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Rev 0 to Test Procedure WVNS-TP-028B, Water-to-Cement Ratio Variance in Simulated Sludge Wash
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 09/20/1991
From: Michnik L
Shared Package
ML20079E011 List:
REF-PROJ-M-32 WVNS-TP-028B, WVNS-TP-28B, NUDOCS 9110040223
Download: ML20083F370 (28)



t Doc. Number WV NS -TP -02 S B West Valley


O Demonstration Project Revision Date 09/20/91 Engineering Release #2191 TEST PROCEDURE WATER TO CEMINT RATIO VARIANCE IN SIMULATED SLUDOE WASH Lt L1M L. E. Michnik PREPARED BY Cognizant En(W APPROVED BY W

D. C. Meess Cognizant System Design Manager k A,.hW.w/

t M J. C. Cwynar/

APPROVED BY ccpi: ant System Manager P. J. Valenti APPROVED BY D. J. Faut:

La tories Manager y

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3 j[{ u / l #. 2,. -

D. L. Shugars APPROVED BY Quality Agsurance Manager D. J. ' Harwar d APPROVED BY 9,aclition Vga'tety Ranager(/

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West Valley Nuclear Services Co., Inc.

1 l

P.O. Box 191 RL A0510 :3RM West Valley, NY 14171-0191 WV-1816, Rev.1 9110040223 911001 p


1 WNS -TP - 028 B Rev. O RECORD OF REVISION PROCEDURE If there are. changes to the procedure, the revision re..mber increases by one.

These changes are indicated in the left margin of the body by an arrow (>) at the beginnin5 of the paragraph that contains a change.


The arrow in the margin indicates a change, Revision on Rev, No.

Description of Changes Page(s)

Dated' O

Original Issuc All 09/20/91 i

s J

P k

W-1807, Rev, 1 i

RIA0510:3RM n

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Revisi n)on Pageis Dated Rev. No.

Description of Changes L.

5 l

l W-1807, Rev. 1 11 RLA0510:3RM m

WNS TP 028B WATER TO CEMENT RATIO VARIANCE IN SIMULATED SLUDGE WASH REV. 0 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This test procedure is bein5 written to complete the request initiated under WNS TRQ 028 and WNS TPL-70 011.

The objective of this overall testing criteria is to better define the effects of water to cement ratio on the simulated sludge wash cement's get time, bleed water, penetration resistance

..d compressive

According to results obtained from WNS-TP 028A and the Plackett-Burman screening matrix used in this test procedure the only observed effect on the cement waste form was determined to be water to cement ratio variauce.

1.2 The work will include 18 2-inch square cubes with water to cement ratios from 0.45 to 0.80 at 0.05 increments however at 0.65, 4 cubes will be made at this increment.

After an appropriate curing period, per section 5,0, the s

2-inch square cubes will be subjected to compressive strength testing per section 6.2.1.

i' 1.3 The compressive strength, bleedwater, pH of the bleed water, and penetration resistance will be measured and recorded for each cube as part of ACM-4801.

t RIA0510:3RM :

l kVNS TP 028B Rev. 0 2.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2.1 Definitions 2.1.1 Cement Dry Portland Type 1 cement in accordance with ASTM Standard C 150 85.

2.1.2 Antifoam General Electric sfce290 emulsion of 5 percent dimethlysilicone in nanopure water. This is used as a cement recipe enhancer to prevent air entrapment in the cement matrix during high speed mixing.

2.1.3 Sodium Silicate is used as a recipe enhancer in the gelling of the cement waste form and prevention of excess bleed water.

2.1.4 Calcium nitrate tetra hydrate - is used as a recipe enhancer in the settins of the cement waste form.

2.1.5 Cube - 2x2x2 inch mold used to make laucratory specimens.

2.2 Abbreviations ACM Analytical Chemistry Method ASTM American Society far Testin6 and Materials 3.0, QUALITY ASSURANCE 3.1 Analytical and Process Chemistry (A&PC) will be responsible for the preparation and testing of the laboratory specimens in acco dance with this cost procedure and the applicable RiA0510: 3RM 2-


L'VNS TP 0288 Rev. 0 steps in the appropriate Analytical and Chemistry Methods (ACM). A&PC shall verbally notify the cognizant Quality Engineer and Quality Manager 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to commencement of work.

