BECO-90-136, Application for Amend to License DPR-35,revising Tech Specs to Upgrade Safety Limit Min Critical Power Ratio & Revise Operating Limit Min Critical Power Ratio.Revs Will Maximize Fuel Utilization During Fuel Cycle

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Application for Amend to License DPR-35,revising Tech Specs to Upgrade Safety Limit Min Critical Power Ratio & Revise Operating Limit Min Critical Power Ratio.Revs Will Maximize Fuel Utilization During Fuel Cycle
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 11/08/1990
From: Bird R
Shared Package
ML20062E357 List:
BECO-90-136, NUDOCS 9011200130
Download: ML20062E353 (10)


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                                   ,                                g,                                                    10CFR50.90

00$1%EDi$ON Pdghm Nuclear FOwer stationi =j Roch Hill . Plymouth, Massachusetts'02360 '

                                                                                                                                                                  .J L                Ralph G. Bird                                                                                                                  '
                                                                                                                                                                  '3 senior Vice Prestaent - Nudear                                                                           .BECo 90-i36'                                l November 8. 1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory-Commission ~                                                                                                                  a Document Control Desk'                                                                                                                                y Hashington, DC 20555                                                                                                                                 j
                                                                                                                        ' License'DPRl 35' Docket 50-293-PROPOSED TECHNICALLSPECIFICATION-                                                          .


           . Boston- Edison -Company proposes the attached revisions ;to. Appendix A of.                         -


  ,          Operating License DPR-35 for the' Pilgrim Nuclear' Power Station in-accordance.                                                                       H with-10CFR50.90. The' pro' posed revision :to :the1 Technical' Specifications                                                                         ~

upgrades the Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio and revises ,thet J Operating Limit Minimum Critical! Power A.  ; These. proposed revisionsnwill extend the ,e of: spectral! shift to maximize fuel  ! utilization during the present fuel cycle. Thisuchange tis <not _ nee'ded-if our _ proposed change of August .21, a1990-is- approvedifirst F ' .

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( G.{Bnm. rd  ; RAH /njm/4820 V w.9'  ; Li Commonwealth of Massachusetts) ..r  ! g County of Plymouth- .) L ,

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l Then personally appeared before me, George H.; Davis,-who'being duly. sworn,-did-state that he =is Vice President -_ Nuclear' Admi.nistration of Boston Edison Company and that hefis. duly authorized'to executeland file the; submittal contained hereiniin the.nameland on sbehalf'ofiBoston EdisonLCompany and that ' the' statements in said-submitta1Jare truelto the best ofchis-: knowledge and- i belief. " My commission en s:JO M /995~

                                                         .DATE '                   ;7'
                                                                                                                 )#             ub NOTARYP0pIC n

Attachments: . A.< Description'.of' Propose'[Chinges 1 d  :

                                  'B. Replacement Technical l Specification Pages e"

C. Marked-up Technica1LSpecif,1 cation;Pages D. Supplemental Reload Licensing Submitted for Pilgrim Nuclear' ' Power ' Stationereload l 7o Cycl e. 8,123A4800 - Rev .- l.- - 1 t l'sigscd original and 37Lcopies ' L h. cc: See.nex.t page , l 6 ft # g[ f

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                                - U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                                                                                                                ]

Page 2 4 l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,          i 4             s cc:      Mr. R. Eaton, Project Manager                                  .

l ( Divis_ ion of.' Reactor _ Projects'- I/II Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulationi l Mail Stop: .14D1 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,l U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                              ,

1 Hhite Flint North: $ 11555 Rockville' Pike-Rockville, MD 20852 1 i U.:S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission': 4 i Region I _ 475 Allendale Road , . King of-Prussia,'PA':19406;

                                          . Senior NRC Resident Inspector-
                                         . Pilgrim Nuclear Power. Station:

Mr.-RobertM.:Hallisey,;Directorj Radiation Control Program . . -

                                                                                                                                                                                                ,                         ~

Massachusetts Department of Public Health'. 150 Tremont Street, 2nd' Floor _.. , 3 Boston, MA' 02111-

                                                                                                                                     ^                          '

