ML19347C000 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | West Valley Demonstration Project |
Issue date: | 08/29/1980 |
From: | Smokowski R, Wilcox D NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, INC. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19347B996 | List: |
References | |
17350, NUDOCS 8010160378 | |
Download: ML19347C000 (24) | |
n i _.)
1 West Valley, New York ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT fl0. 28 January - June 1980
- 0. P. Wilcox R. T. Smokowski s
1 3
,..u g 8010160377
TABLE OF C0tiTENTS Page 1.0 ItiTR000CTION................
1 2.0
OF RESULTS.............
6 3.0 LIQUID EFFLUEtiTS.............. 7 4.0 GASE0US EFFLUEtiTS............
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4 i
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Table 1-1 NFS Environmental Sampling Program Western New York Nuclear Services Center......... 3-4 4
Figure 1-1 Location of the Fixed Environmental Sampling Stations 4
i of Western New York Nuclear Service Center........
5 Table 3-1 Liquid Discharges (Monthly Composite Data)........
9 Table 3-2 Liquid Discharges (Quarterly Composite Data).......
10 l
Table 3-3 Buttermilk Creek Sil t Activity..............
10 Table 3-4 Buttermilk Creek Water Activity 11 4
_ Table 4-1 Gaseous Activity Released from Plant Stack........
13 i
Table 4-2 Gaseous Activity Released from Plant Stack l
(Quarterly Composite Cata)................
14 4
Table 5-1 Perimeter Ai r Activity..................
17 1
l Table 5-2 Monthly Accrued Background Near Site Perimeter......
18 Table 5-3 Radioactivity in Cattaraugus Creek (Weekly Samples) 19 Table 5-4 Radioactivity in Cattaraugus Creek (Monthly Composites) 20 Table 5-5 Fish Samples from Cattaraugus Creek (2nd Quarter 1980)..
21 i
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The Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. spent fuel reprocessing plant is located at the Western New York Nuclear Service Center, a 3,345-acre site located approximately 30 miles southeast of Buffalo in Cattaraugus County in western New York.
The purpose of this plant was to recover the reusable uranium and plutonium contained in spent nuclear power plant fuels. This recovery was accomplished by the mechanical separation of the fuel materials from their associated hardware, followed by the chemical separation of the uranium and plutonium from the associated fission product elements in the fuel materials. The recovered uranium and plutonium was shipped off site. Reprocessing operations were suspended March,1972. The plant is maintained in a safe shutdown conditic.
Since the plant startup in 1966, monitoring of the environment by 1
NFS and cognizant government agencies has shown that exposures to radiation of the general population in the vicinity of the plant are not significantly different from those received in other portions of 1
the state. The exposure levels that do exist in the area are attributed to natural background radiation and northern hemisphere fallout from past weapons testing.
Nuclear Fuel Services maintains an extensive environmental program to assess the impact of the reprocessing plant on the surrounding environment. This is augmented by completely independent environmental monitoring programs carried out on a routine basis by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The NFS environmental monitoring program provides a measure of the current environmental background surrounding the reprocessing plant. Samples collected at points where concentrations of effluents in the environment are expected to be the greatest are compared, where possible, with samples collected at points unaffected by plant-operations.
The latter samples provide background measurements as a basis, for
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distinguishing radioactivity introduced into the environment by the operation of the plant from that due to other sources..The sampling i
schedule assures that potentially significant changes in the environ-mental radioactivity are sampled most frequently.
Those which are less j
affected by transient changes but may show long-term accumulations are j
sampled less frequently.
j The NFS environment program at the Service Center began in July, i
i 1963 with a preoperational monitoring program of the background gross i
alpha, beta and gamma activity at and near the Center. This program has since been extensively expanded to obtain the most significant j
data. The present NFS environmental program outlined in Table 1-1 I
provides for over 1,000 analyses per year. The location of the fixed l
sampling stations operated by NFS at the Center are shown in Figure 1-1.
