-9 l'igur e C . $.14 140 d I 1 20 - hittals . Iron (Fr) is . (mnt) O B0 - 0 Outfall 001 0 60 - 0 40 i , . D c 0 20 g no q _ . 7 ,-- . 7_.-.q -. . .. q._ , . -. 7 -- , - .7. _ . - - , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG a MAX 2 00 q l'igure C $.1$ hittals . Iron (Fr) t to - (mgt) i '#~ Outfalls 007 and OO8 I t 0 50 -
    • e o.00 _ _ d_.--.____j__}___ h ) $_ _ _ _f--_ -d JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1993 0 007 avg n 007 mas 0 008 avD i 008 man 0 050 - l'igure C + $.16 0.040 - hittals . Copper (Cu) om me uaxuun Total Recogerabl.e 0 030 - -- - -- --- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    (mnt) 0 020 -4 0 $ Outfall 001 8 0 010 - R 0 000 1 -- r r 1- 7 - r-- r r 7-- ~~T 1 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 c AVG n MAX C S - 10 l l'igure C . 5.17 0 0120 hlstalk Cuttmlurn (Cd) Total Itrcoserable 00100 C' WA ew,.vuAnuu1
    e. a
    .s. 0(060 0 a Outfall(Wil 0(040 0 0020 0 0000 ., y. , .; . , . _ . , 7 .,  ; 7 JAN F l.:D MAR Arn MAY JUN JUL AUG Lf P OCT NOV DE C 1VD t: A4'O i MAX I IN" C
    • f*IN 0 OE O 02'O - hittals . Chrornluru (Cr,17) 00?o0 Total lterm erable o0'*8rMA'U*' g,n g,g ,)
    0 0 01W - o a e Outfall(Wil 0 03'.4 -- 0 0000 t--- y t- 3 r - t -- -r 1 1 1-  ! i 1 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 174 e AVG i MAX l'igure C . 5.19 hittalk laatl(/N O040 A (mg'l ) 0 030 - Outfall(Kil to is a,e u An tut 0 010 - a , a 0 000 - - T-- - r r-T- t- t- t - i -- - r 1 JAN FEB MAH APR MAY JUN JUL AUG CEP ,CT NOV DEC 17J0 i c AVG i MAX r' )) t 20; Figure C . S. 20 t s -- 16} Nitrate (No .1) 14- (eng't.) 12 . . , 10- e r Outfall 001 , 8-  ! 8 62 4-2- ~ 0 , , , , , r- i i i ,  ! i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Jt ". AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1989 ~ e 001 AVG a 001 MAX , ,3 ; Figure C . S. 21 120 Nitrite (No.2) 1.00 - (mg/L) 0 80 - o ~ Outfall 001 OM 0 40 - 0.20 - g 0.00 , , , , , f , , , ,  ! , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG MAX ~ 500 - Figure C . 5. 22 400- Sulfate (mg/L) 300 - Outfall 001 200-8 0 100 - 8 0 i i i i 1- i i i i i i i JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG 1 MAX C 5 - 12 wym- - - - , + - - y, _ + , y- -- - , - - - * - y r - --y,- l'igure C . 5,2.4 l .- 10-9- Oil and Gtruse 8-(tugl) 7_ 6 j wt s Atut s m tons o at < s o wn 5- .e. .a - -e- e. Outf all(Mll 4 -- 3-2 1 0 r- t t 1 - r- r- r  ? - - r- r r , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 19M t AVG i MAX os e me uAm vun l'igure C 5. 24 i 1 7 untntutse pil (standas d unitn) 9., -- - Si n i E Outfall(Kil i O y: 0 0
    6. - --
    LOWill LM i 4 0 g 3_. _y_ . -~ .3--.,..3.- 7.-. y -- T~ ~'T ~~",~~ T JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 MIN i MAX l'igure C . 5. 25 unsnuuneo pil (standard units) a_ i Outfalls (K)7 und (X18 8 I i * ' I i . e , . 7_ , A , I D 0 0 0 b 0 0 C U U 6 4- -- - - - -- LCME R LM,7 6 0 9--_ .7. 7.-_ ._,_3..------7.-._q._-q $ 3 _. , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 a 007 MIN 007 MAX t 008 M!N i 008 MAX C 5 - 13 1.00 - l'igute C . $. 26 0 90 - 0 60 - Djuharye Rate 0 70 - (MGD) 0 60 - ~ , Outfall 001 0 40 - 0.30 - I 02 - 1 0.10 - 0 00 - - r i , -7 i r- T- i r- r-- T-- JAN FED MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC j 1990 e AVG i MAX l 200-- l'igure C . $. 27 l 180 - i 100 Discharge Rate I 140- (Gl'D x 1(XM)) 120 - ~ Outfall 007 . 80- ' ' I 60- e 40-20-0 , , , i i Tm T- i i t i JAN FED MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1930 e 007 AVG 007 MAX 25000 - Figure C 5.28 20000 - Dircharge Rate , (Gl'D) 15000 - x Outfall 008 10000- , , r e z l
    • r '
    n 6 5000-
    • g ,
    g j- 0- i i-m, , , ,- i i- i , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN - JUL AUG SEP OCT JOV OEC 11NO e 008 AVG r 008 MAX C3 14 c - .- - , - , . -, ,-,,.,w- , +- w . e-- l'igurrC.5.29
    B 5" l' low utighted Astragts 4q i _
    Anunonia V 3 (mg't.) # 1 mgi mas Lthe f 2-i g ()utfcils 001 and (Wl7 3 .. 0 --- r- - - --r - r * ~1- t -! JA'd FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG $EP OCT NOV DEC 1990 t AVG e MAX ActuAt n ut - w e 14-I".<* utIg altd Att ragrh 122 D 10 Ilixhtrnical()xygen 6- Demand.5 6i (
    • R'I-)
    t-a s o me r 3 A-3 4- , ()utfalls (Mil. 007, and 2; e g o (gig u , 0 2 _._ 7 _ ,_y __ p _ $ __ 7. _ 8 __ p... 9 _ p.. _ ,.. . _ .( JAN FED MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG MAX l'igure C . S 31 1 40 1.20 j l' low utighted Astrugth 1.00 i f ron (fr) 0 80 d' d (ing't.) 0 60 -- uma.o3impc** *'*"* 0.40 { ()u falls ( 11. ( ) nd (KIM o go . c q i 0 00 t --- g , - , - g -- - y - g - , - , -- 3 --g JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG MAX C5-15 figure C .5.32 0.070 - 0 0M - Nickel 0.0!4 - (mg'L) i 0 040 - Outfall 001 0 030 - a 7 ensi uu tun 0,020 - 0 010 - 0.000 .. - - , . 7. -. 7-.. ,- _. 7_ ._7-, _ ., JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG i MAX Figure C
    • 5.33 0 0140 - __
    0.0120 - Trichi Trofluoromethane ~ o os c, 4 0.0100 - - ------ 8 uu turt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (mg/L) ~ ogogo _ Outfall(Kil 0.0000 - a 4 0.0040 - 0 5.120 - 0 0000 i i , e i r i T- i i 2 1 ~JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG MAK figure C 5.34 0 0140 _ 0.0120 ~ 3,3. dichlorobenrldine o oto m 0.0100 - ---+----- -- s9 uu uun -----------------------------e--- (mg'L) ~ Avo AND uu wromto As trts wuN o oio Outfall M1 0.0000 - 0.0040 - 0 0020 1 0.0000 -~--' t i i i i- -- i m i i r -t 1 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 0 AVG x MAX C S - 16 38 *8 8 "^^ t* Ihure C . 5.35 00140 d 3 Tributyl phosphate 0.0120 g (mg't.) U#UO ~ Outfall 001 e .0080 -- 0.:DCC -- 0,0040 - 0.0020 - 0.0000 7 , , , . JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEd 1990 0 AVG x MAX *"'S***" Figure C 5,36 0 070 - 0 000 - Vanadium om - ( ,g,L) ONO- Outfall 001 0.030 - s 0.020 - 0.010 < 0 000 -t- , , , , , , , - 7 ,_, JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUu SEP OCT NOV DEC 1990 a AVG x MAX +__ C S - 17 1 i T- '1 l l e
    • 4 j
    r y: . p , ':; i- ^ o U , 'f a . , ,4 e- < iop)iy h ', . jkfy ,, ' ,lq@&(4ff #9 -[m , jQ gg,go.3, l " ' jy Ng., v;' g r. jij I i I 1 'h o On-site Meteorological Tower and Rain Gage i I 1 , h 5 I i i j l l l APPENDIX C - 6 ') ' Summary of Meteorological Data f N
    2. s NNW NNE 3.20 -
    2.20 NW - NE 2.90 - 2.20 WNW ENE
    2. LIO 2.20 yp+..
    . get91 30 0.00 10 1 I F- E i go PERCENT ] 2.2g CALM W .f WSW \ ESE 2.10 _ 2.SC SW SE 2.20 2.90 ~ SSW SSE 2.10 g 2.90 2.30 NUMBERS INDICATE SECTOR MEAN W]ND SPEED WIND SPEE0 RANGE U 0.0- 3.0 M/SEC WEST VALLET NUCLERR SERVICES E 3.0- 6.0 PRIMARY MONITORING STATION 5 6.0- 9.0 WEST VALLET, NEW TORK 9.0-12.0 10.0-METER WIND FREQUENCT ROSE > 12.0 JANURRY 1, 1990 - DECEMBER 31, 1990 FIGURE C-6.1 C6-3 N 3 3U NNW NNE 4.20 - 3,20 NW NE 5.00 .. 2.70 WNW ENE S.10 ,, 2.60 kg g '" % ,un e $fo#' }0 0.00 10 t E W q 20 I! Baal PERCENT Y] 2.Bg / CRLM ~ / WSW l ' ESE 4.60 g 3.10 SW SE 4.70 3.20 SSW SSE 4.50 g 3.20 4.20 NUMBERS IN01CRTE SECTOR MERN WINO SPEED WIND SPEED RANGE O 0.0- 3.0 nesEC WEST VRLLET NUCLERR SERVICES E 3.0- 6.0 PRIMART MONITORING STRTION b 6.0- 9.0 WEST VRLLET, NEW TORK 9.0-12.0 60.0-METER WIND FREQUENCT ROSE > 12.0 JRNURRT 1, 1990 - DECEMBER 31, 1990 FIGURE 0 6.2 C6-4 TABLE C 6,1 West Valley Demonstration Project 1990 Site Rainfali Collerilon Data (inches) for week ending: JAN02 0.20 APR03 G71 JUL D3 0.02 OCT02 0 91 JANo9 0.19 APR10 138 JULIO 1.86 OCl 16 2.85 JAN 16 0.64 APR17 1.71 JUL17 OA OCT16 2.44 JAN 23 0 84 APR 24 039 Jl'L 24 1.07 OCT 23 1 68 JAN 30 0,81 MAY01 0.08 JULJI 010 OCT 30 0.67 ITB06 1.28 MAY 08 137 Al'G 07 0.52 NOV06 034 < FEB13 0.60 MAY15 2.19 Al'G 14 1.16 .NOV 13 0.M l FEB 20 2.16 M AY 22 2.22 Al'G 21 0,34 NOV21 0.37 l'EB 27 0.78 MAY 29 0.M AIIG 28 1,89 50V 28 0.86 M AR 06 0.00 JUN05 0.G1 SEPO4 0.08 der 04 1.12 MAR 13 0.61 JUN12 0 44 SEP11 3.07 DEC 11 0.12 M AR 20 1.03 JUN19 0 66 SEP18 1.18 DEC18 1.68 MAR 27 0.15 JUN 26 034 SEP25 1,31 DEC 25 1A0 DEC 31 1.92 C6 - 5 3.5 - 3-2.5 - e 2- , 1.5 - P - [ ;n, , II 1- , ~ .5 - , O b U 1" , 9 JAN FdB MAR PP Mkh MAY JON JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Figure C . 6. 3 1990 Weekly Rainfall Totai (inches) 60 - ,1 50 - 40 - _l 30 - r / 20 - - - ] ' V i 10 - , ~ ' __ennB0  : K !iH- i 1 : 0 , i- i , i . i 1/02 2/06 3/13 4/17 5/22 6/26 7/31 9/04 10/09 11I13 12/18 1990 WEEKS Figure C ' . 6.4 1990 Cumulative Rainfall Total (inches) C6 - 6 ._ - -. _. .-...--..---~-. -- --- - i i i I i l a v a x: ~, '-' N%,m'$Q, aN es,,,as,b ~ gy) % ?;?pmn ,A ' " g7_. : d,'_ it j y, a <t:iklmkgi:m ;v ' ; , ",; :. ? < i \ . n & ,m ' i = _,, fw / o , < :yl. ' /
    s. > T=  ;
    t; ,- l yly ~ P: J
    • 4 if r, '
    li-  % r' P 1 / i $(( ' ' ' gly , . ;4 - M' :),% / q;7- + w ,Q ,-, On-screen Review of Tritium Sample Counts I l l . i l l i ~ ~x~.  % . APPENDIX D 'x \ Summary of Quality Assurance ' ) Crosscheck Analyses , j l l l l TAllll D.1 Comparison of Radiological Concentrations in Crosscheck Sampics between the West Valley Demonstration Project and the Ensironmental Sleasurements Laboratory (Eh1L) Units for air filters = pCL' filter; soll and segetation = pCL'g; water = pCi'mL EhtL Quality Assessment Program QAP 31 ISOTOPE hiatrix Reported SW) Actual (EML) Ratio of Rep'Act' Accept? lle7 AIR 1.00l! + 02 133E + 02 0.81 YIs hin.$4 AIR 4.00E 4 00 4.1715 + 00 0.96 YI3 Co-60 AIR 7.70i? + 00 8.171? + 00 0.H Yl!S Sr-90 AIR 2.10l! 01 2 001i- 01 1 05 Y13 Cs 134 AIR 7A0l!+ 00 9.33E + 00 0 79 PASS Cs-137 AIR 3 40E + 00 3.5sE + 00 0.95 Ylis Cc 144 AIR 7.00fi + 00 7.08E + 00 ew Y13 Pu 239 AIR 2.10f!.01 LEE - 02 11.67 NO Am 241 AIR 6.00E 02 IKi!- 02 3.33 NO U-238 ^IR 2 00E 02 9.00E - 03 2.22 NO K 40 SOIL 537E + 02 5.61!! + O2 0.99 YEs Sr 90 SOIE 4 20I1 + 00 5.731! + 00 0.73 PASS Cs 137 soil 631E + 02 6A2E + 02 9 08 Y13 Pu 239 soIE 1.6111 + 01 1.71 E + 01 0.94 yes Am 241 Soll 3.1811 + 00 2.221!+ 00 1.43 Pass U (jeg) SOIL 2.18t! + 00 1.71!1+ 00 1.27 PASS K.40 VEG 1. 42E + 03 139E + 03 1.10 Yt3 Sr 90 VEO 7.56E + 02 1.83ti+ 03 0 41 NO Cs 137 VEG 4 65E + 01 4?>E + 01 0.97 YES U.233 VEG 4.10E 01 6.0015 - 01 OM PASS 11 3 WATER 3.86E + 02 3 95E + 02 0.98 YES hin 54 WA1T!R 6.65tt + 01 6.50E + 0! 1.02 Yt3 Co-57 WA1ER 1.35E + 02 1.35 E + 02 1.00 YliS Co-60 WATER 1.55E + 02 135E + 02 E00 YES Sr 90 WATER 3.55Li + 01 3.1711 + 01 1.12 YI5 Cs-134 WATTiR 5.00E + 01 6.83E + 01 OM Y13 Cs 137 WATER 7.05E + 01 6 S3E + 01 1.03 YES Cc 144 WATER 135E + 02 132E + 02 1 02 YES Pu-239 WATER 2.50E-Ol 3.50E - 01 0.71 PASS Am 241 WA1TR 43CE 01 333E - 01 1.29 PASS U-238 WATER 2.20E-01 1.671!- o t 1 32 Pass 1 Analyzed by International Technology Laboratory in December 1989. Results received in 1990.
    • Ratio of reported to actual: L2 - 0.8 acceptable; 1.5 - 0.5 pass.
    p-3 TAllLE D 2 Comparison of Radiological Concentrations in Crosscheck Samples between the West Valley Demonstration Project and the Enstronmental hicasurements Laboratory (ESIL) Units for air filters = pCL' filter; soll and gegetation = pCL'g; water = pCi/mL Ehlt Quality Assessment Program (QAP) 3% ISOTOPE hiatrix Reported OVV) Actual (EML) Ratio of Rep / Acta Act ept? [le .7 AIR 4 68E + 01 5.14E + 01 0.91 '(ES hin-54 AIR 1.01E + 01 940E + 00 1.05 Yl's AlR 6.52E + 00 6.50E + 00 1.00 YES Co 57 ^1R 9.27E + 00 9 40E + 00 0.99 YES Co -60 AIR 2.4sE.01 2WE - 01 1.01 Y13 Sr 90 AIR 1RE + 01 1.82E + 01 0.91 YES Cs 134 AIR 2.05 E + 01 P 41N 01 1.00 YES Cs 137 Ce 144 AIR 3.20E + 01 3.12E + 01 IAI Y13 AIR 3.54E - 02 3 90E - 02 0.91 YES Pu 239 AIR 5.43E - 02 5.40E - 02 1.01 YES Am 241, AIR 2.20E + 00 5.10E - 02 43.10 NO U (Nat)* SOIL 5.84E + 02 6.08E + 02 0 96 YES K . 40 SOIE 4.13E + 02 6 65E + 02 0.62 Pass Sr - 90 Cs 137 SOlt 1.62E + o4 1.75E + m e 93 YES SO!L 1.87E + 02 2.12E + 02 0.88 YES Pu-239 SO!L 1.12E + 02 1.063 + 02 1.06 Y13 Am.24f SO!L 1.20E + M 2,80E + 02 Obl NO U (Nat) VEO 3.MU + 02 3.23E + 02 1.01 YES K . 40 VEG 7.44E + 01 7.02E + 01 1.06 YES Sr - 90 VEG 2.79E + 01 2.85E + 01 0.98 YES Cs 137 VEG 4.86E - 01 3.33E - 01 1.46 PASS Pu 239 VEG 1.31E + 00 3.07E - 01 4.27 NO Am 241, VI:G 9.68E - 02 1.06E + 00 0 09 NO U (Nat)" WATER I.90E + 03 1.%E + 03 0.97 YES M3 Mn 54 WATER 1.07E + 02 1.03E + 02 1W YES WATER 1.95E + 02 1.98E + 02 0.98 YES Co 57 WATER IME + 02 2.06E + 02 0.89 YES Co 60 WATER 8.29E + 01 1.llE + 02 0.75 PASS Sr - 90 WATER 4.17E + 02 4.62E + 02 0.90 YES Cs 134 WATER 1.91E + 02 E98E + 02 0.% YES Cs -137 WNIER 4.50E + 02 4.03E + w 1.12 YES Ce 144 WATFR E21E + 00 1.N E + 00 1.16 YES Pu.239 Am - 241 WATER 822E - 01 8EE - 01 1.03 YEs WATER 1.00E + 00 0.07 NO {I.238 7.14 E - 02 1 Analy7ed by international Technology. Units reported by WVNS as g; reported by EML as pCi
    • Ratio of reported to actual: 1.2 - 0.8 acceptable: 1,5 - 05. pass.
    D-4 TAllLE D 3  : Comparison of Radiolog! cal Concentrations in Crosscheck Samples i i between the West Valley Demonstration Project and the Ensironmental hirasurements laboratory (EhtL) j
    Units for air filters = pCL'111ter; soll and segetation = pCL'g; water = pCi/mL EN1L Quality Assessment Program (QAP) 33 4 ISOTOPE hlatrix Reported (WV) Actual (Eh1L) Ratio of Rep /Act* Accept?
