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Proposed Revs to Tech Specs,Clarifying Plant Staffing & Proposing Use of Senior Reactor Operator Trained in Fuel Handling for Refueling.Evaluation of Significant Hazards Consideration Encl
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 07/18/1983
Shared Package
ML20077C407 List:
NUDOCS 8307260041
Download: ML20077C408 (6)


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8307260041 830718 , -


PDR ADOCK 05000259 ppg p

UNIT 1 J A g , o . gj :t sTP Ai!vE 0';TSO LS

< 6.8 Mi n i ne., Fl an t fraffini The minimun plant staffing fer monitoring and ccnduct of


operations is as icllows.

1. A licen' sed senior reactor operator shall be present at the site l at all times when there is fuel in the reacter.
2. A licensed reactor operator shall be in the control room l wheneve: there is fuel in the reactor.
3. A licensed senior reactor operator or SRO limited to fuel handling shall be in direct charge-of a reactor refueling operation; i.e.,

able to devote full time to the refueling operation.

ti . A health physics technician shall-be present at the facility at all times there is fuel in the reacter.

5. *wo licensed reactor operators shall be in the control room during'any cold ~startups, while chutting down the reactor, and during recovery ircn unit tri p.
6. Either the plant superintendent or an assistant plant superintendent shall have acquired the experience aan' training normally required f or exanination by the ~ URC for a senior. Reacter opera or's License, whether c: not the exa.mina icn is ta?.en. .In addition, either the operaticns superviser or the, assistant operations supervisor snall have an SRG license.
7. A Shif t Technical Advisor shall be present at the site at all ti=es.

6.9 Environmental Coalification A. By no later than June 30, 1982 allsafety-relaTIdelectrical equipment in the facility shall be qualified in accordance with the provisions of: Division of Operating Reactors " Guidelines fer Evaluating Enviren= ental' Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors" CJOR Cuidelines); or, NUP2G-0588

" Interim Staff Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equip =ent," Decembar 1979. Copies of these docu=ents' are attached to Order for Modification of License DPR-33 dated October 24, 1980.

B. By no later than Dece:bar 1, 19S0, co= place and audicible acords must be available and maintained at -a central location whie t describe the environmental qualification cethod used for all safety,-related electrical equip:ent in suf ficient detail to docu-

=ent the degree of co=pliance with the DOR Guidelines or NU?lG-0588. Thereaf ter, such reccrde should be updated and maintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested, or othe: vise further qualified.

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. UNIT 2 , ,

s.o g.g:3m:vE m : =ots 6.8 Mi ni mu m The minimum plant staffing for monitoring and conduct of operations is as f cilows.

1. A licensed senicr reactor operator shall. be present at the site at all sines when there is fuel in the reactor.


2. A licensed reactor operator shall be in the control room whenever there is fuel in the. reactor.
3. A licensed senior reactor operator or SRO limited to fuel handling shall be in direct charge of a reactor refueling operation; i.e.,

able to devote full time to the refueling operation.

4. A health physics technician thall be preser:: at the facility at all times there is fuel in the reactor.
5. vo licensed reactor operators shall be in the control rooci duri ng any cold startups, while shutting down the reactor, and during recovery frcm unit trip.
6. Eithe.: the plant superintendent or an assistant plant superintendent shall have acquired the experience t.nd training . ncr= ally required for examination by the NRC for a Senior Reactor Operator's License, whether or not the examination is taken. Its addition, either the operations supervisc: or the assistant operations supervisor snall have an SRC license.
7. A Shift Technical Advisor shall be present at the site at all ci=es.

6.9 Environmental Qualification A By no later than June 30, 1982 all safety-related electrical equipment in the facility shall be qualified in"accordance with the provisions of: Division of Operating Reactors " Guidelines for Evaluating Environ = ental Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors" (DOR Guidelines); or, NUREG-0588 "Interin Staf f Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment," December 1979. Copies of these documents are attached to Order for Modification of License D?t-52 dated October 24, 1950.

B. By no later than Dece=ber 1,1950, complete and audicible records cust be availa51e and c2intained at a central location chich describe the environmental qualification method used for all safety-related electric:1 equipcent in sufficient detail to docu-ment the degree of compliance with the DOR Guidelines or NUKEG-0553. Thereaf ter, such records should be updated and caintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested, or other ise f ut J.n qualified.


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. . ' 4 UNIT 3

. 4. o g tli g y I v d C O N'"* 0 LS 4 '. 8 Minimum Plant seaffinr The minimum plant staffing fer monitoring and conduct of

-operations is as fcllows.

1.. A licensed senior reactor operator shall be present at the site I

at all times when there is fuel in the reactor.

2. A licensed reactor operator shall be in the control room whenever there is fuel in the reactor.
3. A licensed senior reactor operator or SRO limited to fuel handling shall be in direct, charge of a reactor refueling operation; i.e.,

able to devote full time to the refueling. operation.

re . A health physics technician shall be present at the facility 4t all times there is fuel in the reacter.

5. Two licensed reactor operators shall be in the control room during any cold startups, while shutting down the . .

reacter, and during recovery from unit tri p .

6. Either the. plant superintendent or an as[s istant plant superintendent shall have acquired the experience and training pormally required f,;2: examination by the bRC for a -Senior Reactor Operator's License, whether or not the examination is taken. In addition, either the operations supervisor or the, assistant operations supervisor snall have an SRO license.
7. A Shif t Tachnical Advisor shall be present at the site at all

- ~ti=es.

6.9 Environmental Qualification A. By no than June 30, 1982 all safety-related electrical equipment in the - facility shall be qualified in; accordance with the provisions of: Division o'f Operating Reactors " Guidelines for Evaluating Environmental Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in' Operating Reactors" (DOR Cuidelines); or, NUREG-0588.

"Interis Staf f Position on Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment," December 1979. Copics of these' documents are attached to Order for Modification of License DPR.68 dated October 24, 1980.

B. . By no later' than December 1~,1980, complete and audi:1ble records must be available and maintained at a central location which

' describe the environmental qualification method used for all


. saf ety-related electrical equipment in sufficient detail to docu-ment the degree of compliance with the DOR Cuidelines or NUREG-0588. Thereaf ter, such records should be updated and maintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested, or otherwise further qualified.

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Sections 6.8.1, 6.8.2,-6.8.3, and 6.8.5 - Add the word " reactor" to standardize with abbreviations SRO and RO.

Section 6.8.3 - Change the words from "A licensed senior operator shall be in direct charge of a refueling operation" to "A licensed senior reactor operator or SRO limited to fuel handling shall be in direct charge of a reactor refueling operation."

Due to staffing requirements and continuing manpower shortages, this proposed revision is needed to allow employees to be trained and licensed as SR0s limited to fuel handling as permitted by the standard technical specifications. These proposed technical specifications will permit TVA to utilize personnel after they are trained and licensed and free SR0s for other duties.

These proposed changes are routine and administrative in nature since they only involve standardizing language consistent with the wording provided in similar parts of the standard technical specifications.

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1. Does the proposed amendment involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated?

.No - The proposed amendment is administrative in nature since the change-only involves standardized language consistant with the wording provided in similar parts of the standard technical specificati:ns.

The only change of significance provides for personnel to be trained and licensed as SR0s Limited to Fuel Handling 'in place of havinz a licensed senior reactor operator in direct charge of refueling operations. 2

2. Does the proposed amendment create the proability of or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?

No - See explanation:in (1) above.

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3. 'Does the proposed amendment involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety?

No - See explanation in (1) above.

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