3.2 Quality Assurance will perform surveillance as required.

3.3 A&PC shall maintain control by labeling all containers used in testin6 A bound laboratory notebook will be used to record solution contents and testing observation.

4.0 TOOL 5 EQUIPMENT. COMPONENTS. AND REFERENCES 4.1 Tools and Equipment Ligntnin Lab Mixer, Model No 75 1515 with high shsar impeller or equivalent

- 2x2x2 inch plastic American Cube Molds 100 milliliter (mL) plastic or glass graduated cylinder with 1 mL divisions 500 mL polypropylene plastic bottles Corning hot plate or equivalent 100 mL glass volumetric flask 20 mL plastic scintillation vials magnetic stirring place with ma6netic stir bar stopwatch or timer accurate to 1 second top loading balance readable to +/ 0,01 grams (g)

Blue M Oven Model No.-C 2630.Q Gilson Penetrometer Model No. CT 421 fine sand cr emery paper

-RLA0510:3RM 3-

l VVNS.TP.02BB Rev, O 4.2 geggents Portland Type I cement Calcium Nitrate tetra. hydrate, reagent grade


Citric Acid Honohydrate, reagent grade Oxalic Acid Dihydrato, reagent grade

d. Tartaric Acid, reagent grade Sodium Silicate, 38 weight percent in water base.

technical grade Antifoam Ceneral Electric Ar9020*

Sodium Phosphate Monohydrate, reagent grade Sodium tetraborate Decahydrate, reagent grade Sodium Nitrate, reagent grade Sodium Nitrite, reagent grade Sodium Carbonate, reagent grade Potassium Nitrate, reagent grade Sodium Hydroxide, reagent grade Sodium Chromate, tetra. hydrate, reagent grade Sodium Chloride, reagent grade Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate, rea6ent grade nanopure or ASTM Type I water supplied by IRTS operations 4.3 References NRC Technical Position on Waste Form (Revision 1),

January, 1991

- ASTM C 150 85." Specification for Portland Cement"

. ASTM C.109 86 " Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement and Mortors ( or 50-mm Cube Specimans)"

. VVNS.TPL.7011 " Test Plan of the Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of the Sludge Wash liquid" RLA0510:3RM.

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l VVNS TP 0288 Rev. 0 VVNS TRQ 028 " Test Request for Development of the Process Control Parameters for Cement Sol.dification of Sludge Vash tiquids" VVNS TP 025 " Procedure for Development of the Nominal Recipe for Cement Solidification of Sludge Vash Liquids" VVNS TP 028A " Procedure for Development of Process Control Parameters for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquids"

" Cement Vaste Form Process control Parameters Screening Test Results" Letter NO. GJ:91:0078 To P.J. Valenti, from i

John Mahoney, August 12, 1991.

ACH 4701 " Destructive Test of 2 inch Cement Cubes"

- ACM 4801 "Coment Test Cube Preparation Method"

- ACM 2401 " Density"

- ACM 2502 " Total Solids" (Microwave)

ACM 2601 "pH" (Electrode) 5.0 CENERAL UFORMATION Test Procedure VVNS TP 028A Revision 1 was used to evaluate the effects of 13 variables in the cement vaste form production through the use of the Plackett Burman Screoning test.

The one-variable that showed any significant effect on the compressive strength of the cement and secondary effects of excessive bleedwater and gel time was water to cement ratio.

This effect was clearly shown to have an almost linear correlation between water / cement and compressive strength and was also demonstrated in VVNS TP 025 in the total solids-variance and vetet to cement

ratio, This effect vill be more clearly defined in this test procedure by the use of a single variance analysis of water to cement ratio over a smaller defined window with the evaluation of a large set of data points.

