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LER 91-001-00:on 910117,discovered That Source Check Surveillance Procedure to Verify Operability of Beta Scintillation Radiation Detectors Did Not Meet TS Requirements.Surveillance Procedure revised.W/910219 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1991
From: Keller R, Scace S
LER-91-001-02, LER-91-1-2, MP-91-156, NUDOCS 9102280221
Download: ML20029A650 (4)


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o NORTHEAST UTILITIES an * = = * =nsmievnneon*ei-l NNNasNkIe'nII $rYco$$E p o Box ;70

@J,17,*,AYEC,75,[,E7E'Mn.,y H ARTFoAD. CONNECTICUT 00414-0270 L 'T2 im%atl Neear t w gvCompehr (203% g,$pp0 Re: 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(i) i february 19, 1991 MP-91-156 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


Facility Operating License No. NPF-49 Docket No. 50-423 '

Licensee Event Report 91-001-00 Gentlemen:

This letter forwards Licensee Event Report 91-001-00 required to be submitted within thirty (30) days pursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)C)(i), any operation or condition prohibited by the planti Technical Specifications.

Very truly yours.


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/ Step en 'E. Scace Director, Millstone Station SES/RK:mo Attachment. LER 91-001-00 cc: T, T. Martin, Region i Administrator W. J. Raymond, Senior Resident inspector, Millstone Unit Nos.1, 2 and 3 D. H. Jaffe, NRC Project Manager, Millstone Unit No. 3 1

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Inadequate soneinanc, Procedure for Rad 2 anon Detector Deta scmtalaunn source check r n o o.n + a n n ,, oo + n r n- m.n a ~ . . n - .u n 4 9 ?NT, c.a N vt Ata v[Ah 8W p;gg g p3, yggp ,$g g ,,,,.gtp of sl of ol of I I 0

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  • h w s4 A &* [ & ( QDi Robert N. Keller. Engineer Ext. !!07  :;og3 a9a y g .g ;; 7g 9g i
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- . o mi i. .x um.. . . . , .. mom.i., ,+,.< .% ,..<. i , o o On January 17,1991, at 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br />, with the plant in Mode 1 at 759 power, 576 degrees Fahrenheit and 2:50 psia, it was dncosefed that the source check surveillance procedure for verihcation of operabihts of the .

beta scintillation radiation detectors did not meet the requirements of the applicable plant Technical Specification. The discrepanc3 was discovered after plant personnel were nouhec of a similar incident at another nuclear unit. The allected radiation detectors were irnmediately declared .. nperable.

The root ctiuse of this event is procedural madequacy. The surveil;ance procedure for source checkmg the beta scmtillation detectors did not require detector exposure to radianon as required by Plant Technical Specihcanons.

i On January Ib.1991 the surveillance procedure was revned and nerformed. and the detectors were declared I operable at 12f 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. l This esent posed no signincant sa'ety consequences. Although the method for determining operabihty of the beta scintillation detectors was not in strict comphance with the plant's Technical Specifications. n was m accordance with the eqtiipment manufacturer's recommendauons for3erifymp detector re:ponse.

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, esna mw. mwom amm nu m Millstone Nuclear Power 5tauon Ch" 3 ol $l ol ol ol4 l2 l3 0l1 0l 0l 1 0l0 0]: OF 0l3 n e <r~ve nwe, snow.c noe m ewrn.svm w s, o n I. Mermuon of Esent On January 17. 1991, at approximatel) 0900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br />, with the plant in Mode I at $ct power. $75 depre6s Fahrenheit and 20$0 pm. It was discostred that the suncillance procedure for operability verihcation of the beta scintillauon radiauon detectors, did not meet the requirements of the apphcable plant Technical 5,9ecification. The discrepancy was do.cosered after the on-she NRC resident inspector noufied instrumentat on & Controls Depantnent personnel of a virnilar incident at another nuclear power stauon. The af fected radiauon detectors are 3HVR'RE10D (Reactor P; ant Venulanon Vent Normal Range Morutort and 3HYO'RE49 (Engineered Safeguards building ventilation Vent Monitor). L'pon nouhcation, shift supervisor) personnel immediatel) detlared the allected detectors inoperabh and logged mto Limir %dnion of Operanon (LCO) Acuon Statement Radioactive Oaseous Effluent Monnonng instrun. ntation. Tms LCO Action Statement reqwres inttlanon of 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> grab samphng, with analysh of those grab samples completed wahm 24 hourn No other immediate action was required.