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Table 1-1 NFS EfNIRONMENTAL SAMPLING PROGRAM WESTERN NEW YORK NUCLEAR SERVICE CENTER Sample Location Sample Type Sample Frequency Analysis Buttennilk Creek (at Silt Quarterly Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, Gamma Scan Thomas Corners Bridge)
Water Quarterly Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, H-3 Cattaraugus Creek 9 Fish Second, Third Qtrs Flesh of each for Cs-134, Cs-137, Sr-90 (between Buttermilk (6"Long)
Skeleton of each for Sr-90 Creek & Springville Dam)
Cattaraugus Creek Water Weekly Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, H-3 (Felton Bridge)
Water Monthly Composite Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, Sr-90, *I-129 Flow Monthly Flow in Creek for Month
[3 Plant Liquid Water Daily when Gross Aipha, Gross Beta, H-3, Cs-134, Effluent Discharging Lagoon Cs-137 Water Monthly Composite Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, H-3, Sr-90, Ru-106, Rh-106, I-129,03-134, Cs-137 Water Quarterly Composite U Isotopic, Pu Isotopic Flow Monthly Discharge Volume for Month On-site, North of Deer Once/ Year (Fall)
Flesh Cs-137, Cs-134, Sr-90 Plant Skeleton Sr-89, Sr-90 Perimeter Farms Milk August I-129, Sr-90, Cs-134, Cs-137 Northeast & Northwest
1 i
Table 1-1 (Contd.)
i Sample Location Sample Type Sample Frecuency Analysis Perimeter Stations Air Continuous Sample Gross Alpha, Gross Beta 1
Analyzed Weekly Direct Radiation Monthly Millirad per Standard Month Gaseous Effluent Air Continuous Sample Gross Alpha, Gross Beta
Analyzed Weekly Continuous Sample I-129 Analyzed Quarterly.-
Quarterly Leaching Sr-90, Ru-106, Cs-134, Cs-137 of Weekly Continu-ous Sample 4
l l
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- Calculated based on dilution I
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During the first half of 1980, over 800 separate analyses of air, water, fish, milk, and silt were performed. These analyses indicated
the concentrations of radioactivity in the environmental media are less than the applicable limits of the U. S. fluclear Regulatory Commission.
T'he concentration of radionuclides in Cattaraugus Creek during the first six months of 1980 average 0.41% of MPC with a maximum l
observed concentration of 0.55% of MPC.
The concentration of radionuclides in the stack during the first six months of 1980 average 0.03% of the Technical Specification limit with ihe maximum observed at 0.05%.
The concentration tf radionuclides in perimeter air remained the same as samples for the last half of 1979. The direct radiation from the environment remained stable at the 1979 determined average.
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3.0 LIOUID EFFLUENTS Liquid wastes are collected in two interceptor tanks and discharged to holding ponds if activity is less than the technical specification l imit. The holding ponds provide surge capacity prior to further treat-ment.
f In May of 1971, a low level waste treatment plant was put into operation to reduce cesium and strontium concentration in the liquid Typically the plant removes 96% of the cesium and 99% of the wastes.
strontium frca the liquid wastes.
Following treatment, the liquid wastes are collected batchwise in two small lagoons. The water in the lagoon is analyzed for grost beta, cesium-137, and cesium-134.
If cesium-134 and cesium-137 are below their respective MPC, the lagoon is transferred to the number 3 storage lagoon.
The water which collects in the number 3 storage lagoon is discharged to the creek system through a calibrated weir.
During times of discharge, daily grab samples are taken from the weir and analyzed for gross beta activity. These grab samples from the weir are coccosited, based on lagoon discharge volume, and analyzed monthly for soecific radionuclides j
to determine activity released. A total of 9 samp?as were used to make up the one monthly composite. Table 3-1 summarizes the monthly liquid discharge as determined by composite analysis and flow measurements.
In addition to the data presented in Table 3-1, a cuarterly composite of weir samples is analyzed for specific alpha emitting radionuclides.
Table 3-2 shows the quarterly liquid discharge based on these analyses.
Buttermilk Creek is the first major on-site stream to receive liquid discharges from the 1agoon system. A bottcm silt sampie of Buttermilk
Creek is taken quarterly near the Thomas Corners Road Bridge and analyzed for gamma emitting radionuclides. Samples in the first and second quarters of 1980 indicated principle radionuclides present were cesium-137 and potassium-40.
Table 3-3 shows gross alpha and gross beta results en
8-sampl es. Water samples taken from Buttermilk Creek during the first and second quarters of 1980 and analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta and tritium are shown in Table 3-4.
