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Plant Ei Hatch 316 (B) Demonstration on Altamaha River in Appling County,Ga
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1981
From: Wiltz J
RTR-NUREG-1437 AR, NUDOCS 9111110150
Download: ML20079N297 (50)



_.__..,_,_._._..c ACKN0'.'LEDGEMENTS O I I wish to acknowledge the following Georgia Power Counpany employees: Mike C.-Nichols for assistances in calculating fish and fish egg densities and James A. Gardner for proposing Part 3 Eydrodynamics in the Entrainment Results, and Randy Ott for pro-curing impingement samples.. Gary A. Breece, Ben L. Maulsby, and Mike C. Nichols reviewed the manuscript. I also wis.h to acknowledge the biologists and engineers who assisted in procuring and sorting of samples. l i e T I i 1 O 1 1

... - _.,. 7.; 7._. 7. _. _ _. __ _7._;. TABLE OF CONTENTS-l'. p v i Conclusions vi introduction 1 l Part 1 Entrainment i Materials and Methods 2 Results Part 1 Biological 3 Part 2 Physicochemical 3 Part 3 Nydrodynamics 4 Discu6sion 5 Sumary 6 Part II Impingement I Materials and Methods 7 Results Part 1 Biological 8 Part 2 Physicochemical 8 Discussion 9 Sum =ary - 9 References 10 l l l. i O j. 11 d 9- -.-m, ,-.4 --p,,,-em-cy,wy-%- ~,9-,g...,v.,,%..,_,,,,, ,..y.m., ,,,.,,m..-,..,,y% ...wr,. ,v-,, c,- e

___7____._ LISI 0F TABLES O U 1. Scientific And Common Names of Species Of Fish Collected During The Entrainment Study. 11 2. Species, Number of Individuals Collected For Each Month-Day And Night, Totals For The Month, For Day And Night, And Percent Concentration of Each Taxa And Each Family. 12 3. Mean And Range Of The Total Lengths For Each Species For Each Month Samples. 14 4. Average Monthly Densities For Each Family The Estimated Number Found In The River In The Vicinity of The Plant. The Percentage Entrained And the Estimated Number Entrained. 17 5. Altamaha River Average Monthly Discharge. Plant Hatch River Pumping Data, And The Percent River Entrained For Each Month For 1975, 1976, and 1980, 19 6. Percent Composition Of Abundant Fish Taxa For 1974 1975, 1976, 1979, And 1980. 20 7. Comparison of Monthly Entrainment Data For Each Taxa For 1975, 1976, and 1980 For Plant Eatch. 21 8. Species And Numbers Of Fish Collected In Monthly Impingement Surveys At. Plant Edwin I. Eatch For 1980. 22 9. Species And Numbers Of Fish Collected In Impingement 4 i Surveys At Plant Edwin I. Eatch For 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, and 1980. 23 i 4 4 111

~. LIST OF TIGURES I.\\ Page 1. Plant Edwin I. Eatch Site. 24 1A. Plant Edvin I. Hatch Layout. 25 2. Plant Cooling Water And Plant Service Water System For Unit 2. 26 2A. Plant Edwin I. Eatch Intake Structure. 27 3. Location Of The Entrainment Sampling Stations On The Altamaha River At Plant Edvin I. Hatch. 28 4. Air Te=peratures For The Day And Night Entrainment Surveys On The Altamaha River At Plant Edvin I. Eatch From February,1980 - September,1980, 29 5. Water Temperatures For The Day And Night Entrainment Surveys On The Altamaha River At Plant Edwin 1. Estch From February,1980 - September,1980. 30 6. Dissolved oxygen Concentrations For The Day And Night Entrainr ant Surveys On The Altamaha River At Plant ( Edwin I. Eatch From February, 1980 - September, 1980. 31 7. pH Values For The Day And Night Entrainment Surveys On The Altamaha River At Plant Edwin 1. Eatch From February, 1980 - Septe=ber, 1980. 32 8. Specific Conductance For The Day And Night Entrair.=ent Surveys on The Altamaha River At Plant Edwin I. Hatch From February,1980 - September,1980. 33 9. Altamaha River Cross Section And Velocity Profile For River Elevation 19.7 m. 34 l 10. Altamaha River Cross Section And Velocity Profile For River Elevation 21.5 m. 35 11. Impingement Basket At Plant Edvin I. Eatch. 36 12. Water Temperatures For The Altamaha River At The Beginning Of Each Impingement Survey At Plant Edwin I. Eatch From January,1980 - December,1980. 37

13. Water Temperatures For The Altamaha River At The End Of Each Impingement Survey At Pl.nt Edvin I. Eatch q

Prom January,1980 - Dece=ber, li 3d. 38 (b iv

_..-__.__.._.__..______.___.._..m___,_,. LIST OF TICURES (Con't) Pagg

14. River Elevation For The Altamaha River At The Beginning Of.Each Impingement Survey At Plant Edvin
1. Eatch From January,- 1980 - De.cember,1980.

