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Application for Amend to License SNM-0007,authorizing Receipt of Small (Less than 50 Mg) Piece of Spent Fuel Element in heavy-wall High Z Container.Licensee Will Conduct Experiment Re BR-3 Fuel Per Encl Contract NRC-04-92-047
Person / Time
Site: 07000008
Issue date: 09/07/1993
From: Fess G
Battelle Memorial Institute, COLUMBUS LABORATORIES
To: Joy D
Shared Package
ML20057A705 List:
CON-NRC-04-92-047, CON-NRC-4-92-47 NUDOCS 9309150178
Download: ML20057A704 (1)


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a ;.W 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201-2693 Telephone (614) 424-6424 Fac simile (614) 424 5263 September 7,1993 Chief, Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: Don Joy


BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE - Request for Amendment Materials License No. SNM-7 Docket No. 70-8

Dear Sir:

This is a formal request for an amendment to SNM-7 to authorize the receipt of a small

(<50 mg) piece of spent fuel element in a heavy-wall high Z container. Pursuant to an existing contract with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Contract No. NRC-04-92-047 (copies of relevant contract pages attached), Battelle will conduct an experiment on the material by volatilizing and ionizing the entire sample, as more fully described in the attached Application to Use Radioactive Material. The experiment will be carried out to examine the BR-3 fuel in support of the Phebus FP program.

Battelle has conducted similar experiments in the past on behalf of the NRC. In all measurements, we have had a Health Physicist (HP) providing continual oversight, and the HP supervised the decontamination after completion of the experiment. In addition, as our license conditions require, the experiment will be reviewed and approved by our Radiation Safety Committee prior to initiation.

A review of the appropriate fees for this amendment indicates that it would fall under 10 CFR 5170.31, Schedule 1.D. Accordingly, we are enclosing our check for $330.

Please direct any questions you may have regarding this proposed amendment to me at (614) 424-7923.

i Sincerely, I

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Gregory Fess NRC Licensing Coordinator n,l


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