    I hin $4 AIR 3.5513 + 01 3 33E + 01 1.07 YEs i Co 57 AIR 1.25E4 01 1.14E + 01 1.10 YES Co40 AIR 2.381? + 01 2.54E + 01 0.H YES Sr-90 AIR I.55 E - 01 930E - 02 1.67 NO Cs 134 AIR 1.71E + 0! 1.6311+ 01 1.05 YES Cs 137 AIR . IME + 01 1.57E + 01 IN Ylis l Ce.144 AIR 1.751! + 01 1.65E + 01 1.08 YES Pu 239 air 4.csn.02 5.10E - 02 0.91 YES Am 241 AIR 4.35 E - 02 3 60!! - 02 1.21 PASS U (Nat) AIR 1.14E + 00 9.85E - 01 1.16 Yl3 K.40 SOIL 5.45E + 02 5.13E + 02 1.06 YI'S Sr-90 SOIL 6.30E + 00 8.33E + 00 0.76 PASS Cs 137 SOIL 2.011i + 02 1.96E + 02 1.03 YES Pu 239 Soit 1.30!! + 00 1.15 E + 00 1.13 YES Am 241 SolL 1.5011< 00 7.3811 - 01 2.03 NO U (Nat) SoIE 2,10E + 00 2.19E + 00 0.96 (r S K.40 VEG 1.09E + 03 1.031! + 03 1.06 YES , Sr-90 VEO 7.60E + 02 8.89E + 02 02 YES Cs 137 VEG 130E + 01 1.82E + 01 IM YES Pu 239 VEG 1.07E - 01 9.58E - 02 1.12 YliS ]{.3 WARIR 4.24 E + 03 3.90Li + 03 1.09 YES hin 54 WAT11R 3.06E + 02 3.011 +02 1.02 YES Co-57 WATER 1.41E + 03 1.3G! + 03 1 08 YES Co-60 WATER 5.09E +02 4.91E + 02 IN YES Sr 90 WAn'.R 1.15E + 01 9.93E + 00 1.16 YES Cs 134 WATER 3 63E + 02 335E + 02 1.02 YES Cs-137 WAniR 4.03E + 02 3.90E + 02 1.03 YES Ce 144 WATER 9.17E + 02 9.231! + 02 0.99 YFS Pu 239 WATER 8.70E - 01 1.09E + 00 0 80 YES Am 241 WAUIR 5.50E - 01 5 67E - 01 0.97 YliS U 238 WATER 2mE - 02 1.89E - 02 1 06 YES 1 i Analyzed by international Technology Laboratory.
    • Ratio of repoited to actual: 1.2 - 0.8 acceptable; 1.5 - 0.5 g. ass.
    3 D-5 ~ . TAllLE D . .I Comparison of Itadiological Parameters in pCL't in Crosscheck Samples between sne West Valley Demonstration Project and the U.S. Emironmental Protection Agenc3's Environmental hioniloring Sptems Laboratory (EhtSL) in 1990 SAhlPLE Analyte hlutrh Reported OWDP) Actual (EhtSL) Accept?* PE.A A1.PII A WATl:R 68 67 90 00 Ylis (April IWO) RA 226 W N1!!R 7.37 5 00 NO RA 228 WATl!R 16 40 n20 No V (NNI') W ATI:R 20 67 Yl:S PE . It Dl?l A WATI:R 52.33 Sito Y13 ( April 1990) SR49 W ATI'.R 10 67 103X) Yl3 SR 90 WATI R 10 67 10 00 Yi .S CS lM WATl:R 13 67 15 00 Yl's CS-137 WATI!R 1710 15 00 Y13 , PE.A ALPil A WATIER 52.33 ilis RA 226 WATl!R 11.23 13 60 PASS (Octoter 1990) RA 228 WNIT.R 2.97 510 PASS , WAT1:R 10.67 10 20 iT3 , U (NAT) PE 11 DI:.TA WATER 54 00 53 00 Ylis f, SR-89 WNIT.R 19 67 20 00 Yl3 (Octotwr 19H1) SR 90 WNI'liR 15 to 15.00 Yi3 CS-lM WATl:R 6.67 7 00 YlZ CS 137 WNTliR 5.33 5 00 Yfis GAM CO 4f) WNIER 18 00 1510 Yl:S (Fet>ruary 1990) ZN-65 WATER 13010 139.00 YI!S RU 106 WATIiR I14.67 13'.%o NO CS-lM WNIER 17D) 1300 Yl3 - CS 137 WNIER 191M 183 0 YliS 11A 133 WATER 61.33 74.00 NO GAM CO-60 WATER 23 00 24.00 Yl3 7N-65 W ATI'.R 132.67 148 % YES , (J une 1990) RU-106 WAT1:R 167110 21u m No ('S IM WAT1;R 2010 24 00 Y!is C:.137 WATl!R 22 67 25 00 YliS 11A,133 W ATI R. 78 67 99.00 NO TRW 11-3 WATl!R 4599.M 4'176 00 YES f Fehvrerv 1990) Explanation of codts: ADW: Alpha and t>cta in water Pfi: Performance Evaluation AF: Air filters Pli- A: Performance Evaluation ( Alpha) 'b GAM: Gamma in water PE . D. Perfonnance !! valuation (lleta) NA: Not applicable N W. Plutonium in water NR: Not reported TRW: Tritium in water D-6 ________...__m_- + - TAlllE D .I(continued) Comparison of Radiological Parameters in pC1/Lin Crosscheck Samples between the West Valley Demonstration Project and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Ensironmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (EMSL) in 1990 SAMPLE Analpe Matrix Reported 6WDP) Actual (EMSL) Accept?' AF AlJ'llA 11LT1:R 6.00 $20 Ylis (March 1990) Dl?fA IllllER 31.67 31.00 Y13 SR.90 11L1ER 11 00 10.00 YES-CS 137 111l1ER 12 00 10.00 Y13 I AF ALPilA IlL1ER 11(O 10 00 Yl3 ( August 1990) Df;TA 11LTI:R u00 62.00 Yl3 , SR 90 f1L1ER 21.00 20.00 Y!a CS-137 11LTER 2147 20 (O Y1L MILK SR-89 Mll.K NR 23.00 NA ( April 1990) SR 90 MILK NR 23 M NA 1 131 MILK 109.33 99.00 YliS CS-137 Mll..K 23 67 24.00 Yl!S ' TOTAL K MILK 1650,33 155010 PASS t MII.K SR49 MILK 16.00 16.00 YES (September 1990) SR.90 Mll.K 16 33 20.00 Yl3 1 131 Mll.K 52.00 58.00 Ylis CS-137 MILK 23 00 20.00 Ylis ' l i TOTAL K MILK 192(MO 1700.00 NO AllW A1. Pila WNIER 12.33 22.00 PASS (May 1990) DLTA WA FER 16.00 15 00 Ylis AllW ALPilA WATliR 7.00 10.00 YliS (September 1990) IlETA WATliR 10.33 10.00 Yl3 i Pt W PU.239 WATER 7.57 940 PASS (August 1990) l l l l Explanation of codes: ADW: Alpha and beta in water Pik Performance livaluation Ali Air filters PE . A: Performance Evaluation (Alpha) GAM: Gamma in water PE D: Penformance EvaluatK>n (Deta) + NA; Not applicable PUW: Plutonium in ute r Nlt Not reported TRW: Tntium in water I
    • Acceptable range determmed by liMSL D-7 l
    l I l TAllt.E D . 5 Comparison of Water Quality Parameters in Crosscheck Samples, Study 10, between the West Valley Demonstr.4 tion Project and the Emironmental Protection Agency (EPA) ANAIATE Reported (WVI)P) Actual (EPA) Accept?' AL 04g'L) 810 i 750 l Y13 Q4 gl.) 140 160 PASS AS  ; 11E Q4g'L) 190 180 YES CD G4g 13 120 110 Y13 MO 700 Y L.S Cit Q4 g'L) CO ( g't.) 280 30  ; Y13 CU Q4g1) 510 500 Yl3 1 l'" Q4 pt) IMO 1f30 Y13 275 NO Pli Q4g'L) 160 Q4gt) NIO (50 PASS SIN 1IG Q4gt) 1.3 1.25 YIS NI Q4gt) 820 800 Y13 SE ( s'I.) 13 If,0 Y13 VA Q4gt) 1800 1900 Yl3 7.N Q4g't.) 540 550 Yl3 pi t * " 8 49 830 Y13 TSS"* (mat) 58 9 (40 Y13 O&G (mal) 8,9 10 0 Y13 Nil 3"* (mgt) 10.9 11.0 YI3 NO-3 (mg1) 7.3 6.5 YliS TOC (mat) 20 20 2 Y[3 Bol)-5"' ' (mat) 32 8 33 2 , Y13 CN (mgl) 75 00.7 Ylis PIIENOLICS (mg1) .52 00.531 YlS i 1 Unless indicated otherwise, analyses performed by RECRA Environmental, Inc.
    • Acceptable ranges determined by the Environmental Protection Agency
    " Analy7ed by WVDP Analytical and Process Chemistry Laboratory *" Analyzed by WVDP Environmental Laboratory D-3 TAllLE D . 6 Coinparison of Water Quality Parameters ir Crosscheck Samples between the West Valley Demonstration Project and the New York State Department of Ilealth (NYSDOll) in 1990 ANALTTE , Reported OWDP) Actual (NYSDOll' Accept?* DOD 5 . (mst) , 20.3 20.2 YI3  ; B4.5 82
    • YIN 24.5 A6 Yl3 73 2 72.7 Y!3 TSS (mal.) 33.5 M.2 Y13 70 6M B Yl3 18 18.8 Yl3 49 2 47.6 Y13 pli 2.93 3m Ylis 9.45 9 38 Y13 5.38 5.46 PASS 7.92 7.90 Y13 Nil.3 (mg1) 3 05 3M YliS 4.18 4 19 YI3 107 1.97 Yl.S 4 17 3.92 YliS
    ' .Ac.cptable range detemJned by NY3DOil D-9 y v, e n. . , , . TAllLL D 7 Comparisca o; I se West Valley Demonstntion Preju'.'c %rmoluminnaeat Dosimeters (TLba) to it . Co-lecated Nocleae Ilmelator) Coma.lssio n TLDs in 19';0 ISrQTR WVDP/NRC .\CCITI' NRC fl D# 1/VDP'11.D # Icht Rtr NRC WVDP 22 7J R8 1.17 (13 2 D 5 7.5 79 1.03 Ylis 3 t 7 7.0 7.5 1.0 ? YI3 4 8.7 6.2 71 PASS 5 9 K4 Al .96 YES 7 14 S.3 69 .83 Yl?S 8 15 25 15 6 15.9 1.02 Y13 9 2J 554 2 652 6 1.18 Yl:S 11 IND QTR ACCITI'! WVDFTLD# N/br plW WVDP/NRC NRC TLD # NFC %VDP 86 8J 99 Y13 2 22 5 7.6 6.9 1.14 Y13 3 7.8 8.2 1A5 YliS 4 , 9 10.1 81 .h0 YlS 5 14 N/A 9S N/A N/A 7 8.1 88 1.0) YlLS 8 15 ;j 17.8 15 6 .M (13 9 24 'S2.4 621 4 1.07 Yia 11 3RD QTR - ACCCI'f? WVDP 11D a Rtr Rtr %TDP/NRC NRCTLD # NRC WVDP 7.6 Y6 1.2h PASS 2 22 B.2 IL.5 1.27 PASS 3 5 7 83 S9 1.07 Y13 4 9 9.0 9.2 1 02 YIIS S 8.4 10.7 1.27 PASS 7 14 15 N/A 9.9 N/A N/A S 25 16.6 17 3 IN Yl3 9 24 543 1 617.4 1.13 YliS 11 4Til QTR %YDP/NRC ACCITI' NRCTLD# WVDPTLD# nPJhr Rtr NRC 'WDP 73 8.8 1.20 YES 2 22 5 N/A. 9.5 N!A. N/A 3 7 7.6 8.7 1.14 YES 4 9 9.7 8.7 90 Y13 5 73 9.5 1.31 PASS 7 14 7.2 9.4 130 PASS 8 15 25 15.8 15 3 .97 Y13 9 24 N/A 622.4 N/A N/A 11 Ratio of reported to actual: 1.2 0.8 acceptaine; 1.5-0.5 pass N/A Not available D 10 l i i j , , n- ... i l l l j  ! ~ ' ' rrggr7m77 .?_ V .l: l l f, ,; E M I$4 M idi  : i- , 1:- , s3) - O h f "' Y / v 3 k } 3'  ; l l . - l q. Checking a Total Organic Carbon Analyzer Run 4 + 4 ,. - . . . .. m 4 i m- g APPENDIX E ' N Uniniary of Groundwater ) Monitoring ., K s I l l l l l - TAllLE E 1 Supporting Groundwater Monitoring Stations Sunpled in 1990 (44 CUmL) Immuon Date til CondudbHy Alpha tieta 11 3 C9137 Co-60 Cmle Sampled Wells Near Site l'acilities WNM 80 03 06/20M 6.83 54f. < 3191:0) 2.411.1311 07 1.3721.131147 < 3 71!46 < 3 81i-08 WNM 80 03 112V) 7.10 450 < 2 80l!#) 1.61 t NE-07 <11011-07 < 3 71!4E < 3 BE46 WNW8044 06/20?>0 7.03 560 < 3 0ll!#1 1.722 32114E < 1 mii-07 < 3 71? 08 < 3 Blia WNW8044 IIM"JO 7.20 816 < 1291!# 1242.45tME < 14t>bO7 < 3 71:-08 < 3.6134E Wells Near NitC Ilcensed Disposal Unit WNM 821 A Ou20/90 7.15 1291 < 9 89E#) 93415151ivi < l.10li07 < 3 71!u < 3 Elia WMt 821 A 2%">0 7.24 1139 1.521.90E4% 37913360 #1 < ImE-07 < 3.71!& c 3.8ti 08 WNM 82111 Oy20?>0 7.02 1315 < 1.19E46 1.11 t .431!48 < 1 M1107 < 3.7E4* < 31[!46 WNM 82 Ill 12 % 90 739 1168 < 4.521:4) 6.7913 Ml!#1 c imli.07 < 17E4* < 3 5ti45 WNM A21C Ou22?>0 7.78 382 8.912 7.56I1-09 7462468114) 1.75 t 1.1iE 07 < 3 7E46 < 3 SEM WNW821C 12E")0 7.74 357 < 5.94E47) < 6.271 #1 < imE47 < 3 71108 < 3 bli42 WNW82 215 Ofi22f>0 7.32 742 4 8212.94E-08 9 302 4.4511M) 2.802 1.171! 07 < 171!a < 3.8E-08 WNWA2-211 12%">0 7.60 7% 1.2121.1SE4B 1.39 2.76E4m < lmII-07 < 3.7E46 < 3 81! 08 WNW82 2C " " * " " " ' ' " " Sample laation Was Dry WNM82 2C 12%"A) ""'" limited Sampic Volume *"""" < l 00E'07 ' " * " " * " " " WMV82 3A '"""""' Samplc luatian Was Dry " " ' " ' " " " " " " ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' " ' " " " ' WNM82 3A 12 % 810 7.59 5% 3132 2.75E.09 8.6922 (alie) c imE-07 < 3.7E45 < 3 811-08 WNW82-4Al Mr.W)0 6.79 1433 <1.22E-08 < 4.89E#1 7.502.22E-05 < 3.71i46 < 3 8E-08 WNh 824 A1 12M7f>0 6.71 IN) 1.40 2 1.041i # 1 99 2.5511-08 8.432.251i 05 < 3 7E-08 < 3 811-08 WNW824O 06/20f>0 6.75 1239 < l.2004E < 5.24EE) < l.14 E437 < 3 7E 08 < 3.81!-08 WNM 824 A2 12/07/9C 6 87 1316 1.32 t 1.151i 08 48124621!#1 < l.00E 07 < 3.7E 08 < 3 8E4E WNM 82-4 A3 06/20?)0 6,69 1456 < l.93E 08 < 4%11-09 1.45 1 1.121! 07 < 3 71?-08 < 3 8Ea WNM 824A3 12/077>0 6.M 1%7 < 3.07E-09 < 4 87E#) <1EU 07 < 3 71! 08 < 3 8E4m 1 Measured in famhoslem @ 25*C E-3 ~ . TAllLI: E.2 1990 l'uel Tank Groundwater Monitoring WNW8613 WNW8613 WNW8613 PAllAMETt:lt (Sampic date: 2-MO) (Sample date: 41290) (Sample date; 10-11 90) 7.20 7.22 6.97 pII 580 sh8 Conducthity 04mhos/cm) (39 2 00 L70 340 TOC (rig L) < .007 < .m3 .oto Phenols (mg'L) <Sm < 0 40 tientene Q g'L) < 500 < 5 00 <5m < o.20 Toluene Q4g'L) < $ 00 < 5.00 N/A Xylene -total Q4g'L) N/A N/A < 0 20 o-x3t ene 04g'L) N'A N/A < 0 20 m X)lene Qig'L) N/A N/A < 0.20 p xylere Qtg/L) < 1.00E 07 < 1 coli 07 2.122 t.15ti 07 113 Q4Cl/mL) < 444U0) < 2.24fMn < 4.28!i tn Alpha Q4C1/mL) 3.57 2 2.2t>E4) 3.7121.f,IIMN $ 4612 091!#1 { lleta Q4Ci/mL) N/A Not available E-4 TAllLE E.3 1990 Water Quality Parameters for the liigh lesel Waste Storage and Processing Area (mg'L) lucation Ilydraulk Sample pil Condutthis) 10C Pl enols 1 011 Cidoride Nitrate N Sulfate lluoride Code Position Date .s--~. .. S l *' Quai!Tf tandardJ "* GM3 N/A N/A .001 N/A 250 10 250 13 ) \ ) WWsM2 UP 02/05/>0 8.45 422 1.3 <.008 < .010 55.0 31 12.0 < .10 WNW80-02 UP N/12/90 7.71 4% < l.0 < 005 < 010 57.0 30 MO c .10 WNW80 02 UP Ou05/90 7.M 493 < 10 <.007 c.005 (J3 31 16.8 c .10 W NM 80-02 UP OW14?>0 7.81 503 1.40 c.007 < M)5 63 3 .91 19 4 < .10 MNM8002 UP 09/10?>0 7.69 4M N/A < S06 <.005 $7.6 37 12.3 .10 WNM 80-02 UP 09/26?>0 7.69 450 1.56 < lx* <.005 60 0 31 38.7 < .10 WNM ao-02 UP 10/24f>0 7.74 465 < 1.0 c .on9 <.005 65.3 .77 43.0 < .10 WNW50.02 UP 11/07/>0 739 479 < l .0 < Jt)$ .007 61.4 .72 14 3 ( .10 WNosipN DOWN 02/0W90 6 62 602 6.5 < 108 <.010 39.0 31 58 0 < .10 WND%lPNE DOWN 48/12?>0 6.55 452 5.2 < JX15 <.010 22.0 .77 40.0 < .10 WND%!PNE DOWN 05/31?>0 61. 618 38 < .um .020 69.0 1.20 M.0 c .10 WNDNIPNE DOWN 06/1554 6.62 721 3.7 < JXE .007 93 8 1.20 33 4 .11 WNDNIPNE DOWN 09/1290 6 72 661 51 .130 .012 67 0 .73 20 4 .12 WNDNIPNE DOWN 09/27f>0 6.73 679 56 < lx* .025 M .7 1.10 198 < .10 WNDNIPNE DOWN 10/25?>0 637 611 6.1 < 009 .017 45.0 .44 27.2 < .10 WND%1PNE DOWN 11/12f>0 6.60 4N $3 <A* .007 28.9 .55 233 < .10 WNM86 07 DOWN 02/1230 6.08 748 < 1.0 cum <.010 70.0 1.20 130 < .10 WNW86 07 DOWN Neo9/90 6.07 6R6 13 < 108 .010 3&O .68 140 < .10 WNW86-07 DOWN 05/24?>0 6.43 723 2.3 <.020 .097 31.3 .78 120 < .10 WNW86 07 DOWN 06/15?>0 6.38 560 1.9 <A* .007 273 1,60 135 < .10 WNM 86 07 DOWN 07/W>0 6.10 674 1.1 <.009 < 005 22.4 1.60 144 < 10 WNW86-07 DOWN 09/24S0 5% M5 1.7 < ,0