9 0
Table 3-1 LAGOON DISCHARGES (Curies)
Cattaraugus Total Beta Water Over Creek Flow Other Than Total the Weir Averane Month H-3 Al pha H-3 Sr-90 Ru-106 Rh-106 I-129 Cs-134.
Cs-137 (Gals x 106)
(GPM x 105)
Jan 1980 NO DISCHARGE THIS MONTH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2.34 Feb 1980 NO DISCHARGE THIS MONTH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.75 Mar 1980 NO DISCHARGE THIS MONTH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3.16 e.
Apr 1980 0.019 0.00013 1.4 0.0025 0.0004 0.0004 0.00006 0.00004 0.0015 3.25 2.60 May 1980 NO DISCHARGE THIS MONTH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.74 Jun 1980 NO DISCHARGE THIS MONTH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1.61 o
l i
l Table 3-2 LIQUID DISCHARGES Alpha Emitting Components (Curies)
Quarter U-234 U-235 U-238 Pu-238 Pu-239 1st/1983 fl0 DISCHARGE THIS QUARTER - - - - - - - - - - -.
-6 l
2nd/1980 8.86 1 6.40 x 10
<6.15 x 10 8.86 1 6.40 x 10
<6.15 x 10-
<6.15 x 10-7 1
l 2
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i i
Table 3-3 3
BUTTERMILX CREEK SILT ACTIVITY (Microcuries per Gram) 1980 Quarter Gross Alpha Gross Beta f
<1.0 x 10-5 2.1 1 0.2 x 10-5 1st l
-6 2nd 1.8 + 1.4 x 10 8.3 + 0.8 x 10 4
3 i
1 i
1 4
Table 3-4 BUTTERMILK CREEK WATER ACTI'/ITY (Microcuries per Milliliter) 1980 Quarter.
Gross Al p' a Gross Beta Tritium n
-8 ist
<8.29 x 10 1.33 + 0.64 x 10 7.83
- 1.96 x 10-7
-10 2nd
<4.15 x 10 1.04 + 0.57 x 10-8 2.25 + 0.24 x 10-6 O
l i
Gaseous plant effluents are sampled in the plant stack. The
stack sampler contains a filter to collect particulates and an i
impregnated charcoal filter to collect iodine.
c.-'ples are removed I
from the stack sampler at least once every seven days and analyzed.
In addition to the stack sampler, a stack monitor is used to continuously determine the particulate radioactivity in the stack 2
air and to alert operators if pre-set limits are approached. The i
filter paper on the particulate monitcr is advanced daily and will
alarm if the accumulation of particulate radioactivity over a four-r l
hour period exceeds that which would occur if particulates were being discharged over the same time period at the limit set by i
Technical Specifications.
The particulate radioactivity in the stack and the relationship to the Technical Specification limit are shown on Table 4-1.
The curies of radioactivity released from the plant stack as determined j
1 i.
on a quarterly combined sample is shown on Table 4-2.
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.i 1
t 4
2 J
J f
i i
i 1980 Al pha Beta
% of Tech i
Month (Curies)
Soec Limitl i
Jan 8.18 x 10-7 1.20 x 10'4 0.05
-6 l
Feb 1.06 x 10 9.76 x 10-5 0.04
-5 Mar 8.19 x 10 8.24 x 10 0.03 Apr 4.09 x 10 9.71 x 10-5 0.04
-7 bby 7.85 x 10-7 5.39 x 10-5 0.02
-5 Jun 5.46 x 10 4.02 x 10 0.02 i
i i
2 i
4 a
i 1 Particulate release limit 0.1 microcurie per second J
9 Table 4-2 RADI0 ACTIVITY RELEASED FROM PLANT STACK QUARTERLY DATA 0 RIES 1980 Quarter Sr-90 Ru-106 I-129 Cs-134 Cs-137
-5 1st 9.41 1 0.50 x 10
<1.02 x 10
<6.44 x 10 1.88 1 0.99 x 10 8.92 1 0.35 x 10 e
-5 2nd 4.81 + 0.05 x 10-5
<7.93 x 10
<1.04 x 10
<8.42 x 10 5.94 + 0.50 x 10 l
5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS In the first half of 1980, the average concentrations of gross radioactivity and the average" concentration of specific radionuclides in environmental samples of air, water, milk, fish and silt continued to be less than applicable limits of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
5.1 AIR MONITORING Particulate air activity is continuously sampled at three perimeter sampling stations. The Fox Valley sampler is located two miles south-east of the plant, Route 240 sampler is 1-1/2 miles northeast of the plant, and Thomas Corners sampler is 2-1/2 miles north-northwest of the plant. A total of 78 weekly samples were collected during the first half of 1980 and analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta particulate radioactivity. To allow for decay of naturally occurring short li'd radioisotopes such as lead-212, lead-214, and their daughter products, the air samples are stored for one week prior to counting.