The water to cement ratio will be evaluated from 0.45 to 0.8 at increments of 0.05 and a total of RLA0510:3RM 5





k'VNS TP 0288 Rev. O 18 cubce will be made based on duplicate cubes being produced at I

each increment level.

The cubes will be cured at 79 +/ l'c for 90 +/+ 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and the remaining time period for a total of 7 days of curing will be a ambient temperature. At this point in time the compressive strength value for each cube will be evaluated according to ACM 4701.

6.0 PROCEDURE 6.1 Prerequisite Oven shall be see at a proper temperature as defined in section 5.0.

Temperature sensing and recording instrumentation shall be calibrated according to ACP 7.1, Rev. 2.-

- Balances shall be calibrated according to ACP 7.1 Safety procedures shall be reviewe1 in ACP 7.2 6.2 A nominal recipe simulant shall be prepared (see attachment A) and 2 cubes shall be made starting with a water to cement ratio of 0.45 and continuing to 0.80 in increment of 0.05.

The first nine cubes should be made according to section 6.3 thru 6.3.25 within an 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> period and the cubes shall be placed in the oven within 1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of i

preparat.on, fhe last nine cubes should be mad, accordin6 to section 6.3 thru 6.3.25 within a 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> period and the cubes placed in the oven within 1 hours1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of preparation.

6.2.1 Af ter curing, per section 5.0, the cubes vill be subjected to compressive strength testing according L

to ACM.4701 C'th the exception that in section 10.1.3, two cyposite faces shall be ground with fine emery paper to the tolerances stated in section 9.6.2 of ASTM C 109.


WVNS.TP 028B Rev. 0 6.2.2 All compressive strength results, gel time, penetration resistance and bleedwater will be recorded on VV 2301 6.3 Make a five (5%) percent antifoam salvtion. Veigh 5.00

+/ 0.05 5 of well mixed AF9020 in a 100 mL volumetric flask and dilute to the manufacturer's mark with nanoptre water.

Mix well and transfer to a beaker with a magnetic stir bar and stir continuously on a stir plate.

6.3.1 Prepare 3000 g 5.7 percent calcium nitrate tetra-hydrate / cement mixture by adding 171 g calcium


nitrate tetrahydrate to 2829.5 g Portland Type I cement in a 5000 mL beaker and mix the dry ingredient thoroughly.

6.3.2 Use a five hundred (500 mL) plastic bottle to make a mixing vessel by evenly cutting off the tip and producing an open ended cylinder.

6.3.3 Similarly cut the top off a two hundred and fif ty (250 mL) plastic bottle. This container will be used to add the cement / calcium nitrate mixture ti the liquid waste.

6.3.4 Tare the cutof f two hundred-fif ty (250 mL) bottle and add 140.5 +/ 1 cement / calcium nitrate.

Record weight on the appropriate Form VV 2301, 6.3.5 Place the cut empty five hundred (500 mL) mixing vessel prepared in step 6.3.1 under impeller and set mixer speed to one thousand rpm.

l RLA0510:3RM 7-l

WNS TP 02SB Rev. 0 l

6,3.6 Measure appropriate amount of 29 33 weight percanc


simulant based on the water to cement ratio and using equation in section 6.3.18 using a 100 mL graduated i

cylinder and record this amount on Form W 2301.

6.3.7 Pour the simulant into the 500 mL mixing vessel 1

1 prepared according to attachment A.

Rinse the


graduated cylinder after each use with nanopure water.

6.3.8 To the sludge wash, use an I'ppendorff pipst and transfer 0.3 +/- 0.006 mL of the 5 percent antifoam mixture from step 6.3.1.

Record the volume on Form W 2301.

6.3.9 Tare a 10 mL disposable plastic cup and add to it approximately 11.00 +/ 0.5 5 sodium silicate.

The exact amount transferred will be found by re weighing the cup after the material is poured into the sludge wash. Record the weight on Form W 2301 6.3.10 Support the mixer on a lab stand so that the impeller blade is one quarter to one-eighth inch from the bottom of the 500 mL plastic bottle. Use a wide mouth clamp to support the 500 mL plastic bottle without crushin5 the side.