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                                                                                                       ^       d Atta'chment A'.-to BECo. 90-136                                         j Qginintion' of Proposed Chance                                                  1 1

Pronosed Chad 221- . Boston-Edison Company proposes to upgrade' the Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR)-and revise the'0perating Limit Minimum Critical Power < Ratio. The revision;to the' Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio reflects ' improved fur,) de:1gns in the core _ and the General Electric Boiling. Hater: ' Reactor Ger.eric- Reload Fuel, Application, NEDE-24011-P. , The revision to the Operating Lim',OMinimum'CriticalL Power Ratio is being . proposed to be consistent with the upgraded Safety Limit'MCPR and to' reflect spectral' shift operation. Spcctral. shift. operation resultsfin' top peaked l flux' distriLution patterns <toward the end of.the fuel' cycle.- A. top. peaked flux: distribution pattern increases the change in the Critical Power. Ratio. (ACPR)' associated with'the analyzed operational trans.ients. The proposed-revision l maintains conservative operating limits. The upgraded Safety Limit -MCPR and. thetrevised Operating' Limit MCPR_ ensureLthe. plant will be operated safely and willinot ' pose an,unoue: risk to the health and- I safety of the public. These revisions willzallow the plant to be. operated more;

                                                                                                 ~                     ~

efficiently. Basis for Changg-The NRC approved the upgraded Safety Liinit MCPR in its' safety. evaluation for- 1 Amendment 14 to NEDE-240ll-P-A, " General Electric ' Standard Application for J Reactor Fuel'.', dated December:27,1987; Incorporation of the upgraded. Safety i Limit-MCPR is appropriate -for BWR's with.0-lattice- fuel assemblies:provided:7,_ l

1) the fuel has a beginning of life'R-factor greater 1than4or equal:to1 1.04'and. l H consists of! fuel -types P8x8R BP8x8R,3 GE8x8E or GE8x8EB;- 2) the fuel is at L least 2.80 weight percent,U-235 bund _le average enrichment; and 3)1 the lower enrichment bundles in the core hav'efoperated for_-at:least 2 cycles'..
                       'The fuel assemblies presently. in:the core of the Pilgrim Nuclear: Power: Station'                                l satisfy the conditions; evaluated in NEDE-24011-P-A. _These conditions;wil_1lalso                                I be satisfied for future reloads',

The Supplemental Reload Licensing Submittal' for Pilgrim' Nuclear. Power Station, l Reload 7 Cycle 8. submitted by.BECo letter 87.081: dated:May 22~ 1987-has been. , revised to reflect operati_on:Using?a spectral shift fuel managementLstrategy. a The' revise.d analysis also, reflects an' assumption that the Turbine Bypass Valves; a

do not open in the analysisLof the Feedwater Controller Failureiwith maximum,  !
                       ' demand. This-assumption was made becausetprecise. measurements of the opening time are not available.         The' assumption _ is. conservative and"it results in a                        3 more severe transient analysis.and:aimore conservative . Operating; Limit MCPR.                                 ,

This limit'is incorporated in the proposed Technical Specification. The- + proposed Operating Limit MCPR willoensure the MCPR does not' decrease-below the~ proposed Safety Limit MCPR at anyttime during any abnormal operating transient. !- as defined in the FSAR. 1 ( ,1-5

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                                                                                                                 ,                 l Determination of No Sionificant Hazards Considerations The code of Federal Regulations (10CFR50.91). requires-licensees requesting an                                              I amendment-to provide an analysis, using the standards!in 10CFR50.92,' that                              -

J determines whether a significant hazard consideration exists. The following :l analysis is provided in-accordance with-10CFR50.91 and-10CFR50.92'for the' proposed Pilgrim's Minimum Critical: Power Ratio.

1. Upgraded Safety Limit MCPR. i A. The proposed change does not involve 6!significant increase'in the. .

probability or consequences of an accident lpreviously evaluated because the. =l proposed change to the Safety Limit MCPR does not change ~ plant equipment, H operating procedures, or governing design. criteria _used-to protect >the; plant against the initiati_on of any analyzed accident or used to mitigate-the consequences of any' analyzed' accident.; B. The proposed change does.not create the. possibility of a new or!different l kind of accident from any previously analyzed'because.the proposed change I does-_not change plant et,'uipment,' operating procedures .or governing design criteria-and the change toithe Safety Limit MCPR:provides the same level of: protection as the existing' Safety Limit MCPR.againstLfuel cladding-failureL during an abnormal operational transient. The proposed Safety. Limit' MCPR .