39 15. River Elevation For The Altemaha River At The End Of Each Impingement Survey At Plant Edvin I. Eatch From January, 1980 - December, 1980. 40 0 i J i i e 3 O V ~" W se

x_ ,_, c _ m, l Conclusions 1. Fish egg and fish densities generally fluctuated directly with spawning intensity and inversely with river flow.' 2. Relative abundance of fish families varied during the five years of study, but the Catostomidae and Cyprinidae were the most abundant taxa each year. 3. The density of most fish groups was greater in night samples than in similar day samples. 4. Estimated entrainment of fish and fish eggs into the cooling water has remained less than one percent of the total population during five successive spawning periods with the exception of the months of' July, August, and September, 1980. The lucrease in estimated percent entrained during these months was due to extremely low river elevations resulting from the lack of rainfall. 5. The percent of river discharge entrained is dependent on the number of intake pumps operating and river discharge. An increase in river discharge decreases the percent entrained. 6. An increase in entrained fish eggs and larvae is not apparent for 1980 co= pared to 1975 and 1976. The differenc'es in numbers of '] fish eggs and larvae are due to differences in species abundance .I from year to year, spawning activity upstream from the plant, river discharge, And tiz2 of year. 7. Based on the five years of stud'y, estimated entrainment at Plant Edwin 1. Eatch does not constitute a significant reduction in the fish population. B. The hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus, was the most abundant and the only species collected consistently each year in the impingement sample. t 9. Because of the very low number of fish impinged for'the five l years of study, an accurate correlation between river elevt.tfon and the number of fish impinged cannot be made. 10. The increased velocity at the bottom of the intake structure (caused by the intake pumps) may, to some degree, explain why the majority of the fish impinged were Trinectes maculatus, a bottom j dweller. l l

11. Low intake velocities and site location are probably the primary factors resulting in low uumbers of impinged fish.

12. The impingement data for the five years indicates that impingement losses at Plant Edwin I. Eatch are extremely low and that the plant O ae

== =r te i==1**=== = viro

=t 1 tr et-13. The results of this investigation fulfill the requirements set forth in NPDES Permit No. GA-0004120 Part 1-B-3. vi i

Introduction O o As required by the National Pollution Discharge INm N tion System (NPDES), Permit No. Ca. 0004120, for Plant Batch, a 316(b) demonstration was completed by Georgia Power Company. The 316 (b) demonstration proposal was submitted to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division in June,1977, and approved in August,1977. Plant Batch, owned jointPf by Oglethorpe Power Corporation (30.0%), Manicipal Electric Authority of Geo'rgia (17.7%), City of Dalton (2.2%), and Georgis Power Company (50.1%), is located approx-imately 17.7 kilometers (11 miles) north of Baxley in Appling County in southeast Georgia. The site is on the south bank of the Altamaha River, cant of U. S. Highway 1. The site, Pigures 1 and 1A, consists of approx 11.ately 908.1 hectares (2,244 acres). The area is character-ized by flat-to-gently-rolling terrain. The plant consists of two nuclear units. Unit I has a generating capacity of 810 megawatts, while Unit 2 has a generating capacity of 820 megawatts. Unit 1 and Unit 2 went into commercial operation on December 31. 1975, and September 5, 1979, respectively. A cooling water flow diagram for Plant Batch Unit 2 is presented in Figure 2. (Note: The cooling water system for Unit 1 is identical to Unit 2). Figure 2A presents the plant intake structure. Cooling l O v ter ior the 91== cir==1sti== - t r 7 t = 1 <===1 sea ex <*- l l Altamaha River. A single intake structure housing two service water 3 l pu=ps per unit are required withdrawing approximately 1.5 m /sec (22,550 gpn) of water under normal operation. The intake structure also houses four residual heat removal service water pu=ps. Tne pumps 3 have a combined capacity of 1.0 m /sec (16,000 gpm) and operate when the reactor is shut down. Normally, two pumps are used when the 3 system is operating withdrawing.52 m /sec (8000 gyn) from the river. The intake structure is approximately 45.7 meters (m) (150 feet) long, 18.3 m (60 fest) wide, and located 18.3 m (60 fcet) above normal river level. The water passage entrance is about 8.2 m (27 feet) wide and extends 4.9 m (16 feet) below to 10.1 m (33 feet) above normal water level. Large debris is removed by trash racks, while small debris is removed by vertical traveling screens with a 9.5 mm (3/8-inch mesh). Water velocity through the intake screens is 57.9 cm/sec (1.9 fps) at normal river elevations and decreases at higher river flows. O . i 1 -,r., -,--,e ,w a

,m_ 7 - ,,;,7, PART 1 Eh7RAINMEh7 Materials And Methods Two sampling stations (Il and I2) were used to coll'act the diel entrainment sanples. The stations were located in front of the intake structure (11) and across the river (I2) as presented in Figure 3. The study began in February,1980, and ended in September,1980, with samples taken monthly. Samples were collected using a Wildco No. 25 twin 0.5 m diameter plankton net with a mesh size of.760 v. Sample duration was determined by measuring the river velocity with a General Oceanics Digital Flow-meter, Model 2030 MKII, and with a calibrated curve, a time factor was obtained allowing for the filtering of approximately 500 cubic meters of water through the net. The volume of water filtered through the net was determined with the use of a permanently. fixed General Oceanics, Model 2030 R2 flovmeter in the net. Samples were preserved in a 10% formalin solution and taker to the Environmental Affairs Center in Decatur, Georgia, for identification. Physicochemical data were taken at the beginning of the day sample and at the end of the night sample. Dissolved oxygen concentration and air and water tun-perature were measured with a Yellow Springs Instrument Company crygen meter, Model 57. Specific conductance was measured with a Tellow Springs Instrument Company S-C-T meter, Model 33, and pH was measured with an Orion Research Ionalyzer, Model 399A. ( Densities for each fish taxa collected were calculated as follows. l The total number of individuals in each taxa was divided by the volume of river water filterec' during day and night sampling to obtain the densities for each sample. The esticated densities for each month were obtained by avera~ging the densities for all samples taken during the month. Estiraces of total numbers of fish eggs and fish. in the vicinity of the plant were obtained by multiplying average monthly densities by total monthly river discharge using USGS data for the Altamaha River near Baxley. The percent of river discharge entrained was calculated using total monthly discharge and the total volume of water pumped each month. The estimated number of each taxa entrained was calculated by multiplying densities by the number of individuals in the vicinity of the plant by the percent of river discharge entrained. l The hydrodynamic effects of the Eatch river intake structure upon-the Altamaha River were determined at river elevations 19.7 m (64.6 ft.) and estimated for 21.5 m (70.6 f t.). - Velocity profiles (at river eleva-e tion 19.7 m) were measured in seven 26 a sections of the river at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 of the depth in each section. 2