Set timer for 8 minutes,s 6.3,11 Begin the mixing at 1000 rpm and start the timer.

Add the dry coment/ calcium nitrate mixture to the vaste eithin the first-30 seconds. After 45 seconds, slowly add the sodium silicate within an additional 45 seconds

' Continue to mix for a total mix time of 8 minutes.

RLA0510:3RM 8-

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WNS TP 0283 i

Rev. 0 6.3.12 After the transfer of the sodium silicate re weigh l

the cup and calculate the amount added by difference, record the weight on Form VV 2301. While mixing, mark i

on a cube mold with a permanent marker with the date, i

sample type, numerical identification sequence number and then weigh the cube mold, record this weight on-Form VV 2301.

6.3.13 After completion of the 8 minute mix, stop the mixer and transfer the contents to a plastic 2 inch cube mold.

Till to the top and transfer the remainin6 to a 20 mL plastic scintillation vial and seal. After weighing the cube, care the scale to zero and re-weigh the cube with the cement in it.

Record the weight on Form WV 2301.

Deteraine the wet density of the material by the formula below.

Vet Density - Total weight of cube (g)

Tare weight of cube (g) 131 mLs Record the wet density on Form VV 2301. After completing this step, place the cube in a zip lock plastic bag.

6.3.14 Clean the impeller with water immediately after

pouring, 6.3.15 Visually check for gelation of the cement in the 20 mL scintillation vial.

Check every 5 minutes and do not disturb between these time intervals.

Record the time it take the ce nent to gel, celation is a subjective determination, however gelled cement can be determined when the 20 mL scintillation vial can RLA0510:3RM


VVNS.TP 0285 Rov. 0 be tipped slowly to a 90 degree position, parallel to the horizon.

The cement should not deform, flow, and will retain a line of form perpendicular to the horizon. Bleedwater may be present, do not interpret this as a si n of uncompleted gelation.

5 6.3.16 Transfer the cube to a drying oven with the temperature set at 79 +/ 2 celsius within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of preparation and allow to cure in the over, for 90 +/ 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Record on Form WV 2301 the time, date the cube was made and the time it was placed in the oven and also the start temperature.

6.3.17 Af ter 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, determine in mLa the bleedvater in the scintillation vial and also determine the pH by indicator paper (if bleedwater is present); record both on Form VV 2301, 6.3.18 Calculate the water to cement ratio by weight using formula below.

Water to cement -

(A)(B)(1 C)


A - Volume in mLa of sample B - Density value in g/mL of sample C - Total Solids value in decimal form D - Veight of coment used in grams 6.3.19 After 90 +/ 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, take the cube out of the oven and do the penetration resistance analysis (see section 6.3.22) and record the time, date and temperature of the cube removal and also the penetration resistance on Form VV 2301.

RLA0510: 3RM 10 -

I WVNS TP 028B Rev. 0 1

I 6.3.20 CAUTION:

Do not remove the cube from the mold for the penetration test.

Remove it only when ready to t


6.3.21 Using the concrete penettometer model CT 421, perform the penetration resistance test by removing the cube from the ba5 and placing the penetrometer plunger in i

the center of the exposed side of the cube.

Make sure the red indicator ring has been set back to the zero mark on the penetrometer. With a steady vertical force push the penetrometer against the cube until the red indicator ring is all the way down the scale when the penetrometer shaft will not penetrate the cement any further.-

6.3.22 on the handle of the penetrv.eter, read the value on the red indicator ring and record the number on Form WV 2301.

If the red indicator ring is all the way to the end of the scale, a value of >700 psi shall be recorded.

6.3.23 When the sample cube is cured for a total of 7 days

+/- 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Determine the dry density by the formula belov l

Dry Density - Total weight of Dry cube (g) tare weight (g) l 131 mLa Record on the dry density form WV-2301 l

6.3.24 Crush the cube according to ACM 4701.

t RIA0510:3RM 11 -


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WNS -TP.G2 8 B Re.