    • c.005 22.8 .18 141 < .10 WNW86-07 DOWN 10/24?>0 6 07 536 1.1 <.020 107 15.4 .67 108 e .10 WNM 86-07 DOWN 11/07/90 6.14 560 < l.0 .021 .000 12.2 .M 131 < .10 I
    i Quality standards for Class GA groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 2 Measured in mhos/cm at 25'C 3 Monitors the construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A - Not available E-5 t .. .. TAlli E E 3 (continued) 1990 Water Quality Param<.ters for the liigh lesel Waste Storage and l'rocessing Area (mg/L) location Ilydravik Sample pil Cundut-thit) 100 l'henols 1 011 Chlerlde Nitrate N Sulfate l~luoride Code Position Date 7 k "' Quality Standards *** 6.5-8.5 N/A N/A .001 N'A 250 10 250 13 ) WNW86 08 DOWN 0?/12?M 6 bo $33 53 < Ms <.010 31 0 .23 100 .12 WNM 86-08 DOWN N/12?>0 6.94 483 7.1 c.005 <.010 13 0 Irib 79 < .10 WNw 8648 DOWN 0'/24"M 638 449 8.2 < Jo7 < J03 9.9 23 110 .11 WNw a648 DOWN OW15?M 6.80 290 13 7 c .008 m 10.2 .14 75 .14 WN% 86-Os DOWN 07/30?>0 6.50 611 5.9 <.010 105 15.7 .21 144 < .10 6 63 6.7 < .u s .009 15,0 .20 131 .13 WNV86-08 DOWN OU4a>0 589 WNM 86-08 DOWN 10/24?>0 6.73 517 63 <.020 .023 113 .12 IM .13 WNw 85-08 DOWN 11/07?>0 6.82 529 4.2 < m) .030 10 0 .10 278 .11 WNM 86-09 DOWN 02/12?>0 7.20 6M < l .0 <m < .010 32 0 1.90 2R 0 < .10 WNV 86-09 DOWN N/12?>0 7.06 630 59 <.005 .010 33 0 150 M .0 < .10 WNW86-09 DOWN 05/24/90 7.17 Mo 4.6 <.020 021 35 0 ,11 67.2 < .10 WNw s6 09 DOWN oul5/90 7.24 ud 3.1 <.007 .b 40.7 ,14 983 c .10 WNM 8649 DOWN 07/2W90 7.16 M9 68 .015 .014 44 0 1.70 21.9 < .10 WNw 86-09 DOWN 09/27?>0 7.00 525 1.6 < f(E .013 24 8 .32 27 8 < .10 WNw $6 09 DOWN 10/24a>0 7.16 690 1.9 < Jo8 .019 473 2.90 47.2 < .10 WNW86 09 DOWN 11/07/90 7.10 697 1.2 c m) .015 430 4 00 13 4 < ,10 7,50 691 2.8 < .0tE <.010 50 0 < ,05 60 0 c .10 W N W 86-12 DOWN ONOR?>0 WNW A6-12 DOWN N/26?>0 7.75 712 < l .0 < .0(E <.010 50 0 < J-: f3 0 < .10 WNM P412 DOWN 05/31?>0 732 707 < 1.0 c.007 .011 49.0 .059 120 < .1 WNM 86-12 DOWN 06/15?>0 736 706 13 cum 105 53 6 21 67.8 ( .10 WN% 86-12 DOWN 09/10?>0 7.24 713 N/A .005 017 59 8 Am6 57.0 R. WNw 8612 DOWN 09m/90 7 30 724 < 10 < .u s <.005 60 0 m2 30.4 < .10 WNM 8612 DOWN 10/23/90 7 41 726 < 10 < 010 .018 62.3 .050 60 2 < .10 WNW86-12 DOWN 11/0S?>0 731 730 < l .0 < 1AE .010 58 0 < .050 65 2 < 10 7 1 Quality standards for Class GA groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703 5 2 Measured in mhos/cm at 25'C 3 Monitors the construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A Not available E-6 TAllLE E . 4 1990 Total Metals for the liigh level Waste Storage and Processing Area (mg'L) location flydraulic Sample Arwnic Ilarium Cadmium Chromium tron lead Mangenew Mercur> Selenium Siher Sodium Code Pmillon Date I 30 .03 "QualityStandards *" .025 1D 01 05 30 .002 .01 .05 < 20 WNM 80-02 UP 02/05SO <.005 < .05 ,005 016 9.3 hu9 .076 < Ant <.005 <.010 2.2 WN% 80 02 UP GI/12SO c.005 10 < . 005 < .010 3.3 < Ad .078 .0LOS <.005 <.010 4.9 WNM 8042 UP OWUSSO <.005 .10 .0u6 .016 1.7 < .005 .038 < D nl < .CO5 < 010 4.7 WNW80 02 UP OW14,">0 <.005 < .08 .010 < .010 1.2 < .005 .036 < Ant <.005 <.010 39 MhTV80-02 UP 09/10h0 <.005 .17 < .005 < .010 .% 003 .030 < Rol <.005 <.005 < 5.0 WNM 80.02 UP 09/26SO <.005 .099 < 005 < . 010 4.2 .013 .079 < MXM < nd <.005 43 MhTV80 02 UP .10/24/90 <.005 .10 .009 < .010 3.3 .0u9 R4 .0012 <.005 <A6 11.3 WNW50-02 UP 11/07hD <.005 .10 < .005 < .010 8.9 .026 .0M < Ant <.005 < M)5 56 WNDMPNE! DOWN 02/0M>0. c.005 .I1 < nd .014 6.7 Ri6 .33 < D ni < 005 <.010 11.0 WNDMPNE DOWN G8/1230 <.005 .05 < A05 < .010 4,0 < 005 .M < DKM <.005 <.010 9.0 WNDMPNE DOWN 05/31SO < 005 .09 .005 .014 .10 < .005 .018 < Aol <.005 <.010 19.0 WNDMPNE DOWN 06/15/90 < A15 .08 < .005 < .010 .07 < .005 .015 < not <.005 <.010 19.4 WNDMPNE DOWN 09/1230 <.005 .12 A)5 < . 010 2.8 < .003 .095 < DxM <.005 < 005 26.5 WNDMPNE DOWN 09.27S0 c.005 .11 < .005 < .010 3.5 A03 .23 < Ant <.005 <.005 24.2 WNDuPNE DOWN 10/25/90 <.005 < .15 < .005 < .010 3.2 .016 .20 < AXM <.005 <.006 13.6 WNDMPNE DOWN 11/12S0 <.005 < .15 .007 < .010 .33 < .003 .19 < .00iM <.005 < 006 14.0 WNW86 07 DOWN 02/12S0 .036 <.06 As < .010 .21 < .005 Al < Ant c.005 < . 005 17.0 WNW86-07 DOWN 04W)0 < .005 <.05 ,006 < .010 .31 < .005 .57 < .0(xM <.005 c . 010 16.0 WNW86-07 DOWN 05/24SO < .005 .10 < .005 .013 2.6 < .005 A5 < .0006 < 005 <.010 123 WNW86-07 DOWN Ou15SO < .005 .05 .007 < .010 1.4 < .005 .36 < Ann <.005 c.010 10.8 WNM 86-07 DOWN P7/305>0 < .005 < .07 < .005 < .010 .24 .005 ,35 < Ant <.005 < . 010 12.6 WNW86-07 DOWN 09/24S0 < .005 < 05 < 005 < .010 .14 <.003 .29 < nni c.005 < . 005 21.6 WNM 86-07 DOWN 10/24So < .005 < .05 as < .010 .25 < 103 .41 < unt <Ad .007 40.8 WNW86 07 DOWN 11/07S0 < .005 < .05 < 005 < .010 .31 .010 .61 < AxM < 005 < . 005 19.2 1 Quality standards for Class GA groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 2 Monitors the construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A Not available E-7 i i TAllLE E . 4 (continued) 1990 Total Metals for the liigh Inct Waste Storage and Processing Area (mg'L) S 1mattun Ilydraulk Sample A.ank Harium CadmiumChrumlum tron Isad Manganese Mercur3 elenium Silver Sodium Code 1%ltlun Date I 025 10 05 .30 D'5 002 01 05 < ) 'QItality Standards *" 01 WhV 86-08 DOWN 02/1L*4 .N3 .28 .010 .013 24 0 .670 83 < htu < R$ < . 005 19.0 WNW86 08 DOWN N/12f>0 N/A N/A N/A N;A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WNM 86 01 !)OWN 05/24f>0 .011 .15 < n15 .017 15 4 .015 5.8 < un4 < 105 c.010 7.5 WSM 86 08 DOWN OW15?A0 .029 .29 .011 .038 55 4 .0M 7.1 < DnM < h6 c . 010 7.5 WNM 86 08 DOWN 07/30?4 < #6 .11 < A15 < . 010 o ks .005 8.0 < ux4 <D6 c.010 10 2 W S V 86-08 DOWN 09/24?>0 < D6 .14 < ,005 <.010 34 .011 6.8 < RX4 < AUS < 005 13.8 WNW86-08 DOWN 10,24?>0 .012 .16 .009 .014 19 6 .022 99 DAE <nd .007 25.1 .022 31.1 .024 94 < DWM <.005 < , 005 11.2 WNM 86 08 DOWN 11/07f)0 < .005 .21 .011 .014 <.010 10.0 .012 29 < DX4 c .tx3 <.005 8.9 WNM86 09 DOWN 02/12f4 .029 .27 WNW86 09 DOWN (4/12?4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ,010 .15 < .005 .030 21.9 .022 .68 < axM < Als <.010 7.4 WNM 86-09 DOWN 05/245>0 .19 .010 < .010 <.05 nn < a35 < AvM < s)5 <.010 6.8 WNM 86-09 DOWN 06/15?>0 < .005 WNM 86,09 DOWN 07/26/90 .015 .24 < .010 < 010 10.5 < . 005 .M < At4 < un <.007 9.4 < #15 < 010 40 D16 13 < .fnM e 005 c .fx15 9.8 WNM 86-09 DOWN 09/27f>0 <.005 .21 als < .010 8.8 DE .24 .0020 < a)5 <DM 22.7 WNM 86-09 DOWN 10/24f>0 < .005 .23 WNW86 09 DOWN 11/07f>0 < 315 .21 .010 < .010 2.2 He 071 < dxf4 < K)5 (.005 10.5 WNW86-12 DOWN 03/0Bf>0 < AB 33 .012 < .010 2.1 < R15 .11 < DY4 < n15 < IX15 12.0 WNM 86-14 DOWN 04/26?)0 < .005 .35 .010 < .010 1.5 <.Uns .11 < Olx4 < (05 < als 12.0 WNW8612 DOWN 05/31/4 < .005 39 < .005 < .010 0.67 < 105 Dn < Axu < A15 <.010 10.0 WNW8612 DOWN 06/15?>0 .015 31 < JUS < .010 11.0 D15 .25 <ADM < J105 c .010 8.90 WNM 8612 DOWN 09/10'90 .005 .49 < .005 < 010 2.6 < a)3 .12 < n 04 <.005 < RM 13.0 < R)5 < .010 0.92 < #13 .11 <.0004 <.005 < D15 12.1 WNW86-t 2 DOWN 09/27f4 < A15 39 WNME12 DOWN 10,25?x) < .005 .45 De < .010 1.9 < 103 .11 < #tu <.005 < DE 12 4 WNM 8612 DOWN 11/08f>0 < .005 .44 .009 < .010 13 .015 .10 <JOM < n)5 < A15 11.0 I Quality standards for Class GA groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 Monitors the construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A Not available E-8 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ . . _ s . ~ . . _ . _ _ _ , TAllLE E 5 1990 Dissolved Metals for the liigh leWI Waste Storage and Proccaing Area (mg/1.) Imcation lisdravik Sample Arwnk liarium Cadmlum Chromium tron 14ac' %anganew Mercur) Scienium hilser Smilum Code Pos.lflon Date "Guality Standards b" 025 1.0 01 D5 .30 025 .30 m2 .01 .05 < 20 (  % NM 80,02 UP 02/05 *>0 < .0[6 .07 <.005 <.020 < .05 < .005 .014 < .055f < 15 < .010 . 2.1 WNM 80 02 UP (M/12?JO <.005 .00 <.005 <.010 < .05 < .005 .010 DX15 <.005 <.010 5.3 WNW80 02 UP OM6?>0 <.005 .10 < 005 <.010 < .05 < 005 .020 < Dr4 < 25 < .010 48 WNW80 02 UP 06/14?>0 <.005 .10 < 005 c .010 < .05 < .005 Am < DKM < .ud <.010 4.5 WNW'0 02 UP 09/10S0 <.005 .13 <.005 <.010 < .05 < DD .005 < D ot < .005 <.005 <50 WNW80-02 UP (fh%">0 < .005 .09 < .Did <.010 < ,02 c.003 .014 < MK4 < .0M <.005 4.4 WNW80-02 UP 10/24M)0 <.005 .10 c.005 <.010 < .05 < DB .011 <An4 <.005 < R$ 26 WNW80,02 UP 11/07f>0 <.005 .096 c.005 < .010 < .02 < D u .013 < DXM <D6 <M6 49 WNDMPNE DOWN 02/0V>0 </XB .09 <nd .011 < 05 <.005 085 <am < 005 t .010 12.0 WNDMPNE DOWN (M/12/90 < P)$ .05 <,005 < .010 < .05 < 016 .017 < M14 <M6 <.010 91 WNDMPNE DOWN 0.2/31f>0 <.005 .07 .005 <.010 < .05 < h6 .012 < D XM <a6 <.010 21 0 WNDMPNE DOWN 06/15f>0 <.005 11 <.005 <.010 < .05 < nd .016 < Dx4 <A6 <.010 26.8 - WNDMPNE DOWN 09/1200 <.005 .10 <nn <.010 .10 c.003 Ant < ANM <.005 < D)5 25.2 WND%lPNE DOWN 09/27f30 <DB .092 <#6 c.010 < .02 < .003 .022 < .Di nt <.005 <.005 23 7 WNDMPNE DOWN 10/2V>0 < AB <.10 <.005 c .010 < .05 < m3 .071 < ani <33 < uih 16 0 WNDMPNE DOWN 11/12f>0 < As <.15 < .0u5 c . 10 .05 < nn <An < Mot < A15 <DE 12.9 . WNM 86 07 DOWN 02/12f>0 .012 <.06 < A15 -<,010 < ,03 < D15 58 < unt < m5 <.005 19.0 WNL 17 DOWN 04A)9?>0 <.005 <.05 < .0M <.010 < .05 < nd A2 < nnt < A15 <.010 17.0 WWBJ7 DOWN 05/24?>0 <.005 < 06 <.005 .010 .91 < m5 .39 < Dx4 < A)5 c .010 13.7 WNW86-07 DOWN 0415/90 < DB < .05 (.005 <.010 < .05 < A6 .012 < Olni <.005 <.010 14.8 WNM 86-07 DOWN 07/30S0 <.005 - <.05 < 005 .016 < .05 < .005 D45 < DXM - < D15 <.010 13.5 . WNW86 07 DOWN 09/24?)0 < 35 < .05 c.005 <.010 < .02 < un ,24 <MM < 25 <.005 20.0 WNW86-07 DOWN 10/24?