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Application for Amend to License DPR-35,changing Tech Specs Tables 3.2.B,3.2.B.1,4.2.B & Tech Specs 3.9.A,4.9.A,3.9.B & 3.9 Re Procedures to Be Followed in Event of Degraded Grid Condition,In Response to NRC 811218 Request
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/26/1982
From: Howard J
To: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20041C537 List:
82-65, VPNE-82-47, NUDOCS 8203020215
Download: ML20041C536 (4)





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/ Jtg D February 26, 1982

~ *k BECo. Ltr. #82-65 4$ # %01 kb % -

VPNE #82-47 Proposed Change #82-5 i

Mr. Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief

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Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555 License No. DPR-35 Docket No. 50-293 Proposed Technical Specification Change

Dear Sir:

At the meeting between the NRC and Boston Edison on De.cember 18, 1981, the Commission requested that Boston Edison s'sbmit additional information to include detailed procedures to be followed in event of a degraded grid con-dition. The attached proposed Technical Specifications were developed to coincide with that request.

Should you have any comments or questions concerning this submittal, please contact us.

Very truly yours, Attachments


M 3 signed originals and 37 copies ,

Commonwealth of Massachusetts)

County of Suffolk J, Then personally appeared before me J. Edward Howard, who, being duly sworn, did


state that he is Vice President - Nuclear Engineering of Boston Edison Company, the applicant herein, and that he is duly authorized to execute and file the submittal contained herein in the name and on behalf of Boston Edison Company and that the statements in said submittal are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. )

My Commission expires:(j g 4 q gj g N4 /

Notary Public

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PDR ADOCK 05000293 i P PDR

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Proposed Technical Specification Change Proposed Change Reference is made to Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Operating License No. DPR-35.

I. Technical Specification Appendix A Table 3.2.B " Instrumentation that Initiates or Controls the Core and Containment Cooling Systems". The .

-following changes are proposed:

a) Title change with addition of the word " Relays" and relay designations added as shown on Page 50A attached.

b) Title change to " Emergency 4160V Buses A5 & A6 Degraded Voltage Annunci-ation Relays" and relay designations added as shown on Page 53a attached.

II. Technical Specification Appendix A Table 4.2.B " Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency for CSCS". The following changes are proposed and shown on Page 61 attached:

a) Channel No. 6 - Added " Start-up Transf. (4160V)" for clarity.

b) Channel No. 6a - Added " Relays" to the title for clarity.

c) Channel Nos. 6a&b - The instrument check requirements to be ch'anged to "None" from "Once/12 hrs."

d) Channel No.15 - Change title from " Degraded Voltage Alarms" to " Emergency 4160V Buses A5 & A6 Loss of Voltage Relays".

e) Channel No.15 - The instrument check requirement to be changed to "None" from "Once/12 hrs.".

III. Technical Specification Appendix A, Section 4.9.A, Item 4.9.A.3. Title change to " Emergency 4160V Buses A5 - A6 Degraded Voltage Annunciation System" from

" Emergency Under Voltage Annunciation System" as shown on Page 195 attached.

IV. Technical Specification Appendix- A, Section 3.9.B. Item 3.9.B.6. Change to "With emergency bus voltage less than 3950 but above 3745 (excluding transients) during normal operation, transfer the safety related buses to the diesel genera-to rs . If grid voltage continues to degrade be in at least Hot Shutdown within the next 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and in Cold Shutdown within the following 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> unless the grid conditions improve."

V. Technical Specification Appendix A, Section 4.9., Item 4.9.A.2. Eliminate item 4.9.A.2 and incorporate this Item with Item 4.9.A.1.C to read "Once per operating cycle with the diesel loaded per 4.9.A.I.b verify that on diesel generator trip , secondary (off-site) a-c power is automatically connected within 12 to 14 seconds to the emergency service buses and emergency loads are energized through the load sequencer in the same manner as described in 4.9.A.1.b.1. The results shall be logged. " As shown on Page 194A attached.

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VI. Technical Specification Appendix A, Bases 3.9. Change to read:

" Automatic second level undervoltage (Degraded Voltage) protection is in-stalled on the startup transformer and is available when safety related loads are~ being supplied from this source. During normal operation, the unit auxiliary transformer supplies safety related buses. Automatic second leve1 ~undervoltage protection is not installed on the unit auxiliary trans-former. The Safety Bus Degraded Voltage Alarm System and new Degraded -

-Voltage Operating Procedure will be relied upon to guide Operator action to preclude operation with a degraded bus voltage condition." as shown on Page 199 attached.

Reasons for Change The Proposed Technical Specification Changes were made for the following reasons:

I. Table 3.2.B " Instrumentation that Indicates 'or Controls the Core and Contain-ment Cooling Systems". Items a) & b) were made for clarity.

The above changes were also made in order to clearly define loss of voltage vs. degraded voltage, and to avoid grouping these relay functions under the heading "undervol tage". Loss of voltage relays respond from 75% to 0% of nominal voltage; degraded voltage relays respond from 93% to 0% of nominal voltage.

fb setting or function changes have taken place in the above changes.

II. Table 4.2.B " Minimum Test and Calibration frequency for CSCS". Items a) and b) were added for clarity. Item d) was changed because the " Degraded Voltage Alarms" have .no direct effect on CSCS operation. The undervoltage relays having a direct effect on CSCS operations are the " Emergency 4160V Buses A5 &

A6 Loss of Voltage Relays". Item c) was changed because the original "once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />" check was instituted in order to check misoperation of the new degraded voltage relays before they were connected for automatic operation and while monitoring relay action by temporary recorders. The relays have been accepted and connected for automatic operation, either to trip or alann.

Item e) was changed because the "once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />" check on the older, in-stalled for automatic operation, Loss-of-voltage relays was, again, a compari-son check against operation of the new degraded voltage relays.

III. Section 4.9. A. Item 4.9. A.3. The title to Item 4.9.A.3 was changed for clarity only.

IV. Section 3.9.B. Item 3.9.B.6.

This paragraph has been reworded to allow a ceaservative range for paralleling the diesel generator to the unit auxiliary trar sformer to preclude both damaging safety related equipment by operation under sustained degraded voltage and i

paralleling the diesel generator to a severely degraded grid system. Voltage decay below 3745 is the point where the protection of the safety related equipment is in jeopardy.


[. 3 of 3 V. Section 4.9.A. Item 4.9.B.1.C.

This surveillance requirement, concerning secondary (off-site) A-C power, has been expanded to include 4.9.A.2.A as they are essentially the same test and can be performed simultaneously.

VI. Bases 3.9

'The paragraph concerning Automatic Second Level Protection (Degraded Voltage) has been modified to reflect the implementation of a new Degraded Voltage Operating Procedure, applicable when Station Safety loads are being fed from the Unit Auxiliary Transformer. Boston Edison naintains that safety is best served by allowing operator decision and action to correct Safety Bus voltage and avoid needless unit tripping. Tripping the Unit from the grid will cause more serious voltage degradation in what may have been a transient, or short term, grid system problem.

Safety Considerations These Technical Specification changes have been determined not to represent an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR, Part 50.59(c). They have been reviewed and approved by the Operations Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Review and Audit Committee.

Schedule of Change This change will be put into effect upon receipt by Boston Edison of its approval by the Commission.

Fee Determination Pursuant to 10 CFR 170.12 Boston Edison proposes this change as a Cla'ss III.

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