Results Part 1 Biological A total of 25 fish eggs and 442 fish (includes larve, juveniles and adults) were collected in the eight month study. Specimens were not collected in the February samples. Most specimens, 24 eggs and 380 fish, were collected at night. The scientific and common names of the species collected are presented in Table 1. The family Cyprinidae (includes the cyprinids, Hybognethus nuchalis, Notropis chalybaeus, and Notropis petersoni) were the most abundant with 128 fish comprising 29% of the total number of fish collected (Table 2). The next most abundant families were the catostomidae with 101 fish (22.9%) and the Centrarchidae with 78 fish (17.6%). The least abundant family was the Soleidae with one fish (.2%). The family Clupeidae was represented by 48 fish (10.9%) of which Alosa sapidissina comprised 10.4% (46 fish). Eleven Alosa sapidissima eggs were collected (44% of the total number of eggs collected). The mean and range (in parenthesis) of total lengths for the species and the month in which they were collected are presented in Table 3. Monthly densities for each family for the month they were' collected, ( the estimated u mber of fish eggs and fish entrained by the plant, the estimated nu=ber found in the river in the vicinity of the plant, and the estimated percent entrained are given for 1980 in Table 4. The highest esti-mated number of fish entrained was for the family Centrarchidae at 4920.9 individuals in Jane. This estimate assumes a homogenous dispersal of fish in the water (so the actual number entrained will vary). The lowest l estimates for the family Esocidae at 61.1 individuals in April. The month of September had the highest percent entrainment of 3.52% vith the months of March and April the lowest at.21%. Part 2 Physicochemical Air tc=peratures recorded during the study are presented in Figure 4. The highest te=perature was for the day sample in August at 32.4 C, and the lowest was the night sample in February at 12.0 C. l Water temperatures are presented in Figure 5. A high of 31.0 C was recorded for the night sa=ple in August, and a low of 7.5 C for the night sample in February. Dissolved oxygen concentration was lowest for the night sample in February and the day sample in September with a measure-l ment of 5.2 mg/l (F1gure 6). The highest recorded was 9.1 ag/l for the day sample in February. Because of meter malfunction, air and water temperature and dissolved oxygt.n concentration were not taken in July. pH values are given in Figure 7. Values for pH were below 6.0 for the day a,nd night samples in February and March and the night sample in April. The highest pH recorded was 6.7 for the June, July, and August

samples, pH values are not presented for September because of meter malfunction.' Specific conductance is presented in Figure 8.

The 3 L

highet; recorded was 138 microhms/em for the night sample in September, () and the lowest was 35 microhns/cm for the night sample in March. Part 3 Bydrodynamics Plant Hatch river pumping data for January,1980, through October, 1980, and the percent river entrained for each month are presented in Table 5. In addition, Table 5 presents the average monthly discharge for the Altamaha River. Percent river entrained by the plant was at or above 1.0% for the months of June through Detober (1.0, 1.5, 3.2, 3.5, and 2.9%, respectively). The lowest percent entrained was 0.2% occurring in March and April. Velocity profiles were measured in seven 26 a sections of the river and are presented in Figures 9 and 10. At elevations 19.7 m and 21.5 m, average depths of each layer were 0.5 m and 1.4 m, respectively. It should be noted that the deepest section is on the north bank. Ve-locities of the upper and lower layers in the section of the river near-est the Ratch intake indicated that approximately 57% of the intake flow would be drawn from the upper layer, and approximately 43% would be drawn 3 from the lower layer. With one pump operating, a maximum of 0.54 m /sec will be withdrawn irem the Altamaha River. This represents 0.6% of the. discharge at river elevation of 19.7 m. With two pumps operating per unit, a maximum of 4.8% of the flow would be diverted. I O .e 4 4 1 -, - - - - -,,. = -. - -, a w ,v -,.p.-wr ,w =,e