>0 < 25 m < 25 <.010 < .05 < m3 ,26 < .tuM < 315 c.005 16.6 WNM 86-07 DOWN I1/07f>0 <.005 < 05 < als c 010 < 02 < ,003 A3 < Dnl <.005 < Als 110 7 1 Quality standards for Class G A Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 7015 - 2 Monitors the construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A - Not available E-9 ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ ___ _ _ ~___ TAllll E 5 (continued) 1990 Dissobed Metals for the liigh-lesel Waste Storage and Prxessing Arra(mgl.) Imation flydraulkSample Arwnic liarium Cadmium Chromium F.a lead Manganew Mercury Selenium Siber Sodium Code Position Date " Quality Standards I*" 225 l.0 .01 05 30 D25 x .002 01 .05 < 20} WhM 86 08 DOWN 02/12/90 D12 E. <.005 < 010 1Rio <.005 8.200 < 0004 c.005 <.005 15 0 WNW86 08 DOWN 04/12f>0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mhh 86 08 DOWN 05/200 < 205 < .0th <.005 2 14 5to < 005 5.800 < .tml <.005 ( .010 8.9 WNW86-08 DOWN 06/15/90 <.005 20 <.005 < .010 .yX) <.005 7.000 < Ant < 005 <.010 9.4 WNW86-08 DOWN 07/30/90 <.005 .110 < AIS <.010 .810 < n d 7.900 < .00N <.005 <.010 11.8 WNM 86-08 DOWN 09/24/90 <.005 .094 <A6 <.010 .400 c.003 - 7.000 < Dni <.005 < 005 13.5 l WNW86-08 DOWN 10/24SO <.005 .100 c.005 <.010 .500 < 003 9.000 R109 < D)$ <.005 93 i WNW86-08 DOWN 11/07/>0 <.005 .090 <.005 <.010 .160 < 003 5 300 < unt <.005 <.005 10.9. WNW86-09 DOWN 02/12/90 <.005 .095 < 005 <.010 .030 <.005 .010 < DXM <.005 < R)5 9.0 . WNM'86 09 DOWN Gl/12/90 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A <.005 <.010 WNW -9 DOWN 05/24/90 <.005 .170 <.005 .015 .050 < .005 .011 < .0tD4 7.4 ) WNMA ,,9 DOWN 06/15/90 <.005 .160 <AB <.010 20 < .005 .005 <MW < #6 <.010 8.9 l WNW86-09 DOWN 07/200 <.005 .160 <.010 c .010 .050 <.005 .019 <sm <.005 <.007 9.9 WNW86-09 DOWN 09/27/90 <.005 200 < 405 < .010 .U20 < .003 .012 < .0 04 < 005 <.005 93 WNM 86-09 DOWN 10/24l90 <.005 .210 <.005 <.010 .050 < 203 .013 <Dm <AB <.005 7.6 WNW86 09 DOWN 11/07f>0 <.005 .210 <.005 <.010 .020 <.003 A* < .00N < n)$ <AM 10.0 Mh'% 8612 DOWN 01'0v)0 <.005 .150 <,005 <.010 .290 < n)5 .091 < Dos < R15 < 005 11.0 WNW8612 DOWN 08/200 <.005 380 < A15 <.010 360 c.005 .088 < Dnl < RM <.005 15.0 %h%'86-12 DOWN 05/31/90 <.005 330 < .005 c .010 330 <.005 .07, < Dos <.005 <.010 11.0 MWW8612 DOWN 06/15/90 <.005 320 <.005 <.010 390 < .005 D)4 < DXM <.005 <.010 11 8 WNW86-12 DOWN 09/10/90 < 005 .450 - <.005 <.010 .430 <.003 .093 < AXM <.005 <.005 12.0 WNW8612 DOWN 09/27/>0 <.005 .410 <.005 <,010 .450 < .003 .100 < AxM c.005 <.005 12.0 WNMwl2 DOWN 10/25/90 <.005 320 <.005 < 010 390 <.003 .099 < 304 <.005 < 006 12.9 WNW8612 DOWN 11A18SO <.005 310 < n15 < .010 .320 < 003 .079 <.00N < 005 <.005 11.7 1 Ouality standards for Class GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 Monitors the construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A Not available E - 10 i l TAllLE E . 6 1990 Radioacthily Concentrations for the lingh lesel Wuste Storage and Processing Area ( Cl/mL) location Ilydraulk Sample Grou Alpha Grou lteta Trhlum Cs 137 Co-M (' ode Iusluon Date ""'Depanment of Encqv qCGs * *"+ 3.0E4s 1.0E 06 2.oE03 3.01x6 5.Olia j g "*"Ouality Standards *"" lSED8 10Ek 2.0B4 N/A N/A j WNW8042 UP 02/05/90 <8.321!10 < l.70l!#l < l.00E 07 < 3 71i4E < 3.811-08 WNW8042 UP N/12N < l.98E4) < l.10E41 < l.09E 07 < 3 71!-08 <3bE4B WNW80 02 UP 06/05 % < 4. FEE 0) <l.671!#1 < l.00E4)7 <37E4* < 3 81!42 WNW8042 UP Oyl4f>0 < 3.31F#1 < l14Ev> < l.00E-07 < 3.7E4m < 311146 WNw 80-02 UP 09/10f>0 < 1.72EdJ < 135EV) <l.00ll.07 < 3 711-08 <3AE4* WNW80 02 UP 09/26f>0 < l.23E#7 < l.0KI!#1 2.99 2 1.141!417 <3.?E46 < 3 Bli4* WNW80 02 UP 10/24M <l.36E 01 2.48 s 1.72 E#> 2.132113E47 < 3.7E4* < 3.81!-08 WNW8042 UP 11/07f>0 < !,30l!#7 <i.37t!#J < 9M E4s < 3.7E4s < 3 8114m WNDMPNE DOWN 02A4'10 <l.251!#1 8.011.57E48 434 21.21E. 7 < 3 7E4A < 3 81108 WND%1PNE DOWN N/12f>0 < 9 88E 10 3.71 1.3713 08 21921.16E-07 < 3.7ti4E <3AE4s WND%1PNE DOWN 05/317)0 < 4 94110) 1352.07607 7.47!1.30E07 < 3 7114* < 3 8608 WNDMPNE DOWN 06/15/90 8 31 2 7.281!.09 1.43 1.0811-07 1.131,14 E-06 < 3.71i-08 < 3.8638 WNDMPNE DOWN 09/12f>0 < 3 81EM) 1.332.07607 8 2311.29E-07 < 3 711-08 <3hE08 WNDMPNE DOWN 09/27/>0 < 3 49E#1 1.64 * .08t!-07 5.W +122E07 < 3.7E08 < 3 SEE WNDMPNE DOWN 10/25/90 < 336114) 1341.30F4A 6.N e l.25E47 < 3.7E08 < 3 8608 WNDMPNE DOWN 11/12f>0 < 4.22E#) 5.932 51608 5.3221.21607 < 3.7E4m < 31114* WNW86-07 DOWN 02/12/>0 < 136E#1 3 fd12.18E01 <l.00607 < 3 7608 < 3 8E4m WNW8647 DOWN Nt9f>0 < 2 37E#) 4.3321.72E01 < l.13507 < 3.7608 < 3.81!-08 WNW86 07 DOWN 05/24f>0 < 2 82Ev> 4 %22.00U4) <l.17E07 < 3.7E08 < 311!-08 WNWs6 07 DOWN 06/15/>0 < 3.701i#1 4 4122.14tiv> < l.0011-07 < 3.7E48 <38E48 WNW8647 DOWN 07/30fM) < 5.53Ev> 4.46t 2.10l!#1 24521.131107 < 3 71!44 < 3.811-08 WNW86-07 DOWN 09/24f>0 < 2 65E-09 2.74 2.35114 8 1.24 t l.llE07 < 3.7E42 <38E4E WNW86-07 DOWN 10/24f>0 < 2.211i0) 6.% 2 521i46 Ifor t.12E47 < 3.7114* <3.8E08 WNW8647 DOWN ll/07f>0 < l.38E-09 '5 2.25 E48 < !.00E-07 < 3.71!-08 < 3 8E-08 i L I ! Quality standards for Class GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703 < l<.. Monitors construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A . Not available Note: Gross alpha DCG as Am 241; gross beta DCG as Sr 90 E - 11 i 1 TAllt.l; I 6 htmtinued) 1990 Itudinuethily Concentrations in the liigh.lrul Wr.hte Storuge and l'rocening Alen 0400ml) i m .iu.n ii>4,.rw s.mrie c,om mon . c,oo ii,i. i,ni m c..i it co+0 co le l'oslikm 1).ie m unment of ow qcos ""- wi:a ie. ~ 20iE ni:3 seib l ~"~o ~ouanty stansann "" 1. sea t wo 2wn Ns Ns  % NM k64A ILWN 02/12?M < 3 701 JN E 07, l 571:#' 4.1101:47 < 3 71 -Ok < 3 LIUs WS%86*a DOWN (4/12?-U c l 15lMN 71*il92tMN 1.7411201:47 , <3?la < l klM* WM % 86*n DOWN 0334?o i Ul #< 9.0! t 2. lFUe) < 1 (01'47 < 3 79 * < 3 ElR$  % NM 8648 I)OWN OYli?M 1321Mn h7912341Mri 6461131:4/ < 3 7tME < 3 kta WNM 86-08 DOWN 07/WM < 4 4ll!#J 1.44 t.291M4 52)i1.241!47 <371W < 3 %lMA M
    • cwa 648 UOWN (NA4NO r 3.511!#1 139131MM 2M11471!47 17198 < 3 klMW M NM k6 48  !)OWN 10/24 "U < l.77t MO B 9112 351~-N < 1 (0l!47 < 3 711 < 3 klMR
    %N%3648 DOWN 1147?M 2 'n12.761MN 8 58 2 2 '.71M9 2.72113hl:47 a.1/I M A < 3 klM*  % NW 8649 DOWN 02/llfo < 6 44f MW 2 (*11NL!47 1941 lfl:3 ( 3 71MM < 3 ki a h WNM h64W DOWN (4/12?M < 3 871Mn 2 (41.thl! 07 I rdi.131:a < 3 7tMm < 3 tim
    • A
     % NWo649 I)OWN Da/24fM < $ 361Mn 1 701.121:47 2141.16t?& < 3 71MH < 3 Al:46 WNW864 A DOWi! (tJ13fM 5 4hiS371 A0 2.451.10l!47 1.921 If,lMwi < 3 71'4* ( 3 klMm WNW46>'9 DOWN 07/2(."M < 5 R$1Mn 2 711.111! 07 2151.161'er, < 3.71Ms < 3 Elia *A N% t44P' [)OWN (nr21?ar ( 2.731Mn 2.511.071!47 2 031.161Mr. < 3 7t Mm < 3 klM*  % NW8(. Uv DOWN 10/24?M < 2 731Mn 2 312.10lt 07 2 Ol t .151Mwi < 3 71ME < 3 klM* WNu a649 DOWN llN7fM < 7.871MN 3toi.llD07 1.301.141:a < 3 71Mm ( 3 klM*  % NV 8612 DOWN OlWM < $ 0nlMN 1/ Mil 45 tMN 2 461.17tMr. < 3 7tM* < 3 6tME WNM A.12 DOWN 04.?vM < 7,lP!! 09 < l.911M9 3(N1.19184 <371:a < 3 hlum WNM 8613 DOWN 0$/31fM <$45tMN < 187t MO 3 021.191Mri < 3 71MW < 3 blia WNM 8612 DOWN frvl5SJ < 3 60lMn <lMIMN 31811.201'a ( 3 7tMs < 3 klus  % NM 8612 DOWN Ui/10?M 9 28 s 6.431M4 < 19614n 2 611.171:a < 3 71M6 < 3 81: <* WNM 8612 DOWN (0;77?M < 5 80lMN 2.1012 0llMN 2.931.lkita < 3 71:48 ( 3.EINE ~ WNW8f.12 DOWN 10 5 ? o < 2.771M9 < t holM9 2 811 thlM6 < 3 71M* < 3 ht 4* WNM f.612 DOWN 11A C M ( A90l!#1 < l.WIMn 2 k01.1h04 (17tME < 3 81Ms 5 C 1 Quality standards for Clan G A Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 7015 2 Monitors construction and demolition debris landfill (CDDL) N/A Not available Note: Gross alpha DCG as Am 241; gross beta DCG as SrM) E - 12 l TAllt.l. I: 7 1990 Water Quality n for tiir in triti1.lyuld Wustivirtutm(nt l'a(illt) (mg'id 3 l.m muott II)dtmullt hatr I t'ond ut t h it) llW Phe tech 10ll Chlot 6de NHrale.N hulfate l luoride (kle Posillon Dale k (Juulity Starkluf h t *** 63.k3 NcA N/A (kil N/A 250 U) 23 0 15 WNM 564to UP 01 m "Al o KM 1519 1.2 c . 9 th .020 320 31 4f,0 .11 WN% E644 UP (W2ts*Al 6.93 1950 2.5 .010 < .010 440 26 h6 0 < 10 %NM8644 UP 05/23?A) 6 62 2070 23 (4la e, s .(u '5 47N .(15 7 K12 * .10  % Nu n64m UP (tvl5?A) 6 71 1872 22 < . 9 17 017 452 .lH 65 8 ( .10 M NM &6.N UP Oh'15?M 6 31 IM3 34 120 .079 375 14 $2.2 e .10 M NM nt,.06 (JP 09'24 ?M 6 32 1725 46 015 OM 357 23 78 0 ( 10 WNWEG& UI' 1025?U 6f7 14 % 23 < 010 023 291 40 82 4 < .10 WNu k64 6 UP ll Ae 'A) 6 3r. I Vl7 24 ( .H H 028 227 20 69 6 < .10  % NG%I.1 P 1)OWN 02.'21?M 6 49 490 h$ < JUK < 010 41 0 ha 35 0 ( .10 WNUNILl;P 1)OWN (W24 "A) 63B $49 < 10 < 107 010 57.0 .59 f.R 0 . .10 WNG%l:! P IX)WN (h W 'Al 6 th #J1 < l .0 < JR0 (15 7 71 0 .44 530 < 10 W N U NI.I.P 1)OWN Otvl4fA) 6 42 625 < 10 ( 96 026 76 4 h7 4'J 6 < 10  % NGst.l.P DOWN O Mr>?Al u As 7tv, < l .0 < De .029 95 6 .40 63 2 <- 10 WNG%I't.P l)CWN 09/24?A) 6 35 707 <l0 307 .011 92 1 .74 64 3 < 10 WNGNI.I.P DOWN 10/24 ?A> 6 31 659 10 < ulk .026 54 0 MO N6 0 < t 60 M NG%ltP 1)OWN llMA'AJ 6 22 559 < 10 < . 0 18 .322 59 1 63 40.0 < .10  % NNIMi45  !)OWN 01'21?M 6 'A s 956 26 ( (t6 .020 60 0 .59 hir < .10 M N NP008 l)OWN (W24?O 7.07 lt03 1.8 < HJ7 b40 %D .69 110 ( 10 WN%l%!5 DOWN 06%*>0 6 77 IM 2' < (w it. .017 107 3. 73 0 11 WNsl4108 DOWN kil4?>0 6 94 1(01 22 D* .014 112 .78 54 3 ( .1d WN NIMeOS DOWN 09J10?Al 6S9 N'A N/A .010 .016 91.8 .h 60 12 M NhP008 DOWN 09/24 ">0 6 ko 'A o 2.9 < .n m s als 82 t .71 61 1 < 10  % N Nt4ml8 DOWN 10/24?Al 6 82 875 2.2 < 11H 013 74 0 3A 72 4 < 10 l M NN hio8 DOWN ll AIR'Al 6 72 h4 1 l! < D6 .011 76 7 .25 m < 10 I I  % NM 80.05 DOWN 01'21 rAJ 6 77 851 30 < JX H < 010 110 57 57.0 < .10 M Nu nd.05 !)OWN (W24'A) 738 720 2.1 < It
    • 019 92 0 '8 h6 u ( .10 WNW80415 DOWM ltA15?A) 6 91 771 (10
    • D6 .O r>4 94 8 . .".9 4L4 19 WNM 54 05 I)O W N OtJ15?As 6 95 iM 4.3 < 107 < D25 %3 t*9 50 0 12 WN% 80 05 DOWN 09:10?M 6 94 695 N/A .u ita U.6 148 .15 612 .12 W'iM 80 05 !)OWN 0976?Jo 6 89 700 19 < ON <DK 72 3 44 31 2 15
     % NM 80 0! DOWN 10.74 'Ai 6 98 710 14 < D6 .lfo 91.5 .41 4R2 15  % NM ho.05 DOWN 11/12?A) 6 h% 744 < 10 < JO7 .011 102 17 56 3 ,10 1 Quality standards for Class GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 Measured in mhos/cm at 25'C N/A Notavailable I E - 13 1 I i 1 i i TAllt.1: I: . 7 (continued) l IVXi hter Quality Parameters for the Im.lcstl Liquid Waste Treatment l'acillly (mg/L) twation ll3dreolic kniple pil Condutiliity
    • 100 l'l*enolm 1011 Clitorlde hittate N Nulfate fluoride Code I*osition Date
    '" Quality Stalidards "* 6343 N/A N/A Xol N/A 250 10 250 13 } WNM 8044 DOWN 01f2W>0 6 69 747 4.3 < De < .010 36 0 .23 140.0 .13 WSW8044 DOWN N'21a>0 69) 405 35 < As c .010 MO .26 IV10 < .10 < Da (A5 <., 05 77 4 .10 WNW8044 DOWN Otv0$f4 6.14 734 1.2 .030 WNM 8044 DOWN (t/14fM 6 96 700 1.7 < .007 D)5 h6 4 18 < .10 WNW8044 DOWN #1/10/90 6.40 994 N/A .020 .025 3.5 24 149.0 .12 WNM 8046 DOWN 09/27/M 6.33 VM 4.2 < um .017 43.2 57 180.0 .10 "W8046 DOWN 1074/90 638 883 < 31 < #M DN $60 .bl 110 .11
    • W 8044 DOWN 11/07f>0 6,20 7H9 10 .012 A(> 77.u 9 78 112 0 < .10 WNM 8643 DOWN 02/Zif>0 7M 933 30 ene < .010 140 1.1 27.0 < .10 WNW8643 DOWN M/21% 7.52 012 2.1 < um .010 160 An5 19.0 < 10 WNM 86 03 DOWN 05/24?>0 7.24 910 23 <107 < #6 131 < .050 40.8 < 10 WNW8643 DOWN W/15/M 7.22 915 2.7 <1107 3 17 121 91 42 8 < .10 WNW8643 DOWN 07AF>fM 1.23 9b < 1.0 <. us .012 154 1,3 37.R < ,10 WNW86 03 DOWN tr/24f>s 7.13 959 24 < #2 At> IM .40 46.7 < .10 WNM 8643 DOWN 10/24f>0 732 978 r,10 <As .010 154 1.R 27.4 c .10 WNM 8643 DOWN 11A M 0 7 31 973 < 1.0 <De < .(o$ 156 33 33 6 < .30 Whv8644 DOWN OwifM 7.16 922 5.2 < ne < .010 140 1.7 10 0 < .10 WNW86 04 DOWN N/2MJO 7.44 926 <l0 < #2 < .010 130 1.40 49.0 < .10 WNM 8644 DOWN 05/21% 7.14 928 < l .0 e ne < .005 t. .11 48.0 < 10 WNM 8644 DOWN (tvl%fM 7.18 912 < 10 < DE A4 led 1.1 40 4 < .30 WhM8644 DOWN 09/11a>0 7.22 932 < l.0 .t44 .005 155 .92 87.0 < .10 WNM 86 04 DOWN 09'24/90 7.13 931 < l.0 < Af> < .(65 143 .29 N/A N/A WNM 8644 DOWN 10.24/90 7.}l 951 < 1.0 < Am 38 154 .kh h4 < .10 WSvs644 DOWN 1IAm/90 7.39 948 <l0 < as < a15 142 .97 57 8 <. 10 WNM 86 05 DOWN 03/Ulf>0 6 64 814 7.81 .C27 .027 21 8 < .10 62.1 .30 WSW8645 DOWN N/26/90 7.0K 600 11.0 < .010 N/A 68 < .10 46.7 .!!