                . therefore provides equal: assurance against a. release'of radioactive l

material in excess of.10 CFR 20 limits. during abnormal operational '


transients and a new event. sequence leading to an accident is not2 created. q C., The following design requirement ensures an' adequate safety margin is i ' maintained: Abnormal operational transients caused by aLsingle operator error or w equipment malfunction shall be limited such that,-:considering  : uncertainties in manufacturing and moni_toring,the core operating i state, more than 99.97.Lof the: fuel l rods:would be expectedLto avoid. a boiling transition. Theprposedchangedoesnotfinvolve.asignificantreduction;inthemargin-1 of safety because this design' requirement which governs fuel cladding . , integrityandmaintainsthedefense-in-depthphilosophy,hasinotchanged.

2. Revised Operating' Limited MCPRL 'l A. - The proposed change does noCinvolve.a:significant increase in thel j probability;or accident previously, evaluated because the
                 - proposed change'to the;0peratingl Limit MCPR doe's.not change plant equipment, operating procedures,-or; governing. design'criteriaiused to-protect the plant against the'initiationfof any analyzed l accident orcused'                                  a
                  - to mitigaterthe conseque_nces-_of any analyzed accident.

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B. The proposed change does not create.the possibilityTof(a-new or;differentL - ' kind.of accident from any'accider.tfpreviously evaluated'because the ; e -proposed change:does:not change plant equipment,-operating procedures',4or? governing design criteria and'the: changes to Operating Limit MCPRs;providei j the same-level of' assurance thatsthe- Safety Limit MCPR will' not:be' exceeded' abnormal operational transient thereby assuring a release of; '

' radioactive material = in' excess ofL10 CFR 20 limits ~will not
occur'during; ,

abnormal operational transients and a' new event sequence / leading-to>an: accident has not.i.een created , .m.

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                                                                                                                                                           . .                          . . i..                          ..                          * .9 C. 'The' proposed change doesinot involve;aLsignificantJreduction:in the margin l=
                                          'of3 safety because the conservative Operating Limit MCPR:ensuresLthe most:                                                                                                                                        -,

limiting transient will not violate; the SafetyfLimit MCPR.., .+ B1 guested Schedule- , m m , The requested change /is not needed  ! untildhe,present fuel (burnup;reac'hes 7200;

                                   -HH9/T, about January 31,.1991'. , Additionally,s approval .off this'. t equest willo noti
                                               ' ed if our proposed change;of August 21.-L1990 isiapproved first. >
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , o 4                                >

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                                                                                       . Attachment;B'to BECo 90-136'-

List of Effective Pages- ' f 1 E

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Applies to the' interrelated Applies to tripJsettings of the- j variables associated with fuel ' instruments and devices which?are- n L thermal behavior. provided to prevent the reactort l K system: safety limits,from being. ' 1 L Obiective: exceeded. ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~l L                                   To establish limits below which                                                        Obiective:s L                                    the integrity of-the fuel clade                                                                   .E.             .
                                                                                                                                                                                               # .                                               R

! ding'is preserved.- lTo define the level of the process I L, variables at.which automatic; , 1 Soeci fi ca ti.QD:. . protectite_-action is initiated toi 7 prevent the fuel claddingt 1 Reador Pressure >800 osia'and ' integrity.saf ety limits from tieing?

                       .A-Core Flow >10% of Rated.                                                              exceeded.-                                                                                                                l The existence:of a minimum                                                            Speci f s ca' tion:-

critical . pcwer ratio (MCPR) less ' . . l ( than 1.04'sh611l constitute '. A.- Neutt'on' Flux' Scram; '

                                 ',integrity violationsafet'y   of the'fuelicladding limit., A HCPR'                                      -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . 1.

l of 1.04 is hereinafter referredL The limiting safety; system trip? ]

l. to as the Safety: MCPR.; ~ settings shall be'as specified .
below: - ';

B. Core Thermal' Power Limit 1(Reactor . . . 4 Pressure 1800 psia.and/or; Core. . l.-Neutron Flux' Trio-Settinas r Flow 110%). . . j

                                                                                                                               .a.,=APRM Flux Scram Trioc e' .