Discussion l The State of Georgia has specific criteria for wate'r quality control concerning dissolved crygen concentration, water temperature, and pH (Georgia Environmental Protection Division, 1974). Dissolved oxygen concentration for warm vsters is a daily average of 5.0 mg/l and no less than 4.0 mg/1. Concentrations were lowest, 5.2 mg/1, for the night survey in February and the day survey in Septem-ber. W ter temperatures for the state are not to exceed 32.2 C (90.0 F). Temperatures during the study did not exceed this limit with the highest, 31.0 C recorded for the August night survey. The pH range for the State of Georgia is 6.0 to 8.5. Values were below 6.0 for the day survey in February and March and the night survey for February, March, and April. The lowest recorded was 5.6 for the nicht survey in February and the day curvey in March. Since the sa=ples were collected upstream from our discharge and no industry is located upstream in the vicinity of the plant, this should indicate a nomal occurrence. The range for specific conductenta for a diverse fish fauna in freshwater is between 150 and 500 microhms/cm (Ellis et al. 1946). The highest recorded was 138 uicroh=s/cm for the September night survey while O the 1e est was 55 miereh=s/c= fer the March =1 ht urrer. 8 I Table 5 compares the Altamha River discharge, Plant Eatch river pu= ping data, and the percent of river discharge entrained by the plant for 1975, 1976, and 1980. The Plant Eatch river pumping data for 1975 and 1976 assumes a constant pu= ping rate at 36.5 x 106 gallons / day. The 1980 pumping data is actual pu= ping rates obtained from plant records. The data in Table 5 she:is thac the percent of river discharge entrained is dependent on the number of intake pumps operating and river discharge. An increase in river discharge decreases the percent entrained. This is best illustrated for the months of June through October, 1980, a drought year for the state of Georgia, Entrainment sa=ples at Plant Edwin I. Batch were collected for the years 1974, 1975, 1976, 1979, and 1980. Samples were collected weekly l from 1974 through 1976 and monthly in 1979 and 1980. Table 6 presents the percent composition of the fish egg and fish for the five-year study. The differences in total number of fish eggs and fish collected are the results of the changes in sa=pling frequency. For the years 1975, 1979, and 1980, the most abundant fish were in the is=ily Cyprinidae. The family Catostomidae was the most abundant for the years 1974 and 1976. The family Esocidae was the lowest for the years 1975, 1976, and 1977. The family Soleidae (an adult) was the lowest in 1980 while in 1974, the lowest >as grouped as Other taxa. This group consisted of families rep-rented by very low numbers, such as the Atherinidae and Belonidae. Ine co=mercially important Alosa sapidissima was highest in 1980 and I lowest in 1979. The eggs of Alosa sapidissima were the most abundant in 1974, 1975, and 1976. No Alosa sapidi:sima eggs were collected in 1979 while in 1980, eggs from other species were more abundant. 5

(~) An interesting note in Table 6 is though the data are not


co=prehencive, it does indicate a fluctuation in percent composition for each f amily from one year to another. For some families, this is more pronounced, as in the family Catostomidae; while in the family Esocidae, the percent co= position was always very low. Monthly entrainment data for each taxa for 1975, 1976, and 1980 are presented in Tabic 7. The 1975 and 1976 data represents entrainment estimates for Unit 1. The 1980 data represents entrainment estimates for Unit 1 and Unit 2. With the addition of the Unit 2 intake pumps, an increase in fish eggs and larvae entrainment is expected. This may not be the case as shown by the data. An increase in entrained fish eggs and larvae is not apparent for 1980 compared to 1975 and 1976. The differ-ences in numbers of fish eggs and larvae are due to differences in species abundance from year to year, spawning activity upstream from the plant, river discharge, and time of year. Su= mary It was noted in the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Annual Environmental Surveillance Report No. 3, January 1 - December 31, 1976, (Georgia Power Company,1977) that densities of fish and fish eggs during the spawning seasons in 1974,1975, and 1976 generally fluctuated directly with spawn-ing intensity and inversely with river flow. The same conditions occur-red in the 1979 and 1980 studies. Relative abundance of fish families s s_) varied during the five years of study, but the Catosta=idae and Cyprinidae vere the most abundant taxa each year. Clupeidae co= prised only a small percentage of the total fish collected with 1980 being the highest (10.9%). The density of most fish groups was greater in night sa=ples than in sini-lar day samples. Estimated entrainment of fish and fish eggs into Plant Edwin I. Hatch cooling water has re=ained less than one percent of the total population during five successive spawning periods with the exception of the months of July, August, and September, 1990. The increase in estimated percent entrained was due to extremely low river elevations resulting from the lack of rainfall. Based on the five years of study, estimated entrainment at the plant does not constitute a significant reduction in the fish popu-lation. 6

.c_. PART 11 imp 1NGDENT N:terials And Methods One sanpling station located in the intake structure mas used to collect the impingenent si nples (Figure 2A). The study began in January, 1980, and anded in December, 1980, with aamples taken monthly. Samples were collected by inserting a wire basket with a 3/8 inch mesh aize into the screen backwash sluiceway (Figure 11). Each sample lasted approximately 24 hours with the exception of the April and Jaly surveys, which lasted approximately 48 hours. Samples were preserved in a 101 formalin solution and taken to the Environmental Affairs Center in Decatur, Georgia, to be identified, enumerated, weighted, and sea-sured. 1 s em 7 i

.~ I Results i Part 1 Eiological Fourteen fish were impinged (Table 8) representing six species and one damaged ictalurid, which could.not be identified to species. The most abundant species was Trinectes maculatus with six individuals irepinged. Amia calva was represented by three individuals; while the remaining taxa, Aphredoderus rayanus Ictalurus spp., Ictalurus punctatus Lepomis auritus, and Percina nitrof asciata were represented. by one individual each. The weight (grams) and length (millimeters) of each is presented in Table 8. Part 2 - Physicochemical Water temperatures taken at the beginning and and of each-survey _ are presegted in Figurer 12 and 13. The highest temperature rgeorded-was 30.0 C on July 15 and 17, 1980; while the lowest-was 8.9 C on February 15 and 16, 1980. River elevations are presented in Pigures 14 and 15. The highest, 81.9 feet, was recorded on March 19, 1980; while the lowest, 63.7 *aet, was recorded on September 16 and 17, 1980._ Data for Figures 14-15 are from unpublished primary computation of gage heights and discharke for the Altamaha River for 1980 at station-02225000 located near the U.S. O Highway 1 bridge. Data for November and December vere not avai.lable I during the writing of this report. 9 4 6 .O. e. O B ..,-,__,_.~-_,_.,_.,_..__.,__,._.._...........,_..,,.._,..m,_._,.,_.

