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Proposed Tech Specs,Removing Secondary Containment Isolation Valve Tables
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Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1995
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ML20092J321 List:
NUDOCS 9509220068
Download: ML20092J328 (15)


{{#Wiki_filter:- C \ f l 2 ATTACHMENT 2 1 LIMERICK GENERATING STATION - UNITS 1 AND 2 Docket Nos.- 50-352 50-353 License Nos. NPF-39 NPF45 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CHANGE REQUEST NO. 95-15-0 AFFECTED PAGES UNIT 1 UNIT 2 xill xlil 3/4 6-48 3/4 6-48 3/4 6 3/4 6-43 3/4 6-50 3/4 6-50 . 3/4 6-51 3/4 6-51 3/4 6-51a 3/4 6-51a , B 3/4 6-6 B 3/4 6-6 i- l l 1 l l l l i

                   . 9509220068 950914 t.'                  PDR       ADOCK 05000352
                ,,  P..._._._....      . PDR l
                                                                                                                                            ---- e

_g _ - j:g. 1 3901038720 d, j INDEX- t

                 ' LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE' REQUIREMENTS                                                                       !


                                              -                                                                                     PAGE                  t i


                 -3/4.6.4               VACUUM RELIEF                                                                                                     i Suppression Chamber - Drywell Vacuum Breakers...........                                 3/4 6-44                 !

3/4.6.5 .SECON'DARY CONTAINMENT  ; Reactor. Enclosure Secondary Containment Integrity....... 3/4 6-46 i Refueling Area Secondary Containment Integ ty.......... 3/4 6-47 i - Reactor Enclosure Secondary Containment Automatic Isolation'Va1ves....................d.................. 3/4 6-48

                                                                      .1-1 Reac r Enclosure econdary Table 3.6.
C ainment Van lation stem Automa e Isolatio -

F Valves..... ........... ........ /4 6-Refueling Area Secondary Containment Automatic 0- - Isolation Va1ves.......................................... 3/4 6-50

. h"- h i Table . 5.2.2-1 efueling ea econd Contai

ment Ven lation Sy em Auto ic 6-I Isolat n Valves.. ........ .... 3 l Standby Gas Treatment System - Common System............ 3/4 6752 l i Reactor Enclosure Recirculation System.................. 3/4 6-55

  1. j 3/4.6.6 PRIMARY. CONTAINHENT ATMOSPHERE CONTROL Primary Containment Hydrogen Recombiner Systems......... 3/4 6-57 ,

Drywell Hydrogen Mixi ng System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 6-58  ; Drywell and Suppression Chamber oxygen concentration.... 3/4 6-59 t 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4'.7.1 SERVICE WATER SYSTEMS

                                        ~ Residual Heat Removal Service Water System - Common                                                             i System..................................................                                 3/4 7-1                 l
                             ,          : Emergency Service Water System - Common System..........

3/4 7-3 Ultimate Heat Sink...................................... 3/4 7-5  :

                                                                                                                       . n ad.u nt 5 . C , 40 LIMERICK - UNIT 1                                              xiii                                                              !"
                                                                                                                           ,T : O 2 00


                                                         --.    ~ -

t r*

  • t The reactor enclosure secondary containment ventilation system auto- ~

tic isolation valves r 5. 1% shall be OPERABL


t t s . . , APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIO S 1, 2, and 3. M ACTION: DE.LE.rE., With one or more of.the reactor seco a containment ventilation system automatic isolation valves e .. . inoperable, maintain at least one isolation valve DP In e~ach Ilffecte penetration that

    .is open and within 8 hours either:                                             ,
a. Restore the inoperable valves to OPERABLE status, or i'
b. . Isolate each affected penetration by use 'of 'at least'one deactivated valve secured in the isolation position, or ,
c. Isolate each affected penetration'by use of at least one closed manual valve, blind flange'or slide gate damper.

Otherwise, in OPERATI'ONAL CONDITION 1, 2,' or 3, be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN within the next 12 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 24 hours. SURVEILLANCE REOUIR3ENTS h Each reactor enclosure s onda containment ventilation system automatic isolation valve shall be demonstrated . OPERABLE: // DELE TE.

a. Prior to returning the valve to. service after maintenance, repair or replacement work is performed on the valve or its associated actuator, control or power circuit by cycling the valve through at least one complete cycle of full travel and verifying the specified isolation time. .
b. At least once per 24 months by verifying that on a containment 1 isolation test signal each isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.
c. By verifying the isolation time to be within its limit at least once per 92 days.
                                                                              & 26:x LIMERICK - UNIT 1                               3/4 6-48             A - L- a. L . 2;, ;;, n



s O



1. Reactor Enc 1 ure Ventilation * \

Supply valve V-76-107 5 B.H.S U l

                        /         2.      Reactor Enclos e Ventilation Supply

( Valve HV-76-108 5 8,H,5,U i

                               ,3.        Reactor Enclosure Ventilation Exhaust f            4.

Valve HV-76-157 Reactor Enclosure V tilation Exhaust 5 8,H,5 U .), Valve HV-76-158 5 8,H,5,U K l

                              ' 5.        Reactor Enclosure Equi        nt Compartment .            _

Exhaust Yalve HV-76-141' . 5 8,H,5,U

                              . ,       .Esactor'Incinsure foul          t Compartment                          .     .
                                        . Exhaust Valve HV-76-142 -                -
                                                                                                            '~"5                          8,H,5,0 Drywell Purge Exhaust Valv HV-76-030

( 7.