Following this decay period, the long lived activity from natural occurring radionuclides and fallout can be determined. The results of these analyses appear in Table 5-1.
Radiation background measurements around the site are determined by using energy corrected CaSO :Tm TLDs at 16 locations around the NFS 4
site perimet'er. These dosimeters Src changed and evaluated monthly.
Data obtained for January through June 1980 are shown in Table 5-2.
5.3 CATTARAUGUS CREEK Samples of. water from Cattaraugus Creek are taken with a continuous sampler located about one-half mile downstream from the confluence of Cattaraugus Creek and Buttermilk Creek. These samples are collected weekly and analyzed for gross alpha, gross beta and tritium. The results of. these analyses are shown in Table 5-3.
The 27 weekly samples were composited based on creek ficw and analyzed for gross l
. ~ - _
alpha, gross beta and S+rontium-90. The Iodine-129 was calculated from Lagoon 3 composite.
Data is shown in Table 5-4.
5.4 FISH _
During the second and third quarters of each year, NFS takes fish samples from Cattaraugus Creek between the point of discharge of Cuttermilk Creek and the Springville hydroelectric dam, two miles downstream. The results of analysis on the fish samples collected for the second quarter of 1980 are shown in Table 5-5.
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,t Table 5-1 i
PERIMETER AIR ACTIVITY (Curies per Cubic Meter) 1980 Al pha Beta Month Max.
-14 January 7.72 x 10-16 3.47 x 10 3.43 x 10 1.94 x 10 February 2.92 x 10 1.77 x 10-16 2.09 x 10 1.61 x 10-14
-14 March 2.93 x 10 1.69 x 10 2.29 x 10 1.02 x 10-14 April 1.38 x 10-16 1.38 x 10-16 9.61 x 10-15 7.12 x 10-15 May 1.38 x 10-16 1.38 x 10-16 2.61 x 10 1.28 x 10-14
-15 June 4.29 x 10-16 2.67 x 10-16 1.13 x 10'I4 9.21 x 10 ROUTE 240
-I4 January 5.64 x 10 3.32 x 10-16 2.19 x 10 1.14 x 10 February 6.28 x 10-16 3.70 x 10-16 2.50 x 10 2.19 x 10-I#
-14 March 4.37 x 10-16 2.35 x 10 1.47 x 10 1.17 x 10
-14 April 1.48 x 10 5.35 x 10 2.22 x 10 1.18 x 10
-14 May 1.96 x 10 1.50 x 10-16 3.26 x 10 2.05 x 10 June 5.96 x 10 3.51 x 10-16 3.04 x 10 1.53 x 10-14
-14 1
1 January 5.20 x 10 2.89 x 10 4.63 x 10-1 2.24 x 10-14
-16 February 3.94 x 10 2.15 x 10-16 2.98 x 10-14 2.10 x 10
-1 March 1.77 x 10-16 1.46 x 10 1.69 x 10 1.13 x 10-14 April 2.73 x 10-16 ~