Discussion Five years, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, and 1980, of impingement samples were collected at Plant Edwin 1. Batch. A total of 165 fish (Table 9) representing,22 species were collected. The highese impinged, 61 fish, was in 1975, whi.le the icwest, 14 fish, was in 1980. The data indicates low impingement estimates per day and per year. The 1975 estimates are 1.2 fish per day and 438 per year; 1976 estimates are.4 fish per day and 146 per year; 1977 estimates are 1.1 fish per dcy and 401.5 per year; 1979 estimates are 1.3 fish per day and 474.5 per year; and 1980 esti: nates are 1.2 fish per day and 438 per year. The bogchoker, Trinzetes maculatus, was the most abundant and the only species collected consistently each year. Most species were collected only once during the five years. Biological factors affecting impingement are: the resident fish population, daily and seasonal movements to deeper water, feeding be-havior, and movement associated with breeding behavior. Other facters which determine impingement losses are: river elevation, intake veloci-ties, and site location. Elevated river levels resulted in a reduction in intake velocities. In addition, the velocity of water in the intake - structure increases from the surface to the bottom due to the intake pumps. An accurate correlation between river elevation and the number n of impinged fish for the five years cannot be usde because of the very p low number of fish impinged. The increase in velocity at the bottom of the intake structure may, to some degree, explain why the majority of the fish impinged were Trinectes maculatus _, a bottom dweller. The intake structure is located on a straight shoreline which would not harbor many fish, especially predatory game species. Low intake velocities and site location are probably the primary factors resulting in low numbers of impinged fish. Sirmmary The impingement data for the five years indicates that impingement losses at Plant Edwin 1. Eatch are extremely low. The fs.ndings show that impingement does not create a significant environmental effect. S. O i 9 e

_ _. ~ References O Ellis, M. M., B. A. Westfall, and M. D. Ellis. 1946.. Determination of water quality. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife service Re s., Re p. 9. 122 pp. Georgia Environmental Protection Division. 1974 Pages 701-731 in Rales and regulations for water quality control, chapter 291-3-6, revised June, 1974. Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia Power Company. 1974. Edwin I. Eatch Nuclear Plant - Unit No.1, semiannual environmental surve111snee report No.1, Period ending December 31, 1974. Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia Power Company. 1975. Edwin I. Batch Nuclear Plant - Unit 1 annual environmental surveillance report No. 2, January 1 - December 31, 1975. Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia Power Company. 1976. Edwin I. Estch Nuclear Plant, annual environmental surveillance report No. 3. January 1 - December 31, 1976. Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia Power Company. 1977. Edwin I. Batch Nuclear Plant, annual environmental surveillance report for calendar year 1977. Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Georgia Power Company. 1979. Edvin I. Eatch Nuclear Plant, annual environmental surveillance report for calendar year 1979. - Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Georgia. i se 4 0 10

f) Table 1. Scientific and common names of species of fish collected during the entrainment study. N' Scientific Name Common Name Alosa aestivalis Blueback herring Alosa sapidissima American shad Dorosoma spp. Shad Clupeidae Herring and shad Esox spp. Pickerel Esox americanus Redfin pickerel Hybognathus nuchalis Silvery minnov 5'otropis chalybaeus Ironcolor shiner Notropis petersoni Coastal shiner Cyprinidae Minnow Carpiedes velifer Highfin carpsucker Minytrema melaneps Spotted sucker Moxostoma anisurum Silver redhorse Ictalurus brunneus Snail bullhead Ictalurus nebulosus Brown bullhead 'Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish Noturus gyrinus Tadpole madto= Aphredederus sayanus Pirate perch Labidesthes sic:ulus Brook silverside ( (ss) Strongylura marina ~ Atlantic needlefish 14po=1s spp. Sunfish Lepe=is auritus Redbreast sunfish Micropterus salecides Largemouth bass Popoxis spp. Crappie Perca flavescent_ Yellow Perch Percidae Darter l Trinectes maculatus Rogchoker l Unknown egg Unknown Larvae !O l 4.()

O O O O Table 2. Species, number of individuals collected for each month-day and night, totals for t' the month, for day and night, and percent coinposition of each taxa and each family. Species Feb._ K1rch Apr. May June July Aug._ Sept. Totals % of I of % of Species D N D N D N D N D N D N D N D N D N Fish Ag Family Clupeidae 10.9 Alosa nestiva11s 1 1 0 2 .23 Alosa sapidissima Egg 4 1 6 1 10 44 Fish 1 2 2 7 28 2 3 11 34 10.41 Dorosoma app. I 1 0 .23 Clupeidae 1 1 0 .23 Enocidae 1.4 Esox spp. 2 3 2 3 1.13 Esox americanus 1 0 1 .23


,n Cyprinidae 29.0 Hybognathus nuchalis 1 30 1 30 7.01 Notropis Thalybaeus 1 0 1 .23 Notropis petersoni 8 2 0 10 2.26 Cyprinidae 4 9 1 26 9 1 22 5 4 5 6 80 19.46 C;tostomidae 29.0 Carpiodes velifer 4 6 3 12 4 12 34 1 11 65 17.19 melanops. 8 14 1 P 15 5.20 Moxostoma anisurum 1 1 1 1 .45 Ictaluridae 6.6 Ictalurus brunneus 12 0 12 2.71 Ictalurus nebulosus 2 5 7 2 12 3.17 Ictalurus punctatus 2 0 2 .45 Naturus gyrinus 1 0 1 .23 Aphredoderidae 5.89 Aphredoderus sayanus 2 22 1 1 2 24 5.66