8. rywell Purge Exhaust' Valve 031' 5

8,H,5,U,R,T ( 5 B,H,5,U,R,T l <

9. 0 11 Purge Exhaust Inboard 5 8,H,5,U,y,R,T
  • Val MV-57-214 (Unit 2)_
   .                          10.       Drywe 1 Purge Exhaust outboard                                            6                      B,H,5,U,W,R.T A
  • Valve 215 (Unit 2) -

W { 11., Suppress Pool Purge Exhaust 5 8,H,5,U,W,R,7 Inboard V ve HV-57-204 (Unit 2)

  • Suppression col Purge Exhaust 6 .N,5;U,V,R,T Cutboard Valv HV-57-212 (Unit 2) -

l l f}lE rttFO2nfATton Feom TH t.S TTCHlY10!1L- .

                                .5/YdlAG ATIONs' -WCT/CN HA.s BEEN REtodATEo i

TD 774 E. UFSA R. . 1 Abb

R (a)See S cification.3.3. Table.3.3.2-1, or isolation ignals that operate
_ each a coatic valve. ,-

( I

. ..- LIMERICK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-49 t ..,Li A he. 3-
                                                                                                                                     "" 2 2 m i

{ 1


                                                                                                                                     -2 REFUELING AREA SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AUTOMATIC' ISOLATION VALVES                                                          A
                                                                        .- .n:- ~
                                                                            - ' ~ -
                                                                                    -  -                                         O LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION e The "efueli o e s condar containment ventila ion s em automatic 1atio y 1ves < 1 .6. .- shall be OPERABLE 4 i o

               ,        s       st       or          o     e                             e   .6.       .-

APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITION *. ADD. DELET~ti With one or more of the ' no - are e ondar ' containment ventilation system automatic isolation valves . . f) inoperable, maintain at least one isolation valve 0 Gi fenetration that is open and within 8 hours either:

                        , a.         Restore the inoperable valves' to OPERABLE status, or b         Isolate each affected penetration by use of at least one deactivated valve secured in the isolation position,'or
                   " I ' c.9       . Isolate each affected renetration"by.use least one closed manual
                     . s: , : e    ~ valve, blind flange oc. slide' gate damper.-
                          ,Otherwise, in OPERATIONAL CONDITION *, s$ spend handling of irradiated fuel in the refueling area secondary containment, CORE ALTERATIONS                               and operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel. The provisions                            -

of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable. -

                                                                                                                                 %v SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS i

i Each refueli area containment ventilation system auto-

  • i matic isolation valve . . . shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

L t-E rr. ^

a. Prior to returning the valve to serv ce after maintenance, repair or replacement work is performed on the valve or its associated actuator, control or poer circuit by cycling the valve through at least- one complete cycle of full travel and verifying the specified isolation l time.
b. At least once per 24 months by verifying that on a containment l

, isolation test signal each isolation valve actuates to its isolation position.

c. By verifying the isolation time to be within its limit at least once per g2 days.
  • Required when (1) irradiated fuel is being handled in the refueling area l secondary containment, or (2) during CORE ALTERATIONS, or (3) during. opera- . '

!' tions with a potential for draining the reactor vessel with the vessel head . l removed and fuel in the vessel.

                                                                                                 . "" :: !sti LIMERICK - UNIT 1                                          3/4 6-50                 !=- --M F         f , ??, 71


                '                                                                                                              ~

3._ _ -.  ;


l TABLE 3.6.$Ii2-1 ~ i



1. Refueling Area Ventilation upply N
,                       Valve HV-76-117 (Unit 1)                                        5              RT                    )
2. Refueling Area Ventilation 5 ply Valve HV-76-118 (Unit 1) 5 R,T
3. . fueling Area Ventilation Exha st -

l Va ve HV-76-167 (Unit 1) 5 R,T

4. Refu ling Area Ventilation Exhaust Valve 168 (Unit 1) . 5 R,T
5. Refueli Area Ventilation Supply , '\

Valve HV-76-217 (Unit 2) 5 T l 1

6. Refueling Area Ventilation Supply Valve HV 8 (Unit 2) 5 R, l
7. Refueling Area entilation Exhaust .

Valve HV-76-267 Unit 2) 5 R,T l 1

8. Refueling Area Ventilation Exhaust Valve HV-76-268 (Unit 2) 5 R,T l

M. Drywell Purge Exhaust alve HV-76-030 5 8,H,5,U,R, N 10. rywell Purge Exhaust Va HV-76-031 B,H,5,U,R,T

11. 0 11 Purge Exhaust Inboard 5 B,H,S,U,W,R,T Valv HV-57-114 (Unit 1) j; .