    Whw8645 DOWN (WAR % . 6.77 M8 12.3 < .010 N/A 19.5 < .10 70 8 .11 %W86 05 DOWN W/21/>0 637 911 11 9 < .010 < .010 17.2 < .10 63.1 .12 WhW8645 DOWN 09/12?>0 639 832 15 9 < 910 < .010 15 61 < .10 48 0 .12 ,14 l WNM 8645 DOWN (n 77/>0 a51 'J1(- 11.96 ,039 .071 32.5 < .10 73.2 Whws6 05 DOWN 10/24'90 0 65 727 11,9 .012 .012 16 0 < .10 51.6 .12 MMO645 DOWN 11/12/90 6.55 738 133 < .010 011 14.7 < .10 50.7 .th I' Ouality standards for Clau GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 7015 2 Measured in mhos/cm at 25"C N/A Not available EN TAllt.l: 1: . 8 1990 Tolut Melats for the in Irul I.lquid Wanir Treatenent racilliy (mWL) Iwallun flydraulle Nample Arunkitselum Cailn. lum floomium lton 14md Mangenew hiettury Nelenium Ether Nudium Omle raillon Date * *Qudlily Standahh * *
    • 013 10 0I DA 3' 015 Y 101 DI A6 <l WNM 8646 UP 01%% < A6 46 e #6 <=010 2.3 <b6 43 < Abi <D6 <Ad 249 i WNM 864 UP N '2(OM .NO FJ (o5 < .0 dl $R D/J 2.8 < Dr4 < 105 <D$ 3.M WNM 86-Ot> UP 05/21"JO < .005 13 < M6 < 010 1.6 <A6 26 N/A < /05 .010 245 WNWA6 06 UP (6r15?JO < Ad Jr> J107 <.010 1.4 < 105 20 DOS < fo$ .011 2% }
    WNE $64 OP OK/15?JO < Ad .0h1 < JKd < 010 . .75 < ud 2.2 4070 <nd <J110 2'd WNW8646 UP (FJt24?N < JUS Jev < A6 c ,010 .19 < A13 1.8 D W3 < fo$ < 105 28 , WNM864 UP 10/25?>0 < Dd .16 AF! c .010 L2 <DG 97 < D ol <#6 < Jf 4 190 3 WNM *6 06 UP ll/DK"JO < #6 <.13 ,010 < .010 .62 <Ad 31 < D ol c .Ou5 < Joi lho %NG%I:l:P DOWN 02/21?>0 < Ad .07 < R$ <,010 < .05 <n$ < .010 < An4 (A6 < R$ 94 i WNG%I:l:P DOWN N/24.w < D$ .12 Air, 4.010 < .05 <ud =010 < At4 < nd < .010 9.9 V'%UhtlT DOWN OfA6% .: 305 .12 #3 <.010 < 16 <Dd < #6 < Dr4 < ud < .010 11.7 WNUhl:I:P DOWN Orvl4?>U < Rd ,13 M* ( .010 < .05 <Rd < D6 < ut4 <36 < .010 - 12.V WNUsl.l:P DOWN 07?n">0 < 103 .13 < Ard <.010 < .05 <R$ < Ad < Ax4 <n6 < Jo7 16.7 WNONIEP DOWN (FJ/28?>0 < A6 .14 < Dd <.010 .0% < D)3 D6 < Mnl <D3 e ud 19.5 WNU%I:l:P DOWN 10/24.">0 < Dd ,12 < D6 < .010 < J$ <M0 < A17 < Dr4 <D6 < um 31.0 WNUSEl:P DOWN llAm?Jo < 105 c .13 305 < .010 .48 .013 < D17 < Du4 <nd < AJS 14.1 WNSPNia DOWN 02/2tf>0 < 36 .09 < JUS <.010 c .05 <Ad 1.6 < DK4 # 16 .012 44 0 M NSPons !)OWN Nr24f>0 < A6 .09 .011 < 010 .05 < Nd 1.7 < Dt4 <M6 c .010 41.0  ; WNNPons !)OWN Orvt4">0 Ad #1 .lo? <.010 .07 < A6 1.7 < Dt4 <Rd < .010 $34 WNNP008 DOWN Oyl4?>0 < .005 .08 A6 <.010 69 0 < D6 26 3 07 < Ad < .010 $1,7 i WNSPuoS DOWN 09/14w < Ad .11 < A6 < .010 < .05 <Do 1.5 < Dt4 <M6 < A3 60 0 WN%'008 DOWN ffF24"JO < DB .076 < Ad c .010 .077 < fo3 1.4 < D ol < hti < A6 $8 2 WNstwa l)OWN 1(V24hD < Ad .10 407 <.010 A, <.003 2.0 ADV < jos .053 51 0 WNhl%8 DOWN llWJO < A$ < .13 as <.010 46 <A6 2.5 < Aoi <Ad < A6 30.t. WNM 8045 DOWN 02/21?>0 < Rd .13 e .005 < .010 31 <R$ 349 < Aid . < Jo$ < A$ 21.0 MNM8045 DOWN N/24?JO < J04 .11 .010 < .010 14.0 .011 AA < Mnl <36 < .010 22 0 WN% ko 05 DOWN Ord6?J0 < A6 .12 < A6 .026 24 3 AFJ J*7 < #(4 <MB < .010 26 5 WNWR045 DOWN Orvisf>0 < .005 #1 D6 < ,010 14.8 < M6 .10 < A(4 < Jo$ . < .010 22 4 i! WNM 80 05 DOWN 09/10?JU < M6 .22 < D15 < .010 7.4 403 DJ < DK4 < ' * ' < A)5 3R 0 WNM PG-05 DOWN 09/2($"Jo < M6 10 .013 < .010 31 4 .019 .074 < Ani < AB 26.9 , WNW80-05 DOWN 10/24?>0 < Joi .10 As < .010 17,3 Ad Als 3012 < A6 57.6 %hWA045 DOWN 11/12?JO < A6 .18 JUJ .012 f,4 0 .016 .12 < D 68 < JU5 < D 6 - 2L7 l i I Quality standards for Class GA Groudwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 i E . 15 1.._-. _ - - . - - - . . - . -..--.- .- - . - - - - - - .--.- - - - --. .- . . . _ ~ - _.. __ _- _ - _ - - .- - _ . _ - . _ - . . . _ . _ _ - TAllLE E II(continued)  : 1990 Total Metals for tiir im Irul Liquid Wusle Treatment Facillly (mg'L) Imellun flydraullt Sample Arunlt flatium CadmlumChromium Iron 14md Manganew Menut) hilenium Siber Sudlum Code l'esttion Date " Quality Standards I'" .023 th .01 .05 30 .0 15 30 m2 hl .05 < 20 ) L ~_ ._ - _ . _ . . . . . -_.__.___ _ . . . WNul044 DOWN 02/20No < 105 <.06 < a6 <.010 .44 D r> 1 f> < DrA < 36 016 7.9 WNW8044 DOWN 04'2YJ0 < ud 48 #37 c.010 30 < 36 31 < D#4
    • R$ 105 10 0 WhM 8044 DOWN ofA6ho <105 .05 < #6 <.010 1.3 .027 52 < A14 < ud ( .010 11.2 WNM 8044 DOWN (rv14N < A6 .07 .W7 <.010 .26 < 305 7.8 < nK4 < 105 < hio 94 WNM 804S DOWN (h/10hD < .(o5 .41 < R$ < 010 <,0$ Jo3 3.2 < DR4 <nd < JO3 12.0 WNW8044 DOWN 09'27/4 < 105 21 <.005 < .010 61 .013 1.9 < As4 < Ax6 < D6 12 6 WNW8046 DOWN 10/24fM < A6 #J .011 <.010 14 .009 4.2 1014 eR$ < De 27.7 WNM 8044 DOWN tl.tl1/A) < #6 .12 < R$ <.010 39 .017 7.9 < fanu < nd < And 16.2 WNM 8643 DOWN 02/2tho < D6 19 < 105 < .010 12 < 105 .0 15 < nt4 (ad ur> 23e WNM 86 03 DOWN bl/2VJo < R$ .22 ne e .010 .83 <D .013 < uol <R6 107 26 0  !
    WNW86 03 DOWN 05/24N0 < h05 .25 < A6 c.010 .95 < M6 h30 < amu < 005 < .010 22 6 WNW8643 DOWN OV15M A07 29 hil .013 19.8 .014 <D3 < D o4 .014 < .010 22.6 WNM 86 03 DOWN 07Mf>0 < 105 22 .010 .013 42 < 105 .14 < of64 < 105 < 107 26.ft WNW86-03 DOWN OW24hD < M)5 .26 D6 ,013 30 84 .13 < Aol <A6 < D6 31.4 WNM 8443 DOWN 10/24No < 36 .26 # 17 < .010 1.8 R13 .05 Dal <ud < D w. 65 2 WNM 86-03 DOWN ll/(ENO <D6 .27 DE < .010 1.5 #4 .05) < Dx4 < 96 < jo5 29.9 WNM 8644 DOWN 03/Olho < 105 .30 < ud < .010 5.0 A6 36 < Aol <b6 AE 33 0 WNW86 04 DOWN 44/26ho 107 .26 h!! < .010 17.0 .010 .25 < DK4 < 105 A17 28 0 WNW86 04 DOWN 05/21N0 < .005 .25 .010 < .010 6.h < Ao5 .13 < D(4 <AM < 105 25 1 WNM 8644 DOWN Oul5/>0 K6 31 ne < .010 10.1 RE .20 < AK4 < 105 211 21.6 WNW8648 DOWN 09/12h0 .010 .41 018 h27 24 4 .02N Al < Mnl < R$ < M15 29 2 WNM 8644 DOWN 09/24/90 < R$ 10 ui8 .014 69 M6 .16 < not < a6 < nd 26 7 WNW86-04 DOWN 10/24/90 < 105 .34 < .005 < .010 12.1 As .th < AK6 <A6 c Ar, 63 2 WNW8644 DOWN 1146N0 A6 .4 I .010 < .010 17.3 < .010 28 < Ant < D)$ < h6 27.6 WNW86-05 DOWN Orolho DE JE4 < at2 .018 2.k2 A9 5.650 < uo2 < 002 c .010 27.8 WNM 84 05 DOWN Gir26h0 .005 A*8 A)J .031 3.77 + 002 10 80 < /Jo2 < A12 .013 Mi WNW86 05 DOWN misho < h50 .114 .003 .021 1 11 3 12 10 90 A102 002 .014 63.4 WNM 56-05 DOWN (6/2thu .007 .l(6 M)3 .012 3 92 < 312 9 870 N/A < h02 .013 70.6 WNW86 05 DOWN (N/12/90 3 18 .10 103 .014 2 65 < Ao2 9.189 < Do2
    • Pt .0h) (A 8
     % N% 86-05 D;)WN (N/27/90 AN .I19 003 < .020 5.0a < A12 10 60 < D102 < 102 * .010 67.2 WNW864'% DOWN 10/24No us .103 DI) .013 4.56 < A102 9.290 < D o2 < Jo2 .015 46 0 WNW86 05 DOWN ll/12hD RN .101 R4 413 4308 < Jo2 9.489 < AiO2 < A12 .015 46 71 I Quality standards for Class G A Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 E - 16 - - -- - - . . - _ - . . - - - - . ~ . - - - - . - - . - - - TAllLI: I: . 9 1990 Dlu0hed Metain for il e telrul 1,lguld Waste Treatment Facility (mn'IJ l laation Ilydraulk Saniple bunkItatium Cadsmum Clitomium Iron tsad Mang:nnew Mettury Aelenium Niliet sudium i l Code PonHavn llate ** QualityStanduid$ ' NL1 lh DI US k h13 5 A01 NI h5
    • 2U WNW86 06 UP 01Wo <M6 < .05 <D$ ( 010 < 05 < 1md Al ( Du4 sud <D6 210 i WNM 8646 UP N/2WIM <105 < 06 < ' 05 <.010 < 05 < (f6 67 < nau ( (46 <D6 140 I WNM 8644 UP 05/21% < fo5 h6 < 146 < 010 c .05 <A6 M < Dv4 < ud < (16 275 WNM 8646 - UP Oul$fD <1A6 .07 < 105 <,019 c .05 c .005 1.0 Did <nd <.010 301 WN6 86 06 - CP (AV159) < 105 (te ( 105 < 010 < 14 36 .91 < W4 (A6 s .010 294 WNW8646 UP 09/24?Ai <105 1*1 <#6 c .010 h49 < 103 1.2 < D#4 -<A$ < u d -250 WNM 8646 UP 10/25th < ud <.15 <u6 < 010 h6 < 103 .95 c hA4 < 105 < &i6 224 WNus6 06 UP 11 2 % < 105 < 15 ( ud < 010 1m < 103 42 < nu4 < 005 c ud 2td WNGSI:f? DOWN 02/21N0 <105 < R, < 1t6 <,010 < 05 < .005 < 01 < u nt <M < A6 11 0 I WNUSUT DOWN 64/24?>0 < ud .12 < 105 < .010 c .05 < un c 01 < 1xu4 c ir:5 c.010 11.0 WNUNI1P DOWN OMe>0 < ud .12 107 <.010 < 0% < 104
    . < 105 < 0W4 <36 < .010 14 4 WNUSI:17 DOWN Ortl4?M <MA .12 <36 <.010 < 05 <M6 < #6 < Dn4 < (A6 c.010 12 4 WNGSI:17 DOWN 0757930 < A)$ .11 < 105 c .010 < .05 < 1o5 < 105 < tuA < tid < 107 15.5 WNGSI:f{P DOWN 09/24M) < ud 15 < ud <.010 < .02 <ud < D6 < uns c ud < 105 19 0 WNGSD:P DOWN 10/24S0 .:ud .14 <36 <.010 < h5 <A6 < (07 < Rnd < 105 <M6 15.2 WNGSl:l'P DOWN ll/ORW C A6 <.15 < ud c 010 c. h5 < ud < 107 c uA4 ( 105 < (05 15 1  % NSP008 DOWN 02/21rh < A6 .09 < ud < .010 < .05 < 001 17 < OX4 < DJ5 R$ 48 0 WNSP008 DOWN 04/24^*0 < ud .09 a vi c .010 c 05 ' < 1o5 17 < (not < .005 <.010 47.0 WNSP908 DOWNOGWM r ((6 .08 .005 <.010' < .05 < 105 1.8 < (KW4 <D6 < .010 61.8 ' WNSPous DOWN 06/14MJ < 005 is < 105 <.010 15 c. #6 1.7 s und ~ <Jo$ <.010 61 8 WNSP008 DOWN 09/10?M < 105 <.07 < fos c .010 <.05 <.003 1.4 < Mol c ou$ <u$ 56 0 WNSP008 DOWN (N/24SO < 315 ,076 < DJ5 <.010 < 32 <ud 1.4 - < (un <ud <ud $6.9 WNsP008 DOWN 10/24S0 <.005 1m < ud <.010 <.05 <103 < 107 1o21 <ud < us5 51.7 WNSP008 DOWN 11/08SO < 06 <.15 <M6 < S10 <.05 < 103 1.5 < # 04 <D6 < 105 54.3 WNM 80 05 DOWN 02/2tho <.005 13 <nd < 010 .12 <36 .025 e n(4 <nd <36 24 0 WNM 80 05 DOWN 04/24NO < .005 ,11 ( 105 c.010 1 <ud 213 < #ni < uis <.010 26.0 WN% 80-05 DOWN OUD5fm <R$ .10 <.005 .013 16 . < ud AA < AWA <M6 < .010 31.3 WNM80 05 - DOWN Orvl5fM <u6 .12 < (US <.010 .73 <Ad .095 < 0(#4 <nd < 010 32 1 WNW8045 DOWN 09/10,% <.005 .08 <ud < 010 54 < 103 as <1u4 < 105 < fo5 36 0 WNW8045 DOWN 09/2u90 <.005 16 - (W6 <.010 $3 <36 .076 sfuA < 1o5 < 1o5 .161 i WNW80 05 DOWN 10/2450 <.005 .12 <36 <wo .48 <D6 .019 < Dn1 <.035 < 105 28.0 WNM 80 05 DOWN 11/1230 <105 < .15 < 005 < .010 .46 < 103 < 107 < 0u64 <36 < av, 28 0 s 1 Quality standards for Class OA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703..i i N/A - Not availabic l E 17 -_._ . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . ~ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ . - , . . , . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ _____ __ 1 l l l TAllLl; i: . 9 (continued) 1990 Dissobed Metals for the In leul IJyuld Waste Trealment l'adilly (mg'lJ laation lipitaulle Sample Arwnic liarium Cadmium Cheumlum fron Isad Manganew Metsury klenium Mhet kwilum Code 5%Illun Date 0* Quality 5faridards *H .025 1.0 .01 .05 56 .025 .30 .0U2 .0I .05 < 20 WNM 60 06 DOWN 'C20f.0 <D6 < R, < #35 <.010 lm < AoS 14 < air 4 c ud < A6 8 'a WNW80 06 DOWN N!11*>0 < us is < 005 <.010 .11 <nd 2.6 < not <h6 < 010 13 00 WNMWW DOWN OM6/Jo ead 07 <.005 <.010 23 <D6 5.1 < m4 < DJ5 < .010 12.50 WNM 80 06 DOWN Oy14f>0 t.005 .08 < #15 <.010 .29 < ud 7.0 < A04 < Ad < .010 11.50 Whws046 DOWN W/10/90 <.005 .10 <M6 <.010 < .05 <.003 3.7 < avl < ar. < 96 11 00 WNW8046 DOWN M/27/4 < JOS .12 < 36 c.010 .12 .012 4.2 < M K4 <ud < 105 12.10 WNWso.06 DOWN 10/24f>0 < 105 .10 < J105 <.010 < .05 <.003 33 .0012 < 105 < #J5 13.00 WNM 80 06 DOWN !!/07/4 c .005 - .11 < DJ5 <.010 .054 <ud 5.4 < AX4 <ud < A6 15 60 - WNuo6 03 DOWN 02/21/>0 <.005 .25 < R$ < .010 < .05 c .005 .026 < Ar4 C A6 < #35 27.00 WNWs6.03 DOWN N/2190 <#6 .21 <.005 <,010 < .05 < 315 Alo7 < .0004 < Itd - < .010 2919 WNW8643 DOWN 0$/24NO <.005 .23 <M6 < 010 < .05 <.005 .007 < M4 < 36 < .010 26 k0 WhW8643 DOWN Qu]3f>0 A6 .23 <.005 <.010 < 16 < u15 < 146 < A04 < AIS < 010 28 ho WNM 8643 DOWN 07%90 <ud .19 un .013 <. 05 < A6 um < Act < 335 < a)7 27 80 WNM 86 03 DOWN 09/24f>0 <M6 .23 <.005 <.010 < .02 <.003 D6 < D et < D6 < 105 31.20 WNW66-03 DOWN 10/24% <b6 .24 r 005 <.010 < 05 ( 103 A07 1015 < 105 < D>$ 32 00 WNM 8643 DOWN1tK6% < 105 < .15 2D6 <.010 c es < liO3 un < not c lo$ < SJ5 31 8 WNW8644 DOWN 0101/>u <.005 .21 c.005 <.010 J4 < #J5 .03 < Da4 <M6 < .005 29.0 WNWs644 DOWN N/2M>0 < 105 .17 cM6 <.01n < .05 <D6 .0M < Ax4 <A6 1 05 30.0 WNM 8644 DOWN 05/21"JO <D6 .22 < 105 < .010 < .05 < JU5 025 < A01 c.005 < D6 28 2 WNWs6 04 DOWN Oy15/90 < ud .27 < D>5 <.010 .11 <A6 .054 < D et < nd < .010 27.1 WNW8644 DOWN 09/12f>0 < 1K6 .29 <A6 <.010 .10 < A03 R2 < #04 <h6 < als 30.4 WNWs644 DOWN 09/2WO <D6 .33 < R$ <.010 .16 <Ad .058 < RX4 < A05 < D$ 28.0 WNWA644 DOWN 10/24/90 <nd .32 < 105 <.010 17 <.003 167 Dui < 105 < R15 30.0 WNW86 04 DOWN 11/OR/90 <nd .26 A6 <.010 .12 <#6 .05 < D 08 - <A6 < A6 29.2 WNW.16 05 DOWN 010lf>0 R12 .078 < .;iO2 .017 .8M n)7 5790 < A02 < u!2 < .010 2A2 WNWs6 05 DOWN N/2Wo ad .09 102 .018 2.88 .003 11.20 < .uto2 c A102 .011 %9 MhWA6 05 OOWN 090%0 < .050 .112 303 .022 4M 102 10.70 3 02 A02 .015 63 8 WNw 8645 DOWN "/21r>0 #s ,12 n)3 .023 5.8' 004 11.10 N/A -< #12 015 73 4 WNM 36 05 DOWN 09/12f>0 .008 .10 M)2 ..w .. r2 9.20 c .0002 < A;2 e .010 E3 WNW86 05 DOWN 09/27/90 .010 .115 #4 < .020 4.40 ,4 . 10 60 < A102 < a)2 < .010 67 4 WNW86 05 DOWN 10/24f>0 .010 .1N A4 .014 4.38 < ' 9.450 < Aio2 < a)2 .015 46.1 WNW86 US DOWN 11/12/>0 u]N .098 .003 .012 4.21 < w2 9.258 < A02 < A12 .014 45.96 I Quality standards f . Class GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 N/A Not available E - 18 TAllt.1: 1; .10 lWO itudioactisity Concentratluns in the tw inal 1,lguld Waste Trralment I'mlilly (nCUml.) lastion llpirtwlle Narnple Crust Mpha G rma llela h 6llum 06-137 0o40 Code Posillon Date MEm 3 H;* '"*Depanment of Encip Df"Gs '* "'* 1 Hl" 2 M AS NA %Er N!^ ) ""* Quality Standards 15E4* I Vl'" 2 01:45 ) WNM 864 UP O1 W N < 2 All 49 < 4 3(.liet < 1910417 < 3 71 4m < 3 k14* WNW 8644 CP N!?6?N < 2 (Al:4f/ < 6 701:49 < l (FJIi 07 <37E46 <3hE48  % NM 864 UP 05/21W < 8.241 #> ( 5.73E4r# < !*E47 < 3 71 M* ( 3 ht'A* WNM 86-06 UP (rdl5 *>0 <$931!#1 7.2A1619f'#1 < 1 (0!'4)7 < 3 71'4m <3tE45  % N% 864 UP 08/15?M < 3 891 #d <5391#1 < 9 k41Ms < 3 71:48 < 3 61!46 WNM $64 UP (0/24 W < 6 (Al? #1 6 K5 t 6 %I:47/ < l .(OE4J7 < 3 ?! A8 < 3 ki' A* WN% 86 06 UP to25% 4 3414 4%li#1 < 5 911MO <1171'-07 <37148 < 3 b1:4E WNM 8644 UP llAMMM <5401:40 <554tMW ( 11h1:4)7 < 3 71!4* < 3 hl!48 WNU31:EP 1)O W N 02/2t?O < 2XI:40 27512051 4n 936t 1321:417 < 3.71:46 ( 3 hlMe WNUSEl:P DOWN N!24 % ( 2 67114FJ 31711361i40 B h611Xili 07 < 3 71:46 < 3 kl 4m WNU%l:l:P DOWN ((Ard90 < 3 871:4 71 43112.10E#1 88211311:417 ( 3 71 Am < 3 FI'A)B WNGSI'l:P DOWN (td14 % < 5 231!#) 4 5B! 2 ft,l:49 1 021 0 1311.06 < 3 71!4m < 3 ttE4m WNG$l:EP DOWN 07Artw < l.261!#8 31921931:4r> 2M t0 74147 < 3 7liam < 3 EE4m WNGsi:1.P DOWN (n/2470 < 3 201 #1 6.5311611!4" 817s l3Rl!47 < 3 71:4* <3kE4*  % NMt.l-:P DOWN 10/24 W 3 3112 651!4N 4 2212.1304n 6 7211.231: 07 < 3 71!48 < 3 81Ms M NGNI:l:P ()OWN llAAW ( 4.3ki:4N 30711821!49 B Mi tyt!417 < 3 71!4m < 3 hl'Mm WN NP008 DOWN 01'21?>0 < 2 731!#1 4 58 2.521MIK 7.012.291:4 <371!4* <3E!!48  % N hP008  !)OWN (W2VJO < 5 20li#1 3 20 t. 4f.lla S hM1 261:4 < 3 71 4* < 3 t1:44 WNSP008 DOWN (#d4% <5331!#1 S l72 (ol!4m 5 92 1.261! 4 < 3 71:45 < 3 hl!4th WNNP008 DOWN OW14NO <k741!40 6 012.61114