1.72 x 10-16 9.87 x 10-15 6.77 x 10-15
-14 May 1.38 x 10-16 1.38 x 10 2.62 x 10 1.64 x 10-14
-16 June 9.06 x 10 4.33 x 10 2.11 x 10 1.37 x 10-14
-1 W
Location f4111ir d per Standard lionth - 1980 Direction F
nt From Plant (iiiles)
January February 14 arch April flay June SSW 1.3 7.22 1 1.75 6.02 1 0.41 6.56 1 0.66 5.99 1 0.84 6.09 1 0.47 5.49 1 0.61 S
2.3 6.93 1 0.67 5.65 1 0.28 6.01 + 0.35 5.87 1 0.27 6.46 1 0.70 5.17 1 0.89 SSE 1.8 6.52 1 0.34 5.81 1 0.33 6.61 1 1.49 5.13 1 0.48 6.36 1 0.51 5.26 1 0.70 SE 1.7 6.09 1 0.68 5.50 1 0.51 6.75 1 0.51 5.52 1 0.73 6.21 1 0.52 5.27 1 0.20 ESE 1.5 6.66 1 0.82 5.30 1 0.44 6.38 1 0.53 5.81 1 0.92 6.28 1 0.80 5.83 1 0.58 E
1.6 6.14 + 0.66 5.02 1 0.46 6.48 1 0.46 5.16 + 0.64 6.15 1 0.72 5.43 + 0.64
EllE 1.2 5.73 1 0.44 5.09 1 0.11 5.87 1 0.87 5.42 1 0.79 5.76 1 1.03 4.96 1 0.68 7
i flE 1.6 6.36 + 0.81 5.31 1 0.32 6.16 1 0.34 5.78 1 0.42 6.22 1 0.50 5.50 + 0.17 j
title 2.1 6.93 1 3.18 5.18 1 0.19 6.26 1 0.70 6.37 i 0.72 6.07 1 0.95 5.58 + 0.38 il 1.5 6.37 1 0.95 5.13 1 0.36 6.17 1 0.37 5.58 + 1.04 5.80 1 0.61 5.28 1 0.80
titlW 2.4 6.46 1 0.87 5.84 1 0.60 6.89 1 1.11 6.23 1 0.64 6.41 + 0.97 5.29 1 0.75 tlW 1.4 6.22 1 0.67 5.58 1 0.53 6.50 1 0.80 5.22 1 0.29 5.95 1 0.62 4.83 1 0.44 WHW 0.8 7.03 1 1.15 5.84 1 0.32 6.49 + 1.52 6.97 + 0.36 7.13 1 0.33 5.86 1 0.94 5.50 1 0.56 6.03 1 0.38 6.04 1 0.52 6.4010.65 5.46 1 1.39 W
1.2 WSW 1.4 6.03 + 0.76 5.81 1 0.73 5.48 1 0.55 5.71 1 0.36 6.63 1 0.61 5.59 1 0.34 SW 1.5 6.20 + 1.27 4.93 + 0.20 5.50 + 1.48 5.98 + 0.34 ' 5.72 + 0.53
- filssing - Storm Damage, j
- fiissing - Vandalism.
Table 5-3 i
RADI0 ACTIVITY Ifl CATTARAUGUS CREEK - WEEKLY SAMPLES (Microcuries per Milliliter) i Date Gross Aloha Gross bita Tritium 1/08/80 9.63 + 8.87 x 10-10 2.07 + 0.39 x 10-8 1.53 + 0.24 x 10-6 7.20[2.09x10-7 l
<5.03 x 10-10 1.46 0.35 x 10-8 I
<3.48 x 10 1.57 + s.35 x 10-8 2.84 + 1.95 x 10
-7 6.21k2.19x10-
-9 1/29/80
<4.31 x 10-10 9.70 2.91 x 10
-7 i
<5.82 x 10-10 1.19 + 0.32 x 10 4.41 + 2.16 x 10 2/12/80
<3.32 x 10-10 7.72 + 2.90 x 10 2.85 2.24 x 10
-7 2/19/80
<2.94 x 10 7.04 + 2.81 x 10
<2.12 x 10
-7 2/26/80
<3.72 x 10 1.10 + 0.35 x 10 8.82 + 2.12 x 10 3/04/80
<3.19 x 10-10 7.13 3.56 x 10 1.07 0.19 x 10
-6 3/11/80
<5.02 x 10-10 1.34 + 0.33 x 10-9 1.27 + 0.21 x 10-6
-8 3/18/80
<9.35 x 10 2.39 + 0.51 x 10 1.46 + 0.20 x 10-6 6.37k2.06x10 3/25/80 6.91 1 6.65 x 10-10