12 Drywell urge Exhaust Outboard 6 B ,H ,5,U ,W, R ,T Valve HV- 7-115 (Unit 1) 13 Suppression pol Purge Exhaust Inboard 5 B,H,5,U,W,R,T Valve HV-57-104 (Unit 1)


14 Suppression Pool urge Exhaust Outboard 6 B, 5,U,W.R.T Valve HV-57-112 ( it 1)


b[LE r(_. THC IHfoeh1AripH Femt This 7~6e.HNienL SNelGidRT/0/v.s ISGToph HAs Bggy Rgwegrge3 0

  .s                                                       Abb LIMERICK - UNIT 1                     3/4 6-51                  jd       2     .' n .dment S.23-
                                                                                                            .# v / 4 .# W WeJ k V                .. _- -

TABLE (Continued)  ; i

                                         ,                   AUTOMATIC ISOLATION. VALVE 5                                                     ,
                                                                                                                                               . .gp REFUELING AREA (ZONE III)                                           MAXIMUM'                                     <


15. Drywell Purge Exhaust Inboard  ! B,H,5,U,W,R,T Valve HV-57-214 (Unit 2) .

l l' 16. Drywell Purge Exhaust Outboard 6 B,H,5,U,W,R,7

                                , Valve HV-57-215 (Unit 2) l j                           17. Suppression Pool Purge Exhaust Inboard-                                 5                   B,H,5,U,W,R,T Valve HV-57-204 (Unit 2)                                                                                        l
18. 6 B,H,5,U,W,R,T 1 Suppression Valve HV-57-212 Pool(Uni Pur!e 2)Exhaust Outboard 1

ME INfounAT1DN PCOM THIS TEdHNICl*'-- EPleIPICArlbM Sf600W H As difN Pl*LDeMC0 ,',,,,, ' romeupsan. . q;i . A6b


bGtsrs. .; . i i i - (*) See Specification 3.3.2, Table 3.3.2-1, for isolation signals that operate each automatic isolation valve. i i l 1 LIMERICK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-51a A.-..d -id E. 23 JD 2 2 2 l

    . . . -       --                      - - - - - -       --          - _ -        - - . -               - - . . - - - .              .-    --           -             . ~ _ .

1 "r 3901038720 . l . E4i . ' '1 W~ i

                                   . CONTAINMENT $YSTEMS u~      -                                                             .               ;
                                                                                                *                                           .            . L-

( i 3/4.6.5 SECON0aRY CONTAINMENT (Continued)

The field tests for bypass leakage across ,the SGTS charcoal adsorber and 4

i HEPA filter banks are performed at a flow rate of 3000 s 105 cfa. This flow

            ,                       rate corresponds to the maximum overall three sene inleakage rate of 3264 cfa.

i . The SGT5 filter train pressure drop is a function of air flow rate and j

                           . . .. filter-conditions.-Surveitlance-testing is performed using either. the SGTS or                                        ..

j drywell purge fans to provide operating, convenience. - Each reactor enclosure secondary containment zone and refueling area secondary containment zone is testad independently to verify the design leak j tightness. A design leak tightness of 1250 cfm or less for each reactor *

!                                  enciesure and 764 cfm or less.for the refueling area at a 0.25 inch of vacuus

! water .; age will ensure that containment' integrity is maintained at an  ! acceptable. level ifcall sones are connected to the SGTS at the same ties. y . " .., t u:r .. The post-LOCA offsite' dose ^ analysis assuees a reactor enclosure secondary containment post-draw down leakage rate of 1250 cfm and certain post-accident X/Q values. While the post-accident X/4 values represent a statistical inter-j pretation of historical meteorological. data, the highest ground level wind speed which can be associated with these 7 aph (Pasquill-Gifford ' stan111ty Class G for a ground level release). Therefore, the surveillance-requirement assures that the reactor enclosure secondary containment is verified _ ! under meteorological conditions consistent with the assumptions utilized in the design basis analysis. Reactor Enclosure Secondary Containment leakage tests e j tnat are successfully performed at wind speeds in excess of 7 aph would also  ; i satisfy the leak rate surveillance requirementsi since it shows compliance i with more conservative test conditions. e i 3/A.4.6 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ATMOSPMERE CONTROL  !,' l The OPERASILITY of the systems required for the detection and control of I hydrogen combustible sixtures of hydrogen and oxygen ensures that these systems l will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within the primary

containment below the lower flammability limit during post-LOCA conditions.

The primary containment hydrogen recombiner is provided to maintain the oxygen concentration below the lower flammability limit. The combustible gas analyzer i is provided to continuously monitor, both during normal operations and post-LDCA, ! the hydrogen and oxygen concentrations in the primary containment. The primary i containment atmospheric mixing system is provided to ensure adequata sizing of the containment. atmosphere to prevent localized accumulations of hydrogen and i oxygen from exceeding the lower flammability limit. The hydrogen control 1 system is consistent with the recessendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control 1 of Combust ble Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA." March 1971. The 08025 1~ bu l TfolAhort hh/e t 4nd. Eedue.h Apea. Secorsdary $0rdaor,mg,H-- l N*fkhd hbhi% VaIVGS dan be. -{pum{_ gh ggg Vpgl g, i ' u - LIMERICK - UNIT 1 5 3/4 6-6 Amendment No. 8 j ME 101988 I 1 i



         .          ,                                                                                                                                                                                           j
                                           ,                                                                                                                                                                   3 INDE'X            F'"        -


m. . . .
                      ~ CONTAINMENT S'YSTEMS (Continued)-

3/4.6.4 VACUUM RELIEF CSuppr'ession Chamber. .Drywell Vacuum Breakers........,.. 3/4 6 *

                                                                                 s                        .a         .        ..

3/4.6.5.. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT Reactor Enclosure. Secondary Containment Integrity....... 3/4 6-46

                                                                                                                  ~~                               '                                             '
                                                     .RefuelingArea~SecondaryCont'ainmentlntegrity.'........                                            .                 3/4 6              ,
                                                                                               .     ,,     m.               1                   .          ..      ...
                              . g"m                  ; Reactor Enclosure. Secondary' Containment Automatic 3/4* 6-48 N




                                   ',                  .:c .       .      .               7               -                      l                                      .

lRea or'Encio




Table 3 .' 5.'2. re Secon ry 7 Co ainment' ntilati 1

                                                                                                '+ stem Aut atic Is ation lves... ........ ....... .....                                  3/4 ~ 49 BEL.GrE.-

e Refueling Area. Secondary Containment Automatic .