    • 6 052.271! 4 < 3 71'46 < 3 hl!46 WN SP008 DOWN 09/10?A) < 518E4h 4751351!46 *> 304.19Em < 3 704* < 3 81Ms WNSP008 DOWN (9/24 % < 4341 ## 4 912 36E46 736 t l.26E417 < 3.7E4s (361!46 WNNP908 DOWN 10/24 % < 7.551:#3 530* 3hlWs $ 492.251!4 < 3 /l!4s <381!48 WNSP008 DOWN ll AE.% < 6. lllMN 4 212.531!4* 5 452 25E4 < 3 71ME < 3 81MM WNM 80 05 DOWN 02/2 tro < 5 NE4" 46311911!#1 935133eli.07 < 3 71!4e < 3 Al!4e
     % NW80-05 DOWN N '24 w < t 04E## 3 781 L7blM9 63411.261:07 < 3.71Ms < 3 81:46  % NM 80 05 DOWN (EJO5?JO < 4 M!!#J 3 kN 12 091 49 9111135U.07 < 3.71MA < 3 kE4E WNw 80-05 DOWN (W15?M < 5 061MW < 2 061!4n 1 212.141 & < 3 7tMm < 3 81Ms WNM 80 05 I)OWN 09/10. % < 3 06ti&J 2 372 2.(NIMN 7.90 1 1 341'.07 s 3 71MA < 3 81!45 WNW80-05 DOWN 090ftw < 6 841!#> 88721.93E #1 4 79t.230M < 3 7tMs < 3 klids u 5% $0-05 DOWN 10/24?M < 4 liiENJ < l.851!#1 6352124 ti.07 < 3 71Mm < 3 x1146 WNM 8045 DOWN 11/11 % <$33E#1 3 45 2 2 051'4N 7(*21280-07 < 3 71Wm < 3 EIME 1 Quality standards for Class G A Gmundwater are from 6 NYCRit Part 703.5 N/A Not available Note: Gross alpha DCG as Am 241;poss beta DCG as SrM) E 19 TAllLl: i: .10 (continuedi 1990 Radioacthily Concentration 6 in the Imlestl 1.lyuld Waste Trralinent Fallit) (uCl'mt.) lumuon ll3 draulle hample Urm Alpha Ceose lis ta Ithiven C6137 Ca40 Oule l'usillon Date , g-30lM8 3 0lM6 2 OIM!3 300M 3 0lM6 '""Dfparfmrnf o/Unrtp ljCG5'"" '""QuahtyStundards " 131M4 1.0l!46 20l!45 N/A N/A , -. .. . _ .s i WNM 80-(4 DOWN 02/20fJo 5 4341MN 3 N 2 2.270#J 64211.261!47 <371:a < 3 blMe WNM 8044 DOWN N/2WO < 6 02]Mf/ 2M 2 ] Ml!#J 1.201 141M6 < 3 71ME ( 3 filMe WNM Bude DOWN (rdti*>u < 3 tolMN 2 9621951!#> 1.151 141Mr. < 3 71Mm (3 klum WNW804% DOWN (Yvl4f4 < 2 4KlMN 4 4)s 2.thlM7J 1301.141M6 < 3.71MR < 3 blME WN% 8046 DOWN W/tta"o < 6 711MN 41122261!#1 1.011013[M6 e. 3.7t M4 < 3 klM4 WNM 8044 DOWN W/27/4 < 6 OllMN 1.21 * .211MW 594*1231bO7 < 3 71Ma < 3 kiME WNwl044 DOWN 10/24f>0 < 9 67F#J 7.27* 2.540#' 4 8710.7BibO7 < 3 7tMS < 3 kIME WN% 8046 DOWN ll/07f4 < 5 251MN 41312.141'A/J 1.422 0141 M6 < 3.?t M* < 3 81M4 WNM 8643 DOWN - 02/21/J0 < 4 70E0J l31132195 t.141M6 < 3.7tMA < 3 hlMe WNM 8643 DOWN W2.WO < 7.4 3lMN  !.221.311M8 8.791130E 07 < 3.71ME < 3 RIME , WNM 8643 DOWN 05/24fM <5 MIME 3 41s t.951M* 9.f la l.311M17 :3 71Ms < 3 blMW WNwa6 03 DOWN (W/15f>0 < 6 911MN 1.34 2.14 f Ms 142:014tM6 <37144 < 3 hlMe WNM 86 0) DOWN 07Af/f>0 < 6 351MfA i 162351MW 9.7810 891M17 < 3 71Ms (3 kIME WNM 86M DOWN 09/24f>0 c 6 670#8  !!>H 2.40lM4 1.1420131M6 < 3.7lM* < 3 hlM* Whwk43 DOWN 10/24f>0 <RlW4J 1422 370 04 131 s 0.141Mo ( 3 71M4 < 3*lME WNW86-03 DOWN 11 AWA) < E.991MN 1.472 36tME I (610.131M6 < 3.7tM* < 311M8 WNM 8644 DOWN 03AllM) < 2.lilMr 2 95 t.121!47 9 0511331M)7 < 3 71M6 < 3 kiM* WNW86,04 DOWN Nr.ta0 < 4 461MN 4 752.151bO7 l l* * .14f Mm < 3.71M2 < 3 ElMW WNW8644 DOWN 05/2PJO < 4 931MN 6 372.171M)* 1.14 2.141M6 c: 3 71M6 < 3SIME WNM 8644 DOWN (tvl5f>0 < l.171M* 4 27s. 151!.07 1321.14lM6 < 3.71M8 < 3 hlM* WNw8644 DOWN W/11*>0 < 4 231!#1 5.25 1,100-07 125 * .14 tM6 < 171Ma < 3 hlM* Whw8644 DOWN (f#24f4 < l 161M* 4 fa t.16fi47 _1.131.131M6 < 3.71M* < 3 81M* WNM 8644 DOWN 10/24 *JO < 6 861609 5.202.171M)7 1.95*.lllM6 < 171M* < 3 EIME WN% 8644 DOWN ll AWJO c l.0904* 5.741.lkibO7 1451.141Mb < 3 71M5 < 3SIME WN% 86 05 DOWN 03.0ifN 3.29t 4 99EMA 2 (d)x 021M13 1.421.591Md < 3.71M* < 3 8La WNW86 05 DOWN N'26'JO $3924 791MN 1.761.OllbOS 1.592.60lbui < 3.71Ms 3 8[MW WNWu45 DOWN OMWJO 83927.MIMN 3 212.02E45 2.16 t.071bO3 < 3.7tMe s 3 BIME WNW86-05 DOWN (6/21rm - - < 7331MN 3342.021!45 1.701.061505 < 3.71M4 < 3 61MB , WNM86 05 DOWN W/12fM <l.081MA 2.322 031W5 1.53* 05E 03 < 3.71MW < 3 BIME - WNw86 05 DOWN 0917fm < 103tM* 1082.03E 05 1.732 E lbOS < 3 71M4 < 3 8l (* DOWN < 3 kiM6  ;  %%w86 05 10/24 *>0 < B.481!#3 2 852.031605 If31.00lM15 < 3 71M* WN% 86.u , DOWN ll/12f>0 c l 02tMs 2.901.03tM15 130t.0$1505 < 3 71M* < 3 slME I Quality standards for Class GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 N/A Not available Note: Gross alpha DCG as Am lil; gross beta DCG as St 90 , 4 E - 20 TAllt.1: 1: . Il IWO Water Quality l'arameters for the NitC IktnuJ Dhgunal Area Groundwater Munitoring Unit one;ly 1 imtion flydempik karnple till Condut tb H; ' ' LOC Phe noli lull ( idoride Nitrate N Sulfate l luoride Code l'osition Date ( *Aguahty$IaIulanh- ~ A0 5 N'^ N'A *1 N '^ 250 10 Y l5 ) WN% 8 bill UI' m M7aAi 7.75 2K7 x 40 ( Ja* < Asis 60 .15 D2 42 M NM 8klD Ul* Ofc l 4 "A) 7.73 2h? Iu ( 98 c lad 74 *. ! S 1( .2 27  %$%8FlD Ul' (WJ19"A) 7M 2hh N,A s .014 ( .4 6 63 20 MO .27  % NM $Li D Ul* 07A)."A) 7.70 257 Rl .0.'O N/A 52 .10 40 JJ WNu s) ID t 'I' 0)/24,*A) 7 93 2'11 ( lO < 3s* MD E8 24 60 40 WNM ahl D Ul* la'2PA) 7 h6 283 < 10 < 1HM < 1nd k2 .046 40.0 .40 WNM 8 LID UI' ilNK*A) 734 2V/ 1.3 <(6 < f t6 62 < 05 177 .V  % Nu k610 DOWN 02/0lM) 8 19 628 20 < 18 35 <.010 1.7 .051 lis, 13 WNw s610 DOWN Ou21/90 7 82 694 36 < 012 c .tKJ 21 c 05 105 .11  % NM 5610 DOWN (t/2V>0 8 01 737 12 4 < >x)? < lnd 1.6 ( ,03 119 1.- WNM 8610 DOWN (6'28 "A> k 13 702 13 6 < um .(W)7 1h 05 IW 11  % NWM.10 DOWN ll!!2/A) k 20 H6 12 < 419 x13 <10 < (6 93 0 < .10 WNWh610 DOWN 11/3a#1 8 12 673 $h < us < As6 43 166 94 0 46  % Nu k610 DOWN 12 % *A) 73As 67/ 15 2 c. 010 ( ,010 43 N!A 75 6 .16  % SM 8610 DOWN 12/1.t?A) 7M 722 12 4 18 vi .013 5.1 .16 320 14 WNM 86.ll DOWN 02N1?A) 72 43 30 < Jal7 < 010 <10 .12 Ifa .18  % NWs6 il DOWN OW')7?A) 736 751 63 x Jun .017 25 14 200 .16  % NW86.l t DOWN 06dl?A) 7 82 N.' A 19 < 0U7 024 2.7 19 206 .th WNw E61i DOWN 06/2MA) 7.l D NJA 33 < Tr)7 c. (n6 16 < 03 239 12 WNM 86 ll DOWN 09/IPX) 736 hU 14 059 010 ( 10 ost 2u 17  % Nw a6.i t DOWN 09/27fA) 742 KM) 32 < 1k 6 .u s 7.2 .11 46 4 17 WNM &6 il DOWN 10/255A> 7.52 MC 26 ( .010 .013 $0 17 175 14 WNM 8611 DOWN llAH.90 7 44 h4') < l .0 < JK6 < 46 < l.0 <.050 182 16 1 Quality standards for Class G A Groundwater are from 6 NYCitit l' art 703.5 Measured in p mbMtn at 25*C N/A Not available l l E - 21 TAllt.L L .12 1990 Total Metals for the NRC.llcensed Dhposal Area Groundwater Monitoring Unit (mg/L) Imcellun flydraulk % ample Arseek llarium Cadmium CWmlum tron 14ed Mangnewne Mercur) Selenium Mliet k.dium Osa Pash6on M,, _ _ _ __ _ , , , ~ _ _ _ , _ , , _ _ , , , *H .025 10 .01 h5 30 ,025 .V) 102 .01 .05 < 20 "'GuahtyStundards WNM 83.l D UP OWO7f>0 105 A5 210 .0% 23 3 .010 41 c .0(4 < 105 < .010 15.8 MhW831D UP W/14f>0 .020 Al JKf3 Alt 3.1 .011 .14 < .314 < 105 < .010 18 4 WNM 81811 UP OW19f>0 < JoS 87 Jof h23 10 4 IXf3 lb c .und < A05 < .010 15 8 < .010 < .010 16.7 c .0t$ .26 < J:14 .011 < Jo? 19,1 WNW83 lD UP 07/01">0 107 .82 WNW B).llt UP (n/24f>0 <.005 .M < #6 < .010 2.7 < 103 .13 < Am t.4 < fX6 < JOS 19.0 WNM 81 lD UP 1(7190 < JKB 'Y JK8 < .010 1.9) < Jo3 14 .0015 < 1t6 - .023 39.7 WNM 65.ID UP IUONfJo <.005 o 107 < .010 36 < 103 .14 < 1t(4 c.UUS < .0l6 18.0 WNMM 10 DOWN 02M1/>0 < (05 .12 A'S .0 76 7.4 .016 .it < JtW4 < 1X6 < .010 n0 WNM8610 DOWN (4'2Ifso .0t* .11 .0&> 140 163 .029 30 IWilI < 105 < .010 62.5 WN%8610 DOWN OW268>0 #6 17 < 105 .073 11.2 142 .25 < Jund c us .015 66.4 WNM%le DOWN 06/2&a>0 < 1*i5 .11 < 0L6 164 14.7 .031 .38 < 1x K4 < Jud c .010 (A 4 WNM%lo DOWN 11/12f>0 Aki .10 < nd .018 56 .02I .16 < 00ru < 105 < .010 712 WNM M.10 DOWN 11/2&*>0 .013 912 < Jts .025 2.1 .0;A .15 < itK4 < .005 < 105 58.0 WN%M 10 DOWN 1244*JO J16 10 Jo? 28 5,52 .025 .169 < Ro2 <.002 .062 63.9 WNMM-10 l)OWN 12/13r>0 .007 ,15 < 36 .059 11.9 Jul .35 < Aur4 < a6 < m3 70 6 WNW%ll DOWN 0001f10 .014 .16 R W, .270 41.0 < 105 .78 < Dun < 25 < .010 (J.0 WNWM ll DOWN 0@7/90 .010 .10 fx4 .110 27.8 .027 .47 < xxr4 < 105 < .010 ml DOWN (vrtf>0 .0u5 .09 < R$ 219 10.5 JzlN .19 < AGl ( M6 c 010 55 2 WNMM 11 DOWN OLcOU <.005 .11 < D6 .016 7.3 .014 .13 < D(4 < JOS .015 54 6 WNM%ll DOWN Oma>0 < 105 .05 Jos .035 7.5 .020 .20 < 1* 04 < Jos < 105 e4 0 WNMhil DOWN 09/27t>0 <nd < . 05 < .lo5 < .010 26 105 .11 < usu < ns < D6 64 8 < .15 Jos Jo7 < jatu <as .012 61.0 WNMM.II DC NN 10/15f>0 <A6 .012 1.9 .11 %NMM.II DOWN 11AEf>0 < 105 . ' .15 109 .012 2.4 A* 166 < KK4 <. AR$ < A6 50 4 1 Quality standards for Clast, GA Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 E - 22 'V'- L TAllLI: I; .3 1WO thuuhed Metals fue tig NRC licensed Disposal Area Groundwater Monitoring Unit Ungt) Immuon lijdraiulk brngde Arwnic listium Cadm6utuns emium tron land Slanganese SleHur) %elenium Silier N.dium Posithm Date ' Quality StundJtdt *' US IU Ul US 30 U5 M Ul1 U1 U5 ** MNM8LlD UP 06N7?M N/A N/A N/A N,A NrA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WNM 8 LID 01- uril4/'M < .ud .75 0.9 .015 < 05 < 105 .12 < und < 46 < .010 18 R M Nw sblD UP (Wiv?M < M25 .77 116 c .010 <: .05 (105 .11 < .ti R 4 ( 105 c .0ln 20.3 WNM 8L t') OP OfSW < .005 h4 < is 6 <. 010 Av < JW6 11 < 9u4 . <#6 <.010 IN 9  % N% 8klD UP 09/24?M < AUS Al < 386 <.010 147 < (03 .12 < 984 c los < 105 19.2 WNw sklD UP 10.'21*Jo < .06 <. 10 < 46 <.010 < .05 < 103 .12 < _.o rd < JOS < .0 6 21.8 WNM 8 LID UP 11AWM < 305 < .15 < 105 <.010 ( .05 < 003 < 107 c ut4 < ft6 < um 14.7 WNM 86-10 DOWN 02J0l?M ' A'S .07 105 .012 < .05 < 005 .027 < us4 < A05 <.010 72 0 M Nu B610 DOWNOW21?M < .36 Jm < 386 < .010 < .05 < 1o5 .024 <Jata < .96 c 010 1c4 WNW8610 DOWNOu2VM <Jt6 .07 < Isd ( 010 < .05 < 005 351 < Jun < 005 .015 87.7 WNM 8610 DOWN Ou2s?m < Jud <m e ((6 .020 < .05 < 9 6 142 < .o r4 < Jts <.010 87 3 WSM 84-10 DOWN 11/12/>0 D6 .05 < 105 < .010 .05 < 003 J42 < .0 54 c .0 6 < .010 72 5 WNM 8610 DOWN ll/2W90 D6 D4 ( JX6 < 010 < .02 < M6 03F. < nN4 < 105 < 105 (Ah WNW8610 DOWN 12W>0 .46 167 JW 6 < .010 < .01 < Jo2 149 < 9 02 < 102 < 010 67 9 WNW86-10 DOWN 12/13?M < #6 359 < A6 c. 010 < .03 <A03 .14 < 9n4 < 305 < 105 70.4  % NM 861l DOWN 02/013M <R6 .05 < ,06 013 < .05 < 305 16 < ur4 <.005 < .010 67.0 WNM 86 ll DOV'N 06/07?M <fx6 06 < Jud .021 < 05 < 0(6 .038 c und < 96 < 010 72 4 WNW86 il DOWN OfWl?>0 < 005 .06 c .06 < .010 < .05 < 105 .0M ( Ju s 4 <D6 < .0 0 73.2 WNw 8611 DOWN OW26?M < E3 .07 < .4 6 <.010 < .05 < 105 146 < DK4 < 36 .012 71 1 WNM 86-1i DOWN 09/13/90 < M6 < .05 < .9 6 <.010 < .02 < '03 .0'n < DW4 <n6 < 305 66 4 WNW86 il DOWN 09/27?4 <M6 < .05 < .4 6 c .010 < .02 < Jid .0M < .O NM < 105 <ud 63 1 WNM 86 il DOWN 10/15?JO < 105 < .10 < Is6 < .010 < 16 < D6 M9 < .O n 4 ( 305 < Ja, 67. .  % NM 86 ll DOWNll?CM ( 105 < .15 < D6 <.010 < .05 < 103 341 < .O n 4 < MIS < D15 61 6 1 Quality standards for Class G A Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR Part 703.5 N/A Not available E - 23 TAltl.I' 11 14 IWO itadioatthity Conantrations in the NRC lkensed Disposal Aira Groundoalt r Monitoring i nil (nCL'mid s mple crow Airha crow 14 4 t rinum r$.137 re -60 llydesulk Cmle Poshion Dale 3 0lw I K4 2 01:
    • 3 3 01 4 501 4 l ""'Dcparrmou vf fwg ljcG5 ""' 10l Ao 201 05 N 'A N'A 151'JW
    ( ""'Guality Standards - . " " ' UP WO7 % < 1 10l!40 2 7111771.-UJ < 10:15 07 < 3 71 A A < 3 blJE WN% 831D %NMR3.lD UP W14 VJ < 1251 40 3 M i l.75124 f) 3 25 t i l6INO7 ( 371 4 < 3 hl?N OY19 % < l 211i40 < 1 r 31X <1001:.07 < 3 71'.Oh < 3 bl'4m  % NM S3.ll) UP MNuR3.lD UP 07N3?O < 126199 1 '## 1 I Mt . d 4 < 1 O JI'All <3 71 Alh < 3 hl:4 UJ/24 "M ( 73h1310 3 751122114f' < l (01 4!7 <37114M < 3 bi'JN WN% B 3.lD UP UP 10'2Ph ( 8 011: 10 < ! 741MF1 115 t i l3E*7 ( 3 71 4* *: 3 hl- M  % N% 83.l D UP l l.N*?>0 < !$11 AN 2.6511621'4r> (1101 07 < 3 71 M 6 < 3 klMA  % N d 8 3.l D WNM h610 DOWN 02 VI?>0 < 2 941.49 5.h12 291:4/i < 1 n t** < 3 71:M < 3 bl'4*  % NWE610 DOWN OW21?M ( 1331MO 4 3122101:4" 2.1811.131W7 < 3 71 a < 3 hlW A WNu k610 DOWN LM2f/O < 3 611:47) 7.5312411:Jo S h51122f t.07 <371A < 3 hlw DOWN OU28?M 1 lli .h71'Ai8 h k? s 2 P < 1 u it .07 < 3 7t am < 3 htW  % Nu 8610 WNM 86 lu DOWN llil2?A0 < 4 32149 691122. ( 14 1507 < 3 711N <3kh4* DOWN ll/2K?>0 < l .bhl'4 9 5 2912.1911b ( l uil507 < 3 71iAs ( 3 hl:4*  % NM 8610 DOWN 12M/>0 < l.29118 89012771;40 < l OUE417 < 3 71 AM < 3 blM6 WNM 8610 i WNu 8610 DOWN 12/13?M < 2.f 4!MF) 8 hi 2 441MW < 14 'li.07 <371W < 3 bli4A DOWN 02;tl?JO <1251:4 < 2 291MO <1001507 < 3 7iMM < 3 FlMik  % NM k6 il WO7?h < 6 A61!49 3 8712 091MF) < 1 h'l:-07 < 3 71Mm < 1 Al!JM  % NM 8611 DOWN DOWN  %'21?>0 < 439tM9 51012 2t<lun < 10h1 07 < 3 71:JE < 3 kl4 WNM 8611 DOWN OV2hw < h 3xt:.0's 4 07! 2101Mf) 20311151!.07 < 3 71MM < 3 ki'46  % NM M611  % NM 8611 DOWN UJ/13 "M 4 372 4 2hlM9 4 h12181MO <10o1507 < 3 7t!4* <3bl!M DOWN 09'27f O < 2.971'MN 5 bh114h!M9 < 1 $1!.07 < 3 71i4M < 1 hlMs  % NM 8611 WNws6.l t DOWN los.5?M < 4 5 tiMN 2 4112 22ti4N 1.2411 tilW7 < 3 711M <3hl!4 DOWN ll ACM <4721M9 5 4'712 211M9 < l.571'.-07 < 3 7146 < 381 0M WNM 86.ll 1 Quality standards for Clns G A Groundwater are from 6 NYCRR l' art 7015 N/A Not available E-N L--- - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ TAlllJ. I: 15 Summary of intilal Sampling of Solnied N ew htries Groundwater Monllorint! Wells MTmt.) l ll 3draulk Susuple til Cond m ih Hy
    • Alplia Ikta 1ruiu .i loi ntion Owle Pushion Date M Nw 0103 Ul' 11'27 "U 12 33 16,520 < l O51M)7 * %I .Os $ 4710 7f.lM17 M NM 0104 UP 12/21? O 7 21 M2 ( 35414r) 7L 2ll!417 1.19 2 010lMr.