-7 1.72 0.39 x 10
-8 4/01/80
<5.23 x 10 1.21 + 0.43 x 10 1.02 + 0.21 x 10-6
-7 4/08/80 7.20 + 6.21 x 10 5.82 + 3.82 x 10 8.42 + 2.35 x 10 4/15/80
<3.27 x 10-10 1.60 + 0.39 x 10 1.02 0.21 x 10
-6 4/22/80
<2.94 x 10-10 1.46 0.35 x 10-8 1.23 + 0.22 x 10-6
-7 4/29/80
<6.13 x 10 2.45 0.45 x 10 8.29 2.21 x 10 1
<3.19 x 10-10 2.14 1 0.42 x 10-8 6.93 1 2.25 x 10-7
-9 5/13/80
<4.14 x 10-10 5.18 1 3.02 x 10 7.91 1 2.20 x 10
-6 5/20/80
<3.11 x 10 9.12 1 3.16 x 10 1.35 1 0.23 x 10
-6 5/27/80
<2.78 x 10-10 1.16 + 0.38 x 10 1.37 + 0.23 x 10
-6 6/03/80
<3.32 x 10 4.20 3.50 x 10 1.62 + 0.22 x 10
-6 6/10/80
<3.82 x 10 0 1.05 0.35 x 10 1.32 0.22 x 10
-6 6/17/80
<3.40 x 10 2.04 1 0.44 x 10 1.99 0.24 x 10 6/24/80
<4.07 x 10 8.43 1 4.53 x 10-9 1.48 1 0.21 x 10
-8 7/01/80
<3.72 x 10 1.18 1 0.53 x 10 1.64 1 0.23 x 10-6
i I
Table 5-4 r
Month Gross Alpha Gross Beta Sr-90 I-129
<5.32 x 10 4.44 2.83 x 10 7.8113.8 x 10 ND Jan 1980
-10 Feb 1980
<4.11 x 10 2.16 1 0.41 x 10 8.97 1 3.9 x 10 fl0
-10 Mar 1980 2.88 1 1.47 x 10-1.38 1 0.39 x 10 4.67 1 2.8 x 10 ND e
Apr 1980
<3.07 x 10 8.29 1 3.77 x 10 5.08 1 3.0 x 10 1.42 x 10~I2
-9 May 1980 8.18 + 6.47 x 10-10 6.21 + 3.97 x 10 1.10 + 0.31 x 10 ND
~9 Jun 1980
<3.32 x 10 9.89 + 4.22 x 10~9 2.30 + 0.80 x 10 ND i
f I
.ND. flot determined. fio lagoon release this month.
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Table 5-5 FISit SAMPLES FROM CATTARAUGUS CREEK - 2ND QUARTER 1980 (Microcuries per Gram)
Weight Length Sample (grams)
Bone Strontium-90 Flesh Strontium-90 Flesh Cesium-134 Flesh Cesium-137 L
Chub #1 60 7.0 1.4 + 0.1 x 10 6.8 + 0.9 x 10-7
<1.5 x 10
<1.3 x 10-6
-6 Chub #2 60 7.0 3.6 1 0.6 x 10 3.9 + 1.0 x 10
<1.0 x 10
<1.0 x 10 Chub #3 48 6.75 2.2 1 0.5 x 10 8.0 1 6.0 x 10
<1.4 x 10
<1.6 x 10-6
-6 Chub #4 45 6.5 1.4 1 0.5 x 10
<9.0 x 10
<1.3 x 10
<1.4 x 10
-6 Dace #5 40 6.0 1.6 1 0.9 x 10-7 9.0 1 5.0 x 10
<1.1 x 10
- 1.0 x 10
-6 7>
Dace #6 40 6.0 3.0 1 0.7 x 10 1.6 1 0.5 x 10
<1.1 x 10
<1.2 x 10
-6 Chub #7 40 6.25 2.7 1 0.5 x 10-7
<6.0 x 10
<1.2 x 10
<1.4 x 10
-0 Trout #8 227 12.0 3.0 + 2.0 x 10
<2.0 x 10
<1.4 x 10-7
<1.7 x 10-7
-7 Trout #9 77 8.0 7.0 1 2.0 x 10
<4.0 x 10
<4.9 x 10-7
<5.2 x 10 i
-6 Median 2.0 x 10 1.0 x 10 1.13 x 10 1.15 x 10 Geometric Deviation 3.12 3.05 1.80 1.85 i
ca 3
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