IsolationVa1ves.........~............;f................. 3/4 6-50  : Eu?84 1 Tabl 3.6.5. 2-l' Ref ing rea econdary ontain-m Ventilat n System utomatic olation V ves...... - 3/4 ' 51 Standby Gas Treatment System -Common System............ 3/4 6-52 Reactor Enclosure Recirc'ulation System.................. 3/4 6-55 ! 3/4.6.6 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ATMOSPHERE CONTROL ! Primary Containment Hydrogen Recombiner Systems. . . . . . . . . 3/4 6-57 l Drywell Hydrogen Mixing System.......................... 3/4 6-58 l i Drywell' and Suppression Chamber Oxygen Concentration. ... 3/4 6-59 l I l 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS i i -


I -3/4.7.1 SERVICE WATER SYSTEMS-I l i Residual' Heat Removal-Service Water System - Common ! System................'.................................. 3/4 7-1

                                                     ' Emergency Service Water System . Common System..........                                                            3/4'7-3
                                                     ' Ultimate Heat                   Sink.......................................                                         3/4 7-5                  -           -

LIMERICK'- UNIT =2.. xiii , , , , , , , , ,

                                                                                        ,                     _                                                                          m, . , ,, w

_. _ . - - -.--._----=.--- --. .--...- .~....-- -

                                                                                                                              ..                                                                                  (


  • ou;aa e The reactor e lo ure eco dar containment ventilation system auto-matic isolation valves s inNa _les . 6,. 5_. sh 1 be OPERABLE MTsQ1a iSJ -

t s e ta r eqqal e'tQmes wn n'Ta6 e 3. ..- i "" o APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, and 3. ADD ACTION: j,, , . . .

                                                                                                                    . . .          s.          MI f             .g                -/s ,; ,
' W With'one . . 9.y.d,riq'o'rTaoFe"6f1 syn.ihe"rea 1
                                                                                     , @!.:.i;r-p .n' d@4F,.g @~S.i g i.' # ventilation system'WM%

! ' 'automaticHifolitionNalves s, ab . 6 . ' .- ~in' operable,Peaintain'at " l

  • 1 east one is'olation valve uruUWLE n eau a Ce netration that' ~
is open and within 8 hours either
NfSf .w ' .S ,

! . % % .r.sM d p rik Q n % & O ;:.% ; c % r i % d :6.ithbr,S T d t..:;* t:' & .; s ' & , i' i.u. .h'ui a%e,. a 'T Mstore.u:the R . w. ' ..y inoperable

                                                                                          ~ ~             . valves ,to.0PERABLE status, or a: .,.                   . ,, na.

i fN. . .9 a..f6

                                                                                                                                                                                   .. .. O e ..

3...c.";.-*M3:'F';'.ld each affected.penetrationiby;u  % N .~ nogg% Q. m.y c .:.w j.v.. . .. A v : we b.MIsolate$.t:.?)p l1;d'..V. p se:of at:least>one deactivated- - d posi. tion, :or W. . ;;M A e.g. 2., .i . . L.u.U. is ;d5Ms M oddfM O N h 4 W s M d5.e$ly.M%g;slivalvelsecured dn M.theVW@ u?OWFEW - isolatignl#$@@by@ ! . . 1fgcWe& Isolate each af.fected penetrationi f ' i,. .

                                     . ,.cfl;l valve, blind. flange'or slide ' gate damper. . . ' ' '                                                                                 ,

5 . ,.7MW.. , .n. . . _.....m.~

                                                       . ~. , . ~t . . .
                                                                                   ... ..  .. .-6 2..~.1. 9. #m                     0. 4 % s;.L . W W ..m . .

T ' Otherwise, Tin' OPERATIONAL CONDITION 1,42,'orj3, be'in at least HOT SHUTDOWN ' .b within~the'n' ext'12 hours ' arid in COLD SHUTDOWN lwithin the following 24 hours.

                                                                                                *'                "Pl:yOj;l."9                        ,       .         .                                 %*


                                                                                                                             ., 7.  .    .

! - Each reactor e osure seconda contai nt ventilation system ! automatic isolation valv i le 6. . 1-1 shall be demonstrated j. . l ! OPERABLE: I bELGrC. ! a. Prior to returning the valve to service after maintenance, repair or i replacement work is performed on the valve or its associated actuator, 1 i control or power circuit by cycling the valve through at least one complete l cycle of full travel, and verifying the specified isolation j time. O b. At least once per 24 months by verifying that on a containment l ' isolation test signal each isolation valve actuates to its isolation position. i 3

c. By verifying the isolation time to be within its limit at least once per 92 days.


k. .

N. + r 1

  ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                      1
                                                                                                     .                                                                                                                   l
. I LIMERICK - UNIT 2 3/4 6-48  % L m. iiv. 34 JUL 28::X -

1 1

           -                    ;                                                                  r              ,

l A 1

                                                      -                                              . TABLE                _ . .
                                                                                                                                           -1     - :-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .              t REACTOR ENCLOSURE ECONDARYCONTAINMEliT.VENTILATIONSYSTEM f,.,a                                                                                AUTOMATIC ISOLATION VALVE 5 R                OR ENCLOSURE (ZONE-II)                                                                          \           MAXIMim                .