When the reactor pressure Settina1Run Mode)- J

                                 -1 800 psia or core-flow is,is-                  less                                                                  ,                   .. ,                 .           .          . . .

than-or equal to?l0% of rated, When the ModetSwitch is in- i the' steady state core' thermal the:RUN position ktheLAPRM power shall not exceed 25% of ' ifluxi scram: trip. setting ci design 1 thermal power. =shall be: 1 Power Transient' b C. S f .58H~+ 62% 2 1000' a The safety l limit shall be assumed 'Hhere: i u sto be exceeded when scram is .

                                                                                                                                            ..                     .          .                                                                  J j'                                  known-to have been accomplished                                                                         cS = Setting in percent of                                                                             I f                                    by a means other;than the                                                                                                   rated thermalzpower expected scram signal?unless.-                                                                                                                                                                             N b'                                                                                                                                                            L(1998 MHt)-

L analyses--demonstrate-that the . ., i K fuel cladding:. integrity l safety: H - Percent-of drive flow:  ;[ e limits defined. in' Specifications - Jto produce'a rated; core- ' 1

                                 'l.1A and l'.lB sare not': exceeded                                      ,                                                    flow of-69 H lb/hr.   '                                                            !

b during the actual transient. ' ' a n, i p ' r- Revision: .. '

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~6                                    i j             ,

Amendment No. 721 ' j c g- > a [j q-. > u in ' ' l w < u' p n x . __ 4 . , (I Y i ? , QE - .QM';.)%;g %pp , Vi i'M

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i i BASES:

                                                                                                                                                                             '                       1
j. The statistical: analysis used to-determine th'e MCPR safety: limit is- - '

based on a model of the BHR corr which simulates theLprocess computer 3 l: function. The reactor. core selected for these analyses,was a large 76C 1 assembly, 251 inch reload core; Results from:the large reload-core-  ; L analysis apply for all operating. reactors:for all? reload cycles, c ,

including equilibrium cycles. ' Random Monte Carlo selections-of all- l operating' parameters; based. on= the ' uncertainty. rangesiof manufacturing =

tolerances, uncertainties in-measurement of. core operating parameters, J L calculational uncertainties, and. statistical uncertainty' associated with? , the critical power correlations are imposed'upon the' analytical '

                                        . representation'of the coreJand-the resulting-bundle critical power ratios. Details.of thisfstatistical. analysis are presented lin Reference 2.-                                                                                                                                                    ;

B. Core Thermal Power Limit-(Reactor: Pressure <-800 osia or Core Flow, :7

                                            < 10% of Rated)                                                                                                        ,                                ,

1 The use of the GEXL1 correlation is not valid'.for the critical power 1 .. " O calculations'at pressures-below:800;psig.or cor.e flows less1 than1 10% ofc rated. Therefore, the' fuel claddinglintegrity safety' limit is; _; established by c,ther means.:DThis is done by; establishing a. limiting < condition'ofcore; thermal-poweroperation.withnthe-followingbasis.. . 3 Sitce the pressure. drop inithe bypass regionsis essentially all elev6 tion head whichiis 4;56.psiitheicore pressure: drop at lowLpower/and- ' all-flows wil.1: iways be greater than 4.56 psin Analyses show,that ' a flow of 28x10 lu./hrl bundletflow, -bundle pressure drop-is nearly- 4 inden ndent-of bundle power:and hasca)valueiof:3.5 psi. Thus the ] bundle flow with a 4.56; psi' driving -head willibe

  • greater than '28x103 :

c lbs/hr irrespective:of- totalfc6te:flowland independent of bundle power  ; for:the range of, bundle-powersjofLeoncern. Full: scale ATLAS test. data y taken at. pressures 1from 14.7 psia tto 800 psia 1 indicate that the fuel: assembly critical powerJat this flow ris ?approximately 3.'35:MWt'. ; Hith'- s the design peaking; factors the.3.35lMHt; bundle power corresponds to'a: '; core thermallpower :of more than150%L Therefore: a core t'iermal: power - limit of 25% for reactor: pressures ;below 800 psia, or_ core flow less, , than 10% is conservativ'e; j