11 cnuse of Event The root cause of thh event is procedural madequacy. The surveillance procedure for source checkmg 3HVR*RE10D and 3HYO'RE44 utthred a manuf acturer recommended procedure for determining den ctor operabiln). This method serthes correct detector response by exposure of the beta scintillation detector to a hght emitting diode (LED). LEDs are built into 3HVR'RE10B and 3HVO'RE4 specihcally for performing source checks. However, a source check a dehned in the Plant Tecbrucal Specihcations as "the qualitative assenment of channel response when the channel sensor h exposed to radiauon." The manufacturer's recommended method did not expose the detectors to radiation.- -!

111. Anahsis of Event This event is being reported pwsuant to 10CFR$0.73(aH2)(i), as a condit'on prohibited by the plant's j Technical Specifications.

This event had no significant safety consequences. Ahhough the mnhod far determining operabihty of 3HYR'RE10B and 3HYO'RE49 was not in strict compliance unh tDe pi;.nt's Technical Specihcationb it was in accordance wnh the equipment manufacturer's recommenO, for verifymg detector response. -l When the detecters were expmed to the radiation source as requm oy plant Technical Specifications, an accurate response was obtained.

-IV. Cntreethe Acuon The immediate corrective action was to declare the affected radiation detectors inoperable, and perform the compensatory acuan required by the applicable Technical Specihcanon.

On January 16, 1991., the dehcient surveillance procedure was revised to meet plant Technical-Specification requirements. A surveillance on the rachation detectors was successfully completed on ,

January 18, _1991 at 10$4 hourh at which time the detectors were declared operable.

As long term corrective action, a change to plant Technical Specihcations to allow use of the-manufacturer's recommended method for verifymg detector operabihty is being considered.

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V. Add!!mnM In!"nrgfgn The followmg Licenste Esent keports (LERu document sirmlar incidenn m that they are Technical Spruhcation violanons due to procedural madeauatv:

WL Numbc1 Suhteet bh-034 Rad Niorutor Sampler Flow

%-04' OTdT Setpomt

. bb-0!3 Intermediate Range Detector Setpoints M-ofb Red N1omtor Suncillance 67-03$ Cantainment Att Lock b'-042 Niiued intermediate Range / power Range Suntillante b*-045 Failure to Sample Diesel Fuel Oil For Emematic Vncosits bb-000 Improper Dypass Dreaker Suneillance 69-006 N1nsed Fire Detector Suncillance on $ts Detectors F9-021 Nhscalculauon of ESF Response Time 90-007 Inadequate Equiprnent Load Shed Verthcauon pan of the correcute action for LER 67-04: was to perform a comprehensise review of all Technical Specihcations agamst their apphtable surveillante procedures. This was completed by the end of 1461.

LER bb-000 was submitted to document an inadequate suneillance mierval for the Reactor Tnp bypass Breakers. This inadequacy was idernihed dunng the compreherane review discuued abose. LER


$9-006 reponed a de heient hre detector surveUlance for sl% hre detectors, identihed aher the compreherisne review. As correctne action, a complete review of the hre detection and control system surveillances serifying Techmcal Specihcanon requirements was performed. The comprehensne review did not discover the deficiency because the reviewer did not account for the number of detecton withm each hre zone detector group. LER 60-001 dncuned the use of madequate procedures for calculation of ESF response umes. The procedures did not take mio account slave relay actuation ume, anri therefore did not calculate ESF response ume m accordance wnh the Technical Specification defmioon.

This dacrepancy was identihed dunng the surveillance review, but was not correctiv idenuhed as a Tect neal specificauon violation. Therefore the esent was not initially reponed. LER 90-007 reponed the fanure to verif t cenam components shed from their electrical buues m response to Loss of power signal due to a dehetent surveillance prccedure. In thn case, the individual anigned to do the comprehensne review in 1966 was the same individual that was anigned to review that same surveillance procedure a 3 ear rather for different reasont He did note the discrepancies in 19b7, and, anuming they had been resched, waised the comprehensive review of 19b6 based on ha cather review. It was concluded that the method of review that thn mdividual applied was not representative of the metall Technical Specihcations review methods.

Pertaining to the esent discuned in ths LER, the individual that reviewed the deficient procedure in 196b chd verify a source check was performed in the procedure. However, he did not compare the

  1. source check surveillance method used with the requtrements of source check found m the dehrutions section of plant Technical Specificationt This incident a viewed as an isolated case for that reason.

Ell 5 Codes Comnonenn Radiauon N1onitoring System - IL NION - N1onitor t y m.% l

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