0 7.0 DATA ACQUISITION 7.1 Two inch cube preparation and compressive strength information will be recorded on Form W.2301, Rev 1.

7.2 Simulant preparation will be performed in accordance with ACP 8.1 and recorded in Laboratory Notebook l

7.3 A test summary report, WNS.TSR 028, documenting the results of this test procedure will be issued by the cognizant engineer and reviewed by the cognizant A&PC scientist.

l l

l RIA0510: 3RM

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Sodium Nitrate NANO 3 171.5 Sodium Nitrite nan 02 163.1 Sodium Sulfate Na250 101.9 4

Sodium Nitrate KNO3 10.73 Sodium carbonate Na2CO 3 29.02 Sodium Hydroxide NaOH 6.24*

Sodium Chromate Tetrahydrate Na.j r04 4HO 2.60 C


-Sodium Phosphate Monobasic NaH PO 1HO 1.25 2 4 2

Sodium Chloride Nacl 1,73 Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate Na2 o04 2HO 0.300 M

2 Sodium Borate Decahydrate Na2 4 7 10 H O 0.161 80 2

Citric Acid Monohydrate 624 1HO 0.240 CH0 2

0xalic Acid Dihydrate CH0 224 2HO 0.238 2

- D Tartaric Acid CH0 466 0.238 i

Water HO 1000g 2

l Veight of Solids 474.86 Veight Percent of Solids 32.83%

I l

  • The Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) value is aperaximate, tSis chemical should be added last and only it he amount to adjust the pH of the solution to 12 +/ 0.2 SU.

RLA0510:3RM 13 -

... ~



REPORT REV. O TEST / TEST SEP.IES Studge Wash Cement Vaste Form Qualification DESCRIPTION Cement Product from Actual Sludge Vash Liquid TEST REQUEST NO.




After release of WVNS TRQ 029, it was realized that the tests could not be completed as requested. Test Plan WVNS TP 029A, in fact was written and authorized as a substitute for a pertion of the work specified in VVNS TRQ 029.

Specifically, objectives 2.11, 2.12, and 2.14 of the test request were completed per test procedure VVNS TP 029A.

Test procedure VVNS TP 029A combined the remaining portions of laboratory decontaminated sludge wash solutions from previous experiments into one collective sample.

The sample was sampled for analyses and then concentrated prior to creation of a cement cube.

The combined wash solution was yellow and slightly cloudy with no observable solids collecting at the bottorn of the lab vessel.

The original laboratory solutions were filtered'before being concentrated.

Following completion of the tests, a test exception was written against the original test request (TE WVNS TRQ 029-1) cancelling all other portions of the objectives.

The work, as originally defined, is scheduled to be completed under different test requests:

WVNS TPQ 032, WVNS TRQ-033, and WVNS-TRQ 034


1) Let sr FH:91:0073, L. E. Michnik and D. J. Fauth to J, C. Cwynar, "32-inch Heel Sludge Wash Confirmatory Cube," dated May 8.1991.



The acceptability of the three objectives retained from WNVS-TRQ-029 are presented below.

3.1 Analyze Concentrates (objectivy 2.11)

Activity Analyze the concentrates used in the preparation of a cement cube per the analyses listed in Table 1.


WPC1047:3PR -


Rev. 0 Task Accomplished This task remains open, pending the re start of the Analytical 6 Process Chemistry ICP AES instrument for radioactive samples.

Physical data for the concentrates are a density of 1.23 ga/a1 with a weight percent total dissolved solids (TDS) of 29.7.

This meets the defined acceptance window of 3112 welght percent TDS (section 1.2 of VVNS TP 029A).

3.2 Prepara a Reference 2 inch Cement Cube (objective 2.12)

Activity Use the concentrates to prepare a reference 2 inch cement c:ube per the standard Analytical Chemistry Method (ACM).

Task Accomplished The cube was prepared. A cement slurry density of 1.76 gn/mi was measured. A gel time of 35.5 minutes in the A&PC lab matches very well to general guides maintained by L. E. Michnik, A6PC Cognizant Scientist.