                                                                                                                                                          \(Seconds)                                SIGNAL 5
1. A ctor Enclosure Ventilation
               .1                                 Sup ly valve W-76-207                                                                                                                             B,H,S,U f .2. .Reac r Enclosure Ventilation S                                                          ly ,                     ,.
     '[              $N N .Y:' 70.-208 g g6 7 3.f$Re' acto'r nelosure:Ve'g                                                     ;}gypp@gg\pgp t--NMMI'<,4'"2 y,.f4                               W' g         '"J, x,3 A A,H,S,U -

ntilation Exhau '

                                             .? Valve'HV- 6-257 z' w '                               T 4             '
                                                                                                                           +u,-                                    5"                  ><
                                                                                                                                                                                               B,H,S,U osure'Ventiladon' Exhaust                                   #'                      '~                                                      '
               .             ' c.4. 5 Resctor1E
   .               . l.                9 "I'*[    Y
                                                          #~764 5843.p,ggc g.f, g g.,...; g57,gg,.3,..B,H,S,U                                                                                                                         ,.
                               ;                                                  Equipment Compartment: W.                                                 .                      .. ,                               ?'              .
  , 'F?#MNExhaust1..                                         Valve-                                                         T                                    5.. .ily.t W. B,H,S,U             v.,
               '                        ~.:.. .. ~                            241-Y
                                                                                 . . ..;;. r'M,?'. m . a .,:' : m#~/@rq.v C- @ ':                                            . . . ..                        .
                                                                                                                                         '"!$>.. :. . . J . '9' 7'
     ...m                            ne..~.wValve                  m. ~Mw                   &%.E.;@.

k.g- ...m.. r .d 6.5Re~ actor: Enclosure

EMExhaust' W- -242 ... - -


                                                   .n               Purge Exhaus Valve
                                                               .. . . _ . . _ .            ..     :..    .r.

W-76-030.D 'tM 4 ~,3 5- ?>;~. C. sib, A ,U.,R.T 5 E-

             ,     p 8..SDrywe.vm       . n .. s .


                                                                   . . . , . - .     <           alve W-76-031 :- ' . g.n ,. m. 5 .::,p,
.rea . .
                                                                                                                                                    -.                   - .              .x.c.B,H.,S
                                                                                                                                                                                            ~ - -                   ,,U,R,T 4                  3     9.        . Drywell       Purge        Exhaust        I  card       Valve         Y        .
                                                                                                                                  *            '?.1           '5- 11 al- B,H,S,U W R.T
                                        +             57-114.(Unit 1).                            - , x .. :.                 ,                         n.                         < a "<.

h1 10.Dh11Pu Exhaust Outbo rd V'alve ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                  'B,H,S,U,W,R T W-5' -115                it 1) .~..:r                                                       /                          ~
                                                                                                                                                                                   ,~-               ..           -
                       .y.n..y.y.g > :,.                                                 .
                                                                                                               -:-i ~                       -          ~ < '             -
                                                                                                                                                                                                        " ~ . .                 -

i 11. Suppre sion Pool Purge Exhaust nboard Valve 5- B,H,S,U,W,R,T

W-57-1 (Unit 1)


i. 12. Suppressi n Pool Purge Exhaust Du ard . 6 B,H,5,U,W,R,T l Valve HV-57 112 (Unit 1)

\ k-THE. lufonmArioH FRQm 1His TECHNICAL '

                                        -5*PEdit:ISATIONE Si& TION Hi% B66N TC6LOMDEC                                                                                                        bELETE-

. TO TkE. Orsisk , r aan l 4, (a)Se . Specification 3.3.2, Table 3. 2-1, for is tion signals tha operate L- es automatic val e. - - i . . , , . - ! LIMERICK - UNIT 2 - 3/4 6-49 = * - - 2


i . t


                                 -                                                                    g                  ,


g:, The rjf .g se ond r containment ventilat n system automatic ' l i p lation valve

                           ,       e        a                a Ta o
                                                                                      .     .2. - shall be OPE LE n                               . .        ..


             , ACTION:


                                                < .a m t,       &              -'   Ng~4,:.         ;..,.                                .

e in . area. .secondar ' cont'ainment Sv..J . s.:.ent.11ation syste we7s. .m lorimore J. . N#m A.q W1th fone 'm. ., ..-;. automatic isolation : Valves s' of.ptheJ. inoperable? maintain at !

E ' 11 east ene . isolation ^ valve n eac a e e enetration that w L,.', ..e. mis' .,; w wit.hin 8 hours either: . e.4,.x.. a n 7..... A A. . . s_m .j ,. . . .

a . -tm. g. . , , . - . , %+;dd$. . . 3 .O.UlaksRbtche thbnoperIble valveslto 0PERABLE'statusT . y$Y &; <? of J

                        "i W 7.01solat[leklEiffsted s,er#4,ig%':                             k.e      W^       h:.E*3PMWNYSididhO.hd       penetration           by         u&6.i.NY::least I

se'of one st: 4$$5U2 deactivated u i,n ,) -

Sh"/ $ val vejsecurg& E} ,

theji sol ati onjLpos j ti on, b. g,j. .gqqp iWN  ? JM.G %, d.0WP w.WiMsc.fliolate;each,saffectelp.dUM enetration ;by mu.W.i TW %W, abisWEEWM nse:ofiat rieast:on '


H cm@' r L

                    .eglyMyn,Nalve, u ;.w.L. . 6g:;w;rG.gW%?r.9 blind!fln'n'geTor.   ' t = g.; & ; ' :: :slide'             . , . gatedamperQif#
                                                                                                                                                 ,.a.,            .:' Sq y.:; a                        '%

l' .~ M9Otherwise,"in'0PERATIONAliCONDITION *, suspend handling of;irrsdi$ led

  • i -
  , ,      ?. cvM; fuel Tin 7etheSrefueling5 area 2 secondary 1. containment,: CORE $ ALTERATIONS < and                                                                                                 '

i operations with a potential for draining ~the reactor vessel. <The; provisions ~ J. of Specification 3.0.3 are not applicable. .