4 ~ O O O Table 2. (Con't) i t' Species Feb. March Apr. - May Jur.a July Aug. Sept. Totals % of I of % of i Species D N D N D N D N D N D N D N D N D N Fish Ag Family Atherinidae 5.89 Labideathes sicculus 3 0 3 .68 i Belonidse .7 -l Strongylura marina. 1 1 1 1 2 .68 Centrarchidse 17.6 j Impomis spp. 1 i 1 7 1 56 1 2 66 15.38 14pomis auritus 1 0 1 .23 Micro de5 s salmoides 1 0 1 .23 Pomoxis upp. 5 3 5 3 1.81 U Percidae '2.9 Perca flavescens 1 'l 2 2 4 1 7 4 2.49' Percidae 2 0 2 .45 i Soleidse .2 Trinectes maculates-1 1 0 .23 Unknown Egg 6 2 6 2 12 56 h Unknown Fish 4 1 1 0 6 1.36 1.4 Totals 0 (' 12 27 22 80 14 100 11 64 4 30 0 95 0 9 65 403 100% 100% 100% Monthly Total 0 39 102 114 75 34 95 9 468

~ O O O Table 3. Mean and Range of the Total Lengths (mm) for Each Species for l' Each Month Sampled (Specimens Which Could Be Identified But Were Damaged Were Not Measured or Included in This Table). Species Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Alo o nestivalis, 4.9 Ale:2 sapidissima 6.6 10.2 17.9 20.2 (6.2-11.8) (7.7-25.0) (17.0-23.0) 3.5 Dorosoma spp. i Clupaidae 4.6 Erox spp. 17.2 (11.2-21.0) $ Erox americanus '45.0 Hybognathus nuchalis _ 19.5 (15.0-25.0) Notropis chalybaeus 37.0 10.5 15.5 Notropis petersoni (8.8-12.9) (15.0-16.0) Cyprinidae 4.7 8.6 19.3 5.7 4.8 5.0 6.6 (3.8-7.1) (3.9-15.0) (7.7-24.0) (3.5-9.8) (3.9-5.3) (4.9-5.2) (4.8-9.1) Carpiodes ve11fer 7.5 6.4 6.6 5.9 6.4 7.3 (6.7-8.0) (5.3-7.4) (5.3-8.4) (5.3-6.6) (5.3-7.7) - Minytrema melanops 11.2 11.5 ~ (8.7-15.0) l

O. 'O O ~ Table 3. (Con't) Species Feb. March April May Jime July Aug. Sept. Nxostoma snieurum-23.5 (21.0-26.0) Ictalurus brunneus 1%5 ' (17.0-21.0) 1ctalurus nebulosus 19.6 16.1 (17.0-25.0) (15.0-17.0) Ictalurus punctatus 24.0 ~ (18.0-30.0) Noturus gyrinus 13.0 Pp.' Aphredederus sayanus 8.1 33.0 (3.5-27.0)' .Labideathes sicculus 4.7 (4.2-4.9). Stronnylura marina-17.0 15.5 .(13.0-18.0). Lepomis opp. . 5. 3 7;3 9.6. 13.0 6.9 15.0 (5.2-13.4) (4.2-8.3) Imposts auritus 27.0 Micrepterus salmoides 6.3 Pomoxis spp. 4.2 (3.8-5.3) a

f s O r t Table 3. (Con't) i' Species Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Perca flavescens 7.1 6.1 7.4 5.9 (6.9-7.3) (5.6-7.0) (6.7-8.8) Pareidae 6.2 'Trinectes maculatus 76.0 i Unknown Fish Not measured because all these specimens were damaged. y l i i i s 1 m { + t i i i i 4 t 'l l t i -l I i 4 e L 4 .i 4 k i 4 b

o. o o Table 4. Average Monthly Densities for Each Family, the Estimated Number Found in the River in the Vicinity of the Plent, the Percent of' River Discharge Entrained, and the Estimated Number Entrained for 1980. [ i I Estimated Nesber Estimated Number Densities of Eggs & Fish Percent of of Eggs & Fish Per-1000 m3 in the Vicinity River Discharge Entrained by the Month Family of Water of the Plant Entrained Plant Each Month I 1 February NOSP* NOSP NOSP 0.5 NOSP r March Clupeldae 0.9 C),609 0.2 177 Clupeldae egg 1.0 94,010 197 .1 Esocidae 0.7_ 65,807-138 Cyprinidae 3.3 313,053 657 Centrarchidae 4.1 381,680 801 Pereidee. 0.6 53,116 112 Unknown egg 1.5 140,075 294 .[ U TOTAL 12.1 1,132.350 2,376 -} Aptil Clupeidae 1.8 173,628 ~ 0.2 365 '[ Clupeidae egg 2.0 192,910 405 l .- Esocidae ,0.3' 28,938 61 l Cyprinidae 7.9 762,034 1,600 i Catostoaldae. 7.8 752,388-1,580 Aphredoderidae 6.6 636,636-1,337 .j Centrarchidae 0.6 57,876 122 Percidae


173,628 365 TOTAL 27.4 2,835,914' [ Unknown egg 0.6-57,876

  • '122 5,955 j

May Clupeidse' 10.5. 286,330 0.8 2,293 I g- -Cyprinidae 13.0: 354,516 2,836 Catostomidae 2.6 70.903 567 Ictaluridae. 3.5 95,447 764 Aphredoderidae 0.3 8,181 65 Belonidae-0.3 8,181 65 Centrarchidae 'O.3 8,181 65. i

~ O O O Table 4. (Con't) Estimated Number Estimated Number i Monthly Densities of Eggs & Fish Percent of of Eggs & Fish Per 1000 m3 in the Vicinity River Discharge Entrained by the Month Family of Water-of the Plant Entrained Plant Each Month May (Con't) Percidae 1.0 27,270 0.8 218 Unknown egg 1.7 46,356 371 Unknown 1.1 _29.990 240 TOTAL 34.3 S35,662 7,485 June Clupeidae 1.8 45,086 1.0 437 ^ Cyprinidae 12.3 308,088 2.988 Catostomidae 5.0 125,239 1,215 Ictaluridae