The results prior to curing are very acceptable for a cement vaste form that meets the 10 CFR 61 criteria and general guides for CSS operation per VVNS PCP 01.

3.3 Perform Tests on the Cement Cube (objective 2.14)

Activity Check for bleedwater at the end of a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period following pouring of the cement cube.

Perform a penetration test on the cube after a 61 hour7.060185e-4 days <br />0.0169 hours <br />1.008598e-4 weeks <br />2.32105e-5 months <br /> cure at elevated temperature; also complete a destructive compressive strength measuretnent of the cube following a 7 day curing period.

Task Accomplished No bleedwater was detected for this cement recipe at the 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> mark.

An initial curing cycle of 61 hours7.060185e-4 days <br />0.0169 hours <br />1.008598e-4 weeks <br />2.32105e-5 months <br /> at 8812'c was completed.

Penetration testing following the 61 hour7.060185e-4 days <br />0.0169 hours <br />1.008598e-4 weeks <br />2.32105e-5 months <br /> period yielded a value of >700 psi (beyond range of penetrometer) which is typical and very acceptable for labotatory cubes.

Following completion of a seven day curing period (total time),

destructive compression testin6 on the cube was performed.

The cube was compressed using templates (not recognized yet in ASTM C 109).

The result (694 psi) exceeds the minimum mean strength (500 psi) specified in the NRC Technical Porition on Waste Form. Revision 1.

For comparison three cubes were prepared in the A&PC lab using reagent _ grade chemicals to simulate the concentrates used in this experiment.

The-three cubes used a simulant recipe as show.i in Table 2.

Trace levels of organics in the recipe-are about 30 percent higher than the level defined for sludge wash solution y

I with a 129 inch heel.





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W14S.TSR 029 Rev. O The results of compressive strength crushing (using templates) for the three cubes were 841, 1079, and 1138 psi.

Combined with a t statistic of 2.92, the range of strengths that should cover 95 percent of a gausian distribution go from 560 psi up to 1478 psi.

This implies that the simulant cubes are exhibiting the same compressive strengths as the laboratory concentrates cube.

The conclusion of this work is that the nominal. recipe developed for sludge washing is acceptable although the cube was representative of sludge washing with a 32. inch heel.

Additional experiments are defined in WNS TRQ 032, WNS TRQ 033, and WNS Tp.Q 034 to confirm the cement recipe for sludge washing with a 129 inch heel.


Desired activities and analyses that remain as of this writing are outlined below:

4.1 Analv::e Concentrates (objective 2.11)

Analyze the concentrates used in the preparation of a cement cube per the analyses listed in Table 1.


Analytical & Process Chemistry Timing:

July 22,1991 4.2 Revise the Test Sumary Report Update the TSR to reflect results from ICP and IC analyses of the concentrates used in the preparation of a cement cube.


IRTS Engineering Timing:

August 15, 1991 0*



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VPC1047:3RM 3-u:

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t WNS.TSR.029 e

Res, 0 t

i TABl.E 1 l

Requested Analyses for Laboratory. Produced LVTS Concentrates l

i NO '


PO ~3 Ti 2

4 NO '


$0 *2 Ca+2


3 4

1 B

Cr i


Al U


pH Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) i density Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 4 alpha Pu Cs.137 St.90 Tc.99 gross-alpha gross beta 5

F f

I i

4 r'

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WNS.TSR 029 l

.g Rev. 0 TABt2 2 Composition of Simulated Sludge Wash i

Dry Percent 4

NANO 3 25.0 l

NANO 2 30.2 Na2SO 35.8 4

c NaHCO 2.69 3

KNO3 2.29 Na2CO 3 1.59 Nacl 0.30 Na3PO4 0.24 Na2 o0.2H O 0.051 j

M 4 2

Na2 4 7 10H O 0.091 30 2

Citric Acid (.1H O) 0.082 2

Oxalic Acid (.2H O) 0.082 l

2 Tar'aric Acid (anhydr) 0.082 Nc2 r0-0.39 C

4 NaOH 1.11 r

4 l


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