                                                                                                                                                        ,           . . _ f ,7 '
                                                                                                                                                          ' '   9   r;;
                 ' v :* . ch:
                      .                               : .:          .a.                      v            r .y
                                                                                                                                                            ' . ~ ~     ' '

i SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS i . ~ i Each refuelin are 'see d r contain' ment ventilation system auto-I matic isolation valve a .... hall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. Prior to returning the valve to servi e aker maintenance, epair or i replacement work is performed on the valve or its associated actuator, l control or power circuit by cycling the valve through at least one
complete cycle of full travel and verifying the specified isolation time. ,

l b. At least once per 24 months by verifying that on a containment l l isolation test signal each isolation valve actuates to its isolation j position. ! c. By verifying the isolation time to be within its limit at least once j per 92 days. i 1 + !

  • Required.when (1) irradiated fuel is being handled in the refueling area secondary containment, or (2) during CORE ALTERATIONS, or (3) during operations F: with a potential for draining the reactor vessel with the vessel head removed v'

. and. fuel in the vessel.

!                LIMERICK - UNIT 2                                                            3/4 6-50                               -' R h L. % M 28 %

i- t



l. TABLE.3.6. . .. . t
                                                                                                                             .       z f                              -
                                                      'REF ELING AREA SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VENT-ILATION SYSTEM h

MAXIMUM i .- ISOLATION TIME SOLATI 1 i VALVE FUNCTION (Seconds) SIGNALSgg) i 1. Refueling Area Ve tilation Supply i m Valve HV-76-117 (U it 1) 5 R,T . ! g .. Refueling Area Vent ation Supply. - .,

                                                                                                                                                                                                . . . ,_ 1 . .
f. . ., LLVal.v.e H,V; 76,118.,;(Unit 1)ggq.4,C.c.! ..; ,d, g;;. 3 1,l. 5 w' ' :/ ..!?..!.pl.R.Tj;-;, , , ' .
                    . ; . e..> e n w n. ._ . . .- ..

' , L t '3.

                                                                                                                                                                                            . , g .c. c ,f
    <                             ' Refueling ~ Area Ventila ion Exhaust                                                          *       -

o.Rw,T , Valve' HV-76-167 (Unit 1 5

                                             . , . , . . . . .. ..                                                       . . . . .       ..>..                                                                 n . .-          .

To. . i!-

           . k r4.4 ' fueling Area'Ventilatio Exhaust                                                                                                                       sn      ;.<(z.:p f N;.v.,

i. yVa ve';HV-7.6-168.,(Unit

                    . ~ . .s y . . . . .t. v                               ..._. .
                                                                                    ,1) ,        ..             ,
                                                                                                                         , . .s.      .'47 g..      .s. ,     , , 5..,         .'. y , ,; ; ,.R,,T ,.,j , 4 pf5. Ref.lin ! .. Area. Ventilation.                                             . . . ply ,g f'gs d y g. g.;37.:v, W.,;s. Q . y & g g al.                                                                            !
               ;! n .                Valv '                 76-217l(Unit             l2)f   @ >N. no m -                                                    ,. 5 .                      4.       :.w R,T et.a; -


                                     %w.~. e                           .a -             s          ..                                                        e                       :m m. . to,, .         .                                      ,

Refuel 3.Area% f' Ventilation Sup li.a g..;.7..e.e, .

                                                                                                                                                                                           . A El%rp . .
   .%. m7" m1                                                                d R T <3 5. .

F %

                        ,-          Valve' ww.w e.+.nw Refueli
                                                                  ,   76-218          - . ;.a
                                                                                                ?(Unit'2)'".       ..

2' 5"" /;' ' sWo $~ '

                                                                                                                                                                 .w-~ ...        w.g/.g, .                    :.v g:,. : Area' X".          7.                                                                                                ,; .c. l.

i' i ,

  • MV n.n.,alve;HV- n,, . .y -267 ~ . go.(Unit.2).
                                                                                                                                                                 -' S '. ' . ' ~                    k.'R,T[y? j

'~'> 8.'.MRefueling'A a Ventilation Exhaust- ' W.