    M Nu 0105 DOWN 12/21?N 7 12 754 f. 3715 5$1!4r) 1.1120371.4A 9112 0 931Ms7 M N%D106 DOWN IU2h *Al 7 15 1573 < l.161 Mis $ 31 t 3 571 dra 1.83301:l'46  % NWO107 [X)WN 12'21 % 735 Im3 132 3 0 821M* 9 Ult 33tl 4r> I M 10121Mvs W Nu clus DOWN 12 '27/>0 7 71 'm 4 971Mr> $ 531310!Mrs < l ts>lMi7  % NM 0109 DOWN 12'?fd90 7 47 670 < 3 f 'lMr> < 2361 uri 9.24 0.93tMi7  % NWOI10 DOWN 82'2(.fo 735 519 < 2 531Mr> 6 h513 Ni Mr> 5.7210 921M17 WN% Dit t [>OWN 12/2K"AJ 6 f/> 75fi 3 fd i 3..Y>lMr> 3 3'J 2 0 NI MW. 2 23 0131ia WNWoll4 DOWN 12/21?>0 '31 4 '> $ 3 73 i 3 46l M*) 1 k112 72147) 3 % 2 0 MlM17 EN < 21h!Mr> 513 2 2.751'4r> 4 7510 ht.lMj7 WNW0ll$ DOWN 12/2MM 3'3M WNW0ll6 DOWN 12'25f>0 7.48 1267 4. 6.5.11 4r> 10310 %IMIM 14510.lllMI6 WNWO708 Ul' 12 '2K"4 7 f.0 769 c 3191Mr> < 2.551M*) < l lu >lMJ7 M Nu o702 DOWN 12/2Kf4 739 203 77417.191.#1 S th t 3 trel!4f> ( 11 4'7 WNM 0703 DOWN 12 ?MO 734 N71 < 2 WilMr> 4 8212 hhi; #> <1i M17 WN% 0704 DOWN 12' 6 60 1175 12711 lklWM 158 2 0 421MM <. ) .(v il M)7 M Nn0705 DOWN 12'21?>0 74% 462 194 t hrilWrt < 2 4hl'4r> < ! %MJ7 WNM 076 i CP 12/28fAl f f4 619 < 2 2hl 4 r> 73113021 4 71 < 1 Mil?O7  % NM0707 DOWN 12/2R*>0 7.27 h4 < 21llMr> $ 2912 751!47) < 1 thilM17 WN% Dkul UP 12 71?>0 6 hk h01 41713651:4 71 I k2t u ill!-07 9 59 a 0 931M17  % NWU802 DOWN 12/21?>0 6r4 2V1 < 1 171WL < 2 24 t Af> 31910 E21 M)7 WNM 0h03 [X)WN 11/21?O f. 9f. '*1 h 9117 %ll!PJ h 961 3 M l'#1-14410111.4 M NM MG4 DOWN 12nMJO 6 ho 633 < l.holMV) 2 Wit 0 411Ms 32110831!-07
    • Measured inp mhovem@ 25"C E - 25
    e . . m wM w mmy e-a -w._%m TAllt.l: 1: .16 1990 lhidloartisity Concentrations in the NYS . lictused Dhposal Arta Groundnultr hionlliging,l' nil Wgll [fj Sample liste Gem MplaQWLmid Us m itetaOWLmid 14HumoWLmi) pil i ( + sim niny *l101A lul7?M < 310lM" 419 2 2 4ntMr> < i s.w? 7 vi 76) #110111 12/17?n c 6 631Mn 3 26 titol:4r> ( 1 01:4,7 7. v i 943 ellgl(* 12/lWJ < 3 431:4n 131.t 0 371 MW <. l .01 07 73 463 1104A 11 17?* 6 B3151olMn 5.29 2 3 oilMre < 101~ 07 7 u7 8w 110218 IVik"o .170 2 2 7itM" 310 2 2(Al an < lhi 07 7 24 ssa 1103 A 12/20 9 ) < 4 9915 ' 3 20 s 3 ullMrs k35 20'rit'07 7 27 h73 1103ll 12 /2Q- >0 33112901WP $ 96 2 3 oilMr> < 1 o[ 417 7y w, 1120"M " " < 1511x0 " " 1103C ' 12T?A 1104A v 3 921Mn 5 712 31slMn 2 2010 hil A7 7 2V 757 110418 12/2a"n < 4 231Mr> 5 47 e 3 ist <r> < i of Mi7 /43 mg 12/;'n">o " " < 101~.07 767 1978 11040 1105A 12/200 716 24 231:-(r> < 7 #iMn < 101: 07 739 795 110fll 12/200 6 28 24 thlMn 513 e 2 971:#1 1 01.07 7 67 031 *1106 A 1230?m < 7.141 Mn 107 2 alMe 8 gg s ov3tMi7 1 19 1031 e1106ll 12/20?N < 6 251 n 5 W i 3 211Mn ' 3) 2 o 801 A7 7 31 k77 1107A 10c W o 2 14 s 1.101508 117 20 30lw 237soosIM6 6 77 134 Il07A 12/1E?n 1.5111.144* 537 2 3 4kiMn 2.78 s o.lstM6 6 52 1223 *l108 A 12/20,"a < 1.14 t x* 1 26 s 0 44t w s < l olw? 7(a 1392 *1 [f)9 A 12/2WO 3 921314 F#> 4 212 2 h6tMn 3 N
    • O h41Mn 73k 762
    *l10911 12/200 < 1 10lM" 237 2 2 53tMn 2 42 s o salMn kt* 4lk 1110A 122050 < 7.151Mn 1.25
    • 0 441.4 s < l 01 07 6 90 173s tillA 12/ law 7 74 26191Mn 7 40 3 3 421Mn < i 01. 07 69s ((x, hicasured in rnhos/cm@25 C ,
    Upgradient wells Volume too low for sample ana!pis s E - 26 1 o- - - - - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ - - _ K
    t. i , _ ., _ _,. _ ,_ , _ _ ,-..., - .,- . , . , - r.,.._,---_r. - .,- , , - - - , _ _ , - _ ,
    ,, ><c i , i md j ru . ] 1 1 I 1 4 a 1 i r 1 } j = } f 1 ' I T ] I 1 I 1 i . l 4 j tm , l 1 4 8 0{  ; '~~$^e~oi$sT&5T$i~$e N1 $T'$T $ e 'o~sii f s b $ i ~ $ i~~ Y T ~ $ l ~ $ T ~~ ' l'igure Ib 1. Figt.x 0 2. pilin groundwater samples from the low lesel liquid Conductisity (umhoskm at 25'C) in groundwater waste treatment facility. Well M4 is upgradient, samples from the low-lesti liquid waste treatment futility. Well M4 is upgradient. _,__..., ,. , ,___, 3 _ r .._.. ,__7 ,.. _v _.._., . - m r--- T --- - r- v T- T 0 OS . 30 --
    i. .
    e o4 1 I 4 ) ' i ' j 1 in - e os y 2 l 4 - t - 0 02 4  ? l l I I T - e ei l 4 + i o c dradiTM~$T~$T $i~$T'$i~~"q de asne 14 2 ,os de di$< ds l'igutt E 3. Figure E . 4. Total organic carbon tmg/L) In groundwater Total organic halogens (mgila in groundwater samples from the hm-lesel liquid waste treatment samples from the low lesel liquid waste treatment facility. Well M4 is upgradient. facility. Well M4 is upgradient. E 27 , _ . ,.- _ ,.. ,-.. 7 ._7.. , - ,. , - ,,. . , - . , . ,.. 1 .,- 7 7_-.,. , T I
    • l 4
    1 j ... 4 1 4 I 1 4 T } 1 . _ i 2 . La_ 2._ 2_a_a __.a_u - - u n= . n _u a ._t _1 _u 2_ 3 Figure E . 5. Eglure 0 6. Nitrate . N Ongr L) in groundanter samples irom the Tritium actisity 04CL/mt.) in groundwater sampics low lesel liquid waste treatment facility.Well M41s from the low lesti liquid waste treatment facility. upgradirnt. Well M4 is upgradient. l'igure E . 7 follows without well M 5 to provide adequate scaling. . r --- r-- - - T t-- t i -.,...,-_,_,_m_,-y y -.c 7-- r -- 17 ~ } i i  ;  ; l 1 2- ' C..u_ a_n i i .2_.a uu_ad Figure E . 7. 1'igme E 8. Tritium activity 04CL'mL) in groundwater samples Groas alpha artisity 04Cl/mL) in groundwater from the low-level liquid waste treatment facility sumptes from the low-lesel liquid waste treatment without well M 5. facillt. . Well M4 is upgradient. E 28 -_~ ..- - _-. .. - . - . _ . . - . - - . - . . _ . - - - . ~ l s ,__y.~7g-._,,._-,.7.. ' 7 .7- --7 7.- -- ~7 - m . .n bl' 4 - 5 - il 4 - et e . u-r - . k, . . u, , I  : 1 . tt 6 - PIE 7 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 I . 1 1  ! I T I . . - . 1_ _ u.n.__a > a- _L i i - 2.. . 4.__o _.a_1_._2 i i . 2._ M4 OM EP 68'000 eD S aos lo s e6 4 se t 24 QM LP SPUte 60 s 60 0 M8 He l'igure E . 9. Figure E.10. Gross beta artisity ( Cl/mL) in groundwater Gross leta actisity ( CFmL) in groundwater samples 6amples from the low lesel liquid waste irratment from the low lesel liquid waste treatment facility , facility.Wed M41s tipgradient.1 Igure E .10 follows without well M $ . without well M 5 to preside adequate scaling. -t , , r t- , ,__ , . . . -m r ,------ i 1000 '- - I ~ = - I I .T 300 . ,. I ._ m - - i 8 - 1 4 _. a_ __ __ 2._ > i~ * ~ 1 , , , , 40 8 DUPNE iA t et 66 9 es t? M3 DMN p? 24 M0 M tt Figure E. I1. . Figure E.12. pit in groundwater samples from the high lesel Condertisity ( mhos/cm at 25'C) in grcundwater waste storage and processing area. Welt 80-215 samples from the high lesel waste processing und upgradient, storuge area. Well 80-2 is upgradient. E + 29 . , _ _ . . .g . . _ , - - . _ _ - , . _ _,. _ , . . , ..,. - , . . , . . _ _ , . y _ , _ _ _ . 7-_-_.,-__,__._r Pb . OM - ~ ' ,, oc . t6 0 D) - 4 to . o or  ? I i ' , c oi - 1 1 2 0 0 - ..).. .4.. __._L_.--_._.i-._.._1-_.J..L . .L - -.l - _ l .,.- _ A _ _ L - .- L _.~l... - L. . 80 # [MPNC 66 7 66 8 66 9 e617 M2 WiHE 66 7 $6 9 D6 9 66 it l'igure I: 13. Figure 1:.14. Total organic carbon (mg/t.) in groundwater Total orgahle halogens (mgiL) In groundwater samples from the high-lesel waste storage und samples from the high lesel waste storage and processing area. Well 80 2 is upgradicut, processing area.Well 80 2 is upgradient, k 7 7.__.,__,-..__.7__.,__, .
    u. ..
    8 is .t . - a $g j - s on + er , - _ 7 t a 04 - - 3 g .g , _ _2 L_.a 1 ,~._i .t _.a_ _ a _J T t 2 1 i I t_ t g_ to p FWPNC 66 7 66 4 64 D 661f pg g,gg gy pg gg g 39 Iigure 1: 15. l'igure E .16. Nitrate N (mg't.) in groundwater samples from the Tritium actisily (pCL'mt.) In groundwater samples high lesel waste storage ard pnwessing area. Well from the high lesel waste storage and pnwessing 30-2 is upgradient, area. Well 80-2 is upgradient. E - 30 --T^ , , , ,.. _7.. , ., __ r - r-~ -1 1-- -1 1- -T--- - -' r it 4 N -7 at 7 6t g * >F f - t,I 6 , -] i 1 4 ^ di it . VC 1 I i' 11 6 - d il 7 -- I c, - e i.J 2 .J__ _._l.- .1__ .- L__ ..J. ..._.. A _ L. __.1 .__L.-_,.L-~. .L_-. .L u _. to g (M%t M? 66 6 66 9 66 12 60 t L&HE D6 7 66 4 M$ MV l'igult !! $7. I'lgufT I$ + lN. (iross alpha artisily (gCl/ int.) in groundwater (irons betu uctisity (pCthnL) In groundwater surnples from the high lesel waste storage and samplen frain the high lesel waste ste ruge und pngessing area. Well 80 2 is upgradient, prmessing area. Well 80 2 is upgra be. ! F--' ~~-'---~-~~~"'-"- ~~-~~T---~~T ,----x----r-,- r iceo 'o j i 8 . am . . g. 1 *b m [ . 7 d-I- L. i r vo 6 ggg .. ) . . 3c 4 tj.. 1 - - . . ._ _ - -. L -) _ ,_ __5 , _ ___ L _ S3 ID N610 66 i t l'igure 1:
    • 19. l'igure l'. + 20.
    pil in groundwater $umples from - NitC Ilocused Conductisity ( mhos/cm at 25 'C) in groundwater disposal area inonitoring unit Well 8 kit) is samples from the NitC Ilcensed disposal preu upgradient. monitoring unit. Well D la upgradient. E 31 .y.- - g- . - ,. , .~.7.------- .~ 7 ..~...- g.- - -7 ir . os - es I
    t. os .
    I A$ 02 - ^~ ps - 01 .- y, ~** p $ , 1 __ - . x u - 1- .- L ._L---- . u .--- - x ' --~.1-. 651D 66 1o 66 11 k31D M io M 11 l'igure C 21. l'igure E.22. Total organic carbon (mg/L) In groundwater Total organic halogens (ing'L) in groundwater samples from the NRC ficcused disposal area samples from the NRC.Ilcensed disposal area monitoring unit.Well U ID in upgrudient, monitoring unit.Well M lD is upgradient. ______,_-__.,____7.--.____,.. . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o0' M7 o4 - 4g y . _ Os - - gy . l os - - pr ., .. ~T~ -- l oi .- 4 o - o l ._
    a. .-- . . . .u -- x--
    1 -- x _, _ , _ 63.'O 66 to to 11 g3 gp p gg ggg l'igure E . U. Figure E . 21. Nitrate N (mg'L) in groundwater samples from the Tritium aethit) ( CI'mL) in groundwater samples NRC licenstd disposalarra monitoringunit.Well U lD from the NRC Ilcensed disposal area monitoring is upgradient. unit. Well U lD is upgradient. E 12 m. n - - . _9 ;9 -,,. _ - . . . 9 ,- -.p--.-__.-- -y. t[ $ . 1% $ 6L e r kE 6 - 4 I 61 9 bE 6 . } l I i  ! I au ,
    n. .
