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Application to Amend License DPR-30,modifying Scram Discharge Vol Sys & Calibr/Functional Test Frequency for Analog Trip Units.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/03/1985
From: Rybak B
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20112H225 List:
9551N, NUDOCS 8501170031
Download: ML20112H219 (5)


r '


/ N Commonwealth Edison f ons First Nitional Pim. Chicago. Ilknois

\N" / Chicago. lilinois 60690") Addrtss Reply to: Post Othee Box 767 January 3, 1985 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Quad Cities Station Unit 2 Proposed Amendment to Technical Specification for Operating License DPR-30 Scram Discharge Volume System Modifications and Calibration /

Functional Test Frequency for Analog Trip Units NRC Docket No. 50-265 References (a):

  • V. Stello, Jr. letter to Cordell Reed dated October 2, 1980.

(b): D. B. Vassallo letter to D. L. Farrar dated June 24, 1983 (Confirmatory Order - BWR Scram Discharge System).

(c): G. E. Licensing Topical Report NE00 -21617-A dated December, 1978.

(d): R. B. Bevan letter to D. L. Farrar dated August 2, 1984.

Dear Mr. Denton:

Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59, Commonwealth Edison proposes to amend Appendix A, Techiiical Specification (TS), to Operating License DPR-30 for Quad Cities Unit 2. This proposed change is necessitated by modifications to the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) and replacement of some existing instrumentation with new analog trip systems all to

.be done on Unit 2 during the upcoming March, 1985 outage.

A Generic Safety Evaluation for che modification of the scram discharge system, issued December 10, 1980, endorsed the criteria set _forth by the BWR Owners Subgroup to meet the concerns arising from the Browns Ferry incomplete scram event of July, 1980.

'By Reference (b), a Confirmatory Order acknowledging Commonwealth Edison's commitment to modify its SDV system in response to those

. concerns was issued. The same letter also forwarded model Technical

' Specifications to us 8501170031 850103 h PDR ADOCK 05000265 P pop kl ig

a H. R. Denton January 3, 1985

.as guidance for. revising the TS for operation with the proposed modi-

-fication of the:SDV system. We feel that the TS changes proposed in

~this. submittal for.the SDV are fully responsive to the concerns addressed in the Generic Safety Evaluation on SDV systems and are keeping'with the general guidance provided in the model Technical

. Specifications.

During the upcoming Unit 2 outage certain equipment also will be replaced to fully comply with 10 CFR Part 50.49 (Environ-mental-Qualification of Electrical Equipment). The following

-instrumentation will be modified into analog trip systems:

Reactor Low Water Level Instrument 2-263-57A and B Reactor Low Water Level Instrument 2-263-58A and B Reactor Water Level-Instrument 2-263-73A and B HPCI High Steam Flow Instrument 2-2389A through D HPCI' Steam Line Low Pressure Instrument 2-2352 and 2-2353 The analog trip system consists of an analog sensor (transmitter) and.a master / slave trip unit setup wnich ultimately drives a : trip relay. The frequency of calibration and functional testing for instrument loops of the new analog ~ trip system is based onsthe._ recommendations in Licensing Topical Report NEDO-21617-A i

'(December, 1978). As NEDO-21617-A, each unit is '

subjected to a calibration / functional test of one month and'the

-proper calibration / surveillance test interval for the transmitter is once.per operating cycle. The only material. change to.the Technical Specifications that exists with this amendment is that the channel calibration will be performed at.the transmitter once per operating cycle. This~ calibration frequency has been found acceptable by the NRC and approved for use at a sister unit,' Quad Cities Unit 1, per

.g Reference (d). .

a- A summaryoof the proposed enclosed'in Attachment j : 1. The changes themselves can be.found in Attachment 2 and have received both Onsite and Offsite-review.and approval. We have reviewed this amendment request and find that no significant hazards-consideration exists. Our. review is documented in Attachment 3.

Commonwealth Edison is notifying the State of Illinois of our request of this amendment by transmittal of a copy of this letter and.its attachments to the-designated State'0fficial.

In~accordance with 10 CFR'170, a fee remittance'of $150.00 tr is' enclosed. This change the time of Unit 2's startup from the upcoming refueling outage. The expected startup is currently scheduled for June, 1985.

t I

H. R. Denton January 3, 1985 Please direct any questions you may have concerning this matter to this office.

Three (3) signed originals and thirty-seven (37) copies of

- this transmittal and its attachments are provided for your use.

Very truly yours, B. Rybak Nuclear Licensing Administrator 1m Attachments (1): Summary of Proposed Changes (2): Technical Specification Change to DPR-30 (3): Evaluation of Significant Hazards Consideration cc: Region III Inspector - Quad Cities R. Bevan - NRR SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to 4

. befAre me.this & M day of_( %Aufisi.- , 1985 h nSi fjk to J Notary Public 9551N 1

r ATTACHMENT 1 Summary of Proposed Changes The enclosed proposed changes to the Quad Cities Technical Specifications (DPR-30) are necessitated by significant modifications to the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) system and installation of an analog trip system during the upcoming outage.

Then changes are discussed below page by page:

1. page 3.1/4.1-2 deletes paragraph which described the old SDV system.
2. page 3.1./4.1-2a, describes the addition of a second instrument volume and the diversity of level sensing methods employed.
3. page 3.1/4.1-3, merely deletes a paragraph which is now included on page 3.1/4.1-2a.
4. page 3.1/4.1-6, describes the analog trip system as used for reactor low water instruments 2-263-57A, 2-263-578, 2-263-58A and 2-263-588 and the basis for its calibration and functional testing frequency.
5. page 3.1/4.1-7, describes the basis for no calibration frequency for the instrument channel of the thermal switches and added the basis for the analog trip system calibration / functional test frequency - NE00-21617-A.
6. pages 3.1/4.1-8 thru 3.1./4.1.-10 lists the number of trip channels per bank and the new trip setting in gallons.
7. pages 3.1/4.1-12 & 13, describe calibration of the thermal and dp switches on the SDVs and the functional test frequency change on the reactor low water instrumentation is defined footnote 8.
8. page 3.1/4.1-14, added the dp switch calibration on the SDV and revise the calibration frequency on the reactor low water level analog instrumentation per Note 7.
9. page 3.2/4.2-10, added a discussion on the analog trip system for the reactor low water level instrumentation.
10. page 3.2/4.2 10a, added this new page to accept

" spill-over" from previous page due to the insertion of analog trip system description.


, 11. page 3.2/4.2-14, revised the. trip setting on the SDV to a new per bank value.

12. 3.2/4.2-14a, a new page relocating most of the footnotes for Table 3.2-3.

, - 13. page 3.2/4.2-16,17 & 17a - changed the functional and

, test frequency to reflect the installation of an analog trip system for certain instrumentation per footnote 10.

14. page 3.3/4.3-3, listed the. closure times for the SDV ,

vent & drain. valves. Also a revision requiring cycling of '

these same values once per 92 days is included. >


? mo 4.


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