                                                                                                                                   ~* M :

U '

      .            M.J. Valve?.HV 8_(Unit 2)  ,

5 'R,T I ,, . :n . .. g 9. 0ryy11 Purge...,.haustValveHV-76-030 j 5 B H,S,U,R,T 1 :Drywell Pu'rge'Exh ust Valve HV-76-031 5' 'B,H, ,U,R,T l . l 11. rywell Purge Exhaust Inboard 5 B,H,5 U 4W,R,T j alve HV-57-114 (Unit 1) ! 12. D 11 Purge Exhaust Outboard 6 B,H,5,U, ;R,T

Val HV-57-115 (Unit 1) t l 13. Suppre ion Pool Purge Exha st Inboard 5 B,H,S,U,W,R Ts Valve 57-104 (Unit 1) \

l l 14. Suppressi n Pool Purge Exhaust utboard 6 B,H,5,U,W,R,T j Valve HV-57 112 (Unit 1) DELEtt l Tut INf'ouettrt08 itont ruts 7EekHIdt1L. ' Udd/ReArIOjv.s .sEdr/ph HA.c affh KCtedirits

u 1*D TSL. Of.fme.

t4;a N. g LIMERICK - UNIT 2 3/4,6-51 E:55 4 4 1

   -                              _                             _ _                                   __                          . _ _ . .                        ._ _ .                        .         __._m                        . ._ .                    ._
                                                                                                                   . TABLE n.ued)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,n. 1_-
                      ' REFUELING AREA ZONE III)                                                                                                       - -


                                                                                                                                                                                      . (Seconds-SIGNALSg)
                  - VALVE FUNCTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                             s
15. Drywell Purge Exhaust Inboard 5 \ ~ B,H,S,U,W,hT
                                     . Valve HV-57-214 ( nit 2)                                                                                                                           .
                                                                                                                                         .; ;                  m. m. m iJg. -g ;gy (1y;9 , .g gjd{t..y             16. -   MDwQXm *.:,gw'.a;m. yb Ol@ 7 ap M6 iM3$:'a s.B]H,5;U,W,R,T -
                                                    ,11 Purge Exhaus F                                       Outboard ;/ ' " 4 T ENV N:W % ~ e v                                                                                                                                                  ~
m. w.rc{::;%sw:h n f,C. '
  /f l.y
       . n.. w g     S..     $;      g    a  ve.;.HV-57-215?(Unitn
                                            .s      .    .     ;.n         v                               ,w        . )a :i$M ;v L..
       ' [$Y.QlU . , ;, fl,[V '. S*.l $ ;)g       _


                                                                                                             ^'             '
                                                                                                                                                             . y.'.           i ?QGrj}&}Q~.7 ' 'Q ;.'(                         i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,'A,          .

r W1 % WSuppression Pool. (Purge' c. m).

                %'A.,7:  . .W ,                           V.-57-204:                      2 -

haust m. u, Inboard

                                                                                                                                                -   -            t,
                                                                                                                                                                       .   * .%.!.t.g<'p-w r               "       C.

v ",A,.y v .e- s.'5 t ,C.o m.,y.C q 2w./. g w w. Val

                                            .            v     .    ,    H.&i?              .w.       '.'.a.            7;A,            ..

w,y**.. A...;;3...,.g O pc.m. m .z;e 7 p,. t np ,.n *,. Q;w%.h.

                                                                                                     %                  ?   ?r,   ~
                                                                                                                                 %.      %..  ,    -w m%r m,'n.4. .,.a...cW..m. ,..,. y. _ ,q n.
                                                                                                                                                           . m   . p.a     c.:.        V.. x
                                                                                                                                                                                                %. 9,,.           c.M   y  .

v :. 7,.em 4 .u... t-9.- n ,, .r,

                                    ~s'         ,
                                                              ~ s,v
                                                                                  .9. ..                          3,                                                                           . .u. s . .

n @yA - . m~:

   >. y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .VB V


                  .pR.$. Valve' H.,V,. 7-2,12 on'P+ool i Purge'Exhaus
                                                                                    -. (Unit..2).!,


                                                                                                           . .. *mB W W : W.~../ W %.,s. w. M.~.d.s,.
                                                                                                                                        ..m.                   .

WN%W, N ,H,S'.,a'W i i 6

m. T.m.v ,. c..2. M M.%,b m ... 2..y .

b#~. ,... ut ... . c... ,. ... t > ,

                                                                                                  . w. . .-
m. n .m. ,. . :. .n.t.-G'
m. ,.v.,> , u m e, - n7er..

p;& ,.+

                                                                             .e.7%;:M~Je s = . : . . / *R,.,'.
  • J e a -  :;
                                                                                                                                                                                                           .%-m t. b.m. g N.m,,;yt'b Yg
                                                             .W.n                                                                            -.'s.m.              Uv,w                                                   w y ..
                                                                                                                                                                       .m*m . :-:         t -ft'..

9. .h4.; A.,o;,m .
                                                 ?yha9^        .jm         % g t w g. .;!,!.y
                   .                                                e
+       we @-        .. n .v4h   C&,w    ggjm'i.             .c.4:  99'.yy;a.x                                  m y.~ r.v.m          u n.nsuAn r*.M%..:w<yt                   1 we                       w .                                      -.~

m e 4..,:,p'. m. .s

tf ;.)' Lp..- .., ; <-D,'.w.. Wy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . v . wr,
                                                                                 . % m'  'l *?' ?     C
  • Q.  % .:~. ^

9 V3 Y T*p*C 4y o- *v J ' G*.h *r f.., m '; L a .( . g ;p;_ sq V. mAm:w.ys w'***c'e ,. M. y +s".,**-  :

                                                                                 +' l 'l-=
                                                                                 -                                                                            m                        m+p,              ;,     ..z"      W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -L'.,.:!*y .::ruY* ^.' w' W                *
  • c& q:{.9 9 9 N  ;:
                                                       &         %u              $    n        .U      W,            PM 4        ,        A' : .,*-

b y.~.E,&. D'.v .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ., y a                     i
 $- a.g:,9.w..2..:..mece es. ,.;. ; -
i' e . swh; '

m m i s e: m

w. x : e . w . q, u;w ;. w _,. m. .;s .
                                                                                                                                                                                           ,i    %        g;        . e   t.      ,-p i m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .x  y;.1 .a  . vm.-s. e.         -s-:     q7?p 79                . y :- wem;L,-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .'~.      y     e                  ,. g ;
                                  ".                                           *                                                                               ,                          r,       . ; w.        . ,,,          ;
    . .'. .  n..