1. 8 45,086 437 Aphredoderldne 0.4 10,019 97 Atherinidae

'1.3 32,562 316 Belonidae 0.9 22,543 219 Centrarchidae 3.8 95,182 923 o> Soleidae Adult 0.5 12,524 121 g TOTAL 27.8 696,328 6,754 ^ July Cyprinidae '2.I 31,060 1.5 478 Catostomidae 3.6 53,246 820 Ictaluridae 2.1 31,060 478 Centrarchidae .4 5,916 91 Unknown .4 5,916 91 TOTAL 8.6 127,198 1,959 August Cyprinidae 11.5 85,847 3.2 2*,721 Centrarchidae 20.8 155,271 4,922 Unknown 0.3 2,2%9 74 TOTAL 32.6 243,458 7,718 September Cyprinidae 2.9 17,493 3.5 616 Catostomidae 0.6 3,619 127 I Centrarchidae 0.6 3,619 127 Percidae 0.6 3,619 127-TOTAL 4.7 28,350 998

  • Indicates No Species Found L.

l_ _. _... _ _ _ _.. _ _, _ _ _, _. I -~.. ~ sui d d a6 6 aauA A E_ II m3 l 1 E EE o 4. ,# j

  • TI n "x "A
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7--,__, Table 6. Percent Composition of Fish Taxa for 1974, i() 1975, 1976, 1979, and 1980 Entrainment Data. Fish Percent Composition Tamily 1974 1975 1976 1979 1980 Aphredoderidae 2.11 2.98 1.11 5.89 0.70 Atherinidae Bel idae 0.70 Catostomidae 61.75 12.38 56.18 17.80 22.90 Centrarchidae 5.27 21.85 14.46 23.20 l'.60 Clup61dae 5.23 2.39 2.54 1.30 10.90 Cyprinidae 13.66 37.21 18.65 48.40 29.00 Esocidae 1.33 0.53 0.11 0.70 1.40 Ictaluridae 0.16 11.57 0.29 2.70 6.60 I Percidae 6.38 4.21 4.44 6.00 2.90 0.20 Soleidae other Taxa 0.12 1.05 0.36 Unidentified 3.54 5.83 1.86 1.40 Total Fish Collected 2,562 1,712 2,793 151 442 i Eggs Alosa sapidissima 51.16 52.71 86.16 3.00 Other Taxa 48.84 47.29 13.84 56.00 Total Eggs Collected 258 258 1,033 25 20 ~ _ _ _

y,, w**ser n% .sg* ~ ~- = . m m. q l..;.I r a g.... - ,3.l 5.... -s r: : : : {l - : : R -l i Mil= 5 5 s * = s-

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'O Table 8. Species and Numbers of Fish Collected in Monthly Lepingement Surveys at Plant Edwin 1.11stch f or 1980. Date Species Collected

  • Length (m$)

Weight (graes) 1-15-80 NOSP** 2-15-80 NOSP 3-18-80 Trinectes maculatus _ (6) 61 5.0 63 5.7 65 6.0 54 3.3 61 4.9 61 5.0 Pereina nitrof ascista (1) 43 .6 4-15-80 Aphredoderus sayanus (1) 86 11.3 5-10-80 Agia calva (3) 115 17.0 107 15.5 107 14.0 6-17-80 NOSP 7-15-80 Ietalurus spp. (1) Specimen Damaged Lepomis auritus (1) 55 2.7 8-19-80 Ietalurus punctatus (1) 203 84.3 9-16-80 NOSP 10-14-80 NOSP 11-12-80 NOSP 12-17-80 NOSP

  • Number Collected in Parenthesis
    • 1ndicates No Species Collected 22

i i O O O i i I ) i i .l Table 9. Species and habers of Fish Collected in Impingement Surveys at Plant Edwin I. ilatch for 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, and 1980. .l t Species Coonson Name 1975 1976 1977 1979 1980 Totals 1 hela calva Bowfin 3 3 6 l Atosa sapidissima huerican shad I 1 j Derosoma cepediantas Cizzard shad 2 2 i Dorosoma petenense Threadfin shad 3 3 { s Esox americanus Redfin pickerel 1 1 i S Hybognathus nochalis Silvery minnow 1 1 2 ~I I Notropis callisema Altamaha shiner 1 1 Notropis hudsonius Spottail shiner 1 1 l 3 Notropis spp. Minnow 1 1

  • i Ictalures brunneus Snail bullhead 1

1 I$ Ictalt.;us nebulosus Brown bullhead 1 1 [ Ictalurus platycephalus Flat bullhead 1 1 ~! Ictalurus punctatus Channel catfish 1 1 1 1 4 .l 1 Ictalurus spp. Catfish 1 1 j Aphredoderus sayanus Pirate perch 2 1 3 -l Acantharchus pomotis N d sunfish 2 1 3 -{ Centrarchus macropterus Flier. 3 1 1 5 Leposals auritus - Redbreast sunfish 1 1 2 1 5 ,{ Lepomis gulosus Warmouth 15 1 16 Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill 4 1 5 Leposais punctatus Spotted sunfish 2 2 l Lepomis spp. Sunfish 1 1 t i Pomoxis nigroesculatus Biscit crappie 1 1 2 -[ j Percina nigrofasciatus Blackbanded darter 1 1 2 ^l ~ Trinectes maculatus Ngchoker 43 15