    1 4
    a. . ne
    ,1, ) o , t .. i --. t _ t _-- l .._2-J o , ,. - ._A _ . . _ - - - ._ ..._-_.4___-.__.L l'igure l', 25. l'igure l', 26. Gross alpha artigity ( Cilmi,) in groundwater Gross beta attisity ( Ci/ int.) in groundwater sampir$ from the NI(C licensed disposal area samples from the NRC licensed disposal area monitoring unit.Well101D is upgradient. monitoring unit. WellIG lD is upgradient. N E. U x <3 s \ \ ')b' . / <.Q' \ e m yl N ~ j -._ q ,! Q-ts-12 A07 \ '202 85 b \ \ i / 703 / h eTd's \ ~ \ 04 ,[ Il/705+70f}{>.IO"/.- j~<'O' . . . - %b s b(//hN 706, ,001Q 004 .. / ([u hg*+BC03 B- N. 'N ' / f 701 N'\ . 105 ,100*1144{ . ./sy 40$ 0 6 07( 2 0- -04 ,1D - ===)  ? 'f f 4Y[y.y giIlock- r,Y , p :3*, a pos ${fD{'(' J 4 / f['mlN ~' 3 x. ~ \ y pfc grL 1. 'g ;103 (a/,(110 uo9 x } s\ }e 1<407, v3 'z*3 '\ j 0 d' - L's y W3 hlg 3g yo3 Nc o$ ' ne .NB-15 v4gp'yykg[tgf.07 ,)/ ' f .[ u N \' f f \ S - -) '*201/) - f 208 / fl107A\ Sx h '202 ,. ,1104A,0,C- . ^ C ib t- 3A S,c \ N/ ( 905 k s ( 'g .- J Q ,9 ,Q-BG-11 4 1 10A e'- 1100 A,0 r 4 90~ N ig i A ,9. + e-sc-0 ,1105A,tih vp sm( ~,ev ,N p qa x e t r j'\ . - 4.s a mzw \ CL J se-  %.V02 9 (giig1A l r- t u ___ ,p -f ._ ' A%  ;- x ,\. 1 ( I- O y% \ (110!(,0 \ ~. yfi[,c? O . M t08A , ~ inon '007Ns s y ,,7 s y '{ ~ Jy0e 1,003 W,/[;,s, ~ g i' - 'ts t004 ,/k% \ .i 'tjk0,C '(~ = <; s \ \00 f , Q(< ,&dL=mf~ y wey '*'" - u \ y- : Figure E 27. Location of On site Groundwater Network Wells including 1990 Installations ) , #g . . . . . _ . ,, s c] - N s  ; <T l \/ ' . _} \ [ .. - _I 's ,r~ m : , ) .  ! SSNMU 7 ((' ,/ .l \ \\ j, x SSWMU 6\ // r'" 'f> ,/ ' ,.__ - = = l),I J '- ,I SSWMU 1 N-s .. (/ ([ E.SWMU C -- h: .j WMU $ p .~ egs.t , ' g'o V - f j xs 'n tswuu 4 -~ fe , , . f' j / ,._ x 's s g$)j 4/ . #' ( \ '~~~ g h  ?> ' m4- (*h.y ( f( )y )y/so ) r- ,s ' ._ / c ,- x 3, ,\)x
    ,r \r3 ('Dnp / C { 8- < fa ,! f / , /' / (' ).j  ; SSWMU 3 , ( ' \ \y \ , - \JQ>NQ\/1% /L'
    %f u\\
    h JL/' SsWMu 2 r-( 1 'i N 'M 1 / \ g s p..g h'<~(.. - ,f - g) g 4 ( ' ' " 23 '  % .. _  :-M *' 'L \ f ,c f ' \ \\  ;} \ rc . p'" \ SSWMU 9 - j ) ' ~~' 'S SSWMU 11 N w / 'k ,/ - ' 0SWMU 10 7 { / , -y===c_,y c ~<: ,6 \ 'h% 8 ,f' ( / j' ,/ ] . , z N' ( ,' \ q ,. ' s%==fd%)a u_.. r \ ~ \s Figure D28. Location of Super Solid Waste Management Units near WVDP Facilities. l l References Albanese, J.It., ti al.1984. Geological and International Conunlulon on Radiological liydrogcologic Researth at the West (rn New Protection.  % irk Nuclear Sonice Center, West %lley. New York. Final Report, August los2 Decem, e Recommendations of the International ber 1983. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commis. Commimon on Radiological Protec tion - sion Report, NUREG/CR.3782. Perminible Dose for Internal Radiation. 1959. ICRP Publication 2. Osford: Per-ller):cron, M. I', et al.1987. 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April 1990. WVDP-091. e Regulatory Guide 1.10t Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Yager, R.M.1987. Simulation of Groundwater Releases of Reactor Effluents for thc Pur- Flow near the Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing pose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 Facility at the Western New York Nuclear Se - CFR Part 50, Appendix 1. October 1977. sice Center, Cattaraugus County, New York, 1987. 85-4308. libaca, New York: U.S. e Regulatory Guide 1.111: Methods for Es- Geological Survey, timating AtmosphericTransport and Dis-persic 4 of Gaseous Effluents ir. Routine Releases from Light Water-Cooled Reae-tors. J uly 1977. e Standard for Protection Against Radia-tion. Proposed rule,10 CFR Parts 19,20, et al., Federal Register, 51, No. 6. february 9,1986 References - 3 R - - - . - . - - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - - - - . - . . Glossary All.tTit31, Sedimentary material deposited b) flowing watcr such as a riser. Al1.t* VIAL.I AN. A cone shaped deposit of alluvium made by a stream where it uns out onto a leul plain. Agt st rn. A water bearing unit of permeable rock or soil that willyield water in quantities to wells. Confined aquifm are bounded above and below by less permeable layers. Groundwter in a confined aquifer is under a prenure greatcr than the atmospheric pressure. Unconfincd squifm are bounded below by less permeable material, but are not bounded above.T he preuure on the groundwater in an unconfined aquifer at the top of the aquifer is equal to that of the atmosphere. AyrttAnn. A relatively irnpervious arid semiconGning geolegie foretiation which, compared to n aquifer, transmits water at a very slow rate . It ArKcuot su urn Alios. Includes both natural and manmade radiation suci, as cosmic radiation and radiation from natura'ly radioactive elements and from commercial sources and medical procedures, pirgt rutt.atsoi. A unit of radioactivity equal to one nuclear transformation per second. cl.A%% A. H. ann r 1.oW.MNil. WAN10. Waste cf a ications from the Nuclear llegulatory Comminion's 10 Cllt Part 61 rule. Maximum cons.ntration limits are set for speciGr isotopes Class A waste disposalis minimally restricted with re ,,*ct to the form of the waste. Class 11 waste must meet more rigorous requirements to ensurc physical stability after disposal. Greater con-centration limits are set for the same isotopes in Chss C wai.te, which also must meet physical stability requirements. Moreover, special measures must be taken at the dispoual facility to protec: against inadvertent intrution. rostinESCE 00EnlCIEN1 on FArlou. The chance or probability, usually expressed as a percent-age, tnat a confidence interval includes some defined parameter of a population. The conGdence coefGeients usually associated with conGdence intervals are MX1, W1, and 9Fi. contic urnirit.W. liigh energy subatomic particles from outer space that bombard the earth's atmosphere. Cosmic radiation is part of natural background radiation. rorNiiso I nuoit The variability caused by the inherent random nature of radioactive disintegra-tion and the detection process. rt uiE tru. A unit of radioactivity equal to 37 billion (3.7 x 10" ) nuclear transformations per second. IrrirTioN BREl. The minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured with a W" conGdence that the analytical concentration is greater than /cro. nritivro rosensluATios crint torm. Concentrations of radionuclides in air and water in w hich a person continuously exposed and inhaling WKhn' of air or ingesting 730 liters of water per year would receise an annual effective dose equivalent of 100 mrem pu > car from either mode of _w w w . Ky h G - *I 7 ' wm . ~< w .>-- -- h* g% -r . v.a cr,e equivalent is . ;luded in the DCGs for radionuclides wit' 'ong M ' . AL d' y m' ~ xess v by sol.; an or mixed as they are transported by ('Q ,w aves th egi edini - w.,i ,rt*,ble device for measuring the total accumulated exposure toionizing rautation. } . _- 4%M < ..t- ne directiu .of wa;er flow frJm e reference point to a selected point ofinterest 1 - (sm . F.'D31N1; r' EITINVE DOSE. See ERTrilVE DOS!!IX)UIVAt.INI under RADIAllON DOSE. OTtrLNT. Flowing out o. rorth; an outflow of waste. In ..iis ieport, effluent refers to the liquid or y,aseous waste streams releus 4.,to the environment from the faciluy. CHLUENT MONITCRIN impling or measuring specific lHior gaseous effluent streams for the prc:ence of po'btants. EwosrRE, S 7 ' ling a target (usua") ?.ing tissue) to radiation. t .' .Otrr. Radioactive materials mixed into 'he carth's atmosphere. Fallout constantly precipitates onto the carth. GRADIENT. C ange in value of ane variable with respect to another variable, espYally venical or horizontal distance, a E' rROUNDWATER. Subserface water in the pore spaces of soil and geologic units. ~ . ALF t.1FF. The time in which 1.alf the aton.s of a radionucade disintegrate into another n form.The half-life may vary from a fraction cf a second ta thousands of years. uncu.tml.wAsTF onw,.The highly radioactive waste material that results frcm the reprocessing of spcm nuclear fuel, including liquid waste pnxluced directly in reprocessing and any solid waste derived from the liqmd, that contains a combination of transura le waste and fisr.on i products in concentrations sufficient to require permanent isolation. -- HYDRAUUC CONDtiCTIVHY. The ratio of flow velocit) :o driving force for viscous flow under _ saturated conditions of a specified liquid in a porous medium; the ratio describii.g the rate at which water can move through a pern cable medium. 10N. An atom or group of atoms with an electric charge. 10N EXCitANGE.The reversible exchange ofions contained in solution with other ions that are part of the ior :xchange material. ISOTOPE. ! ifferent forms of the same chemical element that are distinguished by having different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus. An element caa have many isotopes For example, the tree isotopes of hydrogen are protium, deuterium, and tritium. ^ Glossary - 2 l - .--~~ _ __ Glossary KAME I)Et.n A conical hill or short irregular ridge of gravel or sand deposited in contact with glacier ice, lACUS"IRINE SElllMEN1s. A sedimentary d: posit consisting of material pertaining to, produced by, or fermed in a lake or lakes. u;ACill I) lit 11S. Stainless steel cladding that remains after acid dissolution of spent fuci. Inw.im1M Am. Radioactise waste not classified as high-level waste, transuranic waste, spent fuel, or uranium mill tailings (see ct. Ass A.It.c 1.ow.uxiii. wAsn!). maxim 411Y Em>sEn INutvint'Al. A hypothetical person who remains in an uncontiolled area who would, when all potential routes of exposure from a facility's operations are considered, receive the greatest possible dose equivalent. MEAN. The average value of a series of measurements. Mil 11utu (MutME A unit of radiation dose equivalent that is equal to one one-thousandth of a rem. An indivitlual member of the public can receive up to 500 millirems per year according to DOE standards.This limit does not include radiation received for medical treatment or the 100 to 360 mrem that people receive annually from background radiation. MINIMcM net EcTrai.E cosrENIRAllos.The smallest amount or concentration of a radioactive or nonradioactive eleinent that can be reliably detected in a sample. MIXED WASTr. A wastc, that is both radioactive and hazardous. Also referred to as RADioACllVI! MIXED WASIT: (RMW). otTrru. The end of a drain or pipe carries waste water or other ef0nents into a ditch, pond, _ or river. PARTicr1ATLs. Scnid pa i, . quid droplets sm:11 enough to become airnorne, PEusos.utu. The sum of th mdividual radiation dose eqi.avelents recived by members of a certain group or population. It may be calculated by multiplying the average dose per peison by the number of persons exposed. For example, a thousand people cach exposed to one millirem would have a collective dose of one person-rem. PU'MF.The distribution of a pollutant in air or water after being released from a source. PRoctacIA1. IAKE A lake occupying a basin in front of a glacier; generally in direct contact with the ice. RAD. Radiation absorbed dose. Ora hundred ergs of energy absorbed per gram. RAntATioN.The process of emitting energy in the form of rays or particles that are thrown off by 4 disintegrating atoms. The rayr nr particles emitted may consist of alpha, beta, or gamma radiation. l Glossary - 3 l l l Glossary e Al. Pila RADIATION.The least penetrating type of radiation. Alpha radiation can be stopped by a sheet of paper or outer dead layer of skin, e HEIA RADIATION. Electron emitted from a nucleus during fission and nuclear decay. Heta radiation can be stopped by an inch of wood or a thin sheet of aluminum. e UAht%iA RADIA~ ION. A form of electromagnetic, high. energy radiation emitted from a nucleu-Gamma says are essentially the same as x rays and require heavy shielding such as le .d, concrete, or steel to be stopped, e INTERNAL. RADIATION. Radiation originating from a source within the body as a result of the inhalation, ingestion, or implantation of natural or manmade radionuclides in body tissues. RADIAllON iM)SF. e ABSORBED I)OSE.The amount of %crgy deposited by n.s htion in a given amount of material. Absorbed dose is measured in rads, e . cot.tfrilVE DOSR EQUIVA1.ENT.The sum of the dose equivalents for individu a comprising a defined population. The per capita >ose equivalent is the quotient of the collective dose equivalent divided by the population (see l'ERSON. REM). e CO%15tlTTFD DOSE EQUIVA1.FNT (CDE). The effective dose equivalent from an intake of radionuclides dehvered over a period of 50 years following the intake. e COMUI.ATIVE IX)SE EQUIVAI.ENT. L total dose one could receive in a period of fifty years following release of radionuclides to the erwironment, including the dose that could occur as a result of residual radionuclides remaining in the emironment beyond the year of release, e DOSE EQUIVAtENT. The product of the absorbed dose, the quality factor, and any other modifying factors. The dose equivalent is a quantity for comparing the biological effectiveness of different kinds of radiation on a common scale.The unit of dose equivalent is the rem, o ErnrTIVE DOSE EQUIVA1.ENT. The sum over all organs of dose equivalents (from internal and - externa' radiation) to each organ, multiplied by the appropriate weighting factor for that organ. RADIOAcTmTV. A property possessed by some elements such as uranium whereby sipha, beta, or gamma rays are spontaneously emitted. - RADIOISOTOPE. A radioactive isotope of a specified element. Carbon-14 is a radioisotope of carbon. Tritium is a radioisotope of hydrogen. Glossary - 4 _. .. _ . _ _ . - ~. _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . Glossary l RAinostc Jot; A radioactive nuclide. Radionuclides are variations (isotopes) of elements. They have the same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons, resulting in l different atomic masses.There are several hundred known nuclides, toth manmade and naturally occurring. Rest. An acronym for Roentgen Equivalent Man. A unit of radiation exposure that indicates the potential effect on human cells, stEvt:xT. A unit of dose equivalent from the International System of Units. Equal to one joule per kilogram, SPENT tru. Nuclear fuel that has been exposed in a nuclear reactor; this fuel cont.iins uranium, activation products,6ssion pnxlucts, and plutonium. STANDARD DLY1ATION. An indication of the dispersion of a set of results around their average. TnEuMoixsiiNEscENT possuiarn 171.03. A device th,t luminesces upon heating after being exposed to radiation.The amount of light emitted is proportional to the amount of radiation to which the luminescent material has been exposed. UrcuAutENT. Referring to the flow of water or air, it is analogous to upstream. A point that is *before" an area of study that is used as a baseline for comparison with downstrcam data. See GRADitNr and Dt -iNGRADllNr. wATrusiiEn.The area contained within a drainage divide atxwe a specified point o.1 a stream. WATER TABIE The upper surface in a txxly of groundwater. The surface in an unconfu ed aquifer or confining bed at which the pore water pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure. witoinnour Dost; A radiation dose that involves exposurt of the cutire body. Glossary - 5 - - - . . . . -- - ~. . Acronyms ANOVA, Analysi.; of Variance ALARA. As Low As Reasonably Achievable llEIR. Committee on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation CDDL. Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill (formerly the " cold dump") CERCLA. Comprehensive Emironmental Respome, Compensation, and Liability Act CSS. Cement Solidification System DCG, Derived Concentration Guide DE. Dose Equivalent DOE. Department of Energy DOE IlQ. Department of Energy, ficadquarters Office DOE ID. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations EA.Emironmental Assessment EDE. Effective Dose m.!uivalent EE. Emironmental Evaluation EIS. Emironmental Impact Statement ELAP. Emironmental Laboratory Accreditation Program EML. Environmental Measurements Laboratory EMSL. Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (Las Vegas) EPA. Emironmental Protection Agency FONSI. Finding of No Significant imprt FSFCA. Federal and State Facilities Compliance Agreement FY. Fiscal Year j llLW, liigh-level Radioactive Waste ' ICRP. International Commission on Radiological Protection INEL Idahe National Engineering Laboratory Acronyms _ IRTS. Integrated Radwaste Treatment System LLD. Lower Limit of Detection LLW. Low-level Radioactive Waste LIMTF. Low-level Liquid Waste Treatment Facility LPS. Liquid Pre-treatment System LWTS. Liquid Waste Treatment System MDC. Minimum D ~.ectable Concentration NCRP. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements NDA. Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensed Disposal Area NEPA. National Emironmental Policy Act NESilAP. National Emission Standards for llazardous Air Pollutants NIST. National Institute of Standards and Technology NFS, Nuclear Fuel Senices Company,Inc. NOI. Notice of Intent NRC. Nuclear Regulatory Co' . mission NWPA. Nuclear Waste Policy Act NYSDEC. New York State Departmt ut of Emironmental Conservation NYSDoll. New York State Department of Health NYSERDA New York State Energy Research and Development authority i NYSGS. New York State Geological Survey OSR. Operational Safety Requirement QA. Quality Assurance l- QAP. Quality Assurance Program QC. Quality Control - RCRA. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act l Acronyms - 2 Acronyms RMW Radioactivc Niixed Waste SAR. Safety Analysis Report SARA.Superfund Amendements and Reauthorization Act j I SDA,(New York) State-licensed Disposal Arca ' SI. International System of Units SPDES. State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System STS. Supernatant Treatment System SWMU. Solid Waste Management Unit SSWMO. Super Solid Waste Management Unit TLD.Thermoluminescent Dosimeter USGS. U.S. Geological Surve.v WNYNSC. Western New York Nuclear Senice renter WVDI! West Wiley Demonstration Project \WNS, % cst Valky Nuclear Senices Co., Ire. \WPO. West Wiley (DOE) Project Office Acronyms - 3 Abbreviations for Units of Measure Synsbol Name symbol Nanse Ci curie 3 mci millicuric(IE-03Ci) cm' cubic centimeter Radioacthily Ci microcuric(1E-06Ci) Volume L liter nCi nanocurie (IE 09 Ci) mj, milliliter pCi picoeurie (IE-12 Ci) m cubic meter (Ci femtocurie (IE-15Ci) ppm parts per million aCi attocurie (IE-18 Ci) ppb parts ber billion Bq beequcrel(27 pCi) Symbol &g Symbol Name y year Dose Sv sicvert (100 rems) Time d day Gy gray (100 rads) !h hou-m minute s second Symbol Name bymbo! Name , 14agth m meter Area ha hectare (10,000 m') km kilometer (IE + 03) cm centimeter (IE-02 m) mm millimeter (IE-03 m) m micrometer (IE-06 m) Symbol Name g gram Mass kg kilogram (IE + 03 g) mg milligram (IE-03) g microgram (IE-06 g) ng nanogram (1E 09 g) 5 t metric ton (10 kg) Units of Measure - 1 Distribution \ R. Natoli DOE IIO T. DeBoer NYSERDA T, hicintosh DOE-liO S. liarbison NYSERDA
    11. Walter DOE-IIO T. Sonntag NYSERDA J.Barry DOEID R. Fakudiny NYSGS B.Bowhan DOE ID h1.B. Ilinman DOEID F. Galpin USEPA Washington, D.C.
    D.B. Engelman DOEID F. Caporeuscio USEPA-Region 2 T. Burns D O E-ID P. Giardina USEPA Region 2 J.Gorman USEPA-Region 2 T, Rowland DOE-WVPO R. Novitski USGS 'D.Ilurt NRC-IlO A. Stevens SNlilD ht. Austin NRC-Region 1 J. Roth NRC-Region 1 C.11 algas CCllD P. Counterman NYSDEC-Albany W. Paxon U.S. Congressman,31st Dist. P. hierges NYSDEC-Albany A. Iloughton U.S. Congressman,34th Dist R.Ilaker NYSDEC-Region 9 D. hioynihan U.S. Senator, New York B. Partz NYSDEC-Rrgion 9 A, D'Amato U.S. Senator, New York P. Eisman NYSDEC-Region 9 J. Present New York Senator,56th Dist.
    • hl. Jackson NYSDEC-Region 9 P. h1cGee New York Assemblyman,149th Dist.
    NYSDEC Region 9 B. Ignatz NYSDOIi Buffalo Concord Prhlic Library K. Rimawi NYSDOll Albany Springville, New York > Community Relations, WVNS (Technical File) ' News release summary Buffalo News, Buffalo, New York
    • Salamanca Republican Press, Salamanca, New York
    • Springville1oumal, Springville, New York
    • Distnbution - 1
    9 1
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