u' n, q.pM?maM = ~

 &%%l' :                                              L.                  GL Q: * ' '

c: : . .yp . s 9% ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . .m 4.

y<ya., y ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                        .. m a n. ;

i 1 . j 1 I

THE IN@ aman &I F*dhi D/t17TdMICM-.

l U661RGA17DM 566 00N MS ffMh R6tCdAnia bELETE <

l. TD THL USMe.  !


l i
A DD 4

t J d 1 i A t (a) See cification .3.2, Table 3.3.2-1, for solation si als t at - . opera each a ic isolatio valve. -- s._ .- 4 I ' ---= LIMERICK - UNIT 1 3/4 6-51a .... I ________o


                        -BASES- .'
                                                                             .                          ;~       .. ~:                                                                                     .,~.

t i . ( """ I SfCONDARYCONTAINMENT(Continued) ) i i The SGT'S fans are sized for three zones and therefore, when aligned to a

. single zone or two zones, will have excess capacity to more quickly drawdown the affected zones. There is no maximum flow limit to individual zones or pairs of zones and the air balance and drawdown time are verjfied.when all 1

three zones are connected to the SGTS. o . .. ., ~


i .J EThelthree zone air balance ' verification and drawdown test will be'done m -

, vgs.jafteFfa~riy;inajdr3y, stem 7 alteration,Jwhichlis'any modification which:will haveb 4                  1 5an"effect;oh the'SGTS flowrate~such:that the~~ ability 'of the SGTS to' drawdown I                                                                                        .


       ~     i,   \ J the r'eactdr'enclosurs't6 ' greater ~ than"or equal to 0.25 inch 'of vacuum water m

,; . . % gage:in

                   .          .v ws,less.; . than.or n .?   equal
                                                          .w        .
                                                                           . - seconds.could.n                 .

be~c affected. . ' -

                                                                                                                                                        - = w           o^
                                                          * @a , l wsc.. *-                w*y    ~
                                                                                                               **-'&                                             ...t a, m.%. .3.                   *ve field, m4 &tests L m v.p6'b':forjypass . leakage across sthe -SGTS                                                                       (charcoal                      , ads'o

, . ,~ . a. >. _ .and  ;. 4The~ . P YHEPATfilteKbinks'.aFe.jierformed 'at a flow ~ rats of 3000

  • 10% cfm. 4Thisiflow.1 , j M. .9r rd .e
                                                                                                          ~                       - .

.g,M~.a.InThe train 'pr: w.... am essure ww.n o drop %ysi .is" M M n a %~e6aw function S.w.,.w of air'. w. flow rate a ps.J;*g.M  : inhu.e

                                 .                                                                                                                                       ~

l 2 . CfiltiE'c;SGTS ;filterinditiss.-FS c g 'eith'eMthei f@iu .7xW&{p'udie~farsk.u'r'vsillan~'eitsstin. l' f$drywell ~ j' iis' 4 pwov),delopgating .co~riseriience;.; , g'if

                                                                     ^x~                                              - ~               ' '              '~

ia ...:?.;w w ~ . " ~ N 4EachLreactorrencidsure secondary containment zone and refueling' area n


7 o%'F . secondary ~; containment zone 1s tested l. independently to verify the^designlleak- l 3 7 tightness.) A design 11eak tightness of 1250 cfm 'or less for each r' eactor ~ .  : 4 *

enclosure and 764 cfm or less for'the refueling area at a 0.25 inch of v'acuum  !
                        . water gage will ensure' that containment integrity is niaintained ~at an ' acceptable                                                         '

O' l level if all zones are connected to the SGTS at the same time.

~ ; , .w: . . . .: a... .. .
                                                                                            .. e .-          -
. / ' The post' LOCA offsite dose analysis assumes a reactor enclosure seconda'ry i containment post-draw down leakage rate of 1250 cfm and certain post-accidept

! X/Q values. While the post-accident X/Q values represent a statistical inter-i pretation of historical meteorological data, the highest ground level wind ! speed which can be associated with these yalues is 7 mph (Pasquill-Gifford i' stability. Class G for a ground level re. lease . Therefore, the surveillance i requirement assures that the reactor enclosur)e secondary containment is verif ! under meteorological conditions consistent with the assumptions utilized in the - ! design basis analysis. Reactor Enclosure Secondary Containment leakage tests that are successfully performed at wind speeds in excess of 7 mph would also i satisfy the leak rate surveillance requirements, since it shows compliance ! .with more conservative test conditions. N 7

                              #c eerdor EnatoweXeomdary enumem+ Maafa.                                                                                                                                            '

Xsolak Valves dul feludQ Ares-. J~e&mdary 6% meg-

Mm&L 1~kolak (/ah/e.1 east Is.e fou n d in & M a ,

i AM n. A 1 B 3/4 6-6 j LIMERICK - UNIT 2 h .a=.:. " . M

                                                                .                                                                            -en        .c
  • T I.9 5 M se n -