15 16 6

95 Totsis 61 23 47 20 14 165 l I!

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-.... _.. - ~ _.... _. _ _...... _.. _ -.. SOUT1'. n.W NORTH B/J0; O u G . n . 12 d* 0 GEORGIA POWER COM PANY O . toc ^tto" or rar r"rait="rst $^xr'txo .SIATIONS ON THE ALTAMARA RIVER AT PLANT EIMIN 1. BATCH FIGURE 3

... ~. -.. -... -.,. - _ ~ _.... 1 0 DAY NIQi? ~~~ o 34 = 32 - 30. 28 - g 26 * [ 24 - e.,, N ao p -e + f 22 - l O B 2o- / i ig, / h ' ' -ef 16 - E 14.- f 12 - j



...~ ;. _ _. _____.7, i O s DAY NIGitT --- 32 = 4 30 = 2B = 26 = mO 24 = h 22 - 20 = "3 { 18 - 16 = 5 14 = 12 ~



= - ~..... - O 4 DAY NIG"rtT --.- 1 10 =



4. O ~ DAY NIGIIT --- 7-we N,y /.A \\ f I 2 6- ,., A t 5~ I I I I I I i i i 13 18 16 20 17 14 11 17 F M A H J J A g HONTH 4 GEORGlA P O EER_C.O.A PANY_ pH VALUES FOR THE L., r') NICITT ENTRAINMENT SURVETS ON THE ALTA.lA RIVER AT PIANT r, F. WIN 1. BATCH FROM FEBRI!ARY,1980 - SEPTDGER,1980 FIGURE 7 m n

140 - 0 t i 130 - / .,o 120 - s' ^ [ 110-g k / 'j 100-t' yA 90~ e l D 80-DAY E / 8 / Nicut --- U i C I ~ I 6 0-- O" W w. [ r r 4% 's ,1 'V 3% l~ l l l l l l 3 13 18 16 20 17 14 11 17 ) T H A H J J A S MONTH, ( ~ l GEORGIA POWER COMPANY A SPECIFICCONDUCTANCEFORTHEDAYANDNIGifT d 7:NTRAINMENT SURVEYS ON THE A1.TAMAEA RIVER AT PLANT IIMIN I. BATCH FROM FEBRUARY,1980 - p SEPIEMBER,1980 TICURE 8 33

o O O I South North Bank Bank 26 = Int a*4e g g g g g i s t I i 1 4 ( .4 .4 .5 .5 .3 .5 ,4 .5 .3 .5 .6 .3 .4 .5 .5 ^ .4 h .9 .4 W 3 ~

  • 4 g


a O O O P South North Bank Bank ~ = 26 m j Intake b-- 1 I I I I i 5 a I .5 .5 .6 .6 .6 2.1 .6

  • 3

.6 .4 .6 2.4 4

  • 5

.6 .4 .6 n = l O ,g .5 2.7 .5 .s u l w w 3.0 .5 g

  • 6 8


a+ h,, a 4 8 $ j '5 8 O = c 1 g g em s d H h1CH,, 4y u a s e C a n N _4 5 .R H G l e f U U U s e s. ~ n e / \\ / '~ ~ u u' s R n n l 1 1 P bIC @{ 9 O-l l = 36 _. ~ _ _.,

0 ~~ x-1 29 - 28 - 27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - nU 21 - 20 - f 19 - 18 - 17 - x3 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9. 8-7- 6-l I I I l 1 1 I I I I I I ~ J F M A H J J A S O N D . MONTH GEO RGI A POWER COMPA1LY O wirta rotetarrur2s rom rat Atrixisi arvta AT TEE BEGINNING OF EACE IMPINGDENT SURVEY AT PLANT EWIN 1. ILATCH FROM JANUARY,1980 - DECDGER,1980 FIGUP2 12 W

l + O so - 29 - 28 - 27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 - a* 19 - d 16 - g g W 17 - 1 16 - -g 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - w 1 ", "l \\ a.. b s +: 7-6- 1 1 4 I I I I i 3 4 4 J F M A M J J-A S 0 N D MohTH Y GEORGIA POWER COMPANY HATER TEMPERATURES FOR THE ALTAMAHA AT THE END OF EACH IMPINGEMENT SURVET AT r, PLANT EIMIN I. RATCH TROM JANUARY,1980 - DECDGER,.1980 TICURE 13 38

O 82 - 81 - 80 - 79 - 78 - 77 - 76 - m d 75 - u 74 - m y 73 - g 72 ' d 71 - O g vo-E 69 - 68 - 67 - 66 - 65 - 64 - 63 - 1 I I I I I I I I I I I J F M A' M J J A S 0 N D MONTH i O _ GEORGIA -POWER COMPANY RIVER ELEVATION FOR THE ALTAMARA RIVER AT ( THE BEGINNING OF EACH IMPINGEMDIT SURVEY AT FLANT Etf4IN 1. BATCH FROM JANUARY,1980 - DECEMBER,1980 l 71GURE 14 n

O (s 82 = o 81 - 80 - 79 - 78 - 77 - 76 - I2g 75 - [ 74 = f S 73 = t; 72 - Og,1-7 0-I E2 69 = 68 - 67 = 66 = 65 = 64 - 63 = I I I I I I I I I I l' I J F M A M J J A S O N D MCh7H GEORGIA POWER COMPANY RIVER ELEVATION FOR THE ALTAMAEA RIVER Ai ( THE END OF EACE T3PINGCUFT SURVEY AT p, PLAh7 EIMIN 1. HATCH FROM JANUARY,1980 - DECDSER,1980 FIGURE 15 _ m-- -}}