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d BASES: < C. Power Transient, . Plantsafetyanalyseshaveshown[thatthescrams.causedbyexceeding. any safety setting will assure that:the Safety < Limit lof Specification _l 1.lA or 1.1B will.not be. exceeded.:' Scram. times are: checked

                                   -periodically to assure tht insertion times are adequate . The thermal                   .

power transient resultingLwhen'a scram is accomplished other;than;by  ; Jthe expected scram signal (e.g., scram from. neutron flux followingL - closures of the~ main ' turbine stop valves) does notJnecessarily cause ' 1' fuel damage. However,; for: this specification la Safety Limit violation: will be assumed when a seramLisionly; accomplished by means:of a,backupL ' feature of the' plant design.- The concept of,not: approaching'aiSafety  ; umit provided scram signals are;operableLis1 supported by.the. extensive" plant safety analysis. The computer 'provided with Pilgrimidnit l' has isequ(nce annunciationi

                                    . program which will indicate lthe sequence ~in.which events-such'.as: scram,.                                             .i
APRM trip initiationh pressurefscramiinitiation, etc.,' occur. ;This -

program also, indicates when the' scram setpok nis cleered. .This-will! provide-information.on.howLlong;a scram condition' exists,and thust . providesome(measureof'the'energyadded-during(a' transient.  !

                              -D. Reactor Water Level (Shutdown Condition)

During periods' when :the' reactortis' shutdown',jconsideraGon must alsoEbe 1 given to water level requirements due.Lto the:effect.of decay heat.4If reactor water level .shouldsdrop below ,the top of the : active fuel during i this time,' the abilityito coo 1Lthe' core is reducedt TThis1 reduction in > core cooling capabilityfcould:leaditotelevatedicladding temperaturesi  ; and clad perforation.! ..The core can1be cooled'sufficiently;should the, j water level be1 reduced toEtwo-thirdsithe coretheight.3 3Establishmenti of. i the safety.limitiatal2'inchesiabove the; top ofmthel fuel provides;


adequate margin. This level will"be{ continuously monitored. References , , y

     .                                                                .r                                                                                        1 1.GeneralElectric:ThermalAnalysisiasis((GETAB):

Data,uCorrelation and ' l- . De si gn Appli cati on',1 General El ectri c Co ,q BHR ' Systems l Department , L November 1973 (NEDO-10958). (

2. General Electric' Boiling Hater Reactor Generic Reload / Fuel? Applicatio'n, "
                                                                                              ,                         a:.

A i


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         .          +     ..                                                                                                                                 R n       ].     -    ' Revision'.

j P ' * ' Amendment 'No. ' 42 ,

                                                                                                                                           /13?                  )

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TABLE 3.11-1

                                                                                                        -' OPERATING LIMIT MCPR VALUES-                                                                                                   ,;

A. MCPRL0perating Limit from Beginning of Cycle (BOCF to BOC E7,953 MHD/ST.. P8x8R/BP8x8R For all values of t - 1.48 -


B.- MCPR Operating Limit from BOC-+ 7,953 MWD /ST.tW End;of' Cycle.'.  ?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,1 P8x8R/BP8x8R'                                                                   t m


                                                                    .t I 0                                                                                               11.'41 ' '                                                            (

0.0 < t 1 0.1- , -1?42-  ; 0.1.< t 1 0.2' 1.43- q 0.2.<~t 1:0.3; 1.44'. - l t 0.3 < t ILO.4' 1.'45 ? ,


0.4.<.t 1 0.5 1.46 0.5'<.t 1:0.6 1.47 0.6 < t 1 0.7.- 1.48' n 0.7.< t 1 0'8 .

                                                                                                                                                                          -1.49c   -

l 1;50 j 0.8 < t 1 0.9 0.9 < 2 1 1.0' .

                                                                                                                                                                          -1.51                                                              .M  -

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                                  ; Amendment No.~;.708             ;

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